2021 - Short-Time Deterministic Prediction of Individual Waves Based On Space-Time X-Band Marine Radar Measurements

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Original Article

Proc IMechE Part M:

J Engineering for the Maritime Environment
2021, Vol. 235(2) 356–371
Short-time deterministic prediction of Ó IMechE 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
individual waves based on space-time sagepub.com/journals-permissions
DOI: 10.1177/1475090220987401

X-band Marine radar measurements journals.sagepub.com/home/pim

Victoria Zinchenko1 , Leonid Vasilyev1, Svein Olav Halstensen1 and

Yuming Liu2

We demonstrate and verify, by the use of both synthetic and real wave data, a newly developed capability of short-time
phase-resolved wave prediction based on incoherent X-band marine radar measurements. An inversion algorithm is
developed to convert X-band radar sea surface measurements into the phase-resolved wave field and the associated
wave spectrum based on the linear gravity wave theory. The wave components obtained from the reconstruction are
then used to initialize the wave propagation model that is used to provide a short-time deterministic forecast of wave
field evolution downstream. Both wave spectrum and spatial-temporal wave elevation evolution obtained based on the
X-band measurements are compared with the independent point wave measurements by Miros RangeFinder. The agree-
ments between them are reasonably well, which has a significant implication on practical applications of short-time deter-
ministic wave prediction in optimal marine operations.

X-band marine radar, phase-resolved wave reconstruction, irregular waves, wave predictability, wave propagation, three-
dimensional discrete Fourier transform

Date received: 7 August 2020; accepted: 10 November 2020

Introduction also been developed to predict the spatial-temporal

evolution of detailed sea surface elevation maps. With
With the fast advancement in understanding and mod- phase-resolved modeling, one could achieve a short-
eling of ocean wave dynamics as well as the availability time deterministic forecast of individual large-
of innovative sensing technologies, the wave prediction amplitude waves and corresponding vessel motions.
capability has been largely improved in recent years. Such forecasted phase-resolved information could be
This has helped significantly reduce the costs, increase used to improve maneuverability and active control of
the safety and thus enhance the operation envelop of a ship motion and operations, provide operational gui-
wide range of challenging marine operations under dance for improved safety and performance, increase
severe sea conditions. operational envelop and survivability in severe seas
Statistical methods have played a vital role in model- (e.g. lifting operations, helicopter landing, and landing
ing and predicting the sea state conditions.1 They pro- of subsea modules into platform installation),2 and
vide the forecast of statistical parameters of ocean optimize ship deployment and multi-vessel cooperation
environments useful in relatively long-term planning of
offshore activities and marine transportation. Without
the phase information, however, the statistical methods 1
Department of Coastal and Ocean Systems, NORCE Norwegian
are unable to predict the specific times and/or spatial Research Centre, Haugesund, Norway
locations on the occurrence of any individual extreme 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of
events, such as rogue waves and ship capsizing. In prac- Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
tical applications, the marine operations are indeed lim-
Corresponding author:
ited by these extreme events that may cause structure
Victoria Zinchenko, Department of Coastal and Ocean Systems, NORCE
damages and/or marine safety issues. To complement Norwegian Research Centre, Sørhauggata 128, Haugesund 5527, Norway.
the statistical approaches, phase-resolved methods have Email: vizi@norceresearch.no
Zinchenko et al. 357

