Pgar Uriel

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Premium Guardian Angel Report

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Premium Guardian Angel Report

A Background On Archangel Uriel .......................................................................................... 5

What Archangel Uriel Has To Say About You .......................................................................... 6

Guidance From Above: What Archangel Uriel Wants To Tell You ............................................. 8

Archangel Uriel’s Guidance to Manifest Your Desires ........................................................... 10

Special Prayers to Archangel Uriel ....................................................................................... 12

Archangel Uriel Meditation .................................................................................................. 14

Signs of Archangel Uriel’s Presence..................................................................................... 15

How to Continually Work With Archangel Uriel and Your Guardian Angels ............................. 17

List of Stones You Can Use With Archangel Uriel .................................................................. 18

Bonus Angel Card Reading................................................................................................... 29

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Your Guardian Angel is…

Meet Archangel Uriel, a powerful angel that has been with you all your life. He is the
archangel to call upon in your most crucial moments in life, especially when it comes to
fulfilling your destiny.
This angel report will guide you into discovering more about Archangel Uriel, and how he
can lead you to the path of your life purpose, soul mission, and infinite abundance.
Abundance, for this matter, is not just about financial or material prosperity, but abundance
in all aspects.
Archangel Uriel will revolutionize your relationship with yourself and others. He will lead
you every step of the way to transform your life inside and out. He is an angel of tremendous
light that will shower prosperity in every aspect of your life. Take Archangel Uriel’s hand
now as he shows you the path to live a life of miracles and bliss.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

A Background On Archangel Uriel

Archangel Uriel, also known as the Angel of Wisdom, pours out God’s light of truth to the
world. His name means “God is my Light” or “Fire of God.” He pierces through the world’s
darkness of confusion. Call upon him if you need enlightenment during circumstances
where you feel lost and confused.
Uriel is often depicted as an angel carrying a scroll or book. He is also presented as the
archangel with an open hand holding the sun or a flame, which symbolizes God’s truth. In
the Book of Enoch, Uriel is described as one of the seven archangels who preside over the
world. Uriel was the angel that warned Noah about the upcoming flood. He was also sent
by God to answer the questions of prophet Ezra regarding the signs of good and evil in the
People turn to Archangel Uriel to know what God’s will is before making important
decisions. He can also help people let go of anger and anxiety, which will hinder them from
discerning wisdom or recognizing dangerous situations.
Uriel will support you in solving problems, learning new information, and resolving
conflicts. He also serves as the patron saint of the arts and sciences, which is why he can
help awaken your intellect and inspire you on creative pursuits.
Archangel Uriel’s angelic energy color is red, but some attribute the color gold or yellow to
him. To work closely with him, you can use red-colored crystals to help you in prayers and
manifestation. More of that in the upcoming sections of this report.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

What Archangel Uriel Has To Say About You

Archangel Uriel is connected to your divine light of peace and spiritual enlightenment. You
are the bearer of truth, balance and fairness. People may seek you out as a mediator. You
are the master of compromise and maintaining harmony in your environment. God and the
angels see your humbleness in everything, and are always ready to assist you with anything.
Uriel will guide you to embody clarity and wisdom, especially when all seems lost. He will
take your hand and help you bring light in the darkest of times. You’ll awaken to your
Divinity as you see through the eyes of Archangel Uriel.
You are guided by Uriel as your life destiny revolves around partnerships, relationships and
harmony. You have a fantastic sensitivity that embodies peace and balance in everything.
Your desire to build strong relationships is commendable. People seek you out because you
are a good mediator. You are skilled at seeing and understanding other people’s
perspectives. You have great social and emotional intelligence that people admire you for.
It’s easy for you to stand up for others. However, if you find it difficult to stand up for
yourself, you can always call upon Archangel Uriel for help. Uriel’s divine light will protect
you and the ones you love.
Let Archangel Uriel guide you in finding a good resolution regarding dilemmas and
difficulties. He will give you the wisdom to come up with the best solution that blesses
everyone involved. You’ll be amazed as to how miraculous things could be if you allow the
Divine to work through it all.

