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4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Listing

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Listing
The Preventative Maintenance Listing is the screen in which the Preventative Maintenance schedules are created and controlled. It is accessed by clicking on the
“Preventative Maintenance” button from the Main Menu.

The functions that may be performed in the Preventative Maintenance Listing include:

• Searching for Preventative Maintenance schedules.

• Creating and editing Preventative Maintenance schedules.

• Deleting Preventative Maintenance schedules.

• Printing the Preventative Maintenance.

• Using the Scheduler to create a schedule and/or calendar for the planned maintenance.

• Running the Activator to create Work Orders for the Preventative Maintenance. 1/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Listing
The Preventative Maintenance Listing

Searching for Preventative Maintenance

In a long list of Preventative Maintenance, it may be necessary to search the list to locate a specific Preventative Maintenance schedule. The Preventative Maintenance
Listing may be searched by either using the Search field or by filtering the listing by using the "Range" feature.

Using the Search Field

To search the listing enter some text into the Search field and click on the “Search” button next to it. When the search is run the list will be filtered down to display
only those Preventative Maintenance schedules that match the entered text. To find a match, MEX compares the entered text to the text contained in all of the
columns displayed in the Preventative Maintenance Listing. For example, if the text "comp" has been entered into the Search field:

• If an Asset Type of “compressor” has been specified for the Preventative Maintenance, all Preventative Maintenance that have that Asset Type will be

• Alternatively, if the word “comp” is entered into the Search Field and a Preventative Maintenance in the list has the word “compressor” contained in its
Description then that Preventative Maintenance will be displayed.

Filtering the Listing

To Use the Range Button: To filter the Preventative Maintenance Listing by using the Range button:

1. Select the Ranges button on the listing screen. The Preventative Maintenance Range screen will be displayed.

The Preventative Maintenance Ranges Screen

2. Enter the parameters of how the listing should be filtered. More than one parameter may be used to filter the list, in which case the displayed
Preventative Maintenance must match all of the parameters entered. If no parameters are selected then all Preventative Maintenance will be displayed. 2/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Listing

PM No Start and Finish: If numbers are entered into these two fields, the Preventative Maintenance Listing will be filtered to display only those
Preventative Maintenance records with a "Preventative Maintenance Number" between the two values.
Description: If some text is entered into this field only Preventative Maintenance schedules that include this text in their Description will be
Department: Selecting a Department here will filter the Preventative Maintenance Listing to display only those Preventative Maintenance
schedules that belong to the selected Department.
Asset Type: Selecting an Asset Type here will filter the Preventative Maintenance Listing to display only those Preventative Maintenance
schedules that apply to the selected Asset Type.
3. Click on the "Apply" button to filter the listing. MEX will filter the Preventative Maintenance listing with only those Preventative Maintenance schedules
that match all of the parameters entered in step 2 displayed.
4. Close the Range screen to return to the listing.

Printing Preventative Maintenance

Maintenance Polices may be printed from the listing by selecting the Policy in the list and clicking on the “Print” button. This will bring up the print options for a
Preventative Maintenance:

• Do you wish to preview the report? If this option is selected the printout will be displayed on the screen rather than going straight to the printer.

• Do you wish to print the attached documents? Preventative Maintenance may have multiple documents attached to them. When the Preventative
Maintenance creates a Work Order it automatically adds these documents to the Work Order. If this option is selected when the Preventative
Maintenance is printed the attached documents are also printed.

Selecting the appropriate print options and clicking on the "Print" button will send the selected Preventative Maintenance to your default printer. When a Preventative
Maintenance is printed out, it displays:

• All of the Preventative Maintenances details. 3/4
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• A list of the Assets affected by the policy with the last done dates and (if applicable) readings for each Asset.

Related Topics
➢Creating a Preventative Maintenance Schedule 4/4
4/17/2017 Creating a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

MEX v15 User Guide

Creating a Preventative Maintenance Schedule
A Preventative Maintenance schedule is basically a template for a Work Order that you wish to be created on a pre­defined schedule. All of the details of the Work Orders that
you wish to create are included in the Preventative Maintenance, along with the schedule for their creation and some basic rules for the schedules behaviour.

As a minimum, when a Preventative Maintenance is created, there are three pieces of information that must be specified for the policy:
Description: A description of what work is to be performed on the Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates.
Frequency: The frequency at which the Preventative Maintenance will create Work Orders i.e. every 3 months, every 750 operating hours etc.
Assets: Which Assets the Preventative Maintenance is to create Work Orders for.

Other information should also be entered, but these are the only three mandatory requirements for the Preventative Maintenance to begin scheduling Work Orders.

The Preventative Maintenance Details Screen 1/3
4/17/2017 Creating a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

Creating a New Preventative Maintenance Schedule

A new Preventative Maintenance Schedule is created by going to the Preventative Maintenance listing and clicking on the "New" button located in the bottom left­hand
corner of the screen. This will open up a blank Preventative Maintenance screen for you to enter the details of your new schedule into. The basic process for creating a
Preventative Maintenance is as follows:

1. Enter a Description for the Preventative Maintenance. Any Description entered here will become the Job Description for every Work Order the Preventative
Maintenance creates.
2. Enter a Frequency and Lead Time for the Preventative Maintenance. This determines the schedule for the creation of Work Orders.
3. Nominate the Assets that the Preventative Maintenance applies to. This can either be a single Asset or a group of Assets determined by Asset Type,
Manufacturer and Model Number.
4. Select the appropriate Options for the Preventative Maintenance, this will control the behaviour of the Preventative Maintenance as regards scheduling.
5. Populate the remaining details of the Preventative Maintenance. This is where the full details of the Work Orders created by the Preventative Maintenance are
entered. The information includes:

▪ The basic categorisations of the Work Order i.e. Job Type, Priority, Department etc.

▪ The labour requirements.

▪ The spares requirements.

▪ Any documents that you wish to be added to the Work Orders.

▪ A task list to be included on the Work Orders.

The full details of a Preventative Maintenance as discussed in the "Preventative Maintenance Details" section.
6. Enter the "Last Done Dates" (and in the case of "Usage Based" Preventative Maintenance a Last Done Reading) for each of the Assets that the Preventative
Maintenance applies to. The Last Done Date/Reading is when the Preventative Maintenance was last performed for each of the Assets, and will be the
starting point for the scheduling of new Work Orders. The list of Assets that the Preventative Maintenance applies to and the Last Done Date for each Asset
is found on the "Asset Using" tab of the Preventative Maintenance.

Related Topics
➢Frequencies and Lead Time in Preventative Maintenance

➢The Preventative Maintenance Options

➢Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance Schedule

and Last Done Dates 2/3
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4/17/2017 Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance

MEX v15 User Guide

Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance
The Frequency defines the schedule for the Preventative Maintenance’s creation of Work Orders. In the Maintenance Policy the Frequency is defined by two fields; a number
field and a drop­down list. The drop­down list specifies the Frequency Type of the policy. There are two kinds of Frequency Types available for use; Calendar Based and
Usage Based.

Calendar Based Frequency Types

Calendar based frequencies are purely time based i.e. Every 30 days, every two years etc. There are four calendar based Frequency Types that have been pre­defined
in MEX:

• Days

• Weeks

• Months

• Years

These are the only calendar based Frequency Types that are available and no extra calendar based Frequency Types may be added to the list.

Usage Based Frequency Types

Usage based Frequency Types are based on Asset readings i.e. every 500 operating hours, every 10,000 kilometres etc. Any measurement that indicates the usage of
the Asset may be used as a Frequency Type and may be added to the drop­down list via the "Frequency Types Control File". For example, if mining equipment is
serviced every ten thousand tons of rock that has gone through the crushing process, then “Tons of Rock” may be added into the drop down list and used as a
Frequency Type.

Once a usage based Preventative Maintenance has been defined, readings will be required to be entered on a regular basis for the Preventative Maintenance to
schedule Work Orders. As an example, if the compressors are to be serviced every 500 hours then a Preventative Maintenance would be established with a frequency
of 500 hours. Every week (or whatever period is appropriate) the hour meter readings on the compressors would be taken and entered into MEX. From these readings,
MEX calculates an Average Weekly Usage of the compressors and is able to predict the dates that the compressors are due for service.

The “Next Due Date” for an Asset is calculated using the following formulae:

NextDueDate = The next date that the Preventative Maintenance is due to create a Work Order.
LastReadingDate = The date that the last reading was taken for the Asset.
LastDoneReading = The Assets meter reading when the service was last performed.
LastReadingTaken = The last reading that was entered for the Asset. 1/4
4/17/2017 Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance

AverageWeeklyUsage = The average weekly usage for the Asset that has been calculated by MEX from the readings that have been entered for the equipment.

Using "Every" or "At" Frequencies

There is a drop­down to the immediate right of the Preventative Maintenance's Frequency field from which you can select "Every" or "At". By default, when a
Preventative Maintenance is created this drop­down is set to "Every", which means that the Preventative Maintenance will create a Work Order each time the specified
Frequency elapses. For example if the Preventative Maintenance has a frequency of "Every Three Months", then the Preventative Maintenance will generate a new
Work Order for an Asset every time three months elapses.

If you select "At" from the drop­down then the Preventative Maintenance will only generate a single Work Order the first time the Frequency elapses. In the example
shown below the Preventative Maintenance will only create a single Work Order for each Asset twelve months after the Asset's Purchase Date.

Additional Requirements for the "At" Option

If you are using the "At" option:

• If you are using a calendar­based frequency (i.e. Weeks, Months etc.) then the Work order will be scheduled from the Asset's Purchase Date. This means that
this date must be entered into the Asset's Details before an "At" Preventative Maintenance will be able to generate a Work Order. As an example:
o You want a single Work order to be generated for an Asset twelve months after it is commissioned, so you create an "At 12 Months" Preventative
o The Asset is commissioned on the 12th of January, so you enter the 12 of January into the Purchase Date field in the Asset's Details.

o The Preventative Maintenance will then generate a Work Order on the 12th of January the following year. Once this Work order has been generated the
Preventative Maintenance will not gemnerate any other Work orders for the Asset.

• If you are using a usage­based frequency (i.e. Hours) then the Work Order will require Readings to be entered for the Asset in the same way as any other
usage­based Preventative Maintenance.

Dual Frequency Preventative Maintenance

The Preventative Maintenance may have two different Frequencies assigned to it under certain circumstances.

There are two sets of Frequency fields available on the Preventative Maintenance; the "Frequency" and the "Or Frequency". If a usage based Frequency Type (i.e. km,
hours etc.) has been specified for the first Frequency, then an alternate calendar based Frequency Type may be used for the second Frequency i.e. every 5,000km or 6
Months. 2/4
4/17/2017 Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance

If dual Frequencies have been specified, the Preventative Maintenance will create a Work Order at whichever Frequency comes first. For example, if a Preventative
Maintenance has been given a Frequency of 5,000km and an "Or Frequency" of six months then:

• If six months elapse before the vehicle has done 5,000km then the Work Order will be created at the 6­month mark.

