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Introduction: The Nature of Science and the Nature of Life

- Focus is natural sciences
- Under life sciences (bio)
- Study of plants (botany)
- Study of bacteria (microbiology)
- Study of fungi (mycology)
- Study of algae (phycology)

These are tools used to understand the processes in life.

Start with the study of cells

You cant form an embryo through sexual interactions

Flowering plants can produce embryo thru fruits without sexual interactions
Birds, reptiles, mammals

Synonyms of systematic is organized

Goal of scientific method is to solve a problem

Scientific method is the act of using or following a systematic process

Scientific method:
1. Observe using 5 senses
a. A good observer is unbiased or subjective
2. Statement of the problem
a. You should ask “What”
b. Pertinent questions
3. Hypothesis
a. Temporary solution to the problem
b. Should be based on reliable research
c. Do bg research
4. Experiment and collection of data
a. Hindi separate yung collection of data because u can collect it at the start of the
b. Before experimenting, you have to design it first
c. How do you collect data?
i. Present it in table, charts, graphs, and etc
d. Analysis of data
i. If quantitative, use statistical tests
ii. Statistics gives you accuracy and acceptability
1. Repeatable meaning same results and consistent
iii. In statistics, you get the mean
e. Conclusion
i. Doesnt stop here because new observations are made or there are
aspects still unclear; hence, repeating the early steps of the scientific
method is necessary

Characteristics of life
- How do you know a thing is living? What are the manifestations of life?
Week 2: Characteristics of life

Living organisms
- Composed of cells
- Cellular
- Either single or multicellular organisms

Non-living organisms
- Acellular

Characteristics of life
- reproduction

1. DNA
2. Growth and development
- Growth doesnt only mean in an increase in size but also in number due to the
cells increasing in number
- This growth is followed by development
- Growth always accompanied by development (applicable for living
- Passes thru stages of development
- Before growth, energy processing or metabolism is needed
- Catabolism break down the raw material so it
- respiration
- anabolism is a building up process (energy is stored)(
- Photosynthesis in plants in an anabolic process
2. Reproduction
- They reproduce thru sexual and asexual intercourse
- Sexual
- 2 parents
- Genes of the offspring is more diverse
- Asexual
- 1 parent
- Genes of the offspring is the clone or replica of the lone parent
3. Respond to stimuli
- Stimuli
- Smell
- Sound
- Taste
- Plants respond to stimuli but animals are faster
- Because animals have nervous and endocrine systems

4. Homeostasis
- To have a balance in the body
- Organ systems responsible to regulate the composition of the body
- Excretory system
- Remove excess compositions
- Animals have it and somehow plants have it too
- Endocrine system
5. Adaptability
- Failure to adapt means death
- Dinosaurs fails to adapt; hence, death
- Plants are living
- Movement is not a general characteristic of life
- Respiration is not required for life to exist
- Anaerobic
- Bacteria is living or
- Unaerobic
- Tetanus

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