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Chapter 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids SECTION - A 4. Answer (3) Mgbr won +A 4 A This is wrong question because acid-base reaction will dominate over nucleophilic addition reaction 2. Answer(3) Ma 3. Answer (3) Zn-Hg with HCl. (Clemmensen reduction) 4. Answer(2) CH, -Br +N” > CH,CN—*" cH, COOH “AM. CH,CH,OH 5, Answer (3) o oO a x. (S00, ss (2) H0,} 8 ° ) OO 480, CO Le +2002. a Cyclobutanone G-OH Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 26 Aldehydes. Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 6 10. " 2 23. 14. ‘Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) Answer (3) CHO Coo [~GHOH ©) + HoHo 2s RCOOT OO) Hoh ‘The products shown in boxes are major product, In cross-cannizzaro reaction, the carbonyl carbon having more positive charge is oxidised to acid and the other carbonyl is reduced to alcohol. Answer (4) CHO CH,OH o~ ae ow as Answer (2) ° on tl cH—cHO-S > H—C—CH=CH—CH, E&Z Answer (1) ° IL i ewe LOH ° { ow oi Answer (2) © OH (8) 010-06 —- (6)-b-bn-(6) This is benzoin reaction, Answer (2) ero bE on —> Cannizzaro reaction Answer (4) ® \5 —L ctectrophiticity wo FE ston tindrance Answer (4) ‘At very high temperature and at high pH reaction becomes explosive. Answer (4) 9 DQ notenstest +B. Oxidation Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment (Level) Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. 20. 24 22. 23, 24, Answer (3) cH,cH,0H 24, cH, DQ 20, Lon are CHL, CH, Answer (4) ee onc, son, -E Gu, hea ae lg cu, b=cH, Answer (4 WO 6,04” ——> No reaction Answer (3) Cannizzare reaction do not invclve C6 Bd forijon Answer(t) ° g OH HCN, H,0° Dk, + soc, —> JL a Oe =o, HHO, (6) | on, oH wel & (b) SOOH Answer (2) oH NH gor NN —~ NH, —~r BOK AH, oO oO Answer (2) Oo oO I I (0)-6—c1 + 4,0 —> (0-6-0 newer (1) i (coon b—o-e Ov AG eG AG te br ~ a Answer (4) a (otia.neh on 2» () eHeeAch, TTR, OF Answer (3) ‘The correct order is (3). It wll depend on stability of anion Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 27 2B Aldehydes. Ketones and Carboxylic Acids ‘Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) 25. Answer(1) 0. cH,cH,COONH, 2:25 “ons “coon (x) (Y) 28. Answer (2) CH, \=o- ~“H—Oy fe CH, = {ES Hyrogen boning 27. Answer (4) HCOOH+H,S0,—»coT 28. Answer (3) F a | 1 F—C—COOH > CI—C—COOH > HCOOH > CH,COOH | 1 F a 29. Answer (4) desc —O—> oO 30. Answer (3) OH 9—C—CH, coon Goon scuba —> 31. Answer (1) ° ° i AQ, + NaHCO, ——> CH,—C—O"Na’+ CO, + H,0 cHy~ ~oH 32. Answer (2) ° I toe coon He tm™ CY Ol +n i Q Onn pho A Das po, —» SK, Dever, Gy Lic, AAmaceines oy, ‘OH * cl — 5 34, Answer (1), ° ° I a 601M, oH R—C—OH + Pcl, —» R—C—cl 35. Answer (1) Br I CH, -G—COOH Br Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment (Level) Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 29) 36. Answer (4) er an | HC —CH,—Co,H 22") H,0c—CH—COM nu) 0s) NH, yo —coyt ‘anine 27 Aaswert Ag, + Ro0-18 “jen c-€—o'R' 38. Answer (4) CHCl + en’ —> cHyeN —H, cH,cooH M4 cH,cONH, (0) 39. Answer (2) ° ° ° ° ° {I I I R—C—Cl > CH,—C—O—C —GH, > R—C—OR > R—C=NH, Order of reactviy” SECTION -B 4, Answer (1) Rar a am ND See monn ‘i des oo, > o« «=e OL ‘2. Answer (4) ‘Alkane is produced by heating sodium salt of carboxylic acid with sodalime (NaOH and CaO in the ratio of 3:4) CH,CH,COONa’ MOT, CH,CH, +Na,CO, 3. Answer (2) oT eS ecora ) (x) 4 me CHO Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 30 Aldehydes. Ketones and Carboxylic Acids ‘Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) = Haloform reaction ° ° 1 1 R—C—GH, + NaOX—> R—CONa + CHK, + Esterification: T T R-CH,- OH + R’'-C-OH-S%+ R’'-C-OCH-R «+ HetvohardZeinsky reaction t R-cr,coon 228% R-bH-COoK 5. Answer (2) "5 Sf Mop on fas Giese yr Meer , i cH key, Sica oy, bc, ete cH, 6-H, oso cH, cH, (ert url leon 6. Answer (3) i i can (O)—e-H+ (0) eH, 1G g-p-€ LO) #0) ha In the presence of diLOH®, benzaldehyde and acetophenone will react to undergo cross-aldol condensation 7. Answer (2) oct HO HyPaeas0, oO ae Rosenmund reduction + mont) i Ce POS te ‘COOH * j a g Koo “OD ‘COOH vf j 9, Answer (4) " R—cH—R So R—C_R 10. Answer (3) Due to formation of intermolecular H-bonding in carboxylic acid, association occurs. Hence boiling point increases and become more than the bolling point of aldehydes, ketones and alcohols of comparable molecular masses. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment (Level) Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 31 11. Answer (4) Option (4) is secondary alcohol which on oxidation gives phenylmethy! Ketone (Acetophenone). This on reaction with |, and NaOH form iodoform and sodium benzoate. OH Naa bn 12, Answer (2) ° ° 4 “ +H wows, “oa 13. Answer (3) Since ‘A’ gives positive silver mirror test therefore, it must be an aldehyde or a-Hiydroxyketone, Reaction with semicarbazide indicates that A can be an aldehyde or ketone Reaction with OH" Le., aldol condensation (by assuming alkali to be dilute) indicates that A is aldehyde as aldol reaction of ketones is reversible and carried out in special apparatus. ‘These indicates option (3). CH,-CH,OH + cH.-cHo MMUHSH, oH coon oe a HN-NH-C-N, CH, - Gi CH, - CHO 3-Hydroxybutanal CH, CH= N—NH— i NH, 4 @ cH! CH- CHO ” But-2-¢nal 14, Answer (2) 4gas. tat.) Palcarbo, ethane 15. Answer (2) On the basis of -| effect, the correct acidic strength would be om om om Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 32 Aldehydes. Ketones and Carboxylic Acids ‘Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) 16. Answer (4) Feoblyacice Nee S O=0+H,N-NH, de-oH NH, “0 dC =N-NH, 47. Answer (3) Since -NO, has strong -I and -R effect, it will favour hydrolysis of ester most 18. Answer (4) Fact 49. Answer (2) yon, Yeos [po cH, 20. Answer x [61.0] yields phenyhyérazone which eof the presence of carbonyl gp i + tives negative respons othe fodofon aH and tli est hich enfin he absence of —C— CH, ® » Therefore, fom above contion i obvious tht 1 2-Pefanane Hyo— cue —CH,—CH 21. Answer(3) o-nitrophenol is weaker acid than HCO,” 22. Answer(4) ‘The gp which increases more positive charge on carbonyl carbon, increases reactivity of nucleophilic addition. Now, As ‘-NO,’ gp is -M and -| effecting gp therefore it increases the positive charge on carbony! carbon and hence reactivity of nucleophilic addition reaction. 23, Answer(3) 24. Answer (3) Electron withdrawing group increases the acidic character. CF,COOH > CCl,COOH > HCOOH > CH,COOH 25. Answer (2) LiAIH, ether ® CH,CH,OH cryer Ss cron 8's ct,cooH 7 26. Answer (1) gso"o~ Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment (Level) Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 27. 