Love and Romance

Your harmonious nature easily attracts romance. You are good at compromising, which
your current or future partner will love you for. You may also believe in a fairy tale romance.
Whatever standpoint you have in love, you’ll make a great partner to anyone who is blessed
to have you.
Archangel Uriel is aware that with your deep devotion and love, you might become
frustrated with partners who don’t share your enthusiasm and open communication. If you
feel afraid of confrontation or speaking your mind, pray to Uriel to guide your thoughts and
emotions. You’ll find the most suitable way forward that can benefit both you and your
partner with Archangel Uriel’s help.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

You are most compatible with people who are under the guidance of Archangels Raziel and
Ariel. People whose guardian angel is Raziel are attuned with the flow of things and are
inclined to know the mysteries of the universe. Those people whose guardian angel is Ariel
are into love for nature and making a difference in the society.

Career and Business

Your noteworthy interpersonal skills will best serve careers that involve a lot of people
interaction. Your empathy will resolve a lot of conflicts at work. If you come to an
overwhelming difficulty in your career, Archangel Uriel will always be there to help you.
There’s a light within you that Uriel will spark so that you can come up with miracles for
every situation.
Your diplomatic nature will make you a good teacher, lawyer or politician. These paths or
any endeavor you want to pursue may be challenging, but you will find empowerment and
confidence as you seek out Uriel’s guiding light.
Uriel also knows your creative capabilities. You’ll find fulfilment in creative arts such as
writing, gardening, or other creative work. Your greatest asset is your emotional
intelligence that inspires everyone through your creative projects.

Finding Fulfilment in Life

Archangel Uriel wants to tell you that you should never fear your great gift of being
emotionally attuned to people and situations. This gift of yours will contribute a lot to your
community, society, and even the entire world. Your emotional sensitivity can solve many
problems that plague our world right now.
Let Uriel’s wonderful energy bless your relationships. Never forget that you can always
pray to Archangel Uriel to give you the strength in fulfilling your purpose in life. God and
His angels will always give you the ability to push through the most difficult situations. Uriel
is by your side through all the challenges, defeats and victories.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Guidance From Above: What Archangel Uriel Wants

To Tell You
Dearly beloved child of God,
I’m here to tell you about your self-transformation which is about to take place.
We are nearing the ascension of all, and I’m here to help you in your advancement
You can create tremendous change in your life right now
Which will affect everyone and everything on this planet

Remember that all are One

What you are going through right now, so many people are also experiencing the same
With you, a collective change can happen
As you spark that light within you, it will slowly spark others as well
One Divine being at a time, and change will happen on a global scale
Seek out my help whenever you need assistance in this transformation
I’m always here with you, to help you shift your mindset for the better
To help you choose the right direction and decision
I’m here to ignite your confidence in major undertakings
Even in the smallest of concerns, I can help you resolve it
Never forget that God and the angels are always here to help you

Your desires and dreams are aligned with your Divine Blueprint
Therefore whatever brings good, joy, light and love to you
Is aligned with your life’s divine plan

Premium Guardian Angel Report

The past is now gone, and the future is connected to your present
Stay present in the here and now
If you have worries or anxieties, call upon me to shine light upon your situation
And come back to the present. The present is all that matters.

I encourage you to open yourself up to the Divine Light Beings of God

Your guardian angels, the archangels, and your spirit guides
To help you every step of the way

The key here is to always be mindful of the present

Never looking back in the past, nor worrying about the future
Because everything is happening in the present
The present is all that matters

The kingdom of heaven is here in the present

Abundance and all that you desire is already here and within you
Always remember that everything is already in the here and now
Once you unlock your mind to always stay in the present
You will be able to manifest everything quickly
You will live in bliss and truth
And in your most authentic self

Call upon God and all of us angels every step of the way

Archangel Uriel

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Archangel Uriel’s Guidance to Manifest Your Desires

Archangel Uriel particularly works with your connection with others for the abundance
you’ll receive in this lifetime As the Angel of Wisdom, Uriel sees how everything is
interconnected.The abundance of the universe is infinite. There’s so much to go around for
everyone. Remember this and always be in the mindset of abundance and never of lack.