• Conversely, if the vehicle travels 5,000km before 6 months is up, the Work Order will be created at the 5,000km mark.

When specifying dual Frequencies for a Maintenance Policy the first Frequency MUST be usage based, and the second frequency MUST be calendar based. It is
impossible to have two usage based Frequencies.

Lead Time
The Lead Time is the number of days in advance of the due date that the Work Order is to be created. For example, if the Work Order is scheduled to be created on the
20th of the month and a two­day lead time has been entered into the Preventative Maintenance, then the Work Order will be created on the 18th with a Due Start Date
of the 20th.

The "Lead Time" field is located on the "Details" tab of a Preventative Maintenance.

Days to Complete
When a non­zero value is entered into the "Days to Complete" field, then when the Preventative Maintenance creates a Work Order then the "Days to Complete" value
will be added to the Work Order's Due Start Date to automatically populate the Work order's Due Finish Date. For example:

• A Work Order is generated by a Preventative Maintenance with a Due Start Date of the 15th of February.

• The Preventative Maintenance has a Days to Complete of five.

• The Work Order's Due Finish Date will therefore be automatically populated with the 20th of February. 3/4
4/17/2017 Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance

Related Topics
➢The Frequency Types Control File

➢Readings and Fuel 4/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Options

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Options
The Options for a Preventative Maintenance schedule are located on the "Details" tab. These options control how a Preventative Maintenance schedule behaves regarding the
scheduling of Work Orders. The options available are:
Fixed: Can the Preventative Maintenance be re­scheduled in the event that a Work Order is done late or early?
Hierarchy: Is the Preventative Maintenance involved in a Hierarchy i.e. in the event that multiple Preventative Maintenance Schedules have been created for an
Asset, do any of the schedules have priority and suppress other schedules?
Triggered: If usage­based, does the Preventative Maintenance create Work Orders based on calculated average usage, or is a Work Order created only when a
reading is entered that indicates that the Assets service interval has been reached?
Standard Job: Does the Preventative Maintenance automatically create Work Orders according to a schedule, or does it create Work Orders only when
prompted to by a user?

The Preventative Maintenance Options 1/6
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The Hierarchy option comes into play when multiple Preventative Maintenance schedules have been specified for the same Asset.

For example, an air conditioning unit may have three Preventative Maintenance schedules created for it. The policies might be for a three monthly service, a six monthly
service and a yearly service. In the diagram below the three schedules can be seen generating their Work Orders at a three, six and twelve monthly interval.

If the Hierarchy option has not been checked for any of the three policies then:

• Every three months the Three Monthly Preventative Maintenance will create a Work Order.

• Every six months the Six Monthly Preventative Maintenance will create a Work Order.

• Every twelve months the Twelve Monthly Preventative Maintenance will create a Work Order.

This means that at the six­month mark two Work Orders will be created for the same Asset, and at the twelve­month mark three Work Orders will be generated for the
same Asset. This can lead to an excess of paperwork and a degree of confusion.

With the Hierarchy option ticked on each of the three policies a degree of organisation is imposed. When two or more Preventative Maintenance schedules are due to
create Work Orders at the same time:

• The Preventative Maintenance schedules are sorted into a Hierarchy. The policy with the longest interval will be at the top of the Hierarchy, and the policy
with the shortest interval will be at the bottom.

• Only the Preventative Maintenance on the top of the Hierarchy will create a Work Order, the remaining Work Orders will be suppressed.

• When the Work Order is closed off to History it will be assumed that the suppressed Work Orders have also been done.

The Preventative Maintenance schedules do not have to be due on exactly the same date for the Hierarchy to function. The margin used for Hierarchy calculation is
dependant on the frequency of the Preventative Maintenance that is highest in the Hierarchy and can range from +/­25% to +/­5% of that Preventative Maintenances

In the example given the result will be: 2/6
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• At the three and nine month marks the three­monthly Preventative Maintenance will generate a Work Order.

• At the six month mark the six­monthly Preventative Maintenance will generate a Work Order.

• At the twelve month mark the twelve­monthly Preventative Maintenance will generate a Work Order.

For the hierarchy to function a number of conditions must be met:

• All Preventative Maintenance schedules in the Hierarchy must be of the same Frequency Type.

• The frequency of a Preventative Maintenance in the Hierarchy must be a multiple of the frequency of any Preventative Maintenance below it in the
Hierarchy. For example, if the first Preventative Maintenance in the Hierarchy has a frequency of 5000 km, the next Preventative Maintenance above it in
the Hierarchy may have a frequency of 10,000km or 15,000km or 20,000km etc but not 7,000km.

• All Preventative Maintenance schedules in the Hierarchy must have the same Department set or alternatively all Preventative Maintenance schedules in

• Hierarchy must have no Department set.

Hierarchy and Departments

MEX groups Preventative Maintenance schedules into Hierarchies using the Department field. This means that separate Hierarchies may be created for different
departments for the same equipment.

For example, two Preventative Maintenance schedules may be created for the Electrical department and a further three Preventative Maintenance schedules may
be created for the Mechanical Department. The Electrical schedules and the Mechanical schedules will create their own Hierarchies, and each Hierarchy will
function independently of the other.


The Work Orders generated by a Preventative Maintenance are often not completed by the specified date set by the maintenance schedule. For example, a monthly Preventative
Maintenance generated a Work Order that should have been done on the 21st of the month, but the Work Order has not actually been closed off until the 30th of the month. This brin
the question of when the next Work Order is to be generated. Should the Maintenance Policy schedule the next Work Order:

• One month after the 21st (when the Work Order was due to be done).


• One month after the 30th (when the Work Order was actually done).

If the Fixed option is selected, the next Work Order will always be scheduled from the date that the last Work Order was due. In the preceding example, the Preventative Maintenan
always create its Work Orders on the 21st of the month regardless of when the preceding Work Order was closed off, or even if the preceding Work Order was not closed off at all.

Non­Fixed Preventative Maintenance

When a Work Order that has been generated by a non­fixed Preventative Maintenance is "closed off", the “Confirm Work Order Close Details” screen appears: 3/6
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Options

Updating the Last Done Date/Reading

The date that the next Work Order will be scheduled from is held in the "Change PM Date" field, which defaults to the date that the Work Order is closed off.

• If the "Confirm Work Order Close Details” screen is closed without change, then the next Work Order will be scheduled from the date that the Work Order was close

• If a different date is entered into the "Change Date" field before the "Confirm Work Order Close Details” screen is closed, then the next Work Order will be scheduled
that date.

Non­Fixed Preventative Maintenance in a Hierarchy

If a Preventative Maintenance is not fixed and is in a Hierarchy, then rescheduling when closing off a Work Order can have consequences to the other Preventative Maintenan

When a Preventative Maintenance in a Hierarchy is rescheduled, then the other Preventative Maintenances in the Hierarchy are also rescheduled. As an example:

• A trailer has two Preventative Maintenance schedules, a 5,000km , a 10,000km service and a 50,000km service.

• When the 5,000km service is completed, it is completed late at 5,100km.

• The Preventative Maintenance is not fixed, so when you close off the Work Order you elect to reschedule the next Work Order from 5,100km.

• All other Preventative Maintenances in the Hierarchy are automatically rescheduled, so the 10,000km service will become due at 10,100km, and the 50,000km servic
becomes due at 50,100km. 4/6
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The Triggered option is only available for readings based Frequency Types i.e. Hours, km, Tons Crushed etc. If a Calendar based (Days, Weeks, Months, Years)
Frequency Type is used, then the Triggered option is greyed out.

In MEX the Date and Reading that a maintenance service is next due to be done is typically determined using a calculated average usage. Unfortunately, some
equipment that has a usage that is so variable that it makes it difficult to come up with a meaningful average usage. For example, a truck that may operate 130 hours a
week for 2 weeks straight and then may not work for the next 3 weeks makes it hard to determine when a 500hr service would next fall due. In this case, there may be
a service scheduled for next week, so MEX will create a Work Order for this. However, the reality is that the service will not actually need to be done for about a month.

The Triggered option is intended to overcome this issue. If the Triggered option is set for a Preventative Maintenance, then the Preventative Maintenance will not create
a Work Order until you actually enter a reading that takes you up to or past the next service point. That is, in the previous example, a reading that took you to 500hrs
since the last service.

For example, a Preventative Maintenance has been created with a frequency of 500 hours and the Triggered option has been selected. The Preventative Maintenance is
next due to create a Work Order at 2,500 hours, which based on the average usage should fall on the 14/04/2005. Because the Triggered option has been selected:

• If a reading of 2,430 is entered on the 10/04/2005, no Work Order created.

• If a reading of 2,489 is entered on the 16/04/2005, no Work Order is created.

• If a reading of 2,503 is entered on 20/10/2005 then a Work Order is created by MEX.

If the Triggered option is selected for a Preventative Maintenance and no readings are taken for the
Preventative Maintenances equipment for a period of time, then the Preventative Maintenance will not
generate any Work Orders for that period.

Standard Job

If this option is selected then the Preventative Maintenance becomes a Standard Job. A Standard Job is a Preventative Maintenance that does not have a frequency
associated with it. In fact, if this option is selected then the Frequency fields become greyed out.

A Standard Job generates Work Orders when they are triggered, rather than according to a pre­defined schedule. They are a way of creating a template for a Work Order
that is repetitive but cannot be predicted.

For example a tyre change on a Forklift cannot be scheduled to be done every 1000 hours as there are too many variables for any schedule to be meaningful. However,
a Standard Job may be created to hold all of the details of the Work Order, and Work Orders may be created from the Standard Job when required. 5/6
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Refer to the Standard Jobs section for more details.

Related Topics
➢The Frequency Types Control File

➢Readings and Fuel 6/6
4/17/2017 Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last Done Dates

MEX v15 User Guide

Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last Done Dates
When a Preventative Maintenance is created one of the mandatory steps is to define what Assets the Preventative Maintenance applies to. In a Preventative Maintenances
details, the list of Assets that it applies to can be found on its "Asset Using" tab. A Preventative Maintenance can be applied to Assets in two ways:

• An Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number can be nominated on the Preventative Maintenances "Details" tab. This means that the Preventative
Maintenance will apply to all Assets from the Asset Register that have a matching Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number specified in their details.

• You may go directly to the Preventative Maintenances "Asset Using" tab and manually nominate the Assets that the Preventative Maintenances applies to.

The Preventative Maintenance Asset Using Tab

Applying a Preventative Maintenance to a Group of Assets

By using the Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number drop­downs on the Preventative Maintenances Details tab, a Preventative Maintenance can be applied to a
group of Assets.