(e.g. transporting cargoes between ships or mobile waves which controls the prediction region for given
platforms). wave data, as found in earlier studies of Naaijen et al.12
A key challenge in the deterministic prediction of and Simanesew et al.10 They illustrated the predictable
irregular seas is to obtain reliable and accurate phase- regions associated with various types of wave data
resolved wave field measurements that can be used to including those by stationary and/or moving probes
initialize the phase-resolved wave model. In addition to and from whole-area radar measurements.
in situ wave buoys that measure wave motions at iso- Despite the rapid advances in wave sensing technol-
lated discrete locations, remote-sensing technologies ogies and comprehensive developments of advanced
such as X-band marine radars have been employed to algorithms for radar signal inversion, data assimilation
sense surface waves in large continuous areas. From the and wave modeling, a number of basic and technical
sea clutter on incoherent X-band marine radar images, challenging issues remain to be resolved in order to
one can deduce the detailed sea surface maps and grav- achieve the useful capability of short-time deterministic
ity wave kinematics by the three-dimensional (two wave prediction under realistic conditions. These
dimensions in space and one dimension in time) Fourier include the consistency, fidelity and robustness of
analysis (Young et al.3). Over the past two decades, phase-resolved wave reconstruction from radar return
much effort has been devoted to correlating the radar signals, calibration of wave amplitudes from radar
return signals with the surface wave variables. Despite measurements, consideration of nonlinear wave effects
the challenge in calibration of the wave amplitude in wave reconstruction and propagation modeling, and
response of the radar, significant advances have been treatment of uncertainties and noises in measurements
achieved in the use of incoherent X-band marine radars and modeling. Because of these, the performance of the
to recover surface wave information (Nieto Borge deterministic wave prediction capability has not been
et al.,4 Blondel-Couprie and Naaijen,5 Naaijen and well tested and assessed, in particular, under realistic
Blondel-Couprie6). Various schemes have been devel- ocean environments. Understanding the behavior and
oped to improve the accuracy of the inversion schemes parametric dependence of the consistency and accuracy
for the common marine radar (e.g. Qi et al.7), including of the short-time deterministic wave prediction capabil-
the use of supplementary buoy measurements and ity is of crucial importance for practical applications.
coherent (Doppler) radars (e.g. Connell et al.8). Since In this paper, we use both synthetic and real wave-
coherent radars provide the Doppler shift as well as the field data to demonstrate and validate the effectiveness
backscatter strength of the scatters and may operate at of an integrated wave reconstruction and prediction
different polarizations, they offer more information to capability for short-time deterministic forecast of irre-
be included in any wave inversion scheme. gular waves. Incoherent X-band marine radar measure-
Once the phase-resolved wave propagation model is ments of the sea surface are used to initialize the wave
initiated with the sensed discrete-point and/or whole- propagation model that is based on the linear wave the-
area wave data, the model can provide a phase-resolved ory. The focus is on the consistency and fidelity of the
(i.e. deterministic) prediction of spatial-temporal wave- predicted phase-resolved wave motion near the ship
field evolution in principle. A remained practical issue based on the ship-mounted X-band marine radar mea-
is to determine the minimum requisite wave data for surements of upstream waves. Independent point wave
the phase-resolved wave prediction at the desired loca- measurements near the ship are used to quantify the
tion for a desired duration (e.g. to obtain a short-time accuracy of the deterministic wave forecast from the X-
deterministic forecast of waves around a vessel9 allow- band radar measurements. In Section 2, the inversion
ing for maneuvering and active control of the vessel). algorithm for the reconstruction of phase-resolved
The associated theoretical problem is to find the wave field from incoherent X-band radar return signals
spatial-temporal domain inside which the phase- is briefly outlined. The wave propagation model and
resolved irregular wave motion can be accurately pre- the predictable zone theory are also summarized. The
dicted for the given wave data. Simanesew2 and quantitative verifications of the forecasted phase-
Simanesew et al.10 has studied the spatial-temporal resolved wave elevations and the discussions of the
dependence of the prediction error as a basis to investi- results for synthetic and realistic wave data are
gate the key parameters bounding the prediction region described in detail in Sections 3 and 4, respectively. The
using both linear and nonlinear wave models for long conclusions are drawn in Section 5.
and short-crested waves. They found that spreading of
wave directionality significantly affects the predictabil-
ity of short-crested seas. Based on the linear wave the- Methodology of phase-resolved wave
ory, Qi et al.11 have developed a predictable zone
reconstruction and forecast
theory on the determination of the predictable spatial-
temporal zone for both long- and short-crested seas, The short-time deterministic prediction of irregular
inside which the phase-resolved wave motion can be waves based on the X-band radar wave measurements
reliably predicted, for any specified points and/or consists of two main procedures: (I) reconstructing the
whole-area wave data. They theoretically showed that phase-resolved wave field from the radar return signals;
it is the group speed rather than the phase speed of and (II) assimilating the reconstructed wave data into
358 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 235(2)

Figure 1. Main procedures in the reconstruction and forecast of sea surface elevation map and wave spectrum from the ship-
mounted X-band marine radar measurement.

the wave propagation model to obtain the forecast of modulation effects.4 The band-pass filter then extracts
phase-resolved wave dynamics at the desired location the wave-related components based on the linear dis-
and time. We outline the key ideas in each procedure persion relation. The empirical modulation transfer
below. function proposed by Nieto-Borge et al.4 is used to
account for the complex modulation effects associated
with the formation mechanism of radar clutter intensity
Reconstruction of relevant wave components from images, such as hydrodynamic modulation, tilt modu-
radar intensity images lation and geometric shadowing. Application of the
inverse 3D-DFT on the processed image spectrum
We developed an improved algorithm for the recon- yields the unscaled phase-resolved sea surface elevation.
struction of phase-resolved wave field from incoherent The scaling of the sea surface elevation could be
X-band radar measurements, based on the work of obtained by calibrating the significant wave height of
Young et al.3 and Nieto-Borge et al.4. The effectiveness the wave field with respect to the signal-to-noise ratio
of the method was verified by the use of both synthetic (Qi et al.,7 Nieto-Borge,14 Nieto-Borge et al.15) or the
radar images and real radar wave data (Zinchenko independent wave data. Once the phase-resolved physi-
et al.13). A significant modification made in Zinchenko cal wave components are reconstructed from the radar
et al.13 from the traditional approach is to transform return signals, they are used to forecast the spatial-
the radar image intensity from the non-negative range temporal evolution of the wave field while these wave
to a ‘‘wave elevation’’-like representation by centering components continue to propagate downstream.
the intensity data around the zero mean. This modifica- We remark that the use of the empirical
tion has been shown to largely enhance the consistency wavenumber-dependent modulation transfer function
and fidelity of wave-field reconstruction from the inco- (MTF) for considering the complex modulation effects
herent X-band radar return signals. in radar intensity image formation is a significant sim-
Figure 1 displays a schematic diagram illustrating plification in wave reconstruction. Many efforts have
the main procedures in the reconstruction and forecast been devoted to improving the understanding of radar
of phase-resolved wave field (and its spectrum) from image formation mechanisms and modifying the form
the ship-mounted X-band radar wave measurements. A of MTF for better consistency and fidelity of wave
sequence of radar intensity signals in the selected rec- reconstruction. With the use of concurrent phase-
tangular subdomain of the radar image is transformed resolved wave field simulations, Qi et al.7 found that
into a three-dimensional (two dimensions in space and the optimal value of the exponent of MTF depends on
one dimension in time) spectrum by applying a three- the location and size of reconstruction subdomain,
dimensional Discrete Fourier Transform (3D-DFT). wave conditions (such as sea state and wave frequency
The propagating wave-related signal is extracted from and directional spectra), and current. Lund et al.16
the 3D image spectrum by filtering. The high-pass filter explored the behavior of the exponent of MTF with
is used to eliminate nonphysical long-range dependent varying the range and azimuth of the reconstruction
Zinchenko et al. 359

rectangular subdomain in the radar image. Støle-

Hentschel et al.17 showed that the tilt modulation can
cause a phase shift in the complex MTF. Despite these
advances, the development of a simple robust MTF is
still underway.

