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SECTION: ___________________________ TEACHER: Tchr. Oliver M. Villanueva

DATE: ________________ SCORE: ______________

General Directions: Read the directions carefully before answering the test. Browsing your textbooks, notes,
websites and sharing your answers to others by any means during exam, are STRICTLY PROHIBITED and
would forfeit your test form and incur appropriate disciplinary action.

I. Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the space provided.

_______ 1. These observed characteristics that enable you to distinguish one substance from another are
called ______________ .
A. physical quantities C. quantitative analysis
B. properties of matter D. chemical composition

_______ 2. Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical property?

A. texture C. intensity
B. length D. oxidizing property

_______ 3. Which of the following is both a pure substance and a compound?

A. milk tea C. water
B. cement D. silver

_______ 4. It is made up of only one kind of atom.

A. Compound C. Element
B. Mixture D. None of the above

_______ 5. They are substances that have a specific composition with distinct properties.
A. Pure substance C. Element
B. Mixture D. Heterogeneous substance

_______ 6. The proton count of each element is also referred to as ____________.

A. Atomic Mass C. Isotope
B. Atomic Number D. Nucleus

_______ 7. The number of waves that pass through a specific point in one second.
A. Wavelength C. Amplitude
B. Speed D. Frequency

_______ 8. This quantum number describes the orientation of each orbital in space.
A. Principal QN C. Magnetic QN
B. Azimuthal QN D. Spin QN

_______ 9. It states that the most stable arrangement of electrons in subshells is the one with the greatest
number of parallel spins.
A. Aufbau Principle C. Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
B. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle D. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle

_______ 10. The energy associated with the process of adding an electron to an atom of an element in the
gas phase.
A. Ionization Energy C. Electronegativity
B. Electron Affinity D. None of the above.

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4003 rev.01
II. Directions: Read carefully the following concepts.
Write A if both statements state facts.
Write B if only the first statement states fact.
Write C if only the second statement states fact.
Write D if both statements are incorrect.

_______ 11.I. Physical changes are usually easier to directly reverse than chemical changes.
II. When two extensive properties combine, an intensive property is formed.

_______ 12. I. When a mixture is not uniform, it is classified as a homogenous mixture.

II. Systematic errors are not constant and usually vary from one measurement to another.

_______ 13. I. The digits reported for any measurement are called scientific notation and are the
meaningful ones in any measured or calculated quantity.
II. Accuracy of a data set is dependent on the closeness of the measured values of each other.

_______ 14. I. From left to right along a period in the periodic table, ionization energy increases.
II. Elements with filled subshells such as the noble gases and the alkali Earth metals have
relatively higher electron affinities than other elements.

_______ 15. I. Metals are elements that are good thermal and electrical conductors.
II. Metalloids have properties intermediate of that of metals and non-metals.

_______ 16. I. Paramagnetism is when there is no net magnetic field observed when all electrons of a
given element paired up.
II. The value of n relates to the average value of the distance from the nucleus and its size.

III. Directions. Perform the indicated operations.

A. Convert 0.0000203090 km/h into scientific notation up to three significant figure and (17-19)
B. Convert the answer in A into m/s using dimensional analysis. (20-22)
C. How many significant figures does your answer in B have? (23)

IV. Directions. Perform what is/are being asked from the following:
A. Write the complete ground state electronic configuration (Noble gas Configuration) of Auric ion
(Au3+) (24-27)
B. Draw your answer in letter A in an orbital diagram. (28-30)

V. Directions. Solve the following problems. Show your COMPLETE solution and BOX the final answer.
Refer to the rubric and formulas provided below.

A. Teacher Pogi determined that density of mercury, the only metal that is a liquid at room temperature, to
be 13.6 g/mL. Calculate the mass of 0.0055 L of the liquid. (31-35)
B. As part of a lab assignment to determine the value of the gas constant (R), a student measured the
pressure (P), volume (V), and temperature (T) for a sample of gas, where

The following values were obtained: P = 2.560, T = 275.15, and V = 8.8. Using the formula, calculate R
to the correct number of significant figures. (36-40)
C. Liquid nitrogen is obtained from liquefied air and is used to prepare frozen goods and in low-
temperature research. The density of the liquid at its boiling point (21960C or 77 K) is 0.808 g/cm3.
Convert the density to units of kg/m3. (41-45)
D. A chemist, trying to identify an unknown liquid, finds that 25.00 cm3 of the substance has a mass of
19.625 g at 200C. The following are the names and densities of the compounds that might be the liquid:

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4003 rev.01
Which of these compounds is the most likely to be the unknown liquid? (46-50)

VI. Directions. In at most four sentences, explain briefly the following:

A. How could an experimental data be imprecise and inaccurate? (51-55)
B. If you are a chemist, how will you lessen, if not avoid, errors of measurement? (56-60)

Points 0 1 2 3 4 5
Criteria Did not With only With only List of List of Complete
write correct and correct given, given, solution
anything; complete given and required required, with
Incomplete given and the one and correct correct correct
list of correct being formula; formula final
given, units required. With with answer
formula correct correct and
and units solution correct
solution. units.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Science Teacher Academic Coordinator 4th-12th Grades

Approved by: Noted by:


School Principal Head of School

Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy | San Antonio, Quezon

BKPA-ACAD-4003 rev.01

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