• If an Asset Type is nominated on the Preventative Maintenance, then all Assets with that Asset Type will be automatically associated with the
Preventative Maintenance. 1/5
4/17/2017 Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last Done Dates

• If an Asset Type and Manufacturer are nominated on the Preventative Maintenance, then all Assets with that Asset Type and Manufacturer will be
automatically associated with the Preventative Maintenance.

• If an Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number are nominated on the Preventative Maintenance, then all Assets with that Asset Type, Manufacturer
and Model Number will be automatically associated with the Preventative Maintenance.

When an Asset Type/Manufacturer and Model Number is nominated on the Details tab of a Preventative Maintenance, any Assets that match these parameters will be
automatically added to the Preventative Maintenances "Asset Using" tab.

The advantage of this method is that it is dynamic, as new Assets are added to the Asset Register if they match the Preventative Maintenance's Asset Type,
Manufacturer and Model Number they will be automatically added to the Asset Using tab with a "Last Done Date/Time" of the current date and a "Last Done Reading" of
zero, meaning that by default the new Assets maintenance cycle will start the day that it is added to the Asset Register.

Applying a Preventative Maintenance to Individual Assets

As an alternative to nominating a group of Assets via the Preventative Maintenance's Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number drop­downs, you may go directly to
the "Asset Using" tab of the Preventative Maintenance and manually create a list of Assets for the Preventative Maintenance to apply to. Asset Numbers may be
directly entered into the "Asset" field in the listing or alternatively the "Select Assets" tool may be used.

The "Select Assets" tool can be used to select the Assets for the Preventative Maintenance to apply to. Assets can be selected individually by browsing through the
Asset Register tree, or as a batch by specifying a set of criteria and adding all Assets that match the criteria. The tool is accessed by clicking on the "Select Assets"
button located at the bottom of the "Asset Using" tab. 2/5
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The "Select Assets" Tool

The Select Assets tool is divided into two panes. The left­hand pane contains the Asset Register tree which can be browsed through to locate and select Assets. The
right­hand pane contains the "Assets Selected List", which is a listing of the Assets that the Preventative Maintenance applies to. Assets can be selected for the
Preventative Maintenance as follows:

To add an Asset to the Preventative Maintenance, select it in the Asset Register tree structure and click on the "­>" button to add it to the "Assets Selected" list. Assets
may be removed from the Preventative Maintenance by selecting them in the list and clicking on the "<­" button. There are three options for the use of these buttons:
Selected Asset Only: When an Asset is selected and the "­>" button clicked on, only the selected Asset will be moved across to the "Assets Selected"
Include Children: When an Asset is selected and the "­>" button clicked on,the selected Asset and all of its children will be moved across to the "Assets
Selected" list.
Children Only: When an Asset is selected and the "­>" button clicked on, only the children of the selected Asset will be moved across to the "Assets
Selected" list.

Multiple Assets may be added to the Preventative Maintenance by using the "Add Bulk Assets" area in the Select Assets screen. A set of criteria may be specified by
using the Manufacturer, Model Number, Asset Type and Department drop­down lists. If values are selected for some or all of these drop­down lists and the “Apply Filter” 3/5
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button is clicked on, then all of the Assets that match all of the specified criteria will be included in the "Assets Selected" list.

In the example given below all Assets with an Asset Type of “Pump”, a Manufacturer of “K&L” and a Department of “Mech” will be added to the "Assets Selected" list.

The "Add Bulk Assets" area of the Select Assets Screen

When the Select Assets screen is closed, the list of Assets from the "Assets Selected" listing will be transferred onto the Preventative Maintenance's "Asset Using"

Last Done Dates and Readings

The Preventative Maintenances Asset Using tab lists the Assets that the Preventative Maintenance applies to. Each Asset in the list has a "The Last Done Date" and
"Last Done Reading" field that specifies when a Work Order from this Preventative Maintenance was last done (or the start of the cycle if the equipment is new) for each
Asset that the Preventative Maintenance applies to.

When a Preventative Maintenance is first created, the “Last Done Date” for each Asset defaults to the current date, and the "Last Done Reading" defaults to zero.
Effectively this means that the next Work Order created for the Assets will be scheduled from the data of creation of the Preventative Maintenance. Typically you will be
required to update these Last Done Dates to the date that the routine maintenance was last performed on each Asset. This is the date that the next Work Order to be
created by the Preventative Maintenance is to be scheduled from. If the Asset is new, the date will typically be the installation date of the Asset. If it is an existing
Asset, the date will typically be the date of its last service.

In the case of a usage based Preventative Maintenance (i.e. hours, kilometres etc.) a Last Done Reading will be required as well, which is the reading that the
Preventative Maintenance is to schedule the next Work Order from.

To add or edit Last Done Dates/Readings for Assets in a Preventative Maintenance:

1. From within the Preventative Maintenances details select the "Asset Using" tab. This tab contains a list of the Assets that the Preventative
Maintenance applies to, along with the Last Done Date and Reading for each Asset.
2. Select an Asset from the list and either directly enter the Last Done Date or use the Date Picker to the right of the field to select the date.
3. If the Preventative Maintenance is usage based then enter the Last Done Reading as well.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the rest of the Assets in the list. 4/5
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Disabling the Preventative Maintenance for Selected Assets

If you wish to temporarily disable a Preventative Maintenance for an Asset you may un­tick the Assets "In Use" check­box. When this check­box is un­ticked the
Preventative Maintenance will not generate Work Orders for that Asset. This will not affect the schedule for Work Order creation.

To disable the Preventative Maintenance for an Asset:

1. From within the Preventative Maintenances details select the "Asset Using" tab. This tab contains a list of the Assets that the Preventative
Maintenance applies to, along with the Last Done Date and Reading for each Asset.
2. Locate the Asset that you wish to disable the Preventative Maintenance for and un­tick the "In Use" check­box. 5/5
4/17/2017 Preventative Maintenance Details

MEX v15 User Guide

Preventative Maintenance Details
As a Preventative Maintenance is basically a template for a Work Order there is a great deal of similarity between a Preventative Maintenances details and a Work Orders
Details. A Preventative Maintenance contains a header with the basic information of the Preventative Maintenance and a series of six tabs:
Details: The Details tab contains the "Frequency" information for the Preventative Maintenance, the scheduling options, the costing information and the general
categorisations of the Preventative Maintenance i.e. Job Type, Priority etc.
Job Codes: The Job Codes contains a list of the Job Codes to assign against the job.
Spares: The Spares tab contains a list of the expected materials requirements for the job.
Trades: The Trades tab contains a list of the expected manpower requirements for the job.
Tasks: Contains a check­list of the discrete tasks on the job, this may also be used to record readings.
Documents: Contains a list of documents that are to be added to the Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates.
Asset Using: Contains the list of Assets that the Preventative Maintenance applies to, including the last Date (and if the Preventative Maintenance is usage
based the Reading) at which the work was last performed for each Asset.
Risk: Used to record the various Risk Assessments associated with the routine tasks. 1/4
4/17/2017 Preventative Maintenance Details

The Preventative Maintenance Details Screen

Fields Located in the Preventative Maintenance's Header

The fields located on the Work Orders header are detailed below.

The Preventative Maintenance Number

Each Preventative Maintenance that is created in MEX will be automatically assigned a unique Preventative Maintenance Number that identifies the Preventative
Maintenance within MEX. The Preventative Maintenance Number is read­only and may not be edited.

The Description
The Description is a mandatory field on the Preventative Maintenance. It contains a text description of the maintenance task that is to be performed. The
Preventative Maintenance Description is copied across to the Job Description of the Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates. 2/4
4/17/2017 Preventative Maintenance Details

The Description is not intended to contain a detailed procedure for performing the task, rather it is a fairly detailed description of the task to be performed i.e.
"5,000km a Service for International Prime Mover." Any detailed procedures, permits etc. would be attached to the Work Order as documents on the "Documents"

The Description may be up to 1,500 alphanumeric characters long.

These are basic instructions for the person who is to perform the work. They are not intended as a detailed description of how to perform the work, but rather as a
basic note i.e. “Advise shift leader before shutting down conveyor.”

Safety Notes
This field contains any Safety Notes relevant to the job and will be printed on the Work Orders in bold type. The Safety Notes field of the Work Orders generated
by the Preventative Maintenance will be automatically populated with a combination of any Safety Notes that were specified for the Asset in the Asset Register,
and any Safety Notes from the Preventative Maintenance.

Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number

The Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number drop­downs are used to identify a group of Assets that the Preventative Maintenance applies to. For example, if
an Asset Type of "Compressor" is selected, then all Assets with the Asset Type of "Compressor" will be automatically added to the Preventative Maintenance's
"Asset Using" tab.

The Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number drop­downs work in a Hierarchical fashion. A Manufacturer may not be selected until an Asset Type has been
selected, a Model Number may not be selected until a Asset Type and Manufacturer have been selected.

If an Asset Type only is selected from the drop­down list, then the Preventative Maintenance will apply to all Assets of that Asset Type. If an Asset Type and
Manufacturer are selected for the Preventative Maintenance then it will apply to all Assets with the same Asset Type and Manufacturer. If an Asset Type,
Manufacturer and Model Number are selected then the Assets must match all three fields to be associated with the Preventative Maintenance.

When this check­box is un­ticked the Preventative Maintenance will be made inactive. This means that:

• The Preventative Maintenance will not generate any Work Orders for any Asset.

• The Preventative Maintenance will not appear in the default view of the Preventative Maintenance Listing. If you wish to access inactive Preventative
Maintenances then you can click on the "View Inactive" button at the bottom of the listing which will temporarily display inactive as well as active
Preventative Maintenances. The Preventative Maintenance will still be displayed in the Preventative Maintenance tab of the Asset Register.

• The Preventative Maintenance will not appear in the Activator listing.

When the "Active" check­box is un­ticked, a "Until" field will be displayed to the right of the check­box. If a date is entered into this field, when the Activator is run
on or after this date the Preventative Maintenance will be automatically reactivated and will begin to produce Work Orders again. In the example shown below the
Preventative Maintenance will be inactive until the 12th of July: 3/4
4/17/2017 Preventative Maintenance Details

Related Topics
➢The Details Tab

➢The Job Codes Tab

➢The Documents Tab

➢The Spares Tab

➢The Tasks Tab

➢The Trades Tab

➢The Asset Using Tab

➢Creating a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

➢Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last

Done Dates 4/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Details Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Details Tab
Fields on the Details Tab
The Details tab contains a mixture of fields that serve a variety of purposes. Some of these fields control the behaviour of the Preventative Maintenance, and some fields are
carried across into the details of any Work Order that is created by the Preventative Maintenance. The following fields are found on the tab:

Frequency Frequency Or Est Duration Lead Time

Priority Job Type Department Contractor/Supplier
Standard Job Fixed Hierarchy Triggered
Labour Material Other Total
User Defined Component Code Use Asset Contractor Due Start Time
Work Order Format Quote Amount Days to Complete

The Preventative Maintenance Details Tab 1/6
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Details Tab

The Frequency fields in MEX are a combination of a "Frequency Type" drop­down and a value. These fields are used to record the service interval of the Preventative
Maintenance. For example, entering "6" and selecting "Months" from the drop­down would mean that the Preventative Maintenance will generate a Work Order every
six months. The options available in the Frequency Type drop­down are defined in the Frequency Types Control File.

