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BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009443 on 9 July 2019. Downloaded from on January 14, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Managing risk in hazardous
conditions: improvisation is
not enough
Rene Amalberti ‍ ‍,1 Charles Vincent2

FONCSI, Toulouse, France Healthcare systems are under stress as hospital bed occupancy rates are more
Experimental Psychology,
never before. An ageing population, or less permanently above the recom-
University of Oxford, London, UK
increasing complexity and comorbidi- mended maximum of 85% for acute
Correspondence to ties, continual innovation, the ambition hospitals. In these circumstances, staff
Professor Rene Amalberti, to allow unfettered access to care and are overburdened to the point that they
FONCSI, Toulouse 31029, the demands on professionals contrast cannot possible achieve expected stan-
​rene.​amalberti@f​ oncsi.​org
sharply with the limited capacity of dards. These pressures are exacerbated
healthcare systems and the realities of by patients with increasingly complex
Received 11 February 2019 financial austerity. This tension inevitably conditions, inadequate staffing, missing
Revised 28 May 2019 brings new and potentially serious hazards equipment and other constraints. Staff
Accepted 13 June 2019
Published Online First for patients and means that the overall increasingly rely on workarounds such
9 July 2019 quality of care frequently falls short of as not checking patient identification or
the standard expected by both patients using disposable gloves as tourniquets.2 A
and professionals. The early ambition review of 58 studies from eight countries
of achieving consistently safe and high-­ found that workarounds are common in
quality care for all1 has not been realised all settings studied and that, while they
and patients continue to be placed at risk. may aid short-­ term productivity, they
In this paper, we ask what strategies we pose a variety of threats to patients.3
might adopt to protect patients when If these pressures continue, the short-­
healthcare systems and organisations are term crises gradually metamorphose into
under stress and simply cannot provide a permanently stressed system with no
the standard of care they aspire to. immediate prospect of recovery. Staff
have to accept that they cannot provide
The evolution of poor the care they wish to and that they cannot
performance meet their personal and professional
Teams and organisations constantly have standards. Compassion begins to be
to adapt to times of increased demand. driven out of the system due to fatigue,
Emergency departments, for instance, low morale and the simple lack of time
become adept at managing times of to care. In time, staff illness and absence
heightened activity and very sick patients. increases, motivation is undermined and
However, the adaptations are usually patient complaints and dissatisfaction
improvised and vary widely depending on with the service increase.4
who is in charge at the time. In contrast, In time, organisations move to a
►► http://​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1136/​ for clinical emergencies such as failed point where healthcare professionals are
bmjqs-​2019-​009703 completely unable to provide the standard
intubation or cardiac arrest, clinicians
have many well-­rehearsed and adaptable of care they aspire to. For instance, in the
routines. last round (2014–2018) of mandatory
© Author(s) (or their In the short term, staff adapt and cope French Hospital certification, reviewers
employer(s)) 2020. Re-­use found one or more areas of substandard
with the problems for a few hours or a
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No
commercial re-­use. See rights few days until conditions are easier. care in over 60% of 2218 French hospi-
and permissions. Published by However, if pressures continue, poor tals.5 6 Poorly performing hospitals are
BMJ. working conditions and deviations typically given 3–12 months to resolve
To cite: Amalberti R, from best practice become increasingly these problems. However, in practice, for
Vincent C. BMJ Qual Saf common. For instance, the English a variety of reasons, more than 10% of
2020;29:60–63. Care Quality Commission reported that all French hospitals were unable to return

60   Amalberti R, Vincent C. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:60–63. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009443


BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009443 on 9 July 2019. Downloaded from on January 14, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
to an acceptable standard within a year. In France, as Principles of managing risk in difficult conditions
in other countries, plans are put in place to deal with To begin with, we can draw out some underpinning
poor performance, but sustained improvement may principles to frame our approach to managing pres-
take years to achieve. Services therefore continue to sures and crises.
run in an unsafe mode, with local adaptations and ►► First, we must in a sense, give up hope of waiting for
fixes, but seldom with any planned attempt to manage things ‘return to normal’. We can of course continue to
ongoing risk. innovate and improve the system. However, we must
The central problem is that healthcare has very few face the fact of unsafe practice and ask how risk can be
developed strategies for proactively managing these minimised in essentially dangerous conditions.
recurrent organisational pressures and crises. Clini- ►► Second, we must accept that we can never eliminate all
cians have well-­ planned routines for dealing with risks and hazards. There is nothing wrong with elim-
clinical emergencies and deterioration. What might be inating risks where this is feasible we need to balance
the equivalent strategies and routines for coping with these preventative actions with a wider portfolio of
organisational deterioration? safety strategies that are explicitly aimed at managing
dynamic threats and pressures.13
Managing risk rather than striving for absolute safety ►► Third, although most of the literature on adaptation
Patient safety has, rather curiously, lost the central focuses on the management of surprises and unexpected
focus on the management of risk that was the core of problems, we believe the principal focus should be
earlier conceptualisations of safety. Jens Rasmussen on expected problems and hazards. Pressures of beds,
set out such a vision in the 1990s with his pioneering staffing, equipment and sick patients are unexpected
conceptual paper on proactive risk management in that it is hard to know when they will happen but
in complex organisations and wider society.7 For entirely familiar. These situations are quite different
Rasmussen, continuous changes and pressures are part from sudden, unexpected and unusual crises that are the
of the natural life of any system. There is no ideal state focus of much of the literature.14
of safety; continual anticipation and adjustment of ►► Finally, we must acknowledge from the start that the
the system are essential if risk is to be managed effec- management of risk when an entire unit or organisa-
tively.8 Rasmussen’s vision has been echoed by subse- tion is stressed necessarily requires engagement and
quent authors. For example, Carthey et al9 pointed action at all managerial levels. Negotiating new priori-
out in 2001 that the elimination or error and harm ties, comprehensive training and strategies in a stressed
was not a realistic goal of safety management; threats organisation requires coordinated action between execu-
and hazards would always exist, and the goal of safety tives, middle management and frontline staff.
management was to become better at recognising and
managing threats to safety. What would training for managing organisational
Proponents of Safety II define safety as the ability to threats in healthcare look like?
succeed under varying conditions, which implies places In many respects, healthcare has much to teach other
a much stronger focus on the capacity of individuals, industries, particularly about the management of clin-
teams and organisations to adapt to a threat, hazards ical emergencies and crises. The skill and coordina-
and a changing work environment. This stance draws tion shown by an expert surgical team dealing with a
attention to the ingenuity and adaptability that profes- failed intubation or a major bleed can be breathtaking
sionals in high-­risk industries display in the continuing to an observer. Other high-­risk industries, however,
dynamic process that is needed to maintain ordinary have made much more progress in preparation and
and apparently ‘standard’ operations.10 planning for managing wider organisational risk in
We have many elegant descriptions of the resource- multiple defined and delineated hazardous situations.
fulness and ingenuity of human beings in coping with For instance, the oil company TOTAL and French
hazard and crisis. However, while we have descriptions state railways (SNCF), assisted by the Foundation for
of successes, we have little idea of how often these an Industrial Safety Culture have developed a new
improvised solutions are successful. Short-­term fixes safety training for all managers, from executive to
are adaptive at the time but impede the development frontline15 which specifically address the challenges,
of longer term solutions. They can also add risk to a values and actions needed to maintain ‘safety first’
system by creating new processes that are not known in adverse conditions, including the pressures of
to managers and other members of the team, by adding performance and production. This training is based
additional steps to a process and, in the longer-­term, on a preliminary field analysis of real adverse condi-
normalising deviations from standard practice.11 12 tions leading to a safety culture diagnosis, followed
Most importantly, the existing literature offers little by residential classroom training. The focus of the
guidance as to how we might best prepare and support training is on the negotiation and management of
people and organisations to manage expected pres- conflicts between safety and production at all levels
sures and crises. How can we turn elegant conceptual- of the management chain and at different time hori-
isations into practical action? zons. Underlying the safety strategies is a set of golden

Amalberti R, Vincent C. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:60–63. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009443 61


