Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

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Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

The Ultimate Guidebook To A Stress Free Living

Copyright © 2019. www.angeloasis.com

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic
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Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Introduction........................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1: Tapping ................................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 2: How does EFT tapping work? ................................................................................ 8

Chapter 3: Pros and Cons of EFT Tapping .............................................................................. 9

Chapter 4: Steps in Locating Tapping Points ........................................................................ 12

Chapter 5: Tapping for Financial Abundance ........................................................................ 16

Chapter 6: Tap Your Way to a Happy Life.............................................................................. 23

Chapter 7: EFT tapping scripts: What are they and how are they performed? ......................... 25

Chpater 8: 7 Day to Day Tapping Situations .......................................................................... 30

Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 36

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101


motional Freedom Technique is based on the concept of electromagnetic energy
flowing within the body which is the regulator of our health. It gives positive results
wherein the methods get recognition.
Emotional Freedom Technique uses these energy meridians and nine of the acupuncture
points on the chest and head to treat physical and emotional ailments. The technique is
done by tapping on the fingertips on these points rather than the insertion of needles. While
the points are being tapped, the person thinks about the problem, which can either be pain,
anxiety, depression etc. and should voice out positive affirmations.
Tapping the energy points while voicing positive affirmations will work to remove the
energy block from the body’s energy system enabling restoration of energy balance. The
method is quick to perform and simple. One must learn the location of the points and the
proper method of formulating the affirmations. The nine acupuncture points with
affirmation can be tapped out within a minute or less. Each point will be tapped five to seven
times which is likely the time to take one full breath.
When you apply Emotional freedom technique to the root cause of the problem, the relief
becomes permanent. If it is only applied to the symptoms of the problem, without
addressing the root cause, there will only be temporary relief. EFT works when other
methods fail.
After Emotional freedom technique, the removed feelings very rarely return. In some cases,
when these negative feelings remain, more work must be done than the practitioner
initially thought. You may still have feelings such as anger, fear or guilt, which is quite
normal. By using EFT thoroughly, the feeling will not remain.
Memories still remain but the emotional charge will no longer be present. There may be
other emotions that need to be cleared. All of these should be addressed separately and
once an emotion is dispersed, the intensity of the other emotions is reduced. Each one of us
wants to maintain emotional health and maintain our balance. In order to be successful and
maintain a fun-loving life, it is recommended to use Emotional Freedom technique. It will
help in feeling lighter and achieving confidence. Good health, great abundance and pain and

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chapter 1: Tapping

apping is well known for its psychological treatment and was first used in the early
90’s by U.S based engineer Gary Craig while researching on the methods of self-
development after abandoning his career. He had embarked on presenting seminars
and with a desire to learn more, he attended a training session offered by Dr. Rodger
Callahan, which was known as the Thought Field Therapy (TFT) that later came to be known
as the forefather of the Emotional Freedom Technique.
In his early life, Dr. Callahan suffered from many emotional issues such as irrational fears,
distress, and obsessions, which gave him a desire to find solutions to them. Later on in his
life, as a clinical psychologist, he started learning ways of treating his patients from such
tribulations and practiced that for over 40 years. In the early 80’s, Dr. Callahan developed
TFT as a set of “algorithms” that involved tapping specific acupressure points
corresponding to the ailment.
After completing his study under Dr. Callahan in 1991, Gary Craig used some of the
methods he had learned on his own patients. However, he improved on them further when
he found out that tapping specific points in one particular order was less important, and in
1995 he published his first training video “The EFT Course” together with the general
instructional guide called “The EFT Manual”, which were meant to make EFT
understandable to everyone.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

What does the future hold for EFT and tapping?

The future of EFT cannot be established as this technique has not gone through scientific
verification, but a group of researchers is spending many sleepless nights trying to come up
with the solution to this. Nevertheless, by considering the results of EFT from past
experiences, it is believed that EFT will soon become one of the leading treatment options
for the fast resolution of emotional concerns.

Origin of Tapping
There have been many people throughout the word that have resolved their emotional
issues using the Emotional Freedom tapping technique as a solution to their emotional
constraints. It should be noted that after complete treatment of the ailment, these patients
not only resume a life full of fun, but they also end up turning their whole lives around.
Although it is a modern way of dealing with emotional discomfort, tapping is actually
entrenched in the concept of acupuncture that dates back to around 1000BC. According to
this analysis, our bodies are made up of invisible pathways that are referred to as meridians.
Life’s obstacles can result in emotional and physical discomfort which can interrupt these
However, according to modern opinions, energy in our body is transported through the
acupuncture meridians, and when this flow of energy is interrupted, a person experiences
effects related to that. This is where EFT comes in - regular tapping along these energy lines
works to remove the emotional block from the body, thus working to restore energy and
balancing the whole body.
Several suggestions have emerged suggesting that the stimulation of certain pressure
points, by repeatedly tapping in a particular sequence, sends a signal to the fear center of
the brain which, in turn, helps to release the fear or trauma thereby aiding in the overall
healing process.
In practice, the tapping process should be done on a daily basis which is referred to as
“maintenance” tapping and will help ease the flow of energy to the pressure areas. Tapping
is usually done in the morning, after lunch, and before going to bed. In addition, tapping is
very much an essential component in keeping the body healthy.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

What makes the whole EFT process successful?

The whole EFT process involves the presence of both tapping the energy meridian points
and the delivery of affirmation phrases. Here are the specific elements that really make it
possible for the method to be successful:

1. EFT fosters love for yourself – one element that is also present in EFT (as with all
other therapy methods) is that it helps you to learn how to accept yourself
regardless of your strengths and weaknesses. EFT emphasizes that by accepting
who you are, it will be easier for you to work on the solutions for these issues. This is
because if you continue to criticize yourself for your shortcomings, you are
restricting yourself and limiting the areas that you should have been exploring.