In addition to calendar­based Frequency Types, usage­based Frequency Types may also be used (kilometres, hours etc). If a usage­based Frequency Type is selected
then meter readings of the selected type must be entered against the Preventative Maintenances Assets for the Preventative Maintenance to schedule Work Orders.
For example if a Preventative Maintenance based on Hours was entered for your Forklifts, then periodical hour meter readings for the forklifts must be entered into

Additionally, there is a drop­down to the immediate right of the Preventative Maintenance's Frequency field from which you can select "Every" or "At". By default, when
a Preventative Maintenance is created this drop­down is set to "Every", which means that the Preventative Maintenance will create a Work Order each time the
specified Frequency elapses. For example if the Preventative Maintenance has a frequency of "Every Three Months", then the Preventative Maintenance will generate
a new Work Order for an Asset every time three months elapses.

If you select "At" from the drop­down then the Preventative Maintenance will only generate a single Work Order the first time the Frequency elapses. In the example
shown below the Preventative Maintenance will only create a single Work Order for each Asset twelve months after the initial Last Done Date specified for the Asset.

For more information on the Frequency refer to the "Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance" section.

Frequency Or
The "Frequency Or" fields are used in the event that you require a "Dual Frequency" Preventative Maintenance. A Dual Frequency Preventative Maintenance is where a
combination of "usage based" and "calendar based"Frequency Types are used. If a usage­based Frequency Type is entered into the "Frequency" fields (see above),
then a calendar­based Frequency Type may be entered into the "Frequency Or" fields. In this way you could have a Preventative Maintenance that schedules Work
Orders "Every 5,000km or 6 Months".

Only a calendar­based Frequency Type may be used in the "Frequency Or" fields, and "Frequency Or" may only be used if a usage­based Frequency Type has been
used in the "Frequency" fields.

For more information on the "Frequency Or" refer to the "Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance" section.

Est Duration
This is the number of hours that the work is estimated to take from start to finish. Any value that is entered here will be copied into the “Overall Duration” field of any
Work Order that the Preventative Maintenance creates.

Lead Time
The Lead Time is the number of days in advance of the due date that the Work Order is to be created. For example, if the Work Order is scheduled to be created on the
20th of the month and a two­day lead time has been entered into the Preventative Maintenance, then the Work Order will be created on the 18th with a Due Start Date
of the 20th. 2/6
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Details Tab

This drop­down is used to select the Priority that will be assigned to the Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates. The Work Order Priority is a number
that indicates the importance and urgency of a Work Order. To assign a priority to a Work Order select the appropriate Priority from the Priority drop­down list on the
Work Order Details tab. The options available for selection from the drop down are defined in the Priority Control File.

Job Type
This drop­down is used to select the Job Type that will be assigned to the Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates. The Job Type allows you to define
what category the Work Orders will belong to i.e. Preventative Maintenance, Breakdown, Corrective Maintenance etc. The options available in this drop­down are
defined in the Job Types Control File.

This drop­down is used to select the Department that the Work Orders created by the Preventative Maintenance will be assigned to. Assigning your Work Orders to
Departments allows you to manage the work load and report by Department. The options available for selection from the drop down are defined in the Departments
Control File.

If the Work Orders created by the Preventative Maintenance are always to be done by a certain Contractor, then this field may be used to select the Contractor. Any
Work Order created by the Preventative Maintenance will have this Contractor assigned to it. Note that if a different Contractor has been specified for an Asset on the
Preventative Maintenance's Asset Using tab then the Asset's Contractor will override the Contractor that has been selected here.

The Contractors available for selection from this drop­down are the "Supplier" Contacts that have been created in the Contacts module.

Standard Job
The "Standard Job" check­box is used to indicate that the Preventative Maintenance does not automatically create Work Orders based on the information entered into
the "Frequency" fields. Rather it creates a Work Order when it is triggered, either manually by a user or automatically as a result of a condition being met. For more
information refer to the "Standard Jobs" section.

Ticking the Fixed check­box indicates that the schedule of the Preventative Maintenance is fixed, and future Work Orders cannot be re­scheduled as the result of a
Work Order being completed early or late. For a full explanation of the Fixed option refer to the "Preventative Maintenance Options" section.

Ticking the Hierarchy check­box indicates that the Preventative Maintenance can be involved in a Hierarchy. For example if there is a 3 month, 6 month and 12 month
service for an Asset and "Hierarchy" is ticked for all of the Preventative Maintenance schedules, then suppression of Work Orders takes place so that only the six­
monthly Work Orders is produced every six months, and only the twelve­monthly Work Order is produced every twelve months. For a full explanation of the Hierarchy
option refer to the "Preventative Maintenance Options" section.

The Triggered option is only available for readings based Frequency Types i.e. Hours, km, Tons Crushed etc. If a Calendar based (Days, Weeks, Months, Years)
Frequency Type is used then the Triggered option is greyed out.

When the "Triggered" option is used the Preventative Maintenance no longer uses a calculated "Average Usage" to create Work Orders. Rather MEX will wait until a
reading has been entered to indicate that an Asset has gone over its service interval. For example if a Preventative Maintenance has a Frequency of "10,000km", then
a Work Order will not be produced for an Asset until a Reading has been entered that indicates that the Asset has done 10,000km or over since its last service. A
Work Order would not be created if the last reading entered was 9 999km, but would be produced if the last reading entered was 10,001km. 3/6
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Details Tab

For a full explanation of the Hierarchy option refer to the "Preventative Maintenance Options" section.

The "Labour" field displays the total estimated labour cost for the Preventative Maintenance. It is calculated by multiplying the "Est Duration" by the "Rate" for every
line on the Preventative Maintenance's "Trades" tab. This field is read­only.

The "Material" field displays the total estimated materials cost for the Preventative Maintenance. It is calculated by multiplying the "Estimated Quantity" by the "Unit
Price" for every item on the Preventative Maintenances "Spares" tab. This field is read­only.

The "Other" field is used to record any miscellaneous costs that are associated with the Preventative Maintenance that does not fall into the category of "Trades" or
"Spares". A cost is directly entered into this field.

The "Total" field displays the sum of the "Labour", "Material" and "Other" costs and represents an estimated total cost for the Preventative Maintenance. This field is

User Defined
The "User Defined" field is a text field that can be renamed to record any extra information that you feel necessary. If a value is entered into this field on the
Preventative Maintenance then this value will be added to the "User Defined" field of every Work Order that the Preventative Maintenance creates. The process for
renaming fields is detailed in the "Renaming Fields in MEX" section.

Component Code
The "Component Code" is a drop­down that is used to categorise a maintenance task, typically to the area of the Asset that the maintenance is being performed on i.e.
Gearbox, Engine etc. Any entry made on this drop­down will be copied across to the Component Code field of every Work Order created by the Preventative

If you require the drop­down to be used for a different purpose the name of the field can be edited in the "Change Names" area and the contents of the drop­down can
be edited in the Component Codes Control File.

Use Asset Contractor

If this check­box is ticked, when the Preventative Maintenance generates a Work Order it will interrogate the details of the Work Order's Asset and examine the
contents of the Asset's Contractor field. If a Contractor has been specified for the Asset then that Contractor will be automatically added to the Work Order's Dispatch

Due Start Time

If you wish the Work Orders that are created by the Preventative Maintenance to be scheduled for a particular time of day, then that time can be entered into the
Preventative Maintenance's "Due Start Time" field. If a time is entered here then when a Work Order is created, the entered time will be automatically added to the time
component of the Work Order's "Due Start Date/Time". If no Due Start Time is entered into the Preventative Maintenance then the Work Order's Due Start Time will
default to midnight.

Work Order Format

This drop­down controls the format of the Work Orders created by the Preventative Maintenance. If "Contractor" is selected from the drop­down then the Work Orders
produced will be in the Contractor Format, which is the most appropriate for a job that is to be handed to an external contractor. 4/6
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Details Tab

Quote Amount
When the "Contractor" Work Order Format is selected for the Preventative Maintenance, the amount entered into this field will be transferred to the Quote Amount field
on any Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates. When a Purchase Orders is created for the Contractor, the value of the Purchase Order's value will
default to the Quote Amount. Note that if a different Quote Amount has been specified for an Asset on the Preventative Maintenance's Asset Using tab then the
Asset's Quote Amount will override the amount that has been entered here.

Days to Complete
When a non­zero value is entered into this field, when the Preventative Maintenance creates a Work Order the Work Order's Due Finish Date will be automatically
populated with the Work Order's Due Start plus the number of days entered into this field. For example if a five is entered into the "Days to Complete" field and the
Preventative Maintenance creates a Work Order with a Due Start Date of the 10th, the Work Order's Due Finish Date will be automatically set to the 15th.

Buttons on the Details Tab

Buttons on the Details Tab

There following buttons are available at the bottom of the Preventative Maintenance Details tab:

Clicking on the "New" button will save the current Preventative Maintenance, bring up a blank Preventative Maintenance Details screen for a new Preventative
Maintenance to be entered into. Upon closing the new Preventative Maintenance you will be returned to the Work Order Listing.

Clicking on the "Duplicate" button will save the current Preventative Maintenance and create a new Preventative Maintenance that is an exact duplicate of the original
Preventative Maintenance with the exception that the new Preventative Maintenance will be assigned its own "Preventative Maintenance Number".

Related Topics
➢The Preventative Maintenance Options

➢Frequencies and Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance

➢Readings and Fuel

➢Creating a Preventative Maintenance Schedule

➢The Work Order Details Tab 5/6
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4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Job Codes Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Job Codes Tab
If the Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance produces are to be broken up into segment, then a number of Job Codes can be added to the Job Codes tab. The
various spares and labour entries can be assigned to these Job Codes allowing for a more details costing of the job.

The Preventative Maintenance Job Codes Tab

Major and Minor Job Codes

There are two kinds of Job Codes; “Major” Job Codes and “Minor” Job Codes. Major Job Codes typically indicate a section of a vehicle, and may contain several Minor
Job Codes that typically represent a part of the section or a task performed upon the section.

In the example given below there are two Major Job Codes, Engine and Undercarriage. The Undercarriage Major Job Code is split into three Minor Job Codes; Track
Rollers, Track Frames and Tracks. If a vehicle cam into the workshop requiring an engine service and a replacement track plate, then the parts and labour associated
with the service could be applied to Major Job Code = “Engine” Minor Job Code = “Service”, and the track plates parts and labour could be applied to Major Work Code
= “Undercarriage” Minor Job Code = “Tracks”. 1/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Job Codes Tab

A default list of Major and Minor Job Codes has been defined in MEX, but these codes can be edited and/or replaced to meet your specific needs using the Job Codes
Control File.

