HowToUseCrystals Prosperity

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How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Let the Power of Crystals Bring You Abundance in Life

Copyright © 2019.

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic
or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems – except in the
case of brief quotations in articles or reviews – without the permission in writing from its
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with any product or vendor in this book

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Introduction........................................................................................................................... 4

Preview of this Book .............................................................................................................. 5

Chapter 1: Why Use Crystals for Prosperity ............................................................................ 6

Chapter 2: Your Jumping Board for Success – Clearing Your Chakras for Prosperity............. 10

Chapter 3: Types of Crystals for Prosperity .......................................................................... 15

Chapter 4: Abundance Rituals .............................................................................................. 26

Chapter 5: How to Cleanse and Program Your Crystals ......................................................... 30

Chapter 6: Going Beyond – How Crystals Can Revolutionize Your Life .................................. 33

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think

in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

– Nikola Tesla

Miracles start from within. As you do the necessary inner work to raise your vibe by
elevating your mind and emotions, you can manifest anything into reality.
Money is energy. The exchange of goods, services, work or trade is a form of energy
exchange. You get money from the work you put out there – or in this case – the energy you
give. For this matter, abundance is attracted to the energy you give out. You have to raise
your frequency and vibration to achieve the wealth you want.
Since money is energy and it follows when you live within that frequency of wealth, how do
you become attuned to that frequency? If you feel like you’re always running out of energy
and you can’t seem to attract the financial wealth you want to receive, there are various
tools and techniques you can use to help you along the way. Here’s where crystals come in.
Knowing which crystals to incorporate into your daily life and how to make the most out of
them will increase your vibration to constantly live in that state of abundance.
The key here is to choose crystals which will help you in your intentions and resonate with
the frequency of which you want to manifest.
There’s a lot of debate on the validity of crystals in improving our lives. Some say that it’s
just through the power of suggestion or placebo effect that makes crystals truly effective.
However, crystals have been used for centuries in the age-old wisdom of ancient societies.
The use of crystals has been strongly accepted all throughout the years, and it’s gaining
more popularity even now. Knowing the basis of each crystal and how you can use them for
daily concerns will elevate your chances of achieving the health, love, success, joy and
abundance you’ve always wanted.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Preview of this Book

“The crystal is a neutral object whose inner
structure exhibits a crystalline state of perfection
and balance. When it is precisely cut to the proper
geometric form and when the human mind enters
into relationship with its structural perfection in
the vibration of love, the crystal emits a vibration
which extends and amplifies the power and grasp of
the user’s mind. Imaged thought intent is amplified.”

— Marcel Vogel

This book will give you a good understanding about the incredible power of crystals for
manifesting abundance. The amazing properties of crystals and gemstone jewelries can
help you be in tuned with the frequency that attracts prosperity in all aspects of life.
Crystals will give you the right mindset and state of well-being that will lead you towards
the life you’ve always dreamed of.
The first part of this book talks about how crystals can be used for prosperity. We also give
you steps on how to jumpstart your manifesting powers with a no-fail ritual of chakra
clearing with crystals. Regular chakra clearing and balancing will positively affect your
mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. Make it a point to do chakra healing
weekly or whenever you need it the most. You’ll be amazed as to how you’ll feel instantly
better and be more attuned to attract abundance wherever you go.
We’ll also show you a good list of crystals you can use for prosperity. We’ll talk about each
crystal in detail, the purposes of each, and what it looks like for you to know how to pick one
up. Chapter 4 is a fun section where we’ll share tried-and-tested abundance rituals that can
greatly benefit your life. This book has a guide on how to properly cleanse and program your
crystals to bring the best out of them. We’ll also talk about tips and tricks on using crystals
beyond the usual to benefit all aspects of your life. The Appendix section in this book tackles
where you can buy authentic crystals and a checklist to help you buy from reputable sellers.
We hope that you’ll enjoy and gain wisdom from this book. This book was designed to make
it easier for you to understand the world of crystals in terms of attracting prosperity. Let
this book give you much love, light, joy, healing and abundance as you move towards a
healthier and more enjoyable living!

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Chapter 1: Why Use Crystals for Prosperity

rystals are minerals, usually quartz or fossilized resins, that have beneficial
properties. Placing them on your body is believed to help in mental, emotional,
physical and spiritual benefits. Using them as jewelry, as a display in areas of your
home, or bringing them wherever you go puts you in the state of laser focus to attract what
you’ve always wanted in life.
So how do crystals do this? Crystals or gemstones positively interact with your body’s
energy field. Crystals have an energy field that works with other energy fields near it, such
as a person wearing a crystal necklace or bracelet. This has been proven when the
interaction of the energy field of a crystal and that of an individual can be documented
through Kirlian photography.
Crystals are also information systems that radiate energy. If you use the correct crystal
carrier with the right information you need, your body will be brought back into perfect
balance. Having crystals that vibrate at the desired frequencies will give you that needed

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

When you bring a crystal into your own energy field, the electromagnetic frequencies
carried by the stone will vibrate with related frequencies from your body. This will create a
third larger vibrational field. Your nervous system will be attuned to this shift in energy and
transmit information to the brain. The frequencies stimulate biochemical shifts that affect
your body and stimulate brain function. With the right crystal for your particular need, it
will activate energies in the Universe to bring what you want into reality.
You’ll be surprised over and over again at how crystals help you manifest things quickly.
Don’t underestimate the power of crystals in benefitting your life. Your intentions together
with the manifesting powers of crystals will help you build up that energy to make an impact
in your life and that of others.

Things to Take Note of Before Buying Crystals

With so many crystal shops out there, how do you know who is a reputable seller to trust?
And with millions of crystals available for picking, how will you know which ones are
There are tried and tested ways in which you can know which stores to go for and get
crystals that are authentic and ethically-sourced. There’s no single place to buy good
crystals, as there’s a plethora of sellers online and offline who have been in the industry for
Here’s our take on how to buy true and authentic crystals from reputable sellers.

