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Why God's People Stay Broke and

How You Can Fix It

Why do God's people stay broke? Several reasons contribute to this phenomenon, and
understanding them can help individuals overcome financial struggles. By addressing
these common issues, individuals can move towards a path of financial stability and
Unbelief, ignorance, greed, laziness, disobedience, and misalignment are some of the key
factors that keep people from experiencing financial prosperity. By recognizing and
addressing these issues, individuals can break free from the cycle of financial hardship
and step into a place of abundance.
Each of these reasons plays a significant role in hindering financial growth and stability.
By delving into each of these factors, individuals can begin to make positive changes in
their lives and move towards a more prosperous future.

The Kingdom Business Hour with Kap Chatfield

The Kingdom Business Hour is not just about discussing financial struggles; it's about
delving into the deeper reasons behind these struggles. Kap Chatfield has a passion for
helping God's people break free from financial bondage and experience abundance in
alignment with God's plan. He aims to challenge the mindset of unbelief, ignorance, and
greed that often hinders financial prosperity.
Kap's provides practical and spiritual guidance to help individuals shift their mindset,
prioritize faith in God's provision, and embrace stewardship over ownership. By sharing
biblical teachings and personal insights, Kap encourages us to trust in God's desire to
prosper his people and to live a life of generosity and abundance.
Ultimately, the Kingdom Business Hour is a platform for individuals to re-evaluate their
beliefs about prosperity, seek wisdom and knowledge, and align their financial decisions
with God's principles. Kap desires to experience financial freedom, break free from the
cycle of struggle, and step into the abundance that God has in store for them.

Reason 1: Unbelief
Unbelief can be a significant hindrance to experiencing financial abundance in alignment
with God's plan. Doubting God's desire to prosper his people can prevent individuals
from receiving blessings and financial breakthroughs. Ignorance of biblical teachings on
finances can lead to poor stewardship and decision-making, perpetuating financial
struggles. Greed, often overlooked, can create a mindset of hoarding resources and
trusting in money rather than in God.

The Common Struggle: Financial Crippling Among Believers
Many believers find themselves in a constant state of financial struggle, feeling trapped
and unable to break free from the cycle of financial hardship. Despite their faith and
commitment to God, they often face overwhelming financial burdens that hinder their
ability to thrive and live abundantly.
It's a common misconception that financial struggles are solely a result of a lack of faith
or spiritual discipline. While these factors can play a role, the issue of financial crippling
among believers often stems from unbelief, ignorance, and greed. These factors can
manifest in various ways, leading individuals to doubt God's provision, overlook the
wisdom found in the Word of God, and prioritize material wealth over spiritual

The Dilemma of Dependence: God vs. Worldly Systems

When it comes to financial struggles, individuals often face a dilemma of dependence
between God and worldly systems. The choice between trusting in God's provision or
relying on earthly mechanisms can be a challenging one to navigate.
Many believers find themselves torn between seeking financial security through their
own efforts and surrendering to God's plan for prosperity. The struggle lies in
determining where true abundance and provision originate from.

The Importance of Faith and Trust in God's Provision

Having faith and trust in God's provision is crucial for experiencing financial abundance
in alignment with God's plan. By understanding that God desires to prosper his people
and provide for their needs, individuals can shift their mindset and prioritize faith in
God's provision as a pathway to financial freedom.
Through biblical teachings and personal insights, individuals can break free from
financial struggles by embracing stewardship over ownership and trusting in God's desire
to prosper them. Prioritizing faith in God's provision over worldly systems is essential for
overcoming financial obstacles and aligning with God's plan for financial well-being.

Reason 2: Ignorance
One of the main reasons why God's people often find themselves struggling financially is
due to ignorance. Many individuals lack knowledge and understanding of what the Bible
actually says about God's desire for financial abundance and prosperity. The scripture
warns that people perish for a lack of knowledge, emphasizing the importance of seeking
wisdom and insight from the Word of God.
By unlearning man-made traditions and focusing on what the Bible teaches about
finances, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of God's principles and promises
regarding prosperity. Hosea 4:6 says,"My people are destroyed from lack of
knowledge." It highlights the detrimental impact of ignorance, urging believers to pursue
knowledge and wisdom to overcome financial struggles.

In Proverbs 11:24,"When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes
wisdom," it emphasizes the significance of generosity and stewardship in breaking the
cycle of poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and those who scatter will
increase more, underscoring the importance of releasing resources and trusting God as
the ultimate provider.

The Power of Knowledge and Understanding God's Word

Understanding the importance of knowledge and wisdom from God's Word is crucial to
overcoming financial struggles. Many believers find themselves in a constant state of
financial hardship due to a lack of understanding of biblical teachings on prosperity. The
scripture warns that people perish for a lack of knowledge, emphasizing the significance
of seeking wisdom and insight from the Word of God.
By delving into scripture and aligning with God's wisdom on finances, individuals can
overcome ignorance and step into financial abundance. Seeking knowledge and
understanding from the Word of God is key to breaking free from financial struggles and
experiencing the blessings that God intends for His people.
Proverbs 11:24 emphasizes the significance of generosity and stewardship in breaking
the cycle of poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and those who scatter will
increase more, underscoring the importance of releasing resources and trusting God as
the ultimate provider.

