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Faithful Dog


Alexandra Gamino Gonzalez.
Madelein Murrieta Mendez.
Aranza Cano Loyola.

Faithful Dog
A young couple had been married for several years and had never
been able to have children, so to not feel alone they bought a German
shepherd puppy. They love him like their own son. The puppy [grew
up- creció ] to be a beautiful German Shepherd. On more than one
occasion he saved the couple from the attack of thieves. He was
always very faithful, for him his great duty was to love and [look after-
cuidar] his owners in the face of any danger, however, finally after
seven years, the couple managed to have the long-awaited child. They
were more than happy with the baby and their reduced attention to the
dog. He felt left out and became jealous of the newborn. The dog was
not interested in [getting along - llevarse bien con] with the baby and in
her opinion was no longer the loving dog he was for over seven years.
One day they left the baby sleeping peacefully in the crib with the
window open in case he cried. The couple was upstairs on the terrace
preparing a barbecue to [eat out - comer fuera] and have a good time
with the family, the father was taking care of the barbecue and the
mother was [boil up - hervir] potatoes, until at 2 in the afternoon they
were interrupted by the baby's heartbreaking cries Apparently, the baby
had [ woken up - despertado ] and, according to his cries, he was not
feeling well at all; When they came down from the terrace they [carry
on - continuar] as fast as they could and reached the hallway of the
room to [find out - averiguar] the reason for their son's cries, they found
the dog with a bloody mouth and wagging its tail. The dog's owner,
thinking the worst and without waiting for answers, [took out - sacó ] a
gun and shot the pet. The poor animal could only lie on the ground
while bleeding on the floor.
With tears in their eyes and despair, the couple [got in - entró] the little
boy's room where they found him safe and sound in his crib. The
confused man searched the entire room and together with his wife,
being careful, they found a large snake with its neck cut. The woman
with a broken voice said -Look at the snake, she was to blame for the
baby's crying. They wondered how the snake got in, then they
remembered that they had left the window open, so they understood
that it was their fault. The two began to cry as the woman held the
unharmed child in her arms. The man exclaimed - Dear God, I have
killed my faithful dog! How many times have we judged others unfairly?
And what is worse: we judge and condemn them without finding out
what their behavior is due to or what their thoughts and feelings
are...sometimes...many times things are not as bad as they seem but
quite the opposite. The next time we feel tempted to judge and
condemn someone, let us remember the story of the faithful dog and
thus learn not to raise falsehoods against a person to the point of
damaging their image or person in the eyes of others.

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