2. EFT is about give and take – in order for your mind and body to produce positivity,
the same should also be given to it. This explains why this technique includes
affirmation in its whole process; if you continuously deliver positive affirmation,
your body and mind will give back the same response in return and give positive
results in your life.

3. EFT tries to initiate forgiveness – along with self-acceptance, EFT also includes in its
script that you still forgive yourself even if you have these weaknesses. This is
because if you learn how to forgive, you also learn how to let go of the past. After all,
it is difficult to start fresh and move forward if there’s something that is binding you
to a heavy burden and is preventing you from going on.

4. EFT helps you to develop your language – after all, words are considered as an
expression and the extension of your thoughts. EFT helps you in learning how to
deliver positive language since you won’t be able to produce positive thoughts,
actions, and changes if your language is not the same as your desired result. Also, it
helps you to adapt other changes in the way you deliver your sentences such as
learning how to own your words (I choose…) or delivering in the present tense (I am

Along with the tapping technique presented before, the addition of scripts and affirmative
statements makes the whole process of EFT more effective in implementing changes to
people’s thoughts and behavior. Just like any habit, it would be best if you can practice these
methods (both tapping and affirmative statements) as often as you can in your daily life to
experience its benefits much sooner.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chapter 2: How does EFT tapping work?

he tapping motion in combination with the act of acknowledging a particular issue
leads to the release of blockages in the energy system. As a result, the normal flow of
energy in the body is restored, and the person feels better and becomes physically
well after the treatment. The healing process is not instantaneous in some cases. More
complex diseases may require more sessions of EFT to be fully well.
EFT is somehow related but not entirely similar to the acupuncture therapy. It mixes
ancient wisdom of acupuncture and traditional talk therapy in the absence of needles.
Instead of using needles to activate some energy points in the body, most of these
acupuncture points can be stimulated just by tapping with one’s fingertips while counseling
or talk therapy is taking place simultaneously.
If other treatments and therapy aim to change how we view and think about something,
EFT aims to change the way we feel about it. Usually, changing how we feel about some
things lasts longer and is more effective and powerful when it comes to changing and
influencing our way of life.
It was already observed and accepted by science and medical experts performing and
reading functional MRI that stimulating some points on the layers of the skin does not only
cause brain activities to change but it also deactivates the areas of the brain that activates
whenever we experience fear and pain.
Similarly, with stimulation of the acupuncture points through EFT tapping, the
electrochemical level and electromagnetic level (which are both responsible for human
emotion and feelings) also change significantly. This is what EFT tapping is all about.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chapter 3: Pros and Cons of EFT Tapping

ver since the discovery of the EFT tapping method almost a century ago the practice
has been adopted by many alternative medicine professionals and therapists, as such
it has gained popularity in this modern day and age. There is now a wealth of
testimonials about the effectiveness of EFT tapping as an alternative method of healing
physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments. Conversely, in as much as there has been praise
about EFT tapping there are also criticism about the validity of the practice as an alternative
form of healing and medicine. If you are considering using EFT tapping as a means to
address personal health concerns, read on about the pros and cons so that you can make an
informed decision about taking it on as a means towards personal health.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

To get the most out of EFT tapping it is very important to get the tapping technique right.
So before diving into it full on make sure you understand the proper way of tapping at the
meridian points, because when you do the benefits to your health will lead to astonishing
results. Here are just some of the positive testimonials of EFT tapping practitioners:
Soldiers who have experienced combat and have suffered from post-traumatic stress
disorder because of the experience are made to go through EFT tapping sessions. After
which, many if not all, attest to being healed of negative thoughts and nightmares caused
by the PTSD.
People who suffer from debilitating phobias take on EFT tapping for several sessions with
a therapist and more often than not, the phobias diminish gradually after each session.
There are people who have experienced complete healing even after the first EFT tapping
session and have led healthy and satisfying lives there after.
Some of the most common ailments that millions of people suffer from every day are
headaches, migraines, body pain, or cramps. With EFT tapping, hundreds of people have
testified at being able to get rid of these annoying bouts of pain for the long term. As they
continue to use EFT tapping techniques on a regular basis, they have been able to ward off
migraines, headaches, and all sorts physical ailments we encounter on occasion.
Professional therapists who have adopted alternative methods of healing such as EFT
tapping have reported faster and more comprehensive results than traditional forms of
healing. With EFT tapping therapy professionals have found a guaranteed way of achieving
longer lasting healing for their patients.
Professional athletes have also jumped on to the EFT tapping bandwagon. Many of them
agree based on personal experience, to the ability of EFT tapping techniques at improving
their physical and psychological strength to compete. Many athletes guarantee the
effectiveness of EFT tapping at improving their performance in sports competition.
Asthma, cancer, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C, Parkinson’s disease, hypermobility,
traumatic brain injury, scleroderma, the list of serious physical illnesses and ailments go on
that people who suffer from them have testified of being healed because of EFT tapping.
Although the use of traditional medicine is still necessary to heal these debilitating
diseases, coupled with EFT tapping techniques the chances of complete recovery is

