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Role-Playing Rubric

Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of Health Informatics

Criteria Exemplary (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1) Inadequate (0)

Content Demonstrates Shows a good Displays some Shows limited Demonstrates no

Knowledge a deep understandin understandin understanding understanding of
understanding g of the topic, g of the topic, of the topic, the topic.
of the topic, using mostly with with significant
incorporating accurate occasional inaccuracies
relevant information. inaccuracies and omissions.
details, facts, or omissions.
and concepts

Role Play Engages Engages well Engages in Struggles to Fails to engage

Performance effectively in in the role- the role-play stay in or stay in
the role-play, play, but character and character during
staying in maintaining occasionally lacks creativity the role-play.
character, and character and breaks throughout the
demonstrating displaying character or role-play.
a high level of creativity. lacks
authenticity creativity.
and creativity.

Communicatio Demonstrates Communicate Communicate Communicatio Communication

n clear and s effectively s with some n is unclear, is virtually
effective but may have difficulty, with and issues with nonexistent or
communication minor issues noticeable language, tone, incomprehensibl
, using with issues in and body e.
appropriate language, language, language are
language, tone, tone, or body tone, or body significant.
and body
language. language.

Collaboration Collaborates Collaborates Collaborates Collaborates Fails to

seamlessly with well with with partners with partners collaborate with
partners, partners, but with difficulty, partners,
actively mostly occasionally often failing to hindering the
listening, listening, struggles to listen, respond, role-play.
responding, responding, listen, or contribute
and and respond, or effectively.
contributing to contributing contribute
the role-play. effectively. effectively.

Time Stays within Mostly Struggles to Fails to Completely

Management the designated adheres to manage time, manage time disregards the
time limit for the time limit often effectively, time limit.
the role-play, but exceeding the causing
managing time occasionally time limit or significant
effectively. goes over or finishing too delays or
finishes quickly. ending
significantly prematurely.

Overall The role-play is The role-play The role-play The role-play is The role-play is
Presentation engaging, well- is engaging is somewhat unengaging, entirely
prepared, and and engaging but poorly unengaging,
highly effective adequately lacks prepared, and unprepared, and
in conveying prepared, preparation struggles to fails to convey
the topic. effectively and convey the the topic.
conveying the effectiveness topic.
topic. in conveying
the topic.

Total Score (out of 20): ________

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