1. Do your research
You can Google for information online or buy crystal guidebooks that will tell you
how to check the intricate details of an authentic crystal. See our Types of Crystals
list on Chapter 3 to know how a particular crystal looks like. With other crystals that
you want to purchase, Google is your friend. See if the crystals you’re buying all
check for authenticity.
Before going to that local crystal shop, trade show, or online store, make sure that
you check all of the seller reviews. Are there many customers who vouch for the
products and customer service of that shop? Are there crystal experts who can truly
say that the crystals there are certified authentic? Is it a popular store with lots of
sales? Are the prices for the crystals not too cheap that might be a rip off nor too
expensive for your budget?

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Ask as many questions as you can to the seller and check out their social media
pages. Another sign that the seller is reliable is when they regularly update their
website and social media.

2. Buy from a Brick-and-Mortar Shop

Your best bet is to buy from a physical store so that you can hold the crystals in your
hand and check for details. You can also feel a certain resonance with the crystal
you’re holding – which shows that your drawn to it and you can use it for your daily
spiritual practice. You can also pick the exact shape of a crystal or tumbled stone that
you want if you buy in a physical store.

3. Buy from Trade Shows

Gem or Crystal Trade Shows offer you an incredible selection of stones from all over
the world. You can buy in bulk and find rare items at these events. Ask questions to
the sales representatives regarding where the stones are sourced. Attending trade
shows will also depend where you are located. The most famous trade show is the
Tucson Gem Show in the US, and some can also be found in the UK and Europe.

4. When Buying from an Online Store

Here are some red flags to watch out for when choosing an online site to buy crystals
o They do not respond to messages or emails, or take over 3 business days
to reply.
o They have no social media pages or their social media accounts are
inactive for a long time.
o They show dark or blurry photos
o When you order from them, you’ll get an email that says that an item is
out of stock.
o They only have a few crystals in their selection.
o Crystals arrive in bad condition or they have substandard packaging.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

As with the other tips in this section, you can be guided on buying crystals online
with this checklist.
o Where is the seller located? How much will you have to pay for shipping
and customs?
o Are they any hidden charges with purchasing from this online seller?
o Do they have good reviews from other review sites and crystal experts?
o Do they have detailed photos showing all angles of the crystals?
o Is their website, blog and social media pages regularly updated?
o Do they have lots of sales or their stocks sell out fast? Do they regularly
stock their items?
o Do other reviewers or bloggers recommend their online store?
o Do they have good customer service and they respond quickly to queries?
o Do they disclose the location or country where they get the crystals from?

You can check out online stores well recommended by crystal experts on the Appendix
section of this book.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Chapter 2: Your Jumping Board for Success – Clearing

Your Chakras for Prosperity
Chakra clearing involves balancing the energetic centers of your body. If a chakra is blocked
or imbalanced, it will result in mental, emotional or physical distress that hinder you from
achieving the abundance you want. Prosperity really starts within you. As you clear your
chakras from any blockages, you’ll discover what really matters to you and get guidance on
how to achieve abundance.
You can heal your chakras and bring it back to its optimal state wherever you are – whether
you’re in the comfort of your home, while commuting, or relaxing by the beach. The key
here is to be in a comfortable place where you can sit back and be at your most relaxed state.

Clearing Your Chakras for Faster Manifestation

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Step 1: Clearing Your Root Chakra(Muladhara)

Location: Base of the spine, coccyx
Color: Red
Crystals: Bloodstone, Ruby, Red Jasper, Smoky Quartz, Red Garnet, Hematite, Black Onyx
The root chakra grounds us and represents passion. It represents the element of earth –
which is connected to our material needs. This chakra is related to feeling at home, basic
survival needs, and physical bodies interacting with nature. When this chakra is balanced,
we feel grounded, safe, stable and supported.
Crystal Healing: Place a red crystal between your thighs, just near the groin. Imagine a ball
of red light that represents warmth, your core, passion or family. Visualize the crystal
clearing any muddy or cloudy particles from your root chakra. Feel the lightness of your
being as your chakra is being cleared, balanced and empowered. A balanced root chakra will
help you be in tuned with the material aspects of your life.

Step 2: Clearing the Sacral Chakra(Svadhisthana)

Location: Above the pubic bone and just below the navel
Color: Orange
Crystals: Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Aventurine, Orange Calcite, Tangerine Quartz, Amber,
Goldstone, Tiger’s Eye
The sacral chakra represents the element of water. It is the home of our sense of self.This
energetic center gives us thedesire to pursue our passions, and contribute to the world
around us. It is our way of going with the ebb and flow of life. Here we experience
connection to abundance, joy, playfulness, sexuality and creativity.
Crystal Healing:Place an orange healing stone just above the pelvic bone. Imagine a ball of
orange light and the crystal clearing any muddy or cloudy particles from your sacral chakra.
Feel the lightness of your being as your chakra is being cleared, balanced and empowered.
Embrace the newness of yourself as a creative being

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Step 3: Clearing the Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Location: At the navel center or upper abdomen
Color: Yellow
Crystals: Amber, Citrine, Yellow Jade, Rutilated Quartz, Pyrite
This chakra is associated with the element of fire. It also represents intellect and how you
view yourself in this world. This chakra is home to our will, motivation, personal power, and
ability for manifestation.
Crystal Healing: Place a yellow crystal two inches above your belly button. Imagine a ball
of yellow light or sunny day that represents your power center and ability to manifest.
Visualize the crystal clearing any muddy or cloudy particles from your solar plexus. Feel the
lightness of your being as your chakra is being cleared, balanced and empowered.
Note: Whenever you feel like your manifestation abilities are blocked, go directly to your
solar plexus chakra. You can also listen to binaural beats that will clear out your energy. If
you need further clearing and balancing, start with the root chakra and go all the way up to
your crown chakra with the use of the crystal healing indicated on this chapter.
Complement it with listening to Solfeggio Frequencies.