Entering a Job Code onto the Preventative Maintenance

To enter a Job Code onto a Preventative Maintenance:
1. Go to the Preventative Maintenance's “Job Codes” tab. This tab displays a list of all of the Job Codes that have been applied to the Preventative
2. Click on the "New" button to add a blank line to the bottom of the list.
3. Go to the blank line and select a Major Job Code from the drop­down. This usually represents the major part of the Asset that the Job Code applies to.
4. Optionally select a Minor Job Code from the drop­down. Only Minor Job Codes that apply to the already selected Major Job Code will be available for
5. A description will have been automatically entered into the “Description” field. This automatic description is a combination of the descriptions of the Major and
Minor Job Codes. This automatic description can be overwritten with a more specific description if you require.
6. If required, select a “Job Type” for the new Job Code. Each Job Code on the Preventative Maintenance may have a separate “Job Type” applied to it.
7. Optionally select an Account Code for the Job Code from the Account Code drop­down.
8. If a segment of the Preventative Maintenance is to be performed by a Contractor, then this can be recorded using the “Contractor” drop­down list.
9. To add additional Preventative Maintenance to the Work Order, click on the "New" button to add another blank line to the list and repeat steps 3 to 8.

Having entered a Job Code or Job Codes onto the Preventative Maintenance, the Preventative Maintenance’s materials and labour may be assigned to them by
selecting the Job Code on the spares and trades entries. 2/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Job Codes Tab

Related Topics
➢The Work Order Job Codes Tab

➢The Job Codes Control File

➢Displaying Detailed Costs on the Work Order 3/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Documents Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Documents Tab
The Documents tab of a Preventative Maintenance contains a list of documents that are to be added to any Work Order created by the Preventative Maintenance. Documents
such as task lists, schematic diagrams, permits etc could be added to the Preventative Maintenance.

When a Preventative Maintenance generates a Work Order new copies of the Preventative Maintenance's documents will be added to the Work Order. If these documents
can be edited inside the web browser (primarily the Excel and MS Word file types) then the documents can be opened in the Work Order, edited and saved.

The Preventative Maintenance Documents Tab

Adding a Document to a Preventative Maintenance

To add a document to a Preventative Maintenance:

1. From within the Preventative Maintenance's details select the "Docs" tab. This tab displays the list of documents that have been added to the
Preventative Maintenance.
2. Click on the "New" button located at the bottom of the tab. This will add a blank line at the bottom of the list to enter your document into..
3. In the new document record click into the "File Path" field and either:

• Click on the ellipse button located next to the "File Path" field. This will open up a browser for you to locate and select the file.

• If you wish to refer to a web page, then type the web address directly into the File Path field.

4. Optionally, enter a description of the document into the "Comments" field. 1/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Documents Tab

It is important to note that the file that you select is saved into the MEX Documents Store. If you later
edit the original file that you selected, the file will not be updated in MEX.

Opening a Document

A document can be opened from within MEX by clicking on the document to select it, and then clicking on the "Open Document" button located at the bottom of the
Docs tab. This will open up the MEX Documents Viewer and:

• If the file is a PDF file or a file than can be opened by Microsoft Word or Excel, then the file will be displayed in a new tab in your browser. Word or Excel
documents may be edited and saved within the browser tab.

Editing an Excel Document in the Browser Tab 2/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Documents Tab

• If the document cannot be displayed inside a web browser then you will be presented with three options:

Open: The document will be opened with the appropriate application on your PC, for example if the document is a Microsoft Word document then
the document will be opened in Microsoft Word (or whatever application you have loaded on your PC that handles this kind of document.)
Save: This will save the document onto your PC in your Downloads directory.
Save As: This will save the document into the location that you specify.

Deleting a Document

A Document is deleted from the tab by clicking on the Document to select it, and then clicking on the Delete button located at the bottom of the Documents tab. Note
that this only deletes the copy of the document that is held in MEX. The original document will be unaffected.

Related Topics
➢The Work Order Documents Tab 3/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Spares Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Spares Tab
All of the estimated spare parts that are required for a job can be recorded in the Spares tab of the Preventative Maintenance. This information will be replicated into the
Spares tab of any Work Order created by this policy. For each required part the user can add:

• The Catalogue Number and Description of the part.

• The estimated quantity to be used for the part.

• The cost per unit of the part.

• If the part has not been defined in the Stores Catalogue

The Preventative Maintenance Spares Tab

Adding Parts to a Preventative Maintenance

The process for adding an item to the Work Order varies depending on whether or not the item has been defined in the Stores Catalogue.

Adding Items from the Catalogue

Items may be added to the Preventative Maintenance from the Stores Catalogue as follows: 1/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Spares Tab

1. From within the Preventative Maintenances details select the "Spares" tab. This tab lists out the materials that have been assigned to the Preventative
2. The Spares tab contains a list of the various items that have been added to the Work Order. Click on the "New" button to add a blank line to the bottom
of the list.
3. Go to the blank line at the bottom of the list and add a new item by:

• If the Catalogue Number of the item is known either type it into the Catalogue Number field or select it using the Catalogue Selector.

• If the Catalogue Number of the item is not known then the item may be selected from the Stores Catalogue as follows:

i. Click on the "Select Catalogue Item" button located at the bottom of the tab. This will open up the Catalogue Selection screen, which is a
searchable list of all items that are defined in the Stores Catalogue.
ii. In the Catalogue Selection screen, use the listings search facility to locate the item. The listing may also be sorted as required.
iii. Select the item in the listing and click on the "Add to PM" button located in the bottom left­hand corner of the screen.
iv. Continue adding items to the Preventative Maintenance as required. When finished, close the Catalogue Selection screen to return to the
Preventative Maintenance. The items that have been selected will have been automatically added to the Spares tab.
4. Enter the estimated quantity of the item/s to be used on the Preventative Maintenance into the "Est/Qty" field.

Adding Non­Catalogued Parts to a Preventative Maintenance

If the item to be added to the Preventative Maintenance has not been defined in the Stores Catalogue, or the Stores module is not in use, the spare is simply
typed into the Spares tab as follows:
1. From within the Preventative Maintenances details select the "Spares" tab. This tab lists out the materials that have been assigned to the Preventative
2. The Spares tab contains a list of the various items that have been added to the Work Order. Click on the "New" button to add a blank line to the bottom
of the list.
3. You are required to enter a "Item Number", a "Description" or both for the item. After entering one of these, if the "Add on the Fly" option for the Stores
Catalogue has been enabled you will be presented with a prompt asking if you wish to add the item to the Catalogue. If you answer "Yes" then you will
be presented with a Catalogue Details screen so that you may enter the details of the new item into the Catalogue.
4. Select a Unit of Measure (kg, litres, Each etc) from the drop­down list. These units of measure are defined in the Units of Measure Control File.
5. Enter the estimated quantity of the item/s to be used on the Preventative Maintenance into the "Estimated Quantity" field.
6. Enter an estimated cost for the item into the "Unit Price" field. This will contribute to the estimated cost for the job.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 to add additional items. 2/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Spares Tab

Reserving Parts for a Preventative Maintenance

The Preventative Maintenance has the capacity to automatically reserve some or all of its required parts in the Stores Catalogue. Spares are marked as "To Be
Reserved" by ticking the check­box located on the right­hand side of a spares line.

This check­box will only be visible if you have the "Allow Reservation of Parts" option enabled in the
System Options.

Marking Preventative Maintenance Spares as "To Be Reserved".

If parts are marked "Reserve" on the Preventative Maintenance:

• When the Preventative Maintenance creates a Work Order, it examines the Spares tab to determine if any of the parts are to be reserved in the

• If a spares line is to be reserved, then a Reservation will be automatically be created for the Estimated Quantity of the spare.

• Once the Reservation is made, these parts will be unable to be issued to other Work Orders unless the Reservation is cancelled.

Parts may only be reserved if they have been defined in the Stores Catalogue and there is an "Estimated Quantity" for the spare.

If the Preventative Maintenance creates a Work Order and there is insufficient stock available in the Stores Catalogue to satisfy the Reservation, then MEX will create a
Requisition rather than a Reservation. 3/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Spares Tab

Requisitioning Parts for a Preventative Maintenance

The Preventative Maintenance has the capacity to automatically Requisition some or all of its required parts in the Stores Catalogue. Spares are marked as "To Be
Requisitioned" by ticking the check­box located on the right­hand side of a spares line.

If parts are marked "Requisition" on the Preventative Maintenance, then when the Preventative Maintenance creates a Work Order, a Requisition is automatically raised
for these parts against the Work Order.

Note that in the Preventative Maintenance Spares tab a Requisition can only be raised against an item that is in the Stores Catalogue.

Related Topics
➢The Work Order Spares Tab

➢Reserving Parts for the Work Order

➢The Stores Catalogue

➢Reservations 4/4
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Tasks Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Tasks Tab
Most routine Maintenance Work Orders have a set list of tasks that must be performed as part of the service. These Tasks can be entered into the Preventative Maintenance
and will be replicated onto any Work Orders created by the Preventative Maintenance.

A task can be:

• An action to be checked off on the Work Order.

• A reading to be taken and recorded against the equipment. A maximum and minimum value can be defined for the reading, and an action (Standard Job) may
be selected to automatically create a corrective Work Order if the reading is outside of these tolerances.

The Preventative Maintenance Tasks Tab

Adding Tasks to a Preventative Maintenance

To add tasks to a Preventative Maintenance:
1. Go to the Tasks tab of the Preventative Maintenance and click on the "New" button to add a blank line to the bottom of the list of tasks.
2. Go to the blank line and enter a description of the task into the "Description" field. This is the only mandatory field for a task.
3. If the task is to take a reading select the appropriate Frequency Type from the "Type" drop­down list.
4. If required, enter a Maximum and Minimum value for the reading into the Max and Min fields. If a reading is entered that is outside of these values when a
Work Order is closed then an alert will be raised. 1/2
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Tasks Tab

5. If the task is to take a reading and maximum and/or minimum values have been entered, an Action may be entered for the task. To enter an Action, select a
Standard Job from the Action drop­down list. This drop­down list displays a list of all Standard Jobs that have been created in the Preventative Maintenance
module. If the reading entered when a Work Order is closed is outside the maximum/minimum values for the task the Standard Job will automatically raise a
supplementary Work Order for the Asset.
6. To add additional tasks, click on the "New" button again to create another blank line and repeat steps 2 to 6.

Inserting Tasks into a Preventative Maintenance

In the event that you would like to insert a task at some point in the list, select the task that you want the new task to appear above and click on the "Insert Task"
button. This will create a blank line in the task list immediately above the selected task. You may then enter the new task into the blank line as per usual.