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

In as much as there have been glowing responses to EFT tapping as an alternative healing
technique that works, there are naysayers as well. There are people who go through EFT
tapping sessions and have found no positive result from it. Since EFT tapping is still in its
experimental stage and will be going through fine tuning and refining along the way for a
more guaranteed method of healing, negative responses are very much expected and
studied so that the method can be improved on.
Part of the reason EFT tapping does not work for some people is because of an incomplete
understanding of the entire process or a lack of experience at going through the EFT
tapping process. For beginners, it is recommended to get in touch with EFT tapping
professionals and practitioners. Although we say the EFT tapping technique is simple and
easy to learn, to get results, it is best to consult with the pros about it. It is rare for self-
taught EFT tapping beginners to get good results out of the practice because they do not
have a deep understanding of the philosophy and principle of EFT tapping. Newbies have to
understand that getting it right means understanding the core of the discipline as well as
applying the tapping technique accurately on each meridian point of the body.
On the negative side, there have been instances where people not only did not get results
but added more to the discomfort of their illness after going through EFT tapping. When
this happens, it is likely that EFT tapping was able to uncover deep seeded anxieties
previously covered up or not acknowledged by the patient. Since the entire point of EFT
tapping is to reveal emotional trigger points that cause the disruption of normal energy flow
in the body, the revelation of negative emotion or emotional stress instead of healing after
EFT tapping sessions should be expected. Yes, it is a negative result but one that should in
the long run be beneficial to the person because it can finally be dealt with and healed.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chapter 4: Steps in Locating Tapping Points

apping should be applied to the correct areas for the best healing process and
freedom from the emotional constraints. You should tap 4 to 5 times at each location
along with a positive affirmation for maximum benefit. In addition, tapping must be
performed in the correct order so as to realize the best results. The following are the
tapping points and are in the order that they are supposed to be utilized.
1. The first position to tap is the top of the
head. This is done when fingers are
placed back to back on the skull. Tapping
this point stimulates the energy system
because many meridians meet at this
point and it is also the central point
where the 7th Chakra is located, which
is the entry point for all energy flow into
our body. Tapping here helps to release
your inner critic and lack of focus.
Conversely, this position also helps by improving clarity, intuition, focus, and
spiritual connection. This is the acupressure meridian known as the ‘Hundred
Meeting Points’ meridian.

2. The second position is located at the

beginning of the eyebrow, just above
and to one side of the nose. Tapping this
point allows peace and spiritual healing
as it releases sadness, restlessness, and
frustration. This is the acupressure
meridian known as the ‘Bladder’

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

3. The third tapping position is found along

the bone that borders the outside
corner of the eye. It can be easily found
at the end of the eyebrow, as it is the
boney protrusion leading towards the
edge of the temple. This position
releases anger, fear of change, and
resentment, while allowing compassion
and clarity to filter in. This is also known
as the ‘Gall Bladder’ meridian.

4. To find the fourth position, tap the bone under the eye
just one inch below the pupil. This tapping location will
help in releasing worry, disappointment, nervousness,
and fear. However, tapping this location will also aid in
feelings of calmness and safety to come forward. This is
referred to as the ‘Stomach’ meridian.

5. The fifth tapping position is located

directly under the nose, within the small
indentation that lies just above the
upper lip. This position removes feelings
of guilt, shame, grief, fear of failure, fear
or embarrassment, and psychological
reversals. However, it also allows in
feelings of compassion, self-acceptance,
and self-empowerment. This is known
as the ‘Governing’ meridian.)

6. The chinis the location of the sixth tapping point. It is situated just
under the bottom lip and lies within the dimple between the bottom
lip and the chin. Tapping on the chin point will help to let go of
uncertainty, second-guessing yourself, and confusion. But it will also
help by allowing in confidence, certainty, clarity and self-
acceptance. This is referred to as the ‘Central’ meridian.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

7. The seventh tapping point is the Collar Bone Point. It can be

found right under the knob of the collarbone and sitting
next to the indentation that is below the Adam's apple. This
point should be used to remove indecision, stress, worry,
feelings of being stuck in a rut, and psychological reversals.
This point also provides clarity, confidence, and ability to
move forward with ease. It is commonly referred to as the
‘Kidney Meridian’.

8. The eighth tapping point is known as the

Under-Arm Point. Locate this point by
placing your fingers at least six inches
directly below the armpit. Women can
find it easier by following along the strap
of their bra. Guilt, insecurity, worry,
poor self-esteem, and hopelessness can
be released by tapping on this point.
Consequently, relaxation, confidence,
and clarity can also come into play. This
meridian is called the ‘Spleen Meridian’.

9. Tapping on the ‘Inner Gate’, relieves

nausea, anxiety and nervousness, and
carpal tunnel pain. This point is located
on the inside of both wrists. You can find
it by measuring the width of three
fingers up from the crease of your wrist.
This point embraces the upper yin
channels of the pericardium, heart, and

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

10. Another important tapping position to learn is the

‘karate chop’. This can be found along the soft fleshy
part of your non-dominant hand, linking the base of
your pinky finger and your wrist. This position is most
commonly used during the EFT setup statement,
simple tapping techniques, and psychological
reversals. The ‘karate chop’ tapping location aids in
psychological reversals of feeling stuck, being
resistant to change, having an inability to just let go, as
well as overwhelming feelings of sadness, sorrow,
vulnerability, worry, and compulsive behavior. It helps
in healing from grief, letting go of situations and
people that no longer serve your highest good, and
helps in connecting with the present moment. This is
the ‘Small Intestine’ meridian.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chapter 5: Tapping for Financial Abundance