Forecast of phase-resolved wave field evolution

Predictable zone. An important issue of wave prediction
is where and when the phase-resolved wave motion in
the irregular wave field can be correctly and accurately
determined based on the specific limited measure-
ments11. Morris et al.18 first suggested that there exists
a certain space-time domain (also called predictable
zone) inside which the phase-resolved wave solution
can be reliably obtained and believed that the predict-
able zone is determined by the maximum and minimum
phase speeds of the wave components in the wave field.
By various numerical examples, Wu19 later showed that
Figure 2. Predictable zone (shaded triangle area) for a
it is wave’s group velocity instead of phase velocity that
unidirectional wave field based on the wave measurement by
decides the predictable zone. This is consistent with the one fixed probe located at x = x0 during a period of time T. The
well-known classical knowledge that the energy of wave waves are assumed to propagate along the positive x direction.
disturbances propagates at the wave group velocity. The wave motion at x = xp in the duration of tp, 1 , tp, 2 can be
This result is further investigated and verified in recent completely predicted.
works on the basis of numerical simulations and experi-
ments (Blondel et al.,20 Blondel-Couprie and Naaijen,5  
Naaijen et al.12). tp, 1 4t4tp, 2 with tp, 1 = xp  x0 =Cg, min and
Qi et.al.11 derived and illustrated the theoretical tp, 2 = T + xp  x0 =Cg, max . Note that the wave infor-
solution of the predictable zone in the space-time mation for t . T is the forecast based on the wave data
domain, based on the linearized wave theory, with gen- in ½0, T.
eral hybrid wave data given by stationary or mobile The algorithm illustrated above for unidirectional
probes and/or instantaneous whole-area measurements waves can be directly generalized for multi-directional
(such as those by marine radars). The predictable zone wave fields.11 Specifically, for a multidirectional wave
of the wave field is fully determined in terms of the field, the size of the predictable zone depends on the
maximum and minimum wave group velocities and spreading angle range in addition to the wave frequen-
direction spreading angle of the wave field, in addition cies and the spatial-temporal domain of the given wave
to the spatial and temporal extents of the prescribed measurement. From the directional wave spectrum
wave measurements. obtained from the given wave data, we can determine
Figure 2 displays a sample illustration of the predict- the maximum and minimum wave frequencies and the
able zone for a unidirectional irregular wave field based directional spreading angle. With these, we find the
on the wave measurement at the single fixed point predictable zone in each wave propagation direction as
x = x0 during the duration of ½0, T. The wave propa- for unidirectional waves. The mutual intersection of
gation direction is assumed to be along the positive x- the predictable zones in all directions within the spread-
axis. The maximum and minimum group velocities of ing angle then gives the predictable zone for the multi-
the wave components in the wave field are Cg, max and directional wave field.21,22 The detailed algorithm on
Cg, min , respectively. With the segment ½0, T on the t- the determination of the predictable zone for multiple-
axis representing the duration of wave measurement, probes or whole-area wave data can be found in Qi
the shaded triangle area is the predictable zone inside et al.11 By the use of wave probe measurements in a
which the space-time varying wave elevation can be large wave basin, Simanesew et al.10 presented valida-
reliably predicted in terms of the specified recorded tions of deterministic wave prediction of multi-
time trace of the wave elevation at x = x0 . Physically, a directional wave fields. Qi et al.21 obtained validations
space-time point belongs to the predictable zone if all with the use of both multiple-probe and whole-area
the wave information at this point can be traced back wave data. As pointed out in these studies, sufficient
to the given wave data. In other words, a point does wave data in the spatial domain are needed to resolve
not belong to the predictable zone if any of the wave the directionality of short-crested seas, which signifi-
information at this point comes from the area outside cantly affects the accuracy of wave prediction in the
the given measurement region (in the space-time predictable zone. In general, it is more challenging to
domain). For any spatial location x = xp inside this forecast short-crested waves with broader directional
predictable zone, the wave can be validly predicted for spreading. The use of marine radar wave measurements
360 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 235(2)

