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Trik menjawab soal:

● Pahami soal

● Identifikasi soal utama

● Identifikasi kata kunci

● Identifikasi pilihan terindikasi benar

● Eliminasi jawaban-jawabn yang nyata-nyata salah

● Identifikasi persamaan kata/istilah

1. Suppose that you were assigned as a new teacher in the school that you barely
knew, what would the most likely thing for you to accomplish in the first three
A. Using a timed test for grading
B. Mapping student English proficiency
C. Assigning students to work on individual tasks
D. Assigning students to work in collaborative tasks

2. The following are reasons why language proficiency mapping is of paramount

important, EXCEPT:
A. To enable teachers to create specific helps
B. To allow teachers to create ability groupings
C. To assess the students potentials and drawbacks
D. To assign those in trouble into one particular group

3. You are to teach in an affluent high school in a big city, where students come
from well-off families and all facilities are at disposal. Many are highly proficient in
English. What learning activities do you plan la accomplish?
A. Grammatical drill for accuracy.
B. Rote learning for vocabulary acquisition.
C. Project based learning done collaboratively.
D. Small group activities to train speaking fluency
4. You are to teach in a poor school located in an impoverished area. Most students
come from a low socio-economic status. The school lacks major facilities. The
following are possible ways to do, EXCEPT:
A. Developing practical hands-on activities.
B. Making use of available resources at disposal.
C. Encouraging the students to work with each other.
D. Charging students to pay expensive learning resources.

5. You are to teach seventh graders. It is apparent that there is a huge gaps, in
terms English proficiency and economic backgrounds , among students in
your class. What actions do you plan to accomplish?
A. To assign (menugaskan) students in groups based on their ability.
B. To pay a specific attention to those having troubles.
C. To organize (mengorganisasikan) learning based on the most able group
D. To mingle (membaur) them no matter what abilities they have

6. In today's digital age, English authentic materials available on the internet are rich
resources for teachers to tap into. However, it also comes with a price, such as
digital addiction. What would be the best thing to do the technology?
A. To fully trust all students to make use of their personal gadgets
B. To set some rigid rules upon what to asses and what not to assess.
C. To focus on strict measure enforcement when violations take place.
D. To set out programmatic activities for learning, coupled with feedback

7. To develop a learning plan, the following are major components to take into
account (syn. Consider) , EXCEPT:
A. Existing facilities.
B. Students' interest
C. Parents' occupations
D. Available time allotment.
8. You are an English teacher of ninth graders. In your school, most people (i.e.
parents, students and teachers) think that National Exam is the foremost measure
for a success. What would be the best things to do for you?
A. Avoiding exam drills for all students
B. Inviting exam drills experts to help your students.
C. Making use of the whole academic year for exam drills
D. Providing test taking strategies to accompany the regular teaching

9. You teach in a rural (pedesaan), remote are where all instructional facilities are
scarce to get (minim fasilitas pembelajaran). What is most likely for you to do?
A. Make use of the most available resources around at a minimum cost
B. Charge students to pay for the most recent instructional materials.
C. Seek to get most instructional material from the nearest town
D. Spend own money to pay for all the materials acquired

10. You teach in a vocational school, majoring in marketing. Most students came from
tourism-based business. Many plan to develop their parents' businesses. The most
relevant teaching is:
A. Grammatical drills intended for accuracy.
B. Extensive reading focused on literary works.
C. Simulation and role play for communicative skills.
D. Textual analysis geared for extensive writing skills.

11. The followings are the similarities between assessment for learning and
assessment as learning, EXCEPT:
A. They are conducted during the learning process.
B. They engage the students in self-assessment.
C. They are used to improve the learning process.
D. They are included into the formative assessment.

12. The followings are true about assessment of learning, EXCEPT:

A. It is conducted after the learning process
B. It is intended to know the result of the learning.
C. It is included into the summative assessment.
D. It is included into the formative assessment.

13. The best indicator which involve higher order of thinking skills far the basic
competence 4.1 "Menangkap gagasan utama sebuah discussion text dan
menqajukan solusi untuk menqatasi permasalahan yang terkait dengan
lingkungan alam dalam bentuk discussion text" is ...
A. The students are able to determine the main idea of the text
B. The students are able to restate the main idea of the text
C. The students are able to identify the main idea of the text
D. The students are able to recall the main idea of the text.

14. The indicator of learning must be stated using specific and operational verbs. The
followings are verbs showing lower to higher order of thinking skills.
A. mention, label, demonstrate, identify, explain
B. classify, arrange, describe, comprehend, mention
C. identify, classify, demonstrate, examine, compose
D. explain, match, label, choose, arrange

15. In order to develop the students' high order of thinking skills, teachers are
suggested to give essay tests to the students. The followings are the principles to
follow in composing essay tests, EXCEPT …
A. The test materials are adjusted to the students' level.
B. The test items contain open questions.
C. The test items must not be ambiguous.
D. The test items can contain local language.

16. Using portfolio in the assessment, teachers can have several advantages, EXCEPT
A. It can be used to view learning and development longitudinally.
B. It avoids or minimizes test anxiety and other one-shot measurement problems.
C. The reflective statements could be used to gather information about students
D. The content of the portfolio may vary widely among students

17. The followings are the principles in designing communicative learning

activities which provide opportunities for the teacher to conduct
ongoing assessment and thus to adjust, add or remove activities as the lesson
is being delivered, EXCEPT:
A. The lesson is guided by clearly specified objectives.
B. There are multiple opportunities for communicative practice.
C. Feedback and reinforcement become unnecessary factors.
D. Scaffolding and strategies are provided to enable students to perform at a
higher level.

18. Based on the revised 2013 curriculum, a lesson plan includes the followings,
A. Character Education
B. Higher Order Thinking Skill
C. Literacy
D. Specific instructional Objectives

19. In the recent school curriculum, Project-Based Learning (PBL) is one of the
alternatives in the learning process in which ...
A. The teacher takes the role as the project designer.
B. The teacher and the students take the roles as the project designer.
C. The students discuss and accumulate the background information
D. The teacher and students reflect on and evaluate the process

20. Which learning resource is most suitable to teach a group of kinesthetic

learners the learning objective of which is describing a laboratory?
A. Classroom activities involving a still picture of a laboratory for the group to
B. Outdoor activities in which the group are invited to tour and observe the real
C. An audio recording describing things they can find in a laboratory.
D. Discussions requiring the group members to share ideas of a laboratory.

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