Money and your Internal Beliefs about

ealth and Financial Abundance
Money is the root of all evil…trees don’t grow money…there will always be
a limit to how much you can earn in your lifetime…These are probably some
of the words you uttered to yourself at some point in your life. These
statements reflect your internal beliefs about wealth and financial
abundance which means you were harboring limiting money beliefs in your subconscious
and it usually happens when we are at a losing end.
Sigmund Freud once likened the conscious mind to the tip of an iceberg and the
subconscious is the submerged bigger part of the iceberg which means that there are more
things happening within the subconscious that cannot be explained by science compared to
our conscious state. Such analogy reflects that there is a vast power hiding behind our
beliefs and subconscious.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Our beliefs are often influenced by what we have been taught since our formative years,
and based on what we have seen, heard and experienced in our life. The beliefs that we have
right now towards money clearly dictate our state of well-being and financial health. The
people around us and the environment we live in greatly affect our internal beliefs about
financial abundance and wealth. For example, a person who was raised in a poor
environment where money is scarce and luxury is just dream sees money in a different light
compared to someone who was raised in a well-to-do environment where everything is
provided in an instant and money is plentiful.
Similarly, if two persons both came from a poor background, their education and upbringing
will affect their beliefs and attitude towards money. If the other person was taught that
money can be earned and if he believes that he can be rich despite his poor background,
that person clearly demonstrate a higher possibility of being successful in life compared to
the other person who have already given up and resigned to the unfortunate life he’s
currently in.
It is natural for us to make limiting statements and have limiting beliefs which are often
manifested in the decisions we make. These limiting beliefs however, should not define how
you should live your life. If we remain in the dark, these limiting beliefs will be powerful
enough to drag us down.
The good news is we can reframe and change our internal beliefs about money to be able to
attract wealth and financial abundance into our life. First, we need to be aware about our
limiting money beliefs. This is possible if we can go back in time and recall the times when
money made a huge impact on our lives. Did your parents argue about money often? Or
were you the type to have lots of money and can buy anything you want?
List down all the words you can associate with money. This will help you realize whether
you see money as a positive aspect of human life or otherwise. When you start to think of
money as a useful and beneficial tool which can be used in a constructive way, you will
definitely attract wealth and financial abundance.

Reasons why the Law of Attraction isn’t Working for you

The Law of attraction states that we attract what we think about. If you always think
positively, positive things will come to you. If you always worry and think of negative things,
then, negative things will happen to you. A lot of people believe that there are really a lot of
benefits to being positive but there are times when the law of attraction just doesn’t seem
to work at all. Sometimes, no matter how we hard force ourselves to think about money and
getting money, we still come back home empty-handed at the end of the day.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

It was already said that negative thoughts and beliefs produce money blocks but what could
be some of the reasons why the law of attraction does not work in favor of us?
Let’s take a look at these reasons…We might be guilty of some unknowingly.

1. Doubts:
Look inside yourself and be honest. You may be harboring some doubts deep inside you and
when you start to doubt the effectiveness or the truth behind the law of attraction; it will
not work totally for you. It will only work fully if you believe it wholeheartedly.

2. Saying one thing and performing the opposite:

This is still a reflection of doubt towards the law of attraction. Even if you say you believe it
wholeheartedly, if your actions don’t clearly show it, the result will still be the same…it will
not work for you. When you say you believe, you have to really feel it inside you and your
actions should manifest such belief and only then will the law of attraction work in your

3. Dwelling in the past:

Learn to leave the past behind. Everything in the past is over so don’t hold yourself back and
dwell in the past. Stop blaming yourself for something that has happened. Instead, learn to
look forward to the future and believe that your future is bright and full of success. This
way, when you believe in the future and leave the negative past behind, positive things will
definitely happen to you.

4. Negative thoughts:
The law of attraction is very precise. You attract what you think about and so if your mind
is full of negative thoughts, these thoughts become more powerful and instead of positive
things happening to you, negative things will come instead…because you attracted them by
thinking about them. So stop thinking about negative things. Be positive and the law of
attraction will be on your side.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

5. Laziness:
Success does not work like magic. You have to work for it. It does not come to you just
because you thought about it and believed it while sitting and sleeping throughout your
lifetime. Success without hard work is not success at all. If you want to attract the good
things that the universe can give you, you have to work hard for it, believe that it will come
to you, feel it coming and surely, the law of attraction will grant what you truly desire.

6. Being ungrateful:
When someone gives you something, you have to accept it and appreciate one’s generosity
by being thankful. Gratefulness will make the other person want to give you more in the
future. But if you don’t show gratitude, no one will be happy to give to you. Check yourself
and ask, “Am I being ungrateful”? If you are, then it’s about time for you to change that
attitude and thank the universe for giving you something you are happy about.

7. Feeling of being unworthy:

Another reason why the law of attraction is not working for you is because you might be
thinking that you are unworthy of such a blessing. If you want to win the lottery for example,
you have to believe and really feel that you deserve to win. Otherwise it will not be given to

How can EFT Raise your Vibration?

In every EFT session, the first thing that we will be asked to do is to think of some problems
or issues and then tap on some specific points on our body. By tapping on these points, the
physical level changes which in turn also affects and changes our emotional state.
EFT applies the principle that whatever we think about or whatever we vibrate (things not
being said) will reach the universe by means of communicating our energetic posture or
The vibrations that we emit will be heard by the Universe and in turn it will return to us
similar experiences for more vibration and feelings similar to what we have initially
emitted. The Universe can never be fooled by pretending to be joyful when we are not deep
down inside. This is because the Universe does not read what we say and do but our

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

This is where EFT comes into the picture. EFT can greatly help in releasing negative
energies and conflict in our system so we can vibrate more uplifting and positive space.
When the Universe felt the positive vibration coming from us, it will send back positive
signals that will affect us positively as well. The Law of attraction will grant us what we have
been asking for.

√ Here are the important things to be considered with EFT tapping:

a. Choose a specific problem
b. Believe and accept that you completely and deeply love yourself no matter what
circumstances you are in.
c. Tap on the points within your energy system to help you relieve tension and stress as well
as conflicts that have been stored within your system.

This is the perfect way to raise your vibration through EFT tapping in accordance with the
Law of attraction.

EFT and the Law of Attraction

You probably have heard and learned so much about the law of attraction. As you know,
when you don’t seem to be getting what you want, that means there is some resistance…so
what could this resistance be? It may be a limiting belief, a doubt or the improper way of life
which clearly contradict what you really desire.
This resistance or limiting blocks must be removed or cleared in order for your desires to
truly manifest and vibrate to the Universe. There’s no better way to effectively and
efficiently remove these limiting blocks except through EFT (Emotional Freedom
Technique) tapping. This method can remove even the deep-seated blocks found in the
EFT is one of the best and most powerful body and mind techniques that are effective for
clearing emotional blocks that hinder us from manifesting and vibrating what we truly
desire. People can’t seem to believe it at first but the method of tapping on particular
acupuncture points on the skin while simultaneously expressing one’s emotions and
feelings about something can truly open the door for him to get what he really desires deep
down inside.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

The results are fast and immediate so the clients can tell whether it is effective or not.
Tapping these acupuncture points provide access to the subconscious mind and can
remove the resistance blocks and when these blocks have been fully removed through EFT
tapping, the Law of Attraction can then work completely for you.

