Measurement Levels Classwork

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SEMESTER 2 - Class work 2 AY23/24 Digital Cartography SGI2004

Instructions: Complete Table 1 by inserting a tick in the level of measurement (columns 3-7) stating the
corresponding thematic map type (column 8) and visual variable (column 9). Justify choices in (column 10).
Total 100 marks
Table 1
Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio Map Type e.g. Visual variable [1 Choice justification
[1 mark] Isopleth mark]

[1 mark]

1 Gender ✔ Proportional Symbol shape Each shape

map represent a gender

2 Height comparison of 10 persons ✔ Proportional symbol Size Heights can be

map ranked, and
symbol maps

3 Elevation results for a country ✔ Isopleth Map Contour lines Elevation is

continuous and

4 Vegetation types ✔ Choropleth Color Different color


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Vegatation types

5 Temperature variations ✔ Isopleth Map Color gradient Temperature can

be measured on a
continuous scale.

6 Exercise levels ✔ Choropleth Color gradientt Exercise levels can

be ranked and
choropleth maps
with color
represent ordinal

7 Health condition ✔ Choropleth Lighter the colour the I chose ordinal for
better the health this because the
condition health condition
isn't numerical
however it can be
described as high,
medium or low.
Choropleth was
most cohesive with

8 Political parties ✔ Dot Mapping One Dot is set to equal I chose nominal
to certain amount of because it implies
people that support no form of ranking
one party as well as but it displays type
different dot colours which there are

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for different parties different types of
political parties
and dot mapping
was most suitable

9 Commuting times of students ✔ Choropleth The Darker the colour I chose ordinal for
the more time a set of this because the
students commuted in commuted times
an area of students will
range therefore it
speaks to the rank
in times from who
spent the most
time to the least
and choropleth
was most suitable
for the ranging

10 Ages (in years) of students ✔ Choropleth The Darker the colour I chose interval
the higher the age because it is
range of student in an ranked and
area includes numerical
values just like age
and the ranking
best fitted
choropleth for

11 Number of Juici patties per parish ✔ Proportional Symbol The symbol is scaled I chose interval
Map based on the because it is
magnitude of data ranked and

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meaning the bigger includes numerical
the symbol the higher values just like the
the magnitude of juici number of juici
patties in a given patties in a parish
parish and the ranking
best fitted
symbol mapping
because it gives an
exact value.

12 Jamaican Election results ✔ Dot Mapping One Dot is set to equal I chose interval
to certain amount of because it is
people that voted for ranked and
one party as well as includes numerical
different dot colours values just like
for different parties election results
and the ranking
best fitted dot
mapping because
they can be
clustered to
symbolize high
concentration in
an area.

13 Crime Statistics ✔ Choropleth Color intensity or Choropleth maps

shading to represent effectively display
the magnitude of crime crime rates, which
rates in different can be measured
regions. quantitatively,

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using color
intensity or
shading to depict
variations in
different regions.

14 Occurrence of fires ✔ Dot Distribution Density or size of Dot distribution

Map or Heat Map dots /heat intensity to maps or heat maps
represent the frequency are ideal for
or severity of fires in representing fire
different areas. occurrences, with
visual variables
such as dot density
or size conveying
the concentration
or severity across

15 Climate changes for the past 10 years ✔ Isopleth Map Color gradients or Isopleth maps
contour lines to visually represent
represent changes in gradual changes in
temperature, climate variables
precipitation, or other over space,
climatic variables over utilizing color
time. gradients or
contour lines to
depict variations.

16 Religions ✔ Proportional Symbol Size of symbols Proportional

Map representing the symbol maps
proportion or density effectively show
of followers of the distribution of
different religions in religious

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various regions. affiliations across
regions, using
symbol size to
proportions or

17 Rainfall levels for a day at various locale ✔ Isopleth Map or Isopleth or

Choropleth Map Color intensity or choropleth maps
contour lines to depict spatial
represent varying variations in
levels of rainfall across rainfall levels,
different areas.
utilizing color
intensity or contour
lines to convey
differences across

18 Female life expectancy at birth ✔ Isopleth Map or Color gradients or Isopleth or

Choropleth Map contour lines to choropleth maps
represent variations in display spatial
female life expectancy variations in
across different female life
regions. expectancy, using
color gradients or
contour lines for
easy comparison
and analysis.

19 Air quality ✔ isopleth map color gradient Air quality can be

measured on a
continuous scale

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and isopleth maps
with color
gradients are
suitable for their

20 Landslide occurrences in St. Andrew ✔ Dot Mapping One dot is set to equal Interval was
a certain amount of chosen because it
the phenomenon displays numerical
values and its
possible to
between ranks and
the dot mapping
type was best
suitable because it
gives an accurate
representation of
how many
occurrences of an
event is present in
an area

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