Step 4: Clearing Your Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Location: Located at the center of the chest
Color: Green
Crystals: Malachite, Green Tourmaline, Green Moss Agate, Emerald, Aventurine. For a pink
stone that is nurturing and restructuring the emotional centers of your heart, use Rose
Quartz, Ruby, Rhodochrosite, Pink Tourmaline, or Watermelon Tourmaline.
The heart chakra is associated with the element of air. It relates to your ability to love
unconditionally and accept others with love. This chakra also related to our feelings of love,
forgiveness, compassion, understanding and connection.
Crystal Healing: Place a green or pink healing crystal on your breast bone. Imagine a ball of
green light that represents your heart chakra. Visualize the crystal clearing any muddiness
from your heart. Let the light sooth, mend and open your heart. Let any negativity go and
feel your heart refreshed and renewed.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Step 5: Clearing Your Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Location: Located at the base of the throat
Color: Blue
Crystals: Blue Sapphire, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, Turquoise, Angelite, Kyanite,
The throat chakra governs our mouth, jaw, neck and ears. It is associated with the element
of ether or space. It is also our center of self-expression and communication. This chakra is
home to our communication and place for purifications. When this chakra is open, we are
able to communicate clearly and authentically. It is also connected to the practice of
intuitive listening.
Crystal Healing: Place a blue crystal on the bottom of your neck. Imagine a ball of blue light
clearing up your communication, paving the way for positive speech, and empowering your
words. Feel the lightness of your being as your throat chakra is being empowered.

Step 6: Clearing Your Third Eye Chakra(Ajna)

Location: Located between the eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Crystals: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite, Fluorite, Charoite, Angelite
The third eye chakra governs the eyes, skull, pituitary gland, and lower brain. It represents
understanding and your ability to focus and see things on a wider perspective. It is the
center of imagination, intellect, knowledge, understanding, wisdom and intuition. If your
third eye chakra is opened, you may experience moments of clairvoyance or lucid dreaming.
You’ll feel guided, trusting in the process of life, and believe your presence is an integral
part of the world.
Crystal Healing: Place a purple crystal between the brows. Your third eye is a calming spot.
Visualize a ball of purple light that gives you clarity and empowers your intuition. Let that
purple light dissolve any darkness from your mind and spirit.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Step 7: Clearing Your Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Location: Rests on the seat of the head
Color: Violet
Crystals: Light Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Lepidolite, Blue Lace Agate, Ametrine
The crown chakra represents Divine inspiration. Also known as the Thousand Petaled
Lotus, this chakra is our connection to Divine Source, God or the Universal Mind. An opened
crown chakra makes the flow of energy fill our body and connects us to all. At the seed of
this chakra, we gain the understanding that we are pure consciousness, interconnected to
everything, and essentially all one.
Crystal Healing: Place a violet crystal above your head. Visualize a white light flowing from
the top of the head and filling every single part of your body. Think of your connection to
the Divine and stay in this state of bliss. The Divine showers you with infinite abundance
and you will always have an overflow of blessings in life.
After doing this chakra clearing ritual, let your mind meditate on the stillness, silence and
bliss. In that state of nothingness, you are within infinite potential and open to all
When your mind is within that emptiness, that’s the time you focus on what you want to
manifest. It is through this state of potentiality that makes everything manifest quickly. So
if you desire an amount of money, wealth, opportunity, or blessing in life, reach this state of
emptiness first. From that nothingness, you’ll bring forth what it is you want to turn into

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Chapter 3: Types of Crystals for Prosperity

It’s going to take some mental shift and spiritual work to bring a certain kind of abundance
you want in life. Crystals can give the boost you need whenever you want to guide your
energy in attracting wealth. Take a look at the following crystals that give out the frequency
for abundance.

Purpose: This crystal was found in Russia in 1830, on the birthday
of Czar Alexander II. Alexandrite signifies royal power, and thus it
brings joy and wealth to your life. If you need boost to attract
abundance, this crystal will strengthen your willpower and
personal resolve. Keep this crystal on your wallet, and it will attract
luck and wealth to you.
Other benefits of this stone:It’s also one of the rarest gemstones
out there. Some pieces are even more expensive than diamonds.
An Alexandrite stone is always a good investment to have.
What it looks like: The red and green coloring of this crystal is closely related to the colors
found in the Russian Imperial Guard.

Purpose: If you need balance in all aspects of life, use
Amethyst to be in tuned with your Higher Self. Seeking
spiritual balance and empowerment will lead your intuition to
find the best opportunities for wealth. Amethyst is also an
essential stone to use together with other prosperity stones
and for abundance rituals.
Other benefits of this stone:Amethyst will restore balance and harmony in any situation. It
helps you be in tuned with the Universal Mind and become a clear channel for clarity and
inspiration. Thus, Amethyst becomes your instrument to manifest what you want faster.
Keep Amethyst in your car, home or office and wear it at all times.
What it looks like: Amethyst is a purple stone that has an opaque quality to it. It can have
white parts to it that marbles through the stone.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Purpose: Andalusite is a seeing stone that
promotes self-actualization and alignment to
your Higher Self. It brings about the prosperity
meant for you as you align yourself to Divine
Other benefits of this stone:Wearing Andalusite
crystals is said to reduce fevers, arthritis, joint
inflammation, gout and rheumatism.
What it looks like: Andalusite can be pinkish, reddish-brown, grayish, violet, greenish, or
colorless. It has a striated square in its cross section.