Key points to make EFT and Law of Attraction work

Here are some key points to make EFT and Law of Attraction work in conjunction with each
The law of attraction is always working 24 hours a day nonstop
The Universe doesn’t hear what you say and do but your vibrations which are things that
are unsaid but manifested in the subconscious.
Knowledge of the Law of attraction benefits the person as it provides more power in one’s
life thereby making a person feel less like a victim but a controller of his own life. Vibrations
can be controlled if we know how to make sound choices and focus on changing negative
thoughts and actions into positive ones.
To change your vibration, EFT is the fastest and most effective method to be employed.
Now, here is an important question that you might want to ask: Since EFT makes us focus
on the negative things (remember that at the start of the EFT session, you will be asked to
think about the negative issues or problems you are having) will this very act of thinking on
the negative issues and problems make us attract more negative elements (law of
attraction is applied) and make things worse for us?
Fortunately, there is no negative effect on the person even if he is made to think about his
own problems and issues through EFT. The law of attraction really attracts what we think
about but the EFT method only lets us think of negative things to access them from our
subconscious and clear them away for a much more positive and uplifting vibration.
This means that we need to stop resisting what we truly feel. Through EFT, our deepest
feelings will float to the surface and will eventually be released into thin air. After this step,
you already reached the vibrational position to allow positive energies enter your system
and get what you want.
With the use of EFT, we can target a particular emotion which can sometimes be referred
to by experts and practitioners as the ‘truth’ and we can affirm if these feelings are
responsible for our negative vibrations. EFT reveals the truth and lets us recognize it by
bringing it in front of our eyes to pinpoint. That is why it is important to be specific during
the EFT session.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Instead of saying “I hate her”, say why you hate her. “I hate her because she did this and that
and it hurt me”. When you say things like this, you are closer to the truth and it will be easier
for you to let go and clear this negative feeling if you know what it is and what caused it.
EFT is indeed the fastest and most effective method to relieve negative emotions and
replace them with positive ones. It may not be able to change what happened so the event
may remain the same, but EFT changes the experience, the memory, the emotions and
perception about the events that happened. Only when we are truly relieved of these
negative feelings and energies, can the Law of Attraction truly penetrate and work fully in
our system and give us what we want.
EFT does not tolerate pretensions. The Law of Attraction will not work for you if you are
just pretending. For example, pretending you don’t hate your boss at work cannot
guarantee that you are not emitting negative vibrations and energies towards the Universe.
You know how transparent humans can be. Our real feelings still show no matter how hard
we try to hide it.
EFT is all about relief. When we have been finally relieved of the negative things, we are
storing deep inside us, we invite the things we truly desire through numerous channels and
the Universe will be able to hear our positive vibrations and as a result, we attract the things
that we want and get it.
The manifestations of this positive aura vibrate in a better place. Then things will start to
be on a better light as well…relationships, money, coincidences, career opportunities, love,
guidance, peace and serendipity. If you want to be rich but you are worried about your job
or the expenses you have to shoulder at home, don’t pretend that you are not affected.
Acknowledge it and release the worries. Think of the future and believe that you will be able
to excel in your job and will be promoted and eventually you will start to earn more and
more and get what you want.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chapter 6: Tap Your Way to a Happy Life

ho doesn’t want to have a happy life? While it is a known fact that life is not a
bed of roses, you can still feel good even if you don’t own a fancy sports car or
live in a huge mansion. Therapists say that people have to learn to be happy in
the simplest of things. A good and meaningful life is not achieved by owning material things
or having a stellar career alone.
You can be the richest person in the world but still remain unhappy. As you come to the end
of this book, you begin to realize that everything begins from your subconscious. Feelings
of elation are transient. After the initial electrical stimulation, the nerve impulses begin to
fade. Material rewards are not reliably the bearer of good feelings. When you are able to
discover a more permanent source of happiness, you can say that you live a happy life.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Your Emotions Set the Context

You now know that your mind is full of memories from all your past experiences. Every
living moment, there is a corresponding emotion that dominates your mind. You cannot
control what comes into your life but you can control how you react to them, by directing
your subconscious to turn those negative feelings into positive. Feeling good is staying
away from negative emotions.

EFT Tapping Helps

Negative emotions will only fill you with more resentment and anxiety and EFT will help
negate these negative emotions. Note that each person is vulnerable to habitual patterns
of negative thoughts. When the emotional turmoil within yourself is eliminated, you begin
to feel the real calmness. As you begin to change your frame of mind, you also begin to view
problems, issues, and challenges as non-threatening to your inner peace. They simply
become incident possibilities.

Freedom from the Negative Brings You Joy

Once you free yourself from the negative emotions and feelings that has been blocking
happiness and inner peace, you begin to feel unbounded joy and happiness. Keep in mind
that a new sports car can only make you feel euphoric for some time. The happiness you feel
when you have acquired your dream house is also temporary. Good feelings from material
things do not persist but the good feeling that you get from the inside stays forever.
Mindfulness living is your key to a happy and contented life. Mindfulness is just what you
need to fully appreciate the goodness of life. Sure, it is not wrong to aspire to own material
things, these will be your rewards for working hard, but your happiness is not tied to fame
and fortune, happiness should come from within yourself.