allows one to obtain high-resolution wave directional- where Dt is the time increment in the time sequence of
ity in practical conditions. the radar images. The wave propagation direction angle
uij is set to bethe direction of the wavenumber vector
k~ij = kx, i , ky, j :
Linear wave propagation model. In principle, the wave
motion is nonlinear since the free-surface boundary ky, j
conditions are nonlinear inherently. The effect of free- uij = tan1 : ð4Þ
kx, i
surface nonlinearity on wave motion generally depends
on the wave steepness (related to sea states) and the
We note that only the wavenumber vectors k~ij left from
spatial and temporal scales of applications. For the
the band filtering in the reconstruction are considered
purpose of obtaining a short-time (i.e. up to a few min-
in the wave propagation model. (The Fourier compo-
utes) deterministic wave forecast around the ship on
nents that are filtered out will have zero amplitude.)
which the marine radar is installed, the distance and
Furthermore, in order to ensure all the wave compo-
time of wave propagation (starting from the wave
nents satisfying the dispersion relation, the wavenum-
reconstruction area) may not be sufficiently large for
ber magnitude of the ijq-th
  wave component
 is slightly
wave nonlinearity to play an important role in wave ~  ~ 
propagation. On the other hand, the wave reconstruc- shifted to the value of kq  from kij  while the direction
tion from radar return signals is achieved based on the *
of this component is kept the same as that of kij . As
linearized wave theory. The primary interest here is to
evaluate the accuracy and fidelity of deterministic wave pointed out by Naaijen and Blondel-Couprie6 and
prediction based on the relatively simple linear wave Blondel-Couprie and Naaijen,5 the 3D DFT of any
model. Nonlinear effects are expected to be relevant in irregular ocean wave field may assign (a small amount
rough seas, which will be considered after we obtain of) energy to wave components traveling in the direc-
the assessment of the performance of linear wave tions that should not contain any energy according to
modeling. the average directional spectrum (Naaijen and Blondel-
In this work, we use a phase-resolved linear wave Couprie6 and Blondel-Couprie and Naaijen5). These
propagation model to predict the wave information non-physical components are removed in the recon-
inside the predictable zone. The model is initialized by struction process.
the specified wave data. In the case of wave data given In this work, we use the Pearson correlation coeffi-
in terms of radar measurements, for example, the wave cient as the main indicator to measure the consistency
components in the propagation model are given by the and fidelity of the wave prediction at a location
spectral components reconstructed from the sequence ðxm , ym Þ, which is defined by
of radar return signals. The wave elevation of the wave
rðxm , ym Þ =
field from the propagation model, which is the super- P  
position of these wave components, can be expressed in i ðhðxm , ym , ti Þ  h  Þ hp ðxm , ym , ti Þ  h p
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ,
the form: P  P  2
i ðhðxm , ym , ti Þ  h  Þ2 i hp ðxm , ym , ti Þ  h p
N x 1 N
X y 1 N
X t =2

hp ðx, y, tÞ = Aijq cos ð5Þ

i=0 j=0 q=0 ð1Þ
~  where h  and h  p represent the mean of benchmarked
kq  xcos(uij ) + ysin(uij )  vq t + uijq
wave elevation, hðxm , ym , tÞ, and modeled (i.e. pre-
where Aijq , vq and uijq are respectively the amplitudes, dicted) wave elevation, hp ðxm , ym , tÞ, respectively. It is
angular frequencies and initial phase angles of the spec- known that the correlation coefficient represents how
tral wave components obtained from the 3D-DFT of linear the relation between two data sets is. For harmo-
the radar intensity images. Here Nx and Ny are the nic functions, it can be understood as a measure of the
numbers of data points in the rectangular region phase correspondence of the two data sets. Properly
selected from the radar image for wave reconstruction, capturing the phase variation of the wave field is the
Nt is the number of sequential radar images used in major concern in the problem of phase-resolved (or
wave reconstruction. k~q is the wavenumber vector deterministic) wave prediction. In addition, we estimate
related to the angular frequency vq by the dispersion the point-to-point absolute error eðx, y, tÞ between the
relation that takes the following form in deep water: measured/simulated wave elevation hðx, y, tÞ and the
predicted wave elevation hp ðx, y, tÞ by
  v2q Nt
kq  = , q = 0, :::, 1 ð2Þ hðx, y, tÞ  h ðx, y, tÞ
g 2 eðx, y, tÞ =
in which Hm0 is the significant wave height of the wave
2pq Nt field. The error eðx, y, tÞ measures the accuracy in the
vq = , q = 0, :::,  1, ð3Þ
ðNt DtÞ 2 amplitude of the predicted waves.
Zinchenko et al. 361

We remark that even though the presented algo- effect of geometric shadowing which is a main factor
rithms in wave reconstruction and forecast are straight- affecting radar return signals. The shadowed radar
forward, the quality of deterministic wave prediction images are simulated by applying a characteristic func-
remains not well understood owing to a number of tion denoting the points visibility on the snapshots of
empirical and simplified formulas and processes the simulated sea surface elevation.7 Specifically, the
involved in the reconstruction of waves from radar sea surface at the position ðx, yÞ is treated as visible by
return signals, the assimilation of reconstructed wave the radar if the radar ray does not intersect any part of
data into the propagation model, and the phase- the sea surface before arriving at this position. In the
resolved modeling of complex nonlinear wave synthetic radar images, the intensity values at shadow-
dynamics. Assessment of the performance of the short- ing points are set to be zero. The intensity values at
time deterministic wave prediction is crucial for practi- visible points are proportional to the wave elevation,
cal applications of such an attractive technology. We which are scaled to a non-negative range of [0, 255] cor-
shall address this issue below by the use of both syn- responding to 256 gray levels.
thetic and real-field wave data.