Purpose: Auralite23 has a unique high-
vibrational energy that brings luck and
synchronicities to your life. It also helps you tap
into your unlimited potential to achieve work
and financial success. This gemstone is so loved
because it allows abundance to flow
Other benefits of this stone:This stone also
helps you connect to your inner self and spirit.
It will help you create life-changing breakthroughs.
What it looks like: Auralite is a beautifully elegant stone with white, purple and brownish
red hues to it.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Purpose: What makes Aventurine a highly
revered stone for prosperity is that it helps
bring positivity and recognition to all
possibilities for abundance. It has been greatly
used in bringing good luck. It can lead you down
to prosperous paths that you’ll be glad to take.
Keep this stone near you so that you can reap
positive results for all your endeavors.
Other benefits of this stone:Most Aventurine
is found in India, Brazil and Russia. This stone is
helpful in blocking geopathic and
electromagnetic stress. Use Aventurine to protect you from harmful electromagnetic
frequencies such as the ones coming from electronic devices.
What it looks like: Aventurine has a green color and named after it’s likeness to a type of
Italian glass discovered around 1700.

Purpose: This powerful prosperity stone helps you let go of
limiting beliefs when it comes to money. It will give you that
needed boost to embrace the prosperity you truly deserve.
This stone also helps you maintain an optimistic outlook on
the world. Keep a piece of Chrysoprase on your pocket to
maintain positivity and attract wealth wherever you go.
Other benefits of this stone: With its green color, it is closely
related to the Heart Chakra. It is also important to meditate
with a focus on your heart chakra so that you are more willing
to bring wealth into your life. With a heart chakra meditation,
you also attract more love to flow through you. Wear
Chrysoprase as jewelry to heal old relationship wounds. The
ancient Greeks also used this stone as it was believed to promote truth and love.
What it looks like: Chrysoprase is a rare and precious stone that is a type of green
Chalcedony. It’s a vibrant green stone that has been worn as jewelry in ancient societies.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Purpose: Citrine is the most sought after
crystal to attract incredible abundance. Feng
Shui experts recommend putting citrine in the
farthest left corner from the door to attract
wealth in your household. It is beneficial to use
citrine for business luck and success. Put citrine
in your wallet to attract money and protect
your finances. Put this crystal on your work
space to help you in career and business.
Other benefits of this stone:Citrine is also known to dissolve any negative energy. It is
extremely beneficial in clearing your chakras to transform your mindset. It’s helpful in
creating new beliefs and thought forms that set the foundation of your wealth attraction.
What it looks like: Citrine is of a yellow or orange color. You may see that a white crystalline
part of it that envelopes the yellowish hue of this stone.

Clear Quartz
Purpose: Clear Quartz strengthens the properties of other
crystals around it, which is highly beneficial if you are laying
out crystal grids for prosperity. It dispels any negativity and
clears blockages that hinder you from receiving abundance
from the Universe.
Other benefits of this stone:Clear Quartz is called the
“Master Healer” stone. It is said to rejuvenate the body by
absorbing, storing, releasing and regulating energy. It can
also aid in memory and concentration. Clear crystals like
quartz help stimulate the immune system and balancing the
entire body.
What it looks like: Clear quartz is a white crystal that has a
certain transparency to it and allows light to shine through.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Purpose:This stone can benefit people
with issues regarding wealth. It has the
power to hold money with the wearer.
For students, this stone helps increase
Other benefits of this stone:This is the
stone of successful love. It promotes
romantic bliss and strengthens loyalty.
Use this to keep a relationship stable,
bring about unity, and foster
unconditional love in a partnership.
What it looks like: Emeralds can come in bluish green to pure green colors, with a vivid
color saturation and tone that is not too dark. Most prized emeralds are highly transparent.

Green Jade
Purpose: Green Jade has been used for centuries as it
is revered to be the ultimate stone for good luck and
protection. Its green color symbolizes abundance, like
the greening of the earth that paves way to a good
harvest. You’ll see a lot of Eastern practices utilizing
this stone to bring wealth to an individual, home or
Other benefits of this stone:This prosperity stone is
much like other green stones where you can use it for
your heart chakra. You can also use it for your third
eye chakra while meditating to bring insightful dreams
when you sleep.
What it looks like: Compared to other green crystals, Green Jade is a polished stone that
can be related to Ancient Chinese elements.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Green Tourmaline
Purpose: Green Tourmaline, also known as Verdalite,
helps you become prosperous and bountiful by taking
away your self-imposed limitations. It helps you come
up with creative solutions to any career or business
concern. As you let go of limiting beliefs and train your
mind for success and wealth, you will attract
opportunities you’ve never imagined.
Other benefits of this stone: Green Tourmaline is also
a good addition in a garden. Placing this stone around
your plants will help them grow well and produce fruit bountifully.
What it looks like: This crystal comes from various shades of green. You’ll see some Green
Tourmaline with an olive color or that of an emerald hue.

Purpose:Labradorite is referred to as a stone of magic
that brings luck and wealth to the wearer. It’s a
powerful stone that transforms any life situation. It
improves your creativity so that any venture will
become prosperous.
Other benefits of this stone:This stone increases your
self-confidence so you can bring magic into your work,
relationships, or any situation. It will also help you live
your life towards the direction of your higher purpose.
Sleep with a piece of Labradorite near you (on the
upper edge of the bed or under the pillow) to invite
magic, creativity and abundance.
What it looks like: Labradorite exhibits a schiller effect, which is a strong play of iridescent
blue, green, red orange and yellow colors.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Moss Agate
Purpose: Moss Agate is called the Stone of Wealth
because it has been widely used to manifest dreams
into reality. It also releases stress, fear and negativity
that would deter your mindset from achieving your
Other benefits of this stone:Moss Agate is also
referred to as the stone of new beginnings. It refreshes
your soul and enables you to see the beauty all around
you. It also has healing properties for mental and
emotional well-being.
What it looks like: The stone’s name refers to its
appearance – which has markings that often resemble moss you find in nature. It’s close
relation to nature makes it a wonderful stone in bringing about balance, stability and