The Way to Be Happy

Not every person can own a mansion or a fancy car. Do not dwell on the popular notions of
desirable satisfactions. EFT Tapping can help save you from stressing over achieving
unrealistic goals. You are unique in your own way, with talents and gifts that you can use to
achieve the goals that you want to achieve. You may get the same opportunity the man in
the White House has but you can still become great in your own way. You can still be happy
wherever you are; happiness is a state of mind!

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chapter 7: EFT tapping scripts: What are they and

how are they performed?

apping, as the first half of the Emotional Freedom Techniques. However, in order to
make this behavior produce significant effects on the individual, the second half – or
the tapping scripts – should also be applied. In this chapter, we will talk about this
method as well as the process on how it is performed.

What are tapping scripts?

A tapping script is an affirmative line that usually accompanies your tapping behavior. As
mentioned, it is the tapping that unblocks our meridian points of negative energy. This is
the role of the tapping script. To replace the negative energy, you once had with a positive
one, something positive should be present while the tapping is taking place. In this case, that
something positive is the affirmative phrase.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

How is it applied?
In conjunction with tapping, this is how EFT is applied:
1. First determine the negative emotions, issues, or problems that you want to address.
It would be best if you can specify more than one problem, or if you can break down
the general problem into specific issues.
2. After determining the problem, you need to rate each problem depending on its
severity (with 10 being extreme or most severe and 0 being non-existent).
3. Specify your setup phrase – the setup phrase is the statement of the problem that
you want to solve, and an affirmation that you still accept yourself even if you have
such weakness. A common setup phrase would be Even though (state your problem),
I completely and totally love, accept, and forgive myself.
4. Repeatedly mention your setup phrase while tapping your karate chop point. This is
the soft area found on the side of either hand, and is located just below your little
finger. You may tap around seven times for each side (although counting is not really
5. Specify a reminder phrase – as the name suggests, this phrase serves as the reminder
of the setup phrase that you pointed out during the earlier step. The reminder
phrase is the one that should be spoken aloud while you go through with tapping the
meridian points one after another.
6. After you’ve finished with the last meridian point, evaluate the problem once again.
Gauge the level of discomfort that you have after one round of tapping, applying the
0-10 scale you used earlier.
7. Tapping should be repeated until such time that the rating for the problem is at least
2 or lower.
8. On the last round of tapping, you can change your setup phrases into more positive
ones, especially now that the once-severe problem is not that severe anymore. You
may add statements such as I’m free of this problem or This problem doesn’t bother
me as much as it did before.

How can you make your own tapping script?

An individual’s situation is as unique as the individual himself. Even when your negative
emotions seem similar to others, yours will always be different. You may ask other people
about their tapping scripts (if you have the same problem) or search the internet for scripts,
but the therapy and meditation will only work best if what you’re reciting is reflective of
your situation.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

The guidelines listed below may be followed if you want to make your own tapping script
for each issue that you want to address.
1. After you specify the negative emotion that you want to work on, try to describe in
detail the situation that led to the experience of that emotion.
2. From the previous step, give a detailed description of how the situation affected you
on that same moment.
3. Similarly, describe in detail how that experience affected you now.
4. After step 3, you will have to give a detailed description of the negative outcomes
that you have experienced during the time that the situation happened. Along with
it, you also need to point out the negative outcomes that it is giving you up to this
5. Give a detailed description of what you feel about the outcomes brought by the
6. Along with the past and present and negative outcomes, try to imagine the possible
negative outcomes that you might experience in the future because of that situation.
From these future outcomes, also give a detailed description of your feelings
towards it.
7. Lastly, describe in detail what it is that you will do in order to change the situation if
you have the chance or the ability to do so.

By following the steps stated above, you will be able to produce your own tapping script.
Also, it will help you to determine what it is that really causes the emotional distress. This
in turn will help you to devise methods that you may employ in order to solve the problem.
After all, a problem can only be solved fully if you are aware of everything about it – from
its source to the circumstances that maintain it.

Tips on how you can improve your affirmations

Affirmation is one of the key elements that made EFT an effective form of therapy. And if
you want to maximize the benefit that you can get from affirmations, you should learn to
apply certain practices in order to improve them. You may achieve this goal by adapting the
following tips:
1. Learn how to properly time your affirmations – in order for you to experience the effects
of EFT at a much faster rate, it is important that you develop the habit of tapping and
affirmation, specifically at certain times of the day. In this manner, you won’t miss a day
without doing EFT. It is said that the best times to deliver your affirmations are during the

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

a. When you wake up – since you are preparing for the day ahead, you have to tell
yourself something positive in order for your system to respond in the same manner.
b. Every time you go to the bathroom – going for a bathroom break is similar to taking
a break from your current situation. This is also the time when you can go and refresh
or touch yourself up. With this in mind, tapping and affirmation are useful in the
sense that they help you to continue with the task that you have to accomplish for
that day with renewed positivity in mind. When you get back from the bathroom,
you will continue to be at your best in whatever it is that you’re doing.
c. Before going to sleep – tired as you may be, you should still take the time to tap and
affirm yourself before you rest in your bed. With affirmation, it helps you to end your
day on a positive note. Also, the positive thought will be processed by your brain
during sleep, making your subconscious mind work on the affirmations while you’re
resting. When you wake up, your body will have adapted to the positive thought that
you’ve had the previous night and ultimately influence the body to apply it during
the day.

2. Deliver your affirmations while looking in the mirror – if you have some time on your
hands for EFT, delivering your affirmations will be more effective if you do it while looking
at yourself in the mirror. This is because the delivery will be much more direct if you’re
looking at your own reflection while listening to it rather than just listening to it alone. It’s
as if you are outside yourself, and saying the affirmation directly to yourself. This technique
becomes easier to apply if you develop the habit of delivering affirmations and tapping
when you go to the bathroom (since most bathrooms have mirrors).