21-Day Abundance Manifestation

The first step towards experiencing the great abundance of the universe is being present in
the moment and expressing gratitude. Even if you have so many troubles and feel so much
lack, take note of the things that you appreciate in life. You can write them down to guide
your thoughts. Just feel the flow of gratitude from within. You can write the things you’re
grateful for at the start or end of the day. Even as little as three to five things you’re grateful
for is fine. It is highly recommended that you list 11 things you’re thankful for everday.
Do this for 21 days and see your life change for the better - it’s as simple as that. This is
because you have shifted your mindset to look at how abundant you really are. Abundance
starts with the mind, and heaven is a mindset. Why focus on the negatives in life when
there’s so much positive and good in the world? Even the most pessimistic person changes
when they do this 21 days of gratitude.
So try it out and see for yourself. List down things you’re grateful for everyday for 21 days.
If you miss a day, start with Day 1 again. It will take 21 days straight for the magic in your
life to happen.

Shifting Your Mindset and Energy for Abundance

During the 21 days of practicing gratitude, your energy starts to shift. You will feel grateful
for many things in life that you would have usually ignored or neglected. The universe then
gives more of what you want. You start to work on a frequency that attracts everything you
want in life.
Maintain this positive vibration by thinking good thoughts, transmuting the negative into
positive, and seeing that everything happens for a reason. You don’t have to think positive
thoughts 100% of the time, but you have to recognize negative thoughts and let them go
instantly. You can find a reason why bad things happened, and they all lead to our
transformation as a whole. You can even find humor in the little circumstances that
happened during the day, and transmute them into something positive.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

It all starts with being grateful, and being mindful of the little and big things. Never forget
that you are one with everyone and everything, and all of creation lies within you as well.

Let these affirmations be your stepping stone towards living a life of gratitude, mindfulness,
and abundance. You don’t have to memorize everything word per word. Say these
affirmations as you remember them, and you can even come up with your own as a devotion
to God, Archangel Uriel, and all the Divine Light Beings.

“God and Archangel Uriel, thank you for guiding me,

helping me, and blessing me with all the good things
in life.”

“I see things happening for a reason. Archangel Uriel,

please help me shift my thoughts and feelings for

“Archangel Uriel, guide me all throughout the day to

fulfill my purpose in life.”

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Special Prayers to Archangel Uriel

These are special prayers to Archangel Uriel, which you can adjust accordingly to how you
want to approach him. You can also make your own prayers and invocations to Uriel
according to your need and truth at the moment. Let these prayers be your guide and
stronghold in allowing Uriel to help you in your daily needs.

Wisdom Prayer with Archangel Uriel

“Archangel Uriel, angel of illumination and wisdom, I thank the Lord for bestowing His
wisdom upon you. I pray that you will also send this wisdom to me. Please pour out the Light
of God into my heart.
Illuminate my mind whenever I’m facing an important decision. Let God’s wisdom flow
through my mind and heart. Help me find creative solutions to bring peace and harmony in
my life.
Archangel Uriel, I ask for your wisdom on (describe your situation). I need your guidance in
getting as much information as possible so that I can clearly see the truth. Help me know all
angles and see through it with the proper perspective. Help me make an informed decision
to bless everyone involved.”