Validation of the predicted wave spectrum and wave

Validation with synthetic simulated radar elevation
measurements To verify the accuracy of the wave reconstruction and
Synthetic linear wave field and simulated radar data forecast algorithms, we first consider the synthetic
radar data for which the benchmark wave solution is
We first apply the synthetic radar return signals to ver-
known. As an example, we consider a unidirectional
ify the consistency and accuracy of the wave recon-
irregular wavefield. The sea state is characterized by a
struction and forecast capability. Assuming the linear
JONSWAP spectrum with a typical North Sea period
wave model, the simulated sea surface elevation
of 8.4 s and a significant wave height of 4.0 m. For the
hðx, y, tÞ is specified by the superposition of N3L pro-
simulated wave field, we use Dv = 1:2573104 rad/s
pagating wave components, containing N frequencies
and a total number of N = 100 000 wave components.
vi , i = 1, :::, N and L propagation directions uj ,
To verify the reconstruction scheme, the sea surface is
j = 1, :::, L:
reconstructed based on a radar-sensed area of
X L   750 3 750 m2 with Nx = Ny = 512 equally-spaced grid
hðx, y, tÞ = a vi , uj points in the x- and y-directions. To mimic the real radar,
i=1 j=1 ð7Þ we choose a sampling time of Dt = 2.5 s. A duration of
  425 s sensed wave data with 170 surface realizations are
cos k~i  xcos uj + ysin uj  vi t + Fij ,
simulated. The shadowing effect is applied to each 2D sea
surface realization to obtain a sequence of synthetic radar
where Fij are random phases drawn from a uniform dis-
cluster images. The reconstruction method is applied to
tribution on the interval ½0, 2p, and k~i is the wavenum-
the sequence of synthetic radar images to reconstruct the
ber vector related to the corresponding frequency vi by
free-surface elevation of the wave field.
the dispersion relation. The amplitude of the wave com-
The obtained correlation between the reconstructed
ponent in (7) is specified by
and the original sea elevation is 95%. Figure 3 shows
a vi , uj = 2Sh vi , uj DvDu, ð8Þ
where Sh vi , uj represents the directional spectrum,
and Dv and Du are the frequency and direction incre-
ments, respectively. The directional wave spectrum is
modeled as the product of the energy spectral density
function and the directional spreading function, DðuÞ.
There are many functional models in the literature to
represent the directional spreading of the sea surface.
Here, we adopt a normal frequency independent
spreading function:9
" #
A ð u  u0 Þ 2
DðuÞ = pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  : ð9Þ
s 2p 2s2
Figure 3. Comparison of the power spectral density
where A is a scaling parameter, u0 is the mean wave reconstructed from the incoherent X-band radar images (red
direction, and s is the standard deviation. line) with that from the independent point measurement (blue
In this paper, the synthetic radar images of the simu- line). The results are for a synthetic unidirectional irregular
lated wave field are constructed by considering only the wavefield.
362 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 235(2)

Figure 4. Superposition of the predictable zones with two successive time windows of wave data at x = x0 : (a) existence of a gap in
the predictable time duration and (b) continuous predictable time duration at x4xp with overlapping time windows of wave data in
wave prediction.

the comparison of the power spectral density recon- zones tp, 1 , tp, 2 and tp, 3 , tp, 4 , inside which the phase-
structed from the simulated radar images with that resolved wave prediction cannot be obtained accu-
from the single point elevation measurement down- rately. To avoid the existence of such a gap, we must
stream, which has a duration of 600 s record at a sam- have DT4tp, 2  tp, 1 as shown in Figure 4(b).
pling time of 1.0 s. The spectral density function of the To verify the efficacy of the phase-resolved wave
reconstructed synthetic wave field is based on Nt = 64 forecast scheme, we examine the accuracy of wave pre-
sequential synthetic radar images of the sensed wave diction at a sample location xp = 500 m which is 500 m
area. The integration of the 3D frequency-wavenumber downstream of the lower edge (x0 = 0) of the radar
spectrum obtained from the reconstruction gives the sensed area (750 m4x40). For the benchmark solu-
1D frequency-dependent spectral density function. The tion, a probe at xp is used to record the time variation
comparison shown in Figure 3 indicates that the wave of the wave elevation of the simulated wave field. For
spectrum reconstructed from the radar images captures this point measurement, a sampling time of 1.0 s is
the dominant part of the wave energy in the wave field used, which is the same as that used in Miros
with the spectrum shape matched that of the indepen- RangeFinder in the field test to be discussed in the next
dent point measurement up to high frequency v = 1.25 section. In this example, as shown in Figure 3, most of
rad/s. The wave spectrum at higher frequencies can be the wave energy in the wave spectrum is in the fre-
reconstructed if a higher time resolution of radar quency band v 2 ½0:6, 2:0 rad/s. The group velocities
images is considered, which is associated with a larger of
 the waves with  these frequencies are in the range of
rotational speed of the radar. Cg, min , Cg, max = ½2:4, 8:1 m/s. For the wave predic-
After the reconstruction, the obtained 3D Fourier tion based on the radar sensed wave data, the predict-
spectral components are then used as the initial condi- able zone can be considered as that for two discrete
tion for the wave propagation model to forecast the probes located at the upper (x0 =  750 m) and lower
wave field evolution downstream. Properly overlapping (x0 = 0) edges of the sensed area. For the time window
the time windows of wave reconstruction is of impor- of wave data ½0, T = ½0, 160 s (corresponding to the
tance for the continuous prediction of long-time wave use of 64 sequential radar images with a sampling time
field evolution by the propagation model. From the of Dt = 2.5 s in the wave reconstruction for the initial
predictable zone theory, the use of data at x = x0 in a condition of propagating model),  the
 predictable time
duration of ½0, T can provide a reliable phase-resolved
 interval at xp = 500 m is tp, 1 , tp, 2 with tp, 1 = 500/
wave prediction in the duration of tp, 1 , tp, 2 at the 2.4 = 208 s and tp, 2 = (500 + 750)/8.1 + 160 = 315 s.
downstream location x = xp , as shown in Figure 2. For To achieve a continuous prediction, an overlapping of
the next time window of prediction, we shift the dura- time windows with DT = 105 s corresponding to 42
tion of wave data forward by DT to ½DT, T + DT for synthetic radar images is applied.
the re-initialization of the propagation model. For Figure 5(a) and (b) show the comparisons of the
clarity in description,we denote the associated predict- time-varying wave elevation at xp = 500 m predicted
able time period as tp, 3 , tp, 4 inside which a reliable based on the single time window of wave data
wave prediction at x = xp can be achieved based on the ½0, T = ½0, 160 s and [105, 265] s with the benchmark
wave data in ½DT, T + DT at x = x0 . In a sample case measurement.
  The predictable zones are respectively
of DT = T, as illustrated in Figure 4(a), there exists a tp, 1 , tp, 2 = ½208, 315 s and ½313, 420 s which are
gap between the two neighboring predictable time marked in the figure. Figure 5(c) displays the
Zinchenko et al. 363

