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She transmigrated into the body of Ancia, the current wife of the
monstrous crown prince, Blake, in an R-19 romance novel.

In the original story, Ancia committed suicide on the day of their

marriage, leaving Blake with massive trauma. But this time, Ancia
wouldn’t do such a thing.

Blake was the second male lead in the original novel. He was
portrayed as a beast that possessed an exquisite facade. Yet, right
now, he was behaving just like an innocent rabbit.

The only person who can free the Crown Prince from his curse is the
heroine, Diana. My role is to just keep this little boy from getting hurt
and then step down in time, but…..

“Ancia, don’t leave me!”

This little rabbit keeps chasing me.

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Chapter 1 – Transmigrated into an R-19 romance novel. There’s

a rabbit. (1)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The freezing air was wicking her body heat away. The frigid air
penetrated her whole body as she unconsciously shivered like a
reed in the wind.

“If-if you truly hate me…! “

A shaky voice drifted inconsequentially into the night as she tried to

combat her drowsiness with great difficulty. Her beady pair of eyes
landed on a little boy, half of whose face was concealed with a mask.
The moonlight reflected off of his gleaming silver hair and bewitching
crimson eyes. He was enchantingly picturesque.


I awoke covered in soft sheets as streaks of sunlight trickled in

through the window. Slowly and reluctantly, I opened my eyes.
“Your Highness! You’re finally awake!”

“Your Highness is finally awake!”

‘Your Highness? Who are you talking about?’

I scrutinized my surroundings in confusion. The mirror that I stared

into was wall-mounted and there was a fancy frame encircling it. Yet,
what was reflected on the mirror was surprisingly not myself.

The girl in the mirror’s eyes glistened with a radiant emerald hue in
the light and they were paired with luscious platinum blonde hair that
cascaded down to her waist.

Days after, I realized. This setting was somewhat identical to the R-

19 romance novel that I had read in my past life. That story was titled
‘The Beast and The Lady.’

‘The Beast and the Lady’ was a romance fantasy story, a twist on
“Beauty and the Beast.” The beasts, Blake and Richard, would fight
fiercely for the heroine Diana’s love.

I transmigrated into Ancia’s body, Diana’s half-sister. Ancia’s

engagement with the Crown Prince had been arranged from an early
age. However, not long after she saw his horrendous appearance,
she committed suicide by drowning into a lake on the day of their

This incident placed a massive trauma on Blake’s heart and he

thoroughly shut his heart. The Crown Prince became a relentless
man who didn’t believe anyone until Diana lifted his curse. He ended
up leading a miserable life after Diana didn’t choose him.

According to the original story, Ancia drowned in the water and then
Blake retrieved her body that had already gone cold.

“If-if you truly hate me…!”

The boy held Ancia’s body tightly as he wept. He must have been
significantly hurt—the bride attempted to kill herself because of him
after all.

“Your Highness, where are you going?”

“I’m going to meet the Crown Prince.”

“His Highness?”

The maid, Melissa, glanced at me. For a second, she had a puzzled
expression on her face.

“Yes. Take me there.”

“Your Highness, I beg of you, His Highness is still greatly shocked by

the recent incident….”

Melissa chose her words carefully. She must’ve assumed that I was
going to ask him for a divorce.

“Don’t worry. I won’t do anything harmful.”

I didn’t have any plans of abandoning Blake. I couldn’t afford to leave

him like this when I had the opportunity to change his miserable
childhood. Besides, Ancia had nowhere to go. Ancia was a child
born between Count Bellacian and his first wife. Count Bellacian’s
first wife died as soon as Ancia was born. He then wed his second
wife, who gave birth to Diana.

Count Bellacian sent Ancia to become the Crown Princess even

though he knew that she wouldn’t be able to stand living with him.
Ancia didn’t just kill herself because of Blake’s hideous appearance.
She threw herself into the freezing water because she knew that her
family had abandoned her. In any case, I had nowhere to go even if I
left here, and I had no intentions of leaving Blake in misery. The
maid led me to Blake’s bedroom.

“I’ll go in by myself.”
Leaving the maid outside, I put my hand on the elongated handle
and opened the bedroom door. I saw a little child curled up on the
bed, making himself as small as he could.

“Your Highness. It’s me.”

“I can’t believe you did that! You jumped off without my permission!”

I suppressed my emotions when I heard Blake’s pitiful whimper. He

wasn’t how I expected him to be. He looked almost like a miserable

“I have something to tell you.”

First of all, I must resolve these misunderstandings. I sat on the

corner of his bed, but Blake scooted away. I held Blake’s trembling
hands, and at once, stripped off the mask that covered half of his

“What are you doing!”

Blake was frightened and tried to push my hands away, but I

grabbed his face and held it in place.

“D-Don’t look!”

Blake tried to lower his head, but I tightened my hold so he couldn’t

avoid my eyes.

“You’re not hideous.”


“I’ve never seen someone as beautiful as you.”

My statement was true. Despite the curse, Blake’s appearance was

breathtaking. His features were small and in harmony with each
other, while his tousled silver hair was thick and lustrous. His eyes
were a mesmerizing crimson red and had a straight, high-bridged
nose between them. Furthermore, his plump cheeks and flawlessly
sculpted lips looked as if they had been crafted by angels

Besides, the curse would be lifted when he met Diana. In the original
story, Blake’s face was said to be the most captivating face on the
entire continent after his curse was lifted.

“But, you hate me.”

“I don’t hate you.”


“I’m not lying. I didn’t attempt suicide. I accidentally staggered and

fell into the lake.”

That was a lie. The original Ancia killed herself after being frightened
by Blake’s face.


“Yes. I heard you saved me from drowning, so I came to say thank



“Thank you very much….”

I grinned and clasped both of his hands.

“You saved my life. I truly appreciate it.”

Blake’s nose reddened and warm tears fell over the back of my

“I-because of me-…I thought you are going to die because of me….”

“Why would I? I’m married to such a wonderful person after all.”

“I saved your life, so I thought that you’d be angry…I was really
afraid to come to see you.”

“I like you. I’m grateful to be married to such a considerate boy.”

“I…I like you too.”

Blake, you’re a liar. The person that Blake liked was Diana. The
Emperor knew Blake wanted Diana, so he arranged a wedding for
them. Of course, the Count wouldn’t send his precious Diana.
Instead, he sent me in her place.

“Then shall we sleep together?”


The moment I mumbled so, Blake darted away and hid behind his
enormous bed. What’s wrong with him? It’s not like I suggested
something terrible.

The Bellacian family had the power of light. It was thanks to that,
Diana was able to remove Blake’s curse. Ancia was also a member
of the Bellacian family. She possessed a small amount of light too,
but it was not as much as Diana.

Blake’s curse didn’t merely impact his appearance, he was also

constantly in pain. The colder it got, the more severe it would be.
Blake jumped into the harsh freezing water to save me, so he
must’ve felt immense pain. Of course, he wasn’t the type to say so.

Bodily contact was necessary to use the power of light. As expected

of an R-19 romance novel. So, I decided to sleep next to Blake while
holding hands with him, but his expression made me feel like I had
made a big mistake.

“Your Highness, please don’t misunderstand me.”

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Chapter 2 – Transmigrated into an R-19 romance novel. There’s

a rabbit. (2)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“We’re married so it’s natural to sleep together. There’s nothing to be

embarrassed about.”


Blake shivered and buried his face in the pillow.

“I’m still embarrassed….”

Where did the fierce Blake from the original story go? Instead of a
ferocious guy, a lovable child was sitting in front of me. Would this
little rabbit really turn into such a man in 10 years? Human growth
was truly mysterious.

“Come here!”

I couldn’t leave him like this. I took the pillow he was holding away
and tightly held his hands.

“As a newlywed couple, I suggest we sleep together from now on.”

“E-Everyday….? “

“Is there a problem? Do you perhaps not like the idea?”

“N-No… but are you comfortable with this arrangement?”


“Are you fine with us sleeping together?”

“Of course I’m fine. I’m fond of you.”

Blake opened his already huge eyes wider and couldn’t say anything
while his whole face reddened. I clasped both of his hands

“How is it? Do you feel comfortable?”

The pain of the curse would go away when he held hands with
Diana, the heroine, in the original novel, but…

My power didn’t seem to work very well.

Now that I had been transmigrated to this novel, I wanted to help

Blake, who would live in pain until he met Diana, but I didn’t have the
power to do so.

I let go of his hand and flung it under the quilt, but suddenly, Blake
hugged me from behind.

”Don’t let go!”

”Your hand. Ancia’s hands are warm, so don’t let go.”

I couldn’t see his face because he hugged me from behind, but I

could hear the quiver in his voice. He was sobbing.

Such a crybaby.

“I’m not going anywhere.”


“Yes, I just came down to get my pillow….”

Then, Blake’s face flushed red and he quickly climbed back onto the

“Don’t you want to sleep with me?”

“That’s not it… Well, are you really okay with it? To sleep with a
monster like me…”
”Your Highness! Don’t say that. You’re not a monster.”


“I told you before, didn’t I?”

I took his hand and looked straight into his crimson eyes.

”Don’t worry. Your curse will be lifted eventually.”

“My curse?”

“Yes… On your 18th birthday, when you reach adulthood, your curse
will eventually be lifted. The days won’t be as dreadful in the future,
so don’t be too discouraged. You don’t need to mind what other
people say. Just treat their words as mindless chattering.”


A weary voice came from his small lips. Just like there was a ‘Heir of
Light’, there was a ‘Heir to the Curse’ in the Imperial family as well.
Emperor Phillip, the founder of the Empire, was in a romantic
relationship with the goddess of light. The goddess of light shared
her power with her beloved, and he founded the Empire with that
power. But after Phillip became the Emperor, he betrayed the
goddess of light and fell in love with another woman.

The angry goddess of light cursed Phillip’s descendants. The heir to

the curse would have black sentences inscribed on their face, and
when it covered their whole body, they would eventually die. All of
the heirs to the curse died before they became adults. Blake was
also driven to the brink of death on the night he turned 18.

I held Blake’s hand in despair and curled my little finger.

“I promise you will be cured. I promise you with my life…”


He pulled his hands back roughly and screamed.


“Don’t promise me that! You can’t die! Even if I die, you have to live!”
I brought his hand back and hooked my pinky finger around his.

“I’m not going to die. Neither you nor I will die. So don’t worry.”


“Oh no…why is my husband such a crybaby?”

I wiped his tears away with a handkerchief.

“I’m…not a crybaby!”

“You’re crying right now.”


Blake pursed his lips as he held back his tears and snot. However,
he was soon overwhelmed by his emotions and broke into tears. I
wrapped my arms around him, feeling him calm down instantly at my
His tears stopped, leaving only wet streaks running down his face.
Then, his eyelids slowly became heavy and drooped. Ancia cuddled
him until they fell asleep in the same bed.


Upon waking up, Ancia found that she had burrowed herself into the
warm, soft sheets. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and carefully rolled
onto her side to look at Blake.

His little face was illuminated by the sunlight and he made gentle
snuffling noises as he slept. I was about to touch his plump cheeks,
but Blake clasped my right hand with both hands.

You said you were embarrassed, but you‘re holding my hand until

A smile came naturally around my lips. I stroked his hair with my left
hand, soon his long eyelashes trembled and Blake opened his eyes.

“I’m sorry. Did I wake you up?”


Blake shook his head and smiled

“Why are you smiling?”

“I like it a lot.”


“You were here with me all night.”

Blake attempted to hide his face behind his fingers while a blush
seared through his cheeks.

Being transmigrated to a R-19 novel, I never thought that I would

have a husband who was as cute as a rabbit. The moment I saw his
smile, I vowed to make this cute husband happy.

I wanted to save Blake, but I had no way to lift the curse. I could only
protect him until he met Diana.

Since “The Beast and Lady” was an R-19 novel, the story began
from the time the main characters became adults, and there weren’t
many details about their childhood.

Still, the author often mentioned situations and conversations from

the past. The author also gave a brief explanation of the characters.

Blake had three great tragedies as a child. The first tragedy was that
he became the heir to the curse, the second was the suicide of
Ancia, and the last, the death of his father, Emperor Tenstheon.

After Emperor Tenstheom died, Duke Cassil, Blake’s uncle and

Richard’s father, became the new Emperor. Duke Cassil kicked
Blake out of the Crown Prince’s seat, and the helpless boy spent his
childhood miserably exiled to some southern island.

Right now, Blake had already become the heir to the curse. It
happened before I transmigrated. But the death of his father,
Emperor Tenstheon, was a future that had not yet arrived.
It would happen three years from now. But to prevent the death of
Emperor Tenstheon, I’d have to observe and talk to him first. As
soon as the Crown Prince’s wedding ceremony was over, the
Emperor left and it would take at least a month before he came back.

I slept with Blake every day. I ate in his room and spent every day
chatting with him while reading books. But I realized something


I stared at the breakfast laid out on the table.

Only green, green, green, and more green every single day.

Whether it was for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, only green things were
sent. Moreover, the menu was almost always the same. Spinach
soup, tomato salad, and grilled mushrooms. The soup had the same
taste as yesterday, so I guessed that they had simply reheated it.

I wasn’t a picky eater so I could eat the same thing all week long. I
was also okay with just vegetables. So I had no complaints about the
food itself.
However, this wasn’t just food for some ordinary children, but a meal
for the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. The feast prepared for
people with the second-highest status right after the Emperor was
this plain. I couldn’t believe it.

“…Your Highness.”


“What kind of food do you like?”

“Well. Anything is fine.”

“Do you like meat and fish?”


Blake nodded brightly and put a tomato into his mouth. Blake was
not a vegetarian. There was no particular food to be careful about
because of the curse. Therefore, there was only one reason this

‘They’re looking down on him because he’s cursed.’

The Crown Prince’s Palace was located in a remote location, far
away from the palace where the Emperor lived. The eight-year-old
prince was left in a separate manor and neither the Emperor nor his
relatives came to visit him. Moreover, he was married to Ancia, the
daughter of an insignificant Count.

Ancia was older than Blake, but only by two years. The Crown
Prince and his wife were young and powerless, so it came as no
surprise that they were being ignored so blatantly, but things couldn’t
go on like this.

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Chapter 3 – Transmigrated into an R-19 romance novel. There’s

a rabbit. (3)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Ancia, what’s wrong? Does it not taste good?”

I quickly relaxed my rigid expression and smiled brightly. I didn’t want

to worry Blake over nothing.

“No, it’s delicious. Try some of these mushrooms.”

“But I don’t like mushrooms…”

“You have to eat it for your health.”


As I held the mushrooms in front of him, Blake begrudgingly opened

his mouth. When the spoon went into his mouth, he had a slightly
dismal expression, which soon turned into a big frown. He reached
out for the nearest cup of water and gulped it down in one go. I held
his hands to calm him down.

“Ah! Ha- hands… this is not the bedroom!”

Husband, what are you talking about during a meal?

“Don’t just swallow it down with water. Make sure you chew it first.”

He turned his head to the side to avert my gaze as he nodded softly

with his cheeks all red.

“You can drink water now.”

I was going to take the cup from him, but Blake grasped my hands

“What’s wrong?”

“My hands are warm….. I feel at ease now that you’re holding me.”

If Blake felt comfortable, did I truly have some power of light?


After finishing the meal, I went back to my room and immediately

called for Brown, the chief servant of the Crown Prince’s palace. The
man walked in with a prideful stride. I could tell that he was arrogant
just from his expression.

“Your Highness, what brings you here?”

“The quality of the meal was very inadequate.”

“Ah, so that’s why you called. It’s not an emergency.”

“There is a problem with the Crown Prince’s meal. Isn’t this an

urgent matter?”

Brown smirked arrogantly. His lips moved very faintly, eyes slightly
narrowed and his head tilted to the side almost unnoticeably. It was
so subtle, yet Ancia had caught a glimpse of it and was now
extremely infuriated.

“Your Highness, you’ve just arrived, and you didn’t know many
things, but the budget set aside for the Crown Prince is not very
adequate. What else can we do if His Majesty doesn’t give us

Brown lied smoothly without any feelings of remorse. This place was
not glamorous enough to be called luxurious, but it wasn’t so
desolate that there wouldn’t be any meat sent over every now and


“I was worried about you being too young, but I’m glad you

“I will dismiss you.”


Brown’s arrogant expression distorted. Instead of dealing with him

any longer, I turned around and gave my orders to Edon, the knight
who was standing next to him.

“Sir Edon, arrest Brown Hamel under charges of embezzling the

Crown Prince’s budget and imprison him. “

“What do you mean embezzlement? Do you even understand what

that word means?”

“I know. What you did was embezzlement.”

Brown’s face paled instantly. His eyes and mouth were frozen wide
open in a stunned expression, and when Edon dragged him out, he
shouted angrily.

“Let go of me now! Do you even know who I am? I am the heir to the
family of Marquis Hamel! You’ll regret doing this, so let go of my

He must have been brought up with the belief that he was superior to
everyone else just by virtue of his birth—such arrogance.
Edon didn’t pay any mind to his words and dragged him out straight
away. When the chief servant was suddenly taken away, the
atmosphere of the Crown Prince’s palace became thrown into
disarray. But instead of calming the atmosphere down, I drove the
momentum further and fired another batch of people in the palace.

When Blake was ousted from the Crown Prince’s post, most
courtiers betrayed him and sided with the male lead, Richard. There
was no need to leave future traitors around.

I fired all those who looked down on Blake, despised him, were
disloyal, or had betrayed him in the original story.

“All the servants and maids were chosen by the Emperor himself. I
wonder if it’s okay to do this…”

The maid, Melissa, was worried. In the original story, she devoted
herself to Blake along with Edon and Hans.

I answered immediately without any worries.

“It’s okay.”

The Emperor wouldn’t blame me. I was confident about that.

“How would you like your meal?”

“I’ll make today’s dish.”


Dismissing the courtiers, I checked the warehouse. The warehouse

had a variety of healthy ingredients, including eastern ingredients. As
expected, the chief servant Brown stole a huge chunk of the budget,
but he didn’t order the kitchen to reheat the dinner we had last night.
It was the cook who did that. So I dismissed all the chefs who looked
down on the Crown Prince and neglected him.
Suddenly, I found an unexpected treasure. Soy sauce, soybean
paste, and red pepper paste!

Not only were there many kinds of spices, but also all sorts of
ingredients. I couldn’t believe that they fed us vegetables every day
instead! I rolled up my sleeves in anger.


In the Crown Prince’s palace, most people feared or despised Blake

for being the heir to the curse. Blake knew that, so he rarely ever
came out of his bedroom.

These days, I took him out for short walks around the palace and
drove away all the irrelevant things that made my husband
uncomfortable. After I finished preparing the meal, I called Blake to
the dining room. The moment he slid into his chair, I served him a
Soybean paste stew, rice and meatballs.


I didn’t make any extravagant dishes because I only knew the

essential recipes. Moreover, it was challenging to find the right taste
as that of a Korean soybean paste stew. But none of that mattered,
as it was the effort that counted.

“….. What’s this?”

“It’s a dish from the East! I saw it in a book. I just happened to find
these ingredients in the warehouse, so I made a dish out of them!”

“You made it yourself?”

“Yes, your highness.”


Blake sat down in the chair with a look of amazement. Then, he

looked at the dish for a long time and asked timidly.
“…But, how do you eat it?”

“Oh, you must’ve never seen this kind of dish before, I’ll teach you
how to eat it then.“

I smiled subtly at Blake and blushed with embarrassment.

“Don’t worry, I only learnt about it recently, too.”

“Your highness, Aah-“


I gave him a delighted smile and fed him. Blake chewed on the food,
and then cracked a smile.



“This time, try it yourself.“

I hand him a spoon.

“It’s called soybean paste stew. Eat your rice first, and then scoop up
this soup.”


“Be careful, it’s hot and the taste is unique, so if it doesn’t suit your
taste, don’t force yourself.”


According to my instructions, he put a spoonful of soybean paste

stew in his mouth after eating the rice first. He dug into the food with
ravenous hunger and shoved it into his mouth in big mouthfuls, filling
his belly. At that moment, Blake’s eyes filled up with tears.
“Your Highness, what’s wrong?”



Although it was milder than Korean soybean stew, I was worried

because it tasted very unique compared to the standards of this
world. However, it seemed to suit Blake’s tastes.

“It’s the best food I’ve ever eaten!”

“Is it that delicious?”


“Then, I’ll make it more often.”

“Will you make it yourself?”

“Of course.”


Seeing Blake eating so happily, I felt very peaceful. This must be

what parents felt like when they saw their child eating happily.


The maid Melissa, the servant Hans, and the knight Edon sat down
on the terrace and chatted after a day’s work.

“Fortunately, His Royal Highness has wed an excellent wife.”

The other two nodded in unison at Hans’s words.

“Now that she kicked out all those people, I feel relieved.”
Edon recalled the Crown Princess as she resolutely dismissed the
chief servant.

She was only ten years old, yet she had incredible intelligence,
dignity, and a good eye for people.

Countless people were kicked out today, but none of them had been
dismissed unfairly. All of them chose to insult and ridicule their
master behind his back and neglected their work.

“More than anything, I’m glad that they have a good relationship. I
was so worried at first.”

Melissa recalled the day Ancia fell into the lake. Fortunately, it was
just an accident, and not suicide. Nonetheless, that hapless incident
still left goosebumps all over her body. Whenever she recalled that
painful memory, she would instantly divert her thoughts.

“I know. How long has it been since I saw him smile? But I think
Melissa should go and make the dishes from now on.”

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Chapter 4 – Transmigrated into an R-19 romance novel. There’s

a rabbit. (4)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Her Highness must have had her own recipe.”

“That’s right. It was really delicious. Besides, the Crown Prince liked
it, didn’t he?”

Edon agreed with Melissa.

“But aren’t those dishes too unique?”

“It’s no problem since the Crown Prince likes it.”

Although it was true that the dishes made by the Crown Princess
were rather unique, Melissa was happy to see someone looking out
for the Crown Prince.

“Well, you are right.”

Hans smiled softly.

After the Emperor returned, they would be interrogated about the

reckless dismissal of the servants, but Melissa, Hans and Edon
vowed to protect both of them from any harm.

As she was the wife that the Crown Prince cherished so dearly and
also the only person who managed to restore his buried happiness,
the Crown Prince’s people unanimously accepted Ancia as their own


One of the maids that used to aid Blake was also laid-off under
Ancia’s orders. She had acted sweet and gentle on the surface, but
after Blake was forced down from the Crown Prince’s position, her
gentle demeanor did a complete 180.

She would call Blake ugly and hideous because of the black
inscriptions on his skin and would wear an expression of abject
disgust at the mere sight of him. When Ancia thought of the maid’s
treachery, her blood boiled in anger.

Even those who pitied Blake would be reluctant to directly touch him
because they thought that the curse was contagious.

There was no guarantee that switching to a different maid would stop

this from repeating, so I decided to help Blake bath myself.

“Your Highness, from now on I’ll assist you when bathing.”


At the moment, Blake was reading a book, and when he heard my

words, he raised his head and prepared to escape. I knew he would
react like this, so I firmly held his shoulders down.

“Go to the bathroom, please.”

“No! What if you get infected by the curse?!”

“I won’t.”

“What if you become unlucky?!”

‘When someone sees or touches the cursed inscriptions, either the

curse will be passed on to them or the person will become unhappy.’
Due to such false rumors, the bearer of the curse was not allowed to
come outside and abandoned in a southern island.

Blake was also pushed down from his Crown Prince position and
forced to go to a southern island as soon as the cursed inscriptions
appeared. But thanks to the Emperor’s strong opposition, he was
able to stay in a faraway palace.

“I’m not going to be unhappy. That’s a false rumor, so you can just
ignore it.”

“What if it’s not just a rumor?!”

Did he keep the rumors in mind? Sure, in the original book, the
author said that a person would become unhappy if they stayed next
to Blake for a long time, but I didn’t think so.

“I’ve already seen your face and held your hand.”

“The inscriptions on my face are small, but the ones on my body are

“It’s just a false rumor. Come on, let’s go!”

I pulled his hand, but he didn’t budge.

Due to the curse, Blake was weak and small. I was two years older
and ahead of his height and strength, yet, there was nothing I could
do when the boy made up his mind to hold on stubbornly.

“Your Grace, come on.”

“No! I’m hideous!”

Blake burst into tears as he shouted.

Rumors were just an excuse. In fact, he just didn’t want me to see

the cursed inscriptions on his body. Initially, I thought I’d be sick
because I already saw the sentences on his face and hands, but I
was wrong. It hadn’t been long since Ancia tried to kill herself
because she was shocked by his face. No wonder Blake was

“Your Highness…”

“You will hate me after you see it!”

Blake cried as he curled up into a ball. I squatted down in front of


“Your Highness, don’t look down and look at me.”

Blake slowly raised his head. His already red eyes were even redder.

“I told you before. You’re not a monster. And if you’re a monster, then
do you think I’m a monster too?”

“Ancia is different. You’re so pretty!”

I felt happy to hear that my groom thought I was pretty. I smiled and
stroked the cursed inscriptions that covered the left side of his face.
Blake shivered.

“It’s not hideous. And touching it doesn’t make me unhappy. I’ve

been happy every day since I married you.”

“…you are happy?”

“Yes, I’m happy that you are my husband.”

“Me too, me too. I’m happy to be married to Ancia.”

Blake jumped into my arms. I gave him a big hug too.

“Your Highness, don’t say that sort of thing again.”

“I’ll be mad if you say that again next time.”

“I won’t. Don’t be mad.”

“Then, shall we take a bath now?”

Blake flinched and shook his head.

“What is it?”

“I’m embarrassed…”

The moment I heard his subdued voice, I burst into laughter.

“Oh my, were you embarrassed?”

“D-don’t make fun of me!”

“I’m not teasing you. You’re really cute.”

Usually people would bathe with their private parts covered.

Furthermore, the royal family and aristocrats had everything taken
care of for them from the moment they were born, so it was quite
strange for Blake to be so self-conscious and embarrassed like this.

Moreover, he would become the second male lead of an R-19 novel.

“You’re making fun of me!”

“How did you turn out to be so shy?”

“It was Ancia, so….”

“Am I the only one that you discriminate against?”

“No way!”

“Then, come on in.”

I pulled Blake’s hand lightly. Blake reluctantly nodded and walked
into the bathroom.

“Don’t be scared!”

He was afraid I’d be scared to see his body before he even


“You can’t hate me once you see it”

“I’ll get really mad if you say that again.”

“You can’t leave!”


I kept reassuring him not to worry, but he wouldn’t stop talking. I

must leave before Blake becomes an adult. The only person that can
free the Crown Prince from his curse is the heroine, Diana. My role is
to just keep this little boy from getting hurt, and then, step down in

“Why aren’t you answering? Ancia, are you going to leave me?”

Tears welled up in his crimson eyes again. I quickly gave him a

bright smile.


It was a lie.

“Where would I go leaving my cute husband?”

Another white lie.


“Of course. This is my home.”

I wiped his tears away with my hands.

“Come on, take a bath.”


Blake hesitated and took off his clothes carefully. I put on my best
poker face. Blake would be hurt if I showed even a little surprise.

When he took off his shirt, a small body covered in the sentences of
the curse was revealed. He was only eight years old, and the
sentence covered half of his body.

Blake noticed and took my hand, worried that I might run away or
jump into the lake again. I smiled softly.

“How can you be so skinny? I think I look fat because my lower body
is too thin. I should lose weight from now on.”

“Don’t do that! You must eat a lot!”

“Eat a lot?”

“Yes, you’re still skinny.”

“I’m bigger than you are though?”

He glanced up at my top of the head and pouted his lips.

“I’ll grow up soon!”

“I’m going to grow up, too.”

“I’ll grow up faster!”

I laughed when I saw Blake’s sudden burning desire to win.

“Okay, I’ll look forward to it.”

“Yes! Look forward to it!”

“Come on, let’s get in the tub. You’re going to catch a cold.”

I led Blake into the bathtub.

His skin was soft, but the areas with the cursed inscriptions were
rough. It was said that whenever a cursed inscription spread, it
would be accompanied by pain in the flesh. Just how much pain
must this young boy have felt?

When I touched the curse, Blake trembled.

“Don’t do it. What if the curse….”

“It won’t.”

I couldn’t completely lift Blake’s curse since I wasn’t the heir of light,
but I stroked the black sentences engraved on his back, hoping that
the small power of light I had would slightly ease his pain.

“Oh no, my husband has a big tummy.”

“I don’t!”

I was taken aback by his fierce resistance. I was about to apologize,

but seeing Blake adorably puff up his cheeks, I felt like teasing him a

“It’s because I ate a lot!”

“That’s what causes you to have a big tummy.”

“I’m not going to eat any more!”

“Then you’ll still be smaller than me.”

“Oh no!….”
Blake’s eyes widened, as if he realized something important.

“Your Highness, I’m kidding. Your tummy is not big, so you should
eat a lot. That’s how you’ll grow up.”

“Yes! I’ll eat a lot and grow up fast!”

“Yes, grow up fast.”

Blake was so thin that it made me worried.


Blake loved Korean food. He wasn’t just saying it was delicious

because I made it. It really did suit his tastes.

Blake loved it a lot so I enjoyed making it too. Hence, my ambitions

grew further and I wanted to make a full-fledged meal.

I’ll build a furnace and a cauldron!

There was a limit to making Korean food with a stove and oven.

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Chapter 5 – Transmigrated into an R-19 romance novel. There’s

a rabbit. (5)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

I lived alone with my grandmother in a small town before I

transmigrated. After my grandmother passed away, I came to Seoul,
but a longing for the quiet countryside still remained in a corner of
my heart.

I still remember picking up branches with my small hands, putting

them in the furnace, cooking rice in a large cauldron, and making a
bowl of soup.

I had already completed the plan for the production of the cauldrons
inside my head. I would draw the picture for the cauldron and adjust
the designs with the blacksmith as they created the prototype. Since
I was already experienced in constructing a furnace, assembling a
furnace by myself would be a breeze. I would start the project with
two cauldrons and possibly increase them in the future. If they asked
what the cauldron was and how I thought of it, I could just say that I
saw it in a cookbook about the East.

I made up my mind and wandered around the palace to search for a

location to place the cauldron. Suddenly, a shadow appeared behind

“Oh my god!”

I looked back in surprise.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you.”

The boy standing behind her smiled.

He was still young, but he was tall and well-built. His face was sharp
and defined and he had dark and thick eyebrows, paired with a
slightly angular jawline.

Contrary to the mysterious and beautiful-looking Blake, he was a boy

with handsome and defined features.

However, his red eyes were full of arrogance.

Wait a minute…

Black hair, red eyes, and a scar on the neck…

Instinctively I had a feeling. This boy was Richard, the male lead of
‘The Beast and the Lady.’


Even so, I called his name carefully because there was a possibility
that it might not be him. The boy’s arrogant smile deepened.

“Long time no see, Ancia.”

Ah, I must be right.

Richard was the second son of the Emperor’s brother, Duke of

Cassil. Since Blake, the Crown Prince, was cursed and destined to
not live long, Duke Cassil’s sons were considered to become the
next Emperor.

However, Richard was far from obtaining the rights to succeed the
throne. After all, his mother was a lowly slave. The Asteric Empire
did not discriminate much against illegitimate children, but it was a
different story if they were children of slaves.
Moreover, Richard was not born with silver hair, a symbol of the
Imperial family. The black hair he had inherited from his mother was
also one of Richard’s insecurities.

After Emperor Tenstheon passed away, his younger brother, Arnold

Cassil, deposed the Crown Prince Blake and ascended the throne. It
was Richard who made the most contributions at that time.

He was the best out of the duke’s three sons, but he was not
recognized because of his mother’s blood. Carrying the ambition to
become an Emperor, he stepped on his enemies one by one and
eventually ascended to the throne. At the end of the novel, He used
Diana to get rid of Blake.

This time, I was going to stop those events from happening. Emperor
Tenstheon would not have a sudden death nor would Blake be
ousted from the throne.

Blake was happy as he was. If the curse is lifted, he would become

the next Emperor without any problems. There would be no room for
Richard to intervene.

“What can I do for you?”

But, why did the male lead come to see me?

Richard was a calculating man. He wouldn’t do anything that didn’t

benefit him. He approached Diana in the original book because he
felt she was very valuable since she had lifted Blake’s curse.
(Although he realizes his genuine love for the heroine in the end
because it is a romance novel.)

He would have found no use of me being the wife of an abandoned


“You made a scene as soon as you got married.”

“A scene?”
“I heard you’ve fired many of the palace’s servants”


I see… He must have planted a spy among the servants I fired.

Currently, Richard was only 14 years old. Yet, he had already

planted a spy at this young age. I already knew from the book.

The maid who usually aided Blake was originally Richard’s maid.
What surprised me was that Richard suddenly came to see me face
to face.

Wasn’t he very cautious?

Richard was so thorough that he could get rid of his enemies one by
one with all sorts of schemes, but he was never to be seen until the
last minute.

I didn’t expect him to visit me as soon as I fired a spy. He might as

well be blatantly admitting that he had planted a spy in the Crown
Prince’s palace.


“You acted rashly, so unlike yourself.”

What? He spoke as if he knew me well. Was there a point of contact

between Richard and Ancia?

“What do you mean?”

“The family of Marquis Hamel is trusted by the Emperor. It was

impudent to imprison the eldest son of the late Marquis. His Majesty
himself chose all the other courtiers. It was not right to just fire them.”

Yeah, after all they’re all spies planted by you and your family.

I held back with what I wanted to say and smiled as if I knew nothing.
“You can’t keep people you can’t trust.”

“If you want loyalty, you need generosity. You can’t get that if you fire
them so easily like that.”

Why on earth did this guy suddenly appear before me and busy
himself with giving me this ridiculous sermon?

“That’s rude. It’s none of young master’s business.

“If you don’t have anything to do with it, you should go now.”

I was curious about the relationship between Richard and Ancia, so I

continued the conversation, but I was soon irritated by his nonsense.

I firmly expressed my displeasure and ordered him to go. Richard,

however, had a rather haughty smile on his face.

“Are you being sulky?”


“Are you upset because I won’t receive your love?”

What is this bullshit?

“You like me, right?”

Richard was a schemer, but he wasn’t the type to just make up a

story. It didn’t appear in the original story, but it seems that Ancia
liked Richard.

“Ancia, it wasn’t because I wanted to reject your love. But, as you

know, I’m the child of a slave. How can I ask for you under the
Emperor’s command?”

He looked at me with a mournful gaze. He looked like the hero of a

tragic love story who had to break up with his beloved at the height
of his status. If I didn’t know he was a schemer, I would have been

Was this how he used the women that liked him?

In the original story, Richard was a man who, although brilliant, was
incredibly arrogant, coercive, full of ambition, and obsessive.

Why is he so popular? Blake is a hundred thousand times better.

“Ancia, you’re nice, so you understand my heart, right? You like me.”

“What? Richard, you’re delusional. Who likes you?”

I couldn’t stand it any longer and got irritated. Richard’s arrogant

smile stiffened.


“And Richard Cassil, forget being rude, how dare you say such a
thing to the Crown Princess. Are you insulting the Imperial family?”

“Ancia, are you still angry?” He took my hand in embarrassment.

I was about to shake Richard’s hands off, but someone else grabbed
his hand first.

“Your Highness…”

It was Blake.

Blake grabbed Richard’s hand and glared at him.

“Ancia said she hates it.”

Richard’s eyes widened, startled by the Crown Prince’s sudden

appearance, but the arrogant smile soon returned to his face.
“There seems to be a misunderstanding. Lady Bellacian and I are

“Richard, she’s no longer a Lady. She’s the Crown Princess.”

Soon, Richard bowed his head in embarrassment.

“Sorry, your Highness. I made a slip of tongue.”

“Be careful. If you disrespect the Crown Princess one more time, you
won’t be forgiven.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Richard was white as a paper, sweating heavily and straining his


What was wrong with him? At first, Richard ignored Blake. On the
surface, he seemed to respect the Crown Prince, but he didn’t care
about the Crown Prince’s authority.

“Get lost.”

Blake let go of his hand. Then, Richard fled, with his face pale. What
the hell was going on here? Looking at Richard staggering away,
Blake carefully tugged my hand.

“Don’t look.”


“Ancia, don’t look at him…”

He whispered with a sullen expression.

“I won’t look. Also, he’s a dog, not a man.”

“He’s a total son of a bitch. He said I like him. He must be crazy.”

“… don’t you like him? Richard is very popular….”

Blake asked carefully.

“Oh, I hate that sort of guy. I like cute guys like you instead.”


Blake smiled brightly, rubbing his white cheeks on my hands.

“What kind of girls do you like?”


“I mean, which type do you prefer?”

“I like Ancia. All I need is Ancia!”

Blake jumped into my arms and hugged me. I smiled and returned
his hug.

“You are all I need too…”

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Chapter 6 – Transmigrated into an R-19 romance novel. There’s

a rabbit. (6)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

All the spies planted around the Crown Prince were kicked out.
Ancia had fired a large number of senior servants and courtiers. The
Duke of Cassil and his half-brother Frank were furious, but Richard
smiled inwardly.

Not only was the spy they had planted kicked out, but all his father’s
spies had disappeared. The result was a success. The maid who
had been aiding Blake was a good card, but he had an even better
card left. It was ‘Ancia’ who became the Crown Princess.

Ancia liked Richard. He had seen her glancing at him every now and
then. Ancia was a little girl who longed for familial love, so coaxing
her was a piece of cake. When Ancia heard she would be married off
to the Crown Prince, she attempted suicide out of desperation.
Lamentably, she managed to survive and would have to live the rest
of her hellish life with the monstrous Crown Prince.

Seducing a little girl who was in loneliness and despair was a simple
task. If he could make the Crown Princess his puppet, it would be
more effective than planting ten spies. Richard smiled lightly and
headed to the Crown Prince’s palace.

“Ancia, you’re nice, so you understand my heart, right? You like me.”
Was there anything else that was as easy as winning the heart of a
girl starved for affection?

Richard put on a sad expression on the surface while he laughed at

Ancia inwardly, but for the first time, his prediction was off. Ancia’s
gaze towards Richard was full of irritation instead.

Richard was shocked.

Had she always looked that pretty?

In fact, she had always been pretty. Diana’s bright refreshing beauty
at an early age was quite famous in social circles, but in fact, Ancia’s
features were much more prominent than her, making her appear
more beautiful.

However, her timid personality and longing for affection was obvious
on her face, and it made her appear miserable, seeming like a jewel
that lost its light.

But now she looked like a completely different person. With her
beautiful appearance and imposing dignity, she was not just a ten-
year-old girl, but the perfect ‘Crown Princess’.

Richard thought she was just one of the many women who liked him.
He thought she was a stupid girl who became a princess so would
be a little more useful.

“Ancia, are you still angry?”

Richard somehow became impatient and took Ancia’s hand, but

soon, someone seized his hand. It was Blake, the Crown Prince.

‘How dare you touch me when you’re just a monster?’

Richard did not believe the rumors that the heir of the curse would
transmit their curse to others, but he did not intend to be close to a
cursed monster with no value. Richard angrily tried to strike Blake’s
hand, but at that moment, a powerful force spewed out of Blake’s
body. Mana burst out from his hand, as if it was ready to pierce
Richard’s body.

“Get lost.”

As soon as Blake let go of his hand, Richard hurried out of the

palace. After returning to the mansion, he looked at his hand.

It had been one hour since he left the palace, but his hands still
hadn’t stopped shaking. What happened? How could a cursed
monster wield such a powerful force?

What did the Emperor do? Although the Emperor pretended to

ignore the Crown Prince, he knew that the Emperor was trying his
hardest to lift his son’s curse.

He may have found a way. Richard shook his head. That can’t be

Emperor Tenstheon left for the Valley of Chaos to seal the gate of
darkness. Even if he wanted to release his son’s curse, he didn’t
have time for it.

He didn’t have time to do that even if he wanted to. Looking back at

his hands, Richard recalled what had happened in the palace. The
cursed inscriptions that covered the Crown Prince’s hand remained
the same. Perhaps it was not that he had used some power, but
simply the energy that sprouted from the curse.

“Richard, she’s no longer a Lady. She’s the Crown Princess.”

Blake glared at Richard and proudly expressed his intention. The

Crown Prince had changed. Something fundamental had changed,
along with his use of power. Was it because of Ancia? Did Ancia’s
presence affect the monster?

At that moment Richard’s crimson eyes flashed with a deep


Richard thought of himself as a man without greed. He had never

been interested in anything except for wanting to become the
Emperor ever since he was young. But today.

‘Ancia. I want her.’


The next day, Richard sent me a gift with a letter saying he was

‘What’s wrong with him?’

Did I look like I was worth using? Was he trying to seduce me,
making me a spy of the Crown Prince?

I had to refuse more firmly, so I sent his presents and letters back.

Melissa said it was not polite to refuse the letter too, but it seemed
that that arrogant son of a bitch would only give up if I sent his letters
back too.

However, another gift arrived the next day, and the day after. I kept
refusing. Rather than stopping the gifts, the scale grew bigger.

“Your Highness, Richard has sent you another gift,”

“No need to tell me everytime. Just refuse them directly.”

He was attacking me with gifts every single day.

“I tried to, but I heard it’s a valuable treasure.”


“Yes. It’s a ring made of mermaid’s breath.”

He was crazy. I almost spat out a curse without realizing it.

‘The breath of a mermaid’ was a mana stone with the power of the
sea, a jewel that looked like a pearl.

In the original story, Richard gave Diana ‘The Breath of the Mermaid’
a rare treasure, but why was he giving this to me instead?

His mind must’ve become muddled just because he wanted to plant

a spy in the Crown Prince’s palace.

To be honest, I wondered what ‘The Breath of the Mermaid’ looked

like. It was a jewel that was praised for its beauty in the novel.

“I don’t need it. Tell him not to send anything again because I won’t
accept any of them.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Hans went out with a big smile. He told me that the present had
arrived, but he seemed happy to refuse.


Hans felt good.

The days had only been happy since Ancia came.

Warm light began to pour into the Crown Prince’s palace. Although
he was nervous for a moment because Richard showed interest in
the Crown Princess, she flatly refused all of Richard’s gifts and

Rather than conceding to the rare treasures, Ancia was rather

annoyed. She passed her days peacefully, devouring various books,
and making delicious exotic dishes.

At night, she’d fall asleep holding the Crown Prince’s hands tightly.
She’d also help the Crown Prince bathe and didn’t pay any attention
to Prince Richard’s blatant courtship.

Hans, Melissa, and Edon saw that and vowed once again to be loyal
to her.

‘But I didn’t think she’d refuse ‘The Breath of a Mermaid’.’

I couldn’t believe that she didn’t even look at the treasure. There
would be less than thirty of them found, even if someone searched
the whole world.

Hans prepared refreshments for the Crown Prince with a heart full of

He cracked a smile as soon as he saw the boy.

“Your Highness, what brings you to the kitchen?”

The Crown Prince rarely came out of his bedroom. The Emperor was
not interested in Blake and the courtiers despised him for being a

But Blake never got angry. Nor did he resent his cursed fate. He just
stayed in the bedroom alone with empty eyes, like a person who
couldn’t feel sadness, anger, loneliness, or even pain.

He spent each day expressionlessly, as if he wouldn’t care even if he

died under the curse.

Though hidden, his mind seemed to already be dead. But now, the
Crown Prince had changed. Laughter, tears, surprise,
embarrassment, he started revealing his feelings to the fullest. His
eyes used to be dim and covered with despair, unlike a normal eight-
year-old boy.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

After marrying Ancia, Blake began to call the courtiers by their
names. Before that, he gave orders, but did not call out their names
or build relationships with anyone.

Blake had distanced himself from the people around him as if he

would disappear at any moment. But now, it was different.

“When is Ancia coming?”

Blake hesitated and opened his mouth. Hans had a warm smile on
his lips.

“She went to the blacksmith. I think she’ll be back soon.”

Ancia went to the blacksmith’s, saying she’d make a ‘cauldron.’

It was her first outing since she got married.

“It’s been two hours, …”

“She’s been outside for a long time. I think she stopped by

somewhere else in pasing.”

“There’s a lot of dangerous people in the square..”

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Chapter 7 – Transmigrated into an R-19 romance novel. There’s

a rabbit. (7)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Blake had never left the palace before in his life as he was the heir to
the curse. The people of the South were in a state of uneasiness and
opposition because of the Crown Prince’s curse.

Such a prince couldn’t leave the palace and go out in a leisurely


For Blake, the square was an unknown territory. It was a place that
he could only think of in his imagination, such as the Valley of Chaos
or the Snow Mountain in the north.

Furthermore, in novels, the square was always described as the

source of all kinds of problems that lead to problematic events.

“Don’t worry, our security is the best on the continent. Besides, Sir
Edon went with her.”


“Is there anything else that’s bothering you?”

Blake’s dim expression didn’t lighten up, so Hans was also worried.

“Ancia won’t leave me, right?”

Blake continued to pour out worries.

When Ancia first helped him take a bath, she hesitated when Blake
told her not to leave him. It was only for a few moments, but Blake
kept thinking about it.

Blake was afraid that she might suddenly run away one day.

His life was a series of losses.Not long after his birth, his mother died
and his father abandoned him. The servants also despised him.

Sure, his father showed sympathy, but when he saw the cursed
inscriptions, he, too, ran away. Blake was so used to losing. Despair
was his long-time friend.

But when he thought about Ancia leaving him, he was scared and
his heart felt like it was being torn apart even if he just thought about

Hans smiled as he looked at the young boy standing with his head

There was a sense of fear in Blake’s eyes. It was a better sign than
his usual worn out expression, though it would be better for him to
smile instead.

“Your Highness, don’t worry. She will never leave you.”

Hans said with confidence.

Hans had observed Ancia carefully. The world was rife with
groundless rumours surrounding the heir of the curse. Regardless of
gender, age, status, they made up rumours simply because the
cursed inscriptions looked ominous.

However, even though Ancia was young, she was not swayed by
those false rumours.
Hans thought his loyalty for the Crown Prince was second to none,
but he reflected on himself after seeing Ancia.

He had been defeated.

“Should I check on them…?”

Blake’s eyes glistened.

Soon, when Hans said she was okay, his expression visibly

Hans wondered how worried he must have been…

He hoped the two of them would be happy for a long time.


I went to the blacksmith with Melissa and Edon and asked him to
make a cauldron. The blacksmith was intrigued and filled with the
spirit of taking on a challenge after hearing my explanation and
seeing the cauldron I drew.

I didn’t think they would be this enthusiastic, but he was really

friendly and helpful.

When I came out from the blacksmiths’ place after completing my

request, Melissa asked, “Your Highness, will you stop by somewhere

“No. I want to go back to the palace.”

It was my first outing since I transmigrated into Ancia’s body. The

view outside the carriage was terrific, and there were many places I
wanted to go. I was actually thinking of looking around.

However, explaining the cauldron in detail took longer than expected.

I didn’t want to worry Blake. Besides, I didn’t feel like looking around
the beautiful square without him.
When I went back to the Crown Prince’s palace, the little bunny
dashed to me and crashed into my arms.

“Have you been well?”

“Yes, I’ve been well.”

I stroked his hair. It was such a delightful thing to have someone

welcoming me back home. I hadn’t felt this way for a long time since
my grandmother passed away.

“Did anything dangerous happen?”

“No, nothing happened. Were you worried?”

“Yes. You came back too late.”

I was glad I came back to the palace right away. I almost worried my
husband too much.

I clasped his hand and went into his room. I spent most of my time
there since Blake’s room was much more comfortable than mine.

I took off his mask as soon as I came into his room. Even though I
had already fired all of his hostile servants, he still wore a mask all
the time.

”Why do you always try to take my mask off?”

“Because I want to see your handsome face.”

“Hehe. I’m happy to look at you too.”

“You don’t need to wear a mask when you’re alone with me.”


Blake held my hand tightly. I felt like hugging him, especially today.
“Your Highness, what happened while I was away?”

“Nothing happened.”


“…Frankly, I was a little scared that you would leave me.”


“But it’s okay now. I know you won’t leave me.”

Contrary to his assured voice, his hands trembled. I could feel that
he was still worried. I held his hand as tightly as I could in response.

“Don’t worry. I’m not leaving.”


Blake smiled brightly.

“Yes, I do. But if you have someone else that you love, I will step
down right away.”

“What does that mean?”

His expression hardened instantaneously. Surprised by my

response, the corners of his mouth hooked down into a frown.

“Your marriage with me was a political move, your Majesty. It was not
according to your wishes. You can find true love when you grow up
later on.”

The Asteric Empire’s tradition was to arrange the kids’ marriage

early on. Especially, the higher the status, the faster the marriage
would be arranged. Most of the time, the marriages between the
royal family and the aristocrats were arranged for political
advantages, so they often cheated or divorced in the end.
To prevent such things from happening, I wanted to give him the
freedom to make another choice.

Ancia and Blake only had a small wedding and did not announce it in
the church. It was also possible to divorce if we wanted to.

“I don’t want to. I only have Ancia.”

Blake spat out in a low voice.

“Once you become an adult and the curse is lifted, you will become
very handsome. I’m sure all the beautiful women will love you.”

Blake would love Diana the most among them. But suddenly, Blake
said firmly, “Ancia is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.”

“Hey, you’ll change your mind when you grow up.”

“It won’t change.”

“You’re still young. It’ll change.”


Blake cut off my words. I looked at him with an expression of

surprise. It was the first time he had called me ‘wife’.

“You are my only wife, Ancia. And I will be the only husband you

“Your Highness…”

“Wife, remember this, I don’t need another girl. Do you need another

I thought he was just a little boy, but Blake radiated an intense force
that I could not defy and his gaze was fixed on me.

I shook my head unconsciously, as if I had been bewitched by him.

“No, I don’t.”

But what followed was my losing streak.

“All I need is you.”

Diana was the only one who could lift his curse. I didn’t want to cross
the line, but I didn’t know that I genuinely wanted to stay with Blake.

But…It’s dangerous. I can’t do this.

I tried to pull myself together again, but Blake hugged me tightly.

“Stay with me until I die.”


“I’m sorry for being so greedy.”

As soon as I heard his confession, my heart warmed up and tears

welled up in my eyes.

“You’re not going to die! Who’s going to die?”

“Ancia, I’m fine. So don’t cry.”

“You’re not going to die! You’ll get through the curse! I’ll make it


“I’m a family member of the Bellacian that has the power of light. I’ll
find a way, so don’t worry about it and just live happily.”

“Yes, I will, so don’t cry,”

Blake wiped my tears away with his sleeve.

“Don’t. Your clothes will get dirty.”

“It’s okay.”

“Ah, I need to take a bath. I’ll get some water. Your Highness I’ll give
you a bath, too.”

I quickly got up from my seat.

“My wife always tries to undress me…”

“You should say I’m helping you take a bath instead. And now, take
your clothes off.”

I quickly fixed his sentence, and for some reason, there was a
serene smile on his face.

Again, Blake’s face turned red. I had already helped him bathe a few
times before, but he was still this embarrassed.

“Ancia, you are the prettiest when you smile.Your smile is the most
beautiful thing.”

I clasped his hand when the door suddenly opened and Hans came

“Your Highness, the Emperor has returned!”

Tenstheon, Blake’s father and the most powerful Emperor in the

history of the Empire had finally returned to the palace.

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Chapter 8 – I’ve met a real beast (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Emperor Tenstheon left for the Valley of Chaos to seal the Door of
Darkness and returned after a month.

“…Is he okay?”

“He is fine. They managed to block the door without any injuries.”

“I’m sure they did since they are strong.”

Blake worried about his father, and he was relieved when he heard
that he was safe. But that was all.

“Your highness, someone came from the blacksmith’s.”


I went out of the room with Hans. When we came down to the first
floor, Hans said quietly, “Actually, no one came from the

“Is the Emperor looking for me?”

“’Yes. Did you know?”

I had already predicted that the Emperor would call for me when he
came back. Hans used the blacksmith as an excuse, hoping that
Blake wouldn’t notice.

Rather, If Blake knew, he would definitely come in my place and I

would’ve blamed Hans.

“It seems like he’s angry at the loss of the servants.”

“If His Majesty asks, say you didn’t do it. If I tell His Majesty a little
secret that the servants insulted the prince so you drove them out,
His Majesty will not blame you too much.”

Hans spoke calmly, but in the end, it sounded as if he was taking

responsibility for this instead of me.

Hans was a commoner with no title. He didn’t have the family or

money to protect him, so he could die if he did something wrong.

In the original novel, he sacrificed his life for Blake.


“Yes. Your Highness.”

“Don’t sacrifice your life so easily. Without you, who would support
the Crown Prince?”


“You have nothing to worry about.”


After telling Blake that I had to go to the blacksmith’s place, I headed

for the Emperor’s palace.

A cold-hearted father who left for a month and had no thoughts of

finding his son after he came back. However, I knew that this was
just how it appeared on the surface, and in fact, he really missed

It was all because of his son that he came back running without a
day’s rest as soon as he sealed the Door of Darkness.

Tenstheon was the most powerful Emperor in the history of the


Richard was very narcissistic, but even he acknowledged

Tenstheon’s ability and felt inferior to him.

Emperor Philip, who founded the Empire, betrayed the goddess of

light, which led to the curse of his descendants.

However, the Imperial family’s honor would have fallen to the ground
if this fact became known. Who would respect and follow the
Imperial family under the curse of the Goddess of Light?

Hence, the Imperial family hid this fact thoroughly.

[The goddess of light loved the Empire, and cursed the fallen soul to
reveal the seeds of the tyrant.]

The Imperial family made a false announcement to defend their


One person’s suffering could protect both the Imperial family and the
Empire. It was the sacrifice of a person for generations to come.

They all believed so, and the secret was never revealed.

The ‘Heir to the Curse’ was criticized by the entire Empire because
they thought that they were a sinner who was cursed by the goddess
because of their corrupted soul.

Besides, there was a rumor that the curse could spread.

For this reason, if someone became the heir to the curse, they would
be abandoned on the southern island until they died. Even the
Emperor was no exception.

So when Blake’s curse appeared, he was immediately deprived of

his Imperial title and had to be kept in the southern island.

However, Emperor Tenstheon sent Blake to a remote palace and did

not do much. Naturally, the people and the believers protested. They
were also astonished.

However, they were forced to give up because of Tenstheon’s


But Tenstheon only showed indifference to Blake. He left him alone

as if he had no affection left to protect him.

The Duke of Cassil deliberately left a spy at the Crown Prince’s

palace because he doubted the Emperor’s true intentions.

The Emperor never reacted unless someone harmed Blake directly.

He left Blake at the palace, and even though he knew Blake was
being treated unfairly by the servants, he turned away and
swallowed the lump in his heart. Yet, he searched desperately for a
way to lift the curse in secret. Then, finally, he found a way.

He found a black magic spell to transfer the curse of the goddess to

another person.

He wanted to take Blake’s curse for himself.

But the black magic spell was a fake one made up by Richard, and
so the Emperor would lose his life this year.

After Tenstheon died, Blake would be deposed and driven away to a

faraway island.
He was left alone in the world, and even in his last minute, he was
killed by loneliness.

Not knowing until the end that his father gave up his life for him…

I had to stop this tragedy at all costs.

The Emperor loved Blake, and Blake was also starved for his
father’s affection.

If there was only one person who could convey the sincerity of the
two in the midst, the misunderstanding would be easily resolved.

My heart thumped as I arrived at the Emperor’s study.

‘First of all, I need to get the Emperor’s favor and then act as a
bridge between the two. I can do it.’

I entered the study with a firm determination.


And as soon as I saw Emperor Tenstheon, I stiffened up on the spot.

He had silver hair and red eyes like Blake. Their faces were similar
too. But the atmosphere around him was completely different.

He was like a beast.

Almost like Richard, the main character of the original novel. If

Richard was a greedy wild beast, Tenstheon was the king of beasts
under whose feet lay the entire world.

The dignity of the Emperor radiated from his red eyes.

He was not described like this in the original. He was only mentioned
to be a powerful middle-aged Emperor.
But the person in front of me now seemed to be in his late twenties
at most.

In addition, the combination of his intense charisma, destructive

atmosphere, and strangely languid gaze made him full of dangerous

Why wasn’t he the main character instead?

I felt as if his whole being shouted ‘I’m the male lead of a R-19
romance novel’ from the moment he was born.

“Long time no see.”

Tenstheon said in a low voice. As soon as I heard his voice, I

realized that it wasn’t welcoming at all, so I was a bit afraid.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

I looked around. Two men stood beside the Emperor, but they were
both overwhelmed by Tenstheon’s charisma.

Dark brown hair, a plain appearance, and glasses. This must be

Colin, the Emperor’s aide.

“I heard you had the chief servant of the Crown Prince’s palace
placed in prison. What’s going on?”

Tenstheon asked in a rough voice.

It was like the voice of a fierce beast.

“I only punished him for embezzling the budget assigned to the

Crown Prince’s palace.”

Hearing my answer, the man next to him shouted noisily.

“What do you mean embezzled? My son has always devoted himself

to the Empire! He had taken on a mission that everyone was
reluctant to do only because of his devotion. But you’re putting this
ridiculous crime on him! It’s not fair!”

This must be Marquis Hamel, the father of the chief servant who was


I handed the books of evidence to the Emperor.

“This is how clear the evidence is, and you’re still claiming it’s

Tenstheon took one of the books.

“You’ve done a lot.”

Marquis Hamel shuddered at the faint voice. However, he still raised

his voice as if he had suffered an injustice.

“It must have been manipulated! My son is more loyal to the Empire
than anyone else!”

“Is the loyalty of a servant only serving the Crown Prince cold soup
and giving the kitchen so few ingredients?”

The Marquis woke up at this fact. His eyes were filled with contempt
and anger as he looked at me, and it was as if his gaze was saying,
‘How dare you insult me when you’re married to the Monstrous
Crown Prince?’

I could see where Brown Hamel inherited his behaviour from.

“Or is it loyalty when a servant uses the Crown Prince’s budget to

spend money on gambling?”

“Be careful of what you say.”

Marquis Hamel looked at me threateningly. His right hand flinched as
if he was about to slap me.

Then Tenstheon, who was listening to us quietly, opened his mouth.

“Marquis, do you want to die?”

“What? Your Majesty, why all of a sudden?!”

Tenstheon looked at Hamel with red eyes as if his eyes were filled
with sorrow and he did not just say that.

“Watch your words when you talk to my daughter-in-law.”

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Chapter 9 – I’ve met a real beast (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The moment the Emperor said ‘daughter-in-law’, both Marquis

Hamel and I froze with embarrassment.

It was too disparate of a word to come out of the wild beast’s mouth.

“Your Majesty, it’s because Her Highness first insulted our family…”

However, Marquis Hamel was unable to continue speaking because

the Emperor’s sword was already at his wrist.

“Then, why did this wretched hand move?”


“Were you going to give the Crown Princess a slap?”


“Are you saying that I’m lying?”

The sharp blade flashed dangerously. It seems Marquis Hamel tried

to hit me. I was the Crown Princess, and the Emperor was beside
him, so he stopped his hand.
I couldn’t see them properly because the blade was flashing in front
of my eyes. Suddenly, the Emperor’s assistant, Collin, appeared in
front of me.

“Your Highness, I think you’d better go home for today.”

In contrast to his cold demeanor, he smiled warmly.

“Okay. I’ll be on my way.”

I bowed down to the Emperor and left the room without saying
anything. I gave a video footage to Collin as he accompanied me out
of the Emperor’s palace.

“What is this?”

“It’s a video of Sir Hamel insulting the Crown Prince and me.”

This was a clear indication that he was guilty of subversion.

Originally, I planned to deliver it directly to the Emperor, but I could

trust Collin.

He was the Emperor’s most trusted servant and knew that

Tenstheon actually loved Blake.

“You prepared this too?”

Colin seemed rather surprised.

“I can’t just accuse a person without any evidence.”

There was something like this in my previous life too. Since there
was CCTV footage to support my claims, the guilty person was able
to escape the charge. Since then, I realized the importance of having

“I’ll let the Emperor know.”

Collin bowed politely.


Hamel was fired for trying to slap the Crown Princess in the
presence of the Emperor. His son also used his position as a chief
servant to embezzle the wealth of the Imperial family and was
punished for insulting the Crown Prince.

This wasn’t the end. Hamel and his family were stripped of their titles
and sentenced to 30 years of hard labor.

The family of the Marquis fell to the ground, but no one dared to take
their side.

If the Emperor had tried to punish the family for the Monstrous
Crown Prince, the nobles would have had a reason to protect them.

However, the Emperor did not use the Crown Prince as a reason. He
asked to punish the Hamels because they slighted the Crown Prince
and insulted the Imperial family.

The man also tried to slap the Crown Princess in front of the
Emperor, and the son made such low-handed insults.

Marquis Hamel pretended to be loyal to the Emperor, but served the

Duke of Cassil behind his back. The Emperor pretended not to know,
but he must have already been thinking about how to punish him.

I handed over the video, which was a sure proof, but it didn’t seem to
be so simple to get the Emperor’s attention.

I looked at the clock. Even though it was time for the Emperor’s
political affairs to end, there was still no news from the Emperor. Was
he not going to call me back again today? Was he going to leave
Blake alone, as he had always done?
Of course, I knew that the Emperor didn’t make this choice because
he wanted to, but I felt sorry for Blake.

However, just because the Emperor chose to neglect Blake under

the guise of indifference again, I couldn’t just wait like this.

I couldn’t just leave the Emperor and Blake like this when they were
once again walking down the path of tragedy.

I jumped up from my seat.

“Melissa, get me a carriage. I’m going to Phillion palace.”

Melissa panicked when I said I’d go to the Emperor’s palace.

“Your Highness, if you would like to see His Majesty, why don’t you
ask for permission first?”

“If I ask him on a formal basis, he’ll say no.”

It was better to just go and look for him directly. Even the nobles
wouldn’t think much of it and dismiss it as a child’s behavior.

Hence, Melissa was forced to prepare the carriage.

We had to use a carriage to go to the Phillion palace. The Crown

Prince’s palace was located in a remote area away from the
Emperor’s Palace, so riding a carriage was a must.

I was about to get on the carriage, when suddenly, someone

grabbed my hand.

“Your Highness…”

“Ancia, where are you going?”

Blake was very upset when he heard that I almost got hit by Marquis
Hamel at the Imperial Palace. He would definitely stop me if I said I
was going to the Phillion Palace.
“I’m going to the square for a while.”

“Lies. You’re going to His Majesty, aren’t you?”

Did he hear my conversation with Melissa?

“I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll go with you.”


It was the first time Blake said he would come out of the Crown
Prince’s palace. Melissa and Edon seemed surprised as well.

“I’ll protect you, wife. So if you want to see His Majesty, I’ll go with

He didn’t stop me from going and instead tried to protect me. This
little boy somehow felt like a reliable husband.

“Okay, let’s go together.”

I smiled and clasped his hand as we climbed onto the carriage.

The Emperor loved his son.

As the Emperor of the Empire, he could not call his son to the palace
first, but if Blake visited first, he wouldn’t reject him.


We reached when the Emperor’s political affairs just got over. We

rushed straight into the Emperor’s bedroom.

“Your Highness, you can’t get in.”

“You dare to defy the Crown Princess?”

The servant stood in my way, but when I spoke harshly, he finally

“Your Highness, you may enter.”

I clasped Blake’s hand, and opened the door of the Emperor’s



Tenstheon had just come out of the bath. Water still dripped from his
hair and body, and even though he covered his lower body with a
large towel, he wasn’t dressed.

The Emperor stood tall and looked down at us. I was overwhelmed
by the charisma of the crimson-eyed man and lowered my head
instantly. Then, my attention was drawn to his perfectly defined

Wow, I don’t know where to direct my eyes. I was always with my

cute husband so I forgot that I was in a R-19 novel for a moment.

“What’s the matter?”

I suddenly came to my senses.

I was distracted by the sight, but I didn’t forget my purpose.

First of all, I needed to win the Emperor’s trust. I must make him
believe me enough to tell me about his love for his son. Only then
could I naturally act as a bridge between the two.

Praise was the best way to gain trust and favor. ‘Come on. Praise

“Y-your abs are very magnificent.”

‘What did I say? Ancia, are you crazy?!’

Blake must have been surprised too, since he tightened his grip on
my hand.

No. This can’t be it. I need to fix this and get the Emperor’s favor.
Come on.

“I-I’m sorry this is my first time seeing a man’s body.”


He was so bewildered that he made the noise unconsciously. Blake

was also astonished.

Even the eight-year-old kid thought my words were ridiculous.

Ah, I’m totally screwed.

“Your majesty. Th-that’s not it. I was embarrassed…”

“Hmm. I don’t think you’re in a condition to have a conversation


He coughed in vain and put on a black gown.

“I’ll call you soon.”

Tenstheon’s gaze passed over me to Blake. A faint longing flashed

through his eyes. I bowed down and went away.

“Yes, Your Majesty, I will go now.”

“Let’s go.”

Blake lowered his head, too. My heart ached when I saw the two.


Blake’s expression did not look good since we met the Emperor.
His father, whom he had met for the first time in a long time, threw
him out, and it was all because of my mistake.

“Your highness…”

“I’d like to take a break. Edon, come here for a moment.”

He let go of my hand and went into his bedroom.

Your Majesty, why did you have to take a bath back then? At least
wear a gown. But I couldn’t blame others for my mistake.

“Your highness, don’t worry. I’ll check up on him.”

“Yes, please.”


Edon followed Blake in.

“Ancia, did you follow me?”

The corners of Edon’s mouth gently raised up.

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Chapter 10 – I’ve met a real beast (3)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Edon was a commoner with no family name. He graduated from the

Knights Academy with excellent grades, but he became a knight of
the monstrous Crown Prince, a position which everyone was
reluctant to take on.

Everyone laughed at him for being assigned to such a job, but Edon
quite liked his young master.

He also swore to himself that he would do anything for this boy.

“Edon, take off your shirt.”

However, this current order was rather absurd.

“….Yes, Your Highness.”

I took off my shirt since I didn’t have the right to refuse the Crown
Prince’s order.

Blake looked at Edon’s body. His body was not as good as the
Emperor, but he had a fine body and his muscles were firmly
packed. Blake carefully touched his hard abs.

“Edon, what does one have to do to look like that?”

“Your Highness, would you like to have abs?”

Blake touched his belly. Rather than the defined muscles, they were
drawing a gentle curve.

Blake was not hurt by the Emperor who sent him out. It was Ancia.

‘She said she had never seen a man’s body before…but I’m a man

He felt sullen and touched his soft belly.

“Yes. It’s because I have a big tummy…”

“It’s not a big tummy!” said Edon with a warm smile. When Blake
heard him, his eyes glistened with hope.


“Your highness, you still have a cute ‘baby’s belly’.”



Unfortunately, his words were no consolation to Blake.

For some reason, Blake was acting strange today. He insisted that
he would not take off his clothes when taking a bath, and covered his
stomach with his hands throughout the bath.

It was a little different from being shy. He seemed to be upset.

Anyway, after much back and forth, I tried to wash his body, but he
kept turning to the other side.

“Your Highness, you should look straight at me.”

I grabbed him by the shoulder, turned him, and removed the hand
covering his stomach. Blake’s cheeks puffed up in discontentment.

I knew he was upset with me, but he was so cute.

“Oh, my husband, it looks like your cheeks will burst.”

I pressed his soft cheeks. Then, Blake suddenly shouted, “It won’t

He was cute even when he was angry.

“I mean that you’re really cute.”


Blake’s expression hardened instantly. No matter how cute he was, I

thought that I shouldn’t tease him anymore. Let’s stop here for today.

“Your Majesty, the cauldron is coming tomorrow. I’ll cook a lot of

delicious food for you.”

“I don’t want it.”

“You’ll really be surprised, the food will taste so delicious.”

“I’m not going to eat anymore.”

“Why? Are you feeling sick?”

Did he have a stomachache? He quickly hid his belly in his hand and
looked worried.

“Don’t look!”

“Your Highness…”

Was it the sentences engraved on his body again?

Blake murmured in a sullen voice.

“I don’t have a man’s body yet..”


“I’ll exercise too!”

Oh, I realized why Blake was angry.

“I-I’m sorry. It’s my first time seeing a man’s body.”

What I said to the Emperor must have been bothering him. I smiled

“I’m sorry. My husband is a man too, but I forgot for a moment.”

“How can I completely slip out of your mind!”

I thought it’d be okay if I apologized, but Blake was even more


“I’m gonna have abs, too! I’m not even going to eat!”

“Don’t do that. I like you as you are now.”

I rubbed his round belly.

“It’s very cute…”

“It’s not a baby’s belly!”

Blake cut me off and shouted.

How did he know I was going to say ‘baby‘s belly’? Did he have mind
reading skills?

When I looked at him in amazement, Blake hurried off to dry himself

and ran to his bed.

“Your Highness, I haven’t cleaned it yet. You’ll be dirty again then.”

“I don’t care.”

Blake lowered his head.

Ahh….I really don’t think I should tease him anymore.

I approached him on the bed and sat next to him.

I blew a raspberry on Blake’s belly.

Blake’s eyes widened as if his eyes were bulging out.

“K-kiss? Kiss?! Did you kiss it?”

Blake’s face turned red.

He might become upset again so I let him know what it was.

“This is called blowing a raspberry.”

I tried doing it again.

“Look at this. Do you hear the fart?”


Somehow, he looked disappointed. Didn’t kids like this kind of joke?

Wasn’t he eight?

Anyway, I couldn’t let him be upset again.

“Blake! Attack!”

I kept blowing raspberries on his stomach. Thankfully, Blake started


“Hahaha! It tickles. Ancia, don’t! It tickles!”

I stopped and hugged Blake tightly.

“I like you as you are. You don’t need to change.”

“I like you the most too.”

“I’m happiest when you enjoy my cooking. So you have to eat a lot
tomorrow, okay?”

“….I need to exercise.”

“You can eat and then exercise. You said you’d like to be taller than

“I will be taller!”

“You should eat a lot then.”

“Okay. I’ll eat a lot!”

Blake nodded. I felt better when I saw him smile and forget that he
was upset.


Emperor Tenstheon recalled the image of Blake he had seen today.

My son has changed a lot. He finally stood up straight and held his
companion’s hand firmly.

His empty eyes sparkled brilliantly as if he had regained his

emotions, and his cheeks were plump and lively, making his face
look very healthy.

Tenstheon looked back at the report on the Crown Prince made by

his aide. The report was full of compliments for the Crown Princess,
which was unlike the usual cold and picky Collin.

When Tenstheon called the name, a boy appeared. The boy had
dark hair, dark eyes, and wore black clothes.

His name was ‘Eunhan.’

‘Eunhan’ was a boy from the great eastern Empire ‘Chang’. Although
he was young, he was capable of using ‘dragon liquor’, which was
said to be used by borrowing the power of a dragon. He hid his body
in a completely different way from using mana and treated his

Tenstheon rescued the wounded and bitter Eunhan, took the child
who refused to go out into the world and made him into his own

He entrusted Eunhan with the things the Emperor could not officially
do, and most of them were orders about Blake.

He also got help from Eunhan when he was looking for food
ingredients in the East for Blake.

“Please give me your command.”

“Did the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess return safely?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. They took a bath and just fell asleep.”

The Goddess of Light was angry at the betrayal of Emperor Philip,

and cursed his descendants. However, even though she hated
Philip, she couldn’t completely reap the power of the light from him.

When the Emperor used the power of light, pain would be

transmitted to the ‘Heir to the Curse’. The curse spread quickly and
took over the entire body. In severe cases, the bearer of the curse
could even die.

Many Emperors in the past used the power of light freely, ignoring
the pain that the heir to the curse would suffer, but Tenstheon could
not do so.
Tenstheon had not used the power of light even once, but there was
an inevitable mission that he had as the Emperor of the Empire.

At the west end of the Valley of Chaos, there was a gate leading to
the demon world, and it was called ‘The Door of Darkness’.

On the day when ‘The Door of Darkness’ fully opened, it was said
that the Empire would fall into ruin.

The only thing that could close the Door of Darkness was the ‘power
of light’. Therefore, the Emperor of the Empire was responsible for
sealing the door and borrowing the power of the Goddess.

But Tenstheon didn’t want to seal the Door of Darkness. When he

heard that the door had begun to open, he wanted to turn away.

If Tenstheon used the power of light to seal the door, Blake would
surely suffer terrible pain.

But he was an Emperor before he was a father. He couldn’t risk the

Empire just to protect his son.

The Emperor ordered Eunhan to protect Blake, and soon, left for the
Valley of Chaos. As soon as he sealed the door, he came back home

He entered the palace, worrying about how much more the curse
might’ve had spread and how much pain the child must’ve suffered.
So he looked for Eunhan right away.

“How’s Blake?”

“He’s been well.”

“Didn’t it hurt him?”

“No, he was fine. The curse didn’t spread either.”

Eunhan handed over the video to the Emperor. In the video, he could
see Blake smiling brightly while Ancia stood next to him.

Tenstheon used a powerful force of light to seal the Door of

Darkness, but Blake wasn’t in pain, and the curse didn’t spread

What the hell was going on here? Was this a sign that the curse
would be lifted?

But he could only hope so. In some cases, the effects of using the
power of light might appear late.

“Anything else?”

“Brown Hamel, the Crown Prince’s chief servant, has been sent to


Eunhan began to report on the Crown Princess acts for the whole

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Chapter 11 – I’ve met a real beast (4)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

According to the report, Ancia had dealt with all the spies planted by
the Duke of Cassil, including the chief servant.

Tenstheon recalled Ancia on the day of her wedding.

She was very timid. However, to send the eldest son of the Marquis
of Hamel to prison, it seemed that she was all grown up, and she
had even managed to weed out only those who were truly wicked.

She really had a good eye for people. But no matter how clever she
was, could a ten-year-old child have that much insight?

Tenstheon did not even get a moment to clear his mind before
Marquis Hamel rushed right in upon hearing that the Emperor had

He shamelessly claimed that his son, and a few of the Crown

Prince’s servants, had been falsely accused.

Tenstheon immediately called for Ancia. He wanted to use Marquis

Hamel as a pretext to meet Ancia in person.

But Ancia was much more intelligent than Tenstheon thought.

She stood up against the Marquis confidently and provided evidence

to support her argument.
Thank you for protecting Blake, Ancia.

“Eunhan, what do you think of the Crown Princess?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think she’s reliable?”

Eunhan had been in hiding to look after the Crown Prince for the
past month. He was there when she fired many of the servants.

But from some point onwards, he had forgotten his purpose and only
observed “Ancia.”

She was pretty, intelligent, and warm hearted. It had been a long
time since he had forgotten his hometown, but he also felt a lingering
sense of nostalgia and envy, thinking that his life might have
changed if he had someone like her next to him.

“Yes, she’s a good person.”

“I didn’t think you’d say that.”

Tenstheon was quite surprised.

Eunhan was a boy who only followed his orders obediently and had
no interest in other people. Eunhan did not believe in anyone except
for Tenstheon. It had taken Tenstheon a lot of effort before Eunhan
opened up to him.

This child, whose heart was stained with a deep-rooted distrust in

people, praised a girl he had observed for only a month.

“Did anything out of the ordinary happen?”

“No such thing.”

Tenstheon hoped Blake wouldn’t be lonely. He wanted to give Blake

a companion that would comfort him.
But who could truly love the heir to the curse? Even his father could
not express his love for him.

Tenstheon gave him a marriage, but he didn’t expect much. He was

just thankful that someone was willing to be with Blake, but Ancia
went far beyond his expectations.

She embraced Blake with sincere affections.

It was so perfect that he was rather suspicious. It was also

suspicious that her attitude had changed after she fell into the lake.

Was she faking it? Wouldn’t that hurt his son even more?

Tenstheon was born with the qualities of an Emperor. He never

hesitated when making decisions and his choices were always right.
But he was very careful when it came to his son.

Eunhan handed a small image stone to the anxious Emperor.

Tenstheon played the video.

[“Blake! Attack!”]

Ancia was blowing the raspberries into Blake’s belly. She kissed the
cursed inscriptions on his body without any qualms, and Blake
laughed in happiness.

[“Hahaha! It tickles. Ancia, don’t! It tickles!”]

Tenstheon was told that the smile had not left Blake’s face for a
month. He really didn’t know he’d get to see Blake laugh this way

Ever since Blake was cursed, Tenstheon thought that he’d never get
to see him smile like that again.

Tenstheon let go of his worries. It was thanks to her that Blake

laughed again. He needed to thank her for that.

The cauldron finally arrived. Frankly speaking, I didn’t expect much,

but it looked almost the same as the one used in my past life.

The blacksmith did an admirable job and fully embodied the cauldron
from her paintings and explanations alone.

I went to the pre-made furnace and placed the cauldron in it. Blake
also came over and touched it in amazement.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before.”

“I’ve never seen such a thing either.”

“Neither have I.”

Melissa and Edon agreed with him. Hans exclaimed, “Your Highness
must’ve had a profound knowledge of Eastern goods.”

“You’re amazing!”

“You’re a genius.”

“That’s right! Ancia is a genius!”

My face flushed with embarrassment when I received their excessive


If things continued, I’d soon be trapped in a prison of praise all day

long, so I quickly changed the topic.

“I’ll make you the best dishes! Everyone, look forward to it!”

“Oh, no. You don’t have to make anything for us. How did you learn
how to cook Your Highness?”

Melissa was in a daze and didn’t know what to do. She would be like
that every time I cooked.
“It’s okay. The cauldron is very big, so it’d be better to cook more at
once. We can all help each other.”

“Of course we must definitely help!”

“I’ll help too!”

Seeing Blake raising his hand vigorously and saying he would help
me, a happy smile bloomed on my face.

Then, someone walked in. It was Collin, the Emperor’s aide.

“Your Highness”

He bowed to Blake, and then bowed to me too.

When Collin finished greeting, Blake asked carefully, “What’s the


“Your Majesty has sent an invitation for Her Highness.”


“Yes. Your Highness.”

Collin gave us the white envelope with the Imperial stamp on it. The
invitation said that he wanted to have tea together in the greenhouse

I had expected that he’d call me soon, but I didn’t know it’d be this
soon. Besides, he even sent his personal aide to call me over.

However, it was too early to be surprised.

“His Majesty has also sent you a gift.”

“A gift?”

Collin put down the boxes one by one. The gifts began to pile up

“Something doesn’t seem right. I’m afraid you’ve brought the gifts to
the wrong person.”

I said to Collin as I looked at the line of boxes that filled one side of
the room. Collin replied politely, “No, it’s not a mistake. These are all
gifts from His Majesty for Your Highness.”

No way. There was no reason for the Emperor to send so many gifts
to me. I had no choice but to tell him yesterday.

Was he happy because I complimented his abs?

…No way. That can’t be it.

Anyway, I opened the gift boxes and realized that Collin hadn’t made
any mistakes.

Dresses, coats, shoes, and all kinds of ornaments came out

endlessly. I could tell at one glance that they were all clothes in my

They looked so beautiful and precious that I couldn’t even imagine

wearing them.

“Your Highness, you have to get ready! You’ll be late for the

Melissa shouted urgently as she arranged the gifts.

“We still have three hours, just relax.”

“Only three hours!”

Did I really need to dress up to meet my father-in-law? I was bored

but Melissa was excited.
“I promised to cook for you guys.”

I took Blake’s hand, but Blake joined forces with Melissa.

“I’m fine!”


“You will look very pretty in this.”

Blake pointed at an emerald dress. It was a simple dress which was

perfect for tea parties.

“That’s a great pick.”

Melissa agreed and I liked it the most too.

I went back to my room and tied my hair to one side to suit my dress.

I wore the dress, shoes, overcoat, and jewelry that the Emperor gave

“You’re so beautiful.”

Melissa admired me. Honestly, I was also surprised to see myself in

the mirror.

Ancia’s face was as pretty as a doll and the dresses I wore usually
were also beautiful. However, I looked like a completely different
person when I really dressed up in earnest.

“Your Highness, It’s time to go.”

I heard Edon call me from outside. I only dressed up lightly, but the
time for the appointment had already approached. It would have
been a disaster if I had been slow.

When I went outside, Hans and Edon made a fuss about my beauty,
but Blake remained silent.
“Does the dress not suit me?”

“No, No! You’re very pretty, Ancia. Too pretty.”

Blake shook his head and replied in a hurry. A smile came to my lips
when I saw the tips of his ears burning red.

“I’ll be back.”

“Okay. Have a good trip.”

I got on the carriage and saw Blake’s figure become smaller as we



It was in the middle of winter, but the greenhouse was full of various
flowers. However, none of these colorful flowers could enter my

Tenstheon was sitting in a white chair. I hurriedly lowered my head.

“Your Majesty.”

“Sit down.”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

I sat on the white porcelain chair opposite to him.

“It suits you well.”

When the Emperor complimented me, all my tension was relieved. I

grinned broadly.

“Thank you for the gift.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

“I especially liked the golden dress.”

“Do you like gold?”

“No, I meant that I like the colour gold, not real gold.”

“…Do you really like the Crown Prince?”

“Of course I do. He’s my husband.”

“How can you like him?”

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Chapter 12 – I’ve met a real beast (5)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“I’d rather rephrase that to ‘Is there anyone who can hate him’?”

Blake was nice, innocent and cute, so it felt quite good to stay with

“There’s many who despise him.”

“Those are just people who have been blinded by false rumors.
Besides, you like him too.”

The Emperor’s eyes widened when I smiled and said that.

“…That’s rude. That kid is the heir to the curse.”

“Even so, he’s your son.”

“Why are you so sure that I like him?”

Tenstheon’s eyes flashed dangerously. I hadn’t expected him to

react this way so I laughed innocently.

“You wouldn’t send gifts to your daughter-in-law if you hated your


“The gifts were only compensation for dealing with Marquis Hamel.”

“So you forgive me for being rude yesterday?”

“So you remember it?”

“Hehe. Unfortunately, I can’t remember it fully.”

I thought about it a lot, however, I couldn’t think of a way to deal with
the “absl” case. So I had no choice but to insist on partial memory

“This impertinent thing…”

Tenstheon burst into a low laugh as he scolded me…


I laughed too. Laughing was the best way to overcome an

embarrassing situation.


Tenstheon’s servants served me lots of food. My eyes focused on

the colorful desserts on the table.

“Thank you for the meal.”

First, I started with the cake with red strawberries on it.The soft and
fresh cake melted easily in my mouth.

“It’s delicious!”


“The Crown Prince would love it too.”

“…Send this to the Crown Prince’s Palace.”

“Thank you!”

I gave him a bow. I wanted to solve all the problems between Blake
and his father and restore their relationship, but this was only the first
step. First of all, it was important to gain the Emperor’s trust.

“I heard that you’re well versed in Eastern culture.”

He researched about me in advance. Though, it’d be stranger if he
hadn’t paid any attention to me yet.

“Not too much, but I’m interested.”

“It must be hard to find information.”

The East was an unknown territory. There were no exchanges

between the Asteric Empire and the East so there were only a few
books related to it available.

If I say, ‘I saw the materials in the Count’s library,’ others would just
let it pass. After all, every family would have their own unique

However, the Emperor had collected data from the East for Blake’s
treatment, so naturally, he would know that it was difficult for a 10-
year-old girl to have such diverse knowledge about it.

“It’s only for you to know…”

I got off the chair. Tenstheon was puzzled by my actions, but when I
leaned in to whisper in his ear, he bowed his head closer.

“I’m actually a polygot.”


“Yes, I know all the languages in the world.”

In fact, I once visited the Imperial Palace library to find out more
information about this world, the Goddess, and the East. That was
where I found out that I could read not only the Imperial language,
but also the languages of all the countries in the world.

“Is that true?”

“Yes, father.”
Tenstheon’s eyes widened. He seemed to be more surprised than
when I told him I was a polygot.

He looked a lot like Blake when his eyes widened like that. Would
Blake become as cool as him when he grows up?

“…What did you just say?”

“I’m your daughter-in-law, so you’re my father.”

In the original novel, Tenstheon wanted to hear Blake call him

‘father’, but Blake only addressed him as ‘Your Majesty’ and never
called him ‘father’.

Tenstheon may look strong and cold-hearted on the surface, but he

had deep affections towards family. He’d be more pleased to be
called ‘father’ than ‘Your Majesty’.

“I see.”

There was a faint smile on Tenstheon’s face.

“You must have faced a lot of trouble after getting married so

suddenly. If you need anything, come and see me anytime.”

He didn’t chastise me for overstepping the bounds of propriety.

Rather, he allowed me to come and go from his Palace as I pleased.

I grinned broadly.

“Yes. I’ll visit you often.”

I was the only one invited today, but one day Blake and Tenstheon
would also sit down together and have a pleasant conversation.

At that time, would Diana be the one sitting next to Blake?

Suddenly, I felt somewhat lonely.



Blake was startled when he put the still hot scorched rice in his
mouth. I quickly passed cold water to him.

“You have to blow on it first.”

“It’s very tasty.”

“I hope you’re all satisfied with the meal today.”

The Emperor sent all kinds of desserts to the Crown Prince’s Palace.
There were various types of desserts, ranging from basic shortcakes
and apple pie to more unique desserts.

The desserts were specially made by the Imperial chef so they were
fantastic not only in shape but also in taste. One could only imagine
such a flavor in their dreams.

To commemorate the arrival of the cauldron, I first cooked rice, and

the result was ‘Sungnyung’* which had been boiled with water in the

*TL Note : Sungnyung is a traditional Korean infusion made from

boiled scorched rice.

“This tastes the best!”

“You’re lying because I made it, aren’t you?”

“Ancia’s cooking is the best.”

Blake smiled brightly. I was glad to see him eat so well. Besides, the
Sungnyung I made was delicious.

As expected, I really missed Korean food. The dessert was also

delicious, but I felt warm inside after drinking the warm Sungnyung.

Suddenly, I had a strange feeling. I looked back, but there was no


That’s weird. I was sure that it felt like someone was watching us.

“Ancia, what’s wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

I shook my head. It was probably an illusion.


“What’s going on?”

Tenstheon glanced at me. He was still working in his study even

though it was already so late at night.

“You told me to come anytime.”


“I didn’t know it would be this fast. What’s the matter?”

It had only been a few hours since we had tea together so he was
surprised. However, today was the first time I used the cauldron.

“The Eastern cooking apparatus called ‘Cauldron’ arrived today.

That’s why I made this dish. Go ahead and try it.”

I handed out the water from the pot to the Emperor in a teacup.

The Emperor stared at the unfamiliar dish for a moment, and then
carefully opened his mouth.

“It tastes unique.”

“Don’t you like it?”

“No. It’s alright. But I must say, you’re very good at this.”

He took another sip.

“It was more delicious when it was still hot, but it cooled down a little
on the way to the Palace. If your Majesty comes to Amoria Palace, I
could make you something even more delicious…”

“Amoria Palace” was the official name of the Southern Palace where
the Crown Prince lived.

Amoria meant ‘love’ in the Imperial language. Among the numerous

Palaces, did the Emperor choose Amoria Palace as the Crown
Prince’s residence because of its name?

But after hearing my words, the Emperor froze. Anyhow, I had to

stop here today.

I still had a lot of time, so we could do this slowly.

“I’ll come often if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, come often.”

There was a warm smile on Tenstheon lips.


When he was being chased by the troops with an arrow, Eunhan

thought he was going to die.

However, he was lucky to meet a great master. Although he became

a shadow that had to live in hiding forever, he had no complaints. He
chose this path for himself.

He was not supposed to be known to the outside world. If he did

something wrong, it would cause trouble for the master who saved

Eunhan faithfully fulfilled the Emperor’s orders. Tenstheon, too,

cared for Eunhan, and did not order him to carry out any dangerous

When the Emperor left for the Valley of Chaos, Eunhan was a bit
disappointed because he was left behind, but he had no choice but
to follow the Emperor’s orders because he knew how much his
master cared about his son.

He stayed at the Crown Prince’s Palace every day to guard Blake,

but that was the beginning of his pain.

Eunhan had been suffering everyday these days.

“Today’s dish is soybean paste stew!”

“I made mushroom egg rolls!”

“I made beef radish soup today. It’s still hot, so be careful.”

Ancia made Eastern cuisine every day. It was a little different from
the dishes of his hometown, but he could still imagine the flavor.

He thought he had already forgotten the past. However, when the

food of his hometown appeared in front of him, he really missed the
taste of it.

‘It looks delicious…’

Whenever Ancia cooked, he had to desperately suppress his instinct

to eat it.

He was only a shadow, but he couldn’t stand the urge.

Eunhan had tasted all kinds of delicacies while following Tenstheon,

but he didn’t feel any better eating them.
He often infiltrated aristocrats’ parties for missions, but never even
glanced at the food.

But why did the simple dishes made by the Crown Princess look so

He knew that she was making a cauldron, but he didn’t know that
she would’ve implemented the shape so perfectly. Eunhan stroked
the black cauldron carefully, taking advantage of the fact that no one
was around.

Suddenly, he thought of his dead mother. She used to cook those

dishes for him.

People laughed at him, ridiculing the fact that an Emperor’s

concubine had to cook herself, and said that her food was nasty.
However, his mother didn’t care about them at all and rolled up her
sleeves to cook for her son.

Eunhan was filled with the memories of the past.

After returning to the Crown Prince’s Palace, Ancia began to cook

rice in the cauldron. Eunhan’s mouth watered when he saw the
glossy white rice.

But this was not the end. After eating, Ancia poured water on the
brown scorched rice and began to boil Sungnyung.

Until now, he could put up with delicious dishes made with meat and
seafood. However, Eunhan’s patience had run out.

He grew up fast, but at the end of the day, he was only a 14-year-old
boy. At first, he thought he’d only wandered around the cauldron.

‘Only one sip.’

But his plan failed.

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Chapter 13 – I’ve met a real beast (6)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Hans, Melissa, and Edon sat around the cauldron as they ate
scorched rice and Sungnyung and chatted merrily.

“Sungnun? Seongneun? The name’s really difficult to say but it’s so


“How can this drink be so savory? The moment I take a sip, I feel
warm inside.”

“It’s just scorched rice but it’s so delicious.”

Seeing Edon eat the golden brown rice crust, Melissa said bitterly,
“Sir Edon, aren’t you eating too much?”

“Oh, I didn’t even realize. My hands keep moving on their own.”

“It’s the precious food Her Highness made for us. Eat slowly.”

“Yes, I will do so.”

“And since it’s cold, have some Sungnyung. You’re going to choke at
this rate.”

They continued the conversation amicably. Eunhan returned to his
mission again because it was unlikely that they would easily leave.

“You have to blow on it.”

“It’s so delicious.”

“We ate a lot of delicious food today.”

“This tastes the best!”

“You’re lying because I made it, aren’t you?”

“Ancia’s cooking is the best.”

The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess had a good time today.

Eunhan’s life was threatened only because he had been chosen by

the Black Dragon that was prophesied to drive the country to
destruction, and eventually came to the far west continent.

His biological father, the Emperor, tried to kill him, and his mother
lost her life because of him.

Prince Blake was cursed. The ugly inscriptions of the curse covered
his whole body.

But Ancia liked the Crown Prince without a hint of reluctance.

Although the Emperor loved Blake very much, he was the prince’s
biological father so that was expected. But Ancia was completely
sincere and treated the prince affectionately even though she was
still young.

Children were naive and honest, but cruel to a degree. They liked
pretty things and hated hideous things. It was difficult for a child to
bear such feelings, even for adults.

But Ancia was different.

She took Blake seriously.

‘Would my future have changed if I had someone like that?’

While Eunhan was lost in thought, Ancia suddenly turned her head
toward him. Eunhan was hiding his appearance using magic.
However, he was distracted for a moment so the magic had

Fortunately, she only sensed his presence but he didn’t get caught.
He left the dining room again using magic.

The Crown Princess headed for the Emperor’s Palace with a huge
smile on her face.

This was an opportunity. Eunhan hurried back to the Emperor’s



After Ancia left the office, the Emperor called for Eunhan. At the call
of his master, he straightened up and appeared.

“What kind of drink is Sungnyung?”

“It’s a classic dish from the East. Everyone from the Emperor to the
commoners like it.”

“I see…”

“It tasted simple.”

Therefore, it does not fit Your Majesty. Give it to me!

Eunhan gulped and looked at the pot containing the food.

Tenstheon had no particular interest in eating delicacies. Even when

he happened upon rare dishes, he would give it to the people around
him, such as Eunhan and Collin.
Eunhan expected so.

However, Tenstheon drank everything from the kettle along with the

At this rate, the Sungnyung would completely run out. Eunhan

plucked out his courage and asked, “Your Majesty, can I have a sip


However, Tenstheon coolly refused Eunhan’s request.

“This is what my daughter-in-law made for me.”

Tenstheon eventually emptied the kettle, drinking it till the last drop of
Sungnyung was also gone.


‘His Majesty is too much…How come he didn’t give me even a sip?’

Eunhan went back to the Crown Prince’s Palace in low spirits. His
Majesty felt sorry, so he told him to rest for a while, but that was no
consolation for Eunhan.

Eunhan stepped back toward the cauldron. There was no one in


This was a real opportunity. He approached the cauldron, but as

soon as he opened the lid, he heard a noise.

Come on, hide yourself. However, hiding the body had the highest
level of difficulty among all of the techniques.

Eunhan was embarrassed to be in such a position so he ended up

making a mistake. His technique failed, but he was an experienced
magician so he quickly changed his form to a black cat instead.

I ate too much today. I shouldn’t have eaten more after eating so
many desserts.

However, after the long-awaited cauldron came, it was impossible to

let the opportunity pass by.

As I was walking while rubbing my belly, I heard a sound near the

furnace where the cauldron was located.

Who’s here at this hour?

I quickly ran to the cauldron.

The lid of the cauldron was open, but there was no one to be seen

Who was it? Did the Duke of Cassil send someone? Or was it

When I looked around in a hurry, I suddenly noticed a black cat.

“Oh, a cat?”


I held the cat in my arms.


The cat lowered its head. For some reason, it seemed as if it was
answering my question.

“Oh my, you must have been hungry. Come in. I’ll give you milk.”

“Meow! Meow!”

The cat shook its head violently and turned toward the cauldron.
“Do you want to have Sungnyung?”


This time it nodded. It really looked as if it understood her words.

“Is it okay for cats to eat Sungnyung…”

I had never raised any animals, so I didn’t know, but I had a feeling
that this was something they couldn’t eat.

“Meow! Meow!”

The cat began to nod violently again as if it meant to say that it can
eat it.

There was no such thing as cat food in this world and since the cat
wanted it so badly, it would probably be alright if I fed it a little

I picked up the cat and took it to the cauldron.

“Oh my, Your Highness. Is that a cat?”

Melissa looked at the black cat strangely. It was her first time seeing
this cat.

“I picked it up outside. It must be hungry, so I wanted to give some


“I’ll prepare it in a minute.”

“Yes please. Just warm it up a little bit.”

I left it to Melissa and went into the room. The cat was clean, which
was unlike a street cat.

“Where are you from?”


“Do you have a master?”


The black cat only mewled adorably, but did not move its head like
before. Of course, it’s not like a cat could really understand what I
was saying.

“Where’s your mother?”



The cat lowered its head and it’s expression looked very sad, so I
subconsciously apologized.

The black cat was very gentle. I held the cat tightly and stroked its
head. I fed it the Sungnyung that Melissa heated up. The Sungneung
was a little lukewarm but that was just the right temperature.

The cat devoured the Sungnyung in an instant.

“You must have been very hungry.”


The cat blinked sadly. It was heartbreaking to think that such a small
child went around without eating in this cold winter.

“If you have a master, they must be a really bad one.”


The cat nodded violently. It must have had a master because its
body was very clean. What kind of person wouldn’t feed such a small
cat? But strangely enough, its body was in good shape.
“Ah..your current master made you sad. I would raise you if you
didn’t have a master.”

I hugged the cat tightly and my cheeks squished against its body.
The cat stayed still. In fact, I think it froze up for a moment, but I was
probably mistaken. Anyway, it was a very gentle cat.

“Ancia, what are you doing?”

Blake was at the door. I quickly showed him the black cat.

“I found a black cat outside. Isn’t it cute?

“…Do you have to hug it like that?”

“Look at how well behaved the cat is. I guess it likes me too.”

“…It’s a male.”

“Ah, really? Let’s see if this kitty is really a male?”


I tried to place it down and check whether it was a female or a male,

but the cat struggled out of my grasp. I hurried after it, but it was
already gone.


Today, the Emperor invited me to have tea with him. I shared the
dessert the Emperor gave me with Blake. I also met a very cute
black cat. It was a very long day, but I feel overall, it was quite good.

I was trying to organize today’s work and get some sleep, but I
noticed that Blake’s expression was a little dark.

“Your Highness, what’s wrong?”

He imitated a cat out of the blue.

“Your Highness…?”

“You like cats, so I want to be a cat too.”



Blake pawed my arms while meowing.

“Ancia, I’m here and you need another animal?”

Hey, are you admitting that you’re a rabbit?

“I’ll be your rabbit, your cat, and your dog, so don’t look for any other

“Your Highness…”


Blake looked up at me.



As soon as he looked at me, I gave in.

“Your Highness, you’re very cute!”

I hugged Blake tightly. No cuteness in the world could beat my cute

rabbit, Blake.

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Chapter 14 – I’ve met a real beast (7)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Richard read the report that the servant handed to him.

The Emperor and Ancia continued to have more exchanges. Today,

he gave her a lot of precious ingredients as gifts since she liked to

It wasn’t just ingredients. From dresses to jewelry to mana stones,

the Emperor sent Ancia gifts every day.

Tenstheon provided only a bare minimum budget to the Crown

Prince’s Palace. However, these days, he sent numerous items to
the Crown Prince’s Palace under the pretext of bestowing gifts to the
Crown Princess, Ancia.

Did she win the Emperor’s favor because she submitted conclusive
evidence to overthrow Marquis Hamel’s family?

Tenstheon was the only person Richard acknowledged.

Richard once hoped that such a man would be his father and tried to
get noticed by him, but no matter what he did, he was unable to
penetrate Tenstheon’s impenetrable fortress.

After capturing the monstrous Crown Prince’s heart, Ancia captured

the heart of the Emperor too.

What the hell happened to Ancia? How could she become so


If Richard knew it would be like this, he would’ve just accepted her

feelings for him before.
So he tried to change her mind.

He even gifted her the breath of mermaids that he had been saving
for an important occasion. But Ancia didn’t spare even a glance for
Richard’s sincerity.

She was so heartless.

But that was why he wanted her even more. The harder it was to get
something, the more he wanted it.

How can I change Ancia’s mind?

He felt that he could do anything to make this child his.

Richard was still pondering over how to get a hold on Ancia, when
suddenly, his father, the Duke of Cassil, called for him.

Richard entered the office of Duke Cassil. The eldest son of Duke
Cassil, Frank, was also there in the office.


A blunt object flew in his direction before he could finish. It was

always the same routine, so Richard just turned lightly to avoid the

“How the hell did you handle this?!”

“What are you talking about…?”

Richard knew what the Duke of Cassil meant, but he still feigned

“How come you don’t know?! The Emperor sent gifts to the Crown
Prince’s Palace. The Crown Princess has also been going in and out
of the Imperial Palace! They even plan to attend the ball during the
festival together!”
Soon, the Imperial Palace would hold a ball to celebrate the
Emperor’s safe return.

It was part of the festival that was called the ‘Sealing Festival’*. The
Sealing Festival was the most important event in the Empire. In fact,
not only the Empire, but also the entire western continent would be
celebrating it.

*TL note: The Emperor succeeded in sealing the Door of Darkness,

so it’s called the Sealing Festival.

What would happen if the Emperor appeared at a ball where envoys

from all over the world gathered?

Everyone would think that the Emperor regarded the Crown Prince
highly, and naturally, the prince’s position would rise.

“Is that so?”

“You can;t do a single thing right. From the Marquis Hamel incident
to the Sealing Festival! You good-for-nothing!”

The Duke of Cassil blamed Richard for all the incidents that took
place recently, while Frank, his half brother, laughed from the

The Duke of Cassil was the Emperor’s brother. But even though they
were brothers, the difference between them was like heaven and

Arnold Cassil was jealous of Tenstheon and coveted his position, but
he lacked the ability to get hold of it.

The Duke of Cassil had three sons. The first son, Frank, and the
third son, Neon, were born from the Duchess, while the second son,
Richard, was the child of a slave.

The Duke considered Richard as a black stain on his name. He

despised Richard and didn’t want to admit that one of his sons had
the blood of a slave.

Arnold Cassil always passed on everything to Frank and Neon.

A Crown Prince already existed, but he was doomed to die under the
curse, so the position would soon belong to either Frank or Neon.

Sadly, the eldest son, Frank, resembled the Duke of Cassil and was
similarly incompetent, and the youngest, Neon, was still too young.

The Duke of Cassil was well aware of this, so if there was an easy
and honorable task, he gave it to Frank and made Richard do all the
difficult and dirty work.

Funnily enough, no matter who made a mistake, the one held

responsible would always be Richard.

Of course, Richard never slipped up, so he was only unilaterally

being blamed for Frank’s mistakes.

“I’m sorry. Since it was Frank who gambled with the money that the
Marquis Hamel had embezzled, I was busy trying to stop the

“What?! You’re gone crazy!”

Frank shouted when his faults were revealed. The Duke of Cassil
also sided with Frank.

“I don’t want to hear it. You’re young, but you want to use nasty tricks
on your family. Are you making excuses for that?”

The Duke of Cassil and the Marquis Hamel were close friends, and
the Marquis was close to Frank. They were the ones who
recommended Brown Hamel as the chief servant of the Crown
Prince and entrusted him with the duties of a spy.

But when the incident happened, they blamed Richard. It had always
been like this, so Richard didn’t even get angry.
“The Crown Prince’s influence can’t be allowed to grow anymore!
Don’t talk nonsense. Think of a way to fix this situation!”

“There’s one way.”

Richard said as he bowed politely.

The Duke of Cassil hated Richard’s origin, but he still admitted that
he had an extraordinary head on his shoulders. The Duke was
immediately delighted.

“What is it?”

“It’s bringing the Crown Princess to our side.”

“You fool! The Emperor loves her so much. What would she come to
us for?”

“No matter how well the Emperor treats her, she’s still the wife of the
monstrous Crown Prince. How much longer can she stand living with
that monster? If we coax her well, it won’t be long before she gives

“Is there a way to do it?”

The Duke of Cassil was pleased with Richard’s words. Although he

was young, he was always able to find the correct solution to any

“The Crown Princess has never received her father’s love. She
should listen to Count Bellacian well.”

“The Count of Bellacian…”

The Duke’s lips went up in satisfaction. Count Bellacian was an

easy-to-handle opponent.

Count Bellacian had been extremely busy these days.

Ancia was favored by the Emperor, so the nobles and merchants

fought over who could invite her father, Gilbert Bellacian, to their

The Bellacians’ ancestor and great light mage, Laontel Bellacian,

was said to have helped Emperor Phillip build the Asteric Empire.

But her descendants somehow failed to properly deal with the power
of light, and the future Heirs of Light all turned out very weak.

Now, there was no heir with the full power.

The Bellacian family gradually declined, and Gilbert even got married
to the only daughter of a wealthy Baron for their money.

They weren’t even Viscounts, just a Baron family!

When his first wife died after giving birth to Ancia, Gilbert hurriedly
wed his second wife. His second wife was a woman of the same
standing as Gilbert. They had a lovely daughter named Diana

When the Emperor sent him the proposal for his daughter’s
marriage, Gilbert panicked.

The person that the Emperor wanted was clearly Diana, but Gilbert
could not send his beloved daughter to the monstrous Crown Prince.

Of course, it wasn’t mandatory for him to follow through with the

proposal. Emperor Tenstheon was strong, but he was not a tyrant.
He wouldn’t retaliate against them for refusing the proposal.
However, Gilbert had already received the huge wedding gift sent by
the Emperor, so he sent Ancia in place of Diana.

Anyhow, he had wanted to get rid of that unwanted child. He had

sold her at a high price, so there was nothing more he could hope

However, Ancia caught the Emperor’s eye. These days the Emperor
doted on Ancia as if she was his own daughter.

The nobles who had secretly ignored Gilbert and mocked him for
having a monstrous prince as his son-in-law changed their attitude
completely as soon as they heard the news.

However, Gilbert did not feel comfortable even when he was invited
to the aristocrats’ parties.

“His Majesty booked all these fancy dresses for the Crown Princess.
My daughter threw such a big tantrum because of that.”

“Haha. He did.”

“I heard that His Majesty also bought this pink diamond for the
Crown Princess.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Gilbert reacted nonchalantly, as if he had already known it all. But in

fact, this was all news to him.

Ancia hadn’t contacted him at all since she got married.

Gilbert didn’t want to hear from her either so he didn’t care much
about it.

Her getting married to that cursed monster was a disgrace to the

House of Bellacian.
Gilbert planned to strike Ancia out of the family register if that
monstrous Crown Prince died.

But now, things had changed. The Emperor began to dote on Ancia
as if she was his own daughter.

Upon hearing the news, Gilbert hurriedly sent a letter to Ancia.

He talked about how Ancia could help the family in the letter, but
Ancia didn’t send any reply back.

“I hear you’re rearranging the road to the north this time. Isn’t Count
Bellacian taking charge of building it?”

“With the Hamel family gone, the Bellacians may be given a title this

“If you want any good information, be sure to let me know.”

“My son graduated from the Knight Academy this year, but his
grades were a little low. It would be nice if he could join the First
Order. Count, please help me.”

Gilbert only chuckled awkwardly as he listened to the nobles.


For any errors and issues contact me through discord:
Chapter 15 – I’ve met a real beast (8)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Ancia was an ungrateful daughter. She was favored by the Emperor,

but could not bother to share her fortune with her family. Had Ancia
been a little more thoughtful, she would’ve said some good words on
behalf of Gilbert to the Emperor and passed on a lot of good
information to him.

If she knew some information that would be good for business, she
could pass it on to Gilbert in advance and make her family
prosperous. But Ancia had no intentions of doing that.

Ancia received such wondrous gifts every day, but she didn’t even
send gold to the Bellacians, her family. If it were Diana, she wouldn’t
have done this. As soon as the situation got better, that good girl
would have taken care of her father and the family first.

However, Gilbert could not send his precious Diana to become a

monster’s bride. Gilbert was furious when he thought of Ancia. Then,
the servant of Duke Cassil approached him.

“Your Excellency, Count Bellacian, I invite you to meet with the Duke
of Cassil.”


The Duke of Cassil greeted Gilbert when he entered the reception


“Long time no see, Count Bellacian.”

Arnold had always been indifferent to Gilbert at parties. Since Gilbert

had no land or property, Arnold Cassil had judged him as someone
not worth mixing with.

But ever since gossip about the Emperor and Ancia began to
circulate, Gilbert could now go about arrogantly with his head raised.

“Your Highness, long time no see.”

Naturally, Arnold Cassil frowned at Gilbert’s irreverent attitude.

Gilbert Bellacian was known for his terrible attitude. He was an evil
man who crawled up endlessly and became servile when ignored.

“You’ve been blessed with so much fortune these days.”

“Yes. Well, it’s natural for a child to share their fortune with their

Gilbert bluffed. But it wasn’t a lie. Ancia did wish to be loved by


However, his pride would be hurt if they knew the truth.

“Does she listen to you?”

“Of course, she listens to whatever I say.”

Gilbert raised his head confidently.

“It’s rare to find such a well-educated kid these days. Is your second
daughter as good as her sister?”

“Of course, Ancia is no match for Diana. Diana is my pride.”

Gilbert was furious when his beloved Diana was compared to Ancia.

“If she’s such an outstanding child, then I’d like to welcome her as
my daughter-in-law.”

“M-my Diana?”
Gilbert’s eyes widened.

Right now, Ancia was only the wife of the monstrous Crown Prince.
Although she was said to be favored by the Emperor right now, when
the Crown Prince died, she’d eventually be kicked out of the Palace.

If Diana became the daughter-in-law of the Duke of Cassil, she could

become the Empress in the future.

“Of course, for that to happen, we need to see how well Diana was
educated first.”

No matter how dumb Count Bellacian was, he could understand

what the Duke meant.

He meant that if the House of Bellacians and Ancia supported the

Cassils, they’d make Diana the next empress in return.

Gilbert had nothing to lose.

He could use his useless daughter to make Diana an Empress.

Of course, if Ancia were to support the Duke of Cassil, she would

lose the Emperor’s favor and be loathed by him instead.

But that was none of his business.

“I’ve decided.”

Gilbert Bellacian accepted the Duke’s proposal without a moment’s



“Father, I’m sorry. I’m sorry,”

A girl begged. It was my voice, but that wasn’t me. This memory
belonged to the real Ancia.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

The little girl kept apologizing to her father as she sobbed. Her
swollen cheek hurt, but she didn’t even dare to show it.

However, it really hurt. It really really hurt a lot.

“You’re a disgrace to the family! You’re going to become a monster’s

bride, I’m already shuddering at the thought!”

“I’m sorry…”

“If you’re really sorry, then go die right now! Hang yourself or jump
into the water right away! Die as soon as possible to maintain the
Bellacian family’s dignity!”

“I’m sorry…I’m sorry.”

As the girl bowed repeatedly, a clear voice rang out.

“Ancia, Ancia!”


My eyes opened wide. Blake was staring at me, looking worried.

“Your Highness…”

“Did you have a nightmare?”

Nightmare? Right, it was a dream. But it was not an ordinary dream.

This was the real Ancia’s memory.

Her memory suddenly appeared in my dream.

Even though I had only dreamed about it, my body trembled as if I

had actually experienced it, and my body was soaked with cold
“Yes, it was a nightmare.”

“What should I do…”

I was the one who had the nightmare, but Blake’s eyes were red
instead. I felt like tears were about to fall from my eyes too.

“Because of me…you had a bad dream because you were with


I held him tightly, pulling his body close to mine.


Blake struggled in dismay, but I tightened my arms around him even


Holding Blake in my arms like this, the sadness and despair I felt
because of that dream gradually disappeared.

“Your Highness…”


“It’s nice to be here with you. Everyday, like this.”

I patted his fluffy hair.


Sometimes, I dreamed of Ancia’s memories. The real Ancia had

suffered under the Count’s mental and physical abuse.

In the original novel, there were many mentions of Count Bellacian

severely discriminating between his daughters. However, there was
a difference of heaven and the earth between reading it and
experiencing it in person.
Ancia…how much had this child experienced? Just how much
despair did she endure before making the choice to jump into the

In the original novel, it was said that Ancia was obsessed with
appearances so she couldn’t endure Blake’s ugly appearance and
committed suicide.

But the more I looked into her memory, the more certain I became
that it wasn’t because of Blake’s appearance.

“If you’re really sorry, then go die right now! Hang yourself or jump
into the water right away! Die as soon as possible to maintain the
Bellacian family’s dignity!”

The man who killed Ancia was her father, Count Bellacian. He didn’t
kill her himself, but in a way, it was all thanks to him.

I was still thinking about the original novel and the dream I saw when
Melissa came into the room.

“Your Highness, Count Bellacian is here.”

“Count Bellacian?”

These days, he sent me such bothersome letters, and now, he was

here to see me.

“What should I do?”

Melissa knew I hated the Count since I had always ignored his

“Take me to the room.”

Frankly, I didn’t want to meet him. But I couldn’t avoid him for the
rest of my life either.

Moreover, I was curious about what he had to say.


Gilbert was exasperated.

Ancia made him wait for a long time. He decided that next time, he
had to re-educate Ancia about the etiquettes of nobles from the

Of course, Gilbert had never assigned Ancia a teacher of etiquette.

As the unwanted child of the family, education was a luxury for her. If
she didn’t listen to him, he’d hit her a few times.

Gilbert gritted his teeth and looked at the clock. He had been waiting
for 55 minutes already.

He planned to storm into the Crown Princess’ room after an hour


But suddenly, the door opened as Ancia came inside, with a maid
and a knight following behind.

“What do you need?”

Before Gilbert could yell at her, Ancia interrupted him.

But…Was that child really “Ancia”?

Ancia was very different from before. She had always been a gloomy
child. She’d always cower in front of the Count, dressed in an old,
worn-out dress.

But the child in front of him now seemed to be a completely different


She was wearing a dress decorated with colorful jewels, elaborate

hairpins, and shoes with droplets of diamonds as she looked at him
with a pretty yet sophisticated gaze.
Was it because of the clothes? No. That haughty gaze and her
imposing gait…everything was different from before.

Above all, her whole demeanour had changed. Ancia didn’t bat an
eye despite facing an angry Gilbert. Rather, she interrupted him with

“Can’t you even greet your father?!”

Gilbert shouted. Although she had changed her clothes and her
demeanor was arrogant, Ancia was, afterall, still the same Ancia.

She must’ve become arrogant because the Emperor favored her a

little bit. Gilbert wanted to tear down Ancia’s act, but Melissa, the
maid, stepped in.

“Please be respectful to Her Highness.”

For any errors and issues contact me through discord:
Chapter 16 – I’ve met a real beast (9)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The maid came from the family of a fallen aristocrat, and the knight
next to her was born from the commoners. The people next to the
monstrous Crown Prince, were, as expected, trash of poor quality.

Gilbert couldn’t believe this inferior maid had admonished him!

“How dare you, a mere maid, speak in the presence of the Crown
Princess’s father?”

Gilbert lashed out at Melissa.

He needed to educate not only Ancia but also the arrogant servants
and knights around her.

Suddenly, Ancia snapped coldly, “Don’t talk recklessly to my people.”


“If you’re just going to be a bully, then you may leave.”

“You bitch! I am the one who let you become the Crown Princess!”

Count Bellacian raised his hand high, but Ancia didn’t even blink.

“Have you heard of the Marquis Hamel incident?”

Gilbert was forced to pause for a moment.

Ancia didn’t call him ‘father.’ She addressed him as if he was a

Didn’t the Marquis of Hamel have his wrist cut and lose his title
because he tried to slap Ancia?

She was warning Gilbert right now.

Gilbert’s hand slid down. Ancia had changed. She was no longer the
gloomy child that was starved for his affection.

The foolish girl who longed for her father’s affection had
disappeared, and now, she had become the Crown Princess that
was before his eyes.

“An-Ancia, I got a little excited and made a mistake. But do you have
to be so cold to your father?”

Gilbert smiled obsequiously and tried to patch things up, but Ancia
ruthlessly rejected him.

“Get out of here right now! Don’t ever come near the Crown Prince’s
Palace again. I’ll let things slide today, but I won’t forgive you if it
happens again!”


But he couldn’t leave just because Ancia was throwing him out. If he
went back now, the opportunity to make Diana the Empress would


Gilbert tried to resist, but in the end, Edon dragged him away.


I met Count Bellacian. It was the same man I saw in my dream.

[You need to be useful to the family. If you received gifts, you
should’ve sent them to your family. You’re so selfish!]

He came to see me in person after sending me such letters, so I

wondered if there was anything important. But it was all nonsense
until the end.

Word about the Emperor doting on me had been circulating these

days, so he was just trying to intimidate me into getting his way.

What a scumbag.

Even after getting kicked out, the Count kept sending letters. None of
them were worth reading, so I didn’t even open them up anymore.

Besides, I didn’t have time to worry about the Bellacian family’s

problems now.

I had to participate in the Sealing Festival as the Crown Princess.

I was very busy with learning about the etiquette of the ball and
preparing for the party. The biggest problem was dancing.

I had never danced before. I did dance once before, when I was in
elementary school, but it couldn’t be considered as a proper dance.

“Your Highness, the right foot!”


Right off the bat, my first move was wrong. The smile disappeared
from the face of Countess Chardin who was teaching me the dance.

Countess Chardin was known for her gentle character, but at the
moment, she seemed to have reached her limit.

I had been struggling with the intro for ten days now, so it was
already impressive that she had endured this far.
“I’m sorry…”

“No, you can do it!”

Countess Chardin took a deep breath and smiled.

“Come, put your legs together, right foot and left foot.”

Good! You’re doing great. Now, turn!”


At that moment, I fell to the floor. My legs had tangled up so I lost my



“Your Highness, are you okay?”

“Oh my, Your Highness!”


Blake, Countess Chardin, Melissa, and the black cat all quickly
surrounded me.

I was grateful for their concern, but right now, I was so


“I-I’m okay.”

I jumped to my feet, waving my hands.

“Your Highness, let’s stop here for today.”

“Yes, I think that would be good.”

Today, the dance practice ended without much success.


“Kitty, come here.”

I went into the room and called the black cat over. The black cat
came to me and ran around me in circles.


When I called, the cat crept in and hugged me. I had never seen a
cat like this before. He was gentle and charming, so pretty.

I rubbed the kitty’s hair. I didn’t give it a name because it looked like
it already had an owner.

“Did you see me fall today, kitty?”


The kitty nodded. No matter how I looked at it, this kitty was brilliant.

Hans said it seemed like the Palace’s mage had raised this cat. He
must’ve been right.

“I guess I’m not good at dancing.”




“Can you dance as well?”

The kitty nodded vigorously. I didn’t know if it really understood, or if I
was just interpreting what it said as I pleased.

“Since kitty supported this older sister, I’ll give you Sungnyung.”

As Blake said, the cat was indeed a male, and so I corrected my title
from Unnie to Nuna.*

*TL note : Unnie and noona meant the same thing, older sister. But
unnie addresses an ‘older sister’ of a female speaker. And nuna
addresses an ‘older sister’ of a male speaker.

“Meow, Meow!”

The cat was strangely fond of Sungnyung.

I didn’t know why, but when I checked its gender, the kitty seemed to
be very embarrassed. However, he calmed down when I gave him
the Sungnyung.

I carried the kitty outside.

“Melissa, please bring me some Sungnyung.”

“I’ve already prepared it in advance.”

Melissa laid the Sungnyung on the floor. Then, the kitty went down
from my arms and began to eat the Sungnyung.

“Eat slowly.”

I smiled as I watched the little cat. Then, Blake came inside.

After Blake declared that he’d get abs, he began to learn

swordsmanship from Edon.

“Your Highness, have you learned a lot?”

“Yeah. He hasn’t left yet?”

Blake glared at the kitty as soon as he saw it.

“Your Highness, why are you doing this to the kitty? You have to love
animals too.

Blake trudged along and looked at the kitty.

“I don’t like it .”

“Your Highness, you can’t do that.”

“But it doesn’t look like a real animal.”


What did he mean by ‘It doesn’t look like a real animal’? I was
puzzled by his words, while the kitty, who was eating the Sungnyung,

“Somehow, I feel strange when I see it.”

Blake reached for the kitty. But the kitty dodged his hand and
disappeared out of the window.


I tried to go after the kitty, but Blake grabbed me by the wrist.

“Don’t chase him.”

“Your Highness.”

“Why do you keep paying attention to other males?”

Blake pouted his lips and I laughed.

“It’s a cat.”

“I still don’t like it. It’s a male.”

He looked up at me. A male? A little question rose in my head, and
Blake put his hands above his head, imitating the shape of rabbit

“You don’t like rabbits anymore?”


“Do you like cats? Meow?”

“I’d love it more if it was my husband instead of an animal!”

He was already so pretty and cute. How great it would be if he grew

up. If the curse was lifted, he’d capture the hearts of all the women in
the Empire.


“Your Highness, could you do me a favor?”


He nodded at once.

“Why would you answer so easily? What if I ask you for a weird

“I don’t care. I can do whatever my wife asks for.”

He was only eight years old, but he was still such a reliable husband.

“Then help me practice dancing!”


“Yes, I don’t think I should do it alone. I need a partner!”

“I don’t know much about dancing either…”

“It’s okay if you can’t dance.”

I took his hand and pulled him along with me to the hall on the third
floor. This was where I usually practiced dancing.

“Wouldn’t it be better to practice with Edon than me? He’s about the
same height as His Majesty.”

I was supposed to have my first dance with the Emperor at the ball.

The ball would be held to commemorate the Emperor sealing the

Door of Darkness.

I was supposed to attend with the Emperor in place of the Crown

Prince, because Blake was the Heir to the Curse so couldn’t go to
the ball.

Blake showed no sign of sadness about it.

I would’ve felt a little better if he threw a tantrum because he wanted

to attend the ball, like a normal eight-year-old child.

“I want my first dance to be with you.”

Although it was just a small hall instead of the ballroom, I wanted my

first dance to be with Blake.


For any errors and issues contact me through discord:
Chapter 17 – I’ve met a real beast (10)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“I was going to ask you for a dance after I got a little used to it, but I
haven’t made any progress in ten days.”

Ever since I decided to attend a ball and dance with the Emperor, I
wanted my first dance to be with Blake.

In fact, I was going to suggest him as a practice partner later if I

learnt quickly, but my dancing skills were not progressing at all.

“You don’t have to force yourself if you don’t want to.”

Blake’s eyes were slightly moist. I didn’t mean to make him cry…

“I might step on your foot.”

“You can step on it. It doesn’t hurt when you step on it!”


That was nonsense. How come it wouldn’t hurt.

“It’s not a lie. Ancia’s a fairy. You’re very light.”

“Am I…a fairy?”

“Yes, you’re a fairy.”

Blake smiled brightly. It was kind of embarrassing for me to hear

that. Still, I didn’t dislike it.
“Let’s get started then.”

I stretched my right hand out and took his hand. At that moment,
Blake froze.

His face turned red, and he seemed to be quite nervous.

“Are you embarrassed?”

We held hands everyday, but was he still embarrassed?


Even though he seemed embarrassed, he still held my hand firmly.

And our first dance began.

“Ah! I’m sorry!”

As soon as we started, I stepped on Blake’s foot.

Of course, I didn’t step on it too hard because I moved back instantly

when I felt my feet touch him. Still, it must’ve hurt.

I followed the steps correctly, but it wasn’t easy to match the

intervals as I danced with a partner.

“Well, I’m just not good at dancing.”

“It’s your first time. Ancia can do it!”

Blake cheered me on. Yeah, it was probably because it was my first

time doing it with a partner. I can do it!

I took his hand again. However, I wasn’t yet at the level to start
practicing with a partner.

I felt like I would accidentally push Blake while I was doing the steps,
and if I pushed him, we’d be too far apart, so it’d become harder to
maintain balance, and my legs would get twisted. I couldn’t count my
steps correctly.

But Blake gave me a good lead. Even if I made a mistake, he took

control and continued the next move naturally.

“Your Majesty is so good at dancing. Have you been taking dancing


“I only observed when you were taught.”


Blake had watched my dancing practice. Even a person who only

watched it was so good, so why was I like this?

“You’ll do much better if you relax a little.”

He gently comforted me as if he had read my thoughts. Sometimes

Blake really appeared to be a reliable husband.

We continued to practice and managed to finish a waltz to the end.

Of course, while I did the steps I learned, my movements resembled
those of a broken robot.

Not long after, the sun set and night fell upon us. We sat side by side
as we looked at the moon through the window.

“We danced a full song. It’s all thanks to you.”

“Don’t feel too pressured. You dance much better than I do. You
won’t make any mistakes.”

Blake stared at me.

“You’ll look very beautiful. I’m sure they’ll all be enchanted. Seeing
He trailed off as he was speaking, but I could guess what he was
trying to say.

He wanted to say that he wanted to see me himself. I wanted to

attend the ball with Blake too.

It didn’t have to be a big party. I wanted to go to a party with Blake

and dance in front of everyone. I just wanted to make memories with

But it was impossible.

For Blake to come out, the curse had to be lifted, and the one he
needed to lift that curse was Diana.

Blake would grow up healthily, attend the ball and dance normally,
but it wouldn’t be me who’d be standing next to him then.

I took his hand.

“You’ll be able to attend the ball when you grow up.”

“Yes. I’ll be your escort then.”

“… I’ll look forward to it.”

I smiled, knowing that his words would not come true.


I visited the Emperor at least once a day and the Emperor looked
forward to it too.

“Ta-da! Guess what I made today, Father?”

I showed off my new dish, the red pepper paste stew. Then
Tenstheon looked down at the red soup with a stiff expression.

“You are very gutsy. Trying to poison the Emperor right in front of his

“It’s not poison!”

“That’s what they all say.”

The Emperor bantered casually as he scooped up a spoonful of red

pepper paste stew.

I liked eating spicy food, but Blake was still young, and none of the
servants could handle spicy food.

However, I didn’t want to cook in such a big cauldron only to eat it

alone. And so, I found a way.

Tenstheon ate spicy food well.

I was delighted to learn that I had a spicy food-eating comrade in this

world. And so, whenever I wanted to eat spicy food, I’d go look for
the Emperor.

Tenstheon had become quite familiar with Korean food, so he

habitually ate the stew with rice.

“How’s the taste?”

“It’s delicious.”

“That’s fortunate, I was afraid you wouldn’t eat it because it didn’t

suit your tastes.”

“You’ve worried over nothing. It’s the food that my daughter-in-law

gave me, so why would I not eat it?”

“You said it was poison before.”

“Even if it was poison, I’d eat it.”

Tenstheon said bluntly and put a spoonful of red pepper paste stew
in his mouth.

Wasn’t he overdoing it for his daughter-in-law?

“You can’t eat poison! Blake would be very sad if Your Majesty fell

“That kid?”

A bitter expression appeared on the Emperor’s face.

“Yes, he’ll be very sad.”

“What did I even do for him?… I’m just glad he doesn’t hate me.”

“Your Majesty, the Crown Prince doesn’t hate you.”

In the original story, Blake did not hate his father.

Even when Blake was struggling with loneliness, he had no

resentment against his father.

“Your Majesty is the light of the Empire. Your health should be the
top priority for the Crown Prince and your people.”

Blake was not the only one who became unhappy after Tenstheon
passed away.

Arnold was arrogant and incompetent, and while his sons quarrelled
over the throne, the Empire fell into neglect.

Not only just for Blake, but also for the sake of the entire Empire,
Tenstheon could not die in vain.

“Sir Collin told me you stayed up late last night. Working is important,
but your health is also a top priority.”
“So much nagging.”

He always said that whenever I told him to rest. He was a terrible

workaholic. Hence, whether it was through small talk or something
else, I wanted to help him a little.

I ate the spicy stew with rice.

“You’ve treated me to a delicious meal, so I’ll give you a present.”

What else was he going to give me? I had already received so many
gifts that I had no idea where to put them.

“It’s all right. I’ve already received too many gifts.”

“I’ll build a greenhouse in Amoria Palace.”


I was delighted.

The Crown Prince’s Palace was named “Amoria”, meaning love, but
there was very little space so it looked old and desolate.

The Palace had a small garden, but it was not adequately furnished,
so it would be rare to see even a single flower bloom in winter.

“Yes. I’m going to fill the lake and build the greenhouse above it.”

After Ancia fell into the water, a large fence was quickly put up
around the lake. I thought they’d only put the fence there temporarily,
but turns out, the lake would be gone entirely instead.

“There’s no need if it’s because of me. Back then, I was not familiar
with the place, so I fell in by mistake. I’m not going to make that
mistake again.”

“I can’t just leave the lake that made my daughter-in-law suffer like
A cold glint flashed in Tenstheon’s eyes.


“His Majesty will fill the lake and build a greenhouse above it.”

I told Blake about my conversation with the Emperor.

Blake had lived in this Palace ever since the sentences of the curse
appeared on his body. The lake might be precious to him.

Whether it was a greenhouse or a lake, I’d go with what Blake


“Is it okay to fill the lake?”

Blake smiled with no hesitation.

“Yes. It’s the lake that you fell into! It deserves to be gone!”

Blake said firmly. This pair of father and son were really similar in
some ways.

Although their appearances were slightly different, and their

personalities were the exact opposite of each other, there were times
when I was reminded that they were really related by blood.

What on earth did the lake do wrong?

“Are you really okay with it?”

“Yes! I wish I could fill it up right now!”

With this, the greenhouse’s construction was confirmed.

“The greenhouse would be enormous if they built it over the entire
lake. What would you like to plant in it?”



“Yes, it’s a vegetable from the East. I can make kimchi with it.”


“Yes, my favourite food.”

I could make a lot more dishes if I had kimchi. Just the thought of
kimchi stew and kimchi fried rice made my mouth water.

“I want some too!”

“You can’t eat it because it’s too spicy.”

“I can eat it!”

“Hmm, no way. Eat it when you’re older.”

“I’m all grown up!”

“Oho, is that so?”

I pinched Blake’s cheeks. These days, he had gained some weight,

so he had become very plump and cute.

“I’m all grown up…”

Blake found it unfair for some reason.

“I’ll plant spinach so that my husband can grow up fast.”

“Yes. And also beans, perilla leaves, peppers, and pumpkins!”

Blake was listening carefully to me and shook his head when he

heard that.

“What about flowers?”

How could I plant only flowers in a greenhouse? Flowers were pretty,

but it’d better if it were something I could eat.

“Then, Your Highness, do you have any flowers that you want to


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Chapter 18 – I’ve met a real beast (11)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer


“Yes. I’m going to plant red roses for Ancia.”

Blake smiled broadly.

In the language of flowers, red roses signified ‘love’. It was also the
flower that was given to propose marriage.

Did he really want to give me a red rose?


The dress arrived before the ball. It was made by three of the most
prominent designers in the Empire. They had put their heart and soul
into crafting each dress.

All three designers were devoted to this dress, so they hadn’t

accepted any other reservations.
As expected of the Empire’s best designers, all three dresses were

The first one was a cute and lovely soft pink dress. It was very fitting
for a 10-year-old girl. The next one was an achromatic dress that
aimed to maximize my beauty by using high-end fabrics and
jewellery. The last one was a classic dress that used traditional
designs in a fresh yet elegant way.

The one that suited me the most was the pink dress, but the one I
liked the most was the achromatic dress. But in the end, I chose the
dress with the traditional design.

The Emperor had not been close to another woman since the
Empress passed away. He had always attended every ball by
himself since.

When rumours spread that he’d attend with me, some aristocrats
protested, but there was nothing they could do about it.

I didn’t want to look cute or beautiful. Using this ball, I wanted to

imprint the image of a dignified Crown Princess in everyone’s mind.
With such an image, I’d warn everyone not to overlook or look down
on Blake’s position.

I was a supporting character that would be gone soon, but I still

wanted to do my best to protect him.


On the day of the long-awaited ball, I got up early in the morning. As

soon as I got up, Blake also rubbed his eyes and got up.

“Did I wake you up?”

“No. I was already awake. Will you be going now?”

“Yes, Your Highness, I’ll be right back.”

Countess Chardin had a close relationship with the late Empress.

She visited the Crown Prince’s Palace without hesitation to teach me
how to dance.

But not everyone was like Countess Chardin. Most people were
reluctant to enter the Palace of the Crown Prince, so I had to get
ready at the Palace of Sephia, which was originally the Crown
Princess’s Palace.

“Good luck.”

Blake smiled broadly and waved. These days, Blake always smiled
like that. I was the one who received gifts from the Emperor, was
taught etiquette, and was going to attend the ball, but he didn’t show
any signs of envy, let alone anger.

Of course, I shared all the gifts with Blake except for things like
dresses and shoes that he couldn’t use. I thought the Emperor sent
me many gifts for that reason.

But even so, it would be different when he received the gift himself.

I stared at Blake’s crimson eyes quietly.

“Your Highness, I think the gifts the Emperor gave me are actually for

“No way,…”

Blake lowered his head. He always listened to me but he’d deflect

the moment I brought up the topic of his father. Blake didn’t hate his
father, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t be hurt. I knew the wound
was inscribed deep in his heart, so I don’t intend to force them to
reconcile. But today, I wanted to talk about this.

“Your Majesty loves you. That’s why he treats me so well.”


But Blake shook his head firmly.

“His Majesty gave you presents not because you’re my wife, but
because you are Ancia.”

“Your Highness…”

“I’m truly happy for you Ancia.”


Blake’s eyes glistened innocently.

I realized that Blake was not disappointed in the first place. It wasn’t
that he was trying to hide his disappointment but he was purely
happy that I had received so many gifts.

“Ancia, have a great time.”

Blake laughed again as if my joy was his own.


I arrived at Sephia Palace. Then, more than ten women began to

surround me and began to prepare me for the ball.

All of the ladies were said to be the best in their fields.

After drawing up a bath with beautiful petals for me, they applied
many things on my face, and carefully trimmed my nails and

It took a lot of time to get my hair done.

It was delightful yet tiring to be taken care of. The ball hadn’t even
started yet, but I already felt tired.

“Your Highness, we’re done.”

I thought it was a bit too much to start dressing up at dawn, but I

would have been in trouble if I started later.

I looked in the mirror. A girl with a timeless beauty was reflected

back at me. Very gorgeous and elegant.

Waking up at dawn was really worth it.

“You guys have done a good job. It must’ve been tiring to prepare all
of this since dawn.”

“No, it was our honour to serve Your Highness.”

“Your Highness looks so beautiful.”

“Your Highness will definitely be the main character of today’s ball.”

The women all gave many praises. However, despite the praises that
kept pouring in, I felt a sense of emptiness.

What would Blake say if he was here? He would’ve been so

surprised to see my transformation.

I was busy reviewing the etiquette and waltz steps, but my mind was
filled with Blake’s image.

When I finished preparing and went down to the first floor, I saw
Tenstheon. He smiled softly at me.
“You look very pretty.”

“Father is also very dashing today.”

Tenstheon wore traditionally styled robes to suit my dress. His

overwhelming aura grew even stronger even though he had only
changed his clothes.


“Yes, perfect! Father is perfect!”

He was perfect from the very top to bottom. He owned a perfect

visage with an overwhelming aura.

The Emperor smiled lightly at my words and took my hand.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes, Father.”


“His Majesty the Emperor has arrived! Her Highness the Crown
Princess has arrived!”

I clasped the Emperor’s hand as I went into the ballroom. All of the
ball participants bowed their heads.

“Your Majesty the Emperor, the great light of the Empire. Your
Highness the Crown Princess, the blessing of the Empire.”

My gaze met with Richard’s among the countless people. There was
no particular reason for it. It was just that he raised his head first.
I glared in annoyance when our eyes met for a moment. Richard
looked at me and raised his lips. What was wrong with him? He had
already been rejected, but he still wouldn’t stop. I was annoyed but I
got goosebumps for some reason.

I quickly looked at Tenstheon. To be the main character, he should

radiate at least this much aura. Or be as cute as Blake!

I couldn’t understand why the author had chosen Richard as the

male lead.

“What’s wrong?”

Tenstheon asked me as if he had felt my gaze. I raised my head and

whispered to him as he lowered his body.

“Father is the coolest here.”

“Haha. Silly girl.”

Tenstheon burst into laughter as soon as he heard me. At that

moment, the people in the ballroom suddenly started murmuring
amongst themselves. What the hell? Did I do something wrong?

I was perplexed and quietly focused on the chatter around me.

“Did you see? His Majesty bent his knees.”

“He’s also laughing, isn’t he?”

“His Majesty is laughing! How could this happen? Something

must’ve gone wrong when he sealed the Door of Darkness.”

“Oh my God. I guess it’s true that he dotes on Her Highness.”

What? What kind of image did he have before?

I looked up at the Emperor. The smile had once again disappeared

from his face.
When he stared at the nobles with his crimson eyes, the tumultuous
atmosphere settled down in a moment.

When the Emperor and I sat down, the ball began.

The priest, nobles, knights, mages and representatives of the

academy praised the Emperor for sealing the Door of Darkness
safely and foreign envoys also thanked the Emperor Tenstheon for
preventing the continent’s crisis.

Tenstheon credited all the glory to both the Goddess of Light and the
people of the Empire.

Once the Emperor finished his speech, he’d ask me to dance. And
with our dance, the ball would officially start in full swing.

I wasn’t nervous. I had improved a lot since I had been practicing

with Blake. But, I just didn’t feel like dancing.

I wanted to dance with Blake for the first dance of the ball. Not just
during practice.

It was a very childish wish, but I still desired it.

Of course, I couldn’t say that out loud.

Then the Emperor’s voice came to my ears.

“I was supposed to have the first dance with my lovely daughter-in-

law today, but unfortunately my dancing skills have become rather
rusty. Once again, I thank the Goddess of Light for this occasion and
ask you all to enjoy the ball.”

Tenstheon sat down after his speech. I blinked in confusion. Then,

he whispered.

“You wanted to dance with Blake, didn’t you?”

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Chapter 19 – I’ve met a real beast (12)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer


He knew how I felt.

“I’ll just dance with you next time.”

“Thank you, father.”

“No, thanks to you.”

Tenstheon patted my head lightly. It was the touch of a warm father.

At that moment, the surrounding area became full of chatter again.

“Oh my! Did you see that? This time, His Majesty whispered first!”

“His Majesty patted her head!”

“I think I’m hallucinating!”

“I think so too! Did he get a mental disturbance while sealing the

Door of Darkness?”

Just what kind of image did Tenstheon have before? Still, even
though everyone was surprised by the gentleness of the Emperor, no
one seemed to dislike it.

Everyone except for the Duke of Cassil that is. He looked at us

disapprovingly, but when I looked at him, he quickly turned away.

Even though the song started playing, everyone was busy looking at
Tenstheon and me.
“Even if you didn’t get to dance with Blake, it’s your first party as the
Crown Princess, so just enjoy yourself.”

“Yes, Father.”

As soon as I walked down the platform, people rushed to greet me.

“Your Highness, you look wonderful tonight. I am Marquis Sheldron.”

“Good to see you, Marquis Sheldron. Your son graduated second-

ranked from the Knights Academy this time, right? Congratulations.”

When I gave my congratulations, Marquis Sheldron’s eyes widened.

“Lady Emily, congratulations on your wedding.”

“Countess Marcion, I heard your precious grandson was born five

days ago. The child will receive the Goddess of Light’s blessings
since the Door of Darkness was closed. You must be delighted.”

There was one more thing that I made sure to learn carefully
alongside ball etiquette and dancing. It was memorizing everything
about the nobles.

I memorized the profiles of powerful aristocrats among the

participants in the ball and the list of those who had special
occasions to celebrate among the lower nobility.

I studied so hard I felt like I’d have gone to Harvard if I studied like
this before.

The Empire was quick on marriage and tended to start social

activities relatively early.

If Ancia had been active in social activities, people would suspect

me, because I didn’t know who Ancia was close to and who she
Fortunately, Count Bellacian only supported Diana’s social activities,
and Ancia wasn’t allowed to go out unless absolutely necessary.

In fact, it was part of the Empress and the Crown Princess’ duties to
learn the names of the nobles. Usually, however, they’d learn it
naturally through social activities and receive help from their maid.

However, today was my social debut, and I greeted people without

any help from anyone.

This should be enough to imprint the existence of Crown Princess

Ancia in everyone’s minds.

The greetings were coming to an end. Count Bellacian tried to

approach me, but when I stared, he could not say a word and finally

I was sure he had boasted that I respected and followed him, but he
couldn’t come forward because he was afraid they’d find out about
that lie.

I saw a little child next to Count Bellacian. Just like me, she had
blond hair and blue eyes.

Her eyes seemed to resemble mine, round and cute, but her eyes
were more droopy, so her aura was mild.

It was Diana. She looked much lovelier than what was described in
the novel.

I was looking at Diana when a man suddenly blocked my view.

Richard cut his way past Diana and came towards me.

“Your Highness, long time no see.”

“Ah, yes.”
I answered with a wry smile. Why was he talking to me again after
being rejected like that?

“You’ve become more beautiful.”

He was still young, but his comments were so cheesy. It was

common praise, but coming from him, I found it off-putting.

“Thank you.”

As a courtesy reply, he held out his hand.

“Your Highness, will you allow me a glorious first dance?”

‘What are you talking about, bastard?’

Tenstheon said he wouldn’t dance, but no one thought it was really

because his dancing skills were rusty.

All citizens knew that Tenstheon was a good dancer. Countess

Chardin also praised him for his dancing skills. He wouldn’t get rusty
that soon.

No one said anything about it, but they didn’t ask me for a dance
either because they thought I hadn’t mastered it or I had a good
reason not to.

Besides, I was the Crown Princess.

The Crown Princess’ first dance partner should, of course, be the

Crown Prince. For the Crown Princess, there was an implicit rule to
only dance with the Crown Prince, his father, or his brother, if any.

Everyone else had stayed put in consideration of their status and

circumstances, but I couldn’t believe Richard was asking me to
dance proudly.

I’m afraid I’d even refuse Count Bellacian.

Why was he confident that he won’t be rejected? Only Richard, the
male lead, could have this kind of confidence.

“I’m sorry, but I refuse.”

“You don’t have to be ashamed of your poor dancing skills. I’ll lead
you well.”

So he was assuming that my skills were lacking? Even if that was

true, he couldn’t say that in front of everyone. He was really

“You’re not as awesome as His Majesty so I don’t want to dance with


Richard’s expression froze.

He was arrogant and proud. Normally, he would look down on

everyone and treat them like his chess pieces, but he only
acknowledged Tenstheon.

However, beyond his respect for Tenstheon, there was also a sense
of inferiority.

Richard’s pride had been scratched and he gritted his teeth. But in
fact, I had been rather considerate.

“Oh, Your Highness, there’s no one in the world more wonderful than
His Majesty.”

“That’s right. If I look for a man like His Majesty, I wouldn’t be able to
dance with anyone for the rest of my life.”


The ladies who heard me burst in laughter.

Amidst the friendly atmosphere, only Richard’s face was red.


The party was held in the widest hall of the Palace, but it was a bit
frustrating because the hall was full of people.

I finished the greetings and went to the terrace to rest for a moment.

The cold air made me feel a little relaxed.

What was Blake doing? Ever since I became Ancia, I had never
been away from such a long time.

I missed my husband. He wasn’t crying because he missed me, was


“Knock knock knock.”

Suddenly, I heard a cute girl’s voice.

“Knock knock, can I come in?”

There were several terraces in the ballroom. Anyone who wanted to

rest could close the curtains and go into the terrace. If the curtains
were closed, it was polite to not come in, because there would
already be someone inside.

But the girl asked for permission to enter so the other terraces must
be occupied.

“Come in.”

Upon receiving my permission, the curtains opened carefully, and a

blonde girl came in.
It was Diana. I was shocked by the sudden appearance of the
heroine, who I thought was just another young aristocrat.



As I called her name, her eyes curved up into crescents and she
smiled brightly.

“You look so pretty today. You’re like an angel. You’re not just pretty,
you’re very elegant and cool. How can you be so pretty!”

Diana’s small lips moved in praise. Her voice contained pure joy, and
I couldn’t detect even a hint of jealousy.

Diana liked Ancia very much because she was her only sister. At
first, Ancia also liked Diana.

However, Count Bellacian’s discrimination separated the two.

The Count gave Diana a large room and a small one for Ancia. He
bought Diana all kinds of dresses, jewellery, and toys, but gave
Ancia nothing.

Five teachers were hired to teach Diana so that she could be in the
spotlight, but he refused to allow Ancia even a book.

No matter how young they were, they could understand who their
parents loved more and who they discriminated against.

Diana hated this situation. She felt that her time with her sister was
more precious than those dresses or jewellery. She only wanted to
be with her sister.

But whenever she brought that up, the Count would hit Ancia
instead. He said that Ancia lured the innocent Diana to get what she
No matter how much Diana explained that it wasn’t, he didn’t listen.
Even if Diana made a small mistake, he’d get angry, believing that it
was Ancia’s fault.

As this situation continued, Ancia stayed away from Diana. Diana

couldn’t ask her sister to play with her anymore either.

In the original story, Diana was a character who acted brightly on the
outside but was filled with deep sorrow on the inside.

She thought her sister died because of her, and couldn’t forget that
guilt until the very end.

Diana regretted it again and again, thinking that none of it would’ve

happened if she had married the Crown Prince instead of her sister.

When Ancia commited suicide, Count Bellacian panicked.

He didn’t mourn for his daughter’s death. Rather, he was afraid of

the Emperor taking back the wedding gift that he gave to them when
she got married.

However, the Emperor apologized and sent a tremendous amount of

consolation money to the Count.

Although the Count’s family was satisfied by Ancia’s wedding gifts

and consolation money from the Emperor, Diana was not happy.

Diana said she didn’t want to be well-off with the money the family
had accumulated thanks to her sister’s tragic death. Soon, she left
home and when she became an adult, she took on the position of
being Blake’s maid, a job which everyone was reluctant to do.

She regarded Ancia’s death and Blake’s despair as her own

responsibility and went to him as atonement.
For any errors and issues contact me through discord:
Chapter 20 – I’ve met a real beast (13)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

But unlike the original story, Ancia didn’t die this time. Of course, the
real Ancia was gone, but Diana didn’t know that. So she wouldn’t
suffer from that guilt for the rest of her life.

“You were so cool back then. I could never do that. Everyone was
going crazy praising you and it was no joke!”

In “The Beast and the Lady,” there was a scene where Ancia said
she did not blame Diana. Of course, she indeed felt jealous and
hateful because of the situation, but she couldn’t hate her sister, the
only person who genuinely liked her.

Others might not know, but Diana could realize that I was a fake.

I recalled the original story and tried to act as the real Ancia.

“Thank you.”

“How pretty.”

Diana smiled brightly. Fortunately, she didn’t seem to have any


“Are you feeling better, sister?”


“They said you had drowned before.”

“Oh, yes,…”
“I was worried, but I’m glad you look healthy.”

She looked around and came close to me.

“Sister, take this.”

Diana handed me a small red box.

“What is this?”

“This thermos is made of Mana Stone of Fire. You can keep things
warm with this. I wanted to give it to you earlier, but I didn’t get the
chance to.”

“It’s fine. I’m all better.”

“Don’t worry about father! I bought it secretly with my money!”

She looked around again and firmly placed the thermos in my hand.

It was both admirable and sad to see her secretly trying to give me
something. After all, the real Ancia had already passed away.

“Thank you. I’ll use it well.”

Diana’s eyes were wet with tears. She was very much like Blake,
shedding tears at the littlest of things.

“What are you crying about?”

“I’m very happy because you accepted it…”

When I handed her a handkerchief, she shook her head.

“No. I can use mine. By the way, your handkerchief is very beautiful.
Did His Majesty give it to you?”

“His Majesty must really like you. That’s a relief.”

The heroine of this world was different. I was worried that Diana, like
Richard, might be a weirdo, but she was much cuter and lovelier
than I expected.

I thought of Blake and Diana standing side by side.

The two would get along very well.

I was supposed to be happy for them, but I somewhat felt lonely



After the ball, I returned to the Crown Prince’s Palace.

The moment the carriage entered the Palace, I felt at ease. As

expected, I felt at home here.


As soon as I got off the carriage, Blake approached me and gently

hugged me. I hugged him back.

It was a pleasure to have someone waiting to welcome me when I

came back from an outing.

Of course, it was only moving from one Palace to another, but it felt
like I had returned from a short trip.

“Your Highness, how do I look?”

It was just a short remark, but I was delighted. It meant more to me
than anything I had heard today.

I took off my fancy dress, took a bath, and then changed into
comfortable pyjamas.

As I climbed onto the bed, Blake asked me.

“Ancia, did you have fun today?”

“I was so nervous that I thought I wouldn’t be able to enjoy it. But it

was nice.”

“Did you dance? His Majesty led you well, right?”

“No, he didn’t.”


“I want my first dance to be with you.”


“His Majesty knew that.”

Blake’s expression changed. He didn’t look happy. He replied, “You

should have danced with His Majesty. I might never be able to go to
such a place…”

“Why can’t you go?”

“I’m cursed…”

I clasped his hands.

‘Today, I met the person who could lift your curse. She was such a
pretty and lovely girl.’

I swallowed the words back and looked at Blake.

“Your Highness, please promise me one thing.”


“Yes. When the curse is lifted later, please dance with me.”

I don’t want much. I just wanted to dance with Blake at a ball after
his curse had been lifted once.

“Of course. Who else would I dance with besides Ancia?”

Blake looked up at me.

“Ancia, I’m so scared.”

“The curse will definitely be lifted. You don’t have to worry.”

“Not the curse. I’m afraid you will leave me.”

He held my hand firmly together.

“I’m afraid my wife will suddenly leave me behind.”

“…Where would I go?”

I told that lie again, but Blake grabbed my hand even harder.

“Ancia, don’t leave me…”

“Your Highness…”

“You are the only one for me. Ancia, I will do whatever you want, so
don’t leave me!”

He must have felt I was lying, so he cried out in desperation.

“Your Highness, don’t cry. Don’t cry.”

I hugged him and patted him on the back. I could always say that I
definitely wouldn’t leave, but the white lie I always told him,
somehow, refused to come out this time.

“Ancia, tell me you won’t leave.”

“Your Highness…”

“Promise me you won’t leave me.”

“… I’m not leaving.”

By succumbing to Blake’s pleas, I ended up making another promise

I couldn’t keep.


I promised Blake I wouldn’t leave. But at the same time, I thought I

should prepare for a breakup.

Blake’s first love was Diana. Although the pair split up when Diana
fell for Richard, it was Blake who first loved her.

So even though Blake was young and followed me, one he met
Diana, he’d choose her instead.

But Blake seemed to like me more than I thought.

The next day, I sent a letter to Count Bellacian saying I wanted to

see Diana. Then the Count replied that he would send Diana at any

Count Bellacian hated it when Diana played with Ancia. So I thought

there was a high probability of him rejecting it. Yet, the response that
came was contrary to my expectations.

“Your Highness, today my sister will visit me.”

“Yes. I know.”

Blake nodded his head.

He cried so much, telling me not to leave, but he must be nervous to

meet his first love.

I secretly talked to Hans and made him a new outfit. The clothes he
wore today were those clothes.

Children were always like that. Even if they talked to someone they
met for several hours, they’d still forget the conversation the next
day. I was disappointed even though I knew that. But it was a good

“Are you nervous?”

“A little bit. It wouldn’t be nice if my sister-in-law hated me, would it?”

Huh? Wasn’t it supposed to be the excitement of meeting his first


I felt something was wrong, but he might be saying that only in front
of me.

“It’s alright. Don’t worry.”

Diana was a kind-hearted heroine and had no repulsion towards the

Their meeting would now be earlier than the original, but it was
better for it to be faster than later.

I fixed Blake’s cravat.

Soon after, the Bellacian carriage arrived.


Diana was wearing a bright yellow dress and looked extraordinarily

lovely today.

“I was so happy to hear that you wanted to see me. I couldn’t sleep
at all last night because it was like a dream! Oh, I love your dress.
You look so pretty today. How do you keep getting prettier every

Diana was much brighter and a little more talkative than what was
mentioned in the original story.

“Diana, say hello to the Crown Prince first.”

“Oh, greetings to the Crown Prince.”

“Nice to meet you, Lady Bellacian.”

Blake said in a rather mature way.

“Your Majesty, thank you for inviting me.”

Diana also used good manners. There was no sign of fear or

reluctance from her.

The two people looked much better than I imagined as they stood
side by side.

“Diana, I’m sorry, but I need to see His Majesty for a while. Can you
wait here?”
“Yes, don’t worry.”

“Your Highness, can you show Diana around the Palace?”

“Of course. Leave it to me!”

“Yes, please.”

I used going to the Imperial Palace as an excuse to give time for

them to get to know each other.

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Chapter 21 – A yellow puppy adores me (1)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

What were they doing now?

Blake, the Heir to the Curse, and Diana, the Heir of Light who had
the power to lift the curse. In the original story, the two would have
felt a natural attraction.

Although Diana and I were sisters, that didn’t matter.

Blake and I were married, but we had yet to report it to the church.

Young couples could get married in the church once they became

Even if they had a political marriage as a child, it was possible to

nullify the marriage at any time before getting married in church.

It was common for people to marry when they were young and part
because they didn’t get along well together later, handing their
partner to their brother or sister instead.

It was possible because the combination of families was far more

important than the individuals themselves.

However, regardless of the culture or tradition of this country, if Blake

asked for a divorce because he liked another woman would be too
much of him. He said he likes me…!
Ancia, let’s not be like this. Let’s not really act like a ten year old kid.
Blake’s gotta be with Diana. That’s the best solution I could think of.

I made up my mind as I searched the library for books about the

power of light.

Was Diana the only one who could lift Blake’s curse? Can’t I do it?
Couldn’t I learn the power of light?

Two hours later, I borrowed a bunch of books about the power of

light and went back to the Crown Prince’s Palace.

But it was noisy there.


“Your Highness, don’t insist!”

Those were Blake and Diana’s voices.

No, I thought they’d be attracted to each other, so why were they


I ran to them in surprise.

“What’s going on?”

“Sister-in-law keeps talking nonsense!”

Blake was full of anger. Diana was also furious. What the hell had
happened in two hours?

“Your Highness, don’t talk nonsense! I[m the one who likes my sister

“Ancia is my favorite!”

“My sister and I share the same blood!”

“Ancia is my wife! I love her more!”

“I’ve been loving my sister for eight years now. Your love is only a
few months old! You can’t beat me!”

“Huh! It’s not about the duration! I love Ancia the most in the world!”


I was speechless. Listening to them, I even lost the will to stop the

Did kids usually fight over this? No, why were they arguing about
something so weird?


“No one in the world loves Ancia more than I do!”

“Why not? I’m here! Are you ignoring me?”

Two years had passed since I entered this world.

Yet, Blake and Diana still fought fiercely every time they met.

It wasn’t even an important debate. It was rather amazing that they

could still fight on this topic for two years straight.

“We’re a couple!”

“You haven’t even kissed her yet.”

Blake’s expression turned sour when Diana laughed at him.


My husband was going to start crying at this rate. I needed to stop

the fight.
“Come on, stop it. It’s time for training. Your Highness needs to
practice soon.”

Diana’s dream was to become a knight.

It was briefly mentioned in the original story, so I thought it was just

one of those childhood dreams that passed by, but Diana was
unexpectedly serious about it.

She also wanted to go to the Knights Academy, but Count Bellacian

didn’t allow her. The reason was that if a woman did such a thing,
she would become an outcast in society and wouldn’t be able to
secure a good marriage.

It was a bullshit reason.

I asked Edon to help Diana learn swordsmanship. I wished Blake

had a training partner. Edon eventually became her teacher.

“Your Highness, let’s bet on who’s the first to arrive there! Start!”

“D-don’t do that all of sudden! Coward!”

Almost as soon as Diana said the words, she ran outside, and Blake
followed after her in resentment.

Diana was like a puppy. A beagle puppy.

My rabbit husband was always beaten by my beagle younger sister.

Though I felt sorry for him, they were both very cute.

For the past two years, Diana had visited the Crown Prince’s Palace
often. However, there was no affection like that between lovers
between the two.

They’d just fight like friends.

“Stand there! Start over!”

“We can’t start again. What do you mean ‘start again’? You’re really

“You’re a coward!”

At this brief moment on the way to the field, Melissa shook her head
with a gentle smile, looking at the two children who were fighting

“The two are getting along well again today.”

“Is that so…..?”

‘Is that a good thing?’

“Yes. I’m glad His Highness now has a good friend.”


As Melissa said, they just looked like friends. The kind of friendship
that had zero chances of evolving into love.

The two felt no fateful love. And I was relieved to see that.

I decided to admit my feelings honestly.

I didn’t want to leave.

I wanted to be by Blake’s side. I wanted to stay with my cute

husband, wonderful father-in-law, and puppy-like younger sister.

The time with Melissa, Hans, Edon was also precious.

But I couldn’t be greedy. If Blake’s curse didn’t go away, even if he

said he was okay, this happiness would be shattered.

So I set my own standards.

In the original story, it was said that Diana never used the power of
light when she was young.

Count Bellacian called in the priest just in case, but they didn’t feel
even a speck of light.

I wasn’t sure because it wasn’t mentioned exactly in the novel, but it

was probably by the time she became an adult and met Blake that it

The moment Blake met Diana, he felt the warm power of light and
the two began to have a passionate relationship.

Unlike the original, however, Blake did not detect any power in Diana
now. I checked it several times, but I couldn’t feel the power of light
at all either.

Then, as in the original, Diana hadn’t awakened the power of light

yet, and would she have the power of light only when she became
an adult?

Whether they met earlier or later, Diana’s ability to lift Blake’s curse
would only appear when she became an adult.

Why was there such a complicated setup? It was obvious why.

This novel was an R-19 romance novel that was as hot as an active
volcano. So the writer must’ve purposely made the story begin only
from the time they became adults.

Anyway, it took Diana a lot of time to awaken the power of light.

I was going to do my best to learn about Blake’s curse until then.

Perhaps there was another way other than what was in the original.

‘But if I don’t find a way by the time he becomes an adult, then I’ll
just give up and leave him to Diana.’

I made up my mind.
I told Blake and the Emperor about my resolution.

“Your curse will surely be lifted! The Heir of Light from the House of
Bellacian can lift your curse.”

I explained to them how the curse would be lifted in the original story
(except for the R-19 part), but they didn’t seem to believe it much.
Still, I continued.

I wanted to give Blake hope that the curse would be lifted. All I
wanted to do was explain it in advance because I didn’t want him to
be hurt if I left.

“Your Highness, if the Heir of Light appears, that person will get
married to you…”

“I told you, you are the only one who can be my wife.”

“But to lift the curse…”

“I only want to stay with Ancia. I don’t care about the curse.”

But Blake was adamant. He only cared about being with me rather
than getting rid of the curse. Two years had passed since then.

During the two years, there had been many changes in the Palace.
After the lake was filled, a greenhouse was built on it, as well as a

It wasn’t much, but many servants had also been newly hired, and
the chefs had been selected carefully. Everyone was trustworthy.

I looked around the field after harvesting, and headed to the Imperial

As the Crown Princess of the Empire, I needed to watch over the

affairs of the Imperial family. Originally, the Empress was supposed
to do it, but Tenstheon had no intentions of marrying again.
He granted me the Sephia Palace, and built an office on the third
floor of his Palace.

Everyone was envious of this.

However, the third floor of the Imperial Palace was not ordinary.

I entered the office on the third floor and pressed the hidden device
in the frame. Then, the bookshelf moved and a secret space

It was filled with books on curses and the magic of light, including
stone tablets written in ancient languages.

I also collected all the materials that could help me lift the curse,
including the history of the Asteric Empire and the use of the spear.

I did not make the fact that I was a polygot who could read all the
languages of the world known.

A thousand years ago, there was originally a country called ‘Zelcan’

on this land, but it was destroyed by Philip and the ‘Asteric Empire’
was built.

The ancient language used in the Zelcan at that time disappeared in

time, and their language remained unknown. Even the priest couldn’t
decipher it perfectly.

In the original story, Richard used that fact to deceive the Emperor.
He gave him false information, saying that among the ancient black
magic, there was a magic trick that could be used to transfer the
Curse of the Goddess to others.

Tenstheon was deceived by Richard as he tried to save Blake and

ended up being killed.
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Chapter 22 – A yellow puppy adores me (2)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The Duke of Cassil and Richard were quiet now, but they’d utilize
cheap tricks like in the original when the opportunity arrived.

If so, I had to keep at least one secret weapon for myself. If Richard
knew I was a polyglot, he’d change his plans.

I hid the fact that I was a polyglot, and at the same time, I went to the
secret room deep in the Emperor’s Palace to find a way to lift the
Crown Prince’s curse.

There was no place as secure as the Phillion Palace where the

Emperor lived.

It was only Blake and Collin, His Majesty’s assistant, who knew that I
was a polyglot.

I pressed the device, closed the door, and looked at the innermost
stone plate.

This stone was discovered when they filled the lake on the Crown
Prince’s Palace and built a greenhouse.

I didn’t have the faintest idea when. The stone plate, which had been
buried in the deep bottom of the lake for quite a while, was not in an
excellent condition.

-hero… ine… 6… there is… sentence.

The letters were all engraved on the slate, but, this was all I could
read because it was so worn out.

It seemed to be saying something about the Goddess of Light putting

the curse for revenge. I thought it was something I already knew.

However, I kept thinking about the stone plate because it was an

item that no one had ever found in the original story. There seemed
to be an essential clue in this.

As I looked closely at the stone plate, the door that had been shut
abruptly opened.

I was anxious for a second, but I naturally smiled when I saw the
handsome man standing at the door.



Tenstheon entered with a gentle smile.

While Blake and I continued to grow up, Tenstheon did not change a

Even when he slightly lowered his head, I could feel the aura of an
untamed beast.

“Father, you look great today too.”


“It’s not nonsense, it’s true! I heard that you are the first love of all
the women in the Empire.”
“Who told you that crap?”

“Everyone did.”

“Don’t believe it. That’s all nonsense.”

Tenstheon scowled. He looked and acted scary like a lion at first, but
now I knew that he was just being shy.

He looked a lot like Blake when he received compliments.

“Have you been looking at the stone plate?”

He changed the subject.

“Yes. Has Father come to see the stone tablets, too?”

“I came to see your face. You should definitely tell me when you
come next time.”

“I heard you had an important guest.”

“No one is more important than you.”

He said it sincerely. Whenever he did this, I felt as if he was really

my father.

“It’s good to learn about the curse, but take it easy.”

“I’m taking it easy.”

“I know you never rest.”

“I do it because I like it.”

“You should rest once in a while.”

“You’re the one who should rest! You stayed up all night at the office
yesterday, didn’t you? You’ll be in big trouble if you work so hard!”
“You’re nagging again.”

He lightly patted my hair.


Blake and Diana sparred using wooden swords. Even after the
lesson, they fought to the end, but it was consistently a draw.

The two people eventually lay side by side in their armor, breathing

“Your Highness, why didn’t you stab me in the end? Do you think I’m
weak because I’m a woman?”

Diana said indignantly. She was even more upset because he was
going to win the game. She wouldn’t have been so upset if she had
lost completely.

“You are Ancia’s sister. Why did you stop your sword? You could’ve
won too if you swung at that time. Are you afraid because I am the
Crown Prince?”

“You’re my sister’s husband. How can I hurt you?”

Diana spoke in a somewhat muted voice.

“…Why do you want to become a knight?”

“To be strong.”

“Why do you want to be strong?”

“I want to protect my sister.”

Diana had no choice but to look at her sister, who was constantly
abused by their father. She would always cry again and again in
helplessness because she couldn’t do anything for her sister. So,
she wanted to become a knight.
She wanted to be a strong person, unlike her father.

“I’m glad my wife has a sister like you.”

“I didn’t do anything for her.”

“Diana, if I die, please take care of Ancia.”

Blake spoke in a leisurely manner.

He was cursed so it was highly likely that he would die before he

became an adult. He knew that Ancia was trying hard for him, but
she couldn’t lift the terrible curse.

When Blake smiled and asked her for that favor, Diana jumped up.

Anger flashed in her eyes, which had been tempered for a while.
Diana pointed her sword at him angrily.

“Don’t say such ridiculous things! Who’s going to die? You’re not
going to make my sister a widow!”


Blake was astonished at her anger.

“You know how much my sister loves you and you’re telling me
you’re going to die! My sister would be so sad if you died!”

“But, the curse…”

“You can break the curse! If you say that again, I won’t forgive you
even if you are a prince! We’ll work together to protect her! Okay?”


Blake nodded at Diana.

“Now! Promise me as a knight!”

Diana raised her sword to the sky. Blake also got up and overlapped
his sword with hers.

“I promise.”

Blake chuckled. It was not a laugh of resignation, but an expression

of hope.


It was said that the sentences of the curse engraved on the body
would spread gradually, and eventually, it’d eat the heirs to the

But Blake’s inscriptions looked the same as they did two years ago.
The sentences did not shrink, but it did not spread further either.

I made a lot of efforts to lift his curse. I didn’t know if it was because
the methods worked, or because he met Diana early or because of a
completely different reason, but either way, it was fortunate.

Blake fell asleep while holding my hand tightly again today. I looked
at the sentence engraved on his hand.

Why was it a sentence?

I had been devouring books about curses for the last two years.

As it was a country with magic, there were various kinds of curses.

There were countless kinds of curses, such as curses in which parts

of the body were appallingly distorted, curses in which the body
rotted, or ones that bound the body or soul, or turned humans into
something like animals and monsters.

Among them, the curse of engraving sentences was relatively weak.

Of course, it spread throughout the body and they would eventually

die, but it was still a mild curse.
Philip, the first Emperor betrayed the Goddess of Light. But why was
it this way?

Wouldn’t it be possible to kill Philip or use a more severe method if

she had hated him so much? There was no reason for it to be
sentences. The Goddess couldn’t have lacked the ability to cast a
more severe curse.

And why curse only one at a time and let the curse he inherited?

I was anxious because I felt like I kept missing something important.

I thought of the original novel. “The Beast and Lady” was an R-19
romance novel with a twist on “Beauty and the Beast.”

It depicted a love triangle between a prince under a curse, a

beautiful woman with the power of light, and an attractive man trying
to possess her.

Diana released Blake’s curse using the power of light. Upon hearing
the news, Richard was intrigued by Diana and began to resort to
terrible ruses to control her.

In the end, Diana chose Richard, who was obsessive and scheming,
and not Blake, the beast under the curse.

The author twisted it too much to change even the main character. I
didn’t like it, but it was an R-19 romance novel.

It ended with a very normal ending, with Diana and Richard getting
married and having children. For a novel which was distorted by
intense tragedy and obsession, the last scene was nothing special.

I looked at the inscriptions on Blake’s face. The lumps of ink and the
spreading afterimage seemed to represent rose petals and thorns…

Blake tossed and turned. In the midst of all that, he held my hand
tightly and didn’t let go. His figure was very adorable.

Since it was a romance novel, maybe the author just made the
curses be in the form of sentences without thinking about it much…

If the second male lead was really an animal-like, half-human

monster, his likes and dislikes would be significantly different from

As I swept up Blake’s disheveled hair, he slowly opened his eyes.

My face was reflected in his beautiful crimson eyes.

“I’m sorry. Did I wake you up?”

“No. I feel good.”

He smiled while holding my hands.

“Ancia’s hands are warm. I always have good dreams when you are
next to me.”

“Have you had many bad dreams before?”

“Yes. I used to have a terrifying dream.”

“What kind of dream was it?”

“I don’t know. When I wake up, I’d forget it. But it was a terrifying and
sad dream.”

It was my first time hearing about it. I thought I knew everything

about Blake, but there were many things I didn’t know yet. It broke
my heart to think that this child had been alone all this time.

“You should’ve told me if it had happened.”

“It’s alright now that I have Ancia.”

He smiled and there was slight drowsiness in his eyes. He had
lessons tomorrow too, so I’d have to put him to sleep.

I patted him on the back.

“Good night, little child—“

“I’m not a child!”

Blake sprang to his feet in a fit of rage. I tried to sing him a lullaby,
but I think I woke him up more instead.

“In my eyes, you’ll always be a cute child.”


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Chapter 23 – A yellow puppy adores me (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

His crimson eyes shook fiercely. It wasn’t uncommon for little kids to
hate being called a child.

“My little husband. Go to sleep.”

“I’m not a kid!”

Blake was even more enraged although I corrected it for him in


However, it was common for a kid to hate being called a child or a

baby. I had a rough idea of what he wanted to hear, but I thought I
shouldn’t spoil him too much.

“You’re a kid.”


Blake widened his eyes wide as though he was surprised.

Was this really that much of a surprise?


It must have really been a surprise.

Blake had been sighing ever since. Now he was standing still under
the largest tree in the Palace.
The beautiful tree had Blake’s, Diana’s, and my height marked on it.
We measured it last year and early this year. I was the tallest,
followed by Diana and Blake.

“Your Highness, please eat first.”

“I don’t have an appetite…”

He said morosely.

“Why? Do you feel sick?”

“I won’t grow tall even if I eat it…”

“You’ll be taller when you eat.”

“I’m not taller than you, even though I eat a lot…”

“It’s okay. You’re just growing up late.”

There was no specific portrayal of Blake being short in the original

story. Richard was about 185cm, and the author said Blake was a
little shorter than him, so he’d be over 170cm later.

“I cooked today. Aren’t you going to eat it?”

“Ancia made it?”

Blake’s eyes glistened. I liked cooking, and it was nice to see Blake
enjoying my food.

“Yes, please have a taste!”


He ran straight to the dining room.

“Come on, try it.”

“Huh, what is this?”

Blake halted when he saw the soup in front of him.

“It’s bean sprout soup.”

Blake usually ate everything I made, but now he hesitated and

stared at the bean sprout soup.

“This is like a ‘Macul’….”

‘Macul’ was a one-eyed demon that lived in the Valley of Chaos.

Tenstheon brought the bean sprout from the ‘Chang’ Empire in the
East, planted it in the field, and I harvested it a while ago. I didn’t
notice at all before but listening to Blake’s words. I realized that it did
indeed look similar to that ‘Macul.’

But if he was saying so, that meant he wouldn’t eat it.