Prayer for Lifting Your Consciousness and Vibration

Archangel Uriel, please connect with me energetically and lift my vibration for light and
Help me move beyond the ego and expand my consciousness to live my highest truth
Flow your Divine light and love to dissolve all thoughts, beliefs and habits that are weighing
me down.
Help me realize my Divinity, that I’m a Divine being of light, love and abundance.
Infuse your light within me, in every cell of my body, to ascend to my Highest Self.
Help me embody the light of my Divinity, and retain this vibration in all ways.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Guide me to live every moment in my authentic truth and love

Lead me to become an instrument of love and joy in every situation
Help me become a conduit of prosperity.
Let abundance flow through me and share this great energy to everyone.
I open myself to work with you through Divine will, for the highest and greatest good.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Archangel Uriel Meditation

Archangel Uriel helps in clearing your root chakra - the center for stability, security, and
basic needs. It is associated with the element of ether or space. It is comprised of whatever
grounds you to the stability in your life. When this chakra is open, you’ll be able to gain
clarity and live authentically.
Seek out Archangel Uriel when it comes to clearing and balancing your root chakra. You
may do this simple ritual as a meditation and clearing session with Uriel:
1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. It’s best that you do this at the start or end
of the day.
2. Take deep breaths - inhale and exhale. With every inhale, visualize the flow of air
into your body, and the outflow of air with every exhale.
3. Imagine a red ball of light clearing your root chakra - the base of your spine.
With every inhale, imagine this red light getting brighter. With every exhale, imagine
all blockages or impurities flowing away.
4. Then move on to your sacral chakra, which is below the navel. Visualize a ball of
orange light clearing your sacral chakra.
5. Next is to imagine a yellow ball of light clearing your solar plexus chakra, which is at
your upper abdomen.
6. Moving on to your heart chakra, imagine a green ball of light clearing this area.
7. Now we come to the throat chakra. Imagine a ball of blue light clearing the energy in
your throat area.
8. Next is to imagine a ball of indigo light clearing your third eye chakra.
9. Now we move to your crown chakra, which is on top of your head. Imagine a river of
white light coming through your crown chakra and lighting up every chakra in your

With every inhale, imagine this incredible white light nourishing every cell in your body.
With every exhale, imagine the light dissolving any impurities away.
Continue your visualization and breathing meditation until you feel light and energized.
After this session, give thanks to God, Archangel Uriel, and all the Divine Light Beings for
healing and helping you.
You can say a little prayer such as “Archangel Uriel, thank you for pouring out your light and
helping me experience your Divine presence.”

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Signs of Archangel Uriel’s Presence

Archangel Uriel is known to infuse people with inspiration and motivation in upholding
faithful lives. Seek out Archangel Uriel whenever you need God’s wisdom in your life. If you
want to seek out Uriel and recognize his presence in your midst, here are the signs that
show he’s very much nearby.

Uncommon Electrical Signs

As Archangel Uriel enlightens our minds with fresh ideas, he can also show his presence
through electrical signs. Uriel has an affinity with electricity, and you’ll know he’s near when
there are appliances fusing or bulbs failing. He also manifests through thunderstorms.
Whenever you see your room’s lighting fixture dimming or turning off then on, it can be
Archangel Uriel being present near you.
Another instance is when you see a ruby red light which moves to purple and has tiny flecks
of gold swirling around it, it is a sign that Archangel Uriel is with you.

Discovering God’s Wisdom

Archangel Uriel never fails to give people a helping hand when it comes to gaining wisdom.
Uriel may be close to you when you gain new insights and formulate the best decisions in
particular situations. He will swiftly fly down to you whenever you need to solve problems
or engage in conversations. He can also illuminate your mind with wise concepts and ideas.
Call upon him whenever you need to solve problems, do brainstorming, or hold important
Uriel directs your focus to God. He helps uplift your consciousness to the eternal presence
of our Creator. You’ll feel this when you have utmost gratitude and deep appreciation for
the Divine plan of life.
Archangel Uriel will also help you discover the Universe’s prophecies by guiding your
intuition. Call upon Uriel when you need help in developing your intuition and psychic
powers. He provides insights through dreams, visions and spontaneous perceptions.
You’ll be able to work with Archangel Uriel in miraculous ways once you present your
interest on developing your innate gifts and talents. He will provide ongoing assistance for
you to develop your intuitive skills and psychic abilities.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Gaining Confidence
As Uriel provides you with daily wisdom, you’ll gain the confidence to push through the
challenges of life.
Archangel Uriel teaches us to find our freedom and live our worthiness, especially when we
are in abusive situations. He heals any loss of self-respect and helps us find empowerment.
Uriel takes away our doubts regarding our value so that we can claim our good and shine
our light to the world.