3. Consistently affirm yourself and be patient with the results – affirmations can be
awkward (or even funny) to hear at first. After all, it is something that was never a part of
your system before. However, for the affirmation to happen and be adopted by your body,
you have to deliver it on a regular basis. It may not produce any noticeable result at first,
but it should not be taken as a sign that you should stop with affirming yourself. Rather, it
should be thought of as an opportunity for you to continue with the affirmation. In time,
there will be a noticeable change with regard to your goal or the problem that you want to
solve. Continue with your affirmations – you will never know when this seed will grow and
bear fruit.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

4. Turn your fears into positive affirmations – it is inevitable that your fears will be touched
while doing the technique; after all, the tapping scripts require you to specify the issues that
you want to deal with. Hence, you should turn those fears into positive affirmations – and
this is possible only if you acknowledge their existence. Writing it down on a piece of paper
will help remind you that you should work on it while tapping, and it will help you to devise
an appropriate tapping script for it. By acknowledging the fear instead of denying or
avoiding it, your mind and body will be able to adjust accordingly to it and hopefully find the
best solution in overcoming the fear.

5. Deliver your affirmations in the present tense – this is because if the affirmation is
delivered in the future tense (statements such as I will…), your mind will consider it as
something that you can accomplish at a much later time. On the other hand, if the
affirmation is addressed in the present tense, your mind will be conditioned that change
should be started immediately or NOW.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Chpater 8: 7 Day to Day Tapping Situations

n our busy, modern day to day lives there are emotional issues common to everybody.
With the pressure of personal finance, keeping up with friends and family and being
constantly on the go, it's easy to see how people can feel lost and discouraged in modern
life.The Emotional Freedom Technique gives you the power to tap away emotional issues
affecting day to day mindset and performance.
Let's be honest for a moment. How many times have you felt a little out of control over the
last week? You, I and everyone around us are all human beings feeling very human
emotions. We all feel the pressure of busy modern life, so if we let these emotions get
control of us, situations can quickly feel out of control.
Use EFT in your day to day routine whenever the emotions start to take over. With tapping,
you can help yourself feel safer, more confident and more self-aware so you can continue
getting on with your day.
Here are 7 of the most common day to day applications of tapping.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

1. Anger
Anger, frustration, stress, annoyance and all the associated emotions can make up big parts
of modern busy life. Perhaps for you it is a difficult relative, child or co-worker,
telemarketers or even road rage that sets you on a fit of rage. Feeling like your space has
been breached or offended will bring up negative, angry feelings that can totally ruin your
mood and day.
Before I used EFT, the smallest of slights would set me off. I had a closed, self-preserving
view of the world where everyone could be out to get me at any time! So, whenever
someone pushed in line, overtook me on the freeway or spoke bluntly, I was angry that I
wasn’t being treated fairly. After this anger, it would take hours before I could return to a
proper mental state.
With EFT, I was able to tone down my frustrations and cool my anger so I could continue
with the day. Before I knew it, what had made me angry would slide away like water off a
duck’s back. There is no better retaliation to anger than overcoming it and getting on with
your day! And it’s easy to do with EFT.
When tapping your sequence, it helps to acknowledge and explicitly state what set you off.
Try this and some of these other phrases to rein in feelings of frustration:
• I am angry at my {spouse, child, co-worker, etc.}
• I am frustrated and angry
• This anger will stop me from doing what I need to do
• I can’t afford this anger
• This anger, I can let it go

2. Impatience
With the boom in our economies and globalization, it's not a far stretch to have to wait
everywhere we want service. There’re queues at the checkout, queues on the phones,
queues to get into restrooms, restaurants, queues in traffic – there's simply no escaping
waiting. Impatience is that itching feeling when you need something right away. And oh, boy
does it suck when you're engulfed with nothing but impatience.
I can attest one area of my life I really struggled with impatience was with online shopping.
I'd spend hours and days browsing the online stores, comparing models, and considering
exchange rates and shipping prices to find the perfect purchase.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

Only after I paid did I realize it would take more than a week to get the item in my hot little
hands. More than a week… outrageous! And if the parcel came when I wasn't home, that'd
be another day to pick it up from the post office. In the week the parcel would be in transit
I’d wait impatiently, fidgety and not in a good mood. Impatience was taking control over me!
If you find impatience featuring in your life, here's some EFT tapping phrases you can use.
• I feel impatient, but that’s okay
• I really want (whatever I want) now, but I can wait
• I still have a day to get on with
• I won’t let impatience stop me from my day
• My life will go on while I wait

3. Worry
With the convenience of modern life, people are also put under way more pressure. All this
pressure leads to a very stressful, 21st century life! Things weren’t as fast paced as they
were a couple of decades ago. People now need to worry about the looming specter of
redundancy, ability to pay bills and the physical and financial security of loved ones.
When worry plagues the mind, action takes a back seat. Worry hijacks our emotional
centers; it rocks the core foundation of our being. How can you take risks when all you are
worried about is the negative outcomes? How can you enjoy life when all that’s there is
danger? These are the pitfalls of a worrisome life.
I know how much worry can control your life. I used to always worry about my financial
situation. Several years ago, I moved for work, far from family and friends. Soon after, the
company I worked for went through tough times, leaving me worried every day for my job,
my livelihood, my rent and my bills. Worry stopped me from exploring alternate routes to
making money. Only after EFT tapping could I overcome my worries, break free from the
salary and become the writer and lifestyle coach I am today!
With the emotional freedom technique, you can minimize your worries away to start taking
those risks that will help you achieve emotional freedom.
• I am worried about my situation
• I know what I want, but worry is stopping me
• I can overcome my worries
• I will not let worry stop me from taking action
• I am confident and feel secure in myself