Figure 6. Point-to-point absolute error eðtÞ of the phase-

resolved wave prediction at xp = 500 m downstream the
reconstructed wave subdomain for the cases in Figure 5(a) (up
panel) and Figure 5(b) (low panel). The theoretical predictable
zone is marked by the vertical dashed lines.

wave reconstruction. This would further improve the

accuracy of wave prediction. This is confirmed by the
comparison shown in Figure 5(d), which compares the
predicted wave elevation based on the initial measure-
ment duration of T = 320 s (i.e. with Nt = 128 images
and sampling time Dt = 2.5 s in wave reconstruction)
with the benchmark
 in the predictable
time zone of tp, 1 , tp, 2 = ½208, 475 s. The correlation
coefficient for this comparison is equal to 0.9. We
remark that to further increase the accuracy of wave
Figure 5. Comparison of the predicted time varying wave reconstruction and prediction, the spatial domain area
elevation (black line) with the benchmark point measurement also needs to be increased while longer time sequence
(blue line) at 500 m downstream the reconstructed wave of radar images is used in the wave reconstruction,
subdomain. The prediction is based on individual time windows
owing to the spatial periodicity implicitly assumed in
of wave data with Nt = 64 (a) and (b), on two successive time
windows (c) which is the combination of (a) and (b), and on
the 3D-DFT. Since the real field data considered in the
individual time window of longer time interval with Nt = 128 (d). next section are all for directional seas, the validation
The theoretical predictable zone is marked by the vertical with the use of synthetic short-crested waves is not pre-
dashed lines. sented here.

comparison of the predicted wave elevation in the time Validation with real incoherent X-band
period of ½208, 420 s for the combination of two suc- radar measurements
cessive time windows of wave data. For this synthetic
wave field, we obtain a very good agreement between
Onboard installation and RIMARC system integration
the predicted wave elevation and the independent point The presented research is a part of NORCE Research
measurement at the target location, as zoomed in and Kongsberg Seatex ECOSTEPS project, funded by
Figure 5(c), with the correlation coefficient equal to the MAROFF program from the Norwegian Research
0.81. The point-to-point absolute prediction error eðtÞ Council. The main purpose of the project is the devel-
inside and outside the predictable zone is shown in opment of a novel wave reconstruction and prediction
Figure 6. The bounding lines indicate borders of the onboard system, called RIMARC, capable of forecast-
theoretical predictable zone. The error outside the ing phase-resolved wave motions and vessel responses
bounding lines is observed to be much larger than that few minutes in advance.
inside the predictable zone, further confirming that the Integration of RIMARC with all external systems
group velocity is the relevant parameter that bounds such as radar server, Miros wave monitor and ship
the prediction area. motion simulator has been tested on a local set up with
The use of longer time sequence of radar images (i.e. emulation of all basic principles. This served for cap-
larger than 64 realizations) provides a higher frequency turing most of the connectivity problems and possible
resolution and consequently less spectral leakage in error response when one of the systems fails. One of
364 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 235(2)

Figure 7. Measurement equipment installed onboard Normand Ocean for ECOSTEPS project.

the issues that required deep integration was the overall X-band marine radar was used to measure the sea sur-
performance of the system. RIMARC must be able to face. The radar was set to operate in short pulse mode,
hold contact to all the system and run the analysis in which allows for sea sate monitoring at a short range
parallel. Multiple threads communicate with the equip- (up to three nautical miles) with a high spatial resolu-
ment to have the most recent radar measurement ready tion. For a 60 ns short pulse, a theoretical spatial reso-
for prediction. Testing of the integration continued in a lution of about 10 m is achieved. Sample radar intensity
laboratory at Kongsberg Maritim, where both the images for sea surface measurements are shown in
radar simulator and Miros RangeFinder were present Figure 13 in Appendix I. After estimating the 2D direc-
physically. tional spectrum, the radar intensity images were rotated
RIMARC software has been successfully tested in to have the main energy propagation in the positive y-
the field onboard an offshore vessel using Furuno X- direction. Then, a time series of consecutive rectangular
band radar data measurements. Test campaigns have subareas (i.e. multiple-point fixed probe areas) of
taken place from April to September 2019 in the 1500 3 1500 m2 were selected (Figure 14 in Appendix
Norwegian offshore. The test vessel has been Solstad I). The upper border of the probe area is chosen to be
IMR subsea construction vessel Normand Ocean con- in 1000 m distance from the origin. The coordinates of
tracted by Equinor and operated by DeepOcean. the prediction point (Miros RangeFinder location)
Figure 7 shows the location of the measuring equip- were transformed after the image rotation.
ment installed at Normand Ocean for RIMARC soft- Assuming temporal stationarity, the sampling time
ware validation during the project. Furuno X-Band in the time series of radar images is set to be 2.56 s (since
marine radar measurements are used to recover the the antenna rotational period was varied from 2.52 to
spectral and individual wave properties at a distance 2.6 s). The spectrum reconstruction method contains a
from 500 m to 2500 m around the vessel. Consequently, number of filter parameters which have been calibrated
a numerical wave propagation model initialized by the using Miros data. These parameters depend on the
radar wave measurement is used to predict the wave ele- radar settings and may vary from one radar to another.
vations around the vessel location. Miros RangeFinder The significant wave height Hm0 was evaluated from
sea state monitoring sensor is used to verify the predic- the wave spectrum based on the point measurement by
tion accuracy of the incoming waves. Miros.
Figure 8 shows a summary of frequency-directional
wave spectra reconstructed from the radar images for
Verification of predicted phase-resolved wave four representative sea states. The 3D spectra of the
elevation using real sea data radar images are obtained from a relatively short-time
In the following, we present the direct quantitative com- wave measurement (;164 s) over a large space area
parison of the forecasted wave elevation at the ship site, (with 512 3 512 grid points evenly distributed over the
which is obtained based on the real X-band radar mea- square area of 1500 3 1500 m2) and represented as a
surements of upstream waves, with the independent polar contour map of wave energy where the radial
point measurements by Miros RangeFinder. coordinate represents the angular frequency and the
The system described above has been used to collect polar direction is the propagation direction of each
the wave data during offshore operations at Visund wave component. Each directional spectrum has been
Oilfild, Snorre UPA and CCB Ågotnes locations. The normalized to have a maximum value of 1. The
Zinchenko et al. 365