Serving Others
Archangel Uriel leads the red angel light ray, which represents service. He plants wisdom
within you so that you can put it into action in serving people. Uriel may be with you when
you feel an urge to reach out and be of service to others. Archangel Uriel knows that service
to others is what brings true abundance in life. He encourages you to see beyond the
material world, create peace with others, humbly serve one another, and be loyal to
worthwhile causes. If you feel that you need help to serve others, call upon Archangel Uriel
to support you.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

How to Continually Work With Archangel Uriel and

Your Guardian Angels
You’ll experience miracles upon miracles if you recognize that angels are always nearby.
Appreciate their presence and allow them to help you every step of the way. Here’s how
you can be empowered by angels and work with them every step of the way.

Being Empowered by the Light of Angels

Whenever you feel blocked or low in mood, do the chakra healing session with Archangel
Uriel as indicated above. As you go about your day, your chakras have to be balanced and
you need to clear your energy field to continuously live within the light. You can do this by
saying affirmations: “Dear God and Archangel Uriel, please embrace me with your light. Heal me,
protect me, guide me, and bless me all throughout the day.”
When you feel like you have absorbed so many different energies during the day, you can
do a sea salt wash that will clear your energy. Mix an ample amount of sea salt in your
bathwater and bathe in it for a few minutes. Rinse or shower with regular water and
continue your usual ritual of bathing. This will help you cleanse and re-balance yourself. It
will also help you get into a deeply refreshing sleep at night.

The Presence of Angels Every Step of the Way

You can ask for a sign from Archangel Uriel for a particular concern that you need guidance
on. Angels usually show you signs such as coins, feathers, shapes and colors of the clouds,
rainbows, and music that you can relate to. Angels also make their presence known if you
can smell lavender, flowers, coffee or chocolate without having any source of them nearby.
Take note of them. Be mindful of the things that attract your attention and be grateful for
Your sincere prayers, no matter how short or quick they are, will always be heard by the
angels. For example, if you are in an overwhelming situation and you call upon Archangel
Uriel, he will come to you and help you immediately. You’ll experience a feeling of relief
whenever you call upon angels for help. Thank them and allow them to guide you further
into resolving any issue you have in life.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

List of Stones You Can Use With Archangel Uriel

Crystals are energetic entities that help clear your vibration and empower you to attract
the things and situations you are hoping for. As Archangel Uriel is part of the red angel light
ray, you can use red crystals to enrich your life in many aspects. Here are red crystals you
can use in prayers and rituals with Archangel Uriel.


Purpose: Amber hosts a lot of healing properties such as treating pain, preventing signs of
aging, promoting respiratory health, helping with circulatory issues, and smoothing your
energy after a hangover. It can also relieve stress, anxiety and depression. With its
emotional healing properties, it helps dispel negative emotions and balances your overall

Other benefits of this stone: Amber stone is perfect for meditation, as it clears your mind
to expand your consciousness. It is also said to bring about love, and makes you alluring to
your partner.

What it looks like: Amber has a golden quality to it, with its brown and yellow hues.

Premium Guardian Angel Report


Purpose: This crystal is referred to as the “Supreme Nurturer.” It empowers the spirit of the
wearer. For those with fast-paced lifestyles, this stone can help you through stressful times.
It also gives you the courage to show up and face challenges all throughout the day. To
provide you with complete healing, Jasper worn as a necklace or bracelet can help protect
you from negative energies.