“What do you mean like a ‘Macul’? This is made from the beans we


“Yes. The beans are this long. If you eat this, you’ll grow tall like a
bean sprout.”


“Yes. It’s true.”

Blake carefully picked up a bean sprout with his chopsticks. He had

become good at using chopsticks now.


Blake looked unwell, as if Macul’s image was still in his head. He

closed his eyes and put bean sprouts in his mouth quickly.
“What do you think?”

“It, it’s like a hair. Tickling my tongue…”

His face turned pale. I didn’t think that he wouldn’t like it because he
even enjoyed the strong taste of soybean paste soup.


But Blake didn’t spit it out and chewed it until the end.

“How is it?”

“Ummm… I don’t know what it tastes like. It’s not sweet, and it’s not
salty, but it’s also not sour.”

“The charm of bean sprouts is that they tasted unique.”


Blake nodded, but I didn’t think he understood me exactly.

He carefully scooped up a spoonful of soup. From the look on his

face, it was clear that he was reminded of the high ground where the
‘Macul’ lived.

Blake closed his eyes and drank the transparent soup again. His
eyes widened right after.

“Oh! Delicious!”

“Right? Delicious?”


Blake once again took a sip of the bean sprout soup.

“You can’t just drink the soup. Bean sprouts are nutritious, so eat it

Blake ate the bean sprouts too as I said. At first, he seemed

reluctant, but once he tried the soup, he began to eat it without

My stomach was full because of the meal. Then, I saw Diana running
towards me.


“You’re early today.”

“Because I missed you! Hey, who made the clothes you’re wearing

“Huh? Why? Do you want it?”

“No, that’s not it, I’m going to say thank you to the designer that
made this dress! Peridot color! It’s perfect for my sister!”

There she goes again.

“My wife looks pretty no matter what she wears!”

Even Blake, who was eating quietly, joined the wagon of praise. I
didn’t dislike hearing it, but I was a little embarrassed. I quickly
changed the subject.

“Diana, did you eat? If you didn’t, let’s eat together.”

Diana, who had been constantly making silly comments, glanced at

the table.

“What’s that? Is that Macul?”

Blake, who had forgotten the existence of the monster as he at it

deliciously, shuddered.

“One, two!”

Diana wielded her sword with all her might and practiced the moves
she had learned from Edon today.

Count Bellacian had taught her many things. However, etiquette,

social dance, ballet, piano, embroidery, and so on, were all aimed at
enhancing her value in the marriage trade, and it was not something
Diana wanted.

Thanks to Ancia, she got to learn swordsmanship.

She felt great happiness when she swung a sword like this.

The slice from left to right did not go smoothly.

Diana clenched the wooden sword again.

Then, the door opened and Gilbert, her father, came in. Diana was
startled and reflexively hid her sword behind her.

“What are you hiding?”

Gilbert glared at her.


Diana shook her head in a hurry. But Gilbert pulled her hand


Diana screamed in pain, but he didn’t care. The Gilbert of the past
wouldn’t have acted this way.

But in two years, Gilbert’s mind had changed.

He was ashamed of his first marriage. He wanted to erase the fact
that he married a Baroness for money.

Whenever he saw Ancia, he was distressed because he was

reminded of his shameful past, and he sincerely hoped that she
would rather die.

He was proud of his second wife, a Countess like him, and loved
Diana, the fruit of their marriage.

But after the Emperor favored Ancia, his feelings changed little by

Maybe his real treasure was Ancia.

Although she was only twelve years old, Ancia’s reputation was well
known throughout the Empire. Diana’s reputation was excellent too,
but she was no match for Ancia.

He thought Diana had a noble bloodline similar to him, but the more
he looked at her, the more he thought Ancia resembled him more.

It was not just appearance.

Ancia became a socialite with an unbelievable powerful and gentle

charisma even though she was only 12 years old. She also invented
the “Sapoje” farming method, which alternated between human
crops and livestock feed.

The Emperor tested this method in the south, referring to her

invention, and as a result, he saw the effect of increasing yields and
increasing livestock.

The use of Sapoje method spread throughout the country, and this
year the Empire had an unprecedented increase in harvest. The
popularity of the Crown Princess among the people of the Empire
soared into the sky.

The nobles were not much different either.

Those people who were reluctant to be the companion of the cursed
Crown Prince, and who could not understand the Emperor for
pampering such a girl, gradually disappeared. Now everyone was
busy praising Ancia for being a true blessing for the Empire.

At first, the nobility doubted the innermost thoughts of the Emperor

who cared for the Crown Prince and feared that he might be trying to
empower the Crown Prince under the pretext of caring for Ancia.

But when Ancia revealed her capabilities in many ways, such doubts
faded away naturally.

Tenstheon was a monarch who valued ability over status and

background. It was only natural to care for such a talented girl like

As Ancia’s position became stronger, so did her father Gilbert’s

popularity. Everyone, whether they were a noble or a merchant, were
working hard to impress him. But it didn’t last long.

People soon noticed that Ancia and Gilbert had a bad relationship.
Gilbert’s status in society plummeted in a short period of time and
the Emperor Tenstheon did not honor him as his in-law either.

Gilbert hurriedly sent a present to Ancia and tried to win her heart,
but Ancia didn’t even look at it.

Gilbert clenched his teeth. He vowed to take revenge on Ancia and

the people who dared to ignore him.

If Diana married the eldest son of Duke Cassil and became a real
Empress, he would be able to wash all this disgrace away at once.

He sent Diana to the Crown Prince’s Palace. Ancia ungratefully

turned away from her birth father, who raised her, but she often
looked for her younger sister.
Gilbert ordered Diana to do what the Duke of Cassil had secretly

“Ask Ancia to pick the maid named Beth.”

“Tell me what happened at the Crown Prince’s Palace today.”

If Diana did well, she could firmly secure her position with the Duke
of Cassil. In the long run, it was a hundred times better than being
the monstrous prince’s companion.

But things didn’t go as Gilbert wanted.

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Chapter 24 – A yellow puppy adores me (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Why wasn’t that Beth girl chosen?”


“Are there any suspicious movements in the Crown Prince’s



“How far has the Crown Prince’s curse progressed?”

“I don’t know.”

Diana didn’t listen to Gilbert. In addition, she evaded the questions

with curt answers.

As a result, Gilbert did not manage to carry out a single order from
the Duke of Cassil.

“I think Count Bellacian should pay attention to his children’s

education. Why would they ignore their father?”

The Duke of Cassil blamed Gilbert. He announced his eldest son,

Frank’s marriage, to the Marquis Westin’s family and reneged on his
promise to let Diana and Frank marry.
Gilbert was angry and headed to the Duchess, but he couldn’t even
get inside and was refused on the spot.

‘Diana, you stupid bitch! You had a year! Pathetic bitch!’

Gilbert’s anger turned to Diana. Throughout his trip back home, he

cursed Diana.

If Diana had listened to him, everything would have been fine.

However, the situation reached this point because she was stupid,
lazy and did not listen to him.

She was not as pretty and smart as Ancia! If she couldn’t catch the
Emperor’s eye, and couldn’t stand at the center of the society, she
should at least listen to her father properly!

The news of Frank’s marriage broke out, and the Empress’s seat
was gone forever. Gilbert’s dream of becoming the Emperor’s father-
in-law and taking revenge on the nobles who ignored him also

This was all because of Diana that stupid bitch. If he had known this
would have happened, he would have loved Ancia more. Diana had
been cooperating with Ancia because of her stupidity and did not
respect him as her father either.

Come to think of it, Diana was the mastermind behind everything.

Gilbert was so regretful even for the times he cared for Diana.

“A sword? Why do you have this?!”

Gilbert was full of anger as he stormed into Diana’s room and

screamed as soon as he found the wooden sword she had hidden.
Diana’s shoulders flinched at his harsh shout.

While she hesitated to answer, Gilbert forcibly took the wooden
sword from Diana.

“Give it back!”

It was a precious sword that she got as a gift from her sister. She
reached her hand out in a hurry. As soon as Diana’s hand reached
Gilbert, his expression turned frighteningly scary.

Gilbert grabbed Diana’s hand. Her fingers and palms had hard

“What’s wrong with your hand! What’s with your hand?”

“I-it hurts!”

“It’s not the problem! You are a noble! I can’t believe you went to the
Crown Prince’s Palace to do useless things like that! Who’s going to
take a girl who has rough hands like a maid?! A girl who can’t even
take care of her own hands! You’re going to be a disgrace to our

He was on a rampage. But it wasn’t because he felt sorry for Diana’s

calluses or was worrying for her as a parent.

Gilbert was angry that Diana might fall out of the marriage trade.
More precisely, he was mad that he would lose face.

The more Gilbert lost his reasoning and became angry, the colder
Diana became.

She still thought her father loved her. Although he forced her to do
things, she thought it was because he cared about her.

But it wasn’t. For Gilbert, she was just a high-end accessory that
could be boasted anywhere and sold at a high price at the right time.

She looked Gilbert in the eye.

“Father, I’m not going to marry.”


“I’m going to become a knight. I want to enter the Knights Academy

next year.”

When Diana revealed her wish, Gilbert’s expression was distorted

with anger.

“A knight? What kind of knight is a woman? Are you going to do what

low-class noblemen or commoners do?”

“That’s prejudice. Count Cheyon, the 3rd Knights Commander, is a


“Old bitch.”

“She’s someone I respect.”

“Respect? So you’re going to be like that woman?!”

“Yes, I will be a knight of the Imperial family, and I will protect my

sister! So don’t think about doing anything strange to her anymore!”

The moment she uttered the words she had endured for so long, a
searing pain burned through her cheeks. Gilbert had slapped Diana
on the face.


It was the first time that he had used violence on her, although he
had shown signs he’d do it these days. Diana was greatly shocked.
Gilbert, however, did not care about his daughter’s reaction and
continued in anger.

“If you say that again, I’ll get rid of you!”


Diana sank as soon as she’s in bed.

Gilbert was angered by her and hit Diana’s calf to the point that the
whip broke.

Fortunately, her face was fine, but it was hard to walk because her
legs hurt.

The maid applied ointment to her legs and said Gilbert was looking
for her.

“Have you applied any medicine?”

Gilbert asked in a cold voice as soon as Diana entered the office.


“I shouldn’t have hurt a girl who hasn’t gotten married yet.”


She thought he was genuinely worried, but Diana’s heart froze cold
at her father’s subsequent words.

“Have you reflected?”

“No, I want to become a knight.”

She was going to say it before the end of the year anyway. She
didn’t mean to talk about it in such a harsh atmosphere, but she had
already come this far.

Gilbert’s hands flinched. Diana closed her eyes tightly, thinking that
he would hit her with his hand.

Soon there was a sound of ‘tak’ and things rumbling out. She
opened her eyes carefully again. On Gilbert’s desk, there was a
mana stone that was used for recording video.

“Install this in the Crown Prince’s Palace.”

“Father! I told you I didn’t want to do that!”

“Don’t be immature! This is all for you and your family!”

The eldest son of Duke Cassil and Westin’s young lady were
engaged, but they hadn’t gotten married yet. Besides, the Duke of
Cassil had two more sons.

Of course, it was not worth considering Richard, who had the blood
of a slave, but if she married the youngest, Neon, she’d become the
Duchess. Not as good as being the Empress, but not bad either.

There was still a chance. If Diana did the job well, the Duke of Cassil
would be relieved.

“No! I don’t want to do that!”

“Then marry Count Cornwell.”

“The Count of Cornwell?”

Diana doubted her ears. Count Cornwell was one of the richest men
in the Empire, but he was very old.

“I don’t need a child who doesn’t listen to her father. If you can’t set
that up, then marry Count Cornwell!”

“Father, I want to be a knight…”

“If you don’t set that up today, I’ll send you to Count Cornwell

Gilbert cut her off and spat out coldly.

In the carriage on the way to the Crown Prince’s Palace, Diana
constantly stared at the mana stone that her father forced onto her.

‘Should I be honest with my sister? No, I can’t.’

Diana had been hit by her father for the first time yesterday so she
was shocked. However, for Ancia, such things were routine. Her
older sister was forced to marry the cursed prince without even
getting a say in it.

Fortunately, the two were doing well.

‘I can’t ask her to help me with this. I’m being punished because I
couldn’t help her when she was having a hard time. It’s all my fault.’

The carriage reached the Crown Prince’s Palace. Diana put the
stone in her pocket. Maybe today would be her last day meeting her

If her father really wanted to marry her to Count Cornwell, she’d

leave home.


The first snow fell all night. It was still mid-November, but it was also
very early.

After all, the year had passed without finding a way to lift Blake’s
curse. As she was looking at the snow that had accumulated with a
complicated mind, Diana, who was sitting next to her with a gloomy
expression, caught her eye.

“Diana, what’s wrong?”

“No, nothing’s going on!”

Diana shook her head. She denied it so vehemently that it was even
more suspicious. Come to think of it; her cheeks were swollen red.
“Diana, you…”

The moment I tried to touch her cheek, Diana jumped up from her

“Oh! I want to have a snowball fight! Your Highness! Let’s have a

snowball fight!”

“Huh? I can fight a little—“

Blake shook his head, but before he could finish talking, Diana’s
snowball hit him in the chest.


Blake started to get angry, but this time the snow flew at his face.

“Haha! Your face looks like a snowman!”

Diana ran away with a laugh. Then, Blake got angry and chased
after her.

Eventually, the two began to have a fierce snowball fight. Looking at

the sight of the two, I recalled memories from the original story.
Melissa gently said, “Your Highness, why don’t you join them?”

“I’m okay.”

“It’s important to keep your dignity, but it’s the first snow today. Let’s
put the burden off your shoulders for a moment.”

Melissa felt sorry for thinking that I was trying hard to suppress the
child in me. It was not like that…

“I don’t like snow very much.”

“You don’t?”

“Yes. It’s hard to clean it up. And my hands get cold.”


Melissa burst into laughter, covering her mouth suddenly.


“When I see Your Highness, I sometimes feel a certain way.”

“What way?”

“That you’re not 12 years old, but someone my age.”


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Chapter 25

Melissa is sometimes sharp like that.

“Sa-, same age. What are you talking about? Wow, it’s snowing. The
whole place is white now!”

I ran from place to place and participated in the snowball fight. It was
fun to have a snowball fight after a long time, but apart from that, my
hands are freezing.

That’s why I didn’t want to do it…


“Diana, let’s take a bath.”

Everyone’s in a mess because of the snowball fight. Especially

Diana, who had fallen several times and rolled over the snowfield,
had her full-body wet. I brought her to my room.

“Oh, no! I can do it when I get home.”

Diana was embarrassed and hurriedly stirred the topic. Why is she
so surprised when I just asked her to take a bath?

“You’ll have a cold. The carriage is slippery because of the snow, so

you won’t be able to go fast.”

“It’s all right! I’m strong and I won’t catch a cold! I’m more worried
about you.”
My eyes narrowed by themselves. There’s something fishy about

Diana’s cheeks were slightly swollen, and she kept falling during the
snowball fight.

“Did you hurt your leg?”


Her legs did hurt, but she flatly denied it.

“Tell me the truth.”

“It really doesn’t hurt!”

“Diana, if you keep lying like that, I’ll be upset.”


Diana couldn’t speak properly and her lips were quivering. Soon
after, she shed tears and she told me everything that has happened.

Over the past two years, Count Bellacian has forced Diana to spy on
the Crown Prince’s palace, and she had rebelled yesterday.

Listening to Diana’s words, I was speechless.

Gilbert Bellacian cared about Diana. I thought to Diana, he was very


Diana loves her father, too.

In the original story, she didn’t hate her father who drove her older
sister to death, but rather she suffered herself.

When Richard gambled with Count Bellacian as a hostage, she

chose his father and left Blake.
I didn’t want the young Diana to go through such a thing.

In those two years, I often dreamed of Ancia, and found out how she
was hurt. I couldn’t forgive Count Bellacian, but I didn’t want to force
this kind of thing on Diana.

I didn’t expect him to make the young Diana a spy.

“Why didn’t you tell me? You should have told me if that happened.”

“I’m afraid you will hate me. I’m scared. What if my sister says she
doesn’t want to see me?”

I thoroughly read Diana, who was pouring with tears.

“Why don’t I want to see you. You did nothing wrong.”

Diana never followed Count Bellacian orders.

She never gave her opinion when I picked a servant. Just how much
pressure did Diana must have felt for two years?

“Can, can I come here again?”

“My sister was always scolded by her father. But I was barely beaten
once… you don’t need to worry about me.”

“I worry about you! Why do you say that!”

Diana is holding back her tears and asks carefully.

I thought she was just an innocent tomboy, but did she have such a
thought inside?

I like Diana. But right now Diana is asking her real sister, not me.

Knowing that I looked straight into her eyes, recalling the story from
the original.
“…Ancia doesn’t hate you.”

I paused to see if she felt uncomfortable in my answer.

Soon, she wiped away her tears and smiled.

“…Yes, thank you.”


I put Diana to sleep at the Crown Prince’s palace.

She wanted to enter knights academy but hesitated because of

Count Bellacian’s opposition. I wanted Diana to go to the academy.
However, since Knights Academy usually enrolls children between
the ages of 10 and 12, there was still time. Rather than encouraging
my thoughts, I was thinking of waiting a little for Diana to make up
her mind.

I looked at Diana’s calf. I applied ointment, but the wound still

remained intact.

I was trying to apply the ointment again when I heard a knock.


It was Blake’s voice.

“Come in.”

He opened the door and came inside.

“Is Diana asleep?”

“Yes. She just fell asleep. Your Highness, I think I should sleep with
Diana tonight.”

Ever since I came to this world, I’ve been sleeping with Blake. But I
wanted to protect Diana by being at her side as her older sister

“Yes, okay. Don’t worry about me.”

Blake held my hand tightly. I could feel a firm force from him.

“It’s not Ancia’s fault.”


He spoke as if he had read my mind.

“Don’t blame yourself.”

“Yes, I won’t.”

The little boy’s words were a strong consolation. I held his hand
tightly together.


When Diana didn’t come back, Gilbert had a somewhat bad


Did Diana betray her own father? He didn’t raise Diana to be such an
ungrateful child. However, there was a possibility that she made a
stupid mistake when he thought of Diana, who has been rebelling
these days.

Gilbert, unable to contain his anxiety, went straight to the Crown

Prince’s palace.

“You can’t come in.”

But he couldn’t go into the palace and was blocked.

“I am the father of the Crown Princess.”

Gilbert indicated displeasure, but Hans was adamant.

“I was ordered by His Highness to stop Count Bellacian from

“The Crown Prince?”

Not Ancia, but the Crown Prince stopped me? A monster abandoned
by a goddess?

Gilbert didn’t think of Blake as a human. He is a monster whose soul

has blacken to the point where the goddess curses him. He would be
more like a monster than a human being.

“Get him here.”

When Gilbert did not call Blake ‘His Highness,’ and said him in a
mocking tone, Hans and Edon’s faces hardened. But Gilbert didn’t

It was none of his business whether the servants were angry or not.
Rather, he was mad at their presumptuous attitude of telling him
what to do.

“I came to pick up my child. Get out of the way.”

Hans and Edon, who heard of Count Bellacian’s atrocities, were

amazed by his brazen manner.

“It’s not possible.”

“I am the in-law of the Emperor. Get out of the way!”

Gilbert threatened to push Hans’s shoulder, but Edon blocked him.

“I won’t tolerate any more rudeness.”

“What? How dare you touch this body when you are just a
In any case, he was the father of the Crown Princess and the head
of the Bellacian family. Edon is only a knight, and their status was
wide apart. Edon hesitated for a moment and heard Blake’s voice
from behind.

“What’s with the noise?”

“The Count of Bellacian is insisting on entering the Amoria palace.”

“What? So stubborn?”

Gilbert was angry at Hans’s arrogant choice of words. But as soon

as he met Blake’s eyes, he flinched and backed away.

“Bring the count into the greenhouse.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


There were only two people left, Gilbert and Blake in the

Although he is his son-in-law, it was only during the wedding that he

actually met Blake. At that time, he thought he was just a dreary little
boy. But the crown prince whom he met after two years had
something changed in him.

The cold energy emanating from the little boy penetrated Gilbert’s
body and gave him goosebumps all over the body.

At some point, his body trembled with fear.

“I, I’m going back with Diana.”

“Diana’s asleep.”

“Then tomorrow morning…”

“You can’t. Diana will stay in the Crown Prince’s Palace from now

The Crown Prince cut off his words coldly. Gilbert was sure that his
hunch was right.

Diana betrayed her father, and she tells everything to Ancia.

“Your Highness, have you heard of any nonsense from my


“Nonsense? It didn’t sound like that to me.”

She really told them everything she has been doing. Just in case, he
didn’t let Diana know about the secret agreement between the Duke
of Cassil and him.

He only says, “If you steal the information from the Crown Prince’s
palace, good things will happen to us.”

But he didn’t know that Diana would stab him this way.

He raised her all this time!

The situation would have been different if only he invested in Ancia


Before marrying the Crown Prince, Ancia wanted his affection. If he

had given her a little affection at that time, he would be deeply
engraved in her heart and she will devote herself to her father and

But Diana, instead of trying to repay his kindness and marry into a
good place, she put her father in danger by her words!

Gilbert clenched his palm, holding in his anger.

“Never mind what she says.”

“I know the count cares about Diana very much.”

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Chapter 26 – A yellow puppy adores me (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Ha ha. No way. You must have heard false rumors from
somewhere. If I cared about her, I would have sent Diana to you

No one wanted a seat as the companion of the monstrous Crown

Prince. Everyone in the Empire knew that Gilbert had sent Ancia
because he was a scumbag blinded by wealth, but he had the
audacity to tell such lies.

“In addition, Diana has a problem with her personality. She has
become so jealous because Ancia has been taking the lead in
society these days.”

Gilbert weighed the scales in his mind for two years.

Who was more valuable, Ancia or Diana? When Diana’s marriage to

the Cassil family went awry and she betrayed her father because
she was so stubborn, the scale completely tilted to one side.

He took this opportunity to conclude that he would abandon Diana

and improve his relationship with Ancia.
“Yesterday, she begged me to kick her sister out because she
wanted to become the Crown Princess. No matter how young a child
is, she went too far this time. But she didn’t reflect on herself.”

“Is that so?”

Gilbert smiled inwardly at the Crown Prince, who was still listening to
his words. He was a cursed monster, so Gilbert was scared for a
while, but in the end he was just a little child. A little coaxing would
be enough to achieve his goal.

“Yes, I’ve been very worried because her lies. It’s all Diana’s fault
that I grew apart from Ancia. So, you don’t have to listen to her

Gilbert’s fear of the Crown Prince had disappeared so he quickly

raised his head with arrogance and said in an imperative tone. Then,
Blake asked in an unobtrusive voice.

“Did you scold my wife often?”

Gilbert wanted to say that he raised Ancia a thousand times better

than Diana. But there was no one here who did not know that he had
abused Ancia.

Should he let Ancia become a liar too? No, that would backfire.
Furthermore, Ancia could not be touched because the Emperor as
well as the Crown Prince trusted her.

“I taught her to be a good eldest daughter. It was all because I cared

about my child, but people who don’t know the truth would say that I
was treating her poorly. Ancia probably misunderstood me as well
because she was still young and listened to what people around her
said. But when she grows up, she’ll also know of her parents

“Yes, it’s a misunderstanding. I want to take this opportunity to help
me recover my relationship with my daughter. I beg your pardon, but
Your Highness only has a few days left.”


The nobles would often discuss how much longer the prince would
live and who would be the next prince if he died.

It was such a common topic that Gilbert used Blake’s remaining

lifespan as a topic of conversation.

If he had any conscience left, Gilbert wouldn’t have said it to the little

However, he did not even realize that he had made a slip of the
tongue because he regarded the prince as a monster and not as a
human being. He thought it was just an honest statement.

“If Your Highest leaves, who will support Ancia? If Ancia is to

continue to enjoy the luxury she has now, the Bellacian family will
have to gain strength. Jewels aren’t important now. I want to remind
Your Highness that if you love Ancia, you should be of help to her

Gilbert said what he had wanted to say. He tried to tell Ancia in

person, but she refused to even write a letter, so he couldn’t.

“Furthermore, if she keeps treating her biological father like this, I’m
afraid she’ll be criticized. It’ll lower her social standing.”

“You’re disgusting.”

Blake’s voice sounded dreary. Gilbert, who kept his mouth shut, was

The charisma of an Emperor radiated from the boy. It was the

overwhelming charisma that the Duke of Cassil’s family could never
But even so, he was cursed. No matter how long he lived, he would
not be able to reach adulthood.

Looking at the black inscriptions that covered Blake’s hand, Gilbert

frowned. The inside of his mask and clothes were covering such ugly

“Your Highness, I apologize for your displeasure. But isn’t it true that
you are cursed? The Heir to the Curse cannot reach adulthood. Now
that you’re ten years old, you should admit it and think about the
future after you leave. How long are you going to turn away from the
truth like a child?”

“I’m not going to die.”


Gilbert’s eyes widened.

‘Did he find a way to lift the curse?’

There had been rumors among the people of the Empire that the
curse of the Crown Prince would be lifted.

He thought it was a myth made up by the vulgar commoners, but

was it true? If that was the case, then would Ancia become the real

“I promised Ancia I wouldn’t die.”

Gilbert burst into laughter.

“Your Highness needs to accept the reality.”

“Even if I die, Ancia won’t go back to your house.”

“Haha. What are you talking about?”

Even though he was a monster, he was still a prince.

Gilbert swallowed his words back, and Blake replied, “Do you think
I’m a monster?”


Gilbert got goosebumps all over his body. Did he read his mind?

“I guess Count Bellacian is interested in curses.”

“It’s not like that…”

He took his hand in a hurry, and Blake continued.

“You must have heard about this then. The Curse of the Goddess is
like an epidemic, so it can be passed on to others.”

“…Haha, that’s not true.”

He wanted to retract his hands, but Blake didn’t budge. It was not
just a difference of strength. His hands felt as if they were being
sucked into something.

“It’s not just a rumor.”

Blake’s lips went up. At that moment, a stream of light from Blake’s
hand quickly hit Gilbert.

[Scared! Hot! It Hurts! Hurts!!] A chilling scream struck Gilbert along

with the light.

Once the light assimilated into him, Gilbert struggled with pain and
felt as if his whole body was going to burn.

He opened his mouth. However, no screams came out despite the

severe pain.

Blake threw his hand away. Gilbert fell and rolled on the floor. Then,
he looked at his hands. A black inscription covered Gilbert’s hand.
Blake looked down at Gilbert, who was screaming silently, with cold

“Get away from Ancia. Don’t even show your face and just get lost.”


I got up early in the morning and applied some ointment to Diana’s

leg. It must have been uncomfortable because it was a new
environment for her, but fortunately Diana fell asleep deeply.

For the first time since I transmigrated into Ancia’s body, I didn’t
sleep with Blake.

I entered Blake’s room carefully.


Blake was sitting on the bed and smiled when he saw me.

“You’re already up?”


I sat on the bed. I stood close to him but he looked pale.

“Why do you look so tired? You didn’t sleep?”

“It’s not that.”

“What do you mean no? You didn’t sleep, did you?”

He denied it, but it didn’t look like he had just woken up. Blake did
not deny further, but the corners of his mouth raised up.
“I just can’t sleep well.”

“Your Highness…”

“Come on, take this. I went to the greenhouse and the roses were so

Blake handed me a red rose. There were a lot of beautiful flowers in

the greenhouse, but this was the first time he had picked one for me
himself. Although I was happy to receive my first present from him,
something felt strange.

“Thank you. It’s pretty.”

As I smelled the roses, Blake suddenly staggered.

“Your Highness!”

I ran to him in surprise.

“It’s all right… I’m just a little dizzy.”

“I’ll call your doctor!”

He took my hand.

“I don’t need them. Just stay with me.”


“Don’t go.”

Blake leaned on me and fell into my arms before he fell asleep. I

brought him to the bed and sat next to him.

Blake fell into a long sleep and didn’t wake up. I fell asleep with him
too. The white light from his hand enveloped me and put me to sleep
as well.
We fell asleep for a whole day. When I woke up, I felt somewhat
chilly. I felt like I had a terrible nightmare. However, the contents of
the dream were not at all eerie.


The surrounding light disappeared and I heard Blake’s voice.

I reached my hand out and stroked the cheek of the little boy beside

When I did so, his face turned red, but there was no fever.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes. I slept well.”

“Why is your face so red when you don’t have a fever?”

“You touched me….”


He was once again driving me crazy. Always reminding me that this

was the world of an R-19 novel. I was about to take my hand off, but
he grabbed onto my arms.


“Didn’t you hate touching?”

“I never said so.”

He smiled. I was starting to think that my little groom has become a

little bit demanding, but it was probably just me, right?
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Chapter 27 – A yellow puppy adores me (7)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The Emperor sent Gilbert Bellacian to a small island in the West

near the Valley of Chaos. Although people were assigned to foresee
the island once in a while, he had practically been exiled.

However, if Count Bellacian was officially punished, they would not

use the word ‘punishment’ because it could cause damage to me or

Count Bellacian left for the West without much resistance. Rumor
had it that he had gone crazy.

I didn’t know if he was lying or he was really out of his mind, but
even if that was true, I felt no sympathy for him.

Diana also showed little interest in the rumors about Count Bellacian.

Since that day, Diana had stayed at the Crown Prince’s Palace to
prepare for the Knights Academy.

Usually nobles would be admitted without taking the test and could
receive a letter of recommendation. But Diana said she wanted to
take the test fair and square, so I respected her will.
Diana was extremely busy because she had to give physical tests,
swordsmanship, and even written tests.

Edon had graduated from the Academy of Knights so he was also

helping Diana, just like an instructor.

Diana did not take her eyes off of the book even though it was close
to midnight.

“Diana, you should take a break.”

I put the snack and rosemary tea down on the desk.

“Wow, I’m already so hungry. I’m so lucky to be able to study while

drinking tea made by my sister.”

She took a sip of rosemary tea.

“You’re overexerting yourself, aren’t you?”

“The test is just around the corner.”

Diana answered bravely. She was like a different person from the
original Diana.

The Diana of ‘The Beast and the Lady’ was beautiful, but gloomy
and indecisive. From beginning to end, she was torn between Blake
and Richard.

But now Diana was confident and decisive.

“Don’t feel too pressured though. We still have next year if it doesn’t
work this year.”

Diana was 10 years old, so she had one or two more chances even
if she failed.

“No! I don’t want to call a kid younger than me a senior.”

So that was why it was so important to her…!

“I have to pass this time!”


Diana passed the entrance exam at the Academy with excellent

grades, ranking 9th overall and 2nd among women. It was
worthwhile to practice swordsmanship steadily for two years.

“Congratulations, Diana.”

But Diana didn’t look very happy. Wasn’t the result satisfactory?

“Diana, you ranked 9th. You did a great job.”

“Yes. I’m surprised it came out better than I thought.”

“Then why the long face?”

“I need to be away from you when I go into the academy.”

Diana sighed. I grinned and pinched her cheeks lightly.

“The entrance ceremony is next February. We can stay together until



“Then, do you want to not go to the Academy and live with your

“…..I can’t. I have to become a knight. So please wait for me for 6

Diana would graduate that year at the age of 17. Blake would also
be 17 then.

Would I be able to lift Blake’s curse by then? Or should I give up

everything and get ready to leave?


Diana’s eyes shook nervously when I couldn’t answer.

“Yes. I will.”

I’d try to wait for her with Blake and hoped that his curse would be

I was going to do my best, but I couldn’t make any promises.

“Preparing for admission…”

When I tried to change the topic of the conversation, suddenly Diana

grabbed my hand and hooked her pinky finger around mine.

“Promise me.”


I tried to remove my hand in embarrassment, but she tightened her

little finger even more and smiled.

“It’s a promise.”

I was forced to agree to the promise. However, when I saw our little
fingers intertwined with each other, a smile appeared on my face for
some reason.

“Yes. I promise.”

I ended up making an uncertain promise.


One year had passed. This year was also the year when Tensteon
fell into Richard’s ruse and lost his life in the original story.

I wanted to find a way to lift Blake’s curse before the year went by,
but the year ended without me finding any clues.

There was a New Year’s ball today. I attended with Tenstheon as


As the Crown Princess, I offered New Year’s greetings to the nobility

and envoys, and when the main dance began, I naturally left toward
the terrace.


Diana was already on the terrace. She jumped and waved her hand
when she saw me. As there were many participants today, the
competition for securing a terrace was fierce. But she was able to
secure the best place.

I was walking towards Diana, but Richard stood in front of me.

Richard was turning 17 this year and he had become a complete

man. I didn’t like him very much, but I couldn’t deny that he was

“You look beautiful as usual.”

He greeted me proudly. The audacity! Count Bellacian had Diana

spy on the Crown Prince’s Palace, and he suddenly exploded on the
day the Duke’s eldest son announced his marriage and used
Gilbert didn’t say anything, but it was clear that it was the Duke of
Cassil behind him.

He probably used the marriage of his eldest son Frank and Diana as
bait to manipulate Count Bellacian. And it was probably Richard who
set up that ruse.

In “The Beast and the Lady”, too, he used to plot such things.

Even after doing that to the Count of Bellacian, he came over to

greet me without any hint of guilt. And he didn’t call me Your
Highness again today.

Richard wasn’t really interested in me. He had just judged me to be

worthy of being used by him.

I wanted to pretend as if I hadn’t seen him, but as the Crown

Princess, I still had to maintain etiquette.

“Thank you, Sir Cassil.”

“You’re not dancing again today?”


“If you don’t gain experience, your skills won’t improve.”

The main character of the original novel was really full of

perseverance. Even though he had been rejected for three years
now, he still encouraged me to dance with him.

“You’ve worried uselessly.”

“My sister is a good dancer. She has practiced!”

Diana ran to my side. Richard fixed his eyes on me and did not even
look at her.

“Did you practice by yourself? You have a cute side.”

“She didn’t practice to look cute to you!”

Diana interrupted him again. Richard had been treating her as if she
was invisible, so he frowned.

“Lady Bellacian, you’re being disrespectful right now…”

“Sister, let’s go.”

Diana turned her head as if she didn’t hear Richard and looped her
arm around mine. Perhaps the two were determined to ignore each

“Yes. Let’s go.”

I went into the terrace with Diana. As soon as she closed the
curtains on the terrace, she flung herself into a chair and threw her
shoes off.

“Oh, my leg hurts. I can’t wear shoes like this anymore.”

Diana kneaded her feet with her fists. This Diana was no longer a
delicate heroine. She had become a tomboyish girl now. But I liked
this Diana better.

Moreover, this was not the only difference from the original story.

“Diana, what do you think of Richard Cassil?”

“He’s annoying. Bad luck…”

Diana was about to swear, but she stopped when she looked at me.
She had been speaking rather roughly since she came back from the
academy orientation.

“Anyway, I hate him. I really hate him.”

Diana shuddered at the mere thought of Richard. It really seemed as

if Richard had gone insane. He was treating Diana as if she was air.
“Diana, who do you like more in ‘The Secret of the Sword’?”

“The Secret of the Sword” was a famous opera depicting the love
triangle between a fallen aristocrat and two men.

In particular, one of the two male protagonists was Ma Tap-ju, a

highly ambitious and obsessive man, and the other was the friendly
and warm Count who respected the thoughts of the female
protagonist. It was somehow similar to ‘Beast and the Lady’.

The opera had been a masterpiece for hundreds of years. People

argued about who they’d choose if they were the heroine.

“Of course it’s the Count. Why on earth would someone like a man
like Ma Tap-ju? I just don’t understand.”

Diana’s taste had completely changed compared to the original


Richard was too much of a scumbag to have Diana.

I was worried that Diana might fall for Richard and twist her fate, but
hearing her, I was relieved.


The New Year’s ball continued until midnight. Diana returned to the
far-off Crown Prince’s Palace. Tenstheon asked me to come with

“Did you have something to say?”

“Come on, I want to have a glass of wine with my father.”

Tenstheon took me to the top of Phillion Palace.

“Wow, I can see the whole Palace from here”

“Blake loves this room. When we played hide-and-seek, he’d always

hide in this room.”

Tenstheon slowly shook the wine glass. The red wine drew a
beautiful shape according to his movements. The color was
completely different from that of the grape juice in my glass.

“Why don’t you come to Amoria Palace as a New Year’s gift? His
Highness will be very pleased.”

“If I do something wrong, I could hurt the child even more.”

“You’re too careful. His curse will surely be lifted. As long as his
father is alive, no one will harm the Crown Prince.”


He held the glass of wine in silence.

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Chapter 28 – A yellow puppy adores me (8)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Father, there’s no such thing as black magic that transfers the curse
of a Goddess to someone else. Don’t trust it if you ever hear that.
You have to watch out for the Cassil family, especially Richard.”

“Do you think I’d get deceived by such a thing?”

He smiled as if to reassure me.

There was a reason why Tenstheon fell into Richard’s trap in the
original novel.

One day, Blake’s condition became very serious, and to make

matters worse, the Door of Darkness also opened.

Tenstheon tried to seal the door to fulfill his duty as the Emperor, but
if he used the power of light, he could not guarantee that Blake’s life
would remain intact.

Tenstheon was driven into the extreme situation so he used black

magic even though he knew it was a dangerous gamble, and then,
ended up losing his life.
“I will surely resolve the curse of the Crown Prince, so please trust

“You’re nagging again.”

“I’m not. It’s necessary advice.”

“Don’t worry. I have two children to take care of. I won’t act rashly.”

He ruffled my hair lightly.

A child to be protected…. One was Blake. The other one was me.

According to the original story, the Emperor would lose his life this
year. But that wouldn’t happen now.

I’d protect him.


The Knights Academy’s admission was faster than other places. It

was because the students needed to endure the cold winter training
to strengthen their determination.

I wanted Diana to achieve her dream of becoming a knight, but I was

worried because she said she had to train in the cold winter, and not
in the blooming spring.

But Diana, the person involved, was very excited like a puppy.

“Your Highness, you know I only trust you, right? If not for you, I
wouldn’t be able to go to the academy because I’d be too worried
about her. Please keep her safe!”
“Yes, sister-in-law, don’t worry. It’s good to work hard, but be careful
not to get hurt.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m going to graduate soon and become a

It was nice to see both of them getting along well.

“Let’s discuss who likes her more in six years.”

“Didn’t we come to a conclusion already?”

“Oh, it was my victory.”

“What do you mean? I won!”

“Come on, let’s go. We’ll be late for the entrance ceremony if we wait
any longer.”

“Yes! Your Highness, see you during the summer vacation!”

“I’ll wait.”

“Your Highness, I’ll be right back.”

“Yes. Have a safe trip, Ancia.”

Only students and family members were allowed to attend the

entrance ceremony for the Knights Academy.

I rode a carriage with Diana and headed to the Knight Academy.

Diana was dressed in a black pants uniform of the Knight Academy

and tied her hair up. She looked very cool.

“…Diana, the Countess can’t come because she’s busy.”

I brought it up carefully.
I had sent several letters to Countess Bellacian. Count Bellacian was
exiled, so naturally, he wouldn’t be able to attend the entrance
ceremony. However, his wife should still have come to congratulate
her daughter on starting a new chapter of her life.

But she refused to come.

“I know. I heard that she was going to the church today to file for

Diana said in a casual tone.


It was a loveless marriage in the first place. In the original novel, the
Bellacian couple were only together because they fulfilled each
other’s vanity, but they didn’t get divorced.

“Mother said that father has completely gone crazy, and that I was
the source of everything. She’s sick and tired of both of us.”

“You did nothing wrong. Never mind them.”

“I don’t care. I have a nice sister.”

Diana came next to me and folded her arms. I patted her shoulder,

“Sister. Take this.”

She took out a small jewelry box.

“What is this?”

“It’s the Bellacian ring and key to the mansion. I guess my mother
kept it when father left. She sent it back to me saying she was going
to get a divorce now. So you take it. This is yours now.”

“Diana, I can’t take this.”

I tried to refuse. But Diana put the jewelry box back on my hand.

“The Bellacian family was originally on the verge of ruin. But they
didn’t go bankrupt thanks to your biological mother, and most of the
assets are hers. So it belongs to you in the first place.”

As Diana said, the property of the Bellacians was the legacy that
Ancia’s mother had left to the real Ancia.

“….Thank you.”

“I’m finally giving it back to the rightful owner. What do you mean
thank you?”

She gave me everything and smiled gladly.

Then, the carriage slowly came to a stop.

“Oh! I guess we’ve arrived!”

Diana opened the curtains of the carriage. Then, we saw a

panoramic view of the grand Knight Academy in front of us.

The academy was crowded with people who were participating in the
entrance ceremony. There were many aristocrats among them, but
everyone’s eyes were on us.

When Tenstheon heard that I was going to the entrance ceremony,

he sent the Emperor’s carriage and the finest knights to escort us.

Diana reached out to me with her head slightly bowed, like a real

“Your Highness, shall we go?”

I put my hand on Diana’s. As I got off the carriage under Diana’s

escort, a magnificent trumpet sounded.

Oh my. Father, why did you prepare all of this?

As we walked on the red carpet in front of the carriage, the academy
students and nobles came over to greet the Crown Princess. And the
dean of the academy greeted me as a representative.

“The Crown Princess, the blessing of the Empire, I greet you.”

I had just planned to celebrate quietly as a freshman’s sister, but the

scale somehow became too big for me.

I went to watch the entrance ceremony next to the dean on the


It was a bit burdensome at first. However, since Diana was in the

front row because they were seated according to their rank, it was a
good place to see her.

I watched the entrance ceremony with heartfelt thanks to Father.

Knights Academy’s entrance ceremony was very boring, but Diana

didn’t show any sign of being bored. Instead, she sat up straight and
looked very mature today.

The entrance ceremony ended with the chief admissions officer

going to the podium as a representative and saying the academy

New students were given a short time to say their farewells to their
families because they had to enter the dormitory immediately.

“Sister, I’ll be on the podium when I graduate.”

Diana glared at the red-haired boy who was on the podium. Her eyes
were burning with a competitive aura.

“Don’t overdo it. Being strong is more important than the rank.”

“It’s important to rank high too.

“You’re starting the winter training tomorrow. Can’t you even use a
fire manastone?”

“It’s okay. I’m not the only one who can’t use it.”

Diana said calmly. She seemed to have grown up significantly in a

few months.

At that time, a voice sounded to announce the entrance from afar.

“Sister, I’m going.”

“Yes, go ahead.”

“Phew, I can’t leave my pretty sister behind. Tell me if there’s anyone

who bothers you. I’ll go teach them a lesson later.”

“Don’t worry about me, and make sure to write a lot of letters.”

“Yes! I’ll write a lot of letters to you!”

Diana ran to the dormitory, waving her hands.


I showed Blake a video of the entrance ceremony today.

“Diana looks cool.”


Diana studied hard and entered the Academy of Knights, so I was

very proud of her.

“Was the lady always this mature?”

Melissa and Hans, who were watching the video together next to her,
were also amazed to see Diana.

“Yes, I didn’t know either.”

“I suddenly remembered the old days. It was snowy when I entered

the school. I thought I was going to die from holding my sneeze in.”

“You were the top student, weren’t you?”

“Then you must have stood on the podium too?”

“Yes, I was so busy holding my sneeze to the end. I was a child


Suddenly, Blake blurted out.

“Did you take a video of Ancia?”

“It’s not like it was my entrance ceremony. Why would they take a
video of me?”

“No. I took it.”

Hans replied and brought a large box. The box was filled with video

“I captured Her Highness in the video.”

There were as many as 20 videos.

Judging from the title alone, it seemed like a normal entrance

ceremony video, but when I played the video again, I saw it was full
of videos of me at the entrance ceremony.

“Why did you take this?”

“His Majesty ordered it.”

I couldn’t believe he was wasting such expensive mana stones like

“Why did he order this?”

Melissa smiled.

“It must be a gift.”


“Yes. His Majesty’s gift to the Crown Prince.”

No way. I didn’t think there’s anyone in the world who’d like this gift,
but I heard Blake’s voice.

“Wow! Ancia laughed!”

Blake’s eyes were glistening as he watched me in the video. I guess

my little groom really did like the boring video.

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Chapter 29 – A red camellia tree and a wicked beast (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

When Count Bellacian was questioned by the Emperor, the Duke of

Cassil was terrified. He feared that Count Bellacian would expose

“That pathetic guy! How are you going to take responsibility for this!”

Richard was dumbfounded. It was Richard who proposed using

Count Bellacian.

But as soon as he saw that Count Bellacian was being ignored by

Ancia, he judged that he was not worth using, and insisted that they
should keep their distance from him.

But the Duke of Cassil ignored Richard’s words. Then things got to
the worst point, he put all the blame on Richard.

“You have a slave’s blood, but you’re still so arrogant.”

The eldest son Frank, unaware of the seriousness of the situation,

simply laughed at the sight of Richard being scolded.

“I thought you were smart, but I’m disappointed.”

The youngest Neon also laughed.

“I guess he’s at the end of his wit now. Arnold, isn’t it time to throw
him away? When it comes to resourcefulness, Neon is second to

The Duchess, who didn’t even treat Richard as a human being, tried
to drive him away.

Richard clenched his teeth.

This was what he has been hearing for ever since he was born to the
point that he felt no anger now. Rather, it was more important to shut
Count Bellacian’s mouth.

The Duke of Cassil mocked Tenstheon because he didn’t even

notice the spy he had planted in the Imperial Palace. His
temperament was no different from Frank’s. He was nervous for a
moment when Ancia kicked many people out of the Palace, but
when the Emperor did not pursue it further, he was relieved again.

But Richard knew. The Emperor was not ignorant. He was just
turning into a blind eye. He also supported his son while feigning

Even after Blake married Ancia, Tenstheon maintained the position

of a bystander.

But things were developing badly.

Count Bellacian was frivolous and he was angry with the Duke
because Frank had been betrothed to someone other than his
daughter. There was a risk that he would betray them.

Of course, it was bullshit and he could easily be suppressed with

power, but this time it was unlikely that the Emperor would side with
Duke Cassil.
Richard tried to silence Count Bellacian before the investigation
began in earnest. But the security was tight. He was nervous
because he couldn’t find a way to get into the prison and failed to
hire investigators.

In the end, Gilbert Bellacian was exiled to an island and he didn’t say
anything about the Duke of Cassil. It was rumored that he had
completely gone crazy.

The Duke of Cassil was relieved, and the tension surrounding them
disappeared. But Richard was rather anxious.

‘Count Bellacian became crazy? So suddenly?’

The Duke of Cassil had no intentions of marrying Frank to Diana,

regardless of whether or not Count Bellacian carried out his orders.
He planned to use Count Bellacian as much as he could.

But Count Bellacian was more incompetent than they imagined.

He had never done well, yet, he urged the Duke to set an

engagement date.

The Duke of Cassil’s pride was second to none, and he was tongue
tied at Gilbert’s impudence. So was Richard.

He had observed the Count of Bellacian for three years, and safe to
say, the Count was someone that could drive others insane, but he
was not a man who would suddenly go crazy himself.

Of course, he was a man of pride, so he might’ve been shocked to

the point of losing his mind when he was exiled, but somehow, it
didn’t feel right.

Richard went to the island in the West where Count Bellacian had
been exiled.

The nameless island was notorious for being a place of exile for
Richard looked at the old mansion that was left open on the deserted
island. In front of him, there were soldiers guarding with bored faces.


Richard called the man behind him. Domiram quietly bowed his head
and used a spell to put them to sleep.

The soldiers, who already seemed bored, fell asleep. Richard

slipped into the mansion with the Black Mage, Domiram.

The interior of the mansion was much shabbier than it seemed from
the outside, and it didn’t seem to be managed well. But it was so big
that he was greeted by a row of doors when he entered the hall.

But he was still able to find the room where Count Bellacian was.

“Ahhhhhhh! Save me!”

He heard the voice of Count Bellacian coming from a room.

“That madman is starting again.”

“My ears are stinging.”

The soldiers standing guard at the door were shuddering.

“The rumors that he’s crazy must be true.”

When Richard glanced at Domiram, Domiram quickly cast a sleep

spell again. The soldiers soon fell asleep, and Richard slowly
entered the room.

“Hot! Hot! Save me! Please save me!”

As soon as he opened the door, a scream rang out. He said it was

hot, yet he had a blanket wrapped around him from head to toe.
Did the Emperor seriously torture him while investigating? But no
matter how guilty he is, he’s still the father of the Crown Princess.
There’s no way Emperor Tenstheon would do such a thing,…’

However, his condition was too serious to say that he had simply
gone crazy from being exiled.

Richard pulled Gilbert’s blanket, and Gilbert curled up in great fright.

“No! No! Curse! The curse’s sentence! You have to erase it! Unless
you get rid of the curse! No! Argh!”

He scratched his body as he screamed.

“The sentences are spreading! I have to erase them! I have to get rid
of it! Hot! Let go of the curse! Come on! Gross! I’m going to become
a monster! No! No!”

Count Bellacian bit his fingernails in his fit as he tried to erase the
sentences of the curse which were gradually eroding his body. But
Richard’s expression hardened as he looked at his figure.

Count Bellacian said he had the sentences of the curse on his body,
but his body was clean.

Rather, the expression ‘clean’ was not correct. His body was a mess
because of the wounds from scratching himself all over. However,
although there were a lot of cuts and blood covering his body, there
was no sign of any sentences of the curse.

Instead, there was an ointment and a clean now bandage on the

side table, while bloody bandages were scattered on the floor.

Even if his wounds were treated, he’d reopen the bandages and
scratched his wounds open again before they could heal.

Aside from the wounds, his appearance had changed a lot too.
Count Bellacian was incompetent and brazen, but he had a pretty
good appearance. But now his face was full of scratches and blood.
His hair was so white that he looked like a gray-haired old man who
was an inch away from death’s door.

‘It seems very serious. Does he believe he’s cursed? He’s gone

Count Bellacian could never be under a curse because he didn’t

have the blood of the Imperial family

He was so arrogant. Did he think he was from the Royal family?

At that moment, the events from three years ago passed through
Richard’s mind.

When Richard went to the Crown Prince’s Palace to seduce Ancia,

he met the Crown Prince.

And the moment when he caught his hand, a faint sensation had
penetrated Richard’s body.

Richard thought Blake might have used his power, but he soon
dismissed the thought. The curse couldn’t be transferred. He was
just a weak and worthless creature.

Richard had thought so. But when he saw Count Bellacian

scratching his body like a madman, it reminded him of that time

He heard that Count Bellacian had invaded the Crown Prince’s

Palace before being questioned by the Emperor. If anything had
happened to the Crown Prince there…Maybe the Crown Prince did
that to Count Bellacian?

“Argh! No! No!”

As he was pondering over it deeply, Gilbert squirmed and reached

for the quilt. He didn’t want to see his body. Richard threw the quilt
on his hand.

At that moment, Gilbert suddenly screamed at Richard and took his


“Release me! Release me now!”

Richard was irritated and tried to brush off his hands, but Gilbert was
unexpectedly strong. Gilbert looked at Richard as if he was the
enemy who made him this way.

“Release me! Release me!”

Then, Gilbert bent down and took Richard to the floor with him.

“Sir, are you all right?”

Domiram overpowered Gilbert with black magic and examined

Richard’s condition.

“I’m okay.”

Richard roughly unfolded his crumpled sleeves and looked at Gilbert,

who was sprawled on the floor.

“Is he dead?”

“He only passed out. Should I kill him?”

“No need.”

He wouldn’t live long anyway. There was no chance that he would

return to his senses and make any useless remarks. There was no
need to kill him and make a fuss.

“Let’s go back.”

He did not find out the reason why Count Bellacian went crazy.
Whether he went crazy naturally, whether there was a special cause,
or whether he was aware of the power of the Crown Prince, Richard
did not know anything for certain.

But there was a 1% chance that the Crown Prince used his power,
so he decided that he had to be careful.

As he turned and went out, a sudden chilling sensation covered his

whole body.

[Don’t go!]

The sudden voice of a woman surprised Richard and he looked

back. He asked Domiram, “Did you hear a woman’s voice just now?”


Domiram was confused.

‘Was it a hallucination? I’ve been dealing with a madman, so I

must’ve been influenced by it.’

Richard hurried along, ignoring the strange sensation.

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Chapter 30 – A red camellia tree and a wicked beast (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

According to the Emperor, Count Bellacian’s condition had become

more and more serious, reaching the point of screaming and
inflicting wounds on himself, saying he had been cursed by the

I didn’t feel sorry for him because he had earned it. In any case,
Count Bellacian was unable to come back.

The Countess knew that, so she handed the Count’s stuff to Diana.

But Diana had no interest in the estate or work of the Count’s family.
Most of the Bellacian family’s wealth was left by Ancia’s biological
mother anyway. But I was the Crown Princess now, so I couldn’t be
in charge of the estate, and I didn’t need it either.

Even so, I had to take care of Count Bellacian while Diana was
attending the Academy, so I headed to him.

A thousand years ago, the Goddess of Light gave Philip the power of
light because she loved him.

But Philip betrayed the Goddess after the founding of the Asteric
Empire, and she became furious. The Goddess of Light took away
the power of light not only from Philip but also from the entire land.

In the end, the mages of light failed to use magic and the church lost
its strength. Of course it was all a secret.

The church strictly blocked outsiders from entering the Valley of

Chaos, saying evil lurked there. They said it was to protect the world
from the Door of Darkness, but in fact, it was an excuse so that they
could monopolize the mana stones that still had the power of light.
There was no way that an individual or family could use this method
to gain mana stones.

The church monopolized the mana stones, and maintained their

authority by using the power of light in it.

The families that used to practice the magic of light quickly fell to
ruin. The House of Bellacian was no exception. They were
descendants of Liontel Bellacian, the great light mage who founded
the Asteric Empire with Philip, but their power was feeble.

The heir of light was necessary to keep the door closed, but the
power of the heirs gradually weakened, making it impossible to
recognize if someone was really the heir of light.

A treasure called “The Tears of Light” which could determine if

someone was an Heir of Light had been handed down, but it
disappeared at some point in time.

Even though they lost most of their power, the Bellacian family still
retained some of their power of light.

And Diana’s powers were enough to lift the curse of the Goddess.

Even though she hadn’t awakened her powers yet. In the library of
the Bellacian family, there were various books about the magic of
light and the Curse of the Goddess.
The Count had many servants in the mansion, and all of them
followed Gilbert Bellacian and criticized Ancia.

Diana said she had fired all the servants who had harassed Ancia
before she entered the academy, so there were only a few left.

“I told you to stay in your room. Why did you come out?!”

Each step reminded me of what Ancia had experienced in the

mansion. I wasn’t the real Ancia, and I had not been through it

However, I could still feel her melancholy just from the memories.

I had only just arrived, but I already wanted to go back to Amoria

Palace, to where Blake was. I hurried to the library of Count

However, for a long-standing family, the quality and quantity of books

were quite poor.

Although there were many books about the power of light, they were
all common books.

I went to Count Bellacian’s office too, but that place was even more
disastrous. It seemed that the perception of the House of Bellacian,
which was decorated in luxury for show-off, was completely absent.

Although I read a few books, I couldn’t find anything about the curse.

‘So all that’s left is the warehouse?’

The butler guided me there. I opened the door with the key I
received from Diana. It opened with a heavy push.

I went inside with anticipation, but I was soon disappointed. It was

full of gold, jewelry, and art, but there were no heirlooms of the
family. I had heard that they even sold the “Tears of Light” to afford
their expenses, so there was no other heirloom left.
When I checked the certificates, it seemed that most of the jewelry
and artworks were purchased recently. All of it was bought with the
money that Ancia’s biological mother brought.

Of course, the jewelry and paintings would all make headlines if they
were put up for auction, but they were not the items I was looking for.
So, I rode the carriage back. I didn’t expect much, but when I
returned empty-handed, I felt somewhat empty.

I didn’t find any clues about the curse, but I thought there would be
some information about the magic of light or the heir of light.

“You should have died with your mother then! Just the sight of your
face makes me want to throw up!”

Even after I left the mansion, Gilbert Bellacian’s voice rang in my

ears, and the bad memories flooded my mind.

I felt dizzy and nauseous. The rattling of the carriage was also
making me sick.

“Your Highness, you don’t look well. Is something wrong?”

Melissa asked anxiously as she sat opposite to me.

“I don’t feel well.”

“Shall we stop the carriage?”

I nodded my head in silence. The carriage stopped in the middle of a

wide field.

“Should I call the doctor?”

“It’s alright. It’s just mild motion sickness. I feel better now that I got
some wind.”

The shivers disappeared a little as I breathed in the cool wind. I

wasn’t the real Ancia, but I didn’t know why it hurt so much when her
memories flowed in.

I couldn’t wait to see my cute rabbit. I felt like I would be healed

instantly when I saw Blake.

When I was about to get back on the carriage, I saw a man from

Richard stood in front of a small camellia tree in the middle of the

field. Standing alone with his eyes closed, there was a deep sense of
loneliness that surrounded him.

Maybe today was that day? I recalled a scene from the original

Richard was the male protagonist of ‘The Beast and Lady’. He was
also a scheming man who even used the female protagonist for his
greed. Although he was garbage, Richard was quite popular. It was
because of his tragic past and circumstances.


Richard’s mother was a Roum slave.

The Roums were the masters of the West until a thousand years
ago. They reigned the Zelcan Empire and were said to have
oppressed the people by indulging in terrible luxury and pleasure.

The Goddess of Light was angry at the wickedness of the Roum,

and gave Philip strength to drive them away.

Eventually, the Zelcan Empire collapsed, and the Asteric Empire was
established. The kingdom was destroyed by their evil deeds, but the
Roums did not reflect.
They dreamed of the revival of the Zelcan Empire and set fire to the
Tenlarn Palace*, where Emperor Philip lived, and they burned books
to monopolize their language and knowledge.

TL Note: I’m just spelling how the korean one is written. There will be
more context in future chapters so the name might change.

In the Zelcan Empire, they restricted their knowledge exclusively to

the upper class, calling it the language of God that had been given to
the Roums.

It was hard to learn, and after all the existing books and materials
disappeared, the “Language of God” could not continue to the future,
but it ended up losing its reputation.

The Zelcan Empire’s revival movement was defeated, and the

Roums were reduced to slavery.

Even after a long time passed, people did not forgive the Roums
who had persecuted them and even made the language of God

Even now, they continued to be the object of people’s contempt, and

after a thousand years had passed, they were still considered to be
the lowest among slaves. When Duke Cassil’s wife became
pregnant, he slept with a beautiful Roum slave and gave birth to

Arnold Cassil was furious. He just wanted to have fun, but he had no
intentions of having an illegitimate son.

He did not acknowledge Richard as his child, so he raised him like a

slave. But still, Richard was his own blood. Frank, the eldest son of
Duke Cassil, was arrogant and stupid.

On the other hand, Richard looked just like his mother, and although
he was young, his intelligence was extraordinary.
In the end, the Duke of Cassil decided to recognize Richard as his
illegitimate son because he needed a child to assist Frank.

Richard was happy.

If he did well, he’d be granted immunity even if he stood up for his

mother. He was filled with hope, but the joy did not last long.

In the cold winter, Richard’s mother became very sick. It was a

terrible flu.

“I’ll ask the Duke to call for help.”

“It’s no big deal. Mom’s fine. Don’t say anything.”

Mother dissuaded Richard. However, he felt sorry and upset on

behalf of his mother, who endured her illness and worked hard.
Richard went to the Duke of Cassil and begged.

“Your excellency, my mother is sick. Please call for a doctor. I’ll study
harder. I’ll help Frank too. So please do me a favor.”

He begged earnestly and only hoped her mother could take a break.
However, the Duke’s eyes flashed fiercely when he heard Richard’s

“That girl’s sick? It’s not Tancinol, is it?”

“What? Tancinol?”

The young Richard was puzzled. He didn’t know what ‘Tancinol’ was.
But the Duke didn’t answer him.

The Duchess and the people who used to regard Richard’s mother
as an eyesore made him believe that she had Tancinol. The Duke
ordered Richard’s mother to be killed without even confirming it
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Chapter 31 – A red camellia tree and a wicked beast (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Richard begged everyone to save his mother’s life, but no one

listened to the little boy. His mother was killed and buried soon after.

Richard didn’t even get to see his mother’s body. He was confined to
a shabby warehouse in a remote mountain, and only after it was
confirmed that he had not contracted “Tancinol” was he allowed to
return home.

No one welcomed Richard when he came back after half a year.

Richard went to the library, ignoring the people’s gossip and stares.

He read books about ‘Tancinol’.

The Roums were the first to catch ‘Tancinol’. The disease was
characterized by a high rate of infection and death. Black spots
would appear on the victim’s entire body and they’d have bloodshot

It was also called the second curse of the Goddess because it

looked similar to Blake’s curse. Like the Heir to the Curse in the
Imperial family, the Goddess of Light lowered the status of the
Roums to punish them and cursed them with this sickness
Richard found out why his mother couldn’t show that she was sick
and why she stopped him when he offered to call a doctor for her. If
someone heard that a Roum person was sick, they’d kill them
instantly even with the slightest suspicion that they had ‘Tancinol’.
That was why she had to endure it.

The little Richard gritted his teeth.

He believed that his mother had died because of him. But instead of
grieving, Richard vowed to take revenge.

Richard devoured all the books about ‘Tancinol’ in the library, and
became convinced of one fact. His mother was not sick because of
‘Tancinol’. His mother’s symptoms were completely different from the
symptoms of Tancinol.

She didn’t have any black spots, there was no change in

appearance, and no vomiting of blood either. But the Duke of Cassil
killed his mother without even confirming that.

The Duke of Cassil did not tell him where he buried his mother.
Richard didn’t ask him again either. He bribed and threatened the
servants to find the place himself. His mother was buried on a
desolate field. Richard planted his mother’s favorite red camellia
flowers instead of a tombstone at her burial spot.

He promised to avenge his mom, to take everything from the Cassils

and kill them.

The Duke of Cassil was after the throne.

Richard smiled inwardly, pretending to follow the Duke’s will.

‘The throne will be my possession. I will sit on the highest position in

the Empire, and all the enemies who despised me will be on their
knees under my feet.’
From then on Richard became completely different. The innocent
boy, who only wished to get rid of his mother’s slave status, became
a man with great ambitions and was stained with obsession.


I looked at Richard as he stood there. The author said that every

time he visited his mother’s grave, he’d pledge to take revenge
against the Duke.

Was he still like that?

I didn’t know Richard’s thoughts, but I didn’t feel any seething hatred
or ambition from him when I saw him. He was just a lonely boy. Even
the wound on his neck was because he tried to save his mother from
being dragged out.

Richard opened his eyes and our eyes met.

Richard would normally smile arrogantly and make cheesy remarks

as soon as he saw me, but now he turned his head the other way as
if he hadn’t seen me.

He looked rather lonely with such an appearance, so I couldn’t just

leave him.

“Melissa, I’ll be back after I greet Sir Cassil.”

“Let’s go together.”

“It’s alright. I won’t be long.”

I walked alone towards Richard. He felt me approaching and turned

around again.

“Long time no see, Sir Cassil.”

“I didn’t know I’d meet you here, but I guess I was lucky.”
Richard flashed his signature smile and acted as if he had never
avoided my gaze.

But in contrast to his relaxed smile, his eyes had hardened.

“The flowers are beautiful.”

“It is a memorial. There’s a woman of Roum blood buried here.”

I was surprised. I didn’t think Richard would say it himself.

It was a secret that Richard’s mother was of the Roums. The Duke of
Cassil hid it for his family’s honor, and Richard even hid it from his
beloved Diana.

He never confided it to anybody.

Of course, I knew it was a secret, but I was taken aback when he

mentioned it so directly.

“So you’d better step back,” added Richard.

Perhaps he had taken my silence as contempt. He didn’t sound

surprised in the least, as if he already knew that I’d react like this.

“Was it someone you knew?”

“No, I only happened to hear of it. The woman died of Tancinol.”

I was surprised for a moment, but I didn’t think he’d reveal his past

I gave a silent salute and tied a handkerchief to the Camellia branch.

“What are you doing?”

“I’ve heard that this is the Roums’ funeral etiquette.”

The Roums had been despised for a thousand years already now.
The language used by the Zelcan Empire disappeared and became
an ancient language, and a new language took its place in the new

Nevertheless, the people’s anger was not resolved and they did not
allow their language to be used by the Roums. When a Roum died,
they would not get a tombstone. Instead of offering flowers to
tombstones, they tied handkerchiefs to trees or planted new flowers
over the grave.

“….you’re doing this for a Roum?”

“Is there any reason I can’t?”

It wasn’t because she was Richard’s mother. She had been

persecuted all her life for being a Roum and died miserably in the
end, so I wanted to offer a little consolation to her soul.

“Don’t you know what Tancinol is?”

He snapped cynically. The artificial gentleness that was always in

Richard’s voice had completely disappeared.

“I know.”

“You lack awareness.”

“How would we know if it was really Tancinol or not? I heard that

there were many instances when the Roums were killed just out of
suspicion that they had Tancinol. Even if it was really Tancinol, there
aren’t any remnants of it left here.”

“The Curses of the Goddess could still spread.”

“I don’t believe that.”

A strong wind blew past and the handkerchief nearly came loose.
When I went to tighten the handkerchief that had come loose,
Richard grabbed my hand.

“Are you drunk or do you think you’re a saint for embracing


He lost his temper and shouted.

He wasn’t mad at me. It was just the anger and guilt that he had
been suppressing since his mother died. The anger that had no
place to go.

The Richard in ‘The Beast and the Lady’ was six years older than
Blake and Diana who had just become adults. He was very
experienced and mature.

Always cold and calculating, never disorganized.

I thought that the Richard now had a similar personality.

But that was not it.

He was still an immature boy that was hiding many wounds.

“Well, I’ve never thought of me as being particularly nice. I just don’t

like baseless fears.”

“Baseless fears?”

When I lived in Korea, I had a big scar on my calf. It was from a car
accident when I was young. The accident left my parents dead so I
went to live in my grandmother’s house in the countryside.

I didn’t care about the scar much when I wore long pants every day.
But then, I became a middle school student and had to wear a knee-
length skirt as part of my uniform.

“What is that? So gross.”

“Is it a skin disease?”

On the day of my middle school entrance ceremony, the children
screamed at the sight of my scar, and then suddenly, I was at the
center of everyone’s attention.

The kids hated me and avoided me until the end of the semester.

I thought it was because the scar looked ugly. So I told the school
about the situation and got permission to wear pants. But even
though they couldn’t see the scar, they still avoided me.

When I went to them, they’d become either angry or scared, as if the

ugly wound would be transmitted to them. That day, I realized.

They didn’t hate me. Rather, they were afraid. They treated me like I
was a germ because of that baseless fear.

It was ridiculous.

It might look gross, but it had already been there since a long time
ago and it wasn’t an infectious skin disease.

But logical persuasion was useless in the face of baseless fears that
had already taken root in their minds.

The people of this world speak ill of ‘the Heir to the Curse’ and call
them monsters, and despise the Roums as the people abandoned
by the Goddess. In the end, I accepted that such feelings were borne
out of their baseless fears.

When the ‘the Heir to the Curse’ died, the curse would be passed to
another member of the Imperial family. And the curse had never
transferred to anyone other than a member of the Imperial family.

Nevertheless, people still trembled with fear at the sight of it. Even
though the curse had no precedent of being transmitted to another
person in the past thousand years.

“The curse has been passed on to the heir’s servant.”

“I heard that a lady made eye contact with the heir for a while, and
then died of a sudden illness.”

Such unconfirmed rumors spread, and at some point, it became a

fact for them.

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Chapter 32 – A red camellia tree and a wicked beast (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Just as my scar was treated as an infectious disease, the heir to the

curse was also treated as such.

People said they hated the ‘heir of the curse’ because the curse
looked ominous and the heir was a depraved soul that had been
cursed by the Goddess. But at the end of the day, the emotion that
lurked at the root was fear.

Their feelings towards the Roums weren’t any different either. In the
end, it was more about their fear than contempt.

It was the fear that the person who had been abandoned by the
Goddess and cursed might harm them that led them to develop their
cruel hatred.

However, whatever the cause, even human instincts, I could not

tolerate actions that hurt others and even caused their death.

“I don’t want to run away from the fear. I don’t want to ignore or hurt

The strength drained out of Richard’s hand that was holding me. I
finished tying the handkerchief tightly.
“What an unusual girl.”

He burst into laughter. It wasn’t his usual artificial smile. He looked

sincerely amused.

Did I say something funny? Anyway, I felt a little relieved, so it was

all fine.

I looked at the camellias swaying in the wind. Richard said that after
his mother passed away, he lost his laughter. He never smiled
sincerely again in the novel either and he definitely wouldn’t have
laughed in front of his mother’s grave.

So his smile now was probably a great gift to his mother, who had
passed away.

But other than that, I still had something to say to Richard

“Aren’t you past the age of learning basic etiquette, Sir Cassil?”

“Would you like to hear the title ‘Your Highness’ from me?”

The corners of his mouth went up leisurely. He was back to his

original self.

“It’s not about what I want to hear. It’s what you should call me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“And apologize for the uncalled for remarks that you made about the
Crown Prince.”

He called the Crown Prince a monster. No matter how much of a

hard time Richard was having, I couldn’t let this go.

“I’m sorry. I lost my temper for a moment and made a slip of the
tongue. Please forgive me.”

“You should apologize to His Highness, not me.”

“How can I ask for his forgiveness?”

“Pledge your loyalty to His Highness.”

Richard’s expression hardened again. However, he quickly became

relaxed, no different from his usual self that had kept his true feelings
hidden throughout all his life.

“You want me to swear loyalty to him like the knights?”

“I mean you should remember that the man named Blake Larisch
Geracillion is the Crown Prince of this Empire.”

I warned Richard against having hidden ambitions.

To be honest, I didn’t really like him. Richard’s tragic past and family
background was sad, but his moves were too cheap. If the story had
gone as it was, Richard’s evil deeds would have already begun. He
would’ve used Blake’s maid to make him sick, and spread all kinds
of gossip to torment Blake and Tenstheon.

But the Richard now still attempted to commit such crimes. He

planted his people in the Palace and tried to spy on the Palace using
Count Bellacian, but it failed.

Perhaps it was because of his weakened mind that was different

from the original, I thought that maybe this deceptive man could

Richard’s gaze on me sharpened when he heard my warning.

“…Okay. Is there anyone in the Empire who doesn’t know that?”

“I’m glad to hear that. Sir Cassil, you’re a talented person. If you use
your abilities in the right place, you’ll receive many glorious

Everyone in the Duke of Cassil’s family was full of greed, but only
Richard was competent among them.
Richard used and sacrificed countless people to become the
Emperor. Some of them sincerely followed him and loved him.

I thought of the original story. Richard longed for many things even
after he became the Emperor, but he couldn’t climb out of the
endless emptiness no matter how much he took from the innocent

If Richard was satisfied with his position as the Duke and did not
indulge in vain greed, everyone would be happy.

“Blessing…Are you saying you’ll come to me?”

But instead of listening to me, he joked using the fact that the Crown
Princess was called the “Blessing of the Empire.”

“Sir Cassil certainly needs to study etiquette.”

“If you teach me, I can learn it.”

Now that he was starting to act cheesy again, I guessed that he had
completely recovered from his sadness.

“I’ve taken up your time.”

Richard bowed his head as he conveyed his intention to leave.

“I’ll look forward to seeing you again.”

“I hope you develop good manners by then.”

I looked at the Camellia tree and bowed briefly before heading to the

Did Richard listen to my warning?

It would be nice if he changed even a little bit, but given his reaction,
the chances of that happening were low.
If Richard continued committing evil deeds like he did in the original
story, I’d thoroughly put a stop to it. Today would be our last day
having such a leisurely conversation together.

My footsteps grew faster and faster as I went towards the carriage.

My outing had gone on for too long. I wanted to see my little groom
as soon as possible.


Ancia left in the carriage without looking back.

Richard looked at the white handkerchief tied to the Camellia tree. It

was made of luxurious silk and had a blue embroidery on it.

“It’s the first gift you received.”

His mother had lived in pain all her life.

Born as the child of a Roum, she was enslaved and had to bear a
child for a scoundrel. In the end, the child’s stupid mistake cost her
her life.

Her son was stupid. He completely hid her existence and hesitated
to even plant a tree where she was buried. Yet, Ancia took her
handkerchief out without a moment’s hesitation.

When Richard said a Roum was buried here, Ancia asked, “Was it
someone you knew?”

Richard looked at the handkerchief for a long time, and then said
quietly, “I’ll be back next year, Mother.”

Richard went to the Western Island where Gilbert Bellacian was

exiled and returned to the Duke’s residence within a month. To visit
his mother, he didn’t sleep a wink and rushed back in a hurry, so the
accumulated fatigue came out all at once.

He was about to enter his bedroom when the butler rushed after him.
“Where have you been, my lord? We’ve been looking for you.”

Richard’s brows furrowed. He didn’t want to see the disgusting Duke

of Cassil today.

He should’ve come a day later. He turned to the office with belated


“You useless bastard! Where did you just come from?”

As Richard entered the office, the Duke of Cassil shouted angrily.

And before Richard could say anything, Frank said to him
sarcastically, “You’re so stupid. Is that the only thing you learned
from your mother?”

“Stupid guy. As expected of someone with a slave’s blood.”

Richard gritted his teeth. No matter what they said, Richard didn’t
reveal his true feelings, but it was hard for him to put up with the
increasing insults.

They didn’t know her exact illness. They drove an innocent woman
to death, treating her as if she had the plague. They killed her
brutally, and erased her from everyone’s memory.

But it was not yet the time to reveal his resentment. Richard smiled
leisurely as usual.

“I came back from the Duke’s mine in the West. Your Excellency and
I were out of town so I told brother to manage the finances.”

Richard couldn’t share information about Gilbert Bellacian with the

Duke’s family, so he made up a fake answer.

“Y-you did?”

Frank blinked his eyes. Come to think of it, when he was hanging out
with his friends and high on drugs, Richard seemed to have said
“It was nothing important! It’s only natural that I can’t remember it!”

“You made a mess and went on a leisurely trip?!”

Frank blamed his mistake on Richard. The Duke got mad and flung
the ledger at Richard.

The Duke always blamed Richard. He couldn’t bear even a slightest

mention of Frank’s flaws.

Richard unfolded the ledger that fell on the floor.

Arnold Cassil had left some of the management run by him to Frank.
However, he was obsessed with gambling, so it was Richard’s job to
manage it. Before Richard left for the West, he ordered his
subordinate to prepare a list of Frank’s transactions. The list was full
of useless items that were bought at ridiculously high prices. There
was no need to find out how it happened or whose doing it was.
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Chapter 33 – What does the cat like? (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“What?! None of this would’ve happened if you didn’t go!”

Frank shouted shamelessly. The Duke of Cassil nodded and joined

his son.

“Frank is right. Richard, I took you in as a child because I judged that

you had the ability to assist Frank. Your poor performance has
caused severe damage to our finances, and you’re still blaming

“I’m sorry. I made a slip of the tongue.”

Richard bowed his head. Despite his apology, the Duke and Frank
kept making even ruder comments.

Richard was back in hell.

After he met Ancia, he had caught a glimpse of the light for a

moment and the darkness had disappeared.

“Sir Cassil, you’re a talented person. If you use your abilities in the
right place, you’ll receive many glorious blessings.”
She said so. But would a bright day come even if he lived a good
life? His mother was really nice, but she still got trampled on. She
was trampled and abandoned, mocked even after her death.

Richard was born with the blood of the Roums that were abandoned
by the Goddess of Light. He was born in the darkness and had never
seen the light.

If a person who had nothing tried to be nice, they would only be


If he didn’t want to be used, he could only climb higher. He had to be

in a position where he could trample on everyone. The position of
the Emperor that the Duke and Frank wanted so much will be his.

Richard erased Ancia’s words from his head. In the abyss of his
heart, even the little light faded and turned into darkness, while his
deep desire stirred up.

‘The Emperor’ and ‘Ancia’.

He wanted Ancia. Richard had seen the light for the first time since
his mother’s death.

He wanted Ancia to stay next to him for a long time.

He wanted to have her like he’d want an expensive jewel, but

Richard was also shaken by a feeling other than possessiveness
today. Ancia was like a ray of light for him who was wandering in the

She wanted him to address her as the ‘Crown Princess’? He’d call
her that anytime. He could take control of the Palace and then take
her as his companion. Ancia would be his Crown Princess and his


Tenstheon did everything he could for me.

He gave me whatever I wanted, and if I wanted to study, he’d invite
the best teacher in that field for me.

I studied hard and taught Blake too.

We were studying history in my room today.

“Your Highness, a thousand years ago, in the Zelcan Empire, only

the nobility was allowed to be literate. The language of Zelcans itself
was complicated and difficult, and the books of that time were all
very expensive because they used expensive parchment.”

“They burned all those books, didn’t they?”

“That’s right! When the Zelcan Empire collapsed and the Asteric
Empire was established, the Roums started a Zelcan revival
movement. The revival movement, led by Zelcan’s Fifth Prince
Rakshul, became more and more violent, and they even set fire to
*Tenlarn Palace of Emperor Phillip…”

*TL note: okay so it’s name is really that…anyone who has better
ideas (because it doesn’t sound good) please comment or should I
write Emperor Phillip’s Palace everytime instead?
(Edited to: Tenlarn Palace)

I was explaining the history of the Empire to Blake, when suddenly, I

went blank.

[Was it you? Did you set the fire?]

Suddenly, a woman’s harsh voice and a blazing flame appeared

before my eyes. The place that had gold and jewels decorating the
lanterns was engulfed in flames.

‘What’s this?’

[How could you do this?!]

I heard someone ask in an exasperated tone. I could sense the
woman’s anger.

[Open it! Open it now!]

The woman howled. Everything around her was glittering with gold,
but there was a rough stone plate on one side that did not match the
splendor of the rest of the place.

‘What’s this?’

I was dizzy and confused, but I heard Blake’s voice.

“Ancia! Ancia! What’s wrong? Ancia?”

As soon as I heard his worried voice, my mind became clear.

“Ancia, are you sick?”

“No, I just got lost in my thoughts.”

I shook my head reflexively. I didn’t want to worry Blake over



“Yes. Now, let’s go back to studying again.”

Blake returned to his seat as he stared at me. I resumed the class

with a big smile on purpose to reassure him.

“The fire burned down the Palace, but Emperor Phillip was safe and
sound. Rakshul foretold that the revival movement would fail and got
rid of books, stone tablets, and anything else that was written in the
language of the Zelcan Empire. At that time, Rakshul said this to his

I pointed my hand at a sentence in the book and Blake read it out

“The history and knowledge of this land are from the Zelcan Empire.
If the Zelcan Empire disappears, the knowledge of this world will
disappear, and if the Zelcan Empire reigns in the world, knowledge
will return.”

“You read it well. Rakshul tried to continue the Zelcan revival

movement using the knowledge of language of the Roums as a
weapon. It wasn’t enough to get rid of the books and stone tablets
that the Roum had, so they attacked the church and the library too.”

Blake concentrated on my explanation. Studying history was quite

boring, but I was so proud and happy to see him nodding his head
with his eyes shining brightly.

“Emperor Phillip created a new language, and spread the language

to everyone through books. This enabled the new language to
quickly become the norm, and the language of the Zelcan Empire,
which had long dominated the land, disappeared and came to be
called the Ancient Language.”

People weren’t always either good or evil. Phillip betrayed the

Goddess and caused the curse to happen, but at the same time, he
also made a language that was easy for commoners to learn and
supplied cheap paper, greatly lowering the illiteracy rate of the

“If the Roums hadn’t set fire to their books, would the Ancient
language have been passed down to this day?”

“Perhaps. But it won’t be called an Ancient language. It would be

called the Imperial language instead.”

Blake smiled throughout class as he listened attentively and even

asked questions.

In the original story, Blake eventually lost to Richard. Then, Richard

said with an arrogant expression that Blake lacked the effort to
become an Emperor.
He laughed at Blake, saying, “Even if the curse was lifted, you didn’t
deserve to be the Crown Prince because I had devoted my life to
become an Emperor, but you didn’t do anything.”

That was bullshit.

Although Blake was the Crown Prince, he had not received a proper

The nobles and priests were always watching carefully to see if the
Emperor really abandoned the Heir to the Curse or if he had regrets.

If they saw that Tenstheon had any hint of affections for his son, they
would insist that he immediately depose Blake from the Crown
Prince position and confine him to the Southern Island.

Tenstheon knew that so he was careful and only let Blake read
books by himself, but didn’t give him any proper lessons.


“Your Highness, are you alright?”

Blake’s small hand suddenly trembled. The curse did not just stop at
engraving black inscriptions on the body. It also came with a piercing

Not to mention, the pain he felt on the left side of his body where the
sentences of the curse were engraved wouldn’t leave the right side
completely unaffected either.

The sentences of the curse had not spread any further in the past
three years, but the pain hadn’t disappeared.

The pain made it much harder for the heirs to the curse to carry out
normal activities compared to ordinary people, not to mention

“Yes. It’s okay.”

Blake smiled brightly as he lowered his trembling right hand.

He always said it was okay and seldom showed any signs of


“You have to stop studying now.”


I approached him and clasped his hand. His hands were cold.

“It would be better to stop your sword training for a while too.”

“But I didn’t go yesterday either.”

Although he was the heir to the curse, the sentences of the curse
had not spread in the last three years, and he hadn’t been seriously
ill. Of course, the pain from the curse didn’t go away, but it wasn’t
always this severe.

These days, the symptoms seemed to be getting worse. It would be

difficult for him to carry a sword in this state, but he still didn’t want to

“Don’t worry. This doesn’t matter.”

“But Your Highness…”

“Ancia, I’m okay. I won’t be able to do anything if you keep being like


Blake smiled again. He was smiling as brightly as he could in case I

was worried.

“I had to take a break yesterday because it was raining, but the sky
looks bright today. It’s a perfect day for training.”
But I couldn’t leave Blake alone knowing that he was overdoing it. I
clasped his hand.

“Can’t you take one more day off? There’s something I really want to
do with you…”

“W-want to do with me? Wh-what is it?”

“Come here.”

I climbed up to the bed, pulling his hand. Then, Blake suddenly


“Your Highness…?”

“Th-the bed is a little….”

Why was his face turning red?

“I’m tired because I used my head too much. I need to take a short

“Then, in the meantime, I’ll be training.”

“But I can’t sleep without you.”

Blake’s face grew redder and redder as I held his hands tightly and
refused to let go.

“B-but this is Ancia’s bed!”

“That doesn’t matter.”

“I do mind…”

Blake pouted his lips, but when I tugged his hand, he was left with no
choice but to follow me.
I laid him on the bed and touched his forehead. Fortunately, he didn’t
have a fever. I pulled the blanket up to his neck.

“Wait a minute. I’ll get the heating equipment.”

When I was about to get off the bed, Blake took my hand.
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Chapter 34 – What does the cat like? (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Don’t let go, I’m cold.”


“Ancia please stay next to me.”

Up until a while ago, he insisted that he would go to train, but not

even a moment later, he was like this.

“I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“It’s because I’m powerless.”

If I had been the Heir of Light, if I had the ability to lift the curse of the
Goddess, Blake would not have been ill.

“Don’t say that. I’m happy to have such a great wife.”

Blake smiled as he hugged me. The moment he embraced me in his

arms, a warm light enveloped us.
I slowly opened my eyes, feeling dazed and somewhat appalled.

I felt like I had a nightmare, but I couldn’t remember it now.

‘Did I fall asleep?’

I came to my senses slowly. I was going to let Blake rest, but I guess
I fell asleep too. I looked at the clock and saw that 3 hours had
already passed.

Blake fell asleep quietly as he held my left hand. His hands were

I felt relieved seeing that.

At the same time, I felt like a fool and clenched my fist in frustration.

‘Sleeping together in such a situation, Ancia, have you lost it? Blake
is fine, so it’s okay. But even a 13 years old wouldn’t do this! Oh,
you idiot! So stupid!’

“Ancia, what are you doing? Don’t do that!”

As I was reflecting over my own stupidity, Blake woke up with a

startle and stopped me.

“I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

“No. I was about to get up!”

“How are you?”

“I’m fine! I can train right now!”

He wasn’t bluffing, he really seemed to be alright, but I wanted him

to rest well today.

“No, we’re supposed to be together today.”

“Uh, uh, ah! Yeah! I’ll be with Ancia today!”

Blake nodded violently. He was so cute that I couldn’t resist and

pulled his cheeks.

“Anthiaa, what ith it?”

I found him even cuter because his pronunciation was a bit off.

“My husband is so cute.”


He flew into a rage. These days, he didn’t like hearing people saying
he was cute. What was wrong with him? Was he already going
through puberty?

But even that look of his was cute.

“I got a letter from Diana today.”

“Did her winter training go well?”

“Yes, it must have been fun.”

“That’s great.”

“I’m going to write back to her. Your Highness should write with me

“Me too?”

He seemed surprisingly unwilling. Of course, I was a little surprised

because I thought he’d say, ‘I want to write a letter to Diana too.’

“Why? You don’t want to?”

“I don’t. We’ll see each other during the vacations anyway. I don’t
have to write a letter…”
He sounded rather half-hearted, like a college student who had been
told to write a letter to a friend who just joined the army.

They were like close friends, but I felt a little uncomfortable by his
somewhat cold reaction. Was there such a side to my little rabbit,
who was full of gentleness and tenderness?

“Your Highness, didn’t you miss Diana?”

“Not really. It’s rather good.”


“Yes. Now I can be alone with my wife.”

Blake snuggled and hugged me, as he whispered, “Actually, I was



“With Diana here, I had to spend less time with you. It’s good to be
with you all the time now.”

I thought he was having fun with his friend, but he actually felt this
way. I giggled and stroked his hair.

“So my husband is jealous~”

“Do you hate it?”

Blake looked up at me with his doe eyes. I immediately shook my

head as soon as he blinked his big eyes and lowered his eyes a little

“No, I like it!”

Who could hate my cute bunny!

“Hehe. Thank God.”

Blake laughed. When I saw his innocent smile, I felt like my heart
was healed.


Diana seemed to have adapted well to the academy. In particular,

she was in the same class as Jayden, the red-haired boy who took
the podium before, and half of her letters were about him.

—Jayden has already been granted permission to own a real sword.

—Jayden’s hometown must be very far away. He said he’d stay in

the dormitory during the vacation.

—Jayden didn’t eat much today. He usually eats everything clean.

Jayden, Jayden, Jayden, Jayden… I heard so much about him that I

felt like I knew him personally even though I had only seen him once
at the entrance ceremony.

Diana kept on talking about him. I thought she liked him, so I asked
her to bring him along during the vacation. But then, she wrote,
“What? I’m already sick and tired of seeing him at the academy all
the time!”

Was I wrong? But if she was worried about him not eating, so didn’t
that mean she liked him?

Was this world like that? Was this what kids did these days? I
agonized over it, but did not find an answer.

—I wanted to see Jayden. It’s a shame.

I wrote the letter and put it in an envelope.

Blake didn’t send Diana any letters. Diana didn’t really want a letter
from Blake either. But that didn’t mean they didn’t think about each
Blake sometimes asked me, ‘How’s Diana doing?’
Diana also asked me about how Blake was doing. However, neither
of them seemed willing to exchange letters.

How did the heroine of the original novel and the second male lead
become like this?

I was going to seal the envelope, but my eyes were naturally drawn
to the rose that lay on a side of the desk. It was the first gift Blake
gave me. The flower would wither soon, so I added preservatives to
it and placed it in a vase.

This red rose was my most precious treasure. I could not exchange it
for any of the treasures of the world.

Suddenly someone hugged me tightly from behind. He smelled like

roses. I smiled and held my husband’s hand.

“Ancia, what are you doing?”

“The roses are pretty.”

“Ancia is much more prettier.”

The moment I heard it, I burst out laughing.

“Why are you laughing?”

“You know how to praise people naturally now. I feel like my husband
is all grown up.”

“I’m 11. I am a grown up.”

He emphasized his age this year. Come to think of it, he seemed to

have lost some of his baby fat and grown taller in these few months.
Though he was still smaller than me.

“I’m only two years apart from my wife.”

Blake snapped.

“There’s still a two-year difference.”


He pouted his mouth. Was he upset? I decided to stop teasing him.

I held his hand and touched his forehead lightly. These days, his
physical condition got worse quite often, so it had become a habit for
me to check whether he had a fever whenever I had time.

He didn’t have a fever and he looked fine.

Blake would be sad if he noticed me checking if he had a fever, so I

quickly lowered my hand from his forehead and touched his cheek.
Blake curled up shyly in response, but he still rubbed his face on my

“Ancia’s hands are warm…”

Oh no. I couldn’t bear his overwhelming cuteness and hugged him


“My rabbit is the cutest in the world!”

“And coolest?”

“Ah, cute.”


“Very cute!!!”


“…Your Highness?”
Blake looked at the door silently. I turned my head to look too but
there was nothing there.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, nothing.”

He smiled sweetly and held my hand. Thankfully, he wasn’t sulking


“Your Majesty, let’s go down. The beans I prepared yesterday should

be done by now.”

“Yes, alright.”

We went downstairs, hand in hand.


I was going to make tofu today. In fact, I wanted to make it earlier,

but getting a millstone and making a tofu frame took longer than I

I went down to the kitchen with Blake and checked the condition of
the beans that I had left to soak last night.

“We’re going to peel it now.”

“Yes! Your Highness! Just give me an order!”

Chef Terry answered. Terry was Edon’s brother, and he was very
interested in Eastern cuisine.

I was going to peel the beans with Terry and Melissa, but Blake
approached us….

“I want to help.”


When I lived in Korea, I made tofu quite often. Peeling the beans
with my grandmother used to take a long time, so I used to whine,
saying, “Why don’t you just make it with the skin?”
I was probably about 9 years old at that time.

Blake wasn’t much older than I was back then, but he did not
grumble and immediately got to work.

The work was finished much faster thanks to so many people doing
it together….

When I put peeled beans into the millstone, the water flowed out.

“Wow. Amazing.”

Blake admired. Terry and Melissa were also amazed because this
millstone was different from the ones used in the Empire.

To be honest, it was new for me too. There was a millstone in my

grandmother’s house, but the handle was worn out, so I didn’t
actually use it. Instead, I used to use an old mixer.

Of course, I had seen it in videos before, but seeing the beans being
split like this, my eyes naturally grew bigger in fascination too.
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Chapter 35 – What does the cat like? (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Next, I put the bean water in a cauldron, boiled it, and then stirred it

“Your Highness, be careful! Let me do it.”

“Okay. Please do Terry.”

It was hard for a child to do, so Blake and I backed out.

The adults put the boiled bean water into a large cotton-filled pocket.
Hans and Edon had finished their work so they joined in too.

“It’s hot so be careful.”

“Don’t worry, Your Highness.”

They laughed lightly and pressed the cotton cloth with a spatula. The
speed was slower than expected, so it was frustrating, but Edon tried
to press it with a knife, to make the process faster.

The bean water squeezed from the cotton cloth went into the pot of
“Your Highness, try this.”

I handed the bean water to Blake in a cup.


“Eat carefully because it’s hot.”

“Oh, delicious.”



I was thinking about adding sugar because I thought it would be a bit

plain, but fortunately they enjoyed it.

“Wow, how savory! Your Highness is a genius.”

“It’s a drink from the East. Terry and the others did the hard part.”

“No, I couldn’t even think about making this. It’s really great.”

Chef Terry kept showering me with compliments as I scratched my

head in embarrassment. Suddenly, I heard a cat meowing.



I held the black cat’s body up in joy.

“How long has it been, kitty! Where have you been?”


The cat looked at the cauldron.

“Do you want soy milk too?”


“Can a cat drink this?”

I thought about it but I couldn’t think of an answer. There were no

books about food that cats ate in this world, so I had no way to find
information on what animals should or should not eat.

If I knew this would happen, I would have studied in Korea. I liked

animals, but I couldn’t even think of raising one because I used to
live alone in a small studio apartment.


The kitty nodded. Soybeans were good for the digestive system, so I
hoped it wouldn’t be bad for the kitty.

“Melissa, I’d like a small bowl for the kitty.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


The kitty’s eyes glistened.

I put the kitty down and started making tofu again.

As I slowly stirred the hot bean water, it coalesced little by little and
formed pure tofu.

I had no idea how I did this difficult thing together with my

grandmother in the past.

When the soft tofu was finished, a part of it was left aside, and the
rest was put in a pre-made tofu mold where it was pressed until it
hardened properly.

The tofu was finally done.

I was honestly worried about what would happen if the results turned
out to be a mess when so many people worked so hard to make it,
but fortunately, it turned out fine.

“Your Highness, this is ‘tofu’.”

Blake carefully poked the white tofu with his fingers.

“Oh, it’s like pudding.”

“The taste is completely different from pudding though. Let’s go to

the dining room.”

While we waited for the tofu to harden, Blake looked at the boiled
soft tofu stew, hot tofu, and white rice and smiled gently.

“It’s all white, just like snow.”

“It looks like you to me.”

Blake’s pale skin was as beautiful as snow.

Blake’s mouth was full of white tofu, and when he heard that, his
eyes widened.


He picked up two tofu chunks with a fork and put them in his mouth.

“Eat slowly.”

“Okay. Ancia, it’s the best! It’s really delicious!”

Blake expressed his admiration again.

“Soft! It melted in my mouth!”

I felt proud when I saw him enjoying it. Making the millstone and the
tofu mold turned out to be worthwhile. I hoped that Blake would eat a
lot of good food and become a little healthier.

“Eat a lot.”

“Yes, you eat up too, Ancia.”

“I’ll have some too.”

It was my first time having tofu in a really long time. The tofu tasted
warm and nice.

It reminded me of my house, my kind grandmother, and the kimchi

that I ate with hot tofu. But I didn’t want to go back to Korea.

I had to live my life here now. My husband, father, Diana, Melissa,

Hans, Edon, Terry, and many others were all precious to me.

If I wanted to maintain this happiness, then Blake’s curse had to be



We made tofu for the first time, but we couldn’t finish it alone.

When I was about to go to the Emperor’s Palace with soft tofu stew,
the kitty cried bitterly.


“You can’t eat the stew.”


“You can’t.”

As I stroked the kitty’s head, Blake lifted the kitty from my arms.

“Oh, why don’t you hold the kitty? Your Highness, it’s been a long
time since you’ve seen a kitty, hasn’t it?”
He said he hated it when I asked him to hold it once before, but in
fact, he really wanted to. When I saw Blake holding the kitty, a happy
smile spontaneously appeared on my lips.

“The soup is about to cool down, Ancia…”

“Ah, right!”

The heated soup would cool down if I didn’t hurry. I waved to Blake
and the kitty before rushing to the Imperial Palace.


Ancia could make Eastern cuisine so Eunhan found her to be a

fascinating person. Seeing her, he tried to find various Eastern
ingredients and tools for her.

Then he realized.

‘I have feelings for her.’

Eunhan had Ancia in his heart, but he couldn’t allow it to stay that

At first, he turned into a cat because of her food, but gradually, he

kept coming over because of Ancia. In the end, he realized that his
actions originated from love.

Ancia was the daughter-in-law of his master, so he had to end it


When Eunhan realized that, he gave up. He decided to stop hanging

around Ancia and not take the form of a cat again.

However, in the end, he couldn’t overcome the temptation of tofu.

Was his patience just this much?

Eunhan felt ashamed, but he was honest with himself and ended up
begging Ancia to give him the soft tofu stew. However, he was
caught by Blake.

Blake took him and headed to his bedroom.

Eunhan was in his cat form and tried to run away immediately, but he
realized that he couldn’t move. The Crown Prince’s power was
interfering with his technique.

What was this? Did the Crown Prince have such a power?

It was not from the sentences of the curse, but there was a force
flowing from inside Blake.

While Eunhan was busy feeling embarrassed, the two arrived in the
Crown Prince’s bedroom. Blake closed the door and laid him down.

As soon as he came down from the Crown Prince’s arms, Eunhan

quickly ran toward the window.

“Who are you?”

But Blake’s low voice echoed through the room before he could do
that. Eunhan stiffened up and looked up at the Crown Prince.

He noticed him? No, it couldn’t be. How would he know if he had

never been caught transforming?


Eunhan imitated the sound of a cat. Then, an icy expression

appeared on Blake’s face.

“Don’t even think about hiding it. I knew from the beginning that you
were not a normal cat.”

Ancia said that the prince was like a rabbit.

Eunhan could understand why she said that. The right side of the
Crown Prince’s face did not have any inscriptions and resembled the
late Empress, so he looked very cute and delicate. Even more so
because he was smaller than the boys his age.

But Eunhan had been watching Blake since he was young. Unlike
his appearance, the Crown Prince’s personality resembles the
Emperor. He was more like a beast than a rabbit. Of course, he was
still young, but even a lion cub was still a beast. Moreover, he grew
up a lot in three years, so he was no longer just a cute lion cub.

Just like now.

There was a sense of coldness in his calm voice.

“I’ve been thinking about who you are, what you are, and now I
know. You…weren’t you in Ancia’s room a little while ago?”


“You were spying on me and Ancia. Isn’t that right?”


Eunhan was in charge of carrying out several orders as the shadow

of the Emperor, and the most important one among them was to
protect the Crown Prince and his wife.

The prince’s condition was unstable these days, so he protected him


When he followed the Crown Prince into Ancia’s room, he felt as if

the Crown Prince was looking at him, but he thought he was
mistaken. Eunhan had used magic. The power he dealt with was the
power of a dragon, so it was fundamentally different from the magic
in the West. Hence, even the most prominent mages of the Empire
did not notice his magic.
The Crown Prince had never learned magic, but he still discovered
his secret art? He noticed at once that he turned into a cat?
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Chapter 36 – What does the cat like? (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Eunhan looked up at Blake in surprise. Blake trudged forward and

picked Eunhan up again.

“When I was young, there was someone who showed up and treated
me when I was sick. It was a man in black robes.”

Blake hadn’t had a good night’s sleep ever since he was cursed.

One day, he was driven out from Francia Palace. The sentences of
the curse mixed in with the pain and nightmares and dug into his
tender flesh, so he desperately wished his father was beside him
every night.

But Tenstheon never came. Then, when he became accustomed to

enduring the pain alone, and gave up to the point that he didn’t call
his father even in his dreams anymore, a man wearing a black robe
appeared. When he appeared, Blake felt a little relieved.

He thought it was a dream. He thought it was a vision he created

because of his loneliness.

His curse did not spread further after marrying Ancia. The
nightmares have also disappeared. And he didn’t see a man dressed
in black robe again. That’s why he was so sure that it was a dream.

Blake slowly stroked the black cat.

“The man in the black robe had a mysterious black power yet his
energy was very pure.”

Eunhan flinched.

“And now I feel the same power that I felt in that man from you.”

The Crown Prince knew everything. He could not get out of this
situation by just pretending to be a cat. Eunhan decided to admit it


Blake let him go.

Eunhan jumped down from Blake’s arms, and then returned to his
original form. Then, he went on one knee.

“I greet you, Your Royal Highness, the hope of the Empire. My name
is Eunhan.”

Blake was not surprised when the cat suddenly turned into a person.
On the contrary, he lifted Eunhan’s chin and looked closely at his

“It was you back then too.”

He thought it was an illusion created by exhaustion of pain and

loneliness. But it was a real person.

“Under the Emperor’s commands, I have been secretly guarding the

Crown Prince.”

“His Majesty sent you…”

Blake thought he was cursed by a Goddess and abandoned by his
father. Although Ancia kept telling him that the Emperor cared about
him, he didn’t believe her.

But what she said was true. The Emperor had not abandoned him

“Are you from the East?”

When he was young, he couldn’t see the man’s face properly. Now
that he met Eunhan again after a few years, he noticed that he had
an exotic appearance with black hair and eyes.

“Yes, I came from the east.”

If the Asteric Empire was founded with the help of the Goddess of
Light, then Chang was a country that was built with the power of

Some of the Chang’s Royal Family’s members were chosen by

Dragons, so they were called the ‘chosen ones’ and became
respected by all.

But the one who chose Eunhan was the Black Dragon. The Black
Dragon was an ominous power that covered him in darkness and it
was prophesied that he would lead the country to extinction.

The Emperor tried to kill his own son, Eunhan. Everyone pointed
their fingers at him, treating him as if he was something ominous. It
was Blake’s first time hearing about it.

“But your power is so pure.”

‘Different from me….’

Blake held back those words and looked at Eunhan.

“You said it was a secret mission, so why did you suddenly reveal
yourself in the form of a cat?”
“I missed the food of my hometown.”


“Yes. Her Highness’s food reminded me of my past, and I couldn’t

hold back.”

Blake thought back and remembered that the first time he appeared
was on the day when Ancia made a dish using the cauldron.

But the black cat would also appear when Ancia practiced waltz or
read books, even though there was no food.

Feeling Blake’s sharp gaze on him, Eunhan bowed his head.

“I disobeyed my master’s orders for personal reasons. I will tell him

all the facts and get punished. I ask for your forgiveness, Your

“You don’t have to. You’ve protected me for a long time. I don’t want
you to be punished.”


“Don’t tell anyone. I’m not going to tell anyone about you either.”

“Thank you.”

With a determined tone, Eunhan bowed his head even lower. Even
though he turned into a cat and deceived everyone, Blake said he
would keep the secret rather than punish him.

As Eunhan was overwhelmed with emotion, a cold voice penetrated

his ear.

“So never appear around Ancia again.”

The freezing cold energy penetrated Eunhan, and he looked up in

Then, their eyes met.

“I won’t forgive you if you play such a trick on my wife again.”


Blake warned coldly.

Ancia was everything to Blake. He wouldn’t forgive anyone who hurt

or disturb her. Moreover, Blake was anxious. Eunhan had slender,
mono-lidded eyes, and the strong yet soft lines of his face
harmonized in the Eastern style that Ancia liked.

In Blake’s eyes, Eunhan looked like a man who was better in every
way compared to him. That was why he didn’t want to let Eunhan
and Ancia meet each other.


“Father, I’m here.”

When I entered the office, Collin, the Emperor’s aide, sprang to his
feet and welcomed me.

“Your Highness, welcome.”

“Did you wait for me?”

“Of course, I wait for Her Highness to come everyday.”

“It seems like you’re waiting to go home, and not for me.”

“For me, Your Highness is the Goddess that allows me to go home.”

In contrast to his appearance, Collin was humorous and deft.

I didn’t know that he had such a side because the original story only
focused on their dark side.

“You’re the only one who can free me from the endless pile of work.”

He said it jokingly, but it was 100% true. The busiest person in the
Empire was Tenstheon, and right after him came Collin.

I had rarely seen him leave work on time.

“Don’t talk nonsense and go on.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Tenstheon frowned. Finally, with Tenstheon’s permission to leave the

office, he ran out. Collin said resentfully as he organized the papers,
“If Her Highness didn’t come, I would have had to stay here all

“Collin, do you want to live in the Imperial Palace for the rest of your

Collin trembled when the Emperor said intimidatingly.

“Your Majesty, I will now leave the two of you two it.”

Collin hurried out of the room after the courtesy. I could feel the
sorrow of a weary office worker when I looked at his back as he was
leaving. I felt sorry for him.

That didn’t mean that my father was a vicious boss. He thought

highly of Collin’s abilities and gave him his own title. Furthermore,
Collin received a sizable salary. It was just that Tenstheon didn’t give
him time to spend his money.

“Father, you’re overdoing it, aren’t you?”

“You’re going to nag at me as soon as you get here?”

“It’s not nagging.”

“It’s so cold but your clothes are so thin. I should buy you more

The Emperor glanced at me. I could guess why he was busy. He

was also looking for a way to lift Blake’s curse.

Blake wasn’t feeling well these days, so he was in a hurry.

“No, there’s still a lot of clothes I haven’t worn yet. Now,try some of

I took out the tofu dishes I made today and placed them on the table.

“It looks like snow.”

The moment I heard him, I laughed.

“What’s wrong?”

“You said the same thing as His Highness Blake.”

They were very different in character and appearance, but

sometimes it really hit me that they were father and son.

“…Did that child say that?”

Tenstheon had changed a lot in three years. At first, he avoided

matters concerning Blake outright, but now he had become a little
more frank with his feelings.

“Yes, He said it looks like pudding.”

“Pudding…I guess so. What’s this?”

“It’s tofu. I made it from the beans you gave me before.”

“You made these dishes out of beans?”

“Yes. His Highness even peeled the beans himself.”

“Blake can do that too?”

He looked at the white tofu, looking deeply moved.

“Yes. If you had come to the Palace, Your Majesty could’ve seen
Blake peel the beans.”


Tenstheon silently put a piece of white tofu in his mouth.

“How is it?”

“It has a unique taste. Wasn’t it hard to make?”

“We all made it together. The chef, Terry, worked very hard on it. It
was really delicious when it was hot. It would have been really really
good if you came to the Palace to have it too…”

“Even though it’s cold, It’s still delicious.”

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Chapter 37 – What does the cat like? (5)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Did he still have thoughts of coming to the Crown Prince’s Palace?

Since I and Blake stormed into Tenstheon’s bedroom three years

ago, the two had never met face to face.

I wanted to force them to meet each other, but that could’ve given
the Duke of Cassil an excuse to attack them.

The Emperor knew that, so he was holding back even though he

wanted to see Blake too.

“How’s he today?”

He asked about Blake’s condition implicitly. He couldn’t come to see

him, but he was still worried.

“It’s all right. He doesn’t have a fever and he’s enjoying himself.”

“That’s good. What about you, Ancia?”

“I’m very happy to see Blake and dad enjoy my food.”

He spoke bluntly, but there was a slight smile hanging on his mouth.

“It’s true, Father. Try some of this too. I boiled it for you.”

“What about you?”

“I already ate.”

“Don’t you like spicy things? You wouldn’t have eaten it when you
were with Blake. Have a sip.”

“Shall I?”

I thought I ate a lot, but when I saw the spicy stew, my appetite
returned once again.

Should I try some of the stew? I couldn’t overcome my desire and

grabbed the spoon.

“Oh, it’s spicy.”

It was a bit disappointing that there was no kimchi in the soft tofu
stew, but the tofu was very savory so it was tasty in its own way.

“It’s delicious, isn’t it?”

I was a little embarrassed after I said that. Was I boasting too much
after I made it?

I was worried that I might come off as a little impudent, but

Tenstheon had a subtle smile on his face.

“My daughter-in-law made it, so naturally, it can’t taste bad.”


“Is there anything you want? Since you’ve served me such a

precious meal, I’ll give you a present.”
Normally, I would have refused when he offered like that. Tenstheon
sent me a gift every day.

It wasn’t that I was greedy, and my room was so full of things that I
didn’t want anything more, but today was different.

“There’s a place I want to go.”

“Where? Just say it.”

“Tenlarn Palace.”

Tenstheon stiffened upon hearing my words.

“Tenlarn Palace?”

Tenlarn Palace was the last Palace of the Zelcan Empire, and at the
same time, it was the first Palace of the Asteric Empire.

Phillip, the first Emperor, destroyed the Zelcan Empire, which had
fallen to waste after indulging in luxury and pleasure, and
established the Asteric Empire.

Although it was natural to build a new Imperial Palace when a new

country was founded, Phillip used the Royal Palace of the previous

To build a new Palace, they’d need more money and labor. Phillip
said he didn’t want to burden the people who suffered from Zelcan’s
tyranny, so he changed the name of the Zelcan Altar Palace, to
Tenlarn Palace.

However, his good intentions caused a tragedy.

Rakshul, the head of the Zelcan revival movement and the last
prince of Zelcan, knew the structure of the Tenlarn Palace. Naturally,
it was so since he was born and raised there.
He raided the Imperial Palace through the secret passage of the
Tenlarn Palace and set fire to it.

The huge fire was said to have gone on for more than a month, and
the Tenlarn Palace, as well as the Zelcan Capital, all disappeared
into the flames.

Not only that, but also the Roums polluted the land and water with
black magic, making the whole of Khan a lifeless land.

Emperor Phillip was forced to change the Capital city to Senion and
build a new Senion Palace, and ever since, Senion had been the
Capital of Asteric for the past thousand years.

Hence, Tenlarn Palace and the City of Khan became a ‘prohibited

land’ where no one could enter.

“Why do you want to go to Tenlarn Palace?”

“I might find clues about the stone tablet when I go to the Palace.”

An ancient language was carved on the stone plate found in the

pond of the Amoria Palace.

I had been trying to uncover the secrets of the tombstone, but I felt
like I was only going around in circles without finding any results.

But a few days ago, I had a vision.

A woman’s scream, a blazing fire, a splendid ballroom decorated

with jewels, and the stone plates on the other side…

The scene was still fresh in my mind…

The interior of the place was luxurious and unique. Based on the
vivid memories, I searched for the materials and found that it was the
architectural style that was popular during the Zelcan Empire.
In addition, the gold pillars decorated with jewels were said to be the
symbol of Tenlarn Palace, which overflowed with luxury and

Maybe it was Tenlarn Palace, and what I saw in the vision was the
Tenlarn Palace at the time of the fire.

I didn’t know why something that had happened a thousand years

ago suddenly appeared before me.

I didn’t know why, but if it was really a scene from the past, then I
had to go to the Tenlarn Palace. I saw a stone plate just like the one
found in the pond there.

“The huge flames swept through everything, and the land was
polluted by black magic. I can’t send you to such a dangerous

“I’ll just take a quick look at the Tenlarn Palace. It’ll only take a

“There’s nothing left because it was all burnt to ashes.”

Tenstheon always listened to everything I said, but this time he was


“But you never know. Maybe we can find a clue.”…

“It’s a forbidden land. The Imperial family cannot go there.”

Just before he died, Phillip mentioned in his will that no one was to
ever step on the land of Khan.

If anyone stepped on the land of Khan, misfortune would befall them,

and if it was the Emperor, it would cause a great disaster for the
entire Empire.

This made it a forbidden land, not only for individuals, but also for the
“Do you believe in the will of Emperor Phillip?”

I thought that Tenstheon wouldn’t believe such a will when we didn’t

know about the truth behind the curse

“I don’t believe in will. I don’t know if those words are true, and even
so, it was a political statement aimed at Zelcan’s remnants.”

Tenstheon was also not misled by such nonsense. With a smile on

his face, he added, “But others will believe it. If the Royal Family
goes to the place that ordinary people don’t even dare to walk past,
there will be a strong backlash.”

“I can go secretly.”


Tenstheon called me by my name, but I didn’t want to retract my


I didn’t think Tenstheon cared about what Phillip said anyway. Wasn’t
it Phillip himself who betrayed the Goddess and brought her wrath
upon the Empire?

“There’s not many people who keep watch on me, so I can go


“Then, ask someone else to go instead.”

“No, I have the ability to decipher ancient languages to find clues in

the Tenlarn Palace. I have to go myself.”

I had to find a clue in the debris that had been burned. If someone
didn’t know the ancient language, it would be impossible for them to
find the clue.

When I didn’t retract my words, Tenstheon gently closed his eyes.

He had always been a proud Emperor, and I had never seen him
dwelling over something so much before, but I couldn’t give up.

“His Highness condition is unusual. He’s fine today, but I don’t know
when he’ll be sick again. I might find a way to solve his curse at
Tenlarn Palace. No, I can definitely find it! I mean it…!”

Tenstheon continued, “Ancia, you’re my child too. I can’t send you to

a dangerous place for Blake.”


When did the ferocious beast come to look at me with such warm

“It’s not dangerous. I’m just going on an outing to an old historic site.”

“It’s not an ordinary site.”

“I can protect myself with mana stones. Blake is family to me, too. I
might be able to lift his curse, so I can’t give it up like this. Nothing’s
going to happen to me.”


“I’ll really be right back. Ah, father.”


The moment I called him my father, Tenstheon’s crimson pupils

trembled. I clasped his hand.

“Please. Father, please allow me this once.”

“…just this once.”

Tenstheon opened his mouth with difficulty. I smiled broadly and

hugged him.
“Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Father!”


Eunhan was deep in his thoughts. The Crown Prince had caught him
in his lies of turning into a cat and hanging around Ancia.

But the Crown Prince did not tell anyone about it. Eunhan wanted to
be honest, but he felt uncomfortable because he felt as if he had
deceived his master.

He wandered around the Phillion Palace, and then slowly went into
the Emperor’s bedroom. It was late, but the lights were on.


Tenstheon was sitting on the sofa. He slowly opened his eyes when
Eunhan entered.

“I beg your pardon. Did I wake you up?”

“No. I was thinking about some things, and I was waiting for you.”

At his words, Eunhan immediately straightened his posture and

bowed his head.

“Please give me the command.”

“I wanted to ask you a favor, not an order.”

Tenstheon was blunt, but he was kind-hearted.

However, it was the first time he had used the term ‘favor’.

“You may ask for anything. I’ll even give my life up for you.”

“Why would I want your life anyway?”

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Chapter 38 – What does the cat like? (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Tenstheon smiled softly. When Eunhan saw his smile, he felt

somewhat relaxed.

“What’s the occasion?”

“I want you to escort the Crown Princess.”

It was rather unexpected. Eunhan frequently guarded the Crown

Prince’s Palace under orders from the Emperor. Naturally, it was also
part of his duty to protect the Crown Princess.

Tenstheon added, “I want you to protect that child for me.”

Tenstheon meant Eunhan had to escort her without hiding his

appearance. Eunhan was reluctant.

“But I’m your shadow.”

He was the Emperor’s shadow. It wasn’t Tenstheon’s command, but

Eunhan wanted to follow him, so he became a shadow.

Eunhan was a highly wanted sinner in Chang.

Whether he lived in the West or quietly grew old, there would still be
people who would pursue him for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Eunhan became a shadow. Apart from Tenstheon and

Collin, who first saved him, no one knew of his existence.

“I know your situation well, Eunhan. But you’re the only one I can
trust and ask for a favor from.”

Tenstheon often persuaded Eunhan. He told him not to worry and

live freely because he would protect him, but Eunhan turned him
down every time.

But today was different from the usual. His master wanted to rely on
him. He could feel his earnestness.


“Thank you.”

Eunhan bowed his head. From the moment Tenstheon saved him,
he had given his life to him.

“It is my duty to protect the Crown Princess, and I am willing to do it.”

Today, he had been busted by the Crown Prince.

But when he was told to give up the peaceful life he had been living
in the shadows, a simple sense of excitement arose in Eunhan’s

“I will gladly obey your orders.”


Today was the day I was going to go to the Tenlarn Palace, but I
didn’t say anything to Blake.
If I told him that I wanted to go to the Tenlarn Palace, he would have
been opposed to it.

“Your Highness, there’s going to be a ball at the Palace soon. I have

a lot to prepare, so I’ll be a little late today.”

“Take it easy. Don’t overexert yourself.”

“Don’t worry. Your Highness should be careful when you go to

practice swordsmanship.”

Frankly speaking, I wished Blake would rest and do nothing, but he

was stubborn.

I also told Edon to lower the intensity of his training, but the more he
lowered it, the more stubborn Blake would become.

“I’m not a child, don’t worry.”

He frowned slightly.

“I’ll leave you alone.”

“Yes. Go ahead.”

Blake held my hand tightly. Then, he smiled and waved. I waved my

hand too and headed for the Emperor’s Palace.

I went to the secret room on the third floor, where the stone tablets
were kept. But, Tenstheon had already come first and was waiting for
me, and next to him I saw a man whom I had never seen before. He
was tall, handsome, and his skin was pale, and he looked to be on
the border between a boy and a young man.

I forgot to give my greetings and just stared at the man who was as
beautiful as a painting.

Who was this?

It was the first Asian I saw in this world. Why was Tenstheon with an
Asian boy? Furthermore, this was a secret room. Who was he for the
Emperor to bring him in here?

There was no boy like that in the original novel.


I returned to my senses when I heard Tenstheon’s soft voice.

“Sorry, I was late.”

“No. You’re not late.”

“But who’s that guy?”

“This child is Eunhan. He’ll be escorting you to the Palace.”


The name sounded somewhat familiar. But why? I had never heard
that name before.

“I’m here to see you, Your Grace, the blessing of the Empire. I’m

Eunhan bowed his head with discipline and was polite. His hair
cascaded down and covered his shoulders.


I remember!!!

‘The prince of Chang, Eunhan.’

He was the prince of the great Chang Empire of the East, but he was
on the run to avoid execution after being chosen by an ominous
“Black Dragon”.
Eunhan ran away and came to the Asteric Empire.

Tenstheon found Eunhan and treated his whole body that was
covered with wounds.

Tenstheon took care of him from the bottom of his heart, and Eunhan
was also loyal to the Emperor.

Eunhan’s powers were borrowed from the Black Dragon, so his

ability to hide himself and heal wounds was very high.

Eunhan was under the orders of the Emperor to protect Blake and to
heal him when he was sick. He also informed the Emperor about
news related to Blake.

Memories of Eunhan quickly appeared in my mind. A shadow

planted by the Emperor to protect Blake. That was Eunhan.

The Emperor sending healthy Eastern food ingredients to Blake was

also due to Eunhan’s influence.

Why did I forget this?

“Your Highness?”

“Ah, I’m sorry. You looked familiar for some reason.”


Eunhan was shocked.

“Your eyes are like Sir Collin’s.”

“Oh, yes…I see.”

He looked somewhat relieved yet bitter hearing that. Did he feel bad
because I said he looked like Collin? I didn’t think either side would
be offended because they both had very prominent features.
When I finished greeting him, Tenstheon told me about Eunhan in

“In fact, I had entrusted Eunhan with protecting the Crown Prince.”

Eunhan aided Tenstheon in finding ways to dispel the curse and find
Eastern ingredients.

This was contrary to what I knew.

My mind was filled with confusion as I listened to Tenstheon.

How could I forget about Eunhan? Though he only appeared for a

short while, he was still a very important character.

My tips of my fingers felt chilly. Rather than the fact that I had
forgotten his existence, it was because of the fear.

I thought I remembered everything from the original story.

The aristocrats, knight and servants, who were extras, were all
remembered, so I was confident that I knew all the other important

But maybe there was still something I hadn’t thought of.

And what if that was the important clue needed to lift Blake’s curse?

My heart was pounding with anxiety while Tenstheon apologized for

hiding Eunhan’s existence for so long.

“I’m sorry I haven’t told you this.”

“It’s not His Majesty’s fault. It’s all my fault.”

Eunhan also bowed his head and asked for forgiveness. I shook my
hand in a hurry.

“Oh, no. I’m fine. So come on, raise your head.”

“I’m very pleased.”

“Thank you for understanding. Ancia.”

“No, I’d rather thank you for protecting me and His Highness.”

Eunhan was a sinner charged with high treason.

If it was revealed that he was alive, the Chang people would surely
try to kill him. It was only natural to hide him. Suddenly Tenstheon
gave me a box.

When I smiled, the corners of Tenstheon’s mouth raised gently.

“What is this?”

When I opened the box, I saw that it contained a necklace made of

transparent mana stone.

“It’s a purification tool made by the church. It will help with protecting
you from black magic.”

I had never seen a tool made of mana stones before.

The mana stone of light had the power to purify and heal, but it had
no effect on the curse. Rather, the use of the mana stones were like
poison and made the curse worse.

The mana stones were counterproductive because the curse was

given by the Goddess of Light herself.

For that reason, the Crown Prince did not use Mana Stones of Light.

I was worried that if I used the Mana Stone of Light, it would

adversely affect Blake. However, it was absolutely necessary today.

“Thank you.”
Tenstheon took out a necklace and hung it around my neck. At that
moment, there was a tingling sensation in my whole body.

“What’s wrong?”

I laughed reflexively. I felt something strange, but if I say that there

seems to be a problem with the necklace, I can’t go to Tenlarn

I wanted to go to Tenlarn Palace as soon as possible. There can’t be

a delay because of this sort of thing.

“You’re pretty. It suits you.”

“Thank you, Father.”

He patted me on the shoulder.

“Eunhan will use his magic to take you to the Palace of Tenlarn.”


“I’d love to come with you, but I can’t.”

There was no limit to the distance in Eunhan’s magic. But the

number of people who could move was limited, so only one person
could move together, excluding himself.

“It’s just ruins. Don’t worry.”

“If anything dangerous happens, you should come straight back.”

“If it’s dangerous, I’ll run away. So relax your face. Your handsome
face will become full of wrinkles at this rate.”
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Chapter 39 – What does the cat like? (7)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“You’re saying silly things again.”

“What do you mean? Father’s face is a national treasure, so it had to

be treated preciously. Don’t you think so too, Eunhan?”

“Oh, of course! Your Majesty is the most handsome man in the



When Eunhan joined me in complimenting him, Tenstheon coughed

in embarrassment.

He was still not immune to praise even though he had heard it so

many already.

This side of him was very similar to Blake.

“That’s enough nonsense.”

“Yes. Father. I’ll be leaving now.”

“Don’t come back too late.”

“Don’t worry.”

I grinned and looked at Eunhan.

“Let’s go now.”


After humbly answering with me, he stared at me for a while in

hesitation. Then, he added, “…I’m afraid Your Highness will have to
hold my hand to use the teleportation magic.”

The moment I heard him, I burst out laughing. Perhaps it was

because he was from the conservative Chang country, but he was
embarassed to hold hands with the opposite sex.

They were all characters from an R-19 romance novel, so why were
they so pure?

“Okay, Eunhan, can you escort me to the Palace?”

“Yes, I will obey your orders.”

Eunhan approached me and reached out his hand carefully. I held

his hand in return.

“Please close your eyes and relax your body.”

I closed my eyes as he instructed. Then a warm feeling wrapped

around my whole body.


“Please open your eyes, Your Highness.”

I opened my eyes when he told me to. The warm feeling

disappeared, and was replaced by a strong wind instead.

“…Is this the Tenlarn Palace?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

I toured the desolate Imperial Palace that was full of sand and dust. I
couldn’t see any of the splendor of Tenlarn Palace, which was once
overflowing with luxury and enjoyment.

“…It’s so desolate.”

It was as if time had stopped here. More than a thousand years had
passed since the Tenlarn Palace was set on fire, but the castle’s
ashes were still scattered all over the floor.

Some parts of the castle still remained intact. However, even though
it had endured the huge fire, it would be hard to withstand the test of
time after a thousand years.

“For some reason, I feel empty.”

Eunhan wordlessly handed me a handkerchief. I looked at him

because I didn’t know what to say.

“You looked like you were going to cry,…”

“I’m not going to cry. I just felt a little sad.”

The continent was the heart of the Zelcan Empire, but it was

It was burned and eventually got buried in history.

Even though it was just some old ruins, I was overwhelmed by the
traces of flames, and also engulfed in strange emotions.

“Why do I feel this way all of a sudden? I’m not so emotional


“The ground is polluted. The dark power of black magic may have
penetrated your mind. Your Highness, do you want to go back?”
“No. We’re already here, so I want to take a look around the Palace.”

The Tenlarn Palace of the past that I saw was lavishly decorated with
gold and jewels. No matter how extravagant the Zelcan Empire was,
it would not be possible to decorate all the Palaces like that.

Maybe the room from my vision was reserved for special purposes.

As I walked ahead, I saw some Palaces that weren’t completely

destroyed by the fire.

Perhaps that room had also not been swept away by the fire.

I reached the entrance to Tenlarn Palace and stepped inside.

The deeper I went into the Inner Palace where the Emperor and the
Empress lived, the more disastrous the scene in front of us became.

“Your Highness, watch your step.”


I answered weakly.

The Roums attacked the Tenlarn Palace because of Emperor


That room that was filled with gold must be somewhere in the

Still, I had hoped that I’d get to see some of the places I had seen in
my vision, but my heart pounded when I saw the increasingly
disastrous landscape of the Palace.

“…Your Highness, the further we go in, the stronger the dark powers
get. We’d better get back.”

“Let me take a closer look.”

As Eunhan said so, I began to feel suffocated. Perhaps it was
because of the growing effect of the dark powers. However, even if
the room was burned down, the stone plate might still be there.

As I walked hopelessly, I came across a huge stone towering inside

a Palace that was so broken down that its original form couldn’t be
recognized anymore.

“Eunhan, look at that!”

“It’s a stone plate.”

“Let’s go over there!”

“Your Highness, please wait for a moment!”

When I ran, Eunhan quickly followed after me. I ran straight to the
stone plate.

The stone plate was much thinner than I had seen from afar. It was a
huge stone over 2.5 meters tall and was covered with mud and sand
as it stood in the middle of the Palace.

“There’s a difference in the size, but it’s similar to the stone plate that
was taken out of the lake. This one is also covered by strange

As he said, it could be seen that the huge stone plate was clearly
inscribed with numerous letters.

“Yes. It’s an ancient language. It’s the Roum’s language.”

“What does it say?”

I raised my head. I could barely see the inscriptions on the top of the
tombstone. I read the letters from above.

“…Rakshul the Prince of Great Roum, announces.”

— Rakshul the Prince of Great Roum, announces

Heavens chose the great Roum, and Roum founded the Zelcan
Empire according to the will of the Heavens.

Heavens granted the blood of Roum with splendid gold and fertile
lands. The Heavens also let them speak the language of God and
ordered them to take care of their people.

Roum grew Zelcan into a Great Empire in accordance with the will of
Heaven and took care of the people.

But the foolish people did not know grace, and dared to covet the
power of Roum.

Among them, Phillip had the power of the Goddess of Light. He

destroyed the Zelcan Empire and founded a new one.

The Altar Palace was the heart of the Zelcan Empire, the possession
of Great Roum.

Phillip dared to call himself the Emperor and change the name of the
Altar Palace according to his will.

Thus, on September 1, 687, Rakshul led a coup to destroy Phillip

and the people who dared to take over the Roums and destroyed the
corrupt Altar Palace.

The dominion of this continent is only in the hands of great Roum,

and all that gold, great earth, the language and knowledge of God,
magic and power, all began with the greatness of Roum.

O foolish people, obey the Roums. If you disobey them, they will
take away everything that they have given you. The land of Khan will
darken and be consumed by pain forever.

Follow the Roums. This is the last chance we give you. Pledge your
allegiance to Rakshul, the new Emperor of Zelcan. Don’t forget, you
are a Zelcan person.

As Ancia finished reading the inscriptions on the stone plate out

loud, Eunhan admired, “You’re also a polyglot.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“No. Your Highness is a special one. I’ve heard that language

proficiency is very rare.”

“It’s not like that.”

He didn’t know that I just accidentally gained power because I came

from another world, so such praise was somewhat embarrassing.

“That aside, what do you think of the content of these stone plates?”

“He is blaming the people until the end without reflecting on the fact
that he destroyed the country with tyranny. It’s pathetic and vicious.”

“You feel that way, don’t you?”

“Didn’t Your Highness feel like that too?”

“Something’s weird. Isn’t it like this message is asking them to swear

allegiance to Rakshul and Roum?”

Although it was written in a long and formal manner, to summarize it

briefly, it said, ‘If they didn’t obey Rakshul and Roum, he’d burn and
destroy everything. But this was not his fault. It was all because of
the stupid people who didn’t follow him.’

“After all, they are the ones who have always reigned above, so they
are united with arrogance.”

Of course it could be. However, it was strange to say that it was an

expression of Roum’s arrogance.
“Not just that. At that time, the Roums were eager to rebuild the
fallen Zelcan Empire. To assassinate Emperor Phillip, he attacked
and set fire to the Palace. Their biggest enemy was Phillip, but there
was nothing unusual about Phillip on this stone plate.”

“But Phillip had the power of the Goddess of Light earlier … Oh!”

Eunhan must have realized something strange, so he opened his

eyes widely.

“Okay. There are no sentences on this slate that blame Emperor


There was nothing about Phillip on the stone plate.

Phillip had received the Goddess of Light’s blessing, and using it, he
destroyed the Zelcan Empire and founded a new one.

Phillip dared to call himself Emperor and change the name of the
Altar Palace according to his will, it is to be deplored.

There were only two sentences about him. But these sentences only
indicated the facts and did not blame Phillip.
Sign in

Chapter 40 – What does the cat like? (8)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Right? If they tried to stir up the people’s anxiety and win the Zelcan
Empire over to their side, they should’ve blamed Phillip. They
should’ve denied the fact that Phillip was chosen by the Goddess.”

I looked carefully at the inscriptions on the stone plate.

“It’s only them, the Roums, who had been chosen by the Heavens,
and Phillip was an impostor. The people were being deceived by
him. Shouldn’t they have written it like that? But the stone plate did
not deny that Phillip had been chosen by the Goddess. Instead, they
were giving him the credit.”

“Are you saying that Emperor Phillip himself made this stone tablet?”

Eunhan was smart. With this conversation alone, he understood my


“Yes, it was probably King Phillip, not Rakshul or the Roums who
built this stone plate.”

Everything was strange.

“It contains a warning for the people. But this is inside of the Imperial
Palace, which is also the deepest part of Tenlarn Palace. It’s strange
to put up a stone plate in a place where even the nobles can’t come

“Wasn’t it just to show off his power?”

“Even so, it doesn’t make sense that Phillip hadn’t gotten rid of these
plates. I heard that the Zelcan revival movement was strong at the
time, but he eventually wiped out all the rebels and executed

Phillip was forced to move the Capital because the damage to Khan
and Tenlarn Palace was so devastating and the land was polluted
with black magic.

“Phillip was the winner, but why would he leave the stone plate built
by Rakshul here?”

The more I thought about it, the more convinced I was that Phillip
had built the stone plate. I touched the stone plate that did not have
any traces of being burnt.

At that moment, the mana stone in my necklace shone and my

whole body felt as if I had been electrocuted. Then, came the

I could still see the huge stone plate in front of me, but in that
moment, the stone plate had changed.

The stone plate was now clean. There was no trace of time at all as
if it had only been made recently.

[Phillip, what is this stone plate?! Are you crazy? You’re out of your
mind!! How could you do this!]

I heard a woman shouting in front of the stone plate.

As she vented her anger, the crimson eyes of the man standing on
the opposite side flashed fiercely.

[Don’t talk nonsense. I am the Emperor of the Empire. If you

disrespect me again, I will not forgive you.]

So that guy was Phillip?

The first Emperor of the Asteric Empire and the one who betrayed
the Goddess and created the Heir to the Curse?

I looked at the man who had silver hair and crimson eyes. As soon
as I tried to take a closer look at his figure, my vision blurred, and I
heard Eunhan calling me urgently, “Your Highness! Your Highness!”

The moment I heard him shout, the illusion disappeared. As I slowly

blinked, a dilapidated stone plate and a panicked Eunhan appeared
before me.


“Your Highness, are you all right?”

“Yes, just a little dizzy.”

Once again, things from a thousand years ago were appearing

before my eyes. Why on earth did this keep happening?

“It seems to be the influence of black magic. Let’s go back now.”

“No, I’ll look for it a little more.”

Maybe this was a gift from the Goddess of Light. Maybe she was
showing me a hint to lift the curse because I was struggling to heal

This was a clue to lift Blake’s curse, and the Goddess of Light was
leading me to it. I was convinced.
“No. His Majesty has ordered me to return to the Palace immediately
if it becomes dangerous.”

Eunhan spoke politely and firmly.

“I’m fine.”

“You look pale.”

“Wait, just a second.”

There was a clue here. I might find a way to lift the curse. I couldn’t
leave like this when the clue was right in front of me. Eunhan,
however, was worried and did not budge.

“Your safety comes first. Let’s go back to the Palace and then come

Eunhan had been persuading me in a soft tone, when suddenly, he

stared up at the sky.


“It’s a demon.”

“Is it a monster? I heard that Tenlarn Palace couldn’t even become a

monster’s lair because it was too polluted…”

Unexpectedly, I followed Eunhan’s gaze and looked up at the sky,

but I didn’t see anything.

“Excuse me, Your Highness.”

“What? Ow!”

Eunhan suddenly picked me up in a princess carry, so I shouted in

surprise. The moment I put my arms around his neck reflexively in
order to not fall, white monsters appeared from the sky.
That monster that resembles a giant bean sprout…

“It’s a Macul!”

How come a demon that only lived in the Valley of Chaos appeared

“Hold on tight.”

As Eunhan ran with me in his arms, the Macul followed quickly as if it

had aimed for us from the start.

Dozens of Macul flew in quickly, their long bodies shaking. Eunhan

moved with an unbelievable speed.

But the Macul outnumbered us greatly, and it wasn’t long before

Eunhan was driven into a corner.

“Please drop me off, Eunhan.”

If he was alone, he’d be able to beat the Macul easily. I didn’t want to
hold him back.

“Hold on tightly.”

“I was the one who insisted on coming here. Just run away,

“I will enter the Palace. There will be a lot of dust.”

A massive flow of mana rushed into the narrow corridor, and the
building that was already in a precarious situation began to shake.
The front was blocked by a wall, and the back was blocked with
Macul. There was no way left to escape. Eventually, Eunhan put me
down on the floor.

“I will make a way. Your Highness, flee to the place where we first
He pulled out his sword with a grim expression. No matter how much
magic he used, it would be difficult for him to deal with so many
monsters. Suddenly, a Macul flew to us at a breakneck speed.

Eunhan extended his sword toward the Macul as he pulled me into

his arms, but the Macul went past us and hit the wall.


The other Macul just flew towards the wall, and did not attack us.

Eunhan observed the Macul’s movements as he grasped his sword

firmly in his hand.

Clang! Clang!

As the Macul hit themselves one after another, cracks began to

appear on the hard wall.

And one wall collapsed completely.


And the space beyond it was revealed. The Macul entered it.
Eunhan and I stood there fixedly. Then, the Macul that were about to
enter the space, turned and looked at us.

“I guess it wants us to follow it.”

“You can’t go in. The demons have stopped their attack, so you must
take advantage of this gap and return to the Palace.”

“No, I should go in.”

“Your Highness, it’s dangerous.”

“It’s not dangerous. Come to think of it, they never attacked us.”

“They showed up to bring us here from the start.”

“That is even more of a reason to run away.”

“These demons are only said to exist in the Valley of Chaos, so there
must be a reason why they’re here.”

As if to agree with me, the Macul gave off a white glow. At the same
time, the mana stone of light in my necklace began to shine.

I was lured away by the light and walked towards it as if I was

possessed. Eunhan couldn’t stop it anymore.

There were still traces of fire in this corridor. After the fire broke, the
wall seemed to have blocked the entrance.

The corridor did not have a window, but it wasn’t dark because of the
Macul’s light.

Not long after, another wall blocked our path. Then, the Macul once
again thumped against the wall.

Didn’t it hurt?

Perhaps because I was convinced that they would not attack us, I
started to worry about them.

Before long, the wall broke and the hidden stairs beyond it was

As I was about to go down the stairs, Eunhan dissuaded me again.

“It’s dangerous.”

“I can’t give up here.”

“Maybe it’s a trap. Let’s go.”

“Don’t worry.”
The light that filled the hallway flickered at the same time. The Macul
were agreeing with my words. At first, they looked like scary,
enlarged bean sprouts, but now I found them to be rather cute.

“Look, the Macul says it’s okay.”

“They are evil creatures. I can’t believe them. Let’s go back.”

But Eunhan was stubborn. I understood what he was worried about,

but I couldn’t go back. I stared straight into his eyes.

“Eunhan, I really want to lift Blake’s curse. I can take any risk if it
means I can lift the curse. Even though it’s really dangerous, I can’t
give up on the fact that it’s possible.”

“But, Your Highness…”

“I’m sorry for forcing you. But please follow my will this time. Please.”

I asked Eunhan for a favor as I bowed deeply. Eunhan was at a loss

and he felt panicked.
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Chapter 41 – What does the cat like? (9)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Please don’t do this, Your Highness.”

“I don’t think it’s really dangerous. I’ll be right back if I see any signs
of danger, so don’t stop me.”


“Thank you.”

I said thank you again, and then straightened my back. Eunhan’s

eyes were full of worries.

“If you see any danger, please return to the Palace immediately.”

“Okay, I promise.”

We strode down the stairs. It wasn’t scary. No matter how hard I

thought about it, I didn’t think the Macul could’ve made such a
complicated trap.

After a long walk down the stairs, a wall appeared before me. Once
again, the Macul broke the wall.
Philip was the only one who could build such a wall right after the fire
broke out. What on earth was he trying to hide? Was it related to the
Curse of the Goddess?


While I was thinking, the wall crumbled to dust.


The moment I saw the view beyond the collapsed wall, I was
amazed. Deep underground, there was a huge golden door.

The golden door with beautiful patterns was a piece of art and luxury.
Even though I had become used to the splendid treasures in this life,
it was still shocking.

The Macul circled around the golden door. The white light emitted by
the Macul reflected on the gold and caused it to sparkle.

“It looks like they’re telling me to go in there.”

“I’ll go first.”

Eunhan strode forward and pushed the door, but the golden door
didn’t budge.

“I think it’s locked.”

“Should I find the key? But I don’t see a key hole on the door…”

“I can feel a strong force from the door itself. It seems as if someone
sealed it with magic.”

“What should I do to unseal it?”

“We either need to find out the password, or unlock it ourselves. I’m
not a mage, so I don’t know exactly, but seeing this level of power, I
think it would be hard to force it open from the outside.”
Philip had set up numerous walls to keep people away from this

The magic that was put in place a thousand years ago. Even if there
was a password, Philip had probably hidden thoroughly and I
wouldn’t be able to find it.

“Is there any other way?”

“I’m sorry.”

Eunhan bowed his head. He meant that there was no way.

We’ve come all the way here…There might be a clue to lift Blake’s
curse inside of this door.

Tears welled up in my eyes when the image of Blake smiling

helplessly because of the pain of the curse appeared in my mind.

“Your Highness…”

“I can’t give up here.”

I looked at the golden door. Perhaps the password was hidden in the
decoration engraved on the door. As I approached and touched the
door to look closely, light flowed out of the golden door, and at that
moment, the transparent curtain broke down.

I was startled and stepped back, but Eunhan approached the door.

“The seal has been undone.”

“The seal has been undone?”


“How can it be like that? Has the seal weakened over time?”

“No, it was very strong. Your Highness lifted it.”

“Me? But I didn’t do anything…”

I just touched the door.

“I don’t know what happened either.”

“Get inside for now.”

“Yes, Your Highness”

Eunhan pushed the golden door, and the heavy door began to open
little by little.

At last, all the doors opened and the secret hidden space was
revealed inside.


I was speechless. The spacious room was decorated with gold and
precious stones.

It was the room I saw in my vision back then. At that time, I felt that it
was splendid, but now that I was seeing in person, I felt it was even
more dazzling.

I really felt like the Goddess of Light led me here. She was giving
Blake a chance to lift his curse.

“Go in.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Eunhan didn’t stop me this time either. I quickened my pace as I

walked in.

The Macul stood outside without coming in and slowly floated around
the golden door. They seemed to be praising me for finding the right
There were a lot of rare treasures here that reflected the style of the
Zelcan’s era.

Numerous stone plates were placed in one corner of the golden

room. The size and shape of the stone plate was almost the same
with the one recovered from the lake.

“It’s just like the stone plate on the third floor.”

Eunhan thought the same thing as me.

“Yes. The stone tablets here are clearer too.”

“Your Highness finally found what you wanted.”

“It’s too early to be celebrating just yet.”

I slowly interpreted the stone plate, holding back against the

excitement and expectations rising inside me.

– June of 504, the National Foundation Day was held, and all the
nations of the continent sent envoys to the Great Zelcan Empire and

– July, 504, the Fifth Prince won a hunting contest.

It was Rakshul. Among the princes, he must’ve attracted attention in

Zelcan for his outstanding martial arts. Well, that was probably why
he led the revival movement.

– August, 504, the Ninth Empress gave birth to the Fifteenth


-100 houses were lost due to the flood.

“What does it say?”

“It’s about the history of the Zelcan Empire. There’s a brief

description of the festival, the birth of a princess, natural disasters
and so on.”

“Only important events must’ve been engraved on the stone plate.

The rest would be written on parchment, but special occasions would
be inscribed on stone tablets.”

“Then all the records on the parchment must have been burned
down so this is the only thing left.”

Upon closer examination, the records gathered here were 500 years
after the founding of the Zelcan Empire.

Maybe there was another place like this. Since it was a stone plate, it
was quite bulky, so maybe the golden room was built to store the
new stone plates back then.

But Zelcan was destroyed in 510. Perhaps they didn’t know that
they’d disappear into history so quickly.

I read the stone plate quickly. The records were rather peaceful for a
country that was about to collapse.

– October, 505, the Eleventh Empress gave birth to the Seventeenth


After that, records of the Emperor bringing in a new Empress, the

Empresses giving birth, and building palaces continued.

There was no clue about lifting the Curse of the Goddess.

– March, 508, the Northern region suffered great damage because of

monsters, so the Emperor ordered people to defeat the monsters.

– May, 508, the Fifth prince wiped out the evil monsters.

– June, 508, the Fifth Prince Rakshul was given the Crown Prince

“It seems that Prince Rakshul was actually the Crown Prince.”
“Are you talking about the man who set fire to the Tenlarn Palace?”

“Yes. The head of the Zelcan revival movement. And it wasn’t only
Tenlarn Palace, he burned up all the books and the Roums’
language also became obsolete thanks to him. He also polluted the
land that was the Capital of Zelcan, making it completely

“He’s a real villain. It must’ve been a lot more polluted a thousand

years ago than it is now. Everyone inside probably died unless they
managed to conjure up a clean-up spell.”

Even though Phillip was the one who erected the stone plate, the evil
deeds committed by Rakshul did not go away. It was said that he
was eventually captured and executed by the Imperial Army. His
ending was rather disproportionate compared to the sin he

I headed for the next plate. While I was reading the record, my eyes
opened wide when I saw the sentence.

– July, 508, the Crown Prince was engaged to Laontel Bellacian,

Count Bellacian’s daughter.

Laontel Bellacian…?

Laontel Bellacian was the mage of light who destroyed the Zelcan
and founded the Asteric Empire alongside Phillip.

Laontel, the number one contributor in building the Asteric Empire,

was engaged with the Crown Prince of the Zelcan Empire?

I hurried to the next record. I wanted to find Laontel’s record, but

there was no other mention about the Crown Prince or the Crown

Instead, the other contents of the stone tablets stood out.

– August, 508, the Eighth Empress caught the disease.

Beginning with the death of the Eighth Empress, an era of darkness
began in Zelcan’s Empire.

– September, 508, the Seventh Empress keeps coughing heavily,

vomiting blood, and her skin has darkened. It’s the same disease as
the Eighth Empress.

– In 508, the Eighth Prince caught the disease.

– In 508, the Fourth Empress caught the disease.

– In 508, the Eleventh Imperial Lady caught the disease.

– October, 508, the Emperor was deemed responsible for the


However, before the next Emperor could receive any instructions

from the current Emperor, he had already died. The seventh
Emperor’s face turned ugly, and his body was covered with black

A disease in which the skin turns black and the bones of the body
become brittle enough to break. This disease was called “Tancinol”.

The symptoms of the other members of the Imperial family were not
recorded, but the fact that the seventh Emperor spread the plague
suggested that everyone had the same disease.

The seventh Emperor was deemed as a sinner who brought the

plague and left it as a record without hesitation.

“What’s wrong?”

Eunhan asked carefully.

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Chapter 42 – What does the cat like? (10)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Tancinol began to spread in mid-508.”

“What? But I thought Tancinol occurred after the Zelcan Empire had

“That’s what they said. But it’s definitely Tancinol.”

I read the inscriptions on the stone tablets. Countless Emperors,

princes and princesses continued to lose their lives. The year
changed, but the epidemic only worsened and not even the New
Year’s ball was held.

– January 509, the Empress died.

The seventh Prince caught the disease.

The plague spread across the Knights causing a disruption in the

security of the Empire.

The plague was getting worse and spread to the extended royal
family and knights. More and more people died. The stone plates
became filled with obituaries.
And following the whirlpool of death, the year 510 approached,
ushering in the gradual fall of the Zelcan Empire along with it.

I was tired of reading the obituaries. And as soon as I moved on to

the next stone plate, I saw a shocking sentence, and sucked in my

– February, 510, the Crown Prince passed away.

Rakshul died?

“Your Highness?”

Eunhan asked worriedly when he saw my surprised expression.

“Rakshul died.”

“What? Before the Zelcan Empire collapsed?”


“Then who headed the Zelcan revival movement? Did someone

impersonate the Crown Prince?”


As Eunhan said, it would be true to say that someone impersonated

the Crown Prince of the Empire. But for some reason, I had a hunch
that that was not the case.

– February, 510, the plague spread throughout the Capital, leaving

dead bodies in every house in its wake.

– March, 510, a black spot appeared on the Emperor’s body. He was

treated by a doctor, but there was no improvement.

– In April, 510, the Emperor died.

The Crown Prince and the Emperor were all dead. Phillip still hadn’t
appeared on the pages of history.

Phillip and Laontel Bellacian were known to have destroyed the

Zelcan Empire, which had been corrupted by the power of light, and
established the Asteric Empire as the whole nation cheered for them.

But the Zelcan Empire had already collapsed. The infectious disease
had spread throughout the Capital, and the people had no time to
care about who the Emperor was.

I went to the next stone plate.

– May, 510, Phillip, a blood relative of the Emperor, suddenly

appeared. When he blessed people using power given to him by the
Goddess of Light, the black spots disappeared and their fever went

– June 510, Phillip was crowned Emperor, the plague disappeared,

and the whole nation bowed to him.

Phillip finally appeared. However, it was completely different from the

history books of the Asteric Empire.

He did not destroy the Zelcan Empire and establish a new one.

When the plague killed the Emperor, the Crown Prince, and all the
other members of the royal family, he alone rose up. He became the
Emperor because he treated the plague with the power of light he
received from the Goddess.

The founding myth of the Asteric Empire and Phillip’s heroism were
all lies. Did the Goddess of Light lead me here to tell me this?

Even after Philip took the throne, the records continued.

He was not an Emperor who founded a new Empire. He inherited the

throne as the son of Emperor Zelcan.
It was not known whether he was the real son of the Emperor or if he
impersonated him, but he was not the official prince that was
recorded in history.

– July, 510, the Emperor changed the name of the country to

‘Asteric’ according to the Goddess’s command. In addition, the
Palace was renamed Tenlarn, abandoning the name Altar, which
was stained by the ominous aura of the plague.

The renaming of the country and the Imperial Palace was only to
quell the atmosphere that had been ruined by the plague.

Phillip’s image of being the hero and first founding monarch who
destroyed the rotten Imperial family for the people and founded a
new country, was nowhere to be found.

Eunhan agreed with my words.

“But it’s suspicious that it was all lies from the beginning to the end.”

I kept rereading the stone plate. The days passed by peacefully with
Phillip treating the plague and there were songs and statues made to
praise him.

There was no mention of the Zelcan revival movement or the Roums

protesting. The Zelcan Empire was not destroyed, but only renamed,
so the revival movement itself did not make sense.

I went to the last stone plate. It was probably the last stone that had
been erected before the fire.

– October, 513, the Emperor appointed Laontel Bellacian, chosen by

the Goddess of Light, as the Empress.

At the end, Laontel Bellacian’s name appeared again.

Phillip married Laontel Bellacian, Prince Rakshul’s fiancee? So he

betrayed the Goddess of Light because of her, thus causing the
beginning of the curse?
Phillip betrayed the Goddess and chose another woman, but there
was no record of her.

Emperor Phillip had three sons. One of them became the next
Emperor, and the youngest son was cursed.

But there was little record of this woman. I couldn’t even tell who the
Empress was. Some even argued that he had never had an
Empress in his entire life.

But the stone plate said that it was Laontel Bellacian?

As Phillip betrayed the Goddess of Light, Laontel Bellacian was

welcomed as Empress, and a fire broke out in Tenlarn Palace. The
land of the Imperial Palace and the Capital was also contaminated,
and in the end, it was necessary to make a transition.

Phillip set up a huge stone plate as a record of Rakshul’s doings.

But there was no Zelcan revival movement, and Prince Rakshul, who
was declared to be the ‘Prince of All Tragedies’ was a dead man.

Even after the fall of the Zelcan Empire, the Roums did not reflect on
themselves and continued to commit many sins, so the Goddess of
Light was angered and cursed them with the disease called
“Tancinol”. However, the disease had already spread before.

The records of history and what really happened were different.

I looked around. This was the last of the stone plates. There was no
other record of the data in sight. There were luxurious treasures, but
they didn’t seem like they’d have any relation to the curse.


‘Is that it?’

It was interesting that the records of actual facts and history had
been recorded so clearly, but I didn’t come all the way to Tenlarn
Palace to study history.

Besides, I knew from the beginning that Phillip was a bad guy.
Maybe he had done something far more suspicious and worse than
what was written.

I was here to lift Blake’s curse. However, none of these stone plates
could help me do that.

Then why did the memories of the past appear? Why did Macul lead
me here?

I looked out the door. But the Macul were already gone. Where did
they go?

I went outside the door to where the Macul were, and at that
moment, the necklace broke. The mana stone of light broke because
it failed to withstand the force of the dark magic.

Eunhan hurriedly handed over the mana stone bracelet of the light
that he was wearing.

“Your Highness, take it.”

“Eunhan, you shouldn’t.”

“I’ll be fine. It’s just for a second. Please wear it until we return to the
Imperial Palace at least.”

Eunhan put the bracelet on my wrist and then held my hands. He did
not hesitate this time, perhaps because of the urgency of the

We were going to go back to the Imperial Palace anyway, so I didn’t

keep being stubborn either. The Macul were gone, and no more
scenes from the past unfolded. There was no more information to
find out here.

“Your Highness, close your eyes.”

I followed his words, and moist fog swirled around my whole body
before becoming light as we soared into the sky.


When I opened my eyes, I saw a familiar stone plate before me. We

had returned to the secret room on the third floor of the Phillion



As soon as I saw Tenstheon’s worried expression, my head naturally

bent low.

“I’m sorry.”

“What’s wrong? What happened to you?”

“…the necklace that you gave me broke.”

Tenstheon hugged me with a smile.

“What is that? Are you hurt?”

“No. Eunhan protected me. He gave me his bracelet. But…”

As I was embraced by the big Tenstheon, I really felt like a child.

The moment I felt the warm pat on my back, the disappointment,

sense of futility, and guilt that I I felt in the Tenlarn Palace all burst
out at once.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t find anything after all.”

“It’s alright. There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

“I was so stubborn about going there…”

Tenstheon hugged me tightly as I cried.

“I’m sorry. I must’ve put too much pressure on you. Don’t cry. There’s
nothing to cry about. It’s okay. It’s okay Ancia.”

The past of a thousand years ago unfolded in front of me as the

Macul guided me. When I went into the room, I thought I could finally
find a way to lift Blake’s curse. But in the end, I found nothing.

My expectations were too high, so the disappointment was also

great. Tenstheon was fine with it, but I felt very emotional.

Blake and Tenstheon were the ones having a hard time right now.
Not me. I tried to stop crying, but I couldn’t.

Then, the door of the secret space opened.

“Your Majesty!”

Collin shouted, as he rushed in hurriedly. Collin’s normally

expressionless face was now white as sheet. Tenstheon’s
expression also hardened.

“What’s going on?”

“His Highness the Crown Prince has fallen!”


Blake remained unconscious for three days.

“Your Highness, don’t worry.”

Melissa and Hans had served him for a long time, so they were
rather calm, because it used to happen a lot before I got here.

Blake had once said that this was his inevitable fate since he was
the heir to the curse and that it was a miracle that the curse had not
spread in three years.
They comforted me by saying that they expected Blake to pass out
recently as his mild fever continued.

But I couldn’t take it calmly.

Of course, they were also just pretending to be calm on the surface

to reassure me. Truthfully, they were panicking too.
Sign in

Chapter 43 – What does the cat like? (11)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

It was all because of me. All because of me.

Come to think of it, Blake’s condition began to deteriorate ever since

Diana entered school.

In the novel, Blake became seriously ill in the year he turned 11. But
it was after the Festival of Lights. It wasn’t this early.

It was all because of me. All because of me.

I held Blake’s hand tightly. His left hand was always cold. Perhaps
because of the curse, it was cold and numb most of the time.

I used to hold Blake’s hand when he fell asleep. But no matter how
hard I tried, the place where the curse spread did not become warm.

“I’m sorry. Your Highness, I was greedy.”

Diana was the only one who could lift Blake’s curse. I knew that, but
I became greedy because I wanted to stay by his side.

I don’t know if the person who showed me the past and led me to
Tenlarn Palace was really the Goddess or someone else in charge of
this world, but I could guess why they used the Macul to show me
the golden door that had nothing to do with solving the curse.

Phillip was much worse than I thought, and the Goddess of Light
would not forgive him. It was to put a stop to my false hope.

“I won’t be greedy. So please, please don’t let Blake get sick…”

I prayed desperately. I couldn’t tell whether I was praying to the

Goddess of light who cursed him or to the god who was in charge of
the world in this novel.

I could see why Tenstheon was deceived by Richard’s black magic in

the original novel.

“It’s my fault. I’ll leave as soon as Blake wakes up. So please…”

“….Don’t go.”

I looked up in surprise. Blake was looking at me with his crimson


“Your Highness, are you awake? How are you feeling? I’ll call the
doctor right away!”

As I rushed out of my chair, Blake grasped my hand tightly.

“Ancia, don’t go.”

“Your Highness.”

“You can’t go…Don’t leave…”

“Ah, I’m not going. Where would I go?”

I couldn’t tell him I was going to go away when faced by his eyes that
were full of desperation. I shook my head reflexively.

“Promise me…”
His voice sounded weak. Then, his eyes closed again.


Blake didn’t wake up the next day. He opened his eyes for a while
last night, but only told me not to go before losing consciousness

His breathing was feeble and his body temperature kept rising.

“He’s never passed out for this long before. He’s been unconscious
for 4 days?”

“Shh. Her Highness might hear you.”

I heard Hans and Melissa’s voices outside the door. They could no
longer pretend to be calm now.

I held Blake’s hand tightly. I wished I was Diana. Blake might not be
ill if I was her.

She was the heir of light. Even if she didn’t do much, she’d be much
more helpful than me.

“Your Highness, I’m sorry.”

I apologized to him again. Suddenly, the door opened.

It was Tenstheon.

For the first time since Blake was cursed, the Emperor came to see
him. I had been looking forward to this happening so much, but my
heart sank as soon as I saw Tenstheon.

I asked the Emperor over and over again to meet Blake, even just for

But Tenstheon didn’t accept my request, and I knew that it was only
to protect Blake.
But Tenstheon came here of his own accord now. It meant Blake’s
condition was serious.


After patting me on the back, he approached the bed where Blake

lay. And for the first time in three years, he touched his son’s face.

“I’m sorry. This father came too late…”

Tenstheon apologized to his son. But even though his father had
come, Blake didn’t open his eyes.

I approached the Emperor’s side.

“It’s not too late. This is the beginning.”

“He’ll be all right. He’ll wake up soon.”

I answered valiantly, clearing his anxiety.

There was only one time in the original novel when Tenstheon visited
Blake. It was when he decided to move his son’s curse to him using
black magic.

I was worried that it might turn out like that again this time.

“So don’t think about anything weird. You have to protect him for a
long time.”

“I have two children to protect. There’s no way I’d think of something

strange, would I?”

“I’m saying this just in case, but you shouldn’t believe in dark magic.”

“Why are you saying that again?”

“I felt nervous for some reason.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t want to be scolded by you, and I’m not
interested in that kind of thing anyway.”

Tenstheon held my hand firmly.

Right. I had reminded him of it many times in the past three years, so
he wouldn’t be fooled by the black magic trick like the original.

I believed in Tenstheon. He couldn’t leave Blake’s side in vain.

“Yes, I’ll believe you.”


Tenstheon stepped into the Crown Prince’s room. It was the first time
since Blake was cursed.

News of Blake’s critical condition spread quickly.

But Frank, the eldest son of Duchess Cassil and the most likely
candidate for the next Crown Prince, was full of complaints.

“So what if the Emperor went to find the monster? Does this make
sense? We should take this opportunity to send that monster to the
Southern Island! What the hell are the other nobles waiting for?!”

Frank raised his voice in excitement. When Richard saw his half-
brother acting this way, he scoffed. Frank noticed it.

“You slave, did you just laugh at me?”

“That’s not going to happen. I was just wondering what you were
trying to achieve by confining someone who might die any time.”

“I’d tell that monster to die on the Southern Island! That monster’s
presence in the Imperial Palace itself is gruesome!”

Frank was stupid and simple and he’d do whatever he wanted to do

to relieve his anger. That personality of his only got worse as he got

Frank was unable to tolerate Blake’s presence, so he was obsessed

with kicking him out of the Palace.

The Crown Prince was going to die. Was that a problem? Richard
looked at Frank as if he was pathetic.

“Is the Crown Prince really going to die?”

After hearing the news that Blake was sick, the Duke’s third son,
Neon, who had been quiet, suddenly asked.

“You idiot. That’s why I’m going crazy. I can’t wait to find out. He’s
going to die anyway. But, before that, I want to kick him out of the
Palace. It’s the place where I’m supposed to be, but if the monster
dies there, it will be bad luck for me.”

Frank was excited at the thought of becoming a prince. After Blake

died, he’d be the new Crown Prince. Ah, there was the Duke of
Cassil, but he was only a year younger than Tenstheon, so it was
more likely to be Frank.

But Neon’s thoughts were different.

“Isn’t there any cure or something? Our father has a lot of precious
medicines. Why doesn’t he send those?”

“Neon, what the hell is wrong with you? Are you jealous of me
becoming the Crown Prince? Or are you trying to take my place ?”

Frank wouldn’t forgive someone who wanted to take his place even if
it was his own brother. Frank shouted. But Neon shouted even

“Of course I want to save him! If he dies, it will be our turn!”

“Our turn?”
Frank blinked his small eyes slowly. Funny enough, he seemed to be

Richard glanced at his half-brother.

How stupid was he? He wasn’t even as good as a nine-year-old.

“If the Crown Prince dies, as Neon said, the curse will be passed on
to one of the members of the royal family. We don’t know who will
take over the curse, but given the precedents, it will pass onto
someone who is not yet of age and closely related to the Imperial

Frank had just been excited at the thought of becoming the Crown
Prince, but now, his excitement was quickly overtaken by fear.

“What? Then he can’t die now! I need a year before I become an

adult! Tell him to live longer in the meantime!”

“Brother, what if I’m cursed!”

“Ah, why ask me that?!”

Frank was irritated. It would be nice to be safely crowned without

being cursed.

Neon was greatly disappointed by his brother’s cold hearted answer.

“Do you think you can become the Crown Prince just because the
monster dies?”


“If Blake dies, the Emperor will adopt the Crown Princess as the
Empire’s princess.”

“Are you a fool? Do you believe that crap? How can a child without
the Imperial blood become a princess!”
“Why doesn’t it make sense? The Emperor cherishes the Crown
Princess more than his own child. Then someone just has to marry
into the royal family with Ancia as the princess. Then it would be the
same as being a member of the royal family so they’d become the
Emperor in the end.”

“Hey, slave! Is this true?”

Frank looked at Richard. Frank always ignored this half-brother of

his, but whenever something important happened, he would still
check with him.

“Why doesn’t it make sense? The emperor cherishes the crown

princess more than his own child. Then, someone just have to marry
Ancia as the princess. Then her husband might become the emperor
in the end.”

“Hey, slave! Is this true?”

Frank looked at Richard. He always ignored his half-brother, but

when something important happened, he would check it out.
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Chapter 44 – What does the cat like? (12)

TL: Zimming
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“There’s news like that. The Duke also went to see the Chancellor to
get to the bottom of the rumor.”

“Slave! Why would you say that now?!”

“The news was delivered in the morning.”

“You should have said it before!”

But Frank was rather angry. Richard kept his mouth shut because
this was nothing new. Even though Richard didn’t say anything,
Neon who was angry with his brother, said to him instead.

“If Ancia becomes the princess, the Crown Prince position might not
be yours.”

“What are you talking about!”

“Brother, are you stupid? Wait-Huh? You’re already engaged. How

could you marry Ancia?”


Seeing Frank only just figure out the situation, Neon sneered.

“The next Emperor will probably be me. I’ll get a pretty bride too. I
hope that Blake dies soon and the curse goes away.”
“You bastard!”

Frank punched Neon.

“Why are you hitting me? You said you didn’t care if I was cursed!”

“Don’t ever call me brother, you bastard! Since when have you been
after my place?!”

Frank swung his fist at his brother. Richard glanced at them

indifferently and left the room.


Richard was not surprised in the least by the fight between the two
brothers. He went back to his room.
He stood on the balcony and looked down at the palace. Originally,
the Duke used to stay in the Imperial palace. Arnold Cassil was very
dear to his mother, the Empress.
But other than the Crown Prince, the other princes had to leave the
palace when they became adults. She wanted to keep her son close
to her, so she made a tower near the palace, and gave him the title
of a Duke.
Originally, it was like he still lived in the palace because there was no
fence. However, when Tenstheon was crowned, he ordered a tall
wall to be built between the Duke’s estate and the palace. Now, even
if someone went up to the top of the Duke’s place, they would not be
able see the palace.
Even now Richard could only see the desolate fence, but he still
glanced at it. Ancia must be there now.
How was she feeling at this moment? Would she be happy to be the
princess when the Crown Prince died? Or would she be sad? Did
she feel better now that she’d finally be out of the monster’s grasp?
If Ancia was the light, then Blake was darkness. They were so
At ten o’clock on the dot, a man in a black robe appeared. It was
Domiram, Richard’s mage.
Richard asked him the same question as yesterday.
“How was it?”
“There was no response.”
Tenstheon was a great Emperor. It was expected that his brother, the
Duke of Cassil, was next in line to be the Crown Prince, but Richard
had a different opinion.
Even if Blake died, Tenstheon would not crown the greedy Duke of
Cassil, the stupid Frank, or the weak Neon as the Crown Prince.
For Richard, the Duke of Cassil was his enemy, but at the same
time, he was a stepping stone for him to make himself the Emperor.
If there was another Crown Prince, Duke of Cassil’s authority would
fall indefinitely. Richard’s chances of becoming an Emperor would
also become little.
Richard heard that Blake was in a critical condition, and came to a
‘Let’s get rid of Tenstheon.’
He decided to kill Tenstheon, and make the Duke of Cassil the
If Tenstheon chose an outstanding person among the royal family, it
would be difficult for Richard to be chosen no matter how excellent
he was. But it was another matter if Duke Cassil became the
Frank’s arrogance had reached the point where he’d even slight his
father, the Duke.
The Duke of Cassil used to cherish his oldest son before, but now he
was also gradually disappointed in him, and began to show more
interest in Neon. If Richard provoked Frank to self-destruct and kill
Neon for opportunity, he could easily become the Emperor.
Even if the Duke of Cassil hated Richard, he’d prefer to pass the
throne to his own child rather than to someone unrelated.
Richard decided to do so and ordered Domiram and to secretly
spread the word.
‘There is a mage among the Roums who uses ancient magic. They
can even transfer the curse of the Goddess onto someone else.’
Richard thought the Emperor would definitely show interest in it, but
Tenstheon didn’t take the bait.
Rather, he called people in to discuss appointmenting Ancia as a
princess. Upon hearing the news, the Duke of Cassil hurried to meet
the Chancellor. It was highly likely that it was true.
Tenstheon chose Ancia as his successor instead of his own brother
or others in the royal family.
“Should I throw more bait?”
Richard shook his head at Domiram’s question.
“Enough. Stop the plan.”
When Ancia becomes the princess, her husband would become the
Richard needed to make her his, He had a chance to be taken in by
Tenstheon. He could become a family with them and achieve his
dream. Wouldn’t that be the perfect ending?
Tenstheon was the only one Richard acknowledged. This time, the
situation was unavoidable, so he tried to kill him, but he wanted to
keep him alive if possible. Moreover, if he had Ancia, he had no
reason to kill him.
“Rather, I should get a present for Ancia. Something very precious
and hard to refuse.”
Richard’s crimson eyes flashed with desire.
Blake had been unconscious for ten days. The palace doctor said
that it would be hard for him to live normally if he didn’t wake up
Dark clouds overshadowed the Crown Prince’s palace.
Eunhan tried to use the magic, but he was blocked by the strong
force that flowed over Blake’s body and eventually gave up.
There was a huge force blowing up like a whirlpool inside Blake.
Under these circumstances, forcing magic could be toxic to Blake.
I urgently contacted the Knights Academy and tried to call Diana, but
I couldn’t reach her because they had left for training near the Valley
of Chaos.
His condition was much worse than in the original novel.
It was all because of me. This wouldn’t have happened if I had left
the story untouched.
Changing the original story for him might have caused a butterfly
effect, so now Blake was in pain because of it.
‘Get up, Your Highness. Goddess of Light, please don’t cause Blake
any pain. Blake didn’t do anything wrong! He didn’t choose to be
born as a descendant of Phillip. Please lift the curse!’
Tenstheon consoled me with a soft voice as I held Blake’s hand and
prayed earnestly.
“Ancia, it’s not your fault.”
“It’s not your fault. So don’t blame yourself.”
“I’m not blaming myself.”
I shook my head in a hurry.
“That aside, father, you should eat something. You haven’t eaten
anything today.”
“You’re calling me father again? You only call me a father when you
need something. I’m disappointed.”
In contrast to his words, his words were warm.
“In the end, I couldn’t lift Blake’s curse. I’m too ashamed to call you a
“Why would you have such a ridiculous thought?”
“Ancia, if I knew you were under such pressure, I wouldn’t have
allowed you to go to Tenlarn Palace. No, I should’ve stopped you
when you said you wanted to find a way to lift Blake’s curse. Blake’s
curse stems from the sins of Geracillion’s ancestor and because I
am incompetent. You have no responsibility over it.”
“But if only I had the power to lift Blake’s curse…”
“You’re a gift to us. Your existence alone is precious. So never think
like that again.”
Tenstheon held my hand tightly.
“If this child dies, I swear to make you the princess.”
“What? What do you mean?”
I looked at Tenstheon in surprise.
“I thought I wouldn’t have any children, but I met a woman I loved
very much. It’s all my fault that Blake was cursed.”
“It’s not father’s fault.”
“No, it’s my fault. I really wish I could transfer Blake’s curse to me
instead. I don’t want Blake to feel any pain.”
“The Goddess of Light cast a curse on Phillip Geracillion because he
used her to become the Emperor. If his descendant abandons the
throne, the Goddess may release her anger. If Blake doesn’t survive,
I’ll make you the princess. And I will pass the throne to you.”
Tenstheon said as if he was prepared for his son’s death.
Tenstheon. He cared for me and treated me as if I was his biological
child. It was something I was grateful for. But right now, I was angry
at him for thinking like that.
“Don’t say that. He’ll get through it! I’m going to lift his curse!”
“Yes, of course. But if…”
“Don’t say ‘if’! It won’t happen, so don’t think about it.”
I hugged Blake’s body. It was scary to think that Tenstheon could
give up on Blake.
“Blake will wake up! I’ll make sure of it. He’ll get through it!”
I screamed at Tenstheon. I couldn’t stand it because I thought that
Blake might really die if his loved ones give up on him. At that
moment, I heard a small voice.
I looked at Blake in astonishment when he called my name. He was
staring at me with his crimson eyes. Unlike his tired eyes a few days
ago, his eyes looked lively now.
“Your Highness!”
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Chapter 45 – The White Dragon is moody (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Uh! Sorry!”

I was so overcome by emotion that I hugged him too tightly. I was

about to move back, but Blake grabbed my arm and prevented me
from getting up.

“Don’t go.”

“Your Highness…”

Blake reached out and held my hands. His hands were a little cold
as usual, but his fever had subsided in a short time.

“Ancia, why are you crying?”

“No reason. I’m just happy to see you. Are you feeling well?”

“Yes. I feel well-rested after sleeping for so long.”

“Thank god, I’ll call the doctor.”

“No. Don’t go. Stay with me.”

“Your Highness…”


Tenstheon announced his presence and walked closer.

“Your Majesty…”

It was the first reunion between father and son in three years. And I
was stuck between them. I tried to get out of the way quickly, but
Blake firmly held my arm with no intention of letting go.

“Are you all right?”


Tenstheon touched Blake’s forehead.

“You don’t have a fever.”


They met after a long time but their conversation was so awkward. If
I left, they’d talk more comfortably, right?

“I’ll call the doctor.”

“No, Ancia don’t go.”

But Blake didn’t have any intention of letting me go.

“I’ll call the doctor.”

In the meantime, Tenstheon opened the door and went out. When
only the two of us were left, Blake hugged me again.

