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nr word definitions/synonyms opposites

1. ordinary (adj) not unusual or different in any way; normal, typical, abnormal, different,
standard unusual
ordinariness (n)
ordinarily (adv)
2. psychic/psychical (adj) having a special mental ability, for example so that you are
able to know what will happen in the future or know what physical
people are thinking; supernatural
psychic (n) person with psychic abilities
psychically (adv)
3. estimate (v) to guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something; calculate
measure, guess
estimate (n) guess; opinion ignorance, truth, fact

estimated (adj)
estimation (n)
4. disease (n) an illness of people, animals, plants, etc., caused by
infection or a failure of health rather than by an accident;
illness; sickness
diseasedness (n) diseased condition health
cure (v) to make someone with an illness healthy again
antidote, remedy sicken
5. cure (n)
curer (n)
6. potentially (adv) possible when the necessary conditions exist; likely, improbably, unlikely
probably, possibly
potential (n) someone's or something's ability to develop, achieve, or
7. obscurity (n) the state of not being known to many people; fame
unimportance; insignificance
obscure (adj) unknown; unimportant; insignificant well-known; famous;
obscureness (n)
obscurely (adv)
obscure (v) keep from being seen; conceal; hide reveal; make known
8. momentum (n) the force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event weakness, lethargy
developing after it has started; energy, power, impulse
9. psychological (adj) relating to the human mind and feelings; emotional, physical
9. mental, cognitive
psychologically (adv)
psychology (n)
psyche (n) mind or spirit
10. affect (v) to have an influence on, or to cause a change in; impact;
affectable (adj) having the ability to be influenced or affected by something
affectability (n)
11. moderate (adj) neither small nor large in size, amount, degree, or strength; imbalanced; extreme
average; conservative
moderately (adv)
moderateness (n) the quality of being moderate; constraint, control, discipline
moderation (n) the act of being moderate; the avoidance of excess or
nr word definitions/synonyms opposites

12 solitary (adj) living or doing things alone sociable

solitarily (adv)
solitariness (n)
13 impulsive (adj) acting suddenly without thinking carefully; hasty, calm, deliberate,
passionate, spontaneous cautious
impulsiveness (n)/
impulsivity (n)
impulsively (adv)
impulse (n) a sudden strong and unreflective urge or desire to act;
14 pathological (adj) (of a person) unable to control; unreasonable, insensible
pathologically (adv)
pathology (n) the typical behaviour of a disease
15 celebrity (n) famous person; superstar, icon
celebrate (v) commemorate, rejoice
celebration (n) commemoration; party
celebrated (adj) famous, renowned unknown; obscure
16 outrageous (adj) very shocking and unacceptable; disgraceful, shameful commendable
outrage (v/n)
17 sensation (n) a feeling that you get when sth affects your body;
awareness, consciousness
18 ambition (n) the desire or determination to be successful, rich, powerful,
etc; aspiration, goal
ambitious (adj)
19 consequence (n) a result of sth that has happened; outcome; result
consequent (adj) resultant
consequential (adj) important, significant inconsequential;
consequentially (adv)
20 obsess (v) to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of
anything else
obsession (n)
obsessive (n) a person whose mind is filled with thoughts of one
particular thing
obsessive (adj) thinking too much about one particular person or thing;

proverbs meaning
1 Health is better than wealth. It’s better to be in good health than to be rich.
2 A good name is better than riches. A good reputation is precious, difficult to earn and cannot be bought.
3 An empty purse frightens away When one’s financial situations deteriorates, friends tend to disappear.
4 Fortune knocks once at every man’s Everyone gets at least one good opportunity in his lifetime; everyone has
door. the opportunity to be successful.
5 Success is a journey not a destination. The most treasured part of an achievement is the experience and lessons
you learn in the process.
Word pairs: Look up the meaning of the following word pairs. Then, write sentences with the word
pairs to bring out the meaning of the words and their difference. No simple sentences allowed.

1. obsessive (n/adj)
2. consequent (adj)/ consequential (adj)
3. celebrity (n)/ celebration (n)
4. psychic (adj) /(n)
5. estimate (n)/ estimation (n)
6. psychological (adj)/ psychical (adj)


1. It is outrageous that people who show obsessive behavior on daily basis get moderate
punishment when they commit crimes.

2. His pathologically impulsive behavior produces consequential effects on his social life, causing
him to live in solitary even more.

3. The scientists predict that the disease will potentially affect human psychology in a moderate

4. The students estimated that one third of the population possess psychic powers.

5. Negative consequences did not stop him from going after his ambitions.

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