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

4. Low Self-Esteem
Low self-esteem is one of the biggest issues people face every day. Modern life dangles the
image of perfection in front of us with every sitcom, movie, reality show, advertisement and
Physically, magazines demand we have the “perfect abs” or the “firm butt” to get the man
or woman we want. Advertisements sell us lifestyles that we can only dream of, being the
envy of family and friends with a big new home, driving along rolling hills in our brand-new
SUVs, being successful with a new watch or fragrance… the list goes on! The main message
these images sell to you and I, is that we are not good enough as we are right now.
Unfortunately, the adverts won’t be going away any time soon, but there is one way we can
preserve our self-esteem when that nagging feeling emerges – EFT tapping!
Low self-esteem can come from nasty self-perceptions within us too. These self-
perceptions are often borrowed from childhood or some other twisted source. And the
truth is, they simply aren’t true. It is shown again and again that people are most hard on
themselves when it comes to self-esteem. As a free thinking and self-directing adult, you
now can overcome your false perceptions of self with EFT.
Try these phrases whenever low self-esteem tries to creep into your life:
• I don’t feel confident in my own skin
• I feel like I need to change, but I am perfect as I am now
• I am happy with my life and myself
• I decide what I need in my life
• I have the self-esteem I need

5. Restlessness
Restlessness and lack of sleep is an outright plague on our modern society. Work has
started to follow people home with the mainstreaming of the internet and smart phones.
Fizzy energy drinks, caffeine pills, tea, coffee, alarm clocks, fatigue and being on the edge
are all symptoms that we as a culture have given away precious sleep in exchange for
So what happens when our head hits the pillow at the end of a busy day? Well, if you’re
anything like me back in the day, you’d toss and turn, feel fidgety, be aware of every second
that went by and think of what still needed to be done. Modern life makes it difficult to get
to sleep! But with the emotional freedom technique, I was able to find easy rest at night.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

EFT can help you calm down the nervous system and quiet your mind to get proper rest.
When you tap away your restlessness, try these additional techniques:
1. -Breathe deeply and consciously
2. -Squeeze your eyelids shut and with your eyeballs, direct them up and inside to the
middle of your brow. This activates alpha waves in your brain for deep relaxation
3. -When you open your eyes, focus them on a point in the distance, either out the
window or on your roof

After these additional techniques you can use EFT to tap away your restlessness. Try these
mantras or variations for them to get to sleep quickly!
• I am feeling restless
• But my body and mind feel active
• This restlessness means I will not get sleep
• I need relaxing and restful sleep
• I give myself permission to sleep

6. Fear of Success/Failure
Fear of success and fear of failure are the biggest negative blocks to achieving the life we
For years I was terrified of leaving my job to start my own business in life coaching. I was
too scared of the implications of failing in my business idea. I’d often ask “What would it
mean about me, if my own business failed?” and “What would others think if I failed?” And
on the flip side, the fear of success kept me in a day job: “What would I do with all that
money?”, “Success isn’t for me. After all I only come from a working, middle class
Fear gripped me into a state of stasis where I was happy just receiving a consistent monthly
pay cheque. Only until I learnt the controlling grip of fear of failure and success could I step
away from my passive, “go with the flow” attitude and direct my life.

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

If you have a fear of failure or success, you must evaluate your beliefs about failing, money
and business. Look back into your childhood and past to see where these beliefs were
formed. If there are any negative emotions there, those are the ones you can target! Blast
those negative feelings away with some EFT phrases:
• I am afraid of failure/success
• I feel I don’t deserve success/failure is not acceptable
• Failure is not defeat/Success is not evil

7. Procrastination
Perhaps the most negative use of time in our modern lives is when procrastination takes
I bet you’ve been there too, 10 minutes of television ends up being 30 minutes and before
you know it, your whole night’s gone!
Computers take center stage in the home and office too. And although this invention has
increased our productivity and efficiency, our easy access to the internet has made
procrastination that much easier, making us less productive! If we aren’t careful, a little
‘break’ at our computers to read the news, watch a movie or check social media ends up
wasting a whole hour or more!
What’s worse is when we procrastinate, the time spent often isn’t very enjoyable. Time
spent procrastinating is different to time spent in active mental engagement with hobbies
or activities. How many times have you thought you were winding down or relaxing when
in fact, you were just wasting precious time? Do you actually feel better after a night of
procrastinating? Procrastination doesn’t help us take the action needed for the life you
love; it isn’t entertaining and it doesn’t make us feel good.
Whatever reason you have to procrastinate, there is little to suggest successful, happy
people procrastinate all the time. It is action that makes the world go around, and it is action
that will help you achieve the emotional freedom you deserve. Stop procrastination with
these EFT phrases:
• I accept I want to procrastinate
• I know procrastination is unproductive
• I can let go of this feeling to procrastinate
• I am in control of my own time
• I know what I need to do

Emotional Freedom Tapping 101

With EFT tapping you can minimize the emotional problems stopping you from achieving
what you want in life.
In this book we have learnt the basics of EFT tapping from preparation to tapping and also
extended ourselves to learn the secret of manifestation and also 7 day to day situations
where tapping is useful.
Once you’ve identified a limiting emotional belief, you can name it and evaluate its intensity.
Using short, set up statements, you can focus your mind and subconscious onto the issue.
Then by tapping the karate chop point and the other sequence tapping points, these short
phrases will help you find peace and a resting place for these emotional energies. The final
step is to re-evaluate your emotion’s intensities and decide whether you need another
round of tapping or not.
Tapping is a personal journey of exploration that puts you in the driver’s seat! Who better
to direct your life but yourself! With the convenience and internal nature of tapping, you
can do it anywhere with what time you have available. Armed the knowledge in this book, I
hope you will use the emotional freedom technique to liberate yourself from emotional
limitations before they take hold. Tapping gives the power to you. With tapping, the world
is at your fingertips… literally!
Life is full of twists, turns and surprises. But with the emotional freedom technique, you now
know how to navigate and calm yourself to get the most out of your day. I wish you all the
best wishes in directing your destiny and achieving emotional freedom!


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