“Ancia, I’ve missed you. It’s been too long since I saw my wife’s
“Me too. I’ve been waiting for you to look at me like this.”

“You called me so I woke up.”

He smiled brightly, holding my hands in his.

“Thank you Ancia.”

I should’ve laughed too but tears dripped down my face instead.

“Your Highness, thank you for waking up! Thank you very much!”

Ten days of anxiety burst out in the form of tears as Blake patted my


There were many changes in the Crown Prince’s Palace after Blake
woke up.

Tenstheon visited the Amoria Palace every other day, and

sometimes we even ate dinner together.

“Father, try the mushrooms too.”

I pushed the mushroom egg roll towards Tenstheon. I called

Tenstheon ‘father’ again but Blake still called him ‘Your Majesty’

I felt uncomfortable for some reason, and father was also


“Thank you, it’s delicious.”

“Your Highness hates mushrooms, but if I make it like this, you enjoy
it, right?”


Blake nodded quietly

“Father, his highness has been eating perilla leaves lately.”


“Yes. He used to hate the strong scent, but he’s finally realized its
charm, right?”


Blake nodded again but that was all. The two were still awkward, and
faced each other with stiff expressions and curt answers.

Blake and Tenstheon only responded alternately when I said

something to them and neither of them spoke to each other.

Since Blake was cursed, the two hadn’t seen each other for a long
time. It was too much to hope for a fast recovery in their relationship.

Still, I felt frustrated because I knew they loved each other.

“Father, our Crown Prince is very cute, isn’t he?”

“Yes, very cute.”

“Your Highness, raise your head.”

“Our Emperor is wonderful, isn’t he?”


“Look a little closer. Isn’t he so cool?”

“…Do you have to say it twice?”


Blake ate without saying a word. The father and son’s meal together
ended with little progress.


“Your Highness, you’re glad your father comes here often, aren’t

After Tenstheon left, I asked Blake carefully. Blake replied in a

nonchalant way.

“It’s no big deal.”

The moment I heard that, my heart sank. Did he blame Tenstheon?

“Don’t you like it?”

“No. I get less time with my wife.”

“What? Is that why you hate it?”

Wasn’t it because of all the misunderstandings and emotions that

have been suppressed for so long?

“When we’re with him, you only praise him and care about him.”

Blake pouted.

“When did I?”

“You said he was cool today too.”

“I also said you are cute.”

“You said his abs are magnificent.”

“That’s a long time ago!”

Why would he suddenly reveal my dark history? I tried to erase it
from my memory!

“I want to be with Ancia. I don’t want anyone else.”

I gave him a big hug. Anyway, I was glad he didn’t blame father.

“You were jealous right?”

“Yes. I’m jealous.”

When did my little bunny grow this big? Suddenly, Blake held my

“Ancia, I don’t like seeing you with other men.”

“He’s my father.”

“Just look at me. I can only see Ancia.”

He looked up at me with his big eyes, hugging my waist tightly. He

looked so beautiful that I was speechless for a moment. Since when
did he become so lovely?

I patted his cheek. His cheeks were no longer as chubby.

“My husband should eat a lot. Your chubby cheeks are all gone.”

He had only been sick for ten days, but lost so much weight. Even
though I had had such a hard time bulking up my husband! But right
now he had no fever, and even though he had been ill for ten days,
the curse hadn’t spread.

It was a relief that he seemed to have recovered his health. It was

just fat. I could put it back on him!

“No. I’m not going to be cute anymore.”

Was he already going through puberty? But it wasn’t convincing
because he still looked cute no matter what he did.

In fact, it didn’t matter whether he was cute or not. I just needed my

rabbit to stay healthy.

As I was hugging his skinny body, I heard a knock at the door.

“Your Highness, it’s Eunhan.”

Eunhan had quit his life as a shadow.

Those who did not receive the knighthood couldn’t take over
escorting a royal.

So for now, he was staying at the Crown Prince’s Palace as a

special guest who was interested in Eastern culture.

I explained to the servants of the Crown Prince’s Palace that Eunhan

was from the kingdom of Canua, the Easternmost part of the
Western Continent, because some asians lived there.

Eunhan was well versed in the Imperial language and had fully
mastered the etiquette of Western lands, so no one noticed that he
was from the Chang Empire.

Tenstheon had also prepared the documents in advance so that

Eunhan could come out if he wanted to.

So it was perfect. There was only one minor problem.

“…come in.”

Blake answered nonchalantly. Eunhan opened the door and came


“Why are you here?”

“Your Highness…”
I said to Blake once that he should be nicer to Eunhan, but he was
still the same.

“How are you?”

Eunhan would come to check Blake’s condition every day.

“You know even if I didn’t tell you.”

Eunhan could feel Blake’s mana. So he could tell Blake’s condition

without having to take his temperature.

It was true, but his attitude was too cold. However, Eunhan didn’t
care and smiled.

“I’m glad you’re healthy today too.”

“I’m tired. Please leave.”

“Alright, I’ll be going. Your Highness, have a good night.”

“Good night, Eunhan.”

Eunhan bowed his head and went out. The two showed no signs of
getting closer.

As Blake and Tenstheon had spent a lot of time apart, it was natural
that it would take time to restore their relationship, but it was different
in this case.

“Your Highness, why are you so cold to Eunhan?”

“No reason.”

“He’s been trying to get close with you for a while now.”

“I think Eunhan is a good person. I hope you two will get along well
in the future.”
Blake was always lonely. I wanted him to hang out with more people.

“I already have a friend you know. Diana.”

They’d fight all the time, but he finally admitted it.

Of course, they had always been friends with each other, but I
thought he’d never admit it.

“But you would have fun if you had more friends.”

“I don’t like him.”

Blake said monotonously.

It was my first time seeing him draw a line like this, so I didn’t force
him anymore.

It had been less than a month. They’d get to know each other soon
enough. I decided to not fret about it.

But I hoped they’d begin to get along before I left.

“And Blake.”


“My name is Blake.”

“I know. Of course I know my husband’s name.”

I laughed because it was very cute when he suddenly told me his

name, but Blake had on a serious expression.

“Everyone else calls each other their names, so why do you keep
calling me ‘Your Highness’?

“That’s etiquette.”
“You can call me comfortably.”


“Wife, am I really your husband?”


“When will you decide to stay by my side?”

I did so due to etiquette, but it was also a deliberate move to

distance myself from Blake.

I’d have to leave if I couldn’t lift Blake’s curse. So I drew the line and
tried not to cross it.

“What do you mean? I’ve always been by your side.”

“Don’t be silly. I’ve heard you.”

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Chapter 46 – The White Dragon is moody (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer


When he passed out, there was a time when he woke up for a

moment and told me not to leave. I thought he had forgotten, but he
remembered it clearly.

“Ancia, don’t make me nervous.”

Blake cried like a child, while holding my hand and looked straight
into my eyes.

“Don’t even think of running away.”

“Your Highness.”

“It hurts me every time you move away from me. Don’t you see

I remembered the day Blake gave me a rose last year. The first time
I slept with Diana instead of him, too, he fell sick. Blake also
collapsed when I left for Tenlarn Palace.

But I was not the heir of light. I couldn’t help him.

“Ancia, call me Blake.”

“Your Highness.”

“I woke up because you called me Blake when I was sick.”

Blake’s hands wrapped around my face, and I looked straight at him.

He did not just lose his chubby cheeks. He had also grown a lot …I
suddenly realized that Blake had grown up a lot in three years.

“Ancia, come on.”


I ended up calling his name.


I stared blankly at the stone plate I had recovered from the pond of
the Crown Prince’s Palace.

Philip betrayed the Goddess of Light, welcoming Laontel Bellacian

as his Empress instead. The angry Goddess of Light cursed his

But Diana lifted Blake’s curse with the power of light from the
Bellacian House.

In other words, when Phillip betrayed the Goddess and chose

another woman, the Goddess gave the woman the power to remove
the curse.

Something was weird here. There seemed to be another hidden

truth. But no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t find the

Anyway, I got to find out the identity of this stone plate thanks to
Tenlarn Palace. This stone plate was used to record the history of
the Zelcan Empire. The stone plates all looked similar, and so did the
letters carved on them.

Phillip would’ve kept a record of history even after he moved the

capital, but at some point, all the stone plates disappeared, and only
a few remained.

There were only a few characters that were still recognizable on it.
What on earth did it say? What happened after he moved the

I dusted the worn out stone plates.

Afterall, it could be a clue that has something to do with Blake’s


“Your Highness, were you here?”

The door opened and Eunhan came in.

“Yes, I’ve been looking at the stone. I re-read Zelcan’s history book,
but there was no book about Tancinol or Phillip’s true deeds at the
time. How could he deceive the world like this?”

“Did you really read all those books?”

He asked, looking at the books piled up on my desk.


“…Your Highness is the best.”

“I just double-checked what I read before.”

I hurriedly waved my hands when I was complimented so suddenly.

“I was only able to read ancient languages because I am a polyglot.”

“You’re not just great at reading.”

Eunhan smiled softly.

“There was a record of only simple historical facts. But you saw it
and quickly inferred the situation. You also noticed that Phillip was
the one who actually erected the stone plate that was in the middle
of the Tenlarn Palace. It’s not something just anyone can do. You’re
very young, so it’s amazing.”

Actually, I wasn’t that young, but I laughed it off.

“Hahahaha. Do I act like an old woman? I hear that a lot.”

“Oh, no! That’s not what I meant. Regardless of your age, you’re still
great. It’s just I’m not good at talking. I’m sorry.”

Eunhan immediately bowed his head.

“The clothes look good on you.”

He was wearing an unusual beige suit.

“His Majesty gave it to me as a gift. I feel a little awkward wearing


He kept fiddling with the buttons in embarrassment.

I could see that he wanted to take it off and go back to his original
black clothes.

“You look so much better!”



“That’s great.”

He smiled shyly.
In the original story, Eunhan died this year.

When Tenstheon attempted to transfer Blake’s curse to himself,

Eunhan desperately tried to stop him but failed to do so.

Eunhan then went into the Duke’s home with his bloodstained body
to kill Richard.

Surrounded by countless knights, he still managed to leave a fatal

wound on Richard’s body.

But now he had thrown away his life as a shadow and come out.

There was still a little time left before the events in the novel take
place, but I thought that neither Tenstheon nor Eunhan would walk
down the original path that was set for them.

How nice would it be if the tragedy in the original story didn’t repeat?

“Can I ask you a question, Eunhan?”


“Why did you suddenly decide to come out?”

He looked straight at me with a gentle smile.

“I made up my mind after seeing you.”


“Yes, I felt ashamed of myself when I saw you doing your best for the
Crown Prince.”

Eunhan spoke calmly.

“I’ve been trying to stay hidden. I said that I’m loyal to His Majesty,
but in the end, I only relied on him. When His Majesty needed me, I
couldn’t even use my magic properly. So I was afraid. Without magic,
I’d be worthless.”

“We don’t keep you around because of your magic. Don’t have such
a thought.”

“No, I wanted to be more helpful to my master. From now on, I will

stand by his side and protect him. I’ll also become a strong supporter
of you and the Crown Prince.”

There was a proud gaze in his eyes. The originally gloomy Eunhan
disappeared and a wonderful young man with a bright future stood in
front of me instead.

“I feel reassured even now.”

“No, it’s not enough yet.”

It was excessive modesty coming from a man of immense power

who had taken down all of Duke Cassil’s knights and fatally stabbed

Eunhan was embarrassed, but suddenly, his eyes turned fierce and
he pulled me by my arm.


“Your Highness, it’s dangerous.”

He pulled out a sword and pulled me behind him. Then, a white light
began to shoot out from where I was just standing.

“What’s that?”

“I can feel the power of Dragons. Someone who was sent to get rid
of me is at the window. Your Highness, please run away.”

They already sent an assassin?

Eunhan had not yet made his existence public. He usually stayed at
the Crown Prince’s Palace, and when he went to the Emperor’s
Palace, he’d hide himself and move carefully. Except for the people
of the Crown Prince, not many people knew of his existence.

“Eunhan, you’re in danger too! Let’s go together.”

“They came for me. I have to take care of it.”

During our short conversations, the light quickly grew and became a
huge sphere. Then, the intense light spread and filled the space
before disappearing in an instant.

“Your Highness, get out of here!”

“Found you!”*

*bold indicates a different language.

A clear voice rang out at the same time as Eunhan’s urgent cry. The
language was different from the Imperial language.

The light receded and a person stood there.

Pale skin, white hair, and eyes that shone as beautifully as jewels,
paired with pure white clothes. She didn’t look like a normal person,
but a little girl with a mysterious atmosphere, like a princess in a

Just who was it? No matter how much I thought about it, this person
had never appeared in the original.

“Brother* Eunhan!”

…..this person wasn’t a woman?!

*TL note : the person calls Eunhan hyung which is usually used by
male to call their brother.
He stood still on the spot and called Eunhan with a bright smile that
was full of joy.

I relaxed. Eunhan also lowered his sword, but his expression was

“Baekhan, why are you here?”

When Eunhan asked with a confused face, the boy called Baekhan
smiled broadly.

“I’m happy you still remember my name.”

He stretched his hand forward and strode carefully, as he looked

straight at Eunhan.

Then, he got caught by the leg of the chair and stumbled. Eunhan
had been staring straight at Baekhan. He approached him quickly
and grabbed him when he saw him stumble.

“Oh, I showed you my clumsy side. I’m sorry.”

“…what’s wrong with your body? What did Lady Meng do to
Sign in

Chapter 47 – The White Dragon is moody (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Eunhan was not surprised because Baekhan came to see him from
far away land, but he was shocked by his physical condition.

But Baekhan smiled happily.

“I was chosen by the White Dragon.”

“White Dragon?”


The moment Eunhan found out that Baekhan had been chosen by
White Dragon, his eyes flashed with alarm.

In the original story, Eunhan’s circumstances had only been

described briefly. For this reason, I didn’t have any detailed
information on the Spear or Dragon skill.

But I could guess why he was wary of the White Dragon.

Eunhan had been chosen by the ominous Black Dragon, and the
people wished to kill him because of that. Baekhan was a White
Dragon, so he’d be at odds with the Black Dragon.
“What’s a White Dragon doing here? Are you here to kill me?”

Baekhan shook his head hurriedly.


“Then why did you come?”

“I’m here to pick up my brother.”

“Are you trying to send me away?”

“No way! I’m here to get you.”

“The White Dragon’s vassal swears allegiance to its master.”

“What the hell is this?”

“The White Dragon chose Eunhan as my master. Please

become the Emperor of Chang.”

Baekhan kissed Eunhan’s feet. As I watched from the side, I was

surprised by the situation. However, Eunhan looked down at
Baekhan rather coldly.

“I refuse. It must be one of your tricks.”

Eunhan answered without a moment’s hesitation.

“It’s not a trick! I came alone. I didn’t tell anyone!”

“If that’s true, then I’ll reject right away. And you keep your
mouth shut.”

Eunhan snapped coldly. His reaction seemed rather unfamiliar and

his normally soft demeanor was nowhere to be seen.

“Brother, do you know how much I’ve been looking for you? I
cried so much. I’ve missed you.”
“Get out.”

“Listen to me, brother. I’ll explain everything. Please don’t turn

away from me.”

I felt sorry when I saw him begging on his knees. I carefully said to
Eunhan, “Eunhan, why don’t you listen to what he has to say? I don’t
know the details, but I don’t think he’s dangerous.”

“No. Your Highness, you can’t trust him.”

Eunhan was firm. At that moment, Baekhan’s gentle expression

suddenly changed and he turned to look at me.

“…Brother, are you really going to choose that girl over me?”


I said in their language. It was my first time using the language, but I
was able to speak fluently because I was a polyglot.

But, why was he saying that all of sudden?

“Baekhan! Be respectful to Her Highness!”

Eunhan said in embarrassment. However, a white light had already

lit up in Baekhan’s hands.

“I’m the only one who can serve you. No other people are

“Wait a minute. I…”

Before I could explain, the white light on his hand flew towards me. I
closed my eyes reflexively. But nothing happened.

I opened my eyes carefully.

Baekhan had fallen on the floor. Eunhan, who was next to him, ran
straight to me.

“Your Highness, are you alright? Were you hurt anywhere?”

“Oh, I’m fine. But that person…”

“He will wake up in a few moments. Don’t worry.”

“I’ll bring him back home for now.”

Eunhan usually stayed in the Palace, but he also had a place outside
the Palace. He didn’t buy a mansion, but he said he lived in Collin’s
house with him.


When I nodded, Eunhan disappeared with Baekhan.


It had been more than three days since Eunhan had visited the

Eunhan told Tenstheon that his younger brother had come to visit
him, so he was given a vacation.

Collin had to stay with Baekhan, but he looked unexpectedly happy

about it.

“He’s very cute. Of course, his cuteness can’t hold a candle to the
Crown Prince’s cuteness.”

Collin knew of Blake’s cuteness too. Even though Baekhan’s

appearance was outstanding, it was incomparable to my husband.
Afterall, my Blake was the cutest in the world.

“He’s a man, isn’t he?”


“What do you mean by maybe? Haven’t you been staying together

for a few days already?”

“Well, I don’t know much about him because he always avoids me.”

“Avoids you?”

“Yes, but given his attitude, he must be a man.”

Collin remarked vaguely.

“…does Eunhan beat his brother up?”

“Haha. I don’t know how the Chang culture is, but brothers are
usually rough with each other.”

Collin didn’t deny it. However, I couldn’t imagine Eunhan, who was
so courteous and nice, beating up his younger brother.

I thought it was an exaggerated joke since Collin said it playfully.

Anyway, Eunhan and Baekhan seemed to be getting along well. Like

Baekhan said, I didn’t think he was trying to hurt him.

I went back to the Crown Prince’s Palace.


Upon arriving at the Palace, Blake came running to me with a bright


“Your Highness, I’m here.”


“….Your Highness?”
He narrowed his eyes and pouted his lips, looking very obviously



“I’m here.”

As soon as I called his name, he smiled with satisfaction and


“I missed you.”

“It’s been less than an hour since I left the Palace.”

“I’ve been waiting for you for an hour.”


“Please talk to me casually.”

“It’s still awkward…”

“Then I’ll wait a little longer.”

Blake grabbed my hand and put his hands on mine. His expression
was calm, but his ears were flushed.

I was smiling at Blake, when I heard footsteps behind me.

When I turned, I saw Eunhan standing there.

“Your Highness, long time no see.”


“I don’t think we’re close enough for you to say that.”

Blake tightly held my hand and said coldly.

He was being like that again. When would their relationship get
Eunhan looked at us calmly and sounded unaffected by Blake’s cold
attitude as he replied.

“That’s right.”

“I have something to tell you, Your Highness.”

He wanted to tell me about Baekhan. I nodded.

“Okay let’s go into the room.”

I was about to go to the room with Eunhan, but Blake tightened his
hold on my hand and wouldn’t let go.


“You have to come back quickly.”


Only then did Blake let go.


“I’m so sorry about that day. I almost put you in danger.”

As soon as Eunhan entered the room, he bowed his head and


“It’s okay, nothing happened. Are you all right?”


He nodded his head. But contrary to his answer, his face looked very
“May I ask what’s going on?”


“You don’t have to say it if it’s hard to say.”


Eunhan was silent for a moment and then said slowly.

“As you know, I’m a Prince of Chang. But that doesn’t mean
anything. The Emperor slept with a lot of women. A woman of high
status would receive the title of concubine, but a woman of humble
status wouldn’t get anything.”

The last Emperor of the Zelcan Empire had numerous Emperors and
children. Eunhan had reacted rather furiously to this, and I realized
why now. He had also been in that position.

“There were over a hundred children, such that even the courtesans
couldn’t memorize their names, but the Emperor took pride in it.”

If the Asteric Empire was founded by the Goddess of Light’s power,

Chang was founded by the Dragons’ power. Some of the members
of the royal family were even chosen by the Dragon, and they’d be
called the ‘Yongin’.

Emperor Chang wanted to have as many yongin as possible in his

generation, so he had over a hundred children. However, he didn’t
even know how many children he had, let alone their names.

This side of the story wasn’t mentioned in the original story.

“My mother was originally a commoner. But she was recognized for
her strength and came to the capital. Then, she caught the
Emperor’s eyes and he took her in, and that was the beginning of
the tragedy.”

A moment of sorrow flashed past Eunhan’s eyes.

“The Emperor forgot my mother’s existence before I was born. Due
to my mother’s origin, she didn’t receive the title of a concubine and
had to stay with the court ladies. Then, she gave birth to me, so she
was recognized for having a son. She was also given a small place
in a corner of the Imperial Palace. It was old and shabby, but it was a
beautiful place with a small garden next to it.”

“The place must’ve been full of the scent of flowers.”

“Yes, it always smelled wonderful. I was happy when I was young. I

got along well with Baekhan.”

He got along well with Baekhan? Baekhan seemed to be of Blake’s

age at most. Eunhan must be much older than him. I was curious
about Baekhan’s age, but Eunhan’s expression changed drastically
all of a sudden.

“Then one day, I was chosen by a Dragon. It was the Black Dragon,
an omen of death which was prophesied to destroy the country.”

Eunhan’s mother had found out about this, so she hid it thoroughly.
Of course Eunhan did too. If it was found out, he wouldn’t be able to
guarantee that he’d get to keep his life.
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Chapter 48 – The White Dragon is moody (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

But things weren’t that simple. If a person was chosen, they had to
sign a contract in the palace and accept the Dragon. It was said that
if the chosen one refused and failed to develop their strength, it
would harm their body. Eunhan was no exception.

“I was sick most of the time because I couldn’t sign the contract. My
mother used to cook for me every day.”

Eunhan calmly explained the situation. The more he spoke, the

calmer his voice became.

“But I was eventually discovered. My father was furious and ordered

to kill me and my mom. Eventually, my mom died, and only I, the
seed of misfortune, escaped.”

“Eunhan, it’s not your fault.”

“I expected you’d say so, Your Highness.”

“It’s true.”

He smiled bitterly. He was still blaming himself.

“Then why did Baekhan come to see you?”

“Baekhan was chosen by the White Dragon shortly after I left.”

He told me about Baekhan.

“The White Dragon is the most sacred Dragon. A person would be

respected by all if they were chosen by the White Dragon. They’re
the only one that has the authority to choose the Emperor.”

Baekhan said he would choose Eunhan as his master, and he asked

him to become the Emperor of Chang.

“Then do you want to become the Emperor?”

“No, I promised to be loyal to Tenstheon only.”

Eunhan shook his head firmly.

“But Baekhan chose you.”

Baekhan came all the way here for his brother, whom he used to be
close to when they were kids. Although he tried to attack me, I didn’t
think he was a bad kid.

“How did he find you?”

Baekhan had never appeared in the original story. The Chang

empire couldn’t even find Eunhan. Even if Eunhan had made his
existence known to the world now, how did Baekhan find him so

“He said he’s been searching for a long time. He felt vaguely that I
was in the West, and he felt my strength on the day I went to Tenlarn

Eunhan had used his powers several times to avoid the Macul in
Tenlarn Palace, so deviating from the original story, Baekhan found
him and came to visit.
“I’m sorry, it’s my fault.”

“No. This is my mistake. The previous high priests were so

incompetent that they could not even recognize my powers even
when I was right in front of them. I didn’t know that the high priests
would’ve changed over the years.”

“Baekhan must be very capable.”

“He is way too good….”

An expression of regret came over his face for a moment. He was

worried about his brother, but his expression returned to indifference

“I’ve given him a good scolding, so he’ll be going back to Chang

sometime today.”

“You haven’t seen him in a long time. Are you going to send him
back just like that?”

“The one who is more important than the Emperor in the Chang
Empire is the High Priest. Now that Baekhan disappeared, the
Empire must be in an uproar.”

Eunhan’s expression, which was calm, suddenly became cold.

“That bastard…”

“Eunhan, what’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry. I’m afraid Baekhan followed after me.”


I looked around, but I couldn’t see Baekhan. Then, I heard Blake’s

scream from upstairs.

Eunhan and I rushed to Blake’s room.


Blake’s scream rang out loudly the moment I opened the door.

“What are you doing?”

Blake was lying on the floor, and Baekhan was sitting on his waist.

“Oho, you’re an amazing man.”


What was he doing to my husband?! I ran to Blake right away, while

Baekhan looked on in astonishment.

“Blake, are you all right?”


Blake nodded his head. When a person suddenly appeared and

spoke in a language he had never heard before, he was alarmed.

While I went to check on Blake, Eunhan yelled at Baekhan. Of

course it was in the language of Chang.

“Baekhan! How dare you do this?!”

“I was following you, but I made a small mistake and fell here.”

“Say sorry to the Crown Prince now!”

“I won’t bow down to someone who is not the Emperor of


“You are their guest, Baekhan!”

Eunhan shouted, but Baekhan raised his head proudly, as if he had

done nothing wrong.
I could see why Collin said that.

Baekhan looked at Blake with unfocused eyes. His mysterious eyes

were indescribable.

Baekhan was interested in Blake, and he showed no sign of

reluctance due to his curse.

Come to think of it, the White Dragon was said to be a sacred

creature in the Chang Empire. Wouldn’t it be like the Goddess of
Light in the West? Perhaps he could help Blake.

“What are you doing?”

“It was mixed up,” said Baekhan lightly.

“What? What’s mixed up?”

Was it about Blake’s curse?

“Do you want to know?”

“Yes, I want to know.”

Baekhan opened his mouth when I nodded desperately.

“It’s a secret.”

“Baekhan, don’t be rude. Tell us everything you know!”

Eunhan scolded Baekhan, as Baekhan looked at me.

“Crown Princess of Asteric, won’t you make a deal with me?”


Despite Blake and Eunhan’s opposition, in the end, they left me

alone with Baekhan.
“Tell me your terms.”

“I heard that my brother is staying here to treat the prince.”

“Yes. He mainly stays here these days.”

“Then I’ll be staying here too. I want to stay with my brother.”

I was worried about him making unreasonable demands, but it was a

surprisingly easy condition. If he stayed at the Crown Prince’s
palace, it could help Blake too.

“Okay, I’ll get your room ready.”

“Also, please persuade my brother to come back to Chang.”

He fearlessly put forward another unreasonable condition.

“That’s too hard. I am not capable of that, and whether or not he

returns to Chang, it is his choice.”

“If you help me, I’ll let you know what you’re curious about.”

“And what’s that?”

Why was he so confident about what I was looking for? It was

suspicious of him to say so without hesitation. However, before the
spark of doubt could even arise, Baekhan’s lips moved leisurely.

“I’ll decipher the rest of the stone plate.”

I looked at him in astonishment

“Can you decrypt it? How did you know I wanted to decipher
the stone plate?”

“You must’ve touched it because you wanted to decipher it.”

“How did you….”

How did he know that I had touched the stone plate often?

“I saw you.”

Baekhan smiled leisurely and brought up his condition again.

“Try to persuade my brother. If my brother goes to Chang, I will

tell you about the Crown Prince and decipher the stone plate.”


“Yes, but the deal’s a secret. I don’t want him to hate me.”

Didn’t he realize he was asking for too much? It was ridiculous, but
Baekhan added.

“If you tell this to someone else, I won’t tell you anything.”


I had a place arranged for Baekhan at the Imperial Palace.

Baekhan clearly knew something. Honestly, I felt like just grabbing

him by the collar and demanding he read the stone plate
immediately, but if he decided to keep his mouth shut, everything
would be over.

But I couldn’t even tell Eunhan to go back to Chang for Blake.

Ten years later, Chang would fall into great chaos. When the country
became divided, the civil war would reach its peak, and the people
who had been defeated in the power struggle would rush to the
Western continent.

At that time, Richard would succeed in removing his half-brother,

Frank, using the people of Chang.

The Chang Empire would soon be destroyed.

I couldn’t push someone else over the edge for Blake. He was a
Black Dragon. No matter what, the Black Dragon that was
prophesied to destroy the country could not become the Emperor.

But I couldn’t let go of it like this.

“Baekhan, try this.”

I went into Baekhan’s room with a tray of dumplings that I had made.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a dumpling. I worked hard to make it for you, Baekhan.”

I especially made vegetable dumplings for him after hearing that he

couldn’t eat meat.

Wasn’t food the best way to attract kittens?

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Chapter 49 – The White Dragon is moody (5)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Oho! How can a new bride make food for someone else!”

Baekhan’s face was red. I just cooked a little, so why was he so


I thought he was a mean little boy, but he was unexpectedly cute.

“I made it for you separately, without the meat.”

“Did you cook for the Crown Prince too?”

“His Highness is in the middle of training. I’ll give it to him when

it’s over.”

Ever since Blake woke up, he began to work even harder on his
sword training.

“Give this to the Crown Prince too. I won’t eat it.”

He didn’t pick up the chopsticks, and refused my cooking.

“…do you hate dumplings?”

“That’s not true…”

“Tell me if there’s something you want to eat. I’ll make it for you.
I’m pretty good at cooking.”

“No need. I won’t eat your food.”

So it was not a matter of cooking, he was just rejecting it because it

was me. To be honest, I was a bit shocked.

“Do you hate me that much?”

“No, no! It’s not like that!”

He shook his head in embarrassment.

“Then why?”

“…you have no idea, huh?”

Baekhan sighed.


“…the White Dragon gets jealous easily.”


He suddenly grabbed me by the shoulder, staring straight at me with

his beautiful eyes.

“You’re very beautiful.”

“…wh-why are you saying that all of sudden?”

“If I eat the food you made, I’m sure the White Dragon will
become upset. Don’t get me wrong.”

Baekhan explained the situation clearly. It was not because of me.

“I see. I’ll trust you. You don’t hate dumplings, do you? Then, I’ll
ask the chef to cook instead.”

“Will you?”

“The tea was made by the maid, Melissa, so can you drink

Baekhan nodded his head. I put the teacup in his hand.

“Thank you.”

He wrapped his hands around the teacup and downed the tea in one

“It’s jasmine tea. If it doesn’t suit your taste, I’ll prepare a

different one.”

“No need, it’s better than Taekri tea.”

“What’s Taekri tea?”

I had looked up a lot of creative cooking books in this world, but I

had never heard of ‘Taekri Tea’.

“Don’t you know? People drink Taekri tea every day in the
Chang’s Imperial family.”

“I’ve never heard of it.”

“Huh, it’s a pity you don’t know the taste of Taekri tea. If Eunhan
becomes the Emperor, I’ll send it to you.”

He meant that, in the end, as long as Eunhan went to Chang, I would

get whatever I wanted in return, whether it was about Blake’s curse,
the stone plates or even tea.

“Why did you choose Eunhan? Is it because you’re both

childhood friends?”

He put the teacup down roughly. Was it offensive to say that he

chose Eunhan as the Emperor because of their relationship?

“My brother is a Heavenly Dragon! I can’t dare to choose him!”

“…the Heavenly Dragon? Not a Black Dragon?”

“What do you mean a Black Dragon! My brother was chosen by

a Heavenly Dragon! He’s the chosen Emperor!”

It was the opposite of what Eunhan said, but Eunhan wouldn’t have
lied to me.

“Then why did the Chang Empire try to kill Eunhan?”

“At first glance, the Heavenly Dragon and Black Dragon have
similar textures. The former high priest took advantage of that
to fabricate a lie. He wanted to make his nephew the Crown
Prince, so he tricked everyone into thinking that Eunhan, who
was the Heavenly Dragon, was actually a Black Dragon.”

Even Eunhan’s mother thought her son was a Black Dragon, so

deceiving others would have been a piece of cake.

“What happened to the former high priest?”

“He died. The White Dragon couldn’t forgive him for driving the
Heavenly Dragon out of the land of Chang, so I was chosen.
When I was chosen by the White Dragon, even though my
family had no qualifications, everyone was shocked. But I knew
what the White Dragon meant. The White Dragon was hoping
for the return of the Heavenly Dragon. They chose me to
complete the task.”

There was a hint of sadness in Baekhan’s eyes.

“So you’re wrong to say I chose him. He’s the reason I was

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“It’s not your fault. It was probably because my brother didn’t

tell you.”

He sighed and picked up the teacup again.

“Does anyone else know that Eunhan is the Heavenly Dragon?”

“The Imperial family knows. I have no choice but to know.

Heavenly Dragon has a black rain cloud. He gives this power to
the chosen one to deal with the rain.”

Eunhan was not an ominous Black Dragon.

I recalled the memory of Eunhan using magic. A moist energy that

resembled a mist had surrounded me in that dark space.

“After my brother left, there was a severe drought in Chang. The

people are filled with resentment, and the Imperial family is
about to collapse. If this continues, the Empire will soon be


The fall of Chang…

I thought that Chang was destroyed because of the fight between the
hundreds of heirs, but it wasn’t because of that.

In the original novel, Richard killed Eunhan while he was trying to

avenge Tenstheon.

When Eunhan, the Heavenly Dragon, lost his life, Chang lost its
successor and went on the path of destruction.
I thought I couldn’t send Eunhan to the country where destruction
was due, but it was the opposite.

If Eunhan did not return, Chang would perish.

“Even at this moment, countless people are dying. Only Eunhan

can save Chang. Your Highness, please help us.”

“It hasn’t been long since I met Eunhan. He won’t listen to me

even if I tell him to go.”

Even if Eunhan was the Heavenly Dragon and could prevent the
destruction of Chang, I had no power to persuade him.

“No. He’ll listen if you persuade him.”

Baekhan’s certainty was rather frustrating.

I was about to say it again, but Baekhan suddenly staggered.


“I’m okay.”

He stood up right away, refusing my help.

“I don’t have much time. I’ll give you ten days. If Eunhan isn’t
persuaded, let’s pretend we didn’t have a deal.”


Don’t have much time?

As I was in my room, writing a letter to Diana, the image of Baekhan

staggering continued to appear in my mind.

Was he sick?

He was a mean little boy who threatened me, but I was still worried.
Then suddenly, I heard a loud voice outside.

“Go back right now!”

“No! I will never go back alone.”

Eunhan and Baekhan were arguing.

“Do you really want to die?!”

“If you’re worried about me, why don’t you go with me? Brother,
how long do you intend to disobey the will of Heaven?”

“If you wish to die, then you are free to do so!”

I opened the door and went out, and just then, Eunhan stormed out
of Baekhan’s room.

As soon as Eunhan saw me, he lowered his head and tried to go

back into his room. I grabbed hold of him in a hurry.

“Excuse me, Eunhan, can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

I headed to the greenhouse with him. The greenhouse was full of

Blake’s favorite red roses.

“Your Highness, do you have anything to say?”

“I heard you two arguing in the room.”

“I’m sorry for causing a disturbance.”

“No, I’m not angry. I just have a little question.”

“Please do ask.”

“Does Baekhan have any chronic diseases?”

“No, he does not.”

Eunhan shook his head without any hesitation. He didn’t seem to be


“But didn’t you say his life was in danger?”

“The person chosen by a Dragon can’t leave the land of the Chang.
The White Dragon, in particular, is under strong restraint. If he keeps
going on like this, his body will gradually weaken. But if he goes back
to Chang, he’ll be fine.”

I realized the reason why Eunhan was in such a hurry to send

Baekhan back to Chang. That was also why Baekhan said he didn’t
have time. At least it wasn’t a life-threatening disease, so I was

“By the way, is it okay for you to leave the land of Chang?”

“I’m fine… because I was abandoned anyway.”

“It’s not because you were chosen by the Heavenly Dragon?”

Eunhan was very shocked.

“…where did you hear that?”

“I heard it from Baekhan. If you die, Chang will be destroyed.”

“It’s disgusting.”

Eunhan spat out harshly.

“I was told to die for Chang, and now they say that it was all
misunderstanding. After killing my mother for the sin of giving birth to
an ominous child, they’re asking me to come back. No matter what,
my mother is dead. They disgust me.”

I stood next to him as he revealed his anger.

“I don’t care about the fate of Chang. In fact, I’d rather Chang was
destroyed. I’m not going back. I’ll never step foot on the land of

Eunhan had always been polite and quiet, but now he was gritting
his teeth to suppress his unbearable anger.

I couldn’t tell him to go back to Chang when he just told me about his
deeply rooted grudge.

Eunhan’s resentment was even more deeper than what I imagined,

and even though I knew the situation, I couldn’t force him to go back
to his homeland.

I didn’t think he’d change his mind in ten days.

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Chapter 50 – The White Dragon is moody (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Baekhan couldn’t stay alone because of his condition. In addition, he

was oddly wary of adults. That was probably why he was avoiding

But he acted strangely uncomfortable with me, so we naturally spent

more time together with Blake.

“Blake, what’s this?”

“A cravat”


Baekhan touched his cravat.

He was able to understand and spear the Imperial language at a

tremendous speed. But then again, he was different from ordinary

“You’re good at the Imperial language now, Baekhan.”

Baekhan stared at me when I spoke to him. He wanted to be called

‘the High Priest’. However, he was currently staying in the Royal
Palace as Eunhan’s younger brother, so he could not be addressed
as ‘the High Priest’ or ‘the Prince’.

Other people called him ‘Sir Baekhan’, but he didn’t seem to like the

“I am the vessel of the White Dragon.”

“I know. And I’m just a normal person.”

“Hmm, so?”

Blake rubbed his chin and looked at Baekhan.

“How old are you anyway?”

Baekhan answered Blake’s question dryly.

“I am the vessel of the White Dragon. Age doesn’t mean anything to


“You’re a man, aren’t you?”

“That’s meaningless.”

Baekhan had many secrets and did not reveal his gender or his age.

Eunhan said he had already become a vessel for the White Dragon,
so those things were no longer important.

“How long have you been blind, Baekhan?”

“I’m not blind, I just use my other senses more. I know where my
brother is now.”

Baekhan smiled happily. He was practically Eunhan’s stalker.

“Then, do you know where the people are?”

“Why should I use this body to do such useless things? I’m not
interested in other humans.”

Whether fortunate or unfortunate, the target of his stalking seemed

to be limited to Eunhan.

“My brother and I are connected. So don’t bother me.”

“When did I bother you?”

He sometimes said vague things. It was the same when we first met.

“Try to persuade my brother. Then I’ll let you know.”

Baekhan said in the Chang language before turning his head away.
It was like that every time. He acted as if he was going to tell me
something, but then he’d shut up without explaining it any further.

He was wary of my relationship with Eunhan, but he still urged me to

persuade him quickly.

“Baekhan, what did you just say?”

Baekhan smiled calmly, as Blake wondered what we were talking


“I said you are very cute.”

“I’m not cute anymore.”

“Haha, you’re very cute.”

Baekhan snorted with laughter. Still, it was fortunate that he seemed

to like Blake.

Baekhan suddenly stopped laughing. He got out of his seat and ran
outside. No matter how familiar he was with this place, it was
dangerous to run like that when he couldn’t see anything.
Blake and I hurried after him.

There was only one person who could bring out such a childlike
smile like that from Baekhan.


Baekhan ran to Eunhan with a welcoming smile, but Eunhan did not
even spare a glance for his half-brother as he courteously walked
toward us.

“Your Highness.”

“Brother, I studied hard about the Imperial language today, and I tried
on Asteric clothes too. This is called a ‘cravat’.”

Eunhan had ignored Baekhan for quite a few days now, so Baekhan
quickly poured out all his words. I could feel a sense of urgency from
Baekhan as he spoke, but Eunhan reacted coldly.

“You’re noisy. I’m here to greet the royal family. What kind of
discourtesy is this?”

“…..I’m sorry.”

“Eunhan, you don’t have to say that.”

“That’s just too much. Do you know how long Baekhan waited for

“It must’ve bothered both of you. I’m sorry. I’ll send him back as soon
as possible.”

“You can’t say that!”

When Blake got angry, Baekhan hurriedly stopped him.

“Blake, don’t be angry. It’s my fault. Brother, I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”
Eunhan asked Blake in his usual polite manner, ignoring Baekhan’s

“Your Highness, how are you?”


“Thank God.”

Eunhan bowed his head and went back to his room. Until the end, he
didn’t say even a word of kindness to Baekhan.

Baekhan shook his head. He looked so sad but I couldn’t even say
any words of consolation.


Blake was in bed, but he couldn’t calm down.

“So mean! How could he do that? I didn’t know he was so cold-


“I’m sure Eunhan has his reasons too.”

“No matter what happened in the past, it’s not Baekhan’s fault!
Eunhan doesn’t know how much Baekhan likes him! He learned the
Imperial language and tried on the clothes of our country all because
of him.”

I had never seen Blake become so angry for anyone. He had always
been very calm and good-tempered, and had little interest in others
except for me.

It was fortunate that his heart had opened up to someone else. He

was growing up.

I stroked his silver hair.

“Are you upset?”

“Baekhan had been waiting all day. How could he react like that! If
Ancia did that, I would be incredibly sad.”

Tears welled up in Blake’s eyes.

“Blake, why are you crying all of a sudden?”

I held his cheeks.

“I imagined Ancia ignoring me, and it made me sad.”

…ah, he was still a kid.

“Why would I do that?”

“Ancia can’t do that, okay?”

“I won’t ignore you.”

“Yes, though I still feel sad.”

Tears dripped down from his eyes.

“Why is my rabbit sad again?”

“I just thought of Ancia being mad at me, so I keep feeling sad.”

I smiled and hugged him tightly.

“My Blake is so cool and cute.”

I kept praising Blake as if I was singing a lullaby.

When Blake fell asleep, I held his hands. He had a low body
temperature where the place where the sentences of the curse were

I suddenly heard a knock.

Who was here at this hour?

“It’s me. May I come in?”

It was Baekhan.

“Come in.”

“Excuse me. Aah!”

Baekhan suddenly screamed when he came inside.


I put my index finger to my lips. Blake had barely fallen asleep and
he was going to wake him up again.

Baekhan covered his mouth. After that, however, he continued to

mutter in the language of Chang.

“He’s in bed with you and yet you’re bringing someone in. Ugh!
Kids these days!”

I didn’t know exactly how old Baekhan was, but he was younger than

“What are you thinking of? I’m massaging him.”

“The temperature of his body where the curse spread is low. That’s
why I’m massaging him to warm him up a little bit.”

Blake’s left hand was cold and numb, so he’d often drop dishes, and
sometimes let go of the sword during training.

I didn’t see much of it, but I had heard many stories of Blake falling
since he was a kid.

“Blake is blessed. He has a good wife.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

“There’s nothing more precious than a sincere heart.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

“You remind me of the old days. Only Eunhan cared about me back

Baekhan smiled gently.

“Excuse me, Baekhan, about what happened today….”

“He’s worried about me. He’s trying hard to send me back to Chang.
He’s usually really nice to me.”

He said the words I had prepared to console him with first. He was
here to say it.

“I know. Eunhan is a good person.”

“That’s right. He’s a great man.”

Baekhan went closer to the bed and looked at Blake. It seemed as if

he was clearly responding to him even though his eyes were closed.

What did he see?

Baekhan pressed down on the center of Blake’s forehead with his

hand, and traced along the sentences of the curse.

“There is a layer.”

“A layer?”

“The white layer of light is preventing the curse from spreading.”

Sign in

Chapter 51 – The White Dragon is moody (7)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Blake’s curse had not undergone any change in three years.

Maybe I could lift the curse if I found out why.

“How can I make the layer thicker?”

“Why are you asking me that? You made it yourself.”

“I made it? What does that mean?”

Did he mean to say that I made a layer of light which prevented the
curse from spreading?

“If you want to know more, persuade my brother.”

Baekhan turned away after saying coldly. I caught him in a hurry

before he went out.


“What is it?”

“Can you please let me know?”

I pleaded earnestly. There wasn’t much time left now.

I thought he had opened his heart to Blake. When I saw how much
Baekhan liked Blake, I thought that he might give in and tell me
about the curse, but Baekhan was still as cold as he was at the

“Did you forget the deal?”

“Eunhan would never do it. You know that.”

“It’s your job to persuade him.”

“You know how nice Blake is. He’s had a very hard time because of
the curse. He’s lived his entire life being pointed at by people, and
not a day went by when he wasn’t in pain. He suffered so much from
the pain of the curse digging into his flesh, but there’s nothing I could
do about it. But it’s different for you. Please let me know. I’ll do
whatever I can.”

I got on my knees and begged him.

“You’ll do anything?”


“Then, can you even die on his behalf?”


I answered without a moment of hesitation. My answer was

completely sincere.

The moment I heard Baekhan’s question, I realized that I could even

give my life for Blake.

Since when did I love him this much? I was surprised by the sincerity
I felt towards him.
“You can take my eyes or life or whatever, as long as you can lift the

But Baekhan shook my hands off.

“… all I want is my brother. I don’t have much time left. I’ll save
Blake, so hurry.”


“Why on earth was someone like you born!”

Lady Meng, Baekhan’s mother, was always drunk.

She gave birth to a child after receiving the Emperor’s favor, but she
didn’t get the title of a concubine and had to stay at an old and
shabby pavilion in a corner of the palace.

Lady Meng often hit Baekhan. Whether she was drunk or not, she’d
commit acts of violence.

But no one cared about him. The Emperor had more than a hundred
children, and he wasn’t the child of a formal concubine. He hadn’t
even been chosen by a Dragon. Such a child was worthless there.

There was no one to stop Lady Meng, so she became even more

At that time, Eunhan, who was living in a pavilion nearby, saved

Baekhan. Since that day, Baekhan often fled and went to Eunhan’s
place to avoid his mother.

Eunhan’s mother was a commoner, and she was weak and often ill.
Even though they also had difficult circumstances, it didn’t stop them
from helping Baekhan.

Baekhan regarded Eunhan as family. He had more than a hundred

half brothers, but Eunhan was the only one who felt like a real
brother to him.
However, the happiness didn’t last long.

Eunhan was chosen by the Black Dragon, which was prophesied to

destroy the country. Upon hearing the news of his execution,
Baekhan’s heart felt like it had been ripped out. Fortunately, Eunhan
ran away.

When Eunhan disappeared, Baekhan, who was close to him, was

questioned. But Baekhan wasn’t afraid of being locked up in prison.
He only wished for Eunhan’s safety.

Then, the White Dragon chose him.

To sign a contract with the White Dragon, he had to pay with his
body. He’d lose his sight, and his body would stop growing. Baekhan
was willing to receive the White Dragon even though he had to live
as a child for the rest of his life.

The White Dragon was a creature that could search for anything. If
he became a White Dragon, he could find Eunhan. Even at the
moment of signing a contract with the White Dragon, his thoughts
were only about finding Eunhan.

His life changed overnight, but he couldn’t see his brother’s face
anymore. Despite that, he wasn’t sad.

“Brother Eunhan is alive.”

He learned that Eunhan was not the ominous Black Dragon, but a
Heavenly Dragon.

The country was thrown into frenzy when Baekhan revealed that

There were many who weren’t happy about it. They threatened
Baekhan to stop his search for Eunhan and to make them the
Emperor instead.
Everyone approached Baekhan with hidden motives. Baekhan could
see their true intentions. They were all full of lies and greed.

Threats, pretences, manipulation, harassment, and violence.

Baekhan endured the pain day by day.

And finally, he found Eunhan.

He had now become a wonderful young man.

‘Brother, please save me from this prison.’

Baekhan wanted to hold onto him and cry, but he couldn’t.

“The White Dragon chose Eunhan as my master. Please become the

Emperor of Chang.”

Eunhan brutally refused Baekhan’s request, and soon, Baekhan

realized that he couldn’t change his brother’s mind.

After much consideration, Baekhan chose Ancia.

Baekhan offered Ancia a deal.

The Asteric’s Crown Prince was cursed. Baekhan could use him to
take his brother back to Chang with him.

That was the only thought in his head.

However, when he saw Ancia begging for help to lift the Crown
Prince’s curse, his heart became heavy.

“Baekhan, smell this flower.”

Blake plucked the flowers and held them in his hands. A smile
bloomed on Baekhan’s face as he leaned in to smell the flowers.

“It smells good.”

“Right? The flowers are very pretty too.”

Blake brought Baekhan to the greenhouse because he was

depressed about yesterday.

‘How would this child react when he finds out that I’m an evil man
who threatened his wife?’

“The flowers look pretty, just like you.”


“Yes, they do. You’re very beautiful.”

“You’ll be disappointed if you really see me. I’m a monster.”

“You’re not!”

But Blake smiled.

“I’m going to make a flower crown. Can you help me?”


Blake picked the flowers from the greenhouse and gathered them in
one place. He asked for help, but Baekhan had nothing to do.

“Why do you want to make this yourself?”

“I’m going to give it to my wife as a gift. It won’t have any meaning if

someone else makes it.”

“…is it her birthday?”


“Then what special day is it?”

Blake shook his head.

“It’s not like that. I’m just making it because I want to give it to her.”

“Do you often give her gifts?”

“No. I don’t. His Majesty gives her everything she needs, and even if
I gave her something, it would all be from his money anyway.
Besides, I’m going to die soon.”


The young boy’s words shocked Baekhan, but Blake was calm.

“Did you hear that from Eunhan? That you’re gonna die before you
become an adult?”


“That’s why I didn’t want to leave any traces, but then she’ll be sad.
Last year, I suddenly fell sick. I had a lot of regrets when I thought I’d
die, so I picked a rose from the greenhouse and gave it to Ancia.
Flowers would eventually wither away, right? Just like me.”


“But she loved it so much. She placed the rose in a vase and put a
preservation spell on it. Now, she looks at it every day. I gave it to
her in hopes it would wither away, but seeing that, I regretted it. So I
decided to give her a lot of presents.”

Blake’s hands moved diligently.

Baekhan couldn’t see him completely, but he could see that Blake
was weaving the flower crown diligently by looking at the flow of

Blake was happily making presents for Ancia.

“If only I wouldn’t die..”

“Why do you practice swordsmanship every day if you think you’re
going to die?”

“To get abs.”

Sign in

Chapter 52 – The White Dragon is moody (8)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer


“Yeah, I wanted to get them before I died. So that my wife tells me

I’m cool. Actually, this time my body hurts a lot. The sentences of the
curse haven’t spread, but my body is getting weaker. Maybe I’m
reaching my limit. I don’t have much time left.”


Baekhan was left speechless by the child’s motivation.

“Keep this as a secret! Ancia will be upset if she finds out.”


“Thank you.”

Blake smiled brightly.

Listening to him, Baekhan felt like crying.

“My country is Asteric and Emperor Tenstheon is my only master. I
hope you won’t say that again.”

Baekhan tried to persuade Eunhan again today.

But as usual, he was rejected again without fail.

He had never encountered this kind of Eunhan before.

Baekhan wondered if he should talk to Tenstheon.

If Tenstheon said it, Eunhan would surely follow his words.

But he didn’t like the idea. Tenstheon had never visited the Crown
Prince’s palace before.

But these days, he frequently visited the palace, so there were a lot
of nobles protesting against him. Baekhan didn’t want to burden him
when he was already dealing with so much.

What should he do then?

If Eunhan didn’t return, Chang would collapse and the East would be
thrown into chaos.

Countless people would die and Chang would soon perish.

But Baekhan couldn’t force him to go back. Eunhan didn’t have any
good memories there.

Eunhan also knew about the situation and still refused to go back to

Knock knock.

I heard a familiar voice at the door.

“It’s me.”
“Come in.”

Baekhan came into the room and stared at me.

“You look troubled.”


“What are you thinking of?”


After much thought I had come to only one conclusion. I wanted to

save Blake. I wanted to break the curse, regardless of the price.

“Do you hate me?”

“No, I just hate myself for being helpless.”

“You’re such a good person.”

“Well, I’m not sure of that.”

Baekhan smiled and turned his head towards the window.

“Your husband is working hard again today.”

“You can see him from here?”

Blake was practicing his swordsmanship now.

“There’s no way you can’t see him when it’s so clear.”

I looked out of the window once again, but I still couldn’t see

“I can’t see him.”

“Of course. You’re just an ordinary human being.”

Did he mean to say that he could see him with the eyes of the White
Dragon? I looked at his strange-looking pupil. What did the world
look like in his eyes?

“Do you like the Crown Prince?”

“He’s like me and my brother in our childhood.”

“You must be older than you look.”

He looked like he was just a little over ten years old going by his
appearance, but from his behavior and his way of speaking, he
definitely had to be older than that.

Baekhan burst into laughter when I said that.

“Haha, isn’t that like you?”


“You must’ve had a hard time pretending to be young.”

My heart sank. He knew I wasn’t a child.

“…how do you know that?”

“I can see the essences that humans can’t see. Your soul, flow and

Baekhan reached out to me and touched my face as if to check on


“You must’ve suffered a lot, but your soul is very bright and clear.”

His smile faded away slowly.

“Since you’re kind, you’ll save a lot of people. But you won’t be able
to save yourself.”
“What do you mean?”

“The moment of choice will come soon. I can see you burning in the
white light.”

I couldn’t understand Baekhan’s words.

A thought suddenly came to my mind.

“You mean to say I can lift Blake’s curse?”

“You’re thinking about your husband first? As expected, you’re


“Please tell me more.”

“That’s all I see.”

He stood up. He was going to leave me with a vague hint again



Just when I tried to hold on to Baekhan, he turned around and said,

“Take me to the place where the stone plate is.”

“Ah, yes!”

Perhaps he’d tell me more about the stone plate. I nodded hurriedly.


I headed to the secret room in the Phillion Palace with Baekhan.

“Why are we here?”

“Why not? Didn’t you want to know about the stone plate?”

“But I….”
In the end, I couldn’t convince Eunhan. But Baekhan smiled brightly
and went to the stone tablet. I couldn’t stop him.

“Will you really interpret the rest of the stone plate?”


He shook his head. Then why did he ask me to bring him here?

“I will restore the rest of the writing on the stone plate.”

“You’re going to restore it?”


How would he restore a stone plate that was already so worn out?

I had vaguely thought that it would be possible because of the White

Dragon’s power.

Baekhan kindly explained as if he read my mind.

“I will revive the power of light on this stone plate.”

“Is there magic on it?”

“Did you not know? It contains magic which erased some of the

“So someone put a spell on it?”

It was an important stone plate that recorded the history of the

Empire, so it was understandable if there was magic on it.

But an erasing spell?

Was it to prevent it from eroding naturally?

“Please step back for a moment.”

I stood back and looked at Baekhan.

He raised his hand to the stone plate with a solemn expression.

White light flowed from his hands and spread all over the stone

Baekhan’s clothes and hair fluttered wildly in the wind. I also had a
hard time standing in the strong wind.

A light flashed around the stone plate.

The concealment spell was resisting the light, leading to a fierce


Then, it began to crumble, and at the same time, engraved letters

began to appear on the blank stone plate.

— September of the 5th year, the third prince who was cursed by the
Goddess died. Immediately after that, the Curse of the Goddess
transferred to the sixth prince.

The fifth year was when Philip became the Emperor. But didn’t Philip
only have three sons?

Before I could question it, the next writings began to appear.

— November of the 5th year, the sentences of the curse engraved

on the sixth prince’s body changed.

The sixth prince died. Immediately after that, the seventh prince was
cursed by the Goddess.

The sentences of the curse changed?

All the inscriptions on the stone plate soon burned up, and the white
light gradually decreased. Then, the black light that was under the
stone plate, suddenly flew toward me.
At that moment, I heard a girl’s voice.


[Ancia, what are you doing! How could you run away as soon as you
saw his face?! No matter how surprised you were, you shouldn’t
have done that!]

Ancia had run away in surprise when she saw Blake’s face on the
first day after their wedding. So she was sitting by the lake and
blaming herself. Then came the sound from her heart.

[Let’s go back and apologize to the Crown Prince. Afterall, he’s the
reason I was able to come out of my house. I should thank him.]

Ancia got up from her seat.


Then something shiny in the lake caught her eyes.

[What is that?]

Ancia got closer to the lake. At that moment a light flashed and she
lost her balance, thus falling into the lake.

Ancia desperately tried to get out of the lake, but a black thing came
out from the stone plate that was at the bottom of the lake and
stretched out like a snake to grab her ankles.

Ancia gradually sank into the depths of the lake. It was painful.

Then, she suddenly heard a mysterious voice.

[Whom will you pass on your strength to, Heir of Light?]

Ancia was distressed. She didn’t understand what the question

meant, nor could she think of the answer. She only remembered
Diana, who was the only one who was nice to her in her memories.
[Ancia Bellacian, by your will, Diana Bellacian has been chosen as
the new Heir of Light.]

Ancia closed her eyes at the end.

The black light from the stone plate tried to engulf Ancia. However, a
pure white light erupted from Ancia’s body and erased the black
light. Even the stone plate was shattered.

When Ancia died the lights mourned and hovered around her small
body. However, Ancia was already dead, so she could not contain
the light anymore.

The light headed to the next heir. It was Diana, the heir that Ancia
Chapter 53 – The White Dragon is moody (9)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer


As soon as I came to my senses, I gasped for air. I wasn’t in the

lake. Was that a dream?

No, it must have been the original story.

This incident did happen in the original story, but it was not detailed
like this.

Ancia was the original Heir of Light.

But the black light in the lake attacked Ancia and she died, while
Diana inherited the power of light.

But things changed when I came to this world.

Ancia survived, and the stone plate didn’t break.

Then, the power of light wouldn’t be passed to Diana either. It would

remain within me.

“Are you alright?”

I woke up to Baekhan’s voice.

We were in the secret room in the Phillion Palace.

It seems like I lost consciousness for a while after being attacked by

the black light as I was deciphering the writings on the stone plate.
“I’m sorry. You almost got hurt due to my mistake.”

Like I saw in my dream, the stone plates were shattered.

“Did you break it?”

“There was an evil force in the stone plate, so I broke it. I’m sorry.”

The stone plate tried to attack me. However, when Baekhan blocked
it, the stone plate resisted and ended up being shattered due to
Baekhan’s power.

“No, it’s okay. You saved me. You also helped me recover the

Although the stone plates were now broken, I remembered what it


“I also found out an important fact.”

“What is it?”

“I’m the Heir of Light.”

Baekhan burst into laughter when he heard my answer.

“Did you only know that just now?”

“You knew it already?”

“I knew it the first time I saw you. How could I not when the lights
shine so beautifully on you?”

It really was me. I was the heir of light in the Bellacian’s household.

“The food you made had the power of light in it. We have different
kinds of power, so I could not eat the food you made. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s okay.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“It’s really amazing how the food I made had the power of light.”

I really had the power of light. I never dreamed that it would turn out
like this.

“Your power is strong. It’s all thanks to you that the curse didn’t
spread. Your light is preventing the spread of the curse.”

“I helped Blake.”

“Various powers are fighting inside his body. The powers are all
entangled in war. If you make up your mind, you’ll be able to loosen
the tangled thread and lift the curse.”

I was the Heir of Light. I could lift Blake’s curse and I didn’t have to
leave his side.

I was overwhelmed by the whole situation, so tears welled up in my


“Thank you, Baekhan!”

“There’s nothing to be grateful for. I’m a bad person who hid it and
only told you just now.”

“No, you’re a nice person. I couldn’t do what you wanted, but you
told me everything.”

“Thank you for your kind words…”

Baekhan smiled gently.

At that moment, he suddenly staggered.

“Are you alright, Baekhan?”

“I’m okay. It’s been a while since I’ve used my strength. Let’s go

“Yes, let’s go back.”


After we went back to the Crown Prince’s palace, Baekhan’s

condition got worse.

His skin turned even paler and his body temperature also dropped.

“I’ll call the physician.”

“No need, I’m just a little tired. I just need a nap and I’ll be better


“I’m tired. Please go out.”

I had no choice but to go out.

Baekhan still had three days left, so why was there a problem when
he used his strength?

I needed to meet Eunhan because only Eunhan knew about his


Just as I was about to go to look for him, I saw Eunhan coming out of
a room.

I hurried down to the first floor.


“…Your Highness.”
Eunhan would always greet me happily when he saw me, but today,
he was reluctant to greet me. Maybe he was afraid I’d try to
persuade him to go to Chang again.

“Eunhan, Baekhan is…!”

“I don’t want to talk about him.”

As soon as I said Baekhan’s name, Eunhan coldly interrupted me

and expressed his rejection. But I couldn’t give up.

“Baekhan is very sick right now! His lips have turned pale and his
body temperature has dropped.”

“He used his strength?”

I urgently explained to Eunhan what happened before.

Then, Eunhan’s eyes widened and he ran to Baekhan’s room.


Baekhan was ready to accept his fate.

From the moment the chosen one leaves Chang, their strength
would weaken.

In particular, vassals of the White Dragon would have the worst

experience compared to the other Dragons.

Only the Heavenly Dragon and the Black Dragon were free of
Chang’s restraint.

Baekhan had used up a lot of his strength to destroy the magic on

the stone plate. He wouldn’t be able to do so tomorrow because he’d
be too weak.

In a few days he’d collapse completely. He thought he’d beg on his

knees and ask Eunhan to go back to Chang for the last time. Yet,
Baekhan helped Blake and Ancia.

His body was too exhausted, but he was willing to accept death. He
closed his eyes just as the door opened.



“Why would you do that?!”

Eunhan knew that Baekhan’s body was about to reach its limit.

So he treated Baekhan harshly, in hopes that he’d go back to Chang.

Yet, Baekhan still used his power. If Baekhan used up all of his
power, he’d lose his life.

He was giving up on his life.

Eunhan knew about this so he hugged his dying brother.

“I must’ve been blessed because of my good deeds. I can die in my

brother’s arms.”

Baekhan laughed weakly.

“It’s not too late now! Go back to Chang immediately!”

Eunhan said so but he knew that Baekhan didn’t have the power to
go back to Chang by himself.

“Why did you do that?”

“Isn’t that what brother wanted?”

Baekhan had become attached to Ancia and Blake. He sympathized

with Blake’s situation and wanted to help. It was also what Eunhan
Baekhan helped them because it was his beloved brother’s wish.

“Silly child, why would you do this for me?”

“You’re all I have left.”

Baekhan finally confessed his true feelings at his last moment.

“I wanted to see you. I missed you. I became the high priest and was
surrounded by people, but you were still the only one who truly cared
for me. Everything else was just an excuse. I came here to see you
because I missed you.”


“I don’t want to go back to Chang without you. I hate that place. I’m
scared. I don’t want to go back…I don’t want to stay all alone again
in that hell. So I helped the Crown Princess.”

Baekhan didn’t have the will to live on anymore without his brother,
so he offered Ancia a deal.

This wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t bring up the stone plate.

Baekhan’s life would be at risk the moment he used the Dragon’s

power outside of Chang.

Baekhan had already made up his mind since he came here. He

couldn’t stand living anymore. Everyone in Chang only regarded him
as a tool.

He was tired of being used and threatened.

If he couldn’t go back to Chang with Eunhan, he was going to die

here. So he used the Dragon’s power.

“Why are you saying that just now?”

Eunhan was not pleased with Baekhan’s answer.

Baekhan knew how Eunhan escaped from Chang and why his
mother died. Yet, he still told him to return to Chang and think about
the future of the Empire. It was an illogical answer.

Turns out, Eunhan was the reason why Baekhan came here.
Baekhan who cared and loved him sincerely.

“I was afraid you’d think I sounded childish and hate me. I wanted to
show you my mature side, so I acted like I came here out of
responsibility. There are many good people here in Asteric. So
please forget about Chang now and be happy.”

Baekhan used the last of his strength to smile.

“No, Baekhan!”

Eunhan cried as he hugged him, feeling his body slowly turn cold.

Of all the half-brothers, Baekhan was the only one who he

considered as his sibling.

Baekhan was Eunhan’s family.

Even though Eunhan’s mother had passed away, he still had


This child had always supported him by his side.

However, Eunhan had forgotten the fact and only realized it just now.
Chapter 54 – The White Dragon is moody (10)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Baekhan, wake up. Open your eyes!”

Ancia who was waiting outside, hurriedly ran towards them when she
heard Eunhan’s voice.

“Is Baekhan in a critical condition?”

“It’s okay. I will save him.”

He would save Baekhan. He would protect his family.

“Your Majesty, I’m going to go back to Chang…”

Looking at Eunhan’s determined expression and Baekhan’s body,

Ancia realized that this situation was unusual.

“Is it because of Baekhan?”


“Okay, go ahead.”

Eunhan lowered his head in respect. A black fog suddenly

surrounded Eunhan and Baekhan’s body and they quickly

Eunhan didn’t come back.


Tenstheon looked at the papers piled up on his desk.

Most of them were from the nobles’ protesting him going to the
Crown Prince’s Palace.

Tenstheon had been walking on a tightrope for the past three years.

He pampered Ancia but showed no interest in the Crown Prince.

However, it was all revealed to be false because of this incident.

Tenstheon stopped going to the Crown Prince’s Palace for a while
and observed the situation.

‘Starting a protest against my entry to the Crown Prince’s Palace,

complaining about Ancia, and demanding Blake be exiled. It’s all
Arnold’s doing.’

The Duke of Cassil didn’t do anything himself, but looking at the list
of aristocrats that protested, Tenstheon could see that Arnold was
behind them.

Although Arnold didn’t have that much power, it was also because of
the public’s aversion towards the Heir to the Curse that gave them a
reason to protest.

Tenstheon was looking at the papers when Eunhan came in.


“Your Majesty.”

Eunhan kneeled on one knee and greeted him.

“Get up.”

“I’m sorry for leaving without a word.”

“I heard everything from Ancia. How’s your brother?”

“Thank you for your concern, Your Majesty. He’s fine.”

Eunhan carried Baekhan’s body as they returned to Chang.
Fortunately, Baekhan was saved, but he didn’t wake up immediately.

Eunhan remained by Baekhan’s side, and nursed him as he

gradually recovered, and then woke up.

“That’s a good thing. Everyone was worried about him.”


Eunhan looked straight at Tenstheon’s face.

But he hesitated to say the words that he wanted to say. Seeing him,
Tenstheon smiled softly and said, “Did you only think of coming to
greet me today?”


Eunhan bowed down his head.

When Eunhan returned to Chang, rain began to pour on the land. It

was the rainshower that marked the end of the long drought. People
welcomed Eunhan amidst shouts declaring that he was the vassal of
the Heavenly Dragon.

The Emperor was also happy about this.

Yet, no one reflected about their past behaviour towards Eunhan nor
did they apologize. It was very disgusting.

Eunhan wanted to go back to Asteric right away, but he couldn’t

because of Baekhan.

Eunhan found out about how Baekhan had been treated when he
ran away. Baekhan was locked up in a prison because he was close
to him. Even after he was released, he’d often be threatened by the
princes because he was chosen by the White Dragon.
The royal family hated Baekhan because he waited for Eunhan and
refused to choose a Crown Prince from among them.

Baekhan was secretly abused in his residence and people would

also steal his treasures.

Hence, Eunhan decided to stay in Chang to protect him.

“I’m the only one who can protect my brother.”

Tenstheon was a strong Emperor, but he was lonely. He missed his

son but couldn’t even see his face.

Eunhan wanted to help Tenstheon, so he swore his loyalty to him

and didn’t leave his side.

“You have the Crown Prince and Crown Princess beside you now, so
you won’t be too lonely.”

“You impudent child.”

Tenstheon said, but he was smiling.

“I want to protect my brother because I’m the only one who can do
that and he’s my only family. So I’ve decided to leave Asteric. I’m
sorry I couldn’t continue to protect you. I will never forget the favor
you’ve done for me.”

Eunhan bowed down.

Tenstheon came close to him and said, “If you want to repay my
favor, then become a Great Emperor. You should work hard until
your reputation can be heard in this far West.”

“Yes, your Majesty.”

Tenstheon patted his shoulder and gave him a white envelope.

“Take it.”
“What’s this?”

Eunhan opened the envelope.

Inside the white envelope, he found a type of paper that was used in
the East. He was shocked when he read the contents of it.

It was the deed to a gold mine.

“Since most of the mines are owned by the country in Chang, I

bought a mine from a nearby country.”

Eunhan saw the purchase date of the mine. It had already been
purchased a few years ago.

Tenstheon prepared in advance in case Eunhan wanted to go back

to Chang.

Eunhan gave the title deed back to Tenstheon while holding back his

“I can’t. I’m ashamed to leave so suddenly. I can’t take something so


“Take it. Didn’t you say you want to protect your brother? It will take a
lot of effort to do that. Most of the princes must’ve worked hard to
become the Emperor while you left the country. Even though you
were chosen by the Heavens, they’re not going to step down that

It was as he said.

The other princes had also been competing for the Crown Prince’s
position. They had already invested a lot of efforts in it.

Although Eunhan was chosen by the Heavenly Dragon, he would

lose if he didn’t have anything to support him.

“You’ll need money to win the fight, so take it.”


“There’s no need to feel pressured. Just think of it as your wage.”

“Thank you for giving me this, master.”

“I’m not your master now.”

“No, you’re still my only master.”

Eventually, tears began to roll down Eunhan’s face asTenstheon

patted him on the back.

“I’m sorry to have caused so much trouble. If you need any help,
please tell me.”

“No, I’ve never had a hard time because of you.”

Eunhan nodded his head as he held back tears.

Now that he was returning to Chang, he’d be by himself.

“I only dropped by to greet you. I think I’ve been away for too long. I
should get going now.”

Baekhan hadn’t fully recovered yet, so he felt uneasy about leaving

him all alone.

“Yes, go ahead.”

Eunhan took something out of his sleeves and gave it to Tenstheon

before he left.

“This is a gift from Baekhan to Her Highness. He said it will bring her

“Why don’t you give it to her yourself? Both Blake and Ancia are
worried about you two. Why don’t you visit them for a while?”
“I’d love to but I’ve been out for too long.”

Eunhan liked Ancia, but she was his master’s daughter-in-law. He

had to get rid of his feelings.

Ancia was his first love. He didn’t want to go back to Chang because
he didn’t want to leave her side.

But he had to move on.

“Please invite me to the Crown Prince and Crown Princess’s

wedding. I will definitely attend.”

In the Asteric Empire, people usually got married informally when

they were young, and once they became adults, they’d register it at
the church and have a formal wedding.

The royal family was no exception.

To have a formal wedding, Blake needed to live until he became an

adult and the curse would have to be lifted.

Tenstheon smiled and nodded.

“You’ll be invited.”

“I’ll be waiting, master.”

Eunhan bowed to Tenstheon and disappeared in a flash.

After he left, Tenstheon looked at the papers piled up on his table.

“That child will do his best to protect his family. What am I worried

Blake and Ancia were precious to him so he was very careful. If this
went on, he wouldn’t be able to protect his children.
Tenstheon regretted so much when Blake passed out, so he
promised to protect them more carefully this time.

He picked up the bundle of papers and threw them into the fireplace.

He was the strongest Emperor in history, Tenstheon Rhodis


He couldn’t show any weakness.

Chapter 55 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (1)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

I touched the bracelet that Baekhan gave me. The bracelet was
made of jewels and gave off a mysterious glow as it clinked with a
clear sound.

Baekhan said he was safe. Eunhan went back to Chang to protect


Tenstheon said he would provide any kind of support to help him

become the Emperor.

Eunhan had changed his fate.

Rather than being a supporting character who’d die at Richard’s

hand, he would become the Emperor of Chang.

Baekhan would be happy because his older brother returned, right?

But, would we ever meet again?

Anyway, the original story was already changing.

I looked at my hand. I was the original Heir of Light, not Diana.

I could lift Blake’s curse. I was glad but one concern arose.

So, how do I lift the curse….

In the original story, Blake and Diana had spent a hot night together.

Then, the power of light was activated and Blake’s curse was lifted.
In short, to lift the curse, we needed to have ‘contact’ with each

Oh no…

Blake was so innocent that I forgot that this was an R-19 novel.

Blake opened the door and came in.


He ran to me while smiling.


“Ancia why do you look so sad today?”

He looked up at me with concern in his eyes.

“Is it because of Eunhan?”


“Are you sad that Eunhan left?”

“No, why would I be sad? It’s great that Eunhan and his brother went
back home.”

“Don’t you want to see the black cat?”

“Black cat?”

Why a cat? Was he talking about Eunhan?

“You like the cat.”

“It’s been a long time since you saw the cat. Don’t you miss it?”

Blake got serious when I laughed at his words.



“It’s true.”

“Do you feel lonely now that both of them went home?”

“No. As Ancia said, they’ll both be happy because they went back.
I’m glad Baekhan recovered. Besides, why would I be lonely? I have
my wife.”

Blake grabbed my face and rubbed his cheeks on mine.

He was unusually cute today.



“When will you grow up?”

“Huh? Huh? I-I grew up already!”

Blake raised his voice in indignation, but he was still cute.

“Blake, I found a way to lift your curse.”

After Eunhan and Baekhan left, I told Blake and Tenstheon

everything about me being the heir to the curse and being able to lift
Blake’s curse (except for the R-19 part).

Blake was very happy. Even now, he smiled brightly when I said so.

“Yes. Ancia won’t leave me now. I can’t leave Ancia either.”

He seemed to be more pleased about the fact that I wouldn’t leave

him rather than the fact that his curse could be lifted.
I felt really bad that I once thought about leaving this child behind.

But apart from feeling bad, he was still a child.

In the original story, he was definitely a mysterious man full of


“You need to grow up a little bit more if you want me to lift your

“I have grown up already!”

Well if I looked closely, he had indeed grown up a little bit, from a

small bean to a chestnut.

“You need to be much bigger than a chestnut.”


Blake muttered with a dazed face.

I had said my thoughts out loud without realizing it.

Blake didn’t like to be treated as a child these days.

“No, wait. You look more like a peach.”


He didn’t like peaches either?

Whew, when did he grow up to be this big?

I squished his cheeks to my heart’s content.

His cheeks were soft and pink, just like a peach.

“Blake, do you want to have peaches?”


Blake puffed his cheeks. His cheeks really looked like peaches now.

“Why? It’s so sweet and delicious.”

“It’s time for my sword training. I have to go quickly.”

He turned towards the door quickly and left.

Was he upset?

But why?

I was complimenting him for being as cute as a peach though.


I followed Blake outside, but he went down to the first floor without
saying anything. He must be really upset.


When I went out of the building as I chased behind him, I saw

Tenstheon walking towards us.

I was worried that he might stop coming here because of the nobles’
protests, but he visited us often now.


I ran towards him with a big smile.

The Emperor stroked my head and smiled at me as he looked at


Blake just stood there expressionlessly.

We hadn’t seen him in nearly fifteen days, so he must be feeling
awkward seeing him again.

I went to Blake’s side and patted him on his back.

Blake bowed his head reluctantly and said, “You’re here.”

“Where are you going?”

“I was on my way to the training ground.”

“Are you going to practice?”


“Let’s go together.”

Blake’s eyes widened. I was surprised too.

Even if he came to the palace, he would only have dinner or talk for
a while with us before returning home.

But he said he was going to join Blake?

All the spies inside the Crown Prince’s palace had been removed,
but there was still a possibility that there might be other spies
keeping watch.

But today, Tenstheon didn’t care about such things.

“Blake, come on. Let’s go.”

I pushed Blake forward, so he was forced to walk with his dad by his

The servants were about to walk behind us, but I told them they
didn’t need to do that.

I wanted to give them some time together.

Tenstheon strode ahead as if he already knew the location of the
training ground. Blake’s steps were much slower than usual and the
gap between them widened.

They didn’t want to talk or hold hands. Wasn’t this just too awkward?

Tenstheon tried to overcome the awkward situation and said, “You’re


“I’m sorry…ah!”

Tenstheon caught him when he tripped. With one hand supporting

his hips, and his other hand around Blake’s back, it looked like he
was carrying a baby.

Well, it was a beautiful scene between a father and son but Blake
wasn’t a child anymore.

Blake was five years old when he was cursed. Usually as children
grew up, their parents would grow up with them.

But Tenstheon’s knowledge and experience as a father was only

until Blake was 5 years old.

It was heartbreaking to think of the time that was lost between the
father and the son.


“What are you doing? Put me down!”

Blake was embarrassed at being treated like a baby and his face
turned red.

Oh my. Well, Blake had been trying to look mature these days.

Blake smacked Tenstheon on the chest.

“It’s dangerous. Stay still.”

Tenstheon hugged Blake even tighter.

After meeting face to face after so long, they only had a short and
formal conversation with each other.

“My wife is watching!”

“Ancia, do you want to be carried too?”

“No, I’m fine!”

How old did he think I was?

I said no, but Tenstheon held Blake with one hand, corrected his
posture, and picked me up with his other hand.

While Blake and I were being carried by Tenstheon, our eyes met,
and my face turned red.

“I’m not a child anymore!”

“Both you and Blake are still babies to me.”

Tenstheon smiled as if he found it cute that I was pretending to be a

grown up even though I was only two years older than Blake.

I’m really not a child!

I could see why Blake was always upset when this happened. But I
really was a grown up!

It was so unfair!

Even though we protested, Tenstheon only walked silently with us in

his arms.

Soon, the embarrassment subsided and I became worried instead.

“Aren’t we heavy?”
“Haha, you’re worried about that?”

Tenstheon burst out laughing as he didn’t expect me to say so.

But I meant what I said.

Weren’t we both heavy?

Even a healthy adult would have a hard time holding two babies at
the same time.

But Tenstheon walked effortlessly as if he didn’t feel our weight at all.

Chapter 56 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (2)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

I looked down as I was being carried in Tenstheon’s arms.

Since we were quite high up from the ground, the scenery looked
quite different.

When I turned my head, I saw Blake’s red ears.

Even though Blake sighed in dissatisfaction, he did not tell his father
to put him down anymore.

He held Tenstheon’s collar gently with his little hand. It was a very
serene image.

When we arrived at the training ground, Tenstheon put us down.

Blake quickly got out as soon as Tenstheon loosened his arms.

“Now go back!”

Blake was uncomfortable, but Tenstheon walked inside and picked

up a wooden sword from the side.

“Are you training with this?”

“I normally use a real sword! But I’ve been resting for a while now…”

Blake’s voice gradually decreased in volume.

He was embarrassed about using a wooden sword.

He usually used a real sword for training, but after he fell sick, he
returned to training with a wooden sword.

“I see.”

Tenstheon threw the wooden sword at Blake and picked up another

wooden sword for himself.

Was he going to fight?

I looked at Blake.

Tenstheon excelled in swordsmanship. According to Edon, the best

swordsman among the Imperial knights, he was still inferior
compared to Tenstheon.

Blake’s eyes were filled with the sheer joy of being able to compete
with the most powerful man in the Empire.

Tenstheon walked to the center while Blake stood opposite to him.

“Good luck to both of you!”

I cheered for him loudly.

Tenstheon looked cold-hearted, but he was actually a warm-hearted

person. He would definitely teach Blake kindly while at the same
time making him stronger.

It may recover their father and son relationship too.

But in less than a minute, my thoughts were proven completely



Blake lost his balance when he tried to swing the sword and fell to
the ground.
Tenstheon looked at his son.

“Stand up.”

Tenstheon didn’t give him a break.

He continued their duel, and didn’t go easy on him even though he

was his son.

Of course, it would be over instantly if Tenstheon showed his full

power, but it was far from the father and son duel that I had been

“Excuse me.”

I was going to ask Tenstheon to be gentler, but Blake raised himself

up, smiled, and held the sword.

I shut my mouth. Blake didn’t want his father to go easy on him.

Rather, they were enjoying this situation.

Blake’s sword dropped to the ground before they could have a

proper fight.

“Your sword keeps falling because your grip is still weak. It is

impossible for you to carry a real sword in this state. You could put
yourself at risk.”

“I’ll be more careful.”

“Come on.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Blake did his best, but he couldn’t touch Tenstheon at all.

As time went by, Blake became tired and his grip on the sword
loosened. Tenstheon stood still, like an iron fortress.
Exactly an hour later, Tenstheon put his sword down.

“Wait! I want to practice more!”

Blake staggered as he tried to hold the sword, but Tenstheon was


“Let’s continue tomorrow.”

“You’ll come tomorrow?”

Blake asked. Usually, he didn’t care whether Tenstheon came or not.

But now, he was desperately hoping to see Tenstheon again.

Tenstheon stroked his hair with a smile.

“Yes, I will come everyday.”


“You’ve been practicing very hard. Well done.”

“No I haven’t! Don’t make fun of me.”

“I couldn’t even hold the sword properly at your age. Good job. Edon
taught you well.”

“Really? Are you going to reward Edon?”


Blake was much happier when Tenstheon praised him.

Blake hugged him and smiled.


Tenstheon suddenly picked Blake up in a careless manner.

“Put me down!”

“Do you even have any strength left to walk?”

“I can walk!”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“How about a piggyback ride?”

“I don’t want that either!”

“Should I put you on a horse?”

“I said no!”
Blake’s face turned red while Tenstheon’s mouth curved up in a

It really was fun to tease Blake. Even father knew that and teased

“Ancia, come here.”

He gestured to me. He wanted to carry me too so I shook my head in

a hurry.

“Oh no need!”

Being carried by Tenstheon was a pleasant experience, but I didn’t

want to do it twice.

I was really past that age!

However, he still picked me up with one arm.

In the end, both of us were back in the same position as before.

Ah, so embarrassing.

Tenstheon ended up staying at the Crown Prince’s palace, and we

had dinner together.

“It’s hard to swing a sword around and move at the same time. Do I
even have the talent for swordsmanship?”

“You need more experience. You’ll get used to it when you’ve

practiced more.”

Perhaps it was because they shared the same interest, but their
conversation didn’t stop throughout the meal.

“Ancia, try this. It’s very delicious.”

“Thank you Blake.”

“Have you decided to call him by his name from now on?”

Was he reminding me to follow the etiquette?

I nodded my head cautiously.


“I guess Blake has been a good husband lately.”

“Oh no, that’s not why I decided to!”

“I’ve been a good husband from the start!”

Blake answered angrily before I could.

“That’s right, My husband is very reliable.”

Tenstheon burst out laughing.

“Haha, yeah. I made a slip of the tongue. I’m sorry.”

“Please be more careful next time.”

The Emperor apologized again when Blake retorted.

The overall atmosphere was very warm and pleasant.

I hoped that this happiness would continue. No, I’ll make sure it lasts


“Yes, father.”

“Don’t expect too much.”

My heart sank at the unexpected remark.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve tried many ways to lift the curse. There were also various royal
families and churches in other countries who claimed that they could
lift the curse. But in the end, it all ended in failure.

“Even though Eunhan had excellent abilities. Magic and curses are
different. Well, you might have better chances because you’re the
Heir of Light, but don’t expect too much.”

Tenstheon was worried that I might fall into despair because I

expected too much.

He didn’t want me to suffer the pain he felt in the past.

But there was nothing to worry about.

I was the real Heir of Light, the only one who could lift the Goddess’

“Father, it’s going to be different this time. Trust me! I know how to
do it.”
“You know how?”

“Yes, I-“

A scene in the novel passed through my head.

An R-19 scene…

“Well, the Heir of Light needs to be in close contact with the heir to
the curse in order to break the curse.”

The more I spoke, the more embarrassed I became.

How do I explain that?


“Yes, it’s not working right now because we need to become closer
to each other. But Blake’s curse will definitely be lifted! Please wait a
little longer!”

Tenstheon stared at me as if he didn’t understand a thing.

“Please wait a little longer until Blake grows up! The curse will be
lifted! So you don’t have to worry about it!”


Somehow Tenstheon looked embarrassed as well.

“Do you understand me?”

I asked carefully as he nodded.

“So you need more time…”

“Yes! So please wait a little more!”

Chapter 57 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (3)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Did he believe me?

I hoped he wouldn’t be too worried in the future.

“Okay, I’ll believe in you.”


“Who else would I trust if not my own daughter?”

Tenstheon smiled.

“Thank you for coming today, father.”

“No need to thank me. I’ve already burdened you with taking care of

“Blake’s not a burden! He’s my treasure! Even if you’re his dad, I’ll be
mad if you say that again!”

“I’m sorry. I said the wrong thing.”

He stroked my head with a smile.

“If you’re really sorry, you’ll have to come tomorrow and play with

“Even if you told me not to come, I’d come everyday. Don’t worry.”

Something had changed in Tenstheon. He didn’t worry about a lot of

things like before.
“You can even move to the Amoria palace.”

I grinned broadly.


I looked at Blake’s face as he slept soundly.

As promised, Tenstheon visited Amoria Palace everyday to teach

Blake swordsmanship.

Edon was acknowledged for teaching Blake swordsmanship as well

and bestowed with an expensive sword. Tenstheon rewarded the
other servants too.

Blake and Tenstheon’s relationship was getting better as the happy

days continued, but I couldn’t relax.

I was completely preoccupied by thoughts about Blake’s curse.

Even though I had the method to break the curse, the problem still
dominated my mind.

Why did it have to be a R-19 novel?

There was actually an R-15 version of the novel. But even in the
clean version, there wasn’t much of a difference other than some
scenes not being explained in detail.

Then again, why was Blake acting different from the novel?

Was it when Blake grew up?

Once he grew up, would he really become a handsome man who

oozed sexiness?

Would the rabbit really turn into a wolf when he became older?

A rabbit would stay as a rabbit, and a wolf would stay as a wolf.


I checked whether Blake was really asleep or not, and then I touched
his cheeks.

It was very soft.

Oh, I thought too much.

Besides, I couldn’t wait for Blake’s curse to be lifted.

Baekhan said that the power of light I had was preventing the curse
from spreading any further.

But that didn’t mean the pain would go away.

The curse still haunted Blake and he was still suffering just as much
as he did many years ago.

Blake would continue to be in pain unless his curse was lifted.

I decided to do what I could do first. I would cook for Blake.

Baekhan said that the food I cooked had the power of light in it.

Then wouldn’t eating more of the food I made prevent the curse from

I began to cook three meals a day for him.

“Blake, eat this mushroom egg.”

“Yes! It’s delicious!”

“Have more soup.”

“There is milk pudding for dessert. I made it from the milk father gave

I didn’t know why, but Tenstheon had been sending milk to the
Crown Prince’s Palace these days.

Wait…was it because I said Blake needed to grow up?

“Your Highness, what do you want to have as a snack?”

“Ancia, my stomach is going to burst.”

Blake touched his plump belly.

“Don’t worry, your stomach is very cute.”


“What would you like for dinner?”


“Why nothing? Are you feeling sick?”

“I don’t want to have a big tummy,” he murmured.


“I eat so much everyday. My belly has gotten a lot bigger.”


I looked at Blake’s belly.

He had been eating a lot, so his belly had become big.

I had been putting in a lot of effort so he could grow up sooner, but

seeing him now, I felt a little sad.
I felt like I understood how my grandma felt when she said I had
grown up.

“Don’t worry. You’ll grow up to be just as handsome as His Majesty.”

“Will I?”

“Of course! You’re my husband after all.”


Blake laughed at my praise. I also laughed in response.

I was the happiest when Blake laughed.

It had always been like that.


—The Goddess of Light sent a girl. The girl brought light to Asteric,
and the Curse of the Goddess will be lifted by her.

Richard read the report that Domiram gave him, and then crumpled it

Since Blake and Ancia got married, there were rumors saying the
Crown Prince’s curse would be lifted.

“Emperor Tenstheon didn’t commit any sin. He brought glory to the

land instead. His son can’t be evil. The Goddess must’ve made a
mistake. I’m sure she’ll lift the curse.”

“Crown Princess Ancia is sent by the Goddess. The Goddess

realized her mistake and sent Ancia to release the Crown Prince’s

“The Crown Princess always smiles brightly around the Crown

Prince. If the Crown Prince really was a monster, the Crown Princess
wouldn’t be that happy.”
“The Crown Prince is blessed. I’m sure the curse will be lifted soon.
Ancia will release the curse.”

“There must be a reason why His Majesty didn’t send the Crown
Prince to the Southern Island.

“The Curse of the Goddess will be lifted in the thousandth year.”

Even though the cursed Crown Prince lived in the palace, most of
the people now believed that the curse would be lifted, so they didn’t
protest anymore.

rumors about the Curse of the Goddess being lifted after the 1000th
anniversary of the Empire began to spread rapidly.

When first Richard heard the rumors, he did not pay them any mind.

They were stupid and absurd.

The Crown Prince didn’t have to leave the palace because of

Tenstheon’s influence. In front of the powerful Emperor, the nobles
were forced to shut their mouths. Tenstheon was good at

Richard thought about the rumors, especially the ones that said the
curse would be lifted because Tenstheon was Blake’s father, or
because of Ancia and the 1000th anniversary of the Empire. He
thought they were all very stupid.

It was the 993rd year this year.

Blake would turn 18 years old in the 1000th year.

But what was the difference? Richard thought it was all just stupid

He only laughed when he heard the rumors. It wasn’t just the

commoners, even some of the noble believed it.
By the time some people realized that those rumors were fake, they
would’ve already spread far and wide. For now, he’d just wait and

The rumors had originated from the people’s wishes. It was annoying
to see those fools talking about it in such a serious manner. The
curse wouldn’t be lifted anyway, so the rumors would naturally
disappear once Blake died.

However, there was another strange rumor that had been spreading
since last month.

“The Goddess of Light was angry and cursed Phillip’s descendants

because he sinned greatly. Over the years, Asteric Empire flourished
and was blessed abundantly. The earth bloomed with flowers and
the people were full of laughter. The Goddess of Light decided to lift
the curse, so she sent a girl to the Imperial family. The curse will be
lifted by Ancia, in the 1000th year of the Empire. Together, the
Crown Prince and Crown Princess will bring glory to the Asteric

Richard ordered Domiram to collect the rumors that had spread, but
he was convinced of one fact.

‘Tenstheon has begun moving.’

The rumors had been spread ahead of time. Anyone could tell that
those fairytale-like rumors had been spread intentionally.

“It is the work of the Emperor.”

Richard gritted his teeth as Domiram carefully opened his mouth.

“Maybe it’s because of the Festival of Light.”

Every June, the Festival of Light would be held in order to

commemorate the day the Goddess of Light gave her power to
It was the second largest festival after the festival to commemorate
the founding of the Empire. The whole country would be in a festive
mood for many days.

There would also be various exchanges between different regions,

so food, fashion and culture which were popular in other regions
would be spread throughout the country.

“No, this is Tenstheon’s doing.”

Chapter 58 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (4)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

There was a fundamental difference between this rumor and the one
that had spread across the country.

Emperor Phillip betrayed the Goddess so he was cursed in return.

However, only a few people knew of this fact.

Most people in the Empire thought that the Goddess of Light had
cursed the fallen souls or the seeds of a tyrant.

Suddenly, there was a change in the rumor.

“The Goddess of Light was angry and cursed his descendant. It was
not the heir to the curse’s fault. The sins of Emperor Phillip have
been brought upon his descendant.”

The rumors clearly stated the facts. Whoever spread this rumor
knew the truth about the curse.

And in the Empire there were only a few that knew about this truth.

It was the Emperor, the High Priest and Duke Cassil.

Richard had also found out while spying on the Duke of Cassil.

In any case, out of the three men, only Tenstheon was willing to
protect the Crown Prince, even at the cost of defaming the first
Emperor of Asteric Empire.

‘Why did the Emperor do that?’

The Emperor had changed after the Crown Prince fell into a coma.
He’d often visit Amoria Palace to spend time with the Crown Prince.

In addition, he even rewarded the Crown Prince’s servants

frequently. The nobles were rather silent about this recent

As a result of the rational Tenstheon suddenly changing his attitude,

rumors spread that the Emperor seemed to have found a way to lift
the curse.

The nobles and the commoners alike said the curse would be lifted


‘Did he really find a way to lift the curse?’

‘No way. If there was such a way, the curse would already have been

For many years, countless Emperors had tried to lift the curse. But in
the end, they all failed.

A corner of Richard’s mouth raised up.

“Maybe it’s the opposite.”

“What do you mean?”

“The Crown Prince only has a few days left.”

Blake only had a few days left to live so Tenstheon wanted to

accompany his son during his last moments.

However, as soon as the nobles found out that Tenstheon had been
visiting the Crown Prince, they would begin to protest.

So, Tenstheon spread rumors that the curse would be lifted soon.
This scenario was a hundred times more reasonable.

“I’ll have to hurry”

Richard said with a huge smile on his lips.

If Blake died, Ancia would become a princess and her new husband
would become the Emperor.

So he had to make Ancia his as soon as possible.


The Festival of Light had begun.

The Festival of Light, which commemorated the day when the

Goddess of Light gave her power to Phillip, lasted for fifteen days.

“Terry, get the turkey ready. I’m going to make roasted turkey.”

In fact, I wanted to make roasted chicken, but when it came to

creating a festive mood, turkey was the best.

“Will you be cooking today?”

“Yes. I’ll make an apple pie too!”

“Your Highness, give me a chance to work too.”

Chef Terry said playfully.

I used to cook often before, but ever since I found out that the food I
cooked had the power of light in it, I prepared meals for Blake
without skipping a day.

“Your Highness. Aren’t you cooking everyday lately? Terry and I will
make the turkey, so why don’t you go to the square? There are so
many things to see.”
Melissa also urged me to go in a friendly way, seeing that I planned
to stay in the palace throughout the festival period.

“I don’t like crowded places.”

Frankly, I wanted to go to the festival.

But I could go to the festival when Blake’s curse was lifted later.

“Melissa, you can go there with Hans.”

“Wh-what? Why Hans?!”


I thought that everyone in the Amoria Palace knew that they were

But seeing how embarrassed she was, I realized that they were
probably trying to keep it under wraps.

Well, if she didn’t want to reveal it yet, I could only help her hide it.

“Terry, go out with your brother. The Festival of Light only comes
once a year.”

“I’m sick of festivals. In the past, whenever there was a festival going
on, I thought I’d die cooking for so many customers. Even when I
went home after work, it would be so noisy that I couldn’t even enjoy
my break time. So terrible.”

Terry shook his head, recalling the time he used to work at the

Melissa elbowed Terry on the side so he could take a hint.

“Terrible? Your Highness, you cannot believe his words, the festival
is so much fun. There’s a lot to see and a lot to eat. It will definitely
be a good memory.”
Melissa urged me to go to the festival again.

“Your Highness, you’ve been so busy cooking lately. How about you
go out to refresh your mind?”

Something was out of the ordinary.

I had never attended any of the festivals of this world before either,
but Melissa had never urged me this much.

“What’s wrong Melissa?”

“Oh nothing.”

Melissa waved her hand in a hurry. That made it even more


“Tell me!”


After an hour of questioning, I finally heard the truth from Melissa.

Blake had asked her to take me to the festival.

He thought that I didn’t want to go to the festival because of him.

So did Tenstheon. I didn’t know that Tenstheon was also concerned

about this.

That night, I said to Blake, “Blake, I don’t like festivals.”


“It’s scary because there are so many people. I don’t want to get

“Get lost?”
Blake’s face turned pale. He must’ve imagined it.

“Yes, I got lost in the square when I was young.”

This was true. It wasn’t my past, but it was what the original Ancia
went through.

Ancia’s biological father, Gilbert Bellacian, had once left her in the
middle of the square and gone back alone.

He had abandoned her.

“Fortunately, thanks to the people in the square, I was able to return

home safely.”

When Ancia returned home, Gilbert was visibly irritated.

Even though I wasn’t the one who experienced it, it was still
heartbreaking to think about that day. I could only imagine how
heartbreaking that day was for the original Ancia.

“Festivals must be scary…”

Of course fear and heartache were different. Ancia’s memory still

lingered in my mind, but that wasn’t why I didn’t want to go to the

I didn’t want to leave Blake alone.

If I went alone, I would only think of Blake and wouldn’t have any fun.

But Blake would be upset if I said that, so I made up a different


“I’m sorry…I didn’t know.”

I stroked Blake’s hair and grinned.

“What’s there to be sorry about Blake?”


“Don’t you want to go to the festival?”


Was he serious?

In the original story, Blake only saw the festival once.

Jane, Blake’s original maid, had begged him to come with her.

When Blake said he didn’t want to, she pretended to cry.

After hearing Jane’s fake sob story, Blake finally decided to go.

They snuck out of the palace together and Blake watched the
festival, wearing a large mask that covered his entire face. There
were many people who were uniquely dressed in the festival, so he
didn’t look out of place.

Blake enjoyed the festival, but the happiness didn’t last long.

The maid, Jane, was a spy planted by Richard, and she had brought
Blake to the festival at his command.

Jane took off Blake’s mask intentionally, and then, as if they had
been waiting for it, Richard’s servants shouted, “The monstrous
Crown Prince has appeared!”

Hearing that, the people in the square screamed and cursed at


There were many who threw stones at Blake.

Blake was deeply hurt by the incident. In addition, the Duke of Cassil
also attacked Tenstheon because of this incident.
Tenstheon wanted to comfort his wounded son, but as a result of
protecting him, the misunderstanding between the two deepened.
Chapter 59 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (5)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Blake spent his childhood all alone without anyone to rely on.

I kicked out the maid, Jane, and also blocked Richard’s ruse. But I
couldn’t take Blake to the festival. If the people found out who he
was, the tragedy would repeat once again.

“I don’t like festivals either. I like it best when I’m with my wife.”
Blake smiled brightly.

Fortunately he didn’t look sad because he couldn’t attend the


“Me too.”

I clasped Blake’s hand.

“Once your curse is lifted and you’re tall enough to not get lost, let’s
go to the festival together.”

“Yes, we’ll definitely go to the festival together.”

I nodded with a big smile.

“I promise.”

Blake stuck out his pinky finger.

I hooked my pinky finger around his without hesitation.

“Yes, I promise.”
But I shouldn’t have promised him that day. In the end, I failed to
keep my promise.

I didn’t get to see the festival with Blake.

But at this time, I was still full of happiness, unaware of the events
that would unravel in the future.


Blake and I spent the days together, reading books, studying, and

It was so fun that I forgot about the festival.

“Blake, make sure you knead the dough properly.”


Blake did as I said.

Blake’s red lips were pressed together as he concentrated with all

his mind. How cute.

As I was looking at Blake working hard to knead the dough, Melissa

came inside.

“Your Highness, you have a visitor.”

“Right now?”


Who was it?

There were many people who’d come to visit me for business, but
they’d usually come to the Sephia Palace.

People rarely came to the Amoria palace.

“Who is it?”

Melissa replied cautiously.

“Sir Richard.”

The moment I heard his name, my expression turned ugly.

What was Richard doing here?

After our meeting at his mother’s grave, Richard had once again
begun to send me gifts and letters.

I turned them all down. I thought he had misunderstood something

so I wrote him a letter.

Richard was the male lead in the original story and there were many
women who admired him.

It wouldn’t be bad if he met someone nice and lived happily.

I thought he came to his senses after I rejected his gift and wrote him
a letter explaining things, but he still came all the way to Amoria

“I’m busy now. I can’t meet him.”

I was going to reject Richard, but I hesitated.

What if he was trying to trap Blake like he did in the original story?
So I said, “On second thought, I’ll meet him.”

I had to find out what he was up to.

“Do you want me to escort you?”

“No. Tell him to wait outside.”

I didn’t want Richard entering a place that belonged to me and

Besides, what if he did something when he came inside? He might

set up some magical tool or even a camera.


Richard greeted me when I walked out of the palace.

“It’s been a long time since I saw you.”


As usual, he looked arrogant.

It was better than being depressed, but this kind of a condescending

Richard was an eyesore to me.

“This palace is rather unique.”

“What do you mean?”

“There must not be any guest rooms inside, seeing as how you didn’t
even invite me in.”

He brought up the fact that I didn’t invite him inside. I became even
more suspicious when he said that.

Why did he want to enter the palace? What had he prepared?

“I don’t remember inviting you in.”

“When will you let go of your anger?”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“At that time, I couldn’t accept your feelings because it wasn’t the
right time. But didn’t I apologize already? I think it’s about time you
forgave me.”


I was speechless.

Did he really believe that I still liked him?

Even after everything?

“You seem to be mistaken. I’ve never considered you as someone


“Then, I’ll try to become someone special to you.”

Even when I rejected him, he smiled leisurely.

Richard had been popular among women all his life.

He had never been rejected nor had he failed to seduce anyone.

But his self-confidence and gloating smile were very annoying to me.

“You seem to have forgotten who I am. I’m already married.”

“Don’t husbands still keep a mistress or another lover even though

they’re married?”

“His Majesty never had any mistresses or lovers.”

“His Majesty is a special case. I’m just saying that it’s just what
usually happens in ordinary cases.”

He wasn’t even making any sense.

“So why are you saying this?”

“Why don’t we go to the festival together?”


In the original story, Richard took Blake to the festival because he

had set up a trap for him.

But now, he was trying to take me instead?

What was he up to?

“Yes, it’ll be a lot of fun compared to staying in the palace. I want to

return your favor from before too.”

“I don’t want to go.”

“Please come with me.”

Richard wiped off the arrogant expression from his face and reached
out to me politely.

In any case, I didn’t think he was aiming for Blake today.

I relaxed my stiff expression.

However, I didn’t put my guard down and spoke slowly.

“If you want to return the favor, repay the Emperor and His Highness
with your sincerity.”


He was silent.

He couldn’t give up his ambition to become the Emperor?

“And never come to see me again. Also, I won’t forgive you for
making such a rude remark, Sir Cassil.”

I said monotonously before going back to the palace.

Then, I saw Blake standing at the door.

“Blake, are you done?”

“Yes, Melissa also helped me.”

“That’s great! Let’s go inside.”

We returned to the kitchen as I held his shoulders.

“Richard has changed a lot. He’s become very handsome.”

Blake must have seen me and Richard talking.

Did he hear our conversation?

“You’re much more handsome.”


“I’m really telling the truth. You’re the most handsome person that I

I said, smiling brightly. Blake also smiled back in response.



“Thank you.”

I held his hands instead of answering.


We went to the room, taking the cookies we made together with us.

“Blake, ah—“

When I held the cookie in front of Blake, he chomped on it with his
mouth wide open.

Should I tease this cute rabbit?

Just the sight of him eating messily was enough to make me laugh.

I fed him lots of delicious breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks, and

late night snacks, so his cheeks had become plumper.

I touched his hands. I felt like his hands were becoming plump too.

“It reminds me of a fairytale I heard when I was young.”

“What happened in it?”

“A long time ago, a brother and sister got lost in the mountain. They
became very tired and hungry after walking for a long time.
Suddenly, a house made of cookies appeared in front of them.”

“A house made of cookies?”

Blake’s expression suddenly became serious. He was so cute.

“That’s right. The witch locked the siblings in the house and fed them
delicious meals everyday. Once, she grabbed the brother’s hand and
noticed how plump it was. Then, she said…”

“What did she say?”

“I’m going to eat you.”

I said in a low voice with my hands raised.

Blake opened his eyes wide in surprise and quickly climbed into the

Was it that scary?


I also went into the bed and called his name.

Then, I pulled the blanket down his face.

“Ancia, are you going to eat me?”


“Am I that plump?”

“Haha, what are you talking about?”

I fixed the blanket and went under it too. Blake came into my arms
while shivering.

He looked at me with moist eyes.

“Is that why you cooked me delicious food everyday? So you could
eat me?”


Why did he look so scared?

“No! Of course that’s not true! Why would I eat my rabbit?”

I shook my head.

So that was why.

“Ancia, you’re not going to eat me?”

“I’m not.”

“Am I really that plump?”

His crimson eyes twinkled like jewels.

Chapter 60 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (6)

TL: Zimmings
Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“I’m not a witch. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you. Don’t be scared.”

I comforted Blake who was still scared because of the story. Then,
after being silent for a while, Blake smiled brightly.

“Yes, I’ll protect my wife too.”

He came out of the blanket and hugged me tightly.

Blake was really so nice.


A huge ball was held in the palace in order to commemorate the day
Goddess of Light gave her power to Phillip.

Various representatives from the nobility, knights’ academy and

many more, came to thank the Goddess and praise Phillip.

Everytime I heard them praising Phillip, I felt annoyed.

He was the reason why Blake was cursed, yet, he was praised as a
hero while the victim was despised.

The ball began after the congratulatory speech ended.

Tenstheon left the ballroom with the Duke of Cassil and Collin. I
walked to a corner of the dancing hall quietly.

But there were many people who tried to approach me and talk to
There were always people who tried to do so every ball, but there
were really too many this time.

In particular, there were many men who came to ask me for a dance.

“Your Highness, won’t you share your glorious first dance with me?”

“I’m sorry. I’m not feeling very well today.”

“But just once…”

“I don’t want to dance.”


‘He’s so rude.’

When they saw the requests for a dance flooding in, Countess
Chardin and some women refused in my stead.

I was wondering why Richard was very quiet while the others were
doing this today, when suddenly, a man came up to me.

The silver-haired man with small eyes reeked of booze. It was Frank,
Richard’s half brother.

“Just one song.”

He commanded me in a haughty manner.

His actions went against the etiquette.

However, no one dared to point out his rudeness because Frank was
the Emperor’s nephew and the candidate most likely to become the
new Crown Prince.

I looked Frank in the eye and said, “I refuse.”

Frank’s expression turned sour.

When I rejected his very disrespectful advances, his pride was


“How dare you disobey me?! Did you not get a proper education
because you’re a fallen count’s daughter?”

The atmosphere instantly turned cold. Even if he was next in line for
the Crown Prince position, I was still the Crown Princess right now.

Everyone was astonished by Frank’s rude words, but he didn’t stop


“Not everyone’s a fool. No one’s going to believe the stupid rumor

about the curse being lifted soon. Are you an idiot? I’m the next
Emperor! I, Frank, will become the next Emperor! You seem to be
underestimating me because you’re going to become a princess, but
your husband would be the Emperor, so that means you’ll be mine!
You’re going to marry me anyway!”

Frank shouted incoherently. His choice of words and pronunciation

were both terrible, and he couldn’t even stand properly.

As he continued to keep speaking so rudely, I was becoming rather


Frank was an arrogant person. The Duke of Cassil cared about

Frank because he was just like him. He doted on him, thinking that
Frank would become the next Emperor.

Frank, too, thought of himself as the next Emperor.

However, he was usually careful not to make such a mistake in a

ballroom where so many important people were gathered.

I had already encountered him several times during various balls.

But, he suddenly went on rampage today.

No way…

I looked at Richard.

Everyone was in a shock, but Richard was smiling.

This must’ve been one of his ruses.

He deliberately let Frank get drunk.

“Frank, don’t do this.”

Frank’s fiancee, the daughter of the Westin family stepped up and

tried to stop him. Frank shook her off roughly.

“How dare you touch me! You’re so ugly! I wouldn’t even accept you
as my fiancee if you weren’t from the Westin family! Ah, I don’t need
your family anymore, so just get lost!”


Everyone was very shocked, but the smile on Richard’s lips grew

“Sir Cassil, you should go now. You’re very drunk. I’ll speak to you
later about your rudeness today..

When I raised my hand to call a servant, Frank grabbed me by the


“Who are you to order me?!”

“What are you doing?! Let me go!”

“I am the Emperor of Asteric! I’m the Emperor! The monster’s going

to die anyway and you’re going to be mine! Ahh—!”

Frank screamed as he fell to the floor. He furiously turned to look at

the man who had knocked him down.
“Who are you?! How dare you!”

“Your Majesty.”

Tenstheon was looking down at Frank.


“Ancia, are you alright? Are you hurt?”

Tenstheon gave me a big hug and comforted me.

“I’m fine.”

Then, Frank hurriedly said, “Your Majesty! I didn’t mean that!”

This time, his pronunciation was relatively clear.

He must’ve sobered up when he saw Tenstheon.

“The Crown Princess seduced me first!”

Frank ended up blaming me. Tenstheon kicked him in the stomach.

“I-I was wrong!”

A sword was now pointed at him.

Silence fell upon the huge ballroom. The people were overwhelmed
by the Emperor’s presence, but no one dared to stop him.

Frank had called the Crown Prince a monster and brought up the
fact that he would die soon in front of everyone.

Of course, this was no secret to anyone, but everyone would only

discuss it in private. Afterall, Blake was still the Crown Prince of this
Even though he was the heir to the curse, people could never bring
that up in front of the Emperor and the Crown Princess.

Moreover, Frank had called himself the Emperor of the Empire.

Under these circumstances, there was no noble who would dare to

side with Frank. There was only one person who took his side.

“Your Majesty, please stop!”

The Duke of Cassil tried to stop Tenstheon.

“Frank is your nephew! How could you do this over a small mistake?”

“Small mistake?”

Everyone held their breaths, while the Duke of Cassil continued


“Yes, he made a small mistake because he was drunk! Even I could

tell that Frank was drunk when he said that!”

“Your Excellency, that’s enough.”

Reading the unusual atmosphere, Richard tried to stop the Duke of

Cassil, but the Duke shouted even louder.

“Moreover, he was just expressing his opinion. Is there anything

wrong with that?”

“I see.”

“I’m glad you understand it.”

“No matter what he said, you owe him an apology.”

The corners of Duke of Cassil’s mouth raised up. He was very happy
because of his victory over Tenstheon.
Frank quickly stood up.

“Hey, that’s right! I need an apology!”

Tenstheon looked at the two of them.

“I knew it. This idiot also learned from you.”

“Idiot?! I’m not an idiot!”

The Duke of Cassil tried to protest but Tenstheon ignored him.

“Lock the Duke of Cassil and his eldest son up in prison. They’re
charged with treason.”

“T-treason? Brother, what do you mean?”

The Duke of Cassil’s eyes widened.

He still hadn’t grasped the situation, but there was no one who would
explain the situation to him either.

The Duke of Cassil and Frank were immediately taken away by the

Richard hadn’t expected this to happen either.

Tenstheon came closer to me.

“You must;ve been scared. I’m sorry I came so late.”

“No, it’s okay.”

He hugged me. I also hugged him back tightly in response.

I wanted to comfort Tenstheon because he seemed more shocked

than I was.

There was one good thing about Frank’s incident.

The dance, which was supposed to last all night, ended early, so I
was able to return to Amoria palace earlier.

“Ancia, why did you come back so early?”

“I missed my husband.”

“What happened?”

Blake was quick-witted. Even though I spoke as brightly as I could,

he noticed it instantly.

“I came home early because I wanted to see the fireworks with you.”



On the last day of the festival, there would be fireworks everywhere.

The event was big enough to be seen from the Crown Prince’s

“Hurry up.”


We went up to the small attic on the topmost floor of the Amoria


Although the space wasn’t used frequently, Melissa had still cleaned
it in advance.

“Melissa and Hans are at the square right?”

“Yes, they should be in the square waiting for the fireworks to start by
I gave Melissa and Hans a vacation today. They both refused but I
told them to spend some time together. At this point, they probably
forgot to hide their relationship and decided to enjoy a date together.

“We could do the same, right?”

Chapter 61 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (7)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Let’s watch this.”

Our hands were clasped together tightly.

At that moment, the fireworks burst with a loud crackle outside the
attic’s window before quickly fading away.


“Yes, it’s very beautiful.”

I nodded, watching the fireworks, when suddenly, I felt Blake’s soft

lips on my cheeks.

Blake quickly turned away but I saw his face and ears burning red.

It took me a moment to realize what just happened.


Blake had kissed me just now.

He whispered, “Ancia, I love you.”

His voice was muffled by the fireworks, but I still heard him.


I pretended to not have heard him.

I wanted to tease him a little bit.

“…I love you.”

“I can’t hear you.”

“I love you…”

“Speak a little louder.”

His face gradually turned even redder.

I should probably stop teasing him now.

“I love you, Ancia.”

Blake was shy, but he spoke sincerely.

I couldn’t make fun of him anymore when I met his gaze.

“Me too. I’m happy I meet you, Blake.”

I’m glad I came to this world because I was able to meet him. That
was enough for me.

We spent a long time watching the fireworks and fell asleep with our
hands intertwined.


I had a dream. Blake and I were walking together in a forest. Blake’s

hair was sparkling and his sharp nose and jawline were outlined by
the moonlight. His skin was flawless with no signs of the curse. He
had grown up to become a wonderful man.

I wanted to look at his face more closely, but for some reason, I felt

“…look at me.”

“Come on.”

He turned my head towards him.


When I woke up, my eyes were moist. In my dream, Blake had

become a wonderful young man and no longer had the curse. The
Blake in my dream had black hair, but his face was still the same

The cursed inscriptions that covered his face had disappeared.



“Blake the cursed inscriptions are gone.”


Then, Blake checked his hands. He touched his face too.

“It’s gone…”

“Yes, it’s gone. There’s no curse on you anymore!”

He glanced at the window and confirmed that the inscriptions had

really disappeared.

“There really isn’t. Did I see it wrong?”

“Wait! I’ll get the mirror.”

As soon as I got up, Blake hugged me.


“Ancia, I…I… the curse…ah! The curse has been lifted.”

He burst into tears.

Blake cried a lot. I’d never seen him cry so much before. But they
were all tears of joy.

I hugged Blake in response.

“That’s right. It’s finally been lifted.”

“Ahh! A-ancia…I…I will live…”

I thought I knew Blake’s thoughts better than anyone. How hard had
it been for him? I burst into tears because I felt so sorry for him.

“I…can s-stay with Ancia…I’ll stay with you for a long time…forever!”

He rejoiced that he could be with me because he had been cured.

I was quite selfish. I didn’t want to leave Blake behind.

“That’s right, we’ll be together forever. We’ll never be apart.”

We hugged each other and cried for a long time.


Startled by the cries from the attic, Melissa opened the door.

Ancia and Blake were hugging each other while crying.

What happened?

Melissa’s heart sank. Last night, she went to see the Festival of Light
with Hans thanks to Ancia.

It had been a year since they started dating, but it was their first time
going out together outside the palace.

“Hans, wait a minute. Listen to that song.”

“It’s a song about His Highness the Crown Prince. The lyrics are
about a girl sent by the Goddess to lift the prince’s curse.”

It wasn’t just that.

The newspapers were also filled with the same story.

“I hope the curse really does get lifted.”

“It will. Her Highness is the Heir of Light. Only good things will
happen since she’s around.”

The fireworks lit up the night sky as the two of them prayed that
Blake’s curse would be lifted soon.

Even though they were outside the palace, they were still concerned
about the Crown Prince and Crown Princess.

Melissa and Hans only learned about Frank’s incident when they
returned to the palace.

They regretted going out, but Melissa was relieved to see the two of
them sleeping next to each other peacefully when she came back.

But then, she suddenly heard a loud cry come from the room.

Melissa went to see what was going on, but when she saw Blake’s
face, she couldn’t find any words to speak.

Blake’s face was spotless. The sentences of the curse were gone.

The curse had been lifted.

“Oh my goodness!”


Melissa called out to Hans and he ran over immediately in alarm.

Soon, Hans’ eyes also widened at the sight.

“Your Highness, the curse…”

“That’s right. It’s been lifted.”

Melissa smiled and tugged Hans’ hands.

“Let’s get out of here. We should give them some space.”


Tenstheon came running to the palace at once after he heard that

Blake’s curse had been lifted.


Tenstheon grabbed Blake’s face.


Blake’s cheeks were smooshed as Tenstheon inspected his face


“It…really worked.”

“The curse has been lifted.”

“Yes, it was reweased, so your mwajesty, this is a lwittle-”

Blake’s face was pressed on both sides, so he spoke with a sloppy


He tried to get out of his father’s hold but Tenstheon grabbed on

even more strongly.

“Does it hurt? Are you alright?”

“It’s alright.. Your Majesty, I’m out of breath.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“Ancia, you released Blake’s curse. Thank you very much.”

Tenstheon clasped my hand and thanked me.

“Your Majesty is right! Ancia lifted the curse!”

Blake held my other hand.

The curse of the Goddess had been lifted.

Was this real? It was not a dream.

The warmth in my hands was proof that this was not a dream.

“Thanks, Ancia.”

Tenstheon and Blake kept thanking me.

I was also very grateful that the curse had been lifted.


Richard bribed a guard and managed to get into the prison.

“It’s all because of you! You should’ve stopped him when you saw
him drinking!”

The Duke of Cassil shouted as soon as he saw Richard.

If there was anything lying around, he would definitely throw it at


Frank was the one who caused the incident during the ball, but
Arnold Cassil still blamed Richard for it.

Richard did not make any excuses and quietly stood with his head
“I’m sorry, I didn’t expect that to happen.”

The situation had turned out completely according to his plans, so he

didn’t find it as unfair.

Despite the protests, the Emperor still visited the Crown Prince’s
palace. Rumours of the curse being lifted spread rapidly and Arnold
Cassil became anxious.

But Frank’s thoughts were different.

“Why would you worry about that dying kid? In the end, Bellacian’s
eldest daughter will be mine.”
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Chapter 62 – Why did it have to be an R-19 novel? (8)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Rumours spread in the Capital that if the Crown Prince died, Ancia
would become a princess and her new husband would become the

The children of nobility were impatient and attempted to sway Ancia.

Ironically, at the same time, they believed that the Crown Prince’s
curse would be lifted.

Despite the fierce competition, Frank was confident.

“It’s not that hard to win the heart of a girl who longs for affection. It’s
a relief that she’s pretty. I can finally say goodbye to that ugly Westin

Frank was supposed to marry the daughter of Marquis Westin.

The Duke of Cassil chose this marriage for him after much

Frank was dissatisfied with her appearance but they were one of the
wealthiest families in the Empire and also had immense influence.
It was impossible to break the marriage because the wedding date
had already been set.

Richard looked at his clueless half-brother as he held back his


But it was an advantage for Richard.

Frank was addicted to gambling, alcohol and drugs. It was Richard’s

duty to restrain him. He took advantage of that and let Frank get
drunk before he took him to the ball.

The Emperor and Duke Cassil were not present at that time. The
Duke of Cassil called Tenstheon out to protest him visiting the Crown
Prince’s palace.

“How dare you disobey me?! I doubt you even got a proper
education since you’re a fallen count’s daughter.”

And as Richard expected, Frank caused trouble.

His personality was already very bad, but when he got drunk, he’d
become a total scoundrel.

After Frank revealed his true nature in front of everyone, Richard

would save Ancia and win her favor.

Everything was going according to his plans.

“That’s enough.”

Richard was about to intervene but someone unexpectedly

intervened before him. Tenstheon appeared.

And the Emperor knocked Frank out with just a few words.

Richard was shocked for a while, but he felt that this wasn’t a bad
development either.
Although he missed the opportunity to gain Ancia’s favor, he was
able to eliminate Frank from the list of candidates.

Although he made a controversial remark, he might only be expelled

from the family.

But the Duke of Cassil suddenly appeared.

“Your Majesty, stop!”

Besides Frank, there was one more fool in the Cassil family.

It was Arnold Cassil.

He ridiculed the Crown Prince, Imperial family and defended his

son’s treasonous remarks.

But even that was not enough for him and he yelled at the Emperor.

The Duke of Cassil cared a lot about Frank, but this was just plain

Tenstheon didn’t miss this opportunity.

“You must apologize to him, no matter what you say!”

Richard realized that he had no eye for people.

So far he thought Frank Cassil was the dumbest human being in the

But Arnold was even dumber than him.

“Your excellency, this is no time to worry about that. You have been
accused of treason.”

“Treason? What treason?”

The Duke of Cassil was completely unaware of the seriousness of
the situation.

“But the Emperor…”

“What about the Emperor?! So what if he’s angry?! My Frank didn’t

say anything wrong. That monster is cursed and won’t live very

Tenstheon was a very cautious person.

Frank and the Duke were put into prison, but it wasn’t simply
because they harassed the Crown Princess.

Of course, their words were controversial, but they couldn’t be

charged with treason with that alone.

The punishment was far too excessive compared to the degree of

their offence. There was no way the Emperor didn’t know about this.

Still, Tenstheon said they plotted treason. Richard was able to guess
Tenstheon’s intention.

“The Emperor had declared war on us. We have to come up with a


The Emperor was trying to bring out the Duke’s past sins.

They planted spies in the palace, criticized the Emperor, Crown

Prince, Crown Princess and spread rumors about the Crown Prince
among the public to make a mockery out of him.

Furthermore, Arnold Cassil had plotted to assassinate Tenstheon in

the past.

When Blake was cursed, the Duke of Cassil’s ambitions grew. He

wished to kill Tenstheon and become the Emperor.
But Tenstheon quickly noticed the situation and Arnold was forced to
give up his plans.

Besides that, there were many other things they did that hadn’t been

Even though Richard warned him, the Duke remained calm.

“They don’t have any evidence anyway. Weren’t you responsible for
getting rid of it?”

Arnold Cassil entrusted Richard with cleaning up everything.

“No, but there’s a very important witness left, isn’t there?”

Tenstheon locked Duke Cassil in the West Prison of the Imperial

palace while Frank Cassil was sent to the underground East Prison
of the Imperial palace.

Frank was locked up in the place that was usually reserved to punish
prisoners. There were many tools to torture them and the facilities
were poor.

Richard tried to get in and meet Frank, but he failed to bribe the
knight guarding the prison.

Frank would definitely go crazy from being locked up in such a place

and spill everything. When the Duke of Cassil understood Richard’s
meaning, he became furious.

“Frank won’t betray us!”

“Perhaps he’s already betrayed us. He doesn’t have any qualms

when it comes to betraying people for his own gain. Just put all the
blame on him.”

The Duke of Cassil slapped Richard.

“You wicked bastard! What are you saying?! You’ve always had your
eye on Frank’s place, haven’t you?”

“It’s not like that. I only suggested it to protect you.”

Richard meant it. He had planned to get rid of Frank anyway since
the Duke was more important.

Richard hated the Duke and his family, but he needed their power.
He wanted everything the Duke of Cassil had.

“Frank is poised to become the future Emperor! He’s very precious!

Just you wait and see! The nobles are bound to take my side
anyway. Even if Tenstheon’s influence is strong, he doesn’t have any
heirs. By now, the appeals demanding justice for me should’ve
already piled up! Marquis Westin would also not stand by and watch
his son-in-law be harmed.”

He disgraced his daughter, but he believed Marquis Westin would

help him?

“Just get out of here! What a disgrace! I will never forgive Tenstheon!
He will pay for this!”

“Your Excellency, calm down. You have to put the blame on Frank for
your own good.”

Richard persuaded him once again.

Arnold hit him again.

“You ungrateful bastard! When you saw Frank in trouble, you

should’ve helped him! Have you forgotten why I took you in? It was
to help Frank! You were fed and brought up thanks to Frank, so you
must repay him!”

“Get me and Frank out of here today. Otherwise I’ll expel you from
the family!”

Richard left the prison without replying.


Did he really think I’d follow his demands? What was the use when
the Cassils were about to be wiped out?

Richard returned home in anger. Tenstheon was now holding the

Cassils hostage. With the fall of the Duke’s family, Richard wouldn’t
be able to become the Emperor and the Cassils would lose their

‘So let’s just kill Tenstheon.’

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Chapter 63 – Tears of Light (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Richard came to that conclusion after agonizing over how to deal

with the situation for a long time. If he killed Tenstheon and got rid of
Frank, the next Emperor would be Arnold Cassil.

It would be easy for him to become an Emperor if he controlled the

incompetent Arnold Cassil from the shadows and took care of Neon.

As the Duke of Cassil said, Tenstheon’s weakness was Blake. If

there was a way to solve the curse, Tenstheon could be easily

Tenstheon spread the rumor that the curse would be lifted. The
nobles who were protesting didn’t believe it either.

But Tenstheon’s words were a double-edged sword.

If the Crown Prince’s curse was not lifted in time, there would be a
backlash. There was no way Tenstheon was not aware of that. He
still spread the rumor even though he knew it. Blake was obviously in
a critical condition.

Richard thought of Blake.

Although Blake was cursed, Richard still envied him a little. Afterall,
he was loved by Tenstheon and Ancia.

I must kill him this time.


“Yes, master.” Domiram answered as he stood with his head


“We should create another rumor then. This time the rumor should
enter the Emperor’s ears. Spread it all over the square.”

“Is it okay?”

Domiram noticed that Richard seemed anxious unlike his usual self.

“It’s alright. I was too careful last time. Besides, it’s the perfect time
right now. There’s many people who have entered the country from
outside to enjoy the festival, so it wouldn’t be easy to track the
source of the rumor.”

“Still, it’s a bit dangerous.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll kill the Emperor soon anyway.”

Richard had to get rid of Tenstheon. He respected Tenstheon, but

Tenstheon interfered with his goal, so he couldn’t keep him alive.

The door burst open and Richard’s servant rushed in.


“What’s the matter?”

“The Crown Prince’s curse has been lifted!”

Richard doubted his ears. The Crown Prince’s curse had been lifted?

No way!

Wasn’t his curse supposed to be lifted 7 years later according to the


“It hasn’t even been 7 years but it’s already lifted?”

“There’s a message from John. The Crown Prince’s curse has been
lifted, so the palace is in a festive mood.”

John was a spy that Richard had planted in the Crown Prince’s

He was not the type to talk nonsense.

Was it really true then?

What happened?

The curse had been there for many years, but no one was able to lift

But now it was suddenly lifted?

Was the rumor that Ancia was sent by the Goddess of Light true?

While Richard was in turmoil, the sound of horses came from


Richard looked at the window immediately.

The knights of the Imperial palace were rushing inside the Cassil’s
mansion. They were led by Collin, the Emperor’s aide.

Frank, that moron, spilled everything in less than a day.

“Master, let’s avoid them for now.”

“No, I’ll go to them.”

If I run away right now, it’ll be over for me.

The moment the Cassil family collapsed, he would also be dragged

down with them.

It was better to die than to live as a fallen noble, a commoner, or a

Roum slave.

The Duke of Cassil and Frank were locked up in prison, while the
Duchess and Neon hid in the bedroom in terror.

Richard greeted the knights alone as the representative of the family.

“What brings you here?”

Richard decided to buy some time first. They wouldn’t be able to

investigate him based on Frank’s words alone anyway. Of course,
it’d happen eventually, but he needed to buy time to hide the
evidence left in the mansion.

However, the leader immediately ordered his subordinates without

even greeting him.

“Arrest Richard Cassil.”

“What is the meaning of this?!”

Richard was very shocked.

Collin, who was standing next to the leader, said, “A report arrived
this morning saying that Richard Cassil bribed the guards and
attempted to contact a criminal.”

Richard saw a smile on Collin’s mouth. He had fallen into

Tenstheon’s trap.
He thought Tenstheon deliberately trapped Frank to get Arnold
Cassil. But it was him all along.

Tenstheon set up a trap to capture him, the real mastermind.

He realized it too late.

The Cassil family was done for. Richard closed his eyes tightly.


I looked at Blake’s face.

The cursed inscriptions were completely gone so my heart was filled

with joy.

I spent many days agonizing over the reason why the curse was
suddenly lifted.

As a result, I found the answer I was looking for.

It was the kiss.

He kissed me when we were watching the fireworks. Maybe that was

why the curse was lifted.

‘The Beast and the Lady’ was an R-19 novel that was based on the
story of Beauty and the Beast.

The story of a cursed prince or princess and their lover was very
common in fairytales.

To lift the curse, they needed a kiss of true love.

The kiss could bring the beast or frog back to their former handsome
self in the fairytale world, and even wake up the beautiful princess.

The answer was a ‘kiss’

Why did I realize it just now?

The original novel was also the problem!

But there was no point in being angry now.

I held Blake’s hand firmly and kissed his hands.

“A-Ancia, what’s wrong?”

“My husband is so beautiful that I couldn’t help myself. Why? Do you

hate it?”

“No! I’m just a little embarrassed…”

Blake’s face turned red.

He looked even more cuter.

“What are you embarrassed for?”

“You’re looking too closely…”

“We see each other everyday though?”

“So it’s embarrassing everyday…”

Blake rubbed his cheeks against my hand and looked at me.

He said he was embarrassed but his behaviour indicated otherwise.

I already had a feeling about it, but I realized that my husband’s

personality might be different from what he showed me.

“…I’m embarrassed .”

I smiled and rubbed his red ears.

Ah… nevermind what I said before. He really is an innocent rabbit.

I lightly patted his fluttering silver hair.

However, there was one thing that was strange.

Before Blake’s curse was lifted, I had a dream.

A dream where I was walking into the woods with Blake, who had
already become an adult.

His hair was black there.

Why did I dream about that?

It may not mean much because it was just a dream, but somehow, I
felt very bothered by it.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Melissa came in.

“Your Highness, Viscountess Perion has arrived.”

“Okay. Blake, come on. We’ll have to get dressed.”

Ten days later, a ball would be held to celebrate the lifting of the

There was a lot to be prepared because it would be Blake’s official

debut into society.

“I greet His Highness the Crown Prince and Her Highness the Crown

Next to the Viscountess stood a little child.

She was styled extravagantly, as if ready to attend the royal ball.

Who was this?

As I stared, Viscountess Perion smiled brightly and introduced the

“This is my daughter, Sharon. Sharon, go ahead. Greet them.”


Sharon bowed briefly and seemed as if she was unable to take her
eyes off of Blake.

Viscountess Perion scolded her, “Sharon! Be polite!”


“Haha, I’m sorry. Sharon is still young, so she’s a bit hard to control.”

Sharon would be 10 years old this year. Although she was obviously
young, she was old enough to greet us properly.

Moreover, this was the age at which they’d usually get married off.

I was 10 years old when I married Blake.

“When Sharon heard the Crown Prince’s curse had been lifted, she
wanted to congratulate him. So I brought her here.”

Oh my, is that so?

The Viscountess had never brought her daughter even once before.

Although she was a wealthy woman with many social connections

due to her beautiful appearance and excellent social skills, according
to the rumors, she had spared no efforts in trying to marry her
daughter to Neon, Duke Cassil’s third son.

But now that Blake’s curse had been lifted and the Cassil family was
facing a crisis, it seemed as if she had completely abandoned the

She was thinking of getting her daughter involved with Blake.

The nobles once despised Blake for being a cursed monster, but
now, Blake’s status had changed.

He was now the imposing Crown Prince of the Asteric Empire.

“My Sharon is one year younger than Your Highness. Your Highness,
isn’t it your first time seeing a girl younger than Her Majesty? Isn’t
she old?”
Sign in

Chapter 64 – Tears of Light (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer


Was she being sarcastic?

Never in my wildest imagination would I have dreamed that I would

hear someone say that being 13 was old.

I was left speechless, so I folded my arms and looked at her.

Let’s see how far she’d go.

The Viscountess didn’t pay attention to my reaction and pushed her

daughter to the front.

“Sharon, don’t you want to congratulate the Crown Prince?”


Sharon smiled broadly and rushed towards Blake to hold his hand.

“Your Highness, congratulations! I heard everyone say that you’re a

monster so I was scared at first, but you look very beautiful in
person. I was scared for nothing.”
“Lady Sharon…”

No matter how young she was, this was just too much.

I was going to have a word to her, but before I could say anything,
Blake shook her hands off.

“Let me go.”

“Your Highness, I’m sorry. My child is still young.”

Viscountess Perion made a hasty apology, but Blake’s irritation was

clear on his face and he rubbed his hands on a handkerchief.

“Who gave you permission to touch me?”

“But I like you.”

“You’re saying that to a married man? Did you not receive any
education? I don’t want to see you, so get out of here.”

Blake said to the crying Sharon.

Viscountess Perion followed her crying daughter out without saying


I was surprised too.

I had never seen Blake being this angry.

“Blake, are you upset?”

“Yes, they looked down on my wife. I don’t want to see them again.”

He had never even gotten angry even when he heard people call
him a monster. I hugged him.

“You know, there will be a lot of girls like Sharon who like you now.”
“I’m already married.”

“Blake, you’re the Crown Prince. There will be a lot of people who
want a position next to you, even if it is as a concubine.”

Besides, it wasn’t uncommon for the Crown Princess to change.

Since they hadn’t registered their marriage yet, the Crown Princess
position could change anytime, depending on the Crown Prince or a
political calculation.

Of course, Blake wouldn’t betray me.

“I don’t want that. I only want Ancia.”

“Really? There are a lot of girls who are much prettier than me.”

“Ancia’s the prettiest.”

“Tsk, you can’t change your mind, okay?”

“I won’t. I only like you.”

Blake said without hesitation.

I trusted Blake too. I smiled and ruffled his hair, when suddenly, I
heard someone screaming.

[Save me! Save me! I’m scared!]

I turned around in astonishment.

“Ancia, what’s wrong?”

“Didn’t you hear the sound just now?”


What was it?

I looked around, but I didn’t see anything suspicious.

“I must’ve misheard it.”


Tenstheon was probably busy everyday, uncovering the Cassil

family’s sins and punishing the nobles that supported the Cassils.

However, he still didn’t forget to visit Amoria palace and practice

sword fighting with Blake despite his heavy workload.

“Let’s call it a day.”

Tenstheon hugged the exhausted Blake,

Blake naturally wrapped his hands around Tenstheon’s neck.

“You’re not pushing me away now.”

“Anyway, you’re going to continue to do it even if I push you away.”

“Do you want me to carry you back?”

“Yes, my legs hurt.”

Tenstheon smiled at his son acting childish.

If Ancia showed up, he’d beg Tenstheon to put him down.

Blake wanted to look mature in front of Ancia.

But when Ancia wasn’t there, he would act childishly in front of


Just like now. Edon approached them while Blake was still in
Tenstheon’s arms.

“Is Your Highness done with the training?”

“Yes, he seems to be improving these days thanks to your training.”

“No, His Highness is already very talented. I haven’t done much.”

“No! Edon is a good teacher.”

Edon looked at Blake gratefully and Blake smiled in response.

“But Your Majesty, is it okay for you to come here everyday? I heard
that you’re very busy…”

Blake had heard about the Cassils’ incident, so he asked Tenstheon.

“It’s alright. Collin is taking care of it.”

“Um, is Sir Collin okay?”

“Don’t worry. I pay him a lot of money.”

“Wouldn’t he have no time to spend the money even if he is paid a

lot of it?”

Blake had met Collin occasionally because he would visit the Crown
Prince’s palace sometimes.

Blake recalled Collin’s dark circles deepening with every visit.

“You’re right.”



Edon was silent as he listened to the father and son’s conversation.

Collin was a noble. He was handsome and smart and even paid a
high salary.

But at the moment, Edon only felt pity for Collin.

Collin would probably be overworked by the Emperor all his life.

Indeed, it was not so good to be so talented.

Putting aside his pity for the overworked Collin, Edon looked at the
father and son smiling at each other.

It was fortunate that the relationship between the two got better. If it
weren’t for Ancia, even if the curse had been lifted, it wouldn’t be
easy for their relationship to recover.

“Why don’t you hang out with kids your age before the ball? It would
be helpful to build friendships.”


Blake’s response to my friendly advice was rather lukewarm.

“Edon, what do you know about kids my age?”

“Haha, what do I know? If I think about my days in the academy, all

the kids were a little rough. They’d run about with a sword in their
hands all day and no one was as cute as you. Oh my, I’m sorry.”

Edon remembered that Blake wanted to look mature so he quickly


“Yes, I’m cute.”

Blake responded rather indifferently. He always heard from Ancia

that he was cute, so it had become ingrained in his mind.

There used to be times when he thought of himself as a monster

before, but not anymore.

Rather, he accepted the fact that he was cute.

Now, he had no complexes about his appearance.

That’s why he was glad that the curse had been lifted.

Tenstheon smiled warmly at Blake, seeing that he now had

confidence in himself.

It was all thanks to Ancia that Blake was able to grow into this
confident man.

“Your Majesty, will you invite some of the children to the palace?”

“I guess so.”


Tenstheon smiled and dropped Blake off when he saw Ancia coming
over from a distance.

As soon as Tenstheon put Blake on the ground, he ran to Ancia.


“Blake, did you enjoy the training today?”


“Wow, really? That’s great!”

“I will catch a dragon for Ancia later!”

“Hey it’s dangerous! Don’t do it.”

“Nothing is dangerous.”

Blake bluffed in front of Ancia. Tenstheon looked at the interaction

between his son and daughter-in-law with a smile.

“Oh, the designers will come soon.”

“Did they have to come?”

“Why not? You don’t want to meet them?”

“I’m just embarrassed because a lot of people will be looking at me.”

“Well, the designers do have a lot of subordinates to make it

convenient because you need to try a lot of clothes and shoes.”

“I want to be alone with Ancia…there will be too many people.”

Tenstheon was confused when he saw Blake acting shy and cute in
front of Ancia.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Does the Crown Prince always act like this in front of Ancia?”

Edon was puzzled, unable to understand his question.

“Doesn’t Blake want to look mature in front of Ancia?”

“Yes, he does.”

“So why is he acting like that?”

Tenstheon looked at Blake who was still acting cute in front of Ancia.

Only then did Edon understand Tenstheon’s question and burst out

“He’s doing that to make himself look better.”

“He won’t look mature acting that way.”

“But Ancia likes that cute side of Blake. He wanted to act mature in
front of Ancia, but he would rather please Ancia more with his cute
“I see…”

“Haha, isn’t that what love is all about?”

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Chapter 65 – Tears of Light (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Tenstheon stared at Edon. Edon was a man of talent and he

graduated as the best from the knights academy.

Moreover, he was good natured, did not have any ambitions nor
prejudice against the Heir to the Curse.

Tenstheon had observed Edon for a while and judged that he was
reliable before placing him in the Crown Prince’s palace.

However, Edon went beyond Tenstheon’s expectations. He became

Blake’s loyal knight and teacher.

Edon was a great man, but unfortunately, he was still single and had
no experience in dating.

“Ah, young love. Spring has come and flowers are everywhere.”


Tenstheon was astonished when he heard Edon speak as if he was

a true master of love.
He wanted to ask him if he had any experience with love, but he
didn’t do so.

Tenstheon quietly turned his head and looked at Blake and Ancia.

They were hugging each other tightly.

“Ah! Blake is very cute!”

“And cool?”


Did he want to look cute and cool?

Tenstheon had a vague idea about what Edon meant.

Blake and Ancia adored each other so they tried to adapt to each
other’s preferences.

Despite struggling with the curse, they both grew up well.

Tenstheon cheered for the two and gave them all of his support to
ensure they had a bright future ahead of them.


Frank Cassil spoke about all of the Cassils’ misdeeds less than a
day after he was imprisoned.

The Duke of Cassil and Richard didn’t say anything but the evidence
was piling up because Frank told them everything.

There were even more evil deeds they did that were not mentioned
in the original novel.

After Blake was born, the Duke of Cassil called in a Black Mage to
help him.
He told them to make Blake the Heir to the Curse and wanted
Tenstheon to die as soon as possible.

After searching through the mansion, they found all the mages.

All the spies planted in the palace were also discovered.

With all the crimes revealed, the Duke of Cassil wouldn’t be able to
avoid death anymore.

In addition, Blake’s curse had been lifted, so the possibility of

reviving the Cassil family had completely disappeared.

Everyone began to turn their backs on the Cassils and complained

about their evil deeds.

They had many kinds of complaints, ranging from threatening the

nobles, illegally increasing his wealth, and using violence against

Endless reports about how the Cassils condemned and ridiculed the
Imperial family poured in.

“How can they say that to the Crown Prince?”

“They’re so heartless.”

“Even though he was cursed, aren’t they still his relatives? How
could they bully him?”

All the people sided with Blake.

It was a hundred times better than them accusing him of being a


In any case, the Cassils were doomed, and even their words from 20
years ago had been revealed.

There had been no revelation about their deeds in the original novel.
They had chosen their subordinates thoroughly based on their ability
to keep things secret and they had already dealt with the
untrustworthy ones.

But it was different this time.

“Have you caught Domiram?”

“Not yet.”

“If we catch that mage, we’ll be able to find out what Richard Cassil
has done so far.”

Blake’s curse had been lifted and Tenstheon did not die.

Eunhan returned to his country, while Diana entered the knights


The course of events had changed completely from the original


Richard had a tragic past. It would be nice if he reflected and started

a new life. But this Richard was very stubborn and ambitious.

When Blake was ill, rumors about black magic that could transfer the
Curse of the Goddess to another body had spread secretly.

The source of the rumor was clearly Richard.

He still attempted to assassinate Tenstheon like in the original novel.

He crossed a line that he shouldn’t have crossed.

I couldn’t forgive him for trying to kill my father.

I informed Tenstheon about everything I knew.

As it turned out, Tenstheon had also been suspecting Richard since

the rumors began to circulate.
Since I repeatedly told Tenstheon to be careful about Richard and
black magic, he immediately suspected Richard as soon as he heard
the rumors.

“Don’t worry. We’re tracking the mage’s movements.”

“Yes, I’m not worried about that. I trust you.”

Tenstheon smiled and stroked my head.

“Ancia, I have something to give you.”

He handed me a box made of gold.

“What is it?”

“Tears of Light.”

“Tears of Light?”

‘Tears of Light’ was a tool used for determining the ‘Heir to the Light’
from the Bellacian family.

But it had slowly disappeared over time.

Tenstheon had also asked me about it once before, but I couldn’t find
any trace of it.

I opened the gold box that he gave me.

Inside it was a necklace that had a jewel in the shape of a glass


This was the ‘Tears of Light’.

As soon as I picked up the necklace, the jewel began to glow.

“It has recognized the Heir to the Light.”

“Yes, I guess I’m the real heir.”

Seeing the Tears of Light sparkling, I realized that I really was the
Heir to the Light.

I wish I had found it a little sooner.

When the curse was lifted, Blake’s eyes were filled with tears and it
broke my heart.

Then suddenly, my mind went blank, and I heard the desperate

screams of a woman.

[Save me! Laontel! Laontel! I’m here! Please save me! It’s very hot!
Too hot!]

The voice kept getting louder and louder and I thought that I’d really
be sucked in, but then I heard Tenstheon’s voice, “Ancia!”

“Oh? Oh, yes…”

I finally came back to my senses.

The ‘Tears of Light’ was still twinkling in my hands as the woman’s

voice faded away.

It was happening again.

Ever since Blake’s curse had been lifted, I’d hear the sound of a
woman screaming occasionally.

“What’s wrong?”

“No, nothing.”

I shook my head reflexively. In the past, I’d also seen some scenes
from a thousand years ago.
For that reason, I went all the way to the Tenlarn Palace with
Eunhan’s help. But in the end, I still couldn’t figure out anything.

Moreover, Blake was seriously ill.

I didn’t want to worry Tenstheon or Blake over nothing.

“That you very much for giving me this.”

“I should’ve found it earlier. I’m sorry.”

“But how did you find it?”

“I found it in the Cassils’ mansion.”

“So the Duke of Cassil had it?”

This was not mentioned anywhere in the original novel.

In the first place, this incident didn’t happen at all.

If a ‘Tears of Light’ existed in the original story, there would’ve been a

scene where Richard used it to woo Diana.

So, the Duke of Cassil had it without Richard knowing about it?

Tenstheon shook his head.

“No, Arnold Cassil didn’t know about this.”

“Then how…?”

“When we searched the mansion, we found a secret space hidden

underground. The mansion was originally a part of the Imperial
palace. It’s the Empire’s secret storage.”

“So, are there other items too?”

“There are books about black magic, history and much more. It’s a
warehouse that was used to seal dangerous items that couldn’t be
destroyed. It seems that no one had found it for hundreds of years. It
was secretly managed and forgotten at some point.”

But the ‘Tears of Light’ was not a thing worthy of being sealed there.
It couldn’t even cause a disaster in the country.

Rather, it was an important clue for solving the curse.

But why was it sealed in there along with black magic and dangerous

“Was the Duke really unaware of its existence?”

“It was a secret warehouse that could only be opened using the
Emperor’s ring. Even if the people there knew about it, they wouldn’t
be able to open it unless they had the ring.”

Someone had hidden the existence of the warehouse by disguising it

as a plain wall and handing a protective barrier in front of it.

It had the same structure as the golden room in the Tenlarn Palace.

Did Phillip build that warehouse?

Sign in

Chapter 66 – Tears of Light (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

I looked at the ‘Tears of Light’.

Tenlarn Palace, the golden room, stone plates, Phillip, Laontel, the
screaming of a woman, and Tears of Light.

Maybe all of these were somehow connected.

But the curse of the Goddess had been lifted.

The Cassils were also about to fall.

Everything had been settled, but I still felt like I had missed
something important.

Suddenly, the door to the office opened and Collin entered.

“Your Majesty!”

As soon as I heard the urgency in his voice, my heart began to beat


Tenstheon asked him nervously, “What’s going on?”

“The Door of Darkness opened!”


When the Door of Darkness In the Valley of Chaos opened, the

world would be doomed.

The Emperor of Asteric Empire was responsible for closing the Door
of Darkness.

“I need to go now. I’m sorry.”

Blake shook his head at Tenstheon’s apology.

“No, don’t worry. Just go.”


Tenstheon answered but he hesitated to walk away. Collin urged


“Your Majesty, we’re running out of time.”

The longer they stalled, the more the Door of Darkness would open.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Yes, we’ll be waiting. Be careful, father.”

“You don’t need to hurry. Ancia and I will be fine, so don’t worry.”

“Yes, I’ll be careful.”

I knew what Tenstheon was worried about.

To seal the Door of Darkness, he needed the power of light.

But, the more the Emperor used the power of light, the more painful
it would be for the Heir to the Curse.
But Blake was no longer cursed, so what would happen now?

If Tenstheon used the power, would that affect Blake in any way?

Or would nothing happen since the curse had been lifted?

I was also worried about it.

There was no scene like this in the original story.

I hoped that everything would be fine.


Nothing’s going to happen. Everything’s going to be okay.

Although I tried to think so, I still rummaged through the history

books at the Imperial palace anxiously.

A thousand years ago, even during the Zelcan Empire, the Door of
Darkness had opened.

How did they stop it then?

But all of the books in the Zelcan Empire era were gone so I couldn’t
find any no information on it.

“It’ll be alright. We’ll be alright.”

I left the library with a heavy heart.

Then, I saw Collin staggering from afar like a zombie.

“Sir Collin!”

“Your Highness.”

He looked at me and bowed,

“You stayed up all night again?”

The dark circles under Collin’s eyes had deepened yet again.


“You look so tired.”

“His Majesty headed to the Valley of Chaos without a wink of sleep,

so I can’t be like this.”

Tenstheon had entrusted Collin with all of his tasks before leaving
the palace.

Now that the Emperor and the knights had left the capital, Collin’s
burden had increased even more.

“Have you eaten yet?”

“I took a special nutritious supplement to wake myself up.”

“That’s not enough. Do you want me to make you a meal?”

“It’s a great honor to taste your food, but I think I will fall asleep the
moment the food goes into my stomach.”

“You should really sleep. You look very tired.”

“It’s still bearable. His Majesty has given me an important task. I

must do my job.”

Collin was always like that.

When he was with Tenstheon, he would complain about this and

that, but he would always show his respect towards Tenstheon when
he was in front of others.

“Sir Collin is really a good man.”

“Please say that one more time when His Majesty comes back. Your
praise is stronger than a thousand letters of recommendation.”

“He already knows it without me saying it. You know how much he
trusts and depends on you right?”


“Why? What’s the matter?”

“He said that he’d give me a vacation after the Cassils’ matter was
taken care of.”

“That’s great news!”

“Is he trying to get rid of me?”


“That can’t be true. You’ve worked hard Sir Collin, so he’s being
considerate by giving you a vacation.”

“It’s my first time being given a vacation, so I’m a little nervous. What
if my position is taken over by the time I come back from the

“What should I do if His Highness no longer needs me?”


I cut him off firmly. What Collin should be worried about right now
was him being overworked, not unemployed.

“You’re thinking of such nonsense, so you must be lacking sleep.

Get some rest now!”


“I command you as the Crown Princess!”

I immediately ordered a cook to prepare warm soup to be given to
him after he woke up. After I forced him to get some sleep, I checked
the documents that he was working on.

Among them were the documents sent by the Marquis of Westin.

It was a report to inform the Emperor that he tried to break the

engagement between Frank and his daughter, but the Cassils

No matter how high ranking a noble was, they were not obliged to
report to the Emperor except when they got engaged or divorce.

This report was just to show the Emperor that the Westins wanted to
break their relationship with the Cassils.

But in the original novel, they even got married.

Everything had changed…

In the first place, the Westins accepted this marriage because they
wanted their daughter to become the Empress.

With the Cassils family downfall, there was no way they’d continue
their engagement.

“Your Majesty, I’d like to go home… please let me go…”

Collin talked in his sleep as he slept on the sofa.

It was nice to see him coming back to the normal office worker
mode, where he dreamed of going home from work, instead of being
afraid of losing his job.


“Blake, what about the furniture? How about white? Should we use
calming colours?”
We were preparing to move out.

When Blake was cursed, he was put in a far away palace. But now
that the curse had been lifted, there was no reason to keep staying
there anymore.

Tenstheon gave us the Forens Palace, which was right next to the
Sephia Palace, and we were scheduled to move right after the ball.

But there’s a slight problem.

“Just pick whatever you like.”

“What do you think, Blake?”

“I like whatever you choose.”

Blake smiled brightly. It was always like this.

Everything from lighting to furniture, Blake never made any


Even if I asked, he’d just say to pick whatever I wanted.

“I’m the only one who’s been choosing everything so far. You do it
this time.”

“No, you do it.”


Then, Blake clasped my hand.

“You like picking things, right, Ancia? I want to live in a place that is
full of things that you like.”

“…But do you really not want to pick anything?”

“What you want is what I want.”

“Then let’s choose together. Because I also like what you like.”


Blake smiled in reply.

We picked out furniture during the day and practiced dancing

together at night.

When the ball would be held after Tenstheon’s return, I’d have my
first dance with Blake.

I thought it was only a dream.

I thought it wouldn’t be possible.

But the day was approaching soon.

Blake and I often danced together. Maybe because we had been

practicing together for three years already, but we did very well

“Ancia, you’re very good at this.”

“Really? Aren’t my steps a little awkward?”

“No, you’re really good.”

“It;s because you lead me so well. I think I will make a mistake if I

dance with someone else.”

I was about to take the next step, when Blake stopped me.

“Do you need to dance with the other guys?”

“After the first dance with you, I’d have to dance with another guy
and you’d have to dance with another girl too.”

It was a basic etiquette that we had to follow at the ball.

But Blake’s shoulders drooped.

“Are you jealous?”


I was going to tease him a little but he nodded instead.

“…you will dance with someone else.”

“Blake, you need to dance with other girls too.”

“I don’t want it. I only want to dance with Ancia.”

“You’re the Crown Prince. You can’t do that.”

“I still don’t want it. Everyone hated me before, so why do I have to

dance with them now?”


“All I need is Ancia. I only want to stay here with you. I don’t like
other places. I like it here. I don’t want to leave…”
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Chapter 67 – Tears of Light (5)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Blake finally said what he wanted. I hugged him tightly.

“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more considerate.”

I thought Blake didn’t like this place since this place contained many
of his bad memories from before. He had been locked up in a small
faraway palace just because he was cursed, so I thought he didn’t
like this place.

I thought he’d be delighted to move to the Forens Palace, which was

located in the center, and have a big party held for him where
everyone respected him.

I didn’t know that his heart was still full of wounds that he hadn’t
completely recovered from.

“No, it’s not something to be sorry about, Ancia. I didn’t want to leave
this place. I know it’s very childish of me but I have many precious
memories in this place.”

“Blake, you’re very precious too.”

I couldn’t let Blake stay in this small palace. The nobles would
ridicule him more because of it.

“This place won’t disappear even if we move to Forens palace. We’ll

come here often.”

“Will we really come here often?”

“Yes, let’s make this our own secret castle.”

“Let’s do that!”

The smile finally returned to Blake’s face.

Fortunately, the atmosphere seemed to have lightened up.

He took my hand and we left the palace together, hand in hand.

The wedding rings on our fingers sparkled softly under the sunlight.


“Now, two days later, Diana will be here.”


Diana heard that Blake’s curse had been lifted so she tried to rush
straight to the palace.

However, the students of the Knights’ Academy weren’t allowed to

go out at the moment as it was the final exam season.

And so, Blake stopped Diana from coming over right away, and told
her to wait until her exams were finished.

“I heard she did well on the test.”

“Huh? Did you contact Diana?”

“Yes, she sent me a letter.”

“What did Diana say?”

I wondered what they spoke about.

“Now that my curse has been lifted, we’re going to have a real fight.”


“So I said I’ll definitely win.”

The conversation between the female protagonist and the second

male lead was very cool.

“Haha, by the way, is she going to bring Jayden?”

“Jayden? Who’s that?”

“Diana’s classmate. Diana considers him as her rival. He’s a

commoner but he’s at the top of the class. Isn’t he great?”

“Edon was a top student too.”

“Yeah, they’re both great. Come to think of it, they’re both the eldest
in their families.”


“Yes, they’re both tall and were very popular as freshmen. Jayden’s
a little blunt but he’s nice.”

The topic of Jayden always came up in Diana’s letters. But it had

been a long time since Diana wrote me a letter so I wondered how
he was doing.

“Oh and Jayden hates mushrooms. Don’t you hate it too?”

“No, I’m good at eating mushrooms now.”

“Hey, you barely ate it when I didn’t mix it with the omelette.”

“No, I didn’t!”

Blake suddenly got angry.

“Then will you eat the fried mushrooms that I’ll make tomorrow?”



“Yes, I’m going to eat them all!”

“Okay, we’ll have a mushroom party tomorrow.”

“…yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

Blake smiled awkwardly.

“Diana said that Jayden has been aiming to become the Crown
Prince’s knight ever since he joined the academy. He also said it was
stupid to believe that the Crown Prince was a monster just because
he was cursed. So maybe, he could be a good friend to you.”

Fortunately, not everyone thought that Blake was a monster.

The people of the Amoria palace, Tenstheon, Eunhan, Baekhan,

Collin, Countess Chardin, and I. There may have been other people
as well but those were the people who truly respected Blake as the
Crown Prince.

Jayden as well.

“Blake, you’ll meet a lot of people in the future, I’m sure some of
them will be nice. I’m sure some of them truly support you regardless
of the curse you had before.”

“So, I hope you don’t hate them all. Some people are genuinely

Blake hated strangers, especially when they touched him.

When Viscountess Perion’s daughter or other guests held his hand,

he became uncomfortable and quickly wiped his hands on his

He also said he didn’t want to dance with other people.

“I am the Crown Prince of the Asteric Empire, so I’m sure I will meet
many people later. But, all I need is Ancia.”

Blake grabbed my hand and spoke to me.

“Okay, I’ll always be there for you.”

As we smiled at each other while holding hands, a red pillar of fire

suddenly appeared.


I covered my ears as I heard the scream.

The scream became shriller when the flames appeared.



I came to my senses after hearing Blake’s voice.

The woman screamed again.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

“It’s nothing. I’m just a little tired. Let’s go to the bedroom.”


Blake and I went to our bedroom,.Blake’s curse was lifted, so we

didn’t need to hold hands any longer.

But we still fell asleep next to each other with our hands intertwined.

I couldn’t sleep very well today.

I got up after confirming that Blake was asleep.

I touched his face.

Tenstheon must have already arrived at the Valley of Chaos by now.

He should be using the power of light to seal the Door of Darkness at
the moment.

Usually, when the Emperor used the power of light, the Heir to the
Curse would be affected.

But this time, Blake didn’t get sick nor did he have any fever.

Originally, Tenstheon lost his life due to Richard’s tricks and Arnold
Cassil became the Emperor.

Now it was all over. There would be no tragedy now.

But, why was I so nervous?

The woman’s screams became louder and louder. I still remembered

what happened back there vividly.

What was it?

Laontel Bellacian was the mage of light, the fiancee of Prince

Rakshul, but she ended up with Emperor Phillip.

The woman had screamed Laontel’s name.

So she must’ve been alive a thousand years ago.

Was the fire I saw today a glimpse of the Tenlarn Palace’s fire?

Why did I keep seeing things that happened a thousand years ago?

I went to the library and reread the books about the history of Zelcan.
However, I did not find any significant clues.


In the third year after Richard became the Emperor, the Door of
Darkness opened.

Richard headed to the Valley of Chaos after saying goodbye to

Diana and his son, George.

He saw the Door of Darkness for the first time. In the middle of the
valley, stood something that looked like a monster’s mouth.

He felt nauseous just seeing it.

Richard used the ring of the light that only the Emperor possessed.
The ring poured out light into the thing.

The Door of Darkness resisted violently. It usually took about five

days to seal the Door of Darkness.

But it wouldn’t last longer than a week. Tenstheon also usually

closed the Door of Darkness within three days.

But Richard had a hard time.

‘Was it because he’s a Roum? Is it because he possesses the blood

of a sinful Roum and not the noble Geracillions?’

As time went by, Richard felt another sense of inferiority rise within
The people who went there with him also felt uneasy seeing him.

“Why is it taking so long?”

“The current Emperor does not have pure Geracillion blood. That’s
why the Goddess of Light is making this harder for him.”

“What? But the Emperor of Asteric is the only one responsible for
closing the door. How did a man who can’t even close the door
become the Emperor?”

“That’s not the problem now. If the Door of Darkness opens, the
world will perish.”

It was true.

Even the people in the Imperial palace were anxious when they saw

Richard wanted to kill all of them after this, just because they had
watched him being flustered because he was unable to close the
door. He couldn’t keep those that knew this side of him alive.

Richard gritted his teeth.

He did not sleep and poured out all of the power that he could use.

After a month struggling, he finally managed to close the door.

When the Door of Darkness closed, the people bowed their head in
respect to Richard.

In the end, Richard gave up the idea of killing them and went back in
a good mood.
Sign in

Chapter 68 – Tears of Light (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Richard closed the Door of Darkness, fulfilling his duty as the


He became the true Emperor of the Asteric Empire.

There was no one who dared to look down on him.

He took the Heir of the Light as his wife and gave birth to a
successor who looked just like him.

Some of the weight lifted off of his shoulders.

Everything was going according to his plan.

Everything was perfect.

Richard returned to the palace with dignified steps.

However, they didn’t hold any grand welcoming ceremony for him.

Even after two months passed since the Emperor of the Empire was
back, there was no celebration in sight!
Richard headed to the Empress in anger.

At that moment, he heard Diana’s scream.

“Ah! Aah! No! No! No way! George…my George!”

What happened to him?

Richard rushed into the Empress’ bedroom.

Diana was crying as she cradled George in her arms. Richard

stiffened at the sight. The sentences of the curse that covered Blake
were now on George’s little body.

It was the Curse of the Goddess.

Richard and Diana’s son, George, had become the Heir to the



I woke up with goosebumps all over my body. I had had a dream.

No, it wasn’t just a dream.

It was not a matter of the past or the future. It was not even Ancia’s

This was a scene from ‘The Beast and the Lady’.

The last scene, which had been forgotten for a long time, suddenly

Diana lifted the curse.

When Blake died, the Curse of the Goddess was passed on to

George, the son of Richard and Diana.
I was lost in thought for a while, but soon, I came to my senses.

Where was I?

Oh, it’s the library.

I probably fell asleep while reading a Zelcan history book.

I hurriedly got up and headed to Blake’s bedroom.


As soon as I opened the door, I heard a pained groan.


The sentences of the curse covered Blake’s body. I rushed to him.

As soon as I confirmed they were the cursed inscriptions, I froze.

I realized the meaning of the letter carved in the stone plate that was
taken from the lake.

— The sentences of the curse that were engraved on the 6th

prince’s body had changed.

The stone plate had clearly said so.

And now, Blake had the curse again. The sentences of the curse
covered the left side of his body and it looked exactly like it did
before the curse lifted.

Rather, it spread even more than before, and the shape had also

Blake’s hands had ancient inscriptions on them. It looked like a

tattoo that covered his hands.

I hurriedly took his shirt off.

His body was also engraved with an ancient language.

[Save me! Laontel! Please save me! I’m alive! When are you
coming? You promised to be with me. Laontel, I hate you! I hate you
so much! Come on, save me! Ahh! It’s painful! Hot! It hurts! Laontel,
I’m so tired. I can’t stand it any longer. Save me. Please save me.
Laontel come on, save me! Phillip betrayed me.]

These were not the sentences of the curse. It was a message.

It was a message from the Goddess. The Goddess’ plea covered

Blake’s entire body.

The Goddess did not curse Phillip’s descendants. She was leaving a
message to ask them for help.

[Save me! Please save me!]

Again, I heard the cry of a woman.

Now, I could tell who the owner of the voice was. It was the Goddess
of Light.

She was trapped in the darkness and asked me, a descendant of

Laontel Bellacian, for help.

I had to save her. But no one had managed to completely lift this
curse that had been around for a thousand years.


Where was the Goddess?

Then a bright light came from my necklace. I looked at the Tears of


The powerful light from the necklace quickly enveloped my entire

It was guiding me to the Goddess.

I’m trying to follow the light but Blake took my hand.

“Ancia, no. Don’t go…”

Blake grabbed onto my hand tightly despite being in pain. His hands
felt very hot.

I had to save the Goddess as soon as possible and completely lift

the curse.

“I’m going to lift the curse completely this time.”

“Don’t go. You can’t go.”

I wanted to be with Blake, but I couldn’t simply sit back and watch
while he was in pain.

The Tears of Light knew where the Goddess was and tried to guide
me there.

I didn’t know when this kind of opportunity would come again if I

didn’t go now.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be right back after I lift the curse. So please wait for

I carefully took my hands out of his grasp and let the Tears of Light
take over my body.


When the light engulfed my whole body, a desolate landscape

unfolded before my eyes.

Where was I?
There was no grass or trees in sight and only the barren land
stretched forth endlessly.

When I turned my head, I saw a black thing, which was dug like a
volcanic crater.

There was no end to it, and it looked as if a giant monster was

opening its mouth wide.

That thing looked exactly like it was described in the original novel. It
was the Door of Darkness.


Huh? I turned my head when I heard that familiar voice.


Tenstheon, who was standing on the other side, saw me and ran

As expected this was the Valley of Chaos.

And that black thing was the Door of Darkness.

So the Goddess was locked in there?

“How did you get here?”

When I suddenly appeared here, not only Tenstheon but others were
also very surprised.

“Your Majesty! You must continue closing the Door of Darkness!”

I was about to explain the situation but someone called him urgently.

“Is he closing the Door of Darkness?”

“Yes, His Majesty is in the process of closing the door.”

“Don’t close it yet!”

I cried urgently.

Hearing my words, the expressions of the people there distorted


“Your Highness, what are you talking about? If we don’t close the
door, the darkness will engulf all of us! And the whole world will be
covered in darkness. No matter how young you are, don’t you know

“Are you looking down on her?”


When the Emperor said so, the person who said that went pale.

He was the high priest who insisted that Tenstheon put Blake in a
southern island and had always sided with Duke Cassil.

His position was in jeopardy as the Cassil family had collapsed.

“Tell me why then.”

Tenstheon looked at me and asked softly.

“That’s not it. The Goddess of Light is trapped there!”


“Yes! We need to save the Goddess in order to completely lift

Blake’s curse!”

“That’s nonsense. Why would the Goddess be there? Who would do

that?! That’s an insult to the Goddess of Light!”

The high priest burst into anger again.

“Stay back!”


He gritted his teeth and stepped back.

Now that no one would interrupt me again, I told everything I knew to

Tenstheon, including the reappearance of the sentences of the curse
on Blake’s body.

He listened to me carefully as he stared at the Door of Darkness.

“Then, I’ll save the Goddess who is trapped beyond the Door of
Darkness. Do you believe me?”

“I’ve always believed you.”

“Yes, you’ve always believed me. I will save her. I’m going to leave
here first.”

He tried to call a knight to escort me, but I rejected him.

“No, the Goddess is looking for me. Only the Heir to Light can solve
this curse. I’ll do it myself.”

It must have been the Goddess of Light that sent those Macul to the
Tenlarn Palace and showed me what happened a thousand years

She kept giving me hints, so maybe I did have the power to save her.

“It’s dangerous here. You don’t know what will happen.”

“It’s alright! I need to do it! I promised to free Blake from the curse.”

As I was persuading Tenstheon, the knights suddenly shouted from


“It’s a Macul!”
“Your Majesty! Avoid it!”

From the Door of Darkness came many Macul. The Macul rushed to
me without hesitation.


Tenstheon reached out to me in a hurry but the Macul were faster.

The Macul surrounded me and brought me into the Door of




I heard Tenstheon’s desperate scream. I tried to call him but I was

sucked into the darkness.
Sign in

Chapter 69 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The Macul dragged me into the Door of Darkness.

What were they trying to do with me? I was too overwhelmed by fear
to breathe properly.

At that time, the Macul who were descending at a tremendous

speed, slowed down little by little and laid me down gently on the
floor as they got off my body.

“Thank you.”

I thanked them. Even though they suddenly kidnapped me, they

didn’t hurt me in any way.

Then the Macul, which was shaped like a bean sprout, gently
swayed its body side to side, as if saying ‘You’re welcome.’

They didn’t seem to have any intentions of hurting me.


I heard the scream of the Goddess yet again.

The Macul shook its body nervously and began to fly to the left.

I stood there and looked at them and they wagged their tails as if
telling me to follow them.

“Do you know where the Goddess of Light is?”

The Macul shook their heads.

They brought me here for the Goddess of Light.

I also wanted to save her so I followed the Macul immediately.

This place was very dark, so I followed the light coming from the
Macul’s body.

The floor was also muddy so it was hard to walk. The muds kept
getting inside my shoes. One of my shoes had disappeared without
me noticing. I ended up taking off the other shoe and lifted my long
skirt up.

[Argh! Argh! Laontel! Save me! It’s too hot!]

The Goddess sobbed as she screamed. Whenever she cried, the

earth shook. All her feelings of grief, anger, despair turned into
poison, and the poison came to my body.

My legs felt heavy and my hands were numb.

The more I walked, the stronger the stench got. It became more
difficult to breathe because of the murky air.

Just how far was she?

I was thirsty, out of breath and my legs were heavy.

My body ached more with every step that I took. I had to hurry up
and save the Goddess.

How long did I walk for? One hour? One day? Two days?

I continued walking as I relied on the light of the Macul. I couldn’t feel

the flow of time anymore.

My sense of direction had also disappeared.

Was I going the right way?

I wasn’t going in circles in the same place, was I?

I couldn’t see anything other than the light from the Macul.

And I couldn’t hear anything except for the occasional screams of

the Goddess and the sound of my footsteps.

As time went by, I grew more afraid and forgot about the pain in my

I was afraid I’d be buried in the dark or die without lifting the curse.

When my body and mind reached its limit, a blue lake appeared in
front of my eyes.

It was a beautiful place full of various flowers. I ran towards the lake
without thinking of anything.

And the moment I put a hand into the water, I heard a woman’s


“Goddess, is that you?”

“Laontel, you have finally arrived.”

There was a woman standing by the lake and I knew who she was,
It was the Goddess of Light.

“Are you here to see me?”


The Goddess of Light smiled shyly, but I wasn’t Laontel. So why?

I saw what the Goddess of Light and Phillip looked like before, but I
never knew what Laontel looked like.

Laontel was the ancestor of the Bellacian family and the owner of the
power of light.

Among them, Ancia should be the one who was most familiar with
Laontel, but why couldn’t she see her face?

At that moment, a face appeared on the lake’s surface.

Was I finally going to see Laontel’s face?

A girl with blond hair and peridot eyes came to view.

She looked a bit like me, but a little older…

As soon as I looked closer, I realized instinctively.

That woman was me. I was Laontel Bellacian.

I thought that I was able to see what happened a thousand years

ago because of the Goddess’ power, but it wasn’t because of that.

They were the memories of my previous life. That’s why I couldn’t

see Laontel’s face. It was also why I could hear Laontel’s voice.

I was the mage of light.

The Goddess of Light and I often met by the lake.

“Laontel, how long are you going to call me Goddess? We’re

“But you’re a Goddess…”

“My name is Serphania.”


“You’re the only one who knows. It’s a secret, okay?”


“Call my name.”

“Okay, Serphania.”

She smiled brightly.

“You finally became my friend.”

“Not really. I have always been your friend even before. Huh?”

Then suddenly, I heard someone from behind.

“Who is it?”

I shouted carefully.

I was preparing to attack the person, when suddenly, a boy came out
of the bushes.

He had silver hair and crimson eyes, paired with thin lips and a
slightly angular jaw.

When Laontel saw the boy, she relaxed and burst into laughter.

But I froze.
That boy was Richard.

No, it wasn’t just the face, even their soul was the same.


Laontel called him Phillip

“Why are you here?”


Phillip was Richard.

I didn’t like Richard ever since I met him. It wasn’t because he was a
scheming man who used to do evil things in the original novel.

It was because I instinctively realized that he was Phillip.

As soon as I realized that I was Laontel, memories from a thousand

years ago resurfaced in my mind.

“I came to find you because you suddenly disappeared. The count is

worried about you. Let’s go back quickly.”

I grew up with Phillip. His mother was the Emperor’s mistress.

Zelcan’s Emperor touched many women. Only the ones who had
Roum blood could become the Empress, but the majority were not
so they stayed as a concubine.

The Emperor did not recognize the children from those concubines.

The Emperor abandoned Phillip’s mother as soon as he got her

pregnant. She stayed in Count Bellacian’s mansion because he felt
sympathy for her.