Purpose: Pyrite is referred to as fool’s gold, or
the ultimate go-to money crystal. People have
always felt that they develop a warrior-kind of
strength and confidence when they bring or
wear this stone. When you hold a pyrite,
visualize and feel that you have the abundance
you dream of. Send this energy into the stone
or bracelet. Wear it to amplify your intentions
everyday and see how fast wealth comes to
Other benefits of this stone:Pyrite has long been valued as a protection stone that shields
you from negative energy and environmental pollutants. It also helps promote physical
What it looks like: This golden shimmery stone is treasured by many for it’s no-fail ways of
attracting money and abundance.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Purpose: Shungite works by repelling negative
energy and attracting positive energy so that
you can emanate the vibration for abundance.
Shifting your energy field using this stone will
keep you in the zone of attracting luck and
Other benefits of this stone:Shungite balances
all chakras in your body. It particularly works
with the root chakra to help you stay grounded.
With your chakras cleared and balanced, you’ll
be able to set intentions and bring them to your
reality. Put Shungite in an area at home where
most people stay to ward off negative energy.
You can also wear it as jewelry because as it touches your skin, it will protect you from
What it looks like: Shungite can be classified as bright, semi-bright, semi-dull or matte. It
has rich brown and purplish hues to it.

Smoky Quartz
Purpose: Smoky Quartz works by removing negative
emotional states from your energy field, making you easily
attract the abundance you want. Wearing Smoky Quartz will
attract situations in your life that will lead you to more wealth
and prosperity.
Other benefits of this stone: This crystal is highly effective in
getting rid of negative energies and limiting programming
within you. As you regularly use, intend and wear this stone,
your energy field will be set to attract more positive and
harmonious situations everyday.
What it looks like: The color of smoky quartz can vary. It can be a light smoky gray or
browny gray color. It has a transparent and complex crystalline structure.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Purpose:It stimulates your personal power, strength
and leadership abilities. Use this as a touchstone, or
wear it as jewelry, whenever you need to face
challenges in your career or business.
Other benefits of this stone:As Sunstone’s color
represents the sun, it helps you bring out your true self
to shine. It promotes love for yourself, self-worth and
confidence so that you can extend this powerful
energy to your relationships as well. It clears and
cleanses all the chakras, restoring joy and nurturing
the spirit.
What it looks like: Sunstone occurs in a range of colors that begins with colorless, then
ranges through yellow, orange and red. The color is determined by the abundance and size
of copper platelets within the stone.

Tiger’s Eye
Purpose: Tiger’s Eye is a popular lucky charm that has
many benefits. It helps you see the truth of all – that
there are endless possibilities for you to achieve
success and abundance. This stone helps you gain
clarity and be open to opportunities that will lead you
to your pot of gold. Keep a piece of Tiger’s Eye in your
bag, or wear it on your wrist to amplify your intentions
for manifestation.
Other benefits of this stone:This powerful stone
helps you release fears and anxieties, while aiding
harmony and balance. It helps you make decisions,
motivates you to take action, and aids in discernment
unclouded by your emotions.
What it looks like: This crystal has lovely bands of
yellow-golden color through it.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Purpose:Topaz is known to be a stone of love and good
fortune. It brings joy, generosity, abundance and good
health. It’s an all-around stone for the good life. It also
soothes, heals, stimulates, recharges, and aligns the
meridians of the body.
Other benefits of this stone:Topaz provides relief
from health problems such as blood disorders, eye
issues, indigestion, hemorrhage, and many more. It is
also believed to cure gall bladder stone, arthritis and
What it looks like: Topaz, in its natural state, is a
golden brown to yellow. A variety of impurities and
treatments may make topaz have a color of wine red,
pale gray, reddish-orange, pale green, or pink. It is opaque to translucent/transparent.

Purpose:Turquoise is used as a good luck charm for
overall prosperity. It benefits your mental, emotional,
physical and spiritual well-being to be more open to
the abundance of the Universe.
Other benefits of this stone:Turquoise heals the
mind, body and soul. It helps balance your emotions
and give you that needed spiritual grounding. It is also
said to benefit the immune, skeletal and respiratory
What it looks like: This is a blue crystal that is opaque.
It’s light blue color has a tinge of green that can be
likened to clear blue waters of the sea.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Yellow Jade
Purpose:This stone gives us the courage to make the
changes needed to solve problems in the world. Let
Yellow Jasper be your powerful guidance to be a
leader in your own way and make a positive impact.
Other benefits of this stone:Yellow Jasper reminds us
to come together and bring forth love in our
relationships. It urges us to help one another
unconditionally. It also encourages honesty between
people in a relationship.
What it looks like: This stone is a yellow colored
version of Green Jade. It is a bright yellow stone that
has orange or brown hues to it.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Chapter 4: Abundance Rituals

Besides wearing crystal jewelries, setting them on your workspace, or using them as
touchstones during meditation, crystals can be used for rituals that amplify your vibration
for success. Take a look at these practical rituals to bring forth incredible abundance to your

Abundance Ritual with Tumbled Stones

Crystal to use: Citrine
Citrine is the go-to crystal for attracting money, wealth and prosperity. This crystal is your
best buddy in career advancement, business success, and increasing your manifestation for
abundance. Citrine crystals are your touchstones, and they hold the energy of your
intentions for advanced manifesting.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Ritual Steps:
1. Collect two Citrine tumble stones for this ritual. Make sure that the crystals are
cleansed. Clear your mind from all thoughts before starting the ritual.
2. Hold the tumbled stones in your hands and close your eyes. State your intention –
what do you want to attract or manifest into your life?
3. Carry one of the stones in your wallet or purse.
4. Place the other Citrine tumbled stone on top of a symbol of what you’d like to
attract. For example, if you want to attract more money, place it on top of a dollar
bill. If you want to attract a car or new home, place it on top of a picture of that dream
car or house.
5. Touch your crystals every now and then. Feel the energy of your intentions within
them to amplify your manifestation. Say the affirmation, “I am abundant in all
aspects of my life.”