Reorganising the Task List

If you would like to change a tasks position in the Tasks list, then select the task in the list and use the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons. This will allow you to
reorganise your tasks within the task list.

Tasks may be deleted by selecting a task in the list and clicking on the "Delete" button located at the bottom of the tab.

Related Topics
➢The Work Order Tasks Tab 2/2
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Trades Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Trades Tab
The Trades tab of the Preventative Maintenance is where the manpower requirements for the maintenance task are set. Any information recorded in this tab will be copied into
the Trades tab of any Work Orders that are created by the Preventative Maintenance. The information that is recorded on the Trades tab includes:

• The Trade Codes of the people who work on the job i.e. Electrician, Fitter, Instrument Tech etc.

• If required, the names of the people or companies that work on the job.

• The estimated hours that each person will be spent on the job.

Estimated labour costs for the Preventative Maintenance are calculated from the trades information. If only a Trade Code is specified on a Trades line then the default hourly
rate for the Trade Code will be used to calculate the estimated cost for that line. If a person or company is also specified on a Trades line then that person or company's
hourly rate will be used.

The Preventative Maintenance Trades Tab

Adding Trades Information to a Preventative Maintenance

The process for adding trades information onto a Preventative Maintenance is very similar to adding trades onto a Work Order, with the exception that only estimated
times may be added on a Preventative Maintenance.

To add trades information to a Preventative Maintenance:

1. From within the Preventative Maintenances details select the "Trades" tab. This tab lists out the estimated labour that is required to complete the
maintenance task. 1/2
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Trades Tab

2. Click on the "New" button to add a blank row to the bottom of the list.
3. Go to the blank row in the listing and select a Trade Code from the drop­down list.
4. Optionally you may enter the name of the person or contractor company that will be performing the work. To do this select the person or company from the
"Trade Name" drop­down. The persons that are available in the drop­down will be the ones that have had the selected Trade Code assigned to them.
5. Add the estimated number of hours that will be worked into the "Est Duration" field.
6. To add additional labour to the Work Order click on the "New" button to create another blank line, then repeat steps 3 to 5.

Removing a Labour Record From a Preventative Maintenance

A labour record is removed from the Preventative Maintenance as follows:
1. From within the Work Orders details select the "Trades" tab. This tab lists out the manpower that has been assigned to the Work Order.
2. Locate the labour record that you wish to remove and select it from the listing.
3. Click on the "Delete" button located in the bottom left­hand corner of the Trades tab. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click on "Yes" to continue.

Related Topics
➢The Work Order Trades Tab



➢The Trades Control File 2/2
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Permits Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Permits Tab
The Preventative Maintenance's Permits tab is used to define what permits will be required for the Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates. Permits may be
added to the Preventative Maintenance and filled in with the details that are relevant to the job. These permits will then be automatically added to the Permits Tab of any
Work Order that the Preventative Maintenance creates.

The Preventative Maintenance's Permits Tab

Adding a Permit to a Preventative Maintenance

To add a Permit to a Preventative Maintenance:
1. Click on the "New" button in the bottom right­hand corner of the Permits tab. This will open up a blank Permit Details screen.
2. Click on the ellipse button to the right of the "Permit Type" field. This will open up a list of the types of permit that are available for selection. The types of
Permit that are available are defined in the Permits Control File.­preventative­maintenance­permits­tab.htm?toc=0&printWindow 1/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Permits Tab

Selecting the Permit Type

3. Select the type of Permit that you wish to add to the Preventative Maintenance and click on the"Select" button in the bottom left­hand corner of the Permit
Type Listing. This will return you to the Permit Details screen which will now display the fields for the selected permit type. The permit can now be filled in.

Filling In a Permit
After a Permit has been added to a Preventative Maintenance it can be electronically filled in. To fill in a Permit, in the Preventative Maintenance's Permits tab, select
the Permit that you wish to fill in and click on the "Details" button in the bottom left­hand corner of the screen. This will open up the Permit's Details screen.­preventative­maintenance­permits­tab.htm?toc=0&printWindow 2/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Permits Tab

The Permit Details Screen­preventative­maintenance­permits­tab.htm?toc=0&printWindow 3/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Asset Using Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Asset Using Tab
The Asset Using tab contains the list of Assets that the Preventative Maintenance schedule applies to. Assets are added to this list in two ways:

• When a Preventative Maintenance is created an "Asset Type", "Manufacturer" and "Model Number" may be specified on the Details tab. If this is done, then
all Assets that match the selected values will be automatically added to the Asset Using tab. As new Assets are added to the Asset Register if they match
the Preventative Maintenance's Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number they will be automatically added to the Asset Using tab with a "Last Done
Date/Time" of the current date and a "Last Done Reading" of zero, meaning that by default the new Asset's maintenance cycle will start the day that it is
added to the Asset Register.

• The Assets may also be manually added to and removed from the list.

Refer to the "Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last Done Dates" section for more information.

The Preventative Maintenance Asset Using Tab

Fields on the Asset Using Tab

The following fields are found on the Asset Using tab:

Asset Last Work Order No Last Work Order Reading Last Done Date Time
Last Done Reading In Use Asset Description Contractor
Quote Amount

Asset 1/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Asset Using Tab

This drop­down contains the "Asset Number" of the Asset that the Preventative Maintenance applies to. Asset Numbers may be selected from the drop­down or typed
directly into the field.

Last Work Order No

This read­only field displays the number of the last Work Order generated by the Preventative Maintenance for the Asset. If a Work Order has not yet been generated
for the Asset then this field will be blank.

Last Work Order Reading

This read­only field displays the contents of the "Reading" field from the last Work Order generated by the Preventative Maintenance for the Asset. The Reading field is
located on the "Details" tab of the Work Order and typically displays the Preventative Maintenances "Last Done Reading" when the Work Order was closed off (or if the
Work Order is still open, the Last Done Reading from then the Work Order was created).

Last Done Date/Time

This is the date that the next Work Order to be generated by the Preventative Maintenance is scheduled from. Typically it displays the "Due Date" on the last Work
Order generated by the Preventative Maintenance for the Asset. If the Preventative Maintenance is not "Fixed", then the Last Done Date may have been updated when
the Work Order was closed off to History. This field may be edited to re­schedule the next Work Order.

Last Done Reading

If the Preventative Maintenance is usage­based, then this field will display the Reading that the next Work Order generated by the Preventative Maintenance will be
scheduled from. Typically it displays the Reading that the last Work Order generated by the Preventative Maintenance was due to be performed at. If the Preventative
Maintenance is not "Fixed", then the Last Done Date may have been updated when the Work Order was closed off to History. This field may be edited to re­schedule
the next Work Order.

In Use
This check­box is used to indicate if the Preventative Maintenance is currently active for the Asset. By default this check­box is ticked, however it may be unticked if
you wish to temporarily disable the Preventative Maintenance for the Asset. No Work Orders will be generated by the Preventative Maintenance for the Asset while this
check­box is unticked.

Asset Description
This read­only field displays the Assets "Description" from the Asset Register.

When a Contractor is selected here any Work Orders created by the Preventative Maintenance for the Asset will be automatically assigned to the selected Contractor,
overriding any Contractor that may have been selected on the Preventative Maintenance's Details tab. The Contractors available for selection are the "Supplier"
Contacts that have been created in the Contacts module.

Quote Amount
When the "Contractor" Work Order Format is selected for the Preventative Maintenance, the amount entered into this field will be transferred to the Quote Amount field
on any Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates for the Asset, overriding the Quote Amount entered on the Details tab. When a Purchase Orders is
created for the Contractor, the value of the Purchase Order's value will default to the Quote Amount.

Buttons on the Asset Using Tab

The following buttons are found on the Asset Using tab:

Delete 2/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Asset Using Tab

Selecting an Asset from the tabs listing and clicking on the "Delete" button will remove the Asset from the Asset Using tab. This means that the Preventative
Maintenance will no longer apply to the Asset. The Asset may be manually added back into the listing if required. Deleting an Asset here does not delete it from the
Asset Register and does not affect the Assets details in any way.

Select Assets
The "Select Assets" button opens up the "Select Assets" tool, which may be used to manually add Assets to the Preventative Maintenance, either individually or in
bulk. This is the preferred method for adding Assets to the Preventative Maintenance if the Asset Type, Manufacturer and Model Number fields on the Details tab are
not being used to link the Preventative Maintenance to a group of Assets. Refer to the "Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last Done Dates" section for
more information.

Asset Details
Selecting an Asset from the tabs listing and clicking on the "Asset Details" button will open up the Details screen for the selected Asset. The Assets Details will be

Related Topics
➢Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last Done Dates

➢Work Order Details

➢Closing Work Orders 3/3
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Risk Tab

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Risk Tab
The Preventative Maintenance's Risk tab can be used to record a Risk Assessment for the routine task. This Risk assessment is made up of a list of "Risks", which
represents the various OH&S risks, environmental risks and risks to production that will occur during the tasks. Any Risks that are added to a preventative Maintenance will
be automatically added to any Work Orders that the Preventative Maintenance creates.

When your record a Risk on a Preventative Maintenance you can specify:

• The type and nature of the risk

• The controls put in place to mitigate the Risk

• A Risk Score used to indicate the severity of the Risk (A Risk Score Calculator has been included to assist in assigning a Risk Score)

• The name of the person that assessed the risk and the date that the risk was assessed

• The type of permit required for the Risk, if any

The Preventative Maintenance Risk Tab 1/5
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Risk Tab

Adding a Risk to a Preventative Maintenance

A Risk can be added to a Preventative Maintenance as follows:

1. In the Preventative Maintenance's Risk tab, click on the "New" button. This will open up a blank Risk Assessment form to enter the details of your Risk
2. In the Risk Details form, select the category of Risk from the "Risk Type" drop­down. The options available for selection from this drop­down are
defined in the Risk Type Control File.

The Risk Assessment Screen

3. Enter the nature of the risk into the "Hazard Description" field. 2/5
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Risk Tab

4. Enter the nature of the controls that will be put in place to mitigate the risk into the "Controls" field.
5. Assign a Risk Score to the Risk by clicking on the ellipse button to the right of the "Risk Score" field. This will open up the Risk Score Calculator which
is explained below.
6. If a permit will be required to deal with the Risk i.e. Hot Work, Confined Space etc., the select the type of permit from the "Permit Required" drop­down.
The options available for selection in this drop­down are defined in the Risk Permit Type Control File.
7. Select the name of the person who has assessed the risk and the date of the assessment into the "Assessed By" fields.
8. Close the risk Assessment screen to return to the Preventative Maintenance's Risk tab. Your new Risk will have been added to the list.