But, his mother died early because she was too depressed after
being abandoned by the Emperor. Phillip and I grew to treat each
other like siblings.

“I told you I’d be late today.”

“Who do you say that to?”

“Eldest brother.”

I had two brothers. They also cared for Phillip as if he was their
younger brother.

“Let’s go back for now.”

“No, I’m going to play with my friend now.”


Phillip turned his head and saw Serphania.

“Oh, hello.”

She spoke shyly.

“It’s an honor to meet you. My name is Phillip.”

Phillip reached out to take her hand.

She gave him her hand carefully.

As soon as he held her hand, Serphania’s face turned red.

There was a smile on Phillips’s usually expressionless face.

I thought they fell in love with each other at first sight.

Turns out, Phillip already knew all about her and approached her on

I was stuck in the memory of the past and could feel my hand was

I thought I touched the lake, but there was mud all over my hands.
This was not the lake.

It was all an illusion.

I saw the lake where Ser and I first met, and we always played
together there.

Was that an illusion I created?

If so, did Ser show it to me so I could recover my memory?

I didn’t know what the truth was, but I couldn’t just sit still like this.

I continued to walk.

Suddenly, the lake appeared again.

But unlike before, it looked like the lake during autumn.

As soon as I went there, another memory resurfaced.


“Ser’s hair is really beautiful, I’m jealous.”

I brushed Serphania’s hair.

Two people sat next to the fallen leaves near the lake.

Serphania remained the same but I had grown up.

“Laon is very pretty too.”

We had become close friends and given each other nicknames.

“Is that so?”

“Yes, I’m sure Rakshul would think so too.”

“Why are you talking about Rakshul all of sudden?!”

I yelled in embarrassment.

“You’re getting married soon.”

“Oh no… something like that is…”

“I heard about it.”

“Who said that?”


Serphania and Phillip had become lovers.

Ser hid her appearance from everyone except for us, so I was the
only one who knew about their relationship.

“It’s not like that…I’m the only one who is in love.”

I liked Rakshul. I even applied to become the Imperial mage

because I wanted to see him often.

But he only saw me as a friend.


“Yes, it’s just my unrequited love.”

“Having an unrequited love must be hard.”

Serphania sighed.
“Are you making fun of me now? What do you even know about
unrequited love?”

“I know.”

She laughed bitterly.

Come to think of it, even at that time Ser had known about Phillip’s
true feelings.
Sign in

Chapter 70 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Passing the illusion of the lake, this time a green wheat field
appeared. As I stepped into the wheat field, the memories of my
previous life resurfaced.


It is a fresh green wheat field, but it was not beautiful. When the
monsters came to the northern region, the Emperor ordered Prince
Rakshul, the best swordsman of the Zelcan Empire, to subdue the
monster. As the mage of light, I went to the place along with Rakshul
and the knights. The monsters did not just attack human beings, but
also destroyed some places, like this wheat field.


When I heard the man’s voice, I turned my head.


Laontel said while trembling.

I was also surprised when I saw him. His face looked exactly like
Blake’s after his curse had been lifted and he’d grown up. He had
appeared in my dream once before.

At that time, I wondered why his hair was black, but now I realized
that the man I saw in my dream was Rakshul, not Blake.

I felt Blake’s soul in Rakshul, just like I felt Phillip’s soul in Richard.

“Why are you using healing magic in such a place?”

“It’s an important food. Without wheat, people would go hungry and

wouldn’t even be able to pay taxes. Even if we defeat all of the
monsters, there would be another suffering awaiting them.”

“You’ve been treating all the villagers and knights. Even if you’re a
genius, it’s dangerous to use your mana like this.”

“It’s alright.”

“My friend, Ser, gave me the blessing of light so I can use my power
without any restrictions.”

“Don’t overdo it.”

“It’s really alright.”

“Sometimes I wish you’d rely on me more.”


“When will you see me as a man?”

Rakshul’s crimson eyes gleamed coquettishly. I wanted to ask what

he meant by that, but I couldn’t open my mouth.

I was afraid that I might’ve misheard it and might not hear the
answer I wanted.

“Lady Laontel! There’s a wounded man here!”

“I’m coming!”

I ended up running away.


With the help of Rakshul and the knights, we managed to wipe out
the monster that infested the north.

We returned to the Capital in a joyful mood.

“Now that you’ve beaten all the monsters in the north, you’ll become
the Crown Prince, right?

“You think so? If so, he should’ve done it earlier.”

The Emperor had many children. Although the Emperor and the
commoners alike recognized Rakshul’s capabilities, the Emperor
wanted to pass on the throne to the son of the seventh Empress,
whom he loved.

However, he was very stupid, and over time, his love for the seventh
Empress also faded.

Now that even the northern monsters had been subdued, it was
already determined that Rakshul would become the Crown Prince.

Everyone was happy, and I should’ve been too, but for some reason,
I felt somewhat depressed.

I walked out of my tent and wandered through the lonely forest path.


But I ran into the person I didn’t want to run into as he called my

“Why did you come out?”

“To get some air.”

“It’s dangerous to walk alone.”

“All the monsters have been wiped out, so it’s alright.”

I tried hard to smile and walk away.

But Rakshul didn’t leave and continued to walk next to me. His high
nose bridge, elegant-yet-sharp jawline, face, and brilliant eyes
looked magnificent in the moonlight.

He had grown up to be a great man.

Rakshul looked at me, but I turned my head away.

I was embarrassed to face him.

“Laontel, look at me.”


He turned my head to face him.

I found myself staring directly at the crimson eyes that I wanted to


“Why are you avoiding me?”

“When did I do that?”

Would he really become the Crown Prince now?

Congratulations, I guess.

The Emperor always neglected political affairs in favor of searching

for pleasures.
The people of the Empire were suffering from the rising taxes and

Rakshul tried to overcome the situation but there was not much he
could do, as he was only one of the princes.

He had always wanted to become the Crown Prince.

But if he became the Crown Prince, he would have to marry

someone with a title higher than a Count or someone of pure Roum

I wanted to make Rakshul dreams come true.

So I became a mage at the Imperial palace, and even participated in

battles alongside him.

But when he was about to marry someone else, I was overcome with

As I lowered my head, I heard Rakshul’s voice.

“Laontel, you’re really driving me crazy.”


“Do I need to propose to make you understand?”


His face grew closer and closer. I reflexively turned my head away
again, but he lifted my chin and forced me to look up at him.

“I love you.”


“I’ve liked you since the first time I saw you.”

His lips pressed onto mine before I could realize what he had just

Rakshul and I confirmed our feelings that day.


Rakshul, I loved him.

I loved Rakshul, and I also loved Blake, whom I met again a

thousand years later.

I touched my mouth and felt my cracked lips.

I walked alongside the Macul.

Many Macul had already disappeared and now there was only one
left to guide me.

Did the Macul have a hard time too?

Or were they lost in the dark?

The heat worsened and it became harder for me to open my eyes.

I was sweating more and more as I walked.

But I had to save Ser.

I kept following the Macul. Then, the last Macul stopped still.

Are we there?

But I couldn’t see anything except for the darkness.

“Macul, why did you stop? Where’s Ser?”

The Macul shook its head and circled around me.

“You don’t know?”

The Macul stopped but I couldn’t understand what it meant.

“Do we need to keep going?”

The Macul didn’t react.

But one thing was certain.

I couldn’t get any more help from the Macul.

I must find Ser myself in this endless darkness. I walked forward


The Macul stood there and shook its body, as if to cheer me up as I

walked forward alone.

I kept walking forward, leaving the Macul behind.

The light flowing from the Macul’s body gradually became dimmer as
I walked further into the darkness.

Fear took over me. It was so dark that I couldn’t even see my body.

Rather than being afraid that I would be trapped here, I was afraid
that I wouldn’t find Ser.

If I didn’t move forward, Blake and Ser’s pain would never end.

“I must save her. I have to.”

I gritted my teeth.

In the midst of the darkness, memories from a thousand years ago

resurfaced in my mind again.

I got engaged to Rakshul. As expected Rakshul was given the
Crown Prince title as soon as we returned to the capital.

The Emperor wanted to marry Rakshul to a partner worthy of his

Crown Prince title.

But he declared that he wouldn’t get married to anyone other than


The Emperor could no longer oppose him and allowed us to get

engaged. He had already sent my family a letter of proposal in the
name of the Imperial family.

As soon as my engagement was confirmed, I came to tell the news

to Ser first.


“Thank you. Turns out Rakshul has liked me since a long time ago


But somehow she didn’t look surprised.

“Aren’t you surprised?”

“I expected it.”

“How? You’ve never even spoken to Rakshul.”

Ser would hide herself whenever Rakshul came.

“You know I’ve known you since you were a child. It was really
obvious from your stories that he liked you.”


“Yes, you’re the only one who didn’t notice it.”

She grinned.

“I didn’t even realize anything until I kissed him…”


She called my name.

Ser had always called me Laon since we became friends.

Why did she call me ‘Laontel’ now?

Was she mad at me?

“I have something to say too.”

“Yes, say it.”

“I want to become a human.”


“I’ve decided to marry Phillip.”

Ser had many worries about her relationship with Phillip.

She was a Goddess but Phillip was human. There was an

insurmountable difference between the two.

In the end, she abandoned the power given to her by God and chose

“Won’t you regret it?”

“I’ll regret it even more if I don’t get married to Phillip.”

She said determinedly.

Sign in

Chapter 71 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Ser had always been as innocent as a child. As everyone around her

grew and changed, she remained the same, Just talking to her made
me feel like I had returned to our childhood days.

But the Ser in front of me now was different. She looked like a
woman in love.

She had made her decision after much consideration.

Even though I was her friend, I couldn’t meddle in her affairs, so I

only congratulated her.

“That’s great, Ser. Congratulations.”

“Thank you, Laon.”

She smiled again, calling me by my nickname.

“I’ve decided to give Phillip my powers before I become a human


“…did Phillip ask you to do that?”

“No. I wanted to do it myself.”

“But if you give him all of your powers, you won’t be able to go back
to your original form.”

Even if Ser took on a human form and stayed on earth, as long as

she still had her power, she could always abandon her human body
and go back to her original form.

Thinking of that, I felt uneasy and couldn’t fully support Serphania’s


“Phillip was worried too, but I only want to be beside Phillip! Besides,
he told me he’ll give it back if I ask. I just wanted to give him

Ser explained desperately.

But somehow, her expression seemed to be rather uneasy.

“Ser, don’t make rash decisions…”

“Laontel, I’m sorry!”

“You are my only friend. I was supposed to give you the power.”

“No, you’ve already blessed me. I’m very grateful for that.”

“I’m so sorry. I’ll give you the second blessing.”

Ser took my hand and a mysterious song came out of her mouth. A
strong light enveloped her whole body.

“You love books, so I’ll give you the ability to read and speak any

After the light disappeared, I blinked.

Perhaps it was because of the intense light, but I couldn’t see very

“My eyes are weird.”

“You’ll be alright in a second, and from now on, you will be able to
read any book in the world and talk to people from various countries
without any language barrier.”

I slowly closed my eyes again. Then, my eyes returned back to


“It’s alright.”

“Isn’t it?”

“Did you really give me that?”

“I wouldn’t lie to you.”

“Wow, thank you. Thank you very much! You didn’t have to give me
any power.”

“What are you talking about? You’re my one and only precious
friend. Now take this.”

Ser handed me a necklace with a jewel in it.

“What is it?”

“I will give all of my powers to Phillip but I only gave you a tiny
blessing, so this is a gift from me.”

“I’m sorry, it’s too much for me…”

I tried to give the necklace back to her.

“Don’t feel pressured. It’s a gift to symbolize our friendship.”

“Even if you get married, don’t forget me. It doesn’t matter where I
am or how far away we are. There’s magic in the necklace, and
using that, you can come see me whenever you want.”

Ser smiled and hung the necklace on my neck.


The necklace was called the ‘Tears of Light’.

The Tears of Light was the token of friendship that Serphania gave

After years passed, people started using it as a tool to determine the

Heir of Light and called it the Tears of Light, but in fact, it was
originally a gift of friendship.

I grasped the necklace in my hand.

“Tell me where Ser is. I want to meet her.”

Light spread out from the necklace.

I quickly let go of it and it flew into the air.

The necklace began to move slowly in a certain direction while

emitting light. I quickly followed after it.

I found the way to find Ser. I just needed to use this necklace.

It was getting hotter and there was a sandstorm so it was hard to

open my eyes. Moreover, the rotten stench from the mud made it
hard to breath.

As I began to walk, it became harder to keep going, but there was

still a faint light that guided me.

Soon, another piece of memory appeared in my mind.


“Phillip, congratulations on your wedding.”

After I returned, I visited Phillip to congratulate him.


But he was expressionless as usual.

Although he was usually very blunt and cold, his attitude became
even colder ever since I came back from the north.

“What’s wrong with you?”


“You’re getting married soon! You should smile more!”

“You want me to act stupid like you?”

“Me? When did I act stupid?”

“I hear your engagement is confirmed.”

“That’s true.”

“Finally, you will be the Crown Princess.”

He said sarcastically.

I wanted to argue, but I knew that Phillip hated the Imperial family.

If I was him, I would hate them too. Afterall, the Emperor abandoned
him and killed his mother.

“You know, I’ve liked him for a long time. He’s a really good man.”

“You’ll come to my wedding right?”


Phillip remained silent. It wasn’t like I could force him to say yes.

“When are you getting married?”

“It’s none of your business.”

No matter how angry he was, this was just too much.

I held my anger in because I knew he was precious to Ser.

“Hey, I heard Ser’s going to give you all of her power before
becoming human.”


“Well, can you stop her?”


“Ser believes she can only be with you if she becomes human. But if
she gives all of her strength to you, it will hurt Ser’s body. So can you
give a little bit of the strength to her…”

“What? Why? Are you afraid I’ll become stronger than Rakshul?”

Phillip replied to me coldly.

“What does that mean?”

He suddenly mentioned Rakshul.

“I’ll attend if you have a wedding.”

Phillip left coldly without replying.


That night, Ser came to see me.

“What did you say to Phillip?!”

She shouted to me suddenly.

“Ser, what’s wrong?”

“It was what I wanted! I chose to do it because I wanted to give

Phillip my strength!”

“Ser, calm down a little.”

“Don’t you want me to become happy?”


“Laontel, I won’t be your friend anymore.”

Ser glared at me with eyes full of tears and disappeared. She hasn’t
visited me even once since that day.

I kept saying I wanted to see her in the necklace Ser gave me, but
there was no response.

Along with her, Phillip also disappeared.

Were they preparing for their marriage?

Is that why they disappeared?

I hoped they’d come to my wedding.

They probably would, afterall, they promised me.

I looked forward to meeting them again.


But we didn’t get married.

There was a terrible plague in the Imperial family, starting with the
8th Empress’ death.

It was a skin disease that caused her skin to become black. She
vomited blood and suffered from a high fever, eventually leading to

Moreover it was highly contagious.

The disease spread rapidly among the Imperial family and their
servants, and even to some nobles.

I had never seen this kind of disease before.

Our wedding, originally scheduled in October, was postponed.

Rakshul and I searched for the cure instead.

But nothing could be done.

The herbs didn’t work at all and the Power of Light worsened the

I look for Serphania and Phillip, hoping that the two could help us
find the cure, but there was no news about them.

“Laontel, get some rest.”

“I’m fine. I’m the mage of light that has been blessed by the
Goddess, I won’t get sick. Rakshul, you’re the one who needs sleep.
You haven’t slept a wink.”

“No, I slept a lot.”

Rakshul obviously lied.

As the disease spread, the Emperor fled from the palace.

So Rakshul, the Crown Prince was in charge of all affairs on behalf

of the Emperor.

Political affairs were already so difficult, and he had to search for the
curse and prevent the disease from spreading on top of that.

Rakshul hardly slept.

“Can’t you sleep for a while?”

“I’m the Crown Prince. I have my own responsibility.”

“The Emperor left and everyone is panicking. Don’t do all of this by


He had to go to the place where the plague was at its worst, meet
the sick people in person, and figure out a solution.

I was very afraid. What if Rakshul got sick too?

But I was even more afraid that if I said the words out loud, it would
become a reality. So I shut my mouth.

“Don’t worry Laontel, I’m fine.”

Rakshul saw that I was anxious and hugged me tightly to comfort


The next day, a black spot appeared on Rakshul’s body.

Sign in

Chapter 72 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Rakshul’s condition quickly deteriorated. His skin became covered

with black spots and he couldn’t even move because of the fever.

I stayed by his side all day long.

I was sure he’d overcome this. Rakshul couldn’t die like this.

If I found Ser, I was sure she could cure his disease. But no matter
how much I cried to the necklace, Ser didn’t answer me.


It had been a long time since he called me by my name.

I put my necklace down and held his hands tightly.


“Laontel, thank you for everything.”

He couldn’t open his eyes properly because of his fever, but there
was a smile on his face.
My heart sank. Rakshul was saying goodbye.

I barely managed to smile, squeezing the last bit of strength I had left
to smile at him for the final farewell.

“Don’t say that!”

“I think I should go now!”

“Where are you going?!”

He stroked my cheeks with his hand.

“I’m sorry. I wanted to be with you all my life. I wanted to grow old
together with you. I wanted to share our burdens.”

“Then don’t go! Stay with me!”

I wailed.

Even though I knew he was bidding me farewell, I couldn’t accept it.

“If only I confessed earlier…I would have said I love you so many
more times. If we have another life and I meet you again, I’ll tell you
that everyday.”

“You can start now! Tell me that everyday!”

“You have to live happily. Always smile and have fun.”

“How can I be happy without you?! Don’t die! If you want me to be

happy, don’t die!”


His eyes started to shut.

“No! Rakshul! Open your eyes! Please open your eyes. Don’t die!
Don’t leave me behind!”
I begged him and prayed earnestly, but Rakshul didn’t open his


I was in the darkness again.

Tears poured down like a waterfall. I sat down on the spot and cried.

Rakshul was dead. The sorrow seemed to tear my heart open and
strike my whole body like lightning.

Even though the events had already passed a thousand years ago, I
couldn’t stop crying.

I couldn’t do anything.

Laontel could only watch helplessly as she lost Rakshul.

But I couldn’t keep being sad like this.

If I didn’t save Serphania, the curse wouldn’t go away.

I couldn’t lose him again this time.

I wiped the tears away.


Rakshul passed away. The Crown Prince died but there was no
proper funeral held for him.

After his death, the plague spread throughout the capital and even to
the Emperor who fled the palace.

People kept getting sick and dying.

The whole capital was in chaos, so how would there be time to hold
a funeral?
I understood, but I was still sad.

My brothers and I prepared the funeral for Rakshul instead of the

Imperial family.

“You shouldn’t cry like that at a funeral.”

I wanted to let Rakshul go with a smile but tears just wouldn’t stop.

I had too many regrets.

‘Why didn’t I confess earlier? If he didn’t deal with the monster, he

wouldn’t have to become the Crown Prince. If he wasn’t the Crown
Prince, we wouldn’t need to stay in the palace, and he wouldn’t have

I stood in the room, seized by despair.

In the meantime, many changes happened in the Empire.

The Emperor’s position was empty. Not only did all of the Emperor’s
children die of the plague, his brothers were all gone too, so we
there was no one to choose as the next Emperor.

Suddenly, Phillip appeared.

People cheered him on as he used the Power of Light to treat the


Although he didn’t have the black hair that symbolized the Royal
family of Zelcan, he was crowned as the new Emperor with the
praise of the people.

I didn’t attend Phillip’s coronation.

The next day, he came to find me.

The man who I searched so much for was standing in front of me.

“Long time no see, Laontel. I thought I would see you at the

ceremony yesterday, but you didn’t come.”

“I greet the Emperor.”

He was now the Emperor of the Zelcan Empire.

I bowed my head.

“Oh, thank you, but there’s no need. Afterall, our relationship is

special, isn’t it?”

The corners of his mouth raised up in a smile as he spoke. My

expression remained stiff.

“Are you mad at me?”

“No, why would I be?”

“I heard Rakshul died.”

He said Rakshul’s name without any hesitation.


“I went to the Valley of Chaos after I left, so I didn’t know that you
had been looking for me. I should’ve come back earlier.”

“I see.”

The Valley of Chaos was an abandoned place and no one lived

there. No wonder I couldn’t find him.

“Do you hate me?”

I shook my head. I didn’t hate Phillip. He only left with his beloved
and had now come back home.

And he treated the plague too. He didn’t do anything wrong.

“I just resent myself.”

But I hated myself for not being able to save Rakshul.

“It’s not Laon’s fault!”

I looked back, started by the voice.

At that moment, Ser suddenly appeared in my arms.


“Sorry Laon, I’m sorry. I didn’t know that happened to Rakshul. I’m
sorry. It’s all my fault…”

She burst into tears and cried inconsolably.

They didn’t know it at that time.

But I resented Ser and Phillip, for not showing up until the last
moment and saving only the people.

Of course I knew it wasn’t their fault, but the resentment

accumulated over time.

“No, don’t’ say that.”

“I’m sorry Laon. I’m so sorry. Do you hate me? You hate me, don’t
you? I’m sure you do. I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t hate you, I’m glad you’re back.”


But the friend I once knew was different.


The Zelcan Empire’s name was changed into Asteric Empire. Altar
Palace’s name was also changed to Tenlarn Palace.

The plague was completely gone and the Empire gradually


But the peace didn’t last very long. Phillip went on to build new
palaces, make stone plates and statues honoring his achievement
and held royal balls everyday.

Each time, he spent a huge amount of the budget and the

commoners had to struggle to bear the huge taxes.

I went to visit Phillip. Rakshul loved this country and wanted to

protect it.

It didn’t matter if the name changed, but I couldn’t see the people

If Rakshul was alive, this wouldn’t have happened.

“How many more royal balls do you plan to hold?”

“Why are you saying that all of a sudden? Don’t you think you’re
being rude to the Emperor of this Empire?”

“Do you know how much has to be collected in taxes every time?
The people are starving while you’re also taking away all their


His response was lukewarm, as if he couldn’t care less.

“A lot of people died because of the plague. There are still a lot of
dead bodies strewn around everywhere while you’re only making the
situation even worse.”

“I am the Emperor of this Empire. Why should I care about every

single one of those stupid people?”

His attitude left me speechless.

“You’ve changed haven’t you? Or is it that I realized your true colors

only now?”

“Watch your words. No matter how close we are, I won’t forgive you.”

He said to me arrogantly.

My words didn’t seem to be getting through to him, but I couldn’t

back away like this.

“When are you going to announce Ser as the Empress?”

Phillip hid Ser’s existence.

He didn’t make their marriage public and sent her away to live at a
shabby annex.

I protested it to him many times, but he never answered.

“Are you going to start with that again?”

He was saying that again.

“How long are you going to lock Ser in that kind of place? I heard
you don’t even visit her these days.”

“If you’re so upset, then take her back with you.”

“You…Ser gave everything she had to you!”

Phillip covered his ears when I yelled at him.

“Yes, Ser gave me everything. And now she doesn’t have anything
left. She lost her power and she has neither wealth nor status. She’s
just an incompetent woman. Do you think such a person could
become the Empress?”

Phillip said it so arrogantly that I was left speechless and almost

couldn’t find any words to respond.

“…are you crazy?”

“Just accept the reality of the situation.”

“Ser lost all of her strength for you! It was all because of you!”

“What’s the use of the past anyway? Right now, she isn’t fit to be the

“What? Have you forgotten how you got your position? It was all
thanks to the plague! You cured the disease with Ser’s power!
Thanks to her, you became the Emperor, and yet, you’re just going
to throw her away?!”

“Be careful with your words.”

Phillip said to me coldly.

“You’re really crazy. Did you get amnesia?”

“I told you to be polite.”


I snorted at him.

At that moment, Phillip grabbed my wrist.

“Get your hands off me! What is this?!”

I screamed in shock but he didn’t let go.

“I’ve decided who will be my Empress.”

Sign in

Chapter 73 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (5)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“What about Ser?”

“I don’t care about her.”

“Who will it be then?”

“It’s you, Laontel.”


I doubted my ears. I thought I was mistaken.

But Phillip looked me in the eye and continued.

“It’s you that I love! I wanted to tell you way before Rakshul did…”

“Lies! What about Ser?”

“I needed a lot of strength to become the Emperor. That’s why I used

her. Everything I did was to have you, Laontel.”

I was absolutely disgusted.

“Stop it! Love? Don’t be ridiculous! You used Ser just for that?!”
Suddenly, Phillip pulled me by the waist and tried to kiss me. I
avoided his face and then slapped him.

Phillip glared at me with his face flushed.

“I have everything that Rakshul had now! I’m the Emperor! I got the
Power of Light! Is it because of my hair? Or is it my name?!”

The Royal Family had a tradition of donating to the church, and in

return, the priest would bestow a name to their children.

This was a long-time Roum tradition.

Phillip’s mother also asked the Emperor to do so for her, but the
Emperor didn’t want to donate to the church for this son, so he
carelessly gave him a servant’s name.

Phillip’s name was one of his complexes.

However, I never cared about any of that, whether it be his name or

his hair.

“Rakshul is not mean! He’s better than trash like you. Don’t you dare
compare yourself to him!”

I pushed Phillip and stormed out of the room.

I immediately ran to Ser.


“Laon, you’re here?”

Ser was lying in bed and smiled at me when I came in

“Sorry, were you taking a nap?”

“No. I was just about to wake up.”

“That’s a relief. Get up, let’s go to my place.”

“It’s alright, I like it here.”

I had already offered for Ser to move in with me many times.

Besides, she used to stay at my place before too.

But I couldn’t just let her be this time.

“Ser, Phillip is not as good as you think.”

I had to tell her the truth. But how should I explain the situation so
that Ser wouldn’t be hurt?

Before I could continue, Ser opened her mouth.

“I know it all. Phillip likes you.”

“You knew that?”

“Yes, I already knew it since I first met Phillip.”

She said to me calmly.

“…then why did you do so?”

“Just because I like him. I couldn’t hide my feelings any longer and
thought maybe someday Phillip would be sincere towards me. I was
jealous of you too. When I tried to give Phillip my powers, you
stopped him. I was angry even though I knew you were doing it for
me. I thought Phillip would love me with all his heart if I gave him the
Power of Light.”

“Why did you think so? That’s absurd!”

“I know, but while I was talking with Phillip I felt that it would be worth
it. I like him too much. I’m such a fool.”
“It’s not your fault. It’s obvious that he’s been trying to create a rift
between us. He knew if I managed to convince you, you wouldn’t
give him your powers. Ser, let’s leave right now! Forget about him.”



“I’ve sinned.”

“Sinned? What—“

Before I could even ask, Ser burst into a fit of coughs.

She covered her mouth in a hurry, but I still saw the blood dripping
from the gaps between her fingers.

I noticed a black spot on her arms and my heart sank.

Black spots, vomiting blood, bloodshot eyes. She had the same
symptoms as Rakshul.

“Ser, what’s wrong with your body? Since when have you been this
sick? Why didn’t Phillip heal you?”

“This is my sin.”

“What happened?”

She stared at me blankly, and then began to explain everything that

happened when we lost contact.

“People died because of me. That’s why I am being punished.”

“Because of you? Do you mean the disease?”

She nodded.
“Phillip used my powers to commit bad deeds. I gave the Power of
Light to the wrong person. That’s why I got punished. Countless
people died because of me. Rakshul also died because of me. All of
this happened because I gave him the power. I’m sorry Laontel. I’m
so sorry.”

She burst into tears.

So that’s why an unknown disease suddenly spread in the Imperial


I understood now why Ser cried as she apologized to me when we

met again after a long time.

Phillip deliberately spread the disease so he could become the

Emperor. He killed everyone that was likely to ascend the throne.

But the disease also spread throughout the region, making the
situation even worse.

Phillip used Ser’s power to create a disease that had never been
seen before. That was why no one knew how to cure it, and even
magic didn’t work.

There was the Power of Light on the disease so even those healing
spells didn’t work.

However, Phillip knew the method to cure the disease he created

using the same power.

Those who were terrified by the mysterious plague considered Phillip

as their saviour, so he easily became the Emperor as planned.

Ser apologized to me because she already knew about this.

“I don’t deserve your help. I’m a fool, Rakshul died because of me…”

Ser knew Phillip had used her but she still remained at his side.
That’s how she planned to punish herself.
For now, the first thing to do was to treat her.

I had already lost my most beloved person. I couldn’t lose my best

friend like this.

“Ser, take back all of the blessing you gave me.”

“No, I can’t do that…”

“Take it. Use that power to heal yourself. You can go back to the way
you were if you abandon your human body. Then, you can get

Ser was the Goddess of Light, so just a little bit of power was
enough for her to go back to her original form.

She could also take the Power of Light she gave to Phillip back.

Despite the obvious solution, Ser hesitated.

“But what will happen to Phillip if he loses the Power of Light…”

“Why are you even worried about him in this situation?!”

The door opened as I screamed in frustration.

Phillip came in followed by his knights.

“Laontel, I found you.”

Phillip looked at me,

“Why are you looking for me?”

“You’re going to become the Empress. Of course I need to find you.”

“Are you crazy? Why would I be your Empress?!”

I screamed at Phillip but he only smiled.

“Were you telling Ser about our wedding?”

“What are you talking about? That’s nonsense!”

I was shocked by Phillip’s attitude.

“Move Laontel Bellacian to the Empress’ palace.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“The Empress palace? What are you talking about? Why would I go

I protested to Phillip but he signaled the knights again without

answering me. In the end, I was taken to the palace.


Phillip locked me in the Empress’ palace.

The Bellacian family protested it but he ignored them.

I was locked in the most splendid room in the palace.

Everything was made of gold and decorated with jewels. Everyone

envied the palace that was given to me, but to me, it was a gilded

“How long are you going to keep me here?”

“Until you become mine.”

“You killed Rakshul! You sacrificed innocent people to become the

Emperor! Do you think I’ll forgive you?”

Phillip’s lips curved up.

“Laontel, you are useless, but I still kept you alive. You should be
grateful for that.”
He didn’t seem to be guilty in the slightest even when the truth was

Rather, he became even more brazen.

“I could never understand your crazy logic.”

“You’ve become more annoying.”

“If you were locked up in a bedroom for a year, you’d also be like

“Well, listening to you isn’t as bad as the others.”


It was like I was talking to a wall.

“You have three wifes! What’s the point of keeping me here?!”

“I will make you the Empress.”

Phillip locked me up in the Empress’ palace and took in three

noblewomen as his wives. They even gave birth to children for him.

I didn’t want to deal with his nonsense anymore.

I was only concerned about Ser’s condition.

“How’s Ser?”

“She’s doing very well. She’s very happy because she thought I had
abandoned you.”

He was driving a wedge between me and Ser.

Sign in

Chapter 74 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill her. I’m not that cold-blooded.”

“Wow, I’m so touched.”

“Don’t be sarcastic and think about your options. Which path would
be the best for you to choose? It would be better to become the
Empress than to be locked here.”

His face gradually got closer so I pushed his chest.

“Get lost.”

“I’m looking forward to the day you give up.”

He smiled and went away.

I’d rather spend my whole life being locked up than become his

Knock knock.

I heard a sudden knock on the window.



It was Ser’s voice.

I opened the window hurriedly.

Ser came inside and I noticed a large waistband around her waist.

It seems like she came upstairs using the waistband.

I could still see the black spot on her hand which meant that she was
still suffering from the disease.

“Sorry, I came too late. I’ve been trying to visit you for a while now
but I failed every time.”

“No, thank you for coming.”

“But is your body fine?”

“All I care about is you, Laon.”

Ser seemed to be really exhausted.

It looked as if she had been through a lot after I was locked.

“Phillip announced that he would make you the Empress.”


“He has already set the wedding date. It’s a month later.”

Phillip said he wouldn’t force me. I thought he was being honest

since he hadn’t done anything for a year.

But that wasn’t so.

I spent a year in this room but would it all end like this?

My legs went limp and I collapsed.

“Laon, I’ll do as you say. Can you give me my powers back?”

“Of course I will!”

We held each other’s hand and I returned the blessing I received

from Ser.

Since both parties agreed, the powers went back to Ser without any

Her body became enveloped by white lights,

“I’ll save you later.”

“Yes, I’ll be waiting.”


My memories of the past continued to flood in.

I thought that this terrible nightmare would come to an end when I

returned the powers to Ser.

I never dreamed that this was the beginning of an even bigger


The more I walked, the hotter I felt.

Sweat poured down my body like a waterfall and I felt as if I was

about to melt.

It was the same then.

Shortly after Ser’ departure, the palace went up in flames.


A fire broke out in Tenlarn palace.

The fire started on the main palace and quickly spread to other

A raging fire engulfed the palace as people began to scream and run

I knocked on the door, but there was no response.

The knights guarding the gate must have fled in fear.

The fire was spreading quickly so it became hard to breath.

I couldn’t see anything because of the black smoke.

I thought that it was not too bad to die here.

I wanted to die and meet Rakshul soon rather than be stuck in the
palace or forced to become Phillips’ wife.

Right when I was about to give up completely, Phillip came inside.

His expression remained calm even though the palace was being
burned down.

I got up instinctively.

“Did you set the fire?”

“It’s dangerous, let’s go.”

Phillip forcefully grabbed my hand.

I must be right. He set the fire.

“Why did you set the fire? How can you do this?!”
The whole place was on fire and people were screaming for help.

But there was no guilt in Phillip’s expression.

He looked at me expressionlessly and continued to drag me away.

“Right, Ser!”


“Where’s Ser?”

He then proceeded to carry me instead of saying anything.

“Let me go! Hey! Put me down right now!”

But Phillip continued to walk forward as he carried me in his arms.

The knights followed us silently from behind.

As we walked away, the flames and screams gradually faded away

and the air cooled down.

We had arrived at the deepest place in the Tenlarn palace.

“Stay here for a moment.”

“Hey! Where’s Ser?”

Phillip went out without answering.


I was trapped in this room.

But where’s Ser?

What about the palace?

Why did Phillip start the fire?

Unlike the place I was in before, this place didn’t even have a

I couldn’t tell how much time had passed or what happened now.

All I could see was a stone plate.

It had all the deaths since the plague started recorded on it, including

-In February 510, the Crown Prince passed away.

I read the sentence over and over again.

I didn’t want to see it, but my eyes were fixed on the stone plate.

“Rakshul, Rakshul…”

I missed him, I missed Rakshul.


I was repeatedly saying his name, when suddenly, a light flowed

from my hands.

The blessings that Ser gave me had come back again to me.

And there were other things too,

It was the Power of the Goddess. Part of her strength had flowed
back to me.

What’s going on here?

Did Ser regain her strength?

Did she send me some of her power?

I was wondering what happened when I suddenly heard Ser’ voice in
my ears.

[Laon! Save me! Save me!]

I got up in a hurry.

There was no time to be lost in thought.

I opened the door using the power she gave me.

The knight’s under Phillip’s order tried to stop me, but I silenced
them all using the power.

I came to a stop after exiting the palace.

The situation was far worse than what I expected.

The Tenlarn palace had turned into a pile of ashes and the air was
polluted with poisonous smoke.

At first glance, it seemed like a black magic spell, but after closer
inspection, I realized that it was the Power of Light.

The flow of light was different from usual but I could see it clearly
because of Ser’s power.

This was what Phillip did.

I quickly headed to the palace where Phillip was.

There was no one left to stop me.

Everyone was already dead anyway. I passed by numerous dead

bodies as I rushed forward.

It was a terrible sight. As I neared the Emperor’s palace, I saw a

huge stone plate.
How did the stone tablets remain untouched even in this situation?

After Phillip ascended the throne as the Emperor, he made many

statues and stone plates to praise his achievements.

I thought it was just another one of his plaques but the inscription on
the stone plate caught my eye.

-Rakshul, the former Crown Prince, announces.


I stopped on the spot.

-Phillip dared to call himself the Emperor and change the name of
Altar Palace according to his will. Thus, on September 1, 687,
Rakshul led a coup to destroy Phillip and the people who dared to
take over the Roums and destroyed the corrupt Altar Palace.

-O foolish people, obey the Roums. If you disobey them, they will
take away everything that they have given you. The land of Khan will
darken and be consumed by pain forever.

-Follow the Roums. This is the last chance we give you. Pledge your
allegiance to Rakshul, the new Emperor of Zelcan. Don’t forget, you
are a Zelcan person!

What is this?

On the stone plate, it said that Rakshul set fire to the palace.

This must be Phillip’s doing.

There was no way someone had time to create this plate in the
middle of this chaos.

It was obvious why he created it.

He was going to blame Rakshul for everything that he had done.

“I told you to stay still, but you’re here.”

Phillip suddenly appeared behind me.

“Phillip, what’s this?! Are you out of your mind? How could you do
this?! Are you even a human?”

I poured out my anger on him.

Phillip’s eyes flashed furiously.

“Don’t talk recklessly. I am the Emperor of this Empire. I won’t forgive

you if you disrespect me again.”

“Yes, you are the Emperor! Then take responsibility for this! Rakshul
didn’t do anything!”

Phillip smiled at me bitterly as I cried.

“Laontel, as expected, you’re smart. I didn’t think you’d notice who

made this.”

“This kind of lie won’t work! Rakshul has already passed away!
Everyone knows that!”

“Human beings are stupid. They are easily misled by everything.”

“I can fake it by saying that the Crown Prince is alive and set fire to
the Tenlarn palace to regain his country and throne.”

“A massacre? Did you kill all of the people in the capital?”

Sign in

Chapter 75 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (7)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“I didn’t kill everyone.”

Phillip laughed as if he didn’t feel guilty at all.

“What about my father and brothers?”

“I wouldn’t hurt them. They’re your family.”

I was relieved, but I couldn’t rejoice in the face of this tragedy.

“Why did you do this?”

“It’s all because of you.”


“Yes, it’s because of you! All this happened because you gave your
powers to Ser! She was going to die soon anyway but you ruined it

“You lied about Ser’s condition.”

He planned to kill her from the start. He had no intention of treating
her disease in the first place.

“Well, you did believe it.”

Phillip said cynically. He had been hiding his true colours all this

He pretended to be kind and polite. He did not even take off his
mask when Ser was alone with him.

But now, he didn’t even bother to keep up pretences.

“Where’s Ser now?”

“She’s dead.”


“She didn’t die as a Goddess. There was no point in stabbing her

and setting the place on fire. So I offered her as a sacrifice.”


“Yes! I offered to let the people kill her. Serphania tried to take away
my power but in the end I won! Now this power is entirely mine.”

Phillip’s eyes flashed with madness.

“Is that why you killed Ser? Is that why you set the fire, defiled the
earth and sacrificed so many people?!”

Phillip answered confidently.

“None of this would’ve happened if you didn’t give her your powers.
Nothing would’ve happened if you kept the blessing to yourself.”

“If you’re so confident, then don’t lie! Don’t tarnish Rakshul’s name!
Tell everyone it was you!”
“Rakshul, Rakshul! How dare you mention that name again in front
of me?! What’s wrong? The people died because of him. If he didn’t
take you away, I wouldn’t have done anything. That bastard ruined

Phillip screamed. He wasn’t just trying to evade his responsibility.

He sincerely believed that Rakshul caused everything.

“Rakshul will now be deemed as a sinner! Everyone will point their

fingers at him for causing this tragedy.”

“Do you really think you can do that? The truth will come out

“I’m the Emperor! My word is the truth.”

“I don’t think so.”

“What can you do?”

He laughed and came closer to me.

“Let’s go to the new capital and start over again, Laontel.”

“I won’t go.”

Phillip put the stone plate in the middle of the palace. He’d do
whatever he could to put the blame on Ralshul.

Rakshul would be deemed as a murderer who killed so many

innocent people.

Getting rid of Rakshul and twisting the story to his liking would be a
piece of cake.

However, there was a bit of truth that could be revealed in the

I ran towards the innermost place in Tenlarn Palace.

Phillip followed me inside, and the moment we arrived there, the

corners of his mouth went up.

“Did you like being locked up, Laontel?”

“What nonsense.”

“Or do you like gold? I’ll decorate the new Empress palace with it


I ignored his words and focused my mind.

“Ah…we need to clean this place up.”

Phillip raised his hand to get rid of the stone plate that recorded
Rakshul’s death.

He tried to cast a spell on it, but I was faster.

I put a protective spell on the stone plate.

Phillip’s expression distorted when he realized this.

“I guess she took some of my power and gave it to you.”

“Your power? What a joke! It was Ser’s power from the start!”

Phillip glared at me and tried to destroy the protective spell.

But he failed and it attacked him instead.

His body was thrown out of the room because of the impact.

After I went outside, I used my powers to close the door.

The huge golden door sparkled with the Power of Light.

I casted a protective barrier around me and approached Phillip as he

lay on the floor.

He did not give up and tried to use the destructive spell again.

“It’s useless. I’ve already placed a protective spell all over the place.”

“Now, no one can come into this place and break the stone plate
without my permission. The record of you becoming an Emperor
because of the plague and Rakshul passing away won’t disappear.”

“You’re only doing this to honor the dead right?!”

There was no guilt in Phillip’s expression. He was only angry

because he didn’t get this way.

“No matter what you do, there will always be evidence of the truth.”

I said to him coldly.

“I will reveal your sin to the whole world. Even the fact that you tried
to frame Rakshul, although he already passed away.”

However, Phillip only laughed.

“Then, I can just create another story so that no one can enter this


Back then, I had no choice but to watch countless people die.

I felt sadness, helplessness, pain and despair.

I wanted to be buried in the darkness at that time.

Then, I heard Ser’s scream.

[Argh! Laontel! Laontel! Where are you?! I’m scared!]

Her scream was louder than before. Perhaps, I was closer to her

This time, I must save Ser and Blake’s curse must be lifted too.

“Ser, I’ll save you.”

I gritted my teeth and gave strength to my legs.

In the endless darkness, I suddenly remembered the western tower

where I had been locked up.


Phillip tried to break my spell to no avail, but he didn’t give up.

He built several layers of walls around the room and erased its

In addition, he cast a spell on the land so that no one could step foot
in there.

Phillip abandoned that area and moved the capital to Senion.

In Zelcan, all of the power was concentrated in the hands of the

nobles in the Capital. Now, the Emperor ruled the Capital with an
iron first and did not let the nobles interfere.

Naturally, they wouldn’t accept it lying down.

The nobles who originally rooted for him now rebelled against him.

They used to reign like Emperors in Zelcan, so they were not

pleased with Philip or the nobles who followed him.

However, the protest didn’t last long.

Once again, the plague spread in Senion.

Phillip used the disease to remove the people who rebelled.

He used this method over and over again, making the people

Phillip also knew that they would be suspicious.

So he came up with another fake story.

‘The Goddess of Light was incredibly infuriated by Rakshul’s bad

deeds, soo she sent Tancinol to punish the Roums.’

He put the blame on Ser and Rakshul, and he also pointed to the
Roums as the cause of Tancinol.

Most of Zelcan’s nobles were Roums. The commoners were

outraged and attacked the nobles.

Phillip killed those who rebelled against him with the disease.

He directed the commoners’ resentment towards Rakshul and the

Roums as he took control of the new Capital.

I wanted to reveal the truth, but I couldn’t.

Phillip kept me chained in the western tower of the Imperial palace

and I couldn’t use my powers.

He even used my family to blackmail me.

“Laontel, the barrier is a bit broken. Were you trying to run away

“Do you want your cute niece and nephew to get Tancinol?”

“No! Don’t do that! My brother already lost his beloved daughter

because of you! Please don’t.”
“Now his youngest son is going to die.”

When I first tried to escape from the tower, Phillip killed my brother’s
daughter without any hesitation.

Whenever I disobeyed his will, he threatened me with my family.

“Then you can’t do it again.”

“Just kill me already! You’re good at that! I’m—“

“You know I can’t kill you.”

I saw his crimson eyes twinkle with desire.

“Laontel, you had some of the Goddess’ power!

“It’s nothing compared to you. I only own a small part.”

He traced my face with his hand and I got goosebumps.

I tried to push his hand away, but he grabbed my wrist.

“The Empress’ position is still empty. If you want to leave this place,
become my Empress.”
Sign in

Chapter 76 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (8)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“You already have a lot of wives!”

Phillip built up his political position by marrying numerous daughters

of nobles.

“I told you. I only love you.”

“I’d rather die than marry you.”

“The day you die, the Bellacian family will perish.”

Phillip didn’t even allow me to die.

I was trapped in the tower like this.

I couldn’t even see my family.

Only Phillip and a maid could visit me in the tower.

The maid was talkative so I received a lot of news about the Imperial
palace and the outside world from her.
“His Majesty treated the orphans with Tancinol today. I can’t believe
he even took care of them himself. I’m so proud of our Emperor.”

The maid praised him happily, but I felt devastated hearing that.

Everything was going as Phillip wished.

The nobles who protested against him all became ill or disappeared.

Phillip treated the Tancinol and no one suspected him, rather

everyone admired him for it.

The people regarded him as the Emperor sent by the Goddess of


Phillip created another story and spread it all over the Empire.

Phillip was chosen by the Goddess, so he destroyed the corrupted

Zelcans and became the Emperor.

Of course, some nobles, intellectuals, merchants in the Empire knew

that this story was a lie.

But anyone who spoke of it would die of Tancinol.

‘Whoever slanders the Emperor Phillip will be punished by the


Such rumours spread through the Empire, so those who knew of the
truth remained silent.

The nobles of Roum were purged, and Phillip bestowed the nobility
on those who were completely loyal to him.

All the positions of nobility in the new Empire became filled with his

Even more tales of his heroism spread and Rakshul quickly became
the villain that was despised by everyone.
There wasn’t much I could do under such circumstances.

“A Roum noble just died from the Tancinol. I’m sure he must’ve
talked bad about our Emperor. He deserved to die.”

The maid continued to blabber innocently.

I had the urge to tell her the truth, but I couldn’t.

If this little girl knew the truth, Phillip would surely kill her.


“Ser, can you hear me? Serphania, where are you now? You’re alive,
aren’t you?”

I desperately called for Ser as I clasped the necklace she gave me. I
searched for her traces.

Was Ser really dead?

I couldn’t believe it. I could hear Ser’s screams in my mind.

She was obviously asking me to save her.

At the same time, Ser’s blessing came to me again. Part of her

power entered my body.

Even though I hadn’t heard Ser’s voice for a long time, I didn’t stop

Suddenly, the door opened and Phillip came in.

It was the usual routine.

I turned my head and tried to ignore him but he grabbed my face.

“How to solve that?”


“How to solve that?! How the hell do I get rid of it?! What do I do?!”

He screamed like a mad man.

It was the first time he ever lost his temper like this.

Something big must’ve happened.

“What are you saying? What do you need to get rid of?”

Phillip looked at me in the eye.

Slowly, he loosened his grip on my face.

“Did you not know?”

“What’s going on?”

“No, if you don’t know, then forget it.”

The next day, the maid whispered to me quietly instead of combing

my hair like usual.

“The first prince is cursed.”

“The curse of the Goddess?”

“Yes, there was a ball a few days ago and the first prince’s face was
imprinted with black inscriptions.”

Black inscriptions?

Last night, Phillip shouted at me to ask me how to get rid of


“What is it about?”
“I don’t know. As soon as the inscriptions appeared, the Emperor
was surprised and hid him immediately. But it must’ve been the
Goddess of Light’s resentment towards him.”

“….the Goddess’ resentment?”

“Yes, it’s strange isn’t it? Why would the Goddess resent him?”

Word spread throughout the Empire that the prince had been cursed
by the Goddess.

The nobles who came to the party were unable to read the letters.

Phillip bestowed titles to whoever offered him their undying loyalty

regardless of their origin. Among these people, there were knights,
mercenaries, and even commoners, so naturally, most of them were

In addition, Phillip hid his son’s face so quickly that only a few saw it.

Nevertheless, rumours about the Goddess’ curse spread.

This was because the Royal Family suffering from the curse was big

A few days later, the prince died. The curse had been passed to
another one of his children.

The next day the princess died, and another one was cursed.

Phillip came to see me from time to time while his children were

“You know how to fix this! You’re screwing me over, aren’t you?! Tell
me how to get rid of it. Say it!”

Phillip poured all of his anger on me.

He wouldn’t have done this if he were his usual self.

Even though he knew I didn’t know anything about the situation, he
was too consumed by anger to think straight.

Phillip was out of his mind.

He had completely lost his mind.

“Ser’s alive, isn’t she? Where’s Ser?”

When I saw his reaction, it was clear that Ser had cursed his children
and wives.

Ser didn’t die.

“She’s dead! Dead!”

Phillip screamed madly.

He had become engulfed by fear and madness.

“You’re crazy.”

I wasn’t just cursing at him. He really had gone crazy.

Eight of his children and wives died.

No matter how cold-blooded he was, he must’ve cared about them.

It was weird to see Phillip going mad about the curse without thinking
of finding a solution to stop the rumours first.

He deserved this, but his children and wives were innocent victims.

Did Ser really do it?

Did Ser really kill Phillip’s family?

Even if it was for revenge, Ser couldn’t kill innocent children.

While Phillip was busy agonizing, another prince died, and the curse
was then transferred to the 6th prince.

“The 6th prince is the son of his 5th wife.”

My existence was a secret, and yet there were people who knew
about me.

His wives thought that the reason they couldn’t become an Empress
was because of me, so they came to the tower to harass me

Phillip only sat by and watched from the sidelines even though he
knew the situation.

In the first place, they wouldn’t be able to go into the tower if he had
stopped them from entering it.

“Laontel, isn’t it unfair to be treated like that by my wives? You just

need to marry me and I’ll make you the Empress. It’ll all be worth it.”

He would always come to look at me and say so after my hair

became disheveled and my clothes were torn to shreds because his
wives hit me.

Among his wives, the 5th wife was the most jealous of me. She’d
visit me frequently, but now she was busy dealing with her own

The 6th prince didn’t die until two months later.

After the 6th prince was cursed, Phillip didn’t come to see me

According to the maid, he had left the palace to find a way to solve
the curse.

I grabbed the necklace that Ser had given me and talked to her.
“Ser, what happened? Did you really do that? You’re alive, aren’t
you? Where are you? Please tell me.”

But she didn’t answer me.

I put down my necklace, when suddenly, the whole tower shook.

Why was the barrier broken?

Phillip was afraid I would run away.

So he poured all his energy into making the barrier.

But it was now broken. Phillip must have run into a problem.

I got up from my seat.

This was an opportunity.

It may be the only chance I have to escape the tower.

But if I escaped, what would happen to my family…

The door opened and a woman came in.

“Lady Bellacian!”

It was the 5th wife that always came to harass me.

I hesitated to answer.

She’d usually insult me with vulgar words, yet she called me by my

proper title now.

“Lady Bellacian, please save my John!”

John was the 6th prince, and he was currently suffering under the
“If it’s about the curse, there’s nothing I can do.”

I wanted to see the letters Ser left behind.

If I said I could help her, she’d let me meet the prince.

But I couldn’t give false hope to a desperate mother.

Phillip’s powers were stronger than mine anyway.

The chances of me being able to lift the curse were slim.

“The curse doesn’t matter! Lady Bellacian please help me stop His
Majesty from killing my son!”
Sign in

Chapter 77 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (9)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“What does that mean?”

No way.

Phillip wanted to cure the curse and save his children.

He nearly went mad looking for a solution.

“His Majesty always kills the child that’s been cursed! It’s my John’s
turn now! As soon as John was cursed, the Emperor imprisoned him.
He can’t contact anyone, not even his own mother. The Emperor
forbade from meeting him. If this continues, John will die!”

Day after day, the children died, but the speed of their death kept
getting faster.

Turns out it wasn’t because of the curse.

Phillip killed his own children with his own hands.

So that’s why the children were dying so fast.

“Save my John! His Majesty will listen to you! Please help me!”

I nodded after much consideration.

I wanted to save the child.

I couldn’t turn a blind eye to a mother’s cry for help with saving her
child’s life.

And I wanted to see the inscriptions Ser left on them.


I headed to the underground prison where the 6th prince was locked
as the 5th wife guided me.

Countless knights blocked my path.

But I had the Power of the Goddess too, and other than Phillip, there
was no one who could match me.

As I used the powers to subdue the knights, I heard a woman’s voice

resound in my ears.

[Laon, save me! I’m scared. Please save me!]


It was Ser’s voice.

As expected Ser was still alive.

She had been calling for me.

She had always been screaming desperately in my mind, but I

couldn’t hear her because Phillip had blocked her voice.

“Ser, where are you? I’m coming. Where are you now?”
At that moment, a bright light came from the necklace Ser had given

If I follow this light, could I meet Ser?


Then suddenly, the 5th wife who was next to me fell down

The knights that went after us were crushed by the lights.

The lights encircled the underground prison completely.

It became warped and distorted, unable to overcome the evil Power

of Light, and the people nearby vomited blood and died on the spot.

The necklace which was shining brightly also returned to its original

This was Phillip’s power.

I thought he had left the palace. Was he back?

I ran to a place where the power felt most concentrated.

Phillip was about to commit another crime.

I opened the door to the deepest part of the palace.

On the floor was a spell made with blood and in the center lay a
young boy. He had silver hair that was just like Phillip.

‘That kid is the 6th prince.’

I recognized him at once because the boy had black inscriptions on

his body.

I went nearer to his body and inspected it.

[I am the Goddess of Light. I was deceived by Phillip, deprived of my
powers and trapped in the Valley of Chaos. He has committed
numerous sins using my powers. He spread the contagious disease
and framed Prince Rakshul.]

Only now did I realize why Phillip was going crazy.

He wasn’t worried about his child. He was afraid that his sins would
be revealed to the entire world.

He killed his children to hide his sins.

“I told you to not get out of the tower, Laontel.”

Phillip said as he stood outside the spell formation.

“You want to harm your son! Are you really going to kill your son like

“I didn’t want to kill them either! I did my best to save them! I even
went to the Valley of Chaos! She tried so hard to come out and I put
her back in, but that curse still didn’t go away! Damn it!”

Phillip’s eyes were full of madness.

He was already out of his mind.

“You locked Ser up again?”

“Ser, Ser, Ser! Shut up! Stop saying that girl’s name!”

When Phillip screamed, his powers rushed over to attack me.

As soon as his powers penetrated my body, I felt pain all over my


I fell to the floor as Phillip looked at me and said, “Don’t disturb me.
Stay where you are.”
He used his powers to restrain my limbs.

Then, Phillip turned his gaze to the 6th prince.

“This time, I’ll really get rid of it.”

Phillip chanted the spell and his power began to spread out around
his body.

He poured out the power he received from the Goddess.

The power twisted violently and became evil.

The 6th prince screamed in pain as the inscriptions on his body

gradually faded away.

Or rather, another inscription appeared on top of it.

I realized what Phillip was trying to do.

He was putting a curse on his child.

The prince trembled in pain. Phillip’s curse was powerful enough to

erase the Goddess of Light inscriptions.

Soon, the inscriptions from Ser disappeared completely.

Instead of the message she sent, a new set of sentences covered

his entire body.

Eventually, the 6th prince failed to overcome the pain and passed

I forgot the pain in my body out of shock.

Phillip’s laughter resounded in the prison that was originally filled

with silence.
“Hahaha! There you go! I win! It’s my victory. Serphania, are you
watching? You lost to me! You’ve got nothing now. No matter how
many sentences you leave, no one will know now!”

He laughed and screamed madly.

I crawled on the floor, trying to ignore his laughter.

Phillip poured out all of his powers and the powers spread into the
boy’s wounds.

I crawled towards the boy, squeezing out the last bit of my strength
while vomiting blood.

I was worried about the boy.

Soon, I managed to reach next to the prince, but the boy was no
longer breathing.



Phillip responded to my words.

“Your son is dead.”

His eyes grew bigger in delight.

“Yes, I knew it!”

He smiled and opened another door in the prison.

Boys and girls with silver hair resembling Phillip were squatting in
fear inside the next prison.

“Who is it? I killed him, so the curse must’ve transferred to another

one! Who is it this time?!”
Phillip inspected the children’s bodies as he was shouting.

The frightened children burst into tears as soon as he entered.

Then, he saw a boy with a sentence engraved on his face.

“There you are!”

Phillip exclaimed joyfully.

The message sent by Ser disappeared completely and only the

letters that he engraved were visible.

“It’s completely my victory!”

Phillip rejoiced as if he had won a war.

I closed my eyes when I heard his laughter.


The 6th prince died and the curse was transferred to the 7th prince.

Phillip was full of joy as he gathered the nobles in the Capital.

He showed them the letters engraved on the 7th prince’s face.

“I heard a rumour going around that I betrayed the Goddess. It’s all a
lie. Look! This is a curse sent by the Goddess, but it’s not because I
betrayed her! The Goddess gave me strength to establish the Asteric
Empire and she hoped that the Asteric Empire would receive eternal
glory, so she marked the seeds of the tyrants that would lead the
Empire to destruction!”

Phillip escaped the blame again, but he marked his innocent children
as the seeds of a tyrant and corrupted souls.

The 7th prince spent every day in terrible pain.

The Power of the Goddess and Phillip’s power collided inside his
body and tormented him.

He wouldn’t live long if this went on.

No matter how long he endured, he’d die before he became an adult.

Phillip tried to get rid of the Zelcan inscriptions.

He was afraid that his sins would be revealed.

So, after the curse appeared, he began to obsessively get rid of the
Zelcan inscriptions.

Once again, he blamed his many terrible deeds on the Roums.

Ser’s message was overridden by his spell and the Zelcan

inscriptions gradually disappeared.

With that, Phillip began to relax more.

He moved me to the South Star palace. I would die soon anyway.

I didn’t have any more strength to endure this pain.

After Phillips’ attack, my body had been completely destroyed.

Even sitting was too painful.

I couldn’t use my powers or hear Ser’s voice again.

“Laontel, I’m sorry. I was out of my mind back then.”

Phillip apologized to me everyday.

“I’ll heal you. I’ll heal you for sure.”

He held my hand and wept.

But it was impossible.

Originally, Phillip had an enormous amount of light.

However, he lost it all because he used it to fight Ser.

He sealed the place where Ser was stuck and also used his power
on the former Capital in fear of the truth being revealed.

No matter how powerful Phillips was, he had already strained his

powers to the maximum.

Moreover, he had used the last of his power to hide the messages
from Ser.

Now he only had a little power left. If it was the Phillip from before,
he could cure me right away.
Sign in

Chapter 78 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (10)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Laontel, tell me anything you want.”

“Break Ser’s seal.”

It was even harder for me to speak now, but I forced myself to say
those words. Phillip’s expression hardened.

“I can’t grant that wish.”

I wasn’t disappointed. I expected that from him.

“Then, please give me a rock.”


“Yes. A very big rock.”


“I thought it would make me feel like I’m in the mountains because I

can’t go there.”

“I told you I’ll heal you! We can go to the mountains together!”

He cried as he hugged me.

I wanted to push him away but I couldn’t even lift my arms.

Even if I got better, I’d never go to the mountains with Phillip.

Phillip really gave me a rock. It was quite big too.

That day, I put the necklace I received from Ser in my maid’s hand.

“Give the necklace and this letter to Count Bellacian. Keep it a secret
from the Emperor.”

“What? But I…”

She became my maid under Phillip’s instructions, so she was

reluctant to accept my request.

“It’s my first and last request. Please help me.”


I handed her a jewelry box containing the jewels Phillip had given me

“I’ll give you this too.”


“Yes, so you have to do my request well.”

“Yes, I understand!”

After I die, the Power of Light that Ser gave me would be inherited by
one of the Bellacians.

I wanted to entrust this necklace to the Heir of Light since this

necklace would connect them to Ser.
And one day, they’ll be able to release Ser.

It would be nice if I could write everything down in a letter but there

was a high probability that Phillip would intercept on the way.

Even if it was a secret, there was a chance he’d discover it. But I still
hoped that it would reach my father’s hands without anyone

Phillip would read the contents of my letter.

So I only wrote a letter of gratitude and apologized to my family.

I also left a small letter about the necklace.

-I’ve never been a good aunt and given my nephew a proper gift, so
give this necklace to Athen. It will be my first and last gift, so I hope
that you cherish it.

Since the content was vague, Phillip wouldn’t catch on to it.

I wanted to hand over this necklace to my nephew, Athen.

Athen was a smart boy. He’d realize the meaning of this necklace.

“Ser, I’m sorry,”

As I looked at the maid leaving with the necklace, I apologized to


I couldn’t save her after all.

The maid left and gave me the big rock.

I poured my last strength into the rock. The big rock broke into
pieces and took the shape of a stone plate.

I carved sentences on it.


As I was sitting on a chair in the garden, Phillip suddenly came


“Laontel, what are you doing out here? It’s cold. Let’s go in.”

“I’ve been waiting for you.”


Phillip’s voice trembled.

What exactly did this man expect from me?

“Phillip, do you love me?”

“Yes, I love you! I’ve only ever loved you!”

“Then put this in front of the Emperor’s palace.”

I pointed to the stone plates I created.

Phillip had only just noticed the stone plates.


-On September the 5th year, the 3rd prince, who was cursed by the
Goddess, died. Immediately after that, the curse was transferred to
the 6th prince.

-On November the 5th year, the sentence engraved on the 6th
prince’s body changed. The 6th prince died. Soon after the curse
was transferred to the 7th prince.

When Phillip saw the inscriptions on the stone plate, he froze.

“You didn’t write anything about your son, so I made it myself.”

“Laontel, what is this?”

“Why? Is there something wrong? The information is correct though.”

“What the hell are you thinking? What are you planning to do?!”

“You said you love me. Just do me this favor once. It’s not even the
full truth. I only said that the sentences of the curse had changed.”


Phillip was about to blow his top now.

“Scaredy cat.”


“Even if some vague sentences are enough to scare you? Why did
you do it if you were going to be like this?”

“I didn’t do it because I wanted to! It was because of Ser!”

He blamed someone else again.

I didn’t have the time to listen to his excuses.

“Phillip, break Ser’s seal.”


“You have to do it for your own good. Ser’s going to do it again to

your heirs. Your descendants will suffer.”

“I already covered it with another curse. Moreover, there will be no

one who can read Zelcan left soon. No one will know what
Serphania is talking about!”

“Your descendants will suffer. The curse won’t end until Ser’s seal is
“When Ser returns, the truth will be revealed. Everything I have built
will fall apart. The Asteric Empire will be destroyed. It’s better to
sacrifice her for the greater good instead.”

“No, you’re sacrificing her to satisfy your own selfishness.”

“…let’s go in first. It’s cold.”

Phillip covered me with his coat first before heading to the stone
plate. He was thinking of breaking it first before we went inside.

But, it wouldn’t break no matter what. Afterall, I put the last bit of my
power into it.

“No matter what you do, it won’t break.”

“You really are annoying.”

He gritted his teeth.

However, he was not that angry compared to before.

“Even if I can’t break it, I can hide it.”

He put his hands on the stone plate and he poured his powers into it.
However, the letters only lost their shape but did not disappear.

He grinned triumphantly at the sight.

“I poured my powers into this. I can’t believe you fooled me like that.”

He used his powers to erase the letters, but he couldn’t.

“It would be a piece of cake for anyone with the Power of Light to
understand it.”

“Serphania is sealed, now there’s only two of us who have it.”

“You don’t know what’ll happen in the future.”

“If anyone approaches this, I’ll kill them.”

He put a spell on the stone plate and threw it into the lake.

The stone plate soon disappeared into the lake.

I had already expected it, so I didn‘t feel any emotions.

I just wanted to irritate Phillip with the last of my powers.

“It won’t work.”

As soon as I opened my mouth, blood poured out of my mouth and I



Phillip hurriedly held me in his embrace before I could fall to the


“Laontel, no! Hang in there! I’ll find a way to save you. Hang in there
just a little longer, I’ll…”

He cried and begged like I did to Rakshul before.


“Laontel, speak. I’ll listen to you.”

I spat out my last words

“I hate you.”


Turns out, the stone plate under the lake was made by me.

I poured the last of my powers into that stone plate.

The moment I closed my eyes, I could still hear Phillip’s scream.

Phillip said he loved me, yet, he was the one that drove me to my

Did he really love me?

I don’t know.

But I could say one thing for sure.

He was terrible and evil.

Every single memory of Laontel resurfaced in my mind.

From those memories I learned about everything that happened so

far. I now knew what happened all those years ago.

When I died, the power went to Athen, my nephew.

Phillip really gave the necklace and letter to Count Bellacian.

But neither Athen nor the other heirs who received the powers
successfully unsealed Ser.

Rather, the heirs gradually forgot how to use the Power of Light, and
after a thousand years, the powers gradually weakened.

Over the years, the necklace came to be called ‘The Tears of Light’
and became rumoured as a tool to identify the Heir of Light.

Phillip was a very thorough person.

He sent the necklace to Count Bellacian, but didn’t let go of his

doubts until the last minute.

After that, he kept an eye on the necklace and ordered his

subordinate to hide it after he died.
Hence, the necklace was sealed in a secret warehouse under the
western tower.

Phillip wanted to be known as a hero.

And as time went by, his wishes came true.

All those who knew of the truth and doubted him were gone while
Phillip’s heroic deeds became a fact to the people.

Meanwhile, Ser was still sealed in the Valley of Chaos.

She gathered her strength to escape on her own, but every time she
managed to open the door a crack, it was once again sealed shut.

Phillip called the place where he sealed Ser the Door of Darkness
and only those with the Power of Light could close it.

He said that if the door opens it would bring destruction to the world.

There was only one mistake he made.

Phillip used most of his powers to hide Ser’s message.

In the end, his descendant who inherited his Power of Light was
none other than the ‘Heir to the Curse’.

And so, Phillip created another method to close the door.

Sign in

Chapter 79 – Following a ray of light in the darkness (11)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Phillip created a ring of light to draw the Power of Light from the
cursed descendant’s body.

It was passed on to the next Emperor as a heirloom and the future

Emperors used it to seal the Door of Darkness everytime it opened.

The more they used the Ring of Light, the more bearer of the curse
would suffer.

Phillip was an evil man until the end. He never regarded anyone
else’s life as important.

But it wasn’t that cruel compared to when he drove the heir to the
curse to an isolated island to hide his disgrace.

He tried to hide the truth by saying the curse was made by the
Goddess to mark the seeds of the tyrants and corrupted souls.

I didn’t know what was going on either but it must be Phillip’s


Phillip died, and his son became the Emperor.

The new Emperor must have contemplated whether or not he should
tell the truth.

However, it was obvious that the Imperial family’s dignity would fall to
the ground when he revealed the truth.

The Asteric Empire was a country made by the power of the


However, the country was still unstable because it was new.

In the end, the second Emperor didn’t reveal anything.

But unfortunately, all the blame was put on the heir to the curse. The
second Emperor only revealed the truth to some of his family.

The fact that Phillip caused the curse to happen because he

betrayed the Goddess.

This was the truth known only by the heir to the curse.

For many years, Blake and many others had been sacrificed
because of Phillip’s greed.

On the way, Laontel memories came to my mind.

Turns out I was Laontel.

That’s why I kept seeing scenes that didn’t appear in the novel.

The memories were all mine.

The day I married Blake, I fell into a lake and died when I hit my
head on the stone plate. Then, I was reincarnated into another world.

I forgot everything and lived an ordinary life in Korea.

And then somehow, the story became a book there and I

reincarnated back here.
So how did the story become a novel?

Maybe it was written by someone connected to the two worlds like


I died two times and miraculously got another chance.

It was to save Ser.

I think that the heavens sent me to solve this curse.

I couldn’t fail this time.

The darkness continued and the heat refused to go away.

I walked with difficulty, using all my strength.

It was hard to breath and the pain slowly took over all of my senses.

But I still forced myself to walk.

All I could think was Blake and Ser.

As I walked along the only path in the darkness, I saw a bright red
light blinking from afar.

I finally found her.



I started to run towards her.

I squeezed out the last bit of my last strength and moved forward.

It was hard to lift my foot because of the mud, but I ran without
caring about anything.
The darkness soon faded away and the red light gradually shone

All of my surroundings were now red.

Just like the fire in Tenlarn Palace, when the flames engulfed the
whole place.

As soon as I saw it, I froze.

“Hot! Save me! Laontel, save me! I’m scared…”

“I’ll be right there, Ser!”

Ser was right in front of me. I have to hurry and save her.

I went into the hot, sizzling flames.

It was so painful that I couldn’t even scream.

But it wasn’t a real fire.

Amidst the heat of the fire, the distorted Power of Light swayed
around it.

It must be Phillip’s power

He locked Ser in this unbearably hot place.

I grit my teeth and continued to walk.

It wasn’t a real fire, but it felt as if I was in a real fire because of the

My body felt like it was about to melt away.

I walked and walked, until I could see a clear sphere which was half
covered in a black liquid.
Ser was stuck inside it.

I ran straight to her. There was no time to hesitate.


Ser knocked into the sphere as she cried. There were traces of a fire
burning her dress. It was torn in several places. Also, her arm and
legs looked very thin.

But, I couldn’t see any of the black spots that were on her a
thousand years ago.

I was speechless when I saw Ser, whom I hadn’t met in a thousand

years. There were a lot of burns in the area where the black spot
used to be. She probably suffered serious burns during the great fire
of Tenlarn Palace. She had been sealed without receiving any
treatment and a thousand years had passed now. The wound from
the burn remained as a terrible scar.



Ser recognized me as I approached her.

“Yes, it’s me. Ser, wait a little longer. I’ll get you out of there in a

I tried to open the seal.

As soon as I touched it, I could feel the powers in it.

Phillip’s seal was too strong.

But I couldn’t give up like this.

I could see small cracks inside the sphere.

They were obvious signs of Ser’s struggle for a thousand years and
my heart broke when I saw them.

Just how hard must it have been for her all these years.

But there was no time to be sad now.

Ser had tried to break Phillip’s seal many times. But everytime she
did, the Door of Darkness also opened.

The Emperor of Asteric sealed the door using the ring Phillip made.

At the same time, the door closed again, making all of Ser’s efforts

Ser gave me a part of her powers before she was sealed.

If I combine my strength with hers, I will be able to unseal it.

I recalled Laontel’s memory on how to use my powers.

I focused and summoned the power Ser gave me, but it wasn’t easy.

After I gathered my strength, I barely managed to place my hand on

the seal.

At that moment, the power surrounding the sphere rushed straight

into my hand. It was the magic that Philip had left in place to prevent
the seal from being broken.

I recalled the time I had been attacked by Philip’s powers in the past.
Would I die because of his power again? Could I really save Ser and

I was far more scared of that than of my own death.

I can’t even scream because of the pain. Then suddenly, Phillip’s

power began to go out of my body.
My eyes widened in surprise. Then I saw Ser. She reached out from
over the transparent sphere and took my hand.

Soon, the Power of Light that had been lying dormant inside of me
awakened with her help.

I began to focus again.

I felt like I had returned to my days as Laontel Bellacian.

As we both worked at the same time, Phillip’s powers gradually lost

its strength and disappeared.

Cracks began to appear in the seal and grew bigger and bigger.

Finally, the seal shattered into pieces.

At that moment, our surroundings became dark again. The flame

was also gone.

But it was different from before. I didn’t feel like I was being eaten by
despair anymore. It felt more like a peaceful and quiet night.



I finally released the seal and hugged her.

“Why are you so late?! It’s too late! You said you’d save me! You’re
my only friend!”

Ser sobbed inconsolably.

“I’m sorry Ser, I’m sorry…”

I could feel her burn scars as I hugged her tightly.

Tears welled up in my eyes when I saw the burn scar covering the
left side of Ser’s body.

“I hate you! I hate you! I called you so many times! You’re the only
one I have…”

“I’m so sorry. I’m sorry that I’m so late.”

All I could say was that I was sorry.

I only found Ser after a thousand years. I had lost my memories of


“Laon! I hate you so much! I shouted so much! I hate you! I hate


“I’m sorry Ser, it’s all my fault…”

I kept apologizing to Ser.

She said she hated me yet she hugged me very tightly with her thin

I didn’t remember my past lives before.

Before I was reborn as Ancia, I reincarnated into a completely

different world.

And when I came back to this world, I thought that it was just a
world in a novel.

It wasn’t my fault that I forgot Ser, but I still felt sorry towards her.

Ser was betrayed by Phillip, so she only had me left to save her.

“I’m sorry.”

I patted her on the back and held her as she cried sorrowfully.
Ser’s cries gradually stopped and she shook her head.

“No, it’s not Laontel’s fault.”

Chapter 80 – Following a ray of
light in the darkness (12)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Compared to earlier, Serphania seemed to have calmed down


“Thank you for saying that.”

“It’s all Phillip’s fault.”

Ser had always looked like a little girl. Even now, her appearance
hadn’t changed, but the innocence in her eyes was nowhere to be

“I’m going to kill him.”

Instead, there was anger in her eyes.

“Ser, Phillip is already dead! A thousand years have already


“I know.”

She spat out coldly.

“He will be reincarnated into one of his descendants’ bodies.”

“So you knew that Phillip had reincarnated…”

“Yes, I can feel his presence. He lives around here. Or, was it a small
island? Yes, he lives on a small island across the sea.”

A small island nearby?

The Emperor strictly prohibited people from entering the Valley of

Chaos and only those who had received permission could be there
right now.

So there was no way Richard was nearby.

Did that mean the little island she was talking about was where
Gilbert Bellacian had been exiled to?

“I told him not to go, but he threw me away! I’m going to kill him
along with his descendants! Even the country he founded. I’ll destroy
everything he owns.”

Ser screamed.

“Ser, no!”

However, she ignored my words and smiled naively as she held my


“Let’s kill them all. Then we’ll live together happily. Once Phillip and
his descendants are gone, we can have a peaceful life together. You
want it too, don’t you, Laontel?”

Ser wanted to eliminate the Asteric Empire and Phillip’s bloodline.

“Ser, don’t do it. You shouldn’t kill innocent people in the name of

Ser’s expression turned grim and she shouted,

“Why are they innocent people!? They sealed me! They sealed me
for a thousand years! If I managed to open the door myself, they’d
close it again! The people of Asteric Empire and Phillip are all the
same. Laontel, no one is nice to me except you! They all betrayed
me. I’m going to kill everyone! Everyone!”

My whole body ached painfully on the way here.

There were many times when I just wanted to die, but compared to
me, Ser had experienced even worse. She had been locked up in
this hell for a thousand years.

She was trapped in a small sphere with blazing fire covering it on all
sides so she couldn’t even move.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine the pain Ser felt, but I would never
agree to that plan.

“I know you experienced horrible things and were in an unimaginable

amount of pain, but Ser, the people have also been fooled by
Phillip’s words.”

“Laontel, why are you defending them? You’re the only one who
cares about me! You’re my friend, you should help me!”

“Ser, if you kill them, you’ll live to regret it.”

Many people had died because Ser gave her power to Phillip. Even
back then, she was ready to die and consider what Phillip did as her
fault. But after suffering through a thousand years in pain, she had
lost her reasoning. However, if she did what she said, I was sure that
she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

Besides, I have many people that I need to protect.

Blake, Tenstheon, Diana, Melissa, Hans, Edon, Terry, Collin…

There were so many good people in Asteric Empire. There was no

way I could sit back and watch them die.
“There are many good people in this empire.”

Ser stared at me, seething with hatred.

“Ah, I forgot. You’re on Phillip’s side aren’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re the one that Phillip likes! You must have colluded with him to
betray me!”

“That’s not true!”

“You said we were friends! You call me a friend! You must’ve lied to

“I never betrayed you! We’re still friends. I also died because of

Phillip so how could I side with him?”

“Is it because of the Crown Prince?”

My heart sank as soon as she mentioned him.

“Did you know Blake?”

“Of course I knew. I saw you and him being happy while I was here
suffering from the pain everyday.”

“We were happy everyday? How could you say it when you’ve seen
it all!”

I know she had suffered an unimaginable pain, so I tried to

understand everything she said.

But I couldn’t stand it when she said that because Blake and I had
suffered too.

“You know how painful Blake had suffered! People despised and
tormented him, I was really scared too because he could die at any

“I still suffered more than him! Even if it was painful, the both of you
could just die! But I can’t! This is all because of you! Why did you
return the blessing that I gave to you? If I had remained as a human
being, I would’ve died already! And why didn’t you come sooner?
I’ve been waiting for you! I called you so many times!”

Following her cry, a powerful surge of mana came to me.

My body was thrown away and fell from the impact.

It was so painful that I couldn’t even scream. While I was groaning,

Ser walked towards me.

“It must be because of the Crown Prince. Come to think of it,

everything turned into a mess ever since he showed up. I’ll kill the
Crown Prince first. Then you’ll be on my side, right?”


I yelled and grabbed her legs.

“Why can’t I?”

“Don’t touch him!”

“You’d abandon me for a man? But we’re friends, aren’t we?”

“I’m not abandoning you!”

“You are! Just like Phillip, you’re trying to abandon me too! I’m gonna
kill them all!”

She might really end up killing Blake.

“No, Ser! Please don’t! I love him! He’s the one I love! Please, Ser!”

I already lost Rakshul. I couldn’t lose Blake like this too.

But the more desperate I was, the colder Ser’s gaze on me turned.

“Love? Do you really believe in that? Why are you so obsessed with
that crap? Will you really betray me for love?!”

“I’m not betraying you!”

“For love! Isn’t that funny? If he’s that precious, then give me your
life instead.”

“I’ll give it to you.”

I said without hesitation.

A thousand years ago, I couldn’t do anything and lost Rakshul just

like that.

I would rather die than lose him again.

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not. Kill me right now. But in exchange for my life, don’t touch

I looked her in the eye.

Her blue eyes trembled slightly before she calmed down.

But before I could relax, all of a sudden, she shrieked violently,

“Then die! Die for me! I trusted you and waited for a long time!”

Ser’s power attacked me.

Perhaps I could’ve blocked the attack if I used the power of light that
she gave me.

But I closed my eyes quietly and accepted the attack.

This time, I had the chance to protect Blake.

The huge power of light swallowed me whole.


I heard Ser call my name as the white light swallowed me up from all
sides. It wasn’t long before I was plunged into a completely silent

I couldn’t move and my body felt as if it was going to melt.

Was I really going to die now?

At least Blake would be fine. Suddenly, I felt something warm on my

wrist. It was the bracelet that Baekhan gave me.

A warm stand of light escaped from the bracelet and wrapped

around my body as it fought against Ser’s powers.

While the two powers were fighting, I felt the bracelet crack and
break to pieces.

Soon, I lost consciousness.

Chapter 81 – A handsome man
and a monster (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

It hurt.

It was so painful that I could barely breathe and felt sore all over.

A feeling of dizziness and nausea overcame me. I felt too weak to

even lift my fingers.

Was I dead? Was I really dead?

All of a sudden, I heard footsteps approaching so I tried to lift my

eyelids with great difficulty.

After I opened my eyes, all I could see was bright light.

This light was a bit different from mana.

I thought as I felt the sunlight.

I’m not dead. I survived…

I took a step out of the Door of Darkness.

It had been a long time since I’d seen anything. The bright light
outlined the silhouette of a man.

I couldn’t really see his face but I had a feeling I knew him.


As soon as I realized that the man standing in front of me was Blake,

I lost consciousness.


A warm light flowed into my body and the pain in my body gradually
lessened. I felt as if I was peacefully lying in a beautiful meadow,
basking under the warm sunlight.

How long had it been?

When I first went in through the Door of Darkness, I wandered

around aimlessly, and eventually lost track of time.

My tired and wounded body continued to heal.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a man with crimson eyes

standing in front of me.



It was the man I saw when I came out of the Door of Darkness. I
thought he was Blake.

But he wasn’t.

He had silver hair, big crimson eyes, and a beautifully sculpted face.

His features were very similar to Blake’s, but he wasn’t Blake.

Unlike Blake, he was a man, not a cute boy.

So he couldn’t be the cute Blake that she knew.

“You’ve woken up.”

The man’s voice was similar to Rakshul’s.

Wait…was he really Blake?

His appearance certainly resembled Blake.

But this man was an adult and his aura was completely different from

And unlike Blake, his eyes were filled with emptiness.

He gave off a mysterious yet charismatic aura.

Just like Blake in the original novel.

No way….

While I was lost in my thoughts, the door opened suddenly and a

man entered the room.

It was Edon.

“Your Highness.”

Edon addressed the silver-haired man as he bowed down in respect.

‘Your Highness…?’

So this man really was Blake?

I looked at his face.

There were no traces of a curse anywhere on his hands or face.

His curse has been completely lifted.

I had expected it would happen but I was still really relieved to see
Blake growing up healthily.

“She woke up?”

Edon looked at me. It was nice to see him after a long time, but Edon
shifted his gaze soon enough and spoke to Blake instead.

“Let’s leave right now. We’ve lost too much time.”


Why were they acting like this?


I tried to call his name but no sound came out.

When I raised my hand to check for my injury, I felt a scar instead.

I looked down to check my hair urgently.

It was not blond.

My hair was now white, just like Serphania.

Or rather, it wasn’t my hair color that changed.

What happened to me?

Why was I in Ser’s body?

What happened?

“I’m not going back.”

“It’s already September. Hasn’t it already been three months since
you came to the Valley of Chaos?

“Didn’t your Highness come here to make sure the Door of Darkness
was gone? You must return to the palace as soon as possible.”

Had Ser’s seal been lifted? Was the Door of Darkness also gone?

So, did that mean Ser left too?

Blake and the others were safe. Ser had kept her promise of not
hurting anyone else.

“It’s going to be the 1000th anniversary of the empire soon. Your

Highness should make an appearance at the ball.”

It was already the 1000th year since the empire was founded.

That meant Blake was now 18 and I was 20.

Seven years had passed since I entered the Door of Darkness.

“You can just leave me here.”

Hearing Blake’s answer, Edon sighed in frustration.

I carefully tried to open my mouth and speak again.

“Oh…it’s time for you to forget her. Her Highness must’ve wanted—”

A sharp blade appeared against Edon’s neck before he could finish

his words.

Blake pointed his sword at Edon’s neck and said,

“Edon, even if you’re close to me, I won’t forgive you for saying that.”

I was shocked. Blake had changed a lot.

But there was no time to be shocked now.

I hurriedly grabbed Blake’s hand and he turned to stare at me with

his crimson eyes.

Looking him in the eyes, I shook my head with a sense of urgency.

I knew he was angry, but he shouldn’t do this.

I shook my head again, and soon, Blake let go of his sword.

At that moment, Edon shouted.

“How dare you touch the Crown Prince’s body! Your Highness, I
apologize on her behalf. Let me scold her.”

Edon bowed his head in a hurry.

He wasn’t angry about my rudeness, rather, he was afraid I might’ve

offended Blake.

Blake usually ignored it when servants’ disrespected him.

Had that changed?

I was looking at Blake and contemplating when he suddenly grabbed

my arms and pulled me towards him.

“Your Highness!”

“Leave us alone.”

“She doesn’t know anything.”

“I know. I just want to talk to her.”

Edon looked at me worriedly and finally lowered his head.

“I’ll go.”
After Edon left, silence fell over the room once again.

Before I could get my arm out of Blake’s grasp, he asked me a


“Who are you?”

He looked me straight in the eye.

I looked away. His eyes were not as clear and innocent as when he
was young.

“You recognized both me and Edon.”


I wanted to say that I was Ancia, but my voice refused to come out.

“You can’t speak?”

I nodded.

I didn’t know how this happened, but I was in Ser’s body and I
couldn’t speak.

“Then, write your name.”

Blake unfolded his palms.

His cute and soft little hand was gone, instead, it was the hand of a

Unlike his beautiful and mysterious appearance, his hands were very

Blake directed my hand to his palm and asked me to trace out the
words with my fingers.
I stretched out my index fingers and placed it over his palms like he
told me to.

But, I couldn’t remember any letters.

It wasn’t just the Imperial letters I forgot. I couldn’t even recall the
ancient language or hangul.

“You can’t even write?”

Blake was disappointed.

No, this couldn’t be happening.

But no matter how desperately I tried to speak and recall the letters,
nothing came to mind.

I couldn’t speak, and I didn’t know how to write.

I panicked, feeling at a loss about what to do. But Blake held my

hand and patted my shoulders.

“It’s alright. Maybe it’s because you just woke up, so you couldn’t

His warm voice was the same as the one he used to speak to me in
our childhood, so my eyes watered slightly.

I gritted my teeth and held back the tears that nearly fell.


Blake comforted me and left the tent. I used to be the one comforting
him in the past, but it seems a lot of time had passed since…

I wandered here and there in the pitch-black darkness, but I never

thought that 7 years had passed just like that.
There was no way to keep track of time there. I wouldn’t even be
surprised if it all turned out to be a dream.

I checked my reflection in the water. I had white hair, blue eyes, and
a burn scar on the left of my face.

This really was Ser’s body.

I looked at the skirt that came down to my ankles. These were

supposed to be Ser’s clothes, but it seemed to be a little different.
Ser’s clothes had been burned, exposing her arms and legs.

However, there were no traces of any such defects on what I was

wearing now. The sleeves were long, and the dress was fine.
Perhaps she had fixed it.

Why did my soul enter Ser’s body? I couldn’t speak or write either.

I closed my eyes and focused my mind, but I couldn’t feel any power
of light.

Other than the power of the light that had been awakened due to
unsealing Ser, the power of light Ancia had was also gone.

How did this happen? Where was Ser now? The tears of light, the
wedding ring, and the bracelet Baekhan had given me were also
gone, so there was nothing on my hand.

I remembered that the bracelet broke due to Ser’s attack, but what
happened to the others?

Did Ser have it? I was frustrated because there was no clear

It was at that moment that a small light flashed in front of me, and a
girl the size of a finger appeared. The transparent wings on her back
glistened under the light.

She shook her head. Did she read my thoughts?

The girl fluttered her wings and spun around me gracefully. Her
movements and the white light flowing from her body felt oddly


‘A Macul?’
Chapter 82 – A handsome man
and a monster (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer


The girl was surprised and stopped for a moment, as if she had read
my thoughts. I could hear her too.

[Oh, I thought you didn’t know!]

The girl looked rather disappointed.

‘Are you really a Macul?’

[Yes, how did you know when I’m this pretty?]

The girl pouted. She really had become pretty.

Rather, she had transformed completely. I couldn’t believe that the

bean sprout had turned into such a pretty girl.

‘I’m the same. I’ve changed too.’

[You’re very sharp, as expected.]

‘I am Ancia now.’
[The goddess’ friend is Laontel! Ancia hadn’t become the goddess’
friend. So you are Laontel.]

She spoke firmly.

‘Did Serphania send you over?’

[Yes, I’m a piece of her light. My name is Shell!]

Macul weren’t just demons, it was also a part of Ser’s power.

‘I thought Macul were born in high places.’

[No! I just took rest momentarily at the Door of Darkness!]

‘I see.’

[When the seal of the Goddess was broken, I came back to my

original form! Thank you.]

Shell smiled widely and flitted her wings again. Seeing her laugh like
that, I felt sure that Ser was okay too.

Shell, who was dancing around merrily, suddenly flinched and fell to
the ground. Her expression turned grim once again.

[Today, I’m here to deliver Serphania’s message.]

As Shell moved around, a line followed along her movements,

creating a sparkling space of light. Ser’s voice sounded from the
space she created.

[Ancia, how does it feel to be abandoned? You were so committed to

him but the Crown Prince didn’t even recognize you.]

‘As expected, she’s the one who did this to me.’

I was able to know all the languages of the world thanks to her
blessing, but the ability disappeared so suddenly. The goddess was
the only one who was capable of doing it.

[Who would’ve done that?]

Ser laughed. I didn’t know she could laugh like this.

[You must be disappointed by the Crown Prince. He didn’t recognize

you when your face changed. The love you believed in was really
this shallow!]

‘Why did you do this?’

[Laontel, what are you mad at me? I did it for you.]

Do you think the Crown Prince would continue to love you even if
you were ugly, mute and illiterate? There’s no way he’ll like you the
way he used to now that you’ve lost the power of light and aren’t
worth anything to him.]


[He’ll throw you away even when he finds out you’re the real Ancia.
He’ll forget you and meet another beautiful girl. In the end, he’ll
forget you!]

Ser laughed as if she was having the time of her life, but her laugh
sent a chill down my spine.

I wanted to refute it, but I couldn’t say anything.

Would Blake be happy to find out that I was Ancia? What if he didn’t
like me anymore?

I felt afraid and insecure, and an ominous feeling grew in my heart.

Ser whispered,

[Laontel, I’ll give you one last chance as my friend.]

‘A chance?’
[Yes, a chance to get everything back.]

From beyond the space of light, a white sword appeared.

I took the sword. The blade of the sword was engraved with a
twisted stain-like pattern. It was similar to damascus steel, usually
called as the devil’s sword.

[Stab Blake with this sword.]


I was taken aback and dropped the sword.

[If you wet the sword with the Crown Prince’s blood, I will give you
back what’s yours. Your beautiful body, your voice, your language
ability, the power of light, you can have everything back!]


I picked up the sword that had fallen to the ground.

[Yes, die! He’s gonna die! Eliminate the Crown Prince and come
back to me, Laontel.]

Listening to Ser ramble crazily, I put the white sword back into the

At that moment, her laughter stopped.


‘I don’t need it.’

[Are you going to live in this body forever?]

I couldn’t kill him to get my body back. I didn’t even need to think
about it. But the sword didn’t enter the space.

[Haha, your body won’t last that long anyway.]


[Your body won’t last a day over 100 days for sure.]

100 days…A fit of coughing took over me before I could realize what
Ser meant. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to control it, but the
coughs didn’t stop.

It felt as if my throat was scorched and my lungs were being torn

apart. I couldn’t stand up straight, and just fell on the floor.

The coughs finally stopped over time, but my throat still hurt. I looked
at my hand, and saw a spot of blood on my palm.

Ser wasn’t lying.

[Laontel, I’ll give you another chance. Kill the Crown Prince!]

The sword came back to my hands. The white sword was now dyed
red with my blood. Looking at the red blood, I suddenly recalled
Baekhan’s words.

“Since you’re so kind, you will save a lot of people. But you won’t be
able to save yourself.”

“The moment of choice will come soon. I can see you burning in the
white light.”

This was the moment of choice Baekhan had warned me about.

[Killing the Crown Prince will bring you back to your original state!
Stab the Crown Prince with that sword right now!]

I put the sword back, ignoring Ser’s words.

‘I told you I didn’t need it.’

[Are you saying you’re going to die instead of the Crown Prince? Are
you stupid? Were you always this stupid? The Crown Prince won’t
recognize you! Even if he knew who you were, he’d throw you away!
And you’re going to give up your life because of him?]

As Ser said, I may have made a foolish choice. Even if that was true,
I didn’t regret it.

If I had the chance to save Blake, there was nothing I wouldn’t do.

‘Yes. So go away.’

I pushed the sword back into the space.

[You’re going to regret it!]

Soon Ser’s voice disappeared along with the space she had made.

[Huh? huh…W-wait for me!]

Shell also entered the space. Soon, it disappeared completely.

The moment of choice was over. I couldn’t turn back time, but I didn’t
regret it.

I wiped the blood off from the floor and my hands.

Fortunately, my clothes were clean. As soon as I finished, a wave of

sleepiness hit me. My body ached even if I only moved slightly.
Soon, I fell asleep.


The next day, I went to bed early. Fortunately, I didn’t feel any pain.
Then, I heard a sound from outside the tents.

What was going on?

While I got up, Blake entered my room.

“Are you up already?”

He spoke softly. He must have been surprised when I cried suddenly

before, so he was being considerate now.

“Did you wake up because of the noise outside?”

I shook my head.

“We’re going to return back to the palace. It’ll be a bit noisy, so hang
in there.”

He said he won’t go back to the palace, but he changed his mind in a

day. Edon must have convinced him.

“Did you recall any letters?”

I shook my head again.

Since I rejected Ser’s offer last night, I wouldn’t be able to talk or

write ever again.

“Where do you live?”


“You don’t remember?”

In this world, my only home was the Imperial palace where Blake
and I were staying.

“What about your family?”


“What’s your name?”

I remained silent. I couldn’t talk or write, but it wasn’t just because of

Ser said Blake would abandon me if he knew I was Ancia.

I was terrified that her words would really come true, but it was not
because of that.

Blake had stayed in the Valley of Chaos for more than three months.
I remembered Edon saying that Blake was still looking for me.

Seven years had passed since I disappeared into the Door of


During that time, Blake must’ve been in so much pain.

I wouldn’t live long anyway. I might not even be alive by the end of
this year. It was better to just leave Blake’s life entirely.

“You don’t know anything. Have you lost your memory?”

I nodded. It would be better to pretend that I didn’t remember

anything than tell a lie.

At that moment, Blake came closer to me.

“Lies. You remembered me yesterday.”

He looked at me as if he knew everything about me.

“Did you really forget? Or do you simply not want to tell me?”

His appearance had changed a lot so I felt unfamiliar and awkward,

and for some reason, my face turned red and I couldn’t look straight
at him.

Seeing me avoid his gaze, he only laughed.

“Then I’ll have to name you.”

I nodded quickly.
Chapter 83 – A handsome man
and a monster (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer


I nodded my head again. Perhaps it was because of my bad physical

condition, but I could feel my face heating up. I wanted to quickly end
this conversation with him. It would be a problem if I coughed in front
of him.

I hope he doesn’t find out I’m sick.

“Then I’ll name you ‘Rose’.”


I suddenly remembered the red rose that Blake gave me.

Why did he name me Rose? Did he recognize me?

I looked up at him in surprise. Then again, Rose was a commonly

used name. Besides, Blake was very fond of roses, so it probably
didn’t mean much.

“What do you say?”

I nodded. It was a common name, but it felt like a nickname just for
me when he called me by it.

“Rose, I’m going back to the Imperial Palace. And I want you to join

Was he thinking of taking me with him? I was startled by the

unexpected remark. He was going to take a woman who didn’t even
know her own name, let alone her identity, to the palace?

“Do you want to go together with me?”

Blake smiled softly. It was the same smile as when we were young.
Nothing about it had changed except that I felt a little strange now.

If he asks me like that, there’s no way I could refuse.

But I couldn’t nod. I wouldn’t live long. Ser said that I’d live for about
a hundred days at most. I didn’t want Blake to be sad so I decided to
avoid him and quietly end my life.

I hesitated because, not knowing how to answer. Just then, Edon

came into the tent.

“Your Highness, you’re here?”

“What’s going on?”

“The High Priest is here.”


Blake asked. His expression was so indifferent that I doubted if he

was the same person who smiled so beautifully just a moment ago.
However, Edon did not show any reaction, as if it was always like

“He’s here to see you. You can’t treat him like that.”
“He’s really got a knack for bothering people.”

“Your Highness, it’s the high priest. Please mind your words.”

“Rose, wait a minute.”

Blake replied to Edon absent-mindedly and smiled at me.

“Your Highness, are you thinking of taking her to the Imperial



“I beg your pardon, but it’s not a good idea to take her home…”

Edon blurted out his disapproval.

“She lost her memory and cannot recall anything.”

“Then why didn’t you leave her to the church?”

I grabbed Blake’s shirt in surprise.

It was natural for Edon to worry. I was a woman that Blake happened
to find in the Valley of Chaos and now he said that he wanted to take
me to the palace even though he didn’t know anything about my

I understood Edon’s worries, but when I thought I would be apart

from Blake, I was afraid. If we parted ways now, we wouldn’t be able
to see each other ever again.

Even though I was determined to die quietly for him, I was scared at
the same time. Blake held my hand tightly as if he was relieved.

“I will return to the Imperial Palace with Rose. Do not make me say it

“…I will obey your orders.”

Since Blake was so adamant, Edon had no choice but to comply.


After Blake and Edon left, I went out of the tent too.

The morning sun felt really warm and nice on my skin. Maybe
because it was my first time going out in seven years, but I cherished
every moment of the bright sunlight and clear air. Even the chilly
autumn wind felt rather nice.

As I took a deep breath, I heard the men talking.

“We’re finally leaving. I thought I’d have to greet the new year here
again this year.”

Two young knights were chatting.

“I’m sure Edon spent all night convincing him. What would foreign
envoys think if the Crown Prince was absent from the celebration?”

Edon had become the head of the knights.

For the knights, skills were most important compared to other

aspects. But there was still a severe limitation of status. For a rookie
belonging to the commoners to become the head of the knights was
an unprecedented rise.

“Anyway, I’m going to spend the last day of the year in the capital.”

“Paul, we might not be back before the end of the year.”

“Oh, don’t jinx it. I can’t tell whether I’m the Imperial palace knight or
the Valley of Chaos guard. If I had known about this, I wouldn’t have
chosen the 5th division.”

The 5th division were knights directly under the Crown Prince.
When Blake became the heir to the curse, it had been disbanded.
But now, they had been assembled again.

“So, we’re looking for a person who has already been dead for

“She could still be alive,” said the red-haired young man as he

silently arranged the tent beside them.

“Does that make sense? How could someone live after falling into
the Door of Darkness.”

“Matthew is right. Besides, she didn’t just fall. Dozens of Macul

dragged her in. Even if she survived, she would’ve been attacked by

They all think I’m dead.

Well, I’ve been in the Door of Darkness for seven years, not a day or
two. It was only natural that they’d think that way.

“Well, no one has seen her body.”

However, the red-haired knight answered calmly and finished

cleaning the tent. Matthew and Paul looked at him disapprovingly.

“Jayden, be honest. Don’t you regret joining the 5th division?”


“Even if you’re a commoner, you could apply anywhere you wanted

to since you’re a top graduate of the academy.”

The red-haired man was Jayden, Diana’s classmate.

There was no one like Jayden, a commoner who rose up the ranks
to become the top graduate of the academy.
If Jayden was the top graduate of the academy, then what happened
to Diana?

She said she’d surely become the top graduate…

Even if she wasn’t, she would’ve still been a high-ranked knight,


I promised to stay with her until she graduated, but I failed to keep
that promise.

“I directly applied here.”

“You’re the type that works hard, huh?”

“I suppose so.”

The chores of removing tents and packing were originally the

servants’ job, but the Valley of Chaos was strictly restricted to
outsiders so the Imperial knights had no choice but to do everything

Of course, there were some people who goofed off, leaving their
juniors to shoulder the brunt.

Jayden mounted the luggage he had organized onto the horse. Paul
watched the scene and turned around to meet my gaze. I tried to say
hello, but he screamed,


“What is it?”

Matthew was also stunned when he saw me.

The faces of the young knights were filled with disgust. I felt a sense
of deja vu from this situation.
When I entered middle school in the past and the kids saw the scar
on my calf, their expressions looked similar to the knights’
expressions at this moment. The only difference was that there was
far more contempt and hatred in their stares.

“Why is she here? I heard someone came from the church. I thought
they would leave her to the church.”

Matthew pointed at me.

“Are we going to bring her along?”

“That monster?”

I quickly stepped back when I was subjected to this blatant


After I reunited with Ser and saw the burn scar, my heart had ached
very much. When I found out that my soul had entered her body, I
quickly forgot about the scar.

Everything was so chaotic that I didn’t even think of the scar, and
most of all, Blake didn’t care about it at all, so I wasn’t particularly
conscious of it. Edon was only concerned about my uncertain
identity, but he showed no sign of reluctance at the sight of my scar.

But hearing myself get called a monster, I felt like I was facing reality.

‘I’m hideous.’

I was okay with waking up in Ser’s body. There was no problem

when I was with Blake. But the moment I heard other people call me
a monster, I really felt like I had turned into a monster.

“How? We don’t even have a carriage.”

“Who’s going to bring her?”

“Oh, I’m sure he’ll ask us to do that.”

“I have a lot of luggage, so I can’t.”

“Is there no one else?”

The atmosphere quickly sank. Logically, I knew that they were in the
wrong, but I still felt like I was the sinner.

I wanted to run away, but my feet felt like they were rooted to the
ground. Suddenly, Jayden said, “I’ll do it.”

He spoke indifferently and approached me. Was he thinking of riding

a horse with me?

I was about to say thank you, but then I heard Blake’s voice behind

“You don’t have to.”

“Your Highness.”

Jayden bowed his head with respect, and the other knights hurriedly

“Rose will go with me.”

Blake clasped my left hand that had the severe burn scar. Seeing
this, Paul, Matthew, and Jayden, were all surprised.

“Also, Paul and Matthew, I will take away your position in the 5th


“Why us?”

“You know why, don’t you?”

Blake glanced coldly at the bewildered Paul and Matthew.

Chapter 84 – A handsome man
and a monster (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Did Blake always have this kind of side to him? By the time I looked
at him in amazement, he had already taken my hand and began
leading me to the horse.

“Your hands are cold.”

He clasped my hand which was full of burn scars and gently blew on

Blake didn’t care about that?

‘It’s alright, no need.’

I mouthed the words.

“It’s alright?”

I nodded quickly. He understood what I was saying.

“But you’ll be cold if we ride a horse later.”

Blake took off his coat and hung it on me and I waved my hands in
‘I’m fine. It’s cold, so you can wear it.’


This time, the sentence was complicated, so I couldn’t communicate

it properly just by mouthing the words. I used body language,
pointing at Blake and pretending to shiver.

“I’ll feel colder than you?”

Finally, he understood what I was saying. I smiled brightly and


Blake used to get cold very easily back then.

It was autumn, but the temperature in the Valley of Chaos was very
low and the winds were quite strong, so it felt like early winter. It
would be colder if they rode a horse.

But Blake’s expression changed.

“I haven’t had such worries in a long time. I was often cold when I
was a kid, but only a few people knew about it.”

When the curse was lifted, did his body change?

“How did you know?”

He stared at me piercingly with his crimson eyes, but I avoided his

persistent gaze.


“It’s just because of the cold?”

I nodded quickly.

“Well, it could be…”

He slowly glanced at me and offered his coat. I couldn’t refuse this

“Can you ride a horse?”

I learned to ride a horse before, but I didn’t nod my head. That was
seven years ago. Now, I had lost my voice and become unable to
write. There was no guarantee that the knowledge I had at that time
would remain.

“It’s okay if you can’t. You just have to sit in the back.”

As we approached, the white white horse neighed and turned its


I was worried that the horse would be surprised by my appearance

so I hurriedly covered the scar with my hand, but Blake immediately
lifted me up and gave me a ride. Fortunately, the horse was calm.

“Josh is gentle, so there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

The white horse’s name must be Josh. It was a cute name. Was it
Blake who named him?

“Hold on.”

I grasped his clothes gently.

Then Blake grabbed my hand and slid my hands around his waist.

“It’s dangerous, so hold on tightly.”

I nodded and held on tight around his waist. Blake smiled.

“Good job.”

It was as if he were praising a child. It had always been my job to

praise him, but now it had become the opposite. Somehow I felt
“Also, Rose, forget their words. They’re so ugly, which is why they’re
obsessed with other people’s looks.”

He heard what they said and he even fired the knights because of

I nodded. His appearance, atmosphere and attitude were all different

from before.

But Blake was still Blake. His warm heart was the same as before. It
hadn’t changed a bit.


The Valley of Chaos was full of monsters. The group of griffins that I
had seen only in books before was circling around our heads. It
looked very intimidating, but Blake and other knights rode past on
their horses quickly, ignoring the griffins, as if they were just pigeons.

“The road is rough so hold on tight.”

My left hand was severely burned so I wasn’t able to exert any force
using it. I tried to clasp my slightly loosened hand firmly. However, it
was difficult to concentrate. I could feel Blake’s firm back muscle and

His body was the same as Rakshul.

As the best swordsman in the Zelcan Empire, he had always been


Blake was Rakshul’s reincarnation. But the two were not the same.

Rakshul was a strong and reliable man, while Blake was beautiful
and elegant. Beauty unlike a woman.

When he was young, he looked just like his beautiful mother, but he
now had a beautiful appearance mixed with Tenstheon’s charisma.
At first glance, his body was slender, but I could feel the muscle
hidden underneath. I couldn’t believe that his soft baby stomach had
turned out like this.

How much effort did he put in for seven years?

It would’ve been nice if I had been next to him while he was training.

It was regretful that I wasted 7 years just like that.

A sudden loud roar pulled me out of my thoughts.

I looked up in surprise to see that there was a huge rock falling down
from the mountains. It was rushing straight at us.

“Your Highness!”

I could hear the screams of the knights who were following us from

I shut my eyes tightly.

It was too late. There was no way to escape the rock.

My body fell to the ground as Blake jumped off the horse and
wrapped himself around my body.

At the same time, the rock dropped to the ground.

If he was just a little late, we would’ve been crushed to death.

“Are you alright?”

Blake immediately examined my condition.

I nodded.

I wasn’t hurt at all since Blake covered me and his thick coat
cushioned the fall.
But my condition wasn’t the problem. I could see blood dripping from
Blake’s arms.

As I pointed at his arms, Blake stared at his wound and smiled.

“It’s no big deal.”

At first glance, his arms looked severely wounded.

There was no way he could be treated properly in a place like this.

It was all because of me.

Blake could’ve avoided the wound if he left me alone.

If he hadn’t given me the coat, he wouldn’t be hurt.

If I had the power of light, I could cure him.

I felt terribly helpless and sorry towards Blake.

“Don’t cry. I’m the one who made a mistake so why are you blaming

He comforted me with a smile as if he had read my mind.

In the meantime, blood kept flowing from his arms.

“It’s alright.” He lightly grabbed his injured arm with his right hand.

At that moment, a light came out of his hand and his wound began to

“Look, it’s okay.”

Blake showed me his arm.

The wound was healed, though there was still some blood left.
What just happened?

Did he use the power of light?

“Why are you crying?”

He wiped my tears with a handkerchief,

I shook my head and pointed at his arms.

Wiping his blood off was the priority.

“I’m okay.”

The wound had healed, but the blood remained. Yet he kept saying
he was okay.

He was the same as before, always pretending to be fine.

I took the handkerchief from his hands and wiped the blood off of his
arms with it.

“It’s rude to rob the Crown Prince’s goods.”

He said playfully.

“Your Highness!”

Edon and Jayden jumped over the rock and ran towards us. The
huge rock had blocked the road, so they had left their horses behind.

“Don’t make a fuss. It’s not a big deal.”

“What are you saying!? You’re bleeding like this!”

Unlike Edon who was worried and looked helpless, Jayden ran
hurriedly without checking Blake’s condition and brought the Crown
Prince’s white horse back.
“Jayden! Your Highness is injured, so why are you taking care of the
horse first!?”

“It’s not like we can’t treat him anyway.”

Edon was furious when he saw Jayden lightly say that.

“It is our duty to sacrifice our lives for the Crown Prince!”

“I’d give up my life, but now’s not the situation for it, right?”

“Ack, kids these days!”

Edon clucked his tongue.

He was getting old too. Before he was always relaxed, but now, he
had become a boss that suffered because of these young knights.

“Edon, that’s enough.”

Blake said lightly and Edon reluctantly shut up.

“Jayden, how is Josh?”

“He’s a little shaken but he’s fine.”

“That’s great. If Josh had gone a little farther, it would be hard to find

“I’m very pleased.”

Blake checked the horse’s condition and looked at me again.

He scrutinized my hand. He didn’t seem to care about my burn


‘I’m alright.’

I mouthed the words. Thanks to his protection, I didn’t get hurt.

“That’s great.”

He smiled brightly.

His gaze was so gentle and nice that I felt like crying again.


After they cleared the rocks that blocked our way, we set off again.

I could see why the knights didn’t dissuade the Crown Prince even
when he was leading alone, and why they weren’t on alert when the
monster passed us.

Blake had the power of the light.

The demons wouldn’t dare to approach us, and even if he was

injured, he could heal himself.

Phillip had used all of his power to change the words on the curse.

Ironically, that was why the heir to the curse possessed the power of
light, even though he couldn’t use it directly before.

Now that his curse had been lifted, he was able to fully exert his

Only one question remained to be asked.

Why didn’t Ser take away Blake’s power?

She hated Phillip’s descendants so much.

Besides, she also said she would kill Blake first, and even gave me a
sword to do it.

“We’re going down. Hold on tight.”

I quickly grabbed onto his waist and held him firmly.

Chapter 85 – A handsome man
and a monster (5)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Be careful, your Highness.”

Blake had the power of light, but because of the accident that
happened not too long ago, Edon stayed closely by his side.

“Stay back. You’re getting in my way.”

Blake told Edon bluntly, yet Edon didn’t give up and stuck closer to
him instead.

“Your Highness, the Valley of Chaos has always been unstable ever
since the Door of Darkness was closed. There’s a lot of rocks here,
and earthquakes are not uncommon. It would be better not to walk
around until the ground is stabilized.”


Many changes seem to have occurred in the Valley of Chaos after

Ser’s curse was lifted and the Door of Darkness disappeared

Edon’s words were perfectly logical, but Blake didn’t say anything.

He was silent, as if in quiet denial of Edon’s words.

Edon sighed, but he no longer persuaded Blake.

“Your Highness, let’s rest in Vallin today.”

Vallin was the place closest to the Valley of Chaos.

“We don’t have any time to waste in that place.”

“We can stay there overnight. Weren’t you injured?”

“It has already healed.”

“Miss Rose must be tired.”

When Blake heard that, he turned around and looked at me.

“Is she?”

“Riding a horse takes a lot of stamina. It’s especially hard for those
who aren’t used to it. Isn’t that right, Miss Rose?”

Edon looked at me with eyes full of hope, urging me to say yes.

I nodded quickly.

“We’ll be going to Lord of Vallin’s estate.”

At that moment, Blake changed his destination.


“I greet your Highness.”

When we reached the estate, Lord of Vallin, Viscount Dix, the knights
and servants all came out to meet us.

The scene was the same as it was in the original novel. Now that I
knew that this wasn’t just a world of fiction, the detailed information I
remembered from the novel was very useful.
Perhaps the ‘The Beast and the Lady’ was written by someone who
had already experienced this world once, or at least, someone who
was connected to this world.

So I couldn’t ignore the original story, because it wasn’t just a novel.

Everything was the same except for the people around me.

“Thank you for welcoming us on such a short notice.”

Blake greeted him confidently.

When I compared the present to the time when he was despised by

everyone around him, my heart moved.


The woman standing next to him suddenly screamed.

Following her scream, everyone’s gazes shifted onto me.

Viscount Dix tried to fix the situation and introduced the woman with
an awkward smile.

“This is my daughter, Joanna.”

“I greet Your Highness. I’m sorry, I was just surprised when I saw
your wounds.”

She covered for herself skillfully, but I knew better. She screamed
like that because she was surprised to see me. She had screamed
the moment her eyes met mine.

“Your Highness, are you hurt?”


“Your Highness is indeed chosen by the goddess.”

Viscount Dix said so and laughed. Joanna chimed in as well.

“As expected, Your Highness is quite amazing.”

Joanna Dix was a supporting character in ‘The Beast and Lady’.

She was very beautiful, but she had a deep complex about the fact
that she was the daughter of Viscount Dix.

Joanna approached Richard to boost her status, and Richard also

became interested in her due to her ambitiousness.

Richard thought he had found a friend who was similar to him. But as
soon as he realized that she was greedy, incompetent and foolish,
he quickly abandoned that thought. In the end, Richard used her as
a mere tool and eventually threw her away once he no longer had
any use for her.

“We’ll throw a big welcoming party for you.”

“I’m tired.”

“Your Highness!”

When Blake flatly refused the viscount’s offer, Edon was startled and
called him unconsciously.

“Hahaha, of course you must be tired. Joanna, show the Crown

Prince to his room.”

“Yes,” replied Joanna gracefully.

Then, the butler said, “The knights can follow me.”

I was just wondering what to do when suddenly, Blake took my hand.

“Let’s go, Rose.”

The weather was cold and the land was barren. Even monsters often
came by since it was near the Valley of Chaos. Vallin was one of the
poorest estates with a small population, but the interior of the
mansion was very colorful.

“Rose, were you hurt anywhere?”

‘No, I’m fine.’

He was still as sweet as when we were young.

I didn’t think so at first because he was rough and rude to the

knights, but he was especially nice and thoughtful to women.

‘Your Highness, you must be ti—.’

I was going to ask Blake if he was tired, but suddenly Joanna said,
“Your Highness, you look much better in real life.”

Irritation flashed in Blake’s eyes.

“Can’t you see we’re talking?”

“I-I’m sorry…”

When Joanna stopped, Blake looked at me again.

“Huh? What were you saying? Tell me again.”

His voice sounded so sweet that it would be hard to tell he snapped

so angrily just a moment ago.

“Am I tired?”

I nodded and Blake smiled beautifully.

“I’m glad you’re worried about me.”

I met his gaze and my face flushed red unconsciously.

Why was he doing this?

Joanna suddenly stopped walking and said, “Your Highness, you can
stay in this room.”

She pointed to a room at the end of the hall.

It couldn’t hold a candle to the Imperial palace, but the decoration on

the door was quite splendid.

“I see.”

“Miss Rose, you will be guided to your room by my nanny.”

“I want Rose’s room to be on the same floor as mine.”

“Your Highness, this place is restricted.”

Joanna was right. Blake was only given special permission by the
owner of the mansion because he was the Crown Prince.

The Imperial knights even stayed in the library, so I, who didn’t have
any identity, didn’t have any right to be here.

I tugged Blake’s shirt. I didn’t want to be known as a stubborn girl

who didn’t know her place.

“Rose, is it okay?”

I quickly nodded.

“Rose is someone important to me, so take good care of her.”

“Yes, your Highness. Miss Rose, please follow me.”

Joanna’s nanny replied in a polite manner.

When Joanna’s nanny and I walked down the hallway, the servants
who saw us froze.

“What’s that?”

“It’s the woman the Crown Prince brought earlier.”


“Yes, I saw her earlier.”

“Why did he bring that disgusting person?”

“I know right.”

They gossiped while staring at me disgustedly.

While I was with Blake, I didn’t care about my scars at all, but seeing
other people’s reactions brought me back to reality.

“Come this way.”

As soon as Blake was out of our view, the nanny quickly changed
her attitude.

While I was walking with my head down, I heard someone say from
behind me.

“What!? Even if he’s the Crown Prince, this is too self-centered of


Joanna made her way towards me angrily.

The servants noticed this and either slowly disappeared or turned

around and started wiping the windows.

Joanna didn’t care about the servants. She only stared at me.

“Nanny, where are you going?”

“We’re going to the fourth floor library.”

“You’re letting her stay at the library?”


The nanny looked at Joanna and nodded.

“Take her to the annex.”

“The annex?”


“Ah, but—“

“Are you complaining? Do you want to take responsibility if she’s

carrying some sort of disease?”

Joanna glared at me disgustedly.

The nanny hastily bowed her head.

“No, miss. I’ll take her to the annex right away.”


“Here we are.”

As soon as we went into the room, the nanny coughed.

The room was full of dust from being left unused for a long time.

“Then, rest.”

I grabbed the nanny’s clothes when she was about to go out.

“Oh my god!”
She screamed as if I was spreading my disease to her, even though
I grabbed her clothes with my right hand, which didn’t have any scar.
I took my hand off in a hurry and pretended to wipe the table.

It didn’t matter if the room was small. It was smaller than my room in
the Amoria Palace, but it was much wider than my room in Korea. I
wasn’t trapped in a tower that was closed on all sides like a
thousand years ago either.

However, it was pretty hard to breathe with all the dust accumulated
in the room.

I tried to ask for a mop and the nanny said okay but I didn’t know if
she understood my words or not.

I was going to open the window when suddenly, the door opened.

I turned my head to see Joanna staring at me.

“You-did you do something? They said you were picked up from the
Valley of Chaos?”

She had come to do a background check on me.

Her expression was full of hostility towards me.

In the original story, Joanna was jealous of Diana because of


She didn’t bother her, instead she straightaway attempted to kill her.

Richard knew about it, but instead of stopping her, he took it as an

opportunity to get closer to Diana.

Just like a thousand years back, Phillip’s habit of using women to

achieve his goals really irritated me.

“You’re hideous. Don’t mistake his good deed for something else!
Who do you think would accept a monster like you?”
Why on earth should I listen to this nonsense?

‘You’re being rude.’

“What? You can’t say anything?”

Joanna laughed and mocked me. Unlike Blake, she had no intention
of seeing what I wanted to say. So even if I protested, she wouldn’t
bother reading my lips.

“Nanny, put a mirror in this room, so that this monster wouldn’t

dream about silly things.”

She insulted me and went out.

Chapter 86 – A handsome man
and a monster (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Blake briefly took a bath and changed his clothes. It was all because
Rose was bothered by the blood on his arm.

He didn’t want her to be worried about him so he was about to button

up his shirt and make his way to Rose’s room when he heard Edon’s

“Your Highness, it’s me.”

“Come in.”

“The butler came to pick you up but there was no answer.”

“I was taking a bath.”

“I see. Viscount Dix has something important to tell you.”

“I don’t want to deal with them.”

Viscount Dix was one of those people who strongly protested in

favor of Blake being moved to the southern island.
As soon as his curse was lifted, the people around him changed their
stance, sending him congratulatory messages and gifts.

Blake had been invited to the Viscount’s mansion every time he

came to the Valley of Chaos, but he had never responded.

“Your Highness, when the Door of Darkness disappeared, evil

beings lurked all over the Valley of Chaos. The damage to the land is
quite serious this time. I know you’re reluctant to talk to him, but why
don’t you give him a chance for the sake of people on the land…”


Blake had always acted alone. He was indifferent to others and

hated it when they invaded his territory.

Only those who had been nice to Blake in his childhood were

Edon was well aware of this.

His personality had changed a lot after Ancia went missing, but his
kindness remained the same.


“Your Highness, welcome. I’ve been waiting.”

When Blake entered the dining room, Viscount Dix and Joanna
greeted him with big smiles.

Why did he bring his daughter when he had something important to


Well, either way it was unlikely that he would express the people’s
hardship as the lord of the land.

“I heard the people here have suffered a lot these days.”

Blake said as he looked at the food on the big table.

It was a luxurious meal enough to feed 10 people.

“Haha, but while you were staying in the Valley of Chaos, nothing
happened. I’m sure the demons recognized the Emperor who was
chosen by the goddess.”

Blake had seen an appeal Dix had written himself before.

He said that the damage on his land was severe because the Crown
Prince, the heir to the curse, was being treated well in the palace so
he asked for immediate compensation.

This year, however, he praised Blake even though the damage was
far worse than before.


When he was about to leave the place, he noticed a dark green

vegetable in the salad.

This vegetable was very hard to get in this season.

When Blake recognized the ingredient, Joanna smiled.

“I heard Your Highness likes it, so I bought it for you.”

“How did you know I was coming today?”

“Everytime you visited the Valley of Chaos, we’d prepare this for
dinner. We’ve been waiting for the day we would be able to serve

He had stepped foot in Vallin’s territory in seven years.

However, they prepared these foods every day in an isolated

Their flattery disgusted him, but he didn’t express it. He thought
every human being was disgusting.

“Blake, you’ll meet many people in the future. Many of them are nice
and I’m sure some of them would support you regardless of the
curse. So I hope you don’t hate everyone because some of them are

Blake recalled Ancia’s words whenever he met a stranger.

But he always felt skeptical. Did such a person really exist?

Everyone he met only wanted to take advantage of him.

“Your Highness, does the food suit your taste?”

Joanna asked while Blake was lost in thought.

“I’m tired so I don’t have much of an appetite.”

He wanted this to be over but Dix had no intention of letting him go

so soon.

“Haha, Joanna are you that worried about His Highness?”


Joanna put her head down in embarrassment.

“Your Highness, Joanna has always admired you since she was a

“Is that so?”

“Yes. She said she wanted to be your bride and also felt sorry for
your curse.”

Blake was dumbfounded by his blatant lies.

He had heard countless such confessions after his curse was lifted.

But when he was a child, Ancia was the only one who stayed by his

“Didn’t you guys want me to be exiled to the southern island back


Hearing Blake say that coldly, Viscount Dix’s face hardened.

Blake was referring to an appeal he had sent in the past.

In the appeal, he had insisted that the heir of the curse should be
confined to the southern island.

“Well, back then the damage to the land was so severe that I lost my
temper. After finding out that I sent that appeal, Joanna was very
angry at me…”

“That’s right. I blamed my father so much back then!”

Their blatant lies were making him sick.

He immediately got up and left the place, but Joanna rushed after

“Your Highness!”

When he stopped walking, Joanna quickly ran in front of him.

“Your Highness, I’m sorry. My father made you very angry.”

She looked up at Blake tearfully.

Blake was already charming to begin with, and now he had the
power of the goddess too.

Besides, he was quite fascinating.

He had silver hair and red eyes, and radiated the dignified aura of a
royal. He looked elegant even when he was just walking. Not only
was he good-looking, he was also mysterious and beautiful, like an
ideal prince from a fairy tale.

“Your Highness, you’re so amazing. It is true that I have long

admired Your Highness.”

Joanna was pretty. Her facial features were in harmony and her
innocent doe eyes and captivated the hearts of many men.

Thanks to her beauty, some influential people in the capital city

wanted to marry her, but she refused them all. She had attended
several events in the capital city, but she wasn’t invited to the
Imperial ball so she didn’t get to see Ancia, who was famous for her
beauty. Then again, Ancia rarely met aristocrats of her age.

Although Ancia’s existence bothered her, she was already crushed

to death by the Door of Darkness anyway.

‘I’m the most beautiful girl in the empire. So it’s natural for me to be
next to him.’

Joanna was very confident about this. Blake’s frequent visits to the
Valley of Chaos was also a good thing.

However, Blake did not visit the Vallin estate. He ignored it even if
she invited him herself. It was because her father had criticized him
in the past.

Of course, she had thought her father was doing the right thing at
that time. Attacking Blake would make their family look good to the
Cassil family.

But things had changed. The Cassil family fell and the Crown
Prince’s curse was lifted.
Her father was always useless to her. Even if they had a manor, it
was located in a rural area. Besides, since it was right next to the
Valley of Chaos, it felt more like an exile, but she did not give up.

Just once, she only wanted to meet him once, and then she could
capture his heart.

Besides, she thought that she was the most beautiful of all, so it
would be a piece of cake for her to capture his heart.

Joanna was a year older than Blake, so she was 19 years old now.
The number letters asking for her hand in marriage were falling

Only the poor fallen nobles who had no land proposed to her now.

Her father declared that when she turned 20, he would definitely
marry her to someone fitting, but she was impatient. She was
beautiful, so she had to at least become the wife of a marquis. Even
better if he was a duke. She limited her options to long-standing and
wealthy families only. It wasn’t worth considering someone with an
empty title.

Although her father had once contacted a decent family in the capital
city who had proposed to her in the past, the man insulted her and
said that he was already married.

There was no one else left now, and Blake was her best bet.

“I heard the nobles in the capital treated you badly. I’m so

heartbroken. If it were me, I would’ve accepted your curse.”

There was ridicule and contempt in Blake’s eyes as he looked at her.

If it was only contempt, there was hope.

But there was no curiosity or attraction for Joanne either.

It was also like that before.

She went into his bedroom and tried to seduce him, but he drove her
out harshly.

Joanna had been waiting for this day to come because she thought
meeting him would solve everything.

‘The moment the Crown Prince discovers me, he will fall in love at
first sight. He will notice that my hair and eyes are similar to Ancia,
but I am much more beautiful than her. No, the moment he sees me,
he’ll forget Ancia. He will ask me to marry him and go into the
Imperial Palace, and then I’ll become the Crown Princess. Once that
happens, I will step on all those who mocked me. Even if they kneel
down and grovel, it would be too late for them.’

She imagined the scene where she became the Crown Princess and
the object of everyone’s envy.
Chapter 87

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

‘The Crown Prince will forget about Ancia and only look at me. All
the people of the continent will praise me for being the most beautiful
Crown Princess in the history of the Empire. I’ll be so famous that
every man would want to catch a glimpse of my face at least once.’

But imagination and reality were really so different. Far from

admiring Joanna’s beauty, Blake didn’t even spare her a glance.

The future she had dreamed of since childhood was slowly fading

“If I lived in the capital, I would’ve married you!”

Joanna shouted desperately, but Blake replied coldly.

“You’re testing my patience.”

“Your Highness…”

“You’re going to marry me? How dare you think of taking over
Ancia’s place?”

He had been angered.

She thought he would compliment her saying she was 100 times
more beautiful than Ancia, so why did it turn out this way?
“Y-your Highness…I mean…”

She stammered, thinking of an excuse, when suddenly Blake asked


“Where’s Rose?”

“…the annex.”

The moment Blake heard her answer, his expression changed.

“The annex? I said Rose is an important guest of mine. Are you

looking down at me?”

“I-it’s for your sake! She could infect you with her disease!”


Blake slowly became more and more annoyed at Joanna, but

Joanna didn’t notice it.

“I heard you picked the girl up from the valley of chaos. She must’ve
been carrying some kind of disease! You shouldn’t be deceived by

“My curse looked much more hideous than her.”

“Th-that’s not it…I’m just worried about you.”

“Get lost. Never appear in front of me again.”

“Your Highness, I…!”

Joanna tried to think of another excuse. However, the moment their

eyes met, she had no choice but to shut her mouth.

The servants came in and put a large full-length mirror in the middle
of the room. Then, they quickly left once they were done. I didn’t get
the mop I asked for after all.

The dust covering the room kept sending me into fits of coughing. I
wanted to go outside, but when I remembered the people were
whispering about me, I hesitated.

I didn’t want to make a fuss, so I put up with it and opened the

window quietly. After searching every corner of the room, I found a
mop under the bed.

Fortunately, the bathroom was functioning well. Of course, the water

was as cold as ice, but that was manageable.

I diligently cleaned every nook and corner one by one. It was really
dusty and reminded me the first time I moved into my own house.

As I was cleaning the table diligently, the door suddenly opened.

When I turned around, I saw Blake standing there. He looked angry.

He approached me and grabbed my hand.

“Why are you doing this?”

‘It’s alright.’

“Your hands are cold.”

‘I’m really alright.’

“You should’ve come to me! You should’ve told me! Why have you
been putting up with it?”

‘Your Highness……’

“No, I’m sorry. I should’ve stayed with you…”

I wrapped Blake up in a big hug, wanting to comfort him and tell him
to not blame himself.


I shook my head at this apology. At the same time, a question rose in

my mind.

Why is he so kind to me?

Joanna was really as beautiful as described in the original story, but

Blake didn’t spare her even a single glance.

“Let’s get out of this room right now.”

Blake left the room, holding onto my hand tightly.

When we passed by the servants in the hall, their eyes widened in


As soon as we entered Blake’s bedroom in the main building, he

held my hand tightly and checked my condition.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

‘It’s alright. Nothing happened.’

I had only cleaned up a little. In fact, I was more concerned about his

“My arm? It’s perfectly fine now.”

He smiled lightly, but I was still worried.

Why did Ser leave Blake’s power intact? I felt uneasy when I
remembered Rakshul suffering from Tancinol. Ser had the ability to
make it happen again.

“Do you want to see?”


“So you’re trying to get me to strip for you.”


He’s going to drive me crazy! His way of speaking is the same as


‘I’m just checking for injuries!’

“I know.”

He pulled his sleeve up to reveal the wound. His arms had healed
and looked as if he had never been injured in the first place.

“Don’t stare at it too much. It’s embarrassing.”

I was startled and pulled my hand back.

But Blake smiled and took my hand. His hands used to be very soft,
but it had roughened up and become sturdier over the years.

“Is there anywhere else you want to check?”

I hurriedly shook my head. I was curious about his wounds on the

other arm, but since the wound on this arm had healed, the other
one was also probably okay.

I pointed at the bathroom door.

I wanted to wash my hands.

“Do you want to take a bath?”

I shook my head.

I wanted to soak myself in warm water, but I couldn’t take a bath just
yet since Blake was still in the room.
“Do you want me to call the maids?”

I shook my head. The maids’ revulsion when they looked at me was

still fresh in my memory. I didn’t want to show them my body.

“Okay. Then I’ll prepare it for you.”


I shook my head again.

Blake was still as nice as when we were younger. It was the first
thing I noticed about him back then. This aspect of him hadn’t
changed one bit despite the years.


The maids came in and prepared my bath.

After taking off my clothes, I saw my thin body that was covered in

Ser had suffered severe burns from the Tenlarn Palace’s fire, and
then she spent a thousand year in that hellish place.

There was no way she could stay sane.

And without the goddess’ soul, this body wouldn’t last long either. I
didn’t blame Ser.

I just wanted her to keep her promise after I died.

As I soaked myself in the warm bath, the fatigue that had

accumulated in my body seemed to have slowly dissipated.

Why is Blake so nice to me?

He didn’t notice that I’m Ancia, did he?

I doubt that…

I couldn’t speak or write and my appearance was also different.

There was no way he could recognize me.

After taking a bath, I changed into a new dress that the maids had
left behind.

The quality of the dress was very high, perhaps because Blake had
ordered them.

When I left the bathroom, a delicious smell entered my nose.

The table in my room was filled with delicious foods.

“Aren’t you hungry? Come here and eat.”


“It hasn’t been long since you recovered, so I told them to make a
light meal.”

Taking care of Blake’s meal used to be my job, but now our positions
had been switched.

I realized once again that a lot of time had passed, and felt a little

“Is it delicious?”

I nodded.

Blake grinned as he beckoned me to keep eating.

Weirdly enough, he seemed to be getting happier by the day. His

smile was the same as when we were younger. While I was busy
eating the salad, Blake suddenly said, “You must’ve liked the perilla
Perilla leaves? Turns out it was one of the salad’s ingredients.

In the midst of the fresh vegetables, perilla leaves were also mixed
in. Before, I used to eat it often, even though I couldn’t finish it.

“That’s unusual. People usually avoid it because of its unique scent

and taste.”

I used to grow perilla leaves in the greenhouse of the Amoria Palace.

Blake had always admired me for eating the perilla leaves. Not only
in Asteric Empire, no one on the entire continent ate it.

Even back then, people who enjoyed eating perilla leaves were quite

‘I didn’t know these were perilla leaves.’

“You didn’t know?”

‘It doesn’t taste good.’

I pushed the salad bowl aside.

Did he test me by bringing salad with perilla leaves on purpose?

Did he notice that I’m Ancia?

No, that couldn’t be true.

I finished my meal quickly and downed the tea in one gulp.

Blake smiled and said, “Your actions are the same as my wife’s.”

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Chapter 88

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

He had noticed.

“When she drank tea, she would always add a spoon of lemon jam
and sugar cubes.”

He still remembered that.

Blake carefully put down the teacup and got up from his chair to
come closer to me.

“Rose, I’ll ask you again. You already knew me, didn’t you?”


“You called me Blake.”


“You also knew Edon.”


“You burst into tears as soon as I got hurt. You worried about me and
blamed yourself.”

“I’ll ask you again. Who are you?”

He wasn’t simply asking me who I was. He was asking me whether

or not I was Ancia.

Blake’s stared at me. Just like in our childhood, his gaze on me was
full of warmth.

Then, I realized why he was so kind to me. It wasn’t sympathy.

He thought I was Ancia. Even if I had a different face, and no longer

had the power of light, he had still recognized me.

“Tell me.”


“When I say a name, just nod your head if it’s you.”

Blake will understand. He will believe that I am Ancia.

I tried to answer, but suddenly, my body went limp and my vision



Blake caught me as I fell.

I felt so dizzy that I couldn’t say anything. Even sitting down in a

chair was hard.

“Lie down. Rest for now.”

Blake took me in his arms and helped onto the bed.

This is Blake’s bed. I shouldn’t sleep here. That was my last thought
before the dizziness took over completely and I lost consciousness.

Blake called for a doctor right away. The doctor only said that there
was no abnormality and that Rose had fainted because of temporary

It was the same as what Blake saw. After Blake’s curse was lifted, he
gained the power of light and although it was different from being a
doctor, he could gauge a person’s sickness.

There was nothing wrong with Rose physically.

Blake recalled the first time he met her.

Three months after his arrival in the valley of chaos, he saw

someone collapse in front of the door of darkness. When he first
arrived, he tried to open the door of darkness, but the tightly closed
door didn’t budge regardless of whether he used force or even the
power of light.

Blake alone despaired while the whole continent rejoiced at the door
of darkness being closed permanently.

While wandering aimlessly around the dark door, he saw a woman

with white hair.


Blake approached the woman. But his expectations turned into

disappointment. None of her features were like Ancia.

Then, she opened her eyes.

Her eyes were as blue as the sea. The woman’s pupils dilated and
her mouth moved faintly.


She had certainly said his name. He only had the movement of her
mouth to go by but he understood it.
Blake carried her back to the tent. The knights who saw the beautiful
right side of the woman’s face were amazed, but those who saw the
left side of her face first screamed.

Blake laid her down in the tent, ignoring their reactions.

Ancia’s body had always had a warm glow emanating from it. In the
past, Blake had thought it was because he found her comfortable,
but now he could see the glow. Ancia had the power of light.

Her powers were strong enough that it could be felt even when just
holding hands. But this woman was different.

She didn’t have any power.

Is she……

Blake transferred some of his power to her, but her scars were too
old to be healed by it.

The woman soon recovered, but she could neither speak nor write.

Ancia was a polyglot. She knew every language in the world, but this
woman didn’t even know how to write her name.

She’s not Ancia…

Her face, hair, and eye colour were all different. She didn’t even
know how to write.

The facts all pointed to the reality that she wasn’t Ancia. Everyone
knew his face anyway, so she wasn’t special if she recognized his
face. Besides, when she mouthed his name before, it wasn’t clear.
He only caught a glimpse of the shape of her mouth for a moment.

If it wasn’t Ancia, he couldn’t be bothered by her.

Countless women had approached Blake in those 7 years, but he

was never interested.
Yet, the woman in front of him slowly resembled Ancia more and
more. Especially when she was distressed and cried for him. He
couldn’t just ignore this coincidence.

Blake comforted her, Then he left her and went to his own tent. The
woman’s face continued to appear in his mind. Even though she
didn’t look like Ancia, he was attracted to her. He named the woman
Rose. It was a precious flower that he had only given to Ancia. The
word was forbidden, yet he thought it was okay for this woman.

Blake’s doubt slowly turned into certainty. From her expression when
she was hurt, to the way she ate the perilla leaves so naturally, to
her habit of putting lemon jam and sugar cubes in her tea, everything
she did was similar to Ancia.

‘But why is she so weak.’

Blake sent the power of light to her as she lay unconscious.

Rose’s breath steadied somewhat and she began to relax, her face
glowing slightly.

Her eyelids trembled and she slowly opened her eyes.

Blake’s heart sank for a moment.

Her eyes were the same as Ancia’s.

He couldn’t explain what was so similar objectively, but he had

instinctively felt it.

Blake stroked her cheek.

“Are you alright?”

Rose nodded.

Blake touched her forehead to check her temperature.

His hand brushed over Rose’s scar but he didn’t pay it any mind.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion outside.

“There was an order not to let anyone inside!”

“Forget it, who do you think I am? Get out of my way! Your Highness,
it’s Joanna. I have something to tell you!”

“You can’t!”

“Let go! How dare you touch me!”

The door was forcefully opened and Joanna stepped inside.

“That’s rude. Were you not taught any etiquette?”

Joanna was startled by his cold response but she didn’t give up and
shouted while pointing at Jayden, who had also come inside to stop

“Your Highness, that knight dared to disrespect me…”


Blake’s gaze turned even more colder.

“Do you think you are of a higher status than those knights in the
imperial palace?”

“Well- I-…!”

She was the only daughter of a Viscount.

As the most respected woman in this estate, all she wanted was for
everyone to look up to her and bow before her.

Countless nobles in the capital city had kneeled before her to

propose. She could’ve even become a Marquis’ wife if she wanted

The man with crimson hair was merely a knight in the imperial

Jayden lowered his head and tried to pull Joanna out of the room.

Joanna shouted urgently.

“Your Highness, wait a minute!”

“I said I didn’t want to see your face again, didn’t I? Did you forget

Blake was getting angrier. However, Joanna could only see Rose’s
presence on the bed.

Why is she lying on the bed?

Originally, it was the bed that she was supposed to share with the
Crown Prince.

Blake would definitely fall in love with Joanna.

If the Crown Prince spent just one passionate night together with
Joanna, he would forget about all other girls.

Joanna thought so and organized everything in this bedroom. She

had paid particular attention to the bed.

‘So why is that girl lying on the bed. It should’ve been me! Why is the
Crown Prince doing all this for such an ugly woman!?’

Joanna tried to suppress her anger. This was her last chance. She
had to win him over by all means.

“Your Highness, I’m here to clear up a misunderstanding.”

“Yes, Ms. Rose chose the room herself. I had no idea she would
choose it.”

Blake trembled with rage at the blatant lie.

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Chapter 89

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Blake looked at the full-length mirror in the annex.

Placed in the middle of the room, the mirror had an intricate design
and sparkled as if it had been cleaned regularly.

It looked completely out of place in the terribly dusty room.

When Blake was still young, the servants would also put mirrors in
his room. He had ordered them several times to take it out, yet they
kept bringing it over under the guise of a repeating mistake.

It was a form of cruel harassment by the servants. They were telling

him to look into the mirror and realize just how hideous he was.

This kind of harassment continued until he married Ancia.

That was also what the mirror in the annex was meant for.

The fancy mirror encrusted with gold and jewels must’ve belonged to
Joanna. It wasn’t something that the nanny could carry elsewhere on
a whim.

It was obvious that she had ordered it, but she still blatantly lied in
front of him and Rose.

She was lying like this because Rose couldn’t talk.

Joanna hurriedly continued speaking even though she knew Blake
was getting angrier.

She had to get Rose out of here.

“I’ll move Miss Rose’s room to the west wing now.”

“Are you doing this because you want my Rose to be far away from

My Rose?


A ugly girl who was neither a royal nor the daughter of a nobleman
really dared to take her place.

What the hell was the Crown Prince thinking?

How could he choose that hideous monster over her?

This was an unacceptable situation. Suddenly, an idea flashed

through her mind.

“Your Highness, you must be careful! That woman is a monster!”

Joanna screamed as she pointed at Rose.

“There’s a monster that seduces men only to eventually eat them!

She couldn’t be completely pretty because she’s a monster. Your
Highness, be careful!”

Rose was calm as Joanna’s words attacked her. She felt there was a
similar situation in the original story.

In ‘The Beast and the Lady’, Joanna had called Diana a monster
because she saw Blake’s curse being lifted by her.

Of course the scene wasn’t the same as the original story.

The man Joanna was trying to get was Richard, but now it became
Blake, and the target of her attack wasn’t Diana, but Ancia.

In the end, Richard took advantage of her and got what he wanted.

But what about Blake?

Ancia looked at Blake.

He didn’t let go of her hands even after a long time passed.

“A monster…”

“Yes, that woman is a monster! We have to get rid of her right now.
We can’t keep her alive!”

“Do you know what you are talking about?”

“Yes! Kill the monster!”

Joanna looked at Blake innocently, her eyes twinkling.


“You can’t keep a monster by your side!”

“Is she perhaps a Siren?”

“Yes, that’s right, a Siren! A hideous monster that seduces men! We

have to get rid of her right now!”

Joanna nodded.

She could finally get rid of that hideous monster. Once Rose
disappeared, the crown princess’ seat would be hers.

However, Jayden burst out laughing, as if mocking Joanna.

“What’s so funny?”
Joanna retorted.

Once she became the Crown Princess, she would destroy that
commoner’s life!

“Sirens are monsters of the sea.”

“Even if she’s a sea monster, that doesn’t mean she can’t come up
to land!”

Joanna was furious.

“No, I’m afraid Sirens would have a hard time coming to land. They
are half human and mermaid.”

“Half human and mermaid?”

“Sirens seduce sailors before they eat them.”

Sirens seduced men with their beautiful voices.

Rose was a human, and she was also mute. There was no way she
could be a siren.

But Joanna refused to back down.

It didn’t matter whether Rose was a monster or not.

She just didn’t like the woman standing next to the Crown Prince.

“The monster turned into a human being!”

Although Joanna’s father only owned a small territory, they were the
only nobles in the village.

Viscount Dix clearly cared for his daughter, so no one in the Valin
territory could disobey her.
Joanna was always right. Even if what she said was incorrect,
everyone would still believe her.

So she could never be wrong.

“You have to lock her up right now!”

Blake’s gaze turned even more icier as she said so.

She had to win his heart. Joanna became nervous. Ever since the
beginning, that girl was the only problem. Joanna only needed to get
rid of her now.

Once she did that, the Crown Prince would be in her possession,
and her dreams would come true.

“I heard she was found in the valley of chaos! She must be a

monster that came out of the door of darkness or she sold her soul
to the monsters there! We have to report her to the church right

“Are you really sure…about these accusations?”

Anyone who was suspected of being a monster or a monster-

worshipper would immediately have to stand trial at the church.

When Phillip took the power of the goddess, the other powers of light
that were on earth slowly disappeared.

In the valley of chaos, where the goddess was sealed, a large

reserve of light mana stones formed. But it was difficult to maintain
power with only mana stones. The church used this method to
protect their strength. If someone became a monster or the follower
of a monster, they would kill them. It may have been a noble purpose
to protect the world from monsters, but over the course of a
thousand years, the purpose changed slowly. It’s current purpose
was as a tool to develop the church’s power while eliminating their
As soon as Tenstheon ascended the throne, he tried to outlaw these

However, people strongly protested by spreading a false rumour

about the new emperor being a follower of the monsters.

This was because the power of the church would weaken

dramatically if the trial of monsters disappeared.

But Tenstheon didn’t give up. He couldn’t abolish the trial so he

changed his methods.

Every trial of monsters was held with a life on the line. If someone
was accused of being a monster, they would most likely be
sentenced to death.

‘The trial puts the accused’s life at risk. If so, the person who made
the accusation should also bear the same risk.’

Tenstheon ordered that. If the accused person turned out to be

innocent, the accuser would be killed instead. In addition, he asked
the accuser to submit valid evidence that the opponent was a
monster. Once the accuser was also held accountable, the numbers
of trials fell steeply.

Joanna said that Rose was a monster. Whether someone was a

monster or a monster’s follower, they couldn’t avoid death either
way. This meant that if Rose wasn’t a monster, Joanna would be
risking her own life. Blake asked her to confirm it one more time, but
Joanna nodded confidently without any hesitation.

“Yes, I’ll call the church right away!”

“Are you really sure?”

“Yes, I’ll call for Priest Alt!”

Priest Alt was the only one in charge of the Valin’s church.
He was also Joanna’s ally. Together with Dix and Joanna, the priest
had held countless trials. Most of them were accused by Joanna.

As long as she reported it, Priest Alt would definitely declare the
accused a monster.

Rather, even if he didn’t declare them a monster, he would definitely

call them a demon.

Either way, he definitely wouldn’t rule them out as an ordinary human


It was ridiculous that the Crown Prince chose that monster over her!

Once the trial was done, the monster would be dealt swiftly. The
Crown Prince would also escape from the monster’s grasp.

Joanna looked at Ancia with an elated smile.

Ancia only trembled,

In the original story, Joanna slandered Diana with all sorts of tales
and eventually accused her of being a demon.

The number of trials, which had been reduced during Tenstheon’s

reign, began to rise again as Duke Cassil rose in power.

Arnold Cassil and his sons claimed that Tenstheon was a follower of
the demon and died while using black magic to summon one.

They also claimed that the reason why Tenstheon tried to abolish the
trials was also because of the demons.

They trampled upon Tenstheon’s honor and killed countless people

who followed him using the trials.

Joanna was also one of them. Even back then, Joanna would
accuse people she didn’t like and make them stand trial. Eventually,
they would all end up dead.
Tenstheon’s eyes couldn’t reach this isolated territory.

Soon after Tenstheon was killed, the trials were back as usual, so no
one could stop her.

Joanna accused anyone she didn’t like and found annoying.

Since Ancia knew the story, it wasn’t surprising that Joanna was
accusing her of being a monster, but her expression was strange. If
Ancia was accused of being a monster, she would lose her life.

Even though Joanna was about to drive an innocent person to her

death, she still didn’t show any signs of guilt.

Rather, Joanna looked like she was anticipating it.

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Chapter 90

Translator: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Rose trembled when she saw Joanna’s expression. Joanna looked

far more vicious than how she was described originally. In the
original story, Joanna had accused Diana of being a demon.

Diana trembled in fear as she was taken to the torture chamber in

the church, and even though Richard knew about it, he didn’t save

He waited until Diana couldn’t hold any longer, and then he dealt
with Joanna and saved Diana as if he had been in the dark all along
and only just found out.

Diana appreciated Richard for saving her life and the two got closer.

Phillip and Richard were very similar. They both drove their targets to
the extreme and then appeared in front of them like a saviour.

Was it because their soul was the same?

But what about Blake?

I glanced at him as he firmly held on to my hands.

“I’ll contact the church right now and call for a trial!”

“You don’t have to.”

Blake coldly interrupted Joanna.

“But in order for her to be tried, a priest needs to be present…”

“Jayden, bring the high priest over. He should be reading a book at

an inn near the bookstore. You can go to the place where the lights
are on.”

“High priest…?”

Joanna was shocked. If the high priest was called, her plans would

But Jayden hurriedly went out.

Not only Joanna, but Ancia was also shocked.

High priest? Did he come to the valley of chaos, and even to Valin’s

Ancia recalled the face of a furious old man at the door of darkness
from seven years ago.

It wasn’t long before Jayden came back. Beside him stood a man in
his twenties and unlike the old guy from her memories, he looked
young and vigorous.

“Your Highness, I can’t believe you dragged the high priest over so
casually at night. I’m going to protest the imperial family.”

This man’s name was Marron, and he was appointed as the new
high priest seven years ago. At that time, he was only 18 years old,
but with Tenstheon’s support, he took over the position of the high

Marron was very friendly to Blake. He became the high priest not
only because of the emperor’s support. He was also interested in
Blake’s power.
“Well, you were awake anyway,” said Blake casually.

“That’s true, but it’s so late at night.”

“If you didn’t want to be called over, you shouldn’t have followed me.”

In the morning, the high priest said that he would stay in the Valin
estate. That was true, but…

“You really can’t call me in the middle of the night.”

“I know, but you came anyway.”

Blake retorted as if he was annoyed. Ancia was shocked at the sight.

It was clear that the man with the gentle disposition who was
grumbling like this was the high priest.

Perhaps after the fall of Cassil’s family, the high priest was replaced.
Although it was surprising because of how young he was, she was
even more surprised by their casual banter.

It was really shocking to see how comfortably the two of them talked.

“I’m so nice to you because I like you.”

“Stop it. I called you here because Joanna Dix applied for a trial.”

“Is that so?”

He erased his gentle smile off of his face and looked at Joanna.

Joanna looked at him proudly. Even if the high priest appeared,

nothing would change.

If she was accused, she would definitely die. This was a tradition of
Asteric Empire that had been passed down for a thousand years
“Yes, high priest! That woman named Rose is a monster!”

“Are you applying for a trial?”


“According to the law of the Asmodian Trial, if Miss Rose is not a

monster, Lady Dix will be executed. Are you aware of it?”

“…yes, I’m aware.”

“Then, I’ll proceed with your accusation.”

“Yes, take her to the church right now!”

It didn’t matter if she was a monster or not, if they tortured her she
would surely confess. Even if she didn’t confess, she would die from
the torture.

“It’s so late at night, let’s not do it today. Do you have any proof that
Miss Rose is a monster?”

“Look at her hideous face! Is there any evidence clearer than that?”

Why was he asking her for a proof? Just torture her!

Joanna screamed inwardly.

“High priest, we need to get rid of the monster right now!”

After listening to her, the priest asked Blake this time.

“Your Highness, is Miss Rose a monster?”

Ancia looked at Blake. His words would decide whether or not she
got to keep her life. Even at this moment, Blake firmly held onto her

“No, a human.”
Blake smiled softly at Ancia, and the priest nodded.

“Then it’s clear that she’s a human.”

Suddenly, Jayden opened the door. The knights who were waiting
outside came in.

They greeted the Crown Prince and stood back to receive the high
priest’s orders.

“Joanna accused a human falsely. Drag the sinner out.”

“W-wait! What about the investigation? What about the torture!?”

The priest Marron didn’t spare any time in replying to the panicked

“The Crown Prince, who has the power of goddess, has testified in
person. Is there any evidence greater than that?”

Blake was the only human being on this continent who could wield
the power of light at will.

Even Marron, the priest, acknowledged Blake’s power and

expressed his respect.

In other words, there was no evidence that held greater power than
his words.

Blake had the goddess’ power so he couldn’t be fooled by a monster.

Since the moment Joanna applied for the trial, the result had been

It was already too late and she realized it too now.

Acting on the high priest’s orders, the knights dragged Joanna out.

“W-wait! I-I’m the only daughter of Viscount Dix!”

She thought that she had the highest status in the land so they
wouldn’t treat her like this just because of a hideous monster.

“Why are you doing this? Let go of me! Your Highness! I made a
mistake, I’ll take my accusation back! Please let me go!”

Joanna begged but Blake didn’t pay her any mind. Eventually,
Joanna was dragged outside.

Before the door closed, Joanna caught a glimpse of Blake touching

the monster’s face with a gentle smile on his face.


Joanna was thrown into a dungeon at the mansion.

But she wasn’t afraid.

‘That’s ridiculous! I’m the one who deserves his affection! So why
does he despise me and look at the monster so lovingly!?’

As expected, the Crown Prince was already swayed by that monster.

No matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t make sense
of this situation.

Joanna grit her teeth. When she was dragged away by the knights,
she had been frightened for a while, but now she was calm.

Who was she again? The only daughter of Viscount Dix of course.

Just because she accused a commoner of being a monster didn’t

mean that she’d be executed.

After the high priest leaves, Priest Alt, who was originally responsible
for Vallin’s territory, would take over this case. Then, she would be
released immediately.

Her father could never leave her in a place like this. He’d be furious
when he found out she was dragged to a place like this.
These incompetent knights! When she gets out of here, she’d kill all
of them!

Joanne trembled with anger as she looked around. Could it be that

she had to sleep in this room without a pillow?

“Hey, open the door! Open the door!”

She relentlessly knocked on the prison door, but it didn’t budge even
an inch. Joanna kept shouting but no one opened the door.
Eventually, she fell asleep on the hard stone floor.

The creaking sounds of the door woke up Joanna. When the door
opened, a maid came in carrying her meal. The dungeon didn’t even
have a window, nevermind a clock, but seeing the meal being
brought in, it meant that it was morning.

“Are you telling me to eat this!?”

Joanna yelled after she saw the boiled potatoes in the old wooden

“Go back and bring me a proper dish!”

Joanna gave an order but the maid only smirked at her.

“Hey, don’t you know who I am? Do you want to die? Don’t you know
what will happen if you treat me like this?!”

“What will happen?”

“You stupid maid!”

Joanna shouted in anger, yet the maid only glared at her.

‘Right, I handed over this maid’s younger brother to the asmodian


I should’ve killed her too back then.

“I’ll make sure you end up like your younger brother! When I get out
of here…”

“Do you think that you’re still a Viscount’s daughter?”

Joanna froze at the maid’s words.


“Your father was caught and Priest Alt was also taken away. The
people in this area lined up from dawn to testify your evil deeds.
They’re all very happy because they can finally exact revenge.”

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Chapter 91

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Wh-what do you mean? Why?”

Her father was the lord of this land. He was like an emperor in Valin’s
territory. Yet he got caught. Her father had to get her out of the
prison. He had to support her until she became the Crown Princess.

So what will happen to her now?

“I can’t wait to take revenge for my brother, but I’m different from
trash like you. So I’ll wait for a fair judgement.”

The maid said to Joanna. However, Joanna didn’t have the energy to
get angry. She couldn’t accept the reality that her father had been

“How about you eat this? This might be your last morning after all.”

The maid sneered and left the prison. An eerie creaking sound rang
out and the massive prison door was closed.

Joanna looked at the ugly lump of potatoes.

This was her last morning? Why her? What did she do wrong?
Those who dare to do this are bad! She should’ve been in the
monster’s place! Why was she being punished!?

Joanna screamed and threw her food away.

“I’m going out! Let me out right now! No! I don’t want this!”

But now there was no one to listen to her.


Marron became the high priest at a young age because of his upright
character, diligent way of life and strong will to reform the church.

Tenstheon had selected Marron, a new face, to eliminate the

Asmodian trials that had been going on for over hundreds of years.
Marron was also clearly aware of that.

In the capital city and places where the influence of the imperial
family was strong, the trials had almost disappeared.

However, on islands and small territories that were geographically

isolated, the Asmodian trials still ran rampant, and it was a significant

Due to the close tie between the lord and priests, even if a central
order was issued, the people wouldn’t follow it. In response, Marron
decided to go to various places to investigate the actual condition of
the Asmodian trials and impose punishment. The first thing he did
was investigate the Valin Estate.

Valin’s lord and his daughter, Joanna, had executed many people
over trivial reasons.

Yet people kept their mouths shut in fear. Without any evidence, they
couldn’t report it. They thought it wouldn’t be easy to investigate the
trio, but Blake made things easier.

Upon hearing that Joanna was behind the bars, many people lined
up from dawn to accuse the lord of Valin, Joanna, and Priest Alt.
Thanks to this, they were able to implicate the Viscount and the
priest too.

“Thank you. Everything went smoothly thanks to you.”

Marron thanked Blake. When he heard that Blake was in the valley
of chaos, Marron went over to see him. At that time, Blake said he
wanted to visit Valin estate for a while but he didn’t say why.

Marron didn’t mention where he was staying. In fact, he hadn’t even

decided on a place to stay in the first place. Yet Blake predicted his
location exactly.

“She dug her own grave.”

“Thank you for remembering me.”

“You talk too much.”

“It’s the first time I’ve ever heard that.”

Marron’s eyes twinkled as he spoke to Blake, but Blake only frowned

as if he was used to it.

He tells him that every time they meet, so how has he never heard of

“Anyway, I’m glad I helped you.”

Heir of the curse, the Roums and the trials. The empire’s state was
bad, and Blake had been at the center of all the contempt. He was
also one of those who wished that the reckless trials would

“Do you have anything else to say?”

“Do you want me to go?”

“Yeah, if you know that, then please leave.”

“Is it because of her?”

Marron had always liked Blake, and he was always fascinated with
his powers. But it wasn’t just that. Blake had suffered from the curse
at an early age, yet in the end, he gained the power that everyone

The only problem was that he wasn’t interested in others. He

focused all of his efforts on the missing Crown Princess and he didn’t
spare any room in his heart for others. He couldn’t even be bothered
to be friends with anyone, and of course no woman could sway him.

No matter how many times Marron explained the importance of

connections to Blake, he still couldn’t persuade him.

Marron recalled the sight of Blake holding the woman’s hand tightly.

She was beautiful, but her scars were so severe that it

overshadowed her beauty.

“Marron, is there any way to treat the burn scars and mute people?”

“All the treatment at the church came from mana stone. It’s no match
for the goddess’ power. What you can’t do, I can’t either.”

“I see.”

Blake never relied on anyone but this time, he had voluntarily asked
Marron for help.

He really cared about her.

For the first time since the Crown Princess went missing, a new
person had entered his heart.

But her identity was unknown and her appearance wasn’t helping

They had a rough road to walk on ahead of them.

Marron was a bit worried but then he remembered how Blake
overcame the curse with no problem.

“Thank you.”

Blake smiled. It was the first genuine smile Marron had seen on his
face in seven years.


Similar to the original story, this timeline’s Joanna also drove

innocent people to their deaths through the Asmodian trial.

But Blake was different from Richard, and he protected me


When I thought back to last night’s event, strangely enough, I

realized that I had never been worried. I believed in Blake.

I didn’t doubt him even for a moment that he’d go along with it just
because I’m not Ancia.

Blake held my hand tightly all night.

Was it to comfort me because I had been falsely accused?

I didn’t think so. He must’ve suspected that I’m Ancia.

He’s really nice to me, but how did he find out?

Was it just the perilla leaves and lemon jam?

I thought I’d be glad if he recognized me, but I was actually rather


The knights were busy preparing for our departure since morning
and Blake left the place for a while when the high priest visited him. I
sat down and watched the knights prepare. Actually, I wanted to
help, but when I thought about it, I felt that I’d only increase their
burden. My left hand had severe burn scars and it didn’t work very
well. My right hand also trembled slightly.

“Oh, when will this nomadic life be over?”

“I know right.”

The young knights grumbled.

“Ah, will the Crown Prince get married and settle down?”

My heart sank. Blake was getting married?

“When does Diana graduate?”

The brown-haired knight asked Jayden.

“She’s in her 6th year now.”

“She actually wanted to graduate back then, but she took two years
off to look for her sister.”

Diana took two years off because of me?

Diana had desperately drowned herself in her studies back then,

saying that she didn’t want to address children younger than her as
her senior.

Of course, I thought she’d already have graduated by now and

become a great knight.

However, she was still attending the academy.

“But, a two-year break? Is that even possible?”

“His Majesty helped her. At first I thought he did it because she was
Her Highness’ sister, but turns out he was taking care of his future
“Then, she’ll get married once she graduates?”

“I guess so.”

Everyone nodded, but the knight with a very short haircut snapped,

“When they get married, what if we need to continue the search for
Her Highness on our own?”

“Hey! Don’t say such scary things!”

“That’s right. Does that even make sense?”

“Why doesn’t it make sense?”

“Alex, that’s why you’re not popular with women.”

“Why? What’s wrong with me!?”

The knight called Alex got all fired up.

“Now that Diana’s going to be the Crown Princess, no matter how

close she is to her sister, would the original Crown Princess like it if
her husband took her own sister as his wife?”


“Of course not.”

“Well, I don’t know.”

“Anyway, I hope they can get married soon. We can’t keep searching
for the dead like this. He must move on.”

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Chapter 92

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“It seems that he’s finally coming to terms with reality now. That’s
why he’s getting married.”


“I think so.”

“I hope this is the last time we go to the valley of chaos! We should

also spend some time in the palace like the imperial knights.”


The knights were full of hope. When Blake and Diana got married,
they expected that the Crown Prince would settle down.

And in the midst of this hopeful atmosphere, I was struck by a

sudden realization.

All this time, I was only worried about whether to tell him that I was
Ancia or not and how to explain this situation.

What a shallow thought.

Seven years had passed since I left the palace. In the meantime,
Blake and Diana had grown up to become adults. They hadn’t simply
grown physically.

Both of them had been through a lot and they had already moved on
with their lives.

A thousand years ago, I was Laontel and Blake was Rakshul. We

met again after many years, staying beside each other.

That’s why I had unconsciously assumed that I’d be the only one for
Blake. I was so caught up with worrying about how to console Blake
after I left, that I never imagined the possibility that he’d move on.

Even though I knew how the original story went, I had forgotten
about it.

I see. He’s getting married to Diana…just like in the original…

That means the two of them got engaged when I went missing.

“It hasn’t been long since Paul and Matthew were dismissed. Don’t
talk too much.”

In response to the knights’ gossip Jayden chided in a hushed tone.

The knights shuddered and around. After they confirmed that Blake
wasn’t nearby, they lashed out at Jayden.

“As our junior, where are your manners?”

“Did I say anything wrong?”

“You’re too stiff. You should try smiling when you talk.”

“Why should I?”

“Just smile!”

The topic of the conversation shifted to Jayden.

I thought of Blake and Diana standing together, side by side, as I
listened to them. But I couldn’t picture it. Was it because I hadn’t
seen the grown up Diana…

“What are you so preoccupied with?” asked Blake suddenly.

I raised my head to look at him. He smiled softly and took my hand.

“Let’s go.” I shook his hand off unconsciously.


Jayden was standing nearby so I reflexively grabbed his shirt.

“Would you like to ride with me?”

As I nodded, Jayden suddenly moved away. Blake pushed Jayden

away lightly and grabbed my hand.

“The carriage is ready. Let’s go.”


“Rose, let’s go. You didn’t sleep well last night either.”

Blake was looking into my eyes. I couldn’t shift my gaze from him.
His eyes were full of worries, looking the same as they did seven
years ago.


My hands were numb. If I was on a horse, I might’ve already fallen


I couldn’t refuse Blake’s request, so I got on the carriage.

“How are you feeling?”



I tried hard to stretch my mouth into a smile. After all, there was no
need to worry him.

“Last night, you were very surprised, weren’t you?”

I shook my head.

‘I’m alright.’

It had been a long time since I last thought of Joanna’s words. The
only thing I could recall from last night was Blake holding my hand

“You’re beautiful.”

Blake took my left hand and kissed the back of it, right on top of the
mess of burn scars.

“You’re the prettiest person I’ve ever seen, Ancia.”

Hearing him say my name so suddenly, I looked at him in surprise.

He was studying me with his crimson eyes. Just as Blake knew me, I
also knew him.

He wasn’t completely certain yet. He must’ve called me by name to

test the waters.

What should I do? How should I answer?

Ser said that Blake would dump me if he found out, but I didn’t
believe her. I could still feel the faint warmth of Blake’s lips on the
back of my scarred left hand.

He wouldn’t abandon me just because of my appearance.

But so many years had passed, and my place had already been
taken by somebody else.

Blake had moved on, preparing for a new life with Diana.

He wandered around in the valley of chaos, looking for me, but in his
heart, he had already accepted the fact that I had died. Perhaps
that’s why he thought of marrying Diana.

In the first place, his first love was Diana, so it wasn’t surprising.

Diana also had to wander around for two years because of me. She
was even about to graduate and start a new life.

What would happen if I showed up in this situation? If I was healthy, I

wouldn’t have had anything to worry about.

If that was the case, I would’ve boldly declared that I was Ancia, and
that despite all my years in the door of darkness, I still missed him

However, I wouldn’t live that long. I’d have to leave him again soon.

If I revealed that I was Ancia now, Blake would be happy, but only for
his heart to get broken once more later.

If I were to die soon, then what would happen?

Once again, he would blame himself, and wander around aimlessly

in despair.

Furthermore, Diana’s marriage would either be postponed or


The wound that had barely been stitched up would rip open and
everything would be ruined yet again.

I wanted to be by his side, but I couldn’t leave more scars on him just
for the sake of my greed.
I didn’t want to leave irresponsibly after hurting everyone and
reopening old wounds.

Ancia died seven years ago. It was for the best that everyone
continues to think so. That was what was best for me, Blake, Diana,
and everyone else.

I made up my mind, and looked straight at Blake. I acted as if I didn’t

know what he was talking about.

Blake’s expression hardened.


He called my name again.

I had to act. I couldn’t be caught.

‘Ancia? Who’s that?’

“…Don’t you know who Ancia is?”

‘I don’t know.’

I shook my head.

“You really don’t know?”

This time he nodded.

‘Who is it?’

Blake’s expression became grim.

“It’s my wife.”

‘Were you married?’

“Didn’t you know?”



After hearing my answer, Blake remained silent for the rest of the
ride. He didn’t ask who I was anymore.

A stifling silence filled the carriage and I turned my head towards the

I shouldn’t have followed Blake. I relied on him unknowingly because

my body had changed, and seven years had passed.

The day before yesterday I vomited blood, and yesterday I lost my

consciousness and collapsed. Today, my hands felt completely
numb. I knew this body wouldn’t last long.

I don’t think I could even last 100 days.

When I was young, I had raised a white puppy. His name was
Baekdol. One day, when Baekdol had grown up, he left home.

Grandma said that Baekdol had grown old so it was time for him to
die. But he was smart enough to leave so that his master wouldn’t
see his dead body.

I didn’t understand my grandmother’s words at the time, but I think I

understood it now.

Where should I go now? Where can I go?

“You look like you’re going to leave.”

Blake broke the silence all of a sudden.

“My wife often had that look on her face. Especially when she said
she won’t leave, yet she ended up leaving me.”

“Don’t even think about leaving. I won’t be tricked again.”

Does he still think I’m Ancia?

‘I’m not her…’

I tried to deny it again, but before I could finish, Blake came closer.

“I won’t be tricked this time.”


Tonight we were going to camp out in the mountains. I felt

uncomfortable being alone with Blake, so I hurried out as soon as
the carriage stopped.

Whether or not Blake knew I was avoiding him on purpose, he didn’t

bother to confront me.

Does he believe that I am Ancia?

My appearance had changed and I couldn’t speak. I didn’t know the

alphabet nor did I have the power of light, so why does he think I’m

As I was thinking about it, my foot slipped over something.


Jayden caught me before I could fall.

“Be careful.”

‘Thank you.’

Jayden bowed lightly and went away. I mouthed out the words but I
didn’t know if he understood me.
It was amazing how Blake understood me so well. I was about to sit
down in a corner, but I overheard the knights’ voices.

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Chapter 93

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“What do we do? We’re short of one tent?”

“That’s right.”

“Isn’t Miss Rose there?”


The knights looked at me. They were courteous in front of me,

perhaps because two knights had been fired not too long ago,
however, I could see a slight frown on their faces every time they
looked at me.

I lowered my head and fixed my hair. My long hair draped over my

scars, covering them, but I made sure it was completely hidden
again. Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand, as if saying I didn’t
need to cover anything.

There was only one person who would do that.


Blake smiled at me as he asked the knights.

“What’s going on?”

“There was a small mistake.”


“We’re short of one tent. I’ll try to find a solution.”

The young knights’ expressions hardened when they heard him.

Adjusting the number of people meant that the number of people
sharing a tent would increase. Thanks to me, their space would be
reduced, so there was no way they’d feel too pleasant about it.

“No need. Rose will stay with me.”


The knights and I were taken aback by his words.

“Let’s go, Rose.”

Blake gently embraced my shoulder, not caring about what others

would think.


I entered Blake’s tent.

It had been hours since I decided not to reveal my identity, but I still
couldn’t bring myself to hurt or reject him. It was the same as when I
got engaged to Rakshul and even when I first met Blake.

No matter how hard I made up my mind, I just couldn’t do it. I loved

him too much.

“Come here.”

Blake called me over to sit next to him.

I didn’t think it was proper for us to sleep in the same tent. Seeing
that I didn’t move, Blake smiled coyly.
“What’s wrong? We slept together last night too.”


Hey! What if someone heard him? Just what was he implying?!

His habit of making ambiguous comments was still the same.

I did indeed sleep in Blake’s bed last night, but Blake had been up
working all night because of the Joanna incident so I slept alone last

I couldn’t even refute him because I couldn’t speak.

While I was racking my brains thinking of a response, Blake burst

into a soft chuckle.

“Get some rest. It’s wider than the knights’ tent, so it won’t be too

It turned out to be much wider than the knights’ tents that I had seen
a while ago.

“I’ll just watch you fall asleep, and after that I’ll leave.”

I ended up sitting on the bed that he led me to. Blake tucked my hair
behind my ear and held my hand tightly.

“Why are you so weak?”

‘I’m alright.’

“What do you mean? You’re so thin.”

Blake said that, but I saw that he also looked very tired since he
couldn’t sleep at all last night. I tugged his hands.

“You want me to sleep with you?”

I smacked his shoulder.

“Someone once taught me that couples should sleep together.”

‘We’re not a couple!’

He smiled lightly. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking. Even after all
that, did he still think I was Ancia?

I was going to leave soon so I couldn’t admit that I was Ancia.

‘I’m really not. I’m not the one you are looking for, Your Highness.’

Did he understand me? He only stared in response.

‘It’s not me.’

I repeated my words until he understood. Then, Blake slowly opened

his mouth, studying my face carefully. He said,

“Even so, I won’t let you go until I know who you are.”


I got up from the bed.

‘Sleep here.’

“What about you?”

I pointed at the blanket left by the knights. I couldn’t take his bed.

“Come here.”

But as soon as I pointed at the blanket, he pulled me onto the bed

and sat me down.

“Don’t worry about useless things and take a good rest.”

He laid me down and got out of bed. I quickly grabbed his hand.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

Blake stroked my hair. Was I a kid? I would’ve grumbled if I could


I liked to take care of him, but I didn’t like it when I kept getting
helped by him instead.

“Come on, let’s go to bed.”

Blake hadn’t slept a wink last night, so if I could choose, I’d want to
put him to sleep instead.

But he effortlessly laid me on the bed and covered me with a


I felt really comfortable and warm and before I knew it, I was fast


Blake’s life was enveloped by endless darkness.

When he was five years old, he was cursed by the goddess, driven
out of the Crown Prince’s palace and banished to an old palace. He
was in constant pain every day because of the curse.

He used to seek his father when he was hurting, but as time went by,
the expectation that one day his father would come to rescue him
also turned to dust.

He thought that he’d end up dead, in immense pain while the cursed
sentences wrapped around his entire body.

He often locked himself in a room alone. The servants despised and

ignored Blake, but it didn’t matter to him.
He thought, since his father abandoned him, there would be no one
in the world who could love a monster like him.