Figure 8. Reconstructed frequency-directional spectrum based on real X-band marine radar measurements with the field data
from: (a) 04 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.87 m, (b) 11 April 2019, Hm0 = 1.2 m, (c) 20 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.7 m, and (d) 16 September 2019,
Hm0 = 4.1 m.

directional convention is that the values are plotted as Figure 8(c) is concentrated in a narrow frequency band
‘‘coming from’’ the direction shown, i.e. 90° indicates with a peak period of about 7.3 s. The beam width of
coming from the top. The directional spectrum pro- the directional distribution in Figure 8(d) is the widest
vides the governing information about the sea state and near the spectral peak frequency (with the correspond-
allows one to identify unimodal (just the sea or one ing period of ;7.8 s) and decreases toward lower fre-
swell), bimodal (sea and one swell), or multimodal sea quencies. This would be consistent with the wind waves
states (sea and two or more swells). Figure 8(a) displays which were locally generated, rather than remotely gen-
a unimodal swell and Figure 8(c) and (d) display unim- erated swells.
odal wind-wave fields. The dominant waves in Figure Figure 15(a)–(d) in Appendix I show the contours of
8(a) have a narrow directional spread with observable sample reconstructed instantaneous sea surface eleva-
energy within 620° of the dominant direction and a tion in the selected rectangular radar sensed areas.
peak period of about 10.5 s. This observation suggests These wave components from the reconstruction are
that the dominant waves are swell. Figure 8(b) shows used to initialize the linear propagating model that can
the bimodal wave field where the energy is concen- then provide the forecast of phase-resolved wave
trated over two dominant directions: one is for wind motion near the ship site.
waves with dominant periods in the range of 5.5–8.0 s Figure 9 shows the comparisons of the predicted
and significant broadening of directional spreading, time-varying wave elevation with the independent point
and the other is for swells with dominant periods in the elevation measurement by Miros RangeFinder at the
narrow range of 10.0–11.5 s. The angle between the Miros location with the real-field data from 04 April
mean directions of wind waves and swells is approxi- 2019. The initial condition of the propagation model is
mately 120°. The energy of the sea state showed in obtained from the wave reconstruction based on a
366 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 235(2)

Figure 10. Point-to-point absolute error eðtÞ of the predicted

Figure 9. Comparison of the predicted wave elevation (black wave elevation at the Miros location for the cases shown in
line) with the independent point wave measurement (blue line) Figure 9. Theoretical predictable zones are marked. (Field data
at the Miros location. The prediction is obtained from the from 04 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.87 m.).
propagation model that is initialized with the reconstructed
wave field using a single time window of sequence of radar
measurement. (Field data from 04 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.87 m.).
Combining the predictions in these time intervals yields
a continuous long-time wave prediction at the Miros
single time window of measurements involving Nt = 64 location. The point-to-point error of the prediction eðtÞ
consecutive radar images at sampling time Dt = 2.56 s for these cases are shown in Figure 10. The prediction
(with the total measurement duration  T ’164 s). The error inside the predictable zone is seen to be much
wave-prediction (Miros) point ! xp = xp , yp is located smaller than that outside the predictable zone.
1000 m downstream the border of the chosen 2D wave- Figure 11(a)–(d) display the comparisons of continu-
reconstruction subdomain (Figures 13). For this multi- ous long-time wave elevation at the Miros location
directional wave field, we consider the dominant fre- between the prediction based on the overlapping time
quency range of v 2 ½0:5, 1:2 rad/s (with the windows of radar images and the independent Miros
  group velocity range of measurement for four sea states with the significant
Cg, min , Cg, max = ½4:1, 9:8 m/s) and direction spread- wave heights of Hm0 = 2.87 m, 1.2 m, 2.7 m, and 4.1 m.
ing angle u 2 ½p=9, p=9. The predictable time inter- The correlation coefficients for these long-time dura-
val at the Miros location is estimated to be given by the tions of wave prediction are 0.73, 0.55, 0.63, and 0.61
intersection of the predictable zones of all wave direc- for Hm0 = 2.87 m, 1.2 m, 2.7 m, and 4.1 m, respectively.
tions within the direction spreading range (Qi et al.7). Figure 12 shows the point-to-point prediction error eðtÞ
The starting time of the radar image measurement is corresponding to the comparisons in Figure 11.
06:18:24 UTC. The predictable time given by the first Despite the fact that the correlation coefficient in
time window of radar measurements is [06:25:11, the severe sea state (Hm0 = 4.1 m) is higher than that in
06:26:32] UTC or ½409, 490 s from the starting time of the mild sea state (Hm0 = 1.2 m), the agreement of pre-
the measurement (Figure 9). To achieve a continuous dicted large-amplitude waves in severe sea states
prediction at the Miros location, the next time window (Figure 11(d)) seems to be less satisfactory than that in
of radar measurements for the reconstruction is shifted milder sea states (Figure 11(b) and (c)). There are sev-
forward by (a maximum of) 31 radar images with eral reasons for this observation. One reason is as
DT = ;80 s. The predictable time durations for the Figure 8(d) shows, a significant amount of short-wave
next individual time windows are about [485, 571] s, energy (about ;20% to the total energy) exists in this
[560, 635] s, and [623, 710] s as shown in Figure 9. severe sea state, which is not captured by the radar
Zinchenko et al. 367