The Risk Score Calculator

The Risk Score Calculator has been included to assist in assigning the Risk with an appropriate Risk Score. MEX uses a three­dimensional calculator with the following

• Likelihood: The likelihood of the hazard's negative outcome occurring

• Consequences: How severe the negative outcome could be if it occurs

• Frequency: How regularly you will be exposed to the Risk

The Risk Score Calculator is accessed by clicking on the ellipse button located to the right of the Risk Score field. 3/5
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Risk Tab

The Risk Score Calculator

A Risk Score is generated by moving the sliders on each of the three axis to a point that is appropriate to the hazard, for example if the negative consequences of the
hazard is a fatality, then you would move the "Consequences" slider to "Disaster. Various points on the slider are labelled with descriptions to assist you in selecting the
correct point.

If you hold your mouse cursor over the slider's descriptions, a more detailed description will be
displayed. The image above shows an example of this.
Once you have moved all three sliders to appropriate points a Risk Score will be generated, and
based on the Risk Score a "Risk Rating" will be assigned i.e. High, Low, Extreme etc. What Risk
Scores equate to what Risk Ratings can be defined in the Risk Rating Control File.

Upon closing the Risk Score Calculator you will be returned to the Risk Assessment screen which will be update with the calculated Risk Score and Risk Rating. 4/5
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Risk Tab

Related Topics
➢The Work Order's Risk Tab

➢The Risk Type Control File

➢The Risk Permit Type Control File

➢The Risk Rating Control File 5/5
4/17/2017 The Activator

MEX v15 User Guide

The Activator
The Activator is the area of the Preventative Maintenance module that turns Preventative Maintenance into Work Orders. When the Activator is run it scans the list of
Preventative Maintenance schedules and creates any Work Orders that are due or overdue for creation.

The Activator Screen

The Activator man be run in three ways: 1/6
4/17/2017 The Activator

Manually: This is the most common method of running the Activator. Typically the maintenance planner will run the Activator to generate the Work Orders for a
certain period of time into the future. For example, the Planner might runt he Activator on Friday to create the Work Orders that will be due the following week.
This allows the planner to sort out work schedules, parts availability etc in advance.
Automatically: Alternatively, MEX can be configured so that when the first user logs on to MEX for the day they will be taken directly to the Activator screen
and prompted to run the Activator. If the user answers" Yes" then the Activator will run and Work Orders will be generated. Only the first user to log in will be
prompted in this way.

To configure MEX to run the Activator automatically the "Auto Generate Work Orders on Startup" option is set in the Control Menu. To do this:
1. In the MEX Main Menu, click on the "Control Files" button to open up the Control Menu.
2. In the bottom left­hand corner of the Control Menu, click on the "Administration Functions" button to display the various system­wide configuration
options on the right­hand side of the screen.
3. The "Activator Options" area is located half­way down the Administration Functions tab. Locate the "Auto Generate Work Orders on Startup" check­
box and tick it to enable this feature.

Scheduled: The MEX Task Scheduler may be used to run the Activator automatically according to a configurable schedule (i.e. Daily at 5:00am). Refer to the
MEX Utilities user guide for detailed instructions.

Running the Activator Manually

The Activator is manually run by:

1. From the Main Menu, click on the "Preventative Maintenance" button to be taken to the Preventative Maintenance Listing.
2. From the Preventative Maintenance Listing screen, click on the "Activator" button located at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the
Activator screen.
3. Click on the "Auto Generate" button located at the bottom of the Activator screen. After confirming that you wish to run the Activator, the Activator will
begin to scroll through the Activator Listing and raise the Work Orders that are due or overdue. 2/6
4/17/2017 The Activator

The Activator Listing is a list of all of the Work Orders that may be potentially created by the Preventative Maintenance schedules in MEX. For example, in the figure
above a Preventative Maintenance No. 228 has been created for the Asset Type "Compressor". Since there are four Compressors in the Asset Register, there are four
potential Work Orders that can be created by this Preventative Maintenance.

Each "Potential Work Order" has a "Next Due Date" for its creation. When the Activator is run, each of these Potential Work Orders are examined, and if their Due Date
falls before the current system date (plus the defined lead times) then the Work Order is created. The lead times that may be defined in MEX are:
The Activator's "Days in Advance": This is the contents of the "Days in Advance" field located at the bottom of the Activator screen. In the image above,
there is a seven in this field, meaning that the Activator will created any Work Orders that are due or overdue within the next seven days. The default value
for this field is set in the "Raise Work Orders X days in advance" option in the Control Menu as follows:
1. In the MEX Main Menu, click on the "Control Files" button to open up the Control Menu.
2. In the bottom left­hand corner of the Control Menu, click on the "Administration Functions" button to display the various system­wide
configuration options on the right­hand side of the screen.
3. The "Activator Options" area is located half­way down the right­hand side of the screen. Locate the "Raise Work Orders X days in advance"
field and enter the number of days into the future that you wish the Activator to raise Work Orders for.
The Preventative Maintenances Individual Lead Times: The "Lead Time" field located on the Preventative Maintenances Details tab records the number
of days in advance of the due date that the Preventative Maintenance will create its Work Orders.

As an example, if the Activator is being run seven days in advance and a Preventative Maintenance has a "Lead Time" of three days, then the Work Orders generated
by that Preventative Maintenance will be raised ten days in advance of their Due Date.

There are reasons that a Work Order may not be created even though it is due for creation:

• The Preventative Maintenance that is generating the Work Order is not "Fixed", and the last Work Order created has not been closed off or cancelled
yet. If this is the case, then a Work Order will not be created until the existing Work Order is either closed off to History or cancelled.

• A Preventative Maintenance Hierarchy is suppressing the Work Order. As an example, if a compressor has a three­monthly and a six­monthly
Preventative Maintenance due then only the six­monthly Preventative Maintenance will generate a Work Order.

• If a Potential Work Order comes from a Preventative Maintenance has had the "Triggered" option selected, then a Work Order will only be created if a
reading has been entered for the Asset that is greater than or equal to the Next Due Reading.

Filtering the Activator Listing

When the Activator is run, only the Potential Work Orders that are displayed in the Activator Listing may be created by the Activator. This means that the listing may be
filtered to display only the Work Orders to be created for a particular Department and/or a particular branch of the Asset Register, essentially running the Activator for
only these areas.

To filter the Activator Listing: 3/6
4/17/2017 The Activator

1. Click on the "Ranges" button located at the Bottom of the Activator screen. This will bring up the Range screen for the listing.
2. If you wish to filter the Activator Listing to only raise Work Orders for a particular Department, then select that Department from the drop­down.
3. If you wish to filter the Activator Listing to raise Work Orders only for a particular Asset then enter the Asset by either typing it's Asset Number into the
"Asset" field or select it by using the Asset Search Tool.
4. If you wish to raise Work Orders for both the Asset selected in step 3 and also its children, then tick the "Include Children" check­box.
5. Click on the "Apply" button to filter the listing, and then close the "Range" screen to return to the Activator.

In the example shown below, only Work Orders for the "Mechanical" Department for the Asset "FACT01" and its children will be created by the Activator.

The Activator's Range Screen

Raising Individual Work Orders

If a Work Order is to be raised from a Preventative Maintenance outside of the usual schedule, then the user may manually trigger a Preventative Maintenance to create
a Work Order by using the Activator. A reason for doing this might be that a Work Order has to be done early in order to fit in with a maintenance shut­down period.

When manually raising a Work Order, the user can select any Potential Work Order in the Activator List and create the Work Order. The usual rules for raising a Work
Order still apply i.e. the Work Order may be suppressed by a hierarchy etc.

To manually raise a Work Order from the Activator:

1. From the Main Menu, click on the "Preventative Maintenance" button to be taken to the Preventative Maintenance Listing.
2. From the Preventative Maintenance Listing screen, click on the "Activator" button located at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the
Activator screen. 4/6
4/17/2017 The Activator

3. Locate the Potential Work Order that you wish to create and click on the "Raise Work Order" button located at the bottom of the screen.

Activator Statuses

Each Potential Work Order has the Activator Listing has a "Status" displayed in the left­most column in the Listing. This Status indicates what is likely to happen with
the Potential Work Order when the Activator is run. The available Statuses are given in the table below:

Status Description Icon

Overdue The Activator has not been run recently enough for
the Work Order to have been created on time.

Due within the next n days in advance The Activator is due to create a Work Order for this
(Where n is the number set in the Days in entry.
advance field).

Due more than n days in advance from The Work Order is not yet due to be created for this
now (Where n is the number set in the entry.
Days in advance field).

No Last Done Date. No Last Done Date has been entered for this Asset
for the Preventative Maintenance. No Work Order will
be created until a Last Done Date is entered.

Triggered. The Preventative Maintenance for this entry is of a

Triggered type.

Readings need to be added before a The Preventative Maintenance for this entry is usage
Work Order can be Raised. based and insufficient Readings have been entered
for MEXto be able to come up with an average usage
for this Asset. A minimum of two readings plus the
Last Done Reading is required for the Asset before
work can be scheduled.
Work Order Already Exists for This If the Preventative Maintenance is not fixed and in a
Hierarchy hierarchy, and one of the Preventative Maintenances
in that Hierarchy has an open Work Order that was
created by it, then none of the Preventative
Maintenances in that hierarchy will create another
Work Order until the outstanding Work Order is
closed off.
Purchase Date Required If the Preventative Maintenance is using the "At 5/6
4/17/2017 The Activator

Scheduling Option", then a Purchase Date must be

entered into the Asset's Details in order for the Work
order to be scheduled.

Printing the Created Work Orders

Optionally, any Work Orders created when the Activator is run may be automatically sent to your default printer. This is done by ticking the "Print Raised Jobs" check­
box located in the bottom left­hand corner of the Activator screen before running the Activator. The default for this check­box can be set with the "Print Work Orders that
are Automatically Generated" option in the Control Menu as follows:
1. In the MEX Main Menu, click on the "Control Files" button to open up the Control Menu.
2. In the bottom left­hand corner of the Control Menu, click on the "Administration Functions" button to display the various system­wide configuration
options on the right­hand side of the screen.
3. The "Activator Options" area is located half­way down the right­hand side of the screen. Locate the "Print Work Orders that are Automatically
Generated" check­box and either tick it or untick it to set the default that you are after.

Related Topics
➢Assets Using the Preventative Maintenance and Last Done Dates

➢Preventative Maintenance

➢The Activator Options

➢Lead Times in Preventative Maintenance 6/6
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

MEX v15 User Guide

The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler
The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler is a tool that may be used to view and plan all routine maintenance jobs, over a given time, into the future. Its functions include:

• The generation of schedules of work for all of the routine maintenance that is defined in MEX.

• Producing a list of the Preventative Maintenance Work Orders that will be created over the defined time frame.

• Producing a calendar of the Preventative Maintenance.

• Printing a list of parts that will be required over the defined time frame

• Showing the manpower requirements of the routine maintenance over the defined time frame.

The routine maintenance Scheduler does not create Work Orders like the Activator, rather it reports on what Work Orders will be created in the future.