But there was still someone who was kind to him.

“Your Highness, let’s take a walk. The weather is nice.”

Melissa, Hans and Edon often spoke to him, but he felt that deep
down, they despised him too. Blake wanted to be alone. He wanted
to die quietly, alone in a dark room, without anyone around to see.

But Edon could be very persistent.

“If you just keep reading, you won’t be able to overcome the curse.”

“A walk won’t lift the curse.”

“Come on, let’s get out! There’s a full moon today. It looks very

Blake eventually left the room, giving in to Edon’s stubborn

persistence. The other servants looked at him like he was a bug.
Blake wanted to go back to his room right away, but Edon still
dragged him out of the room, not noticing anything.

“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know.”

“Look carefully.”

“I want to go back.”

He just wanted to go back to his room quickly. He hated the outside

world but he was also scared of it. He only wanted to be alone.

Ignoring Edon, Blake was making his way back, when he heard a
noise outside.
“Father, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”

It was the voice of a little girl. Blake looked in the direction of the
voice in surprise. Beyond the entrance to Amoria Palace, stood a
girl. It was late at night, but her face shone brightly under the light of
the full moon.

“Why did you act like that in the Imperial Palace! I even bought you a
dress to catch the eyes of Count Cornwell, and yet you ran out!”

“I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”

“Do it one more time and I’ll kick you out! You should at least be able
to be useful to our family!”

A man slapped the girl’s cheek. The girl collapsed, unable to

withstand the man’s power. But she didn’t scream, and only
continued to beg for forgiveness.

This situation seemed very familiar.

“Edon, help that kid.”

“Ah, yes.”

It was the first time Blake showed an interest in others. Edon bowed
his head, hiding the look of astonishment on his face.

The little girl’s face continued to haunt Blake after that day.

Was it out of sympathy? No, it wasn’t sympathy. He just liked the kid.

The girl’s name was Ancia. She was the eldest daughter of Count
Bellacian. Unfortunately, after the passing of her mother, her father
remarried, and she seemed to be abused by her family.

The Count of Bellacian said that he was eager to sell her off to a rich
aristocrat. Count Cornwell, was wealthy. However, his relationship
with women was complicated and he was very old, so Ancia ran
away after meeting him.

He tried to send his daughter to such a man and even slapped her.

Blake was still agonizing when a message came from the Imperial

Blake’s marriage had been decided, and his partner was Ancia

‘How… did the emperor know of his heart? Who told him about it?’

No, it couldn’t be. Even if Edon had told the emperor about the
situation that day, the emperor wouldn’t have done it for him.

The emperor had abandoned him because of his curse…

When he heard the news of the wedding, Blake was quite pleased.
He could save Ancia.

But soon, he became worried. What would Ancia think? Wouldn’t it

be worse to marry a monster compared to a rich old man?
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Chapter 94

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“I didn’t think we’d get married. I didn’t even dare to dream of it. You
know, I’ve got the curse. I won’t live that long, but until then, I want to
protect you. This place will be a strong fence for you until you
become an adult. You’ll be free once I die.”

Blake hoped that Ancia wouldn’t be frustrated by their marriage, so

he prepared what he would say to her and practiced hard.

But the reality was not as he thought. When he came back to his
room after the wedding, he took off his mask, and Ancia came in.

When Ancia saw his face, she closed the door and ran out. Blake
didn’t get a chance to say what he had prepared beforehand.

That day, Ancia fell into the lake. He thought she was so shocked to
see his face that she tried to kill herself.

Blake saved Ancia from drowning in the lake.

“If-if you truly hate me…! “

She didn’t have to think of them as a couple. No, he couldn’t even

dream of that in the first place. He was cursed and didn’t have very
long to live. He only wanted to protect her until then.
The words that he had practiced so diligently every day refused to
come out. Ancia lost consciousness while Blake panicked and cried.

He forgot that he was a monster. A soul cursed by the goddess. He

was the most terrible being in the world.

‘Right, there’s no benefit in being next to me. What if Ancia dies

because of me?’

Blake blamed himself. Ancia might want to divorce him as soon as

she wakes up.

He really had an impossible dream. The servants all despised him.

She must’ve hated it when she got married to him.

‘What if she blames me for saving her? What if she says she’s better
off dead?’

He was afraid.

Then a few days later, Ancia came to his room.

“Don’t-don’t look!”

Blake hid under the blankets hurriedly in panic. If she saw his face
again, Ancia would surely hate him. But Ancia took Blake’s blanket
away, and she even took off his mask.

Ancia looked at Blake’s face as she said, “You’re not hideous.”

It was an unexpected remark. She also said that she fell by mistake
and thanked him for saving her.

“I like you.”

She said something that he thought he’d never hear again.

“Me too. I like you too.”

Blake confessed his feelings shyly. He professed his true feelings,
and not the false remarks that he had prepared in advance.

Ancia held Blake’s hand as they fell asleep together.

Ever since Blake was cursed, he had always been plagued by

nightmares every night.

He couldn’t remember the contents very well. All he could recall was
a hot flame and a woman’s piercing scream.

When he opened his eyes, his body ached all over, and when he fell
asleep, he had nightmares. There wasn’t a single moment when he
felt at peace.

But strangely, he didn’t have any nightmares that night. He felt as if

he was enveloped by a warm light. The next day too, he fell into a
deep, comfortable sleep. Ever since he started sleeping with Ancia,
his nightmares disappeared.

It wasn’t just that. His pain had also reduced a fair bit.

Blake was happy. But it wasn’t just because of that,

He was always with Ancia; when he read books, ate, slept and woke

Even after seeing the curses tainting Blake’s face and body, she
wasn’t agitated at all. There was no sign of dislike on her face.

Blake had always been holed up in the dark, but when he met Ancia,
light entered his world for the first time.

He enjoyed living every day. However, even in the midst of such

happiness, his anxiety did not disappear.

Ancia lied to him sometimes.

“Ancia, are you leaving?”

She said she liked Blake, and he could feel that her words were
sincere. But when asked if she was going to leave, she would

“No, where would I go leaving my cute husband?”

Blake smiled broadly when she said that. However, he knew that it
was a lie.

Blake was afraid.

She didn’t have to like him, she could even despise him, but he still
hoped that she wouldn’t leave.

Blake asked her often to quell his fears. He begged her not to leave.
Every time Ancia said she wouldn’t leave, he knew she would.

She was always getting ready to leave Blake.

‘Did she hate me?’

No. Ancia said she likes him. That wasn’t a lie.

Besides, he could feel it even if she didn’t say it.

The way Ancia looked at him, her expression, her way of speaking,
her behavior, it was obvious. She wasn’t faking it.

And he finally figured out why.

“Your curse will surely be lifted! The heir to the light can definitely lift
your curse.”

“Your Highness, if the heir to the light appears, you will marry her…”

Ancia was trying to leave his side to free him from his curse. Blake
was relieved to hear that.

‘It wasn’t because she hates me.’

He was relieved yet angry at the same time.

“I told you. Ancia is my only wife.”

“But to lift the curse…”

“I don’t care about the curse if I can stay with Ancia.”

The curse didn’t have to be lifted. He wanted to be with Ancia. His

time with Ancia was much more precious than his life.

He would rather die in Ancia’s arms than break up with her.

Ancia tried to lift Blake’s curse. Blake wanted it too. If the curse was
lifted, he’d be able to stay with Ancia for a lifetime.

Ever since Ancia had been by his side, he hadn’t had any
nightmares, and the sentences of the curse didn’t spread either.
However, he didn’t think that the curse would be lifted. He promised
he wouldn’t die, but he knew it would be difficult.

He felt strange. Though the cursed sentences did not spread, his
body was often feverish and a woman’s screams would echo in his

On the day Diana was punished and Count Bellacian came to the
Crown Prince’s palace, a strange force exploded inside him. Blake
poured out his inner strength into Count Bellacian.

Gilbert Bellacian ended up going mad.

He knew that there was a power of the curse inside him, but he
didn’t expect to pass the curse onto someone else.

Of course, the sentences of the curse didn’t engrave themselves on

Gilbert Bellacian’s body, but it was as if he had been cursed
The curse of the goddess was getting strong enough to swallow
Blake and his body was deteriorating gradually.

He still had many things to give to Ancia. He also wanted to do many

things with her.

However, his body didn’t cooperate, and even after many days
passed, his fever continued to remain. One day, when was outside
the palace, he fainted.

When Blake fainted, Ancia blamed herself and tried to leave him

Blake woke up in ten days. He felt that his end was finally coming.
He wasn’t sad because he expected it.

‘I want to stay with Ancia until the end.’

That was his only thought at that time.

But Ancia said she was the heir of the light. She said she could lift
the curse. To be honest, he didn’t expect much.

He wished her words were true, but the power inside him was getting

‘I hope Ancia isn’t disappointed if the curse doesn’t go away.’

A festival of light was held in the kingdom. However, Ancia didn’t

attend the festival yet again.

There were many people who invited her to the festival. There were
even many men who asked her to go together with them. But Ancia
declined all invitations.

Even when the famed homme fatale, Richard Cassil, visited Amoria
Palace in person, she still refused him.
She said it was because of her trauma of getting lost in the square
before, but Blake knew that she was actually saying it out of
consideration for him. Blake felt sorry for her.

A royal ball was held on the last day of the festival, but Ancia didn’t
go. Blake worried that it was because of him again, but the fact that
he could be with her made him smile.

He couldn’t help it.

Blake and Ancia sat in the attic side by side, and watched the
fireworks together. But even the fireworks he saw that day weren’t as
pretty as Ancia.

Blake plucked up his courage and kissed Ancia.

“Ancia, I love you.”

It was unclear whether the curse would be lifted or not. But whatever
happens, he really wanted to say this. He thought that he would
leave no regrets.

“Me too. I’m happy I met you, Blake.”

Ancia smiled as she met his gaze. Just her smile was enough to fill
Blake’s heart with joy.
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Chapter 95

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The next day, Blake’s curse was lifted. He couldn’t believe it. He felt
like it was all a dream.

I can stay with Ancia forever. That was the only thought that came to
his mind clearly.

But the joy didn’t last long.

Once the curse was lifted, many things began to change. After
preparing for the ball, he left the palace and moved to a palace in the

People said that Blake looked more handsome now.

He didn’t care. He only wanted to be with Ancia. Just having Ancia

by his side was enough for him. He thought he’d be able to spend
the rest of his life with Ancia when his curse was gone.

But reality wasn’t that simple. Many people attempted to drive a

wedge between them.

Now that the curse had been lifted, the Crown Prince should carry
out his duties. Blake knew that, but he still hated it.
He wanted to look mature in front of Ancia, however, he couldn’t
stand it and ended up complaining, “All I need is Ancia. I only want to
stay here with you. I don’t like other places. I like it here. I don’t want
to leave…”

He didn’t want to leave Amoria Palace and only wanted to be with

Ancia at Amoria Palace. He knew that he was being childish, but
Ancia didn’t scold him.

“If we move to the Foren Palace, this place won’t disappear. We’ll
come here often.”

“Are we going to come often?”

“Yes, let’s make this our own secret castle.”

Our own world.

He thought he was the only one who wanted that.

Ancia shone brightly and everyone liked her.

Ancia was the only one in Blake’s world but there were many people
around her. He was happy when she thought of him. She was
thinking the same thing as him.

The sentences of the curse had gone away but it’s power had not.
His pain got worse after the door of darkness opened.

He was nervous. It wasn’t because he was afraid of being cursed

again, but he was afraid that Ancia’s smile would disappear if the
curse came back again.

Unfortunately, his fears came true and the curse that had
disappeared resurfaced once more.

The pain engulfed his whole body.

Then, a bright light appeared. And he could see Ancia was about to
disappear into the light.

“Ancia, no. Don’t go…”

“I’m going to lift the curse completely this time.”

“Don’t go. You can’t go.”

Ancia couldn’t leave. He felt that he’d never see her again if she
disappeared like this.

Blake tried to stop her but the pain held him back.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be right back after I lift the curse, so please wait for

Eventually, Ancia disappeared with the light.

Not long after she left, Blake’s curse lifted. His fever went down, and
the dreary cursed sentences engraved in his body also disappeared

The curse had really been lifted.

Blake could feel it. The curse of the goddess had disappeared. This
time, it had been lifted for good. It wouldn’t reoccur ever again.

However, he wasn’t happy.

The curse was lifted, but Ancia hadn’t come back. Tenstheon had
gone to seal the door of darkness and hadn’t returned yet either.

A few days later, several palace knights came back from their search
around the door of darkness.

They said Ancia went into the door of darkness and that Macul flew
out and took her, and shortly after that, the door of the darkness
A massive search began for Ancia, but it was of no use. The door of
darkness had already closed and it showed no signs of opening any
time soon. Furthermore, not a trace of Ancia could be found even
after they scoured through the entire valley of chaos.

Three months later, Tenstheon came back.

“I’m sorry, Blake. I couldn’t protect Ancia.”

Tenstheon bowed down to Blake and apologized. His expression

was rife with grief at the loss of Ancia and guilt towards his son.

Blake saw that his father had become very thin in just three months.
Blake told him, “No, it’s not your fault.”

It wasn’t Tenstheon’s fault. This was all Blake’s fault. He was cursed,
and wasn’t able to stop Ancia.

Ancia tried to leave him. Every time she did that, he tried desperately
to stop her. He didn’t want to lose her, so he held dearly on to Ancia
just because of his greed.

If he had let her go earlier, she wouldn’t have gone away.

Blake blamed himself over and over again.

Even when Ancia was missing, the world continued to move forward.
A grand ball was held to celebrate Blake’s liberation from the
goddess’s curse.

Many people were very curious about whether or not his curse had
really gone away. In addition to the aristocrats of the Asteric Empire,
foreign envoys also flocked to see the Crown Prince.

And finally, Blake showed up. The crowd buzzed with admiration at
his appearance.

Blake was beautiful. His brilliant silver hair and crimson eyes
radiated the charisma of the imperial family, and there was no sign of
any curse on his fair skin.

Moreover, it was incredible that even though he had been

abandoned for so many years, his charisma hadn’t diminished in the
least bit. They couldn’t sense any contempt nor desperation from

The curse of Goddess has been lifted after a thousand years and
there was a strong successor to Tenstheon. The nobles cheered in

However, Blake was unaffected by this merry atmosphere.

The Crown Princess, who was loved by all, had disappeared. In fact,
everyone thought Ancia was dead.

She went into the door of darkness so there was little chance of her
being alive. However, as the emperor was still desperately looking
for her, people were careful with their words.

Blake sat still in his chair, not speaking to anyone. Tenstheon also
could not hide his sorrow.

The Crown Prince’s curse had been lifted, and the door of darkness
was closed. Yet, the biggest celebration party in the empire was filled
with an air of melancholy.

Suddenly, the Duke of Cassil’s loyal followers launched their attack

in the ballroom.

Tenstheon had been away from the palace for three months because
of Ancia, and many soldiers from the palace had been deployed into
the valley of chaos. The Duke of Cassil used this opportunity to
launch his rebellion.

After turning off the lights in the ballroom, they immediately aimed for
the emperor and the crown prince.
But Tenstheon was the most exemplary emperor in the history of the
empire and his ability wasn’t to be taken lightly. Even though he was
distracted due to grieving over Ancia, he didn’t drink so much that he
would be crushed by them.

Tenstheon and the Knights of the Imperial Palace immediately

suppressed them.

The ballroom quickly descended into a scene of chaos. Several

aristocrats, servants, and foreign envoys were injured and

Even in the midst of this chaotic situation, Blake was still

expressionless as he approached the wounded people.

A white light flowed from Blake’s hand. Their wounds healed the
moment Blake’s light reached the injured person.

He did not use any tools, such as mana stones, but with just the
power of light he treated all of the people in the ballroom.

“This is the power of goddess!” shouted the high priest, who had
been treated by Blake.

Just like Philip a thousand years ago, a light flowed directly from

Everyone in the crowd was surprised. Before, many of them doubted

him because they believed he was still a fallen soul.

But from the moment it became known that Blake had the power of a
goddess, all their negative thoughts about him disappeared.

Rather, they began to adore him for being chosen by the goddess.

After the curse was lifted, everyone loved Blake and the nobles
struggled to impress him. Their sudden change of attitude disgusted
Blake lost Ancia, and then gained everything. Yet, at the same time,
he felt that he had lost everything.


“Where’s my sister? Where’s my sister!? My sister protected you.

She even healed your curse, but why didn’t you protect her!? I
trusted you! I trusted you!!”

Diana was inconsolable when she heard that Ancia was missing.

“Lady Diana, please calm down first.”

“It’s alright, Melissa.”

Melissa knew how much Blake blamed himself and stepped up to

mediate. However, Blake stopped her and silently accepted all of
Diana’s anger instead.

Diana headed to the valley of chaos alone, saying she would find

However, a young girl couldn’t get into a place where most people
had a hard time getting permission to enter.

Diana was blocked by the valley’s guards and forced to return to the
capital. After that, she still tried to visit the valley of chaos several
times. She even took a break from the academy.

Two years passed like that. No matter how much the Emperor and
Crown Prince tried to persuade her, she never stopped looking for
her sister.

“If you don’t go back this semester, you’ll be expelled. Return to the

Blake tried to persuade Diana again, but she refused.

“No. Who else is going to look for her if I don’t go?”

Diana’s gaze was filled with resentment. Blake wasn’t mad at her. In
fact, he was honestly relieved.
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Chapter 96

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

After two years passed, everyone started talking about the possibility
of Ancia being dead.

The moment she went inside the door of darkness, she might’ve
already been eaten by the Macul. There was also a rumour about
how Ancia was offered in exchange for lifting the goddess’ curse.
Everyone made their own speculations.

Ancia was gradually forgotten from everyone’s memory, but even

after all this time, the Crown Prince still remembered her.

“I’ll find her.”

“…Your Highness, you are the Crown Prince of this empire. You
have many duties to take care of. Soon, you’ll forget about her

“No, I won’t.”

“You say that right now, but eventually, you will. That’s the reality. I’m
the only one who won’t forget her and will keep searching for her.”

“She’s my family too.”

“Yes, but only until you remarry.”

“I won’t marry anyone else. Ancia is my only wife.”

He didn’t want to marry anyone other than Ancia.

Blake’s world only had Ancia in it. His heart was so full of Ancia that
it didn’t have any space for anyone else to wedge themself in.

“When Ancia comes back and finds out about you, she will be sad to
know that her sister is about to be expelled from the academy.”


“I don’t want to see her be sad. Go back to the academy. I’ll search
for her instead.”

“You really won’t forget my sister?”

“Did you already forget? I love Ancia the most.”

“I don’t agree with that.”

Diana laughed at his words. It was the first smile Blake had seen
from her after Ancia went missing.

Diana eventually returned to the academy and Blake kept searching

for Ancia as he promised.

Even if Blake didn’t make a promise to Diana, he wouldn’t stop

searching for Ancia.

Tenstheon was against Blake going to the valley of chaos. He felt

really guilty about failing to protect Ancia, but he couldn’t lose his son
too. However, in the end, Tenstheon gave in to Blake’s

When Blake first went into the valley of chaos, Tenstheon also went
together with him. Tenstheon was afraid of the monsters attacking
Blake. Just as how he lost Ancia. But the monsters were only a
groundless rumour.
The monsters didn’t attack Blake. Rather, they avoided him. It was
because he had the power of the goddess.

The onlookers were amazed by the Crown Prince’s ability. Rumors of

his ability quickly spread, further increasing the number of people
worshipping Blake.

People gradually forgot that he had once been cursed and ugly.
Now, they only knew of Blake’s beautiful appearance and fascinating

Countless women wanted him as their husband. Many women tried

to seduce him, including foreign princesses, and beautiful nobles
with amazing backgrounds, but Blake turned a blind eye to all of

It had already been a long time since the curse had been lifted, but
he had only become more unhappy in that time.

His life had plunged into darkness yet again. He stopped being
around people and spent his days in the valley of chaos to find
Ancia. He also occasionally visited the capital to search for traces of

One day, Diana visited Blake.

“Your Highness, long time no see.”

“Long time no see, sister-in-law.”

It was the first time he met Diana after she returned from the
academy. Diana had turned 18 and become a full-fledged capable

“We’re adults now.”

“That’s right.”
“I wanted to apologize to you. I said rude things to you before
because I was not in the right state of mind. I knew it wasn’t your
fault but I just needed someone to blame. I’m so sorry.”

“No, it’s my fault.”

It was all the goddess’ fault that Ancia went missing. Seven years
later too, Blake’s thoughts remained unchanged.

Diana stared at Blake while still feeling guilty.

In the past, Blake often smiled. He was cursed but his smile was
enough to brighten one’s mood.

But now, it was different. His curse was lifted but his eyes didn’t hold
the same innocence and happiness as years ago. It was as if he
intentionally blocked people from entering his heart.

Diana looked at Blake, who was so different from how he was in their

“I came to take my sister’s stuff today.”


“I opened my sister’s letter after a long time. I couldn’t bring myself to

open it again before. She talked about you a lot. She was always
worried about you.”


“Every time I read the letter, I was always jealous because she
always talked about you. But turns out she was very anxious about
you. I didn’t know why she kept talking about you at that time, but
now I understand,” said Diana calmly.

Now she was strong enough to talk about Ancia without crying. Many
years had passed after all.
“My sister was just like the wind. She always acted like someone
who would leave soon. It was especially the case when it came to
the subject of Your Highness. She used to mention things like taking
care of you when she wasn’t there. Maybe she knew she would
disappear like that. “

Diana smiled and looked at Blake.

“Your Highness, thank you for remembering my sister. But now you
need to let go. I’ll carry all of her things and memories with me, so
you should live happily now. I’m sure she wants that, too.”

Blake’s heart sank.

Everyone thought Ancia was dead. Tenstheon was also almost sure
of that. The servants who were with her at Amoria Palace also slowly
accepted her death.

Now it was only him and Diana who believed that Ancia was alive.
But Diana was also trying to move on.

“Go back, sister-in-law.”

“Your Highness, you are the person my sister chose. Now you
should move on. I’m sure she would want that too.”

“She’s the only one for me. Don’t say that again. I can’t forget her.”

Ancia had to be alive. She had promised him they would go to the
festival together.

Diana tried to take Ancia’s things, but Blake refused. He did not give

However, the world didn’t give him any hope either. The door of
darkness completely collapsed.

Yet the people of the country rejoiced.

“The door of darkness has disappeared after the 1000th year of the
Empire,” they said.

“This signifies the blessing of the goddess and the prosperity of the
Asteric Empire.”

But Blake was in despair. Compared to the prosperity of the empire,

Ancia was more precious to him.

‘The door of darkness has completely closed and the possibility of

her being alive has gone as well.’

That’s what everyone else thought.

Blake ignored what they said and headed straight to the valley of
chaos. The door of darkness had already collapsed.

Even when his last hope was gone, Blake still couldn’t give up.


He dreamed of her every night. In his dream, he could meet Ancia.

She took away Blake’s nightmares, and left only herself in his
dreams instead.


In his dreams, Ancia was always smiling broadly. She never blamed
him for everything that happened and only smiled at him the whole

“Don’t worry. I’ll be right back.”

But she wasn’t staying there either. Even in his dreams, she shook
off Blake’s hand and left.

“Don’t go, Ancia. Don’t go.”

Blake grew up. The curse was lifted and he grew up to be a decent
young man. He was no longer weak, but he still hadn’t found Ancia.

“Don’t go…”

As Blake reached for Ancia’s hand desperately, he caught it. He

opened his eyes in astonishment.

He hugged the woman in front of him before he realized it was not a


“Ancia! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for a long
time. I’ve missed you so much…”

He had finally found Ancia. For the first time in seven years. But she
had a white hair, and it wasn’t Ancia.

After coming to his senses, he looked at the woman in front of him

again. It was Rose.

“Who are you?”

Blake mistook Rose for Ancia. No matter what, he had never

mistaken another woman for Ancia.

Blake looked at Rose.

Whenever Blake begged her not to leave, Ancia would always have
that look on her face.

“You’re really not Ancia?”

He looked at her again hopefully, but she shook her head.

‘No, I’m sorry.’

If Rose was really Ancia, there would be no reason to deny it like

Isn’t she Ancia? He slowly loosen his hold on her hand.

‘I’m sorry.’

She apologized again, but even that expression made her look more
like Ancia.

Blake grabbed her hand again. The hand was marred by a burn scar
and it was so thin he felt it would break if he exerted just a bit more

How did she get hurt like this? How did she get so skinny?

“It’s okay. Don’t be sorry.”

Blake comforted her. He didn’t know who Rose was, but he couldn’t
just trust her and give up like this.

He will never let Ancia go this time.

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Chapter 97

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Eventually, we reached the palace to celebrate the founding day.

‘I’m going to leave now…’

“You’re going away like this? Don’t go, Rose.”

But even before I could finish speaking, Blake pleaded with me to

not leave, and my resolution ended up falling apart yet again. It
would be easier if he treated me badly.

However, I couldn’t reject him. He looked like a rabbit abandoned in

the rain.

When we first reunited, I thought he had changed a lot. But after 15

days together, I realized that I was wrong.

His appearance was different, but his personality was the same as

The carriage stopped in front of the Palace of Forens. The palace

was familiar because it was originally the place where Blake and I
were supposed to stay together.

Upon our arrival, numerous servants and knights came out to greet
There were so many people who served Blake now. This palace also
looked ten times better than Amoria Palace. The number of servants
was about the same as the amount of servants at the emperor’s
palace. I felt very proud to see it.

Melissa stood in front of us. Even though seven years had passed,
she was only in her late 20s. Her clothes were more luxurious than
before, but unlike Edon, her appearance hadn’t changed much.

“Rose, let’s get off.”

I nodded at Blake’s words.

As Blake escorted me out of the carriage, people began to chatter.

It’s probably because of my appearance. I was already used to
people’s reactions now, but that didn’t mean I didn’t feel hurt.


Melissa coughed intentionally and then, the chaotic atmosphere

settled down in a moment.

“I greet Your Highness, the light of the empire.”

Melissa greeted Blake and the other servants also followed.

“Melissa, everything’s fine, right?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“You must have had a hard time managing the palace.”

“No, I’m alright. But who is that?”

Melissa looked at me. She must be wondering since Blake had

brought a woman back, but there was no sign of disgust on her face
even after she saw my appearance.

“Rose, my special guest.”

“Nice to meet you, Miss Rose. I’m Melissa Reed, the head maid of
the Crown Prince’s palace.”

Reed’ was Hans’ last name. These two got married. That’s great.

I smiled and gave a silent salute instead of answering. Melissa

looked puzzled so Blake explained to her on my behalf.

“Rose can’t speak.”

“Oh, I see…”

“Prepare her room. Give her the room on the second floor.”

“The second floor?”


If Blake hadn’t changed the locations of the rooms, then our

bedroom was still on the second floor. And unless the head servant,
head maid, or the Crown Prince invited someone specially, they
could not use the same floor as the prince and his wife.

The servants around me looked agitated at Blake’s words. I was also

surprised and rejected it, but Blake didn’t care at all.

He cast a glance at the chattering servants and they instantly

quieted down again.

“Rose, let’s go in.”

Blake smiled and took my hand.

The moment I entered the Foren Palace, I was very surprised at my


The lights, the furniture, the carpets, the curtains, everything, which I
had chosen before I left was still there.
Blake hadn’t changed a thing in seven years. He had been using all
the things I chose without changing anything.

I touched the sofa I had chosen before, as Hans came inside and
greeted Blake.

“I greet Your Highness, the light of the empire.”

“Melissa and you don’t have to greet me so formally. How many

times do I have to tell you?”

“Your Highness is a royal. I can’t simply ignore the etiquette like


Hans smiled. He hadn’t changed much either. If I had to spot a

change in him, it would only be that he wasn’t as thin as before.

“By the way, who is this?”

“It’s Rose, my special guest.”

Blake introduced me and we greeted each other. Hans also showed

no sign of disgust after seeing my face.

“Your Highness, His Majesty is waiting.”


Blake answered reluctantly and looked at me.

“Rose, are you tired? Do you want to take a break or have a meal

No. He had finally returned after so many months and his father was
waiting for him. He should’ve rushed to his father now.

I told him to go to the emperor first.

“It’s alright.”
Weren’t they getting along well before? I hoped it wasn’t because I
suddenly disappeared. I’d feel very guilty if it was.

I shook my hand again.

‘Go to His Majesty.’

“It’s really alright.”

‘Please go.’

Blake pouted when I said that. I laughed because his pout looked the
same as it did seven years ago.

‘Go ahead.’

“Okay. I’ll be right back. Hans, she’s an important guest of mine, so

please take good care of her.”

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Blake went to the emperor, after Hans assured him.


“Miss Rose, come this way.”

After a while, Melissa led me to a room on the second floor. It was

the VIP room that was next to the Crown Prince and the Crown
Princess’ room.

“I’ll send the maids soon. Please let me know if you need anything.”

I nodded.

After Melissa left, I looked at the room. The interior was very fancy. I
didn’t choose the decoration and furniture here, so someone must’ve
chosen it.
‘Oh? What is this?’

I picked up something shiny from the floor. It was a small ruby

brooch. Someone must’ve dropped it while cleaning.

As I opened the door and went out into the hallway, the maids
crowded together.

“Who is that woman using the same floor as the Crown Prince?”

“I don’t know. But what’s with those creepy scars?”

I hesitated to approach them. The maids were talking behind my


“You’d better watch your language. Sir Paul and Matthew got fired
for talking about Miss Rose.”

This maid was probably Chelsea. Although she had become taller,
her unique way of speaking and sharp eyes were the same as

She was the only daughter of Count Brooke and she was famous for
her excellence. She was smart and had unmatched ability when it
came to collecting information.

“Chelsea, is that true?”

Chelsea was right.

“Yes. They said it was all because of Miss Rose that Dix and Joanna
were sentenced to death. Joanna was bullying Miss Rose, and she
got caught doing it.”

“Did the Crown Prince like her?”

“That’s ridiculous. You’re saying that because you’ve never met the
late Crown Princess. Crown Princess Ancia was so beautiful that
she’d be mistaken for a doll! His Highness can’t forget her and
refuses all the famous beauties, but he suddenly chose that creepy
girl? No way!”

The girl with pink hair would be Charlotte. I remembered because I

liked her very unique hair color. She hadn’t changed much in
appearance over the years.

“But Charlotte, Lady Joanna was also famous for being pretty.”

“How can she be compared to the late Crown Princess? She only
has a pretty face but a bad temper.”

“Is that so?”

“I think His Highness isn’t someone who cares about outer


Chelsea replied, “Is there even such a man in the world who doesn’t
see a woman’s appearance?”

Everyone was chattering excitedly, but a brunette woman standing

quietly in the corner opened her mouth suddenly.


She had straight long hair, dark brown eyes the same colour as her
hair, and a beauty mark near her eyes. Her voice was calm yet
appealing. Even though I only just noticed her, I could still tell who
she was.

It was Camilla. She was the daughter of Marquis Vendrick and one
of the women who loved Richard in the original story.

“Camilla’s right. His Highness wouldn’t like a woman like that! It must
be sympathy! After all, His Highness was also cursed once.”

Charlotte agreed with Camilla’s words. But Camilla looked serious.

“Charlotte, watch your words. His Highness Blake was put through a
trial. The goddess tested him to give him more strength, you know?”

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that…ahh!”

Charlotte screamed when she saw me. The other maids seemed
surprised as well.

I’ll just give them the brooch and go back. I gave the brooch to them
but no one said anything.

“Charlotte, isn’t that your brooch?”

When Chelsea said that, Charlotte’s expression became grim.

“I don’t want it. What if I catch a disease.”

“Why do you say that?”

Chelsea came closer to me.

“Miss Rose, it looks like Charlotte accidentally dropped it. Thank you
for bringing it back.”

Chelsea took the brooch from me.

“Why did you take it? No! Throw it away!”


Chelsea looked at me and rebuked Charlotte. But, Camilla sided with


“There’s nothing wrong with Charlotte’s words. We could really get

infected. Chelsea, you’d better throw it away.”

“What’s wrong with you Camilla!?”

Chelsea shouted, but Carmila didn’t budge.

If I stayed here, it would only make things worse, so I went back to
my room.


Frankly speaking, I didn’t feel very good. Charlotte’s change of

attitude was especially shocking since she was usually so nice to
me. Turns out she only liked Ancia’s appearance.

Still, maids had a high status. They all came from prominent families.

Historically, it wasn’t uncommon to see maids marrying royals or

becoming their concubines. I’m sure they had also become maids to
associate with Blake.

Families in Asteric Empire usually arranged their children marriages

early. Only some of them were late in marriage.

There were many reasons for it, such as trying for admission to an
academy or taking over the family, but most of them did it because
they wanted to associate with the royal family.

In particular, there were many variables this time. The Cassil family
collapsed and Blake’s curse was gone. Moreover, the Crown
Princess had disappeared.

The nobles of the influential family, who wanted the three sons of the
Cassil family, suddenly turned to Blake.

In the original story, Richard’s maid Camilla and Chelsea became

Blake’s maids.

Now that their families had already given up on their marriages, they
must be willing to somehow associate themselves with Blake. Even if
Blake married Diana, there would still be a place for concubines.

Blake became very popular…

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Chapter 98

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Starting with Joanna, the women who were supposed to like Richard
in the original story had all set their sights on Blake now.

Among them, Camilla Vendrick was the second most important

female character after Iana.

Camilla was the daughter of the Marquis family. Originally, she was
an abandoned child, but the Marquis of Vendrick soon accepted her
because he felt the need to have a connection to the Imperial

Camilla loved Richard. She knew of his evil deeds very well but
pretended not to know them.

“Only I can understand Richard! We’re definitely meant to be. Even if

I were to be reborn, I would only like Richard.”

She said it over and over again. She said she was purely in love with
Richard, regardless of his status, wealth, appearance, and that she
was the only one who truly loved him.

Then she became Blake’s maid. I don’t think Richard planted her as
a spy, so what happened ?
Richard’s face from seven years ago and Phillip’s face from a
thousand years ago came to my mind at the same time. Their
appearance alone made me shudder. Suddenly a small light

[Hello, Laontel.]

‘Long time no see, Shell.’

It was the first time we met again after a long time.

‘What’s going on?’

Shell pouted. Shell seemed as if she had been waiting to say it and
replied as soon as I asked.

[I’ve never eaten anyone!]


[A Macul doesn’t eat people! How can they say such harsh things?
They talk as if we ate you!]

Even if Ancia survived in the door of darkness, she would’ve been

eaten by Macul in the end. That’s what the knights said, and Shell
overheard them.

Then, even when I couldn’t see them, they had still been circling
around me?

‘You were following me?’


Shell’s eyes widened and she quickly looked away. It seemed that
my guess was correct.

[Oh, I’m here to relay a message on behalf of the goddess!]

She flew up in a hurry. When Shell circled in front of me, her light
became a circle and created a transparent space that shone brightly.
Beyond the light, I could hear Ser’s voice.

[Laontel, how do you feel living that way? Don’t you want to discard
that ugly body that everyone despises?]

‘I don’t think it’s ugly. It’s just a scar.’

[Stop pretending! Stop pretending to be the nicest in the world, and

stop pretending to be good! Tell me the truth! You want to go back to
your original body, don’t you? You want the face that everyone
praised for being beautiful! Did you regret giving up my offer?]

Her voice was still full of madness. She had suffered for a thousand
years, so it was no surprise that her wound was almost impossible to

‘I’ve never regretted it, Ser.’

To be honest, whenever I saw people stare at me with so much

disgust, I felt very hurt. But Blake smiled at me. He held my hand full
of scars, but showed no sign of disgust.

There were also few people who showed no reaction to my scars.

Blake, Edon, Mellisa, Hans and Jayden.

So it was okay. I didn’t have much time left. It was enough as long as
I thought about those nice people only. I didn’t want to pay attention
to those who felt disgusted after seeing me.

[Are you touched that the Crown Prince has given you some
sympathy? How would he react when he finds out Ancia turned out
to be this ugly? Eventually, he’ll leave you and marry another
woman. You won’t be able to remain in his memory. He’d shudder at
the fact that a woman like you was once his companion!]

‘Blake won’t be like that.’

Blake wouldn’t leave me just because of my appearance. At first I
didn’t think that way but now I was very sure.

He wasn’t that kind of person. He wouldn’t discriminate against

people because of their appearance.

[Haha. Don’t make me laugh! He’s a man just like Philip! When I had
the scars on my body, Philip gave up on me.]


Philip approached Ser from the start with the idea of using her. And
as soon as he gained the power of the goddess, he wanted to
abandon her. Did she forget that?

Why did she think she was abandoned because of her looks?

[If I had been as beautiful as you, Phillip wouldn’t have abandoned

me! If I hadn’t had the scar, he wouldn’t have left me!]

‘Ser, you…’

Did she still like Philip? I tried to ask her, but I quickly shut my mouth.
That was absolutely impossible. I felt as if I would be insulting Ser by
asking her that.

[Laontel! I’ll give you one last chance. This is really the last time! Kill
the Crown Prince! We’re going to be the only ones left in this
disgusting empire. We’re friends. We don’t need other people, do

‘We need them.’


‘There are a lot of nice people. I can’t kill them and survive alone.’

[They don’t even recognize who you are! You’re the only one who’s
gonna die miserably! Who would love you for being ugly? Even if you
were to die, they wouldn’t feel sympathy!]

‘I don’t care.’

It really didn’t matter to me. I was okay even if no one recognized

me. A thousand years ago, Rakshul died and my life felt like a living
hell. I’d rather die than to let him go first again.

[Silly girl! Stupid! You’ll be abandoned! You’ll end up being thrown

away miserably!]

‘Even if they do that, I won’t regret it.’

[Hahahahaha! I’m going to kill the Crown Prince soon. So are you
going to kneel to me and beg?]

The moment I heard her laugh, I had an ominous premonition.

‘What are you trying to do?’

Just when I frantically asked Ser, I heard a knock outside.

“Miss Rose, I will be coming in for a moment.”

It was Chelsea’s voice. Since I couldn’t speak, she opened the door
without waiting for any permission.

I looked at the table in shock. However, Shell and the transparent

space were all gone.

“Hello, Miss Rose. My name is Chelsea Brooke, a maid of the Crown


Chelsea greeted me politely. I also gave a light bow.

“I’m sorry about what happened just now. I apologize on behalf of


‘It’s alright.’
I shook my hands. Chelsea looked confused. She didn’t understand
what I was saying.

‘Its. al. right. Truly. It’s. al. right.’

As I said it over and over again, Chelsea carefully asked me.

“Are you saying you’re okay?”

I nodded. It was hard to even hold a simple conversation because I

couldn’t speak and write. When I was with Blake, I didn’t have any
problems with communicating.

“To be honest, most of the maids of this palace like His Highness.
So, they were just jealous when they saw you. Don’t worry about it.”

Chelsea must be worried that I might’ve been hurt.

She was a minor character in ‘The Beast and the Lady.’

Richard pretended to like her and stole the Brooke family’s fortune.
Chelsea also tried to marry Richard for the sake of her family.

But Chelsea soon discovered his true colors and planned to reveal
Richard’s misdeeds to the world. However, before she could do that,
Richard found out and killed her.

Although Chelsea was a smart person, she only appeared for a short
time and wasn’t particularly memorable. However, she turned out to
be very smart and considerate.

‘Yes, thank you.’

Chelsea groaned slightly. It was difficult to read my lips. As I

repeated the words, Chelsea smiled as if she could barely
understand the words.

“In the future, I will serve Miss Rose. I look forward to working with
Chelsea would serve me?

She was a lady of a prominent family. Although I was a guest of the

Crown Prince, my identity was unknown. There was a possibility that
I was a slave, not a commoner.

It was ridiculous for Chelsea to serve me.

Why did she do it? Did Melissa ask her?

‘Are you okay with it?’

I tried to say it slowly.

“Oh, I see. You’re asking if I’m okay, right?”

She smiled brightly as I nodded. She looked like a high school

student who was happy to have finally solved a difficult question.

“Yes, I applied to serve you.”

She wanted it? As my eyes widened, the corners of Chelsea’s mouth

meaningfully lifted up.

“I’ve been a maid for two years. But it was my first time seeing the
Crown Prince smiling. Miss Rose made him smile. At that moment, I
knew that you’re a great woman. That’s why I wanted to do this.”

“I know that His Highness’s real mother is Roum. It’s really amazing
that he took control of the empire even though he had Roum blood. It
would be nice to marry someone like this.”

Chelsea told me something similar to what she said to Richard in the

original story.

So many things had changed from the original story.

Did she never see Blake smile? Blake smiled a lot on our trip back to
the palace. But didn’t he also do that in the Foren Palace? How had
he been for seven years?

I was lost in thought when Blake came in.

“Who are you?”

He asked Chelsea.

“My name is Chelsea Brooke. I will serve Miss Rose.”

“Okay. Chelsea, take good care of Rose.”

“I am honored to serve Miss Rose.”

She smiled broadly. I could feel the sincerity from Chelsea’s smile.
She really wanted to be my maid. It wasn’t because someone told
her to.

“Chelsea, have you prepared a meal?”

“Would you like to have it here?”



Chelsea lowered her head and left the room.

After a while, the fancy meal was ready. The dishes were made with
great effort for the Crown Prince who had returned after a long time.

A smile bloomed on my face as soon as I tasted the soup. This was

Terry’s cooking.

“Is it tasty?”

I nodded.
The dishes were all delicious. However, it was somewhat surprising
that there were no eastern dishes to be seen. Terry liked to cook
eastern dishes, and so did Blake. However, there was no such thing
on the table.

Dessert came out as soon as I finished eating. Furthermore, a

variety of ingredients were prepared to go with the black tea.

I could feel Blake looking at me. I intentionally ignored my favorite

lemon jam and added only one sugar cube.

Then I heard Blake laughing.

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Chapter 99

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“You’re stirring it so fast.”

I looked at him, not knowing what he meant. Blake smiled and

pointed at the teacup.

“So did Ancia. She couldn’t wait for the sugar cubes to melt. She had
always acted like an adult, but it was at times like these that she
really felt like a child.”

But I really wasn’t a kid…

In Korea, I was often told that I was laid back. But by the standards
of this world, I was only impatient, and being impatient didn’t mean
that I was a child…

But I couldn’t explain it because I couldn’t speak.

‘I’m not her…’

That was the only thing I could say.

Blake got up without saying anything. Then I hurriedly added lemon

jam to my tea.

“Eat it if you want to. You don’t need to act like this.”
‘It’s not like that…’

“You always say that. Did I misunderstand you again?”


Blake smiled and held my hand as he stirred using the spoon.

“Hurry up and stir it. It’ll melt quickly.”

I slapped him on the arm. He always teased me whenever he had

the time. When we were young, I was the one who teased him.

Blake only laughed.

“Let’s have you learn how to write. I want to hear more about you.”

I nodded. I also wanted to learn how to write quickly. I would at least

like to write a good-bye letter before I leave him.


The next day, a woman visited the crown prince’s palace.

Her name was Kendall, and she was an influential professor at the
academy. I wanted to take her class 7 years ago but I didn’t have the

She was said to have retired and lived in the capital city.

Will I be able to write again if I take her class? Ser took my language
ability. So even if I study, I might not be able to speak or write again.

I waited for Professor Kendall with excitement and anxiety bubbling

through me. But the moment I met her, my expectations were

“Mrs. Reed, are you telling me to teach this girl?”

As soon as Kendall saw me, she complained to Melissa, expressing
her reluctance.

“Professor Kendall, Miss Rose is an important guest of the Crown

Prince. Please be polite.”

“Is she an important guest? Mrs. Reed, you’re not her nanny, but the
head maid of the Crown Prince’s palace. You must take
responsibility and help the Crown Prince as much as you can. How
long do you intend to keep her around?”

Kendall rebuked Melissa as if she was her student. Melissa also

seemed as if she was uncomfortable.

“You’re being too much.”

“I’m not. Is His Highness an ordinary person? How long has it been
since he was freed from the curse of the goddess, and now he has
such a girl next to him? Can you take responsibility for the
recurrence of the curse if he gets too close to such a monster and
makes the goddess angry? What have you been doing? This can’t
be overlooked!”

“What will happen then?”

I heard a voice from behind. When I turned around in surprise, I saw

Blake standing there.

He trudged in and stood beside me.

“You may be smart but you’re not polite.”

His voice was calm, yet, I could detect a hint of anger in his voice.
Kendall only shuddered as if she could understand what he meant.

“Th-that’s not it. I’m telling her the truth. If they let you keep that girl
by your side, what would happen to your reputation?”

“Your soul is very ugly.”

“Your Highness, how can you say that…”

Professor Kendall was shocked.

“Get the hell out of here. I hope we don’t run into each other again.”

“Yo-your Highness, wait a minute! That’s not what I am trying to


She rushed to make excuses, but before she could say anything
Melissa and Chelsea showed her out. Then, only Blake and I were
left in the study room.

“Sorry. I should’ve paid more attention.”

I shook my head.

‘It’s alright.’

Kendall is a reputable scholar. Blake only tried to give me the best


“I’ll teach you myself.”

‘Your Highness will?’


Blake smiled and nodded.

‘It’s alright. You’re busy.’

Blake was now the Crown Prince of a respectable empire. He had a

lot of work to do, such as helping the emperor. He had returned to
the palace after three months, so how could he have time to help me

“Don’t worry, I’ve got time for you.”

He pulled some books out of the bookshelf and put them on my

“Try to learn this for today. Starting from tomorrow, we’ll use a proper

When he sat down on the chair, I sat opposite him. And the class


“Here, this is how to spell ‘Rose’. Can you try to write it?”

I nodded, and tried to write my name on the paper.

My right hand didn’t have any burn scars, but it still trembled when I
held the pen.

— Rose.

It was a bit messy, but the spelling was correct.

My handwriting was just like an elementary school student, but I was

satisfied that I wrote the name myself.

Although I lost my language ability, fortunately, I had no problem

learning it. Moreover, the Imperial Language had a phonetic alphabet
which made it easier for me. I had forgotten the letters, but I was
able to speak, so I learned quickly.

Blake couldn’t take his eyes off of my writing. Was he disappointed

because unlike Ancia, I had a sloppy handwriting? I needed to take
this opportunity to completely dispel his suspicion that I was Ancia.

“Good job. Let’s write greetings next.”

He continued with a light smile. I couldn’t tell what Blake was up to

these days.
Did he still suspect that I was Ancia?

“Hello is written like this. Try it.”

What was clear was, every time this happened, it felt strange. I was
the one teaching him seven years ago, but now I was being taught
by him.

— Hello.

“That’s right.”

He stroked my head. I felt dissatisfied about being praised easily for

something like this.


I had a lot of fun learning how to write. At first, I felt a little unfair
because I was learning what I already knew, but now I genuinely
enjoyed it.

Thanks to my vague memories about what I had learned before, I

learnt very fast, and now I could read simple books.

I’d go to the study alone even when Blake wasn’t around. It was then
when I heard the voices of the maids.

“I haven’t picked a dress yet.”

“Yes, there’s too many choices.”

“But it’s a historic day that marks the millennium! Maybe I’ll be
escorted by His Highness, Blake!”

At Charlotte’s words, the other maids ridiculed her.

“No way. He always comes alone.”

“Even if he came in with someone, it wouldn’t be us. He still has

“Be careful of what you say. We’re the crown prince’s maids. Don’t
say anything reckless.”

Camilla said to the other maids.

“I think it’s true. His Highness the Crown Prince is an adult now. I’m
sure he’ll get remarried. He didn’t blame Diana for coming to the
Crown Prince’s palace without an appointment the other day.”

“That’s right. She actually walked into his room.”

As the maids spoke, Camilla’s expression hardened.

“How did the rumours start? It was you guys who did it!”

“We did?”

“Isn’t Diana much more likely to be a candidate than us whose name

the Crown Prince didn’t remember?”

“Don’t jinx it.”

So the story of Blake marrying Diana was a rumour?

As the atmosphere became more uncomfortable, Chelsea, who had

remained silent throughout the conversation, said, “Everyone calm
down. What’s the point of fighting about this kind of thing between

“The false rumor should be corrected.”

“If it’s a false rumor, it will disappear anyway. Huh, Ms. Rose!”

Chelsea, who was trying to soothe Camilla, saw me and ran towards
“What’s the matter?”

I wrote in my notebook.

— I’m looking for a book.

To get to the study room, I had to go through this hallway, but the
maids were there, so I couldn’t make it.

“What book is it? I can help you.”

While we were talking, the maids left the place. Everyone avoided
me except for Chelsea. I was already used to such reactions by now.

I didn’t care about those judgemental people. I only had to cherish

those who liked me.

Chelsea and I went to the study together.

“Originally, the founding festival is supposed to be celebrated for five

days, but this time it will be held for over ten days since it’s the
thousandth year after the empire was founded. Will Ms.Rose go?”

I shook my head. Crowded places were burdensome. Besides, I’ve

been feeling dizzy and coughing these days. It would be a big
problem if I went to a crowded place and fainted.

I promised Blake I’d go to the festival with him, but it seemed that it
wouldn’t come true.

“It’ll be fun.”

When I shook my head again, she didn’t persuade me anymore.

“But if Ms. Rose came, His Highness might come together with you.”

Blake? I looked at Chelsea because I didn’t know what she meant.

Chelsea added,
“His Highness only stays at Amoria Palace during the festival.”


“Oh, Amoria Palace is a small palace in the south. He spent his

childhood there.”

Sign in

Chapter 100

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

I went to my room and opened the book, but I couldn’t focus at all.

While I was away for seven years, Blake spent all his time at Amoria
Palace, without ever attending the festival.

“If your curse is lifted and you’re tall enough to not get lost, then let’s
go to the festival together.”

“Yes, we’ll definitely go to the festival together.”

It must be because of that promise…

It was because of me. If I had known this would happen, I would’ve

never made such a promise.

According to Chelsea, Blake didn’t attend the imperial ball unless it

was an important event. Even then, he would just show his face and
leave quickly. He never danced with another woman.

I guessed that it was because of me again.

I shouldn’t have given any meaning to our first dance or festival…

Once the curse was lifted, he should’ve had fun and been happy. He
should’ve attended festivals, enjoyed parties, and lived a happy

Tears rolled down my face and blurred my vision. I couldn’t make out
the words in the book, but It wasn’t because of the tears.

I felt dizzy. How long could this body last?

I had to leave before I caused Blake any greater sadness, but I

hadn’t built up the courage yet.

I had the confidence to survive alone outside the palace. It was the
same in Korea.

After my grandmother passed away, I had to live alone. I had already

experienced it once, so there would be a way to make money again

But if I left now, I would never see Blake again. So, I still hadn’t made
up my resolve.

I wasn’t ready to leave him yet.


I heard Blake’s voice following a knock on my door. I wiped my tears

in a hurry, but Blake still saw it.

“Rose, what’s wrong? What’s the matter?”

From the sound of his voice alone I could tell how worried Blake

I quickly scribbled in my notebook.

— The story in this book is sad.

“Is it really because of that?”

I nodded my head as Blake pulled out a handkerchief and wiped my
tears himself.

“It must be very sad.”

I nodded again.

“Shall we go outside and get some air?”

I looked at him in surprise. He wants to go outside? I heard Blake

rarely went out unless he was going to the valley of chaos.

If I said I wouldn’t go, so would Blake. I hope he forgets our

promises, becomes free of all traces of me.

Blake smiled brightly as I nodded.

“Actually, I prepared this.”

Blake gave me a white box. It contained a simple mask made of

silver. It was the same shape that Blake used in the past.

“I don’t mind it, but if you want to, try this.”

He spoke cautiously, as if afraid that I’d hurt.

Blake was once cursed. He didn’t feel repulsed by my appearance,

because he was also despised and hated for being a monster back
then. As a person who had experienced the same thing, he was very
considerate of me.

‘Thank you.’

I expressed my gratitude silently.


Even if the founding day celebration had yet to begin, the square
was already buzzing with a festive mood.
There were many stands that sold various local foods, and there
were many more people than usual.

No, I wasn’t sure if it was more than usual. All I remembered was the
square from years ago. Anyway, the square was crowded with a lot
more people than it was seven years ago.

‘There’s a lot of people.’

“I know. The festival hasn’t even started, but there’s so many people
already. Are you alright?”

I nodded. My scars weren’t visible because I wore a mask and white

gloves. Besides, there were many people who wore unique
costumes because of the festival, so no one paid any attention to my

“My Rose, I have to make sure you won’t get lost.”

He held my hand tightly.


Was it because of what I said before?

Seven years ago at the Festival of Lights, I once said that I was
afraid I would get lost in the square.

Did he still believe I was Ancia? Or was it just because there were a
lot of people?

“Are you really okay? You have to tell me if you’re scared because
there are so many people.”

He checked over and over again. He was overprotective to the point

that I wondered if he saw me as a child.

‘It’s alright. I’m glad there are so many people.’

“That’s a relief then.”

He smiled.

“I was afraid of the square. Of course, not right now, but when I was
young, I thought it was a really scary place. I was cursed and
couldn’t get out of the palace.”

He confided in me in a calm voice.

“So I learnt about the world only from books. Every time I read a
novel, there were always problems happening in the square. So I
thought it was much more dangerous than the valley of chaos. It’s
stupid, isn’t it?”

‘No, not at all.’

I smiled and shook my head.

“When my wife went to the square, I felt very scared and restless.”


“I wish we’d gone out together like this.”

He looked at me. His eyes were filled with sadness and regret. I
couldn’t face him and turned my head away.

If he kept looking at me like this, I felt like I would really cry.

We walked with our hands clasped together.

Even though the festival hadn’t officially started yet, there were
plenty of things to see. There were many unique foods, and many
people performed, song and dance filling the streets.

How long had it been since I laughed so freely? Even after living in
Korea and returning here, I had always felt uneasy.
As soon as I woke up in the morning, I always checked to see if
Blake’s curse had spread, whether he had a fever or if he was sick. I
was nervous and often couldn’t sleep well because I couldn’t find a
way to lift his curse.

Now that I looked back, when I wandered through the pitch-black

door of darkness, I felt that it was painful and arduous, but I didn’t
feel as anxious.

I looked at Blake. His appearance and growth made me smile.

Even if my life would end soon, it was enough as long as Blake

wasn’t sick.

As I was looking at his flawless left face, Blake turned his head.

“Don’t make that kind of expression.”


I didn’t know what he meant so I looked at him puzzledly. Suddenly,

Blake came closer.

“You look like you’re going to leave.”


I just smiled. Even if I didn’t want to, I had no choice but to leave.

Now I couldn’t even tell white lies.

‘I’m hungry.’

“…okay. Let’s get something delicious to eat.”

Blake was heading toward a restaurant, but I shook my head and

pointed at a food stand. Since we came out like this, I wanted to try
dishes that I couldn’t usually eat.
We ate traditional food from the Canua Empire. It looked just like
dumplings on the outside, but its insides were like pizza. Overall, it
tasted like pizza bread.

It was quite delicious. I bought a refreshing candy apple to eat for

dessert. While I was eating it, it somehow fell into the ground.

Ah, that’s too bad…

As I stared at the dusty candy apple in despair, Blake burst into


“I’m sorry, but you’re so cute.”

‘What me?’

“You look like a little kid who just dropped their candy. You didn’t do
that even when you were a kid.”

The moment I heard him, my heart sank.

‘…how do you know whether or not I did it when I was a kid?’

Although I denied it quickly, Blake just smiled.

“Why are you so sullen?”

‘It’s a shame.’

“I can buy you a thousand more if you want.”

‘No need.’

If someone dropped something in the middle of eating it, they would

certainly experience a mental shock.

When I lived in Korea, I accidentally dropped a watermelon. At that

time, I couldn’t stop thinking about the shattered watermelon.
I didn’t get in trouble with my grandmother because I was young, but
thinking about it even now, I felt it was such a waste.

As I looked at the big candy that fell to the ground with eyes full of
lingering emotions, I could hear Blake’s voice.

“My Rose is so cute. What am I going to do?”

I looked at him in surprise. He was looking at me as if I was really

cute. I still felt shocked by how much Blake adored me.

“Do you want to get one more?”

I shook my head. The candy was just easy to eat and pretty to look

“I’ll buy it for you.”

‘I won’t eat it.’

“Okay. I’ll stop teasing. Don’t be mad.”

‘I’m not mad.’


Blake bent his knees and looked up at me. His eyes glistened like an
innocent boy and he looked breathtakingly beautiful. Even if I was
really angry, I couldn’t get mad at him anymore.

I think he knew very well that he was handsome. I burst into laughter.
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Chapter 101

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

We looked around the square again. Many new stalls were built for
the festival, but existing stores were also busy preparing for the
festival, decorating their storefronts and setting up special events.

We went into the bookstore.

Unlike other places, the bookstore was relatively quiet. Since I

wasn’t used to reading yet, my attention was naturally drawn to the
fairy tale books.

I picked up a fairy tale book that was closest to me.

It was titled “Blessed Princess.”

I opened the book, and quickly regretted it.

On the first page was a picture of a blonde girl and a boy with the
face of the beast, on their wedding day.

—Once upon a time, a blessed princess and the monstrous prince of

a neighbouring country had gotten married.

This was a fairy tale about me and Blake. I tried to put back the
book, but I happened to see the last page by mistake.
The prince, freed from the curse, became a handsome man. But in
return, the blessed princess lost her life. The fairy tale ended with a
scene in which the prince was left all alone as tears streamed down
his face.

The image of the boy crying alone was so much like Blake that I was

“What book are you reading?”

I hurriedly shook my head and hid the book.

‘It’s nothing. Let’s get out.’

Other fairy tales also showed many titles like Blessed or Monster.
They were all about us.

“Yes, let’s get out.”

We left the bookstore. After walking silently for a while, Blake pointed
at someplace.

“Shall we go over there?”

The place that Blake pointed at was a well-known jewelry store that
handled the most expensive jewelry in the empire.

I shook my head in a hurry. When I came to the palace, Blake had

given me lots of clothes and jewelry.

I tried to refuse him back then, but I had no choice but to accept it
since he had already paid for all of them.

‘I told you before. I don’t need jewelry.’

I was going to leave anyway, and jewelry was a burden. I didn’t want
to leave any traces of me behind. I only wanted to quietly disappear.

“Let’s just look.”


That was a lie. As soon as we got in, he would try to buy me

anything he could.

“I wanted to buy a present. Help me choose.”


“Yes. A present for a woman.”

The maids said the rumors of Blake and Diana’s marriage were

Blake had always been with me ever since we returned to the

palace. He stayed with me, except for when he had to help the
Emperor with his affairs.

If that was true, there would be a lot to prepare for the wedding
announcement, but there had been no such thing.

So I made a vague assumption that it might really be a false rumor

like the maids said.

I was sure it was a false rumor when I came to the square with him
today, but when I heard that he was giving a present to another
woman, I thought that I might’ve misjudged it.

‘…you want to give it to a woman?’

“I don’t have a fiancee. It’s for my wife.”

Blake answered straight away.

‘…have you already married again?’

“I already did before. My wife’s name is Ancia. Ancia Raelle

He stared at me as he declared in a determined voice,

“There will be no one else.”


Blake took my hand as we went inside.

There was no need to give a gift to his wife. As I was wondering

what to say, I saw various rings in front of me.

There were already more than 10 rings in front of me, but the
jeweler’s staff kept bringing more and placing them in front of me.

It was a luxurious ring embellished with diamonds, and at first

glance, it looked like a wedding ring.

“Rose, what do you like best?”

Blake used to touch my ring finger sometimes before and he still did
it even now.

After entering Ser’s body, my wedding ring disappeared. Now that I

had nothing on, he often drew a circle on the spot where the ring
used to be with his fingers.

But I couldn’t let him buy me a ring. I shook my head quickly.



‘Yes, let’s go back. It’s too late.’

If this was really a gift for someone else, he wouldn’t have asked me
to choose, but I couldn’t say that either.

However, choosing a gift while pretending not to know was a bad

“Okay. Then I’ll have to buy it all.”

Blake looked at the owner and said so.


He’s really going to buy everything! I stopped him in shock.


‘You can’t.’

“You said you couldn’t choose.”

‘That doesn’t mean you have to buy everything!’

“Then go ahead and pick. I wonder which ring Rose will choose.”

He smiled beautifully.

Was he really going to be like this? I’ve never raised Blake to be like

I wondered but soon gave up.

It was always like that. I didn’t teach him well because I couldn’t bear
to see him sad.

I always gave him whatever he wanted. Sometimes he was picky,

but that was all. And there was never a need to scold him.

Blake was so nice and cute. He didn’t act like this before!

As I recalled the past, I glanced at the adult Blake. Blake tilted his
head slightly to the side and looked at me innocently.

“Rose, pick one for me.”

“If you don’t like it, shall we go somewhere else?”

‘No, I’ll choose.’


They said they would make a new ring and send it to the palace.
This is why I didn’t want to go into the store in the first place.

Blake forced me to go to many stores as he tried to buy things for


“I wanted to return the favor, since you helped me choose a gift.”

Blake wouldn’t get out of the store until he gave me a present.

‘It’s okay. It’s late. Let’s go back.’

The mere purchase of the ring weighed heavily on my mind. I didn’t

want anything else.

“Okay. Let’s go back.”

Blake grabbed my hand again.


“Where is His Highness, Melissa?”

Hans asked Melissa.

“Miss Rose and His Highness went to the square.”

“His Highness is in the square?”

Hans was surprised.

Blake going to the square came as a surprise to him.

Except for important events, political affairs, and information about
Ancia, he had never gone out for personal reasons. Did he go out to
show Miss Rose around the square?

Whatever the reason, he was overjoyed.

Hans was actually very worried.

Blake was told that the door of darkness had disappeared so he

headed for the valley of chaos.

At that time, Blake had a pale face as he stood before him, right
before he left the palace.

He looked similar to when he heard that Ancia went missing seven

years ago.

And the Crown Prince didn’t return to the palace for more than three
months, so Hans was worried that he might fall into even deeper

But now Blake was at the palace, and he was smiling broadly.

Of course, the only time he smiled like that was when he looked at
Rose, but Hans was still happy. Besides, he had gone to the square

Did His Highness finally come to his senses?

But unlike Hans, who was happy, Melissa’s expression was grim.

“Melissa, are you worried about something?”

“Hans, did His Highness put Miss Rose in his heart?”


Melissa breathed as she recalled Blake and Rose.

The Crown Prince suffered for a long time.

Only when his curse was lifted, did he escape the looks of contempt.

But he hadn’t even properly enjoyed it, and spent all his days
searching for Ancia until now.

Like Hans, Melissa also wanted Blake to come out of his grief. They
wanted to see Blake smile again.

A lot of time had passed. Now, they wanted Blake to forget about
Ancia, meet a good woman and live happily.

But Miss Rose wasn’t the right person.

“I think Miss Rose is a good person. I see why he’s so nice to her

“We didn’t know her identity, and she couldn’t speak. Not to mention,
her scars were severe. If Blake chooses her, people will definitely
gossip about them.”

Even Professor Kendall, who was highly educated and treated

students fairly regardless of whether they were aristocrats or
commoners, was verbally abusive when she saw Rose.

Not to mention anyone else. It was obvious that she would be

ridiculed as a monster because of her looks,

If Blake chose to be with Rose, everyone would pretend to be

worried but gossip about the recurrence of the curse.

“I want him to continue living nicely.”

Melissa hoped Blake would not be ridiculed and suffer under the
people’s contempt again.

She didn’t hate Rose. Rose was nice and pretty.

She didn’t know what Rose had been through in the past, but she felt
sorry for her because she couldn’t speak and even suffered severe

But if Blake chose Rose, His Highness would certainly go through

many things he didn’t have to go through.

“Hans, I’m too selfish….”

When Blake was cursed, she thought that people who discriminated
against appearances were bad.

But now she didn’t approve of Rose because of her appearance.

“I know what you are upset about.”

Hans touched her shoulder as he comforted her.

“How nice it would have been if Her Highness had been here.”

“We didn’t want anything more than that…”

When Blake’s curse was lifted, Hans, a servant, was honored for his
contribution to the crown prince. Melissa also became his wife.

Edon was also given a title of his own.

But they couldn’t be happy. The Crown Princess, whom everyone

loved, was not here. Ancia’s vacancy remained a great wound not
only for Blake but also for others.

If Ancia hadn’t disappeared, they would have been a pair that made
the masses envious.

Melissa sobbed as she imagined the image of Ancia and Blake if

they became adults together.

Melissa thought Ancia had passed away, so she hoped that Blake
would meet another woman and find happiness again. But when she
saw him being nice to another woman, she was upset for Ancia.

“In fact, I haven’t let Her Highness go yet.”

Melissa realized her feelings and wiped away the tears that flowed
with her handkerchief.

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Chapter 102

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

We went back to the palace in a carriage. The carriage stopped, but

it wasn’t in front of the Palace of Forens.

“Okay, let’s go out.”

I nodded and got out of the carriage with Blake’s help. I looked at the
Amoria Palace.

It’s been seven years…

When I was at the door of darkness, I didn’t know it would take so

long for me to come back here.

I’ve been missing this place. I wanted to come here even after I left
the door of darkness.

“Shall we go in?”


We went into the Amoria palace.

This place hadn’t changed much. It was as if the flow of time itself
had stopped in here.
A thousand years ago, I used to live here. And after I died, Philip
named this place “Amoria” meaning love.

Love. How ironic. What he felt towards me was not love.

It was a terrible place, but I missed this place because of the time I
spent with Blake.

Therefore, the name “Amoria” given by Philip was meaningful to me.

This place was full of love and memories for me and Blake.

I looked around Amoria Palace, and Blake took off my mask.

“You look prettier without it. Don’t use it when you’re with me.”


I nodded in appreciation of his consideration for me.

We entered the glass greenhouse first. It was full of beautiful roses.

On the other hand, however, vegetables such as beans, peppers,

perilla leaves, and pumpkins were also planted there and did not go
well with the elegant atmosphere.

That was my work. I had planted vegetables in the greenhouse so I

could eat fresh vegetables.

Blake had been growing those vegetables ever since I left.

I looked at those vegetables, then quickly turned my gaze away. If I

cared about that, he would think that I was Ancia. He was already
suspicious, so I had to be careful.

‘The roses are pretty.’

“Right? The vegetables have also grown well this year. You can go in
and take a look if you want to.”
‘No, I like flowers.’

I fixed my gaze on the flowers and didn’t even glance at the


The red roses were beautiful. When I was Ancia, Blake gave me
many gifts, starting with a red rose. The flower crown made of roses
was so pretty that I couldn’t bear to use it.

“What kind of flowers do you like?”

‘Roses. Red roses.’

Was it okay to tell him the truth? There were so many people who
liked red roses.

“I like them too.”

He smiled.

After leaving the greenhouse, we walked together in Amoria Palace.

Just like the greenhouse, the cauldron and furnace were still intact.

I thought it would be dusty since it hadn’t been used for a long time,
but it was clean.

“This is a furnace from the east. My wife asked the blacksmith to

make it. She loved to cook eastern food.”

Blake looked so happy as he spoke about Ancia that I didn’t know

how to react.

I nodded and turned around. I saw a big beautiful tree.

We used to mark our heights on that beautiful tree.

I was the tallest but Diana and Blake nearly reached me. The marks
remained intact even now.
They hadn’t marked anything since I left…

Another memory resurfaced. Even though I pretended not to know

anything, I turned around and avoided looking at it.

Blake looked at the marks on the tree as he approached it.

Back then, he was very small for his age. He always looked at the
tree saying he wanted to grow taller.

“Do you know why I brought you here?”

I shook my head.

“You really don’t know?”

He looked at me. I couldn’t turn my head away and my body felt as if

it was frozen in place.

“I found out for the first time that I had the ability to read lips, but I
couldn’t do it to other people. I can only read your lips, Rose.”

Blake touched my lips. His body temperature warmed my lips and

passed all over to the rest of my body.

“You know why?”

I shook my head.

“The shape of your mouth, your habits, they are the same as my wife
when you talk. That’s how I can read it.”


“The way you look at me, your expressions, the way you walk, the
food you like, everything is the same as her. The more I look at you,
the more certain I am.”

‘…it’s an honor to be similar to the Crown Princess, but I am not her.’

“Lies. My intuition tells me that you’re Ancia.”


“You’re Ancia.”


“Please tell me the truth.”

He begged. He was begging me to tell him.

I wanted to tell him the truth. I wanted to stop caring about the future
and just tell him.

But no. I had to deny it for his sake.


I almost gave in to Blake’s pleading gaze, but Edon’s urgent cry rang
out suddenly.

“Your Highness!”

“What’s going on?”

Blake asked indifferently. It was unlike how he usually spoke to me

and his tone revealed his obvious displeasure. But Edon shouted

“We’ve found the Crown Princess!”


When Blake was told by Edon that they had found Ancia, he headed
to the emperor’s palace.

After Ancia went missing, countless people claimed that they were
the Crown Princess.
They were fakes that weren’t worth dealing with. The girls had blond
hair and green eyes, but that was all.

There were some who did not look or seem alike at all, or they even
changed their eyes and hair colour with clumsy dying or magic.

Tenstheon usually drove them home without showing them to Blake,

and all those who pretended to be Ancia had to pay for their crimes.

Of course, it couldn’t be stopped, but Testheon made sure to treat

them harshly so that Blake wouldn’t be hurt.

But he called Blake for the first time today. And as soon as he got
the Emperor’s call, Blake realized why.

‘It’s Ancia.’

Ancia sat next to the emperor.

She was Ancia. Blake could feel it the moment he saw her.

She had elegant large green eyes, a graceful nose, and red lips. Her
face was beautifully sculpted.

Blake used to think about what Ancia would look like now, but he
couldn’t imagine. However, he felt it the moment he saw her.

“Come here, Blake.”

Tenstheon smiled and called his son.

He was full of guilt because he couldn’t save Ancia, but he had found
Ancia today. Finally, he could look his son in the eye.

But Blake stood still. Then the woman next to the emperor sprang up
from her chair.

“Your Highness!”
The woman smiled broadly and approached Blake. Tenstheon
looked at them with a mellow heart.

It was their first reunion after seven years.

Ancia was back. Blake’s reaction, however, was totally different from
what Tenstheon expected.

Blake looked at the woman’s face with a stiff expression, and then
looked at Richard sitting across from her.

“Why is he here?”

“Richard brought Ancia.”

“He did?”

Blake did not hide his hostility.

On the day Blake was celebrating the release of the goddess’s

curse, the Duke of Cassil had stormed the ballroom.

Tenstheon and imperial knights overpowered them, and Blake cured

the wounded. When everyone was at ease, flames rose from one
side of the palace.

The east side prison where Richard and Frank were trapped was
enveloped in flames. They successfully put out the fire, but Frank,
the eldest son of Duke Cassil, was killed, and Richard was also
badly injured.

The Duke of Cassil admitted all his sins.

He said he set that fire to kill Richard, who had attacked the emperor
and the crown prince and disgraced him. But it was Frank, his
favorite son, who lost his life. Arnold Cassil, who killed his beloved
son with his own hands, was panicked.
Tenstheon captured all the remnants of Duke Cassil, including
Domiram, a black wizard.

However, he claimed that he was the wizard of Duke Cassil, not

Richard, and that he set fire to prison under the order of the Duke.

He also said that he spread rumors about the black magic that could
transfer the curse of the goddess under the orders of the Duke of

The Duke of Cassil also admitted all his sins. In the end, the Duke
was sentenced to death. The nobles who followed him were also

However, they were divided over how to handle Richard.

It was reported that Richard’s mother was a Roum and was falsely

In addition, Richard was treated as a servant. Testimony and

evidence from the people of the Duke said that he had suffered from
contempt and abuse.

Richard came to his senses a month after the fire and he shed tears,
shocked by the fact that his father tried to kill him.

He testified about the abuse he had been subjected to. His words
were exactly in line with the testimony of the people around him.

He was a victim who was almost killed by his father.

Although he committed some minor sins, they were all under the
orders of the Duke of Cassil, and he did not play a crucial part in his

Moreover, on the day the Duke of Cassil was executed, his wife and
youngest son, Neon, killed themselves.
Now Richard was the last person with the blood of the Duke of
Cassil. Gradually, public sympathy for him began to grow.

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Chapter 103

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“The Duke of Cassil did many evil things, but it is too harsh to take
Richard’s life just because they are family.”

“What’s wrong with the kid? Even if the Duke of Cassil and his sons
were after the throne, it would have nothing to do with Richard, the

“Richard was a victim of his abuse.”

“Why don’t we show mercy for once? The Goddess of Light would
want that too.”

People sympathized with Richard.

But Tenstheon did not raise his doubts about Richard. Ancia said
that the black wizard, Domiram, was Richard’s wizard.

However, Domiram himself, as well as the Duke of Cassil, admitted

that the Duke was his master. Richard said that he didn’t even know

They could not execute a 17-year-old boy with only Ancia’s word to
back their suspicion.
Eventually, Tensteon ended the situation by depriving the Duke of
Cassil of his title and forfeiting his property.

Richard became a commoner, but he saved his life.

Tenstheon continued to monitor Richard even after that, but he never

acted against the law.

Richard kept quiet, running a small merchant guild and an

orphanage. His place was famous for its good facilities in the city,
and Richard was rather respected by the people.

It had been seven years since Blake and Richard faced each other
like this, because Richard never had a social life at all.

Richard often wore fancy clothes, and he was handsome. He used to

care a lot about his clothes and accessories before.

But now, his clothes were far from being fancy. The material of the
garment was luxurious, but it was surprisingly simple.

Richard was seen as a good philanthropist. It wasn’t just because of

his clothes. He smiled and bowed politely to Blake.

“Your Highness, the light of the empire.”

“You brought this ‘woman’?”

Richard’s eyebrows raised subtly when he heard the word “woman”

but soon, he replied with a gentle expression.

“Yes, Your Highness. I run a small orphanage, and the children found
a woman lying near the orphanage. But when I brought her inside,
she looked like the Crown Princess, who went missing seven years

“Near the orphanage?”

Blake glanced over to the woman’s face. He was not happy to see
his wife after seven years. Rather, Blake’s expression was full of

An oppressive silence blanketed the room. At that moment, the

woman hugged Blake.

“Your Highness, I’ve missed you!”

But Blake grabbed her shoulder and pushed her away from him.

“I have something to tell His Majesty. Everyone go out.”

“Your Highness…”


The woman was surprised and tried to cling to Blake again, but
reluctantly took a step back when Richard told her to.

When everyone left, Tenstheon opened his mouth.

“Aren’t you acting too harsh?”

“There’s no evidence that she’s Ancia.”

He admitted that her appearance was remarkably similar. But that

wasn’t enough.

“Did you identify her?”

“She said she lost her memory.”

Blake burst into laughter.

“That’s not surprising.”

Many of the fakes claimed to have lost their memory like she did.
Blake had never met the fakes face-to-face, but he had heard the

Looking at Blake’s reaction, Tenstheon said, “That child is a


“A polyglot?”

The fact that Ancia was a polyglot was a secret that even the
imperial family knew very little about.

Of course, none of the impersonators who claimed to be the Crown

Princess knew that Ancia was a polyglot. Her ability was a very rare
ability. They couldn’t imitate her even if they knew.

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve confirmed it.”

Tenstheon was a prudent man. If he said so, then it was definitely

true that she had language skills.

It couldn’t have been a fraud. In the first place, she couldn’t have
called Blake without much confirmation just because she looked like

“It wasn’t just language skills. She also had the power of light. That
child is Ancia.”

Tenstheon’s argument was valid. Appearance, language ability, the

power of light, everything was telling them that she was the real

But as Blake heard what Tenstheon said, Rose’s face appeared in

his mind.


“Your Highness!”
As soon as Blake exited the Imperial Palace, he heard the voice of
the woman. He stared at the woman quietly.

She really looked like Ancia.

“I heard you lost your memory.”


“How about your injuries?”

“It’s fine. Richard has been very nice to me!”

She smiled brightly.

“I was frustrated because I couldn’t remember. But seeing you again

like this, I think it’s reminding me of the past!”

Blake looked at Edon.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

“…Bring this woman inside.”

He should call her the Crown Princess. All the evidence pointed to
her being the real Ancia. But the words didn’t come out. As the
woman left with Edon, Blake glared at Richard.

“What’s the trick?”

In spite of his blatant hostility, Richard smiled gently.

“You still haven’t forgiven me. Of course, I understand that. I will

never be forgiven for what my family has done to you. I’m always
thinking about how to get your forgiveness.”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

He believed what Ancia said despite what others said. He was sure
the black wizard, Domiram, belonged to Richard. But Domiram
denied it and saved Richard’s life.

Seven years ago, when he was released from prison, Richard had
that look on his face. So innocent, as if he had done nothing wrong,
but Blake didn’t believe Richard.

He was still convinced that Richard was hiding something despite his
innocent face.

“I know you had feelings for my wife. What the hell are you up to?”

Blake said blatantly and Richard smiled dimly, as if recalling old


“Hahaha. That was a long time ago. It happened in the past. I won’t
deny it, but I’m about to get married. Can I even keep another
woman in my mind?”

Richard was engaged to his brother’s fiancee, Marquis Westin’s

daughter. As a commoner, he became a son-in-law of the Marquis

Since Marquis Westin did not have a son, Richard would become the
next Marquis after he got married. He pretended not to be greedy,
but in the end, he became the heir to the family of the Marquis, and
for the first time in seven years, he would make his spectacular
return to society.

“I am a loyal servant of His Majesty. If I have found her, it is natural

to take her back to the palace.”

Richard replied politely. His words were logical, but Blake looked
even more suspicious.

“I hope that’s true.”

“Of course I mean it. How could I lie in front of you?”

“Go back.”

“I’ll leave now. Congratulations on finding Her Highness.”

Richard left the Imperial Palace, maintaining courtesy until the end.
Blake’s gaze was cold and sharp as he watched Richard leave.


The news of Ancia’s return spread like wildfire in the Crown Prince’s

“Is she really the Crown Princess? Is it true?”

“I don’t know. Is there anyone here who knows?”

“They have all been fakes so far.”

“That’s why I called you all.”

Melissa said the Crown Princess had returned, and all the servants
were gathered on the first floor.

Since I was a guest, I didn’t have to follow her orders, but I really
wondered who was impersonating me.

Everyone waited for the Crown Princess, who returned after seven
years with faces full of joy and curiosity, but the maids looked stiff.

They had come in for the position of Crown Princess.

So there was no way they’d be happy to see the real Crown


But as long as they were in front of others, they couldn’t reveal their
innermost feelings.

Instead, they let Chelsea feel worse.

“If the Crown Princess is really back, then Chelsea is completely

“I know.”

“What does that mean?”

Chelsea frowned when she was attacked unexpectedly.

“When the real Crown Princess is back, Rose will be kicked out.”

The maids laughed at me. It was me who they really wanted to

attack, but they attacked Chelsea instead because they couldn’t
touch the Crown Prince’s guest.

“Everyone watch your words.”

Chelsea warned them, as Camilla said,

“They’re not wrong. Your family name is already tarnished anyway.”

“Well, I don’t know why my family name would be tarnished because

I served a good woman. And it’s you’re the one who’s screwed,

“What do you mean?”

“No need to think about it. Just work hard on your duties.”


“Camilla stop it.”

Before Camilla and Chelsea began to fight, the other maids rushed
to stop them.

But Charlotte stood by as she said, “How beautiful our Crown

Princess must have become! Oh I hope she comes back quickly.”
But unlike other maids, she was purely happy that Ancia had come
back. Charlotte must have really liked my appearance.

“Be quiet everyone!”

Melissa, who was standing at the door, gave strict orders to the
servants, and the place quickly became silent.

I watched them quietly too. Now there was only one thing I was
interested in. Who was it? Who was impersonating me?

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Chapter 104

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Even though I heard the maids’ sarcasm, I didn’t feel anything in


She couldn’t be the real Ancia because I was right here.

Then, who was it?

The door opened as Edon and a beautiful woman appeared.

The moment I saw the woman, my expression hardened.

She was not a fake.

That was my body. I felt it instinctively the moment I saw her.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Ancia.”

When she greeted them, people began to chatter.

“Are you sure she’s the Crown Princess?”

“Is she real?”

“Well, she’s beautiful.”

“Right. She’s so beautiful that her face wasn’t easily forgotten.”

The servants admired the woman’s appearance.

“Your Highness! You’re really Ancia! You look like just when you
were a kid!”

Charlotte also couldn’t help but jump up and down in happiness.

Melissa stared at the woman blankly.

“Your Highness…”

“Are you really Her Highness?”

The fake Ancia smiled at them. But she wasn’t really smiling, only
the corners of her mouth were lifted up.

Looking at the woman’s empty eyes, Melissa and Hans fell into

Edon saw their expressions and explained cautiously.

“Her Highness says she lost her memories.”

At that moment tears fell from Melissa’s eyes. She smiled, hastily
wiping the tears away.

“Your memories will gradually come back.”

“That’s right. You can slowly collect them from now on.”

“Thank god you’re so healthy…”

“This is my first time here right?”

The fake Ancia asked, cutting off the crying Melissa. She looked like
a doll without any emotions.

“Pardon? Ah, that…”

“I’d like to have a tour of the palace.”

“We’ll guide you.”

“I’d like to be guided by her.”

The fake Ancia pointed at me. She looked at me and the corners of
her mouth raised up. I also stared back at her.

Looking at her smiling face, I was sure.

That woman was Serphania. She swapped our bodies.

“Your Highness, I’m sorry, Miss Rose is not a maid.”

“I like that kid.”

Melissa was perplexed but Ser refused to budge.


“Are you ignoring me because I suddenly showed up? I’m the Crown
Princess but you can’t even follow my orders?”

“Miss Rose is a guest, and she hasn’t been here for long.”

“At least she knows more than I do.”

Melissa was at a loss.

I looked up at Ser and raised my hand. Everyone’s gazes focused on


I wrote in my notebook.

— I’ll show her around.

Chelsea quickly came to my side and checked the note. She

delivered the words to everyone.
“Miss Rose says she’ll guide her.”


I said I would guide her, but Melissa and Chelsea also followed us,
as if they were worried.

“Is this the bedroom of the Crown Prince?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

When Melissa answered, Ser spoke innocently.

“I want to take a look inside.”

“…You must have the permission to enter.”

“Then where’s my room?”


“What about her?”

Melissa hesitated as Ser pointed at me. She wasn’t sure how to

introduce me. Then Chelsea answered quickly.

“Miss Rose uses the room for VIP guests.”

“Where’s the VIP room?”

“Right there.”

“It’s close to my room.”

Ser frowned and opened the door of my room.

“Your Highness, wait…!”

Chelsea tried to stop her, but Ser looked at me, ignoring her words.
“Can you show me around?”

I nodded.

“Don’t let the others in. I want to talk to you privately.”

“But Your Highness, Miss Rose can’t speak.”

“Are you going against my orders now?”

When Ser spoke sharply, Melissa and Chelsea bowed their heads.

“…no. I will obey your orders.”

I had something to say to her too. We left Melissa and Chelsea

outside as we went into the room.



I called her name as soon as I got in. I only moved my lips since I
didn’t have a voice.

“You noticed? Interesting.”

She smiled. She hadn’t looked at my lips so she must’ve read my


“This room is very nice. Is this the kind of treatment you’re getting
after you chose to give up your body and your life? It’s pathetic.”

‘What are you thinking? Why did you swap our bodies?’

“I wanted to let you know of the pain of being abandoned.”

“Now you’ll be abandoned. The real Ancia is here so they won’t care
about you anymore.”

She burst into laughter. She held her stomach as she leaned back
and smiled.

“You ignored me even though I gave you a chance! It’s no use

begging me now! This body is mine! I’m not giving it back! You will
die a miserable death after being abandoned by the Crown Prince!”

‘What are you trying to do with Blake?’

What was she thinking?

I wouldn’t live long. Still, I accepted my death calmly because I

believed I could protect Blake.

But Ser appeared. She was also impersonating me and deceiving


“Even in this situation, are you still worried about the Crown Prince?”

‘You promised me that you wouldn’t touch anyone after I die.’

“Even at this moment those people are still important to you. You’re
screwed! It’s over! Make a wish to me! Make a wish to save yourself!
Just worry about yourself!”

Ser screamed in a fit of madness, but she suddenly shut her mouth.

After a while, the door opened and Blake came inside. She
approached Blake with a big smile.

“Your Highness, you’re here.”

Blake lightly struck Ser’s hand when she tried to touch him.

“Why are you here?”

“Miss Rose invited me! Ah, Your Highness, I wanted to see your
room but the maids stopped me!”

Ser quickly changed the subject, but Blake’s gaze grew even colder.

“The crown prince’s bedroom is not open to just anyone. They’re

doing the right thing.”

Blake’s gaze was like ice. When he replied so coldly, Ser was
perplexed for a while, but then she grinned.

“Your Highness, I’d like to go to my room. It would be much better

than here, wouldn’t it?”

“You’d better go to the Sephia Palace.”

“Pardon? Why? I don’t want to be away from you.”

“Ancia was often there. If you really lost your memory, staying at the
Sephia Palace would be good for you to remember again.”

Blake spoke in an extremely formal tone. He did not seem to fully

believe that she was Ancia yet. Ser also exclaimed in impatience,
perhaps feeling the same thing.

“But she’s here. She’s using the same palace as the Crown Prince. I
also want to stay here!”

“Go to the Sephia Palace.”


Blake said firmly. It was an order, not a suggestion.

He replied so coldly that she could no longer remain stubborn.

“Then take me there.”

“A knight will escort you.”

She folded her arms again.

“Your Highness is nice. I don’t like that knight. I’m so scared of him.”

Blake tried to shake her hand off, but Ser firmly grasped his arm.

“When I fell through the door of darkness, I was so scared of

everything. The whole world was dark and there was nothing. I’m
scared, Your Highness, I don’t want to be apart from you.”

“Your Highness.”

“I’ll take you there.”

He snapped in a low voice.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

Ser smiled at Blake, and then glanced at me for a moment.

The moment I saw Ser’s gaze, my heart sank.


Ser went with Blake to the Sephia Palace.

Before leaving the room, Ser smirked at me. Was she trying to make
me jealous? But I was more worried than jealous.

According to Chelsea, it was Richard who brought her to the Imperial


What happened?

I’d understand if Ser suddenly showed up here.

But this Richard was the reincarnation of Phillip. He had taken away
Ser’s power and sealed her in the door of darkness.
He was Ser’s enemy.

I had no idea why she was with Richard, or why she came with him
to the palace.

What was she thinking? No matter how much I agonized over it, I
couldn’t think of an answer. Only one thing was for sure. Blake was
in danger.

Ser tried to bring down the Asteric Empire, and now she appeared in
front of everyone, impersonating me.

She was deceptive and sly. I couldn’t just let her run wild.

I got up from my seat. I had to let them know that Ser was a fake.

Considering Blake’s pain and sadness when he would be left alone

after I died, I couldn’t reveal the fact that I was Ancia.

But now was not the time for such worries. Blake was in danger. I
couldn’t keep silent any more.

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Chapter 105


Editor: bodyinthefreezer

When I went out of the Foren Palace, I could see Blake following me
from behind.

He looked at me and then ran towards me with a big smile.

“Why are you out here in the cold?”

He tidied up my hair that had been blown into a disheveled mess by

the wind.

Even though I was not in my original body, he was still kind to me.

I took his hand.

“Do you have something to say?”

I nodded hurriedly and opened my mouth.


I was going to say ‘I am Ancia’, but for some reason, I couldn’t.

It wasn’t just that.

My limbs went stiff as if I was paralyzed, and I couldn’t even lift a

“It’s okay. Whatever you say, I’ll believe you. So feel free to tell me.”


I wanted to tell him.

I’m the real one. I’m the real Ancia. I had to say it, but I couldn’t open
my mouth.

Was it because I was sick? No, this was different. I couldn’t move a
muscle as if someone was controlling my body.

‘No way…’

Did Ser restrict me from saying that I was Ancia? Since when?

“Rose, let’s go in.”

I had turned stiff so he carefully hugged me, looking worried.

I went back to the room as I was held in his embrace. Blake put me
in bed and took off my mask.

“You must have been tired because you went outside today. Take

I shook my head.

Why did Ser do this to me? Was she thinking of pretending to be me

from the start?

Whether I accepted her terms or not, was she already planning to

become me?

My heart beat unsteadily.

It was okay even if no one knew I was Ancia, but everyone had to
know that Ser was not Ancia


But my body stiffened up again.

Not only could I not say that I was Ancia, but I couldn’t even say that
Ser was a fake?

I was about to go to bed right away, but Blake grabbed me.

“Rose. Don’t strain yourself. Take a good rest today.”

His face was full of his worries.

‘I’m going to write…’

I barely managed to let out those words.

Fortunately, I could say other words besides the fact that I was Ancia
and Ser was a fake.


Blake brought my notebook and pen.

Even if I couldn’t speak. I could write.

But I couldn’t.

As soon as I grabbed the pen, I couldn’t think of any letters. I

couldn’t write as if my head went blank.

Was this why she took my voice and language skills?

She didn’t get mad at me and take her powers back, but she took
away my language skills so I wouldn’t tell anyone that I was Ancia?
I was surprised as Blake held my hand.

“Did you forget the letters?”

I nodded and then he smiled.

“It’s alright. Maybe it’s because I’m just bad at teaching.”

I shook my head. It wasn’t because of Blake. He had taught me very


Even when he was busy, he would spare time for me. He also
bought easy fairytale books for me to read.

“You can learn slowly.”


Even if I learnt how to write, I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone the


What should I do? I had to prove that Ser was a fake.

Blake was still suspicious of Ser, but she has my body. He’d
eventually believe her over time.

I had to tell him. Blake would be in danger if things continued like


My nervousness was driving me crazy, but Blake burst out laughing.

“Oh my, you’re a crybaby.”

Blake wiped my tears away.

He was making fun of me in this situation! I hate him!

‘I’m two years older than you!’

I exclaimed angrily, but then became surprised.

Huh? I could say that?

I couldn’t say that I was Ancia, but I guess I could reveal my age.

“Are you two years older than me?”

The corners of his mouth raised up. I nodded.

“You were two years older.”

Blake smiled broadly and wiped away the tears from my eyes.


The morning sun was dazzling.

Last night I fell asleep at some point while Blake consoled me.

I was tired from going out for the first time after a long time.

I got up from my seat.

I went into the bathroom, took a shower, and stood in front of the

The moment I came out of the door of darkness, I felt like it was all a

I regained my memory of a thousand years ago and saved Ser, but

my body had changed and time flew by.

The sudden changes in the situation were confusing.

Just thinking about how to leave quickly so that Blake wouldn’t get
hurt was too much for me.

But now I had to pull myself together. I couldn’t be like this anymore.
This was not the time to be shaken by feelings or compassion! I
have to protect Blake!

I’m the only one who can protect him and the others!

I had to prove somehow that I am Ancia and that Ser is a fake.

I had planned on leaving peacefully, but not anymore.

I don’t know if time was distorted inside the door of darkness, or if I

really walked inside for seven years, but it wasn’t so bad to be an
adult all of a sudden, was it?

Rather, it was a good thing that my appearance had finally caught up

with my age.

And it wasn’t all bad.

Blake’s curse was lifted. He had grown up into a beautiful and

wonderful young man and was loved by everyone.

In addition, I could see Blake grow up healthy, even if it was only for
a hundred days or so.

I looked into the mirror, observing my scars. Ser had taken my body,
which meant that now this was my body.

Although my left face was marred by a burn scar, my right face was
very pretty.

I had always wanted Blake to be confident.

Although there were curse sentences on his face, his face was
beautiful. I thought Blake didn’t have to be depressed because it was
the fault of the people who talked about it.

But I couldn’t think like that again.

I put on a mask every time I went out, and I was always fixing my
hair so that it would cover the wound.

I couldn’t cover the scar completely, but it was pretty good.

I was not Laontel.

I was not the Laontel who lost her life after letting go of Rakshul,
unable to do anything.

Although I was an orphan, I was once a healthy member of society

and Blake’s wife.

I am Ancia Raelle Bellacian.

And no one can take my place away.

I’ll protect Blake and the others too.

Before I leave, I’ll make Blake happy!

I got up from my seat and opened my wardrobe. The wardrobe was

full of dresses and ornaments that Blake had given me.

I hadn’t used any of the gifts he gave me, except for a few clothes
that were essential.

‘I’ll be leaving soon anyway…there’s not much time left…’

My heart was hurt by such thoughts.

But I won’t do that anymore.

I was picking out a dress when I heard a knock and Chelsea came

She looked slightly surprised to see me.

“You look so beautiful today.”


I waved my hand, but she gave me a smile.

“I’m not lying. You look really pretty today.”

This was the first time I had been complimented in this body, so my
face turned red. Of course, Blake often said that I was pretty, but this
was different from that.

“Ms. Rose, were you choosing a dress?”

I nodded and pointed to the dress of the most colorful design. Then,
Chelsea grinned.

“I’ll help you get ready.”


“Is it true that Her Highness has returned?”

“I guess so. Didn’t you see Melissa cry?”

“Oh, that’s nice. That’s really nice, but it’s a little disappointing.”

The maids grumbled lightly.

“Aren’t you okay with it?”


“You guys didn’t like her?”

Camilla loved Blake with all her heart. That’s why her heart ached
when she heard the news of the real Ancia’s return.

The others were calm, although they were disappointed.

“I like him, but what can I do? It’s not just anybody. It’s the Crown

“That’s right. We’re no match for her in the first place.”

They wanted to be the Crown Princess. They dreamed of standing

next to Blake. Now that they had become maids, they thought that
their chances were just a bit higher than other girls.

But that was only if Ancia was dead.

Ancia was the one who freed the crown prince from his curse, and
also the woman that Blake had not forgotten even after seven years.
Besides, they were already married.

She was an opponent that could never be beaten. Even if they

married the Crown Prince, they could only be jealous and upset
because of Ancia.

But to do that, they must have Ancia’s permission.

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Chapter 106

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

They genuinely liked the Crown Prince, but it was also because of
their family’s pressure.

When they returned home, they had to listen to their family nagging
about why they hadn’t captured the Crown Prince’s heart yet.

When everyone heard of Ancia’s return, they gave up at once.

But Camilla was different. She refused to give up even though the
Crown Princess had returned.

“To be honest, it’s true that the current Crown Princess is lacking.”

“Her family’s reputation has declined a lot, and she’s older than the
Crown Prince.”

Camilla said with a voice full of irritation.

“That’s true….

“But what can we do? They’re already married.”

As the maids complained, Charlotte said, “But Her Highness is the

descendant of Laontel Bellacian! That’s why the Crown Prince’s
curse had been lifted!”
Everyone thought that because of her appearance, power of light,
and the fact that she lifted the curse.

When Charlotte shouted that, everyone quickly shut their mouths.

Everyone knew it.

It was too late now. They should’ve captured Blake’s heart when she
was gone.

“She’s a hundred times better than that monstrous woman. She’s so

beautiful. She was also pretty when she was young, but now she has
become much more prettier.”

They attacked Rose instead.

They thought that she couldn’t beat Ancia. Rose wasn’t worthy of
becoming the Crown Prince’s partner. She had no good qualities at

Rose couldn’t even speak, and her appearance was horrid.

“We don’t know anything about her identity, but she didn’t know how
to write, so she must be a commoner at best. If a woman like that
captured the Crown Prince’s heart, she would be ridiculed for years.”

“Yes! We can’t even compare her to the Crown Princess!”

“But what’s going to happen to her now?”

“I thought she would be kicked out yesterday, but unexpectedly, she

wasn’t kicked out.”

“Hey, stop it. Chelsea will be mad when she hears us.”

“Wait, where’s Chelsea?”

The maids looked around.

Rose and Chelsea were making their way towards them.

The maids became speechless at the sight. It was not because they
were caught talking behind her back.

Rose’s hairstyle and makeup hid most of her scars, so there were
only a few visible.

In addition, her slim white dress made her look even more attractive.

It wasn’t just that. She was radiating confidence and felt really
elegant and charismatic.

She never looked like this before.

“Was Rose always this pretty?”

They even forgot to greet her because they were busy appreciating
her appearance.

Rose greeted them slightly and grinned.

The maids bowed their heads in a hurry.


Blake headed to the Sephia Palace this morning.

Ancia called him because she was sick.

Blake went into her room.

The woman who claimed to be Ancia leapt straight into his arms as
soon as he opened the door.

“Your Highness! I’ve missed you!”

Blake shook her off and said monotonously, “I heard you’re sick.”
“It was scary to be alone. I was so scared that I became sick. I
thought I would sleep with you at your palace. I was so scared.”

“Sleep together?”

Blake’s gaze hardened and he began to radiate a chill.

But Ser continued pretending to be Ancia and held his hands tightly.

“We always slept with our hands intertwined like this.”

Even though Serphania was locked in the door of darkness, she

could see the world through the power of light that she had given to
Phillip and Laontel.

But she didn’t remember them fully.

She had a thousand years worth of memories, scattered here and


Her memories were like shards of shattered glass.

However, she clearly remembered that Blake and Ancia fell asleep
while holding hands everyday.


Blake looked at the woman in front of him.

When he didn’t say anything, the corners of her mouth went up.

She was happy she got it right.

Blake tried to shake her hand off, but then he saw a ring necklace
hanging around her neck.

It was definitely his and Ancia’s ring.

“Diana’s going to be a little late.”


“Yes, Ancia’s sister.”


“Don’t you remember?”

“My memories will be back little by little.”

She couldn’t really remember this.

Ancia’s sister…

When she dug into her memories, she could only see Diana’s face,
but she didn’t have any memories of her.

Diana, Diana…

Ser barely remembered Diana.

“The exam season is over. She’s back after seven years. Don’t you
want to see her?”

“… No, I tried to contact her. Fortunately, after returning to school,

her grades have been good, so I thought she was aiming to be the
best now. I thought she would contact me after the exam.”

To avoid suspicion, she really had to contact Diana. After hearing

Blake’s words, the woman replied hastily.


“You mean her exams are more important?” asked Blake.

Ancia wouldn’t have said that.

He did not say anything about Diana because he thought she would
be heartbroken if she was the real Ancia.
Yet, she blamed Diana like this.

Even though she lost her memories, Blake still felt that something
was not right with her.

It wasn’t just disappointment.

Rather, a fundamental question arose inside him.

‘Is she really Ancia?’

If she was really Ancia, he wouldn’t care about her sudden change of

He was only grateful to her for coming back alive.

If her personality had really changed, he would feel guilty, thinking

how hard it must’ve been to survive in that place for seven years.

It didn’t matter whether her appearance changed or her personality

changed. Or even if she committed an unforgivable sin.

If she really was Ancia, he wouldn’t feel like this. The more he looked
at her, the more irritated he felt.

“Or maybe she’s jealous.”


“Yes, she had the chance to take over my place, but it didn’t happen
because of me, so she’s being mean. She was supposed to marry
you after all.”

“She’s not that kind of person, and that was a false rumour.”

Blake and Diana were childhood friends.

After Ancia introduced them, they became close.

Her mere words made him angry.

Not many were polite to Diana, like her.

But someone who claimed to be Ancia really said that.

She trusted the rumours so easily.

Diana being jealous and mean?

This was an insult to her.

“Really? But you need to be more careful. If she wasn’t interested in

you, she wouldn’t keep coming back to you. No wonder the rumours

“…Diana isn’t that kind of person.”

“Did the Emperor also think so?”

Blake sighed, seeing Ancia’s face being used by someone like this.

“I have nothing to say. If you’re not sick, I’ll leave now.”

“Wait, Your Highness!”

Ser called Blake in a hurry.

But he left without looking back.


I went into the study room to read.

I was worried I had lost my reading skills, but fortunately, I could read

I sat on the chair, took a paper and grabbed a pen.

— I’m two years older than His Highness.

— I’m 20 years old.

— I’m Rose.

‘My name is Ancia.’

But when I tried to write it, my mind went blank again and I couldn’t
write anything.

It’s not working.

— The woman…

I couldn’t write that either

I could only write what I was allowed to say.

It’s possible to say I’m not Ancia. I could lie about it, but I couldn’t tell
the truth.

For some reason, I felt really frustrated.

‘I’m your wife.’

I tried to write that but my mind went blank again.

If I can’t reveal my identity, should I search for another way?


I tried to write ‘I fell into the door of darkness’ but again, my mind
went blank.

I tried ‘I used to live in Amoria Palace, and I am the heir to the light,
Laontel Bellacian.’

But this attempt, too, failed.

Not only was I forbidden to say what I had been through but things
from thousands years ago were also forbidden.

Then, how about ordinary content?

— I’m a woman.

— I have long hair.

There was no problem with that.

— I like roses.

— I like perilla leaves.

— Tea tastes best when you add lemon jam to it.

I wrote about my favorite things and soon I couldn’t write again


‘I love Blake.’

I tried to write it, but I couldn’t.

I was going to write it in my last letter before I left, but I couldn’t write

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Chapter 107

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

As I stared at the paper, I heard Blake’s voice from behind.

“You’ve been studying since morning?”

I nodded.

“You don’t need to work so hard. I can still read your lips.”

He smiled after seeing my writing.

“You like perilla leaves and lemon jam too?”

I nodded.

I didn’t want to hide the fact that I was Ancia anymore.

He patted my hair lightly.

“Why do you look prettier today?”

‘Am I pretty?’

“Yes, you’re always pretty.”

Blake looked into my eyes.

“Do you want to go to Amoria Palace? There are many fresh
vegetables in the greenhouse.”

I looked at him in astonishment.

I can go there?

Amoria Palace was a place where only Blake, Ancia and some
servants could enter.

He took me to the palace because until yesterday, he still thought

that I was Ancia.

But then, Ser appeared.

Even though it wasn’t confirmed yet, it was much more likely for her
to be Ancia than me.

Yet he wanted to take me there again?

‘Can I really go?’

“Of course, you can go there anytime.”

He said to me gently and offered me a hand.

“Let’s go Rose.”

I got up from the chair while holding his hands.


We went to the Amoria Palace together.

As soon as I entered the greenhouse, I went straight to the

vegetable garden.

When I came here yesterday, I tried to ignore it. But today, I enjoyed
seeing the vegetables that had grown so well to my heart’s content.
The greenhouse’s temperature was controlled by magic, allowing the
vegetables to grow nicely all year round.

The flowers were pretty, but I liked the vegetables more.

Seeing vegetables everywhere, I wanted to jump with joy.

“Pick as many as you want.”

‘Can I?’

“Yes. I’ll ask Terry to cook it.”

I started to quickly pick vegetables.

It was fun to pick up fully grown vegetables.


I was still focused on picking vegetables when Blake called me.

I turned around to see him smiling beautifully with a red pepper in his


He put the red pepper in my mouth.

Back then, even Koreans who were accustomed to spicy food

couldn’t handle the flavor and had to drink about two liters of water
after eating red pepper.

It was a crime for him to laugh so beautifully while doing this kind of

His action would bother others, but it didn’t bother me.

When I lived in Korea, there was a jjampong restaurant in front of the

company I worked at. It was famous for its spicy flavor and I was a
regular customer there.

The boss was always surprised to see me eat spicy food so well.

I smiled confidently and was about to eat the red pepper, when
suddenly I heard a woman’s voice.

“Your Highness!”

Ser shouted with Edon following behind her.

Ser approached Blake with a bright smile.

Blake’s expression hardened.

“How did you get in here?”

Blake gazed at Ser coldly. Edon answered quickly.

“I brought her here to help her recall her memories.”

Edon was lying. He only acted on Blake’s orders.

She said she was Ancia, but he wouldn’t bring her here without
Blake’s permission.

Edon was defending Ser.

“Yes. Sir Edon brought me here!”

Ser naturally passed the blame to Edon.

“I was wondering what kind of place I used to live in. It’s surprisingly
small and old. His Majesty is too much. He put you into a separate
palace like this just because you were cursed.”

Ser said with a sad expression.

Blake looked at her for a short while before saying to Edon,

“…I told you not to let anyone inside the Amoria Palace without my

“I’m sorry.”

“Take her away.”

“Yes, Your Highness, let’s go.”

“What about that woman?”

Edon tried to drag her away but Ser pointed at me.

“She’s still here so why are you telling me to go back!”

“Your Highness.”

Edon tried to take her away but Ser grabbed onto Blake’s collar.

“Your Highness, don’t you like me? Are you disappointed that I am
so different now? Do you hate me? Am I a burden?”


“I’m Ancia. I’m the one who freed you from your curse. You have to
be nice to me.”

“Don’t say my wife’s name ever again.”


“You said that you lost your memory. So why are you so sure that
you’re Ancia?”


“Go to Sephia Palace and think about it slowly, if you’re really Ancia.”

“Your Highness…”
Ser was shocked at Blake’s attitude.

Of course she was shocked. Ser had taken over my body, so it was
natural to think of her as Ancia. But Blake continued to doubt her.

“Your Highness, let’s go back.”

Edon tried to drag Ser away again.

She finally stopped being stubborn.

When they left, Blake came over to me

“Rose, there are fresh fruits over there. Shall we go there?”

He said while clasping my hand.

His cold attitude from earlier was nowhere to be seen. He was kind
to me as usual.

‘Yes, let’s go.’

I nodded.


When Edon entered the head maid’s office, Melissa rushed to him.

“Sir Edon, why are you back so quickly?”

“His Highness told us to go back.”

“Was it because of Rose?”


When he nodded, Hans was stunned.

“You’re saying that he turned her away because of Miss Rose?”

Ancia suddenly showed up at the Foren Palace and asked where
Blake was.

When he said that he was at the Amoria Palace, she said she’ll go to

Edon explained that she couldn’t enter the palace without His
Highness’ permission.

“Are you dismissing me because I lost my memories? Humans really

are annoying! You’re only a servant! You should just do what you’re
told! Whose side are you on? That woman’s side?”

They were surprised to hear Ancia speaking to them that way.

Ancia wasn’t that kind of person.

She never discriminated against anyone because of their status,

occupation or appearance.

Even though Edon and Terry were commoners, she treated them
nicely and even praised them.

But now it was as if she was a completely different person.

But even if she was different now, she was still Ancia.

Blake had missed Ancia for seven years, so Edon took her to Amoria

Although the Crown Prince was with Rose, he thought that Blake
would be more considerate to Ancia than her.

But they were completely wrong.

Edon recalled what happened at the Amoria palace as he opened

his mouth.

“His Highness doesn’t think of her as Ancia.”



Melissa and Hans were surprised.

Of course, they felt something was wrong with Ancia.

She had changed a lot.

Her face was the same yet her personality, way of speaking, and
behaviour were so different that she felt like a different person.

Melissa recalled seeing Blake and Ancia on their way to Sephia

Palace together last night.

There was an awkward tension between them.

She couldn’t feel any hint of the atmosphere they had when they
were still kids.

Rather, she could feel that atmosphere when Blake and Rose were

Melissa thought of Blake and Rose looking at each other warmly, but
she quickly erased the thought.

The real Crown Princess was back. She couldn’t believe that Rose
reminded her of Ancia.

That was impossible.

According to Collin, Ancia still had the power of light.

She had the same appearance and the power of light, so she had to
be the real Crown Princess.

“Does he have any proof?”

Hans asked but Edon shook his head.

“I don’t know, but there must be something we didn’t know.”

Their expressions turned grim.

Just yesterday, they were delighted to hear that Ancia had returned.

Now that she returned, they thought that only happiness would fill
the entire palace from then on.

But another problem occured in the Forens Palace.


Blake ordered Hans to investigate Richard.

“Richard’s orphanage was famous for having better facilities than

other orphanages. They have many supplies of clothes and food, as
well as providing good education.”

Hans reported his findings.

“In addition, they accepted children of Roum and disabled people

without any discrimination. Some people looked at it negatively, but
most people praise them for it.”

Unlike the orphanages run by the empire, private orphanages were

often discriminated against.

Those private orphanages were usually the places where rich

families adopted children from. In return, they received many
donations. For that reason, disabled children, Roums, and anyone
with ugly an appearance were not accepted.

It was really admirable of Richard to open his doors to everyone, but

Blake couldn’t help but feel something was very wrong about this
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Chapter 108

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“What happened to the engagement between the Cassil and Westin


“Lady Westin fell into depression after her engagement to Frank

Cassil. Her condition improved a lot while she volunteered at the
orphanage and she also seemed to develop a good relationship with

“Wouldn’t there be strong opposition from Marquis Westin?”

The Duke of Cassil was executed and the Cassil family lost its
strength and allies. The same thing happened to the Marquis of the
Westin family.

Later, he broke their engagement off, but that didn’t mean that their
relationship was gone.

The Westin family had also fallen, but there was no way he would
accept Richard, who had the blood of Roum running through his
veins, as his son-in-law.

“They were opposed for a year, but in the end, what parent could win
against their child?”

Was it really that simple?

Blake thought of Marquis Westin.

The Marquis was always struggling to regain his past glory.

He was obsessed with status and reputation.

As soon as the engagement was broken off, he did not waste any
time searching for the next best marriage partner for his daughter.

It didn’t make sense for him to simply accept Richard just because
he couldn’t win over his daughter.

In fact, Westin’s second wife even disowned her biological daughter

and adopted a foster daughter instead because her daughter
insisted on marrying a commoner.

Yet, they let Richard, who had nothing to his name, become the heir
to the family.

Moreover, thanks to Richard’s luck, he happened to coincidentally

see a woman who looked just like Ancia.

Blake was sure that Richard was scheming something.

“Your Highness, is Richard keeping you away from Her Highness?”

“Who told you that?”

Blake snapped at Hans’ question.

As soon as he came to the Amoria Palace yesterday, he recalled the

woman who had been slandering the Emperor.

“His Majesty is too much. He put you into a separate palace like this
just because you were cursed.”

She looked like Ancia, yet she acted the exact opposite of her.
Ancia would never speak that way. Blake recalled Ancia warmly
consoling him while he was in despair after his father abandoned

“Amoria means love. His Majesty loves you. That’s why he chose
this palace.”

“His Majesty loves you. That’s why he’s so nice to me, his daughter
in law.”

How could a person change that much?

Ancia wouldn’t recklessly say anything without considering the


“I’m not sure of her yet. Don’t call her Your Highness until everything
is confirmed.”

Blake ordered Hans.


Richard headed to the palace where Ancia was staying.

When he entered the room, he saw Ancia sobbing like a child.

“His Highness doesn’t seem to like me.”

“That’s not true. You’re the most beautiful person in this world, Ancia.
There’s no way the Crown Prince would hate you.”

Richard consoled Ancia.

“But he’s so harsh to me. Did he notice that I like you instead?”

The corners of Richard’s mouth raised up slightly as he lightly patted

her hair.

“That can’t be true. Unless you told him yourself, Ancia.”

“I never said anything!”

Ancia opened her eyes wide in surprise.

“Yes, I believe you.”

Richard saw Ancia blindly obeying his words and he smiled even

Richard recalled what happened seven years ago.

He was stripped of his title and became a commoner. He was also

kicked out of his home.

Even though he survived, he thought everything was over.

Come to think of it, it was all because of her.

When Ancia suddenly went missing, the whole palace descended

into chaos.

Most of the guards who were supposed to monitor him headed to the
door of darkness.

Only a few were left behind to keep and eye on him.

A ray of hope shone on Richard once again.

The Duke also recognized this opportunity.

He mobilized soldiers to attack the palace.

Most of their family had already been captured. Even their knights
had left.

Eliminating the emperor with the remaining people was not possible.

Richard didn’t stop Arnold even though he knew the consequences.

Rather, he even encouraged him.

On the day of the imperial ball to celebrate the release of the Crown
Prince’s curse, the duke’s soldiers stormed into the ballroom.

Richard ordered Domiram to set fire to the east prison where he was
staying. It was a gamble.

If something went wrong, Richard’s life would be in danger. However,

Richard didn’t back down.

If this situation continued, he would definitely not survive.

A gamble of this scale had to be made.

On the day of the ball, the prison was set ablaze just as planned.
Richard collapsed from inhaling too much smoke.

After a month of being unconscious, he finally woke up,

Although he had suffered minor burns on his right leg, he had

managed to win the gamble.

Furthermore, other things also went smoothly.

Frank died in the flames.

Domiram also testified that, in the past, the attempt to assassinate

Tenstheon and setting fire to the prison were ordered by Duke

The Duke of Cassil was brainwashed by Domiram, and he, too,

confessed that it was his fault.

The Duke of Cassil would be executed sooner or later anyways.

Richard had only hastened the process.

Domiram had finished his job and he would forever be in prison.

Richard felt that it was a pity to let go of Domiram.

He was a capable wizard. It was difficult to find a loyal and capable

person like him, but Richard couldn’t help it.

Tenstheon was after Domiram.

The Emperor knew that it was Domiram who spread the rumours.
Dumb bastard, he made such a simple mistake.

No matter how competent Domiram was, he was not a card that

Richard could use anymore.

So Richard abandoned him.

On the day the Duke of Cassil was executed, the Duchess and Neon
committed suicide.

It was because of Domiram’s brainwashing spell.

Richard was nervous that they wouldn’t die at the expected time, but
he was satisfied with the perfect timing.

Thanks to this, the public’s sympathy for Richard grew even stronger
seeing that he was the only person left in the Cassil family.

Arnold was the Emperor’s brother. Iif Tenstheon killed an innocent

kid, even if the kid’s family was guilty, the people wouldn’t look on it
too kindly.

Tenstheon knew that too so he thought that he would keep Neon


But in the end, there was only Richard left.

Everyone in the family except Richard were killed so the Emperor

had no choice but to spare him. Although Richard managed to
survive, the last seven years had been a living hell for him
He was stripped of his title and lost his fortune.

He had hidden some of his wealth so he had no problem making a

living, but it had to be kept a secret because the Emperor had
ordered people to monitor him.

Richard worked hard, and succeeded becoming the son-in-law of

Marquis Westin.

But now, their family was weak.

Even though it was a long-standing family, at the moment, they were

like a tiger without teeth.

Richard couldn’t be satisfied with this.

Then suddenly, Ancia appeared.

“Sir Richard, there’s a woman who fainted in front of the orphanage!”


His orphanage facilities were rumoured to be good so all sorts of

people came there.

The visitors were all sorts of people, ranging from drug addicts to
businessmen who wanted to invest, or even people who asked for
sponsorship and swindlers who wanted to eat for free.

Maybe it was like that this time too.

He didn’t have any expectations when he went out to see the


But, he was shocked to see her.


The woman was Ancia.

She was taller than she was seven years ago, and the atmosphere
around her seemed to have changed.

She grew up from a girl to be a perfect woman, and he could

recognize her at a glance.


The woman slowly opened her eyes.

The moment she opened her eyes, Richard was even more sure.
This woman was Ancia.

Everything about her appearance, from the colour of her hair to her
eyes, were the same.

She also had the same wedding ring that the Crown Prince had
given her.

Richard took her straight to his house.

“Who are you?”

Ancia didn’t remember Richard.

She seemed to have completely lost her memories.

Richard smiled brightly.

“The goddess of light must be on my side.”

Was it because a long time had passed or had Ancia lost her

This Ancia from seven years later was not very attractive. It wasn’t a
matter of her appearance.

She was much more beautiful than when she was younger, but in
terms of her personality and attitude, right now, Richard was not at
all attracted to her.

Looking at the woman in front of him, he recalled Ancia tying a

handkerchief to his mother’s grave.

When Richard thought Blake would die, he dreamed of becoming

Ancia’s husband and having Tenstheon as his father.

He thought he was smart back then but now that he thought about it,
he was just immature.

He wasn’t stupid enought to indulge in fantasies like that anymore.

That’s why he didn’t feel anything meeting after Ancia.

However, even though he wasn’t attracted to her now, that didn’t

mean that Ancia had lost her value.

Richard put a brainwashing spell on her.

He tried to raise a new black wizard after Domiram’s death.

But he couldn’t find anyone as talented as him.

The new wizard was less capable than Domiram but he managed to
brainwash Ancia without any problems.

Now, Ancia was like an empty shell who listened to all of Richard’s
words without any doubt.

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Chapter 109

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

What an easy and uninteresting woman. But one thing he found

useful was the fact that she was a polyglot.

Richard had always wondered why Tenstheon cared about Ancia.

He realized the reason just then. It was only natural to value her
because of her skills.

Richard did it too.

The moment he found out that Ancia was a polyglot, he valued hre
more and treated her nicely despite thinking of her as a tool.

Although Richard wasn’t as possessive over her as he was seven

years ago, he still thought that she was useful and didn’t want her to
be taken away by others.

He wanted to hide the fact that he had found Ancia and use her as
his tool for the rest of his life.

But a sword would only rust if it was left unused.

If one has a good sword, then they must use it.

Richard weighed his options and eventually sent her back to the

That was the best choice.

Ancia asked to see Richard because she was anxious and because
of that Richard was able to come to the palace again.

“I want to be with you.”

Richard smiled as he looked at her.

He felt a sense of accomplishment seeing the woman who was so

reluctant to become his back then, finally come to him of her own

And the fact that the brainwashing spell worked so well made it all
the more better. It was so easy to control her.

The brainwashing spell was a really hard spell that only a few
wizards knew.

Even Domiram barely managed to brainwash Duke Cassil. The spell

that he put on Duchess and Neon nearly ended in failure.

They eventually committed suicide, but it happened much later than


Ancia’s brainwashing wasn’t perfect either. Even apart from the spell,
Richard had to seduce her.

“Ancia, I want to be with you too. But for that to be possible, the
Crown Prince has to disappear.”

“I know.”

Richard looked at Ancia lovingly and whispered.

“Did you put the medicine in?”

Before coming to the palace, Richard handed Ancia a small bottle of
poison and ordered her, “Everytime you dine with the Crown Prince,
add this to his food. Ancia, you have to do this.”

Ancia always nodded at him without any hesitation.

But now, she hesitated, unable to answer him easily.

“What’s wrong?”

“That…I haven’t had a meal with him yet.”


“He’s always with that woman named Rose everyday.”


He heard that the Crown Prince doted on the hideous woman he

brought back from the valley of chaos.

Even after Ancia was back, they hadn’t had a single meal together?

This was unexpected.

But he couldn’t give up here.

He quickly pretended to be worried about Ancia.

“He’s such a scumbag. As soon as you went missing, he began to

dote on another woman. He didn’t even care about you.”

Richard smiled inwardly seeing Ancia, who was about to burst into

“When you fell into the door of darkness and nearly fought to death,
the Crown Prince enjoyed parties everyday. He was so overcome by
joy that he completely forgot about you.”
“I know. Your family was also falsely accused because of the Crown
Prince right? They even lost their lives.”

Richard held her hand.

“Yes, he sacrificed my family to secure the Crown Prince position.”

In fact, it didn’t matter to Richard whether his family was executed or

tortured to death, but he pretended to be sad.

“Ancia, let’s get revenge. We’ll take revenge.”

“But the Crown Prince won’t even look at me.”

“Then visit the Emperor.”

“His Majesty?”

“Yes. Ask him to help you get close to the Crown Princess. He
couldn’t protect you back then so he must be feeling guilty about it.”

“What about you? He’s the one who killed your family right?
Shouldn’t we kill him first?.

Ancia’s eyes glistened innocently.

“We will…later.”

If Tenstheon died first, then Blake would be the next Emperor.

He had to deal with the Crown Prince first in order to become the
Emperor next.


“I lost my family because of the Emperor. I want the Emperor to feel

my pain too, the pain of losing his family.”

Richard gave his excuse.

“Ancia, can you do it? If the Crown Prince takes this poison, he will
die painfully and we’ll get our revenge. I will be the Crown Prince in
the future and then no one would be able to stop us from being

This poison would kill Blake. It also contains black magic.

After Blake’s death, Richard would marry into the Westin family.

It wouldn’t be long before he regained his status.

Richard still had royal blood and he was famous for his 7 years of
good deeds so he would emerge as a strong candidate for the
Crown Prince’s position.

Of course there would be other competitors, but he could deal with

them later on.

As Richard wondered what to do after Blake’s death, he heard Ancia


“By the way, Richard, what will happen to me after the Crown Prince

“What could possibly happen?”

“If the Crown Prince was poisoned, wouldn’t I be suspected?”

As she said, if Blake died, Ancia couldn’t avoid suspicion. Richard

intended to manipulate Blake into committing suicide using the
brainwashing spell he had put on Ancia.

Of course, that way she could survive without being caught.

Maybe his dreams of becoming an Emperor through Ancia from the

past could come true.

But it was too big of a wish.

Moreover, he didn’t know how long this brainwashing spell would

“Don’t worry. It’s the perfect poison. No wizard or physician can

figure it out. You’ll never get caught.”

“But I’m scared…”

“It’s nothing to be scared of. If it really was dangerous, I wouldn’t ask

you to do it. I love you, Ancia.”

“Do you really love me Richard?”

“Of course?”

He smiled again.

“Ancia, we’ve loved each other since we were kids, but the Crown
Prince broke our relationship because he wanted you. We had
already promised to get married. You’re the only one for me.”


“Yes. I’ve been waiting for that moment.”

Of course this was a lie.

There was no way someone who had fallen into the door of darkness
could survive.

Richard immediately thought that Ancia was dead as soon as he

heard the news. He considered the Emperor and Crown Prince
stupid for searching for her so desperately.

He felt a bit sad when he thought of Ancia, who tied her handkerchief
to his mother’s grave.

But, Ancia played a big part in the Cassil’s family collapse. Richard
was a great liar and he only wanted to use Ancia as a tool for his
own gain now.

“Ancia, I love only you.”

Ancia just laughed bitterly in response.

“So why do you want to marry another woman?”

“What do you mean?”

“I heard you’re marrying the daughter of the Westin family?”

“That-where did you hear such a thing?”

“The maids said it.”

Damn it! Who told this idiot!?

Ancia was staying in the palace so he couldn’t completely block any

information from reaching her when he was away.

“It was decided before I reunited with you, Ancia.”

“Then why don’t you break your engagement?”

“It’s not easy to do that. My opponent is the Marquis. I couldn’t do it

since I am a commoner myself.”

“I see.”

Ancia’s gaze was cold.

That’s weird.

She usually trusted and followed what he said.

Wasn’t she brainwashed?

Richard said in a hurry.

“That’s why the Crown Prince should be gone. When he’s gone, I
can do whatever I want. I could cancel this unwanted marriage and
marry you…”


“Of course. You’re the only one for me. If I become the Crown
Prince, I’ll give you the Crown Princess position.”

“I’m so glad.”

Ancia hugged Richard again.

Richard was surprised for a moment, but he felt relieved.

He never noticed that Ancia’s, or rather Serphania’s eyes, were

completely empty as she embraced him.

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Chapter 110

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Richard was seething with anger as he left the palace. He couldn’t

even plant a spy in the palace like he did in the past.

At that time, the Cassil family was very powerful, and Tenstheon also
had the Crown Prince who was under the curse as a weakness.

But they were caught.

Tenstheon knew about the spies but he pretended he didn’t notice

any of them. He captured all of the spies at the same time when he
punished Duke Cassil.

It was a severe blow to the Cassil family.

They were caught planting spies in a clumsy manner so they couldn’t

avoid punishment.

Ancia had to deal with the Crown Prince as soon as possible.

Richard gritted his teeth and looked at the Forens Palace.

The Sephia Palace and Forens Palace were next to each other.

The emperor granted the palace to Ancia first, and soon, he gave the
other palace to the Crown Prince.
‘If I had been born as Tenstheon’s child, that would have been my

Then suddenly, he saw a beautiful woman with white hair and a

mysterious aura.

Richard’s gaze naturally followed her. She turned and looked at

Richard too.

At that moment, Richard’s eyebrows furrowed.

Although the hair covered most of the woman’s face, he could still
see some of her burn scars.

“It must be the girl the Crown Prince picked up in the valley of

He was a monster.

So he must have a hobby of collecting monsters like him too.

Richard thought the woman was beautiful, but the moment he saw
those scars, he couldn’t see her beauty anymore.

Furthermore, he thought that even the scarless side of her face was
no match for Ancia.

Why did the Crown Prince keep a woman like that beside him?

Richard just couldn’t understand him.

In any case, she was the woman the Crown Prince cared for.

She might be useful. Richard approached Rose.


Blake gave me the key to the Amoria Palace. He also allowed me to

enter the Imperial Library as I pleased.
Early in the morning, I went to the library to find a book about my
condition. When I was heading back after I finished reading it, I ran
into Richard.

I heard the news of the Cassil family from Chelsea.

Richard survived thanks to the people’s sympathy. Domiram also told

others that his master was the Duke and Richard knew nothing.

That was all nonsense. He must’ve used Domiram’s black magic to

manipulate the Duke of Cassil.

If I was here at that time, perhaps Richard wouldn’t get away with it
like this.

When I met him again today, I recalled my memories from a

thousand years ago, making me feel even more unpleasant.

Richard strode towards me.

“Are you a maid here?”

He said with a mocking smile.

It was laughable to see Richard pretending not to know me even

though I was sure he knew who I was.

I quickly looked away from him, in case he misunderstood that I liked

him like he did before.


I felt really sad and pained whenever the memories from a thousand
years ago came to mind.

Even the memories of Ancia’s life in the past.

Having suffered from the abuse of my father, Count Bellacian, since

birth, I was not in the right state of mind.
If I didn’t marry Blake and fall into the river, I would’ve something
else to end my suffering.

Out of those memories, there were some memories that bothered


When Richard said I liked him before, I thought it was because

Richard was popular like it was mentioned in the original novel.

Gilbert Bellacian loved to host and attend parties. Before his

marriage, his family suffered from the lack of funds that he couldn’t
afford to host parties, but after he remarried my biological mother, he
often hosted and attended many parties.

I didn’t like these kinds of events, but I definitely couldn’t stay in my

room because of those parties.

Gilbert Bellacian cared about his reputation the most so he didn’t

want to be rumoured to be abusing his eldest daughter.

That’s why he forced me to attend them even though I didn’t like it.

Gilbert Bellacian was stupid and emotional. He should’ve at least

dressed me up in good clothes.

I often wore worn out dresses that didn’t fit me at every party. He
also never introduced me to anybody.

He just let me attend it.

The aftereffect of his abuse caused me to only sit quietly in the

corner at every party and think of ways to avoid greeting others.

Other people also didn’t bother to talk to me.

One day, I was sitting alone in the corner when I saw Richard. I
couldn’t take my eyes off of him.
The moment I saw him, I got goosebumps all over my body. I didn’t
know about my memories of a thousand years ago at that time, but
my body still responded that way when I saw him.

‘Who is he? Why did I feel an ominous feeling after seeing him?’

After that day, I stared at Richard whenever I attended the parties

because I wanted to find out why I reacted like that whenever I saw

One day, he came over to talk to me.

“Lady Bellacian, do you like me?”


I was puzzled.

Who likes whom?

Is he saying that I like him?

“Thank you for that but please stop.”


I tried to deny it.

But he didn’t listen to my explanation and left after saying what he

had to say.

Now that I thought about it again, I felt it was very unfair.

When I recalled what had happened, I was filled with resentment.

Who the hell liked whom?

I was just staring at him!

That’s why he had said that before!

If I remembered what had happened before, I would’ve protested.

He’s got a knack for pissing people off.

Richard asked me, “What’s your name?”


Why would he ask me that if he knew?

“I’d like to talk to you for a moment. Do you have time?”

He gave me a fake smile. Under his gentle gaze, I could feel a hint of
his arrogance.

He was still the same.

“We can meet outside the palace if you want to.”

I accidently caught a glimpse of his eyes and got goosebumps.

Seeing how he seduced me so blatantly, he must’ve known about

me and was trying to use me.

I grew up with Phillip since we were children so I could notice

whether or not he was pretending.

Even a thousand years later, he hadn’t changed. I could clearly

understand his true intention.

I shook my head firmly and turned around.

“Hey, hold on.”

He didn’t expect that I would ignore him, so Richard called out to me

in an urgent voice.
But I entered Forens Palace without looking back.


Tenstheon was working in his office when Ser stepped inside.

“Your Majesty.”

As soon as she came inside, she broke down in tears.

Tenstheon was startled and approached her.

“Ancia, what’s wrong?”

“Everyone seems to hate me.”

“What does that mean? Who doesn’t like you?”

Tenstheon panicked. He had specially selected Ancia’s servants and

guards. There was no one who would ignore Ancia just because she
lost her memories and was bad at etiquette.

“His Highness, the Crown Prince hates me.”

“That’s not true…”

“My sister doesn’t even come to see me.”

“Diana has an important test coming up. I’ll contact her as soon as
the test is over.”

Tenstheon explained kindly, but Ancia kept whining.

“The maids and servants all look down on me.”

“Who dares to look down on you.”

“All of them! Even Melissa, the head maid, and the senior attendant!
Yesterday I was going to meet the Crown Prince but they tried to
stop me!”

“They’re not that kind of person. There must be some sort of


Everyone knew that Melissa and Hans were always loyal to Ancia
and would never ignore her.

Moreover, everyone was well aware of how much they missed and
valued her.

Despite Tenstheon’s coaxing, Ancia continued, “Why are you taking

someone else’s side?”

“I’m not taking any sides.”

“I wouldn’t have come here if I knew this would happen!”

Tenstheon was surprised at her outburst.

If it was someone else, Tenstheon would severely scold and punish

her for being like this. But it was Ancia. It wasn’t her fault that her
memory was gone and her personality changed like that.

“I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”

Tenstheon could only try to soothe her for now.

“I haven’t had a meal together with His Highness yet. His Highness
hates me. I’m so sad.”

“I don’t think so. It has been a while so maybe there was a

misunderstanding. I’ll call Blake over.”


She managed to stop crying.

“Thank you, your Majesty!”

When Tenstheon nodded, she smiled broadly as if she hadn’t just

been bawling her eyes out a moment ago.

Tenstheon couldn’t return her smile. He felt that something was

strange with Ancia.

She framed Melissa, Hans, and the Crown Prince too.

Tenstheon knew them well. They were genuinely nice people, yet
she framed them so thoughtlessly.

He couldn’t feel a sense of guilt from her.

Why did she become like this?

Either way, it wasn’t something the former Ancia would ever do.

But seven years had passed, Maybe she had gone through a lot in
those years.

If only he had protected Ancia back then, she wouldn’t have changed
like this.

Testheon was worried about her.

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Chapter 111
TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

I read a book about my restrictions in the library, but I could barely

read it because I didn’t have my language ability.

The sentences were difficult, and it was mixed with a special

language that was made with magic.

If I had my language abilities, I could’ve read it easily. But I couldn’t

give up like this, I could ask Blake for help, find the imperial palace
wizard, or come up with something else.

I was going to do my best to lift the restrictions and make sure to tell
Blake the truth about me and Ser.

I thought meeting Ser would be the quickest way to end this, but she
was blatantly avoiding me.

Moreover, she was even hostile when we met each other.

If I spoke to her, I might end up provoking her instead.

I closed the book and suddenly felt dizzy.

I sat on the chair for a while and then got up.

I couldn’t keep being lazy like this. I needed to exercise. I should go

for a light walk.

While I was taking a walk alone, someone greeted me.

When I turned around, I saw that it was Jayden.

He bent down quickly and greeted me.

He was dressed in comfortable clothes and held a training sword in

his hands.

I wrote to him,

— Are you still training?

He nodded after seeing my writing.


A small break was given to the knights of the imperial palace before
the founding day.

Of course, they continued to do their job but no formal training was

conducted until the end of the founding day.

Jayden was still training even though everyone was taking a rest.

— You’re amazing!

I wrote to Jayden and he scratched his head in embarrassment.

“It’s no big deal. I’m trying harder because I’m not good enough.”

His words were excessively modest.

Even his seniors, who complained about his blunt attitude,

acknowledged his skills. He was a top graduate of the knights
academy, so it was natural that he must be really good.
— You’re being too modest.

I wrote again in my notebook, and he immediately denied it.

“No, I’m nothing compared to the Crown Prince.”

If Jayden says that, then Blake is recognized for his skills. Seeing
that his efforts from an early age paid off, I felt as if I was the one
being praised.

Suddenly, I heard Blake’s voice from behind.

“What are you two talking about so happily?”

He casually walked up to my side and held my hand tightly.

His attitude did not change even though a woman with the same
appearance as Ancia appeared. However, I still had a question in my

Why is he so nice to me?

Even if he wasn’t sure who was the real Ancia, it was much more
likely for him to suspect Ser than me…

‘Jayden is training.’


It was easier for me to talk to Blake by mouthing the words.

‘Isn’t it amazing to train on a day off?’

As expected, Diana had a good eye for people.

I was looking at Jayden happily when Blake said, “Jayden, let’s have
a sword fight.”

“It’s an honor.”
Jayden must’ve been surprised by the sudden confrontation but he
immediately bowed his head.

They headed to the field.

When people saw that the Crown Prince and Jayden were going to
fight, many knights stopped by to watch them.

“Oh, Miss Rose is here too.”

“Hello, Miss Rose.”

They greeted me.

They had already grown accustomed to me by now, so no one

frowned or stared or made an unpleasant expression like before.

“You’ve become so beautiful that I didn’t notice who you were


“That’s right. You look different.”

They talked to me in a friendly manner.

I smiled lightly and greeted them before looking at the field again.

Jayden was one of the five knights with a large physique.

When he entered the academy, Diana said he was the biggest one
among the freshmen.

In contrast to Jayden’s physique, Blake was slender and tall.

Perhaps because of that, I was somehow worried when I saw them

standing in front of each other.

Blake, will you be okay?

As I looked at the two men facing each other nervously, I heard the
knights talking from behind.

“Wow, how long has it been since we saw a sword fight?”

“Right? It’s been too long.”

“But will Jayden be alright?”

“I’m sure he will.”

“That’s right. His Highness seems to be in a good mood these days.

I’m sure he’ll be okay, I think…”

As I looked at the knights in confusion, I heard the sound of swords



When I turned around, I saw Jayden being thrown to the back.


What happened?

I couldn’t understand the situation.

Then Blake asked,

“Do you want to continue?”

“Yes. Let’s go!”

Jayden got up with difficulty, barely able to hold onto his sword.

Even though he was having a hard time, his face was full of

Blake used to be the one in Jayden’s position.

Back then, even though he kept falling and couldn’t hold the sword
properly, his face was full of excitement and passion when he faced

It reminded me of the old days.


I smiled and looked at Blake.

However, Blake was different from Tenstheon in the past.

Unlike Tenstheon’s warm gaze, Blake’s eyes were rather cold.

No, my Blake is nice. He isn’t that kind of person.

I quickly erased the thought that came into my head.

When Jayden regained his strength, the battle began again.

But once again, he was thrown before even 10 seconds passed.

Even if I didn’t understand swordsmanship, I could see that Jayden

was no match to Blake.

Blake had crushed Jayden without mercy.

Isn’t that too much?

The knight watching excitedly became even more immersed.

Blake had no intention of stopping and Jayden wanted to continue


No one dared to stop the Crown Prince.

Jayden was going to get hurt at this rate.

He’s Diana’s precious friend…

Jayden fell again many times and he couldn’t stand it any longer. I
approached him.

‘Sir, are you okay?’

He couldn’t read my mouth so I wrote in my notebook.

— Are you okay? Are you hurt?

He looked at my writing and replied with a nod.

“I’m alright.”

In contrast to his answer, he didn’t look alright at all.

He seemed to be having a hard time talking.

— You need to stop.

Jayden shook his head.


I tried to persuade the stubborn Jayden, then I heard Blake groaning

behind me.


I turned towards him in shock and saw him sitting on the floor.

My heart sank for a moment.

I quickly rushed to him.

‘Your Highness, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?’

“My wrist…”

Blake dropped his sword and pointed at his wrist.

Did he get hurt during the battle?

I anxiously examined his wrist when I heard the knight’s voice.

“Your Highness, are you okay?”

“Your Highness!”

“Your Highness is hurt!”

Upon hearing the news of his injury, the knights rushed to our side.

The knights would be much better at first aid than me.

As I tried to move to the side, Blake pulled my hand and took me into
his arms.

“Got you.”

‘Y-your Highness…!”


He ordered the knights to leave and soon, the buzzing atmosphere

calmed down.

What’s wrong?

I wanted to take a look at the situation but I couldn’t because I was

trapped in his arms.

After a while, I looked up and saw the knights walking to Jayden’s


“Jayden, let me help.”

“I’m fine…”

“Come on! Ow!”

The knights carried Jayden over their shoulder while Jayden kept
saying he was alright.

Soon, they were out of sight.


I looked at his hands again and found that nothing wrong.

‘Your Highness, are you alright?’

“I don’t know.” He pouted.

I laughed because it reminded me of the young Blake.

‘Are you angry?’

“You only care about others. You don’t show any interest in me.”


“Why are you so nice to Jayden?”


Jayden treated me nicely from the start. He never judged my


So I was really grateful to him.

I felt comfortable with him because of Diana.

But I didn’t think that I paid more attention to him.

‘I’ve never done that. Are you sure you’re okay?’


I grabbed his wrist again as I said doubtfully.

It wasn’t swollen. Moreover, it felt like a one-sided battle and Jayden
didn’t touch Blake at all.

“Oh, it hurts.”

‘Does it hurt a lot?’

I should’ve stopped them earlier.

No matter how good his skills are, there was a clear difference in
their weight.

He might have sprained his wrist during the battle.

‘Should I call the doctor?’


Blake looked at me coquettishly.

I slapped his arms while smiling.

He was lying!

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Chapter 112
TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

‘Don’t joke about such things! I was really shocked!’

“Were you worried?”

‘Of course!’

“Sorry. I’m glad you’re worried though.”

Blake took my hand.

‘Don’t say that. It doesn’t feel good to worry about someone.’

I held his hands in response.

His small and plump hands had now turned into the hands of a man.

My heart sank. He was much taller, bigger, and stronger than me but
I was still worried about him.

I began to worry as soon as I saw him sitting on the field back then.

“Okay, I’m sorry. Don’t make that kind of face.”

Blake patted my head.

I tried to smile. I didn’t want to see Blake sad.

‘You’re not really hurt, are you?’

“Yes, I’m not hurt at all.”

I rechecked his wrist just in case. Edon approached us.

“Your Highness, what were you doing here? I heard you got hurt, but
you seem fine. What a relief.”

Edon knew from the beginning that Blake was very strong. Even
without checking whether or not Blake was hurt, he could still tell.

“What’s the matter Edon?”

“His Majesty called for you.”

“Tell him I can’t right now. I need to teach Rose.”

Blake looked at me.

‘No need. I went to the library in the morning. I’d like to take today off
because I’m tired.’


Blake sulked.

I didn’t expect him to act like that but seeing him resemble a
disappointed puppy, my resolve became a bit weak.

‘Let’s study together at night later.’

“At night?”


“Okay, let’s study at night.”

Blake smiled brightly.


“Oh my god, what should we do?”

I went into the palace but the atmosphere was somehow tense.

I approached Chelsea quickly, wondering why many people were


“Miss Rose!”

I quickly wrote in my notebook, asking what was going on.

“The chef is hurt.”

I had never seen him in person but I was worried.

— Was he hurt very badly?

Chelsea shook her head.

“No, he must have slipped and twisted his back a little. But he won’t
be able to cook for a few days.”

Although it was dangerous to have a sprained back, it was fortunate

that no big incident occurred.

“Chef Terry went to collect ingredients with the other chefs. Melissa
will come back late today. We were worried about the meal

I looked at the maids. They were all in this state because of Blake’s
meal arrangement.

Many of them were children of nobles. They rarely cooked by


— I’ll make it.

Chelsea was surprised.

“You will?”

I entered the room with a nod.

But Camilla stopped me.


Her voice was alert.

“Miss Rose said she’ll prepare the meal today.”

Chelsea explained for me.

But Camilla’s face was stiff.

“What are you doing? Outsiders aren’t allowed.”

“How is Miss Rose an outsider?”

“She’s a guest.”

“Yes, but there’s no other way. Let’s leave it to Miss Rose this time.
It’s going to be lunchtime soon.”

“Yes, leave her with the responsibility.”

The other maids agreed but Camilla kept her mouth shut, looking

“It’s a hundred times better than no meal at all.”

Even Charlotte who hated me agreed.

I felt nostalgic entering the kitchen after a long time.

Looking at the kitchen, I understood why they were panicking.

Nothing was ready except for the soup.

I had to make everything from scratch.

“Miss Rose, can you do it?”

Chelsea seemed a bit nervous.

But I only grinned at her. There were only two hours left until lunch. I
could finish by then.

I took the ingredients out and quickly started cooking.

I was already running late, so I chose to cook a familiar dish.

I chopped the mushroom into small pieces and cooked it.

“His Highness hates mushrooms.”

The maids giggled.

Turns out, Blake was still a picky eater.

— Don’t worry. This is his favorite dish.

I was worried about what to do if I forgot how to cook, but fortunately

I remembered everything.

The maids who were standing outside, hurriedly came inside to help
me cook.

“What is this!? Are you going to give him this?”

Camilla raised her voice in astonishment. The other maids also


“I thought we could trust you since you were so confident! But what
kind of bizarre dish is this?”
“Be careful of what you say. This is a dish from the east.”

Chelsea corrected the other maids. She recognized that the dish
was from the east, even though I didn’t explain.

“Eastern dishes?”

“Yes, I also heard that Blake enjoyed having eastern dishes back
then. So there’s no problem.”

“Is that so…?”

Chelsea’s family owned a merchant guild, which was also

considered one of the best in the empire, so had all sorts of
information and excellent ability to collect them. After listening to her
explanation, everyone shut up.

But Camilla persisted.

“That was true when he was a child, but he hates them now. I’ve
never seen him eat eastern dishes.”

Blake hasn’t eaten any eastern dishes since I left…

Terry didn’t make the eastern dishes he learned from me.

“Since it’s a dish made by Rose, he’ll like it. Camilla please be polite.
Miss Rose is an important guest of His Highness.”

“Chelsea, you can’t warn me. You came in the last among the maids.
I am your senior.”

“Are you going to be like this?”

Chelsea was dumbfounded.

“I’m your senior. Melissa and the higher ups aren’t here. Of course
you have to follow me.”
Camilla glared at me coldly.

“I’ve contacted another chef. The chef said he’d be here, so you get

“Why are you telling this now?! We already made it! If you were
going to do this from the beginning, you shouldn’t have panicked!”

“I didn’t think she’d make this.”

Camilla put my dish down. The irritation she felt showed clearly in
her eyes.

“Don’t lie! You didn’t even come into the kitchen and you called the
chef! You didn’t want to let Rose cook from the start!”

As Chelsea said, Camilla contacted the chef without even coming

into the kitchen. She called him without even looking at my dish.

Even though Camilla’s tricks were discovered, she was confident.

“Of course. How can I give His Highness a dish made by a woman
like that? What if her disease spread?”

“You can’t say that!”

“Well, that’s not wrong.”

When Charlotte agreed with Camilla, the other maids nodded.

“That’s right. We never know.”

“I think so too.”

“That makes no sense!”

I quickly pulled Chelsea’s sleeve.

— It’s okay.
All of them agreed, and Chelsea couldn’t protest alone.

“But Miss Rose, we already made it…”

I wrote again in my notebook.

— It’s really alright.

I tried to smile at Chelsea and left the kitchen.

She tried to comfort me. However, the kitchen was short-handed.

Time was running out and we still had to make the other dishes.

I trudged along to the hall, repeatedly saying it was all right.

Suddenly, Edon came and asked me, “Miss Rose, where are you

— I’m going to the Amoria Palace.

I pretended to be fine, but I was still upset. I thought going to the

Amoria Palace would lift my mood.

— His Highness has given me permission.

I added quickly. Then Edon smiled.

“I know. I’ll escort Miss Rose to the palace.”

‘No need.’

I shook my head and waved my hands. I was just going for a walk.
But he smiled.

“His Highness ordered me to escort you. I’ll be in trouble if you go

around alone.”

Edon smiled as he said that.

— Thank you.
I bowed my head politely.

“I’m very grateful.”

He thanked me suddenly. When I asked him why, he calmly opened

his mouth.

“Truthfully, the Crown Prince had a very hard time after Her
Highness went missing. But he’s been a lot brighter since he met
Miss Rose.”


“It’s been ages since I last saw him smile. This is all thanks to Miss
Rose. Thank you very much.”

I could feel Edon’s affection for Blake in his words.

It was fortunate that Blake had many good people by his side.

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Chapter 113
TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Why did you call me?”

As soon as Blake entered his office, he quickly cut to the chase.

There was an awkward tension between the two.

Blake didn’t blame his father for Ancia’s disappearance.

Apart from that, however, their relationship had gradually weakened

like before.

Blake was buried in grief after losing Ancia.

Tenstheon blamed himself for the incident and he couldn’t approach

his son due to his guilt.

During seven years, their relationship slowly deteriorated.

“I heard about you and Ancia.”

“I’m not even sure if she’s Ancia or not.”

Blake quickly replied.

“Do you think that child is not Ancia?”


Blake answered without a moment of hesitation.

Blake thought that she was definitely not Ancia. He still had his
doubts before, but now he was certain.

“Is it because of her changed personality?”

“Didn’t you also feel it?”

Tenstheon wasn’t surprised when he heard Blake’s words. He didn’t

scold him for being suspicious of Ancia. His reaction was not

“I know Ancia is different from before. Even a small wound can turn
you completely into a different person.”

Tenstheon thought she was the real Ancia. Not just because of her
appearance, but also her power and language skills. Unless she was
Ancia herself, those things couldn’t be explained. Of course
Tenstheon also felt that something was not right with her words and
actions. But he already tested her skills, when Richard brought her to
him. He gave her books from each country to test her skills, including
a novel from the Chang Empire.

It was a novel about an elderly couple who lost their own child and
adopted another child, but they were betrayed by that adopted child.

Eventually, they found their own child and reached a happy ending.
But they went through many ups and downs in the process.

Ancia read the story and expressed her opinions coldly.

“They’re idiots. They shouldn’t have taken in a human being in the

first place. Human beings can’t be trusted.”

Her voice contained a deep hatred. Tenstheon could guess that she
had gone through a lot.
Maybe that was why she lost her memories. Maybe what she went
through for the past seven years was so terrible that she didn’t even
want to think about it.

Tenstheon had done everything to find Ancia.

He even asked Eunhan’s help to search for her in the Chang Empire.

Eunhan had also hoped that was the case and that Ancia went into
the East.

But they couldn’t find her there either. He should’ve stopped Ancia
before she went into the door of darkness.

Tenstheon deeply blamed himself for Ancia’s change.

Recalling what happened back then, Tenstheon tried to persuade


“Blake, take good care of her.”

“It’s not just because of her character. There’s many factors that
make me doubt her.”

Blake was stubborn.

“That child had language skills and the power of light. No one else
could imitate that.”

Objectively, Tenstheon was right.

But Blake just couldn’t accept her. He thought of Rose instead.

If he didn’t meet Rose, would he have believed that she was Ancia?

No, he wouldn’t believe her even then. Even if he didn’t meet Rose,
he wouldn’t be fooled.
Blake felt it instinctively. He had felt repulsion when he saw her claim
to be Ancia.

“Richard might be behind this.”

“I’m also investigating Richard, but even if he sends us a fake Ancia,

she wouldn’t be able to imitate the real Ancia. You know that well
don’t you?”


Tenstheon’s words were perfectly reasonable.

Besides, the power of light flowing from the woman was real. The
light couldn’t be imitated by anyone.

“How about having a meal with her once? If you treat her nicely, her
memory will be back soon and she’ll act like before then.”

Blake slowly opened his mouth,

“…okay. I will obey your orders. But I one one condition.”

“A condition?”

“In exchange for me dining with her, can you also meet a woman?”

“…you mean the woman you found in the valley of chaos?”


“Okay, I’ll do it.”

Tenstheon also wanted to meet the woman called ‘Rose’.

Blake hadn’t let anyone in his heart since Ancia went missing.

But he suddenly showed interest in another woman.

Even to the point of abandoning Ancia.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Blake’s mouth curved up into a smile when Tenstheon agreed.

It was the first genuine smile Tenstheon had seen from him in seven


Blake invited Ancia to a dinner as promised. Ancia went there all

dressed up, and she looked very beautiful.

But Blake didn’t show any reaction to her.

“I’m so glad you invited me. It feels like a dream.”

“Sit down.”


Ancia sat opposite to Blake, smiling widely.

She suddenly placed an unusually shaped book on the table. When

Blake glanced at it, she smiled broadly.

“It’s a book. The content was difficult to read but it’s very interesting!”

She opened the book and began to read aloud.

“A child is chosen by heaven. He is respected by all. But if he

abuses that power, heaven will punish the child.”

Blake glanced at her.

It was a book about the founding of a kingdom, and it’s contents

were complicated and difficult.
Blake suddenly realized her intentions in bringing that book.

She was trying to show him that she was a polyglot.

Blake furrowed his eyebrows.

He was already convinced that she was a fake. However, he tried

hard to not make it obvious and held it in.

Even if she was a fake, her abilities were real.

She must have something to do with Ancia. It was necessary for him
to act nicely to find more information.

But he was pretty reluctant to do it. He missed Rose. He wanted to

get out of this position as soon as possible, but the food wasn’t ready


“Chelsea, what nonsense are you speaking?!”

“Why is this nonsense?!”

Camilla and Chelsea were arguing in the kitchen.

“Are we seriously going to give this to His Highness?”

“What’s the problem?”

Chelsea raised her head proudly, holding the dish that Rose made.

She was going to present Rose’s cooking to the Crown Prince. For
that reason, she did not follow Rose out, instead staying behind to
guard the food.

Rose was too nice so she let it go, but Chelsea wouldn’t let the dish
go to waste.
“The chef said it’s fine too.”

Chelsea secretly got permission from the chef. After tasting Rose’s
dishes, he praised the dish for being unique and flavorful. He also
agreed that it could be served.

After learning about that, Camilla still opposed it.

In the midst of this fight, the cook could only shut his mouth and step

“His Majesty hates mushrooms.”

“He isn’t allergic to it, so it’ll be fine!”

“Chelsea, do you really think His Highness will eat that dish?”

“He would if I say Rose made it.”

Camilla glared at Chelsea.

“Don’t be like that. Why are you so sure High Highness wouldn’t like


Camilla was furious.

“I have served him for a long time! I know his tastes best!”

But no one believed Camilla’s words. She continued, “I know the

Crown Prince better than you all do. Since I’ve been with him for a
long time…”

Her voice gradually weakened.

Camilla had indeed served Blake for a long time but he didn’t even
know her name.
Camilla lost her confidence and added bitterly, “We can’t tarnish the
Palace’s name with clumsy dishes.”

Camilla loved Blake. In fact she wasn’t happy that the Crown
Princess was back. But the Crown Princess was only a girl he
married when they were children, so she thought she still had a

She hated Rose. She had never liked that woman.

She hated everything about her.

She couldn’t stand to see Blake eating food that Rose made.

She wanted to stop Rose and the Crown Prince from getting closer
in any way she could.

“Why don’t you know this? The Crown Prince enjoyed eastern dishes
before. So this dish will be perfect.”

Other maids only laughed at Chelsea for having so much confidence

in that woman’s dish.

Chelsea was once like them, but now she had no desire to be the
Crown Prince’s woman. Of course, Blake was a charming man, so at
first she was interested in him too.

But after watching him from the sides, she gave up on the idea.

Blake had devoted his whole life to one woman.

He had already given that woman his whole heart and there was no
space for anyone else.

Chelsea didn’t wish for a passionate love, but she at least wanted a
partner with whom she could share life’s burdens together.

She didn’t want to suffer from loneliness, looking at the back of the
man who had already given his heart to another woman.
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Chapter 114
TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Chelsea had completely given up on Blake. It was only out of

curiosity that she became Rose’s maid. She was curious about this
woman who opened the Crown Prince’s heart that had been shut
tightly for seven years.

She was only wondering what kind of person Rose was. She didn’t
actually think she would end up defending her like this.

Now that the real Crown Princess was back, her position would be

Chelsea was not interested in whom the Crown Prince would

eventually choose.

But Chelsea hated this situation. She didn’t want to see Rose’s
dishes be wasted just because of petty jealousy.

“The food might have germs.”

“You’re the one who looks like a germ.”

Chelsea spat out harshly.

“What did you just say?”

“Don’t you know what germs are? Are you really that ignorant?”

Camilla came from a long standing Marquis family, but she had a
rebellious streak. On the other hand, Chelsea was the only daughter
of Count Brooke, who was one of the wealthiest men in the country.

Chelsea treated everyone equally, but Camilla was furious because

she thought that she was being looked down on since she was born
out of wedlock.

As both sides got even more heated up, the people around them just
stood by and watched without any intentions of stopping them.

Then, after looking at the clock, Charlotte couldn’t stand it any longer
and said, “The food’s going to get cold! Whatever it is, let’s take it
out. His Highness and Her Highness are waiting!”

“Are you saying you don’t mind His Highness eating this kind of food
and getting sick?”

Camilla said to Charlotte. Camilla thought Charlotte would take her

side, but she was wrong.

“Chelsea and Miss Rose will be the ones responsible if the Crown
Prince gets sick anyway. Let’s go for now. If Melissa finds out that we
were delayed because of this, we’ll be punished.”

Charlotte hated being scolded more than anything.

When she said that, the other maids also agreed.

“Yes. Let’s do that. The foods going to get cold.”

“Let’s just serve what we have.”

Camilla looked silently at the dish in Chelsea’s hands.

It was well known that the Crown Prince enjoyed the dishes of the
East in the past.
But it was full of mushrooms, so they weren’t sure whether or not the
Crown Prince would eat it.

On the contrary, he might even get angry because of the dish.

Chelsea insisted on serving this dish so she would get humiliated


“Right, we had no choice.”

Camilla smiled inwardly.


Rose’s dish would be served but there was another problem.

“We don’t have a main dish. Let’s just combine the side dish with the

Camilla said as she picked the mushroom egg as the appetizer.

“Yes, let’s do it that way.”

Chelsea nodded lightly.

Now, they had to present the dish to the Crown Prince.

The other maids didn’t even want to touch a dish made by Rose, so
Chelsea presented it to Blake instead.

At that moment, Blake had been sitting with a bored expression on

his face. When he saw the dish placed in front of him, he exclaimed

“Who made this?”

Chelsea was taken aback, but she quickly answered, “It was made
by Miss Rose.”

“Where is Rose now?”

“She’s at Amoria Palace.”

Blake got up from his seat.

Then, Ser caught him in panic.

“Y-your Highness…you have to eat first.”

But Blake only shook off her hand quickly before running out of the


Amoria Palace was very quiet. This place had always been like this
ever since Ancia left.

Blake quickly ran inside the palace, but he couldn’t find Rose.

He hurriedly ran up the stairs and stopped in front of Ancia’s room.

The door, which had been closed for so long, was somehow open.

Blake carefully stepped inside.

He finally found Rose.

Ancia’s room was full of rare items.

She had the largest pink diamond in the world, a teddy bear made of
gold, and a necklace made of mana stones.

The treasures Ancia had received from both the Emperor and Blake
filled up her room.

Rose was staring at a flower on the desk,

She looked at the red rose with a wistful expression and lightly
touched the petals.

She touched it carefully, as if it were the most precious treasure in

the world.

The moment Blake saw this scene, the string of reason snapped
inside him.

Blake still had some hesitation when it came to Rose before because
he wasn’t completely certain.

But now he knew for sure.

There was no other person who would react like that to a mere


He called out the name of his only wife.


This room hadn’t changed a bit. They must’ve believed I would come
back so they left the room as it was.

I looked at the rose on the desk. It was the first gift Blake gave me.

I touched the petals carefully as I gazed at it.

The rose had been preserved with magic but I was still worried it
might go bad since so much time had passed.

The moment my fingers touched the soft petals, I was hit with a
strong sense of nostalgia.


I turned around, startled by the sudden sound.

I saw Blake standing at the door. Before I knew it, he came towards
me and enveloped me in a hug.


He called my name again.

I could see it in his eyes. I didn’t have to guess or ask.

Blake was already convinced that I was Ancia.

I also wanted to say I was Ancia. However, my whole body would go

stiff again.

Blake stroked my face.

“Ancia…you’re Ancia, right?”


“I’ve been attracted to you since the first time I saw you. My heart
always responded to you. I’m happy when you laugh, and sad when
you cry. I was jealous when you looked at another man. It has
always been you all along. I’ve only ever felt this way towards you.
You’re Ancia, my wife.”

“Ancia, answer me. It’s me, your husband.”

When I stood there without saying anything, he pleaded with me.

His eyes were desperate like before, when he told me not to leave.

I wanted to say yes too. I tried to move my lips, but it felt as if my lips
had been glued together.

I tried my best, and my lips very slightly opened.

I called his name.

Although I could only mouth it, I said his name and stared at him for
the first time. I wanted to say that I was Ancia but I couldn’t say

Suddenly, Blake kissed me.

I was surprised by the sudden kiss for a moment, but I responded


I could smell the faint smell of roses that had always surrounded

Our lips parted after a while and he hugged me again.

“Ancia, I missed you. I missed you so much that I nearly went crazy.”

He stroked my face.

I wanted to say that I felt the same way, but all of a sudden, my
whole body began to heat up and blood dripped from my mouth.

I hurriedly closed my mouth but the blood had already dripped

through my fingers.


I heard Blake’s urgent cry.

I wanted to tell him that I was alright but I fainted.


After Blake suddenly left during the meal, Ser returned to her room in
Sephia Palace.

Shell had followed Ancia to Amoria Palace and quickly reported what
she saw.
Ser listened to Shell’s report and turned her head towards the door.

The door opened and Blake came inside.

Shell was stunned but quickly went hid herself.

Ser put on an innocent expression.

“Your Highness, you shouldn’t leave so suddenly like that. I’ve been
waiting for you all by myself.”

“You don’t need to act anymore.”

Blake shook off Ser’s hand harshly.

Ser widened her eyes and looked at him.

“Your Highness, what are you talking about? What do you mean by

“What did you do to Ancia?”

The moment Ancia fainted, he could see a small light flowing around

Blake didn’t know what it was at first

But then he saw the small light fly into Sephia Palace.

No, the small light had always been by her side, but it only revealed
itself now.

“What? What do you mean by that?”

“Stop acting. I know about the small light fluttering around beside

Blake already said to her from the start that he had never thought of
her as the real Ancia.
However, he was still confused whether it was all Richard’s plan or

But the moment the light came to this woman’s side, everything
became clear.

Blake pulled his sword out and pointed it at Ser’s neck.

“Humans are stupid, but you managed to find out.”

“It concerns Ancia after all. I would do anything for her. It’s all
because of my love for her.”

“Who are you? And what did you do to Ancia?”

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Chapter 115
TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“You need to be careful. This is Ancia’s body,”

Ser touched the sword with her hands.

The sword pricked her finger and a drop of blood appeared on it.
Blake hurriedly put his sword away. He still needed to protect Ancia’s

“Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t do anything, Ancia chose this herself.”

“What do you mean?”

“I gave her a chance but Ancia said no.”

Ser took Blake’s hand.

Blake tried to shake her hand off, but at that moment, something
rushed into his head.

Ser had sent him some fragments of her memory.

He could see a little girl walking in the dark, relying on the faint light
emitted by the Macul.

It was Ancia.
She must’ve lost her shoes somewhere. Her hands and feet were
covered in wounds.

The light from the macul gradually faded away.

And the little girl eventually grew up to be a woman.

But she didn’t stop walking.

‘She has been walking in the door of darkness for seven years to lift
my curse?’

Blake’s heart broke at the revelation.

He had searched desperately for Ancia, wondering where she was

and how she was doing.

However, he had never imagined that for seven years she had been
wandering around inside the door of darkness without stop.

But it was too soon to be sad.

“…I’ll kill the crown prince first. Then you’ll be on my side, right?”

After Ser broke out of her seal, she tried to kill Blake.

He didn’t know the exact reason because Ser didn’t give him the full

However, since the goddess of light was betrayed by Phillip and was
sealed inside the door of darkness, Blake could guess that she
resented him because he was a descendant of Phillip.

“No, Ser! Please don’t! I love him! He’s the one I love! Please, Ser!”

Ancia pleaded.

“All this for love! Isn’t that funny? If he’s that precious, then give me
your life instead.”
“I’ll give it to you.”

“You’re lying.”

“I’m not. Kill me right now. But in exchange for my life, don’t touch

Ancia was willing to give up her life to protect Blake.

She managed to save her own life but lost her body to the goddess.
She also lost her voice.

[If you stain the sword with the Crown Prince’s blood, I will give you
back what’s yours. Your beautiful body, your voice, your language
ability, the power of light, you can have everything back!]

The goddess gave Ancia a chance, but Ancia rejected her offer.

‘I don’t need it.’

She gave up everything for Blake even though she knew that she
could only live for a hundred days.

The surroundings brightened and Blake could see Sephia Palace


The goddess of light, whom Ancia called Ser, said while crying,
“Everything was Ancia’s choice. I gave her so many chances but she
always refused.”

Blake gritted his teeth.

It was all because of him.

Just because of him, Ancia gave up everything she had.

He felt like a fool. He was mad at himself for being a burden to her.

Now, he couldn’t just watch Ancia suffer.

“What do I have to do to save Ancia?”

Ser smiled strangely.

“Do you want to save her?”

“Tell me how to.”

“Are you saying that you want to save that ugly woman?”

“You don’t need to repeat it. Of course.”

“Crown Prince, why don’t you come to my side instead?”

“Stop speaking nonsense.”

Blake snapped, struggling to contain his anger.

But Ser was serious.

“It’s just the two of us who know the truth. As long as you choose
me, you can get anything you want.”

She seductively held Blake’s hand.

“The mighty power of light, prosperity and gold for the empire. With
unlimited gold and mana, you can have anything you want.”

It was a very nice offer. There was no one who would turn it down.

But Blake shook her hand off roughly.

“I don’t need it.”

“Ancia’s not coming back. She will live with that ugly face for the rest
of her life.”

“I don’t care. As long as it’s Ancia, nothing else matters.

Blake begged her as he dropped to his knees on the floor.

“Please save Ancia. I’ll do anything to save her.”

“You’ll do anything? Even being cursed again?”

A sinister smile hung on Ser’s mouth.

“If you get cursed, everything will return to how it was before.
Everyone will despise you because of it. You will live in hell again.
Do you still want it? For Ancia, can you continue to live in hell for the
rest of your life?”

Love was, afterall, a very hypocritical thing.

One might say they would do anything for their partner, but they’d
draw the line at something that would hurt them.

Ser was sure that Blake was the same too.

There was no need to wait for his answer.

She looked at Blake as he opened his mouth.

“It’s already a blessing that I got to meet Ancia.”

Blake was smiling happily.


Ser was speechless.

Did he really want to sacrifice himself for Ancia?

Ser handed him a transparent bottle.

“What’s this?”
“Feed this to Ancia. She’ll regain her original body and become
healthy again.”



Blake looked at the bottle.

He was only concerned for Ancia’s safety. He wasn’t worried about

getting cursed again.

But how long could he endure that?

Ser imagined the curse’s sentences appearing on Blake’s face again

as she added coldly, “As soon as Ancia drinks that medicine, you’ll


“Can you sacrifice yourself for that love?”

Blake heard what she said and got up from his seat.

This time, he was going to give up. She knew it.

Ser smiled as Blake opened his mouth.

“I always had a nightmare every night when I was young. It was full
of flames and screams. However, when I woke up from my dream, I
couldn’t remember much of it. But now I know. You’re the one who
appeared in my dreams, right?”


Did she?

Ser sifted through her memories but nothing came to mind.

“If I died under your curse, would your resentment be gone?”

Blake asked but Ser couldn’t answer.

He spoke again as he calmly watched her.

“If it would, why didn’t you kill me quickly? Why did you do this to
Ancia instead? You’re her friend aren’t you?”

Blake asked after recalling the memory,

He didn’t know when it happened but the two looked very close.


Ser answered quietly, breaking the silence.

“I just need to trust you. Please keep Ancia safe even if I die.”


“And I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry about? Are you going to apologize in Phillip’s

Ser replied coldly. But Blake shook his head.

He wouldn’t apologize for what his ancestor did a thousand years


“In my dreams, you screamed so painfully, yet I always forgot when I

woke up. I couldn’t remember you, so I couldn’t help you.”

Ser’s screams rang ceaselessly in the midst of the flames but Blake
couldn’t remember any of it when he woke up.

If he remembered it, the goddess of light could’ve been unsealed

And Ancia wouldn’t have been in that kind of pain.

“I’m so sorry.”

He bowed his head and apologized.


Blake took the bottle of medicine that Ser gave him and went to
Amoria Palace.

As soon as he entered the room, he grasped Ancia’s hand firmly.

Her heartbeat was very faint.

“Why did you do that? Stupid…”

Tears welled in his eyes the moment he thought of Ancia walking

alone in the darkness.

“Just throw me away. You should have left. Why did you do such a
stupid thing?”

He shouldn’t have held on to Ancia. He should’ve let her go when

she first wanted to leave.

Thanks to him, Ancia suffered something she shouldn’t have gone


“I’m sorry.”

He thought Rose was Ancia but hesitated because he still had a faint
shadow of doubt.

He shouldn’t have doubted her.

He should’ve believed in his intuition. His soul responded to Ancia.

“I love you, Ancia.”

Blake held her hand tightly. And without a moment of hesitation, he
slipped the medicine into Ancia’s mouth.

He didn’t care whether he was cursed again or lost his life.

There was no need to worry, because to him, he didn’ have any

reason for living besides Ancia.

Ancia was his everything. He couldn’t give her up no matter what.

Even his own life didn’t matter.

As soon as the liquid went inside Ancia, Blake’s vision blurred.

He fainted, and the empty bottle rolled to a stop beside him.


“If I died under your curse, would your resentment be gone?”

When Blake asked that, Ser couldn’t answer him.

She was Laontel’s friend.

She recalled one of her clearest memories.

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Chapter 116
TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Laontel was her friend.

Laontel was the first human who knew of Ser’s name.

Ser got to know Laontel and Phillip and they grew up together like a

Phillip said he loved Ser, but his eyes were always on Laontel.

Still, Ser loved Phillip.

Phillip’s father was the Emperor of the Zelcan Empire.

But soon after Phillip was born, the Emperor abandoned his son and
his wife.

Phillip was deeply hurt by the incident.

Ser wanted to heal his wounds.

In fact, she knew that he always hid his wounds so she felt sorry for

Laontel loved Rakshul. Ser prayed desperately for the two to get
If Laontel got married, Phillip would give up on her. When Laontel
and Rakshul got together, Phillip proposed to Ser.

“Ser, I want you to become a real human being. Can you do that for

“Of course!”

Ser smiled brightly.

However, Phillip’s expression was grim as he proposed to Ser.

“What’s wrong Phillip?”

“I’m anxious.”


“I am pathetic and don’t have anything. I was abandoned by my

father. Serphania, you won’t leave me, would you?”

“I won’t leave you! Of course I won’t leave you!”

Ser shook her head.

But Phillip’s expression didn’t change.

“Even if we get married, you might go back to being a goddess.”

“No, I won’t. I’ll be with you forever!”

“Then can you completely become human?”


“Yes. Completely.”

This meant that Phillips was asking her to let go of her powers
forever and become human.
“…Yes, I will.”

Ser nodded.

She instinctively noticed what Phillip wanted.

So she gave him what he wanted.

“I’ll give up all of my powers and give it to you.”

“Thank you Serphania.”

Phillip looked at Ser with an affectionate gaze.

He looked at her with the same gaze that he always had when
looking at Laontel.

Ser was pleased by it.

‘If I become a human being like Laontel, Phillip will love me.”

Perhaps Phillips proposed to her to take away her powers.

Ser had thought about that once.

She tried to cover up her anxiety.

He was a human, so it was natural that he wanted strong powers.

But that couldn’t be the only reason why he’d proposed.

‘If it was, he wouldn’t look at me with that kind of gaze.’

Ser comforted herself.

Ser was in the midst of marrying Phillip when Phillip suddenly


“What did you say to Laontel?”


“If you didn’t want to be a human then don’t! You should’ve told me,
not Laontel! How can you let her misunderstand!?”

“No, I’ve never said that.”

Ser shook her head but Phillip stared at her coldly.

“I trusted you. I’m so disappointed, Serphania.”

“No! I really didn’t say anything.”

“So you’re saying Laontel lied?”

Laontel lied?

No, Laontel wouldn’t lie.

“She wouldn’t lie, but there must’ve been a misunderstanding.”

“So you’re saying you lied?”

“Do you believe in her more than me?”

“No, I don’t. Then, was it Laontel who lied?”


Laontel nodded under Phillip’s pressure.

