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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7784-1 (1993): Design of cross drainage works- Code of

practice, Part 1: General features [WRD 13: Canals and
Cross Drainage Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 2012 )

Indian Standard

( First Revision )

UDC 626-861-1 : 006.76

8 BIS 1993


NEW DELHI 110002

July 1993 Price Group 6

Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee, RVD 17


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee had been approved by the River Valley Division Council.
Cross drainage works are structures which are constructed to negotiate an aligned carrier channel/
canal over, below or at the same level of a drainage or another carrier channel/canal.
The code of practice for design of cross drainage works is formulated in two parts, Part 1 dealing with
general features and Part 2 with specific requirements, for various types of cross drainage works.
This standard was first published in the year 1975. Based on the experience of various departments
including Central Water Commission and Irrigation Department, a need was felt to make its
provisions up-to-date, and hence, this revision has been prepared. The principal modifications are in
respect of correcting the terminology of some of the terms and covering it separately [ see IS 4410
( part lS/Sec 5 ) : 1992 ] categorizing the various cross drainage works as is being done in practice,
arriving at design flood, loss of head etc. The modifications made in this standard are based on the
suggestions received from various states thus making the provisions more clear and in line with the
practice being followed in this country by major states.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off jn
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)‘. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in
this standard.
IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

Indian Standard

( First Revision )
1 SCOPE before deciding upon the site and type of crossing. As
a general guide, for deciding upon the type of the cross
1.1 This standard (Part 1) covers general features
drainage work, important considerations are as given
pertinent to the design of various types of cross
drainage works and incorporates investigations and below:
studies connected therewith. a) Full supply level and functions of canal -
vis-U-L&high flood level of the drainage channel,
b) Topography of terrain,
2.1 The Indian Standards listed in Annex A are neces-
Cl Regime of the stream?
sary adjuncts to this standard.
d) Foundstion strata,
e) Dewatering requirements,
3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions
given in IS 4410 (Part ll/Sec 5) : 1977 and IS 4410 9 Ratio of design flood to be provided in drainage
channel to the discharge in the canal, and
(Part lS/Sec 5) : 1992 will apply.
fit) Envisaged head loss.
51.1 FullSupplyLevels ofcanadvis-a-vis High Flood
4.0 Cross drainage works can be classified under the Level (HFL) of Draitrage Channel
three broad categories listed at 4.1 to 4.3, based on the The choice of any particular type of cross drainage
type of the structure to negotiate a canal over, below or work is dependent on the high flood level (HFL) in the (
at the same level of the drainage channel. drainage channel to be negotiated. Aqueducts are
4.1 Stru’ctures for Canal Over a Natural Drainage generally proposed when the bed level of canal is well
Channel above the HFL of the drainage channel. Superpassages
The structures falling under this category are are generally proposed when the full supply level (FSL)
aqueducts, syphon aqueducts and culverts. Main- of the canal is well below the bed level of the drainage
tenance of structures in this category is relatively more channel. When the bed level of the canal is at, or below,
convenient, as these are generally above the ground and the HFL of the drainage channel, the depression of the
hence open for inspection. bed of the drainage channel is often a mop economical
proposal and in such cases syphon aqueducts may be
4.2 Structures for Canal Underneath a Natural considered.
Drainage Channel ‘.
i ’ 5.1.2 Topography of Terrain
The structures falling under this category are superpas- Detailed examination of the topography of the terrain
sages and syphons including well syphons. In case of is essedtialtg locate a stable reach of the drainage
syphons the maintenance is diffhzult as these run below channel’with good foundations permitting, preferably,
the natural drainage channel and are, therefore, not a right-angle crossing. Topography of the terrain may
easily accessible-to inspection. also permit diversion of one channel into another and
4.3 Structures for Canal Crossing a Natural locating the cross drainage work below the confluence
Drainage Channel at the Same Level of the two channel for greater economy.
Structures falling under this category are level cross- 5.1.3 Regime of Drainge Channel
ings and inlets, with or without escapes. The regime of a drainge channel requires careful ex-
NOTE -Wherever the word ‘canal’ is used, it should amination. For drainage channel carrying high sediment
be meant as ‘canal/carrier channel’. charges or drift materials, the possibility of choking up
5 SELECTION OF THE TYPE OF CROSS of the syphon and the effect of fluming of the drainage
DRAINAGE WORK channel should be kept in view.
5.1.4 Foundatioli Strata
5.1 While aligning the canal, the type of c?oss drainage
work envisaged should always be kept in view. The The selection of the most suitable site and a good
economics of various types of cross drainage works design, for any cross drainage work is intimately re-
vi.s-a-vb alternative aligmnents should be considered lated to the engineering properties of the foundation

IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

sub-strata at various alternative sites. These properties site selected and extending upstream and downstream,
have, therefore, to be determined by site explorations. of the centre line of the proposed crossing and covering
Where an alternative site, meeting other criteria, is its approaches to sufficient distances, so as to demar-
available, the final choice would obviously depend 011 cate levels, cadestral survey plot numbers, important
the location where the sub-strata available close to the topographical features like depressions near the
- bed of the stream is firm. proposed alignment of canal, general sub-soil water
5S.S Dewatering Requirements levels (with slope, if possible), etc.
In the executibn of foundation works for cross drainage 6.5.1 The other requirements for the plan at 6.5 are:
structures dewatering of foundations may pose serious a) reference to the position of the bench-mark used
problems. An accurate estimate of the cost and proce- as datum with its full description and reduced
dure of dewatering requires to be carefully worked out level;
when designs involve laying of foundations below the
ground water table.
b) the lines and identification numbers of the cross
sections and longitudinal sections of drainage
5.1.6 Ratio of Design Flood in Drainage Channel to chamiel taken within the scope of site plan and
the Discharge in Canal exact locations of their extreme points;
Negotiating a canal below the drainage chamlel is 4 the locations of the various trial pits and/or.
generally more difficult and involves more head loss. borings with tlteir identification numbers;
However, if the topography and other features warrant
a choice to be made between canal syphon and syphon
dj The contour of the drainage channel at intervals
between 0’5 m to 1’5 m depending upon the
aqueduct, then canal syphon may be preferred, only if terrain. This interval r!iay be greater in mour-
the ratio of canal discharge to the design flood is tainous regions;
substantially low.
e) The direction of flow of water;
5.1.7 Envisaged Head Loss
0 The angle of direction of crossing; and
The choice of ani particular type of cross drainage
work is also dependent on the head loss that can be g) Cross alignment of canal further upstream for
some distance beyond the limits of cross
pennitted in the canal. Whereas higher head loss can
drainage works.
throw some area out of command, restriction on head
loss may necessitate provision of wider sections 6.6 A cross section of the drainage cham~el at the
making the structure costly. proposed site of the crossing to appropriate vertical
and horizontal scales indicating the following informa-
6.1 For any type of cross drainage work some data is
a) Cross section covering the bed and banks ofthe
required which is common to all types of cross drainage channel portion and the ground levels beyond
works. A location map for the work with results of the banks covering the entire flood plane, or
subsurface exploration conducted at site, cross sections from ridge to ridge at close intervals to suffi-
of the stream, upstream and downstream of the cient distances on either side showing all un-
proposed site, should be prepared, as given in 6.2 to 6.9. even features and habitations, if any;
6.2 An index map to a suitable scale showing the
b) Nature of the soil in bed, banks and approaches,
recotnmended location of the cross drainage structure, with trial pit or bore-hole sections showing the
the alternative sites of crossings investigated and levels and natures of the various strata down to
rejected, the existing communications, the general
stratum suitable from foundation considera-
topography of the country and the importa?& habita-
tions and front considerations of safe bearing
tions in the vicinity. .J 1
capacity of soil;
6.3 A catchment area map to a suitable scale, with c); Low-water level; and
contour markings at suitable intervals showing the
main drainage channel front its sources together with d). *%%-&n flood level.
all its tributaries. The map should also show the various 6.7 Longitudinal section of the drainage charulel
locations of raingauge stations, gauging sites, etc, as covering a reasonable reach to suitable scale, showing
also the general soil types and land use (that is forests, the location of the cross drainage work, with levels of
cultivated and uncultivated areas). The hydrological the observed flood, the low water and the bed levels at
observation sites should also be marked. Existing, suitably spaced intervals along the line of the deep
under construction or proposed embankments and water channel.
flood management measures should also be shown. 6.8 Anotegiving the salient features relating to the
6.4 A detailed survey plan of the drainage chamlel to catchment area, the meteorological conditions ex-
suitable scale showing important topographical fea- perienced thereon, besides the following other
tures extending considerable distances, downstream points:
and upstreatn, of the proposed site of crossing and
either of its banks. I a) Any predictable (future) alteration in the land
6.5 Asite plan to a suitable scale showin& details of the
b) Storages in the catchment (artificial or natural)

IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

and embankment breaches that have occurred 6.10.2 Drainage Channel

in the past; 1. Extent and nature of drainage area (catchment’
4 Short duration intensity and frequency data in area);
respect of rainfall in the catchment; 2. Maximum annual rainfall and the period
4 Liability of the site to seismic disturbances; (years) of data;
e) Likelihood of heavy sediment charge or floating 3. Maximum intensity of rainfall with year;
timber, 4. Maximum observed flood discharge at the
f) Particulars of foundation exploration data in- site;
cidental to design requirements; and 5. Maximum flood level;
g) Recuperation tests, where foundation depth is 6. Water surface slope;
more than 3 m below the water table and where
7. Site plan of proposed crossing including contours;
the strata are pervious.
8. Log of borehole or trial pit data;
6.9 A note giving the salient design features of structures
9. Type of bed load of drainage chamtel;
existing upstream or downstream of the proposed site.
10. Longitudinal section of the stream for
63.1 Presence of dams, barrages, weirs, etc, on the
suitable distance ups&ream and downstream
natural drainage chamtel in the vicinity either upstream
of the canal depending upon site conditions;
or downstream, may affect the hydraulic charac-
teristics of the natural drainage channel, like obli- 11. Cross section of the drainage chamrel for a
quity and concentration of flow, scour, silting of bed, distance 100 m to 300 m upstream and
change in bed levels, flood levels, etc. These effects downstream, at intervals of 10 m to 50 m;
should be considered in the design of the cross 12. Waterways provided in road and railway
drainage work. bridges or other hydraulic structures on the
6.10 For preparing the design of a cross drainage drainage channel;
structure, the following specified hydraulic data should 13. Spring water level at the crossing site in May
-- also be made available. and October; and
6.10.1 Canal 14. Silt factor.
1. Full supply discharge, Q; 7 DESIGN FLOOD FOR DRAINAGE CHANNEL
2 Bed width; 7.1 Design blood for drainage chamtel to be adopted
3. Full supply depth; for cross drainage works should depend upon the size
4. Water surface slope; of the canal, size of the drainage channel and location
5. Bed level; of the cross drainage. A very long canal, crossing a
drainage channel in the initial reach, damage to which
6. Bed slope; is likely to affect the canal supplies over a large area
7. Full supply level; and for a long period, should be given proper
8. Top of bank level; weightage.
9. Cross section of canal showing Natural Ground 7.2 Cross drainage structures are divided into four
Level; categories depending upon the canal discharge and
10. Subsoil water level; and drainage discharge. Des&n flood to be adopted for
11. Nature pf bed material and value of ‘n’ these four categories of cross drainage structures is
(rugosity coefftcient in Manning’s formula). given in Table 1.
Tible 1 Design Flood Values
(Clauses 7.2 an&TA). -
cstegory Canal Discharga in rn?sce *Estimated&&age F=qu~;;$Duisp
of Srructu~ Diiarge in m’/sac
A O-O.5 Ail discharges 1 in 25 years
B 05-15 O-150 1 in 50 years
Above 150 1 in 100 years
C 15-30 O-100 1 in 50 years
Above 100 1 in 100 years
D Above 30 O-150 ~1inlOOyears
Above 150 As per Note 2
1 XX desigo flood IO be adopted as mentioned ia this table should in no case, be less than the observed flood.
2 la case of very huge cross drainage StNCIUfeS where estimated drainage discharge is above 150 cumecs and canal design discharge
is more than 3Octonecs, the hydroloe should be examined in detail and appropriate &sign flood adopted, which should in no case
be less than 1 in 100 years flood.
*This refers IO the discharge estimated on the t)asis of river parameters curresponding to maximum observed flood level.