Reason 3: Greed
One of the reasons why God's people often find themselves struggling financially is due
to greed. Greed can manifest in various ways, leading individuals to prioritize material
wealth over spiritual abundance. It can create a mindset of hoarding resources and
trusting in money rather than in God. Greed consumes people, causing them to prioritize
accumulating wealth for their own benefit while ignoring the values of stewardship and
Contrary to popular belief, greed is not limited to those who are financially prosperous.
Some of the most greedy individuals can be found among those who are struggling
financially. Greed leads to a mindset of scarcity, where individuals are unwilling to share
or give back. This mentality hinders financial growth and perpetuates a cycle of poverty
and lack.

Choosing Generosity Over Greed: Becoming Faithful Stewards

One of the key factors that can impact financial abundance in alignment with God's plan
is the choice to prioritize generosity over greed. By embracing a mindset of stewardship
rather than ownership, individuals can experience a transformation in their financial well-
God calls his people to be like rivers, constantly flowing and releasing resources to bless
others. When individuals hoard resources out of greed, they hinder their prosperity. The
Bible emphasizes the importance of generosity, stating that a generous soul will be made

It's crucial to understand that greed can manifest in various ways, leading individuals to
prioritize material wealth over spiritual abundance. By choosing to be faithful stewards
and releasing resources as God directs, individuals open themselves up to the blessings of
God and the flow of abundance in their lives.
Breaking free from the grip of greed requires a shift in mindset towards stewardship and
generosity. When individuals choose to be faithful stewards and prioritize generosity,
they align their financial decisions with God's plan for prosperity and abundance.

Worshiping Mammon vs. God

When individuals prioritize the pursuit of wealth over serving God, they may find
themselves trapped in a cycle of financial bondage. Making decisions based on fear of
lack rather than faith in God's provision can hinder one's ability to fulfill their true calling
and purpose.
Choosing to worship Mammon, the spirit of material wealth, can lead to a mindset of
scarcity and limitations. This mindset often perpetuates a cycle of working solely for
survival rather than thriving in abundance. In contrast, aligning oneself with God's will
and purpose opens doors to unexpected blessings and opportunities beyond financial

Breaking the poverty mindset

Overcoming the poverty mindset is essential for achieving financial prosperity. When
individuals prioritize material wealth over serving God, they often find themselves
trapped in a cycle of financial bondage. This mindset of scarcity and limitations can
hinder one's ability to fulfill their true calling and purpose.
By aligning oneself with God's will and purpose, individuals can open doors to
unexpected blessings and opportunities beyond financial gain. This shift involves trusting
in God's provision, diligently working towards goals, and prioritizing the expansion of
His kingdom over personal gain.

Reason 4: Laziness
Laziness can be a significant barrier to achieving financial prosperity. When individuals
choose to prioritize comfort over hard work, they limit their potential for growth and
success. By failing to put in the necessary effort and dedication, they hinder their ability
to reach their financial goals.
God rewards diligence and hard work, as stated in Proverbs 13:4:"A sluggard’s
appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied." The soul of
a lazy man desires and has nothing, but the soul of the diligent shall be made rich. This
biblical principle highlights the importance of actively working towards one's goals to
experience financial abundance.
Choosing to be lazy can result in missed opportunities, stagnant growth, and a lack of
fulfillment. Instead of embracing laziness, individuals should strive to work diligently
and consistently towards their financial aspirations. By putting in the effort and seeking

alignment with God's will, individuals can break free from the trap of laziness and open
themselves up to a future of financial prosperity.

The importance of diligence

Diligence plays a crucial role in achieving financial prosperity. By consistently putting in
the effort and dedication required to reach their goals, individuals can overcome barriers
such as laziness and experience financial abundance. Proverbs 13:4 emphasizes the
importance of hard work and diligence in reaping the rewards of financial prosperity.
Choosing to work diligently towards your financial aspirations opens doors to
opportunities and blessings beyond your imagination. Individuals who prioritize hard
work over comfort can break free from the trap of laziness and position themselves for
success. By aligning oneself with God's will and actively pursuing their goals, individuals
can experience a shift towards financial abundance and fulfillment.