“Why would Laontel do such a thing? She wouldn’t lie.”

Right, Laontel wouldn’t. Phillip knew about it. Ser was about to nod
again, but Phillip continued.

“Is she trying to break us apart?”


“That’s right. That’s it. Otherwise she wouldn’t make that story up.
She told me that you didn’t want to marry me because you didn’t
want to give me your powers.”

Laontel tried to break us apart?

Ser knew Laontel. Laontel only had Rakshul in her heart. She had
really never considered anyone else.

Besides, Laontel considered Phillip as her family, so she didn’t notice

his feelings at all.

She had never even realized that Phillip treated her differently.

But was it not like that? Did she already notice Phillip’s feelings?

She knew it, but she pretended she didn’t know and deceived me?

Ser said to Phillip that she was extremely disappointed by Laontel’s


“That’s right. It’s all lies. Laontel made all that up because she was
jealous of us!”

“But Serphania, did you really not say anything?”


“You must’ve said something because Laontel wouldn’t act like that
for no reason.”

After he left, Ser was filled with rage as she made her way to

“Why did you say that to Phillip!?”

“It was what I wanted! I chose to do it because I wanted to give
Phillip my strength!”

“Laontel, we’re no longer friends.”

Ser vented her anger at Laontel, and then she went to Phillip and

She was afraid that Phillip would leave her.

Ser loved Phillip.

It was the first time she felt that way towards somebody.

She could give him anything he asked for.

“Phillip, I’ll give you all of my strength, so please don’t abandon me.”

Ser begged him again and again.

“This is the last time. If you betray me one more time, I won’t forgive

“Okay, I won’t do it again.”

She had never betrayed Phillip, but she nodded at his words.

Moreover, listening to him made her feel like she really had betrayed

“Serphania, let’s leave. Let’s go to a place where it’s just two of us.
We’ll live together peacefully. I can’t trust anyone anymore. Not even

“Yes, I will. I will do as you say.”

Ser answered with a bright smile.

If they left the city, Phillip would forget about Laontel and only look at

They immediately headed for the valley in the west.

They had their own wedding there.

That night, Ser gave him all of her strength.

She lost the power of the goddess and became completely human.

But it wasn’t too bad. She felt happy.

Now, she was really Phillip’s wife.

Ser taught Phillip how to use her powers.

Phillip was very nice to her and cherished her well.

Then one day, Phillip asked.

“Ser, is there any way to distort the light?”


“Can’t we distort the light and use it for things other than treating
people and growing crops?”


“I sensed a lot of evil powers in here. Ser, you’re a human now. I

need to do this to protect you.”

Phillip stared at Laontel.

The power itself had a mission to heal and protect people that came
with it.

That’s why it’s offensive ability was lower than other powers.
“I’ll only use it when I’m with you. I need to protect you…”

“But that sort of thing…”

It was actually possible to distort mana. But using the power

incorrectly would lead them to greater tragedy.

Ser hesitated as Phillip’s expression grew impatient.

“Ser, don’t you believe me?”

“Of course I do!”

“Are you disregarding me now? Do you regret following me?”

“No, it’s not like that! I’ll let you know. I’ll tell you everything!”

Ser taught him how to distort the power.

On the day Ser taught him that, Phillip suddenly left.

The valley of chaos was always full of powers.

Although Phillip put a protective spell there before he left, the

demons continued to swarm around the shabby cabin.

Ser wasn’t afraid of them. She was just terribly lonely.

She missed Laontel.

Ser gave Laontel a necklace as a symbol of their friendship.

She cast a spell on it so that Laontel could call for her anytime, and
they could visit each other.

Ser had given all her strength to Phillip, but the powers on the
necklace still remained the same.

Yet, Laontel never visited her.

‘She said she’s my friend, but she doesn’t want to see me? Did she
forget about me too? Did she really drive me and Phillip apart?’

As Ser’s resentment and loneliness slowly built up, black spots

suddenly appeared on her body.

Since the power of light was distorted, she had to pay the price, and
the disease began to consume her body.

“What happened?”

The power of light was originally Ser’s. But if anyone misused her
powers, the responsibility would still fall on Ser.

Ser had also given Laontel her powers, but Laontel wouldn’t abuse

“Ser, is there any way to distort the light?”

Suddenly, she remembered Phillip’s voice.

It was Phillip.

Phillip had learned how to distort the power and now he was doing
something with it.

Ser ran out of the small cabin that she had built with him.

At that moment, she heard Laontel’s voice.

“Ser, there’s a mysterious disease spreading in the Imperial Palace.”

“Ser, where are you? Please help me. Rakshul…Rakshul…”

“Rakshul is gone. He’s gone….”

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Chapter 117
TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Laontel was asking Ser for help. She cried desperately as she held
the necklace Ser had given her.

Laontel finally contacted Ser after a long time.

From Laontel’s words, Ser could more or less guess what had

Phillip used the distorted power to spread a disease in the Imperial

Palace. Many people lost their lives while he kept Ser in the dark and
completely hid her presence.

Laontel didn’t forget her.

It was Phillip, not Laontel, who did those things.

Ser slumped to the ground, unable to overcome her shock.

“Why did you come out here, Ser?”

Suddenly, she heard a man’s voice.

She turned around and saw Phillip. He was back.

“Phillip, did you…did you kill the Crown Prince?”

Phillip stiffened up when Ser asked that question.

“How did you know?”


“Did you lie when you said you gave me everything? Did you hide
some of your powers behind my back?”

Even though his bad deeds had been revealed, Phillip still didn’t ask
for forgiveness.

Rather, he questioned Ser about her powers.

Ser pulled up her sleeves to reveal her arm.

“Phillip look at this.”

“What’s that?”

“I was punished because of you.”

At that moment, Phillip turned pale.

“If there was such a thing, you should’ve said it earlier!”

Is he worried about me?

Even in the midst of this situation, Ser still had such a thought.

But her expectations were soon shattered.

“Will that happen to me too?”

“…Don’t worry. This punishment is only given to me.”

“I see.”

Phillip sighed.
Ser couldn’t find any sense of anxiety or apology towards her.

She realized Phillip’s true nature.

Nevertheless, she couldn’t let him go.

When the Emperor and Rakshul died, Phillip took Ser back to the
capital city.

He didn’t abandon her even though she was ill. For that alone, Ser
was very grateful.

When Ser returned, she apologized to Laontel.

“Sorry Laon. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what happened to Rakshul. I’m
sorry. It’s my fault…”

She made excuses because she was afraid Laontel would hate her if
she knew the truth.

“I’m sorry Laon. I’m so sorry. Do you hate me? You hate me, don’t
you? I’m sure you do. I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t hate you. I’m glad you’re back.”

Laontel gave her a hug.

‘She probably doesn’t know what’s happening.’

Phillip ascended the throne and kept Ser out of everyone’s sight.

Ser’s body was covered in black soot.

However, Phillip didn’t say anything about her.

The one Phillip actually liked was Laontel. He had only used Ser to
gain the power of light.
Upon learning the fact, Ser told Laontel the truth. She even said that
Rakshul’s death was her fault.

Nevertheless, Laontel sided with her.

It was only then that Ser realized.

Laontel was the only one who had been sincere to her.

Phillip had used her from the start to finish.

He approached her and asked her to marry him just to take her

He even killed innocent people including Rakshul just to have

Laontel and become the Emperor.

Phillip was evil. Actually, Ser had known it for a long time. She had
felt it before, but she couldn’t just stop loving Phillip.

However, it was already too late to stop Phillip. Laontel had been
locked up in the Empress’ Palace.

Soon, Ser would die in return for the sins Phillip had committed.

But Phillip only focused on Laontel and didn’t even spare a glance
for her.

The only way Ser could survive was if she abandoned her human
body, regained her powers and punished Phillip for his sins.

But Ser hesitated.

Even after all of that, she wasn’t ready to let go of Phillip.

Yet, when Phillip tried to force Laontel to marry him, she couldn’t
stand it.

Was it because of their friendship that she tried to protect Laontel?

Or was it mere jealousy?

Ser couldn’t even tell why.

She went to find Laontel in the Empress’ Palace.

Laontel gladly returned the blessing of light she received from Ser.

Far from thinking about curing Ser’ wounds, Phillip was actually
hoping that Ser would die soon.

Laontel was her only friend.

She was her friend from the beginning and she was the only one
whom Ser could trust.

“She’s my only friend, Laon.”

I will get rid of Phillip and save Laontel. Ser headed towards Phillip
right away.

She gathered all the strength that she received.

No matter how much Phillip learned about the powers, he couldn’t

match up to a goddess’ skills.

As soon as Ser tried to kill him, Phillip shouted.

“I love you!”


The sudden confession made her hesitate.

“Ser, I love you. I was so powerless compared to you, a goddess.

That’s why I did it. I made a mistake, but I wanted you to be proud of
me. So please don’t be angry.”

Phillip begged while holding Ser’s hands.

Ser foolishly believed Phillip’s words again.

And at that moment, a sharp sword pierced her stomach.


Phillip tried to kill Ser. He stabbed her and tried to burn her alive.

But Ser couldn’t even attack him.

Phillip was strong, but the goddess was even stronger. She was very
surprised at that time.

‘Phillip tried to kill me. There was no hesitation when he put the
sword to my stomach.’

As Ser struggled to attack, Phillip looked down at her with a

contemptuous gaze.

The black spots on Ser’s body disappeared when she attacked

Phillip, but she was left with burn scars now.

“You’re hideous now. So it’s better for you to just die!”

Phillip shouted as he pushed the sword into her stomach yet again.

“Die! Die now! You monster!”


“Even if you don’t die, I can seal you. I’ll make you live in the
darkness forever! You’ll be gone forever!”

Phillip offered her as a sacrifice to his citizens. He took away Ser’s

powers and sealed her in the valley of chaos.

Ser was stuck in that place, alone and powerless.

At this rate, Phillip would completely suck her powers dry.

Just before Ser was put to death, she sent her last remaining powers
to Laontel.

“Laon, save me. Save me!”

Sealed in the door of darkness, Ser asked Laontel for help everyday.

She was in constant pain, confined to that small space surrounded

by a blazing fire.

But Laontel didn’t save her.

Ser looked at the world through the power of light that she gave to

But she couldn’t see Laontel.

Did Phillip do this?

She thought he did it. Just like back then, when he blocked her from
the outside world.

‘I have to get out of here somehow.’

Ser gathered her remaining powers and left a message on Phillip’s

children as she pondered over how to do it.

Even though he was a cold-hearted man, he would surely have a

soft spot for his own children.

He would unseal Ser so that she could erase the sentences on his
child’s body.

[I am the goddess of light. I was deceived by Phillip. I was deprived

of my powers and confined in the valley of chaos. He has committed
numerous sins. He used the power of light to kill countless people.]

But Phillip’s actions were beyond her expectations.

When he was in danger of being found out, he mercilessly killed his
own children.

‘What should I do now?’

She hesitated. Even if she left another message, Phillip would kill the
child again.

She couldn’t sacrifice an innocent child.

‘But it’s Phillip’s son! He killed me! It was Phillip who locked me and
Laon! He even killed his own children! Why do I need to hesitate?
Why should I feel guilty? Phillip needs to be stopped!’

Ser kept leaving the messages on Phillip’s children’s bodies.

Did he see the message?

One day, Laontel finally reached out to her.

“Ser, where are you? I’ll come over to you. Where are you now?”

Laontel said she would come and save her.

Ser had high expectations of her.

But Laontel lied.

Laontel didn’t come to save her after all.

Serphania had been abandoned by everyone now.

“Laon! Laon, where are you? Laon…?”

Ser liked Laontel.

As her only friend, she called Laontel by her nickname, Laon.

But now she hated Laon for monopolizing Phillip’s heart and never
called her by her nickname again.

“Laontel! Laontel, please save me!”

Over the years, Ser started to call her Laontel instead.

Ser hated Laontel. She resented Laontel for not saving her.

Still, Laontel was all she had now.

Stuck in the endless darkness with burning flames surrounding her

on all sides, Ser never stopped calling out Laontel’s name.

The power of light that Ser gave to Laontel and Phillip had now been
passed down to the descendants of Bellacian family and the heir to
the curse.

Ser tried to reach them. But the descendant’s powers were too weak
to even hear Ser’s voice.

It was the same with the heir to the curse.

Perhaps because of the pain, they couldn’t even hear Ser’s voice.

Ser felt guilty and distressed when she saw them dying in pain. But
as time went by, only her resentment and hatred remained.

‘Does it hurt? But I’ve experienced even worse pain! I can’t even die.
Don’t whine and cry! It’s disgusting!’

She had to fight all by herself. Even though she managed to open a
bit of a gap on the door of darkness, Phillip’s descendant once again
sealed her inside.

‘I’m going to kill them. I’m going to destroy everything! I will destroy
everything Phillip has, including his empire!’
For a thousand years, Ser’s heart was filled with anger and

Then one day, Laontel appeared.

“Laon! It’s me, I’m here!”

Laontel, my friend came here.

My only friend.

The moment Ser felt her presence, a thousand years worth of

resentment suddenly vanished.

But no matter how much she shouted, Laontel couldn’t hear Ser.

“Laontel, listen to me. Laontel!”

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Chapter 118

TL: Zimmings

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Over the course of a thousand years, Ser gradually became

different. She had lost all hope and thought that she wouldn’t ever
escape this place and see the light ever again.

But when Laontel appeared, her hope returned.

“I have to see Laontel, my friend Laontel!”

She pulled herself together in desperation and managed to break the


“When it completely breaks, I can meet Laontel. My Laontel!”

But Phillip’s descendants sealed her again.

The seal, which she barely managed to crack, was patched up


Serphania was in absolute despair.

While she was going through this, she saw Laontel living happily.

“Ancia, you can’t leave me!”

The Crown Prince was a reincarnation of Rakshul.

Laontel had reincarnated with Rakshul and looked so happy

She only thought of the Crown Prince and forgot about Ser.

“I’ve been forgotten…”

Ser hated Laontel, but Laontel was her only friend. Ser did her best
to help Laontel remember her memories.

She often called out to Laontel to help her regain her memories.

Finally, Laontel remembered Ser.

She helped Ser break the seal.

“Why are you so late!? You’re too late! You said you’ll save me!
You’re my only friend!”

“I’m sorry Ser, I’m sorry…” She apologized to Ser.

“I hate you, I hate you! I called you so many times! You’re the only
one I have…”

Ser vented her sorrow at her friend whom she met again after a
thousand years, but she knew it wasn’t Laontel’s fault.

Laontel was the only one who saved her.

This was all Phillip’s fault. She wanted to get rid of everything he
owned, his descendants and the country he founded.

She’ll get rid of them all and then live together with Laontel.

She didn’t need anything else.

She just needed to get rid of his possessions to exact her revenge.
“Ser, don’t do it. You shouldn’t kill innocent people in the name of

But Laontel stopped her.

Laontel didn’t take Ser’s side and protected the dirty empire instead.

Serphania felt betrayed. Was Laontel choosing Phillip over her?

Was Phillip’s empire and his descendants more important than her?

Or, was it because of the Crown Prince?

The Crown Prince…yes, he was the problem.

The moment Rakshul tried to get closer to Laontel was the beginning
of all this destruction.

Phillip changed due to the Crown Prince.

Phillip wouldn’t have used that kind of method if it wasn’t for

Rakshul. Phillip thought that if he became the emperor, Rakshul
would lose to him.

That’s why he betrayed her and killed countless innocent people!

It was all because of that prince!

It was also the Crown Prince’s fault that the Laontel who was
reincarnated after a thousand years didn’t listen to her.

She didn’t listen to Ser because she fell for him.

She abandoned Ser because she was in love with him.

After bearing Phillip’s betrayal and being trapped in the door of

darkness for a thousand years, Ser had completely lost her mind.

“If he’s that precious, then give me your life instead.”

Ser exclaimed to Laontel.

“Kill me right now. But in exchange for my life, don’t touch him.”

At that moment, Ser felt a wave of anger rise up inside of her.

“Then die! Die for me! I trusted you and waited for a long time!”

She was angry. She was angry because of the fact that Laontel gave
up her life so easily for the Crown Prince.

She was leaving Ser for the Crown Prince?

What would happen to her if Laontel died?

Ser had waited for a thousand years for Laontel but she was going to
leave just like that?

Ser attacked Ancia.

Ancia was the reincarnation of Laontel so she had the power of light
Ser had given her.

So of course, Ser thought Ancia would stop her attack. She wouldn’t
die for the Crown Prince.

Their love was shallow.

She hoped that Ancia would realize this soon and didn’t want Ancia
to have the same regrets as her.

But Ancia didn’t stop her attack and motionlessly accepted it instead.


Ser was surprised and tried to cast a healing spell, but it was too

‘I killed Laontel?’
Ser’s legs became weak. Suddenly, a white light came out of Ancia’s
bracelet and wrapped around her whole body.

The bracelet had protected Ancia.


Ser rushed to her body.

“Laon, no. No!”

The bracelet had protected her, but it wasn’t enough. She could feel
Laontel’s faint heartbeat.

She was still breathing but she wouldn’t last long.

Ser quickly switched their bodies to save her.

Ser’s body had only survived because of her soul.

After Ser came out of the body, it wouldn’t last very long.

She could only live for a hundred days or so.

But it was still better than Ancia dying in vain.

Due to the urgent situation, she quickly swapped their bodies.

However, taking over someone else’s body was dark magic.

Even though Ser’s intention was good, she was still punished. Her
feelings and memories were shattered into smithereens like glass.

Her feelings of love, compassion, hatred, longing, loneliness and

many more were nowhere to be found.

Ser broke down even more.

She looked at Ancia. She didn’t know what to do with Laontel, her
only friend.

Ser didn’t know what would happen later. This space was created
solely to seal Ser. As soon as the seal was completely released, the
door of darkness would be gone.

In order to protect Ancia, she had to go far away from her. Ancia
needed to get out of here too.

Ser managed to hold on and clean her clothes, but she could see
burn scars on her body.

She quickly got up and sent Ancia out of the door of darkness.

Compared to the outside world, time flowed differently inside the

door of darkness.

Inside the door of darkness, time wasn’t fast or slow, but it was

Ser didn’t know when Ancia would be able to find the way out herself
if she didn’t help her now.

She needed to do this because it was safer than being next to her.


Ser sent Ancia out of the door of darkness.

Her soul managed to heal Ancia’s body.

But her feelings and memories were no longer intact.

“I hate you, I hate you!”

Resentment against Ancia filled Ser.

She hated Laontel for choosing a man over her.

She hated Laontel for abandoning her.

At the same time, she was worried.

What if Laontel experienced the same thing as she did. What if

Laontel was abandoned like her?

She might even be killed.


That couldn’t happen.

She had to live.

She had to live to save her only friend.

She needed to help Laontel.

She had to let Laontel know just how useless love was.

Serphania’s body that was occupied by Ancia couldn’t hold on and

she also lost her voice.

But Ancia kept being stubborn.

So Ser didn’t return her blessing and powers of light.

‘This is all a lesson to Laontel, my one and only friend. Laontel would
understand her in the end.”

That’s what Ser thought, but it was useless.

Laontel, who was now Ancia, didn’t listen to Ser.

She chose the Crown Prince instead and the Crown Prince didn’t
turn away from her either.
Even though she had a different body, no voice and lost the power of
light, he still recognized her.

‘Why, why, why?’

Ser was confused.

After the whole chaos, she went to Richard’s side.

Why did she come here?

Even Ser couldn’t answer that question.

Not only was Richard Phillip’s reincarnation, his face also resembled

The silver hair which he hated so much was now black, resembling
the royal family of the Zelcan Empire. His appearance was nearly the
same as it was a thousand years ago.

Richard was kind to Ser, so she was happy.

But the kinder he was, the emptier she felt.

She was already not sane in the first place.

‘Why? Why was I stuck in that darkness? Why did Phillip betray me?
Was it because of my appearance? That’s right. Phillip’s behaviour
towards me changed since I got those burn scars. Laontel is pretty
and she reincarnated into a beautiful body as well. Is that why he
likes her? Is it?’

She didn’t even know what she was saying anymore.

Now, she couldn’t even remember all of the events that happened in
the past.

She only remembered the sad and miserable memories. She

thought she should stop her one and only friend from walking on the
same path.

Before long, Richard showed his true colours.

After giving Ser a lot of bad advice, he put the bottle of poison in her

“In order for us to be together, we must kill the Crown Prince.”

He tried to use Ser again.

Ser knew everything Richard had done to her, but she still pretended
to be brainwashed and went into the palace like Richard instructed.

She thought that humans were greedy and obsessive. She was sure
that the Crown Prince would be like that too.

If a woman with the same appearance as Ancia appeared, the

Crown Prince would forget the real Ancia soon.

“What would Laontel think if she saw the Crown Prince abandon her
and fall in love with me even though I am a fake?”

Ser felt guilty and sorry towards Ancia but she couldn’t give up.

Once Laontel was abandoned, she would soon realize what’s right
and what’s wrong.

But the Crown Prince was not that easy.


Ser did what Phillip had done to her before.

She tried to drift the Crown Prince away from the people around him
and pretended that only she liked him sincerely.

Ancia’s body had a beautiful appearance, but the Crown Prince

didn’t spare her any glance.
He wasn’t shaken by her appearance and recognized Ancia instead.

He even offered his life to save Ancia.

“If I died under your curse, would your resentment be gone?”

She couldn’t find the answer even when she recalled the past.

She didn’t know. She had no idea what she wanted.

She could hear Blake’s voice.

“In my dreams, you screamed so painfully, yet I always forgot when I

woke up. I couldn’t remember you, so I couldn’t help you.”

“I’m really sorry.”

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry.

Tears streamed down Ser’s face.

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Chapter 119

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

‘Yes, that’s what I wanted to hear.’

She wanted an apology from Phillip.

She hoped that Phillip would apologize for his mistake.

Even if Phillip was no longer in this world, she hoped she could hear
it from Richard.

Ser slumped down to the ground. The lights surrounded her as if

trying to console her.

The Macul were a combination of her powers, fragments of her

memories and feelings.

When Phillip sealed her inside, many pieces of her memories were
shattered while she struggled to get out, and even more of her
memories shattered when she saved Ancia.

When Ser was ready to accept everything, pieces of her began to

flow back into her.

But Shell, who had the biggest piece of her heart, refused to be
absorbed by her.
Shell drew a big circle and fluttered around Ser instead.

She had created a space. Ser could see Ancia and Blake inside of it.

Blake gave the medicine to Ancia without any hesitation.

Thanks to his choice, he would lose his life soon but he showed no
signs of fear.

His thoughts were only about saving Ancia. Tears poured down
Serphania’s face when she saw it.

She thought she wanted to get an apology first, yet she wanted to
just forgive them now.

She didn’t want revenge. She didn’t even want to kill anyone.

What Serphania really wanted was not an apology, rather, she

wanted to forgive.

She wanted to forgive Phillip.

She wanted to be free from the past.

Actually, she knew it.

Laontel and the Crown Prince were different from her and Phillip.

Their love was not shallow.

After all, in the first place, Phillip didn’t love her.

So it couldn’t be the same as their relationship.

What they had was true love.

She didn’t want to admit it so she kept on insisting on her views like
a child.
She told herself that she needed to protect her only friend and
always emphasized that there was no such thing as true love.

She couldn’t let Laontel be tricked like her.

But, she knew it very well.

It was Phillip who hurt her.

But it was also her fault that she was deceived by him and handed
her power over to him.

She said she wanted to kill him but she didn’t even try.

She couldn’t even do it to Blake.

She lied to herself by saying that she left Blake alone because he
was annoying. But in fact, she let him be because she knew of the
pain he had suffered before.

She wanted to atone for that.

All of the lights that had scattered came into her.

Serphania remembered everything.

Her feelings were restored to its original state, but she no longer had
the strength to get up.

“I’m sorry, Laon…I’m sorry.”


“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

I heard a cry somewhere.

It was Ser’s voice.

I looked in the direction of the voice.

Then, I saw Ser crying sadly as she squatted on the ground.

I could no longer sense any of the madness and pain from her.

She seemed very innocent, like the Ser from a thousand years ago.


“Laon, I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

The scars that covered the left side of Ser’s face were gone. Her
face, voice and expression were the same as a thousand years ago.

“Is everything alright?”

“Laon, Laon…”

I hugged Ser as she bawled her eyes out.

“Ser, don’t cry.”

“Sorry, I’m so sorry.”

Ser kept apologizing. She sincerely asked for my forgiveness.

I could feel the pain and loneliness in her.

“Ser, I’ll always be by your side. We’re friends forever.”

“…Thank you. Thank you very much.”

She embraced me as she cried.

“I didn’t mean it…I’m so sorry.”

Ser apologized again and again.

I dreamed of Ser.

Ser kept apologizing to me. I could still remember her voice in my


But it didn’t feel like a dream. It felt like it really happened.

As I slowly opened my eyes, I felt the rays of the warm morning sun
on my skin.

This was Amoria Palace. Why was I sleeping here?

I remembered something.

Blake recognized me as Ancia. We kissed too. I wanted to say a lot

of things to Blake back then.

I missed him so badly.

But suddenly, my fever went up and I lost consciousness.

Blake must’ve been very worried about me.

I have to tell him I’m alright.

When I hurriedly got up, I saw Blake lying on the floor.


I approached him. I could speak now.

But that didn’t matter right now.

I hugged Blake in a hurry.

“Blake, Blake!”

Why was he here?

I tried to wake him up, when the medicine bottle next to him caught
my eyes.

Ser apologized to me in my dreams, but it felt real.

What happened while I was away?

Was I going to lose Blake again the same way I lost Rakshul?

“Blake, wake up! Please wake up! Open your eyes!”

I called out to him desperately.

Even though I was going to die soon, I was scared.

Seeing Blake collapsed on the ground, the pain I felt was

incomparable to my impending death.

I felt suffocated and my whole body was burning up.

I desperately called his name once more, when suddenly, a warm

hand wrapped around my body.

“Why are you crying again?”

Blake woke up and wiped my tears away with his hand.

“Blake are you alright? Why did you collapse? Are you sick?”

“Don’t cry. It’s nothing. I just fell off the bed while sleeping.”


He fell off the bed?

That couldn’t be it.

I couldn’t believe it so I glared at him. Blake snorted and hugged me.

“It’s been a while since I slept with my wife. I must’ve been nervous.”

“Is that true?”


He kissed my hands.

The hand that Blake kissed was surprisingly pristine, with no hint of
ever having any scars.

I was surprised.

Where did the scars go?

Come to think of it, I was so shocked when I saw Blake collapsed

that I didn’t notice it. I could speak now.

Moreover, my hair was golden.

I looked into the mirror. The reflection of the woman looking back at
me had blonde hair and emerald eyes.

It was me.

It was my original body.

“Blake, I’m back…”

“You’re late.”

He smiled brightly.

But there were tears in his eyes.

“You said you’d be back sooner.”

“I’m sorry.”
I’m finally back.

After seven years since I left, my body and soul had completely

Blake hugged me again as I burst into tears.


We lay in bed in each other’s embrace for a long time.

Blake used to be the one enveloped in my embrace when we were

kids, but now, I was the one covered by his arms instead.

“I’m sorry. I should’ve recognized you sooner.”

Blake apologized again.

“You recognized me.”

Blake recognized me even though I denied it desperately. But I had

always waited for this moment.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too. I should’ve told you sooner.”

“You don’t have to be sorry. Don’t say that. It was all because of me.”

He said he met Ser and saw everything I experienced.

I had wandered through the door of darkness for seven years and he
also knew that I rejected Ser’s offer to save myself.

Though he said all of these things to me lightly, I was sure that he

was severely blaming himself.

“Don’t say that, Blake…”


Blake was about to blame himself.

I held his hands and said sweetly, “From now on, let’s not be guilty
towards each other and move on.”

I didn’t want him to keep apologizing to me.

Blake didn’t do anything wrong, so there was no reason for him to


“Okay, let’s do that.”

He nodded when I said so.

Blake’s arm hung over my shoulders.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked around the room.

I try to read some of the titles on the bookshelf and surprisingly, I

found that I could read the imperial language as well as ancient

I also felt no pain at all and didn’t even cough anymore.

I closed my eyes and felt the power of light flowing in my body.

The light was much stronger than it was seven years ago.

Ser didn’t only give me her blessing, she gave me some of her
strength too.

Now I didn’t have to be afraid of death or leave Blake’s side.

But I was still worried about one thing.

“Blake, are you really okay?”


“Did nothing really happen to your body?”

I couldn’t believe it.

When I heard that Blake met Ser after I collapsed, I felt uneasy
thinking about it.

Ser apologized to me, but I wasn’t sure if it was a dream or not.

Besides, regardless of our relationship, she never liked Blake.

“I actually had a dream.”

“A dream?”

“Yes, the goddess of light appeared and asked to meet you.”

Did he mean that Ser asked for me?

Maybe it really wasn’t a dream since both of us met her.

“She also asked me to protect you for the rest of my life on her
behalf. If I didn’t do it, she said she would really kill me.”

“Then, what else did she say?”

Maybe she asked Blake for his life. I felt afraid when I thought of her
threats before. My heart quickly sank.

But before I could say anything again, Blake grinned.

“Nothing happened. She only told me to be nice to you.”


“Yes, or else, she’s going to take away all of my powers.”

“You should really treat me nicely then.”

When I joked, he held my hands tightly.

“I will be nice to you. I’ll never let go of this hand again.”

His fingers were intertwined with mine as we clasped our hands


I also tightened my grip.

I wouldn’t let go of his hand either.

“I love you.”

I whispered shyly as I said what I always wanted to say when I was


Now, I could say whatever I wanted to say.

Blake was surprised by my sudden confession and became silent for

a moment.

But soon, he smiled mischievously.

“What did you say? I didn’t hear you well.”


In contrast to his beautiful smile, the words that came out of his
mouth were playful.

This is why I shouldnt have teased him before.

Now the words I used to say when we were children came back to

“…I love you.”

I was embarrassed to say it again so my voice became quieter.

“Tell me louder.”


“Ancia come on.”

He carefully touched my lower lips with his fingers.

His mischievous expression had disappeared at some point, instead

it was replaced by a beastly look in his eyes.

I answered as he kept urging me.

“I love you.”

At that moment, our lips overlapped.

It was another sweet kiss, just like the one from yesterday.

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Chapter 120 – I think it’s a fraudulent marriage (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Tenstheon busied himself with work as he waited for Blake to come


Richard found Ancia first, even though everyone had spent seven
years searching for her.

Richard said that he had brought Ancia straight to the palace as

soon as he saw her, but their relationship seemed to be close.

Tenstheon could see that Ancia trusted Richard and relied on him.

He also thought that Richard was suspicious from the beginning.

Tenstheon was reading through the information on Richard when the

door opened.

Blake and Ancia came inside. Blake said he’d bring Rose today, but
he appeared with Ancia, not the woman he had picked up from the
valley of chaos.

Tenstheon didn’t ask what had happened.

Rather, he couldn’t ask.

He couldn’t say anything because his gaze was fixed on the woman
in front of him.

Something about her felt different.

There wasn’t any change in her appearance, but something was


“Father, I’m back.”

Ancia grinned.

Tenstheon’s eyes already welled up with tears.

Tenstheon, who had been staring at her, got up from his seat.

He quickly strode over and hugged Ancia.

“You’re back.”

Finally, his precious daughter, Ancia, was back.

Tenstheon could instinctively feel that this was the real Ancia.


“I’m sorry. I should’ve protected you.”

Tenstheon apologized to me.

At this rate, I thought that I’d be hearing people apologize to me all

day long.

Tenstheon was the proud and dignified Emperor of the empire.

Yet, he kept apologizing to me with a sorrowful expression.

The sound of Tenstheon shouting my name before I was taken away

by the Macul kept ringing in my ears.
I had no idea how much he blamed himself and regretted his actions.

“No, you don’t have to apologize. I’ve been doing very well. The
Macul were a guide from the goddess of light. They guided me
towards the goddess.”

I deliberately said it cheerfully.

“It was dark and quiet inside the door of darkness, but it wasn’t that
hard. I didn’t even know that so much time had passed. I should’ve
come back sooner, I’m sorry.”

“…thank you for coming back safe and sound.”

Tenstheon didn’t seem to believe me completely. His eyes were full

of worries and sadness.

Before he could apologize to me again, I said quickly, “Dad, I’m


“I’ll prepare the best dinner.”

He said to me in a nice and confident manner like back then.

While the meal was being prepared, I told Tenstheon and Blake what
had happened a thousand years ago.

But I didn’t tell them that I was Laontel and Blake was Rakshul.

I wanted Blake to live happily in this life.

He didn’t have to know what had happened in our previous life.

“Earlier the goddess was impersonating me. She suffered terribly for
a thousand years, but she didn’t really want to deceive anyone.
She’s not that kind of person so please don’t think too badly of her.”

I didn’t want them to blame or hate Ser.

I was just grateful to see my friend return to her original state.

“If you say so, there’s no need for me to blame her. But I feel sorry
because I didn’t recognize you sooner.”

“You didn’t know. I wasn’t in my original body after all.”

“I’m so ashamed of myself.”

“I’ll be even more sorry if you keep doing that.”

It was inevitable. I was very amazed at Blake who recognized me

right away. There was no reason for me to blame anyone.


No matter what I said, his expression didn’t change.

So I laughed and joked.

“By the way why is father so greedy?”


“Yes, you still haven’t come down from your position as the top
handsome man in the empire.”

Even after seven years, Tenstheon hadn’t changed much.

Rather, his charisma grew even stronger, though people were still
afraid to approach him.

“What nonsense.”

Tenstheon frowned slightly

He was being shy again. His lack of immunity to praises was still the

Blake deliberately coughed from beside Tenstheon.

“When will the meal arrive?”

Blake said rather curtly.

What was wrong with him?

Was he hungry?

I looked at Blake when suddenly, the door opened and the servants
came inside.

As soon as I saw the korean dishes on the table, I smiled brightly.

These were the dishes I liked and made often.

Father really prepared it specially for me.

“Thank you father.”

“Let me know if there is anything else you want.”

“No, the food is more than enough. But can Blake eat it? It must be
very spicy.”

Since Tenstheon prepared the dishes to my liking, most of them

were rather spicy.

It would be hard for Blake to eat them.

“It’s alright.”

Blake said quietly as he scooped up a spoonful of the Red Pepper

Paste Stew into his mouth.

I shouted in surprise.

He couldn’t eat something that spicy!

I was about to hand him a glass of water but he smiled lightly.

“Are you really alright?”

“How old do you think I am? I’m not a kid anymore.”

I looked at Blake’s face. It didn’t seem like he was holding back or


My Blake has really grown up now.

“Why do you look so proud? This is natural.”

Blake’s eyebrows furrowed. He still didn’t like being treated like a


“Back then, even though I only added a small amount of red pepper
powder to your food, you couldn’t handle it.”

“When did I—“

“Don’t you remember it?”


I remember for sure that it happened. It was cute of him to pretend

that he didn’t remember.

“Do you still like to make fun of your husband?”

He held my hands tightly as the corners of his mouth raised up.

“I’ve always enjoyed everything you cooked for me. I’m a very good
He said coyly and blinked innocently .

For the first time in seven years, my heart beat thunderously thanks
to Blake’s cuteness.

As expected, my rabbit is still cute.

Nothing has changed. I wanted to hug Blake tightly and stroke his
hair seeing him like this.

But I heard a cough on the other side.


I was startled and looked at Tenstheon.

“You must be hungry. Eat up.”

“Yes father.”

My groom’s cuteness made me forget that father was here with us.

I picked up my spoon quickly.

Everytime I tasted each dish, I smiled brightly.

I could tell at once that this was Terry’s cooking.

I heard that he didn’t make any korean food after I left, but his skills
didn’t rust at all.

It wasn’t just the taste that made me smile. Blake and father were
both in front of me.

The thought of us eating together again already made me happy.

When I left the palace to lift Blake’s curse, I didn’t think I would be
away for this long.
“Father, don’t eat anything too salty. It’s not good for your health.”


If it was like before, he would say don’t worry about it and continue to
eat it. But now, he picked up another dish instead.

“Blake, don’t eat anything too spicy.”


Blake nodded and agreed obediently.

A short silence came over us.

‘It feels like I’ve returned to the old days…’

When I didn’t say anything anymore, a hush fell over the room.

The other two hardly talked throughout the meal.

Tenstheon hesitated to talk to Blake, while Blake only looked at me.

The father and son relationship that I had tried to build so

desperately by getting Tenstheon to teach him swordsmanship
desperately was not visible anymore.

I felt bad because this was my fault.

“Wife, what’s wrong?”

“Ancia what’s wrong?”

Blake and Tenstheon asked me anxiously.

“I’m afraid that your relationship has become awkward because of


“Oh no, that’s not true!”

“Yes, it’s absolutely not true.”

Both of them hurriedly denied it.


“That’s right. Your Majesty, try some of this.”

When Blake suggested a dish to Tenstheon, he quickly nodded.

“…thank you, it’s very delicious.”

The awkwardness didn’t go away even though they exchanged

dishes and greetings.

It was obvious that they were acting because they were worried that
I would worry about it.

It was awkward but neither of them had any signs of dislike or

resentment for each other.

It’ll get better soon.

“Go ahead and eat”

“Ancia, you try this too.”

The two spoke almost simultaneously.

They were very similar in some ways. It was just a pity that they
didn’t recognize it.

I couldn’t rush to restore their father and son relationship and even if
I forced them, they’d just keep on acting awkwardly.

Ancia, relax.

We will be together forever now. Neither I nor Blake will be leaving.

There was plenty of time.
I could do it slowly.

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Chapter 121 – I think it’s a fraudulent marriage (2)

TL: Zimmings

Editor: bodyinthefreezer


Most of them were korean dishes, but there were also some others
like steak and lobster.

They added my favorite foods among the dishes that were originally
prepared. It seemed like the korean dishes were made in a hurry.

I was going to eat the steak, but I couldn’t cut it properly. It wasn’t
because of the steak.

When I took over Ser’s body, my hands often trembled and couldn’t
move properly.

So I unconsciously had a hard time using my hands.

My habits remained even after I returned to my original body so I still

found it difficult to use the knife.

“Ancia, let me.”

Blake exchanged my plate with his plate.

He had already sliced up the steak on his plate so it was easy for me
to eat.
Before, I used to be the one to cut his food for him.

“Thank you.”

I looked at Blake as the memories of our past filled up my mind.

Then, I heard Tenstheon’s voice.

“Ancia, here.”

Tenstheon cut up the shrimps and put it on my plate.

“Thank you.”

I ate the other foods on my plate before finishing the shrimp and

“This is delicious.”

“Try this too.”

“There is already too much food on my plate.”

I shook my head as the two of them kept putting food on my plate.

They looked at each other. Then both of them opened their mouths.

“Wife, are you sick?”

“I’ll call the doctor right now!”

“No it’s not that! I’m full!”

I shouted embarrassedly.

I had to stop both of them before they really called for a doctor.

After finishing my meal, Blake and I went back to the Palace of

Blake escorted me as I got up to get out of the carriage. When I got

off the carriage, I saw the red carpet from the carriage to the

The knights were lined up on both sides.

Now I had Ancia’s body. That’s why they prepared all this.

“Greetings to the blessing of the empire.”

The knights and servants behind them greeted us.

We walked down the red carpet while holding hands.

At the door stood Melissa, Hans, Terry and Edon.

It was nothing new since we already saw each other everyday.

But this time, we reunited with me as Ancia, not Rose.

“Sir Edon, thank you for the welcome.”

“Please speak to us casually, Your Highness.”

Edon was confused about what to do.

When he hesitated to say more, Hans helped him.

“Yes, please speak comfortably, Your Highness.”


I tried not to voice out my nervousness. I looked at Melissa standing

on the side and saw the tears rolling down her face.

“Melissa, why are you crying?”

“I’m sorry that I failed to recognize you before. I don’t have the face
to look at Your Highness.”

“It’s only natural that you didn’t know because I didn’t tell you.

“But I’m so ashamed of myself.”

“Don’t say that. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you.”

I grinned as I held Melissa and Hans’ hands tightly.

“Melissa and Hans, I know this is too late, but congratulations on

your wedding.”

I said what I had always wanted to say since I came back.

Melissa sobbed even harder.

I hugged her and patted her back for a long time.


Blake and I entered the Crown Princess’ bedroom.

I had been into the Palace of Forens, but I never really visited his

The room was the same just as how I decorated back then.

“How is it?”

“It’s cute, but it’s a little embarrassing.”

It was very cute, like the bedroom of a princess in a fairytale book.

I was embarrassed to see how hard I pretended to be a child back


‘I chose something like that…’

Come to think of it, I remembered something. I also chose the
furniture for the guest room.

Melissa and the furniture owner were surprised, saying that my taste
was mature and refined, unlike a child.

I was glad to hear that remark and decorated my room as cutely as I


The furniture in the bedroom was also the same, but to think that my
taste was this bad once…

‘It’s okay, I was young before.’

It was even more embarrassing because of the atmosphere.

“Is your room the same as before too?”

That’s right, I chose his room’s furniture too.”

“Would you like to see it?”

I nodded. We went into the Crown Prince’s bedroom that was next to
this room.

Fortunately, this place was fine. I didn’t overdo it when I decorated

Blake’s room.

Past me, good job.

As I was praising myself, I noticed a small doll lying beside the bed.

Oh right. I picked that one.

It looked so much like Blake that I impulsively bought it.

It would’ve been really cute if it was the young Blake holding it, but it
didn’t match the majestic Crown Prince now.
“You still have the doll?”


“Why didn’t you throw it away?”

“Why would I throw it away?”


I touched the rabbit doll’s ears.

The fur still felt soft as if it had been meticulously cared for.

Then I laughed.

“You look like-”


“You look like the doll.”

I held the rabbit in my arms.

Blake’s expression hardened.

“It doesn’t look like me.”

“Why? I think it looks just like you.”

Seeing my happy smile, Blake’s expression hardened again.

Come to think of it, he looked like that when we were eating too.

I suddenly realized something.

“What’s wrong Blake?”

“Do you think I am handsome?”

It was a random question.

“Father is still the most handsome man in the empire. His
appearance hasn’t changed at all.”

Tenstheon was even cooler than before. He looked just as young as

he was before.

“What about me?”

“Blake is the most beautiful man in the empire.”

Tenstheon’s aura was overwhelming, but Blake’s aura was

mysterious and beautiful.

Now, I think I realized why Blake’s appearance was praised so much

in the novel.


He pouted as if he didn’t like my answer. Even when he was sulking,

he still looked beautiful.

“I like your beautiful face.”

His expression soon brightened.

“Do you mean it?”

I never even thought that I didn’t like Blake’s appearance.

A thousand years ago, Rakshul’s aura was similar to that of


But Blake took after the late Empress, so he looked beautiful.

However, as long as it was Blake, it didn’t matter how he looked.

“I love you Ancia.”

“I love you too.”

I wanted to say it so many times that I wouldn’t ever regret not
saying it enough times.

I touched the left side of his face, which was once engraved with the
curse marks, when he laughed and held my hand.

“Whose room should I sleep in today?”


Whose room?

Of course Blake would sleep in his room, and I would sleep in mine.

Did I even have to decide?

“We can sleep in our own rooms.”

I answered without any hesitation prompting him to look at me sadly.

“You said we will always sleep together…”

“Oh no, back then…”

I only did it to lessen Blake’s pain before.

Besides, we were children before.

But now we were both adults.

Blake was wearing a shirt that was rather loose, but I could feel his
sturdy stomach behind the shirt.

Of course, his figure was relatively thin compared to the knights, but
he was an adult man now.

Perhaps it was because his curse was lifted much sooner than
scheduled and he practiced swordsmanship since he was young, but
he looked much taller and muscular than what was described in the
“Why? Don’t you like me?”

He looked down pitifully.

My heart ached when I saw him like that.

Blake was the type to hide his pain without showing it.

But his heart was quite tender.

“Of course I like you.”

“You’ll be with me then right? You’re not gonna go away right?”

His beautiful eyes started to glisten with tears.

“Of course not! I won’t leave you.”


“Yes, I’ll be with you forever so don’t cry.”

I held him tightly and soothed him.


The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the face of a
beautiful man.

‘Why did this happen?’

I wanted to comfort Blake because I thought he was hurt and

reassured him that I wouldn’t leave again.

So I came to comfort him, but somehow, I fell asleep on the same

bed as him.

Of course, nothing happened. I just held his hands tightly and slept
like before.

I looked at Blake sleeping beside me.

With his eyes closed, his eyelashes appeared to be longer.

He looked the same as he did when he was younger.

He still looked cute and harmless, bringing peace to my heart.

Well, this isn’t bad either. I couldn’t believe I could see Blake as soon
as I woke up again.

This was really not a dream.

I wanted to stroke Blake’s hair but Blake tightly grasped my hands.

It was exactly the same as before.

Blake slowly opened his eyes while smiling.


At that moment, the pure and peaceful atmosphere suddenly


I looked at the man who had become rather sexy, unlike seven years

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Chapter 122 – I think it’s a fraudulent marriage (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Ancia, what’s wrong?”

“You woke up too late, get up!”


Blake grumbled as he rubbed his face against my hands.

“It’s so nice to see my wife’s face right after I wake up.”

Ancia’s heart beat wildly thanks to his cute antics.

“Get up!”
I quickly went under the blankets to hide my red face.

I pulled away his blanket too.

“You’re too much…”

“Too much? It’s already 10 o’clock!”

I wasn’t saying all that deliberately. We really did wake up too late.

“I can’t believe you took it off in the morning.”

If anyone heard that, it would cause a misunderstanding!

His habit of making ambiguous comments was still the same.
Though, before he didn’t understand any of it.

“You should say it clearly. I only took off your blanket!”

“Take what off…”

He looked at me coyly while holding the edge of his blanket.

In contrast to his innocent eyes, his voice was husky.

I couldn’t tell whether or not he was making fun of me.

In any case, I couldn’t be swayed by it.

I pulled the entire blanket off of him.

“Wake up!”


“Were you really Rose before?”

Chelsea looked at my face.


I said while nodding.

Chelsea was dumbfounded.

“Your Highness, please speak to me at ease.”

“Oh, right…”

It was very awkward for me to talk informally, perhaps because of my

time as Rose.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you the truth, Chelsea.”

“No, I’m sure you had your reasons.”

She answered calmly and added, “But it really is amazing.”


“I thought the Crown Prince wouldn’t even look at another woman.

But I thought I was wrong when I saw him treating Rose well. Turns
out, you two were the same person.”
She bowed politely while holding the hem of her skirt.

“Congratulations on your return. It’s an honor to have you back.”

Chelsea greeted me politely. I held her hands.

“Chelsea, thank you very much for being so nice to me.”

“No need to thank me. It’s part of my duty as a maid.”

“I heard it was you who insisted on giving my food to the Crown

“I just didn’t want to see the dishes you made so painstaking be
thrown away. Besides, even if it wasn’t for that, the Crown Prince
had already recognized you.”

“Still, thank you very much.”

Chelsea never discriminated against my appearance and status.

Rather, she helped me alot when I was Rose.

I would never forget what she did for me.


Except for Chelsea, the other maids had all quit their jobs. It wasn’t
just the maids.

Those who mocked Rose’s appearance, whether they were a knight

or servant, were all forced to leave the palace.
It wasn’t because they resigned voluntarily.

Before I came back here as Ancia, Blake had ordered all of those
who mocked Rose to be fired.

The day when I went to cook, Melissa came back late because she
was busy sorting out the list of people she needed to fire.

Some people still despised me, but they endured it.

It was because they were afraid and didn’t want any trouble.

Now that I think about it, I didn’t say anything about them because of

Blake was hurt a lot as a child because of his appearance. If he

knew that people judged me because of my appearance now, it
might make him remember those bad memories.

So I just kept my mouth shut.

I never really took it to heart either since I would die soon anyways.

The people who were fired came to meet me before they left and
apologized for what had happened before.

“If I knew that it was Your Highness, I would;ve never done that. I’m

“I was very startled by your scars back then. I’m sorry.”

“I made mistakes so I’ve been wanting to apologize.”

But their apologies didn’t sound sincere in the least.

If they really felt guilty, they should’ve apologized to me before they

were even fired.
They didn’t do it until it became known that I was the Crown

Since that fact was revealed, they were scared of being punished

But I didn’t really think of other punishments than to fire them.

There was only one person who apologized truthfully.

Unlike the other generic apologies, Charlotte came to me and told

me her honest feelings.

“Your Highness, I’m so sorry. Never in my wildest dreams did I think

that Your Highness was Rose. I hate myself for not recognizing you.”

Her apology was indeed strange. She blamed herself for not
recognizing me but didn’t apologize for all the things she had done to

“Your Highness, I really really like you. Let me serve you again. I can
serve you much better than Chelsea.”

She said she liked me but she didn’t do much to serve me.

When Ser came back in my body, Charlotte was happy, but it was
purely because of my appearance.

“I didn’t fire you for not recognizing me.”

Charlotte was now no longer a maid of Forens Palace but a noble

daughter, so I treated her as such.

“Then why? Is it because I’m ugly?”


Charlotte’s answer was unexpected.

I was bewildered but she continued.

“Everyone made fun of me when I was younger. Only Your Highness

treated me nicely. You’re my role model! I tried to look like you. I’ll try
harder. Is it not enough? I’ll become someone that you won’t be
ashamed of!”

I thought of Charlotte’s appearance in the past. Back then, she had

some baby fat, but she looked very cute and not at all ugly.

Did she act like this because of what other people told her back

“It’s not like that. You were pretty back then and you still are now

“You’re the only one who thinks that.”

I shook my head seeing her.

“I’m not. I’m sure other people think the same too. If there is anyone
who has spoken ill of you, then they are the one who’s strange. You
don’t pay them any mind.”

Charlotte cried as I continued to comfort her.

“There are so many things in this world that are more important than
appearance. I really want you to know that.”

“If I make a mistake, you can teach me.”

I shook my head.

“You’ve been a maid for a long time. Don’t you think it’s time to be
free and see the world? “

Charlotte was obsessed and judged people by their appearance. But

she was still young. It wasn’t that she was born evil, but her attitude
came from childhood trauma.
I decided to give her another chance.

“If you don’t change your mind after you understand the reason why I
fired you, then you can be my maid again.”


I nodded.

“Thank you, thank you very much! I’ll try my best and become a
great person!”

After repeatedly thanking me, Charlotte left the palace.


I tried to do my duties as the Crown Princess but Tenstheon and

Blake insisted that I should take a good rest.

“Ancia, just take a break for the time being.”

“That’s right, don’t work. You need a break.”

They were so awkward with each other throughout the meal, but
surprisingly, they always had the same opinion when it came to me.

They were worried about me holding a knife so they watched me

carefully. When I drank a lot of water, they asked me whether I felt

I felt too embarrassed being protected this much. I had never

experienced this extent of their protection even when I was younger
but I understood why.

If Blake were to come home after 7 years of disappearance, I’d be

happy, but at the same time I’d be worried too. I wouldn’t know what
to do or say to him except tell him to rest more.
Now that I understood how they felt, I only nodded at everything they

Besides, I had been in that dark place for a long time. So many
events happened at the same time and I was exhausted, so I
decided to take this opportunity to rest a little bit.

A lot of time had passed since I left.

This empire wouldn’t change drastically like Korea in that amount of

time, but there would certainly be some changes.

When I went to the square, I observed what the ladies wore. I could
tell that the fashion trends had changed.

With Blake’s curse lifted and the fall of the Cassils, the ranks among
the nobles must have changed too.

For the time being, I would study and live comfortably.

Besides, there was something I wanted to check.

I headed to the Amoria Palace. Chelsea and Edon said they would
follow me but I refused.

I wanted to check this thing on my own.

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Chapter 123 – I think it’s a fraudulent marriage (4)

TL: Zimmings

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

When I arrived at the Amoria Palace, I went straight to the


I stood in front of a small tree that seemed to have been just planted.

When I closed my eyes and focused, I could feel the power of light
flowing in my body.

When I recalled my memories of being Laontel, the small tree grew



It’s not just my body that was restored, my power of light was also as
strong as when I was Laontel.

No, it was much more than that.

Plus, I recalled all of my knowledge about this power.

Of course, there was a difference between remembering it and

implementing it.

I still felt awkward using my powers but I’d get used to it soon.
Ser apologized and gave me back my blessing and strength.

But where was she now?

Ser was in her original body when I saw her in my dreams.

I couldn’t even see any burn scars or spots on her.

So did she abandon her wounded human body and go back to her
original body?

I hoped that that was the case. I hope she’d live peacefully and
maybe we’d meet again someday.


I was about to return to the Forens Palace after implementing a few

tricks using my power of light, when I saw Camilla standing in front of
the Amoria Palace’s entrance.

She didn’t come when the servants rushed to me to apologize.

So I assumed that she had already left but there she was.

I looked at her, Camilla also looked back at me.

As a maid, she would never dare to look at the Crown Princess like
this. However since she was no longer a maid, she had resumed her
status as the daughter of a noble.

Her eyes were filled with jealousy towards me.

“I greet Your Highness, the blessing of the empire.”

“Lady Vendrick, are you leaving now?”

I asked her as I glanced at the large leather bag on her hands.

“Yes, can I take one last look at the Amoria Palace?”

“That sounds difficult. This palace wasn’t my own.”

I flatly refused her as Camilla laughed bitterly.

I knew she would react like this.

“Can we talk for a while?”


We went into the garden outside the Amoria Palace and sat on a
gazebo. Then, Camilla opened her mouth.

“For me, Amoria Palace was a dream. I really wanted to go here


She looked at the Amoria Palace with an indescribable expression.


“But in the end, it was only a dream.

Camilla recalled her childhood memories.

She had grown up with all sorts of insults hurled at her.

Then one day, when the Crown Prince’s curse was lifted, and even
the Crown Princess went missing, so her parents entrusted her with
the task of getting the Crown Prince’s heart.

After educating her with perfect etiquette, they sent her over to the
Crown Prince’s Palace.

Camilla hated this situation. She was used as a tool for her parent’s

But when she met the Crown Prince in the Forens Palace, she
changed her mind.
Many people had stories about the Crown Prince, so Camilla
naturally knew a lot about him.

She was actually worried about his rumours when she first arrived,
but the Crown Prince she met was completely different from the one
described in those rumours.

He was not a monster or even someone great who had been chosen
by the goddess of light.

He was just a wounded child, like herself.

People around her mocked her, yet they also envied her, for being a
maid in the Crown Prince palace. But she felt lonely.

‘I’m sure he felt the same way too. He must be lonely like me. He’s
the same as me.’

Camilla thought.

Blake was an easy master to serve.

He was usually calm and quiet, but sometimes he burst into fits of

“Who is it? Who has been entering my bedroom!?”

Most of those who entered the Crown Prince’s Palace had the same
purpose as Camilla.

They would often bring gifts to impress him.

Some of them even got rid of the items in the Palace and replaced
them with their gifts.

But no gift stood out to him. Blake only cared about and missed the
Crown Princess.
The maids were jealous of the Crown Princess and deliberately
removed her belongings to erase traces of her.

That was something no servant could do, no matter how jealous they

But the children who were born and raised as nobles made that

“What’s going to happen if I throw away that old thing? Besides, my

gift is much better.”

Whenever that happened, Blake would be furious and the maids

were fired immediately.

And because of their mistake, their family would also be dragged


However, those kinds of mistakes kept happening.

How can they be so stupid?

Instead of dealing with those troublesome maids, Blake didn’t even

memorize their names.

Those maids who were hoping to get a little closer to him were soon
fired one way or another.

But now, Camilla was also fired.

She thought that she would keep being by his side.

She was the second longest maid to serve the Crown Prince after
Melissa. But the Crown Prince still didn’t know her name.

Well, it wasn’t much of a surprise.

The Crown Prince spent most of his time in the Valley of Chaos and
at other times, he stayed in Amoria Palace.
Therefore, Camilla couldn’t meet Blake very often.

But she still didn’t give up and thought she would stand next to him
one day.

She thought that he would surely know the existence of a woman

who quietly stayed by his side.

Knowing that they shared a similar pain, it would open up a door to

his locked heart.

But now, Camilla couldn’t dream of that anymore.

She was eventually fired. The Crown Prince didn’t know her name

Camilla looked at the woman in front of her.

Rose, no, Ancia Raelle Geracillion.

She was the Crown Princess of the Empire and the woman Blake
had been looking for.

“I was in love with the Crown Prince.”

Camilla confessed the love she had hidden in her heart for five

Of course, everyone knew that, but it was the first time Camilla said
it out loud.

“I loved him more than anybody in this world.”

Countless people said that they loved Blake, but their love was all

They only liked Blake’s beautiful appearance, his status, excellent

swordsmanship and other things.
But she was different.

“I wasn’t attracted to his identity or ability. I loved him as Blake. My

heart wouldn’t change even if he was cursed again.”

Ancia looked at Camilla dryly.

She had read ‘The Beast and Lady.’

Ancia had already known it long back because of the novel.

Camilla desperately confessed her love in the original novel.

Not to Blake, but to Richard.

She loved Richard, so she used abusive words towards Blake and
loathed him.

“Why on earth would you keep that monster here? He’s a fallen soul!
Even though his curse has been lifted, the past didn’t change. You
need to send him to the Southern Island now”

Of course it wasn’t like that now. Now the one she loved was Blake,
not Richard.

But even considering that, it was hard to believe Camilla’s words.

“I hate you very much Rose. Do you know why?”

Camilla spoke to Rose, not the Crown Princess.

Her words were very rude, but Ancia didn’t care.

“I don’t know.”

“The day you came, he said, ‘Chelsea, take good care of Rose.’ He
hadn’t even remembered my name after five years, but he
memorized Chelsea’s name just because of you.”
The Crown Prince who came back from the Valley of Chaos brought
along an ugly woman with him from there.

Her words were a direct attack on me but I tried to ignore it.

“I thought he was an indifferent person, but turns out, he just wasn’t

interested in me. You will never know the misery I felt then.”

Camilla envied Ancia, but she didn’t hate her.

After all, she was already dead.

She was only a person from the past and couldn’t stand next to the
Crown Prince again.

When the fake Ancia appeared, everyone was alright with it except
for her. The Crown Prince was somehow cold to her.

Could she even get the chance to stand next to the Crown Prince?

She was a little nervous about that.

Then the real Ancia returned. The moment Camilla saw the Crown
Prince holding Ancia’s hand tightly, her envy turned into hatred.

“You’re such a lucky woman. Born as the oldest of the Bellacian

family, and then became the Crown Princess. Even though you’re
older than him, I envy you.”

If she wasn’t the third daughter, she would’ve had the chance to
become the Crown Princess.

If she was born as the oldest, she would be the one that the Crown
Prince loved now.

People praised the Crown Princess for taking care of him even
though he was cursed before.

But Camilla didn’t agree with them.

“If I was the girl of the blessing, I would get rid of his curse
immediately. Isn’t it a crime to turn blind eye even though you have
the power?”

Camilla thought that Ancia wasn’t a tough opponent.

Ancia was only lucky enough to have the power of light to lift his

If Camilla had that power, she would immediately lift his curse. In
fact, she was confident that her love for him was greater than that of

“Lady Vendrick, I won’t allow you to make any more rude remarks.”

Ancia said in a low voice.

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Chapter 124 – It’s a fraudulent marriage (5)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Camilla’s words seemed plausible when she heard it at first, but in

fact, her words all had hidden meanings.

At that time, no one thought that the Crown Prince’s curse would be
lifted, so Ancia went all out to lift his curse.

She didn’t take even a day off to relax and always kept an eye on his

But despite Ancia’s warning, Camilla kept talking.

“I’ve been with him longer than you have. But as soon as you came
back, I was kicked out. The world is unfair. No matter how hard you
try, your luck could run out soon.”

Ancia was irritated when she heard Camilla say that her effort was

She had worked so hard, but before she could reply, she heard
another voice.

“You talk too much.”

Camilla turned around in surprise.

“Your Highness…”

Blake stood in front of us.

Camilla called him with a pitiful voice, but Blake walked past her and
approached Ancia.

“So you went to the Amoria Palace…I was so startled when you
were gone.”

“I need to talk to her for a moment.”

Only then did Blake glance at Camilla.

“All the maids except Chelsea were fired, so why is she still here?”

“Did you know that I was a maid?”

Blake looked at her coldly, but Camilla was moved by the fact that he
recognized her.

At least he knew she was there, so her time wasn’t wasted.

But her expectations soon fell apart.

“The maid who tried to throw away Ancia’s dishes.”

Blake had no idea of Camilla’s nice deeds even though she had
served him for five years.

She was just remembered as the woman who bullied Rose. Camilla
was shocked.

“I don’t want my wife to feel burdened so I tried to end it with only

firing you. I should’ve gotten rid of you faster.”

Ancia was startled and called Blake’s name. Then, Blake smiled
affectionately at her.

‘So he had that side of him too…’

Camilla became sad. She couldn’t tell whether it was disappointment

or something else.

And on the other hand, her anger soared.

“I’m a maid of Forens Palace and I’ve stayed here for a long time.”

“Is that what you have to say about your rudeness just now?”

“I love you! I love you more than she ever did!”

Since Blake knew of her existence, she tried to confess.

As soon as she was notified of her dismissal, she wanted to say

those words that she couldn’t say before.

“Even if your curse hadn’t been lifted, I would’ve still loved you! I’m
the only one who will love you without hoping for anything in return!”

“Is this a joke?”

Blake spat out cynically.


“I’ve heard that a hundred times already.”

Camilla bit her lips. She knew that other women would’ve already
said that to him. But…

“I’m not like them! I mean it! I don’t have the power of light. But, I
would protect you with my life!”

“You overestimate yourself.”


“The things you do are your own efforts, while what others do are
mere luck?”

Blake looked at Camilla coldly.

“You’ll protect me? What a shallow thought.”


“You didn’t even know me back then when I was cursed. You don’t
even mean it.”

Camilla went pale.

She thought she understood Blake better than anyone else.

She thought Blake was similar to her, that he suffered a similar pain,
so only she could fully understand him.

But he said that Camilla had never even faced him properly.

“Get out of here right now. If you act disrespectful to Ancia again, I
will not forgive you.”

Blake left with Ancia after warning her.

Camilla, who was left alone, slumped to the ground as she sobbed.
Her unrequited love ended just like that.


Blake and I went back to the Forens Palace. Camilla shed tears until
the moment we left, but I didn’t feel sorry for her.

When I read the original novel, and even at this moment, I thought
Camilla had never been sincere.
In the original novel, she thought she could understand Richard’s
pain, and this time, he was replaced by Blake.

In the novel, Camilla was on the verge of being executed because of


But right when the guillotine was about to cut her throat, she
expected Richard to come to save her.

“I’m sure Richard will come to my rescue. I understand him. He will

come. There’s no way he would abandon a woman who really loves

But her expectations broke down in a terrible way, and her head was
sliced off by the guillotine.

Unlike the novel, the man Camilla chose this time was Blake. And
she was not unjustly executed. She was only fired.

Until now, she couldn’t tell exactly what she really felt.

“I’ll have to wash it.”

While I was lost in thought, Blake rubbed my earlobe and whispered.

“Wha-wash what?”

I shouted in a fit of surprise.

“You thought of something dirty huh? I meant that I need to wash

your ears.”

Oh, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have been surprised.

“It’s okay.”

“Don’t listen to things like that from now on. You don’t have to deal
with them.”
“Okay, I won’t do that next time.”

“I regret it. I should’ve gotten rid of her right away.”

“You’re joking, aren’t you?”

“…of course it’s a joke.”

Blake smiled awkwardly. I felt that he hesitated for a moment before

he answered, but maybe I was mistaken.

“You act a little different from before.”


“Is it because of me?”

I thought of Blake, who was always gentle back then.

If he had changed, I was probably the cause.

But Blake shook his head and denied it.

“I’ve never heard such a thing. Of course, I was a little sensitive back
then because I was worried about you, but I never acted too harshly,
so don’t worry.”

He smiled awkwardly like before.

“And don’t mind what she said.”

“Don’t worry. I forgot about it as soon as I heard it. The founding day
is just around the corner. There’s no time to care about anything

I really meant it.

Three days later, Blake would officially announce my return.

It was the first party I would attend in seven years ever since I
became an adult.

Of course, I was not directly in charge of the party since I was the
Crown Princess, but there was a mountain of things to prepare just
for my attendance.

“We’ll attend the party soon, so let’s enjoy it together.”

He held my hand as he said sweetly, as if he knew of my worries.

“And I’d like to ask you a favor.”

“Tell me.”

Blake smiled brightly.

“Are you aware of what I will be asking of you? What if I ask you for
a weird favour?”

“I don’t care. I’ll do whatever I can.”

I could do anything for Blake. Besides, I believed that he wouldn’t do

anything that could hurt me.

“Don’t. I hope my wife always puts herself first.”

His expression was sad. He was probably blaming himself for the
sacrifices I made for him.

No matter what I said, the guilt wouldn’t go away easily.

So instead of comforting him, I smiled brightly.

“You’ll do whatever I ask you to, right?”

“Of course.”

“But what can I do for you?”

“Please pick out your dress.”

“My dress?”

Does he mean my dress for the party?

He led me into the hall on the third floor, and I saw a row of beautiful

“Pick a dress for yourself. If you don’t like it, I’ll buy other dresses.”

“No, no. I like everything.”

In fact, the most agonizing thing was the dress.

It was a grand party to celebrate the founding day. At the same time,
it was also a place to announce my return.

But there was not enough time to create a dress.

It would be best to get an already completed dress and alter it.

But even if it was only modified, it would still be difficult to make a

dress for the occasion.

But as soon as I saw the dresses that filled the hall, my worries
disappeared in an instant.

I went closer and inspected the dresses. The fabrics and decorations
were all beautiful and looked as if they had prepared it carefully.

“How long have you been preparing this?”

“The day I brought you back to the palace.”

He was already planning to attend the founding day with me while I

was still Rose.
He did it secretly. If I knew he had prepared dresses for me to
choose, I would definitely refuse it.

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you for coming back.”

Blake wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I leaned against him
for a while.


When the problem of preparing the dress was solved, another

problem arose.

The dresses were all so pretty that I couldn’t choose one.

After much thought I chose only one dress and was going
downstairs, when I suddenly heard a loud noise.


A woman wearing a black academy uniform with her hair tied in a

ponytail was running towards me.

I exclaimed as soon as I saw her.


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Chapter 125 – It’s a fraudulent marriage (6)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Diana’s face had changed and she had lost her baby fat.

Her gentle eyes had become a little sharper, and she was also taller.

She changed a lot, but I could still recognize my sister at a glance.


Diana ran to me and gave me a big hug. I hugged my younger sister,

whom I finally met after a long time. I was surprised by the force she
put into the hug.

“Sister! Are you really sister? Are you really my older sister?”

“Yes, it’s me. I’m back, Diana.”

“Uwaa! S-s-sister. Uwaaa! Sister!”

I could feel the sadness and loneliness she had experienced in her

“I’m sorry, don’t cry. Don’t cry, Diana.”

“Yes, I won’t cry, Uwaa! Sister. Uwaa!”

But the more she tried to hold it in, the more she cried.

I gave her a big hug without saying anything.


Diana barely managed to calm down after crying for a long time.

I told her about what happened in those 7 years, like I did with

I spoke about my time inside the door of darkness brightly and said
that it wasn’t too hard. I didn’t know how much time had passed.
Diana quietly nodded her head.

I didn’t think she believed me completely, but she didn’t ask me to

explain more.

I appreciated her consideration even though she must’ve been very


My Diana, she really has grown up.

I held her hand tightly as I looked at the grown up Diana.

“Sister, why do you look so thin? Look at your slender wrists.”

I did look thinner than before but it was not that serious.

The Imperial doctor examined me just in case, and he said I was


Also, I had even more power of light than before, so I felt quite

“Your cheeks are chubby, but your fingers are all bones.”

Diana began to cry again. Physically, she had grown up, but she
looked exactly the same as when she was a kid when she cried.
“I’m fine. I heard it’s exam season. How did you do on your test?
Aren’t we going to see each other tomorrow?”

The test was important for her graduation score.

So I begged everyone to not let her know that I was back until the
test was over, but it seems that she still found out.

“Jayden told me. Brother-in-law also called me. They said I should
pay attention in my studies and told me to come after the test. But
that didn’t make sense! My sister is here, and I would get distracted
from my test instead!”

She raised her voice. I guess she was still getting along well with
Jayden. I was worried that she would lose all of her friends after
taking two years off from the academy, but I was mistaken.

“The test is important too. It’s the result of all your hard work.”

“I’m sorry…”

Tears streamed down Diana’s face. I held her in my arms and asked,
“What would you be sorry for?”

“I gave up on you before…I was going to search for you again after I
graduated, but I thought there was very little chance of finding you. I
shouldn’t have given up, I should’ve kept looking for you…I’m terribly

“How can you say that? I’m glad you’re doing so well. If you had
been looking for me all this time, I would be guilty instead.”

I was glad that Diana kept going to the academy. It was absurd for
her to apologize.


I wiped Diana’s tears and grinned.

“Diana, how’s your academy life? Is there anything uncomfortable?”

“Uncomfortable? Like what?”

“I heard you took a two-year leave of absence.”

I spoke out carefully.

Diana said she didn’t want to call younger children her senior, so she
studied hard to get into the academy a year earlier.

But since she took a two-year leave of absence, she must’ve been
one of the older students.

“What’s the big deal about taking a leave of absence? There are so
many people older than me.”

She noticed what I was worried about and said brightly.

“Did you make a lot of friends?”

“Yes, of course. Also, in the last exam, I was at the top of the class.”

“Good job. I’m so proud of you, my younger sister.”

In my previous life, I would run to my grandmother with excitement

when I got good grades. I liked my grandmother’s praise more than
the grades themselves.

But Diana was alone, and praises from friends were different from
that from family.

“I heard about our father.”

Shortly after I disappeared, Gilbert Bellacian died in exile.

“Did you have a hard time preparing the funeral alone?”

I was gone and Gilbert was dead. In addition, Diana’s biological
mother did not attend the funeral because she had already

Diana endured a situation that would have been difficult even for an

“No, His Majesty helped me. I didn’t do much. Besides, he deserved

to die.”

There was no sorrow or longing in her face for the loss of our father.

On the contrary, I could see a feeling of regret.

“In fact, I’m not in a position to speak ill of him.”


“I’m the only one who had a good room, wore good clothes, ate good
food, and got a good education. Honestly, I don’t have the right to
call you my sister. I’m too shameless.”

“It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.”

When Diana tried to side with me or give me her stuff, Gilbert would
get angry and beat me up instead.

There was nothing a young Diana could do in that situation.

“No, it’s my fault. Why couldn’t I do anything back then?”

“It’s natural to be scared. We were young back then.”

“Just because I was young, it doesn’t change anything. I was so

mean back then. So bad and mean.”

Diana bit her lips so hard that it started bleeding. She kept blaming
herself for seven years. No, even back then, she had felt guilty
towards me.
I took Diana’s hand.

I know that she had always felt guilty, but I didn’t know how to
comfort her.

Back then, I didn’t realize that I was Ancia, so I didn’t know what to

“…Ancia Bellacian doesn’t hate you.”

That’s all I could say to the young Diana when she cried back then.

But now I knew what to say, because I was Ancia. So I was able to
convey my thoughts.

“Diana, I don’t hate you.”


“I’ve never blamed you. You’re my only sister. I’ve always liked you.”


Diana burst into tears again. I hugged my lovely sister tightly.


“Are you leaving?”

When Diana left the Forens Palace, she heard Blake’s voice.

“Yes, I have one last exam left.”

“Good luck on your exam.”

“I’ll definitely graduate at the top of my class and become Ancia’s

knight with confidence.”
Diana’s eyes were swollen because she cried so much, but her
expression was full of joy because her sister had returned.

“I can’t wait. I don’t want to leave her to anyone else.”

Diana looked at Blake. His expression was brighter than before. The
dark atmosphere that surrounded him had disappeared, and he was
a lot like he was in his younger days.

“Your Highness, do you remember what you said before? When I

graduate at the top of my class, you agreed that we’d compete again
on who likes her the most.”

“I did.”

“I’ll admit it now. You win. I couldn’t protect her until the end.”

Diana thought that only a family would remember Ancia. She was so
out of it and said hurtful things to Blake back then.

But in the end, it was Blake who never gave up and found Ancia.

“You only say that now? I thought I was always the winner seven
years ago.”

Blake responded playfully.

“No, I never thought so before.”

Diana replied lightly.

“You know how much your sister cared for me. That means you’ve
admitted it for the second time.”

“Yes, but you’ll see. I will be the first in her heart someday.”

“You have an impossible dream.”

Diana laughed. If she had heard that as a child, she would’ve fought
with him.

However, she was grateful to Blake for telling her that he loved Ancia
more than anyone else.

“You’re blessed to be married to my sister.”

“I’m always grateful for it.”

Blake had never regretted a single moment after meeting Ancia.

If he hadn’t met her, he would’ve been in despair all his life. He

would’ve lived a meaningless life.

“And my sister got married to a great person too.”

Diana smiled sweetly. But Blake shook his head with a sad face

“No, she’s been through a lot because of me.”

Blake recalled the image of Ancia as she was walking endlessly in

the darkness. Blake was silent because he knew that was what
Ancia wanted, but he felt pained when he thought about her efforts.

Diana encouraged Blake warmly when she saw him blaming himself.

“She wouldn’t think so, and you can just be a good husband for her
in return.”

“Of course I should.”

He’d protect her smile and only happy days would be ahead of them
from now on.

“There’s something I really want to say to you.”

Diana hesitated to open her mouth.

“What is it? Tell me.”

“It’s late, but I sincerely congratulate you for breaking the curse.”

When Blake’s curse was lifted, she was shocked by Ancia’s

disappearance and couldn’t celebrate it.

Of course, she later apologized for it, but time went by without
celebrating it.

“Thank you.”

Blake smiled.

As Ancia returned, all the scars and sadness left between the two

“I’ll be on my way.”

“Yes, be careful.”

“I’ll take the exam tomorrow and come back!”

“Of course. Otherwise Ancia will be upset.”

“Don’t worry.”

Diana answered him while smiling brightly.

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Chapter 126 – It’s a fraudulent marriage (7)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The founding day had finally arrived.

“His Highness the Crown Prince has arrived! Her Highness the
Crown Princess has arrived!”

I entered the ballroom with Blake escorting me.

At that moment, everyone’s eyes were on us.

It was the first party I attended after a long time. I didn’t feel nervous,
just a bit overwhelmed.

I was attending the ball with Blake. I never thought this day would

I thought I would have to leave after Blake’s curse was lifted, so I

never imagined that I would be next to Blake when he stood proudly
in front of everyone.

But today, we were next to each other.

The nobles stepped back and made a path for us.

We walked ahead together.

Blake looked very confident and dignified today.

My heart fluttered when I saw him being different from his usual cute
and friendly appearance.

Tenstheon stood up from his seat and looked at us happily.

When we climbed onto the platform, Tenstheon gave me a light hug.

“You look very pretty today.”

“Thank you, father.”

Tenstheon smiled warmly, then turned around and looked at the


“The blessing of the Asteric Empire, the Crown Princess, and my

precious daughter, Ancia, has returned.”

When Tenstheon declared that the Crown Princess had returned, the
nobles all bowed their heads in unison.

“Congratulations on the return of the Crown Princess, the blessing of

the Empire.”

I saw Diana among the nobles. She was dressed in the knight
academy’s red robes.

Originally, the academy uniform was dark blue, but students who
won the top spot at least once were given red robes.

Diana said she hadn’t attended any party other than the academy’s
events since I disappeared. She didn’t even make her society debut.

So I wanted Diana to wear a dress today.

I offered many beautiful dresses that Blake had prepared for me, but
Diana refused by saying she hated them.
“Ugh, I can’t wear that. It’s so uncomfortable.”

It’s not because she didn’t want to borrow from me, but it was
because she really hated wearing it, so I didn’t force her.

I was a little disappointed, but I felt very proud when I saw her
wearing the academy uniform.

She looked even cooler because only top students could wear that
red robe.

Diana was the only woman wearing pants.

I looked at Diana proudly and told everyone.

“Thank you for your welcome. Please get up everyone.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

When I ordered them, the nobles raised their heads in unison.

Mrs. Chardin’s eyes were moist, and the other ladies who were close
to me also cried.

No, they were no longer ladies.

Next to them stood their husbands. Everyone had gotten married


Time had really passed by so quickly.

There were many new faces in the crowd. This was because after
the Duke of Cassil’s downfall, many other nobles had entered the
Palace now.

Almost all the nobles of the Empire were invited, but I didn’t see

Richard brought in the fake Ancia. So by law, he had to be punished.

Then again, she wasn’t just a fake. It was Serphania, the goddess of

Ser disappeared and Richard was investigated, but he said he didn’t

know anything and had no idea that she was the goddess of light.

Ser seemed to have completely deceived Richard.

What was her intention for finding Richard?

Anyway, even though Richard brought her, he didn’t do it to deceive

anyone. So I couldn’t punish him for this.

Richard was supposed to be the Marquis’ son-in-law, so he was

eligible to attend the ball with Lady Westin.

But neither Richard nor the Westin family were anywhere to be seen.

Why didn’t they come?

It was a grand party to commemorate the founding of the Asteric

Empire. There would be no place better than this to declare his
return to society.

He wouldn’t have missed this party. He wasn’t that kind of person.

He would’ve attended this party confidently.

If he was worried about public opinion, he would have used Lady

Westin to appeal his innocence.

Why didn’t he attend this party?

I had an ominous premonition.


The party began with praise for Phillip, the first Emperor of the
Asteric Empire.
But it was different this time.

We praised the goddess of light instead.

However, the nobles were distracted by my return and didn’t notice

the difference.

“Her Highness is still so beautiful.”

“Yes, I recognized her at first sight.”

“I’m glad she looks healthy.”

“His Highness is smiling!”

“I’ve never really seen His Highness like that.”

“I haven’t seen him smile in a long time.”

While everyone was thrilled to see that the Crown Princess had
returned safely and the Emperor and the Crown Prince were happy,
Chelsea nervously whispered to her father, Count Brooke.

“Father, you must tell His Highness everything.”

“Yes, don’t worry.”

“There should be no mistakes.”

Chelsea was the Crown Princess’s maid so she had been busy since

Ancia looked very beautiful wearing a sky blue dress.

“What do you think, Blake?”

“Pretty. Very pretty.”

Blake’s affectionate gaze didn’t stray off of Ancia for even a moment.
Chelsea couldn’t even see any traces of the cold Crown Prince.

But it wasn’t a bad change.

Chelsea gazed at Ancia and Blake with delight.

‘I want to get married too.’

For the first time in her life, she felt happy as she was preparing for
the ball. Suddenly, a voice rang out in the hallway of the palace.

“Edon, everybody’s going to look at her. What do I do? I want to dig

their eyes out.”

Chelsea was so frightened by his gruesome words that she hid

herself without realizing it.

Blake and Edon were talking in the hallway. He looked so friendly

and nice when he was with Ancia out there, but this Blake was very

Chelsea wasn’t the only one who was surprised. Edon was also
surprised and tried to dissuade him.

“Your Highness, please refrain from doing that.”

“If anyone wants to dance with her, I’ll cut off their wrist.”

“You can’t do that!”

“Then shall I just get rid of them now?”

“Your Highness!”

Blake really meant it. Edon desperately tried to stop him.

Cold sweat ran down on Chelsea’s back when she heard him.
In fact, there was a rumour about the Crown Princess. They said that
when someone attacked or tried to hurt Ancia, or even just
displeased her in some way, they would be cursed with misfortunes.

The Duke of Cassil and the Marquis of Hamel had acted recklessly
against the Crown Princess and now they were ruined. One of the
Empire’s prominent clothing stores, Perion, also collapsed overnight.

After Ancia disappeared, she heard that the people who used to
gossip about her were also punished.

Chelsea didn’t believe these stories.

The Duke of Cassil had crossed the line and acted rudely to the

Frank also made fun of Ancia, so it made the situation worse.

It was true that Mrs. Perion was criticized for making mean
comments to Ancia.

However, her store only went bankrupt when she wanted to expand
her business but failed to plan ahead. There was no correlation
between their collapse with the Crown Princess.

There were many women in the Palace who were said to have been
plagued by misfortune because they spoke ill of the Crown Princess.

But they were fired for throwing away the Crown Prince’s belongings.
Those were all natural consequences.

In the end, the rumour was just a conspiracy theory that involved
various events.

But now that she heard Blake speaking, she thought it might not be
just a rumor.

Come to think of it, Dix’s family also collapsed because they looked
down on Rose.
Yesterday, Camilla’s family, the Vendricks, were investigated for

‘If the Crown Prince dealt with every person who does harm to
Ancia, then that might explain the rumors…’

She understood what was happening now and she continued to


“What about deportation?”

“Please don’t!”

“You say no to everything. I think it’s best to just cut off the wrists of
anyone who flirts with Ancia.”

“Your Highness, please!”

Chelsea stopped listening to them talk.

She thought that Blake became cold and distant only after he lost his
loved one.

He was cold and didn’t open up his heart to anyone.

But maybe it wasn’t because of that.

‘Oh my god…’

The Crown Prince was simply a scary man.

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Chapter 127 – It’s a fraudulent marriage (8)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

It was not known whether or not the story about the Crown Princess
was really the work of the Crown Prince.

But it was clear that Blake would not let anyone approach her at
today’s ball.

As soon as Chelsea arrived at the ballroom, she walked over to her

father, Count Brooke, and her relatives.

“They cannot at any costs ask Her Highness to dance. Tell them to
be careful with their gaze too. They must be polite! Tell the other
men in our family too!”

When Chelsea said so, Count Brooke did not question her and told
his nephew and family to do as she said.

The ball had begun, but the tension in the room did not ease in the

“You remember what I said? Do not ask Her Highness to dance at

any cost.”

Chelsea warned repeatedly. The Crown Prince was, in fact, much

scarier than Tenstheon.
Especially when it came to Ancia.

Then, her cousin Thomas said, “Isn’t it going against the etiquette if I
don’t ask her to dance?”

Thomas grumbled, unable to take his eyes off Ancia.

He just wanted to dance with a pretty girl but used etiquette as an


Chelsea hit him on the back.

“Ah! That hurts!”

“When will you grow up, you rascal!?”

“So what!”

“If you goof off today, I’ll kick you out of the family register!”

Chelsea gave Thomas a firm warning.

She warned them again one more time before the event began.


When I first attended the palace ball, I was very nervous.

I quickly chose an elegant dress and memorized the list of nobles.

After that, I was worried that I might make a mistake during the ball.

I was afraid because my mistake would stain Blake’s reputation.

But now it was different. There was no need to worry about things
like that.

Even if I made a mistake, no one would underestimate Blake, the

honorable Crown Prince of the Asteric Empire.
However, I became nervous when the ball officially started.

I have to put my right foot out first. Don’t forget that, Ancia. Right

Don’t get distracted by the steps, concentrate on maintaining

balance. I have to maintain a consistent distance from my partner.
Don’t rush!

I can’t do this. Let’s review it again. Right foot, left foot, forward and
backward, turn…

And, uh, what was it?

All of a sudden, I couldn’t think of any of the steps that I had just
memorized and my mind went blank.

What if I make a mistake? I hope I won’t fall. If I step on his foot…

Of course, even if I made a mistake that didn’t mean that Blake’s

reputation would turn to dust.

But I didn’t want to be humiliated with so many people watching.

“Don’t worry.”

Blake said gently as if he had read my mind.

“But what if I fall down? So many people are watching…”

“Should I make them bow their heads the whole time?”


“I’ll eliminate everything you don’t like.”

“Don’t do that. It will go down in history.”

I didn’t want to read any history books with an anecdote of a prince
who made all of the ball attendees bow down the whole time, just
because his wife didn’t want to humiliate herself.

“And I don’t mind if you step on my foot. You’re like a fairy, as light as
a feather.”

He told me the same thing as when we were young.


“Yeah. Besides, everyone’s so busy looking at you that they don’t

even care about your steps. I’m afraid everyone has a crush on you.”

I would’ve hated it if someone else said that, but it sounded sweet

coming from Blake.

Was it because of his innocent appearance, or because they were

my husband’s words that I felt good?

The melody of an elegant waltz filled the ballroom.

We held hands together, and after taking a deep breath, I took the
first step with my right foot without making a mistake.

It was finally time for our first dance.

When the dance began, I was so happy to be dancing with Blake

that I didn’t care about my steps or movements at all.

Back then, we practiced while looking at the moon in the palace hall,
dreaming of the day we would attend the ball together.

After I returned to my original body, I practiced every day, preparing

for this dance.

Maybe that’s why my body remembered the steps without having to

think about them.
I relaxed and danced freely, following the flow of the music.

I wanted to share my first dance with Blake at the ball, but I thought it
would be an impossible dream.

Since his curse had to be lifted if he wanted to escape the shabby

palace and attend the ball, he needed Diana’s power of light.

So I thought that there would be someone else next to Blake even if

the day came.

Yet now, we were still together.

I pulled off the most difficult steps with ease, and soon, the dance
came to an end.

Even though it had come to an end, my heart still hadn’t stopped


I was so happy to be the one standing next to Blake that I couldn’t

calm down.

“It’s like a dream.”

“I think so too.”

“What if it’s really a dream?”

What if I was still wandering in the darkness and this was all an

Fear gripped my heart when that thought suddenly flashed through

my mind.

“It’s not a dream.”

Blake hugged me tightly. Feeling his warm body temperature, my

rapidly beating heart calmed down a little.
“That’s right. It’s not a dream.”

We stood in each other’s embrace while the melody of the beautiful

waltz gradually diminished and ended.

After the first song ended, it was time to switch partners for the next

“It’s alright now.”

I smiled brightly to reassure Blake, but he stood next to me


It was not polite to dance more than one time with the same partner.

I was thinking about what to do, when I heard Tenstheon’s voice.

“Blake, remember to follow the etiquette.”

The Crown Prince of the Empire could not ignore the Emperor’s
words. Blake turned to look at Tenstheon.

“Your Majesty, are you going to dance too?”

Tenstheon quickly replied without a hint of hesitation.

“Yes. I’ve already waited many years after you had your first dance.”

I was originally supposed to dance with Tenstheon at the first ball I


But Tenstheon knew I wanted to dance with Blake for my first dance
so he didn’t force me.

That was already 10 years ago…

Tenstheon said so, but Blake stood still and refused to yield.

I released Blake’s hand and looked at Tenstheon.


Blake looked shocked when I chose His Majesty. I felt bad seeing his
expression, but I couldn’t help it this time.

“I promised my father a long time ago.”

“Blake, get out of the way.”

Tenstheon always gave Blake everything he wanted, but this time,

he refused to give in.

“Ancia, will you dance with me?”

Tenstheon held his hand out and politely asked me for a dance. I
smiled brightly as I took his hand.

“Of course.”

I started my second dance with Tenstheon.

His steps were perfect.

I could see why Mrs. Shardin said that I always danced according to
the texbook.

I had never danced with anyone other than Blake. I didn’t even
practice with anybody else.

So my dance moves were tailored to match Blake only. It was the

same for Blake too.

Yet, Tenstheon led me perfectly.

Not only did he dance well, he was also able to improve his partner’s

Even if someone didn’t know anything about dancing, they’d look like
a good dancer when dancing with him.
“Ancia, what’s wrong.”

“I’m just surprised because you dance so well.”

“What are you talking about?”

Tenstheon grinned and continued.

“I’m so glad you’re back.”

“I’m happy to be able to dance with you too.”

“No, it’s my honor.”

Thanks to Tenstheon leading, I was able to finish the second dance

without making any mistakes.

At the end of the second song, Tenstheon bowed slightly. It was a

perfect finish.

After we finished dancing, I could feel the envious gazes of several

women who wanted to be in my position on me. However, Tenstheon
no longer danced and returned to his original position.

The next song also begun. Then, someone I had never expected
came to me.

“Will you give me the honor of dancing with Your Highness?”


I was surprised. I never thought Diana would ask me for a dance.

Although she wore pants today, there had never been a precedent of
two girls dancing together in an official ball.

People around me kept chattering, but Diana stood confidently.

“Sister, this is the first dance of my life. Don’t refuse it.”

If everyone heard about it and I refused her offer, people would talk
about her.

I took Diana’s hand and accepted the dance request, but I still felt

“How can you dance with me for your first dance!?”

I whispered in her ear.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“For your first dance, you should dance with someone you like.”

There was Jayden and the other cool guys from the Knights
Academy. There would certainly be someone who liked Diana
among them.

Whoever it was, it would be better to dance with them than with me.

But Diana responded quickly.

“You are the person I like most.”


“The music had started. Are we going to stand like this?”

If we didn’t start moving, we would bump into someone else.

I sighed and held her hands as we danced to the waltz.

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Chapter 128 – It’s a fraudulent marriage (9)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Diana seemed like a natural as she led me. Of course, she was no
match for Tenstheon or Blake.

But her dancing skills were still remarkable.

“Since when have you been practicing?”

Diana had dance classes when she was young, but that was for the
women’s position. She had never learned how to dance in the men’s

“I practiced really hard yesterday.”


“Yes, I wanted to dance with my sister.”

I couldn’t believe that she was this good after practicing just one day.
I couldn’t even do the basic steps even after working hard for a long

Was this the difference between a talented person and a normal

This was my third dance, but maybe because I was dancing with my
younger sister, I felt relaxed. I looked at Diana.

“Diana, you’re so tall now.”

I noticed it when we met, but standing so close like this I couldn’t

help but realize that she really had grown much taller. She could
easily be over 170cm.

“I’m the tallest girl in my class.”

There was no particular description of her height in the original story.

Unlike the original story, however, she seemed to have grown way
taller while training and attending the Academy of Knights.

When we were young, I was the tallest among the three, but now I
was the shortest.

“I envy you.”

“You’re cute because you’re small.”


It didn’t comfort me at all to hear my younger sister say that.

“Oh, sorry!”

As I was sulking, I lost focus and accidentally stepped on Diana’s


“It’s okay.”

Diana smiled and pulled my waist.

“But please focus a little more. It’s my first dance.”

I couldn’t ruin Diana’s first dance.

After finishing the dance, Diana bowed gracefully.

“It was an honor. Your Highness.”

“It was an honor for me too, Countess Bellacian.”

After Diana left, other men approached me. I didn’t know much about
them except for their names and family.

Which of them should I choose?

I was worried about whom I should dance with, and whether or not I
would be able to dance well, when Blake took my hand.

“Ancia, will you dance with me?”

“Dancing with the same person is against etiquette.”

“Just the last time.”

Blake grumbled cutely.

To be honest, the moment he held my hand, my nervousness

disappeared and I felt at ease. But etiquette was etiquette.

I was still wondering what to do, but then Blake turned his head and
looked at the men that asked for a dance.

At that moment, the men’s faces turned pale and they hurriedly left
with their tails tucked between their legs.

What kind of facial expression did he make?

“Blake, what have you done?”

“I didn’t do anything.”
He said gently. Just looking at his expression, he looked really
harmless. However, the expressions of the men that just left showed
that it was not true.

Well, it didn’t matter.

I wouldn’t have to deal with the hassle of having to refuse other

people’s requests for a dance everytime anymore. Besides, I wanted
to dance with Blake again.

It was the first beautiful moment I experienced in seven years so it

was okay to forget the rules for a while.

In the end, the two of us danced together for a long time.

Even after the song ended, we didn’t change partners and looked at
each other only.


When I came back to my seat to take a rest after dancing, people

rushed over to me as if they had been waiting.

“Your Highness, I’m glad you’re back.”


“It’s an honor to meet you, Your Highness.”

Some people were glad to see me after a long time, while others
were new faces.

I was grateful to them for welcoming me after 7 years and glad to

meet them again. But I was a little tired from talking to so many

So I headed to the terrace to relax, but Blake approached me and

whispered in my ear.
“Ancia, let’s go.”

“What? Where?”

Where were we going when the ball hadn’t even finished?

“You promised.”


“Let’s watch the fireworks.”


“Melissa and Hans will be in the square, right?”

“Yeah. They’re probably watching fireworks in the square by now.”

“We can do that too, right?”

“Of course. Let’s take a look at the square.”

When we were young, we promised each other to go to the festival

together and I asked him to watch the fireworks with me in the

He didn’t forget our promise.

“But if we leave…”

We were at the ball now. Even if the other nobles didn’t notice, the
Crown Prince and Crown Princess could not go out until the ball was

“It will be the biggest firework festival in the history of the Empire. I
prepared it specially for you. Won’t you watch it with me?”

Blake looked at me with a pitiful expression.

Seeing his pitiful eyes, I couldn’t find any words to refuse him.
Besides, I also wanted to see the fireworks.

Of course, there were fireworks in the palace, but watching them in

the square was different.

I looked at Tenstheon. Tenstheon was talking to Collin. He turned his

head and stared at me.

He gestured briefly, the corners of his mouth gently rising.

Father knows…

“Okay, let’s go.”

I smiled broadly and took hold of Blake’s hand.


We sneaked out of the ballroom. Then, I took off my fancy dress and
shoes, changed into casual clothes, and headed to the square.

The square was already crowded with thousands of people.

Blake held my hand firmly. He grinned and said, “I need to make

sure I don’t lose my wife.”

“Am I a child?”

“Well, you’re still a baby in my eyes.”

He tapped my cheek.



I couldn’t believe he said that.

Come to think of it, Diana did the same thing a little while ago. They
were the cute ones back then…how did I end up being told that I
was cute by the little ones?

I was definitely a reliable and cool wife…

“Let’s go.”

“Where to?”

“We’re supposed to see it from the front.”

The square was crowded with people, but if we identified ourselves,

we would get a view in the front. But I shook my head.

“We can see it from here.”

Those who were at the front had waited since morning to see the
fireworks from a good position. I didn’t want to take their place.

“There’s a VIP seat in front of us.”

Blake pointed to the seats.

Like he said, there was a luxurious space prepared for the nobles.

Since the Asteric Empire valued people of status, there would be

special seats provided for the nobles at any event.

But I shook my head again this time.

“It’s better here.”

If we sit, we will feel comfortable, but we’ll attract attention. So it’s no

different from seeing it at the Palace.

I wanted to enjoy the festive mood.

The square was crowded with family, lovers, and friends.

Even now, I could hear people talking all over the place, but they
were engrossed in the camaraderie and didn’t care about us.

Seven years ago, and even a while ago, I couldn’t even dream about

Blake had the curse of the goddess, and I had my burn scars.

Back then, if we didn’t cover ourselves with masks, we would be

anxious to stand in front of people and have to deal with many
contemptuous gazes.

Today, I wanted to enjoy the festival without any attention.

It was much better to see Blake standing proudly next to me.

“Okay, we’ll do what you want.”

We held hands tightly and looked up at the sky.

After a while, the fireworks went off. Beautiful fireworks covered the
black sky.


“Wow, that’s amazing.”

“Mom, look at that!”

The sound of fireworks and people’s admiration filled the spacious


I saw fireworks in the palace before, but It felt different when I saw
them in the square.

The sound of fireworks and the stars looked very clear.

In addition, it was several times more grand and splendid than usual
as the national founding day was a celebration of a millennium.
“Wow…It’s pretty, isn’t it?”

When I turned my head, I saw Blake staring at me.

“Yes, pretty.”

“What are you doing? You should look at the fireworks.”

“My wife is prettier.”

He held my shoulders.

“Look at the fireworks. We can see it anytime, but we can’t see such
big fireworks unless it is at this moment.”

There were fireworks at every festival, but fireworks of this scale

were rare.

“…Blake, I’m not leaving anymore.”

“I know. Even if you try to leave, I’ll never let you.”

Blake took my hand in his. I smiled slightly and leaned my head on

his shoulder.

“I don’t even want to leave.”



“Make a promise.”

“I promise.”

I hooked my pinky finger around his.

It was not a white lie this time.

We would continue to be next to each other from now on.
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Chapter 129 – It’s a fraudulent marriage (10)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

After we hooked our pinky fingers together, Blake kissed me.

It wasn’t the kind of kiss that barely touched the lips, rather, it was a
real adult’s kiss.

We shared each other’s temperature for a long time, and as soon as

we stopped, a huge firecracker exploded with a loud sound.

The dark sky shone brightly.

The splendid firework show was suitable for the big festival.

As the twinkling lights slowly disappeared, the atmosphere became


“It’s over.”

By the time we were done kissing, the fireworks had ended. How
long had we been doing that for?

“I didn’t see it properly…”

“Should I ask them to start the fireworks again?”

Blake asked affectionately.

“It’s alright.”

“Tell me if you want to see it again. I’ll do whatever my wife wants.”

Hearing him speak so confidently, I was deeply moved.

It seemed like yesterday when we saw the fireworks in the attic of

the small palace, but now his status had risen to the point where he
could conduct a festival as he pleased.

He was the Crown Prince of the Empire, who was acknowledged by


“It’s okay. Let’s see it again next year.”

After the fireworks ended, people left one by one. But even after
everyone left, we stood there.

We had made this promise seven years ago.

I looked at the pitch-black night sky while I leaned into his embrace.

“Blake, when you married me, wasn’t it a bit disappointing?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Your marriage partner was me.”

“What does that mean?”

“I know that Diana was your first love.”

Back then, even if I knew it, I pretended not to know. But I said it this
time. I didn’t know myself why I suddenly brought this up.


Blake sounded angry. I looked at him in amazement


“My first love is Diana?”

“…isn’t that right?”

“Since when have you been thinking about such nonsense?”

Since when…

That was what I thought from the beginning. After all, that was what
it said in the original story.

Blake liked Diana, and after finding that out, Tenstheon let him marry
the Bellacian family.

Gilbert Bellacian did not want to send his beloved Diana to the
cursed crown prince, but he wanted the huge wedding gift.

That’s why Ancia was sent to the palace instead.

“Didn’t you marry me because you failed to get married to Diana?”

“No, it was you from the beginning. Ancia, I got married because it
was you. If it were someone else, I would have refused.”

“It wasn’t Diana, but me…?”

Come to think of it, the Emperor didn’t really specify whom to marry
in the original story.

Considering the situation, I naturally thought it was Diana, since she

was the same age as Blake and she was cherished by the Count of

Furthermore, Diana was the main character, so I never doubted it.

But that wasn’t it…?

“I told you I like you from the beginning. I told you that you were the
only one. You didn’t believe me? Did you think I liked Diana? Is that
why you wanted to leave?”

I had never seen Blake be this angry. It must’ve been a big


As soon as I tried to apologize to him, cold drops of water dripped on

my face.

Huh? Is it raining?

As soon as I realized that it was raining, the raindrops that had been
dripping down slowly one by one began to pour heavily.

The heavy rain soaked our clothes in an instant.

The wind was cold and the temperature dropped as it rained. At this
rate, we would get stuck before we even reached the Imperial

“Let’s go over there.”

Frustrated by the sudden situation, Blake pointed at the hotel next to

the square.

That was the biggest hotel in the capital city.

I nodded and we entered the hotel without wasting any time.


As we entered the hotel, the manager led us to the suite on the top
floor as if he had been waiting.

“Did you make a reservation?”

All the accommodations were fully booked because of the festival.

There couldn’t have been such a nice room left.
“Yes. If there were too many people and the VIP seats were
uncomfortable, we would watch it here.”

I looked out the window. The night view was beautiful since it was
the best hotel in the capital city.

Although it was now covered by the heavy rain, the square was still
slightly visible.

Blake held my hand firmly as soon as we arrived at the square.

He remembered that I said crowded places were scary, so just in

case, he reserved a hotel right next to the square.

“Should we have seen it from here?”

I shook my head.

“I like it here, but I’d still prefer to see it in the square.”

We could enjoy fireworks comfortably if we saw them at the hotel,

but we would’ve missed the festive atmosphere.

“That’s a good thing.”

“…Blake, are you angry?”

Blake’s expression had been stiff ever since I brought up Diana’s


He shook his head at my question.

“No, but you are my first and my last love. Don’t forget that.”

“Okay, I won’t forget it.”

Blake’s stiff expression relaxed and he smiled brightly.

“You’re going to catch a cold. Go ahead and wash up.”

Now he didn’t have any curse. However, I was still worried about

I pretended to rub Blake’s face to see if he had a fever, but he took

my hand.

“It’s cold. Go inside first.”

Unlike when he was young, now his hands were warm.

He was no longer a fragile little boy.


I went into the bathroom first. After taking a quick shower, I told
Blake to wash up.

Blake went into the bathroom, and I was left alone in the large hotel

I sat on a chair in front of the window in my bathrobe and looked

down at the view.

The rain was stronger than before, so there was nothing to be seen
except the darkness, rain hitting the windows, and dim street lights.

The stalls and shops were closed and people left the square.

I was surprised by the sudden rain, but I was glad that the fireworks
were over.


I could hear the door open.

When I turned my head, I saw Blake wearing a black bathrobe.

I was at a loss for words.

Blake felt really different.

This was not the Amoria Palace where we spent our childhood

It was not the Foren Palace that was full of things I picked when I
was a kid either.

Is it because this place is completely disconnected to my memory?

When I was young, I often saw his naked body when I helped him
take a bath.

I used to check his body every day, worrying that the curse might
have spread.

However, when Blake appeared in front of me wearing only a

bathrobe, it felt really different.

The silver-haired man stood tall and faced me with an indescribable

gaze. I met his gaze but quickly looked away without realizing it.

“Why are you avoiding my eyes?”


Blake came close to me.


And then he touched my hair.

“It’s wet.”

Originally, I should have dried it in the bathroom.

But Blake was also soaked in the rain, so I hurried out because I
wanted him to warm up with a hot shower as soon as possible.

“Ah, I’ll go dry it.”

As soon as I was about to get up from the chair, he grabbed my

shoulder and made me sit down again.

“I’ll dry it.”

“It’s alright…”

“I want to do it.”

I ended up sitting on the chair. Blake stood behind me and dried my


His long fingers swept through my hair slowly.

“Today wasn’t a very good day, was it?”

“No, it was like a dream.”

I got up at dawn and was busy preparing for the dance. But even
though it was raining heavily, the day felt really good.

It’s just that my body felt a little weird.

I was extremely conscious of Blake’s presence and my head went

blank every time his fingers touched my hair or the back of my neck.
My body was also heating up.

In order to hide my condition, I answered curtly and quickly shut my


Both of us became silent, and the sound of rain outside the window
filled the room.

This time, Blake broke the silence.

“Ancia, how much longer do I have to wait?”

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Chapter 130 – It’s a fraudulent marriage (11)

TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“Wait for what?”

“You were supposed to talk to me casually. I’ve been waiting until


Before leaving for the Door of Darkness, I asked Blake to wait a little
longer because it was still awkward.

I didn’t think much of it back then. However, 7 years had already

passed since I said that.

“Maybe later…”

But I said the same thing again that I said in the past.

A thousand years ago, I had been friends with Rakshul. However,

after he was reincarnated, it was awkward to speak casually and
that’s why I continued to use honorifics.

I think I became more polite because I was used to living as Rose.

“Should I dye my hair?”

Blade suddenly said.

“Dye your hair?”

“Yes. I had a strange dream a few days ago.”

“What did you see in it?”

“We were walking in the woods, and you spoke to me very casually.
Like a friend.”


“But the strange thing is, my hair was black.”

Did he dream of his past life? I looked away in surprise. Blake

continued to stare at me.

“If my hair turns black, will my wife talk to me comfortably?”

“…do you want me to speak casually?”

“Yes. I want to be friends with my wife.”

Blake took my hand and kissed it.

I looked into Blake’s eyes.

When I saw him after he came out of the bathroom, I turned my head
away for some reason. But now I didn’t want to avoid him anymore.


I touched his face as I replied.

My hand trailed down from his forehead, and I traced his cheeks,
lips, chin, and neck, and chest as I went lower.

“…Blake, can I check?”

Suddenly, I wanted to check his body.

“Do you know what you’re talking about?”

“I want to see if the curse really has been lifted.”

I wanted to see with my own eyes whether or not the Curse of the
Goddess really had been lifted.

But Blake remained silent for a while.


“I’m no longer a child.”

He grabbed my hand that was on his chest.

“Did you miss me?”

“Yes, I missed you.”

I nodded without hesitation.

Blake let go of my hand and took off his bathrobe.

He cut a slender figure when he was clothed, but when he took off
his clothes, his firm muscles harmonized with each other and made
him look like an ancient statue.

But rather than the muscles, I noticed that the sentences of the curse
had completely disappeared.

The curse really had been lifted. I already knew it, but it really hit me
when I saw it in person.

I reached for Blake’s body.

As soon as my hand touched his body, Blake pulled me closer by my

waist and kissed me. I slid my arms around his neck and accepted
the kiss.
Blake kissed me roughly and bit my lower lip.

I shuddered with surprise at the sudden stimulus, but he didn’t stop

and continued to kiss me on my chin and neck.

His lips gradually travelled lower, and the robe that was covering my
body came untied.



I woke up with a groan. Why did my whole body feel so sore? Ah!

The moment I saw a handsome man lying next to me, I woke up and
remembered what happened last night.

Oh, oh, Oh, oh, oh…!

It was my first experience.

I had never done it before, whether it was in Korea or a thousand

years ago.

I’m so embarrassed…

How was I supposed to face Blake from now on?

What to do? What to do? What to do?!!

I couldn’t think of anything because my face was heating up.

Let’s get dressed first!

I looked down and saw a pure white chemise draped over my body.

When did I wear it? Did Blake put it on me?

“Wife, did you sleep well?”


I shouted in surprise at the sudden sound.

“Why are you so surprised?”

Blake looked at me as he smiled innocently.

The beast-like man from last night had disappeared and turned back
into an innocent rabbit.

‘Was it a dream?’

Yes, my husband was the cutest and most innocent. There was no
such thing as a wild and beast-like husband.

But the soreness I felt was clear evidence that last night was real.

I pulled the blanket towards me and covered myself.

“You’re pulling it off as soon as you wake up?”

He looked up at me and blinked innocently with his big eyes.

“I pulled the blanket! Don’t leave that word and make it sound so

“But it’s embarrassing if you pull it off like that.”


Putting my husband’s true nature aside, it was Blake who was

supposed to cover himself with a blanket now.

“Go to sleep.”

I tried to cover him up again, but he pulled my hand.

“But I don’t find it embarrassing if I hold your hand like this.”

He said and gently lowered his eyes as if he was embarrassed. His
face was also flushed.

In the past, looking at my husband being shy I’d find him so cute that
I would’ve hugged him right away.

But now, I still remembered what happened last night vividly.

“Ancia, tell me what you want.”


“If you don’t tell me, I won’t know.”

Just thinking about what happened at that time made my face burn

‘It was no use pretending to be naive now.’

I knew my husband’s true nature.

The rabbit was actually a beast in disguise!

I thought I had married a rabbit, but he had tricked me. This was a
fraudulent marriage!

I glared at him without saying anything, while he crept into his

blanket and covered himself.

“I feel shy seeing my wife like that.”


That’s why he knew everything! He pretended to be innocent, but I

wouldn’t be fooled anymore!

I stared at him, finding it ridiculous, as he took my hand and led me

onto the bed.
When I lay down next to him again, Blake stared at me.

“Are you mad at me?”

He didn’t do anything wrong. I was embarrassed by what happened

last night, but honestly I liked it.

However, I was under the impression that my husband was an

innocent rabbit, so I felt a small sense of betrayal. It felt as if he was
not a mere fox, but a thousand year old gumiho instead.

“You fox.”

“Do you like foxes now? You want to raise a fox? Should I become a

“You’re already a fox.”

“What does that mean?”

He opened his innocent eyes widely.

His expression was the same as when he was young.

I didn’t know how he hid his true nature all this time.

But no matter how hard I thought about it, it was useless. He only
revealed his true nature last night!

I knew now. He was not a rabbit!

“But what were you talking about before? You left me hanging last


Last night…

“Blake, please…”

“D-do it!”

My face flushed when those words came out of Blake’s mouth.

Yes, I did. I said that. But…!


“Come here.”

He hugged me in embarrassment.

“Let’s just stay like this.”

“We have to go back to the palace.”

“I’ll make it short.”

“…it’s too late. Let’s go.”

I still felt awkward speaking informally, but it was better than before.

“Let’s stay just a little longer.”

But even though Blake said that, he wouldn’t let me go.

“…it must’ve stopped raining.”

Bright sunlight filtered in through the closed curtains. I couldn’t hear

the sound of the rain anymore.

“That’s right.”

“Shall we walk to the palace?”

“Your legs will hurt.”

“Then just to the square.”

If it didn’t rain yesterday, we would’ve enjoyed the festival after
watching the fireworks and looked around the stands and shops.

Of course, we had made other memories instead, but it still felt like a
wasted opportunity.

“Let’s do that.”

Blake kissed me on the cheek and said, “Would you like a candy

“No need.”

The candy apple which rolled to the floor back then came back to
mind again.

“I’ll feed you so that it doesn’t fall down.”

I was about to say that I was not a child, but Blake rubbed my lips
slowly. I felt strange.

“L-Let’s go.”

As I tried to get up to hide my red face, Blake hugged me tightly.

“But I don’t want to leave.”

“Me neither.”

I relaxed in his arms.

As I felt Blake’s warm body temperature, my shyness gradually

dissipated and my heart began to beat rapidly instead.

Blake really seemed to be my man, and I felt like I was his woman
Sign in

Chapter 131 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Richard was going to attend the ball today and make a splendid
comeback into society.

He had been waiting for this day for seven years now.

The Cassil family fell into ruin, and so did Richard’s life.

Although Richard was the son of a traitor, he was the only nephew of
the Emperor.

If Frank and Neon survived, there still would’ve been nobles who felt
sorry for their situation and offered to help. But Richard was treated
differently because he didn’t have the silver hair that was the symbol
of the Imperial Family but had the blood of the Roums. He was only
subject to looks of mockery and contempt instead. Richard gritted his

‘I will become the Emperor.’

He decided that he would surely rise to the highest position in the

Empire and get revenge on all of the people who despised him.

And today was the beginning of a great history.

His plan was perfect.

He built a good image for himself through the orphanage, and was
set to be the next Marquis after marrying Sophia, the only daughter
of the Marquis of Westin.

Sophia was the fiancee of his half-brother, Frank Cassil, but it didn’t
matter much.

Moreover, Richard made a great contribution in the search for the

long lost Crown Princess.

Therefore, it was only natural for him to be the main character of this

He would use this ball to imprint his position in society and take the
first step toward becoming Emperor of this Empire.

If Ancia had poisoned Blake according to Richard’s brainwashing,

the Crown Prince would soon die.

Richard would be suspected if Ancia was found to be the culprit, but

he had already prepared a countermeasure.

After Richard married Sophia Westin, he planned to keep a distance

from Ancia.

But Richard’s plan went down the drain in an instant.

Ancia was a fake. The news came to him like a bolt out of the blue.

Richard urgently tried to grasp the situation.

Rose was the real Ancia and had returned to her original form.
Richard could not find any other information except that the fake
Ancia had disappeared.

The palace knights stormed in and dragged Richard away. He didn’t

even get a moment’s rest before he underwent intensive

The nightmare from seven years ago seemed to be repeating again.

He was released safely after he proved that he did not intentionally

bring the fake, but one problem still remained.

‘What happened to the poison?’

Richard had ordered the fake Ancia to poison Blake. However, no

investigation had been conducted in regards to the poison.

Did they not know about it yet? Or were they just pretending to not

There was very little chance that it was the latter. After all, there was
no reason for Tenstheon to be lenient towards Richard.

That fake Ancia had disappeared without saying anything.

‘What did she do with the poison I gave her? Did the fake take it? Or
maybe she left it in the palace, but it hadn’t been discovered yet?’

It was not a problem that he could solve just by thinking about it.

The Imperial family was looking for the missing fake Ancia. If she
was caught, all the facts would be discovered in the end.

Richard had to find her before the Imperial family did. Otherwise, he
would be completely done for.

Richard desperately tried to find the fake Ancia.

She was under his brainwashing, so she couldn’t have gone far
alone. But he couldn’t find her.

Let alone traces, Richard couldn’t find anything at all.

‘Oh my god. Where the hell did she disappear?’

Richard gritted his teeth. However, there was a report that the fake
had been found.

He immediately ran to the square where the fake Ancia was reported
to have been sighted.

The square was packed with people who came to see the fireworks.

‘Where is she? Where is she? Don’t get caught!’

Fireworks erupted and lit up the night sky beautifully, but Richard
pushed his way through the crowd without even sparing a glance for
the fireworks.

“There she is!”

Connin, Richard’s new black mage cried.

“Keep your voice down.”

Richard said coldly.

He knew that they were acting in secret, yet he screamed as if he

wanted to announce their movements to the whole world.

“I’m sorry.”

Connin apologized and covered his mouth.

He was very lacking compared to Domiram.

For the past seven years, Richard had tirelessly searched for a black
mage to replace Domiram, but had yet to find the right one.

Connin was one of the best, but he made many mistakes because
he was still young.

When can I find someone useful…

But now was not the time to think about that.

Richard turned to the direction in which Connin pointed.

A blonde woman was watching the fireworks as her green eyes

twinkled. Richard’s heart sank the moment he saw the woman.

It was Ancia.

It was not a fake that looked similar to her, but the woman who tied a
handkerchief to his mother’s grave.

Richard thought his feelings had died down.

In the midst of his miserable reality, he thought that all useless

feelings like fantasizing about having family and the compassion he
felt for the first time in his life had already scattered like dust. But that
wasn’t the case.

The reason why he didn’t feel anything special when he reunited with
the fake Ancia was because she was literally a fake.

As soon as he saw the real Ancia, he began to feel a deep desire to

possess her.

“Shall we capture her?”

Connin whispered solemnly, but Richard was dumbfounded.

“You idiot! Does she look like the fake to you?”

After being scolded by Richard, Connin looked at Ancia again.

He was surprised when he saw the Crown Prince Blake standing

beside her. So she was the real Crown Princess?

“Is she the real one? But they really look alike.”
Connin knew her face because he cast a brainwashing spell on the
fake Ancia. And their faces were exactly the same.

He heard that real and fake faces resembled each other a lot, but he
didn’t expect them to be similar to that extent. They looked
completely identical.

“I’m sorry.”

“You fool.”

Richard looked at Ancia as he repressed his raging anger.

Ancia and Blake looked at each other affectionately and conversed

lightheartedly. Then, Blake kissed her.

Under the fireworks bursting in the night sky, Richard could clearly
see the two kissing.

Richard clenched his fist so tight that his fingernails dug into flesh.

His blood began seething with unbearable rage.

‘She is my woman!’

She is my woman. She had to be my woman.

Other than the desire to possess Ancia, he seemed to be more

angry seeing Ancia being stolen by Blake.

“I hate you.”

At that moment, a woman’s voice rang in Richard’s ears.


“I hate you.”
Richard frowned and covered his ears with his hand. The woman’s
voice ran in his ears again.

Last night in the square, he heard a woman’s voice and his head
began to ache terribly. He eventually managed to return home with
Connin’s help.

‘What’s wrong with me?’

Richard had often experienced this in recent years. Not only did he
have auditory hallucinations, but he also dreamed of strange things.

A woman appeared in the dream. At first he thought it was Ancia, but

it wasn’t.

Her name was Laontel.

She had the same name as Laontel Bellacian, a mage of light who
had made a great contribution in the founding of the Asteric Empire.

Even though their name was the same, there was no possibility of
her being the same person as Laontel Bellacian.

There was little record of her. There was not even a single portrait to
be found.

It was impossible to dream of a person who lived a thousand years

ago without even knowing their face.

But then who was she? She was the one who said, ‘I hate you.’

He kept having auditory hallucinations, and even the woman who

appeared in his dream looked at him and said that she hated him.

Was it because she looked like Ancia? It was just a dream, but
Richard felt very angry.

‘Why on earth did I dream of that?’

That fake! Come to think of it, he started getting these dreams after
that fake appeared. It was from then on that he suffered from
auditory hallucinations and headaches.

Richard gritted his teeth.

He had to catch her right away. He had to ask what she did with the
poison he gave her and find out what she did to her body.

He was sure she wasn’t an ordinary woman. She had the same
appearance and language skills as Ancia.

She had deceived even the ever so cautious Tenstheon.

She had lost her memory and was brainwashed by black magic, but
perhaps that was also a lie.

The Emperor was looking for the fake Ancia. However, he acted
cautiously, as if he were looking for a missing member of the royal
family and not a sinner who pretended to be the Crown Princess.

Even though she had committed a crime, Tenstheon seemed as if he

only pretended to look for her. Richard was suspicious that
Tenstheon didn’t actually intend to catch her.

His attitude was completely different from the way he had punished
the Crown Princess impersonators until now.

The fact that Richard’s investigation ended more quickly than

expected may have something to do with the woman’s identity.

Did she know something about the Imperial family?

Richard felt that the fake was like a devil who had come to ruin his

But it may be the opposite.

If that fake was aware of a huge secret, then this could be an

Anyway, he had to find the fake before the Imperial family did.

Richard was desperately searching for her and ran to the square
yesterday when he heard that they had found the fake. But it was
Ancia and Blake who were there.

He still remembered the image of Ancia and the Crown Prince

kissing under the fireworks.

At that moment, he began to get angry again.

‘I will surely become the Emperor. I’ll get rid of the Crown Prince and
make her my woman!’

From the moment he saw the real Ancia, the possessiveness he felt
surged and spread through his whole body.

Richard was about to go out when the butler entered his room.

“Master, I have a message from Marquis Westin.”

He had sent a letter to Richard.

What was going on? The Marquis had never sent him any letters

Richard had a feeling of ominousness as he opened the letter. The

moment he read the contents, his expression crumpled horribly.

It was a notice of divorce.

Sign in

Chapter 132 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Richard went straight to the Marquis of Westin after seeing the

divorce notice.

When Richard arrived, Sophia Westin greeted him with a big smile.

“What’s going on, Richard?”

Instead of answering her, Richard handed her the divorce notice that
he received from Marquis Westin.

“What is this?”

“It’s a notice of divorce.”

“Y-you’re breaking up with me?”

Richard’s expression crumpled.

The seal on the envelope was stamped with the Westin family’s

No matter how one looked at it, it was the Marquis Westin who sent
the notice of divorce and Richard had come over to protest it. But
Sophia cluelessly misunderstood the situation.
What a stupid woman.

Richard’s half brother Frank was unhappy with the appearance of his
fiancee, Sophia.

There were many times when he’d mocked her face, laughing at her
black hair and freckles.

Richard also did not think Sophia was a beauty. However, he was
more irritated by her foolish personality.

‘There’s never a time when I’m not frustrated at her.’

Still, looking at Sophia’s reaction, she seemed to have no idea about

the divorce.

“Read it for now.”


Only then did Sophia read the form inside the envelope.

“Oh, no! I never sent such a thing.”

Sophia’s face turned pale when she finally figured out the situation.

As Richard had guessed, the Marquis Westin had decided it on his


That’s right. He had put in a lot of effort for this girl.

She couldn’t have betrayed him like that.

Richard had tolerated a lot so he could regain the life he originally


But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t regain his original

In some cases, people could pay to receive a title, but that was
impossible for a nameless commoner.

Tenstheon placed more emphasis on individual ability than titles, and

he was one of the most prominent Emperors of the Asteric Empire.

Some nobles also complained that this made their titles less
valuable, but this did not apply to Richard.

Tenstheon didn’t trust Richard and was watching his every move.
Even if Richard accomplished something great, Tenstheon wouldn’t
give him a title.

Richard finally found a way after much consideration. It was through


When he married one of the noble’s daughters, he would be able to

regain his title and return to the aristocratic society.

In addition, there was a hierarchy among the nobles.

If he escaped the status of a commoner by buying a title or receiving

it from the Emperor, he would be at the bottom of the hierarchy
among nobles.

However, if he became the son-in-law of a powerful family, he could

at least rank higher in the hierarchy.

Richard looked for a candidate, and among them, he chose Sophia


The Marquis of Westin’s family had been on the decline ever since
the fall of the Cassil family. However, they were still a noble family
and had a lot of wealth. In addition, Marquis Westin had only one
daughter, so it would be easy for Richard to become his son-in-law.

Sophia had been confined to her home after her engagement with
Frank was broken and she suffered from severe depression.
Marquis Westin tried to find a good match for her, but it wasn’t easy.

Although a marriage was nearly finalized for Sophia, she rejected the
idea, saying she no longer wanted a political marriage.

Was there anything easier than seducing a wounded woman?

Richard used Sophia’s maid to get her to come to his orphanage.

Sophia visited the orphanage as planned and cried as she watched

the children who had been abandoned by their parents.

Richard approached the crying girl and handed her a handkerchief.


Sophia’s eyes opened wide when she saw Richard.

“Lady Sophia, long time no see.”

“How did you get here…”

“This is an orphanage that I run.”

“Yes, I had no idea. Well, I’ll be on my way.”

Sophia had run into her ex-fiance’s brother, so she turned away in a

Richard had expected her reaction. He winked at Karuo, a boy at the


Karuo quickly latched onto Sofia.

“Sister, don’t go. Play with me.”

When the child hung onto her, Sophia stood there helplessly.

“Karuo, don’t make it hard for the lady.”


Karuo was a brilliant child. He understood Richard’s signal and sat

down before he began to cry.

“S-so-sorry. Child, don’t cry.”

Sophia forgot that she was trying to avoid Richard and began
appeasing the child.

Karuo became tired of crying and fell asleep (he was only pretending
to be asleep), as Sophia looked at the boy sadly.

Richard naturally approached her and began to talk to her.

“Thank you for taking care of Karuo today.”

“No, it’s alright.”

Sophia shook her head. Perhaps because she had spent time
appeasing Karuo with Richard, but she didn’t avoid him like when
she first met him.

“By the way, where did his sister go?”

“She has passed away.”

“What? How did that happen…?”

“As you may have guessed from his name, Karuo is a Roum. His
sister took her own life after being given a tough job because she
was a Roum. So only Karuo came to our orphanage.”

In fact, his sister Karan was still alive, but Richard lied without any

“Did the criminal get caught?”

“No, the Roum don’t get treated like humans. There’s no way to
investigate the case.”

“I can’t believe it. That’s too much.”

“If I had strength, I would have helped this child…I felt sorry for him.”

“No, you taking care of him like this is already a lot.”

Sophia seemed to be moved by Richard’s good deeds.

“I’ve heard that private orphanages usually refuse Roums, so you’re

really amazing.”

“After all, I’m also a Roum.”

Richard frankly told her about his weakness.

It was already revealed that he was a Roum during the Cassil

family’s trial anyway.

“Oh, yes…”

Although Sophia felt sympathy for the tragedy of the siblings, she
quickly froze awkwardly when she recalled the fact that Richard was
a Roum as well.

Richard gritted his teeth inwardly.

Did he make a mistake?

Her response was not unexpected.

There was a deep-rooted hatred towards the Roums in the Asteric


Even among those who pretended to be kind because they felt sorry
for the Roums, it was not uncommon to see people who avoided and
swore at them when they actually met a Roum.
“I’m sorry about what happened before.”


“I should’ve stopped them…”

Sophia shook her head in dismay as Richard brought up the topic of


“Oh, no. I know you had a hard time because of it.”

“No. I should’ve helped you. Actually, it’s my fault that he hated you.
He hated me too. That’s why he hated you. It was because the color
of your hair is the same as mine.”

“That’s not true. It’s just that I’m ugly…”

Sophia lowered her head, while hiding her face behind her black

Frank didn’t like being engaged to Sophia and spoke to her harshly.

Sophia was distressed, but her father only told her to put up with it.

She decided to put up with it as her father told her to.

But that wasn’t all.

“How dare you touch me? You’re so ugly! If it wasn’t for the Marquis,
who would’ve looked out for you?”

Frank insulted Sophia at the palace ball.

After that day, Sophia was afraid to go outside. She felt as if

everyone was mocking and laughing at her.

Even though several years had passed since Frank’s death, the
wound still lingered in her heart.
“No, I’ve never thought of that before. If I were Frank, I would never
have hurt you. It’s late, but I’d like to apologize on behalf of him.”

Richard bowed politely.

“Th-thank you.”

No one had ever consoled her before.

When she broke up with Frank and was humiliated, her friends all
left her.

Sophia was in tears because she received her first sincere apology.

Richard smiled inwardly without any remorse when he looked up and

saw Sophia.

“Lady, don’t cry.”

Richard took Sophia’s hand. She didn’t shake his hand off.

“I should have visited you and apologized, but I’m too late.”

“No, thank you for telling me now.”

“If you don’t mind, please visit us often. Karuo seems to like you very
much. And I would like to see you too.”


Sophia’s face flushed red. Richard also smiled broadly.

‘That’s enough.’

Having broken her walls down, it was a piece of cake to move on to

the next level.

And everything went as Richard planned.

Sign in

Chapter 133 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Sophia visited Richard’s orphanage quite often.

She was completely smitten by Richard and listened to whatever he


There was no need to brainwash her.

Although Richard was cornered by the fake Ancia incident, Sophia

was completely smitten by him so she wouldn’t want to break up.

“I didn’t send it. Please believe me.”

When Richard didn’t say anything, Sophia cried.

She was very annoying, but that was not important now. Stopping
the breakup was more urgent now.

“I know. Your father did it on his own.”

“That’s right! My father sent it all on his own! I had no idea.”

Richard hugged her as he smiled.

“I knew it. Sophia, you’re a good girl. There’s no way you would
betray me cruelly even though you knew that I’m in a bad situation.”

“I’m on your side no matter what!”

“Yes, I’ll trust you.”

How did she want me to believe her? She couldn’t even speak to her
own father!

Richard held back his irritation.

“I’d like to speak to the Marquis. Is he in the mansion?”

“Yes, he’s in the office.”


When Richard was about to enter the office, Sophia suddenly held
his hand.

“If my father asks us to break up, I won’t allow him to.”

It had been a long time since she said something commendable.

“I will abandon my family if he persists. I’ll leave my house and go

with you.”

Richard’s expression crumpled.

What? She was willing to abandon her family? There was no reason
for him to marry a foolish woman like her if not for the Marquis!

If she wanted him to believe in her, she had to at least say that she’d
endure everything without breaking the marriage, or that she’d drive
her father out and make him the Marquis!

At least tell me that you’re going to convince him!


Richard’s thoughts appeared on his face and Sophia looked at him in


‘What’s wrong with her?’

Richard had long known that Sophia was tactless and frustrating.
Both he and Frank knew that way before.

It was frustrating, but he could accept anything considering the

position she would bring him.

He tried to think positively and reminded himself that Sophia was

easy to use.

But it was especially hard to bear Sophia’s every move after seeing
the real Ancia.

Even at this moment, Ancia completely belonged to Blake. Richard

thought that he had to get rid of Blake as soon as possible.

Ancia is mine! I have to get her back!

Richard was filled with the desire to own her.

The intense desire that he could not understand himself engulfed his
whole body.

“I hate you.”

The voice of the woman named Laontel rang in Richard’s ears yet

Then, he got a headache, and his desire began to grow even more

‘I’ll have her for sure this time.’

He gritted his teeth.

‘Wait, why am I being like this?’

Richard hated to admit it, but Ancia was the Crown Prince’s woman.

As a child, whenever he went to a party hosted by the Bellacian

family, Ancia used to stare at him.

Richard knew that she liked him, but he did not reciprocate because
she would be of no help to him.

Nevertheless, he was filled with anger.

He felt as if Ancia was his from a long time ago.

He couldn’t stand it because he felt he had lost the woman who was
originally his to Blake.

His headache was followed by the auditory hallucination.

“What’s wrong you, Richard?”

Richard turned around and Sophia came to him.

“Nothing. I’m having a headache because of the breakup. I guess it’s

because I’m nervous that I might not be able to see you anymore.”

Richard pretended to look sad.

In any case, he had to pretend until he took over the Marquis


“Richard, don’t worry too much. You’re the only one for me. If they
disagree, let’s run away together.”

Sophia hugged Richard with the expression of the heroine of a tragic

love story in an opera.
What nonsense was she saying?

Richard smiled as he held his irritation back.

“I’ll be right back.”


“Why are you showing your face after what you did? Get out of

The Marquis of Westin yelled as soon as Richard came into his


‘How nostalgic.’

Every time Richard met Marquis Westin, he’d recall his days at the
Duke of Cassil’s mansion.

It was such a bad time.

Richard didn’t want to put up with the insults like he did then.

After he married Sophia Westin, he’d kill that old man right away.

He’d torture him until he couldn’t even scream. But that was for later.
In the meantime, he’d put up with the humiliation. Richard spoke
politely for now.

“A notice of divorce arrived at my place. What happened?”

“You’re asking me? I can’t believe you brought a fake Crown

Princess to the palace! I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t even
attend the Founding Festival! Do you know how upset Sophia was?”

“That was just a small mistake. That woman looked so much like the
Crown Princess that even the Emperor was deceived. Besides, it
was already clear that I was innocent.”
Marquis Westin was enraged by Richard’s imposing manner.

“What?! There’s a limit to being shameless. As expected of someone

with Roum blood!”

“You’re crossing the line.”

“Did I say something wrong? This is why I shouldn’t have accepted

you! I was crazy! I was crazy for taking you in!”

Richard looked at the Marquis coldly.

“I’m innocent. I can’t accept the breakup.”

“How dare you disobey my will when you are a Roum?!”

“If you want us to break up, then please file a trial.”

No matter how big of a fuss the Marquis of Westin made, Richard

had an absolute advantage since they were already engaged.

If a trial was held for the breakup, it would take at least a year or
more until it could come to a conclusion. At the longest it could also
take three to four years.

In addition, there were far bigger problems than the trial period.

Each side’s dirty laundry would be aired in the breakup trial.

Everything would be disclosed and the damage to the woman’s side

would be most severe.

The woman would be ridiculed or pointed out as a lustful woman and

have several reports about it published in the newspaper.

“You didn’t send me a divorce notice without preparing for this, did
Richard smiled arrogantly. In the meantime, since there wasn’t much
time left for their marriage, he had been holding it in moderately.

However, if the Marquis of Westin wished to break them up, then he

had no intention of putting up with anything.

“How dare you! Since you were the son of Duke Cassil, I’ve been
treating you nicely so far, and you still don’t know to repay me!”

Richard was dumbfounded. The Marquis had never treated him with
respect in the first place.

He only treated Frank and Neon like the sons of the Duke but
Richard had the blood of a slave so he treated him like a servant.

“Your Excellency, Sophia and I won’t give up. Don’t be like this.”

“No, you both will break up. Richard, I know everything you’ve done
to her!”

As soon as the Marquis of Westin shouted, Richard’s expression

became stiff.

‘Did he know about that?’

The Marquis of Westin opposed the marriage between Richard and


He opposed it for a year and even tried to marry her off to another

In the end, Richard had to use the last resort.

He arranged a drinking party with the Marquis Westin. Then, he cast

a brainwashing spell on the drunk Marquis and got him to sign the
engagement papers.

The next day, Marquis Westin was shocked to see that the
engagement document had been signed.
But he only thought he made that mistake while he was drunk.

“I signed it when I was drunk! This is invalid!”

Richard whispered to the Marquis.

“I’ll make Sophia the Empress.”


The Marquis of Westin was a greedy man. Even though he knew

Frank was not a good man, he still let Sophia be engaged to him for
his own gain. Even after they broke up, Marquis Westin struggled to
find the best candidate for Sophia.

Richard knew of his ambition well. The Marquis of Westin would

ignore his lineage and support him completely if the Marquis
believed that he’d become the next Emperor.

But that didn’t mean Richard would tell him everything about his

“The Crown Prince is now waiting for the dead Crown Princess. He’s
also kept his distance from all women in the meantime. If he doesn’t
get married, the Crown Prince will belong to me in the end.”

“You’re of Roum origin and don’t even have a title.”

“If I were to marry Sophia and get the title, then I’d have the right to
become the Crown Prince.”


“It’s possible with your help. If you choose me, you’ll definitely have a
lot to gain.”

Marquis Westin began to calculate in his head.

Richard’s words sounded like a bluff when he first heard it, but it was
not entirely impossible if Prince Blake did not marry or met with an

Marquis Westin decided to gamble.

But his gamble failed miserably.

The real princess returned. Now that Ancia came back, the
possibility of Richard becoming the Emperor was nearly impossible.

Furthermore, Richard even caused the fake Crown Princess


The Marquis couldn’t possibly let someone who had no possibility to

become the Emperor and had no title become his son-in-law.

“I shouldn’t have accepted a son-in-law like you!”

Richard was relieved. The Marquis was just trying to force him to
break up with his daughter, but he didn’t notice that Richard had
used black magic.

“Don’t be stubborn. Didn’t Your Excellency sign it yourself?”

“You must have done something dirty! You must’ve used some kind
of black magic!”


“Yeah, black magic! I heard that the Roums betrayed the Goddess
and practiced black magic. So you should’ve done it too!”


“It was you who killed the Duchess of Cassil! She wouldn’t kill
herself! She’s not that kind of person in the first place. Did you use
your dirty tricks to kill her?”
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Chapter 134 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

The Marquis of Westin began to speak thoughtlessly. It was just a

groundless accusation.

But Richard stiffened up.

Everything that the Marquis Westin had said was true.

“…you’re crossing the line. Of course, that can’t be true.”

“We’ll find out in the trial.”

“Are you going to file for a breakup trial?”

Richard was surprised. In any case, the Marquis of Westin wouldn’t

have applied for a divorce trial.

Besides, it wasn’t really about the evidence. The fact that Richard
still had an advantage hadn’t changed.

Richard had just regained his composure when the Marquis of

Westin continued.

“No, I’m going to file for a demon trial!”


“I’ll say that you colluded a demon to deceive my daughter and

manipulate me!”

The Marquis continued to speak, “I’ll file for a trial right now!”

“W-wait. Wait a minute!”

Richard stopped the Marquis of Westin in a hurry.

‘I shouldn’t have said that. I need to respond calmly.’

Richard thought so, but his body moved first.

He’d be completely done for if the Marquis of Westin really applied

for the trial.

“What are you thinking about? Did you really join hands with them?”

“Of course not. I was just surprised to hear that ridiculous


Richard tried to calm down, but Marquis Westin narrowed his eyes in

The Marquis wasn’t as smart as Richard, but he had been the leader
of the Westin family for a long time so was very experienced.

He had detected a subtle change in Richard’s expression.

There must be something.

Although the Marquis had said that, he didn’t really intend to apply
for a trial.

Times had changed.

Filing for a demon trial was not easy as before.

He could lose his life in the process if his accusation was wrong.

He wanted to threaten Richard into ending the engagement, taking

advantage of the fact that he would be at a disadvantage if he were
on a demon trial thanks to his Roum lineage.

However, Marquis Westin changed his mind when he saw Richard’s


‘He’s got something to hide.’

If it was true that Richard used black magic, then this was a huge

Come to think of it, Richard’s expression had changed when he

brought up the story of the Duchess and Neon.

If it was true that he killed them using black magic…

A corner of Marquis Westin’s mouth raised up.

If he revealed the truth about the Duke of Cassil from seven years
ago, he could earn Tenstheon’s trust and he’d be able to regain his
family glory.

“Let’s find the truth out in court.”

The Marquis of Westin headed to the door with an arrogant smile.

As soon as he grabbed the door handle, he felt something behind


The Marquis fell down on the spot before he could even look back.

The blood spread gradually, staining the marble floor.

Richard looked down at the Marquis coldly.

There was one thing Richard had regretted over the past seven

Frank, if he had taken care of that moron sooner, the Cassil family
wouldn’t have fallen like this.

The root of the problem had to be removed quickly and it’d be too
late the moment he didn’t take action immediately.

Richard put the bronze sculpture he used to attack the Marquis down
and confirmed that he was dead.

There was nothing to panic about. He was going to kill him after he
got married anyway.

It’s just that the time had come a little earlier.

Richard would lock the door first, and then call Connin and Karan to
take care of it.

Richard tried to lock the door, but it opened before he could do that.
Sophia came inside.


“What happened? I was worried…”

“L-Let’s get out of here first.”

Richard said as he hid his hands that were stained with blood behind
him. Sophia hadn’t seen the Marquis yet.

They had to get out of this room. However, Sophia noticed that he
was hiding his hands.

“Richard, isn’t that blood?”

“Let’s get out.”

“What happened…Aah!”

Sophia discovered the Marquis’ body lying on the ground when she
moved closer to look at Richard’s hands and screamed.

Richard gritted his teeth. It was the worst case scenario.


After the Founding Festival, Diana returned to the academy.

I also chose a new maid and returned to my daily life, busying myself
with finding out what had happened over the 7 years that I wasn’t

I realized every morning that it was really not a dream because

Blake’s face was the first thing I saw when I woke up. That made me
so happy.

We had the Forens Palace and Sephia Palace, but we usually

stayed in Amoria Palace.

The servants did not enter the Amoria Palace unless they really
needed to.

This was our own secret space, and we could recall all the memories
we made here clearly. So it was more comfortable for us to stay

A thousand years ago I was locked in this exact place. It was a

terrible memory, but staying here didn’t particularly remind me of that
or bother me in any way.

It was all thanks to the memories I had with Blake.

We spent every day surrounded by happiness, but today was

somewhat different.

“I’m going to the Phillion Palace.”

I said to Blake as we lay in bed.

Today, I was going to go to the Phillion Palace to meet father and

speak to Sir Collin.

Asking Collin and Chelsea about what had happened over the past
seven years would be the quickest way to find out what really

Most of the time other people wouldn’t tell me all the facts honestly
because they were being considerate of me.

As I was going to leave, Blake grabbed my hand.

“Ancia, I’m so tired that I can’t move. Are you going to leave me

When he lowered his eyes, I noticed his long lashes.

He looked so innocent everytime he did that, but Ancia saw through

him this time.

“You deserve it.”

Tenstheon wanted to establish a group of knights for me. However, I

asked him to postpone that till next year.

I wanted to wait until Diana graduated.

Father accepted my request, and for the time being, only some
knights were arranged to escort me.

I was worried that the knights would be reluctant, but unexpectedly,

they all eagerly clamored to get the job.

They even competed to become my exclusive escort.

Finally, it was decided that a battle would be arranged among the

knights and the winner would become my exclusive escort.
But unexpectedly, Blake also participated in the battle.

And the result was…

“It was devastating.”

Chelsea, who had watched the match, said with a pale face.

According to her, Blake had defeated the knights in an instant.

I didn’t see the match in person, but I had a rough idea of the events
that transpired since I’d already seen Blake beat Jayden, who was
considered one of the best among the knights, with a single move.

However, it was ridiculous to see Blake saying he was tired when

he’d beaten all the knights just like that.

“You shouldn’t have fought the knights!”

Blake murmured softly in response.

“But I healed them all,” He said as if he had been wrongly accused.

No, he hit them deliberately and then healed them?

“I’m giving you a pill.”

“I had no other choice if I wanted to make sure they had the ability to
protect you.”

He glanced up at me slightly with those pitiful eyes.

“But what if you win the escort battle?”

“As expected, I’m the only one who’s capable of escorting you,”


“I’ll be your escort!”

“…is that why you did it?”

There had never been a precedent of the Crown Prince escorting the
Crown Princess in all of the Empire’s history, but Blake seemed to be
serious about it.

“I can’t leave my wife to those who can’t even beat me.”


“You know I don’t like to fight. I was just worried about my wife, so I
couldn’t help but participate.”

That’s right. Blake didn’t even like ordinary snowball fights, so he

had always been beaten by Diana before.

“I’m really worried about you.”

Blake clasped my hand. The matching rings on our fingers glistened

in the sunlight.

Ser had left my wedding ring intact.

Blake bought me a new ring in the square, but I still chose to wear
the former one.

Although the ring had been damaged a lot after seven years, it
looked as good as new after it was repaired.

“Blake, are you really that tired?”

“Yes, my legs hurt and I can’t walk.”

Ahh…what to do? I found him to be really cute when he was

helpless like this.

“Then, I’ll heal you.”

“I think I’d feel better if you stayed next to me.”

Blake didn’t want to stay away from me for even a second.

I appreciated and understood his concern for me, but things couldn’t
continue like this.

“Blake, let me teach you some magic.”



After Ser was sealed, the magic of light disappeared from the

When the magic of light disappeared, the mages of light naturally

lost their power.

Over a thousand years, only books about the disappearance of light

magic could be found but there was no information about the magic
itself left.

Of course, people still developed magical tools made from mana

stones of light, but the magic of light was close to being lost entirely.

When the Cassils caused that incident in the ballroom seven years
ago, Blake had healed their wounds.

He had never studied the magic of light but he could instinctively see
the flow of mana and even use healing magic.

Blake had a natural talent for it. If he learned it properly, his skills
would definitely improve.

“How do you know the magic of light?”

“I learned about it when I entered the Door of Darkness.”

I couldn’t tell him about my past life, so I made up an excuse.

But Blake’s expression darkened instantly at the mere mention of
that time.

He grabbed my shoulders.

“Teach me. I’d like to learn everything I can to protect my wife.”


I clasped his hands tightly.

“The first thing I want to teach you is how to feel another person’s
heart, so that we can feel each other’s presence no matter where we

The transparent light from my hand passed on to Blake’s hand.

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Chapter 135 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

“It’s warm.”


“Yes. Your hands are always warm. It’s been like that since the
beginning. Ever since I took your hand, all of my pain was gone.”

Blake smiled and laughed. Now that Blake was all better, I could say
this with a smile.

“I should’ve done it sooner…”

Blake shook his head.

“Don’t say that. It’s enough that you’re here with me.”

He raised our clasped hands to his face and rubbed my hands on his

“Ancia, your mana is wavering.”

It seems that the fluctuation of my heartbeat affected the flow of

mana. I was embarrassed and quickly removed my hand.
“Y-you can already see the flow of the mana. That’s great!”

Blake smiled innocently and grabbed my hand again.

“How’s my mana?”

I closed my eyes and felt the mana flowing through his body. His
mana felt so pure.

When the curse was lifted, a massive amount of mana entered his
body. It should’ve caused his body to be overwhelmed, but he was
managing very well.

As expected, my husband is a genius.

But it was not just that. He must’ve learned how to control it since he
was a child.

So Blake had developed his ability to suppress and control his mana.

“Your mana is pure and well controlled. But I think you should learn
how to send it out.”


He nodded gently. He was like a good student that listened to his

teacher well.

“Focus on your mind, and just like what I did just a moment ago,
gather the mana on your fingertips and let it flow to me.”


“It might not work out at first. Stay calm and take your time.”


But as soon as I said that, his mana flowed into my hand.

I was surprised.

“That’s great!”

“Did I do a good job?”

“Yes, you did a great job. My husband is a genius!”

He could immediately let out a moderate amount of mana. Only

skilled mages could do this.

Regardless of past experience, Blake must be a real genius.


Blake smiled shyly. He became embarrassed because of a small

compliment. He was so cute.

“Remember the wavelength and flow of mana you felt now. Our
mana comes from the same source, so we can find each other any

His grip on my hand tightened.

“Of course, it will take a lot of training, but I believe my husband will
be able to do it soon.”

“Yes, I’ll try my best.”

Blake smiled brightly as I stroked his head.

“I’ll always be by your side, so don’t be nervous anymore. Apologize

to the knights, okay?

Even if Blake did it out of good intentions, he was wrong to get

involved in the battle between the knights and injure them.

Blake didn’t say anything when I said that again.

“I like nice people.”

When I said that, he nodded quickly.

“Okay, I’ll do as you say.”


Blake was on his way to meet the knights.

His innocent expression from when he was with Ancia disappeared

without a trace, and only a sense of coldness exuded from his

“Your Highness, you’re here.”

The knights who were training saw Blake and said their greetings.

No one was surprised to see his cold expression. He had always

been like that.

Blake looked at Alex who was standing behind him.

“What’s wrong with your hands? I would’ve treated you if you told

After finishing the match to pick Ancia’s escort, Blake had treated all
of the injured knights.

“Oh, I fell down while training a while ago…”

Alex scratched his head in embarrassment, but on the inside, he felt

very overwhelmed.

Blake noticed that he was injured, even though it was not that visible.

Blake had suddenly become attentive after he returned after meeting

“Come here.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Alex quickly approached him. Blake looked at Alex’s condition and

put his hand on his swollen wrist.

Alex took his hand off in surprise.

“Oh, no! It’s alright.”

Not long after the Crown Prince had treated him with the power of
light, he was injured again due to his carelessness.

He was thankful that Blake didn’t scold him for being clumsy and
treated his injury instead.

Blake pulled Alex’s hand again.

“Your Highness…”

Alex was very touched by Blake’s action.

The other knights also thought so.

When this cold-hearted person suddenly showed some affection

towards them, they were all moved.

Blake said calmly, “Shut up and let me treat you. If you keep shaking
like this, my wife will misunderstand.”

Alex became stiff.

However, the person who dampened the atmosphere did not pay
attention to their reactions and focused on treating Alex.

He was scolded by Ancia, but his mood became even worse

because of the fact that she was worried about another man.
Of course, he knew that Ancia wasn’t particularly interested in the
knights, but he still hated it.

“Everyone who’s hurt, stand in a line.”

Blake shouted coldly, letting go of Alex’s arms after treating it.

“N-no. We’re fine.”

The knights declined, but Blake’s gaze became colder.

“Come here right now!”


The autumn weather was fickle. Yesterday, it was cold as if winter

had come, but today it was warm if it was still summer.

Even so, I was glad to see the warm autumn sun.

I was taking a walk, when suddenly, I saw a group of people.

It was the Imperial Knights.

“Your Highness!!!”

They came running towards me as soon as they saw me.

What happened?

“I can’t believe I ran into you in a place like this! What a coincidence!

“Yes! Such a coincidence!”

A coincidence? It seemed as if they came running to meet me on

purpose though.

“Ah, is that so…”

The knights nodded awkwardly.

“I feel so good! His Highness treated my injuries today!”

“I feel so good that I ran all the way here from the training ground!”

“His Highness is very kind. In my opinion, he’s the nicest man in the
Empire. Hahahaha!

They awkwardly spewed out such scripted comments and laughed.

Even their smile looked like they were doing a public service

“I see.”

I nodded softly. I knew they were telling the truth, but something
about it was weird.

Even after I went on my way, I encountered several other knights

and they, too, sang praises about Blake before continuing what they
were doing.

What was happening?

Blake visited the knights today and treated the injured knights

He must have reviewed the conditions of the knights out of regret

after hearing what I said.

He looked so reluctant when I asked him to apologize, but I think he

had still done it.

When I entered the Imperial Palace with a happy smile, the servant
bowed his head.

“Your Highness, I think you’ll have to wait a little bit today.”

“Does His Majesty have a visitor?”

“It’s not like that, Your Highness, he’s duelling with the captain.”

He was duelling with Ron? The leader of the knights?

Sir Ron was regarded as the strongest knight in the palace because
he was a master of the sword. However, people said that even Sir
Ron was lacking compared to Tenstheon.

“Lead me to where they are.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As we approached the site of the duel, I could hear the clanging

sound of metal striking metal.

I didn’t know much about swordsmanship, but tensed up just

listening to the sound.

I walked quietly by the side.

Tenstheon and Ron were duelling with their swords.

As far as I knew, Sir Ron was younger than Tenstheon, but he

looked like he was the older one among the two.

I’ve noticed this since I first saw him, but my father looked really
young. It was as if he had defied the flow of time.

The duel between the two was much more intense than I expected.

Right now, Tenstheon, Ron, and Blake were the best swordsmen in
the Empire.

I often spectated competitions and contests between knights, but I

felt this duel was on a different level compared to those.

As time went by, Ron began to fall behind.

The edge of the sword was pointed near Tenstheon’s chest, but he
dodged it with ease.

However, as a result, one of Tenstheon’s buttons fell off.

“Is Your Majesty alright?”

Ron was startled and went to approach Tenstheon.

“I’m alright.”

Tenstheon tore off his shirt after he lost the button.


I barely managed to hold back my scream.

Oh my god. Oh my god.

He looked better than he did 10 years ago. No, how could he look
even better? I thought he was already perfect back then.

“Let’s continue.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

The two continued their duel again. It was fiercer than before, but I
couldn’t concentrate on the fight because I was distracted by

Suddenly a big hand covered my eyes.

“What are you doing?”

I looked back in surprise.


“What are you looking at?”

“The b-battle.”

Yeah, I was watching the battle! Why did I get so nervous? I was
telling the truth.

Blake stared at Tenstheon and Ron duelling and spoke in a low


“Let’s go back first. We can’t interrupt them can’t we?”


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Chapter 136 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Blake returned to the Amoria Palace in a bad mood.


When we went into the room, he broke the silence and called my

“Yes, Blake?”

“Are His Majesty’s abs really that good?”


I shook my head hurriedly.

“I just went to see the duel!”

I just really wanted to see the best swordsmen in the Empire duelling
each other.

I never dreamed that such an incredible scene would suddenly

unfold there.

Blake’s expression did not change despite the explanation.

“I-I tried so hard…but I guess it wasn’t enough.”

“No, it’s not that!”

Blake’s abs were excellent. However, compared to Tenstheon, it was

slightly different.

Blake abs looked like that of a model.

He had a lean and slender figure paired with his abs. It was
aesthetically perfect, like a painting or a sculpture.

On the other hand, Tenstheon’s abs looked like that of a gold

medallist professional athlete.

“Blake and His Majesty’s abs are different!”

“What’s the difference?”


How could I explain the difference?

I couldn’t think of anything.

“Uh, His Majesty’s abs are like gold—“


Blake’s expression crumpled.

“No, I mean…!”

What’s wrong with you, Ancia?

I feel like I was just talking nonsense.

“It’s as good as gold?”

“No, no, the best—!”

I wanted to say that he had abs like an athlete, but before I could say
it, Blake said, “His Majesty’s abs are number one in the world?”

“H-He’s not number one in the world…”

Come to think of it, there was no concept of ‘athlete’ in this world.

The more I spoke, the more I felt like I was saying the wrong thing.

Blake stood up just as I was about to explain.

“Blake, where are you going?”

“Phillion Palace.”


“If I beat him, I’ll be number one.”

Blake said as he firmly grasped the sword on his waist.

It seems he had misunderstood what I had said. I grabbed onto him

in a hurry.

“Blake is in the first place too!

“What first place?”

“…you’re first place for being beautiful!”

I couldn’t find a better alternative for the word ‘model’.


But Blake was silent. I quickly added, “And to me, you’re in the first

At that moment, he loosened the grip on the sword.

I didn’t miss the opportunity and held Blake’s hand. I took his hands
and blew raspberries on it.

“…Ancia, what are you doing?”

“Blowing raspberries.”

Seeing me laugh, Blake also ended up laughing in response.

“Ancia, there’s something wrong.”


“You should do it here.”

He pointed at his stomach. He remembered that I used to blow

raspberries on his stomach when we were young.

His baby belly had now turned into the belly of a man.

“…well, that was when you were a kid.”

“Then should I do it for you?”


Before I could say anything, Blake blew in my ears.

He rubbed my earlobes and took off my coat.

Blake’s lips touched my neck and started going lower. He passed

down my shoulder and came down to my arms, wrists, and palms.

He wasn’t blowing raspberries, but I didn’t point it out.

Every time he kissed me, my body temperature seemed to rise.



Tenstheon was looking at the documents when I arrived at his study.

He smiled when he looked up and saw me.

“Ancia, you’re here?”

“Were you busy?”

“No, I’m just taking a break.”

Contrary to what he said, there was a pile of documents in front of

his desk.

“I can wait if you’re busy.”

“No, I was just about to go and see you.”


“I heard you came here yesterday.”


I was so embarrassed when I thought about what happened


“Are you alright?”

“Oh, yes. I didn’t come for any important matters yesterday. I just
came and went back because I thought you were busy.”

“There’s nothing more important than you.”

He handed me a glass of water.

“Thank you.”

I drank the water in a hurry. Tenstheon patted me on the shoulder

when I finally calmed down.

We left the study and went to the greenhouse in the Palace. It was
also the place where Tenstheon had invited me for the first time.

On the white table, there were many fascinating desserts laid out.

“Tell me if it’s not enough.”

“No, there’s so much.”

First, I tried a strawberry shortcake that had red strawberries on it.

“Is it tasty?”

Tenstheon asked me while smiling.

“Yes, father. You try it too.”


Before I said that, he hadn’t touched anything other than the black
tea. He still wasn’t a fan of sweet things.

While I was gone, his relationship with Blake had become more
awkward. My heart felt heavy because I knew it was because of me.

“Blake dropped by for a while before.”


Now that I was back, was Blake trying to fix his relationship with his

As soon as I was about to be relieved, Tenstheon added, “He said

we should duel.”
“…I think you should refuse him.”


It’d be dangerous for Tenstheon if they decided to duel.

Blake’s intention to duel was not purely to improve his skills and to
observe Tenstheon’s skills.

But I couldn’t tell him the truth.

“I don’t want to see both of you fight.”

“It’s just a friendly duel.”

“But you both are going to use real swords. It’s dangerous.”

“…okay, I won’t do it if you don’t want it.”

A nostalgic expression suddenly appeared on Tenstheon’s face,

perhaps he was reminded of the time when he taught Blake

I smiled brightly to warm up the atmosphere.

“Please do it after you become closer.”


When would their relationship get better?

I hoped Blake would call Tenstheon ‘father’ soon. Tenstheon would

be very happy then.

“You’re going to Sir Ron’s wedding, aren’t you?”

Ron would be getting married the day after tomorrow.

He claimed to be single until his late 30s, saying he was already
married to the Empire, but he suddenly announced his marriage after
reuniting with a friend this year.

Thanks to his marriage, the knights were all in a festive mood.

“Of course.”

“Is Sir Collin coming too?”

“No, he said he’d be working.”

So he’s still a workaholic.

Not only was it a hot topic among the knights, all of the aristocratic
society was also in a buzz because of Ron’s marriage.

As soon as I was about to take my leave and let him rest, Tenstheon
added, “Shannon and Edon said they wouldn’t attend and stay
behind to protect the Palace instead.”

Shannon was the only woman to lead the Knights of the Imperial
Palace. She was also respected by many young knights, including

It was plausible for her to not like weddings because it was a formal
event, but I was surprised by Edon’s choice.

“Sir Edon too?”

“They know that they’re the next targets.”

“Target? Ah…”

I understood what Tenstheon said and gave a nod.

Sir Ron’s marriage was one of the hottest topics these days.
I often heard this kind of chatter in the parties. ‘The excellent knights
have to get married quickly or it’ll be a waste of their skills. If they’re
really thinking for the Empire, then they should have a child who
inherits their skills.’

Now that Ron, who was so adamant to not get married, really got
married, their target would naturally change.

Collin, Edon and Shannon were the most likely candidates.

It was obvious that people would constantly come over to them

during the party and ask, ‘Now that Sir Ron is married, don’t you
want to get married too?’

Thinking about it, I could understand their unwillingness to attend

the wedding.

“Then will Sir Collin really stay here?”

“No, I’ll take him.”

Tenstheon said firmly.

But why?

I didn’t think he had to take him since Sir Collin had such a clear

Perhaps since Sir Collin was the Emperor’s lieutenant, it wouldn’t

look good for him to not come when the Emperor himself came.

“I see…”

I tried to guess the reason, but then, Tenstheon said, “If Collin isn’t
there, then I’ll become the topic of conversation of those cheeky
people. I’ll definitely take all three of them with me.”

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Chapter 137 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Come to think of it, if those three people didn’t come, the next target
would be Tenstheon.

The Empress’ seat had been vacant for a long time now. Since
Tenstheon did not have any Empress or concubines, there were
many people who wanted to secure the Emperor’s second marriage
for themselves.

In addition, there were countless women who pursued him.

It was no exaggeration to say that all the noblewomen had had a

crush on Tenstheon at some point in their youth. According to
Chelsea, Tenstheon was second only to Blake when it came to how
many noblewomen had a crush on them.

If those three were absent tomorrow, Tenstheon would be asked

about his remarriage.

Normally, he’d keep his mouth shut the whole time, but there would
still be quite a few people who were too drunk to notice and kept
talking to him.

It’d be hard for Tenstheon to get angry during the party.

But he was planning to use those three as a shield. He was such a
bad boss!

When I glanced at Tenstheon, he placed another dessert in front of


“Eat up. You have to eat a lot to regain your stamina.”

“Yes, father.”

I cut a slice of the cheesecake. The cheesecake melted as soon as it

entered my mouth, and the taste of delicious cheese took over my

“It’s so delicious!”

Tenstheon smiled at me.

“Father, you eat it too.”

“I’m full just looking at you.”

I didn’t insist anymore because I knew he didn’t like sweets.


Having eaten all those desserts alone, my stomach felt like it was
going to explode.

I thought I should exercise, but the weather was so cold that I was

I walked a little and quickly went into the library in front of me.

“Your Highness.”


When I saw Collin, I quickly greeted him.

“Are you here to read?”

“Ah, yes.”

I had originally wanted to take a walk but it was too cold outside.

“Did you come here often?”

I didn’t meet him when I went to the study before. He must’ve been
in the library.

“Yes, I’m thinking of leaving work today.”

“So soon? Are you sick?”

It was still early. Besides, there seemed to be a lot of documents

piled up in the study.

I was worried about whether he was sick but Collin shook his head.

“No, I’m not sick.”


“The day after tomorrow.”


Noticing what Collin meant, I nodded my head.

He was intentionally delaying his work so he didn’t have to go to the


“You’re not going to attend Ron’s wedding?”

“That’s right.”

He nodded firmly without any hesitation.

“But His Majesty said you’re coming with us.”

“I’m not going. I’ll never go.”

He spoke with a determined expression.

Even though Collin often whined to Tenstheon, I never thought that

there would come a day when he’d reject His Majesty’s order.

Seeing him like this, it seemed like he really didn’t want to go.

“I hope you get what you want.”

I said it sincerely.

He was so pitiful. His boss wanted to drag him to the wedding and
use him as a shield even though he didn’t want to go.

No matter what father said, I was on Collin’s side.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

He spoke in a grateful tone. I had never seen Collin being like this. It
seems he was really thankful that I sided with him.

“Collin, there’s no news about her yet, is there?”

Ser being the Goddess of Light was a secret that only Blake,
Tenstheon, Collin and I knew.

There was no one around us right now, but just in case, I phrased it

“No, nothing yet.”

“What about the Camellia orphanage?”

Camellia was the name of the orphanage that Richard owned. It was
also the place where Ser first appeared.
“She didn’t go there either.”

Tenstheon had also investigated Richard for bringing the fake Ancia,
but released him quickly .

Richard didn’t know about Ser’s existence at all. He brought her to

the Palace because he thought it was really me.

But that might be a lie as well.

I was being careful because I didn’t know exactly why Serphania

went to Richard.

I wasn’t going to tell them about my past life, but I let them know that
Richard was Phillip.

Even now, we didn’t know what kind of thing he was planning now.

Even after coming out of the Door of Darkness, Ser had spoken
about Phillip as if she had lingering feelings.

“If I find any clues, I’ll let you know right away.”

“Yes please.”

At first, I was going to wait quietly for Ser to appear in front of me.

However, the anxiety in my mind continued to rise.

What if she was asking me for help but I couldn’t hear her like

Of course, I didn’t think that was the case because Ser had
appeared in my dream, but I really wanted to meet her.


The palace was scheduled to undergo extensive repairs starting

There were many places to fix because it had been empty for seven

Originally, I only intended to repair the defects, but due to Blake and
Tenstheon’s strong insistence, we finally decided to just remodel

I checked the list of things to be repaired for one last time, and then
gave it to Chelsea.

“Okay, proceed.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

It hadn’t been long since I returned to my own body, but I already

had a lot of work to do.

Chelsea was very helpful because of her resourcefulness.

After the remodelling of the Sephia Palace was completed and I

began to work as the Crown Princess again, I planned to select
Chelsea as my official assistant.

She was more of an aide than a maid.

“Actually, I went to Camellia orphanage yesterday.”

She had asked me for a day off yesterday, so I guess she went to
Richard’s orphanage then. She must’ve gone there to take a look
because she knew that I kept thinking about it.

“How was it?”

“The facilities were very good. I almost thought I had come to the
wrong orphanage. They taught the kids there how to read and write,
and provided them with excellent food and clothing as well.”

“Is that so…”

Collin said the same thing.

I continued to monitor Richard just in case, but there was no problem

to be found.

He named the orphanage after the flower, Camellia. He must’ve

worked there sincerely. After all, he named the orphanage after his
mother’s favorite flower.

That was not to say that I believed Richard had changed.

Due to his meticulous nature, he would not have committed illegal

activities in his own facility.

Even if he did something bad, he wouldn’t have done it in the

orphanage that was under his name while the Imperial family was
monitoring him.

It must’ve been true that the facilities were good and that he was
treating the children well then.

He was probably running the orphanage to build a good reputation

for himself, so he must’ve paid extra attention to it.

However, it was somewhat surprising that he even accepted children

of Roum blood.

Although his Roum lineage had been revealed in the trials before, I
thought he’d ignore it and simply forget about it.

It was weird because in the original, other than hiring Domiram, he

had nothing to do with the Roums. Besides, he had hired Domiram
because of his excellent skills.

Even after he became an Emperor, there were no talks of

implementing policies for the Roums.

“But there’s a slight problem with the treatment of the Roum

“Are they discriminated against?”

I was a little surprised to hear what Chelsea said.

Knowing Richard’s character, he would’ve refused them right from

the beginning rather than accept them, and then discriminate against

Did he have any other intentions behind taking them in other than
building his reputation?

I thought it was suspicious for some reason, but Chelsea shook her

“Not really, but it seemed as if the other kids were rather reluctant to
play with the Roums. They formed separate groups and didn’t
include the Roums because of their deep-rooted prejudice.”

“What happened?”

No matter how smart Chelsea was, it would be difficult to grasp the

relationship among the children from just one short visit.

“There was a fight. A child cursed at one of the Roums. The Roum
child got angry and it quickly turned into a physical fight. The
teachers were shocked and quickly stopped them.”

“Did anyone get hurt?”

“Yes. It could have ended quickly, but one of the Roums wouldn’t
stop until the end. It was a little boy named Karuo, and in a good
way, he was very spiteful.”

According to Chelsea, it was really just a quarrel between the

children. It didn’t seem like Richard had done anything.

However, I couldn’t draw any conclusions since I didn’t see it in

“Was Richard Cassil with the kids when they were fighting?”

“No, he wasn’t there.”

I heard that he had been stopping by the orphanage lately, but

coincidentally enough, he didn’t come yesterday.

I couldn’t tell whether it was because Ser hid him or he was busy
preparing for his marriage, but I had heard these days that the
Marquis of Westin did not come out of the house at all.

“Ah, and the date of Richard Cassil’s wedding has been moved

I was surprised to hear Chelsea’s words.

Their wedding was less than a month away, but he still pushed the
date forward?



“Tomorrow? That soon? What’s the occasion?”

“Marquis Westin is said to be in critical condition.”

I remembered the contents of the original story. Marquis Westin was

a character who did not appear until the second half of the novel.

There was not a single line describing his poor health or any note of
him suffering from a chronic disease.

Someone like that suddenly fell into a critical condition? It was too


Chelsea said Marquis Westin was suddenly in a critical condition.

That’s why he was holding the wedding ceremony sooner. So he
could see his daughter getting married before he died.

At first glance, it sounded plausible, but there were many things

suspicious about it.

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Chapter 138 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

Even if his health was bad, he was still the Marquis of Westin.

If it was a chronic disease, he would’ve noticed it a long time ago,

and if it was some kind of an injury, like a fracture, then they had
specialized doctors or priests that could take care of it.

It was nonsense to think that he didn’t bother to call the priest or

doctor and said that he’d give up treatment to prepare for the

Moreover, it was Ron’s wedding day tomorrow.

This caused a stir throughout the aristocratic circles. Not only the
Emperor, but also many nobles were set to attend the wedding.

Of course, Blake and I were also in attendance.

There were still people who would attend Richard’s wedding despite
the poor public opinion he had acquired thanks to the fake Crown
Princess incident.

Even if Marquis Westin was seriously ill, and Lady Westin was in a
hurry to get married because of his father, Richard would’ve opposed
it, saying it would not be possible tomorrow.
That day was very important for Richard if he wanted to restore his
good reputation.

There was no reason to set the date for tomorrow and risk losing his
reputation thanks to not many guests showing because they went to
attend Ron’s wedding instead.

I was sure there was something strange going in.

I was still lost in thought when Jayden suddenly asked me, “Your
Highness, do you have any concerns?”


I shook my head.

In the end, Jayden became my escort.

Seeing the chaotic atmosphere among the knights, Edon took care
of the situation and appointed Jayden as my escort. Of course, I

“By the way, are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“You must’ve joined the Imperial Knights because you wanted to

escort the Crown Prince, but you were assigned to be my escort

“No, I’m very honored. I’m fine, but it’s just that, sometimes, I feel
many gazes on my back…”


“No, it’s nothing.”

Jayden didn’t say it clearly so I couldn’t catch what he said at the

“Hey, Jayden.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“…how’s Diana been doing while I was gone?”

Diana only said she was doing well and no one else told me about
her honestly.

I wondered how this child had really been.

I thought Jayden would tell me honestly.

“She’s courageous and hardworking. She never gives up and is nice

to her friends.”

I was a little relieved to hear Jayden’s answer. I was glad because it

seemed Diana didn’t spend too much time being sad.

“Diana is very confident and she has the ability to lead people
naturally so everyone likes her. She was especially popular with

“She wasn’t popular with guys?”

“I don’t know. But I like it.”

I looked at him in surprise.

Was he confessing that he liked Diana?

I did ask him that question to get a glimpse of his thoughts on Diana,
but I didn’t think he’d answer this directly.

“Do you like Diana?”

Jayden answered monotonously. Was he saying that he liked her as
a friend?

It was probably so considering his tone.

“I was very happy when Your Highness came back. I saw how much
Diana missed you. As soon as I heard that you were back, I called
Diana over without your permission.”

“But you didn’t tell her before, didn’t you?”

Jayden didn’t tell Diana when Ser showed up pretending to be me.

“Honestly, I was suspicious of her before. His Majesty’s reaction was

too cold. I don’t want to disappoint Diana with uncertain information.”

When other people talked about me being dead, Jayden would call
them out on it.

Maybe he did that for Diana.

“But when you returned, I thought it was for real this time. I forgot
that I couldn’t tell anyone without your permission and told Diana. I’m

“No, thanks to you, I got to see Diana earlier.”

“I was also happy because she was happy.”

Jayden smiled even wider. Was the mere thought of Diana enough
to make him smile?

It wasn’t my business, so I thought I shouldn’t just assume that. But

at this point, I was sure.

“Jayden, do you happen to…”

“What do you think of Diana…?”

“She’s a good friend of mine.”

He didn’t beat around the bush and answered quickly.


A friend.

Actually, I thought he had some other feelings towards her, but I

couldn’t say anything if he just called it a friendship. Diana also said
that they were only friends.


When I entered the Amoria Palace, I saw Blake waiting for me.

“Why are you out in the cold?”

“I missed my wife.”

He took my hand with a big smile.

“But what were you talking about so seriously?”

“I was asking about Diana. Sir Jayden is friends with Diana.”

“I see. I’d love to hear it with you next time.”

Blake smiled brightly and held Jayden’s hand. At that moment,

Jayden’s face turned pale.

What’s wrong? Was he nervous?

“I-I’ll get going.”

Jayden bowed his head and quickly turned as if he was fleeing.

“Did you happen to do something to Sir Jayden?”

Blake shook his head when I asked him that.

“No, of course not. I’m a good man.”

Blake smiled and held my hand.

“Let’s go to the greenhouse. I want to show you something.”


I went into the greenhouse with him. Then, a white rose blooming on
one side of the greenhouse caught my eye.

I planted a seed with Blake yesterday, and it grew up in a day.

“Did you do this?”

“Yes, I practiced what you taught me yesterday.”

I taught Blake the magic of growing plants yesterday.

However, he mastered the magic so perfectly that it bloomed in just

one day.

“Amazing! Not even a mage could learn this fast!”

“It’s all thanks to you being a good teacher.”

“No, this is your natural talent! What a genius!”

“Eh…I’m not.”

Blake’s face turned red with just some compliments.

It was very cute to see him looking down slightly and turning away…

“You had a hard time practicing, didn’t you?”

He must’ve become tired from practicing alone. I was going to ask
him to take a break today, but he noticed my thoughts and answered

“No, I can still learn today.”

“Don’t overdo it. You don’t have to rush.”