The Preventative Maintenance Schedule

Displaying the Preventative Maintenance Schedule

To display the Preventative Maintenance Schedule: 1/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

1. From the Main Menu, click on the "Preventative Maintenance button to open the Preventative Maintenance Listing screen.
2. Click on the "Scheduler" button located at the bottom of the Preventative Maintenance Listing screen. A pop­up will advise you that the operation may take
some time to perform. You can either click on "Yes" in which case the schedule will be loaded, or you can click on no in which case the Preventative
Maintenance Schedule screen will be displayed, but the schedule will not be loaded into it.
By default the Scheduler will load the next twelve months of expected Preventative Maintenance jobs. If you have a large number of Assets and Preventative
Maintenance schedules then this can take quite a long time to display. Answering "No" to the pop­up will allow you to change how far into the future the
schedule will be generated for and reduce the load time.

Interpreting the Schedule

Any Assets that will have Work Orders generated for them by Preventative Maintenance will be listed in the schedule in a hierarchy­style view as shown below. The
hierarchy can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the icons next to the Assets.

Any Work Orders that will be generated by a Preventative Maintenance for the Asset will be displayed as an icon to the right of the Asset. The icon will be labelled
according the the Frequency of the Preventative Maintenance. In the example given below a one­monthly Preventative Maintenance will be due to create a Work Order
for the Asset "SW01" in the week starting 16/04/2016 and finishing 23/04/2016. 2/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

Interpreting the Schedule

If you hold your mouse cursor over one of the Work Order icons a pop­up will display the basic details of the Preventative Maintenance that will generate the Work
Order. If you click on one of the icons then the Preventative Maintenance's Details screen will open, and upon closing the Details screen you will be returned to the

Changing the Schedule's Time Resolution

By default the Preventative Maintenance Schedule is displayed on a weekly basis, that is that the schedule is displayed in a series of columns in which each column
represents a week. If a Work Order is due within a given week then the icon will be displayed in the column for that week.

If you want to display the Schedule on a daily basis so that the Work Orders are displayed in different columns for each calendar day, or on a monthly basis so that
Work Orders are grouped together into a column for each month, then this can be done by changing the Schedule's time resolution. This is done by clicking on the
"Day", "Week" or "Month" icons located in the top left­hand corner of the screen. 3/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

Changing the Duration of the Schedule

By default, the Preventative Maintenance Schedule will be displayed for the next twelve months. If you wish to display the Schedule for a longer or shorter period of
time then this can be done as follows:
1. Click on the Legend displayed in the bottom right­hand corner of the screen. This will expand the Legend to display a slider as shown below:

2. The slider is calibrated in months. You can use the slider to select how many months into the future the Schedule will be displayed for. Bear in mind that the
further into the future you go the longer the Schedule will take to load.

Viewing the Schedule as a Listing

Rather than viewing the Preventative Maintenance Schedule in a calendar format, you can elect to display the schedule as a list of the Work Orders that will be created
within a nominated period of time. Some of the advantages of viewing the Schedule in this way are:

• Totals are displayed for the man­hours and costs of the work that will be performed, making the Scheduler a useful budgeting tool.

• A list of the spare parts that will be required for the work may be printed. 4/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

• The Schedule may be printed as a Calendar.

To view the Schedule as a listing:

1. From the Scheduler screen, click on the "List" button in the bottom left­hand corner of the screen. This will open up the Scheduler Date Range screen
which is used to define the period that the schedule is to be displayed for. Additionally you may also elect to only display the Work Orders that will be
produced for a specific Department and/or group of Assets.

The Scheduler Date Range Screen

2. Select an appropriate date range from the available options, which are:

• Next Week

• Next Fortnight

• Next Month

• Next Quarter

• Next Year

• Other

These date ranges are based on the calendar rather than the number of days. For example if “Next Week” is selected then the Work Orders that will be
created between Sunday and Saturday of the next calendar week will be displayed.
The “Other” option gives the user to select a date range other than the pre­defined date options. When the “Other” option is selected, then the user can
manually enter dates into the “Start Date” and “Finish Date” fields. Only the Work Orders that are to be created between these two dates will be
displayed in the schedule. 5/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

3. If only the Work Orders for a particular Department is to be displayed then select the Department from the drop­down list.
4. If only the Work Orders for a particular Asset are to be displayed, then select the Asset using the Asset Search Tool. If the “Include Children” option is
selected then the Work Orders that are to be created for the children of the selected Asset will also be displayed.
5. Click on the “Schedule” button. This will bring up a pop­up window asking the user to confirm the creation of the schedule. If “Yes” is clicked MEX will
build the Preventative Maintenance schedule for the selected period. This may take some time depending on the amount of Preventative Maintenance
and Assets in MEX.

The listing produced by the Scheduler displays all of the Work Orders that will be created by the Preventative Maintenance in the selected date range. It includes the
estimated dates of creation, durations, manpower requirements and costs for each Work Order with totals being provided at the bottom of the list.

Printing the Schedule

The Preventative Maintenance Schedule may be printed out either entirely or for a single Asset.

• To print the entire schedule click on the “Print” button located in the bottom left­hand corner of the screen. This will print­preview a list of all the jobs
displayed in the schedule grouped together by the week in which they will be created. The print preview may then be sent to the printer.

• To print the schedule for a single Asset:

1. Locate a Work Order in the list that is for the required Asset.
2. Select the “By Asset” option next to the “Print” button.
3. Click on the “Print” button to print preview the Assets schedule. 6/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

A Sample of the Schedule Printout

Printing the Spare Parts Requirements

Based on the information entered into the Spares tab of the Preventative Maintenance it is possible for the Scheduler to predict what materials will be required for
the displayed schedule.

Clicking the “Required Spare Parts” button will print­preview a report listing:

• The Catalogue No, Description and Quantity of the parts that will be required.

• The Quantity of the spare parts on hand in the store and the locations of the parts in the store (this information will only be available if the MEX
Stores module is in use).

• The dates that the parts will be required and the Asset that the parts will be used on.

Printing the Asset Calendar 7/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler has the ability to produce a calendar for all of the scheduled work displayed in the listing.

To display the Asset Calendar:

1. Create a schedule for the required date range.

2. Click on the “Calendar” button located at the bottom of the Preventative Maintenance Schedule screen. This will bring up the Asset Calendar screen.

The Asset Calendar

The Asset Calendar provides a list of all of the Assets that appeared in the Schedule and displays the Work Orders that will be created for the Assets week by
week across the calendar. It may be printed by clicking on either the “Print Calendar” or “Print Wall Chart” buttons.

• If the “Print Calendar” button is used the Asset Calendar will be printed out on an A4 sheet of paper with all twelve months being displayed on a
single page.

• If the “Print Wall Chart” button is used the Asset Calendar will be printed on two A4 sheets of paper with the first sheet having the January to June
Work Orders and the second page having the July to December Work Orders. These pages may be placed side by side to create a wall chart. 8/9
4/17/2017 The Preventative Maintenance Scheduler

Related Topics
➢Preventative Maintenance

➢The Preventative Maintenance Spares Tab 9/9
4/17/2017 Standard Jobs

MEX v15 User Guide

Standard Jobs
A Standard Job is a Preventative Maintenance that creates a Work Order when it is triggered, rather than according to a pre­defined schedule. Its intended use is to provide a
template for a Work Order that is being done repetitively but not predictably. A good example of this kind of Work Order is changing tyres on a forklift. Every time the tyres
need to be changed, a Work Order may be created for the job that contains the spare parts, tasks, manpower requirements and all other information relating to the job. As it
cannot be reasonably predicted when the tyre change is likely to take place (i.e. every 2,000 hours or some other schedule) a normal Maintenance Policy would not be useful.

Entering the same Work Order for this job would be time consuming, so a Standard Job could be created to produce a fully detailed Work Order as required. The benefits of
using a Standard Job in this situation are:

• The Work Order can be created with all of its details from the Standard Job using one mouse click.

• Every time the Work Order is created from the Standard Job it will be uniform and consistent with all of the other Work Orders that have ever been created for
the job.

A Standard Job's Details 1/4
4/17/2017 Standard Jobs

Creating a Standard Job

Creating a Standard Job is exactly the same as creating any other Preventative Maintenance except that the “Standard Job” option is selected on the Details tab. When
this option is selected the "Frequency" fields are greyed out, indicating that this Preventative Maintenance does not have any sort of schedule associated with it.

When the Preventative Maintenances "Asset Using" tab is viewed you will see that the Due Date/Reading fields will also be greyed out, as they are not required for a
Standard Job.

Once created the Standard Job will still appear in the Maintenance Policy Listing, but when the Activator is opened no Potential Work Orders that may be created by the
Standard Job will appear in the Activator listing.

Raising a Work Order from a Standard Job

Work Orders may be created from a Standard Job in three ways:

• From the Standard Jobs area in the Maintenance Policy Listing.

• From the Asset Register.

• Automatically as an Action for a task in a Work Order. If a Work Order has a task to take a reading and maximum and/or minimum values have been set
for that reading, then a Standard Job may be entered as an Action for that task. If a reading is entered for the task that is outside of these values then the
Standard Job will automatically create a Work Order for the Asset.

Raising a Work Order from the Standard Jobs Area

To raise a Work Order from a Standard Job using the Standard Job area in the Maintenance Policy Listing:
1. From the Preventative Maintenance Listing click on the “Standard Job” button. This will bring up the Standard Jobs Listing. This screen lists all of the
Potential Work Orders that may be raised from the Standard Jobs in the same manner as the Activator.
2. Locate the Asset that is to have the Work Order raised against it. The Standard Jobs listing is sorted by Asset Number to make this easier.
3. Select the appropriate Standard Job for the Asset from the listing and click on the “Raise Work Order” button. A Work Order has now been raised from
the Standard Job and will appear in the Work Order Listing. 2/4
4/17/2017 Standard Jobs

The Standard Jobs Listing

Raising a Work Order from the Asset Register

The following process explains how to create a Work Order from a Preventative Maintenance in the Asset Register. This process can be used for all Preventative
Maintenances and not just Standard Jobs.

To raise a Work Order from a Maintenance Policy in the Asset Register:

1. Go to the Asset Register and select the Asset that is to have a Work Order raised against it.
2. Select the Maintenance Policies tab on the right hand side of the screen. This will display all of the Preventative Maintenance for the selected Asset
including the Standard Jobs.
3. Right­click on the selected Preventative Maintenance and from the pop­up menu select the “Create New Work Order” option. This will open up a Work
Order screen with all of the details from the Standard Job copied into it.
4. Close the Work Order to return to the Asset Register. The Work Order has now been created and will appear in the Work Order Listing. 3/4
4/17/2017 Standard Jobs

Creating a Work Order From a Standard Job in the Aset Register

Related Topics
➢Preventative Maintenance Details

➢The Preventative Maintenance Tab in the Asset Register 4/4

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