Is 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

7.3 Where possible, the discharges determiued by dif- where

ferent methods mentioned in IS : 5477 (Part 4) :1971
PW = wetted perimeter in m;
’ should be compared to see if any large variations are
exhibited and the most reasonable value, giving c = a coefficient varying from 4’5 to 63 accord-
weightage to the one based on observed data, should be ing to local conditions, the usual value
adopted. Where there are cross drainage works already adopted being 4’8 for regime channel; and
existing on the same drainage channel, full data regarding Q = design flood in m3/s.
the observed flood should be obtained and the new cross
drainage works designed, with such modifications in the The value of wetted perimeter obtained
design flood as may be considered necessary. from 8.1.2 is the total waterway between the two faces
7.4 To safeguard against unforeseen nature of flood of the abutments.
intensities the foundation of the cross drainage struc-
ture should be checked for a check flood discharge of In works ‘with rigid floors, however, waterway.
value twenty percent higher than the design flood given can be further flumed within the permissible limits of
in Table 1. velocity negotiated through the available ventages.
Ordinarily such velocities should be limited to the
values given in Table 2
8.1 Waterway
8.13 For sub-vountaiuous and mountainous terrains with
8.1.1 Waterway.for a cross drainage wfirk is fixed from flashy flows, the waterway is provided within the width of
hydraulic and economic considerations with particular the existing stream. Where the slope of the natural drainage
reference to: channel is quite steep suitable methods may be adopted to
a) design flood, bring the velocity within the desired limits.
b) topography of the site, 8.1.4 The minimum dimension of openings should be
c) existing and proposed sectiou aud slope of the such as to permit, as far as possible, manual clearing of
drainage channel in the vicinity of the crossing, deposits therein.
d) peimissible amux, and 8.2 Clearauce for Aqueducts
e) construction and maintenance aspects. 8.2.1 Rectangular Openings
8.1.2 ..Ih plains, the drainage channels are generally in The clearance will depend upon the relative levels of
alluvium and the waterway usually provided in works the canal bed and high flood level of the draiuage
without rigid floor is about sixty to eighty percent of channel. Values given in Table 3 are suggested
the perimetei, given by Lacey’s formula: as suitable minimum clearances (taking iuto account
allowable afflux) for purposes of design, where
Pw = C [Q]“’ available.
Table 2 Maximum Permissible Velocities.
( Clause )
SI No. ljpes of Floors Maximum Penuissihle Velocity

(1) (2) (3)

I? Metals face (steel and cast iron lined) 10

ii) Face of concrete grade M 30 and above ’ 6

- grade &elow M 30 4

iii) Stone masonry face with cement pointing . 3

%LIW =

iv) Stone masonry face with cement plaster 4

v) Brick masonry face with cement plaster 25

vi) Brick masonry with cement pointing 2

vii) Hard rock 4

viii) Murum 15-2

W Soil silt 07-l

1 Whe*_flow carries abrasive materiai$ with it, the permissible valuea may be further reduced by 25%.
2 Hard steel troweling, power floating, sqotb surface finish and conCnuous long curing can have higher abrasion resistance, and
higher velocities than that given in this table can be permitted, for surface using cemen!.

IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

Tuble 3 Miuimum Vertical Clearances for Rectangular Openings

SI No. Design Flood Minimum Vertical Clearance

(1) (2) (3)

m3h mm
9 Below 3 450
ii) 3 and above but below 30 600
iii) 30 and above but below 300 900
iv) 300 and above but below 3 WO 1200
v) 3 000 and above 1500 Ifthe minimum clearances specified in Table 3 8.4.3 The efzect of afflux on the submergence of the
are not available; safety of the superstructure should be surrounding coantry should be specially studied.
ensured against likely repercussions. 8.4.4 The afflux may be calculated by either of the
8.2.2 Arch Openings methods given at and
Minimum clearance measured to the crown of the arch Rational formuiae
should normally be given as recommended in Table 4. Broad crested weir discharge formula or orifice dis-
8.23 In the case of drainage channels, wbere a bed rise charge formula depending upon the flow conditions
due to progressive silting is anticipated, the permissible through the cross drainage work openings, may be
clearance specified in Table 4 should be increased to applied for calculating afflux. When the performance
allow for such aggradations depending upon the extent of the cross drainage work openings remains unaf-
of silting. fected by the depth downstream of the obstruction,
83.4 Free Board that is, a standing wave is formed, weir formula is
applicable, otherwise the orifice formula holds good.
On aqueduct structures, the free board is reckoned horn
Approximately, when the downstream depth D,
the high good level (including afflux) in case of
drainage channel and from the full supply level in case above the crest is more than eighty percent of the
of canals, to the formation level of guide bank or canal upstream depth D, the weir formula does not hold
embankment. The free board should not be less thau good.
900 mm. Wherever heavy wave actions are au- a) Weir formula :
ticipated, the free board should be suitably increased.
Q = 1’70 C, LH3R
8.3 Clearance for Superpassages
83.1 Clearance
Q = discharge through the openings iu m3/s;
Clearances of about fifty percent of those recom-
c w= coefftcient of discharge accounting for
mended in 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 mutalk mutandis may be
losses in friction; the values may be taken as
provided in case-of superpassages.
under :
83.2 Free Board Condition Value
Free board recommended in 8.2.4 may be provided. I) Narrow openings with 0’94
or without floors
8.4 Alflux
2) Wide openings with floors 0’96
8.4.1 The afilux to be adopted in the designsllduld be
3) Wide openings without floors 0’98
that which would correspond to the design flood.
L = ~ I&ar_waterway in m;
8.4.2 The afflux should be restricted to such a value
H.2 total energy head upstream of the obstruc-
that the resulting velocity does not cause serious bed
scour in the drainage or does not create submergence tion in m, that is, D, + V2/2 g
which cannot be permitted. D, = depth of flow upstream in m; and

Table 4 Minimum Cleannces for Arch Opeuiugs

( Clauses 8.2.2 and 8.2.3 )
SI No. Arch Opening Clearrace

(1) (2) (3)

9 Less than 3 Rise or 0% m whichever is more
ii) 3 and above but less than 6. T, 2/3 rise or 10 m whichever is more
iii) 6 and above but less tban 21 2/.3 rise or 125 m which’ever is more
iv) 21 and above 2/3 rise or 15 m whichever is more

IS 7784 (Pert 1J : 1993

v*/2g = velocity head where v is the average

velocity in the approach section worked out
from the known width (W) of unobstructed
w= width of unobstructed section.
b) Orifice formula

, O*’
Q = CoP dn LD,
where 0.6

Q= discharge through the opening in m3/s, I

c, = coefftcient of discharge, 0) 0*4

g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s’,

L = linear waterway in iii, 0.2
Dd = depth downstream of the obstruction in m,
h = afflux in m, 0
e = a factor accounting for recovery of some 0:5 0.6 O-7 0.6 0.9 t.(
velocity as potential head on emergence
from the cross drainage work openings, and -fOR+--
V = average velocity in approach section in m/s.
The value of ‘C,’ and ‘e’ to be adopted are given in
Fig. 1 and 2 The afflux can be calculated knowing
(a) the discharge, (b) the unobstructed width of the If the value of Vvaries considerably in the unobstructed
stream, and (c) the average depth downstream of the cross section of the drainage channel, as in the case of
cross drainage work opening. a drainage chamtel which spills over its banks, Vfor the
purposes of this formula may be taken as the average
velocity in the main chamtel and correspondingly the
value of A should be determined by dividing the total
discharge by V. In case of readily erodable beds, fi~ll afflux as.
calculated from or may not occur.
8.5 Depth of Scour
8.5.1 Mean De&t ofScour
The mean depth of scour in metros below the check/high
flood level may be calculated from the equation :
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.9 1.0

2 In
d,,,, = 1’34 %
. Empirical formula Di yt&%charge in cumecs per metre width. The
When the area of obstruction is not very large compared value of Di should be the maximum of the
to the original unrestricted area, the following formula following:
gives reasonably good results : 9 the design flood divided by the erfective
linear waterway between abutments or
h guide bunds, as the case may be.
ii) The value obtained should take into ac-
where count any concentration of flow through
h = afflux in m, a portion of the waterway assessed from
V = velocity in the unobstructed drainage the study of the cross section of the
channel in m/s, drainage channel. Such modifications of
A = the unobstructed se:tional afea of the the value may not be deemed applicable
to minor cross drainage structures with
drainage chamtel in m , and
overall waterway less than 60 m.
a = sectional area of the drainage channel
provided in the construction in m2. iii) Actual observation, if any.