“It’s not like that. I just like learning from my wife.”

Blake smiled and looked into my eyes. I touched his silver hair

I didn’t want to push himself too hard, so I decided to review what he

learned yesterday with him.

He made strawberries appear on a tree that had been planted not

long ago using his mana.

I picked the strawberries and put them in his mouth.

His mouth was puffed as he ate the strawberry and the sight
reminded me of our childhood.

He was so cute. He still had a youthful face that didn’t change with

“How does it taste?”

“Your strawberries are sweet and delicious, but mine are a little

“That doesn’t have anything to do with it. The magic is just to grow
the strawberries. This magic is used for growing crops that originally
grow slowly in a short period of time.”

“You have to work hard. Aside from watering them, you need to
control the Mana too.”

I held Blake’s hand and let the mana flow.

“Does it feel ticklish?”

“A little.”

“This is how you deliver mana to the whole crop.”

“Yes, I’ll try.”

Blake injected mana into the freshly sprouted strawberries. He was

always serious when studying magic.

The strawberries began to grow in size. The leaves, which were a

little smaller than just a while ago, became green and full of vitality.

Drops of sweat formed on Blake’s forehead as he concentrated his

entire mind on the mana. I wiped his forehead with a handkerchief.

His shoulders shook when I did that. Was he feeling shy?

He was so surprised, so I playfully rubbed his earlobe.

This time, Blake showed a nonchalant response, but I saw his ears
getting redder and redder.

At night, he acted like a beast, so it was very cute seeing him be

embarrassed at such a light touch.

Suddenly, as if he had been triggered, Blake couldn’t stand it

anymore when I rubbed his earlobe and turned his head.


He shouted with a red face.

“My husband’s ears are so pretty.”

“I-If you touch it like that…!”

It was ridiculous to see him stammering in embarrassment. He


But before I could say anything, Blake murmured in a small voice.

“I’m embarrassed…”


I couldn’t stand it when I saw the Blush on his face because he was
so cute. Blake was the cutest on the whole continent.

Finally, I lost control and hugged him tightly.


Blake was embarrassed. I completely leaned on to him and he

supported me so that I wouldn’t fall into the dirt.

“My husband is very cute!”





“…still a long way huh?”

He sighed.

“No, it’s nothing.”

Blake shook his head. He picked the strawberries up and put them in
my mouth.

“How is it?”




He picked another strawberry and tried it himself.

“It’s still lacking compared to yours.”

The strawberries I made were still much sweeter. Still, it was a great
development compared to the beginning.

“It’s only your second time. This is already good.”

I comforted the sullen Blake. But I didn’t mean it out of courtesy. He

really had a natural talent for it.

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Chapter 139 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

After practicing magic, the whole greenhouse turned into a

strawberry field.

“What do I do with this?”

“I’ll give it to Sir Ron as a wedding gift tomorrow.”

Blake said calmly. The fruits were made using the magic of light, so
they’d be good for his health.

“Hey, tomorrow’s wedding…”


“Can I go a little late?”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

Blake’s expression immediately changed to worry.

I added quickly, “Did you hear that Richard Cassil’s wedding was
moved ahead to tomorrow?”

“Yes, I heard it.”

“I want to go there.”


He said quickly. I expected that he’d oppose it, but his opposition
was much stronger than I’d expected.

In ‘The Beast and the Lady’, Sophia Westin was one of Richard’s

Marquis Westin was a greedy father who wanted to make his

daughter, Sophia, the Empress by marrying her to Frank.

However, the Duke of Cassil didn’t give him a definite answer even
though he pretended to let Sophia get engaged to Frank.

Frank was next in line to the throne, so there were many women who
wanted to marry him. Naturally, Duke Cassil wanted to keep his
options open until the very end.

However, thanks to Marquis Westin’s efforts, Sophia eventually

became engaged to Frank.

Sophia was happy to fulfill her father’s wish. However that was
before Frank shamed Sophia for her appearance and verbally
abused her. He also had flings with other women.

Instead of apologizing to Sophia when he was caught cheating, he’d

yell at her, saying, ‘If you don’t like it, then you should break up with

Sophia had a hard time, but Marquis Westin repeatedly told her that
Frank would change when he grew up.

Sophia also believed her father, praying that Blake would die as
soon as possible and that Frank would become the real Crown
“Goddess, please kill that monster. He’s a monster that everyone
hates. The Goddess doesn’t like him either. Let the monster die so
that Frank can become the Crown Prince. I only ask this of you:
Please kill him as soon as possible.”

Blake didn’t die, but the Duke of Cassil still became the Emperor in
the original story because Richard killed Tenstheon.

Arnold Cassil was very fond of his eldest son, Frank, so he’d
definitely instate him as the Crown Prince. However, nothing
changed for Sophia.

Or rather, she became even more unhappy.

Not only did Frank delay the marriage day after day, he also swore at
Sophia, demanding her to break up with him.

Even if he became the Emperor, Sophia would never become his

Empress. He threatened her to give up before he did something to
her in a fit of rage.

Sophia was exhausted, but her father would never allow a break up.

Richard approached the depressed woman.

After struggling for so long between her father and her fiance,
Sophia eventually fell in love with Richard.

Richard also pretended to love her, but of course, he didn’t really

mean it.

Richard used Sofia to extract information on Frank so that he could

trap him. And once Frank died, he mercilessly abandoned Sophia.

Even though that was how it went in the original story, the two
people who were intertwined in such a terrible relationship were
really going to get married.
Of course, there was no guarantee that it would turn out the same
way this time.

A lot of things had changed, so it was possible that they were really
getting married to each other out of love.

According to the gossip in the aristocratic circles, Sophia had

become noticeably brighter since she met Richard, and Richard also
treated her with utmost devotion.

However, it was still hard for me to believe it, and kept bugging me.

I asked Blake once again.

“It won’t take long. I’ll stop by just for a moment.”


I honestly didn’t like Sophia.

The scene of Sophia praying desperately for Blake’s was so creepy,

yet it was considered one of the best scenes in the original story.

The people who hurt Sophia were Marquis Westin and Frank, but
she turned the tip of her blade towards Blake who hadn’t done
anything to hurt her, and prayed sincerely for his death.

She couldn’t do that just because she was helpless.

“I really want to go.”

Blake sighed when I said it again.

“You’ll go even if I stop you, right?”

“Yes, sorry…”

I didn’t want to worry him or give him a hard time anymore, but I
couldn’t help it this time.
Then, Blake shook his head and wrapped an arm around me.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. Do whatever you want. I’ll protect


“Thank you.”

I leaned my head on his shoulder with a big smile.


The next day, we headed to Marquis Westin’s residence.

Blake and I got out of the carriage and headed to the garden where
the wedding was being held. There were far fewer people than

I had expected to see Marquis Westin’s relatives attending Richard’s

wedding, but it seemed that even they had chosen to attend Ron’s
wedding instead.

A lot of people didn’t attend the ceremony as a form of protest,

saying they could not accept someone with Roum blood as the next

“Ancia, remember what I said?”

Blake held my hand tightly as he whispered in my ear.

“Yes, don’t worry.”

I clearly remembered what he said before I came here. I also

whispered quietly to him, when suddenly, we heard an angry voice.

“Why are you stopping his own brother from entering?!”

The butler bowed his head when Marquis Westin’s brother roared.
“His Excellency is in critical condition. It’s hard for him to attend to

“Guest?! How am I a guest? We are blood brothers! I’m a lot closer

to him than that Roum!”

“This is Lady Sophia’s command. Please wait until the ceremony is


“What’s wrong with her? What the hell is Sophia thinking?!”

“Sophia, what does she know? She’s become so enamoured by that

Roum that she’s gone crazy. I have to stop him before he devours
the entire Westin family!”

His son, who was standing next to him, shouted as well.

“Get out of my way! I have to see them right now.”


“A mere butler like you dares to block Marquis Westin’s own brother!”

“The battle for the title has already begun.”

Blake spit coldly. It was as he said.

Marquis Westin was said to have fought fiercely with his brother for
the Marquis title.

I even heard that he kicked out his younger brother who lost the title
fight without giving him a single penny.

Let alone being acquainted, they were more like enemies. But he
seemed to be acting like that now because he’d heard that Marquis
Westin was in critical condition.

If Richard and Sophia got married before his death, then Richard
would become the next Marquis.
However, things would get complicated if Marquis Westin died before
they could get married.

If the Marquis’ brother claimed his rights and brought the people into
his side, the position could just as easily fall into his lap.

Originally, the vassals would naturally have supported Sophia since

she was the daughter of the Marquis, but she couldn’t guarantee
them victory any longer because she was getting married to Richard
who was a Roum.

They thought Richard was in a hurry to get married to prevent that

from happening.

Blake also agreed, and the people at the wedding were probably
thinking the same thing too.

The Marquis wasn’t dead yet, so they couldn’t rush into the fight and
take sides just yet.

Marquis Westin had lived his entire life enjoying wealth that ordinary
people could not even dream of.

However, there was no one who was genuinely concerned about him
when they heard he was in critical condition.

“I don’t think he’s in a hurry to get married simply because of the title
or inheritance.”

I said to Blake as I looked around the garden. On the whole, the

atmosphere was very chaotic.

The guest chair wasn’t comfortable and the decorations were

terrible. Furthermore, the number of servants was quite insufficient,
so even the few guests had not been welcomed properly.

Was he really in a hurry because the Marquis was sick? Or did he

want it to look like he was in a hurry?
They said they suddenly moved up the date, but Richard and Sophia
didn’t have to prepare everything themselves.

It would’ve been better to ask relatives or servants to help, or to hire

outside personnel.

The Marquis Westin’s family was not struggling with financial

difficulties, but it felt rather contrived because it was so chaotic.

There must be something wrong.

It was not just the matter of succession to a title. Richard was up to


I thought it was suspicious from the beginning, but I was even more
convinced now.

“Oh my, Your Highness!”

In the midst of this chaotic atmosphere, one of the guests exclaimed

when he saw us. Others were surprised and turned to our side.

“Your Highnesses!”

“I didn’t expect you to come.”

Originally, the groom was supposed to greet the guests and act as
the host, but Richard was nowhere to be seen.

The butler had his hands full blocking the Marquis’ brother, so no
one noticed that we had also come.

People who belatedly found out that we had arrived rushed to greet

The younger brother and nephew of the Marquis, who had been
shouting loudly, were also surprised and bowed their heads.
However, even in spite of this tumultuous situation, Richard didn’t
come out…


“There are very few guests. Most of the relatives just notified us of
their absence.”

The woman in the maid’s uniform reported to Richard.

Her name was Karan and she was one of Richard’s black mages.

“They’re all going to Ron’s wedding. Those jerks.”

Richard spat coldly.

One of the Emperor’s most cherished servants, Sir Ron, was also
having a wedding ceremony, so most of them ran there.

In addition, the Emperor and Imperial couple would also attend the

If it were another day, he’d be seething with rage, but today was

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Chapter 140 – What seemed to have changed had not changed


TL: Zimming

Editor: bodyinthefreezer

It was something he expected anyway. He had decided on today

because he wanted fewer guests to show up.

He had announced the wedding date just yesterday in order to

reduce the number of guests as much as possible.

Marquis Westin was dead.

Although he managed to prevent the decomposition of the body

using black magic and mana stones, it would be obvious when
someone looked closely.

Connin’s spell wasn’t perfect, so he manipulated the body with black

magic to disguise it as if he was alive.

The more people there were, the higher the risk of being caught
would be.

Richard looked at Sophia Westin, who was asleep in the chair

opposite to him.

She was wearing a white wedding dress.

He didn’t understand why Sophia was making a fuss over just one
dress and preparing it so many months in advance, but it turned out

If she hadn’t prepared her wedding dress in advance, it would’ve

been troublesome to prepare clothes in a hurry.

“Should I wake her up?” asked Karan.

Richard shook his head.

“Leave her be.”

Sophia had seen Richard killing Marquis Westin.

He was surprised, but he regained his composure soon.

Marquis Westin regarded Sophia as a tool for their family, and she
was well aware of this.

Their father-daughter relationship was not a good one, so he thought

it could be overlooked if he coaxed her well.

“I couldn’t help it. Marquis Westin accused me and said he’d take me
to court. I don’t care about dying, but I couldn’t stand the thought of
breaking up with you…”

“Killer! You killed my father! You murderer!!”

However, he was terribly wrong.

Sophia sobbed and screamed when she found out that Marquis
Westin had died.

Marquis Westin has never truly loved you, Only I love you, and I was
afraid to break up with you. This happened because the Marquis
attacked me first and I made a mistake when I tried to stop him.
Richard kept making such excuses. But no matter what he said,
Sophia didn’t listen.
“Save my father!”

Richard’s expression hardened as he watched her cry. Why was she

acting like this?

For Marquis Westin, Sophia was not a child, but a tool. The Duke of
Cassil also acted no different from Marquis Westin.

But why was she so sad?

Richard was the one who comforted Sophia’s heart which had been
wounded by Marquis Westin.

So naturally, he expected her to put him first. So why was she so


Was it because they were family?

Richard didn’t understand Sophia. However, he still needed her to

take over the Westin family.

He had to coax her and get married somehow.

“Sophia, calm down.”

“What? How could you say that? You killed my father and now you’re
telling me to calm down?!”

She turned around and screamed at Richard.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to put you to trial!”

Richard quickly stopped her in surprise.

If the fact that he had murdered Marquis Westin was discovered,

then he would be completely done for. Rather than becoming the
Emperor, his head would be on the guillotine.
Richard knocked Sophia out.

The next day, she woke up and started screaming again, but Richard
didn’t comfort her anymore.

She had wanted to kill him by calling for a trial. There was no need
for him to show her compassion.

Richard had Karan cast a spell on Sophia.

It was manipulation magic which dominated the body and controlled

it like a puppet. It was a level lower than the brainwashing magic
which dominated the mind.

It could only be used to execute a limited amount of behavior, and

above all, there was a high risk of being caught because it would
seem somewhat unnatural and awkward.

Karan was smarter and more cautious than Connin, but her black
magic was still lacking.

Connin, however, was already in charge of Marquis Westin, so he

couldn’t put a spell on Sophia as well.

Richard moved the wedding forward.

As soon as Sophia put on her wedding dress and finished her

makeup, he had her go back to sleep.

“It will be time for the wedding to begin soon.”

When Richard told Karan not to wake Sophia up, she became
worried and checked the time.

Most of the guests would go to Ron’s wedding after showing up for a


If the wedding was delayed, they wouldn’t wait any longer and just
go to Ron’s wedding.
The fewer guests there were, the better it was for them.

If Richard said that Sophia was sad about the Marquis and
exhausted from crying as an excuse, there would be no one who’d
protest it.

Richard planned to kill Sophia and disguise it as a suicide when he

officially became the Marquis of Westin after the wedding.

Since she was already depressed at the time of the wedding, no one
would doubt that she hadn’t died because of the sadness of losing
her father.

People would think that her depression got worse because there
were only a few guests at her wedding and pity her.

The public would also criticize the vassals for abandoning their lord
and choosing to go to Ron’s wedding.

Other nobles were conscious of public opinion so they would also

keep their distance from them, and so, the vassals would be forced
to show loyalty to the Westin family again.

If both Marquis Westin and Sophia died, people would oppose

Richard’s succession of the Westin family. They’d think Richard took
over the Westin family on purpose.

But amidst public sympathy for Sophia who died and criticism for the
vassals, they’d have no choice but to shut their mouth.

After all, they were also responsible for Sophia’s suicide.

At first, he was going to persuade Sophia to hide the death of

Marquis Westin and hold a splendid wedding.

However, Sophia was foolish enough to side with her father and lost
her mind, so they were forced to hold the ceremony today. But as a
result, it turned out well.
Rather, this was much simpler.

He’d have her write a suicide note that said, ‘I love Richard so much.
I want to give everything to him.’

Richard glanced at Sofia indifferently.

“What a fool.”

He didn’t feel sorry or guilty towards her.

He had given her a chance. However, Sophia chose to make a fool

out of herself and called for the guards.

“But wouldn’t it be better to keep her awake now? I think I’d have to
get her dress and hair done again.”

The decorations on her hair and clothes were in disarray as she had
pressed on it while sleeping.

“Just leave her be.”

In fact, it would be nice if she looked a bit disheveled.

After the wedding, the guests would demand to see Marquis Westin.

The guests were mostly Marquis Westin’s people.

In particular, those who did not go to Ron’s wedding and remained in

place until the end were those who were very close to Marquis

And they had come here to see the Marquis of Westin, not Richard
and Sophia’s wedding.

No matter how good Connin was at magic, they’d notice that the
Marquis was in a strange condition.
Therefore Richard planned to use hallucination to confuse their

“Have you prepared for it?”

“Yes, I’ve set it up in the Marquis’s room.”

After the wedding, they’d take the guests to Marquis Westin’s room.

Connin would manipulate Marquis Westin’s body and make a false

voice to make him look alive, while Karan would use hallucination

Under the influence of the hallucinations and magic, all the people
would believe that the Marquis was still alive.

Marquis Westin would die after nominating Richard as the next


It had been a long time since the Marquis died, but Richard had
hidden it with manipulation magic, so no one would notice it.

The next day would be the perfect time to release the suicide note
that he had prepared in advance.

Tomorrow he would become Marquis Westin.

Not only would he become a nobleman again, all of the Westin

family’s vast wealth would also belong to him then.

Richard smiled when he thought about the future that would unfold
from tomorrow, and suddenly a woman’s voice echoed in his ears.

“Are you crazy? You’re out of your mind! How could you do this?
Were you really that kind of a human? No, you gave up being a
human a long time ago.”

The voice belonged to Laontel. She always bothered him with the
auditory hallucinations, but this time she was directly criticizing him.
Following the auditory hallucination came a splitting headache.

When Karan saw Richard staggering, she rushed to him in surprise.


“It’s okay. Don’t make a fuss.”

Richard clenched his fist and rose up again.

‘What is this? Just what is this!’

He couldn’t figure out why the auditory hallucinations suddenly

started. He guessed that it had something to do with the fake Ancia.

However, he was more angry than curious about the cause.

‘Why is she blaming me?! Why is she rejecting me?!!’

No matter who she was, the unbearable anger boiled up when she
criticized him.

He’d go find that fake after he got married and became the Marquis.
He would definitely find her and find out the source of this auditory

Richard was gritting his teeth, when the butler came inside.

“What’s going on?”

Richard had planted him here when he first started courting Sophia.

He owned the butler, as well as some of the Marquis’ knights and


Thanks to this, it was easy to control the mansion even after he killed
the Marquis.

“Marquis Westin’s brother has come.”

Richard frowned. The Marquis and his brother were practically

As soon as he heard that his brother was in critical condition, he

showed up. What a piece of shit.

“Get rid of him right now.”

“But it’s the younger brother of the Marquis…”

“Tell them that it’s Marquis Westin’s orders.”

No one would doubt it if they heard that Marquis Westin kicked his
brother out.

“Also the Crown Prince and his wife are here.”

As soon as Richard heard that, his expression distorted horribly.

Ancia and Blake were here?

He thought that they had gone to attend Sir Ron’s wedding.

What were they doing here?

He had an ominous feeling about it.

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Chapter 141 – What seemed to have changed has not changed (11)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

Richard hurried to the garden where the wedding was going to be


He planned not to show his face until the wedding ceremony began
to maintain the muddled atmosphere, but because of the royal
couple’s arrival, it seems that he can longer do that.

Ancia was surrounded by many people.

She looked beautiful in her dark apricot dress.

Her eyes that shone brilliantly matched her enchanting, red lips.

Richard wanted Ancia.

However, the person by her side was not him, but Blake.

In addition to the visage that resembled Tenstheon, Blake also had

the silver hair and red eyes that symbolized the royal family. He even
had Ancia.

Blake had everything Richard wanted.

He effortlessly acquired all of them because he was the emperor’s

The jealousy and insecurity he felt intensified the anger in his heart.
Richard tried to hide it as he approached the couple.

“I greet the Crown Prince, the light of the empire, and the Crown
Princess, the blessing of the empire.”

“I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Blake looked at Richard and spoke briefly, an elegant smile on his


“Richard Cassil, congratulations on your wedding.”


It was only natural to celebrate his wedding now that they are in the
wedding hall. Despite that, Richard was furious.

He didn’t want to hear that from her.

It was an emotion that he couldn’t understand himself.

It was true that he had affection for Ancia when he was still being
foolish, but that feeling disappeared when he thought she was dead.
No, perhaps he resented her.

For that reason, he couldn’t understand why he wanted to have her

for himself.

He felt like he had long desired her. It didn’t even feel like a simple
childhood love anymore.

However, it was not the right time to be swayed by emotions.

Why did the crown prince and his wife suddenly show up?

Did the emperor send the crown prince to celebrate because he was
his nephew?
No, that’s not it.

Even if Tenstheon gave such a command, Blake wouldn’t have

heeded it.

While Richard wondered why they made an appearance, Blake

opened his mouth.

“I heard the Marquis of Westin is in critical condition.”

“Yes, we had to get married earlier than the original schedule

because of him.”

“Where is the marquis? I want to treat him.”


Cold sweat dripped down Richard’s back.

“Oh, please do so!”

“Your Highness, who was chosen by the goddess, can definitely heal
the marquis!”

The guests chatted with joy, unaware of Richard’s feelings.

He must stop the crown prince. Blake must never meet the marquis.

“…The marquis had been treated and is already recovering.”


Blake just smiled. The people around them whispered to each other
when they heard that the marquis had been treated.

“Yes. He was furious when he heard that his brother had come.”

Richard also added that the Marquis of Westin is alive.

It was a lie of course, but that didn’t matter.

Before Richard met with the crown prince, the butler had already
kicked out the marquis’s brother’s family, so he was confident that no
one would doubt his words.

All he had to do now is to turn the situation the other way around.
Once they think that the marquis’s condition is getting better, he will
just tell them that his condition suddenly took a turn for the worse
and died.

“I’d like to meet the marquis.”

But Blake was persistent.

They haven’t had an exchange for the past seven years, and he
always refused to see the marquis whenever he visited, so why does
the crown prince keep insisting on meeting him now?

Does he know anything?

“I see. Your Highness hasn’t seen the marquis in a long time, so you
must be eager to meet him today.”

“If Your Highness wants to then, of course, I have to let you see him.”

Ancia cooperated with Blake to corner Richard by talking in front of

the guests.

Seeing the couple smiling at each other, Richard momentarily forgot

about his situation and was filled with jealousy towards Blake.

While Richard was glaring at Blake, Blake’s brilliant silver hair

suddenly turned black.

Richard looked away in surprise.

When he came to his senses and looked again, Blake’s hair color
was back to silver.
What was that? Did he hallucinate?

“Is there something wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Richard shook his head in haste.

“I couldn’t sleep well at night because I’m nursing the marquis. I

must be quite tired.”

“Oh my.”

“The marquis fell asleep again after getting angry about his brother. I
apologize, but I don’t think you’ll be able to see him today.”

“It’s about time for the ceremony to start.”

Richard spoke politely.

“Hmm. Is that so?”

Although Richard was suspicious, he did not avoid their eyes and
confidently looked at them.

He had to be confident. If he showed even a slight bit of emotion

right now, it would be like confessing his crime.

“Yes, I ask you for your kind understanding.”

Richard bowed politely. This time, it was Ancia who asked him.

“Richard Cassil, where is Lady Westin?”

She asked him in a cold, dismissive tone. A completely different tone

when talking to Blake.

Although Richard is a commoner right now, he will soon become a

nobleman. Ancia should’ve spoken to him with respect like all the
others, but instead, she did not even bother hiding her contempt.

When he was deprived of his status, many people suddenly ignored

him and changed their attitude towards him.

Therefore, he was used to this situation.

Even so, he didn’t want to be treated like that by Ancia.

How could she treat him like that when she once held affection for

“…Sophia is resting. She was exhausted from nursing him.”

However, he had no choice but to endure the sudden change in her

attitude, which made him angry.

Just for today. He will become the Marquis of Westin soon, so he

only had to endure this kind of treatment for a day.

He will never suffer from such an insult again.

“It has been a long time, so I wanted to say hello to Lady Westin.”

“She was exhausted after nursing the marquis all night and from
preparing for the wedding early in the morning…”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll go and comfort her.”

“That might be difficult…”

“Are you saying you’re going to disobey the crown princess’s


Ancia was doing this on purpose.

It seemed to her that Richard did not want the marquis and Lady
Westin to meet people. She felt suspicious of him.
She felt like she must meet Sophia Westin even if she had to use the
authority of the royal family.

“Th-that… it’s not like that.”

As Ancia expected, Richard was visibly shaken.

“When I see you ignoring me like this, I cannot help but think that
what happened in the past was intentional, not a mistake.”

People buzzed when she mentioned the fake Ancia case.

Richard clenched his fist tightly.

So if he doesn’t let Sophia meet her, she’s going to hold him

responsible for the fake Ancia incident?

Either way, that will be the worst possible outcome for Richard.


Still, it was better to let them meet Sophia than have them
investigate him again.

If they find out that he was trying to poison the crown prince through
the fake, he will be punished.

“But only Her Highness can enter. I don’t want to show my bride to
another man.”

As someone chosen by the goddess of light, Blake might notice

Sophia’s condition.

However, when he heard Richard’s words, Blake spoke in a low


“Are you insulting me?”

Before the wedding, the bride cannot meet another man.

Of course, it was a custom that had long disappeared. However, it
was still a custom, so it was not that surprising for the groom to
reject him.

Nevertheless, Blake got angry at him. He pretended to be angry

because he couldn’t let Ancia go there alone.

“Richard Cassil, you dare to insult the crown prince of the empire?”

Richard considered Blake as someone beneath him.

When others changed their attitudes and praised Blake for having
the power of light, Richard ridiculed him secretly.

For him, Blake was just a useless, ugly monster, who was dying from
a curse.

Even if everything has changed now, Richard could not get rid of his
contempt for him.

He thought Blake was a fool who wasted his time searching for the
crown princess, who was supposed to be dead.

He felt the same way when he handed over the poison to the fake

He even laughed at the prince as he imagined him losing his life at

the hands of the woman he had been waiting for.

But now he felt a lot of pressure from Blake.

Richard bowed his head, feeling the pressure that was second only
to Tenstheon.

“I-I’m sorry.”


“Damn it!”
Richard cursed as he headed to Sophia’s room.

He bought himself some time with the excuse that she hadn’t
finished preparing yet, but he had to hurry.

“Karan, pour out all your mana. Don’t get caught by the crown prince
and the crown princess.”

“Yes, master.”

If Karan uses her mana here, the plan will be disrupted. However,
they had to deceive the royal couple.

Ancia and Blake won’t stay for long anyway. They still have to attend
Sir Ron’s wedding.

Richard prepared in haste before leading Ancia and Blake into the

Sophia greeted them politely when they entered.

“I greet the Crown Prince, the light of the empire, and the Crown
Princess, the blessing of the empire.”

Right now, Sophia’s body is being controlled by Karan’s black magic.

She can see what’s happening, but her words and actions did not
follow her will.

Her greeting looked very natural. It was quite difficult to control her
movements, but fortunately, it did not look strange.

Then, Ancia noticed Karan, who stood behind Sophia.

‘What is it? Did she notice that Karan is using magic?’

Richard was nervous, but he managed to calm himself down.

‘Everything’s fine. Karan would look like a normal maid to anyone.’

He was sure that Ancia just glanced at Karan since she never saw
her before.

As if proving Richard’s thoughts correct, Ancia turned her head to

Sophia and smiled brightly.

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Chapter 142 – What seemed to have changed has not changed (12)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

“Congratulations on your marriage, Lady Westin.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

“You look so beautiful today.”

“Thank you.”

The conversation went smoothly.

Blake stood quietly next to her.

The goddess bestowed her powers upon Blake. Richard was

anxious at the possibility of getting caught by Blake, but fortunately,
he did not seem to notice.

“But your complexion is quite pale. Your father must have been

“Yes, I haven’t slept well lately.”

Karan continued the conversation naturally. Connin couldn’t have

done this well.

Suddenly, Ancia approached Sophia and held her hand tightly.

“You’re having a hard time, aren’t you?”

“Not at all. I’m fine because Richard is there to support me. It’s.
Alright. I am. Very happy.”

Sophia’s way of speaking suddenly became strange. Richard looked

at Karan in fright, but she looked just as surprised as he was.

“You’re happy?”

“Yes. Very. Happy.”

Sophia’s strange way of speaking worsened. It wasn’t only her words

this time, her accent sounded unnatural too.

“I see. That’s a relief.”

Ancia smiled. Luckily, she did not seem to notice anything strange.

She probably thought Sophia was just nervous.

However, if it goes on like this, Richard will definitely get caught.


At that moment, a pained groan escaped Sophia’s mouth. It was not

Karan’s manipulation, but her own voice.

At this rate, things will become problematic for him if Sophia speaks
on her own. Richard stepped in immediately.

“Sophia seems to be nervous. I’m sorry, but there are still things we
need to take care of. Would you please wait in the parlor room?”

Ancia glanced at Sophia.

Did he get caught? Richard’s heart pounded on his chest, but Ancia
only smiled elegantly.
“We will take our leave then. See you later, Lady Sophia.”

Ancia firmly held Sophia’s hand once more before letting go.

“Blake, let’s go.”

“Yes, let’s go, wife.”

Blake nodded and wrapped his arm around Ancia’s waist.

When Richard saw the two of them leaving the room affectionately,
he was jealous yet relieved at the same time.

After the door closed, Richard breathed out a sigh of relief. He was
lucky not to get caught.

“How did that happen?!”

Richard shouted at Karan as soon as the couple left. Karan, who had
fallen on the floor, bowed her head.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m asking you what happened!”

“My mana flow was suddenly disrupted.”

Karan said, her face looked as white as a sheet.

“I told you to concentrate!”

If only Domiran was still alive, he would’ve never made this kind of

Richard burst into a fit of rage as he looked at Sophia.

“How can you make such a mistake?!”

“I’m sorry, I was interrupted…”

“You were interrupted?”

Did Blake use his power? If so, what should Richard do?

Cold sweat ran down Richard’s spine.

Should he proceed with the wedding or should he cancel it?

But he’s almost there.

He only needed a day. No, not a day, but just a few hours and he will
become the marquis.

Besides, it will be difficult to get another chance if not today.

There was a limit to the magic that prevents the decomposition of the
marquis’s body while making him look alive. It was no longer
possible to stop other people from visiting with the excuse that the
marquis was in critical condition.

The marquis’s death had to be announced today.

However, if the Marquis of Westin’s death was revealed before the

wedding, his brother and relatives would fight over the title, and
Richard wouldn’t have any chances after that.

Nonetheless, if he marries Sophia Westin late, he wouldn’t be able to

become a marquis easily.

Today only. Today was his first and last chance.

“Are you sure you were interrupted? You probably made a blunder
and now you’re spouting excuses!”

“…I don’t know.”

Karan bowed her head.

It was clear to her that she was interrupted. However, because she
lacked magic skills, it was hard to know how or who did it.

While Karan was thinking to herself, Richard made up his mind.

“The wedding will proceed as planned.”

“Get that woman ready.”

Richard pointed at Sophia.

“Yes, master.”

“There must be no mistakes this time.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

“You have to make sure it doesn’t happen again. If you’re not

confident, I will call Connin instead.”

“No! I can do it! I won’t make a slip this time.”

Karan had an inferiority complex due to the fact that Connin’s magic
skills were better than hers.

She gritted her teeth and replied when Richard threatened to replace
her with Connin.

“If you make one more mistake, I won’t forgive you.”

“Yes, master.”

Once again, Karan cast a spell on Sophia.

The bride had to enter with her father, but Richard will walk in with
her under the pretext that the Marquis of Westin is still unwell.

Richard checked again to see if Sophia was moving naturally before

taking her hand and going outside.
He only had to get wedded. It didn’t matter whether they were
suspicious of him or not.

Once he acquired the Marquis of Westin’s wealth and status, he

could do everything he wanted.

Richard was confident. All he lacked was title and wealth.

His ability was good enough. The nobles were all brainless.

On the surface, they pretended to be smart and elegant, but Richard

knew better than anyone else how stupid they were.

As long as he becomes the marquis, he can take control of every

noble. Even Blake will bow down to him! He will make Ancia his wife

Richard opened the door with mixed eagerness and hope.

At that moment, a blade was pointed at his neck.

Blake was pointing a sword at him. Behind him stood the knights and

Richard’s heart was then filled with despair as the view of his bright
future disappeared.


Before we arrived at Richard’s wedding, Blake kept reminding me.

Even if I noticed that Richard was being suspicious, I mustn’t reveal

it and back down.

“Ancia, do you remember what I said?”

“Yes, don’t worry.”

I had no intention of doing anything anyway. I was already trapped
behind the door of darkness before which hurt many people.

Of course, it wasn’t anyone’s fault, but I don’t want to make my loved

ones worry about me again in the future.

When we showed up at the wedding hall, people flocked to greet us.

Most of them were the Marquis of Westin’s relatives and vassals, but
no one seemed to know exactly what the marquis’s condition was

Hearing that the marquis was in a critical condition, they came to

check on him, but it seemed that Richard was controlling the access
to see him.

They wanted to protest, but they seemed to be holding it in because

it was a wedding day.

Anyway, when the marquis dies, the next marquis will be Richard.

It was a pity that the Marquis of Westin was so unpopular that no

one was truly worried about his well-being even though he was in a
critical condition.

Listening to the people talk, it seemed that the butler refused the
marquis’s brother’s family when they arrived.

The Marquis of Westin was said to have gotten furious upon hearing
that his disowned brother had come.

They said he was in a critical condition, but when his brother

appeared, did he suddenly come to his senses and chased him

The more I thought about it, the more suspicious I got.

“I need to meet the marquis and the lady.”

I whispered in Blake’s ear. Blake nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go with you.”


Richard showed up when he heard of our arrival.

He kept making up lame excuses, saying that the marquis had not
yet recovered and fell asleep again, preventing us from meeting him.

However, he couldn’t stop us from meeting Sophia Westin when we

pressured him.

I was surprised the moment we entered the room where Sophia was

Black mana was floating all around the room. The mana was coming
from the maid who stood behind Sophia.

She had dark hair and a pair of sharp eyes.

I knew right then that she was a black mage, but I pretended not to
know and continued talking to Sophia.

“Congratulations on your marriage, Lady Westin.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

She was being controlled by black magic. Her words were not
suspicious, but her eyes were.

I held Sophia’s hand tightly. As expected, her body was enveloped

by the mana.

They cast a magic spell on her.

“You’re having a hard time, aren’t you?”

I let some mana of light enter her body.

“Not at all. I’m fine because Richard is there to support me. It’s.
Alright. I am. Very happy.”

Then the spell was broken and her voice began to waver.

Sophia nearly spoke out her true thoughts, but Richard said that she
was just nervous and told us to leave.

I wanted to reveal his sins right there, but I had to keep my promise
with Blake.

“We will take our leave then. See you later, Lady Sophia.”

I held her hand firmly and gave her some mana of light so that her
tired body could feel a bit comfortable.

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Chapter 143 – What seemed to have changed has not changed (13)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

As soon as we left the room, I cast a soundproof spell on my

conversation with Blake, so that no will hear us.

The maid’s spell was clumsy and her mana was weak.

She wouldn’t notice even if I used a soundproof spell.

I told Blake about the situation. He called Edon and the imperial
knights, who were waiting near the marquis’s residence in case of
any unforeseen circumstances.

Blake was worried about me and told me to go back first, but I stood
my ground and promised him that I’ll stay behind the knights instead.

I’m the only one that can deal with the black mage right now.

Blake had mana of light, but he did not master that power yet.

The knights wanted to barge in and capture Richard right away, but I
dissuaded them.

“If we enter the room now, Lady Westin will stop us. Let us wait until
they get out first.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“The woman in maid’s clothing is a black mage. Be careful.”

“We’ll keep that in mind.”

After a while, Richard opened the door with a confident look. Blake
pointed his sword to Richard’s neck.

Richard froze. However, he promptly raised his head with a relaxed


“Your Highness, what are you doing? I know you’re the crown prince,
but I think you’re going overboard.”

He pretended to be innocent even in this situation. No, he even

looked upset.

Several imperial knights, who were on alert, approached Sophia to

protect her.

“No! Why are you trying to separate us? Don’t take Richard away!
He didn’t do anything wrong!”

He was still using black magic under these circumstances.

I looked at the maid. She continued to control Sophia even though

she was being overwhelmed by the knights.

Her loyalty was admirable.

I walked towards Sophia, which surprised Jayden.

“It’s dangerous, Your Highness.”

“It’s okay, everyone’s guarding me.”

Five knights escorted me.

Besides, I’m the best person to use light mana against the black
Of course, I promised Blake that I’ll stay still under the knights’
protection, but I can’t just stand around when I can help him.


I approached Sophia. Blake was surprised and immediately called

my name.

“It’s alright.”

I held Sophia’s hand.

The spell to manipulate her body was stronger than before, but it
was still clumsy. I cut off the black magic that bound her with a single

Sophia’s body collapsed.

“Are you alright, Lady Sophia?”

Instead of answering, she raised a trembling arm, pointed at

Richard, and shouted.

“It’s all his fault! He killed my father!”

The Marquis of Westin was already dead.

To be honest, I guessed to some extent by watching his obstinate

attempts to prevent people from meeting the marquis, but it was still
a terrible thing to do.

“Richard Cassil, I will ask for the details of your crimes in the imperial

Blake spoke coldly.

He murdered the Marquis of Westin, manipulated his only daughter

with black magic, and forced her to marry him as he tried to acquire
the marquis’s wealth and status.
That was more than enough reason for Richard to receive the death

Even though his sins were exposed, Richard only stared at Blake as
if he was going to kill him.

I couldn’t see any signs of regret on his face until the end.

Richard’s misdeeds have been fully revealed now.

At that moment, thick smoke suddenly rose and covered the hallway.

Is this magic? No, I can’t feel the mana at all.

The knights yelled to each other,

“It will make you hallucinate! Cover your nose!”

But it was already too late. The knights stumbled and swung their
swords to Blake.


Blake dodged their attacks with ease, but Richard didn’t miss the
opportunity and hid in the smoke.

The knights tried to catch him, but they were stopped by the attacks
of the hallucinating knights.

Blake didn’t go after Richard and came to my side first.

“Ancia, are you okay?”

“Yes. You’re not hurt either, are you?”

“I’m fine too.”

Fortunately, he seemed to be uninjured. However, this wasn’t the

time to feel relieved.
The hall turned into a mess shortly.

“You’re crazy! Do you know whom you’re pointing your sword at?”

“Protect Their Highnesses!


The shouts and the clanging of swords were all mixed up as people
struggled against each other.

It was strange to think that they were simply hallucinating.

Furthermore, the knights pointed their swords at Blake first.

I concentrated, then I saw black mana coursing through the air.

It was black magic.

He made people hallucinate first, then he manipulated them using

black magic.

Was it the maid before? No, it was much stronger and better than the
maid’s magic.

“Be careful! There’s another black mage!”

I quickly cut off the black mana that was connected to the knights.

When the black mana was separated from their bodies, most of the
knights fell on the floor.

The knights who kept swinging their swords were soon suppressed.

“Break all the windows!”

Under Blake’s order, the knights who did not hallucinate broke all the
windows around them.

The thick smoke flowed out.

However, Richard and the maid had already disappeared.

The other black mage was also nowhere to be found.


Just as Sophia said, the Marquis of Westin was dead.

Richard was furious when he was informed of the breakup and killed
the marquis, but Sophia caught him.

He tried to coax Sophia to prevent her from telling anyone and to

make her an accomplice. However, she refused and tried to call the
knights, so he knocked her out to stop her.

Sophia couldn’t remember what happened after that because of the

effects of drugs and black magic.

From her point of view, those events were better off forgotten.

To become a marquis, Richard tried to force Sophia to marry him,

even going as far as using black magic.

He was a trashy human being, both a thousand years ago and now.

Sophia clearly remembered a few things even with her blurred


Richard’s black mages were a man and a woman.

Both of them had the same black hair like Richard.

It must have been the male black mage who used hallucination and
black magic to give Richard a chance to escape.
However, it mustn’t be that easy for Richard and the two black
mages to put the entire marquis’s residence under their control in
such a short time.

When the marquis’s butler and knights were questioned, they

admitted that they were bribed by Richard.

Until Richard gets caught, Sophia Westin will be under the imperial
knights’ protection.

There were four women who became miserable in ‘The Beast and
the Lady’ because they were used by Richard.

Joanna, Camilla, Chelsea, and Sophia Westin.

Unlike in the original story, the first three had no contact with
Richard, but Sophia could not avoid his schemes.

In the past, Sophia prayed for Blake’s death.

She was 17 years old then.

It was not that young of an age.

I couldn’t bring myself to forgive her, but I felt bad when I

remembered her crying in her wedding dress.

“Don’t do anything dangerous from now on.”


I turned my head when I heard Blake’s voice.

“Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault.”

He held my hand tightly. It seemed that my expression revealed my

thoughts. I felt worried again.

I intentionally smiled broadly.

“I couldn’t give them the strawberries.”

It was already late in the evening when we finally settled the situation
and investigated the marquis. Sir Ron’s wedding must be over.

“Let’s eat them all.”

“Shall we?”


“Then I’ll just eat strawberries all day.”

“That’s a great idea too.”

Blake smiled and sat next to me.

I naturally leaned my head on his shoulder.



“Don’t do anything dangerous from now on.”

Blake spoke in a soft yet firm voice.

Earlier, I broke my promise to stay under the knights’ protection and

stepped in front of them.

“It wasn’t that dangerous. I’m much stronger.”

Although the male black mage’s ability was outstanding, it was

nothing compared to mine.

I was quite famous as a light mage a thousand years ago.

It was a very logical answer, but Blake burst out laughing.

“I’m telling the truth. I would’ve never come forward if it was even just
a bit dangerous.”

I don’t have the slightest intention of making the people around me


“I know. You’re my teacher who lifted my curse and taught me


Blake hugged my shoulders tightly.

“So just trust me and rest comfortably. I’m quite strong.”

He spoke softly and with consideration, but I can imagine how

worried he must’ve been all day.

“I already trust you.”

I trust Blake a lot.

“But I’ll be more careful next time.”

“Promise me.”


I didn’t want to worry Blake. Besides, there will be no more

dangerous situations in the future.

Once Richard gets caught, all of these will be over.

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Chapter 144 – What seemed to have changed has not changed (14)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

Blake and I soon arrived at the Palace of Forens.

I entered my room first to change my clothes and Chelsea entered

after knocking.

Most of the nobles attended Sir Ron’s wedding, but Chelsea

remained in the imperial palace to oversee the renovation of the
Sephia Palace.

I told her she didn’t have to do that, but she was stubborn, saying
that they had to start repairing it and that she had to oversee the
renovation herself.

I think she used the renovation as an excuse not to attend the


Chelsea isn’t engaged yet, so if she went to the wedding, people

would’ve nagged her about it.

Even though the wedding is about to end, she could go if she wanted
to right now.

I heard that many of her friends and relatives that lived in rural areas
traveled all the way here to attend Sir Ron’s wedding.
Did she use this chance to avoid them?

“No, I have no intention of leaving the palace today.”

She said firmly.

“More importantly, I heard something big happened at the Westin’s


“Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

She heaved a sigh of relief. She seemed to be worried about me.

“Thank you for your concern.”

“Of course.”

“But what’s that?”

I asked while staring at the vial in her hand. There was black powder
in it.

“Oh, I was cleaning in the Sephia Palace when I found it in your

office. I thought it was suspicious so I brought it here.”

Since I haven’t started my duties as the crown princess yet, I rarely

used that office in the Sephia Palace.

But I’ve never seen it during the times I went there…

Did someone hide it there?

I took the bottle from Chelsea.

At that moment, my vision turned black and countless memories,

scenes, and voices entered my mind.
“Richard, here you go! Here it is!”

The children from the orphanage shouted at Richard. Richard, who

couldn’t stand children, looked at Ser, who turned into me.


He took Ser to his home, thinking it was me.

He then cast a brainwashing spell on her.

“Ancia, we have to kill the crown prince so we can be together.”

Richard gave Ser a vial that contained poison.

“Don’t worry. It’s a perfect poison that neither the doctors nor the
palace mage knows of. You’ll never get caught.”

“But I’m scared…”

“There’s no need to be scared. If it was really dangerous, I wouldn’t

have told you to do it. I love you, Ancia.”

The words he uttered sounded insincere.

Richard left and Ser burst into tears while clutching the vial in her

Then I came back to my senses. I looked at the vial with black


This was the poison Richard gave to Ser and Ser left some of her
memories in this vial.

‘Philip, why did you do that to me? You didn’t have to do that.’

‘Did you hate me? Was it a sin to die, to wish for your love?’

‘Tell me you’re sorry, please. That’s all I need to hear.’

I felt the sincerity of her words in her memories.

Richard apologized to Ser and she forgave him. It was not because
she still had some lingering feelings for him.

However, Richard used Ser to kill Blake in the end.

‘I’ll never forgive you.’

My hand tightened its hold on the vial.

I can’t forgive him. He hadn’t changed a bit since a thousand years


He’s still the same even when he didn’t remember his past life.

I’ll catch Richard for sure. I’ll catch him and make him pay.


A wanted poster with Richard’s face was posted throughout the


He had committed numerous crimes, but the worst of them all was
the attempted poisoning of the crown prince.

Richard was furious.

He was just a step away from taking the marquis’ seat. Using his title
as a stepping stone, he dreamed of taking over the society and
becoming the emperor.

However, his dreams crumbled overnight and now he was a fugitive.

He never thought Ancia had the power of light.

It wasn’t a small amount of mana she owned. She was also skillful
enough to use the power of light freely.
It really was Ancia that lifted Blake’s curse.

Ancia was indeed the blessed girl and not a delusion made up by
foolish people. Lifting the goddess’s curse that had lasted for a
thousand years was enough proof.

Richard fell into endless remorse throughout his escape.

Where on earth did it go wrong? What was the problem?

He tried so hard, yet why did he end up as a fugitive?

He searched for a reason and found one answer.

His life started to go awry when he met her.

‘Even though I was the first person that Ancia liked.’

As a child, whenever she went to a party with her father, she would
always stare at Richard closely. She couldn’t take her eyes off him.

If he had accepted her love back then, everything would’ve been


The power of light and the language skills Ancia had would’ve been
in his possession. The curse of the goddess would’ve never been
lifted as well.

The crown prince would have died miserably from the curse, and the
Duke of Cassil’s family would’ve never fallen.

Yes, that was how everything got messed up.

But there was no point in finding the cause.

Ancia was already Blake’s wife, and Richard was a fugitive.

“Master, don’t go that way. There are knights ahead.”

Connin, who came back after analyzing the situation, reported

Richard and Karan’s faces were posted all over the empire, so only
Connin could move freely.

“Then where should I go?”

“That’s… there are knights all over the place…” Connin trailed off.

“Who doesn’t know that already? It’s your job to find a way!”

Richard shouted in frustration. For now, getting out of the city is the
top priority, but it was not easy to move because of the tight security.

“I’m sorry.”


“There! There’s a man who looks just like the criminal!”

“The woman is also with him!”

At that moment, he heard the voices of the knights that conversed


Damn it!

Instead of leaving the city, they nearly got caught by the knights.

Richard ran. Karan and Connin also used black magic to create a
way for him to escape.

“This way, master.”

Richard clenched his fist and continued running. The knights,

however, were getting close to catching him.

Richard kept running.

He could hear Karan’s screams, but he ignored them and ran.

Then suddenly, he came to a halt. A large river was in front of him.

Richard tried to find another way, but before he could do so, the
knights had already surrounded him.

“Running away is futile, Richard Cassil. Do not add this to your

crimes and let yourself get arrested!”

A knight shouted as soon as they encircled him.

Richard wore a cynical smile.

Do not add this to his crimes.

Richard cannot avoid the punishment for attempting to poison the

crown prince. Whether his crimes increased or not, the only end that
awaited him was death. There was no way out.

Richard looked at the river.

The water level was high and the current was strong, probably
because of the heavy rain that went on for several days.

If he gets dragged by the knights now, he will be put on trial and

sentenced to death. However, there was a chance for him to survive
if he fell into the river. Of course, the probability of dying was great
as well.

While Richard was agonizing, the knights rushed towards him.

Richard spun around.

But when he saw the strong current, he couldn’t dare himself to jump

At that moment, he saw a woman’s figure in the water, like an

‘It’s her! It’s that fake woman!’

She had no resemblance to Ancia, but in Richard’s eyes, the woman

seemed to be the fake Ancia that deceived him.

Richard forgot about his current situation and his fear of the strong
current. He dove into the water to get to her.

The knights yelled in surprise at his unexpected action, but Richard

couldn’t hear anything.

His senses and mind were captivated by the visions of the woman.

The moment he fell into the cold river, a name came to Richard’s


That woman was Serphania, the goddess of light that gave him
powers in the past.

Richard’s memories of the past began to pour out one by one.

“You became an emperor thanks to Ser, and now you’re going to

throw it away?”

“Be careful of what you say. I became an emperor with my own


“Philip, what’s with this stone plate? Are you crazy? You must be out
of your mind! How could you do this? Are you still human? No, it’s
been a long time since you gave up being a human.”

Richard was Philip.

He used the power of light to kill Rakshul, overthrew the Imperial

Family of Zelcan, and established an empire with his power.

He was the emperor who founded the Asteric Empire.

“Hahahaha! That’s it! I won! I won! It’s my victory! Serphania, are you
watching? You lost! No matter how many messages you leave, no
one will know!”

He was the one who sealed the goddess and in turn, she cursed his

“The empress’ seat is still vacant. Laontel, if you want to leave this
place, be my wife.”

And Laontel was his woman.

Ever since he was very young, no, from the moment he was born, he
was always next to her. He loved her for a very long time.

“Laontel, no! Hang in there! I’ll find a way to save you, so if you hang
in there a little longer, I’ll…!”


“Yes, Laontel, tell me. I’m listening.”

“I hate you.”

“…Laontel? Laontel…? Laontel! Laontel!!”

Philip mourned when Laontel died. Richard felt Philip’s grief in his
entire body.

No matter how much Phillip shouted, Laontel did not move.

Richard stared at her lifeless face. Then, as time went by, her face
gradually became filled with life.

No, she wasn’t Laontel.

The golden blonde hair, the sparkling pair of green eyes, and the soft
and beautiful visage belonged to Ancia.
Laontel is Ancia. That meant Ancia is his woman.

Richard’s eyes brightened at the realization.

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Chapter 145 – How about a cup of warm tea? (1)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

Chelsea entered my room while I was reading a book.

“Your Highness, His Majesty wants to see you.”


What’s going on this late at night? He doesn’t usually call me in the

evening. Did something happen?

Maybe he caught Richard.

Richard was being pursued across the country for the attempted
poisoning of the crown prince and for the murder of the Marquis of

Richard did not leave trails, but he was eventually found after failing
to avoid the search by the imperial knights.

The knights surrounded Richard, but he threw himself into the river
just before his arrest.

And he was not found yet.

Most people guessed that Richard was dead.

It would’ve been hard to survive the fall when the river’s current was
strong so the reason they could not find Richard after that day was
because he was already dead.

But I didn’t think so.

Richard wasn’t that easy. Besides, his body is yet to be found, the
same goes for his black mages.

He must be alive somewhere.

Tenstheon and Blake thought the same thing, as they kept looking
for Richard.

Because of that, the idea that he might’ve caught Richard soon

disappeared from my mind.

Tenstheon called me to the greenhouse.

If he had found out where Richard was, he would’ve asked me to

come to the office.

He invited me to the greenhouse in the evening. The more I thought

about it, the more I wondered, but I couldn’t guess the reason at all.

Well, I’ll find out when I get there. I’ll just go to the greenhouse for

A man was standing there, but it wasn’t Tenstheon.

My eyes widened the moment I saw the man with long black hair,
wearing a neat and elegant black coat.


He was taller than before, but I still recognized him at once.

Although his appearance has matured, it was not that different from
the past. He was exuding a graceful aura.
When I called his name, Eunhan bowed politely.

He lowered his head.

“I greet the Crown Princess, the blessing of the empire.”

I shook my hand in surprise.

“You don’t need to be so polite. You are now the emperor of Chang

Eunhan became the emperor of the Chang Empire.

Many princes targeted him, but they all failed and he was safely
crowned as the emperor.

In the original story, the empire fell to ruin because of war and the
aftermath affected even the Asteric Empire.

However, Eunhan, who was chosen by the heavenly dragon, safely

ascended to the throne so their empire was now peaceful.

According to Collin, Tenstheon also helped him a lot to ascend the


“I can’t do that. You’re my master’s daughter.”

Eunhan still respected Tenstheon even when he became an

emperor, but that didn’t mean he must treat me like this.

“It’s because it feels uncomfortable. Just call me Ancia.”

“Alright, I will. Ancia.”

As I repeatedly asked him to do so, Eunhan did what I asked.

Eunhan spoke.
“I came to see my master and heard from him that you have
returned. I should have visited and congratulated you earlier, I’m

“No, I know you’re busy, but thank you for saying that.”

“I’m ashamed of not being able to help you when you were having a
hard time.”

“Don’t say that. I know you tried to find me. Thank you very much.”

When I went missing, Tenstheon asked Eunhan for help, and he

reportedly searched for me in the east.

He fought fiercely with his half-brothers to become the emperor, and

he must’ve been busy after he ascended to the throne, yet he still
spared time to

search for me.

“Of course, it’s something I must do.”

He answered politely.

“How is Baekhan doing?”

“Good, he was very pleased to hear that Ancia had returned.”

“Did you tell him the news already?”

Eunhan must’ve heard of it today, did he already tell Baekhan in


“Yes, he was so happy to hear that you’ve returned.”

He smiled. He’s still getting along well with Baekhan.

“Thanks to Baekhan, I was able to come back safely. Please send

him my gratitude.”
If it weren’t for the bracelet given by Baekhan, I would’ve already lost
my life at the door of darkness. I wouldn’t have been able to make it

“Were you in danger?”

Eunhan was worried. I shook my head in a hurry. I didn’t want to

worry him because it was already in the past.

“No, it’s not like that, but I got help from him. That’s why I really want
to thank him.”

“Yes, I’ll make sure to tell him, and when I get the chance, I’ll bring
him with me the next time I visit.”

Even after Eunhan ascended the throne, there were many of his
half-brothers who couldn’t abandon their ambitions and seek his

It would be dangerous for Eunhan and Baekhan to leave Chang at

the same time.

“Yes, I look forward to that day.”

I smiled brightly.

“And please accept this.”

Eunhan gave me a black, wooden box.

“What is this?”

“It’s a jewel that shines in the dark.”

I opened the box. It contained a jewel that looked like the tears of
light. The jewel had a mysterious and subtle glow in it.

“It’s very beautiful.”

“Congratulations again on your safe return.”

“Thank you. I will cherish it.”

I didn’t refuse and accepted the present. Perhaps Eunhan went back
to Chang to prepare a present after he heard I returned.

No matter how powerful they are, it will never be easy to travel a

long distance from the West to the East continuously.

It was a burdensome and precious gift, but I couldn’t refuse it

knowing his sincerity.

“Also, this is a gift from Baekhan.”

He handed me a silk packet. I opened the packet. There were two

items in it.

“Look inside.”


I looked inside as Eunhan said. They were well-dried tea leaves and

They were similar to the tea leaves I saw in Korea. When I looked at
it curiously, trying to know what type they are, Eunhan spoke.

“Taekri tea.”

Taekri tea. The name was very familiar. When did I hear about it?

Oh, I remember!

“Huh, it’s a pity you don’t know the taste of the tea. If Eunhan
becomes the emperor, I will send it to you.”

It was a tea that was drunk every day by the Chang Imperial Family.
Baekhan promised to give it to me when Eunhan became the
emperor. He kept his promise.

“Thank you. I can finally taste the tea that Baekhan talked about.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

“Of course, because it’s a gift. Please send my thanks to Baekhan.”

“Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.”

He smiled brightly. He had a fond expression on his face. Did

thinking about Baekhan make him happy?

My heart was touched by their friendship.

Anyway, how do I drink this?

Eunhan spoke gently.

“Do you want me to teach you?”

“Really? It’s an honor to learn from the Emperor of Chang.”

I smiled brightly.


“Wife, I’m back.”

Blake hugged me as soon as he entered the room.

We only got separated for a few hours, but it felt like I’m greeting my
husband who just came back from working all day.

“Welcome back.”

I hugged him as usual and patted his soft hair. Blake’s expression
suddenly hardened.
“What’s wrong?”

“Did that man come?”


“Eunhan, I mean.”

“How did you know?”

I was frightened. How did he know that?

“There’s a fishy smell.”

He spat out cynically.

Eunhan always had the smell of water because he was chosen by

the heavenly dragon, but it was never a fishy smell.

“Isn’t that a little different?”

“Well–what’s that scent coming from the packet?”

Blake changed the subject blatantly. I guess the two still haven’t
gotten close.

I think they can become good friends, so I don’t know why Blake is
being like this.

“It’s the scent of Taekri tea.”


Perhaps because it was an unfamiliar word, Blake was unsure of it.

“Taek. Ri. Tea. Baekhan sent it as a gift.”

“A gift from Baekhan huh?”

Blake’s expression eased up when he heard of Baekhan.
Fortunately, unlike Eunhan, he gets along well with Baekhan.

“They drink this tea every day in Chang. Originally, it was only the
imperial family and nobles who could enjoy it, but after Eunhan
ascended the throne, he started distributing it to the citizens because
it doesn’t only have a good smell, it’s also good for their health.”

“Hmm, I see.”

“Eunhan also taught me how to make it.”

“Just earlier…?”

“Yes! Drink it. It’s really good.”

I poured the tea from the kettle to the cup and gave it to Blake. I
boiled it in advance to give to him when he came back.

Blake glanced down at the teacup. Maybe he was skeptical because

it was a foreign drink.

“It’s delicious. It’s quite bitter, but it has a nice flavor.”

When I recommended it again, he drank the tea reluctantly.

“How is it?”

“Not bad.”

His face remained stiff when he spoke. Was the tea that bad? I
thought Blake would like it.

“Baekhan also gave me some seeds. I’m going to plant them in the
greenhouse tomorrow. Shall we plant together?”

“Yes. Let’s do that.”

Blake’s expression finally eased a little.

“But where did the cat go?”

“What about the cat?”

“The thought just came to mind.”

I was curious when I first came back to Amoria Palace. Melissa said
that after I left for the door of darkness, there was never a cat in

Since it was a cat that originally had an owner, I thought that maybe
it went back to its owner, but when I met Eunhan, I suddenly realized

“The cat looks a bit similar to Eunhan, doesn’t it?”

“I don’t think so. It doesn’t look like him at all.”

Blake denied strongly.

“Is that so?”

“The cat returned to its owner.”

“Really? Did you find the owner?”

“Yes, it was a palace mage, but he took it with him when he retired.
His hometown is very far from here.”

“That’s a relief.”

I thought it would’ve gone back to its owner, but I was also worried
that it might’ve gone through something bad. Now that I know that
the cat is with its owner, I was relieved.


However, as soon as I was relieved, Blake suddenly made a cat

“Blake, what are you doing?”

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Chapter 146 – How about a cup of warm tea? (2)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

“Why are you looking for a cat? I’m right here.”Q



He whispered playfully in my ear.

It used to be so cute before, but now, I felt hot and my body stiffened
when he did it.

“Y-You said you were a fox.”

“I can do whatever Ancia wants.”

“You’re like a fickle cat.”

I purposely said that to hide my embarrassment. Blake bit my


“Huh. Wha-what are you doing?!”

“I bit my master.”
He smiled softly. His eyes were so captivating that it made my heart
beat wildly.

This cat must be aware of how beautiful he is.

He was already beautiful and his beauty was even more enhanced
when he got older. What am I going to do with this beautiful man?

He suddenly lowered his eyes.

“Isn’t it just me that you’re unsatisfied with?”

“Why do you say that?”

Blake alone makes my heart beat wildly. I couldn’t even think of

other men.

“Don’t be nice to others.”

“Are you talking about Eunhan? It’s just that we finally met after a
long time.”

“He taught you how to make the tea.”

“He taught me because I didn’t know how to do it.”

“But I still hate it. I’ll learn next time. I can learn and teach my wife.”

“Why are you thinking like that?”

I laughed in bewilderment. I can just learn it directly from Eunhan, so

why should he complicate things?

“You don’t want to learn from me?”

“It’s not like that, there’s just no reason to do that.”

“Why none?”
I couldn’t understand his absurd logic.

“If I told Sir Jayden that I wanted to learn ocarina, would you learn it
first and let him know?”

“Can’t I get rid of Jayden before that?”


I was surprised by his cold voice and asked back. Did he really mean

“You’re kidding, aren’t you?”

“Yes, but wife, do you really want to learn ocarina?”

“It was just an example.”

“Why Jayden?”

“He knows how to play the ocarina.”

“Did he say that himself?”

“Huh? Yes.”

Jayden is my exclusive escort, so we always went around together

and talked about various things.

I nodded thoughtlessly. I hurriedly added when I noticed that Blake’s

eyes had a grim look in them,

“Anyway, think about it. It’ll be a hassle for you to learn it first when I
can just learn from them directly. Don’t you think so?”

“It’s better to get rid of Jayden. I’ll get my wife another teacher.”

“How did you come to that conclusion?”

“I’m just kidding, of course.”

Blake smiled, then he suddenly hugged me tight enough for me to


“What’s wrong?”

“I need to get rid of the smell from the other man.”


He was being ridiculous again.

We only stood side by side for a short while, so his scent could not
have remained.

It was rather surprising that Blake could smell his scent.

“You’re bluffing right?”

“No, I can smell it, so don’t go near other men.”

Blake held me tightly and didn’t let go.

“You’re always jealous.”

“Did you realize that just now?”

He kissed my cheek. I smiled back and hugged Blake’s waist tightly.


“Your Highness, you’re so beautiful.”

Melissa started crying when I put on a yellow dress. Chelsea, who

was next to her, handed her a handkerchief.

When we were reunited after seven years, Melissa often cried

whenever she saw me. She cried no matter what I did.
Whether I was wearing a new dress, cooking, or changing my hair
accessory, everything made her cry.

She reminded me of my late grandmother.

“Melissa, why are you crying again?”

“I love this moment, but I don’t know whether this is a dream or not.”

“It’s not a dream.”

I held her hand tightly.

“I’m sorry. I’m so foolish.”

“What do you mean? I’m rather grateful to you, but please don’t cry
too much. If Melissa keeps crying, I’ll feel guilty for Hans.”

“He’ll be fine. Your Highness is more important.”

Was it all right to say that?

While I was thinking about it, the servants brought the next dress.

“Is this the last dress?”

“Yes, this is the last dress they prepared for today.”

Chelsea replied.

“For today?”

The words caught my ears.

“Yes. Tomorrow, unlike the Ellen boutique, 20 dresses will arrive from
the Dahlia boutique.”

No, I was only going to choose simple clothes for a tea party, but
why are there so many dresses?

After the completion of the renovation of Sephia Palace, I was

scheduled to start working as the crown princess.

Everyone told me to rest more, but I had enough rest.

And it became a habit to overwork because of what I experienced as

a Korean before.

I’ve studied everything that happened over the past seven years.
Society, trends, newly designated laws, and other affairs.

Blake and Tenstheon tried to hold a big welcome party to celebrate

my return, but I refused. There was no reason to throw a party again.

I decided to hold a small tea party to celebrate the reconstruction of

Sephia Palace.

However, the situation seemed to be going in a different direction.

After all the servants left, I asked Chelsea.

“Chelsea, the dresses coming tomorrow are the last, right?”

“No, you still have to see a hundred more.”

“What? That much?”

It was just a small tea party. This was too much. Looking at my
shocked expression, Melissa spoke softly.

“It’s because I wanted to do what I wasn’t able to do for you before.

Don’t feel pressured.”

“But this is too much.”

The dresses I received were already piled up.

If she adds more, I wouldn’t be able to wear everything even if I keep
changing my clothes.

“Don’t be too surprised. His Majesty seemed to have called all the
famous chefs on the continent.”

“What? Is that true?”

My eyes widened at Chelsea’s words.

“Yes. His Highness also ordered that all the famous ocarina
performers from all over the world must be called here.”


Ocarina… it’s not because of what I said last night, is it?

“What’s wrong with them?”

“Nothing, there’s nothing wrong with them.”

“Hey, Melissa, Chelsea.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

The two answered at the same time.

“At the tea party, why don’t we serve the Eastern cuisine?”

“Eastern cuisine?”

“Yes, it’s time for the trading ship to reach Chang.”

After Eunhan ascended the throne, Tenstheon declared an alliance

with Chang.

A few months ago, a ship for official trade between the two empires
first sailed.
Of course, before that, we already had a few trades with Chang.

However, it had to go through several empires, including the Ganua

Empire, to stock goods from Chang to Asteric.

It was the first time in history that the two empires, Asteric and
Chang, traded directly.

If an official sea route opens and trade begins, it will have a positive
impact on both empires.

“What do you think? It’s nice to celebrate the trade between the two
countries, and I think it will be great timing.”

In many ways, it was a good way to introduce the culture of the East
to the ladies.

I thought it was a good idea, but Melissa and Chelsea looked

surprisingly grim.

“What’s wrong?”

“We know that you have good intentions, but I’m worried because
there have been many rumors regarding Chang these days.”


Is she saying that the public’s opinion of Chang is bad?

I thought I already studied everything that had happened in the

empire in the past seven years, but this was the first time I’ve heard
about it.

I asked what was going on, but Melissa hesitated to answer. Seeing
that Chelsea couldn’t say anything either, I concluded that it was
related to me or Blake.

“Chelsea, be honest.”
When I spoke firmly, Chelsea hesitated for a moment and spoke.

“…Well, there are rumors that if we start trading with Chang, we will
receive the goddess’s wrath again and a great disaster will befall the

That was absurd. Ser won’t get angry just because we interacted
with Chang.

Why on earth did this rumor spread?

Chang and other Eastern countries were uncharted territories to us.

There was nothing known because there was little exchange
between us, but they were generally favored.

Poetries praising the mysteries of the East were also very popular.

Then the public suddenly turned hostile.

“Since when?”

“It suddenly started spreading in recent months.”

A lot has happened in the last few months. The worst among them

Many things came to my mind, but if I were to pick one, it was ‘that’.

“It must be related to me.”

I, whom everyone thought was dead, came back and that’s when the
strange rumor about the Chang Empire began.

I’m probably involved in that rumor, that’s why they couldn’t tell me

They were worried that my feelings would get hurt.

“I’m sorry.”
Melissa and Chelsea lowered their heads. I guess I was right.

Someone is after me and I had a rough idea of who that person

might be.

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Chapter 147 – How about a cup of warm tea? (3)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

Howard Kensway was a high-ranking priest of the Asteric Empire.

He is in the second highest position after the high priest, but Howard
was not satisfied.

He was expected to become the high priest.

Howard was an arrogant and delusional man who thought that way.

For the past thousand years, the seat of the high priest had been
occupied by the Kensway and the Bangye family.

That lasted for a thousand of years.

Of course, depending on the family or the political situation, they

could have a replacement, but the big picture never changed.

This time, it was Howard’s turn to become the new high priest.

Tenstheon however, ordained Marron, a fallen noble, as the high


Marron was not even a high-ranking priest, let alone one of the top
ten priests that represented each region.
He was an insignificant man. Anyone barely even knew of his
existence, yet he became a high priest overnight.

When Marron became the high priest, he investigated the Duke of

Cassil’s case and the people favored him.

As a result, Howard and other high-ranking priests were unable to

protest. They were forced to comply with Tenstheon’s order.

The thousand-year rule had been cut off.

However, Howard had no intention of becoming the disgrace of the

Kensway family, to be called the first person in the family to fail in
getting the high priest’s position.

“The selfishness of that hillbilly has gone over the top.”

“I should’ve realized back when he attacked the Count of Cornwell.”

The priests on Kensway’s side often complained about Marron.

The Count of Cornwell colluded with the church and led numerous
trials. He also used it to eliminate his competitors.

As a result, the Count of Cornwell made a fortune and married a

young woman, abandoning his old wife.

All of it was only possible because of the protection of the Kensway


The Count of Cornwell bribed the Kensway family and maintained a

close relationship with Howard.

However, as soon as Marron was ordained as the high priest, they

began to investigate the Count of Cornwell.

The Count of Cornwell begged for his help, but his appeal was
completely ignored by Howard.
He was in a haste to remove all the evidence that connected him to
the count.

The Count of Cornwell was sentenced to death. All the people who
were involved with his deeds were taken to the guillotine.

He managed to keep himself and the Kensway family from death,

but Howard suffered a devastating blow.

The people’s confidence that the Kensway family can protect their
allies has vanished, and many people turned their backs on them.

Other priests, whose paths were blocked because of the influence of

the Kensway family, were on Marron’s side.

The honorable status of the Kensway family, which they maintained

for a thousand of years, declined rapidly.

To top it all, Marron personally went to many churches in the empire

to completely eliminate the Asmodian Trial.

Because of this, the power of the Kensway family was diminished.

“Priest, please save us.”

“If it goes on like this, all the high-ranking priests in the West will die.”

The high-ranking priests in the western region, which Marron slowly

took care of, came day after day to irk Howard.

“Shut up!”

Howard, who was listening to the priests with an irritated face,


“Our apologies.”

The people bowed and apologized. However, Howard knew that

these people were trying to curry his favor while silently insulting

Everyone used to believe in the power of the Kensway family and

offered them bribes.

However, it was only a matter of time before the Kensway family


“I don’t want to see any of you! All of you, go back!”

Howard kicked out the low-ranking priests. At last, only Howard and
priests from the Bangye family remained in the spacious hall.

“Can we really leave that hillbilly like this?”

Someone finally broke the silence and spoke after much

deliberation. Howard snorted.

“Marron is nothing but the emperor’s puppet.”

Even if they get rid of Marron, the emperor will still control the
situation through a different puppet. In the end, the mastermind was
the emperor.

Tenstheon had long been hostile to the church.

He ignored the church when his son was cursed by the goddess, but
as soon as the curse was lifted, he tried to reform the church.

To solve this situation, Howard had to target the emperor, not


“Did you do what I ordered you to do?”


Gail, a young priest, replied.

The church had grown to become a respectable yet feared entity at
the same time.

The people were afraid of the curse and the door of darkness.

They were also afraid of getting dragged into a trial.

But everything ended in an instant.

The crown prince’s curse was lifted and the door of darkness
disappeared. Now, even the trial was losing its strength.

Tenstheon intended to weaken not only the Kensway family, but the
entire church.

In order to make the imperial family the most powerful and influential
in the empire, he tried to dominate the church by using a brainless

Tenstheon announced the empire’s alliance with Chang. Howard can

use that for his own gain.

All he had to do was plant fear in the society.

If they were scared, their reasoning and ability to judge objectively

would disappear.

The corners of Howard’s mouth raised arrogantly, but the expression

of the young priest was skeptical as he stared at Howard.

“But will that be enough…?”

It’s true that the public sentiment will be shaken by the rumor.
However, a rumor is nothing but a rumor.

If the peaceful days continue without anything happening, the people

who believed in the rumor will eventually lessen.

Rather, it may even backfire.

However, unlike the concerned priests, Howard had a relaxed smile
on his lips.

“There’s nothing to worry about. The goddess will bring a disaster



“Sir Collin, thank you for accepting my invitation.”

“It is an honor for me to be invited by Your Highness.”

Collin bent on one knee and kissed the back of my hand lightly.

“I will cherish this glorious moment forever.”

“Haha, really?”

He couldn’t stand the seriousness that was so different from usual

and burst out laughing.

“You take such a serious confession with laughter. I’m hurt, Collin.”

He tried to hold back his laughter.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You look very happy today, by the way.”

“Because I’ve been invited by Your Highness.”

What a smooth talker.

In the original story, I had no idea that he was like this because he
was so serious and obsessed with revenge for Tenstheon.

“Other than that, there seems to be another reason.”

“Because you came back, my work was greatly reduced. I’m having
a bit more time to relax thanks to you.”

Blake spent most of his time in the valley of chaos, so he never

really took formal lessons as a crown prince.

Now that there was no longer a reason to leave the palace, he

began to take formal succession lessons under Tenstheon.

Tenstheon gave Blake a number of duties and taught him strictly,

which greatly reduced Collin’s working hours.

That said, he was still overworked, but Collin seemed satisfied.

“It’s all thanks to you.”

“What did I do? You’ve had a hard time because of me.”

Blake had just started his crown prince lessons, which he should’ve
taken seven years ago. It was not something to be thanked at all.

“Come on, sit down. I’ve prepared a special confectionery for Sir

“Yes, Your Highness.”

When Collin saw the confectionery in front of him, his face was filled
with curiosity.

“I’ve never seen this confectionery before.”

“It’s called yakgwa. It is an Eastern cuisine.”

“I see, it has a beautiful shape. Did you make it yourself?”

“Yes, so eat a lot. It’s fresh out of the oven so it’ll taste better.”

When I was a child, I saw one of my neighbors making it, but I only
saw how to make it step by step on YouTube when I became an

Fortunately, I succeeded in making the yakgwa similar to the ones I

had in Korea.

“His Majesty and His Highness haven’t eaten any of these yet?”

“Yes, Sir Collin will be the first person to taste it.”

“They’ll kill me if I eat before them, but I’ll risk my life because you’re
the one who made these.”

He looked at the yakgwa with a grim look and took a huge bite.

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Chapter 148 – How about a cup of warm tea? (4)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

“How is it?”

“It’s delicious. It tastes as good as it looks.”

Collin ate the yakgwa without a pause. It must’ve suited his tastes.

Hostility towards the East had recently spread throughout the

empire, but he did not seem to care at all.

“You should try this too. It’s Taekri tea from Chang.”

Collin’s expression hardened as he watched me pour a tea.

“It’s an honor, but I refuse.”

“Try it. It’s a little bitter, but it has a very nice aroma.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t really like tea.”

He still couldn’t drink tea just like before.

He also disliked the tea that everyone in the Asteric Empire loved.

Knowing this, I stopped suggesting it to him and called for a maid.

The maid brought in a drink that I had prepared in advance.
“Then try this.”

When I handed him a strawberry juice, a bright smile appeared on

Collin’s face.

“Thank you.”

Collin gulped down the strawberry juice. He really loves sweet fruit

He looked like the type of person who would only drink black coffee,
so this was an unexpected fact.

Still, this is way better than being an alcohol lover like in the original

Collin’s tastes were very unusual.

The nobles of the Asteric Empire enjoyed eating meat and did not
like fruits and vegetables that much.

Men loved meat in particular. They also said that eating meat boosts
their energy, so sweet fruits were only a favorite food among women
and children.

This was also due to the lack of knowledge regarding food and

Up until now, many people believed that their health depended on

their status.

Even some of the nobles who graduated from the academy were
proud to say such things.

“Sir Collin must really love fruits.”

“Yes, I was poor when I was a kid, so I couldn’t eat fruits even if I
wanted to. I was originally going to become a merchant after
graduating from the academy. If I sell food supplies, I will be able to
eat whatever I want.”

I was aware that Collin’s family wasn’t rich, but I didn’t know they
were that poor.

It was a story that someone would want to hide, but Collin spoke
about it without a change in his expression.

He was confident in himself and has high self-esteem.

That’s why he can talk about the difficult times without hesitation.

“Then why did you become my father’s assistant and not a


“His Majesty came to recruit me in person.”

“Father did?”

“Yes, he asked me to become his assistant.”

Tenstheon personally offered him the position of his assistant, but he

refused because he wanted to become a merchant.

He spoke lightly of the matter, but he must have been serious about
becoming a merchant.

“So what did you say?”

“I said I wanted to be a merchant and eat fruits endlessly.”

“You’re very honest.”

He was more bold than honest.

Tenstheon controlled the empire the moment he ascended the

throne. Yet, a commoner dared to refuse the emperor’s proposal.
“Didn’t His Majesty get mad at you?”

“He didn’t. Rather, he told me I could eat whatever I want if I became

his assistant. He said he would let me drink fruit juice anytime.”

“That’s why you accepted the assistant position?”

“Yes, there’s no reason to refuse it.”

I see. It was an unimaginable reason.

It was a relationship born from fruits.

“He said he wanted to create an empire where no one would starve

to death. When I heard that, I thought he was a good man to devote
my whole life to.”

Collin spoke seriously.

Even though he always grumbled complaints, I knew he respected

and admired Tenstheon more than anyone else.

“This strawberry juice is especially delicious.”

“It’s a strawberry His Highness raised himself.”

“He raised it with magic, didn’t he?”

“Yes, he’s a genius.”

Blake mastered the plant-growing spell and is now learning other


It was a more difficult spell, but his learning speed was much faster
than when he was learning the previous spell.

“His Highness used to refuse to learn magic. He has changed a lot.”

“Blake did?”
“Yes, the head mage once came here to become His Highness’s
magic instructor, but he was refused.”

Studies about the power of light have disappeared, but other styles
of magic are still being actively studied.

Each mana has different characteristics. It would have been possible

to learn from another mage if it was only the foundation.

But Blake didn’t want to.

“Why didn’t he do that? He’s so talented.”

Everyone said that Blake was a genius in swordsmanship, but in my

opinion, he also had a talent for magic.

“Maybe because it’s the power he got from sacrificing Your

Highness, so he wasn’t happy?”


If that’s the case, then that was stupid. He used to live in pain and
now that the curse was lifted, he should’ve tried to enjoy his life.

“I don’t know how he truly feels. It was just a guess, so don’t worry
too much.”

Collin comforted me and put another yakgwa in his mouth.

“When Your Highness is in charge, the atmosphere is not heavy. I

love the warm atmosphere, it removes all the tension.”

“Warm tea will make you feel more comfortable.”

“I can’t betray strawberries.”

He answered cleverly and drank the strawberry juice.

I couldn’t help but smile while watching him. Whenever I’m with
Collin, I would feel at ease as if I was meeting a long-time friend.

“Sir Collin.”

“Yes, Your Highness?”

“I heard that groundless rumors are spreading around Chang these


Collin seemed a little surprised with what I said, but his usual
expression immediately returned.

“There will always be worries about new things.”

“They said that I’m a demon sent from Chang, that I seduced His
Majesty and His Highness while endangering the empire.”

I heard all the rumors about Chang from Chelsea.

The rumor, which suddenly started a few months ago, was rapidly
spreading throughout society.

But I had no idea at all.

It was probably Father and Blake’s doing. They must’ve feared that
I’d be upset if I knew.

Collin failed to maintain a poker face this time.

“Your Highness, that rumor will soon disappear…”

He tried to reassure me, but I only asked him a straightforward


“Is this the work of the church?”

“Why do you think so?”

“They’re the most possible cause that I can assume.”

There were two types of rumors.

A rumor based on facts and a rumor that someone had maliciously

created with ulterior motives.

In the latter case, most rumors were related to their interests.

In Korea, people would hire people to spread nasty rumors about

their rivals.

Someone might have been frustrated with me becoming the crown

princess, or they might have spread rumors because they didn’t want
their status to decline because of me.

This time, however, they aimed for both Chang and me.

It stimulated the people’s fears and the speed of the rumor’s

spreading was strangely fast.

It was said that such rumors were not only within the capital city but
throughout the whole empire.

It did not spread from one person’s mouth to another, instead,

someone was intentionally spreading it.

With how fast it reached other places, it must’ve been the work of
many people.

Right now, the church is the only one that can spread these rumors.
They also had a reason to terrorize the people of the empire.

The church maintained its power through the people’s fears of the
curse, the door of darkness, and the trial.

However, the three have simultaneously collapsed in recent years.

That’s why they would need a new target to instill fear.

Chang, a mysterious empire, and me, who came back the same time
the door of darkness disappeared, must have been an appetizing

“As expected of Your Highness.”

Collin surrendered.

“Who’s leading it? Is it Howard Kensway, the previous high priest


“How did you know that?”

“He took the heaviest blow so he must’ve been anxious.”

Howard Kensway was nominated as the next high priest, however,

Marron was ordained instead of him.

I heard that the Kensway family was no longer as influential as it

used to be.

“As expected, I can’t hide anything from you, but don’t worry too
much. His Majesty will deal with it soon.”

“I don’t care. It’s a lie anyway. What I’m worried about is that they
may not stop at the rumors and may try to do something else.”

The Kensway family used to be the most influential family on the

church’s side.

However, after I recalled my memories from a thousand years ago, I

changed my mind a little.

A thousand years ago, Phillip was selfish and lonely. He didn’t trust
anyone but himself.

There was only one loyal subject that Phillip trusted. His name was
Logan Kensway.
The Kensway family was then revered by the people as a historical
priest family that served the goddess of light since the time of the
Zelcan Empire, but that was all a lie.

Logan Kensway was a commoner merchant and his surname was

given by Phillip.

I remembered back when I was Laontel.

Back then, Logan Kensway was a commoner that had nothing to do

with the church, but after I died, he suddenly became a priest.

Why did Phillip appointed Logan Kensway and gave him the power
to rule the church for a thousand years?

Phillip pretended to be chosen by the goddess, but in fact, he took

Ser’s power and sealed her at the door of darkness.

The curse of the goddess was also created by himself.

To hide this fact, it would be natural to plant his most trusted servant
as the high priest.

Of course, the Kensway family’s strength so far may purely be

because of their abilities and had nothing to do with Phillip.

Nevertheless, I had an ominous feeling.

If it’s just a rumor, it would gradually disappear as soon as the

rumors are confirmed to be false…but what if they do something

My heart pounded with uneasiness.

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Chapter 149 – How about a cup of warm tea? (5)

TL: Zimming

Editor: Kyouka

“How long do I have to put up with Howard?!”

Blake was enraged.

Malicious rumors about Ancia were spreading. However, there was

nothing he could do even though he knew who the culprit was.

Blake wanted to kill Howard right away, but Tenstheon dissuaded


“It’s not the right time yet.”

“How long do you want me to wait?”

Blake was willing to do anything for Ancia.

Just like how she protected him in the past, he wanted to protect
Ancia this time.

He wanted her to live in happiness every day. He hoped that she

wouldn’t have any worries.

The Kensway family ruled the church for a thousand years.

In the Asteric Empire, the Kensway family was like the church’s
mascot. Many believed and followed them like they were gods.

Evidence of spreading malicious rumors about Ancia and Chang was

found in the church, but they couldn’t act with this alone.

Even if he made them go to trial if they claimed that they were just
telling the truth and all the rumors were true, then he would be the
one to suffer.

In that case, people would think that Ancia, the demon, had blurred
the eyes and ears of the emperor and the crown prince to get rid of
the Kensway family, who protected the goddess.

Until now, people only gossiped about the rumors, but if Howard was
caught, it was highly likely that every vile rumor he created would
rise above the surface.

“They’re a very strong pillar. If we mess with them hastily, it will

backfire. We have to do it right at once.”

He only had one chance. Once Kensway is ready to bring out all the
rumors, he will act then.

Words are tougher than swords. If he messed up and made a

mistake, he would be unable to control the outcome.

If it goes wrong, even after the collapse of the Kensway family and
its lineage, rumors that Ancia is a demon might survive and
inconvenience her.


Blake was also aware of that so he tried to suppress his anger.

“But when it’s time, leave it to me to dispose of them.”

“Of course. Let the whole empire know what happens when they
touch our Ancia.”
“Yes, I will make them regret being born.”

Tenstheon and Blake’s voice were cold.

At that moment, someone knocked on the door.


The servant froze when he entered because of the chilly aura inside
the office.

These two scary people were always inside the office, but today’s
atmosphere was especially frightening.

“What’s going on?”

“Her Highness is here.”

The servant replied with a hasty bow.


“Your Highness can enter now.”

I entered the office with the servant’s permission.

“Father, Blake, I’m here.”


Blake quickly got up from the sofa and approached me.

“Come on in.”

Tenstheon welcomed me with a gentle smile.

“Am I interrupting you two?”

It seemed that the two were sitting together on the sofa and talking
until I came.

“No, we were just taking a break.”

“That’s right, we were only having a light chat.”

I can’t believe the two of them would sit face to face and chat.

I think they’re slowly getting along because they’ve been together a

lot for the crown prince’s lessons.

“What did you talk about?”

“I heard you grew the seeds you received from Eunhan.”

“Yes, I planted it with Blake. I also made tea today.”

“I can’t wait to drink it.”

“Let’s go out and eat then.”

I smiled brightly.

We eat our meals together once a day.

In the past, Blake couldn’t go outside so we only spent time at the

Amoria Palace even when the three of us were gathered together.

“Don’t mind me, Blake. Eat a lot.”

“I’m eating a lot and it’s better to see my wife eat.”

Blake flashed a beautiful smile. Tenstheon persuaded him too.

“Yes, eat a lot. You’re still too thin.”

“I eat a lot.”
“That won’t do.”

We were anxious because we couldn’t convince Blake.

“Don’t you two have anything to say to me?”


“What do you mean?”

“The rumors about me and the Chang Empire.”

The two could not hide their surprise when I said that.


“A-About that…”

“Don’t try to hide it. I already know everything.”

“…I’m sorry.”

“It’s just a piece of crap that isn’t worth reaching your ears. I thought
I’d let you know after I’ve dealt with everything…”

They were so apologetic that they didn’t know what else to say. They
looked more surprised than Collin was.

“You don’t have to be sorry. You did it all for me.”

I was also careful not to let nasty rumors about Blake reach his ears,
so I understood why they did it.

Blake suddenly stood up from his seat.


“I’ll go and wipe them out right away.”

Blake’s expression was very determined.

I grabbed him in surprise.

“N-No! Don’t do that! I didn’t mean it like that.”

Our opponent has a lot of followers. It’s necessary to move more

cautiously than when we handled the Duke of Cassil.

It was a matter of the imperial family, but it was also connected to the

I made Blake sit and spoke to the two of them.

“I know you were only worried about me, but I hope you won’t do this
again next time. I’m not that weak and we’re a family. If someone
has a problem, we should solve it together.”

“I’m sorry, I won’t do that again.”

Blake held my hand tightly.

“I will tell you everything from now on. I would never hide anything
from you.”

Tenstheon looked at me in the eyes as he said that.

They told me everything they knew about the rumors. Fortunately,

there seemed to be no movement other than spreading rumors.

“That’s a little weird. Those rumors will lose their influence once the
trade begins.”

They’re false rumors anyway.

When trade with Chang begins, various items such as pottery and
silk from the East will come in. The price of spices such as pepper
would also drop significantly.
The rumors may lead the people to doubt the goods in the
beginning, but it won’t last long.

People are vulnerable to their interests.

The price of pepper, which was expensive enough to match the price
of gold, is dropping. Will there be anyone who would rather believe
the rumors and reject the price drop?

People will eventually accept the goods and their perspective on the
trade will change positively.

“We looked into it because it was suspicious, but there was no

particular movement.”

Blake said.

“He either tried to attract public attention with those rumors, or he’s
secretly planning for something bigger.”

“The high priest will arrive here soon. He will bring evidence of the
Kensway family’s misdeeds, so let’s wait a bit longer.”

“Yes, Father.”

I nodded just as Collin entered the dining room.

“Your Majesty, the trading ship that left for Chang Empire is back.”


Tenstheon’s brows narrowed, while Blake and my expression


The trading ship should have reached the Chang Empire by now.
Even if it arrived in Chang earlier than expected, it could not have
returned to Asteric Empire this soon.

There must be something wrong.

Collin’s pale complexion expressed that it was a serious situation.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“There’s an outbreak of Tancinol on the trading ship.”


I exclaimed in surprise.

Tancinol was a disease that Phillip created by using the power of the
goddess in the past.

As a result, the Zelcan Empire fell and I lost Rakshul. It was the
cause of the Roums’ persecution.

Recalling the past a thousand years ago, I held Blake’s hand without
realizing it.

“It’s alright, don’t worry.”

Perhaps he thought I was scared of the Tancinol, Blake held my

hand and reassured me.

His warm hand calmed me a little.

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Chapter 150 – How about a cup of warm tea? (6)

TL: Zimming

As the tancinol spread on the ship and the sailors fell one by one,
the captain eventually gave up going to Chang and returned to the

Blake said he would go there himself to find out about the situation.

He had the power of a goddess, and he won’t be infected with


But I caught him while he’s in a hurry to leave for the harbor.

“No! Blake, don’t go!”


“I’ll go there, stay here!”

I kept thinking of Rakshul, who caught the tancinol.

Of course, Blake was different this time, but I was still worried.

Blake wrapped his big hand around my face.

“Don’t worry. I’m fine. I’ve never even caught a cold since the curse
was lifted.”
“I know, but I was also given the power of the goddess. I can’t get
sick either. So I’ll go there.”

“You can’t.”

He shook his head.

“I know about tancinol. I saw something about tancinol inside the

door of darkness. So it’s much better for me to go!”

“No, it’s dangerous.”

“I won’t be in danger! I’m the light mage. No one on the whole

continent knows the magic of healing better than I do.”

I persuaded Blake. But his eyes sank sadly.

“Don’t you trust me?”

“It’s not like that, it’s just that I’m worried and nervous…”

I held his hand tightly.

“So let me go. If it’s really tancinol, I should go there .”

Blake gave a big sigh when I kept being stubborn.

“Okay, then let’s go together.”

“If I go alone…”

“That’s a no-no.”

Blake said firmly. I never thought he would be this stubborn as well.


I couldn’t help but nod.


Me, Blake, and the imperial knights headed for the harbor.

When I arrived at the port, I could see many people from the church.

Tancinol has long been managed in the church because it is known

as a disease given by the goddess.

So it is normal that many people from church were here.

But the atmosphere was weird. The harbor was noisy with

This was due to the lack of proper control by the holy knights.

In the event of an epidemic, people’s entry and exit should be strictly

blocked to prevent more victims. However, the people from church
did not seem to have any intention of doing so.

A necklace made of mana stone of light hung on the neck of the

priest and the knights.

What are they thinking? Are they trying to take advantage of this?

Entering the harbor, I could see that my guess was right.

“Tancinol spread over the sea! The goddess is angry!”

Gail, a teenage priest, shouted loudly as if he were giving a speech.

Other high-ranking priests like Howard Kensway, were next to him.

Many high-ranking priest are gathered.

Simply because of the tancinol outbreak, those priests stayed far

The purpose of this opportunity is to make people believe that the
false rumours were true.

Blake also felt the atmosphere was unusual and whispered softly in
my ear.

“Ancia, go back first.”

“I’m fine, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

They’re trying to take advantage of them for their own gains. I could
never forgive people like them.

“Here comes the crown prince, the light of the Empire.”

The people who saw us greeted Blake. But that was it. They ignored

“What kind of trick is this?”

Blake’s voice was cold.

The surrounding air froze, but the priest only smiled.

“We don’t know if she’s the real crown princess.”

His words made everyone surprised.

“Are the rumours true?”

“Is it true that she’s a demon?”

As the spectators chatted, Edon shouted.

“Shut up! How dare you!”

“Don’t you know the punishment of insulting a royal family?!”

When the imperial knights said so, people shut up.

The vast harbor was filled with silence.

Blake and the priest confronted each other over the issue of greeting

“Where are the patients?”

I broke the silence and asked a question.

Tancinol is highly contagious. It had to be stopped as soon as


But the priest ignored me as if he couldn’t hear me.

Blake couldn’t stand it anymore and tried to pull out his sword. Gail,
who was next to him, quickly replied.

“Inside the ship.”

“Hasn’t the treatment started yet?”

When I asked, Howard had an arrogant smile.

“Don’t you know what tancinol is? It’s a ship cursed by the goddess.
We’ll burn the entire ship.”


There may be someone who wasn’t infected.

But he’s gonna burn those people to death?

Even when they heard the news that the epidemic had spread, I
knew why all the high-ranking priests, who usually only sent lower-
ranking priests, gathered here while standing at a safe place.

They were going to kill all the crew from the start. They showed up
here with confidence because they had no intention of healing the
patients in the first place.
“Are you sure it’s tancinol?”

They claimed that the crew had tancinol without even looking at the

“The priests have confirmed it. They are cursed by Goddess, and we
cannot let them live.”

“Did you really see them?”

Richard’s mother was falsely killed when she caught the flu, people
assumed that she had tancinol.

The early symptoms of tancinol were difficult to identify precisely

because it was similar to flu, and after other symptoms appeared,
they were often mistaken it as tancinol as well.

“You must want to protect them somehow.”

Howard was sarcastic. I felt their bad intention towards me


“I think you want to get rid of them.”

“No way. I am a worshiper of the Goddess of Light. Why do I want to

get rid of them? I need to protect my country from the demons.”

“Don’t sell the goddess’ name for your self-interest.”

“What did you just say? How dare you insult the church!”

Howard was furious. Then Blake spit it out coldly.

“Is there anything wrong with her words?”

Even the crown prince should be polite to the high-ranking priests.

Although Blake was in an informal relationship with the high priest,

Marron, it was because of Marron’s permission.
He continued his words.

“How should I punish you for your sin of insulting her highness?”

Blake took his sword. The imperial and the holy knights also picked
up swords at the same time.

The situation reached its worst, with the two forces confronting each
other fiercely.

Then a man’s cry was heard on the ship.

“Help me! Please save my life!!”

Howard’s face fell as the man, who appeared to be the captain, got
out of the ship.

Then Gail ordered urgently.

“What are you doing? A sinner cursed by a goddess! Stop it now!”

The holy knights caught him. However, the captain cried desperately
even as he was dragged away.

“Help me! There are sailors who are not sick! Please save us!”

However, people were more shocked than sympathetic.

His skin was pale. Many bruises and spots were spread throughout
the body, his eyes were completely not focused, and whenever he
shouted, his teeth fell out as his gums with blood were revealed.



“Kill him right now!”

Even though they weren’t sure that it was tancinol, the spectators
began to scream in fear when they saw the patient.

Even the priest and holy knights looked frightened. The same was
true of the imperial knights.

“Stop right now. Let the captain go.”

However, I gave the order to the knight.

“Ah, yes…”

The knights looked at Howard for a moment, but soon let go of their
hands as the captain fell down.

They were also unwilling to contact patients with tancinol.

I took a step toward the captain. Then Blake was surprised and held
my hand.


“Don’t worry. It’s okay.”

I grabbed him by the hand and approached the captain again.

Maybe he was worried about me, so Blake walked with me. I didn’t
stop him.

Edon and the imperial knights followed suit.

“I greet the crown prince, the light of the Empire. An, and…”

Captain Barley greeted Blake even though he was sick. And he

looked at me for a moment.

He doesn’t know who I am. He left a few months ago, so he wouldn’t

have heard of the crown princess’ return.
“She’s Ancia, the crown princess.”

When Edon told him, the captain lowered his head.

“I greet the crown princess, the blessing of the empire.”

“It’s alright. Get up.”

“Your Highness, please save us!”

The captain begged earnestly. I got him up.

When I touched the patient myself, the surrounding area was noisy.

“Don’t worry. First of all, tell me what happened.”

“It was smooth at first. But one by one, there was something wrong
with their body.”

“Are you dizzy and have problems with your teeth?”


“You have bleeding in your gums and hematuria?”

“Yes! That’s right!”

He nodded. But he quickly added if he was worried.

“But I don’t think it’s tancinol. I didn’t cough.”

“That’s nonsense! They must have tancinol! The goddess was angry
when they tried to join hands with Chang and punished them!
They’re abandoned by the goddess.”

Howard shouted angrily.

It was ridiculous. Who’s the one who needs to be angry.

“No, they didn’t get tancinol.”

I refuted his words.

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Chapter 151 – How about a cup of warm tea? (7)

TL: Zimming

“Are you taking sides because you’re a demon like him?

He called me a demon without even noticing.

He didn’t seem to have any intention of hiding the fact that he spread
the rumor.

“Priest, if you really think I’m a demon, file a trial. Ah, of course, you
know what the punishment is when you accuse an innocent person
as a demon?”


He kept his mouth shut. He would also know well that I am not a

They spread rumors to create a favorable situation for themselves,

but they don’t want to start a trial.

“…are you threatening me?”

“Isn’t it you who questioned me for being a demon? I don’t know why
you feel threatened.”

“Don’t change the subject! They got tancinol. We need to get rid of
them right away.”
“No. I’ll say it again, that’s not a tancinol.”

When they’re caught with tancinol, they’ll vomit blood, their skin turns
black, and eventually their bones will be damaged.

Blood has flowed from the captain’s gums, and his appearance has
changed because his teeth have fallen out. His skin also looked
black because of bruises.

At first glance, it was similar to tancinol, but it was a completely

different disease.

“Then what is it!”

Howard screamed. He pretended to be confident, but he actually felt


They probably didn’t even check them properly.

It’s similar to tancinol, so they used it to create a false public opinion

for their interest.

There must have been no concern for the lives of more than dozens
of sailors.

So he’s nervous because he might be wrong.

“It’s a scurvy.”


At the moment, the tension on Howard’s face disappeared.

“I’ve never heard of it before. Did you just make that up?”

“No, I saw it in a book.”

I saw it in a book from Korea, not in this world.

Scurvy was a disease that plagued european sailors during the age
of discovery.

If they get this disease, they will get anemia, bruise easily, bleeding
gums and tooth loss. Hematuria is also a symptom of scurvy.

Furthermore, pale skin, queasy eyes were also evidence of scurvy.

This was the same as the symptoms of Captain Barley now. The
other crew members will have the same disease.

“What book is it?”

“You won’t know it.”

“Are you underestimating me?”

Howard was furious. But I smiled nonchalantly.

“Oh, don’t misunderstand me.”


“I’m a polyglot. I could read all the books in the world.”

When I revealed that, the surroundings were noisy again.

Howard also looked surprised, but he quickly hid his expression.

“I’ve never heard of it before. I’m sure you make that up too.”

Blake was getting more and more impatient.

He was ready to point his sword at Howard any moment. But I held
his hand tightly.

There was no reason for him to get his hands dirty. I’m telling them
the truth, and clumsy lies are bound to be discovered.
“If I treat them, will that prove everything?”

“There is no cure for tancinol. They can’t get better if they get
caught. No one has been able to cure it for a thousand years. You
don’t even know that?”

“I know. But the crew didn’t get tancinol.”

“Are you trying to use your demonic powers?”

Even if I succeed in treatment, did he mean that I will be driven out

with the power of the demon? He’s playing dirty tricks.

“No, I won’t use magic or mana stone.”

“Then how do you fix it?”


If the symptoms of scurvy worsen, it can eventually lead to death.

In fact, countless people lost their lives due to this disease.

However, the treatment was simple compared to other severe

symptoms. We don’t even need medicine.

All they have to do is take vitamin C.

Scurvy is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C.

The sailors did not get enough food with vitamin C during their long
voyage at sea. That’s why they’re sick.

Especially, men in Asteric do not eat fruit very well.

This is because there is a myth that eating fruit weakens one’s

energy, and that meat is the only good food for men.
Even so, they usually eat a little of it with other dishes, but it wasn’t
the case on the boat.

Foods prepared for the voyage were mainly dried meat, bread, and
cheese. The fruit was completely missing.

The original story tells the story of people from the Chang coming
over to the Asteric. However, no one complained about scurvy even
though they came across the vast ocean like them.

Chang has developed a food culture centered on fruits and

vegetables rather than meat.

When they left the voyage, they would have prepared food mainly
with fruits and vegetables, so scurvy did not occur.

“Strawberry? Are you kidding me?”

“Then do you have lime or lemon?”

“What? Why are you saying that? What are you doing? Are you
going to put some demonic power in the fruit?”

Maybe he thought I was making up a lie, so Howard completely

relaxed and poured out harsh words.

“What would you do if I really treated their illness? Can you take
responsibility for the remarks?”

“Of course.”

“Can you step down from being a priest?”

“Th, that…”

“Why? Are you not confident? Then how dare you insult me and the
imperial family with something that’s not clear?”

When I said so, the onlookers agreed with me and said,

“What, were you lying?”

“Wasn’t that tancinol?”

“Your Highness is a polyglot. She knows everything.”

“So they’re all a lie?”

“The curse of the goddess was lifted by her. She did what the church
couldn’t do in a thousand years, and of course she knows better.”

They were really easily swept away. In any case, as the criticism
poured out against them, Howard said urgently.

“Okay, I’ll do it. Instead, if it’s really tancinol, you’ll have to take
responsibility for it.”

“What do you want?”

“You’ll apply for a trial yourself.”

If I am found innocent after filing for a trial, the reporter must give up
their life.

However, if I apply for a trial on my own, I will be fully responsible for

the results.

As soon as the trial begins, Howard will mobilize all his power to
make me into a real demon.

He was a really mean person.

He wants me to risk my life, and he will only come down from his


But I said yes.


“Your Highness!”

Blake and the knights shouted in astonishment.

It was a disadvantageous condition for me, so it was natural to worry.

But I was confident.

Scurvy will surely be cured. And…

“You have to be punished for your sins after you leave your position.”

“Let’s talk again after you cure the tancinol.”

“It’s a scurvy.”

I smiled and asked him for a handshake. Howard raised his head
arrogantly and shook my hand.

“Remember this clearly.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m Ancia Raelle Geracillion. The only Crown Princess of the Asteric

I let the mana of light flow to him and said that.

No matter how much he has risen with the power of his family, he is
still a priest.

He knows that this is the mana of light.

I have the power of a goddess just like Blake.

“Yo, you…!”

Howard’s face turned pale as if he had understood my intention.

I gave a relaxed smile to Howard.


“Are you sure they’re all better?”

Howard was shocked to hear Gail’s report.

“Yes, it’s true.”

“Isn’t the Crown Princess using tricks?!”

“No, I just checked, just in case, they were all ordinary fruits. It must
have really been a disease called scurvy.”

Ancia was right. As she said, they only ate fruits, but the sailors were
getting better.

Is she really a polyglot?

“In addition, today, the imperial palace announced that the Crown
Princess was indeed a polyglot and had the power of light.”


So he’s not mistaken about the mana he felt then? Is it true that
she’s got a power of light?

The Crown Princess was able to lift the prince’s curse, have the
power of light, and even have language skills.

They could only think of her as a woman who was really chosen by a

‘Darn it, why did they only tell us now?’

If the imperial family had revealed this fact first, they could have
made up rumors accordingly.
Her power of light was a fake, and it could have been said that her
language ability was also obtained through a contract with demons.
But it’s already too late.

The rumor that Howard made has already spread. They’re not gonna
believe them if he fixes the rumours now.

“What do we do now?”

He said about the curse of the goddess, insisting on the wrong

disease as a tancinol, and drove the Crown Princess, who was
chosen by the goddess, into a trial.

It was his fatal mistake.

He also promised to resign his post when the sailors got better.

But before that, he’ll be kicked out.

In addition, many believers betrayed Howard and revealed all the

bribery and corruption he had committed.

If that was true, the Kensway family as well as Howard were


Yet in the midst of an absolute crisis, Howard quickly regained his


“Don’t worry. There’s still a way.”

The Kensway family has not only been on a roll for a thousand years
without any challenges.

Many people feel threatened by their growing power, even the

emperor once targeted their family.

However, despite the crisis, the Kensway family remained firmly in

power. It was thanks to the treasure.
‘Phillip’s gift.’

It is time for them to use the treasure.

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Chapter 152 – How about a cup of warm tea? (8)

TL: Zimming

Howard looked down at the window. He woke up after confirming

that Gail’s carriage had left the mansion.

When Howard was in crisis, people began to betray him.

In the Kensway family’s elders’ association, the majority of the

opinion was for him to apologize to the imperial family.

‘Ungrateful bastards! Who has been taking care of the family? I’ve
devoted my whole life to the family and the church, yet they betrayed

Howard was angry.

Even when everyone betrayed him, only Gail remained loyal to the

But even so, I couldn’t tell him about Phillip’s gift.

It was a secret that was passed on only to the Kensway family’s


A gift from Emperor Phillip to his loyal servant Logan Kensway a

thousand years ago.

With this, they can get out of the crisis.

He will destroy all the people who betrayed him, that arrogant crown
princess, the monstrous prince, the hillbilly Marron, and the emperor
who is the main culprit of all this!

Howard had the upper hand from the start. However, he did not
make a decision easily even though he knew that he could
completely reverse the situation by using it.

Of course, after spreading rumours about Crown Princess and

Chang, he decided to use Phillip’s gift.

But it was hard to think of using the gift.

So he was happy when he heard that there was an epidemic on the

trading ship.

If they use this, they won’t have to use the ‘gift’. But it was the worst

The people accused Howard of trying to slaughter innocent sailors.

But at the same time, Howard was blaming himself for something

‘I was too weak. I couldn’t do it.’

Because of his compassion as a priest, he hesitated to the end.

That’s why he’s driven to the corner like this.

After the rumors spread as scheduled, or when the emperor

appointed Marron as the high priest, he should have used “it.”

Howard blamed himself for being too nice, while opening a secret
passage hidden in his office.

Passing through the dark and narrow passageway, a small but

elegantly decorated room came to view.
Kensway’s mansion was a historic mansion built a thousand years

As it had a long history, there were many people coming and going,
and some, although very few, knew that there was a secret passage
in the office for emergency situations.

However, the fact that another secret space was hidden under the
secret hideout was something that only the Kensway family’s leaders

Howard took a ring to one of the similar-looking bricks.

Then, the floor moved with a heavy sound and a hidden staircase

Howard went down the stairs.

On the day of his reign, Howard’s father brought him here.

And he told him all the secrets of the Kensway family and “the gift
from Phillip.”

Howard was terrified to hear his father’s story. He also vowed not to
use the gift.

It’s not just because he was afraid to use it. He was confident.

Howard thought he would be a great high priest who would go down

in history.

And he never dreamed that he would be on the verge of being

ousted from his family without being able to rise to the position of
high priest.

Regretting was useless.

Howard stepped on the stairs for the second time since he became a
It was very dark. He took a step, relying on a small lamp, and being
careful not to step on his foot.

At the end of the long stairs, a wall appeared again.

It was the same as then.

Howard was not surprised and put a ring on the wall.

The walls then moved slowly, creating a narrow space for only two

There was nothing but darkness.

But Howard knew. The gift is in there.

He gulped without being able to go inside.

Why is he still hesitating in this situation!

He rebuked himself for being weak. After a deep sigh, he finally

stepped into the black space.

He once again put the ring to a fixed position. Then the wall moved
and a small hidden space appeared.

There was an old box inside.

That is ‘Phillip’s gift.’

Howard hesitated again. It’s not because he hasn’t made up his

mind yet. He was afraid of the gloomy darkness leaking out of the
old box.

If he uses this, everyone in the capital city will die. A great

catastrophe will begin.

Just then,
He heard footsteps from behind. Howard looked back in surprise.

“Who is it!”

Who’s here? He’s sure the door was closed every time he came

Even if they are an intruder who targeted him, they will not be able to
come here.

The only people who knew this place were him and his late

Oh, there was one more person.

Phillip Geracillion, the first emperor of the Asteric Empire.

He was said to have devised a secret device for hiding gifts.

However, they were all dead.

Right now, he is the only one who knows the ‘Phillip’s Gift’ and this

“Who is it? Answer me!”

Howard shouted, hugging the old wooden box tightly.

But the person didn’t say anything. It was just the sound of footsteps
ringing in the hallway getting closer.

Who is it?

Are they from the Kensway family? Are they trying to oust me or an
assassin? Is it the imperial family?

Howard looked at the man who was getting closer and closer, even
holding his breath.
The light of the lamp reflected the man’s face. He was a figure
Howard never expected.

“Richard Cassil…!”

Howard’s face was filled with astonishment.

Richard was a criminal who tried to poison the Crown Prince and
assassinate Marquis Westin, but failed and was wanted across the

Rumours have it that he eventually drowned in the river, but isn’t it


“How can a lowly Roum be here…!?”

Richard laughed instead of answering.

“Logan messed up the education of his descendants.”

“What! How dare you say that!”

It was a dangerous situation. However, Howard forgot his fear and

got angry.

Logan was the first leader of the Kensway family and still a person
respected by all.

Yet this lowly Roum dared to insult him.

Even though he was despised as a Roum, Richard’s smile remained

on his mouth.

“You’re a lowly merchant blood, how noisy.”

Howard was surprised.

Logan Kensway was known to have come from a family of historic

priest family that had descended since the Zelcan Empire.
But it was a complete lie.

Logan was actually a lowly mercenary and had nothing to do with the

And this was a secret that only Kensway’s leader knew.

“You, you…how did you…”

Richard knew the secret of Logan Kensway that no one knew. He

also knew where Phillip’s gift was hidden.

Emperor Phillip was the only one who knew how to get in here
without the key only they have.

‘No way, that’s Emperor Phillip’s…’

That’s absurd. It can’t be. As soon as he tried to erase his thoughts,

Richard said,

“I’m here to get back the gift that I gave to Logan a thousand years


“Your Highness is our benefactor.”

“That’s right. If it weren’t for you, everyone would be dead.”

Captain Barley and the crew thanked me.

They had been treated on board the ship all this time, but today they
were all completely cured.

Even if the treatment was just eating fruit.

“The sailors will bear the grace of Your Highness in our hearts and
offer our loyalty for the rest of our lives.”
“Yes, we’ll give you our loyalty.”

When Barley said that, the other sailors bowed their heads in unison.

“I just did what I had to do. Get up now.”

I hurriedly raised them up. I was so proud to see everyone

recovering their complexion after being completely healthy.

“Be sure to prepare fruits when you make a long voyage in the
future. Fruits have a lot of healthy ingredients, so make sure to eat
them normally.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

After repeatedly saying this to the sailors, I left the harbor.

“Hooray, Your Highness!”

“As expected of the blessed girl.”

“She’s the one who was chosen by the goddess. She has the power
of light like His Highness the Crown Prince!”

“Your Highness!!!”

On the way to the carriage, there was a tremendous cheer from the
people who gathered at the harbor.

Originally, I was going to announce my ability after catching Richard.

It was because I didn’t know what kind of scheme he would plan. So

I tried not to reveal all of my cards until I punished him. But I think it
was the right timing.

As soon as it was revealed that I had the power of light, the rumours
spread by the priest subsided in an instant.

Besides, Richard might be really dead.

However, Blake’s expression was dark even as everyone cheered.

He’s been like that lately. I have no idea why.

“Blake, I’m sorry.”

I apologized.

“Did you know that you were wrong?”


I nodded my head.

I made a bet with the priest without consulting with Blake.

I was sure the crew didn’t get tancinol, but Blake would have been

I knew that he couldn’t sleep well because he was worried about me.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t do that from now on.”

“Yes, I won’t.”

Blake didn’t blame me anymore, and he smiled broadly as he

hugged me. I held his hand, and suddenly I felt a cold gaze.


I was startled and looked at the side where I could feel the gaze.

I thought I saw Richard for a second, but when I looked closely, he

was a completely different man, just his hair color is the same.

“What’s wrong?”
“No. Nothing.”

I guess I was mistaken.

I shook my head and climbed into the carriage with Blake.

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Chapter 153 – How about a cup of warm tea? (9)

TL: Zimming

Richard looked at Ancia, mingled among countless spectators. But

no one noticed that Richard was a wanted criminal.

This is because Richard completely hid himself using the power of

light. He will be seen in a completely different way in people’s eyes.

Of course, he had no mana of light, so he had to use the mana of

light from the Kensway family to use magic.

When he fell to the river, Richard regained all the memories of his
past life.

‘I’m Phillip.’

He is not a child of a lowly slave.

He was the first emperor to build Asteric Empire and a man who had
the power of the goddess.

However, the current situation after he was reborn was devastating.

After Richard’s desperate struggle, the empire was in the hands of


The woman he wanted to get even when he became an emperor

was next to Rakshul.
Rakshul, or Blake, also took all the power he had gained by
betraying the goddess.

‘Laontelle, Ancia…You always leave me behind and choose him.’

Richard turned away after he stared at Blake and Ancia, who was
affectionately hugging.

“Would you like to go back?”


When asked by Connin next to him, Richard answered briefly.

“You should get ready.”

Richard got his hands on the gift.

This was what Phillip had squeezed out with the last remaining
power he had in the past and handed it to Logan.

It was supposed to be given to the next emperor. But Phillip’s

children were all weak and afraid of him.

Some thought he was a demon who killed their siblings and cursed
him. After the founding of the country, they were opposed to the
continuous slaughter.

They couldn’t follow his will properly even if he gave it to them.

Phillip was forced to leave his wills to Logan, his most loyal servant.

The decision was made hastily, but it turned out well.

A treasure was now in his possession. Richard wanted to retrieve

everything had lost.

With this, he could get his hands on everything. The empire he built,
the power of light, and Ancia.

When I arrived at the palace, a happy face awaited me.

It was Marron, the high priest. He smiled broadly, but he looked very

He must be very tired because he came back from the west to the
capital city without sleeping properly.

“Your Highnesses, long time no see.”

“I haven’t seen you in a long time as well.”

I smiled and greeted him.

“You arrived?”

Blake spit it out briefly. He was sometimes surprisingly blunt.

Even though he’s usually a very sweet person.

“When I heard that you were Miss Rose, I wanted to see you right
away, so now I’m here.”

“Aren’t you busy?”

He must have been busy trying to take care of the asmodian trial and
to uncover the corruption of the Kensway family.

“Some of them have been taken care of.”

Last night, the Kensway family ousted Howard from the family and
picked a new priest.

“Congratulations on Her Highness’ comeback.”

When Marron congratulated him, a smile was drawn on Blake’s face.

“Thank you.”

“It’s my second time seeing you smile.”

Blake also smiled when he met Rose. It was the first time Marron
saw him smile, he saw Blake smiling for the second time today.

“I guess you’re the only one who can make him smile.”

“Ancia is my everything.”

Listening to his calm words, Marron was somewhat surprised.

It’s the first time he has seen Blake like this.

“Your Highness, as I’ve heard, is a wonderful woman.”

It was Marron’s responsibility for failing to properly manage the

church as a high priest that Howard and other high-ranking priests
did this.

He apologized to Ancia, but she didn’t blame Maron at all.

Ancia was broad-minded and understanding, so she never blamed


However, it is not just that. She’s wise and determined.

“Yes, she’s too good for me.”

“But you must be very worried.”

Ancia tried to handle everything by herself.

She did not reveal her identity when she turned into Rose, and this
time, she also made a dangerous bet with the priest to save the
Ancia is the wife of the cursed crown prince, but she has captivated
the society and the people of the empire since she was young.

Her wisdom and warm character are loved by everyone.

Marron was also fascinated by her.

This was an excellent quality for the Crown Princess, but from her
husband’s point of view, he must be worried.

“I’m having a hard time. I just want her to look at me…”

While saying so, Blake’s smile did not leave his face.

“But it’s okay. I can protect her.”

He thought he heard more from Blake this time than he has in the
past seven years.

Marron decided to take some courage.

“Your Highness, when this is over, would you like to have a meal with
me as a friend?”

Marron persistently tried to be friends with him, but Blake repeatedly

refused. This time, there seemed to be hope.

“No, I’m busy.”

But Blake refused immediately.

“Is it about Richard Cassil?”

“Yes, I’m searching for him.”

Richard’s whereabouts are still unknown.

No matter how strong the current of the river is, it was strange that
even the body could not be found.
Richard must be alive.

Perhaps he’s hiding in places such as the valley of chaos or the

northern snow mountain.

But the place was full of magic. There was a limit to search there.

So Blake, who had the power of light, had to go himself.

However, he was delaying it because he couldn’t leave her alone

when the priest was aiming for her.

“When the Kensway incident is finished, the church will help you
search for him.”

“When the Kensway family is finished, the temple will help us


“Yes, thank you.”

“If you really appreciate me, catch Richard and let’s have a meal


However, it was a refusal again this time.

“I want to be your friend. Doesn’t Your Highness need a friend?”

As soon as his curse was lifted, he had never enjoyed his life
properly as he searched for his wife.

He had subordinates, but he would never have thought of them as a


Now that Ancia is back, he thought it was time to enjoy his new life.
But Blake seemed different.

“No need. I don’t have enough time to be with you.”

Blake wanted to be with Ancia everytime.

He was already busy with politics, so he didn’t want to waste time

hanging out with other people.

Marron sighed. Although the crown princess was found, the wall
surrounding Blake seemed to have become more solid.

“I can’t do that. You need a friend, so I’ll be your friend…”

“Do you want to die high priest?”

Even before Marron finished speaking, Blake cut him off.

Does Her Highness know that Blake is a man like this?

Marron suddenly became curious.


Today was the day of a tea party to celebrate my return at Sephia


I was planning to hold a simple tea party because I felt burdened to

do it at the imperial palace ballroom, but my original purpose was
fading at some point.

From the moment they entered the entrance of the Sephia Palace,
the ladies were amazed.

Small lights made up of beautiful mana stones were everywhere in

the Sephia Palace.

I also saw it for the first time today.

Tenstheon and Blake insisted on having a tea party at night for some
reason, so I followed what they wanted without thinking. I didn’t know
they would decorate the entire Sephia Palace with mana stones.
The simplicity I wanted was gone since the party was entrusted to
the two.

It wasn’t only that.

It was a chilly late autumn night, but the tea party’s garden was filled
with heating tools, so I could feel the warm and fresh air at the same

On one side of the garden, there was the imperial orchestra (Blake
tried to bring in all the famous ocarina performers from all over the
continent, but I desperately say no), each dessert was as beautiful
as an art, and everything was luxurious, including tables and chairs.

The ladies said various things to me,

“I’ve never seen such a beautiful tea party before.”

“There’s a lot of talk about how much His Majesty and His Highness
care about Your Highness.”

“I’m so pleased that Your Highness is back. The moment I heard the
news, I cried.”

Countess Chardin’s eyes were moist. I held her hand tightly.

“Countess Chardin, don’t cry.”

Countess Chardin was friends with the late empress and took care of
Blake. She also taught me how to dance.

She didn’t get angry even though I was really bad at it then…she
must have been worried a lot because I disappeared.

There were so many people who cared and worried about me.

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Chapter 154 – How about a cup of warm tea? (10)

TL: Zimming

As soon as the tea party began, the conversation quickly began.

“I heard Your Highness was chosen by the goddess of light.”

“I was lucky to be given the power of light.”

“Wow, that’s great.”

“I knew it from the beginning. You’re special, so you must have lifted
His Highness’ curse.”

“If you have language skills, can you read books from other


“Then you’ll be able to read the books of the East.”

“Of course.”

The ladies showed interest in the magic of light and the language
ability I have.

“Just what was Howard blabbering about before?”

“I heard that the priest is in jail.”

“He’s not a priest anymore, and it’s all because of his own acts. He
spread groundless rumours of many people.”

“You know what? He even lied about tancinol when it could be cured
with just a fruit.”

The topic of the conversation naturally shifted to the subject of the

priest and scurvy.

Some of them blatantly criticized him while the others kept their
mouths shut.

The Kensway family is a respectable family, and many nobles

followed them like they’re gods.

Everyone knows it’s Howard Kensway’s fault, but still can’t admit it.

But as time goes by and their sins are revealed, they will eventually
change their minds.

“But good things have happened in this case. My husband and son
started eating fruit.”

“Is that a good thing? They’ve taken fruits I usually eat, and I hate to
see it.”

“Hahaha, is that so?”

“But it’s a relief that we eat it ourselves. I hope the Emperor works
well so that fruits don’t become scarce.”

We talked without restriction because there were less people.

However, as the subject of the story flowed toward the Emperor,
Countess Chardin coughed awkwardly.

She thinks it’s not appropriate to talk about that in front of me.

When Countess Chardin signaled, the other wives quickly shut up

and changed the subject.
“Right, Your Highness must not have any worries.”

“That’s right. His Highness is responsible like His Majesty. So you

must’ve lived comfortably.”

“Of course. He had so many women aiming for him in seven years,
yet he hasn’t forgotten you!”

“Mrs. Marcelle!”

When the story of the women who had been aiming for Blake came
out, other wives shouted in surprise.

Mrs. Marcelle also realized her mistake and quickly covered her
mouth with her hands.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright.”

I already knew it, and it didn’t matter. Besides, like Mrs. Marcelle
said, he has never forgotten me.

However, the atmosphere froze in an instant.

I was fine, but the other wives seemed to be wary. Suddenly,

someone broke the silence and said,

“By the way, Your Highness, you look so beautiful today.”

“That’s right.”

“You look great in that dress.”

Perhaps to revive the atmosphere, the wives poured out praises to


“I was surprised from the moment I entered the Sephia Palace. Of

course, you were beautiful everytime, but I think you’re even more
dazzling today.”

These days, not only Tenstheon and Blake, but also Melissa and
Terry tried to feed me something when they saw me, so I gained a
little weight.

I was very thin before, so I was satisfied because I looked healthier

now. I think my complexion got better too. But I don’t think it’s a
drastic difference…

“That’s right. I think your skin is glowing. Do you have any secrets?”

“Please let me know if you have a secret.”

The ladies were curious about my cosmetics and other things.

Normally, I would have waved my hand saying nothing has changed,

but today I said something,

“Actually, I’ve been drinking Eastern tea lately.”

“Eastern tea?”

“Yes, it’s a tea called ‘Taekri tea’.”

“Is there such a tea like that?”

“It’s a tea that was exclusive to the imperial family in Chang before.”

The rumours about me quickly disappeared, but the bad rumours

about Chang still remained. It’s probably because of their anxiety
about an unknown territory.

Nevertheless, the ladies’ eyes shone brightly when I said those


“Where could I buy that?”

“When the trade with Chang begins, the tea will come in.”
“It must take a long time.”

“I’m afraid so.”

I looked at the discouraged ladies and asked them implicitly.

“Do you want the tea?”

“Of course.”

“Your Highness, can you give it to us?”

Everyone said it because they wanted to try the tea and hopefully,
they’ll forget about the vague fear of Chang.

I smiled inwardly.

“I can’t, I already finished the tea from Chang.”

As soon as I said so, there were sighs of regret here and there.

“But don’t be disappointed. I planted the seeds of the tea in the


“Where did you plant it?”

The ladies looked around the garden decorated with flowers and
mana stones.

“Right here.”

I pointed to the ground next to me. The ladies were disappointed

again when they saw that there were no sprouts yet.

“Your Highness, you’re too much.”

“That’s right, are you making fun of us.”

A grumpy complaint filled with regret erupted.

“No way.”

I gave a light smile and reached out to the ground.

When the mana of light from my hand covered the ground, green
buds began to emerge.

The small buds grew quickly. After growing the tea leaves enough to
harvest, I retreated my hand.


At that moment, people began to praise me again.

“I’ve never seen anything like that before!”

“Is it the mana of light?”

“Yes, it’s the mana of light. The Crown Prince can do it too.”

I smiled lightly and gestured to the servants. The servants came

quickly and took the tea leaves. I started drying the tea leaves with
the fire mana stone.

The maids took the dried tea leaves and brewed the tea.

In fact, I haven’t finished my taekri tea yet. But I showed them

growing tea leaves on purpose.

It was because some people still believed in false rumors and gave a
suspicious look to me, even though I announced the fact that I had a
mana of light.

With this, they won’t doubt me anymore. Not only that, but the fact
that I’m the real light mage will spread throughout the community.

It will spread much faster than Howard’s rumours.

The tea was placed on each table of the ladies.

I drank tea first since I have the highest status, but it was also to
erase their guard against food they’ve never seen before.

“Everyone, try it.”

I drank first, and asked the ladies to try it.

“It’s delicious.”

“Yes, it tasted great.”

“I think it tastes especially more luxurious because it’s an exclusive


Fortunately, there was a favorable review of the taekri tea. In the

friendly atmosphere, I asked a question.

“Do you know where the black tea came from?”

“Isn’t that from the Empire of Ganua? I know that black tea has
become popular and widespread under the influence of Empress
Rosanne from Ganua.”

Mrs. Marcelle answered quickly to make up for the mistake earlier.

“Half of it is right. Empress Rosanne brought me some black tea. But

black tea wasn’t really from Ganua Empire.”

“Where does it come from then?”

“Chang Empire.”

“Chang Empire?”

“Yes, the tea I was drinking at Chang was delivered to Ganua.”

The ladies seemed quite surprised to hear that black tea actually
came from Chang.
It was natural to have that kind of response because it was
information that can be learned only by looking at the history books
of Ganua Empire.

I heard that black tea originated from China in my life before. This
world and my last world seemed different but there were many

“Paper also originated from Chang. This is the first time that Asteric
Empire and Chang have established diplomatic relations, but before
that, our cultures have influenced each other.”

Tonight, the origin of black tea will spread along with my other

Knowing that there was already a culture from Chang that we are
familiar with, the anxiety and rejection of future trade will be reduced.

I smiled and drank the tea again. Suddenly, the entrance was noisy.

A tall and charming young man was walking this way.

“I greet the Crown Prince, the light of the empire.”

Blake’s sudden appearance prompted the ladies to hurry up and give

their greetings.

“Blake, no, Your Highness, what are you doing here?”

I spoke up quickly because we were in the presence of others.

“I’m here to see you.”

he said affectionately while making eye contact with me.

“Oh my.”

“He’s very loving too…”

The ladies spoke with envy. I was a little embarrassed, but Blake
didn’t seem to show that at all.

“Are you guys enjoying the party?”

“Ah, yes. Your Highness!”

“We’re very happy!”

When Blake asked, people were surprised and replied back. I was
surprised too.

I’ve never seen him having a small talk with other women.

“Your Majesty and I have prepared everything for this party. I hope
you like it.”

“Yes, of course.”

“It’s more beautiful than any other party I’ve ever participated in.”

When I saw Blake, who was leading the conversation with dignity
and tenderness, I naturally smiled. I felt that he came on purpose to
help me.

“Today, I prepared a present for Her Highness.”

Huh? Present? I was so surprised that I looked at Blake.

“I hope many people will enjoy it as well.”

He came up to me after he finished talking. As soon as Blake held

my hand, a firework burst into the sky.

At that moment, an exclamation came out of the ladies’ mouths. I

was surprised and looked at Blake.

“You didn’t see this properly back then.”

He whispered softly in my ear. Then, my face turned red as I
remembered what happened on the national founding day before.

Colourful fireworks, reminiscent of the national founding day

embroidered the black sky.

I forgot that there were other people around me, and I looked at the
beautiful fireworks with my head resting on Blake’s shoulder.

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Chapter 155 – Into the light we dream of. (1)

TL: Zimming

“It’s my first time to be alone with my sister. It’s like being on a date.”

Diana’s mouth corners went up slightly.

She took off her academy uniform and wore plain clothes today.

Diana looked pretty cool in a loose shirt and tight pants.

It is said that since the national founding day, there has been a
series of requests for dates and escorts for the ball to Diana.

Not from men, but from women.

I think there are many young ladies who fell in love with Diana after
seeing her dancing with me before.

I was actually worried about their response or saying something bad

afterwards, so it’s a relief that it turned out this way.

We are now going to the Camellia orphanage that Richard ran.

Technically, it wasn’t just the two of us going out. The imperial

knights were with us.

After Richard disappeared, it was decided that his orphanage will be

run by the state.
In the meantime, I wanted to see the Camellia orphanage, but Blake
was worried about me, so I didn’t do it until now.

Today, Blake had an event that he must attend, so he couldn’t go

alongside me. He quickly contacted Diana to go with me.

“You don’t have to accompany me, why did Blake called you…aren’t
you busy studying?”

“He did a good job. If he had sent my sister alone, I would have been
very upset.”

Diana raised her voice with excitement.

“And don’t worry about the academy. The tests are all done, only the
last winter training is left. There’s nothing else to study.”

“How’s the test?”

As it is a test taken at the academy, of course, safety devices may

be provided, but I was still worried. Yet, she answered,

“It’s nothing. It’s just ordinary test. I was tasked to catch a few

“Monsters?! You’re catching it?”

“What are you so surprised about?”

Diana told me about her experience of catching the monsters.

Without a proper reply, I just opened my mouth in shock and listened
to her story.

Diana really has become an adult.

Of course, I also tried to defeat monsters a thousand years ago, but I

couldn’t imagine Diana catching the monsters.
In addition, the original story came to mind. The slender woman, who
had fallen for Richard’s ruse and was often swayed, grew into a
vigorous knight.

After a while, we arrived at the Camellia orphanage.

The atmosphere on the outside was a bit bleak because there are
knights guarding the place in case Richard would appear.

But as I went inside, I heard the children’s bright laughter.

“The facilities are pretty good.”

“I know right?”

Diana looked around the orphanage and was amazed.

I was surprised too. I heard that it was good, but it was out of my

“He put a lot of effort into the orphanage. I didn’t expect him to do
such a thing… honestly, I still can’t believe it.”

Michelle, who was guiding us to the orphanage, looked miserable.

Her and everyone else in the orphanage seems to have respected

and followed Richard Cassil.

It is not clear exactly how Richard built the Camellia orphanage, but
it was true that he had operated it brilliantly.

Anyway, Richard is a capable man.

He would have been admirable if he didn’t use dirty tricks.

If he had kept running the orphanage like this, he would have been
respected by many people.

But he eventually broke his reputation with his own hands.

As I looked around the orphanage with mixed feelings, I suddenly
heard someone screaming.

“Dirty Roum! Get the hell out of here!”

A boy, who looked about thirteen years old, lashed at a little girl.

The black-haired girl was younger than him, and looked about six
years old.

“Not all Roums are bad.”

The girl looked scared, but she didn’t feel intimidated and spoke

“The Roums are all bad. Richard, he’s a murderer too. You’re all

“We’re not.”

“That’s right! Or why would the knights be guarding you? All of you
Roums are dirty pests! I have to get rid of you all!”

“It’s not like that!”

“How dare you yell at someone when you’re only a Roum!”

When the girl shouted, the boy raised his hand.

I was surprised, as Diana ran to the child in anger. I followed quickly

from behind too.

“Stop right now!”

“Damn it!”

The boy swore, pushed the girl hard, and ran into the building.

“Hey! Stop there!”

Diana ran after the boy. The sudden situation made Michelle
surprised and confused.

“Tom, you! Your Highness, I’m sorry.”

“No, child, are you okay?”

I checked the condition of the girl first. Fortunately, there was no



Even though she was fine, her heart must have hurt.

“It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t have to put up
with it.”

“Sob, sob…”

As soon as the child was in my arms, her tears poured out.

Then I heard a voice from behind.

“Why should I apologize? What did I do wrong!”

“What? Quickly say it!”

Diana dragged a child named Tom, who pushed the girl here.

However, there was no sign of remorse in the boy.

“Did I say something wrong? The Roums are vermin! They’re a

disease that carries tancinol after being abandoned by goddess! Get
the filthy Roum out of the land right now…agh!”

Tom screamed but Diana didn’t scold him.

Of course, Diana was determined to scold Tom, but before that, a

small stone flew into his forehead.
I was surprised and looked at the place where the stone came from.

There stood a boy with the same black hair like the little girl.


Kaluo? Is that the kid Chelsea was talking about?

She said that he was the child who fought without retreating to the
end when there was a quarrel between the other children and the
Roums at the orphanage.

Kaluo approached us as he pulled the girl’s arm.

“Shulia, let’s go!”


The girl’s name is ‘Shulia’

Kaluo hugged her tightly and glared at me as if he was protecting


It seems like he thought that I was hurting her.


After the situation was somewhat cleared up, Michelle led us to the
reception room of the orphanage.

“Your Highness, I am sorry for the incident.”

She bowed her head and apologized.

“No, it’s okay. More than that, It seems like the conflict between the
children is very deep…”

Michelle sighed.
“It wasn’t always like this. The children were all on good terms.
Unlike other places, there was no discrimination against the Roums
in this orphanage. But the atmosphere started to change when Tom
came in.”

Camellia Orphanage was a new orphanage less than five years old,
and most of the original children were young.

Tom is 11 years old, one of the oldest children here, and he was very
big compared to children of his age.

If such a child led the atmosphere, other children would be easily

swept away.

“Was the child hostile to the Roum from the beginning?”

“Yes, his parents seemed to have died because of tancinol.”

“Is it really tancinol?”

Many people mistook the flu, pneumonia or other disease as

tancinol, like the recent case of scurvy.

The priests from church couldn’t diagnose it properly and it was

almost impossible for ordinary people to distinguish tancinol.

“I don’t know, but Tom believes so. The Roum spread the disease
and killed his parents. So every time he gets into trouble, I scold him
and persuade him, but he doesn’t listen at all.”

Michelle was having a hard time because of this.

“Tom used to bother the Roums every day, and the other kids
followed quickly. The Roum children were hurt a lot. Kaluo was a
very gentle and nice kid, but he became a lot tougher when he
fought with Tom.”

“Why don’t you send him to another orphanage?”

Diana, who was quietly listening to the story, said. I also agreed with
her opinion.

Tom considered the Roums as an enemy.

No matter how much we teach and persuade him, he will keep being

It would be better for everyone if she sent Tom to another orphanage

without Roums.

Among the private orphanages in the capital city, Camellia

orphanage was the only one accepting Roums.

It would not be difficult to find a place for him to move.

“That’s what I thought actually. At this rate, he will only hurt

everyone. But the owner was against it.”

“Richard Cassil?”

“Yes, he cared so much about the Roum children, but strangely, he

didn’t care as much about Tom’s problems. I think he had affection
for him because he brought him.”

“He brought Tom in himself?”


He brought a child with a grudge against the Roum himself?

Tom was even hostile to Richard, as well as the original children.

Why did he keep such a child around him?

Richard never condones anyone who ignores him or shows hostility.

A child could not be an exception.

“Maybe he wanted to see a child like Tom understand the Roum and
make peace with each other.”

No. I’m sure that’s not true.

Richard was not such a man. There must have been some other

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Chapter 156 – Into the light we dream of (2)

TL: Zimming


A thousand years later, the disease Philip created for his selfish
desires were still bothering countless people.

But when I think about it, it was weird. Why is the disease still here?

Tancinol was created by artificially twisting the mana of light. It was

not a disease that occurs naturally.

Of course, after a long time, the disease called tancinol itself may
have been transformed.

There was a possibility that a disease that was completely different

from a thousand years ago could have spread all over the world
under the name of ‘tancinol’ or that the mana contained in the mana
of light spread to humans in some form.

But even if I think about it like that, it’s still weird.

“Sister, what are you thinking so hard about?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

I shook my head.
We were on our way back to the palace after leaving the Camellia

I said I was fine, but Diana insisted on escorting me back to the


Everyone seems worried about me.

“More than that, Diana, have you thought about what I said?”


“I mean your debut.”

Diana is already an adult but hasn’t made her debut.

Gilbert Bellacian died, and her mother didn’t take care of her. Hence,
there’s no one who could help her prepare her debut.

If only I was there, I could help her…

But I couldn’t just regret it. I was going to help her make her debut
now that everything is not that hectic.

“No need. It’s already past my birthday.”

“Many people do it after their birthday.”

“You didn’t do it either.”

“I attended a lot of other parties instead.”

“His Highness also didn’t do it.”

Blake also did not have his coming-of-age ball. Maybe it’s because
of me…

“His Highness will do it soon.”

Blake refused, just like Diana, but I wanted him to experience it.

“Then just tell His Highness to do it. I hate wearing dresses and
dancing in turns with men.”

She shook her head. I didn’t say it anymore because she refused it.

But I really want to make a ball for Diana…

While I was thinking about it, the carriage arrived at the Forens

“Diana, thank you so much for coming with me today.”

“No, you call me anytime.”

She said she needs to go back to the academy without time for a
cup of tea.

“Get in the carriage.”

“I can just ride a horse. That’s more comfortable, I’ll be on my way


I was looking at her back when she left and ordered Jayden.

“Jayden, please escort Diana.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Jayden strode to Diana’s side. But Diana waved her hand.

“No need, just go back.”

“Let’s go together.”

“You don’t know what I’m capable of? I don’t need an escort.”

“Who said I was escorting? I just want to walk with you.”

Diana was embarrassed when Jayden spat out indifferently.

“Ah, wha, what, I see…”

The two walked side by side.

Are you sure he’s simply a friend?

Looking at them, I smiled brightly.

“Why are you smiling like that?”

Hearing the familiar voice, Blake’s eyes met mine.


“You smiled at the guy.”


“Just now.”

He pouted as he hugged my waist.

“I smiled at Diana.”



“Don’t smile at the other guys.”

Unlike his cute voice, his eyes looked serious.


I smiled and stroked his hair.

Then, his expression visibly relaxed.

He looked like a puppy today.

“How was the event today?”

“I was dying to meet my wife throughout the whole event.”

Now he sounded like a puppy.

I know that he would have done well even if he said it like that.

Blake was known for his great skills in handling political affairs.

The minister of finance, who was known for his strictness, boasted
that Blake is a very good heir of Tenstheon, there are also many
other compliments from others.

“Have you been well, my wife?”

“Yes, but I’m a little disappointed.”


“A kid is still on my mind. I should have hugged her a little more…”

I kept thinking about Shulia, who was crying. I felt sympathy because
it felt like I was seeing myself before I married Blake.

“Let’s go there with me next time.”

“Can I really do that?”

I thought he’d say no…

“Go wherever you want, but you have to go with me. If you try to go
alone like this, I’ll get mad.”

Blake seems to be very surprised by my sudden visit today.

“Okay, let’s go together next time.”

I hugged my worried groom tightly and said that.


Kaluo was studying, the door suddenly opened as Shulia came


“Brother, are you studying?”


“What are you studying?”

“You won’t understand.”

Kaluo had the best grades in the orphanage. He is 9 years old, but
he could solve problems that 11-year -old Tom couldn’t solve.


“What are you laughing for?”

Kaluo spat out curtly.

She’s always gentle, that’s why other people used to pick her on
because they think she’s an easy target.

At least she’s smiling now, it’s better than crying. He thought that she
was still sad about the recent incident.

“Brother, eat this.”

Shulia reached out her hand. Two yellow candies were placed on her
small hands.

“What’s this? Where did you get it?”

“Her Highness gave it to me during snack time earlier. You didn’t

come, that’s why I brought yours. Let’s eat it together.”
She gave him a proud smile. But Kaluo threw the candy in her hand
to the floor.

“Why would you take this? You can’t eat it either!”


“She is the Crown Princess!”

“I know, but I thought she’s a good person.”

Ancia hugged Shulia, who was bullied by Tom.

Even though she knew that she’s a Roum, she said Shulia did
nothing wrong.

Shulia really likes the Crown Princess.

“They’re not a good person! She’s one of the imperial family who
tried to kill Richard! You’re going to eat what she gave you?”

“But they said it was Richard’s fault…”

“They’re lying! Richard was framed because they were afraid that he
would become the Emperor! It was always like that! The Emperor
unjustly killed Richard’s family!”

Richard said that the Crown Prince is a monster.

Also, the emperor is extremely wary of Richard because he knows

that Richard is better than the Crown Prince.

Other nobles were not happy with the Roums becoming the next

So they worked together to accuse Richard’s family for treason and

take away Richard’s title.

“The people of the empire are all the same! They’re our enemy!”
Kaluo recalled the past. He once lived in a Roum village.

Although the village only consisted of Kaluo, Connin, and Shulia’s


The Roums were treated harshly wherever they went and were
targeted by slave traders.

The three families lived in a deep forest, relying on each other. It was
a hard time but they were happy. There was no discrimination there.

Yet, the happy days ended so suddenly. People living in the land far
away came there.

They killed their parents, siblings, and set fire to their homes, saying
they should destroy the Roums who spread the tancinol.

Everyone died, only Kaluo’s sister, Karan, Connin, and Shulia


They were engulfed with grief and vengeance. But realistically, there
was nothing they could do.

There was no one to side with the Roums, even if they complained.

Richard appeared in front of the four when they were in despair.

Richard saved them. He taught Karan and Connin black magic and
helped his family to take revenge.

Kaluo and Shulia went to Camellia orphanage.

“I want to be with my sister.”

Kaluo wanted to be with his sister, but she shook her head firmly.

“No, it’s dangerous. I will help Richard become the emperor. When
he becomes emperor, the Roum will have a world where they
couldn’t be discriminated against.”
“I’ll help you too!”

“You should study well instead. Richard will need a great assistant
when he becomes emperor. You have to play that role. I’m going to
make a country for the Roums with him.”

His sister was right. Kaluo remained in the orphanage as she said. In
addition, he was the only one who could protect the young Shulia.

“The Emperor framed Richard. You need to be careful! We have to

trust Richard!”

Richard saved them. He will help him to establish a world where

Roums are not discriminated against.

“Richard will surely create such a world for us…”

But Kaluo didn’t explain much to Shulia.

It was too difficult to comprehend for the young Shulia. In addition, it

was a secret plan that only Richard and some people knew.

She’s nice, but keeping secrets was another problem. It’s not the
time to tell her yet.

“I hate Richard.”

said Shulia timidly, looking at the candy lying on the floor the whole
time Kaluo spoke.
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Chapter 157 – Into the light we dream (3)

TL: Zimming


“I can’t meet Karan and Connin…”

“It was inevitable.”

Kaluo felt worried about the two of them.

But Richard said it was all for the greater good, Karan and Connin
also became black mage according to plans.

“They’re not kicking Tom out either.”

Shulia wasn’t saying that just because she missed Karan and

Shulia was getting used to her life.

She had a lot of friends and wasn’t discriminated against before. She
was very happy.

But with Tom coming, her happiness came to an end.

“That can’t be helped. Once someone comes to the orphanage, we

can’t let them go. That’s the rule. It’s not Richard’s fault.”

Is that really true?

Shulia couldn’t forget what she saw.

There was a time when Tom severely harassed Kaluo with his group.

It was a usual occurrence, but the level of harassment was very

severe that day.

Shulia urgently looked for the teachers.

And she found Richard. But she couldn’t talk to Richard.

Richard was watching Kaluo get beaten up. He didn’t seem to have
any intention of helping him.

Rather, he looked happy.

Feeling instinctively frightened by his expression, Shulia unknowingly

stepped back.

Then Richard turned his head and saw Shulia. He strode to Kaluo
after a while. Finally, he stopped the fight with a gentle expression as

Shulia told Kaluo about it, but he dismissed it as a mistake.

“Shulia, you don’t know because you’re still young, but Richard is a
really good man. He’s better than anyone else. You can’t say that.”

Kaluo was like that whenever anybody told him about Richard.

Knowing how much he likes Richard, Shulia sided with Richard in

front of others.

However, the fear that occurred after that day did not disappear.

When Shulia only looked at the candy that fell on the floor without
answering, Kaluo jumped up from his seat and stepped on the

“It’s because of her! She’s making you think something weird! Don’t
take anything from her again!”

“Brother, don’t!”

Shulia cried and tried to stop him. Kaluo didn’t stop stepping on it
until the candy turned into powder.


Shulia cried and fell asleep because of exhaustion. He can’t believe

that she’s crying like this over a candy. She really is still a child.

So he has to protect her. Just like how Karan and Connin protected

When Kaluo Shulia’s black hair, the door suddenly opened.

He turned his head in surprise.

A woman, who covered herself with a black robe, came inside.

She’s Karan, the sister of Kaluo.


Kaluo shouted with delight.

He was worried that she might also be on the wanted list, so he was
relieved to see that she looked healthy.


However, Karan quickly raised her index finger over her lips before
saying anything.

Kaluo hurriedly asked everything about what had been happening.

“Let’s go. We have to get out of here.”

Karan whispered quickly.

They need to leave the orphanage, she’s here to take them.

She’s probably sneaking in because she’s being chased by the

imperial family.

Kaluo quickly understood the situation and nodded.

“Okay. Shulia, wake up.”

He tried to wake Shulia up. However, Karan was surprised and held
Kaluo’s hand.

“What are you doing!”


“You’re the only one going. You don’t have to wake the kid up.”

Why did she say that? Karan addressed Shulia as if she was a
stranger. It was very weird.

She found Shulia very cute. When the two went to the orphanage,
she repeatedly asked Kaluo to protect Shulia.

“What? What about Shulia?”


“But when?”

“We don’t have time. We have to go.”

“When is she going?”

“Listen to your sister!”

Karan started to become impatient with him.

It was his first time seeing her angry like that. Kaluo was surprised
and looked up at Karan.

“I’ll take her next time. So you’re the only one who’s going today.”


She didn’t give a definite answer again this time. However, Kaluo
nodded in fear that his sister would get angry again.

“Get out first.”


“I’ll pack your stuff and go out in a minute, so you go out first.”

“I’ll do it.”

“I told you to get out!”


Kaluo was confused about Karan’s behaviour.

‘It’s my luggage though. I could pack it more quickly. Besides, she

has never been to my room before…’

He didn’t understand her. However, the thought of luggage was

quickly forgotten.

More than that, he was worried about her.

‘If I leave, Tom will pick on her more severely.’

He only argued with her but it was obvious what would happen after
Kaluo disappeared.
He couldn’t leave her and go alons. Shulia needs to go with him, he
needs to persuade his sister again.

Kaluo opened the door and went into the room.

Then Karan looked at Kaluo in surprise.

Karan wasn’t packing. She was there next to Shulia.

Inside Karan’s robe, black smoke was creeping out like a snake. And
the smoke covered her small body.


“Sister, what are you doing right now?”


I went to the palace library early in the morning.

Today was a monthly holiday, so I was alone in the entire library.

I piled up books on a wide desk where 15 people could sit, and

began to look at the records about tancinol.


As I was writing on a piece of paper, I heard Blake’s voice and

looked up.

“Blake, what are you doing here? Are you here to read a book?”

“No, I’m here to see you.”

Blake said with no expression.

He had a talent for looking pure even when he said something slick.

“But what were you doing? The book is all about tancinol.”
He looked at the books on the desk.

“I’ve been writing down the timing of the tancinol outbreak.”

“Did you organize all this by yourself since dawn?”


“You should have called me.”

“It’s nothing hard, don’t worry.”

“Can I see it?”

He pointed to my note, and I nodded cheerfully.


“I think you missed a few incidents. Did you do that on purpose?”

Blake said, skimming through her notes lightly.

He noticed that just a quick look was missing in my notes.

I taught him history when he was young, but now he seems to know
more than I do.

“Yes, it wasn’t tancinol.”

There have been countless people who have been caught in tancinol
in the past.

Tancinol is known as a disease caused by the goddess, so even if

they thought someone had a disease, it was often misdiagnosed.

Nevertheless, there were many cases recorded in history.

It was called tancinol based on symptoms and progress, Yet, as a

result of my careful examination of the records, turns out most of
them were completely different diseases.

Back then when I was Laontel, I kept researching about Tancinol.

The experience at that time helped me analyze the data.

“Did you assume this by just looking at the records?

“It’s not perfect.”

No matter how much knowledge I have of tancinol, there was a limit

to judging by past records.

“So I marked it like this.”

I pointed to the symbol written down in the notebook.

The possibility of tancinol is clearly marked with an asterisk, a circle

for about 80 percent, and a triangle for 50 percent. Blake’s
expression became serious after hearing my explanation.

“Ancia, are you sure you’re 100 percent sure you know about

“Yes, why?”

“Back then, there was a case at the church.”


“There was a coup in the church in 685. It was to overthrow

Kensway’s family, when the brutality reached its peak, there was
suddenly a tancinol outbreak.”

After handing over the note, he pointed to the other part where I
marked the circle.

“In 711, when Emperor William set out to reform the church. This
was also a failure because of tancinol. And in 762…”
“Opal war!”

“Right. The Opal War broke out in 762.

The Opal War wasn’t a real war.

At that time, the Emperor of the Asteric Empire fell in love with
Opala, a Roum and tried to make her as Empress, which Kensway’s
priests strongly opposed.

The emperor tried to reach a compromise by welcoming her as the

Empress, but the church refused to allow it.

The Emperor was furious and tried to bring the church down.

Eventually, a war broke out.

During the war, the church remained inferior, but the situation
reversed as Opala was caught in tancinol.

Eventually, Opala dies of tancinol, and the emperor is deposed of.

We looked at the other records in a hurry as we found the same

thing in common.

When the Kensway family was in crisis, tancinol broke out.

They intentionally caused the outbreak.

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Chapter 158 – Into the light we dream of (4)

TL: Zimming

Phillip must have given the Kensway family the power to create

Phillip wanted to be recorded as a perfect first emperor. So he was

crazy about erasing his mistakes.

He was probably worried, If tancinol disappears after he dies, people

will suspect him.

He must have been nervous about being found out that he caused
the tancinol.

He also judged that it would be advantageous to continue making

the Roum a public enemy to cover up his crimes.

Therefore, he made tools that could cause tancinol, and left them to
Logan Kensway, his only trusted servant.

The Kensway family periodically caused tancinol as Phillip ordered.

They do it every time they face a crisis.

This was why the Kensway family could dominate the church for a
thousand years.

to dominate the temple for a thousand years.

And if this hypothesis is true….

“We’re in trouble!”

“What’s the big deal? What happened?

“Howard might cause a tancinol outbreak!”

The Kensway family reversed the situation by using tancinol

whenever they were in crisis.

So I’m sure they’ll use the same method this time.


Upon hearing what Ancia said, Blake headed straight to the

underground prison where Howard was being held.

Inside the prison, Tenstheon and Collin were interrogating Howard.

Howard came to the palace on his own, but he remained silent.

Blake strode towards Howard without greeting Tenstheon.

“Say, are you thinking of creating another tancinol outbreak?”


At that moment, Howard’s lifeless eyes flashed. Blake felt something


He’s not surprised because his trick was discovered. He looked

rather pleased.


“What are you doing!”

“Your Highness, stop. I’m really going to die at this rate.”

As Blake grabbed his collar, Collin came and tried to seperate them.
“What do you mean by tancinol?

Tensteon wondered what Blake meant. But Blake kept an eye on

Howard without saying a word.

Something’s wrong. But what is it?

At that moment, he felt a strange mana flowing from Howard’s body.

It’s not the mana of light, or a black magic, but something else…

No way, this is…!

“Tancinol is made by twisting the mana of light. The Kensway family

must have the power to cause tancinol.”

Blake shouted, recalling what Ancia said earlier.

“It’s tancinol! Get out of here, everybody!

At that moment the mana that was asleep in Howard’s body,

exploded at once, and blood spilled from his mouth.

“Richard is Phillip…”

Howard said something minutes before his death.

It was the first and last thing he said since he was imprisoned.

He didn’t have any energy left as Howard Kensway slowly closed his


I rushed to the prison when I heard that Howard was dead.

I got goosebumps the moment I entered the prison where Howard

was locked up. A twisted mana of light was filling the prison.
This is what caused tancinol. The disease that destroyed the Zelcan
Empire a thousand years ago has spread again.

“Ancia, what are you doing here?”

Blake shouted in surprise as soon as he saw me. His voice was full
of worries.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine. More than that, it’s really tancinol.”

A twisted mana of light was pouring out of Howard’s body.

If it was transferred from another person, or if the energy of the

mana was naturally twisted, he could not pour out such strong mana.

As I guessed, he purposely made tancinol by using a tool.

“This is definitely a tancinol.”


I gazed at Howard’s body, whose body was filled with spots, and bit
my lips tightly.

He let his guard down.

Since they are selfish people who sacrifice innocent lives for the
sake of their family’s prosperity, they thought they would avoid it
even if they spread tancinol.

He never dreamed that he would spread the tancinol in the imperial

palace until he became a scapegoat himself.

“Did he die all of a sudden?”

“Yes. Something was going on in his body and then he suddenly


It must be why he couldn’t say anything.


I took his hand. There was only pure mana of light on his body, and
no tancinol was present.

I know he wasn’t infected, but I was still worried so I checked it


“You have nothing to worry about.”

Blake patted my hair gently.

“Yes…but where are the others?”

There were only Howard and Blake in prison now.

“His Majesty and Collin are upstairs.”

“His Majesty was here too?”

“Yes, the knights were guarding outside, there were only three of us
and Howard inside.”

So Howard has been holding back to target His Majesty and Blake at
the same time. Did he have such a deep grudge against the imperial

“Also Howard said something strange before he died.”

“What is it?”

“Richard is Phillip.”

“Richard is Philip?”

I was shocked for a moment. How did Howard know that? Did
Richard get his memory back?

If Richard got Phillip’s memory, this situation can also be explained.

As he got memories of his past life, he must have also recalled that
he had given the Kensway family a ‘magic tool that can cause

After the tool was recovered, Howard was given a tancinol and
turned himself into the imperial palace.

Like he did a thousand years ago, he planned to spread tancinol to

the imperial palace to become an emperor.

“I’m going to see father right now.”



When me and Blake went inside, Tenstheon and Collin in the room
looked at us.

“Ancia, it’s dangerous. Why did you come all the way here?”

“I’m fine. So give me your hand first.”

I shouted urgently.

There were many things to explain, including the secrets of tancinol,

the Kensway family and Richard, but first, Tenstheon’s safety was
the most important thing.

“So it was really tancinol…”


On the way upstairs, I had a lot of thoughts.

What if Tensteon gets tancinol?

Then, like the Zelcan Empire, the Asteric Empire will be in great
My heart was beating fast because I was afraid that I might lose my

I held Tenstheon’s hand and checked his condition.

In order not to miss every detail, I concentrated my mind and

examined every inch of his body in detail.

A thousand years ago, it was not until the symptoms of tancinol

appeared that treatment began. I was trapped by Phillip so I couldn’t
do anything.

But not this time. Knowing the cause of the disease, it was easy to
examine. I grinned as I let go of Tenstheon’s hand.

“That’s a relief. There’s nothing wrong.”

There was no tancinol anywhere in his body.

“I see.”

“I’m so glad. Your Majesty.”

Unlike the calm Tenstheon, Collin was very pleased.

“That’s a relief.”

Blake also spoke bluntly, but his eyes were filled with relief.

“Now give me your hand, Sir Collin.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

I gritted my teeth the moment I held his hand.

The twisted mana of light was felt in Collin’s body.

It was tancinol.

Richard would have been after Tenstheon and Blake. However, it

was Collin who got tancinol.

About an hour later, symptoms of tancinol began to appear.

After a series of coughing, a high fever will came, and he will lose

When Howard died, Blake quickly took action, sending the knights
and guards out and putting them in one place.

Thanks to this, the disease did not spread to anyone except Collin.

I advised Tenstheon to go back to the Philia Palace, but he could

hardly take a step even after he went out of prison.

“Did Collin really get the tancinol?”

Tenstheon asked with a worried look.

Seeing his face, I wanted to say no. I wanted to say that he just
caught a cold.

But I couldn’t do that.


Tenstheon lowered his head, and pressed his forehead. Seeing him
in despair, I couldn’t figure out how to comfort him.

“Don’t worry. Nothing will happen to him, I’ll make sure to treat it.”

“I forced him to come along yet I made him suffer like this…I beg you
to help him, Ancia.”

He held my hand tightly.

“Yes. Trust me.”

I won’t lose anyone this time.

I had no intention of losing my precious people due to Richard’s

schemes and tancinol this time.


If Richard intended to repeat the history of destroying the empire, he

would surely aim for the imperial family.

He may have planned other things besides Howard.

I looked at every inch of the palace, as Blake questioned Howard’s

aides in the prison.

“As soon as they heard that Howard was dead, they started to talk.
According to them, Howard said that the goddess would bring
catastrophe soon.”

“So he had intended to use it from the start.”

Howard was going to spread a rumor about me and start the


However, it was taken away by Richard and he eventually was taken

advantage of.

He lost his life miserably, but there was not even a little bit of
sympathy for him.

“Yes, the imperial knights are headed to the Kensway family. I’ve told
Marron, so we’re going to investigate inside the church.”

If it was revealed that the Kensway family has caused the tancinol
for a thousand years, there will be a huge backlash.
It was clear that the Kensway family, as well as the church, would
lose strength.

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Chapter 159 – Into the light we dream of (5)

TL: Zimming

“There was nothing wrong at the palace.”

When I said it, Blake nodded.

“Yes, but I’ll tell them to tighten their guard.”

“Especially father’s escort. I’m sure he’ll go after him again if they
find out that he doesn’t get the tancinol.”

“I’ll do it.”

Blake’s expression was dark ever since he knew that Collin got

Collin wasn’t simply Tenstheon’s assistant to him.

He has known Blake since he was a kid, and he cared about Blake
regardless of the curse. I’m sure it hurts for him.

“Blake, don’t worry too much. Sir Collin will surely be healed.”


He nodded, but his expression was not relieved.

“Do you have any other concerns?”

“No. It just reminded me of the old days.”

“Old days?”

“When I was a child… before I was trapped in the palace, His

Majesty held my hand and cried when he found out that I got the
curse. I’ve forgotten all this time, but it just popped into my mind. I
think he was very sad then…”

“Of course, you’re his beloved son.”

“Is that so…”

His voice was unsure. Now it seems like he has foggy memories, but
the scars of his childhood still remain.

Still, I think he’s ready to accept his father’s love.

I held Blake’s hand tightly.

“Your Highness!”

Then Edon rushed over.

“What’s going on?”

“It is said that there’s a tancinol outbreak on Camellia orphanage!”


Blake and I headed to the orphanage right away.

I never thought tancinol would take place at the Camellia orphanage.

A thousand years ago, Phillip was after the imperial family. After
spreading the disease around the imperial family, Rakshul and the
emperor, the Zelcan Empire was in chaos because there was no heir
to the throne, so he easily took over.
So I thought he would use the same method this time.

But I didn’t think he would spread tancinol to the children he was

taking care of.

When we arrived at the Camellia orphanage, the

the captain of the guard explained the situation.

“The Roum kid in the orphanage caught tancinol.”

“It’s not tancinol!”

I was listening to the captain of the guard’s report, and Michelle, who
was next to me, flatly denied it.

“It’s just a cold. What do you mean tancinol? It’s out of the question.
Tom misunderstood that.”

“No! It’s tancinol!”

Tom, who was far away, shouted.

He couldn’t come this way because he was blocked by other


It looked like he was being scolded by the teachers. In the

meantime, however, he raised his voice.

“It’s definitely tancinol! Isn’t it obvious because they’re Roums?”

“What happened?”

While they were arguing, Blake asked the captain of the guard.


The captain of the guard explained the situation.

A Roum child caught a cold, Tom knew it and claimed it was tancinol.

The teachers described it as a cold, but Tom apparently did not listen
and reported to the knights guarding them.

Michelle was surprised and explained, the captain of the guard

agreed with her.

However, as long as the report of tancinol was received, it was a rule

to report it to authorities, so it was in accordance with the rules.

Anyway, it was a relief. I’ll have to check to be certain, but when I

heard the story, it seemed much more likely to be a simple cold.

“Did you quarantine the patient?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“But I don’t think it’s tancinol. She couldn’t have gotten such a
terrible disease.”

Michelle strongly denied.

“Is the child with the disease Shulia?”

I was surprised and asked Michelle.

“Yes, but it’s really a cold. She must be shocked that Kaluo

“What do you mean, Kaluo’s gone?”

“He suddenly disappeared last night. He must have left the



“Can he even do that? The knights are guarding the place.”

The guards were monitoring the orphanage in case Richard showed

up. When I questioned, the captain of the guard made a hasty

“All of the guards coincidentally fell asleep at the time he


Is it just a neglect of security? Or is it black magic?

Richard has a black mage next to him, so he may have ordered

them to take Kaluo.

“Let’s go in for now.”

Blake and I headed to the room where Shulia is.

‘The kid having tancinol…it might be just a simple cold. Please just
be a simple cold…’

I took a quick step, praying inwardly. But as soon as I opened the

door, all hope in me disappeared.

Like the prison where Howard was at, a powerful mana of light filled
the room. The sinister mana was spouting from a little girl lying in

“It’s tancinol.”

Shulia got tancinol.

Richard spread the disease to the young girl he was taking care of.


Tancinol began to spread rapidly. The Emperor and the Crown

Prince were safe, but the other possible people in the capital were
caught in tancinol one by one.
In addition, it was spreading with terrifying speed, regardless of
status, such as nobles, commoners, and slaves.

Even though the whole capital was in panic, Richard, who caused
the incident, was leisurely drinking black tea and looking at the

The newspaper was plastered with stories about tancinol. The

majority of reporters blamed the Roums for the sudden outbreak.

The imperial family explained that the Kensway family had been
responsible for it, but the words were not heard by the already
panicked people.

“In the orphanage established by Richard, a Roum child was caught

in tancinol, and the epidemic spread.”

Everyone believed this story. This is because it was easier to accept

the fact that the Roums, who were originally despised, spread the

[Priest Howard caught tancinol after visiting the Camellia


Richard laughed at the title of the article. Howard had never even
been to Richard’s orphanage.

Reporters were simply bent on writing provocative articles without

confirming the facts.

These days, the more they criticize the Roum, the more newspapers
they sell.

Originally a subject of contempt and a favorite subject of third-rate

newspapers, the Roum have now become the perfect public enemy.

There were a lot of articles criticizing the imperial family for treating
the Roums equally as others, rather than annihilating them.
Wouldn’t it be the first time Tenstheon has been criticized since he
ascended to the throne?

“What are you so happy about?”

Connin who was next to him asked.

“Isn’t it funny that they don’t even know what the truth is?”

The imperial family was the only one who had a good grasp of the
current situation.

Maybe it’s all thanks to Ancia.

Judging from her abilities and what has happened, it was clear that
she also found memories of her past life.

“Master, will you leave the Camellia orphanage like that? The
children are suffering.”

The Camellia orphanage was pointed out as the main culprit of

tancinol, and the children were under tremendous criticism.

“They’re young. It won’t last long. They’ll stop eventually.”

Richard spat out and put down the newspaper. Connin couldn’t say
anything more and shut his mouth because Richard looked upset.

The atmosphere calmed down, and soon, they heard the footsteps
as Karan came inside.

She was holding onto her wrist with her left hand. Blood was leaking
out from his wrist. But Richard asked Karan without looking at her

“What happened?”

“I’m sorry. The security was so tight that I failed.”

Richard somehow tried to transmit tancinol to Tenstheon. However,
the Imperial Palace was so heavily guarded that he had yet to make
a proper attempt.

“How long are you going to fail? You’re worse than Connin!”

When he rebuked her coldly, Karan felt unfair. It would have been
much easier if she had been tasked to spread tancinol to their
relatives and nobles like connin.

“It’s because the palace is heavily guarded….”

“I don’t want to hear it. You haven’t done anything right lately. Go

“Yes, master.”

Karan kept her head down, biting her lips tightly.


When Karan came out, Connin followed her.

“Look at the wound. Are you okay?”

“I’m alright.”

Karan said nervously.

“I’ll ask the master to treat you.”

“Who are you to ask our master for a favor? Don’t be cheeky
because Richard praised you a little bit these days.”

Originally, Richard always favored Karan.

He always praised her because of her cautious and smart

personality, he also said that although Connin’s magical qualities are
excellent, Karan was better.
She also regretted that if she was born with mana as much as
Connin, she would have definitely become a much better mage.

But everything changed after Sophia Westin’s wedding plan failed.

Richard trusted Connin and neglected Karan, so she became more


“Karan, what are you talking about?”

The two were childhood friends. They were like a family that had
been together since childhood, but serving under Richard, Karan

Karan felt inferior to Connin’s magical qualities, and began to think of

him as a competitor, not a friend.

It wasn’t like this before. She was the one who praised Connin purely
for his natural talent for magic.

However, now she is sensitive to trivial matters.

“Nevermind. More than that, what do you think of Richard these


“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you think he changed a little?”

Connin and Karan saved Richard from drowning in the river.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with his body. But then Richard

He seemed to have turned into a different person.

He used to be a man who would do anything to achieve his goals.

However, everything was to save the oppressed Roum and eliminate
But it’s different right now.

Richard didn’t care about Roums at all, even though the tancinol
incident has reached its peak. He even looked happy.

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Chapter 160 – Into the light we dream of (6)

TL: Zimming

“He’s different. He’s much more capable than before.”

After falling into the river, Richard was able to use the magic of light.

Although he needed a mana stone of light to use magic because he

did not have a mana in his body, he easily used the magic of light
that disappeared a thousand years ago.

The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess may not know as much
magic as Richard.

Karan was hurt while helping Richard escape, which he also easily

“Do you really think so?”

“Are you jealous that Richard is better than you?”

“I’m not jealous!”

Connin burst into a rage. He always trusted and relied on Karan.

Although he is better at magic, her brain and personality is better

than him.

Recently, however, she seemed to be a person whose only goal was

to be recognized by Richard.
“Karan, are you all right?”


“You’re not such a person!”

“What did I do?”

“You gave tancinol to Shulia! The other children are infected too!”

Richard ordered them to spread the disease and use items from
Kensway mansion.

Connin hesitated, but Karan immediately followed orders.

Moreover, she didn’t seem to feel any guilt after doing such a thing.

“It needs to be done.”

“Do you still think this is for the Roum now? The whole world is
criticizing the Roums!”

“Sacrifice is bound to follow for the cause.”

Karan said the same thing as Richard. But it wasn’t her idea, she
only repeated Richard’s words.

Connin shouted in frustration at her.

“Shulia’s dying! And that’s because of us! Is it even right anymore?”


Karan couldn’t reply.

That night, Richard told Karan.

For making Shulia suffer from tancinol, her brother, Kaluo, may be
brought here.
Karan went to the Camellia orphanage, feeling grateful for Richard,
who even cared about her brother.

However, Kaluo noticed her giving Phillip’s gift to Shulia.

Kaluo asked what it was, but Karan hurriedly left the orphanage with
her brother without explaining much.

Camellia orphanage will soon be covered with death.

However, even after returning here, Kaluo was constantly worried

about Shulia and asked her when she would be brought here.

Karan felt a great sense of guilt every time he asked her.

She couldn’t answer Connin and only bit her lips, but Kaluo’s voice
was heard from behind.

“What do you mean by that?”

Karan and Connin looked back in astonishment.

Kaluo shouted at those two.

“I can’t believe Shulia’s dying! What the hell is that supposed to



Tancinol occurred simultaneously throughout the capital.

My prediction that he would aim for the imperial family was wrong.

However, I need to do something.

I made a magic tool that can check if someone got tancinol.

It was a slightly modified version of the mana measuring tool used by

the mages or the academy.
Of course, it was not 100% perfect, so me and Blake had to check
ourselves, but the accuracy was quite high.

I taught Blake how to distinguish tancinol, and he quickly learned it

without any difficulty.

The church also used tools made of mana stone of light to prevent
illness, which I modified to fit tancinol and make the servants tending
tancinol patients to use them.

“How are you today, Sir Collin?”

“I’m fine.”

Unlike what he said, Collin didn’t look fine at all. He was getting
thinner day by day.

We have found a way to detect patients with tancinol and prevent the
disease, but we have yet to find the


First of all, the only treatment we could do is to slow down the

spread of tancinol in the body as much as possible, but it did not
mean that the disease did not spread.

Collin’s condition has also gotten worse, losing consciousness due

to a high fever and even bleeding yesterday.

I promised my father that I would definitely cure Collin’s illness, but I

was surprised as it got worse.

It was heartbreaking to see him getting worse day by day.

“Your Highness, can you do me a favor?”

“Yes, do say it.”

“Please deliver this to His Majesty.”

What he handed over was a letter envelope.

“Okay, I’ll send it to the palace right now.”

This place is a training center for the Imperial Knights, located on the
outskirts of the capital.

Originally, it was used for regular training and joint practice by

imperial knights, but it is now a place of isolation for patients with

Me and Blake were the only ones who could identify patients with
tancinol and treat the disease by slowing the spread of the disease.

Therefore, the patients had to be treated in one place.

Although this is a remote place in the capital, it was convenient to

contact the palace because there was a shortcut to the palace as it
was a training center for imperial knights.

He shook his head as I tried to get the letter from Collin.

“You can’t do it right now.”

“Then when?”

“When I die, hand him that.”

He spoke calmly, but my face became pale.

It wasn’t a normal letter, it was a will.

I returned the letter to Collin right away.

“I’ll give it back to you. It’s a letter that won’t be delivered to father

“Your Highness, I think I’m…”

“Don’t think like that. Sir Collin will surely get better. I’ll definitely find
a cure, so don’t worry and get some rest.”

I laid Collin down and covered him with a blanket.

I felt heavy leaving his room.

No matter how much the disease slowed down, Collin’s condition

was serious like the first day.

I had to find a cure somehow.

I’m looking for a way to solve the twisted mana of light, but I haven’t
had any significant clue yet.

Tancinol was not an ordinary disease but magic.

In order to break the spell, I had to find the rules he had set.

The tancinol can be eliminated only by figuring out the set of rules
specified by Phillip at once without making a mistake.

There is also a way to send the mana of light to the core of tancinol
so that their body can overcome it by itself, but tancinol had the
nature of exploding the twisted mana in the body when a mana of
light came in from the outside.

