Centers and Illnesses

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Centers' Illnesses

ROOT CENTER Biological

correlation: Adrenal Glands
There is a pressure associated with the Root Center that brings the
Illnesses: Blown pressure to evolve and adapt to the world and to life. The Root Center is
adrenals, prostrate where our stress hormones live and provide the fuel to master difficult
cancer, anxiety, situations.
When it’s healthy: As long as we begin a new endeavor or experience out of stillness and joy, then no matter how stressful it becomes, we remain
Biological correlation: Kidneys, Prostrate, Pancreas, Nervous System, Lungs
This is where we see weight problems and water retention signifying difficulty in dealing with emotions. This is a feeling, emotions and sensitivity
Center. If someone has this Center open there is a tendency towards being victims of emotional chaos and feeling out of control most of their lives.
Often, you will find the non-emotional taking on a secret life, hiding behind a shield, a mask or lying to protect themselves from the emotional outbursts
of others.
Illnesses: Lung disease, nervous system issues, Kidney problems and digestion and assimilation challenges.
When it’s healthy: They understand who is emotionally healthy for them, know when it is appropriate to walk away or confront when necessary. They
do not make emotional decisions nor become attached to others emotions.
Biological correlation: Ovaries Testes
This Center can regenerate or atrophy, causing all sorts of problems. When this Center is open in the bodygraph, there is great sensitivity towards
energy levels of people and places. Undefined Sacral beings energy and vitality depends upon people around them. When in the presence of the
wrong people, the undefined Sacral being becomes depleted in the presence of the wrong people.
Illnesses: Sexual diseases, exhaustion, mononucleosis, throat and ear problems, chronic neck and shoulder misalignment.
When it’s healthy: Healthy undefined Sacral people know when to relax and rest, they have healthy boundaries, they work in spurts and maintain
balance in work, rest and play.
Biological correlation: Lymphatic system, Spleen, T Cells
With the undefined Spleen comes a very deep, intense fear of survival. There is a tendency to “latch on” to a defined Spleen person because it feels
good to the open Spleen. When an open Spleen becomes ill, it is important to take extra time off to heal and recover. If allowed to heal properly, they
can be very healthy. It is also extremely unhealthy for the Undefined Spleen to be spontaneous. The first step to health for the open Spleen is to stop
being spontaneous.
Illnesses: Lymphatic system, weakened immune system and low T cell count, exhaustion, low vitality, anxiety, anemia, and leukemia.
When it’s healthy: These people sense when someone is not good for them or an environment is not healthy for them. They are very healthy because
they pay attention to their health and address health issues that come up. They can understand the fear of survival and how to deal with it. EGO / WILL
Biological correlation: Stomach, Heart, Gall Bladder, Thymus Gland
The Undefined Will person feels less worthy than others so they will tend to prove their worthiness by being in control, brave, egotistical, expressing
great bravado and loyal to others. But they continuously experience loss of control or lie to inflate themselves and their own self- worth. It is as though
they are wearing a mask and pretending as they attempt to substantiate who they are.
Illnesses: Heart disease, digestion, pancreas and gall bladder issues, hypochondria, anemia, blood clot and vein issues.
When it’s healthy: They do not allow people to convince them to do anything. They are at peace with themselves and feel they have nothing to prove to
anyone. They know they do not have to compete with anyone. G CENTER Biological
correlation: Liver, Blood
The unhealthy open G Center will try and direct others without waiting to be asked or invited. They blend in and fit in with whomever they spend time
with. They find their identity through their relationships but need to have the right relationships. Often, they are obsessed with their direction in life and
when are they going to find love. They search to find who they are and become obsessed with labels and titles in order to define their identity. There is
a tendency to not trust the flow of life and allow it to the show the next direction.
Illnesses: Abdominal swelling (pot belly), swelling of hands and feet, lethargy, hepatitis, nausea, constipation, bile, hyper confusion.
When it’s healthy: These people are comfortable with not knowing their next direction or when love will come to them again. They move through life as
they are shown the next step. They do not become attached to the people who take them to the correct place or the correct love. THROAT CENTER
Biological correlation: Thyroid/ Parathyroid, Glands/ Metabolism
Those with an open Throat Center will often try and attract attention in many ways, such as talking a lot. They don’t trust that they will get the right
attention. When around others with a defined Throat Center, there is an uncomfortable pressure to talk and act. They also spend a great deal of mental
energy thinking about what they are going to say next only to be surprised by what comes out next. Open Throats do not know what they are going to
say next.
Illnesses: Thyroid issues, ears, eyes, throat and nose problems, chronic illnesses and disease, candida, metabolism, cysts, amenorrhea
When it’s healthy: These people enjoy the variety of ways that they speak and express themselves. They know that the attention that they get is correct
for them and when it is correct for them, as they do not need to attract attention. They also feel the pressure to speak when around others but do not
act on it. They are comfortable with silence. AJNA CENTER Biological
correlation: Anterior/ Posterior Pituitary Glands
The open Ajna can spend a great deal of time obsessing about things or decisions that they are trying to make. They can also fall into the trap of
making decisions with their mind and not being able to follow through on their word. There is a deep fear that they are uncertain about not being certain
about things, feeling inadequate not being able to follow their words and commitments and the embarrassment of that lack of follow through. There is
also the tendency to compare how we mentally process and see inadequacies, which tend to make them judge themselves and dislike themselves.
Illnesses: headaches, neck problems, sinus problems, dizziness, tinunitus, menstrual issues, sleeping disorders, fatigue
When it’s healthy: They have accepted that their mind operates in an inconsistent manner and that they can never be certain about anything. They find
that their mind is a playground.
HEAD CENTER Biological
correlation: Pineal Gland
With this open Center there is pressure to think about things that do not matter. There is also the tendency to entertain lots of mental chatter, questions
and thoughts trying to make decisions creating confusion. The undefined Head Center is easily inspired by others and things around them. None of the
inspiring thoughts are original as others influence the way they think. They are great mental reflectors of others minds. They endlessly think they have
to solve problems, theirs and others. The open Head Center can easily become overwhelmed by doubt and confusion. They end up responding to the
pressure to take on others problems and try to resolve it immediately, making difficult to empty their head and relax.
Illnesses: Stress and anxiety, immune system disorders, fatigue, madness, addiction, chronic degenerative disease
When it’s healthy: They do not take on the pressure to answer others people questions or find solutions for others problems. They let go of the mental
process when they feel confused and enjoy observing without attachment.

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