IS 7784 (I’M 1) : 1993

KSF = the silt factor for representative sample of is representect*as the sum of these losses as applicable.
the bed material obtained up to the level of Thus, if the toTal loss of head is denoted by H then :
the deepest anticipated scour and given by H = h, + h2 + la, + h,
the expression 1’76 [C&J’”
‘c&’ being the weighted mean diameter in
millimetres. IQ = losses at the inlet and outlet (for syphon),
NOTES /I: = losses at elbows or bends (for barrel),

1 d, may be taken as thegrain sizeat 50% passing from 113 = losses due to transitions (other than syphon),
grain size distribution curve. and
2 The above method of estimating & is based on 114 = losses due to skin friction (for barrel and
Lacey’s theory for regimeconditions in alluvial beds. trough).
8.5.2 Maximum Depth of Scour for Design of 8.6.1 Lass ofHead at the Inlet and at the Outlet of Syplms
The formula for the losses at the entrance may be taken as:
The maximum depth of scour below the Highest Flood
Level (H.F.L.) at obstructions and configurations of the
11, = [l +jJ $
channel should be estimated from the value of ‘d,,’ on
the following basis :
For the design of piers and abutments located in a
hi = loss of head at entrance or at exit in m;
straight reach and having individual foundations
without any floor protection works : fi = a coefficient which provides for the loss of
head on entry. It may be taken, for all prac-
i) In the vicinity of piers 2’00 d tical design purposes, as 0’08 for a bell
ii) Near abutments I,27 dll approach mouth entrance and as 0’505 for cylindrical
retained entrance with sharp edges (unshaped mouth
2’00 d,, scour all of the same sectional area of the barrel);
around- V = velocity in syphou iu m/s; aud
For the design of floor protection works, for raft foun- g = acceleratiou due to gravity h m/s*.
dations or shallow foundations, the following scour 8.6.2 Loss of Head Due to Elbows or Bends in Barrels
values should be adopted:
The loss of head due to elbows or bends It,, may be
i) in a straight reach 1’27 d sm computed in accordance with the procedure given iu
ii) at a moderate bend 1’50 d sm IS 2951 (Part 2):1965.

iii) at a severe beud 1’75 d sm 8.6.3 Well designed inlet aud outlet transitions are
necessary at the upstream and downstream approaches
iv) at a right angled bend 2’00 d sm of cross drainage works. Following estimates of losses
NOTE - The values of scour depth obtained as above in the transitions I13 generally hold for normal dcsigu
may be suitably modified where actual observed data is and installatiou conditions. These are not applicable to
available. syphons as for them this aspect is covered in 8.6.1.
8.6 Loss of Head (Energy Loss) These losses exclude losses covered by introduction of
trash racks OII upstream approaches.
When water flows through any structure there are head
losses due to various factors mentioned in~‘8.6.1 8.6.4 Loss of Head due to Skin Friction in the Barreki
to 8.6.4. The total loss of head occurring for a flow and Troughs

%I_ -

SI NO. Type of Transition ‘. Losses

1 Streamline warped J-vz”
1-I 2g
2 Slraight ‘warped
yz- 4
o-2 -
i 2g 1
3 Straight warped with I;- vj
bottom corner fillets 03 - -
{ 2g I 0.4 1 2s 1

~1 = velocity of flow before [he transition in m/s
~2 = velocity of flow atier the transition in ~~/s, and

8 = acceleration due to gravity in m/s*.

IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993 The.loss of head due to skin friction in the To choose the value of ‘n’ refer to IS 2912 : 1964.
barrels ‘hb’ may be computed in accordance with the Depending upon the smoothness, hardness and
procedure given in IS 2951 (Part 1) : 1965. rendering of surfaces of the structure (concrete, Loss of head due to friction in troughs h, plaster or masonry, etc), planeness, workmanship
should be calculated by the Mamling’s formula namely: and quality control the value of rugosity coefficient
‘n’ may be reduced for design purposes from the
v = i RV3,.SV2 typical value, so as to achieve reliability in head loss
Manning’s constant depends upon the characteristics of
v = means velocity in m/s, the material and the surface roughness. In absence of
R = hydraulic means radius in m, actual investigation or established norms being avail-
S = slope, and able, value of Maiming’s constant as given in Table 5
n = Mann&g’s constant. may be assumed.

Table 5 Values of Manning’s Coeflicient

Qpe ofSurface Material Value of II

Range Normal Design Value

(1) (2) (3)


0 Hard, smooth fmisb, troweled 0011 to 0014

2) Float fmish 0013 to 0015

3) Uofmished (oat properly floated) 0015 lo 0.022

4) Neat cement smootb finish 001 to 0012 0012

5) Steel shuttering finish 0012 to 0018 0016

a) Wooden planks shuttering tioish 0014 lo 0020 0018

-0 Large panel plywood shuttering finish 0013 LO0016 0016

8) Large panel smooth form finish, rich concrete 0011 to 0014 0013
@I30 grade and above) with joints grounded
smooth, and all defects rectified

9) Gunited (rough job) 0018 to OU25 0.022

10) Guoited (go&i plane job) 0016 to 0’023 0019

11) Smooth concrete surface with epoxy oU09 IO0012 0’011

or polymer treatment

1) Glazed brick, good workmanship very fine joints *’ 001 I lo 0’015 0013
.J 8
2) Good quality brick masonry in cement mortar 0012 to 0018 0018

3) Rubble masonry in cement mortar 0017 to$rk3Q I dU25

4) Dry rubble 0023 IO 0’035 0032

5) Dressed ashlar masonry 0013 IO0’018 0016

8.7 Wu~sition Walls percent may not be adopted. For the purpose ofcomputing
the Uuming ratio of canal, the width at mid depth may be
Transition walls as seen in plan, should at their ends,
taken as one hundred percent. In drainage channel when
turn nearly at right angles to the flow in the chamlel and
the course is undefined, a fluming ratio from seventy to
should extend for a minimum length of 0.6 m into the
ninety percent of the Lacey’s wateMray may bc adopted.
earth bank. Suitable pitching may be provided to the
slopes, beyond the trausitiou end. 8.9 Structure alid Earth Work Connection
8.8 Fluming Ratio ‘il The earth mass in vicinity of the rigid structure is tile
connection between rigid structure aud flexible
Except when dictated by conditions particular to a
earthwork. The rigid structure is nou settling, relative
specific structure, a fluming ratio less than seventy

IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

to the earthwork. The deflectious, settlements and other 1 mat exit point. This allowance iu height is the length
movements in the rigid structure are comparatively over which creep coefficient is to be assumed as zero.
very small. The rigid structure may consist of masonry, From the plot of tlow net, the differential
PCC, RCC, etc. The connection between rigid struc- desigu pressure (soil aud hydraulic) on the rigid struc-
tures and’ earthwork is to be desigued so as to reduce ture cau be estimated.
the differeutial settlement, and to avoid the possibility
of formation of a separatiou (cleavage) betweeu the 8.9.3 The bottom slabs of box (or barrel) or culverts
two. The conditiou of counectiou between the rigid should be checked for safety against the uplift force in
structure and the earth work affects the seepage, creep a severe combinatiou of forces chosen. CBecks should
coefficient arid piping and thus affects the stability of coiisist of:
the earthwork. a) safety against movement or flotatiou during
For the couuection, soil of proper qualities should be construction and in service, and further
chosen. The method and the amount of compaction b) check for design stresses with severe combina-
should be as required. tiou of uplift.
8.Y.l The. canal embaukment adjoining the cross For safety against flotation or movement, if
drainage structure should have adequate provisious to required, the gravity loads cau be increased by increas-
avoid possibility of auy breach aud to minimize iug thickucss of members, providiug additioual cou-
seepage. The outer slope of the embankment should Crete or masonry for weight, or anchoring the members
have a clear cover of 600 mm over the desigucd iuto the fouudatiou strata or deeper. The sum of down
phreatic line (see IS 7894 : 1975) for the worst com- ward equilibratiug forces should be at least 1.2 times
biuation of desigu flood in natural draiuage chaancl and the upward buoyancy force. For checking the stress
aiuiual low water level. couditiou in -the members, the dead loads or the
High earth bauks (say over 5 m above ground) should dowuward equilibratiug force (such as anchorage)
be checked for stability of slopes and provisiou of should be reduced by dividing these by 1.2. Anchorages
rock-toe with tilter should be made. Rip-rap or pitching aud parts of auchorage system should be checked for
should be doue up to a level 0.5 m above HFL plus stresses uuder full load required for safety against -
afflux as applicable (see IS 10751:1983, IS floating.
11532:1985, IS 12094:1987, IS &X37:1985). For large 8.Y.4 Whcu tlow is through multi barrel, at the
drainage channel properly desigued guide banks may upstream aud dowustream ends, stop-log grooves may
be required. be provided by extcndiog the partition wall, so as to
8.9.2 The water Uow through various soil strata should facilitate isolating oue or more barrels for maiutcuauce
be engineered. Flow uet through earth work aud foun- or repair. Euds of the partitious of multi-barrels should
datiou strata is to be estimated. Exitgradieutofseepage be provided with cut aud ease water shapes so as to
water should be limited withiu the permissible limit. minimize the energy loss.

Adequate fouudatiou depth or cut-off or curtaiu walls 8.10 Abrasion Resistance

may be provided of suitable depth so as to get scfe exit Structural members in the bed of the flow should be
gradient, which may be worked out iu accordauce with safe against abrasion loss. Depending ou the velocity
Khosla theory for two dimeusioual flow. In large struc- of llow aud the abrasiou causing debris (stone gravel,
tures three dimeusioual seepage flow may be cou- saud silt, ctc) it may hold, the structural mcmbcr iu the
sidered for estimatiug exit gradient. bed should be hard euough aud of suf[icicntly high, The permissible creep coefficieut (head loss streugth or it should be giveu a treatmcut or wearing
per unit length) through soil may depeud upou degree coat to enhauce the abrasion resistauce. Fitchiug of
of compaction, whether it is rebilled, actions &soil- heavy weight stoues, stoue masonry or high grade
StNChIrC counectiou or interface, relative movtmeuts coucrete overlays may be provided.
between soil aud rigid structure, probable settlements, Apart froitLthc&e.d of llow, the mcmbcrs ou the sides
etc. may also,be suhjectcd to abrasion, though the material
Generally the permissible value of exit gradicut for causing abrasion may be less effective OII the sides thau
flow through dirfereut types of soils cau be adopted as at the bottom. Hence due cousidcratiou for durability
below : of sides, alougwith the llow should be givcu.
Clay 1 in 4 9 FOUNDATION
Shingle 1 in4to5 9.1 Fouudatious of a cross drainage work should be
Coarse sand 1 in 5 to 6 dcsigucd to satisfy the rcquircmcuts of allowable bcar-
Fine sand 1 in 6 to 7 iug capacity of the fouudatiou strata uudcrcritical loads
iucludiug positive pressure couditious (i.e. IIO uplift or At cutry,tiud of seepage path, au allowance, as tcrrsion), seismic effects, antiripatcd scour and settlc-
discount, should be assumed for settlemeut aud iuetfi- 111ent.
cieut maiuteual,ce, scparatiou, cracking, c$c. At exit
end a discouut or allowauce should be assuulcd against 9.1.1 The sub grade at the fouudatiou lcvcl lbr knowu
erosion, scour or settlement. In absence of au estimate, shape aud size of fouudalious, depth below ground
the allowance may be 0.6 m high at entry point aud level, expected sub-soil water lcvcl and cugiuceriug

IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

properties should be safe in bearing capacity. Compara- tested on models. These studies should infer ulia.
tively lower pressures are allowed on foundations ou taken into account the impact of ancillary com-
sub-grades prone to appreciable settlement. poncnts of the structure, namely, the approaches,
9.1.2 As far as possible, the foundation should bear on end connections, aftlux bun&, Hnors, p:otectioii
arrangements and any upstream Or dowmtream
homogeneous, undisturbed and unifonn sub-grade of
fairly dense type. Where foundations have to be structures on either the canal or the drainage chan-
provided on sub-grade of different types suitable joints nel.
should be provi’dcd to avoid cracks due to differential 11 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS
settlement, the tolerance limit has to be evaluated for
11.1 Waterstops
each case.
Waterstops, also referred to as water seals, are
9.13 The permissible maximum differential settle-
generally of three types, namely : (a) rubber water
ment of the foundation strata estimated should not
seals, (b) metal water seals, and (c) synthetic
exceed 1 in 400. In case of structures sensitive to material seals. The waterstops are used in and
differential settlement, the tolerance limit has to be
across all joints where leakages are detrimental to
evaluated for each case.
structural safety or the water needs are to be con-
9.1.4 When the seismic effect is considered, higher served. The locations where waterstops are
bearing capacity may be adopted in accordance with provided in various types of cross drainage works
IS 1893 : 1984. arc described below:
9.1.5 The foundations should be taken sufficiently
a) Aqueduct - In R.C.C. through side walls
deep to secure firm strata from considerations of settle- and bottom slab over each pier in a continuous
ment, overall stability and avoidance of undermining length and at the junction of transition and
due to erosion. The depth of foundation of various R.C.C. trough, both in the floor and wing
members should be such that these are safe against walls.
scour or are protected against it. If sound rock is met Syplron-At expansion joints and at the junc-
with, at the higher levels than the anticipated scour, b)
tion of ea’ch of the sloping limbs in a con-
scour criteria will not be applicable. Tension (i.e. nega- tinuous form and at the junction of the
tive contact pressure) can be allowed only if foundation transition walls and floors with the barrel,
strata consists of hard rock, however, such negative both at the entry and exit in a continuous
contact pressure should be neglected in the design form.
4 Sirperpassage -At the junction between the
9.1.6 Maximum depth of scour should be computed for drainage trough wing walls, namely, trough
stream as in 8.5 from check high flood level (CHFL). wall of R.C.C. and wing wall of masonry and
Either the foundation or cut-off wall if provided, under all the expansion joints in a continuous
the foundation should be taken to a depth 1.333 times length.
the scour depth estimated below CHFL or 1.05 times
the scour depth estimated for probable maximum tlood 11.2 Weep Holes
(PMF). Either depth of foundation, or depth of cut-off Weep holes are small openings in the retaining walls,
if provided,‘should also be governed by permissible like wings (i.e. transitions of natural stream). These are
gradient of seepage water in 8.9.2. In case of canal to facilitate the drainage of backfilis and avoid build up
having erodablc bottom (i.e. unlined) similar checks of pressure. Weep holes may be provided above the
should be done for full supply discharge. ; flow net line of zero water pressure, under the condition
9.1.7 Where concrete or masonry fltio%!Is provided of canal llowing full and natural stream with lowest
under the works, scour condition is not applicable and am!ual llow.
the foundatio,ns are usually taken to about 1.5 m below W&?daleS if provided, should have filters with
the floor levels with suitable cut off for the concrete or gfgded material suitably provided to avoid piping of
masonry floors. However where such a floor is not earth fill behind the wall and also to avoid choking
provided, foundations are taken to provide a margin of the holes.
below the anticipated scour level (usually called grip The provision of weep holes should be so, as to not
length) of about 0.33 times the maximum depth of render the creep coefficient of seepage unsafe, and.
scour. should also not contribute to enhanced loss of canal
11.3 Ikurings
10.1 Owing to a number of complex factors in the
For safe transfer of load from superstructure to sub-
design of hydraulic structures and specially when the
structure suitable bearings should be provided between
designs are based on empirical fqrmulae, adequate
the trough bottom and pier abutment to cater for the
answers cannot be obtained through a$ialytical methods
various movCments occurring in the superstructure
only. Therefore, it would be in the best interest, if the
under different combinations of load.
designs for major cross drainage works are first

IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993

( Clause 2.1 )


IS No. Title IS No. Title

1893 : 1984 Criteria for earthquake resistant design 4410 Glossary of terms relating to river valley
08 structures Cfoiirth revision) (Part 151 projects : Part 15 Canal structures, Sec-
Set 5) : tion 5 Cross drainage workds (/ht
2912 : 1964 Recommendations for liquid flow 1992 revision)
measurement in open channels. by
slope area methods (approximate 5477 Method for fixing the capacities of
methods) 1’9”;: 4) : reservoirs : Part 4 Flood storage

Recommendations for estimation of

flow of liquids in closed conducts : Part 7894 : 1975 Code of practice for stability anyalysis
of earth dams
1 Head loss in straight pipes due to Cric-
tion resistance. 8237 : 1985 Code of practice for protection of slope for
reservoir embankments (first revision)
2951 Recommendations for estimation of
flow of liquids in closed conduits : 10751 : 1983 Criteria for design of guide banks for
@aPa;2) :
Part 2 Head loss in pipes and fittings. alluvial rivers
11532 : 1985 Guidelines for construction of river em-
4410 (Part Glorssary of terms relating to river val- bankments (levee)
ll/Sec 5) : ley projects : Part 11 Hydrology, Section
12094: 1987 Guidelines for planning and desgin of
1977 S.Floods
river embankments (levees)

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7784-2-1 (1995): Design of cross drainage works -Code of

practice, Part 2: Specific requirements Section I Aqueducts
[WRD 13: Canals and Cross Drainage Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 2001 )

Indian Stmdard

Section 1 Aqueducts

( First Revision J

UDC 626.823~82 : 624.04 : 006.76

‘I 0 BIS 1995


NEW DELHI 110002

April 1995 Price Group 2

Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee, RVD 17


This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee had been approved by the River Valley
Division Council.
An aqueduct is a cross drainage work in which the carrier channel is carried over the drainage channel
and the bottom of the trough or the covering over the drainage openings is above the high flood level
in the drainage channel.
This standard is published in two parts. Part 1 of this standard covers general requirements of the
design of cross drainage works and Part 2 covers specific requirements of various cross drainage
works in the followmg sections:
Section 1 Aqueducts
Section 2 Superpassages
Section 3 Canal syphons
Section 4 Level crossings
Section 5 Syphon aqueducts
This standard ( Part 2/Set I ) covers specific design requirements of aqueducts,
This standard was first published in 1983. This revision is based on improvements made as a
result of experience gained in the use of this standard and in view of the extensive revision of Part 1
of this standard. Suggestions for revision of this standard were received from Central Water Commis-
sion and Irrigation Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh. Modifications have been made in this
revision so as to align it with Part 1 of the standard. The major modifications made relate to the
following aspects:
a) Hydraulic data required for design of carrier channel and drainage channel have been modified,
b) Guidance has been given for splay to be provided in wing walls for drainage,
c) Hydraulic design aspects including Auming have been related to Part 1 of the standard and
hence deleted from this revision, and
d) Construction considerations have been laid down for design combinations.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded
off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 <RI&~ for rounding off numerical values ( revised >‘. The number
of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value
in this standard. .’
‘L.... -
IS 7784 ( Part 2 / Set 1) : 1995

Indian Standard
Section 1 Aqueducts

( First Revision )

1.1 This standard (Part 2/ Set l),deals with the specific 3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions
requirerneitts for design of aqueducts. given in IS 4410 ( Part lS/Sec 5 ) : 1992 shall apply.

2 REFERENCES ’ 3.2 Wherever the terttt canal is used, it should be takeu

to mean ‘canal/carrier chattnel’.
2.1 The Indian Standards listed below are necessary
adjuncts to this standard; 4 TYPES OF AQIJEDIJCTS

IS No. litle 4.1 Depending ou the arrangement of cattal passittg

over the drainage, an Gqueduct may be classified into
IS 4410 (Part lS/Sec 5): Glossary of terms relating
the three categories as given below. A typical lay out is
1992. to river valley projects: Part showtt in Fig. 1.
15 Canal structures, Section
5 Cross drainage works Type 1 -In this type the cattal continues over the
drainage channel in its tiormal earthen1 section itt-
IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993 Code of practice for design eluding the banks and earthen slopes. In this case,
of cross drahlage works: the length of the culverts through which the
Part 1 General features drainage water is passed under the canal should be
(first revision ) sufficient ttot ottly to carry the water section, but






1s 7784 ( h-t 2 / &c 1) : 1yy5

ah to carry the earthen banks ofthe canal with their 4.2.2 Ovrr a large river an aqueduct ot’Tyl)c 3 111ay bc
slopes ( Fig. 2~): ulorc cc(~uoulical as thr Icugth of drainage culverts
across tllc canal is sn~all aud the saving Iuadc in cost 01
TYpc 2 - In this type also the canal continues iu its draiIugr lwlvcrts would br grcatcr thau the incrcascd
earthen section over the draiuage channel, but the cost of caual trausitious.
outer slopes of banks are replaced by retainiug
walls, thereby reducing the length of drainage 4.2.3 For iutcnuediale conditions a11 aqueduct ol’Typc
2 lllay work out to be nlorc rcououlical. However,
cul\;ert to that extent ( Fig. 2B ).
tcchIlo-rcoIioIiii(. studies should bc carried out to
Type 3 - In this type the earthen banks are discon- dccidc the cxacl type of aqueduct lo bc coustruc?cd.
tinued over the drainage channel aud the canal
water is carried in masonry or concrete tmgh, b(Jx, 5 DA’I‘A FOR IJESI(;N
barrel, pipe or any other suitable section. The sides
of the trough are connected OII either side of the
5.1 For working out tilt design of an aqueduct, the
work to the earthen banks of the canal by IlW~IIs01 foilowing specific dcsigu data should bc available in
traIlsithlI walls. Generally the canal is llunled to addition to those laid dowu iu IS 77x4 (Part 1) : 19’93.
effect economy ( Fig. 1 ). 5.1.1 Hydrcrrrlic Daltr
4.2 The choice of the type of aqueduct should depend
5.1 .I .1 CrrntrlJCrrrrier chnnrl
on consideration of economy which in turu would
depend maiuly up011 the size of the drainage to be a) Width ofroadway and class oflRC loading, aud
passed in relation to the size of the canal aud the
b) Head loss provisiou at the proposed cross
foundatiou strata.
drainage work.
4.2.1 Over a small drainage channel, an aqueduct ol
Type 1 may be suitable as IIO canal transitions would bc 5.1 .I .2 Drtrintrp~ clrtmnel
required. The savings made due to absencr 01’canal
transitions would more than corupensa te UIC iucreased a) Nature ol’bcd material aud value of Manning’s
c&t due to the length of drainage culverts which would coefficient (n);
have larger length (across the caual). b) Allowable afllux iu view of water spread,





2A Typical Plan and Section of Aqueduct (Type 1 )