Biblical Examples of Diligence

In the Bible, numerous examples showcase the importance of diligence in achieving
prosperity. Proverbs 13:4 highlights the contrast between the lazy and the diligent,
emphasizing that those who work hard will be rewarded with abundance.
Take the Apostle Paul, for instance, who ran a tent-making business to support his
ministry. By diligently working in his trade, he not only provided for himself but also
funded his mission work, setting an example of diligence in pursuing one's calling.
Another illustration can be found in Luke 5, where Peter experienced a miraculous catch
of fish after following Jesus' instructions to cast his net deeper. Peter's willingness to act
in alignment with Jesus' guidance led to an overflow of blessings, showcasing the power
of diligence and obedience in achieving financial success.
These biblical examples underscore the importance of working diligently, seeking
alignment with God's will, and obeying His commands to unlock the path to financial
prosperity and fulfillment.

Reason 5: Disobedience
Disobedience can be a significant hindrance to experiencing financial blessings. When
individuals choose to ignore God's commandments and neglect their responsibilities, they
miss out on the abundant blessings that God has in store for them. By failing to align their
actions with God's word, individuals limit their potential for financial prosperity and

The Blessings of Obedience

Obedience to God's word brings forth a multitude of blessings in one's life. By diligently
obeying His commandments and aligning one's actions with His will, individuals position
themselves to receive His favor and abundance. The act of returning the tithe and
prioritizing God's kingdom over personal gain opens the door to a torrent of blessings and
provision beyond measure.

God promises to bless those who put His work first, showing that He will provide for His
faithful servants in ways that surpass human understanding. By embracing obedience and
committing to following God's word, individuals experience a transformation in their
financial situation and witness the fulfillment of God's promises in their lives.

The Power of Tithing

Tithing is a powerful principle that can unlock blessings and abundance in your life. By
returning the first and best 10% of your income back to God, you demonstrate trust and
faith in His provision. This act of obedience not only impacts your financial well-being
but also deepens your connection with God and aligns your heart with His kingdom.
God promises to bless those who are faithful in returning the tithe, showing that where
your treasure is, there your heart will be also. By prioritizing God's work and investing in
His kingdom, you position yourself to receive supernatural provision and protection in
your life. The tithe is a tangible way to acknowledge that everything you have belongs to
God and to honor Him with your resources.
Returning the tithe is just the beginning. Beyond the tithe, God invites you to sow
bountifully in His kingdom, knowing that the principle of sowing and reaping applies to
financial giving. When you invest in God's kingdom, you can expect a return on your
investment that surpasses any earthly endeavor. God's blessings overflow on those who
are generous and faithful stewards of His resources.
Rejecting the temptation to withhold the tithe out of greed or fear is essential for
experiencing a financial breakthrough. When you trust God with your finances and align
your heart with His will, you open yourself up to a torrent of blessings and provisions
that only He can provide. Step into obedience, return the tithe and watch how God
multiplies your resources and blesses you abundantly beyond your imagination.

Reason 6: Misalignment
One of the key reasons individuals may struggle to achieve financial prosperity is due to
misalignment with their assignments. When individuals are not fully aligned with the
work that God has called them to do, they may experience roadblocks in their journey
towards financial success.
Choosing to pursue ventures that are outside of God's plan can lead to a lack of
fulfillment and hindrances to achieving financial abundance. By being in partial
alignment or pursuing endeavors that do not align with one's calling, individuals may find
themselves facing challenges and obstacles in their financial endeavors.

Seeking God's Kingdom First

Seeking God's kingdom first is a crucial principle in achieving financial prosperity. By
prioritizing God's will and purpose over personal gain, individuals can experience a
transformation in their financial situation. This shift involves aligning oneself with God's
assignment and actively pursuing it wholeheartedly.

Choosing to seek first the kingdom of God opens doors to blessings and provision beyond
human understanding. When individuals prioritize God's kingdom over their own desires,
they position themselves to receive supernatural favor and abundance in their lives. This
alignment with God's will not only impacts their financial well-being but also fosters a
deeper connection with God and a greater sense of purpose in fulfilling His kingdom
By rejecting misalignment with one's assignment and committing to walking in full
alignment with God's will, individuals can unlock the path to financial prosperity.
Through diligence, obedience, and seeking God's kingdom first, individuals can
experience a year of overflow and breakthroughs in every aspect of their lives.

Final Message
Understanding the reasons why God's people stay broke is crucial to overcoming
financial struggles and moving towards a path of financial stability and success. Unbelief,
ignorance, greed, laziness, disobedience, and misalignment are common factors that
hinder financial growth and prosperity.
By recognizing these obstacles and addressing them head-on, individuals can make
positive changes in their lives and experience a breakthrough in their financial situation.
Trusting in God's provision, gaining knowledge of biblical principles, shifting focus from
material wealth to God's will, embracing hard work and obedience, and aligning with
God's purposes are essential steps toward financial abundance and fulfillment.
God desires to bless His people and provide for their needs abundantly. By
committing to obedience, diligence, stewardship, and aligning with God's purpose
for their lives, individuals can open themselves up to a season of blessings,
prosperity, and fulfillment. It's a journey of faith, trust, and obedience that leads to
a life of financial abundance and spiritual growth.

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