28. 29, 30, 31 32. 33. 36. Answer (3) Maleic acid ‘Answer (4) Hy— CHO EO, +ye Tollen's test a (0)-e.— CHO 2%, ve Toben's test Answer (2) I CH.—C—CH,+C,HOH “sc, (excess) Answer (1) ° I I c—cl C-H Hy Po 8050, Answer (4) R- CHO + NH, ~ NH, —> R- CH = N—NH, This is nucleophilic addition elimination reaction. ‘Answer (4) ° ooH coct oni, so, Br Br Br @) © Answer (6) Fact. Answer (3) De=0 > ch, | clemmensen reduction. Answer (2) ° Nis u . CH, —CH, COOH “> cH,cH,C—ONH, @) (© —CH,~NH, Ethylamine Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Del 20. (0) 10005. Phone : 011-47623456 33 34 Aldehydes. Ketones and Carboxylic Acids ‘Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) 36. Answer (2) Fact. 37. Answer (2) Electron density increases from | to IIl on carbonyl carbon 38. Answer (1) NO, No, Maximum resonance stabilized and maximum-| and -M effect due to three -NO, groups, therefore more acidic than CH,COOH, 39. Answer (4) ooh coon, coon fe (G), St 6 we ws 6 40. Answer (4) Cris a weakest base, therefore good leaving group. 41, Answer (2) Cannizzaro reaction involves disproportionation; 42, Answer(3) H Terminal CHy—C— oF CH, —— show postive iodafrm fst H 43, Answer (3) 44, Answer (3) 45. Answer (4) 46. Answer (2) 47. Answer (2) 48. Answer (3) 49. Answer(3) idol product is called f-hydroxy aldehyde or -hydroxy ketone. 50. Answer (2) RY, ASHE Clommensen reduction RoCHO & RT OR’, 51. Answer (1) 52. Answer (2) 53. Answer (4) 54, Answer (1) OH | cH,—cHo — cn" —> concn cN 55. Answer (4) CH,CHO is most reactive towards Nucleophilic addition reaction. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment (Level) 56. 67. 58. 59. 60. 6 62. 63, 65, 66. 67. 68, 69, 70. 1 72, Answer (2) Answer (3) Answer (3) Answer (1) Answer (4) ow Nabi ow" 0 CH. ‘OH Answer (1) R-CHO + 2Ag’ + 30H” —>R-COO" + 2Agl + 2H,0 Answer (4) H ~r — will undergo aldol reaction. ‘Answer (4) CH,CHO + 2Ag" + 30H” —> CH,COO™ +2Ag1 + 2H,0 Answer (3) HCHO > R — CHO > ArCHO > R,C = 0 > Ar,C = O Answer (3) 60), Hs (CH,cO0” Answer (1) Schiff's base Answer (3) HCHO + OH» No Aldol Answer (1) (o)-cn, smsaaien, (6) cro Answer (4) on, Son¥ Answer (1) R-C=0+NH,-NH, —> R-G=N-NH, H H Answer (3) Noy tn # > chit ‘OH let Answer (2) GeN 3 Hot CH, + CHMgBr TO", ‘OCH, cl Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Del Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 10005. Phone : 011-47623456 35 36 Aldehydes. Ketones and Carboxylic Acids ‘Solutions of Assignment (Level-II) 73. Answer (3) oO 1 Hye OL H 50 %d> 60%! isomer 74, Answer (4) oH oH ety pt i 8 pd ROG—R’ + is RGR’ a> RGR ° cn CH, NH, 75, Answer (3) Charly, answer is Chloral 76. Answer (1) 77. Answer (3) g ft >! oon -onsee > Oba © I cH, | cH, ° ; 10. Arner) Higher the acidic nature, lower is the pK, value. Electron withdrawing substituent attached with benzoic acid increases its acidity while electron donating substituent attached with benzoic acid decreases its acidity. Since Bris an electron withdrawing substituent, it wil increase the acidity, hence p-bromobenzoic acid will have lowest pk, value. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456

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