Ritual to Boost Creativity for Abundance

Crystal to use: Carnelian Heart
Your personal creativity will lead you to more wealth in all aspects. If you think you lack
creativity, that is just an illusion which you need to let go. Using a crystal healing practice to
open your creativity channels will help you feel inspired all the time. For this ritual, you’ll
use a carnelian stone which is super powerful in calling out the infinite reserves of creative
energy from your sacral chakra. Carnelian can awaken your creative side so that you can
bring forth imagination and inspiration into all areas of your life.

Ritual Steps:
1. Clear your mind from all mental chatter. If negative thoughts pop up, don’t be too
hard on yourself and just let them go. Remember that you are not your thoughts.
These are just reactions from your old mental programming. Connect with the
beautiful silence of your Higher Self, which is your true self.
2. Hold the Carnelian stone in your hands and say aloud, “I am creative.”
3. Claim your personal creativity which is just lying inside you, waiting to be awakened.
You are a creative being and the co-creator of the Universe. Remember that you are
the great creator of your own reality.
4. Do this ritual as often as you wish, whenever you need that boost in creativity and

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Motivation Boost Ritual to Achieve Your Goals

Crystal to use: Red Jasper Stone
This quick and easy ritual uses Red Jasper. This is a super grounding stone perfect to get
you down to business with whatever it is you want to achieve. Red Jasper has a powerful
energy that gives you a feeling of support. It empowers you to take the necessary steps in
starting new endeavors or completing an existing project.

Ritual Steps:
1. Hold the Red Jasper stone in your hand and let it guide you toward areas in your life
that need a motivational boost.
2. List down the things you have uncovered. Deliberately go through them. Touch the
stone or rub it with both hands to get a boost in achieving your goals.
3. Bring this stone wherever you go. Whenever you need to go over things you need to
do, or get an extra motivation boost, hold the Red Jasper in your hand and let it fill
you with an enlightening energy.

Wealth Manifestation Ritual

Crystal to use: Pyrite
Pyrite exudes the abundant energy of gold, as seen from its physical quality of being like a
shining star with lush sparkles. Pyrite’s golden shimmer aligns you with the energy of
wealth and manifesting abundance.

Ritual Steps:
1. Cleanse and program your Pyrite crystal. If you want to invite the energy of wealth
to your business, set your intention and place the stone over your business card. If
you want to attract abundance for your career, place it on something that
symbolizes your work. You can also write your intentions on a piece of paper and
place the stone over it.
2. Keep the crystal on your desk or in your work space to give you that added energy
all throughout the day.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Wealth and Abundance Wherever You Go

Crystals to use: Citrine, Pyrite and Jade
You’ll need one tumbled stone each of Citrine, Pyrite and Jade. Prepare a little pouch to
carry them in. It is recommended that you use a green or gold pouch for this ritual. The
combination of these crystals are incredibly powerful, as they will set in motion the flow of
prosperity to you.

Ritual Steps:
1. Write your intentions for abundance on a piece of paper. You can also write this
affirmation: “I attract and gratefully receive prosperity, abundance and success in
my life.
2. Place the tumbled stones and affirmation in your pouch. Carry this pouch wherever
you go for one full week. Pull out the crystals every now and then, and state the
3. Meditate with your crystals by holding them in your hand. Visualize being extremely
grateful for the prosperity that is coming your way. Allow yourself to be aligned with
the frequency of these abundance crystals. Do this once or twice a day for one week.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Chapter 5: How to Cleanse and Program Your

There are various ways in which you can cleanse your crystals and program it with your
intentions. It can be as simple as laying them out to bathe in the sunlight or using sea salt to
clear out unwanted energies. The most important thing here is to use a cleansing ritual that
most resonates to you, and which is most available to you at the moment. You’ll know when
your crystals have been cleansed when you can feel a clear vibration from them. The
crystals would also feel clean and light when they have been thoroughly cleansed by your
preferred technique.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Smudging involves burning sage sticks, palosanto, or any herbs bundled together to cleanse
a space or item through smoke. You need a ceramic bowl or abalone shell where you can
stub out the smoking end of a stick after use.
Sage sticks or sage bundles are perhaps the most popular for smudging. Sage smudging has
a lot of benefits such as clearing negative energies, inducing deep sleep, and creating
emotional harmony.
You can also do sage smudging to cleanse your crystals. Burn one end of a sage stick over a
lighted candle and wait for a few seconds for it to smoke. When there’s a good amount of
smoke coming out, let your crystals and jewelry bathe in this wonderful smoke. You can use
a feather to direct the smoke to your crystals. You’ll know when it’s time to stop when you
feel that your crystals are free from dense energy and has a light aura to them.
After smudging, stub out your sage stick with a fire-proof bowl or abalone shell. Clean the
ashes from your bowl by sprinkling it with sea salt first and washing it off with water from
the sink. This will bring all negative energies back to the earth through the drain.

Sea Salt
Sea salt is also used to cleanse crystals. To do this, set all your crystals into a bowl. Sprinkle
sea salt around your crystals and jewelry. The sea salt doesn’t have to touch all your
crystals, and it will do an effective job of absorbing all dense energy. You can let your
crystals be cleansed this way for as long as you want. Some people prefer to let crystals be
set on this overnight. You’ll know when to get your crystals back when they feel fresh and
light on your hands.

There are also powerful benefits with letting your crystals be cleansed and charged by
sunlight. Place your crystals on a plate or bowl and let them bask underneath the sunlight
for four hours, or for as long as you feel that your crystals need cleansing. Visualize the heat
dispelling all negative energies and lower densities, while being charged with the Source

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

There are many spiritual aspects in letting your crystals be cleansed during the full moon. If
the sky isn’t cloudy during a full moon, place your crystals on a bowl or plate and let them
bathe in the moonlight. You can do this by putting them on a table outside or place them by
the window where the moonlight can shine through. With this you can charge your crystals
with the powerful energy of the moon.