11I(‘1s- Cond
IS 7784 ( Part 2 / Set 1) : 1995

upstream of the proposed work; side, but not flatter than 3 : 1 and 5 : 1 respectively.
Reported or observed scour depth for any near- However, it should be ensured that the tlow follows the
4 boundaries of the transition.
by structure on the same drainage channel; and
4 Bearing capacity of the foundation strata. 6.5 The drainage
_ .charmel
. shall be directed towards the
structure by suitable training works like training walls,
6 LAYOIJT guide banks, spurs, etc. The canal banks adjacent to the
cross drainage work should be protected by suitable
6.1 The layout of the aqueduct should be so fixed that
protective measures such as turfing, pitching and
it is preferably in a straight reach of drainage channel.
launching apron, wherever necessary.
The canal/carrier channel should be at right angles to
the drainage channel as far as possible. 7 HYDRAIJLIC DESIGN ASPECTS
6.2 Bank connections to canal and drainage channel
7.1 The hydraulic design aspects should be as per
should be provided depending upon the properties of
IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993.
the soil available in the area.
6.3 Wing walls for drainage may be provided with 2 : I 8 JOINTS
and 3 : 1 splays on upstream and downstream side; the
8.1 Joints should be provided across and along the
splay should not be flatter than 3 : 1 and 4 : 1 respec-
drainage barrel length. The maximum spacing of these
tively. Drainage wing walls should be suitably con-
joints in either direction should be limited to 20 m. A
netted to high ground.
gap of 15 mm with water stops at all the joints across
6.4 Canal transitions should preferably be provided and along the barrel should be provided to accom-
with 2 : 1 and 3 : 1 splays on upstream and downstream modate the movements.





28 Typical Plan and Section ot Aqueduct (Type 2 )

FK;. 2 TYPESOF fk~ i~mrns

IS 7784 ( Part 2 / Set 1) : 1995

8.2 In the case of barrels resting 011compressible soils, h) Centrifugal forces - in case the aqueduct and/or
collars eucircliug the joint should be provided. This will the road is curved in plan;
protect the water stop from sheaiing due to differential j) Buoyancy;
settlement between two segments. k) Earth pressure;
8.3 In case of multibarrels, units of three or four barrels 1) Forces due to temperature variation;
can be adopted side by side with longitudinal joints
m) Erection loads;
having water stops all around.
n) Seismic load; and
8.4 In case the canal trough is supported on separate
p) Water pressure.
piers, expansion joints of sufficient width shall be
provided in the trough at the centre of the piers. NOTE - (d) and (e) are applicable only in case a road
bridge is provided over the aqueduct.
8.5 Water stops shall be provided at all joints as given
9.4.2 Generally the follov,ing design combinations
in IS 7784 ( Part 1 ) : 1993.
should be considered:
9 STRUCTURAL DESIGN AiPECTS a) Canal empty and stream/drain at its low water
level - normal condition without earthquake;
9.1 For the construction of various components of an
aqueduct prestressed concrete or reinforced cement b) Canal running full up to its F.S.L. and
stream/drain at its low water level - normal
concrete or masonry or a combination of these may be
condition without earthquake;
used depending upon the desired ease of construction
and relative economy. c) Canal empty and stream/drain at its H.F.L.
without earthquake;
9.2 x suitable arrangement for supporting the section
of the aqueduct may be decided depending upon the d) Canal running full up to F.S.L. and stream/drain
nature of foundation, difference between HFL of the at its H.F.L. without earthquake.
drain and bed of canal and height between bed of canal e) Comtruction condition
and bottom of stream/drain and the afflux allowable in !) Pier is constructed and superstructure is not
the drain. An economical spaI~,ca?Tbe worked out by a constructed and stream/drain at it’s H. F. L
judicious combination of the substructure and super- (design) without earthquake.
structure of the aqueduct. Multi-duct canal sections can ii) Superstructure is constructed on one side of
also be adopted. a pier and stream/drain at it’s H.F.L(design)
9.3 To carry the service/inspection road across
. . . -the without earthquake.
drainage, a suitable arrangement may be provided. l+or NOTE - (a) and (b) combinations of loadings may also
economical reason a causeway may also be considered. be checked for seismic conditions after accounting for
In case a road bridge is provided over the aqueduct it higher permissible stresses.
should be designed for at least IRC class A loading. Wind load should not be considered simul-
taneously with earthquake.
9.4 Design Load and Structural Stability For design of aqueducts the effect of earthquake
The forces acting on the various parts of the structure forces in aii the three directions that is longitudinal (L),
are evaluated and the worst combination’of forces is transverse (T) and vertical (V) should be taken into
taken in the design. .J ! account. The combination of these should be either
T+ VorL + Vat a time.
9.4.1 The loads and forces to be considered in designing
aqueducts are as follows:
a) Dead load;
10.1 Weep holes and bearings should be provided as per
b) Water load; IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993.
Cl Live load;
10.2 Uplift pressure and exit gradient caused by
4 Impact or dynamic effect of the live load; seepage flow from the canal when it is running full and
e> Longitudinal forces caused by the tractive effort
or by braking force of vehicles and/or those
the drainage cham~el is dry, be accounted for in design.
For reducing the uplift pressure and exit gradient,pucccz
caused by restraint to free movement of bear- floor should be provided for in the canal bed in adequate
ings; lengths upstream and downstream of the work with
cut-off walls at the ends. Puccu floors of adequate
0 Wind load; lengths should be provided at either end of the barrel in
g> Horizontal force due to watqr currents; the drain with cut-off wall at the end.

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau ofIndian Stundards Act, 2986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization. marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course
of implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications ), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot No. RVD 17 (105).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110002 Telegrams : Manaksans t ha
Telephones,: 331 01 31, 331 13 75 ( Common to all offices )
” i.! Telephone
Regional Offices :
Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg l %_ T _ 331 01 31
NEW DELHI 110002 331 13 75
Eastern : l/14 C. 1. T. Scheme VII M, V. I. P. Road, Maniktola 31 84 99, 37 85 61
CALCUTTA 700054 378626, 378662
Northern : SC0 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 I 60 38 43
60 20 25
Southern : C. I. T. Campus, IV Cross Road, MADRAS 600113 235 02 16, 235 04 42
235 15 19, 235 23 15
Western : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC, Marol, Andheri ( East ) 632 92 95, 632 78 58
BOMBAY 400093 I 632 78 91, 632 78 92

Printed at New India Printing Press, Rhurja. India

इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7784-2-2 (2000): Code of Practice for Design of Cross

Drainage Works, Part 2: Specific Requirements, Section 2:
Superpassages [WRD 13: Canals and Cross Drainage Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 7784 (Parf-21Sec 2): 2000

3lR-"llR ~ ~ ~ t- ~ urn ~
( q~ <1/ TfU8JUT)

Indian Standard

Section 2 Superpassages

(First Revision)

ICS 93.160

o DIS 2(X)O


NEW DELHI 110002
October 2000 Price Gmup 2
IS 7784 (pART 2/SEC 2) : 2000 CODE OF PRACTICE


section 2 SUperpII. . .ges

(F.,. RnUiDII)
( Page 1, clause 4.1, line 3 ) - Substitute 'trought lor through'.

(WRD 13)

Reprography Unit, 81S" New Delhi, India

Cross Drainage WorksSectionalCommittee,WRD )7

This Indian Standard (Part 21Sec 2) (First Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft, finalized by the Cross DrainageWorksSectionalCommittee had been approved by the Water Resources
Division Council.
Cross drainage works are structures which are constructed to negotiate an aligned canier canal over, below or
at the same level of a drainage or another canier canal. With the knowledge now available, it is necessary to
formulate codes of practice for designs, constructions, inspectionand maintenanceof cross drainage works to
secure uniform standard.
This standard is published in two parts: Part 1 of this standard covers general requirements of the design of
cross-drainage works, Part 2 of this standards is being published in the five sections. The sections are listed
Section 1 Aqueducts
Section 2 Superpassages
Section 3 Canal syphons
Section 4 Level crossings
Section S Syphon aqueducts
This section covers specific design requirements of superpassages.
There is no ISOIIEC standardon thissubject. Thisstandard has beenprepared basedon indigenous manufacturers'
data I practices prevalent in the field in India.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particularrequirementof this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numericalvalues (revised)' . The numberof significantplaces retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 7784 (part Z/See 2) : 2000

Indian Standard
Section 2 Superpassages
(First Revision)

1 SCOPE 51 Discharge of Canal Free Board

This standard (Part 2/Sec 2) deals with the specific No. cumecs mm
requirements of the design of superpassages. i) Below 3 200
2 REFERENCES ii) 3 and above but below 30 300
iii) 30 and above but below 300 450
The following standards contain provisions which
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of iv) 300 and above 600
this standards. At the time of publication, the editions
4.1.1 A minimum free board in the trough IS
Indicated were valid. All standards are subject to
recommended as below:
revision, and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to investigate the posibility 81 Drainage Discharge Free Board
of applying the most recent editions of the standards No. cumecs mm
indicated below:
i) Up to 30 400
IS No. Title
ii) More than 30 up to 100 500
4410 (Part IS/Sec 5) : Glossary of terms relating to
iii) More than 100 up to 300 600
1992 river valley projects: Part 15
Canal structures, Section 5 iv) More than 300· 750
Cross-drainage works (first *Higher values of freeboard may be provided depending upon
revision) the drainage characteristics.
7784 (Part I) : Design of cross drainage
4.2 Due to steep slope in the bed of the drainage, it
1993 works-Code of practice:
may be necessary to provide a suitable fall
Part 1 General features (first
downstream of the trough carrying the water of the
3 TERMINOLOGY 4.3 In suitable circumstances, it is recommended that
I 3.0 For the purpose of this standard, the terms as the bed level of the drainage be lowered at entry and
defined in IS 441 O(Part IS/Sec 5) shall apply. exit of superpassage thereby increasing velocity and
reducing the cost of super- structure.
3.1 Syphon Superpassage
It is a cross drainage work to carry drainage or the
5.1 Hydraulic Data
natural stream over the canal normally with the full
supply level (F.S.L) of the canal below the bottom of a) Canal
the trough (see Fig. I for typical layout).
Hydraulic design data shall be made available as given
4 GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS in IS 7784 (Part I ). In the case of syphon superpassagcs
the following data shall also he made available in
4.1 In general, there should be sufficient free board addition:
available between the F.S.L. of canal and the under-
side of drainage through. Recommended values are t) Side slopes,
given below. Submergence of the trough to some extent 2) Allowable head loss,
under special site conditions may he suitably 3) Whether canal is lined and if so. the lining.
considered by the designer. matenal,
IS 7784 (Part 2/See 2) : 2 _

4) Free board, Canal full and drainage dry

5) Velocity in canal, and For 2.5 percent submergence, the bottom slab of the
6) The alignment of canal for at least 100 m drainage may be designed for bursting.
distance beyond the limits of cross drainage work 7 DETERMINATION OF WATERWAY OF THE
on both sides. DRAIN
b) Stream or Drain 7.1 Section 01 the Trough
Data as required in IS 7784 (Part I) shall be made The section of the trough should permit a scouring
available. velocity at maximum observed flood. A velocity of 2
6 DESIGN CRITERIA to 3 m per second is normally permissible.

