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Environmental Conservation

Tawayne Omario Walker

Faculty of the Built Environment, University of Technology Jamaica
Com1024: Academic Literature For undergraduates
Mrs. Reneki Hylton
November 11,2023
Society has become completely dependent on plastic, yet we rarely stop and wonder
how this material might be affecting our health Fortuna (2019). Often viewed as a quiet
menace to the seas, plastic pollution has an influence that goes well beyond the marine
environment, affecting human health as well as the fragile organisms that exist beneath
the surface of the water. Plastic pollution harms human health and marine life
The health of people is impacted by plastic pollution, which is a danger to human health.
Research indicates that microplastics are continuously breathed and consumed through
air and contaminated seafood, including fish and shellfish, posing a serious threat to
human health from plastic pollution Isenaj (2023). The effects go beyond simple
ingestion since it has been shown that plastic particles enter animals' bodies through the
stomach barrier CIEL (2023). This problem is made worse by littering, and Caribbean
countries are especially susceptible to the harmful health impacts of pollution, such as
the spread of diseases Like dengue Fever (by mosquitoes that thrive in plastic-filled
surroundings), Which affects countries like Jamaica.

However, not just human health marine life also suffers greatly from plastic waste, which
is a danger to the fragile ocean ecosystems. The two main causes of animal death are
entanglement and malnutrition; marine creatures are harmed by ingesting plastic or
being trapped in it Parker (2019). In addition, careless plastic waste disposal in rivers
exacerbates the issue by releasing toxins into the ocean, where they endanger fish and
other marine life. The results are severe in the Caribbean, where a great number of
marine species perish as a result of ingesting plastic and being entangled in it.

In conclusion, the impact of plastic pollution extends beyond threatening human health,
posing a significant danger to both individuals and the delicate balance of marine
ecosystems. Acknowledging that both human and marine well-being is essential for
fostering a collective responsibility toward mitigating plastic pollution. By addressing this
environmental challenge, we not only protect the health of current and future
generations but also contribute to the preservation of our oceans, ensuring the
continued vitality of marine life and the sustainability of the planet as a whole.
Reference List

1. Us. UNDP Kosovo (2023, June, 5).


2. CIEL. (2023, March 27). Breathing Plastic: The Health Impacts of Invisible Plastics in the

Air. Center for International Environmental Law.


3. Parker, L. (2019, June, 7). Plastic Pollution. National Geographic.

4. Fortuna, A. (2019, May 1). Harmful Effects of Plastic Pollution on Human Health.

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