Programming and Intentions

After cleansing your crystals, lay them on your left palm and cover them with your right
hand. Set your intentions as to what you want the crystals to help you with. You can take
note of all the benefits of the crystals on a piece of paper and be reminded of them when
you program your crystals. You’ll feel a tingling sensation when you have powered up your
crystals. Do this one by one with each crystal or gemstone jewelry.
Programming crystals with intentions, affirmations and daily prayers will activate the
energies needed to make abundance to flow through from the Universe. You’ll discover
how amazing it is that crystals, as energetic entities, will do the job of helping you manifest
anything. You’ll be surprised how your wishes, dreams and desires will come to fruition
faster than you imagined with the use of crystals.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Chapter 6: Going Beyond – How Crystals Can

Revolutionize Your Life
There’s more to crystals than meets the eye, and you can go beyond wearing them for
certain benefits. Crystals have been used for ages, and they are now highly treasured more
than ever as their properties are used to power modern technology. What makes crystals
so special is that they are gifts from the earth, and they help us build the energy we need to
achieve our dreams. Crystals are tools for you to bring out your co-creative abilities in the
Take advantage of the various benefits that come with crystals using these practical steps.

A Tool for Meditation

Just like using a crystal as a touchstone when you go about your day, you can amplify your
meditation practice by using them for a purpose you intended. You can use amethyst, lapis
lazuli or black tourmaline if you want to cleanse your energy while meditating. If you want
to bring in positive energy while in meditation, hold citrine in both of your palms while in a
sitting position.

Carry it wherever you go

If you don’t prefer to wear crystals, you can always bring it with you in your pocket, purse
or bag. Use it as a touchstone whenever you need to let go of worries, anxieties or
negativities. Take it out or hold it in your hand when you need extra positivity or motivation
to get through challenges all throughout the day. When you need extra luck in getting
money, that job offer, or an opportunity you wish to receive, let your handy crystal do the
trick in making you succeed.

Empowering Your Space with Crystals

As you have seen the different purposes and benefits of each crystal from Chapter 3,
choose one which you feel can really help in addressing the concerns you have in the
present. Place it where you or most people spend the most time at home. Set your crystals
in your desk or bedside table to help clear your energy field. Take for example black
tourmaline, which is placed on top of a door way to protect the home from negative energy.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Feng Shui with Crystals

Using crystals for Feng Shui placement at home will bring about good energy to flow all
throughout your spaces. Place crystals or stones with strong protective energies in your
main entrance to help clear and ground incoming energy. Protective crystals include Tiger’s
Eye, Black Tourmaline, Shungite, Hematite and Smoky Quartz.
Feng Shui crystals for your bedroom will also keep your energy healthy and happy. You can
place Rose Quartz in your bedroom for its soothing properties of opening the senses and
healing your emotions. Carnelian Stone can also bring a sense of calm and happiness, while
strengthening your physical energy.
Your living room or any part of the house where most people hang out can also benefit from
the refreshing energy of crystals. The presence of crystals can clear the area of hectic
energy, and also bring more vitality to it. Ammonites can help recirculate energy and create
more harmony to a space. An Amethyst geode on display can bring a cooling, calming and
inspiring energy. Celestite can help calm a space that gets too busy or chaotic. It can also
help the communication channels of people to bring about positive conversations.

Money Trees
Crystal money trees, such as those with jade,
aventurine, citrine or amethyst leaves, are a powerful
form of abundance. It will help you attract wealth,
prosperity, success and all good things. The best areas
to place a money tree into is your living room or home
office desk. This will allow the energy of abundance to
flow through your space. As with all crystal items,
cleanse and program your money tree to ensure that
it helps activate the flow of positive energy.

Clusters, Raw Specimens, Carvings, Décor

These are pieces of crystals that can be used for display or to consecrate a space for its
vibrational properties. Some rare crystals might be incredibly pricey, but collectors have
been purchasing them for investment purposes. Rare crystals will always be sought after,
and their price will go up over time. The most important thing here is to buy pieces from
reputable sellers, and always have a reliable book or expert to guide you if the crystal is

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

There are times that we need a strong Yes or
No answer to our life questions. Crystal
pendulums help you know the answers to
your deepest concerns. Choose a crystal
pendulum that you feel drawn to. Your
pendulum is your best friend to seek answers
from the Universal Mind.
This is also perfect for knowing which
direction to take in your career, business, and
other creative endeavors. Let your chosen
crystal pendulum help you gain clarity on
which direction to take or what steps you
should do.
To start doing this, cleanse and program the
crystal pendulum to help you gain clarity. Sit
in a comfortable position with your feet
touching the floor. Let your dominant hand
hold the pendulum and your elbow touch the
table. No other parts of your body should
press on the table except your elbow. Hold one end of the pendulum with your thumb and
pointing finger, and let the pointed crystal hang below. Ask the pendulum how it would
move when it wants to say yes, no or maybe.
With every question that you want to ask, take three deep breaths first, clear your mind,
ask the question, and let the pendulum move accordingly. You’ll get answers from your
subconscious mind connected to the Universal Source through the pendulum’s movements.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Crystals as Gifts

If you want to help a friend in need, why not offer them a gift of crystals such as earrings,
rings, bracelets, or necklaces? Gemstone jewelry may help them in their particular concern,
and they can have something to wear that will remind them of you.
Crystals are not just gifts that look pretty, but it can also bring about mental, emotional,
physical and spiritual benefits to the one you’ll give it too. Before giving these crystal gifts,
cleanse it first with sage or sea salt, then let them program it with their own intentions. Here
are some ways that you or your loved one can make the most out of crystal jewelry.