6.1 Hydraulic Design The section of trough should be determined by

equating energies in the trough and the natural stream
The problem involved under this head may be further at maximum observed flood.
classified as under:
7.2 In the case of earthen troughs, the velocity through
a) Surface flow, and the trough should not be more than the critical velocity.
6.1.1 Design Features in Respect of Surface Flow The section of the canal may be suitably flumed
The provisions as given in IS 7784 (Part 1) shall apply. keeping in view the permissible loss of head and
6.1.2 Design Features in Respect ofSubsurface Flow
a) Safety of the structure against residual uplift
pressure of the percolating water acting on the 9.1 Afflux should be such that it does not exceed the
bottom of the floor; and limits of submergence and tolerances of the
environments. Energy loss should he determined in
b) Check for exit gradient or safety of the structure
acordance with IS 7784 (Part I).
against piping.
9.2 Total energy loss in the drainage course will in
6.2 Structural Design
turn cause an afflux which should be kept within
6.2.1 The various loadings assumed in the design of practicable limits.
box conduits shall consist of the following:
9.3 In case the head available is more than the total
a) Empty self weight of the structure. energy loss as in the streams or drains in the upper
b) Super-imposed loads, reaches in sub-mountainous tracts, surplus head can be
c) Surcharge loads, disposed off by providing suitable energy dissipaters.
d) Full internal water pressure, 10 DETERMINATION OF HIGH FLOOD LEVEL
e) Soil reaction and up-lift pressure, and High flood level (H.F.L) calculated or observed,
t) Earth loads on sides. whichever is more at the centre line of the crossing,
water surface slope of the stream or drain and the total
6.2.2 The superpassage shall be designed for
length of the work being known, the H.F.L at the
conditions given in to
upstream and downstream of the work can be Canal and drainage full determined, taking into consideration the parameters
at the site.
a) Bed of the canal should be checked for vertical
b) Bottom slab of the drainage bed should also be DOWNSTREAM END
considered for H.F.L. loading due to water and 11.1 Energy dissipators at the dis side shall be
loading due to surcharge of earth and partial provided with arrangements given below taking into
silt load. and consideration the discharge and velocity of flow in
c) Side walls of the drainage trough should be the stream and drops, if any, to be negotiated:
designed for partial silt load at H.F.L conditions. a) Solid apron. Canal dry and drainage full b) Water cushion,
c) Stilling basins,
Bed slab of the canal should be designed for the earth
reaction and uplift pressures in H.F.L conditions of d) Pitching, and
the drainage. e) Staggered blocks, etc.

IS 7784 (Part 2/Sec 1) : 2000
12 VIS AND DIS TRAINING WALLS provided so that they will not get dislodged during
the maximum flow.
Where the stream width has been restricted at the
crossing, a minimum splay of 2:) and ~: I on the u/s 15.1.2 The minimum length of the upstream protection
and dis sides may be provided respectively. shall be kept equal to D, the design depth of scour
below the floor level.
15.2 Downstream Pervious Protection
13.1 Cut-off walls shall be provided at the end of the
solid floor on the u/s and dIs sides. 15.2.1 Rubble or blocks ofcement concrete of suitable
size shall be provided just beyond the dIs end of
13.2 The u/s and dIs cut-offs should generally be
impervious floor so that they will not get dislodged
provided to cater for scour of 1.25 R, and 1.5 R
during the maximum flood flow. The stones or blocks
respectively where R is the depth of scour, depending
shall be so arranged as to relieve the pressure at the
upon the nature of sub-soil.
ends of the impervious floor of the canal. Initial part
13.3 Scour depth should be calculated in accordance of the pervious protection may be provided with a
with IS 7784 (Part I). proper filter.
14 TOTAI.I FLOOR LENGTH N()TE - For beds of streams and drains which are not
easily susceptible to scour, the protection 111ay be minimized
14.1 The total length of the impervious floor of canal suitably.
from u/s to the dIs solid aprons (which includes
dissipation arrangements, if any) shall be fixed in 15.2.2 The minimum length of the dis protection shall
conjunction with the depth of cut-off to satisfy the be kept equal to 1.5 D. where D is the design depth of
requirement of exit gradient under the condition scour below the floor level.
when drain i~ at H.F.L and canal is empty, and the 15.3 Launching Apron
Beyond the pervious protection on the u/s and dis of
14.2 The impervious floor length of the drainage shall the work, bed may be protected with brickbats or loose
be such that the exit gradient at canal cutoff should be boulders or stones.
within permissible limits.
15.3.1 The quantity of loose stone protection required
14.3 The minimum thickness of solid floor shall be shall be determined on scour considerations.
kept as 30n nun.
15.3.2 The minimum thickness of the loose stone
IS PROTECTIVE WORKS protection shall be equal to the thickness of pitching
15.1 Upstream Pervious Protection on slopes.
IS.I.I Jusl beyond the end of impervious floors, rubble NOTE - The design of protection works shall comply the
or blocks of cement concrete of suitable size shall be provision of IS 7784 (Part I).
IS 7784 (Part 2/Sec 2) : 2000




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Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), DIS.

Review 01 Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of 'BIS Handbook' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. WRD 17 (234).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
Telephones: 323 01 31, 323 33 75. 323 94 02 (Cornmon to all offices)

Regional Oftices : Telephone

Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg 32376 17

NEW DELHI 110 002 { 323 38 41

Eastern : 1/14 C. I.T. Scheme VII M. V. I. P. Road, Kankurgachi 337 84 99,337 85 61

CALCUlTA 700 054 { 337 86 26, 337 91 20

Northern : SCQ 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160 022 603843

{ 602025

Southern : C. I. T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600 113 235 02 16,235 0442
{ 235 15 19,235 23 15

Western : Manakalaya, E9 MIDC. Marol, Andheri (East) 832 92 95, 832 78 58

MUMBAI 400 093 { 832 78 91,832 78 92



Printed at : Prabhat Offset Press, New Delhi-2

इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7784-2-3 (1996): Code of practice for design of cross

drainage works, Part 2: Specific requirements, Section 3:
Canal syphons [WRD 13: Canals and Cross Drainage Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 7784 ( Part 2/Set 3 ) : 1996
( Reaffirmed 2001 )

Indian Standard

Section 3 Canal Slrphons

( First Revision )

ICS 93.140


0 BIS 1996


NEW DELHI 110002

August ‘1996 Price Group 4

Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee, RVD 17

This Indian standard ( First ~evlsion ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft
finalized by the cross ~rainage works sectional committee-had been approved by the River Valley Division
IS 7784 has been published in two -pafis. pafi 1 of the standard covers general requirements of the design
of cross drainage works, pafi 2 covers Specflc requirements and has been published in the following five

Section 1 Aqueducts
Section 2 Superpassages
.Section 3 Canal syphons
Section 4 Level crossings
Section 5 Syphon aqueducts
This standard (Section 3) covers specific design requirements for canal syphons.

Canal syphon is a structure with a closed conduit designed to run full and usually under pressure, to transport
canal water under the drainage channel or a road or a railway line.

This standard was first published in the year 1980. This revision was taken up in view of the revision
of Part 1 of the standard, which lays down general requirements for design of Cross Drainage Works. As
modifications have been effected in Part 1 of the standard, this revision is intended to modifi the provisions
of the exis~ingstandard so as to align the same with Part 1.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final
value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance
with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’. The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 7784 ( Part 2/Set 3 ) : 1996

Indian Standard

Section 3 Canal Syphons

( First Revision )
This standard (Part 2/Set 3) deals with the specific 5.1 Shape
requirements of design of canal syphons.
5.X.1 For syphoning of canal water circular,
2 REFERENCES rectangular, horse shoe shaped, single or multi cell
barrels can be adopted.
2.1 The following standards contain provisions which
through reference in this text, constitute provisions 5.1.2 Precast RCC pipes may be economical for
of this standard. At the time of publication, the editions syphoning small discharges. For large discharges,
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to keeping in view hydraulic considerations and
revision, and parties to agreements .based on this convenience of construction, circular or horse shoe
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility shaped conduits are more suitable.
of applying the most recent editions of the standards
5.2 Materials
indicated berow:
IS No. Title
5.2.1 For the construction of the syphon barrels,
steel, prestressed concrete, RCC or masonry or a
456 : 1978 Code of practice for plain and combination of these may be used depending upon
reinforced concrete ( third the availability of materials, labour and relative
revision ) economy.
4410 Glossary of terms relating 5.3 Layout
(Part 15iSec 5) : to river valley projects : Part 15
1992 Canal structure, Section 5 Cross 5.3.1 Syphon barrel shall preferably be kept
drainage works perpendicular to the drainage channel at the site of
7784 crossing. The barrel shall be founded below the
Code of practice for design of
( Part 1) : 1993 cross drainage works/i Part 1 anticipated/design scour level corresponding to design
General features (first Levision) flood. Depth of barrel below the anticipated scour
level shall be at least one third of the over all height
10751 i 1983 Criteria for design of guide banks of the%ir?el’!s. It shall also be seen that in order to
for alluvial river provide an over burden cushion against abrasive damage
11388 : 1985 Recommendations for design of to the syphon, top of the syphon is at least 300 mm
trash rack for intakes to 750 mm below the drainage channel bed level
NOTE - In case a bridge is provided monolithic with
3.1 For the purpose of this standard, the definitions
the syphon or very near to the syphon, anticipated/ design
given in IS 4410 (Part lS/Sec 5) : 1992 shall apply. scour depth as applicable to piers/abutments as given in
IS 7784 ( Part 1 ) : 1993 shall be adopted.
3.2 Wherever the term ‘canal’ is used it should be
taken to mean ‘canal/carrier channel’ 5.3.2 In case the site conditions so warrant and
keeping the overall economy in view, the barrels may
be founded at levels higher than that required as
4.1 For the design of canal syphon, data given in iS per 5.3.1 above. This can be achieved either by
7784 (Part 1) : 1993 shall be made available. I providing upstream and downstream cut-off across