This was also what Phillip had designed. It was designed to turn
tancinol into an incurable disease.

‘If we could somehow inject the mana of light into the body, we could
fix the tancinol…’

However, both methods were difficult to do.

As expected, catching Richard was the easiest way.

If we catch him, he’ll know how to cure the disease, and we’ll be able
to stop the spreading.
However, he disappeared.

“I can’t be in other places, so throw the Roums out right away!”

I was in agony when I heard a strong protest from the other side. I
was startled and ran over there.

“What’s going on?”

I appeared, and the knights bowed all at once.

“Marquis Valon brought us here because he suspected us of


The knights spoke carefully.

Most of the knights were nobles, but the Marquis of Valon is a

relative of Tenstheon, who was now fifth in the line of succession to
the throne, so they had to be wary.

Since he was only in his mid-20s, he was practically more likely to

succeed to the throne.

Of course, it doesn’t mean anything when Blake is alive.

He was more likely to be targeted by Richard, so I told him to be


Richard is the main culprit of everything. I don’t want to blame the

patient, so I gave him tools to prevent tancinol.

When the knights handed over the tools to prevent tancinol, he

criticized the shape and reacted sourly.

Now, I couldn’t see any of the tools on him.

It was specially made for prevention, but it’ll be useless if it was not
worn properly.
“Your Highness, I can’t be in the same place as the lowly Roums
even for a moment!”

Marquis Valon raised his voice rather than reflecting on his actions.

All patients with tancinol were quarantined here regardless of their


This was a rule established after the outbreak happened, but

Marquis of Valon was always fiercely protesting.

He wasn’t unusual. These kind of complaints come in every day.

Not only the nobles but also commoners, because they didn’t want to
be with the Roums.

“Your Excellency, we’re using different buildings based on status and

gender, so don’t worry.”

Another knight tried to soothe the Marquis, but he didn’t change his

“I can’t believe you’re treating the Roums who caused the tancinol! I
don’t even want to get in unless I get rid of them all!”

“Then get lost.”

We looked back at the source of the cold voice.

Blake was walking this way.

“Your Highness, what are you saying? I gave you an option for the
sake of the Empire.”

Marquis Valon expressed his thoughts, but Blake did not listen and
ordered the knights.

“You don’t want to be treated. Hey, put him with Marquis Hamel in
the warehouse right now.
“Yes, Your Highness.”

The knights bowed their heads and followed his orders.

“Let go! Your Highness, you can’t treat me like this because of the

The Marquis of Valon protested, but Blake ignored it and ordered

other knights.

“In the future, punish those who disobey orders regardless of their
status and those fail to comply with regulations related to tancinol.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Blake took my hand.

“You don’t have to treat them. I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry.”

The patients have been struggling every day, but the situation has
not improved.

In addition, problems continued to occur inside the training center.

Incidents were happening every day, including those who protested

that they didn’t want to be in the same space as the Roums, those
who insisted on staying at home, and those who ignored my words
and used the mana stone of light at will.

It was hard to tolerate it even if they are a patient.

“Okay, I’ll leave it to you.”

I nodded. Back then, he was a little boy I had to protect. But now he
has a strong will more than anyone else.

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Chapter 161 – Into the light we dream of (7)

TL: Zimming

I headed to Shulia’s room with mixed feelings.

When symptoms of tancinol appeared, they needed to be notified, so

there were fewer patients compared to what Richard had caused.

However, many people in Camellia orphanage were infected.

This is because Michelle did not take care of Shulia’s disease in a

hurry, judging it as a mild cold.

She did it because of her faith.

She knew what would happen if the Roum got tancinol, so she was
more cautious.

However, thanks to Tom’s tip-off, which is due to his hostility to the

Roums, it is absurd that a bigger disaster has been prevented
because of him.

As a result, most of the children and teachers of Roum whom Shulia

spoke with that day, were also infected with tancinol.

When will the disease that Phillip created a thousand years ago will

I went into Shulia’s room, careful not to mess up the barrier.

Shulia’s condition was the most serious among the patients in the
training center.

Furthermore, she still had a twisted mana flowing out of her body.

I also banned anyone from entering except me and Blake.

This is because the symptom of Shulia is so serious that even

wearing preventive tools can be contagious.

So I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

There were so many patients, and I was busy studying treatment,

but when I had time, I went to Shulia’s room.

“Shulia, I’m sorry, I am a little late.”

She shook her head while lying on the bed. It was hard for her to sit
properly now.

“Your Highness, do I have to get out of here?”

She must have heard the Marquis Valon’s protest…

It seemed that soundproof magic should be added to the barrier


“No, you don’t have too. He’s just a weirdo. Nothing to worry about.
The crown prince scolded him already.”

“Your Highness, you’re married to the Crown Prince aren’t you?”


“Since when?”

“When His Highness was 8, and I was 10 years old.”

“Brother Luo is 10 years old too.”


“Brother Kaluo. I’m going to marry him.”

Shulia smiled bashfully.

I patted her small face.

“I see.”

“But he doesn’t like it.”

“Why did he think so? Shulia is very pretty.”

“He thought of me as a real sister. So he doesn’t like it.”

Shulia pouted.

“It’s not that he doesn’t like it. It means that he loves you like a

“But why did he want to kill me?”


For a moment, my heart sank.

Did Shulia know that Richard got her sick?

“We were always playing together. I was happy. But Connin said he
was going to go study magic. Karan is coming with him. A world
where Roums wasn’t discriminated against, she said she’d take us
with her if she and her brother succeeded.”

Connin and Karan… aren’t they the black mage next to Richard?

“I was so happy, but other people didn’t like us. They said we caused
tancinol. We didn’t do anything, but they won’t listen.”
Shulia continued with her eyes closed.

It was not like talking to me, but talking alone in her sleep.

“They killed all of the villagers. Richard helped us. So we followed



Was it really that Connin and Karan?

“Luo and I went to the orphanage. But the two of them said they
would definitely pick me up. But why did Karan try to kill me?”

“What did Karan do to you?”

I asked, but she reached into the air instead of answering.

“Karan, what’s wrong with you? Why did you do that to me? Why did
you leave me behind? Why? I know everything. I closed my eyes
and pretended to sleep, butre I know everything.”

Tears flowed down from Shulia’s eyes. I wiped away her tears.

I couldn’t think of anything to comfort the little girl. Besides, even if I

tell her now, she won’t hear me.


Shulia’s condition had become so serious that she was completely


I studied the cure all night, but I made little progress.

If we couldn’t catch Richard right away, we had to find a way to

safely inject the mana of light into the body.

However, if we use the magic of light, their condition will deteriorate.

It was more dangerous to use mana stone, and no herbs could help

“Ancia, are you still here?”

I was reading a book intently and I looked up when I heard Blake’s


“Is there something you need research for?”


I answered lightly, while burying myself in the books.

“Take a break. You’ve been overdoing it.”

“How’s everything going?”

Blake was searching the capital all night for Richard.

There were also testimonies that someone saw a female black mage
who was wanted with Richard, plus a man with black hair.

Richard is spreading the tancinol through them.

He does not have the mana of light, and he is a wanted man, so he

will not be able to move as boldly as he did a thousand years ago.

He’s probably hiding somewhere in the capital and giving orders to

his men.

“It’s doing well, no need to worry about me.”

Blake’s face was overflowing with confidence.

It wasn’t a word to reassure me or an arrogance. His confidence is

based on his skills.

“And I found clues about Richard’s black mage.”

“Was it like what she said?”

“Yes, but there was something strange.”

“What is it?”

“Shulia lived in the woods. And the surrounding territories said they
didn’t even know there were Roums there.”

“But how did they attack them and accused them of having

“At that time, one of the villagers must have died. Everyone was
surprised because they didn’t know why he died, but a man
appeared and said he had tancinol.”


“They said the Roums, who live in the woods, moved the disease to
their village, so they have to deal with it right away, or else tancinol
will spread throughout the village. So they went to the place where
the man told them, and they found roums.”

“No way, the man was…?”

“They said they didn’t see his face properly. In addition, half a year
later, people died in groups, leaving only a few survivors. But I think
it’s almost certain.”

Connin is a very talented mage. So did Karan.

Richard coveted their abilities and deliberately used others to make

their parents killed.

That way, Connin and Karan would offer their loyalty to him.

And to reassure them, he sent young Kaluo and Shulia to the

orphanage and pretended to care for them.
If they didn’t listen to him, he must have wanted to use the kids as

That’s probably why he brought Tom to the orphanage and caused a


It was aimed at inciting Kaluo and other Roum children to constantly

feel discrimination and alienation, and to instill hatred of the world.

That way, he can handle them according to his taste.

I was relieved because there was no problem with the orphanage


I didn’t think he would have run the orphanage with a pure heart, but
I didn’t expect him to have done such a mean thing either.

He used so many people to his own desires.

“How did the people in that village die?”

“They thought they were attacked by magic for killing the roums. But
I think the real cause was black magic.”

“Is Karan and Connin the culprit?”

“It’s highly possible.”

Did they take revenge? Or were they once again exploited by

Richard to hide what he did and kill the witness?

Either way, Richard was the worst human being.

He trampled on the future of children who could live happily and

eventually turned them into murderers.

I can never forgive him.

This time, I’ll be sure to end all his evil deeds.


As soon as I woke up, I locked myself in my room and studied the

treatment of tancinol. Soon, Chelsea came inside after a knock.

“Your Highness, why don’t we move the nobles’ rooms?”

“Why? Who else is protesting?”

“It’s not like that, we have a new patient, and the building where the
nobles are staying is already full.”

Chelsea was very thorough and excellent in her work.

If it weren’t for Chelsea, it would have been difficult to concentrate

fully on the patient’s treatment.

“Man again?”

Commoners had a similar proportion of men and women, but men

had a much higher proportion among noble patients.

“Yes, three men and one woman. The condition is quite serious this
time. The whole family has caught it. Of course, you have to check to
make the correct diagnosis.”

“Who are they?”

“Countess Chardin’s family.”

For a moment, my heart sank.

“Did Countess Chardin get tancinol?”

Chelsea shook her head.

“No, but the rest of the family, except Countess Chardin, were
caught in tancinol. Count Chardin, his two sons, and his daughter.”
I couldn’t be relieved even though Countess Chardin didn’t get
infected. She must’ve felt even more pain than the patients itself
because they’re her family.

But something was wrong.

Countless people, regardless of status, were caught in tancinol, but

those who were close to me somehow avoided the disease.

It was safe to say that no one was caught except for Collin.

Richard wouldn’t have spread the tancinol out of consideration for



“Chelsea, get me a list of people who attended a tea party at the

Sephia Palace!”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

I quickly checked the list Chelsea brought.

As expected, except for Mrs. Marcelle and a few others, the tea party
participants didn’t get caught by tancinol.

And there was another person who didn’t get tancinol.

It was Tenstheon.

Howard Kensway burst the mana in a narrow, windowless cellar.

It was natural that Blake, who had the power of a goddess, did not
get caught, but Tenstheon also avoided the disease.

Tea party, Tenstheon…

And there’s Tenstheon, but Collin wasn’t….

“That’s it!”

I got out of my seat and ran outside.

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Chapter 162 – Into the light we dream of (8)

TL: Zimming

“Where are you going, Your Highness!”

“I need to see Mrs. Marcelle!”

I ran quickly to Mrs. Marcelle’s room.

“Your Highness, please save me!”

She cried as soon as she saw me.

Mrs. Marcelle only had mild symptoms of tancinol, but she was
terrified of the disease.

“Mrs. Marcelle, calm down.”

When Chelsea spoke, Mrs. Marcelle lowered her head in


“I, I was scared. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s natural to be scared.”

I soothed her for now.

“Thank you for your understanding.”

“I’d like to ask you an important question. Can you answer

“Yes, of course.”

She nodded furiously.

“Did you drink the tea on the day of the tea party at the Sephia

She was very surprised when I asked this.

“I’m not blaming you. It’s an important question, so please be


“Th, that…no.”

Mrs. Marcelle hesitated and eventually shook her head.

“I pretended to drink, but I didn’t drink it. I don’t like it for some
reason…I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

She apologized again and again.

“No, thank you for being honest.”

I asked the same question to the other people who attended my

party and got tancinol.

And they all answered that they didn’t drink the tea.

Speculation turned into conviction.

The answer is ‘Taekri Tea.’

Tenstheon and the ladies at the tea party all drank the tea and were
not caught in tancinol.

However, Collin and the other ladies who did not drink tea fell ill.
Taekri Tea blocked the tancinol.

For the first time since the tancinol outbreak, I smiled brightly.

Finally, I found a way to cure tancinol.

I brought taekri tea from the palace and prescribed it to the patients.

However, the responses were divided into two.

“We’re getting better!”

“I’m sorry, but nothing has changed.”

I also know why their bodies respond differently like this.

The person who drank taekri tea that Eunhan gave me showed no
improvement, and the person who drank the taekri tea that Blake
and I raised with the mana of light began to improve.

Taekri tea must’ve had some strength.

As Blake and I grew it with mana of light, the mana of light must’ve
coexisted with the tea.

When Ser attacked me at the door of darkness, Baekhan’s bracelet

prevented the attack.

He was chosen by the white dragon, but he prevented the power

with only a bracelet.

It’s not because the bracelet is more powerful.

Strength and mana are different in nature, and they have a nature
that interferes with each other.

Phillip twisted the mana of light to make tancinol, and even if we

used the mana of light for treatment, it would rather cause recoil and
worsen their condition.
However, the strength of the tea destroyed the system.

And it helped the mana of light enter the body.

Thanks to its strength, mana of light was able to enter the body
without any disturbance, weakening the defence and improving their

Perhaps if it was an ordinary mana or extracted mana, this dramatic

effect would not have occurred. Even if it reached the body, there
was a possibility that it could have an adverse effect.

However, it had a definite effect because it has the same power as

the tancinol.

When Phillip’s power brought the twisted mana of light back to the
original one, it began to return to its original form.

“You did it after all. Congratulations. You’ve been through a lot.”

Blake wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

“Thanks, but I wish I had known sooner.”

Only patients from aristocrats did not have a balanced gender ratio.
But it wasn’t a big deal.

Because it was like that a thousand years ago.

Philip preferentially eliminated his rivals or threatening political

opponents, and as a result, men were more likely to get tancinol.

So I thought it was like that again.

Richard has a high-ranking in succession to the throne, so he was

planning to remove those who might block him from becoming the
Phillip and Richard have the same soul, but they are a different

It is important to take lessons from the past, but it was not good to be
bound by memories of a thousand years ago.

“It’s good enough. You’re working too hard. You’ve done what no one
has done for a thousand years. You solved my curse, you found a
cure for tancinol. You deserved to be complimented and be happy.”


As Blake said,

It was time to focus on the treatment of tancinol rather than

regretting. Finding a cure is not the end.

I had to make enough taekri tea to treat all the patients right now.


After trying various methods, I found out that it is much more

effective to eat tea leaves directly than to drink the tea.

I immediately gave all the patients a prescription to eat the raw tea

But Collin was frightened by bitter tea leaves.

“I’m fine. I’ll drink tea even if I get better a little later.”

I was speechless and laughed.

“Look at the kids, they’re eating it well.”

It was serious enough for him to leave a suicide note, but now that
the cure has been found, he have a lot of space to consider the
He kept being stubborn, but it didn’t last long.

Hearing the news about it, Tenstheon sent a letter in a great rage,
and Collin began to put the bitter tea leaves on his mouth.

Just what was written on the letter…

Anyway, as a result, Collin consumed so much bitter tea leaves and

recovered quickly.

I held Collin’s hand and checked his condition. The twisted mana of
light was completely gone.

“Congratulations. You’re all better now.”

“Thank you, your highness.”

“No, you say thank you to the bitter tea leaves.”

“Now I’m free from that terrible taste.”

“It’s the leaves that saves your life, isn’t it too harsh?”

“No matter how much of a life-saving thing it is, I can’t say it’s

He shook his head. It must have been that terrible to him.

“Now go home and enjoy your favorite food.”

“No, I’ve rested too much, so I’ll go back to the palace.”

“My father told you to rest. Take a good rest for now.”

“Then I will do it.”

Collin was becoming a little thinner, but he regained colors on his

face and there’s no tancinol on his body left.
When I saw him completely healthy, I smiled at him.

“Did you throw that letter away?”

I asked about Collin’s will before. Then he answered firmly.

“Yes, I tore it apart.”

Collin said while smiling, I also smiled back at him.

One by one, many people are healed. The shadow of death hanging
over the capital was also disappearing.


A few days ago, the capital, which used to be filled by fear of death,
was now in a festive mood.

Newspapers that criticized not only the Roums but also the imperial
family, changed their attitudes overnight.

They were now busy praising the Crown Princess for finding a cure
for tancinol.

Richard was reading a newspaper article without saying a word.

Karan and Connin looked at him.

“I don’t care if they found a cure. It’s enough to spread it to more

people. I’ll try harder!”

Karan gritted her teeth and said that.

Richard’s plan to cover the empire with tancinol was disappearing.

However, they couldn’t give up like this.

‘Richard should be the Emperor.’

That was the only thought in Karan’s head.

However, unlike Karan, who was impatient, Connin did not say
anything. Neither did Richard.

His expression was relaxed even when the plan failed. Rather, he
looked happy.

“You don’t have to.”

Richard kept his eyes on the newspaper.

“It’s useless now.”

Tancinol was incurable. Only death awaited the moment it was


Therefore, it was possible to terrorize the empire for a thousand


But now, there are treatments and preventive measures. Tancinol

was no different from a cold.

Its value was completely gone. In this situation, it was just

meaningless to cause another outbreak.

“That’s incredible.”

Richard smiled at the portrait of Ancia in the newspaper. After a

thousand years of hard work, she finally found a cure for tancinol.

She is really a great woman.

The portrait of Blake next to Ancia was very annoying, but it didn’t
matter anymore.

Richard looked at Connin.

“Yes, master.”

“I’ll give you an important command. You must succeed.”

This will be the last order to Connin.

Tancinol’s cure was unexpected, but it didn’t matter.

There was still one last plan left.

The moment has come when he re-occupy the empire he

established himself a thousand years ago and make Ancia his

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Chapter 163 – Into the light we dream of (9)

TL: Zimming

Blake and I have been busy these days. But it was due to another

Only a few people got tancinol now. Even if there was a suspected
person, it turned out not to be tancinol.

Instead, people who were already cured lined up in front of us.

It was up to me and Blake to confirm that they were completely

cured, just as we were to confirm that they were ill.

We were busy everyday checking people’s conditions and

discharging completely cured patients.

“I’ll help you.”

I approached Blake.

I decided to take care of the female patients and Blake for the male
patients, but the number of female patients was smaller, so my work
end much earlier.

“It’s okay.”

“I’ll help you.”

“No need. Go get some rest when you’re done. You haven’t rested

That was what I was going to say. Blake hasn’t rested enough
because he had to grow tea leaves and take care of his patients, he
was also in charge of searching for Richard.

“My husband should rest.”

I said lightly, as I took a list of patients he had to check. But Blake

took back the list in my hand.

“It’s really okay, I’ll do it.”

“It’s tiring, let’s divide it.”

“I don’t want you to check other guys.”

“What? They’re patients.”

I was dumbfounded and laughed.

“But I still hate it. I hated such things from the beginning, but I held it
in. But you can’t do that anymore.”

He pointed firmly to the list.

“There’s only three left. So go back and rest. Otherwise, I can’t do

anything because it bothers me.”

When I saw him who looked like a pitiful rabbit, I didn’t want to be
stubborn anymore.

“Okay, but tell me if you’re having a hard time.”

“Don’t worry.”

After repeatedly making sure, I moved to the garden behind the

training centre.
The entire garden of the training center is now a taekri tea field. That
was already enough to treat the remaining patients.

Now that the cure has been found, Richard’s not going to cause any
more outbreak.

Now, he won’t be able to accomplish what he wants.

However, I couldn’t lower my guard. The opponent is Richard Cassil.

We can never know what else he’s going to do.

I let the mana of light flow through the newly planted seed. Soon
after, the buds sprouted and green leaves began to grow.

But something was wrong.

Why did Richard use this method?

The situation was completely different from a thousand years ago.

At that time, there was no one left to succeed to the throne because
Rakshul, the emperor, and the royal family all lost their lives. But now
there was Blake.

Blake, who has the power of a goddess, couldn’t get tancinol.

Richard was unlikely to become emperor as long as Blake was alive,
even with Tenstheon and the other members of the royal family

Moreover, Phillip is the son of the emperor, so he stayed lowkey and

apparently did not commit any sin. However, Richard was a felon
who attempted to poison the prince and murdered a nobleman.

Richard tried to point the blame for tancinol to the roums. But it was
like stabbing himself.

In fact, there were many voices calling for the removal of the
camellia orphanage and the condemnation of Richard who opened
the orphanage.
At first, I only thought that he was repeating what happened a
thousand years ago. However, after the tancinol outbreak ended, I
slowly looked back on it, and there were many strange things.

What is Richard thinking? Is there another reason for causing the



I turned my head to Blake’s voice.

“I told you to rest.”

“I had enough rest.”

I smiled and looked at Blake.

Even though it was a time when we couldn’t rest for a moment, my

cheeks were still plump.

Different from Blake, he was already slim, but seeing him thinner
made my heart ache.

“Let’s eat a lot after this. I’ll make you something delicious.”

“My wife will cook for me?”

Blake smiled brightly.

“Yes, I’ll make you three meals a day.”

I want to lock my husband up and feed him delicious food every day.

Perhaps because the cure came out, the patients were more

The ladies were envious of me, saying that Blake seems to have
become more handsome these days.
But I don’t mind if he’s less handsome, so I’d like Blake to get a little

Being healthy is the best. I would like to fatten his cheeks.

When he was young, he used to eat a lot.

“Wife, are you trying to make me fat?”

“I just want to. Very much.”

“Why? Do you want to eat me?”

His red eyes shone brightly.



Blake looked at me straight. I wanted to joke around, but when he

did that, I avoided looking at him.

“I don’t know.”

“Do you want me to tell you if you don’t know?”


“I’ll tell you how to eat it. It’s been a while.”

His hand grazed my face gently and rubbed my ear.

Every word he said contained honey in it, a sticky feeling wrapped

around my whole body.

“Wh, when this is over…I’ll eat you when you’re done!”

When I said it, Blake smiled suspiciously.

“I’m gonna have to finish this.”

Even though his hand fell off my face, there was still heat on my

I felt somewhat embarrassed and turned my head. I was suddenly

embarrassed to make eye contact with him.

But I had to say what I had to say.

“Don’t be in such a hurry. Richard might be doing something else.

You have to be careful.”

I was going to tell Blake the question that came up a while ago.

But suddenly, I heard Edon’s voice.

“Your highness, we’re in trouble!”

“What’s going on?”

“Richard Cassil attacked the mana stone storage in the church!”


Blake’s expression hardened. My heart also sank.

Richard Cassil must be after the mana stone of light.

If he had found a memory of his past life, Richard would have figured
out how to use the power of light. But he couldn’t have used it
because he didn’t have the basic mana.

Although he saved a few mana stones while running away, there

was a limit.

But, if he attacked the church and got a large amount of mana stone,
the story changes.
“We have to stop him.”


Blake also nodded after grasping the seriousness of the situation.

He tried to go straight to the church with Edon.

“I’m coming with you.”

“No, wife. You stay here.”


“Please protect the patients here.”

Blake held my hand tightly and said that. He’s doing that because
he’s afraid I’ll be in danger. But he was right too.

“You have to be careful.”

“Don’t worry.”

Blake grabbed my hand and went out of the training centre.


It would be Richard’s last attack on the church. There were many

knights, also Blake, there’s no way they couldn’t catch Richard.

Yeah, there’s nothing to worry about. Even if I thought so, my heart

beat nervously.

“What’s wrong, Your Highness?”

“No, nothing.”

I looked at her with a big smile. The child, who was not even
conscious back then, can now sit and walk.
She’s getting better slower than the others, but it was still an

“Your Highness, I’ll get better, right?”

“Of course, you’ll be able to hang out with other friends soon.”

“What about Brother Luo?”


I stroked her hair without saying a word.

But she suddenly went out of the bed.


I called her name. However, she got out of the room.


I was so surprised that I chased after her.

Shulia wasn’t completely cured yet. Even if her condition improved,

the tancinol in her body was still stronger than others. She couldn’t
get out of the room.

She’s a nice and gentle child. She has never been out of the room
before. But now, she doesn’t listen to me no matter how much I call

Even if I shouted out loudly, she kept walking.

Moreover, she walked very fast, but the child didn’t run. Yet, I
couldn’t chase her. Shulia is not fast. The space is twisted!

I looked around.

‘Where am I?’
It was the training centre, at the same time it wasn’t. The space in
the hallway was completely twisted.

Then a man suddenly appeared.

Black hair, red eyes, and old wounds on the neck.


“Long time no see, Laontel.”

There was a suspicious smile around his mouth.

“You’ve found a memory of your past life.”

“Just recently. You already knew it, don’t you?”

He replied brazenly. He didn’t seem to have any intention of hiding

his mistakes.

I didn’t intend to have a conversation with Richard.

Did he use mana squeezed out of the mana of light, to twist the
space? While I wasn’t there, did he visit Shulia?

I met Shulia every day. However, there was no sign of such a thing.
While the church’s warehouse was in a state of chaos, he must’ve
used this chance.

But it was a vain attempt. Unlike a thousand years ago, my skills

were much stronger than Richard’s now.

“Of course. Who else would do such a disgusting thing besides


I responded appropriately to his words, condensing the mana of light

in my right hand. I was going to pierce Richard’s heart like this.

But Richard raised his lips as if he knew what I was thinking.

The space was twisted once again, and in an instant, Shulia moved
to his side.

Richard put a knife to the child’s neck.

“You’d better not do anything stupid. You know best what kind of
person I am. Isn’t that right, Laontel?”


It was what he said. Richard was a human being who would take
away a child’s life without feeling guilty for his own desire.

I gritted my teeth and put my hand down.

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Chapter 164 – Into the light we dream of (10)

TL: Zimming

I opened my eyes.

However, even when I opened my eyes, my eyes were blurry. My

whole body was stiff and I couldn’t breathe well. It was an appalling
familiar sensation.

I remembered. It’s like a thousand years ago, when he was

restraining my whole body.

Don’t tell me…!

Am I still trapped in that tower? Was it all a dream to release Ser, to

meet Blake and be happy?

I looked around in surprise.

Fortunately, this wasn’t the west tower where I was trapped in a

thousand years ago. It was a tower, but a completely different one.

But I couldn’t be relieved. The whole room was full of light mana.
And the mana was forming a strong barrier here.

‘What’s going on?’

I slowly fumbled through my memory.

That’s right, Richard had invaded the training centre. And he
threatened me using Shulia.

I gave up attacking him and soon lost consciousness. Then I was

brought here.

“Are you finally out of your mind?”

Looking to the side where the sound came from, Richard was
leaning against the door with a suspicious smile.

“What happened to Shulia?”

“Don’t worry. I left her untouched there.”

I looked him in the eye. He didn’t seem to be lying, but my opponent

was Richard. I didn’t know what to do.

“Where am I?”

“You wouldn’t know if I told you.”

He walked up to me. I wanted to pierce his heart with the mana of

light right away, but I couldn’t use magic because of the barrier.

In addition, my hands and feet were also filled with restraints.

“Untie this right now!”

I glared at him. Then Richard Cassil grabbed my chin.

“You always look at me like that. Why? What’s the difference

between me and Rakshul?”

“You don’t know?”

I turned my head. Then Richard’s hand fell off because of the

movement. But he grabbed me again stronger than before and made
me face him straight.
“Is it because of my hair color? Because I have weird silver hair, not
black hair like Rakshul? Then why did you choose him again this
time? Look! Look at this black hair! It’s just like Rakshul you’ve been
in love with! But why did you choose him, not me? Why?!”

The more Richard spoke, the more annoyed I got.

“Are you still obsessed with such things?”


“Your hair color was not even considered in the first place. It doesn’t
matter whether it’s hair color or status. Even if I’m reborn a hundred
and a thousand times, and you rise as the Emperor, I will never love


“I hate you.”

Richard stared at me without saying a word. However, he was

neither angry nor annoyed.

After a while, he smiled strangely.

“…your words don’t change in a thousand years. Is there any chance

that you will love me?”

“The only person I love is Blake.”

“I, I see…”

He slowly nodded and turned around. The appearance of him giving

up somehow makes me more anxious.


Richard Cassil attacked the mana stone storage in the church.

Richard was the man who attacked the warehouse, not only the
people from church but also the palace knights who came to catch

But as soon as Blake arrived at the church, he realized it was a fake.

The one who attacked the place was a completely different person,
putting a spell on his appearance to mistake him for Richard.

Blake overpowered the man at once, and lifted the magic that was
on him. Then the real appearance of the man was revealed.

Rather than a man, the word “boy” was more appropriate.

Blake guessed who he was. The boy was Connin, Richard’s black

Connin attacked the church pretending to be Richard, turning

everyone’s eyes to this side.


“Ancia is in danger!”

Blake hurried back to the training centre. But it’s already late.

Ancia was gone.

“Richard has taken her. My body suddenly moved on its own, and
she called me, I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t. Then, Richard
showed up and put a knife to my neck. Your Highness was trying to
save me…”

Shulia kept crying. However, she tried her best to explain the
situation even though she was shocked.

Blake got angry and beat himself up.

‘I shouldn’t have left her alone. I shouldn’t have stopped her when
she asked me to go with her…’

He regretted every single day for seven years. He swore that she
would never let her go after Ancia came back. But he lost her again.

However, it was not the right time to be filled with regrets.

He had to find Ancia right now.

Blake figured out how Richard attacked the training center. The
space itself has been twisted through magic. There were traces of
mana where Ancia disappeared.

How could Richard, who had no mana of light, use such advanced

The answer came out easily.

Even though Connin couldn’t steal anything, the amount of mana

stone of light in the church warehouse was inadequate.

The Kensway family embezzled a large amount of mana stone.

Yet, when Howard died and they investigated the Kensway family, no
mana stone was found. Richard took the mana stone, which the
Kensway family had pocketed.

It was an item that was not confirmed in the first place. The Kensway
family was said to have their mouth shut even after learning that the
mana stone had disappeared.

Richard is Phillip’s reincarnation.

He learned the magic of light directly from the goddess.

But even if he knew magic, he thought he wouldn’t be able to use it

because he didn’t have mana. However, it was completely wrong.
Richard already owned a huge mana stone.

Ancia was in danger. He has to find her at least one hour earlier.


Connin, who was imprisoned, remained tight-lipped.

The thick iron door creaked and Blake came inside.

Connin’s thin lips tightened.

He was determined to never say anything from him. Blake sat on the
chair in front of him.

His red eyes clearly faced Connin.

Connin gulped.

It was a beautiful face as if it was not from this world.

Even in situations where his limbs are tied up and he may die,
Blake’s appearance is noticeable.

However, the words from his lips were not beautiful.

“I want to rip your mouth and break your bones right away, but I’ll
hold it in. It’s a waste of time.”

Blake’s sword poked Connin’s neck.

“Where’s Ancia?”


Connin erased his appreciation for the crown prince’s appearance

and kept his mouth close.

His life might be ended by the sharp tip of the sword.

He felt like his neck was going to pierce like this.

As soon as Connin closed his eyes, ready for death, the sword was
on the floor and dug into his feet instead.


A scream broke out of Connin’s mouth. However, Blake continued to

ask questions without blinking an eye.

“Where is Richard Cassil now?”

“…I cannot betray my master.”

“Master huh?”

Blake’s mouth smiled cynically.

“Why are you following such a disgusting fellow?”

“Because he’s the one who’s going to make the world for Roums!”

When the cursing for Richard came out, Connin shouted in a fit of

“A world for the Roum…Is that why you started the outbreak? To
give the children in the orphanage a tancinol?”


Connin shut his mouth. He wasn’t keeping silent for Richard. He just
had nothing to say.

It was something that was not understood by him as well.

While following Richard’s will, questions remained in his head. And

the question still hasn’t been resolved.
“No one died from tancinol this time. But a lot of Roums got hurt and
even lost their lives. You know why, even if I don’t tell you, right?”


When the Camellia Orphanage and the Roums were identified as the
main culprit of the outbreak, there were attacks on the Roums in the
capital and elsewhere. People were even attacked just because they
were similar in appearance to the Roums.

“Is this you seek for the world for Roums? Do you want them to feel
the same way your family been through?”

As soon as he mentioned his family, the questions that had filled

Connin’s head disappeared in an instant, rising hatred instead.

“What do you know? Do you know the sorrow of losing a family!”

“So why did you offer loyalty to the man who murdered your family?”

“What? What do you mean…?”

Blake uncuffed Connin and threw the papers to him.

This was an opportunity to escape. No matter how excellent the

crown prince’s sword and magic skills were, there was a possibility if
he was not fighting back, but simply running away.

However, as soon as he saw the writing on the paper, Connin lost his
will to run away.

He grabbed the document and quickly started to read the letters.

The document contained testimony from the villagers who attacked


They originally didn’t even know the Roums lived there.

Then one day, a villager suddenly died.

It was when everyone was confused because they didn’t know the
reason. A man came to them and said the villager died of tancinol,
also encouraging them to hurry up and deal with it because the
Roum hiding in the forest spread tancinol.

“I don’t have to tell you who the man is, do you?”

Connin’s hands were shaking.

Don’t tell me Richard…?

He shook his head in a hurry to erase the thought that came to mind.

This could be a lie from the Crown Prince to induce confession.

Yes, it’s a lie.

But why does he think so?

He kept remembering Richard’s appearance as he ordered him to

spread the disease.

Richard just seemed to be having fun even when the Roums were
pointed out as the cause of tancinol and were attacked.

Questions arose in Connin’s mind.

He kept denying it, but the truth appeared before him.

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Chapter 165 – Into the light we dream of (11)

TL: Zimming

“You’re often to the tower, someone said there’s a merchant guild



Connin and the villagers lived by selling herbs.

The leader of the merchant guild did not discriminate against them
and offered them a generous price.

“Do you know that the group was a close associate with Richard’s
merchant guild?”


“The leader testified that he told Richard Cassil the story of you and


“He wanted your abilities, and he killed your family.”


Yes, he thought it was weird then too.

When he lost everything and was in despair, Richard appeared in
front of them as if he had waited.

It was such perfect timing.

In addition, he perfectly managed the situation as if he knew

everything and supported them with everything we needed.

But he was so grateful to Richard who reached out to them. He also

wanted to create a world for the Roum, so he tried to erase his

Blake looked down at the confused Connin with cold eyes and pulled
out the sword stuck in his foot.


As the sharp blade escaped, Connin groaned.

Blake dumped the bloody blade back on Connin.

“If I let you know that you gave your allegiance to the enemy who
murdered your family, it will be meaningless now. I’ll count to three
from now. Tell me where the Crown Princess is. One.”

Blake started counting straight away. Connin’s mind was tangled up.


He didn’t think the crown prince’s words were false. But, it was also
difficult to fully believe it. He thought what Blake said was true, but
he couldn’t accept it.

If Richard’s the one who killed his parents, what have he done so
far? Why did he do that?

Richard Cassil created an orphanage for the Roums. So he believed

in him more. But what else did he do for the Roums?
Rather, it was the Crown Princess who stepped up for the Roums.
She did not discriminate between the Roums and treated them just
like everyone else, and eventually succeeded in developing a cure.

Because of tancinol, the Roams have been the object of hatred for a
thousand years. But now they can finally get out of the loop.

The children of Camellia Orphanage were completely cured and

were returning to the orphanage one by one. The royal family is said
to have increased the number of guards for the safety of the

Richard had frowned at the news.

Who’s really on the Roums side?


As he counted, Blake took the sword on his hand.

At that moment, Connin opened his mouth.

“I’ll tell you where Her Highness is.”


Blake headed with the imperial knights to the place Connin told him.

It was a mansion where the old man lived alone, a short distance
from the square.

Richard’s merchant guild killed an old man who helped him and took
over his mansion.

Even if a neighbor came sometimes, Richard seemed to have used

magic to hide the old man as if he were alive.

Connin testified that he felt a great sense of guilt when he actually

killed the old man.
Starting with revealing their hiding places, he began to pour out the
words in his heart.

The more he talked, the more he realized that he had been used, he
also shed many tears of regret. But Blake didn’t care about that.

“Here’s the body of the old man!”

The knights shouted. However, the most important one, Ancia was
not seen. Richard and Karan could not be found either.

‘Did he already run?’

Blake looked at the mansion hurriedly, holding back his

nervousness. The old man’s house, which ran a merchant guild
when he was young, was quite large.

He entered the study room while searching the mansion. But the
books suddenly bent and cracks appeared in the space.

It was the same magic as when Richard raided the training centre.

Blake looked at it when a woman suddenly appeared.

She was a black mage who disguised herself as a maid in the

Marquis of Westin’s mansion.


“As expected, Richard was right. Connin, you’re a traitor.”

Karan gritted her teeth. Richard told her that Connin would have
betrayed him, but she didn’t think it was true.

As expected, the master’s words were never wrong. You ungrateful


Richard loved them so much. Karan was venting her anger, when a
cold blade touched her neck.
Karan was surprised. Blake attacked her at once through a crack in

“You’d better get rid of the knife. If you kill me, you’ll never find the
Crown Princess.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Blake said. She looked completely different from what he saw in

Marquis Westin’s mansion.

A cold sweat ran down Karan’s body. But she pretended to be as

calm as possible.

“There was an order from Richard to bring in His Highness the

Crown Prince.”

“Richard sent you?”

“Yes, but you have to come alone, or the Crown Princess won’t be

“Are you threatening me?”

A blade touched Karan’s neck. She managed to spit out her words
because of fear.

“I’m telling you the truth.”

Blake glared at Karan. It was clear that this was a trap set up by

But he was willing to step on the trap to save her.


Where is this place? How long has it been?

My head felt dizzy and nauseous.

I looked around while frowning.

The mana seems to be stronger than before. In addition, the mana

stones filled the ceiling. Where did he get so many manas?

Anyway, I have to get out of here right now. I don’t know what
Richard will do. I could never stay like this.

However, it was hard to maintain consciousness because of the

strong mana and the barrier from the mana stone.

I tried to untie the handcuffs somehow, but as soon as I tried to use

magic, I felt nauseous.

Then the door opened and a boy came in.

“You are…”

He’s Kaluo, who is said to have left with Karan.

“I have a question.”

Kaluo stared at me with hostile eyes and asked me a question, just

as he did at the orphanage.

“You’ve found a cure for tancinol. Is it true?”

“Yes, that’s right. But how did you know that?”

“I saw it in the newspaper. Because no one told me.”

“Did you leave your sister?”


He shut his mouth tight. It was a positive silence. He must have had
a fight with Karan over tancinol.

“How’s Shulia doing? Is she all better?”

“She’s not yet cured. She was in a serious


Kaluo gritted his teeth. He was worried about the girl’s condition.

“But don’t worry—she’ll get better soon. The other kids are already
healed and they’re back in the orphanage.”

Kaluo suddenly stared at me when he clenched his fist without

saying a word.

“Why did you save the Roums?”

“They’re patients, and it’s natural to treat them.”

“That’s right. Saving is a given. But no one has saved us so far.”

“It’s gonna be different now. The asmodian trial and tancinol are
gone. The deep-rooted discrimination of this land will gradually

“Don’t you hate the roums?”

“There’s no reason to hate them. They are also human like us.”

Kaluo’s eyes opened wide. He stared at me and slowly opened his


“…I’ll save you,”

He tried to uncuff me. However, as soon as his hand touched the

handcuffs on both sides of the chair’s handle, the mana prevented
him, and the shock caused Kaluo’s body to fall.


I called out his name, but Kaluo fell to the floor and did not budge.
Richard came inside with the sound of his stomping feet.

“Stay still, you’re being annoying.”

When Richard grabbed Kaluo by the neck, the boy groaned.

Fortunately, he was alive. But it wasn’t a time to be relieved.

“Let go! Let go you bastard!”

“Kaluo, it seems like you have been spoiled too much.”

“This is all because of you! You’re the reason why Shulia got

“You’re evil! It’s all because of you! Let go! Let go!”

Kaluo, who came to his senses, screamed and hit Richard on the

Then Richard relentlessly threw Kaluo to the floor.

“Richard! What are you doing!”

I shouted in alarm. But Richard didn’t budge.

“He tried to steal mine without knowing the grace I had given him so
far. What’s wrong with scolding a thief?”

“Why am I yours? And he’s suffering because of his sister’s

condition! You’ve been through the same grief, and how could you
do that knowing the pain of the Roums! How can you make this

Richard suffered greatly because they mistreated his mom and him.
He knew the tragedy tancinol would cause better than anyone
else.However, rather than trying to prevent the same tragedy from
happening, he used it to make Karan and Cornins his subordinates,
and even now, he was still pushing the Roum into pain.
“Shut up! I’m not a lowly Roum! I am the emperor who founded this

“The emperor? Yes, you’re right. A thousand years ago, you were
the Emperor. He buried his sins and climbed on the throne. But that’s
Phillip. Richard Cassil, you’re just a fugitive.”

“Shut up!”

“The empire is mine! And now I’ll take everything back!”

Richard’s mouth corners went up strangely. My heart sank. It was

clear that he had planned something.

“What are you trying to do?”

I asked urgently, but he didn’t answer, he only gave me a meaningful


“Richard, tell me! What are you trying to do?”

At that time, I heard a heavy sound of the door opening outside.

“The Crown Prince is here.”

Richard’s smile deepened.

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Chapter 166 – Into the light we dream of (12)

TL: Zimming

Blake’s here. And Richard was after Blake.

“Richard, Blake…!”

“Keep quiet for a second. Everything will be over soon.”

At the same time as his words. The mana, who was flowing from the
mana stone, became stronger, and she was suffocated.


Karan and Blake walked through a secret underground passage that

was as dark and humid as a cave.

Blake’s hands were on cuffs made of mana stone of light.

There was a device on the handcuffs that prohibited the use of

magic. A long chain was connected to the center of the handcuffs,
which Karan grabbed and dragged Blake away with.

It was an insulting situation as if she was dealing with slaves, but

Blake didn’t care at all.

All he had to do was find Ancia. Nothing else matters. That’s why he
is willing to wear handcuffs on both hands as Karan demands.

Karan didn’t like Blake, who kept being calm even in this situation.
He’s a monster cursed by the goddess. He’s much lower than Roum,
yet he’s arrogant!

Richard was the perfect fit for the crown prince instead.

He was so talented and well-informed.

A fortress was connected at the end of the secret passage. This

secret fortress was built by Emperor Phillip a thousand years ago in
preparation for what might have happened, and no one knew it.

Richard knows information that even the current emperor doesn’t

know. In addition, he even knew how to twist space.

Her master said that if she brings the crown prince, he could finally
be the emperor.

It is not long before Karan’s dream comes true.

Richard will be the Emperor.

Then, when he became the emperor…will there be a world for the


Like throwing a stone into a calm lake, a question stirred Karan’s

head with increasing repercussions.

“Richard has changed.”

She could hear Connin’s voice in the wavelength. It was also

followed by Kaluo’s cry.

“You did that to Shulia because of him! Sister, are you out of your

Kaluo got angry. Karan would not listen to any explanation, nor
would she believe what he said, so he would secretly peek into the
“What you want is not a better world for the Roums! You just want to
look good to Richard!”

No, that’s not true. Everything was for the Roums.

Of course she adored him. But she didn’t dare to dream. When the
world changes, she only expected that she would be next to Richard
proudly, not as a woman but as a great mage.

“The real monster is Richard, not the Crown Prince! He’s ashamed
of us! He’s ashamed that he’s a Roum! He’s not the Savior! It’s a
monster that’s trying to kill all of Roums! Sister please wake up!”

Kaluo is too young to know.

Richard saved them. He buried the bodies of their family with great
care and taught them black magic to avenge their enemies. He also
made an orphanage for the Roums.

As long as he becomes the emperor, everything will be different.

Karan was determined to remember when she first met Richard.

As soon as Connin and Kaluo’s voice gradually shrank, Blake, who

was quietly following her, asked a question.

“What’s your purpose?”

“To make Richard the emperor.”

Karan said honestly. The Crown Prince will never make it back alive.
She didn’t have to hide her thoughts because he was going to die

“Are you trying to make someone who murdered your parents and
the villagers the emperor?”

Richard murdered her parents…?

It was like a large rock was thrown into the calm lake.

What is that supposed to mean? But instead of finding out the truth,
Karan desperately suppressed the questions that arose in her mind.

Richard is a great man. She did everything she could to make him
an emperor.

But if he’s not, what will happen? What has she done?

No, that couldn’t be true.

“I won’t be fooled like Connin!”

She shouted coldly and opened the door.

When she went inside the fortress, she saw Richard.

“Master, I brought the Crown Prince.”

“Good job.”

Karan smiled brightly.

How long has it been since she got a compliment?

As soon as Richard recognized her efforts, all the questions in her

head disappeared. But there was something drawn on the floor.

It was a magic circle.

When did he draw that? Is he showing her another magic spell? He’s
really amazing.

Richard said he could become an emperor if only the crown prince

was brought here. Perhaps it was the ultimate magic spell to become
an emperor.

She looked at him with eyes full of respect.

There were four large circles drawn on the magic circle. And on top
of the last circle was a boy.

The boy was Kaluo.


She shouted in surprise. Why is her brother there? Why is he on top

of the magic circle?

She tried to ask Richard. However, even before Karan could speak,
she could feel pain in her abdomen.

A sharp knife penetrated her stomach.

“You’ve done a great job.”

Richard said with a knife stuck in her stomach.

“Ma, master, why…?”

She can’t believe Richard attacked her.

Karan mumbled hesitantly, not even thinking of

counterattack in this unbelievable situation.

Then Richard whispered in her ear.

“Lastly, I want you to be a great sacrifice for me.”

Sacrifice? He’s going to sacrifice her and Kaluo? To become an


On the day they spread the tancinol, Richard gave Karan permission
to bring Kaluo out.

Karan was moved. She thought the master protected her brother in
consideration of her.
But it wasn’t like that. Richard intended to sacrifice Kaluo from the
beginning. That’s why he borrowed Karan’s hand and brought Kaluo.

Is this Richard’s true personality?

He’s such a cruel man. Yet she blindly followed Richard.

She built a solid wall around her and never listened to anyone else.
But as soon as the blade penetrated her abdomen, the wall began to
fall apart.

She was finally ready to accept the truth.

She also realized that Richard was a cruel man and even used the

Perhaps the crown prince’s words were true. But as soon as she
realized the truth, the blade slipped out of her body and dug back in.

Red blood spilled from her mouth. At the same time, Karan was out
of breath.

Without even sending a look of sympathy, Richard threw her body

over the fourth magic circle, pointing the bloody sword at Blake.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

Blake raised his hands. His hands were still handcuffed.

“You’ll be able to get rid of those handcuffs in no time.”

Blake inherited the power of the goddess. A mere handcuff could not
completely restrain him.

By now, he must’ve already known how to break free.

He must have followed her in handcuffs because he was confident to
break it in the first place.

Richard stepped on one of the floor tiles. Then a door opened with a
rattling sound, and he could see Ancia arrested on the chair.


Blake tried to save Ancia right away. But Richard pointed the sword
at him and shouted,

“If you take a step, the mana stone that filled that room will explode,
alongside Ancia’s body. No matter how powerful you are, you can’t
save her.”

Blake stood still on the spot. As Richard said, if the mana stone in
there explodes, Ancia will not be safe.

“What do you want?”

“Good thing you’re not a fool.”

Richard pointed at the second circle of the complex magic circle,

raising the corners of his mouth.

“Go there. And then she’ll be fine.”

“What are you trying to do?”

“Go there for now.”

Blake glared at Richard and walked to the second magic circle. As

Blake stood in the center of the circle, a powerful mana covered his
body and restrained his limbs.

He fell on the magic circle. The mana’s pressure pressed on his

body and he couldn’t even get up.
Richard lifted Blake’s chin, which was lying on the magic circle. And
he made eye contact with him.

“What’s your purpose?”

Blake stared fiercely at Richard. Seeing Blake like that, Richard

smiled brightly.

“I will be you.”

Richard learned various magic from Serphamia when he was Phillip

a thousand years ago. Among them, there was a way to switch the
human soul.

“All you have to do is twist the light.”


After teaching him, Serphania said,

“This is the last one. I’ve taught you everything I know.”

“Is this really all you know?”

Ser’s eyes fluttered nervously as Phillip asked her. She did not teach
him everything, she only asked what p he needed.

Phillip held back his irritation and asked himself what he wanted.

“Is there any way to change a human soul?

“Why would you do that?”

“If you get hurt, I’ll switch our body.”

“You don’t have to. I don’t want that.”

“Don’t say that. How could I live without you.”

Phillip hid his true feelings and pretended to be caring. However,
Serphania did not say it easily.

Phillip begged for days, and she answered reluctantly.

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Chapter 167 – Into the light we dream of (13)

TL: Zimming

“To switch the soul, you need a corresponding price. Two people
who will change their souls should stand on the magic circle,
sacrifice a dead body and a child who has been dead for less than
an hour.”

“It’s a bit complicated.”

“Is it that complicated?”

“And cruel.”

“Right. So, never use it.”

“I don’t want to use it. I’m just curious.”

Serphania stared at Phillip.

“Promise me.”

“Yes, I promise.”

Phillip didn’t use the magic. But, it wasn’t because of his promise
with Ser. He forgot about such a promise the moment he said it.

He agonized over spreading the tancinol or switching his body with

Rakshul until the end.
The latter was much easier than the former.

When he becomes Rakshul, Laontel and the empire will naturally

come into his hands.

However, Phillip eventually chose to spread the tancinol.

He wanted to be next to Laontel as Phillip.

But Laontel’s heart could not be swayed even if he became an

emperor with the power of goddess and established a new empire.

Laontel was reborn as Ancia and she chose the crown prince again
this time.

Even if he became a hideous monster despised by everyone, her

mind did not change.

After a thousand years, Richard could admit it.

‘I could never win Ancia’s heart.’

Ancia said she still hated Richard after thousands of years.

For Ancia, there was only Blake. Then there was only one way.

‘I could become Blake.’

Richard decided to use a method he didn’t take a thousand years


He will spread the tancinol and occupy Blake’s body.

After becoming the crown prince, he will treat the tancinol to be

respected by everyone.

Ancia will also admire his ability. If he treated Tenstheon, he’ll

recognize him as his son.
It’s not his body, but he’ll be recognized by Tenstheon and Ancia for
his ability. He was able to be Ancia’s lover and had a loving family.

Richard’s plan went smoothly.

There was already an offering. Karan and Kaluo are siblings with the
same blood, so they were more valuable as offerings.

So he deliberately set an outbreak at the Camellia orphanage.

Shulia is a child with good intuition. He tried to avoid Richard and let
Kaluo know what he was like.

It kept bothering him, and there was nothing good by keeping her

It was also good to test Karan’s loyalty.

Criticism of tancinol would be given to Richard and the Roums, but it

didn’t matter.

He won’t be Richard any longer. If this succeeds, Blake will be


Therefore, it was none of his business if they speak ill of Richard and
the Roums. It was rather good.

In addition, all the responsibilities that will be given to the imperial

palace will be taken care of, so there was nothing bad.

But Ancia found a cure for tancinol. It didn’t matter.

It’s a shame that he missed the chance to be a hero, but Richard’s

real plan was still there.

Richard used Ancia to lure Blake.

After changing each other’s bodies through magic, he planned to

eliminate Blake, who became Richard.
Blake had the mana, and Richard knew how to use it. If Blake’s body
and his soul are combined, no one will be a match to him.

After that, he can wake up Ancia who has lost consciousness due to
the mana. So, the only thing she would know is that Blake saved her
life after he defeated Richard.

Only happy days would be in front of him soon. He can live as Blake,
Ancia’s husband and Crown Prince of the Empire.

Richard went over his plan. And slowly saw Blake’s beautiful face.

It was a body that would soon become his.

Although it is too pretty, it was not bad to think of it as the face that
Ancia loves.

“I will be you and get everything I want.”


I opened my eyes after feeling a strong mana wave. There was a

strange wave on the ground, different from the one in the room.

I still feel the strong mana inside my body. My head hurt and my
intestines were twisted, but now was not the time to think of my pain.

Blake and Richard were seen outside the door.

Blake’s hands were filled with the same handcuffs as mine, and he
couldn’t even raise himself because of the magic circle. Richard
grabbed Blake’s chin and said,

“I will be you and get everything I want.”

No way…!

He was going to switch his body with Blake.

That’s why the method was different from a thousand years ago.

Tancinol was just to confuse everyone. Maybe he was going to take

Blake’s body and then solve the tancinol.

As a hero who saved the empire, he tried to start his life anew. He
intended to take Blake’s body away.

Ser had changed her body with me. Did she tell Richard how to do

On top of the huge magic circle that covered the floor were not only
Blake, but also Kaluo and Karan.

Does he want to sacrifice them? He’s offering a person and child

who followed him, only for switching his body with Blake?

No, I have to stop it.

But it was hard to lift a finger because of the mana. Even my voice
didn’t come out.

No, I have to protect Blake. I couldn’t lose him here.

While I was trying to break free with all my might, Richard walked
leisurely over the magic circle in the middle.

There were four people on the large magic circle.No! ‘No! No! I have
to stop it!’

But it’s too late. The spell came out of Richard’s mouth.

It must be the language of the goddess, not the word of a human. It’s
a language that Ser taught me.

My eyes opened wide as soon as I heard it.

When he finished the spell, light began to flow from the magic circle.
Richard smiled, it was the smile of the winner who got everything.
At that moment, the calm light became strong as flames rose from
the magic circle and swallowed Richard.


Richard screamed in the flames.

At the same time, the barriers in the room where I was trapped were
also broken.

Suddenly, the wave of mana disappeared, and the mana stones of

light which filled the room were

cracked and collapsed.

The cracked mana stones hanging from the ceiling were broken and
fell over her head.

Is this how she will die?

As I closed my eyes tightly, a huge mana of light wrapped around my



Blake rushed and hugged me.

As soon as Richard was caught in the flames, he uncuffed me and

put a protective spell on me.

“Ancia, are you okay? Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

Blake checked my condition and released the restraints. He quickly

escaped from the room while carrying me.

As soon as we came out, the mana stone of light, which had been
broken, collapsed completely because of the protective shield.
When I came outside, I felt the heat.

The flames surrounding Richard grew stronger, and so did his


“Ahhh! Ahh!!”

I asked Blake to drop me off, but he only looked at Richard while

carrying me.

“What happened?”

“Richard Cassil casts a spell to exchange bodies.”

“Body exchange?”

“No…it’s a spell to sacrifice his life for saving the dead.”

I once asked Ser for magic to save the dead in the past.

“To save someone who will die comes at a great price. You have to
give your life for saving others. Do you still want to know?”

“Yes, let me know.”

Ser warned me of the danger for saving the dead.

But I nodded out of pure curiosity as a mage.

Ser taught me how to draw a magic circle. But I shook my head

while she was giving me the magic spell.

“As expected, I can’t. This magic is too dangerous. Laon is so nice

that you will use this magic when your loved one dies. I don’t want to
lose a dear friend.”

In the end, Ser did not give the spell to the end.

And she was right.

When Rakshul died, I regretted again and again.

I wanted to save him that I could give up my life.

However, I couldn’t use the spell because I didn’t know the last part
of the spell.

I could tell just now when Richard recited the spell.

It was a spell to revive one’s life and save the dead.

She repeated it continuously at Rakshul’s funeral. I can’t be


“Then what are these circles and sacrifices?”

Four circles were drawn in a large circle, and it seemed to be

complicatedly intertwined.

After learning it from Ser, I was able to see the truth of the magic
circle at once.

“The rest is a trick. Only two circles are connected.”

I pointed to a circle with Richard and Karan. There were only two
people needed to exchange lives.

Blake and Kaluo’s circle was drawn, but it was only a trick that didn’t
play any role.

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Chapter 168 – Into the light we dream of (14)

TL: Zimming

Richard couldn’t have made a mistake. He would have drawn magic

circles and memorized spells as soon as he had learned from Ser.

Maybe Ser has given him a fake spell.

“Ahhhhh! Serphania! You’re fooling me! Argh!”

Richard realized the truth and gave out a cry of anger to Ser.

However, the fire grew bigger. And Richard’s life energy was flowing
into Karan’s body in the magic circle.


A bright light was burning Richard’s whole body. Because of his

melting flesh and vitality being pulled out, Richard called the name of
the goddess.

“Ahhhhh! Serphania! Serphania!!”

At that time, as if to answer Richard’s cry, a bigger light was

suddenly in front of him. Serphania appeared.

She glanced down at Richard. She looked as if she knew what would

“You cheated on me! You lied to me from the beginning!”

“Is that all you have to say to me?”

Her voice was filled with sadness.

“Extinguished this fire right now! Right now!”

Ser looked silently at Richard, who was yelling at her.

After meeting Ancia and apologizing, Ser returned to the former

capital of Zelcan, Khan.

There, shepurified the polluted land after a thousand years, regained

the power tied to the ground, and apologized to everyone who
suffered from her mistakes.

She fell into a deep sleep in Khan’s land with her sins, saying that
she would no longer pay attention to the human world or do

Leaving only ‘Shell’ in the world in case something happened.

However, Shell woke her up.

“Serphania, we’re in trouble! The disease happened again.”

Shell told Ser about what had happened.

She said that Richard had spread the disease of a thousand years
ago again after his memories came back due to Ser’s influence.

Ser was rushing back to the capital. Then Shell added,

“But don’t worry! Ancia found a cure.”

The time between a goddess and a human is different. A lot of time

went by in the human world during the brief time she slept. After
Richard spread the disease, Ancia succeeded in making a cure.

My friend, Ancia…
Then she heard Richard reciting a taboo spell.

‘Oh, did he end up using that magic…?’

Serphania loved Phillip. So she listened to everything he wanted, but

she felt something was strange with him deep inside.

And when Phillip asked to teach her how to switch

souls, her doubts deepened.

Ser lied for the first time to her beloved lover.

Phillip wanted to accomplish many things, but he wasn’t that cruel.

Ser believed in him. But now, a thousand years later, he has broken
even the taboo.

Ser immediately headed to Richard’s place.

He struggled in the flames and glared at Ser.

“Extinguish this fire right now! How dare you deceive me!”

He regained the memory of his past life, but he did not apologize.
There was no guilt of deceiving Ser and sealing her for a thousand

Rather, he was only angry at the one lie Ser had told him.

Ser’s eyes became cold.

Staring at her insensitive eyes, Richard only then began to


“I, I’m sorry. So please help me!”

Ser laughed in vain. Has she been struggling this far to hear such a
She thought she would feel better if she heard him apologizing. But it
wasn’t like that. Rather, anger overcame her.

“Se, Serphania, we’re a couple. You love me!”

Ser looked down at Richard, who was begging, and said,

“I’ll get you out of here.”

“Yes, yes, hurry!”

As soon as Richard nodded, his surroundings began to shine


His body rose lightly and the heat that seemed to melt his body

Done, everything is done.

Richard smiled inwardly.

A thousand years later, she’s still a dumb woman. She still has
lingering feelings for him. So she saved him.

When his magic failed, he thought it was all over. But even the
heavens were on his side, there was still a chance.

He still could use Serphania.

He could ask her to give Blake’s power to him. If he coaxes her well,
she’ll listen to him again.

Richard smiled inwardly. But something was wrong. It was dark all
around even when he opened his eyes.

Where is this? It wasn’t his underground fortress.

Richard tried to go outside for now. However, as soon as he took a

step, he was blocked by a wall.
He was blocked by walls on every side and couldn’t leave.

Richard realized that he was trapped in a transparent sphere.

“Open it! Open it now!”

Richard pounded violently against the wall. However, it was no use.

“Serphania! What are you doing!”

He shouted loudly as flames rose from the floor. Then, he saw his
hand distorted by it.

Richard realized only then.

Just like when he sealed Serphania a thousand years ago, this time,
he was trapped in the door of darkness.

“Serphania, wait, wait! Listen to me!”

Richard shouted urgently. However, no matter how much he

shouted, he couldn’t hear her voice.

Because he used a taboo spell, Richard’s physical vitality was


Serphamia took Richard’s soul and sealed him deep in the valley of

Just like when he sealed Serphania a thousand years ago. But there
was one difference.

Richard didn’t have the same power as Serphania.

Of course there was no way for him to unseal it. There was no one
who would save him either.

Richard will forever be trapped inside the sphere, unable to unseal it.
Richard, who belatedly realized the reality, screamed.

When he realized this, Richard cried. But no one heard his voice.


Richard let out a cry of resentment against Ser. At that moment, a

big light hit him. And when the light disappeared, the flames from the
magic circle also disappeared.

Richard was also out of breath.

His body melted in the flames felt so painful.

Blake took my hand. I also held his hand.

It’s really the end.

Their tragic relationship with Richard is finally over.


That night, I met Ser.

“Richard must be dead.”

I nodded calmly at Ser’s words.

“I know. He had to pay for his sins in eternal darkness.”

She spoke calmly.

“It was supposed to be like that. He was never a human being, and I
should have finished him with my own hands. But I hesitated again,
only because he’s reincarnated. He’s not Phillip, so I somehow gave
him a lighter punishment. I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s enough that you gave me evidence before.”

Ser let me know that Richard was trying to poison Blake before she

Richard had no recollection of what happened in his past life. So I

didn’t think it was up to me to punish him.

Anyway, thanks to the evidence she left, I was able to find out all of
Richard’s evil deeds.

But Ser shook her head firmly.

“I’m the one who turned him into a monster. I should have taken care
of it. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be of help this time again.”

She apologized again and again, then carefully said something.

“Laon, no, Ancia. If you don’t mind, can you accept this gift?”

It was a beautiful bracelet made from beautiful crystals.

“I tried to stop my relationship with the human world. But there were
a lot of things happening when I left. Richard’s sealed, and this won’t
happen anymore, but can you still call me if you need me?”

“Can I just call you when I want to see your face?”

“Yes, of course.”

Tears as clear as light flowed from Ser’s eyes. I smiled and hugged
her tightly.


I felt the bright sunlight and woke up.

This was the bedroom of the Amoria Palace, and I couldn’t see Ser.

What was it? Was it a dream?

I rubbed my eyes while still half-asleep.

The bracelet Ser gave me on my wrist was shining.

It’s not a dream. It wasn’t a dream.

I tried to touch the bracelet in my left hand. But my right hand was

Blake fell asleep while holding my right hand tightly.

He is now an adult, unlike ten years ago, but he still looked like a
child in his sleep.

I smiled and looked at him. Blake opened his eyes and his red eyes
looked at me.

“Sorry, did I wake you up?”


He smiled and shook his head, pulling me into his arms.

“But you’re tired. Let’s sleep a little longer.”

When I was in Blake’s arms, I started to fall asleep again.

It was warm and cozy. Everything was good with him.

And now only these peaceful days will continue.

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Chapter 169 – Epilogue

TL: Zimming

I took Shulia’s hand. Then she opened her eyes bigger and gulped

“How is it?”

I grinned and let go of her hand.

“I’m all better.”


“It’s true. I’m feeling better. Thank you for treating me.”

I patted her hair.

She eventually overcame the tancinol. There was no trace of twisted

mana anymore in her body.

“Then can I go back to the orphanage now?”

“Of course.”

“Can I meet Brother Luo?”

“Yes, you’ll see each other soon.”

Kaluo’s alive. His sister, Karan is also alive.

Richard didn’t want it, but because of his mistake, he gave his life to
save Karan and leave the world.

Anyway, they were investigated.

Kaluo is a child, and he is just swept away by the surrounding

situation without knowing anything, so he will be released soon after
the investigation is completed.

However, Karan and Connin committed crimes.

They regretted the past and confessed all their sins.

In particular, Karan was greatly shocked by the fact that Richard was
the enemy who killed their parents and tried to sacrifice them.

However, no matter how much Richard deceived them, their crime

was too big.

They’re not an adult, so even if they avoided the death penalty, they
will have to spend their life in prison.



Michelle came to meet Shulia after hearing that she had recovered

As soon as she saw Michelle, she ran with a big smile.

“Thank you, Your Highness. Thank you very much.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

When Michelle thanked her, Shulia quickly followed the teacher and
bowed her head.

“Shulia, stay healthy. Have a healthy meal for the time being, okay?”

Shulia answered bravely. She looked so healthy that I couldn’t

believe she had just overcome a tough illness.

“Goodbye, Your Highness.”

She waved her hand and went back to the orphanage.

The last patient left the training center.

And the outbreak that shook the empire completely disappeared.

I found the tool that caused the tancinol in the secret fortress where
Richard kidnapped me.

It was an old old box. But there was only a letter inside.

It was Ser’s letter saying that everything was purified.

Tancinol will never show up on earth again.

Not only Richard, but also the Kensway family’s deed, which had
been causing the tancinol for a thousand years, was revealed.

When the Kensway family was revealed to cause tancinol, everyone

ignored the words and blamed the roums only.

But when the cure was developed and the disease was gone, people
gradually began to accept the truth.

People cursed Richard and were angry with the Kensway family.

However, when the first emperor Phillip’s deed was revealed, people
were astonished.

The empire was shocked when the reality of the great founder, who
had been chosen by the goddess, was revealed.
Tenstheon apologized for Phillip’s evil deeds as Emperor of the
Asteric Empire. Blake and I were also there together.

We revealed all the truths that happened a thousand years ago, and
re-compiled the Zelkan Empire’s history books.

Rakshul’s name was also cleared after a thousand years.

This was something that had been prepared even before tancinol
took place.

If all the facts were revealed, there could have been a crisis in the
survival of the Asteric Empire and the imperial family, but if we kept
hiding it, we could not solve the tangled thread from a thousand
years ago.

However, the people of the empire were shocked by Phillip’s

misdeeds and did not get angry with the present imperial family.

Tenstheon is now the greatest emperor in the history of the empire,

as the empire was in an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity.

Furthermore, there were no longer any reckless asmodian trials and

tancinol, which had terrorized the people for a thousand years.

The goddess of light also gave her powers to the Crown Prince and
the Crown Princess. The people of the empire thought that this was
a way for the goddess to forgive the past and pray for the blessing of
the empire.

A series of events also changed the perception of the roums.

For a thousand years, the roums had no choice but to become

slaves or to live secretly.

Even if they were freed from slavery, they did not know when they
would be taken back or killed unjustly.
Tenstheon tried to crack down on the roums slave trade and prevent
murder, but he could not control everything that was done secretly.

But now, everything was different.

Their view of the roums was also changing. Of course, the deep-
rooted disdain for a thousand years will not disappear in an instant,
but it will gradually improve.

Right for the roums was also given.

The empire abolished the roums entry ban and many other things.

There was a backlash against this, but it was not as strong as I


It was revealed that the roums were not sinners but victims of
Phillip’s desire, so there was no justification to stop them.

The year was already coming to an end when I settled the tancinol
and revealed the truth of a thousand years ago.

There was a place I really wanted to go before this year passed by. It
was my mother’s grave.

I went to my mother’s grave with Blake. It was the first time in seven
years, but the cemetery was well managed. This is because Blake
and Tenstheon paid special attention to it.

I laid flowers on the grave and touched the monument without a

word. Blake also bowed politely, laying down the flowers.

“Mother, I’m here.”

Blake says he stopped by whenever he went back and forth to the

valley of chaos to find me. He also said that he came alone and
greeted her even after he found me.

However, I hesitated to come here even after returning to the palace.

Seven years ago, I only made a formal visit once a year.

I just thought of her as the real mother of Ancia. I didn’t even dream
that she’s my real mother who gave birth to me.

I really wanted to come here after coming back to the capital. But I
hesitated, because I didn’t have my original body. After having my
body back, I put off my promise to come even when the situation
stabilizes, and time has already passed.

“I’m here…mom.”

The word “mom” felt unfamiliar.

A thousand years ago, and in Korea, I rarely said “mom” because my

mother always passed away early.

The moment I spit out the awkward word, tears filled my eyes.

“I’m late. I’m sorry I haven’t visited all this time…”

Blake patted me on the back and held my hand tightly. His

temperature calmed me down.

“We’re going to have a wedding.”

I asked Blake to hold a ball to celebrate him becoming an adult, but

he insisted that he would not have such a party unless I held a debut
party myself.

In the end, we decided to hold a wedding ceremony instead of a

separate party for ourselves.

In the Asteric Empire, when they are young, they simply hold a small
ceremony, and even after they become adults, if they are willing to
marry, they report to the church and hold a grand wedding ceremony.

We had a small ceremony in our childhood. However, the words

“marriage of the imperial family” or “wedding” itself were not fit to
describe our shabby ceremony.

That’s why I decided to hold a real wedding again.

Instead of the monstrous crown prince and an abandoned daughter.

It was now the wedding of the crown prince and crown princess.

“We’re going to do it next spring. Please watch it from the sky.”

If my mom was watching my wedding 10 years ago, she would have

been very upset. But I’m sure she’ll be happy to see it this time.

“Yes, please keep an eye on us. Mother, we’ll have the best wedding

He held my hand firmly. He looked more reliable and trustworthy


“I’m always happy.”

“I won’t make her suffer.”

“I’ve never had a hard time.”

I never thought our time together was hard. All the time I spent with
him was precious.

Blake hugged my shoulder without saying a word. I also leaned my

head on his shoulder.


As I rode back to the palace in a carriage, I could see people filling

the square.

“Shall we take a look?”

I nodded at Blake’s words.

Since the tancinol outbreak was over, the crowd was much bigger
than usual and people seemed more energetic than usual year-end

We walked down the street holding hands.

We don’t have to do anything. Just being able to walk on such a

crowded street made my heart happy.

Holding his hand tightly, I stopped in one place.

New books were displayed in front of a bookstore.

One of them was a fairy tale book called ‘Blessed Princess.’

It was the same title as the book I saw in this bookstore before. The
cover changed, but seeing the same title, it seemed to be the same
book as then.

But that book is new?

I hesitated for a moment and opened the book.

The blessed princess married the monstrous crown prince of the

neighboring country. The princess and the prince loved each other,
and the prince was eventually released from the curse. But in return,
the princess loses her life.

The prince shed tears alone, missing the princess who died because
of him.

It was the same story as I saw before.

I became gloomy, and regret that I saw it for no reason.

But that was not the end of the book.

A goddess appears in front of the tearful prince, telling him how to
recover the blessed princess.

The prince is willing to endure the ordeal to find the princess, and the
goddess also gives him strength to meet the princess again.

In the end, the prince and the princess meet again.

[The blessed princess and the prince of light lived happily ever after.]

The fairy tale ended with the scene in which the two returned to the
imperial palace and looked at each other with a loving gaze.

Seeing the prince and the princess smiling broadly, I naturally


“What book is it?”

I gave Blake the book. Blake, who read the book, smiled just like me.

After we bought a fairy tale book, we walked down the street again.



“Let’s live happily too.”

“Of course, I’ll make you smile every day.”

Blake held my hand tightly. I also held his hand tightly.

The crowd was suddenly buzzing.

“It’s snowing!”

As I raised my head, I saw white snow pouring from the sky. It was
the first snow of the year.

“How long has it been…”

I looked at the snow blankly. It was the first time I’ve seen it in seven
years. And it’s been seven years since I saw the snow with Blake.

“Let’s keep seeing it together from now on.”

“Yes, let’s be together every time it snows.”

I smiled at Blake’s words.

Next year, I will see the first snow with Blake, in the next two years,
10 years and 20 years. We’ll be together forever.

But Blake shook his head.

“No, not the first snow.”


“The second snow, third snow, fourth and fifth snow, let’s see it

“When do you think it’ll snow again?”

“No, we can be together every day.”


Yes, everyday.”

I was so dumbfounded that I laughed. Blake’s expression quickly

became gloomy.

“Wife, what’s wrong? You don’t want to be with me?”

“No, it’s not that…”

“Then you’re gonna be right next to me everyday right?”

“No, that’s… we have to work.”

There is something to be done as the Crown Prince and the Crown

Princess. It was practically impossible to be together all day long like
when we were young. I tried to say that but I shut up.

Looking at Blake’s pitiful expression, I couldn’t say no.

I was always weak towards that expression.

“Alright, let’s always be together everyday.”


“Yes, really.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise.”

Blake smiled brightly and hugged my waist.

The cute rabbit when we were young disappeared and he quickly

became a mesmerizing beast.

How did the rabbit become a beast?

Blake’s face came closer and our lips overlapped with each other.

It was a soft and sweet kiss like the snow.

<The End>

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Side Story 1 – Blake has become smaller (1)

TL: Zimming

When I opened the window, the fresh and cold air of winter brushed
against my skin.

The fresh air, the warm sunshine, the sound of the birds, with my
husband lying in bed, everything was perfect.

I sat on the bed and tapped Blake’s cheek, who had just fallen

“Blake, it’s already morning. Get up.”

“Hmm. Five more minutes.”

He said in a cute drowsy voice.

He must be very tired yesterday because he fell asleep at dawn after

staying up late at night.

The sight of Blake mumbling without even opening his eyes

reminded me of the old days.

I smiled and rubbed his soft cheeks. I want to let him rest like this,
but I decided to have breakfast with Tenstheon today.

We’ll be late if he sleeps more.

“Crown prince, wake up now.”

I whisked off the blanket. Then Blake frowned.

“Ancia, it’s so hard for me to take it off every morning.”

He’s saying something that will be misunderstood again! Don’t leave

out the word vaguely!

I glanced at him without saying a word. Then Blake smiled

suspiciously and hugged my waist.

“My wife is so warm.”

Even if a rabbit grows, it does not become a wolf. My husband is

also a white rabbit who has never changed. Just a little, no, maybe a
lot more seductive.

He must know how beautiful he is. I wanted to listen to everything he

wanted, but I said firmly.

“Wake up. We’re going for breakfast. Our father’s waiting.”

“It’s alright.”

“It’s not alright.”

Tancinol disappeared and Richard was sealed. The truth of a

thousand years ago has been revealed, and the roum discrimination
is decreasing. Trade with Chang went smoothly, and the empire is

Plus, Blake grew up to be a healthy and wonderful young man, and

we were always together.

There was only one thing on my mind, although I was so happy that I
didn’t worry about anything these days.

Blake and Tenstheon are still at odds.

Blake’s like this not because he was simply tired. He would rather
sleep in and avoid eating with Tenstheon.

The three of us ate together once a day. However, Blake and

Tenstheon were becoming more awkward

than closer.

If there was a conflict of opinion about political affairs or if it became

awkward because of their fight, I would try to reconcile them, but it
was not like that either.

The relationship between the two showed little signs of recovery.

“Come on, wake up!”

I forced Blake up, and I was able to get to the Phillia Palace without
being late.

Even though we went just in time, Tenstheon arrived first and was
waiting for us.

“Father, you’re here already?”

“Ancia, you look very pretty today.”

“Father looked wonderful too.”

We exchanged greetings as usual. However, Blake only lowered his

head slightly without saying a word. Tenstheon tried to move on
without saying anything.

It can’t go on like this.

I send a signal to father through my eyes.

‘Say hello to Blake too! A light compliment! Praise him! Come on!’

Did he read my eyes correctly? Tenstheon looked at Blake and
cough awkwardly.

He hesitated for a moment about what to say and slowly opened his

“Hmm…you’re pretty too.”



Blake’s expression hardened, and I was speechless.

Father, that’s not the compliment your son wants…

I don’t know how someone who excels at everything else became

like this when it is related to Blake.

Finally, today’s breakfast ended in an awkward atmosphere.


How could she make the distance between the two closer?

In fact, it was not a problem that would be solved easily.

Blake was hurt as a child. Of course, Tenstheon had his reasons, but
even so, it was up to Blake to forgive him or not.

No one could force him until his mind was ready.

However, I felt uncomfortable because I think it was because of me

that the two of them became like that. If I hadn’t disappeared at that
time, they would have been much better off than now…

Looking at roses while sighing, I turned my head when I heard a
man’s voice.


“I’m sorry, I came a little late.”

“No, I’ve just arrived as well. “

I was waiting in the glass greenhouse when I heard from Tenstheon

that Eunhan was coming.

“How have you been?”

“I’m fine, thanks to you, my workload has decreased. How are you?”

“I’ve been fine too.”

“That’s great.”

Eunhan smiled softly. He always had that calm yet elegant


“I brought the book you mentioned before.”

Eunhan gave me a book wrapped in silk cloth.

After treating tancinol with taekri tea, I became interested in the

herbs from Chang. When we met before, I said that I was curious
about Chang’s medical books, and he didn’t forget to bring them.

“Thank you very much.”

“No, and this…”

Eunhan carried a box made of jade in his hand.

“What is this?”
The box looked so precious.

“It’s a necklace.”


When I asked again, Eunhan suddenly panicked and added an


“Ah, it doesn’t mean anything special. In case there’s a crisis like

before, I think we need a device to communicate.”

Eunhan visited the Imperial Palace by the time the tancinol incident
was already taken care of.

When he heard what had happened, he was surprised and blamed

himself for not being helpful.

And after that, he would visit us once every 15 days and ask how we
were doing.

Taking care of Chang is already difficult and it would be even more

difficult for him if he kept coming.

Rather than coming here directly, it would be better for him to use a
communication device.

“But it looks so precious…”

“No, I prepared it because I wanted to. It’s for our own good, so don’t
feel too much pressure.”

But it seemed so precious.

I felt like I had to reciprocate when I received it. While thinking about
the right gift, someone snatched the box.

“You come here very often. You must be very idle.”

Blake lowered his eyes coldly looking at the jade box.


Blake said that sarcastically. I was startled and called his name
carefully, but Blake continued in a cold tone.

“Aren’t you able to eat enough of your hometown food? Why do you
keep coming here?”

“Blake, what do you mean?”

I wondered why he said that out of the blue, but Eunhan shut up as if
he understood it.

“It’s nothing. Wife, I have something to talk about with the Emperor
of Chang, would you please excuse us for a moment?”

Blake eased his expression and smiled at me.


Although the relationship between the two is bad, they are the Crown
Prince of Asteric and the Emperor of Chang respectively.

They won’t act recklessly. I nodded and headed out of the



Tenstheon remained in his office after he had finished talking to

Eunhan, reading letters from the nobles.

They were all useless things, such as letters to praise his

achievements, and request for remarriage.

Among them, there was a letter with messy handwriting.

[Your Majesty is the one I respect the most. I want to be a great man
like you.]

It was a letter written by the grandson of the Marquis of Sheldom


His grandson is about eight years old this year…

Such letters were usually written by parents instead, but strangely, it

was written by the child.

In addition, it was not formal and the overall content was a mess, as
if it was written purely by the child themself without being watched by

But Tenstheon felt this letter was really unique.


He wasn’t a man great enough to be respected.

He could not protect his only son back then. Even when Blake’s
curse was lifted, there was still no emotional bond between the two.

There were times when Blake held his hand again. He held the child
in his arms, went back and forth to the field to teach him

But everything was different when Ancia disappeared.

He couldn’t comfort Blake properly because he felt guilty about

losing Ancia.

He felt guilty to even talk to the child and he was angry being unable
to find Ancia.

It all got tangled up and eventually their relationship broke.

The disappearance of Ancia left the grieving child lonely again.

‘After all, everything is my fault.’

People agreed that Tenstheon was the best empire. He was always
praised as a good father of the nation.

But in reality, he was a bad father. He was a fool who made mistakes
because he didn’t even know how to deal with his only son.

He looked at the letter with mixed feelings, and the door burst open
as Blake came in.

Tenstheon was somewhat surprised to see his son suddenly at night.

The black cat in Blake’s hand caught his eye before he asked



A cat was dangling from Blake’s neck and cried sadly at Tenstheon.

“You know at a glance if it’s a person you care about.”

Blake spat out as he threw the cat into Tenstheon’s arms.

“What are you doing!”

“I was angry because he was trying to do something with someone

else’s wife.”

“What are you talking about?”

Tenstheon looked at the cat on his lap in surprise. However, Eunhan,

who turned into a black cat, shook his head as if it was unfair.

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Side Story 2 – Blake has become smaller (2)


“He said no.”

“Do you believe that?”

At Tenstheon’s words, Blake put a jade box on the desk.

“Is this the only reason you’re doing this?”

“What do you mean by only this?”

Tenstheon took two more of the same boxes out of the drawer.

“It’s a special communication tool made by Eunhan. Here’s yours

and mine.”


Eunhan shook his head. He didn’t even dare to think of such ideas.

Ancia is Tenstheon’s daughter-in-law. Eunhan wouldn’t do anything

to her.

Ancia treated the tancinol with taekri tea. According to her, the
tancinol and taekri tea nature interfere with each other’s power.

Just like that, Eunhan couldn’t turn back to his original form because
of Blake. Both of them have interfering powers like tancinol and
taekri tea.

“Turn him back right away.”

Tenstheon spoke sternly.

Eunhan is the emperor of Chang. It was unacceptable for them to be

so rude to the emperor of another country, regardless of how close
their relationship is.


However, Blake refused Tenstheon’s request instantly.


“I said no.”

“Eunhan is the emperor of chang.”

“I know, that’s why I could only do this.”

He spoke coldly and stared at the black cat.

“He’ll transform back after one night. In the meantime, tell him to

Before Tenstheon could say anything, Blake turned around and went
out of his office.

Tenstheon sighed.

Anyone else would have been angry and forced him to comply. But
Tenstheon couldn’t do that to Blake.

“Eunhan, I’m sorry.”

Eventually, Tenstheon apologized instead of Blake.


Eunhan nodded as if he was okay.


I spun around in my white wedding dress.

“How is it?”


Blake replied with a big smile.

“It’s all pretty.”

We decided to have a wedding in May.

There was still a lot of time left, but there was so much to prepare.
First of all, choosing a wedding dress was a challenge.

It was difficult to choose because every dress was all beautiful.

I also asked Blake for his opinion, but he only said I looked pretty in
whatever I wore.

“They’re all really pretty.”

Blake tilted his head and smiled beautifully.

I’m glad he at least looked happy. Ever since Eunhan came, he has
been under pressure.

“But what did you talk about with Eunhan yesterday?”

I asked carefully. At that moment, Blake’s expression hardened


“I didn’t say much.”

“…what about the necklace?”

“I gave it to His Majesty. If you need to contact Chang, I think the

emperor can do it. Why? You need me to bring it back?”

“No, good job.”

It was more effective to communicate with Tenstheon if there’s any


Blake smiled brightly.


I guess it’s good that I refuse the necklace. He must be jealous.

But even with such a bright smile, it wasn’t as cute as when he was

He suddenly held my hand. The rough callus in Blake’s hand

pleasantly scratched my flesh.

Unlike his beautiful face, he had a rough hand.

While holding his hand, I saw his beautiful eyes that sucked me in,
and suddenly felt a strange wave.


Blake also felt the wavelength and hugged me as if he was

protecting me.

At that moment, a crack broke out on the floor as Baekhan



I shouted with pleasure. How long has it been? I’ve heard about him
from Eunhan, but it was the first time I saw him again.
Baekhan, who was chosen by the white dragon, did not change at all
from that time.

Baekhan didn’t accept my greeting and pointed at Blake.

“You rascal!”

He shouted angrily. Why is he so angry?

I was confused. However, the person who he pointed at crossed his

arms in a lighthearted manner.

“You’re angry as soon as you see me after a long time?”

Wait, I don’t know about Eunhan, but I remember his relationship

with Baekhan was pretty good, but why is the atmosphere so cold?

“How dare you insult my brother!”

“It’s a good thing you know that, tell him not to say any nonsense
next time.”

What happened yesterday?

I was surprised, but first of all, I need to mediate between the two.


I opened my mouth carefully. But my voice was buried under the cry
of Baekhan.

“What! What are you talking about?! I thought you’re a pure, gentle
fellow, but you’re a total jerk!”

“You’re still small.”

“Huh! You cheeky bastard! Apologize now!”

“Well, if you’re in a bad mood, sor…”

“Apologize to him not me!”

Blake, who was about to apologize to Baekhan, closed his mouth


“Why should I apologize to him?”


“I’m not going to, so if you keep talking nonsense, don’t be so loud
and get out of here.”


I pulled his shirt. I wanted to stop him but Blake didn’t budge.

“You’ll regret it, you bastard!”

“That’s not gonna happen.”

“I’ll warn you one last time. Apologize to my brother!”

“Don’t make me say the same thing, get out of here.”

Blake’s voice was so cold that I was somewhat surprised.

“Alright, I’ll go.”

Baekhan gritted his teeth and spat out. His small hand was shaking
with anger.

What happened yesterday?

Anyway, I couldn’t stay still like this.

“Excuse me…”

“You will regret it!”

As I approached Blake to soothe him, Baekhan reached for Blake, a
huge amount of mana covered Blake’s body.


I called his name in surprise, but I couldn’t even reach him because
of the strong force.

The mana swirled around Blake, so I couldn’t see him at all.

“I’m alright, don’t worry.”

I could hear Blake’s voice. He said it very calmly so I felt relieved for

His voice sounds a little strange, but I’m sure it’s because of mana
that his voice sounds weird.

Soon, the light disappeared as Blake was seen.

“Bl, Blake?”

The moment I saw him, I was speechless.


Blake tried to reassure me with a smile because I was very

surprised. But, he was also surprised when he heard his voice.

“Hwo did twis happwen!”

Blake had turned into a child. A very small child who looks at most
four or five years old.

He looked at his body and screamed. I also screamed inwardly.

‘So cute! He’s so cute!’

No, this isn’t the time. I looked at Baekhan right away. I had to ask
him what Blake did.

“Then I’ll go now!”

But Baekhan disappeared, saying that quickly before I could ask a


“What’s going on?”

After hearing the noise inside, Chelsea and Jayden ran inside.


As soon as Chelsea saw Blake, she screamed like a dolphin.

“Your Highness, what is this cute creature!!”

Hearts were drawn in Chelsea’s eyes, which were always calm.

Chelsea must have been unexpectedly fond of children.

“Where’s His Highness? I think that child’s clothes are the same as

Jayden questioned what the boy, or the baby, wore.

As Blake became smaller, his clothes slid down.

“I’m nwot a baby!”

Blake exclaimed in a fit of rage. However, the sudden step made his
big clothes all tangled up.


I caught Blake in surprise. Fortunately, I was able to prevent my

husband from falling.

“Bl, Blake? That, that child? Ahhh!”

Chelsea backed away with a slight scream. She was afraid of Blake,
though I didn’t know why. Jayden is stiff too.

They were confused as well. But the first thing I have to do is…

“Chelsea, get me a thick blanket.”


After hearing the news about Blake, Tenstheon rushed into the room.


Tenstheon, unlike anyone else, recognized the young Blake at once.


When Tenstheon lifted Blake up, a scream burst out of his mouth.

“Your Majesty, if you suddenly do it, the baby will be surprised.”

“So, sorry.”

“I’m nwot a baby!”

Blake exclaimed again in a fit of rage. However, it was not

convincing when he shouted in such a small body.

“How did this happen?”


I explained the whole story. Tensteon, who heard Baekhan did this,
only gulped.


He seemed to know something.

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Side Story 3 – Blake has become smaller (3)

TL: Zimming

“Did you know about last night, father?”

“It’s not much, just him being grumpy.”

Tenstheon tried to hide the truth with nicer words. It seems clear that
Blake and Eunhan had an argument last night, but I didn’t know the
exact reason.

“I don’t know about the details. But it’s not something to worry

Tenstheon looked at Blake, reassuring me.

“But what happened? What’s with this blanket?”

“Ah, that’s…”

The original clothes he wore were too big for Blake now. Aside from
the clothes that didn’t fit, it was dangerous because the pants and
sleeves were too long and he could fall down.

I tried to take off his clothes for now.

“Nwo! I won’t twake it off!” (No! I won’t take it off!)

“You should! It’s dangerous!”

“It’s not!”

“It’s dangerous! What if you fall down!”


Blake didn’t know what to say again.

I took off Blake’s clothes and wrapped his body in a large blanket.

Now there was no 4/5-year-old child in the palace, and of course it

was difficult to get clothes right away.

However, if we leave him as it is in the cold winter, he will catch a

cold, so I put a blanket on him for now.

I thought it was a reasonable decision, but Blake’s lips, which were

wrapped in a blanket like kimbap, were sticking out.

It was very cute. He’d get even angrier if I said this to Blake.

“Haha, there’s a reason for this.”

I laughed awkwardly. Tenstheon did not ask any more.

Tenstheon hurriedly tried to contact Chang through the necklace

given by Eunhan. And he told us the result.

“He will be back to normal in about a month.”

“A mwonth?!”

Blake shouted in astonishment.

“If you want to be back a little earlier, apologize. I had a direct

conversation with Baekhan, and he’s very stubborn.”

“I won’t apwologize! I dwidn’t do anything wong!” (I won’t apologize! I

didn’t do anything wrong!)
Blake puffed his cheeks as he vented his anger.


Tenstheon was silent.

He did not protest to Baekhan who made Blake like this. I also didn’t
agree with Blake.

Judging from Tenstheon’s reaction, it seemed that Blake did

something wrong first.



Blake spoke firmly. Then his chubby cheeks twitched.

Ah, so cute.

I pressed his cheeks and forget the seriousness of the situation.

At first, I was worried if something was wrong with his body, but
since he said there was no problem at all and he would be back in a
month, I could enjoy Blake’s cute appearance.

“Then will you keep staying like this?”

“I won’t apwologize. I dwidn’t do anything wong.” (I won’t apologize. I

didn’t do anything wrong.)

Blake became really childish.

The spell even affected his judgement as he acted like a child.

Maybe that’s why he’s so stubborn.

However, it was only cute when he declared it solemnly with his face
sticking out of the blanket.
“Will you be okay to be like this for a month?”

“I wyon’t apwologize!” (I won’t apologize!)

“I see. If you’re okay, so be it.”

Tenstheon did not force him to apologize and respected Blake’s


After that he said,

“Then, be ready to live like that for a month.”

“Y, you want me to stway like this?”

Blake opened his eyes wide in ashtonishment.

“You said you weren’t going to apologize.”

“I won’t!”

“Then we couldn’t do anything.”

Tenstheon lifted Blake who was sitting on the sofa.

If he asks, Eunhan will do anything. He will persuade Baekhan to

bring Blake back to his original condition.

But Tenstheon didn’t seem to have any intention of doing so.

“I have to dress you up right now.”

“Get off!”

Blake struggled in the blanket. Tenstheon, however, has been

keeping his eyes on Blake for a long time.

Tenstheon’s mouth twitched slightly. He must also think Blake was


Blake’s bedroom was filled with children’s clothes. The amount was
so huge that I thought they might have brought everything from
many stores.

No, it’s more than a month’s worth! Besides, what are these summer
clothes? Where did they get all these clothes?

I’m impressed, but Blake was really sullen.

“Blake, what do you want to wear?”

Then Blake shook his head with a gloomy face.

“No, iwt’s all fow babies.” (No, it’s all for babies.”

The clothes were all cute and shiny.


“Blake is a baby now.”


He opened his eyes wide and looked at me.

No, is this supposed to be so shocking?

“You said you’d stay as a baby without apologizing.”

“I’m nwot a baby! It’s jwust getting smawwer!” (I’m not a baby! It’s
just getting smaller!)

“Oh my, jwust getting smawwer?”

As I mimicked his speech, Blake’s eyes were filled with tears.

That’s what it meant to be ruled by the body. He was a crybaby again
as he was when he was young.

“Dwon’t copy me.”

It was cute seeing him speaking with a body as small a bean. I held
back my laughter and gave him a big hug.

“Okay, okay, I won’t copy you.”

I was going to soothe him, but I ended up speaking like a

kindergarten teacher without realizing it. Blake was angry, sticking
out his lips.

“Blake, are you upset?”


I think he’s upset.

“What about your clothes? Do you want me to pick one for you?”

“…I’m gwoing to do it alone!”

Blake spat out strongly and picked up the socks right in front of him.

He chose simple white socks rather than fancy jewelry and frill-
decorated clothes.



Wearing socks was too much work for Blake now.

Blake ended up falling down without even putting his foot in a hole in
his little sock.

“Are you okay?”

It’s a soft bed, but I checked his condition because he fell down.
However, Blake did not raise his head.

“Blake, what’s wrong? Does it hurt?”

I asked with a smile. He might have been hurt because his body has
become smaller.

“Tell me. Does it hurt a lot?”

When I asked again, Blake spoke in a small voice.



I held my mouth shut and desperately held back my laughter.

Blake’s ears were red as ripe red beet. If I laugh here, he might
really cry.

“It’s alright. It’s not embarrassing. It’s because the bed is so soft that
it’s hard to balance.”

“Yes, twat’s right. I’ll dwo it on the floor.”

Blake got up and shouted with confidence. Unfortunately, the marble

floor was too dangerous for the current Blake.

I lifted Blake back up and put him in the middle of the bed, while he
tried to get off the bed with his short legs.

“Ahh, why?!”

He shouted in protest.

Is he really asking me because he really doesn’t know why?

But if I say, ‘It’s dangerous to wear socks on the marble floor’ he’ll

Of course, I wanted to see him protesting because it would be cute,

but since it was winter, dressing up was the first priority.

“I’ll dress you up.”

“N, no!”

Blake blushed again and shouted.

“Then should I ask someone else to do it?”


As if it is worse to borrow someone else’s hand, Blake shut his

mouth tightly.

I picked up the white shirt that I liked the first time I saw it.

“Blake, you can button it yourself.”


He smiled broadly and nodded. I also stroked his soft hair and


“Oh my!”



When Blake was dressed and went outside, Melissa, Hans, Edon,
and Terry, who were waiting outside, were all speechless, and each
of them uttered a short exclamation.
I fully understand their reaction. When I first saw Blake who got
smaller, I was speechless because he was so cute. Now, he looked
like a doll, not a human being in his pretty clothes.

I told everyone that he got younger because I made a mistake while

practicing magic. I explained that there was no problem and that it
would be back in a month, so everyone looked at Blake, who had
become smaller with twinkling eyes.

However, the expression of the person who was adored by everyone

was sullen.

It must have been quite a shock to not be able to button his clothes.
He tried hard, but his tiny finger was not enough to perform the
delicate task of buttoning up.

He tried several times but kept failing, and in the end I helped him.

Blake kept fiddling with the buttons as if he still had lingering regret.

I gave a big hug to Blake.


“Our Blake is so cute, isn’t he?”

“Yes, he’s so cute.”

“Really cute.”

Edon nodded furiously, and Terry couldn’t take his eyes off Blake.
Hans smiled gently.

“How can he be so cute? It reminds me of the old days.”

Melissa’s eyes were moist. After she said that, everyone’s

expression became sorrowful.
Blake was cursed at the young age of five. The young Blake, whom
they remember, was always in pain.

I’m happy that Blake grew up wonderfully and healthy. Tenstheon

must have felt the same way.

But, I can’t believe this small body handled such pain back then. He
was so small and young.

I already knew it, but it was heartbreaking to see the young Blake in

“Pwut me down!”

I hugged the struggling Blake harder.

I’m going to experience only fun things with him for a month.
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Side Story 4 – Blake has become smaller (4)

TL: Zimming

Everyone only smiled seeing Blake’s cuteness, but in fact it was a

serious issue.

There may be some people who would target Blake as he was

vulnerable at the moment. Nothing good will come out if this gets
found out by people outside.

That’s why it must be a top secret that only few people knew, so me
and Blake decided to stay in the royal villa a little far from the capital
for a month.

Some servants and knights we trusted also followed us.

Me and Blake rode a carriage as we headed to the villa. Objectively,

the situation was serious, but in reality, there was no one to target
the imperial family now that Richard was gone.

As a result, we were in a good mood as if we were traveling.

“Blake, look at that. There is a big bird on the tree.”


But only one person was not happy.

Blake continued to be sullen ever since we came out to the palace.

Seeing him fiddling with buttons with a sad face, it must have been
shocking for him not to be able to wear clothes alone.

“It’s hard because it’s a pearl button, very slippery. If you try it with
another button, I’m sure you can do it.”


I comforted him, but Blake’s expression didn’t come off easily.

“What’s wrong?”



“Dwop me off.”

He lowered his head and said that.

Right now, he is resting on my lap as I hug his waist. He must have

not like this.

But I refused immediately.

“No, it’s dangerous. You’ll be in trouble if you fall.”

Although the imperial carriage was larger and more stable than other
carriages, it still rattled a lot compared to cars in modern times.

Also, the carriage didn’t have seat belts, so I had to hold him tightly.

“I won’t fall!”

Blake was upset.

“No, it’s really dangerous.”

“Dwon’t say that!”

He struggled angrily to get out of my arms. At that moment, the
carriage rattled as Blake’s body tilted forward.


I was also surprised and hugged Blake’s waist tighter.

“See, I said no. You need to be a good boy.”

Blake rolled up his small finger and clenched his fist.



“It’s unfwair!”


I barely understood what he said and nodded.

“What’s so unfair?”

“Instwead of a day, I should’ve changed Eunhan fow a month!”

He vented his anger by saying unknown things. What happened to



The royal villa was like a small castle.

I wanted to look around the villa, but I decided to go to bed because

it was already late at night.

Sleeping in a new place really feels like I’m on a trip.

“Blake, let’s change into pajamas.”


Unlike before, he was obedient.

“Do you want to do the buttons alone?”


Blake shook his head.

He looked so sad, I felt sorry for him but I wanted to bite his cheeks
because he looked so cute at the same time.


“Yes, Anthia is here.”

The way he called me was so cute that I teased him, Blake stared at

“Dwon’t copy me.”

“Haha, okay.”


He was still sullen and continued,

“Whese’s my right?”

As he became smaller, Blake couldn’t wear our wedding ring.

“I put it in the jewelry box.”

“Gwive it to me!”

“No, you’ll lose it.”

His shoulders drooped. I felt sorry for him, but if I give it to him now,
he’ll really lose it.

“Aren’t you tired? Let’s go to bed now.”


After changing to pajamas, the two of us lay side by side on the bed.
It was a little smaller than our bed, but it was enough.

My Blake’s gotten really small. I also prepared a special small pillow

for him.

He sighed deeply looking at the ceiling.

I still can’t believe this bizarre situation.

Whenever Blake sighed, his plump cheeks would bounce cutely.

It was so cute that I immediately grabbed both of his cheeks.

Blake looked at me in astonishment. He looked shocked.

Is that so shocking?

“Sorry. You’re so cute.”

“I’m gwoing to sleep!”

Blake moved his body to the other side. It looks like he’s sulking.

I teased him too much today.

But his back was so small that I laughed again.

‘No, no, no. If I tease him more here, he might cry.’

I gently patted him on the back, suppressing my urge to tease him.

“Good night, my baby.”

I was going to sing a lullaby, but he turned around.

“I’m not a baby!”

No, I’m not trying to tease him. I just wanted to sing him a lullaby…

I laughed as I tried to explain.

When we were young, he also got mad when I wanted to sing him a
lullaby. It really reminds me of the old days.

Instead of explaining, I hugged Blake tightly.


Blake puffed up his cheeks, but soon fell asleep in my arms.

I grinned and carefully caressed Blake’s cheeks which had no scars

and curses now.


Blake sighed with melancholy as soon as he woke up.

“Blake, what’s wrong?”

“I’m not back.”

“He said you’d be like this for a month.”

I rubbed his chubby cheeks with my thumb. It was so cute to see him
a little puffy after waking up.

“I ownly turned him fow a day. It’s unfair…” (I only turned him for a
day. It’s unfair…)

He said something I didn’t understand again.

“Blake, why don’t you apologize if you want to go back to normal?”


He shouted firmly.

I guess he hated apologizing more than being a child.

Well, it was his choice, but I felt sorry to see him so sad.

“Blake, shall we go out?”


“Yes, it’s our first trip. Let’s have fun.”

When I was Rose, we camped together, but it didn’t feel like a trip.

Blake smiled back as if he liked the word “first trip.”

“Yes! Let’s go! Let’s go!”

Seeing him excited, he looked like a child.

It was 100 times cuter for him to smile like this than to have a gloomy

“Yes, let’s go!”

I smiled broadly and hugged Blake. I have to change into my outdoor

clothes first.


It was a secret that Blake became smaller and that we came here.

We changed into simple clothes and went down to the square near
the villa.
It was not as wide and vibrant as the capital square, but it was lively.

Blake failed to button up again today. This time it wasn’t a pearl

button, it was a normal button.

He was sad for a while, but fortunately, he seemed happy when he

saw the scenery of the square.

“How old are you. Three years old?


Blake said coldly.

“Oh my, you speak so well. You must be four.”


The auntie smiled and praised him, but Blake was silent.

“But what’s your relationship? Your nephew?

“I’m not hew nephew!”

Blake flared up and added,

“We’re a cwoupl—.”

I quickly replied, covering Blake’s mouth in a hurry.

“My younger sibling.”

“Really? So that’s why both of you are so beautiful. Your parents

must be happy.”

“Haha, but he’s not a girl.”

In this situation, I only said that he was younger than me, but he
looked so beautiful that she must’ve thought he’s a girl.
“Oh, really? He was so pretty that I thought he was a girl. Child, I’m


The lady apologized, but Blake shut his mouth.

Then a child came out of the store.

“Oh! Mom, who is it?”

A boy, who looked about five years old, ran quickly pointing to Blake.

He looked like a very healthy and brave child.

“He’s the customer’s younger brother. Pretty, huh?

“Yes! Pretty!”

The child smiled broadly and kissed Blake on the cheek.


Blake hardened, and I was surprised.

“Oh my! Coby, what are you doing!”

The auntie shouted at her son in surprise.

But Coby smiled brightly.

“I’m going to marry her!”

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Side Story 5 – Blake has become smaller (5)

TL: Zimming

After we got out of the fruit store, we went back to the villa.

Blake’s expression was gloomy.

“My Blake has received a wedding proposal huh?”

When I told him a joke to warm up the atmosphere, he burst into



“I’m sorry. I’ll protect Blake next time.

I didn’t know that the child would kiss him so suddenly. Kids are so
unpredictable these days…

“That’s not why I’m angwy.”

“It’s not?”

“Yes, it’s only a cwild.”

Blake twirls the cherries in his hand.

The fruit store auntie said she was sorry and gave it to him.

“Then why are you angry?”

When I asked, he was silent for a moment, then slowly opened his

“Am I youw younger sibling?” (Am I your younger sibling?)

He must be upset that I said he’s my younger sibling. But…

“Then what do I say? We can’t call them we’re husband and wife.”

“Why can’t you tell them that I’m youw husband?!”

Blake raised his voice.

“But I can’t say that I’m married to a baby.”


He turned and looked at me. He looked shocked when I said the

obvious thing.

Then the carriage rattled.

“Blake, sit properly because it’s dangerous.”

I made him sit on my lap first.


Blake sighed loudly without saying a word. His plump cheeks rose
up and went down cutely.


“I’ll make you a delicious dish with the ingredients we bought in the

“I’ll hwelp you too!”

Blake’s eyes twinkled. I felt relieved to see him excited again.

Is it because he had a child’s body? He was quickly sad by small
things like he was really a child, but he was also quick to forget his

“No, it’s dangerous.”

“It’s okay! I can do it! I helped you a wot when we wewe young!” (It’s
okay! I can do it! I helped you a lot when we were young!)

“You’re much younger now.”

He’s way younger than before when we met for the first time.

“I’m not young! Just smaw!” (I’m not young! Just small!)

“But your body can’t handle it. I’ll make you something delicious
soon, so just wait a little bit.”

I stroked his fluffy hair and looked at Edon.

And then Edon comes quickly to Blake’s side.

“Your Highness, let’s go this way.”


He followed Edon with a sullen expression.


Blake flopped down on the chair.

The knights were around Blake, as he laid down on the grass.


“Oh my god.”
The knights’ eyes twinkled. They couldn’t bear to see the cuteness of
their small master.

Blake remained close to Ancia, so they didn’t have a chance to look

at the little master.

They thought he was cute when they saw him while guarding at a
distance, but it was even more cute to see him this close.

“His Highness is so cute.”

“That’s right. Very cute.”

Everyone was admiring his cuteness but Jayden reacted a little

differently than them.

It didn’t look so good to see the distracted men huddled together

while admiring his master.

No matter how small and young he became, he could only see the
fierce master in front of him.

Moreover, Blake’s expression was cold when everyone said he was


‘This is disturbing.’

Jayden took a step away and watched the situation, as Blake


“Don’t say I’m cute!”

“But you’re the cutest child I’ve ever seen!”

“I awready know that! You think I don’t know?”

When Blake spoke so confidently, the knights were surprised.

But he didn’t care and continued.

“You cwan’t say I’m cute from now on! If you do it again, you’ll be

Blake declared. However, the knights only held back their laughter at
their small master, who spoke confidently with a small body.

“It’s twue!” (It’s true!)

Blake once again warned.

“Yes, sir.”

“Would you like to play with us?”

“Your Highness, what do you want to play?”

“I don’t want to pway! Am I a kid?!”

Blake vented his anger, but the more he did, the more the knights
couldn’t hold his laughter.

Jayden watched the scene with a pale face. He’ll be back in a

month, aren’t they afraid?

Then Edon, who was next to Blake, approached Jayden.


“Yes, sir.”

“You look pale. Are you sick?”

“N, no.”

He shook his head.

“But why are you standing so far away?”

“No, I’m just a little fascinated.”


“His Highness had a different appearance when he was young. You

know exactly why.”

Blake was cursed when he was young. He was despised by

everyone and confined to his palace because of his appearance.
Even though now the curse was lifted, the scars from that time would
have remained, but he was unfazed by the sudden attention.

“It’s all thanks to Her Highness.”

Edon smiled happily at Blake who was surrounded by the knights.

“Her Highness?”

“Yes, because she praised him every day.”

As a child, Blake considered himself a monster. But it has changed

since he met Ancia.

Ancia told Blake every day that he’s beautiful and not a monster.
After that, the darkness that had deeply settled in his mind
disappeared gradually.

Edon smiled vaguely as he recalled those days.

“I’m not a baby!”

In the meantime, Blake was still protesting against the knights.


“Blake, you should eat fried mushrooms too.”

Blake shut his mouth and shook his head.

He became even more picky than before.

“You need to eat it, if you don’t you won’t grow.”

“I’m already an adult!”

Blake was upset.

It seems that he was always angry as he got smaller. However, he

was so cute that I wanted to keep teasing him.

“Have some beans too. You need to eat beans if you don’t want to
keep being small like beans.”


Blake put down the spoon with a teary face. Was I too harsh?


“I won’t eat it!”


“I’m not gwoing to eat it…”

“Then shall we have peaches for dessert?”

“I hate peaches!”

Did he hate peaches that much? Oh right!

“You need to grow up a little bit more if you want me to lift your

“I have grown up already!”

“You should be much bigger than a chestnut.”

“No, wait, you look more like a peach.”


When he was a child, Blake did not like chestnuts and peaches since
I said that.

I was going to convince him this time, but I unintentionally teased

him again.

“I’ll go back!”

Blake came down from the chair.


“I’ll go back alone!”

He went outside after saying that.

I tried to follow Blake from behind, but Edon dissuaded me.

“I’ll follow him, Your Highness.”


I looked at Blake’s back as he stomped with his short legs.


“Dwon’t follow me! I’ll go back alone!”

Blake ran to the hall while shouting at Edon.

“Sir, what’s the matter?”

After hearing the crown prince’s voice, Jayden rushed up to Edon

and asked him.
Then Edon explained the situation with a serious face.

“…he’s sulking.”

“I see…”

Jayden was speechless and shut his mouth tightly.

Anyway, it was their duty to escort the young prince.

No one would dare break into the royal villa, but they could not leave
Blake alone.

They secretly followed Blake.

If it were Blake’s usual self, he would have noticed it soon, but now
he was only a child.

Blake headed to the stable.


He approached Josh, his favorite white horse.

Josh stared at its owner strangely who had changed overnight.

However, it felt the power of light from Blake’s body as it finally

recognized him.

Blake hugged Josh tightly.

“Josh, I’m so sad twoday.”

After Ancia was gone, Blake felt sorrow and loneliness. However,
there were times when sadness and pain were overwhelming to him.

When he experienced it, he would tell Josh how he felt like he did
“Anthia tweated me like a baby.” (Ancia treated me like a baby.)


Josh cried as if he understood what he was saying.

“She said that I’m hew sibling.”


“She also said I was smaw like a bean.” (She also said I was small
like a bean.)

Blake complained to Josh about what happened today.

“How could she do that?”

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Side Story 6 – Blake has become smaller (6)

TL: Zimming

Breaking away from the pressure to speak clearly in front of Josh,

Blake told everything comfortably. Thanks to this, his pronunciation
became worse.

“I’m swo ashamed of myself.”

He stomped and sigh, then the voice of a young man was heard
from behind him.

“Ah, cute…”

Blake was startled and looked back at the sound.

“Who awe you!”

Edon and Jayden, who were hiding and watching Blake, walked out.

“Have you heawd evewything?” (Have you heard everything?)

The two nodded at Blake’s question. At that moment, Blake’s face

flushed red.



When I heard that Blake was crying, I hurried downstairs.


Then the crying Blake came into my arms.

“Blake, why are you crying? What’s going on?”

“The two men swanderes me.” (The two men slandered me.)

Blake said while crying sadly. I could barely understand what he


“What’s going on?”

I asked Edon and Jayden who were standing next to me.


The two men took a look at Blake. Is it difficult to explain?

“Blake, let’s go into the room first.”

I sent the crying Blake to the bedroom and heard from the two.

“So you were watching Blake in the stable, and you said he was

“Yes, only that.”

Edon glanced at Jayden.

Then he lowered his head.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t understand why the people made a fuss about him
at first, but I kept looking at him and I thought he’s so cute.”

“Don’t make excuses! I was barely holding it in but you said it out
loud first!”
Edon being angry now seems a little weird….

Anyway, it was fortunate that nothing important happened.

“But did you see Blake talking to Josh alone? You should have called
me if that happened!”

I didn’t know he was complaining to a horse after leaving angrily.

How cute was he? If Jayden couldn’t stand it and said he was cute,
he would have been really cute.

“I want to see Blake’s cute side too!”

“…Is that a problem?”

Jayden was rather absurd. But this was a very important problem.

“If that happens in the future, make sure to call me!”


I made a personal request to them and went back to the bedroom.

Whatever the reason, Blake was crying and I couldn’t leave him

As I entered the room, I saw a bulging blanket instead of Blake.

“Sniff, sniff…”

Blake was crying sadly with his blanket over him.

Every time he sobbed, the blanket went up and down a little.

It was heartbreaking to see that little body crying. Even if the reason
is only because he was embarrassed to be caught complaining to
the horse.

His body trembled when I grabbed the blanket.



“I’ll be alone.”

“Well, should I go out?”


Blake whined when I said that. I think he didn’t want me to go out.

I smiled and tried to take off his blanket. Blake then grabbed the
blanket to his side.

But his little finger didn’t have any strength, so it came off so easily.

“I twold you not to! But you took it off!”

Blake then protested.

His habit of omitting vague sentences started again…

But seeing the tears dripping from his big eyes, it seems like he
didn’t say it unintentionally.

I just wanted to hug him.

“Blake, why are you crying?”

I hugged him and asked.

“They’ve swendered me.” (They’ve slandered me.)

“It’s unintentional, it’s because you’re cute.”

I tried to comfort him, but Blake burst into tears.


“Why are you crying?”

“I dwon’t want to be cute to Anthia.” (I don’t want to be cute to


It’s even more cuter to cry after saying that.

But I desperately held back the smile on my lips.

“You’re a crybaby.”

“I’m not.”

“You are.”

“No, it’s bwecause of Baekhan.”

“Yes, yes okay. My husband is not a crybaby.”

I patted Blake’s back. Then Blake looked up at me.

“I’m Anthia’s husband right?”

“Of course, my husband is Blake.”

I tapped Blake’s chubby cheeks.


Then, he smiled as if he had never cried. He’s really like a child…

“Are you upset today?”


He nodded his head.

“I’m sorry. I was too excited to see you when you’re young, so I
teased you a lot.”

“Do ywo like me getting smawwer? Does Anthia want me to stay

smaw? You don’t like big ones?” (Do you like me getting smaller?
Does Ancia want me to stay small? You don’t like big ones?)

Blake’s expression quickly became sad.

“Why do you think so?”

“Anthia likes cute things.”

I said I like cute things when we were young, but did he still have
that in mind?

He must have thought that I like the cute Blake more than the grown
up Blake, so every time I said that he was cute, he must have a hard

I smiled and hugged Blake tightly.

“That’s not it, I like Blake no matter what you look like.”

“M, me?”

“I like my husband very much. I like you whether you’re cute or cool.”


His face flushed red. His eyes are puffy from crying and his cheeks
are red, so he looks like a ripe apple.

“And I haven’t seen Blake when you were this young. I know
everything about you, but I want to see it with my own eyes.”

I want to know everything about Blake.

It was an unexpected situation, but I was happy to see Blake when
he was very young.

I swept his hair gently. Then Blake smiled.

I guess this is a complete relief.

“Me too! I want to see Anthia when you wewe young!”

(Me too! I want to see Ancia when you were young!)

Umm…if I was the one younger…

“Bwaike! Bwaike!”

“Haha, Ancia, you can’t even pronounce your husband’s name?”

It was noticeable that my tongue will be shorter and I couldn’t even

say “Blake” properly, I will be teased by my groom.

Oh, no. I hate it.

It was terrible just imagining it.

“I’m not going to change. I won’t make Baekhan angry, I’ll also
apologize right away.”

I quickly kissed Blake on the cheek and gave him a necklace.

“Oh! My ring!”

He smiled broadly at the wedding ring hung on the necklace.

“Did you do it fow me?”

“Yes, you should have your wedding ring as well.”

“Thank you wife!”

Blake looked at the ring and was as happy as a child. No, he’s a real

“Anthia, I love you!”

Blake clasped my hand with his small ones. I gave him a big hug.

It was a night of tears and laughter.


“Your Highness, you are wonderful!”

“You look so majestic while you’re walking.”

When the news broke that Blake cried last night, the knights were
anxious to appease their little master.

They began praising Blake’s every move in the morning.

While he was walking with his short legs, Blake glared at them.

Then the knights quickly fired the next compliment.

“Your eyes look so magnificent too!”

Unlike their words, however, their expression was like an uncle who
thought the child was so cute.


“We really mean it though…”

“Just say that I’m cute.”

“N, no!”

The knights shook their heads in a hurry. Everyone was told that he
shed tears after hearing that he was cute.
They were also told so by Edon. He said, ‘It is forbidden to say that
he is cute for the month.’

“Your Highness is very wonderful!”

“Yes! Indeed!”

“Enough, you can be honest with me. What am I syupposed to do

fow being cute?” (Enough, you can be honest with me. What am I
supposed to do for being cute?)

Blake said as if he was annoyed.

He was worried about this when he was younger.

Does my wife like cute people? What if she doesn’t like me when I
grew older?

There were also cute men even though they are an adult, but not

What if she doesn’t like him who has changed so much?

He kept feeling depressed thinking about it, but he was worried for

Blake grinned as he looked at the ring necklace Ancia had hung on

his neck.

His wife said she loves him no matter how his appearance is. She’s
just happy to see him.

If Ancia had become younger, he would have felt the same way.

So it didn’t matter now.

He wasn’t interested in any other person than Ancia anyway.

“Can I really say you’re cute?”

“Whatevew.” (Whatever.)

The knights cheered when they received their master’s consent. And
they hugged Blake.

“So cute!”

“You look so cute when you walk!”

“You’re so cite while talking too!”

“Let go! I dwidn’t tell you to hug me!”

Blake, who was hugged by the knights, shouted. The knights put
Blake down, but in the meantime, there was constant praise for his

Blake regretted allowing it, but it was too late.

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Side Story 7 – Blake has become smaller (7)

TL: Zimming

I decided to make sujebi* today.

*Sujebi is a Korean traditional soup consisting of dough flakes

roughly torn by hand, with various vegetables.

I made one extra cauldron, and it was brought here. There is also a
furnace, now I can cook with the cauldron.

“Blake, I’m going to put this dough on top of it. Can you do it?”

“Yes, I can do it!”

Blake seems to be happier, but I allowed him to help me cook

because it’s not good to treat him as a child too much.

But because the fire is dangerous, he could help me with easier



Blake was so excited that he ripped off the dough.

He didn’t do a good job, the size was a mess.

But I’m more happy to see Blake’s like this.

I patted Blake’s head.

“Blake, good job.”

“I did a good job?”

Blake’s eyes twinkled.

“Yes, very good.”

“That’s right, Your Highness, you’re so brilliant!”

“You’re so skillfull.”

Melissa and Terry made a fuss and complimented him.

Hans and Chelsea are taking a video of Blake. They were smiling
and focused like parents who were filming kindergarten shows.

Tenstheon couldn’t come because of work, but in fact, he’d rather be

with Blake than anyone else.

So I was going to show the video to Tenstheon.

“Wow, are you done already? Now I’m going to put it in the soup.”

I put Blake’s dough into the broth.

The sujebi I boiled in a cauldron has been completed.

It would be delicious to sit around the cauldron and eat it on the floor,
but then my Blake might catch a cold.

Me and Blake went into the dining room.

“It’s hot, so be careful.”

“Yes! Ah hot!”

As soon as he put the sujebi on his mouth, he was surprised and let
it out again. I was surprised too.
“That’s why I said to be careful.”

I scooped the sujebi with a spoon and blew it.

“Here, ah—“

When I gave him sujebi, which was a little bit cooled, he hesitated a
little bit. But soon opened his mouth.


He smiled broadly as soon as he ate sujebi.


“Yes! It’s mowe dwelicious because Anthia made it!” (Yes! It’s more
delicious because Ancia made it!)

“No, it’s delicious because Blake made it.”

I poked his plump cheek lightly.


Blake smiled innocently.

Ah, I became energized just by looking at his smile.

No matter how much I think about it, my Blake is the cutest in the
world. Small or big, he’s the same.

I smiled happily and fed Blake the sujebi.

I thought the piece of sujebi seemed too big for Blake, but fortunately
it fit his mouth perfectly.

How can he eat so well? Just looking at him eating makes me feel
“Anthia eat too.”


“Wife, eat a lot.”


I started eating with a big smile.

I was about to have dessert after finishing my meal, but Melissa

rushed inside.

“Melissa, what’s the matter?”

“His Majesty is here.”


Blake and I looked at each other in surprise.


Me and Blake hurried outside.


“Youw Majesty…”

Tenstheon indeed came.

“Ancia, is everything all right?”

“Yes, but what brings you here?”

“I want to take a break after a long time.”

He looked at Blake while saying so.

Tenstheon has never been on vacation or travel since he was
crowned emperor. Resting is an excuse and he’s worried about



Tenstheon and Blake looked at each other in the eye. But before
Tenstheon started to talk to him, Blake looked at the ground and
avoided his gaze.

It was more awkward than usual.

Then Tenstheon lifted Blake up.

Good job, father! You did a great job!

I was about to shout “Father, nice shot!” as Tenstheon tapped

Blake’s stomach.

“You have a big belly.”


Oh my god, I feel like he’ll be upset because he worked so hard to

make abs since he was young.

I’ve been teasing Blake lately, but I’ve never said anything about his

It was something that shouldn’t be said. As soon as Tenstheon

started the conversation, Blake cut him off.

“You must’ve a lot of meals…”

“Let go! Let go!”

Tenstheon tried to continue asking if he had eaten, but of course he
couldn’t do it properly.

Blake struggled, Tenstheon was surprised and put him down.

It seems that the relationship between the two has become further
apart than it was seven years ago, or eight years ago.


Tenstheon seemed to have done his job in a hurry for Blake before
coming to the villa.

He has been working nonstop since he was crowned. I’m sure he

made a huge decision.

Therefore, I expected that this incident could lead to a change

between their relationship.

However, the reality was not as great as I thought.

“Wife, this is good. Try it.”

“Yes, thank you.”

“Ancia, try this,”

“Yes, father.”

He came to the villa from the palace, but there was no dialogue
between Blake and Tenstheon.

Even during mealtime, they only talked to me, and didn’t

communicate with each other.

When the meal time was over, Tenstheon was stuck in the library to
Recently, Blake was in charge of some political affairs. But since he
suddenly couldn’t work, Tenstheon had more work to do than usual.

“Blake, why don’t you bring your father some refreshments?”

If Blake gives the tea to him, Tenstheon will love it. But he said,

“Me? I don’t want to…”

He’s a very friendly person, but sometimes he’s surprisingly cold.

Anyway, Blake was on my side all day. He did not want to visit nor
talk to Tenstheon first.

Far from showing interest in Tenstheon, rather…

“How long will His Majesty be hewe? Awen’t Siw Collin busy alone?”
(How long will His Majesty be here? Aren’t Sir Collin busy working

He seemed to secretly hope that Tenstheon would leave. He’s not

usually outspoken, but he didn’t hide his feelings because he
became a child.

“Blake, you don’t like being with father?”

“Yes, I spend less time with my wife.”

“We’re together all the time except for mealtime.”

“I want it to be jwust the two of us.” (I want it to be just the two of us.)

He came towards me and hugged me. I gave him a big hug as well.

I wanted to be with Blake too. However, knowing about their

relationship, I couldn’t stay still. I had to come up with something to
help them.

“Blake, I’ll be back.”

“I’m cwoming with you.”

Blake clung to me when I said I’d go to the capital.

“Anthia, it’s dwangerous alone.” (Ancia it’s dangerous alone.)

What is he talking about?

I decided to go out of the villa for a while to give time for Blake and

“I need to go back to the capital. You stay with father for a while.”


Blake was sullen and lowered his head. I don’t know if it’s because
I’m away or because he doesn’t like being with father.

“I’m only going out for one night.”


I rubbed his plump cheeks and looked at Tensteon.

“Father, I’ll be back.”

“Be careful.”


When Ancia left, there was an awkward atmosphere between Blake

and Tenstheon.

Breaking the silence, Edon says,

“Your Highness, do you want to go with me?”


Blake nodded as if he had waited.

Edon, who had been with him since childhood, was much more
comfortable than Tenstheon.

“Do you want me to carry you?”


“Then give me your hand.”

“No, I can walk alone.”

“But it’s still dangerous. If you fall, Her Highness will be worried.”


Blake nodded and held Edon’s hand. It seemed that if a stranger

saw it, they would think that Edon is Blake’s father, not Tenstheon.

“Your Majesty, we will serve His Highness.”

Edon spoke politely, and Tenstheon gave Blake a big hug.


Blake, who was being hugged tightly by Tenstheon shouted.

Tenstheon said,

“I’ll go with you.”

Sign in

Side Story 8 – Blake has become smaller (8)

TL: Zimming

The knights at the place was surprised when Blake and Tenstheon
came together as they hurriedly greeted them.

Blake’s face, who was being held by Tenstheon was red,

Blake was often in someone else’s arms after turning into a child, but
he seemed uncomfortable being in Tenstheon’s arms.

Blake ran to the knights as soon as Tenstheon put him down.

Tenstheon looked at his son without saying a word. The knights

looked at the emperor’s disappointed expression.

“Don’t mind me, do as you normally do.”

Tenstheon sat on a chair on the other side of the room.

It was the emperor watching them, it’s the great Tenstheon that was
recognized throughout the country.

They couldn’t help but pay attention even if he said to not mind him.

“Lwet’s go.” (Let’s go.)

Everyone glanced at Tenstheon’s, and Blake pulled Edon’s sleeve.

Blake wanted to be as far away from his father as possible.

The knights opened their eyes to the little master’s small whisper.

“Your Highness, where shall we go?”

The knights were captivated by Blake’s cuteness rather than their

fear of the emperor.

In addition, the knight’s were to serve the crown prince. It was their
job to put Blake as the priority, not Tenstheon.

The knights surround Blake with twinkling eyes.

Then, Tenstheon said,

“It’s dangerous. Don’t go anywhere. Stay here.”

“Oh, yes, Your Majesty.”

Of course, even then, the emperor’s order could not be ignored. The
knights lowered their heads at Tenstheon’s words.

Blake was sullen when he missed the chance to run away. Then the
knight Alex sneaked in and gave him a present.

“Your Highness, take this.”


Blake’s eyes grew bigger when he saw the gift. It was a small
wooden sword.

Blake wanted to do sword training. But the sword was too big and
heavy for him.

So he was sullen. Alex made a small, light wooden sword just right
for Blake’s body.

“Awlex! Thank you!” (Alex! Thank you!)

“Don’t mention it.”


Blake grinned as he drew a sword in the air. It was a genuine smile

that he did not show easily.

Alex smiled proudly. But other knights were seething with jealousy.

‘He’s the only one praised by the crown prince!’

‘I was going to give him a present first, but he beat me’

Alex flinched at the sight of the jealous knights. Blake swung the
sword without caring about other people’s reactions.

How long has it been since he held a sword?

Blake worked even harder on swordsmanship after Ancia

disappeared in the valley of chaos.

He had never taken the sword off his hand since that day. However,
after his body became smaller, he could not hold a sword at all.

It was awkward to hold the sword after a long time. In addition, his
small body, which was hard to control, did not move at his will.

Blake held the sword together with his small hand, and the sword
slipped out of his hand.


Blake looked up in surprise.

Then, Tenstheon was seen holding his own wooden sword.

“Youw Majesty…” (Your Majesty…)

Did he tried to teach him swordsmanship like he did when Blake was
a kid?

Although it was a short period of time, the memory of learning the

sword from Tenstheon remained as a good memory for Blake.

Blake looked at Tenstheon with anticipation. However, Tenstheon’s

words were completely different from Blake’s expectations.

“It’s dangerous.”

Tenstheon took the sword.

Right now, Blake’s body was too small and thin. It was dangerous to
swing a sword.

“I’ll take this. Edon.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Just play ball with the prince.”


Tenstheon had him bring the ball he had prepared.

Before Blake was cursed, he loved playing ball.

Tenstheon smiled remembering those days. But as soon as he sat

down again, he heard Blake’s voice.

“No! I dwon’t like this! I’m not a baby!” (No, I don’t like this! I’m not a

Blake sulked and threw the ball out of the chimney.

“Your Highness!”
The knights followed him in surprise. However, the person who was
more surprised than anyone else was Tenstheon.



“Is there anything you’re worried about, Your Highness?”

I sighed as Chelsea asked me.

“I wonder how my Blake is.”

I purposely went out so that Blake and Tenstheon had time to be

together, but I was worried about him.

“The knights are guarding him. His Majesty is also there. There
would be no problem.”

“I guess so…”

If he’s with Tenstheon, he’ll naturally take care of Blake, and they
might get a little closer.

“Of course. So take a good rest today. You’ve had a hard time taking
care of His Highness.”

“It’s not hard! I like it so much!”

Just looking at my cute and nice Blake heals me.

“Do you like His Highness that much?”

“Yes! I already miss him…”

I was just away for a while, but I missed him already.

It won’t be long before he gets back to normal. Of course, I like him

whatever his form is, but I wanted to cherish every moment with the
small Blake now.

Chelsea looked at me and said firmly,

“You can’t. It’s not even long ago but now you’re already looking for
your husband! Forget everything and take a good rest at the hotel

I was now in a hotel run by a Chelsea family. I was planning to stay

here for a night today.

When I saw the peach tart dessert, I thought of Blake again.

“My Blake hates peaches…”

“Does it remind you of Blake?”


My Blake would have hated it if he saw it.

He would have looked so cute.

“I miss him.”

Chelsea shook her head as I sighed again.

“Your Highness, you’re getting married soon.”

“We’re already married but…”

“You’re reporting it to the church this time. If that happens, it’s over.
You can’t get out anymore.”

Chelsea spoke with a very serious face. But it was a useless worry.

“I have no intention of escaping.”

Chelsea seemed to be speechless for a moment, but soon continued
with a grim look on her face.

“If you have a formal wedding this time, the Crown Prince will never
let you go. He’ll be chasing you from morning till you sleep!”

“That can’t be true.”

What does Chelsea think of Blake?

Chelsea was too absorbed to hear my answer.

“Of course it’s true! You can’t be alone like this from now on. His
Highness has gotten smaller today, so he couldn’t chase you. This
could be your last night alone. You should enjoy it!”

“I, is that so?”

I didn’t imagine it because I didn’t intend to leave in the first place,

but when she said I would be alone for just one day today, I think I
should enjoy it.

“Yes! You won’t have a chance unless it’s today! Forget the Crown
Prince today, put down your responsibility and enjoy!”


I nodded at Chelsea’s words.

Right, Blake must be getting along with his father. I’ll forget
everything and rest today.

I put the sweet peach tart in my mouth, looking at the beautiful view
outside the window.

It would have been nice to come here with Blake, but I decided to
keep it a secret from Chelsea.

Blake was pouting.

After leaving the field, he wanted to go back to his room. However,

Tenstheon took Blake to his study, saying it was dangerous to be

The emperor’s study in the villa was busy with people scrambling
around working.

Tenstheon was sitting on the sofa opposite Blake and checking the

It wasn’t urgent, actually.

Ancia came to Tenstheon before she left and made a new request.
She wants him to stay with Blake no matter what.

So he stayed up all night and finished the work he needed. However,

in the awkward silence, he naturally went towards the documents.

“I’wll go” (I’ll go)

“Hmm? What did you say?”

Tenstheon didn’t understand what he was saying and asked again.

Then Blake went to the table instead of answering again. He picked
up a pen and wrote on a piece of paper.

[I want to go out.]

His handwriting was a mess but Tenstheon could read it.

After looking at the crooked handwriting for a long time, Tenstheon

spoke firmly.


Blake protested strongly.

“It’s dangerous.”

Tenstheon could not leave Blake to anyone else. Not even the

They gave the little boy a sword, and no one stopped him.

When Tenstheon spoke firmly, Blake shouted out what he had

wanted to say for hours.

“I’m bowed!” (I’m bored!)

If it was the usual Blake, he wouldn’t have said that to Tenstheon. He

could sit still for days and days instead of hours.

But Blake was influenced by his younger body.

When Blake stood up with his short legs, Tenstheon was briefly

‘Be careful…’

His son was bored.

But what should he do?

Tenstheon looked at the small Blake in front of him and thought of

his favorite children’s book. Actually, he already brought it.

But he forgot it when Blake said he didn’t like the ball.

He couldn’t play with a sword and other dangerous things. Then

what would be good?

Tenstheon thought and opened his mouth.

“Would you like to check the documents together?”

Sign in

Side Story 9 – Blake has become smaller (9)

TL: Zimming

“Would you like to check the documents together?”


Blake smiled broadly and nodded.

As Blake liked it, the corners of Tenstheon’s mouth naturally turned

up. But the smile didn’t last long.

“I’ll show them what I used to do! I’ll put them in jail!”

“Thwey must be wiped out!”

(They must be wiped out.)

“I’ll get back at them! I’ll teaw their limbs to pieces and kwill them!”

(I’ll get back at them! I’ll tear their limbs to pieces and kill them!)

It was a document about the crimes and punishments of nobles from

all over the country

There was nothing wrong with Blake’s words, but seeing him spitting
out such words as a child, Tenstheon felt like he had made Blake do
something terrible.

“You’d better stop.”


Blake protested, but Tenstheon cleared the papers in front of him.

“Stop it.”

Blake, who had been happy working for the first time in a long time,
was suddenly robbed of his papers.

He quietly got off the sofa without further protest.

“Blake, where are you going?”

“Just walk.”

“Let’s go together.”

Tenstheon followed Blake.

“No need.”

“But it’s still dangerous..”

“I’m nwot a real kid!” (I’m not a real kid!)


When Blake screams, Tenstheon pauses.

“It was mowe dangewous back then. If you were so worried, ypu
shwouldn’t have abandon me.” (It was more dangerous back then. If
you were so worried, you shouldn’t have abandon me.)

There was sorrow in his voice. It was the first time that Blake himself
brought up a story of the time when he was cursed.

Blake bit his lips and went outside. Tenstheon couldn’t follow him.

Blake walked in the garden alone, forcing the knights and servants
not to follow him.

‘Why did I do that…what’s wrong with me? I’m not a kid.’

He regretted what he had said and covered his head with his small

But then he heard a child’s voice.

“Oh! It’s my wife!”

Wife? What do you mean? Besides, this voice is…!

Blake looked up in surprise. As expected, Coby was running toward


“I’m alwready married!”

When Blake refuted, Coby raised his fingers to his mouth.

He smiled as if it was cute seeing a child lie.


Blake shut his mouth without refuting.

He was a child anyway. There is no reason to argue with the utmost

effort. He doesn’t think he’ll hear it even if he says it anyway.

In addition, he hurt his pride because he couldn’t pronounce better

than him.

“But how dwid you get hewe?” (But how did you get here?)

When Blake asked, Coby beckoned with embarrassment.

“Come here.”
Blake followed Coby. Then Coby cleaned up the lush grass under
the high wall and showed the hole under it.

It was a historical royal villa, but it had been left unused since
Tenstheon took the throne. As a result, it was not properly managed.

“Dwid you find it youwself?” (Did you find it yourself?)

“Yes, I’m great, right?”

Blake was amazed to see the proud Coby.

What should he do with this guy who is proud of invading the royal

“Where awe youw parents?” (Where are your parents?)

“I don’t know!”

Coby turned his head. Did that guy also fight with his parents…?

“Lwet’s go.” (Let’s go.)

“Where to?”

“I’ll take you home.”

Blake was going to tell the knights, but he just decided to just take
him home.

If he tells the knights, he’ll definitely get in big trouble.

Of course, if it were just him and Ancia, he would have been sent
back with moderate admonition, but Tenstheon was strict with rules
and laws. So he might punish him.

If this is known, he could have severely punished Coby’s family as

Blake didn’t want the case to get bigger.

Besides, his mind was a mess, so he wanted to go out for a while.

He’s going out for a while, but it’ll be okay. He’s not even a real kid.


Blake came out of the villa with Coby through a hole.

He asked Coby to show him the way. However, Coby only circled the
alley near the square. Blake felt like it was on purpose.

Blake asked impatiently.

“Whewe is youw house?” (Where is your house?)

“I don’t know.”

“Say it.”


Coby pouted.

“Youw parents awe worried.” (Your parents are worried.)

“Mom hates me!”

“What happened?”

Blake asked with anxiety.

“Mom only likes my brother! She bought him a sword, but not me!”

“Becwause youwe young.” (Because you’re young.)

“I’m not young! I’m all grown up! I’ll be a knight!”

“She also doesn’t let me eat candy! She’s telling me to eat fruits! I
want candy, not strawberries!”


Blake was worried that there might be some reason, but it was only
obvious that he grew up with love from his parents.

“Don’t tell me if ywo don’t like it. Gwo back and tell them.” (Don’t tell
me if you don’t like it. Go back and tell them.)

Blake decided to go to Coby mother’s fruit shop.

It’s deep in the alley, but we could find it quickly if we went to the
center of the square.

“I don’t want to go. Let’s just hang out.”

“No, youw parents would be worried.” (No, your parents would be


Blake spoke firmly to Coby, who was grumbling.

“Ck, I want to play with you.”

Unlike Coby, Blake didn’t have the slightest desire to play with a real

By the way, the child had good physical strength. It was not enough
to hide in the royal villa, even though we circled the alley, he didn’t
show any signs of fatigue.

“I’wll give you a sword, so go back.” (I’ll give you a sword, go back.)

“Are you going to give me a sword?”

Blake said to Coby, whose eyes were twinkling.

“Yes wooden sword.”

“Ck. I like a real sword.”

Coby grumbled. He looks only six years at most but he wanted a real
sword. That’s why his parents are against it.

“You cwan’t use a real sword. The one who’ll be in danger is youw
opponent, not you.” (You can’t use a real sword. The one who’ll be in
danger is your opponent, not you.)

“Wow, how do you know that?”


Listening to Coby, Blake recalled his childhood.

“It is impossible to hold a real sword in this state. You can put your
opponents in danger.”

Tenstheon had taught Blake the sword. He had a lot of fun when he
learned the sword from him.

The only time he had fun, other than with Ancia when he was

“I hweard it somewhere. Anyway, Iw’ll give you a real sword if you

pwactice hard.”

(I heard it somewhere. Anyway, I’ll give you a real sword if you

practice hard.)


Anyway, he had good stamina and was sharp enough to figure out
the holes hidden in the villa.

He had some qualities to be a knight.

If he truly tries, he might be able to support him.


As Blake nodded, Coby grinned brightly and hugged him.

“Thank you, wife!”

Blake felt the urge to cancel his offer right away. “Hey, kids are fast
these days.”

Then, a group of men appeared.

Blake looked up at them. At a glance, they looked like beggars

“That little boy looked like a rich kid.”

The man with a big scar on his face pointed at Blake and said.

“Look at the hair color and the eyes. Maybe the kid’s not just a rich
kid, he’s part of the royal family.”

As the green-haired man spoke, the person that came with him
looked at Blake with greedy eyes.

Is he a trafficker? How annoying.

Blake wrinkled his eyes.


He whispered and called his name. Then Coby, who was trembling,
replied quickly.


“I’ll stop them, you run.”

“Bu, but…”
He hesitated. He doesn’t think he can leave Blake alone. But from
Blake’s point of view, it was much more annoying for Coby to be

“Kid, do you think you can run away from us?”

The traffickers giggled. Blake pushed Coby on the back, hesitating.

“If you’we here, you’ll bother me. So go ahead.”

(If you’re here, you’ll bother me. So go ahead.)


When Blake spoke firmly, Coby nodded his head.

“Hey! Get him!”

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Side Story 10 – Blake has become smaller (10)

TL: Zimming

When Coby ran away, one of the traffickers tried to catch him, but he
tripped and fell.

Blake wrapped mana around the man’s leg.

Swordsmanship was difficult because his body was smaller, but he

could use magic. Of course, Baekhan’s power interfered with his
mana, so it was difficult for him to show his skills as usual, but it was
enough to deal with these guys.

When the attack came, they were surprised but managed to escape.

When the young child, who looked easy used magic, they looked

“What is this? He’s a mage?”

“That little boy uses magic?”

“It’s even more amazing! He has a beautiful face and power!”

“Yes, I thought it would be a little annoying because he’s part of the

Imperial family, but we can just sell him to the auction right away
without having to negotiate with his parents!”

They’re even working on a slave auction. I guess they’re not just a

neighborhood bully.
Blake stared at them and prepared for the next spell, and a man
appeared from behind holding a girl.


“Child, this sister can get hurt badly because of you. So follow us

The man smiled slyly with a knife pointed at the girl’s neck.

Blake put down his hand.


Coby kept running like a horse. It was incredibly fast as a child.

When Blake tapped him on the back, he cast a spell on him to run
away quickly.

Coby didn’t know the exact reason, but he still felt that Blake made
him run faster.

He ran in a hurry. The place that Coby was headed for was not his
house, but the royal villa where he met Blake.

The villa was on alert knowing Blake had disappeared.

“I searched the building, but I can’t see him.”

“Not even in the garden.”

The knights rushed to report to Tenstheon.

Tenstheon closed his eyes tightly. It was his fault. Whatever Blake
said, he should never leave him alone.

Where did that little kid go?

“Start the search right away.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Tenstheon and the knights went out of the villa, a child’s voice was
heard from a distance.

“Here! Help me!”

The child shouted at the Emperor.

Coby felt at a glance that he was Blake’s father.

It’s because they look alike, they’re silver hair, red eyes, and
somehow mysterious charisma.

Coby tried to run to him.

But the knights rushed to block him. He was a child who ran
strangely fast. It was suspicious. Such a child could not approach the

“Wait! It’s alright, let him in.”

Tenstheon ordered the knights.

The child looked straight at him and asked for help. He had a hunch
that he might know about Blake.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

As soon as Coby got away from the knights, he ran in front of


Edon’s eyes grew bigger as the child approached. He was the child
in the fruit shop who kissed Blake’s cheek.

“Please save me! My wife was taken away by the bad guys while
saving my life!”

“What do you mean a wife?”

Tenstheon was puzzled. Then Edon hurriedly said,

“He’s talking about the Crown Prince.”


Blake was kidnapped. Tenstheon clenched his fist.


Tenstheon and the knights went to the place where Coby said, but
Blake had already disappeared.

There were traces of Blake’s magic all over place.

Even though he used magic, he was still kidnapped.

Tenstheon’s face became coldly stiff. Edon and the knights’ facial
expressions were also grim.

“Do you remember any of them?”

“There were several people, and a man had a big scar on his face. A
long scar on the left eye! The other man had green hair! He was

When asked by Tenstheon, Coby replied calmly, not like his age.

Blake was kidnapped trying to save this child. He felt sorry and
wanted to cry because he was pathetic, but now saving Blake is the
most important thing.

When Coby told the criminals’ description, the captain of the guard
who came running after hearing the situation shouted,


“Do you know who it is?”

“Those people used to be in different part of the country. I heard they
recently disappeared, but it looks like they’ve moved their base to
this side. They’re famous for being evil, they’ll do everything to make

The captain added that they won’t hesitate to kidnap the children.


Tenstheon was even more furious. He might lose Blake again like

“Use all of the troops to find the Crown Prince.”

As soon as Tenstheon gave the order, a huge explosion sounded


“No way…”



Blake may be caught up.

Tenstheon rushed to the place where the explosion was heard. It

was a building a little far from where houses were concentrated.

Smoke was rising from the explosion inside the building.

The building which appeared to be a prison, was in chaos. People

were rushing out of the building and animals were escaping.

It seemed clear who kidnapped Blake.

Tenstheon tried to enter the building. Then the knights rushed to

block him.

“Your Majesty, it’s dangerous!”

“We’ll save the Crown Prince.”

“Get out of the way.”

Tenstheon’s voice was low. The knights could not speak any more
and stepped aside.

Tenstheon ran into the building.

The building was dark and shady. There were many prisons made
up of iron bars, and various people, including children, women, and
men who appeared to be ethnic minorities, were trapped inside.
There were even animals.

But Blake was not seen.

‘Blake, Blake…’

Tenstheon walked into the building looking for Blake.

The criminal blocked Tenstheon, but they were no match for him.

Tenstheon asked, breaking the arm of the man plastered with


“Where’s the kid you guys brought a while ago?”

“O, over there….”

The man pointed to the door at the deepest part of the building.
Tenstheon soon ran there.


Inside the room, there was an explosion and a scream.

What happened?

Tenstheon’s heart sank, and Blake’s voice was heard from inside.

Tenstheon opened the door in a hurry.

“Ah, really! You’we so annoying!”


Tenstheon was surprised by the scene in front of him.

The people were all down, as Blake was stomping on their bodies
with his feet and getting angry.


It was the complete opposite of the worst situation that came to

Tenstheon’s mind. But it was a relief.

Tenstheon was relieved and hugged Blake, who was stomping on

the people.


Blake was surprised to see Tenstheon appearing suddenly.

“Why awe you hewe?” (Why are you here?)

“What happened? Are you alright? Any injuries?”

“Ah, yes.”

Blake nodded his head.

As soon as they were in trouble, they brought another child and

threatened Blake.

They didn’t hesitate to kidnap a child. Blake was sure they weren’t
just kidnappers. That’s why he came voluntarily to the main base on
Blake guessed right.

When he came to their hideout, many people were kidnapped and


Blake made a protective barrier for each prison. He doesn’t want

them to be held hostage.

As soon as he was finished making it, he used magic to beat them


But this is a prison that kept people locked up, not a slave market.

So he was interrogating them and asking them when and where the
secret slave market was held.

“Ywo don’t have to worry even though my body is like this now.”

When Blake spoke indifferently, Tenstheon got angry.

“Why do you say that? How could I not worry!”

Blake was surprised.

Tenstheon shouted at him for the first time. But that didn’t surprise
him. Tenstheon’s hands which were hugging him were shaking.

He felt just how much Tenstheon was worried about him.

“I’m sowwy.”

Blake lowered his head.

Looking at the tired Tenstheon, he couldn’t ask why he was so


“No, it’s alright.”

Tenstheon hugged Blake tightly, and someone on the floor grabbed
him by the foot.

“Sa, save me. That boy is a monster!”

The slave dealer shouted in terror. He was only a child. But he wiped
them out with his small body.

It was something that ordinary people could never do. The slave
dealer forgot that he had kidnapped the child and proudly asked for

He was incredibly brazen.

“He’s definitely not a human being no…ahh!!!”

The slave dealer was unable to continue his speech. Tenstheon cut
off his hand.

“What are you saying?”

“Agh! S, save me…”

“My son is not a monster.”

Tenstheon’s sword pierced his body again.


Tenstheon left Blake to the knights and slaughtered the remaining

slave traders.

All those who were kidnapped by them were released as they found
out where the secret slave market was held. He also secured a list of
people who attended or traded in slave markets.

Tenstheon ordered all those involved to be taken.

After destroying the place, Tenstheon held Blake tightly and went
back to the villa.

Upon receiving a message that the Crown Prince had disappeared,

not only the guards but also the knights of the surrounding territory
were gathered.

When the Emperor returned, they lined up to greet him.

However, in the midst of greeting, the knights’ eyes were fixed on the
Crown Prince who was held by Tenstheon.

On the way here, they were already reported that the Crown Prince
accidentally became young while practicing magic. However, there
was a huge difference between listening and actually seeing him.

The knights had a hard time holding back the word ‘cute’. They were
also surprised.

This is because Tenstheon, the emperor known for his cold and
indifferent attitude, hugged his son like a precious treasure.

“Put me down pwease.” (Put me down please.)

Blake’s face flushed red.

He can’t believe he’s being held like this in front of everyone.

Blake whispered desperately to get off, but Tenstheon gave more

strength to his hand.
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Side Story 11 – Blake has become smaller (11)

TL: Zimming

‘This is the worst thing ever. This must be a dream.’

Blake stared blankly at the emperor’s bed. He couldn’t believe this

situation now.

Is he sure that he wants to sleep together with him? No way.

But Tenstheon’s words shattered Blake’s hopes.

“What are you doing? Let’s go to bed.”

He really wants to sleep with him. Blake looked at Tenstheon’s eyes.

He happened to be in his arms all day today, but he didn’t want to

sleep together as he has already grown up.

“I, I can sweep alone!” (I, I can sleep alone!)

“No, it’s dangerous.”

“It’s not dwangerous!”

“I don’t know where you’ll go again.”

“I’m not gwoing. I won’t gwo out.” (I’m not going. I won’t go out)


Tenstheon climbed onto the bed with the squirming Blake in his

“N, no!”

Blake, who was struggling to get out of his arms somehow, saw a
wound on Tenstheon’s wrist.

“Awe you huwt?” (Are you hurt?)

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Tenstheon hugged Blake and lowered the raised sleeve again. It was
a wound he got when he was moving in a hurry to find Blake.

Tenstheon did not speak directly, but Blake could guess why he was

“I’ll tweat you.” (I’ll treat you.)

Blake took his hand to the wound. Then the scar on the wrist
disappeared with the light.


“Nwo, it’s nothing.” (No. It’s nothing.)

Blake bent his head and tried to go. But Tenstheon lay in bed holding
him tightly.


Blake didn’t give up after he got up and found a way to get down.

Then he could hear Tenstheon,

“I love you.”

Tenstheon conveyed his sincerity that he had not done so far.

“I should have protected you, I’m so sorry.”

Blake looked at Tenstheon without saying a word. After a brief

silence, he shook his head.

“No, dwon’t mind what I said during the day.” (No, don’t mind what I
said before.)

To be honest, during those days, he missed Tenstheon and blamed

his father for not finding him

But now he knew.

Originally, the heir to the curse should be confined to the southern

island, but Tenstheon placed him in a separate palace instead.

To the end, Tenstheon made a tremendous effort. He was protested

by countless people, but he kept his son to the end, pretending to be
indifferent. And he wasn’t completely abandoned.

Those who were so good-natured that they did not despise the heir
to the curse were selected and sent to the Amoria Palace, Eunhan
was also asked to look after Blake before.

Above all, he could marry Ancia thanks to Tenstheon.

“I’m sworry for saying something so hwash. It wasn’t my intention.”

(I’m sorry for saying something so harsh. It wasn’t my intention.)

In the afternoon, he was so angry that his childish thoughts came


As his body becomes smaller, his thoughts also seem to have

become younger.
“No, it’s my fault. I wanted to hug you like this…I should’ve hugged

Tenstheon’s face was full of regret.

The two have been separated for too long. Too much time has
passed, without the opportunity to apologize and missing the timing.

“Blake, can you call me ‘Father’ just once?”

He looked so afraid and cautious speaking to him, unlike an emperor

who commanded the empire.

Blake glanced to Tenstheon.


It was a word that he had never said since he was cursed.

It was awkward to say it, not because he didn’t like Tenstheon or

didn’t want to admit that he is his father.

Of course, it was true that he had resentment when he was told to

call him ‘Your Majesty’ instead of ‘Father’ before he was cursed.

In addition, there was a frustration that Tenstheon could not

recognize a monster as a son who was cursed like him.

Even after he knew it wasn’t true, he couldn’t say ‘father’ like before.

Blake was so nervous that he cleared his throat. And he told




Blake was disappointed in himself.

He can’t even pronounce the easy word ‘father’ properly. It’s been a
while since he said this…

He cleared his throat just in case he made a mistake, but it didn’t


Blake’s face flushed with embarrassment.

Tenstheon, however, hugged Blake with a happy expression, as if he

didn’t care about his pronunciation.

“Thanks, son.”

He kissed Blake’s soft cheek.

He can’t believe that he kissed his grown-up son!

Blake hated it, but when he saw Tenstheon smiling brightly, he

couldn’t say no.

And maybe it’s because his body got smaller, he didn’t hate his
father’s kiss as much as he did when he was young.

Blake smiled and said once again.



And once again, he was disappointed in himself.


When I heard the news of Blake, I hurried back to the villa.

They lost Blake, but they found him right away. I received a letter
from Tenstheon that I don’t need to come back right away, but I
couldn’t take a rest in the hotel.
What happened?

How did they lose him? Are you sure he’s gonna be okay? You didn’t
lie to reassure me, did you?

On the way back, my heart felt like it was going to burst due to

“Your Highness, you’re back already?”

Melissa was surprised to hear that I had come back.

“Where’s Blake now?”

“He’s in His Majesty’s bedroom.”

I hurried to Tenstheon’s bedroom.

While walking down the hall, Melissa told me the details.

Blake and Tenstheon are said to have destroyed the place. And they
must have returned to the villa safely.

“Everyone’s safe. Don’t worry about it.”

I was relieved to hear Melissa say that, but the worries didn’t go

She said Blake had come home with Tenstheon, was it the right
choice to leave them alone?

Then he must’ve asked him to sleep with him tonight.

When I opened the door carefully, I saw Tenstheon and Blake

sleeping on the bed.

Blake, who fell asleep in the arms of Tenstheon, looked very

comfortable. There was also a peaceful smile around Tenstheon’s
When I saw the two, the corners of my mouth went up by itself.

I guess I was worried about nothing.

I closed the door quietly and went outside.


Several things happened even though I only went out for a day.

The next day, Blake called Tenstheon differently.There was only a

little problem.

“Fwa, f, nono, fwa, ther.”

He wanted to call Tensteon ‘father’. But it wasn’t easy.


He spoke one letter at a time and when he spoke quickly, Blake still
couldn’t do it.


Blake who failed again this time pouted. Tenstheon smiled brightly
seeing his son.

“That’s alright. It’s enough now.”

“Right Blake, you did a great job.”

I agreed with Tenstheon. However Blake didn’t change his


Tenstheon hugged Blake and put him on his lap.

“T, there’s Anthia hewe!” (T, There’s Ancia here!)

Blake’s face was flushed red. However, the smile did not leave
Tenstheon’s mouth.

“Blake, if ‘father’ is too hard for you, how about dad?”

No, father, are you being greedy now? How many ‘father’ have you
heard from Blake?

Oh my god. He’s doing great. You’re doing great, father!

I clapped my hands inwardly.

But Blake was embarrassed.

“No, I dwon’t want to. E, embawassing…” (No, I don’t want to. E,


Tenstheon smiled happily at Blake, whose face had heated up.

The tip of my mouth also went up.

“Blake, ah—“

When I fed him pudding for dessert, Blake opened his mouth like a
baby bird and ate it.

How can he be so cute when he chews?

“Dewicious!” (Delicious!)

“Iw’ll do it like Anthia too!” (I’ll do it like Ancia too!)

He came down from Tenstheon’s lap and came to me.

I put Blake in the chair next to me. He picked up a spoonful with his
small hand, then scooped up the lemon jam and put it in the tea.

He started stirring the spoon very fast.

After stirring all the jam, Blake shouted with a proud look,

“I stiwed as fast as Ancia!” (I stirred as fast as Ancia!)


I was silent. But Tenstheon burst into laughter.

“It’s just like Ancia.”

“Hehe, she’s as fwast as a baby.” (Hehe, she’s as fast as a baby.)

“That’s right. Ancia does it quickly.”


He doesn’t act like how a child would, he acted like Koreans!

I couldn’t explain and shut my mouth.

One problem has arisen since the relationship between the two
recovered. Whenever they have the time, they make fun of me

I pouted and then burst into laughter afterwards.

Well, actually, I can be teased.

I was so happy that Blake and Tenstheon were naturally

communicating with each other.
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Side Story 12 – Blake has become smaller (12)

TL: Zimming

After the meal, Tenstheon reached out to Blake.

“Blake, let’s go to the Phillipa Palace.”

“Yes. Anthia, I’ll be wight back.” (Yes. Ancia, I’ll be right back.)

Blake held Tenstheon’s hand and waved at me.

“Yes, good luck.”

After the incident, we returned to the palace.

It was also revealed that he had become smaller when troops were
called in to find Blake. Therefore, there is no reason to hide in the

Furthermore, the news spread throughout the empire that Blake

used his small body as a bait and destroy the slave trade.

People praised the Crown Prince, and as worried as she was, there
was no one who dared to do anything just because he became

The incident played a big role for their return to the palace.

But that’s it, I scolded Blake for his behavior.

“You’ve become a hostage on purpose, how could you do such a
dangerous thing!”

“Anthia, Anthia, are you mad at me?” (Ancia, Ancia, are you mad at

As soon as I wanted to scold him, Blake’s big eyes were filled with

“Blake, what’s wrong?”

“I’m swo sad that Anthia’s angwy.” (I’m so sad that Ancia’s angry.)

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”

I tried to scold him, but in the end, I was busy trying to appease him.

Anyway, the relationship between Tenstheon and Blake has been

restored, so it’s a good thing.

I smiled and looked at Tenstheon and Blake, holding hands tightly.


Blake sat on Tenstheon’s lap and checked the documents.

He didn’t want to look like a child in front of Ancia, but when he was
alone with Tenstheon, he didn’t care if his father treated him like a

It was awkward at first, but he quickly got used to it. Above all, this
posture is comfortable when checking documents.

Tensteon handed over the papers nicely to Blake.

“I think we can twake cawe of this.” (I think we can take care of this.)

“Yes, that’s what I thought too.”

However, since he became sulky when treated too much like a child,
he asked him to participate in political affairs for two hours a day. In
addition, there were tasks that required Blake’s confirmation.

However, harsh issues were left out in advance to prevent Blake

from encountering it.

This is not an office, but a room on the top floor of the Phillia Palace.

Recently, there have been too many people visiting the office to see
Blake in person.

Even the treasurer, famous for being indifferent and cold, apparently
wanted to come to the office.

Blake wasn’t interested in whether his servants came or not, but

Tensteon didn’t want to lose his time alone with his son. That’s why
they went up to the top floor.

“How’s Augan Tedbagger Dinessa?”

“Huh? What? What did you say?”

When Tensteon asked, Blake puffed his cheeks.

“Why can’t you undewstand me?” (Why can’t you understand me?)

Before, Blake was ashamed of not being able to pronounce well.

But after a month of being smaller, he showed a confident attitude to

his pronunciation and was blaming people for not understanding it

In addition, people from Amoria Palace understood Blake

surprisingly well.

But, isn’t this a bit too much? Is there anyone who can understand
Tensteo smiled even thought it was somewhat unreasonable. Blake
was also happy to complain to him.

“I’m sorry. Tell me again.”

Blake wrote on a paper instead of speaking.

[How is the construction of the embankment on the Aul River going?]

Oh, was that what he was saying?

Tenstheon answered,

“We’re going to start in earnest next month.”


Blake nodded his head.

“Blake, are you mad?”

“…you undewstand evewyone.” (You understand everyone.)

Blake spat out angrily.


“Eunhan wods wew cat’s wods, but you undewstood them all.”
(Eunhan’s words were a cat’s words, but you understood them all….)

Blake was talking about when Eunhan turned into a cat.

“Was it upsetting?”

“I just want to say it…”

It was clear that he felt disappointed.

Tensteon smiled. He was grateful that Blake was honest with him.
“I was wrong.”

“Also don’t let Anthia and him meet.”

Tensteon was surprised. Ancia is very interested in eastern culture,

so he thought they would get along.

He wishes that three of them could get along well. He thought so but
didn’t do it because Blake was reluctant to do so.

But Blake seems rather unhappy with it.

“Yes, I’ll be careful next time.”

“Remembew it!”

Blake made a new request. She must have really hated seeing Ancia
and Eunhan.

“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind.”

Tensteon nodded and hugged Blake tightly.


“Yes, fwather.”

Blake spoke slowly and carefully, but failed to pronounce “father”

again this time.

Tensteon stroked the sullen Blake’s hair.

“Blake, do you remember playing hide-and-seek here?”

Blake nodded his head.


“Do you want to do it now?”

When asked by Tensteon, Blake shook his head.

“Am I a kid?”

“Right, you’re not a child.”

He became smaller, but he is not a child. The child who used to hide
in this room whenever he played hide-and-seek has already become
an adult.

Tensteon kissed Blake on the cheek, remembering the past times,


To his grown-up son!

Blake hated it, but Tensteon smiled happily.

Tomorrow will be a month since Blake became smaller.

Blake’s behavior wasn’t entirely like a child, but it was still a little
different from how it was when he was an adult.

It’s because his mind sometimes succumbed to his young body.

Blake forgave Tensteon. But it may be because he became young.

What if Blake returned back to his body? Would he still call him
“father” then?

Tensteon was not confident.

Maybe today will be the last day to spend such a warm time with
Blake. This moment may never come in the future.


“Blake, drink this.”

I pass warm milk to Blake.

“Yes, thank you.”

“Be careful because it’s hot.”

“Dwon’t say that!”

Blake, who was drinking milk, was furious.


“I’m nwot a real baby!”

“But you’re so cute.”

The milk left a white beard around Blake’s mouth. I rubbed the mark
with my thumb.

“What a baby.”

I think he’s said that because he doesn’t like being treated like a
child, but the more he emphasized that, the more I wanted to tease


Contrary to expectations that he would be sulky, he shut up.


What’s wrong with him?

“It’s owkay. I’ll be back tommowow.” (It’s okay, I’ll be back tomorrow.)

Yes, it’s only a day before Blake returns to his original form.

Now, he could say goodbye to this form.

I caressed Blake’s chubby cheeks. Then Blake asked with a worried

“What if my body wasn’t back?”

“We can’t have a wedding.”


Blake opened his eyes wide. Is that such a surprise?

“I can’t marry a baby.”

“I’m just joking. I’ll wait until the baby grows up. So don’t cry.”

However, seeing him crying really sadly, I couldn’t laugh or tease him
anymore. I hugged him and soothed him.

Eventually, I made Blake cry on his last day as a child.


Warm sunshine poured over my face. I tossed and turned as I

hugged my husband tightly.

But something was wrong. He didn’t fit in one arm, and I felt a hard

I opened my eyes in surprise.

Then, I could see the face of a beautiful man who seemed not to be
from this world.

His red eyes looked at me, with his perfect nose and sharp jawline
that seemed to pop out of a book, also his fascinating lips,

She could also see hard muscles between his white shirt, long arms
that can hold her in one arm, and long legs.
“I’m so embarrassed that my wife has been staring at me since

He even speaks in a man’s voice. This man is ···!


I got out of bed. Blake smiled gently.

“Wife, I’m back.”

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Side Story 13 – Blake has become smaller (13)

TL: Zimming

“Wife, I’m back.”

I see. Blake returned to his original form.

Blake and Eunhan argued, but they said it was not serious enough to
be enemies. So Baekhan wouldn’t have done anything to harm

I thought I would come back later, but I was worried about the
possibility that Blake might be harmed.

Seeing him returned to normal, I felt relieved in my heart.

At the same time, it was awkward.

Blake, who was small and cute like a rabbit, turned into a handsome
and charming man overnight.

“You don’t want me back? Do you like small ones?”

Blake lowered his eyes with sadness.


I shook my head in surprise.

“There’s no way I don’t like it!”

I forgot for a moment because I saw him every day, but my
husband’s beauty was shocking.

I like him either way. The man I love is Blake himself, so it didn’t
matter what he looked like.

“I love you, Blake.”

I gave him a big hug.

“I love you too.”

Blake smiled brightly.


Blake’s joy of becoming an adult again soon became a problem.

“You don’t remember?”

“Yes, not at all.”

He said he barely remembered what had happened in the past




Blake nodded his head.

He forgot everything when he was young….

This meant that not only the memories he had accumulated with me,
but also the memories he had with Tenstheon disappeared.

They’ve barely gotten along, is it going back to square one?

Whenever I had a conversation with Blake, I thought of Tenstheon’s
expression, which was filled with happiness.

I couldn’t even imagine how heartbroken he would be if Blake said

he couldn’t remember any of those days.


“…Yes, I think I had a long dream.”

When I asked again, Blake’s red eyes shook slightly.

I noticed a small change in his expression.

He doesn’t really remember? I doubt it.

“Then you don’t remember this either?”


Blake opened his eyes. He looked a bit wary because I might notice
his act.

“This one.”

I picked up the letter on the table.

On the envelope, it said ‘to my wife’ in a poor handwriting.

“This is a love letter that the Blake from yesterday received, don’t
you remember?”


This letter was from Coby. Blake hated it as soon as he saw the
letter yesterday.

And even now, just looking at the envelope made his face stiff.

However, he still claimed that he did not remember.


I nodded lightly and took out the letter from the envelope.

“Wife, this is Coby. Long time no see. How are you? I was very
surprised that my wife left suddenly.”

When I started reading the letter, Blake’s expression froze.

“Wife, thank you so much for protecting me. Thank you for the
wooden sword. My brother’s really jealous. It’s much better than his


His handwriting and spelling were terrible. The sentence was not
smooth either.

But I naturally modified the awkward part and read it as if I was

reciting a poem.

As I went on, I felt like I was reading an unknown symbol, not a


He must have learned how to write, but I didn’t think he knew it


Maybe he asked his family to write it, but when they heard the letter,
no one wanted to write it.

Even after we returned to the palace, some of the knights remained

in Amoria Palace to deal with an accident.

People said Coby came all the way here by himself and delivered
the letter.
“You must give it to my wife.”

“Okay, I’ll give it to the Crown Prince.”

The knights said that they accepted the letter because Coby talked
with tears in his eyes. They thought he was cute.

I praised them for their good work, but Blake flared up with his small

“Why awe you taking this? Who got it? Who got it!”

(Why are you taking this? Who got it? Who got it?)

I had managed to stop Blake from questioning the one who received
Coby’s letter.

The more I read the letter, the more red his face was. He’s very cute.

Oh, so he remembered everything.

But he didn’t admit it. Then I have no choice but to go all the way.

“I heard my wife is the Crown Prince. But I don’t care. You’re my

wife. We kissed each other. I will be a great knight when I grow up!
So I’ll definitely go see my wife! Wait till then!”


I smiled at Blake, whose face turned into a red apple.

“Blake, did you meet someone else behind my back? For a month?
How could you do that!”

When I snapped back, Blake grabbed my hand in a hurry.


“Please stop. I, I remember…”

He barely confessed the truth.

“You remembered everything, right?”

Blake nodded instead of answering.

“But why did you say you didn’t remember?”

“…I’m embarrassed.”

He lowered his head and spat out. I was speechless when I saw
Blake, whose ears and neck were red.


It was a cuteness beyond description! Regardless of whether he’s

small or big, my groom is the cutest in the world!

I gave my groom a big hug.



As I went down to the first floor, I heard Tenstheon’s voice.

He must have come early in the morning knowing that it was the day
Blake came back to his body.

Tenstheon and Blake looked at each other. And silence came.

Don’t tell me that their relationship has gone back to the old days as

An uneasy tension swelled in. Tenstheon felt the same way as I did,
so we couldn’t open our mouth.
Blake opened his mouth in a suffocating silence.


He grinned after calling Tenstheon “father” with clear pronunciation.

“Well, my pronunciation is fine now, isn’t it?”

Tenstheon’s eyes turned red. He didn’t show it, but he was worried
that the time he was recognized as a father would disappear like a

“Well done. It’s perfect.”

Tenstheon embraced Blake with one hand. And he looked at me with

his other hand wide open.


*TL note: she had always called him father-in-law, but I always tl it as
‘father’ only because it’s a bit awkward.

I was going to hug him too, but Tenstheon shook his head.

“Not father anymore.”

Right, he’s not my father-in-law anymore. The day Blake called

Tenstheon ‘father’ I said I would call him “father.”

And it’s finally time to keep that promise.


I gave Tenstheon a hug with a big smile.

My father smiled and hugged the two of us.

Today is our wedding day.

Blake suddenly became smaller and preparations for the wedding

were suspended for a month, but afterwards it went smoothly without
any problems.

Me and Blake clasped our hands as we went into the wedding hall.

Unlike our shabby wedding ceremony as a child, the guest seats

were full now.

The wedding hall was also decorated beautifully and elegantly.

Tenstheon smiled at us sincerely.

Even after Blake returned to his original body, the two remained on
good terms.

However Blake didn’t want him to treat him like a child.

“I can put my son on my lap. What do you mean?”


Tenstheon showed signs of disappointment, but Blake completely

blocked his father’s suggestion.

These days, it was the most enjoyable to see the two quarreling over
small things.

Diana was sitting on the bride’s guest seat.

She graduated from the Knights Academy and officially became my


On the graduation day of the Knights Academy, Blake said he would

also attend. I think he felt guilty because he couldn’t attend her
entrance ceremony before.
According to the rules of the Knights Academy, only the family could
attend. However, Blake changed the academy’s rules, saying that a
brother-in-law is also a family.

I kept forgetting that Blake is the Crown Prince.

Diana was wearing nice pants again today.

She wondered if she should wear a dress because it was my

wedding, but I told her that Diana should wear what she wants.

And now Diana, who wears a dark navy suit, looked very slick.

Melissa sobbed as if she was marrying her child in the guest room,
Hans and Chelsea were busy trying to appease her. Also, even
though it’s not as much as Melissa, Edon and Terry were also in

I didn’t know they would be so sad.

Sir Collin was also looking at the two of us with a soft smile that
didn’t match his sharp appearance.

Eunhan and Baekhan also attended the wedding.

Eunhan said he promised Tenstheon a long time ago to attend if we

had a formal wedding.

Blake and Baekhan growled as soon as they saw each other, but
they managed to reconcile with me and Eunhan’s mediation.

Blake and Eunhan met separately for a while and talked, but Blake’s
expression was more relaxed, although it was not clear whether they
had reconciled or whether the misunderstanding had been resolved.

Well, even so, he still didn’t seem to like Eunhan.

And there was Ser among the guests.

Ser was invisible to anyone other than me and Blake.

As a wedding gift, she made me and Blake a communication tool

where we could chat with each other anytime. She said that she also
hung on protective magic on us.

Amidst the celebrations of my family, people at Amoria Palace,

friends, and countless others, me and Blake took a step forward.

We stood in front of Marron, the priest. He asked in a solemn voice.

“Blake Larish Geracillion, Ancia Raelle Geracillion, do you swear to

love each other for an eternity?”



We answered at the same time.

“Under the pledge of eternal light, I declare that they have become a
true couple.”

The priest smiled and declared our marriage.

Me and Blake held hands and looked at each other.

We have become a couple for a long time. There were many twists,
but our hearts were never shaken.

Therefore, it was refreshing to have a wedding ceremony again after

being recognized by the church.

Our wedding ceremony was filled with happiness amidst many

congratulations and blessings. I was touched remembering our
childhood, when we were only the ‘monstrous crown prince and a

Is Blake thinking the same thing as me?

We looked at each other for a moment and kissed each other.

Then the guests applauded.

We’ve walked on a thorny path. But we had fun, sad and hard times
together. And we’ll continue to walk together in the future.

From now on, there will only be happiness on our path. We’ll be
happy just to walk hand in hand together.

<The End>

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