Figure 12. Point-to-point prediction error eðtÞ of the

Figure 11. Comparison of the predicted continuous time- continuous predicted wave elevation at the Miros location,
varying wave elevation (black line) and the independent point corresponding to the cases in Figure 11, with real field data
measurement (blue line) at the Miros location with the real field from: (a) 04 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.87 m, (b) 11 April 2019,
data from: (a) 04 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.87 m, (b) 11 April 2019, Hm0 = 1.2 m, (c) 20 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.7 m, and (d) 16
Hm0 = 1.2 m, (c) 20 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.7 m, and (d) 16 September 2019, Hm0 = 4.1 m.
September 2019, Hm0 = 4.1 m.
in their dominant propagation directions. Even without
the presence of swells, bimodal sea states are common
measurement and thus not properly considered in the as a result of nonlinear wave-field evolution, as found
prediction. The second reason could be the nonlinear out by Simanesew et al.23,24 In these cases, the charac-
wave effects of the severe sea state, which is not consid- teristically different wave groups (in seas and swells)
ered in the wave propagation model. The third reason need to be treated separately in wave reconstruction
is due to the fact that the Miros data may contain some and forecast, which is beyond the scope of this work.
(diffracted and radiated wave) effects from the presence
of the ship as the Miros location is close to the ship
bow. The fourth reason is because the shadowing effect
in radar measurement is stronger in severe sea states. We demonstrate the effectiveness and quantify the
To obtain more accurate radar measurement in severe accuracy of a short-time deterministic wave prediction
seas, the height of radar antenna from the sea surface capability by means of both synthetic and real-field
should be increased. wave data. The method employs 3D DFT analyses to
The reason for the relatively lower correlation coeffi- extract and reconstruct the relevant physical wave com-
cient under the mild sea condition with the significant ponents from X-band marine radar cluster images.
wave height of 1.2 m is that the considered sea state is These wave components are then used to initialize the
bimodal (i.e. combination of wind-wave and swell-wave linear phase-resolved propagation model from which
components) with a large directional spreading of wave the short-time deterministic forecast of wave motion
components (Figure 8(b)). In general, it is a more chal- downstream the wave-reconstruction area can be
lenging task to obtain reliable phase-resolved wave pre- obtained. Independent measurements at a fixed (down-
dictions for bimodal and multimodal wave fields, stream) location are used as the benchmark solution to
especially when the wind sea and swells deviate largely assess the consistency and fidelity of the phase-resolved
368 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 235(2)

wave reconstruction and forecast based on radar sensed Funding

surface data. The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following finan-
For the synthetic marine radar return signals of the cial support for the research, authorship, and/or publi-
simulated unidirectional wave field, the predicted cation of this article: The project was funded by the
phase-resolved wave elevation matches the benchmark Research Council of Norway (RCN project number
solution inside the predictable zone with the correlation 269495).
coefficient up to 0.8 ; 0.9. In the real field tests, four
multidirectional sea states with significant wave heights
of 2.87 m, 1.2 m, 2.7 m, and 4.1 m are considered. Based ORCID iD
on the real radar images, the reconstruction algorithm Victoria Zinchenko https://orcid.org/0000-0001-
satisfactorily recovers both unimodal and bimodal 9459-2577
wave spectra. The predicted phase-resolved wave eleva-
tion at the downstream location near the ship compares References
reasonably well with the independent measurement
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Appendix I

Figure 13. Sample radar intensity images for real field wave measurements from: (a) 04 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.87 m, (b) 11 April 2019,
Hm0 = 1.2 m, (c) 20 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.7 m, and (d) 16 September 2019, Hm0 = 4.1 m.
370 Proc IMechE Part M: J Engineering for the Maritime Environment 235(2)

Figure 14. Selected 2D subdomains of radar images used in wave reconstruction with the data from: (a) 04 April 2019,
Hm0 = 2.87 m, (b) 11 April 2019, Hm0 = 1.2 m, (c) 20 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.7 m, and (d) 16 September 2019, Hm0 = 4.1 m.
Zinchenko et al. 371

Figure 15. Sample frames of the reconstructed sea surface elevation based on the field radar wave measurements on: (a) 04 April
2019, Hm0 = 2.87 m, (b) 11 April 2019, Hm0 = 1.2 m, (c) 20 April 2019, Hm0 = 2.7 m, and (d) 16 September 2019, Hm0 = 4.1 m.

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