Other benefits of this stone: Other properties of this stone include promoting courage,
confidence and quick-thinking. It helps you tackle important issues in life so that you can
sail through and be a winner.

What it looks like: Jasper is an opaque variety of Chalcedony, and it is usually associated
with brown, yellow or reddish colors. It is usually multicolored, with unique color patterns.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Rose Quartz

Purpose: Rose quartz is all about promoting healing and harmony in relationships. Thus it
is highly used for its emotional healing properties. It helps restore trust and balance in all
kinds of relationships. It is said to provide calm and comfort in times of grief.

Other benefits of this stone: As this stone is beneficial for relationships, it helps in
improving close connections and attracting love. It is also closely connected to self-love –
as it encourages love, respect, worth and trust within oneself.

What it looks like: This is a stone that is much like clear quartz, but with a pinkish hue. It
also has a little bit of transparency to it where light can shine through.

Premium Guardian Angel Report


Purpose: Ruby helps restore your energy levels and vitality. It can also improve your
intellect, sensuality, and sexual prowess. Since ancient times, rubies were used to detoxify
the blood and improve overall circulation of the body.

Other benefits of this stone: This crystal can help you gain self-awareness and realization
of the truth. In turn, it gives clarity, stability, peace and empowerment.

What it looks like: Ruby is distinguished for its bright red color, and it is famed for its
hardness, durability, luster and rarity. It is the red variety of the mineral Corundum.

Premium Guardian Angel Report


Purpose: Increases your capacity and attraction for unconditional love. It also helps you
forgive yourself and supports love of self. It greatly Improves your compassion and care for

Other benefits of this stone: This is a helpful stone for balancing your heart and mind,
emotions and intellect. Its harmonizing vibrations bring about healing and stability.

What it looks like: This is a beautiful pink red rose colored mineral that is also known as

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Pink Tourmaline

Purpose: Pink Tourmaline brings all kinds of love into your life. It is also a good stone to
attract your soul mate.

Other benefits of this stone: It transforms your energy to bring about positivity and
openness in all aspects of your life.

What it looks like: The color of this stone can vary from pale pink to deep rose pink.

Premium Guardian Angel Report


Purpose: Rhodochrosite helps you become more loving to yourself. It also supports self-
expression and personal passions. It stimulates love and passion while energizing the soul.
It opens up your heart, lifts depression, and encourages positivity.

Other benefits of this stone: This is a stone that integrates physical and spiritual energies.
Hold this stone when you need a more cheerful outlook. It also soothes emotional stress.

What it looks like: Rhodochrosite is a manganese carbonate mineral. In its rare and pure
form, it’s typically a rose-red color. Impure specimens can have shades of pink to pale
brown. It can also have white streaks.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Rhodonite Stone

Purpose: This is the ideal stone for healing a broken heart. Go for this stone if you need to
heal emotional wounds, or give it as a gift to a grieving friend. It rescues you with its
vibrational energy that brings about forgiveness in your heart. It also aids compassion when
it comes to relationship problems. It is one of the best stones for healing the heart and
soothing emotional trauma.

Other benefits of this stone: Rhodonite grounds your energy, balances the yin and yang,
and aids in achieving your highest potential

What it looks like: Rhodonite has a rose pink color. The color of specimens may vary from
pale pink, deep rose to almost red.

Premium Guardian Angel Report


Purpose: As Sunstone’s color represents the sun, it helps you bring out your true self to
shine. It promotes love for yourself, self-worth and confidence so that you can extend this
powerful energy to your relationships as well.

Other benefits of this stone: It stimulates your personal power, strength and leadership
abilities. Use this as a touchstone, or wear it as jewelry, whenever you need to face
challenges in your career or business.