Besides its aesthetic qualities, earrings have an acupressure benefit on the wearer. In
ancient China, earrings were believed to surround the person with happiness, patience and

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

The best benefit of wearing crystal necklaces is to ward off negative energies from the
surrounding environment. It also helps you be in tuned with Divine consciousness and
protects you from lower energies.

You can wear gemstone bracelets on your left hand to help control stress. Wearing them
on your right hand can assist in productivity and control the flow of energy within you. It is
also a belief that when you wear gemstone bracelets on the left wrist, you’ll be showered
with luck and protection. If you wear it on your right wrist, you’ll gain confidence and

Wearing a crystal with gold as structural support will help attract Higher Consciousness
and attain Divine power. If you wear it on your ring finger, it will build up pressure there
leading to acupressure. It also helps reduce negative energy from coming to you. You can
also wear crystal rings on your left hand, but it is most beneficial to wear it on your ring
finger. The second best way to get the most benefits is to wear a crystal ring on your middle

Add It to Your Personal Sacred Space

If you have an altar at home, display your favorite crystals on it to amplify the energy of
love, blessings and protection. You can set up your personal sacred space at home where
you can meditate or lounge whenever you need to de-stress. Let this sacred space be filled
with good energy that will rejuvenate you whenever it is needed. Crystals, together with
other spiritual items such as plants, essential oils, artworks and books, will infuse your space
with positive vibes that can always uplift you.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Bury Crystals to Protect or Consecrate a Home

Burying crystals will strengthen the protective energy of the land. Take for example burying
Clear Quartz in your garden to purify the energy field or Black Tourmaline to protect your
home from any negative energy. The key here is your intention to fully protect your area
from any harm. When you buy or receive your chosen crystal for protection, cleanse it with
sage and do a simple ritual where you hold your intentions. Bury it on the ground around
your house and infuse it with your positive intentions as you cover the crystal with soil.

Use a Crystal Point as a Wand to Direct Energy

You can find crystal wands in many online stores and brick-and-mortar crystal shops. If you
feel stressed in a particular area of your body, or need that extra boost to enliven yourself,
point a crystal wand on that area.
You may also rub your palms together to bring in some heat, then hold the crystal wand to
set your intentions. Point the crystal wand to every chakra point on your body and release
any tension you feel. Let the crystal point enrich you with good energy and clear out your

Infuse Your Water with Crystals

Crystal-infused water bottles are on trend these days, and you can buy them from
reputable online sellers. These water bottles come in handy whenever you’re going out or
traveling, as the crystal-infused water will give you a boost along the way.
You can also make your own crystal-infused water without buying an expensive tumbler.
Choose a crystal which is aligned to your specific purpose – such as Red Jasper if you need
more vitality, Amethyst when you need enlightenment, or Rose Quartz when you want to
attract love. Cleanse your crystal with sea salt, sunlight or charge it under a full moon. Then
rinse the crystal with water, set your intention to it, and place it in a glass jar. Pour distilled
water to it and allow it to infuse the water for at least an hour. You can use this water for
drinking, adding it to your coffee or tea, or washing your face with it.

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

Place Crystals On Top of Written Intentions or Life Goals

If you find it hard to manifest what you want in life, let crystals help you attract your desires
quickly. As with all rituals, cleanse and program your crystals first. Write the things you
want to happen or to manifest in your life on a piece of paper. Do some sage smudging on
the paper and fold it in half. Put the paper underneath a crystal and place it somewhere you
can always see it. Pray or meditate on it a few minutes each day as you’ll be able to get
guidance on the next steps to take.

Making Your Own Crystal Grid

Crystal grids are incredible powerful layouts that will boost the power of your stones for
prayer, meditation or manifestation purposes. You can go creative as much as you want
with how your very own sacred crystal grid will look like.
The easiest way to set one up is to buy pre-made crystal grid sets. Some crystal grid sets
have a booklet wherein you’ll know what each crystal means and the process of setting up
your crystal grid. You can also buy circular boards or fabrics that have a symmetrical or
mandala design on them. From there you can set up your stones that have similar

How to Use Crystals & Manifest Prosperity

If you want to work within your own budget or DIY a crystal grid, here are some practical
steps to do it:
1. Your Crystal Grid’s Platform: Use a special paper or fabric and draw a symmetrical
pattern on it. You can use mandala patterns, flowers, sun rays or any geometrical
pattern. Start with laying out dots that will divide your platform into the number of
stones you want to place on it. For example, if you want to use six stones, divide the
circle into six parts. From there, you can start making detailed lines, curves and
patterns that will be the perfect design for your grid. You can create the design using
your favorite art materials.
2. Collect Your Stones: The best way to make an effective crystal grid is to collect
stones that have similar properties. For example, if you want to manifest abundance,
choose stones which promote luck and prosperity. If you want to attract love, get
crystals which promote a harmonious relationship to yourself and others.
3. Choose a Center Piece: The piece that you will put on the center of your crystal grid
should be bigger than the other stones. You can use an obelisk, generator or crystal
point. Choose a center piece that has powerful qualities, or something that you can
feel a strong vibration to.
4. Cleanse Your Crystals and Sacred Space: Cleanse your grid and crystals with sage
smudging. Feel all unwanted energy being cleared out and replaced with positive
vibrations. You can also use a Palo Santo stick to cleanse your crystal grid.
5. Laying Them All Out: Write your intentions on a piece of paper and put it
underneath the center piece of your grid. Then put the other crystals around the
divisions of your grid. You can also put herbs and flowers that signify your intentions.
Meditate with your crystal grid daily until your desire manifests. Place your crystal
grid in a special spot in your room or home where you can feel the most positive

Your intentions can be as simple as manifesting daily needs to praying for world peace.
Crystal grids amplify the energy of your manifestation abilities, so get ready for your
desires to be fulfilled. Spiritual mystics also use crystal grids to pray for the end of wars,
uplift world poverty, and protect the environment from any further harm. Go creative with
your crystal grid to raise the vibration for yourself and the world.


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