BMJ Qual Saf: first published as 10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009443 on 9 July 2019. Downloaded from on January 14, 2020 by guest. Protected by copyright.
safety attitudes, which are adapted to different levels appropriate regulatory response to such programmes
of the management chain. and such strategies. We need to find a way of adapting
We can begin to envisage the form such courses might safety standards and guidelines to provide flexibility
take in healthcare. At the executive level, the main while still maintaining the aspiration for the best care
focus of such preparation would be on the manage- that can be achieved in the circumstances.17
ment and negotiation between competing priorities, We can anticipate some resistance to this shift in
particularly between safety and other objectives, both perspective away from a vision of absolute safety
in the short and longer term.16 Executives cannot, and towards the active management of risk. Pay for perfor-
should not, simply prioritise safety over other domains mance systems, for instance, and targets of zero harm
(a naive reproach which is often made). A short-­term imply, even if not explicitly stated, that absolute safety
impact on safety margins in response to financial or is the only acceptable goal in healthcare. Politicians,
other pressures can be accepted, but only if it is actively regulators and healthcare leaders may be uncomfort-
managed, clearly expressed and communicated. able articulating this shift in perspective to patients
Middle managers, whether or not clinically trained, and families. In fact, the pressure on all healthcare
act as mediators and buffers between the frontline systems is simply the daily reality for all clinicians and
and the executive. They need to have a good sense managers and for any patient or family member dealing
of real conditions on the frontline and a portfolio of with serious illness. There may be a certain relief in
possible interventions that can be deployed at times giving up the fantasy of absolute safety, which is actu-
of high workload or other pressures. A critical task is ally an obstruction to progress, while still maintaining
to be clear about what standards are absolutely invio- a positive and proactive approach to managing risk
late (such as hand washing) and which can be relaxed, and avoiding harm. Nevertheless, it will be a challenge
such as the timing and frequency observations of vital to convince professionals, regulators and most impor-
signs. An explicit and managed adjustment to pressure tantly patients and families, that the active anticipation
is infinitely preferable to a general and inconsistent and management of risk will be ultimately better than
degradation of standards.17 striving for unattainable absolute safety. Greater chal-
At the front-­line management level, training should lenges may lie in the wider systems of regulation and
provide clinicians with a range of simple compensatory governance which tend to assume the target of abso-
strategies that may preserve safety when compliance to lute safety and high standards of care at all times. A
best standards is becoming impossible. For instance, shift of this kind would require a change in attitudes,
the use of healthcare huddles at each work shift, and adjustments in metrics of safety and quality, in the
adjusting the team roles and priorities to best adapt to
nature of investigations and inspections and poten-
immediate pressures and concerns is an exemplar of a
tially in performance management payment systems.
dynamic frontline safety practice.18 19

A research and development agenda Conclusions

The first priority in developing practical strategies is Healthcare is much more demanding and complex
to carry out primarily descriptive studies to identify than in the early 2000s. In many countries, the quality
common type of pressures and degraded conditions chasm between the expected standard and the care
and their effect at the level of clinical team and the delivered will not be bridged in the foreseeable future.
wider organisation safety matters. The creation of a We need of course to continue to innovate and improve
taxonomy of types of familiar pressures and their the system. However, this will not in itself be enough
effects would be an important foundation to devel- to ensure safe care. We need in parallel to develop
oping potential methods of managing the different and implement prepared strategies for managing
kind of stressors and risks that they pose to patients risk at times when ordinary standards cannot be met
and staff.20 Concurrently, the strategies adopted by and the safety of patients is compromised. Finally, in
clinicians and managers at times of crisis could be making these proposals, we emphasise that we are
explored, initially as a descriptive exercise but with a not accepting defeat or suggesting that a certain level
view to developing a portfolio of strategies that could of harm is inevitable. We argue, in contrast, that the
be tested more formally. recognition of threats hazards and the development
Developing training programmes which have the of active, practical risk management strategies is the
necessary underpinning of research and evaluation is route to safer healthcare.
clearly a long-­term aim. However, pilot programmes
could be established at an early stage which could test Contributors RA and CV conceived the paper together.
and evaluate combinations of different safety strategies Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this
in response to familiar pressures such as overcrowded research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or
wards. As in other industries, such training would help not-­for-­profit sectors.
managers to negotiate conflicts between safety and Competing interests None declared.
production. It will also be necessary to develop an Patient consent for publication Not required.

62 Amalberti R, Vincent C. BMJ Qual Saf 2020;29:60–63. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2019-009443


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