What it looks like: Sunstone occurs in a range of colors that begins with colorless, then
ranges through yellow, orange and red. The color is determined by the abundance and size
of copper platelets within the stone.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

How To Cleanse and Program Your Crystals

There are various ways in which you can cleanse your crystals and program it with your
intentions. You’ll know when your crystals have been cleansed when you can feel a clear
vibration from them. The crystals would also feel clean and light when they have been
thoroughly cleansed by your preferred technique.

Smudging involves burning sage sticks, palo santo, or any herbs bundled together to cleanse
a space or item through smoke. You need a ceramic bowl or abalone shell where you can
stub out the smoking end of the stick after use.
Sage sticks or sage bundles are perhaps the most popular for smudging. Burn one end of a
sage stick over a lighted candle and wait for a few seconds for it to smoke. When there’s a
good amount of smoke coming out, let your crystals bathe in this wonderful smoke. You can
use a feather to direct the smoke to your crystals. You’ll know when it’s time to stop when
you feel that your crystals are free from dense energy and has a light aura to them.
After smudging, stub out your sage stick with a fire-proof bowl or abalone shell. Clean the
ashes from your bowl by sprinkling it with sea salt first and washing it off with water from
the sink. This will bring all negative energies back to the earth through the drain.

Sea Salt
Sea salt is also used to cleanse crystals. To do this, set all your crystals into a bowl. Sprinkle
sea salt around your crystals and jewelry. The sea salt doesn’t have to touch all your
crystals, and it will do an effective job of absorbing all dense energy. You can let your
crystals be cleansed this way for as long as you want. Some people prefer to let crystals be
set on this overnight. You’ll know when to get your crystals back when they feel fresh and
light on your hands.

There are also powerful benefits with letting your crystals be cleansed and charged by
sunlight. Place your crystals on a plate or bowl and let them bask underneath the sunlight
for as long as you feel that your crystals need cleansing. Visualize the heat dispelling all
negative energies and lower densities, while being charged with the Source Light.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

There are many spiritual aspects in letting your crystals be cleansed during the full moon. If
the sky isn’t cloudy during a full moon, place your crystals on a bowl or plate and let them
bathe in the moonlight. You can do this by putting them on a table outside or place them by
the window where the moonlight can shine through. With this you can charge your crystals
with the powerful energy of the moon.

Programming and Intentions

After cleansing your crystals, lay them on your left palm and cover them with your right
hand. Set your intentions as to what you want the crystals to help you with. You can take
note of all the benefits of the crystals on a piece of paper and be reminded of them
when you program your crystals. You’ll feel a tingling sensation when you have powered up
your crystals. Do this one by one with each crystal or gemstone jewelry.
Programming crystals with intentions, affirmations and daily prayers will activate the
energy needed to make abundance to flow through from the Universe. You’ll discover how
amazing it is that crystals, as energetic entities, will do the job of helping you manifest
anything. You’ll be surprised how your wishes, dreams and desires will come to fruition
faster than you imagined with the use of crystals.

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Bonus Angel Card Reading

Premium Guardian Angel Report

Your Angel Card is Go Within...

You have amazing wisdom within you! Take some time to be quiet and listen to the voice of
God and your guardian angels as they reach out to give you the answers that you’re seeking.
Meditation and prayer are invaluable tools for you now. You may even notice that guidance
comes to you in your dreams to provide exciting revelations with respect to your life
This card isn’t about action, but about becoming crystal clear about what it is you want to
create. If you’ve been feeling worried about not taking action on your dreams, then release
those concerns and be at peace. Patience is virtue at this time. Your intuitive abilities are
greatly enhanced, and it’s important that you trust your intuition. Your emotions are like a
powerful compass pointing you in the right direction. Follow them with confidence.

Additional meanings of this card: Spiritual growth and reflection. Trusting your inner
wisdom. Patience with yourself. Being completely trustworthy. Believing in the kindness
and wisdom of the Universe. Following your own guidance.


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