IS 7784 ( Part 2/&x 3 ) : 19%
the drainage flow and penetrating the safe scour level, the carrier channel banks, slopes, etc, should be drawn
or by suitable combination of cut-offs, horizontal out on a contour plan of the site.
floor and apron/pitching desigued to take care of
scour (Fig. 2). 5.5.3 Transition walls should normally rest on natural
ground. In exceptional cases, they may rest on made
5.3.3 Syphon barrels under deep bed portion of up soils, properly compacted.
the drainage channel are generally kept horizontal.
Barrels in slope at entry and exit on the upstream 5.5.4 The transition walls shall at their ends turn at
and downstream sides are provided to join the right angles to the flow in the channel and shall extend
horizontal barrels. The barrels on sloping portion for a minimum length of 1.Om into the bank, Suitable
should not be steeper than 1 in 3 on the entry side pitching should be provided, as necessary, beyond
and I in 4 on the exit side. A water seal of 1.5 times these transition walls depending upon site conditions.
the change in velocity head, with a minimum of 5.5.5 The vertical transition in the bed profile at
150 mm should be provided over the crown of the the entry and exit ends of the barrel shall be smooth
barrels at start, to prevent air from entering the barrel to ensure gradual increase in the velocity while
(Fig. !). Instead of sloping portions, at entry and approaching the barrels and gradually decrease again
exit, wells may be provided. to the design velocity dotinstream, in the carrier
5.3.4 The invert level of the canal syphon at the channel. The bottom grade at the entry shall be
entrance is normally kept at the bed level of the carrier tangential to the invert of the conduit. The bottom
channel. The invert level at entrance shall be worked grade at the exit need not be tangential, except where
out by subtracting the proposed height of the barrel the velocity of flow in the syphon is high.
opening plus water seal plus the velocity head, from 6 HYDRAULIC DESIGN
the total energy line in the channel at the entrance
to barrel: 6.1 Waterway

5.3.5 The invert level at the exit shall be kept lower The waterway required is calculated by dividing the
than the level at the entrance to the barrels by the full supply discharge by the velocity in the barrels
amount of loss of head through the barrels. which shall not exceed the permissible velocity given
in IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993.
5.3.6 Cut off under the entrance and exit ends of
the barrel shall continue under the wing walls. Cut 6.2 Entry Water Surface Profile
off shall be designed to take care of exit gradient. The vertical profile of the syphon involves a change
In case of multi-barrel syphon, cut off depth at the from steep to mild slope. At these points the formation
entry and exit sides of the barrel may be reduced in of hydraulic jump at part discharges shall be examined
the middle portion. In cases where.transition walls/ and pressure accounted for while considering uplift.
wing walls are long, cut off depth may be reduced
along the wall. 6.3 Loss of Head
5.4 Pluming The loss of head at the entry, at the exit and in the
barrel due to friction and due to elbows and joints
Fluming ratio shall be adopted as given in IS 7784 shall be;a&lated in accordance with IS 7784
(Part 1) : 1993. (Part 1) : 1993. Estimated losses shall be increased
by 10 percent for use in design.
5.5 Entrance and Exit Transitions
6.4 Cut Off
5.5.1 Transition walls shall be long enough to cover
the bank slope effectively. Splay of 3 : 1 on upstream The normal scour depth shall be computed for the
and 4 : 1 on the downstream at full supply level (FSL), :arrier channel flow in accordance with IS 7784
with properly designed entry and exit transition curves (Part 1) : 1993. Depth of cut off below the entrance
to keep down the loss of head through the canal syphon, and exit ends of the barrel can be taken as 1.5 times
is preferable. Splay on upstream and downstream the normal scour depth below full supply level. Cut-
may be reduced if the same is the site off shall then be checked for permissible exit gradient.
conditions. The cut-off shall cater to the three dimensional flow
patterns that exist at the following conditions:
55.2 In order to align and design transition walls
properly a complete layout plan of the work showing a) Drainage channel full and carrier channel
dry, and


ICUT OFF abcdc t ON U/S AND pq r stu ON D/S1



_____- ----




IS 7784 ( Part 2lSec 3 ) : 1996
b) Carrier channel full and drainage channel divided into two portions, one under the drainage
dry. channel bed and the other under drainage channel
banks. The transverse analysis of barrels shall be
The worst case occurs along section x-x ( see
carried out by any standard method for the following
Fig. 1 ). The depth of the cut off provided, shall be
conditions to determine the worst moments, shear
the greater of that obtained from the condition of
and thrust at any section.
scour and exit gradient.
a) Portion under drainage chatmel bed
6.5 Uplift
i) Carrier channel dry and drainage channel
6.5.1 The syphon barrels shall be checked for self-
with maximum discharge
flotation condition, that is, the condition obtained
immediately after completion or part completion of ii) Carrier channel runningfull and drainage
the structure, should a flood occur. The barrels may channel dry.
be located deeper if reqmred and/or if found necessary
extra dead load in the form of lean cement concrete, b) Portion under the drainage channel bank
masonry, etc, shall be added on the top of the barrel.
i) Carrier channel dry and drainage channel
This extra load is taken into account while calculating
with HFL. The saturation level for the
the moments.
earthfill may be properly accounted for
6.5.2 The calculations for uplift acting on the barrel with appropriate hydraulic gradient line
shall be done for the following conditions: from HFL of the drainage channel with
regard to the type of soil composing the
a) Drainage channel full and carrier channel banks.
dry, and
ii) Carrier channel running full and drainage
b) Carrier channel full and drainage channel dry.
channel dry. A factor of safety of 1.2 should be ensured
7.2.2 Partition walls are the inside walls of a multicell
against the worst of the above two conditions of uplift
barrel (see Fig. 1) The partition walls are not subject
for which the barrel is designed. The barrels shall
to any significant lateral pressure when all the barrel
be checked for construction condition, that is, water
openings are running. The minimum thickness of
table at the drainage bed with channel and drainage
the wall shall be 225 mm for RCC and 450 mm for
both dry and ton cover not in position with a factor
masonry. Partition walls shall be designed to allow
of safety of not less than 1.2.
for differential head created due to an empty adjacent
6.5.3 In case a bridge is provided monolithic with barrel. Reinforcement in partition walls shall be
syphon, the traffic load should be ignored while anchored into the slab. In case of RCC walls, suitable
checking for uplift. haunches in square or rectangular barrels with haunch
reinforcement shall a.lso be provided. Masonry
7 STRUCTURAL DESIGN J” partition walls shall be adequately anchored to the
7.1 The various loadings assumed in the design of top and bottom slabs to ensure that there is no
barrels consist of the following : separa;tio* * =

a) Self weight of the structure; 7.2.3 Barrels with RCC slab or arch roofing supported
on masonry or plain concrete abutments and piers
b) Super-imposed loads;
are designed for the same conditions as RCC barrels.
c) Surcharge; The roofing is however, properly anchored down by
d) Full internal water pressure; means of anchor bolts in the case of slab roof, and
straps in case of an arch roof, to make it safe against
e) Soil reaction and uplift pressure; and
uplift pressure.
f) Earth pressure of sides.
7.2.4 When pipes are used, they shall rest on 250
The combination of loads which will result in the mm thick cement concrete .of M 15 grade ( see IS
maximum stresses shall be carefully qnsidered. 456 : 1978 ), which shall be increased to 550 mm
7.2 Transverse Analysis at joints. The end offsets and clear spacing between
adjacent pipes shall be a minimum of 250 mm.
7.2.1 The length of barrels of the structure can be Standard joints shall be used and these shall be properly

IS 7784 ( Part 2/Set 3 ) : 1996
grouted to make them water tight. At bends, walls higher than that of the transition walls, the top of
shall be provided to receive the pipe ends. transition wall at entry is connected to the top of
the face wall with uniform increase in height of walls.
7.3 Longitudinal Analysis
7.4.2 The face walls shall be designed as masonry
7.3.1 Longitudinal analysis shall be made in cases gravity walls for arch or flat slab roofing. In the
where loose soil, or various types of soils, are met
case of RCC barrels these walls shall be constructed
with at the completed final level of the foundation.
monolithic with the top slab. Adequate anchorage
7.3.2 In case a socket and spigot arrangement of of reinforcement as well as reinforcement for proper
collars is provided, the vertical displacement of one transfer of loads and moments to the top slab, shall
unit will cause extra loads and stresses in the other be provided.
unit due to the restraining effect of the collar. For A minimum top width of 150 mm and 3 50 mm shall
analysis of these loads the barrels in the longitudinal
be provided in case of RCC walls and masonry walls
direction shall be considered as beams on elastic
foundations. The analysis should be carried out
according to the principles given by M. Hetenyi’) or 7.4.3 A smooth curve between the face wall and the
any other standard method of analysis. top slab of the RCC barrel, and for cut water and
ease water of partition walls, may be provided.
Certain simplifying assumptions as given below may
be made while analysing for longitudinal moments: 8 MISCELLANEOUS DETAILS

a) The subgrade reaction throughout the length 8.1 Joints

of the barrels is constant.
In case of RCC barrels, expansion/contraction joints
b) Ends of the barrels are free. with water stops around the periphery shall be provided
not more than 20 m apart, while in case of plain
c) Entire cross-section of the barrel is effective
concrete slab and masonry walls, the joints shall be
in resisting the forces and moments
provided not more than 10 m apart. The position
and details of waterstops shall be in accordance with
d) Foundation reactions are vertical.
the provisions of IS 7784 (Part 1) : 1993. In case
e) Self weight of barrels and weight of water of multi-barrel syphons, units of 3 or 4 barrels can
in barrels may be omitted, since this will be adopted side by side with longitudinal joints having
not contribute to unequal settlement. water stops all around.

7.3.3 The restraining force of a collar can be 8.2 In case of barrels resting on compressible soils,
determined by equating the deflection of the two units collars encircling the plain joint shall be provided.
at the joint. The collar shall be designed for the This will protect the water-stop from vertical shear
cantilever moment due to this force. due to excessive settlement. The cross section of
the collars shall be of size not less than 300 mm x
7.3.4 The bending moment in the barrei in the 300 mm. In case of syphons of multiple barrels of
longitudinal direction due to superimposed loads as more th,aqgne unit, the collars shall be designed to
well as collar reaction shall be calculated as per be flexible.
standard expressions for different loading conditions
given by M. Hetenyi and the required reinforcement
8.3 Drainage Protection
shall be provided. However, nominal reinforcement
in accordance with IS 456 : 1978 shall be ensured. Drainage channel slopes shall be protected by pitching
7.4 Face Wall (Breast Wall) for suitable length upstream and downstream of the
site of crossing. In case barrels are founded above
7.4.1 This is sometimes called head wall or breast the anticipated scour, slope and bed protection as
wall. Such walls are provided at the outer ends of per 5.3.2 shall be given.
conduits to support the outer slope of drainage channel
banks. Their top may be kept level with top of the 8.4 Wherever drainage channel is flumed at a carrier
transition walls. Where the top of the face wall is channel crossing (Fig. 3) suitable guide banks should
be constructed for confining it in a reasonable width
‘) HETENYI M “Beams on Elastic Foundations” Messrs and guiding it smoothly near the syphon. The design
Cushing Malloy, USA. of guide banks shall conform to IS 10751 : 1983.

IS 7784 ( Part 2&c 3 ) : 1996-
8.5 Bed Protection for Canals syphon strmz&urewhere a large quantity of floating
Beyond the ends of concrete masonry floor of the material is expected in the carrier channel water.
syphon/transitions, cement concrete or brick blocks Usually the racks are constructed of flat steel bars
or stone/stones in wirecrates over graded inverted set on edge and are either joined by through bolts
filter shall be provided for a suitable length, to allow with pipe nipples for spacers, or welded to the edge
for the release of balance differential head of water ofcross bars. The racks are generally made in panels
without permitting the escape of fine soil particles for ease in handling to facilitate cleaning; these are
from the bed. Similar protection should be provided usually inclined at a slope of 1 horizontal to 4 vertical.
along the length of transition walls. ( see IS 11388 : 1985 )_

8.5.1 The outer slopes of the carrier channel banks 8.8 Free Board in the Carrier Channel
shall be adequately protected up to HFL. of the drain
plus free board. The free board for the carrier channel bank upstream
of the transition wall shall be increased by 50 percent
8.6 Stop Log Grooves subject to a minimum of 0.3 m to prevent overtopping.
In big syphons, stop log grooves may be provided The increased free board shall be extended to a
on the upstream entrance end and at the downstream, minimum distance of 10 times the bed width of the
to isolate one or more barrels for periodic inspectious, carrier channel.
repairs and maintenance.
8.9 Dewatering
8.7 Trash Racks
In long syphons, it is desirable to provide a sump pit
Trash racks may be provided at the entrance to the at a suitable location for ease of dewatering.



R = Radius of curvature of the guide bund on the u/s

r = Radius of curvature of the guide bund on the d/s



Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau ofIndian StandardsAct. 1986to promote harmonious
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should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue
of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards : Monthly Additions’,

This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot No. RVD 17 ( 170 ).

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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7784-2-4 (1999): Design of Cross Drainage Works - Code

of Practice, Part 2: Specific Requirements, Section 4:
Level Crossings [WRD 13: Canals and Cross Drainage Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 2004 )

Indian Standard
Section 4 Level Crossings

(First Revision )

ICS 93.160

. ’

0 BIS 1999


NEW DELHI 110002

April 1999 Price Group 2

Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee, RVD 17


This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee had been approved by the River Valley Division Council.
This standard is published in two parts. Part 1 of this standard covers general requirements for the design of
cross drainage works. Part 2 of this standard covers specific requirements and has been published in five sections
listed below:
Section 1 Aqueducts
Section 2 Super passages
Section 3 Canal syphons
Section 4 Level crossings
Section 5 Syphon aqueducts
This standard ( Part Z/Set 4 ) covers specific design requirements of level-crossings.
Level crossings are cross drainage works involving intermixing of irrigation and drainage water and are provided
where the irrigation channel and the drainage channel approach each other practically at the same bed levels.
These are generally provided when a sizable carrierchannel crosses a large drainage channel which carries a
high discharge during floods and when syphoning of either of the two is prohibitive orrconsideration of ecoromy
or non-permissibility of head loss through syphonbarrels.
In level crossings advantage of the perennial drainage discharge is often taken to augment the supplies into
the outgoing portion of the canal by creating an impounding reservoir.
Level crossings have certain disadvantages as Compared to other types of cross drainage works. These are:

a) Higher maintenance cost due to extra staff for regulation and provision of gates structures.
b) Greater risk to the safety of carrier channel canal on account of the failure of human element in the
regulation and operation of the gated structures.

cl Intermixing of two waters which may result in heavier sediment discharge into outgoing carrier channel.
This standard was first published in 1980. Since then changes have occurred in technology and field practice.
These changes led to the revision of Part 1 of the standard which was revisedin 1993. Consequentto its revision
the standard is being revised to align it with the revised version of Part 1.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the finalvalue,
observed or,calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical vahtes (revised)‘. The number of sign&ant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 7784 (Part Z/See 4 ) : 199.9

Indian Standard
Section 4 Level Crossings

(First Revision)
1 SCOPE b) Drainage Inlet Regulator (B) - A regulator
across rhe drainage inlet upstream of the
This standard ( Part 2/Set 4 ) deals with the specific crossing to prevent wastage of irrigation water
requirements of the design of level crossing of a carrier and to prevent submergence of the area in
channel and drainage channel.
the vicinity by spilling-over into the drainage
2 REFERENCES valley during lean periods. The regulator could
be replaced with a simple raised crest with
The standards given in Annex A contain provisions reduced height of gates or without gates. The
which through reference in this text, constitute raised crest induces in the drainage, tendency
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, ~ofsediment deposition on the upstream and
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are heavy retrogression on the downstream of the
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based level crossing. This factor shall be kept in view,
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the while making a choice betweenthe regulator
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the and raised crest.
standards indicated in Annex A.
c) Canal Outlet Regulator (C) - A regulator
3 TERMINOLOGY at the head of the outgoing reach of the carrier
For the purpose of this standard the definitions given channel serving as a head regulator to control
in IS 4410 (Part lS/Sec 5 ) shall apply. and regulate the discharge.

4 DATA FOR DESIGN d) Drainage Outlet Regulator (0) - A regulator

across the drainage channel just on the
For the design of a level crossing, the specific data downstream side of the crossing to maintain
as refferred in IS 7784 (Part 1) shall be made available. a pond for controlling the supply into the
outgoing carrier channel. This also serves as
an escape regulator for the carrier channel. A
5.1 The layout of the level crossing shall be so fixed small dam with proper spillway or a barrage
that the drainage channel as far as possible crosses may have to be provided in some cases instead
the carrier channel at right angles. of a cross-regulator depending upon the size
of the drainage channel. Provision of automatic
5.2 All level crossings essentially comprise of a escape and/or automatic semi-automatic
combination of all or any ofthe following regulators operated gates should be made if the situation
depending upon the site requirements ( Fig. 1 ): warrants. In case a high crest is provided in
a) Canal Inlet Regulator (A) -A regulator across this regulator, requirement of a suitable sediment
the incoming end of the carrier channel to excluding device should also be considered.
prevent submergence of the carrier charmel and 5.3 Depending uponthe topography of the area and
the surrounding area by the back water of the the local constraints either or both of the regulators
drainage when it is in flood. This also prevents A and B may be omitted.
sediment of the drainage channel getting
deposited inthe tail reaches of the incoming 5.3.1 If the drainage has a steep bed slope such that
carrier channel. the H F L ( after accounting for the afflux ) remains

-IS 7784 ( Part Z/See 4 ) : 1999



1~11’ rl%! ISHEET PILM;






lower than the-carrier channel banks, regulatorA may The reservoir delays the passage of extra supply
-be omitted. The back water of the drain in floods shall, down the outgoing carrier channel end, which in
in such a case, remain confined with in the banks of normal cases is not a serious matter. However, when
the incoming carrier channel portion and may not be the discharge of the carrier channel is small as
required to be shut out by means of a regulator. compared to that of drainage, this factor may have
However omission of regulator A may result into an important bearing on the decision to provide or
depositionof sediment in somelength of the incoming omit drainage inlet regulator,
carrier channel. This factor shall be kept in view while
decide ng about the omission of regulator A. To enable running of the carrier channel reach
upstream of the drainage crossing even when the
5.3.2 If the drainage flow is perennial or longlived drainage channel is in flood and H F L is higher than
an impounding reservoir would haveto be created to the carrier channel full supply level, an escape should
feed the outgoing carrier channel portion. In such a be provided by the side of the carrier channel inlet
case, regulator B is not required and regulator D shall regulator with a suitable outfall downstream into the
be replaced by a small dam with proper spillways or a drainage channel.
proper barrage/weir. Such a work may also serve as a
balancing reservoir for a carrier channel carrying 5.3.3 Ordinarily the drainage regulator remains
discharge for generation of hydroelectric power. Even closed except when the drainage channel is in flood.
if the drainage flow is non-perennial and the Suitable outlets should be provided in the regulator
drainage channel has a well defined section and steep to meet the existing irrigation~commitments further
bed slope, regulator B may be omitted. In such a case downstream.
when the carrier channel is running and the drainage 6 DESIGN DMXIARGE OF DRAINAGECHANNEL
is dry, back flow of carrier channel water would remain
confined within the drainage banks upstream of the 6.1 For design discharge of drainage channel, reference
crossing. be made to the provisions of IS 7784 ( Part 1).

IS 7784 ( Part 2/&c 4 ) : 1999
7 HYDRAULIC DESIGN for the conditions when the drainage channel is in
flood and the carrier channel is dry.
7.1 Waterway
7.1.1 Provisions of IS 7784 (Part 1) shall govern the 7.3.5 The thickness of impervious floor on the
fixing of the waterway of the drainage channel, upstream of regulator B shall be designed for the
afflux and depths of scour. A tighter waterway is condition when the carrier channel is running full and
preferable to ensure prevention of shoaling in the the drainage channel is dry with the regulator fully
drainage channel upstream of the crossing. This is closed. The depth of upstream cut-off shall be designed
subject to the afflux permissible in accordance with for the scour, when the drainage channel is in flood
IS 7784 ( Part 1). and from the consideration of safe exit gradient for
the condition when the carrier channel is running full
7.2 Cut-offs and the drainage channel is dry with the regulator
7.2.1 Cut-offs should be provided upstream of fully closed. The regulator B shall be designed in
regulators A and B and downstream of regulators accordance with IS : 6966 ( Part 1) andlS 653 1.
C and D. Where both the regulators A and B are 7.3.6 Regulators C and D shall be designed in
provided, these should continue along the wings so accordance with IS 6531 and IS 6966 ( Part 1 )
as to form a complete box ( Fig. 1). respectively. The entire impervious floors in the carrier
7.2.2 When either regulator A or B or both are channel and drainage channel shall serve as upstream
omitted, cut-offs should be provided at the upstream floors for regulators C and D respectively. Similarly,
and downstream ends of the floors of the regulators. the cut-offs in the carrier channel and drainage channel
The cut-offs should continue along the wings, so as on the upstream and downstream ends shall serve as
to form complete boxes at each regulator. upstream and downstream cut-offs respectively for
regulators C and D. The downstream floor of regulator
7.2.3 The depth of cut-offs shall be decided from the C, shall be designed for the condition when the
considerations of scour and safe exit gradient. drainage channel is in flood and the carrier channel
7.3 Impervious Floor is dry. The depth of downstream cut-off _ofthe regulator
C shall be designed from the consideration of scour,
7.3.1 The design of the structures mentioned when the carrier channel is running with full supply
in 5.2(d) and 5.3.2 shall be governed by the provisions and safe exit gradient for the condition when the
of IS 6966 ( Part 1) and IS 11130. In such a case drainage channel is in flood and carrier channel is dry
regulator B would not be required. Regulators A and with the gates of regulator C fully closed. The depth
C should be designed as two independent head of downstream cut-off of regulator D shall be decided
regulators governed by the provisions of IS 653 1. The from the consideration of scour when the drainage
floor of regulators, cut-offs, etc, of regulators A and channel is in flood and safe exit gradient when the
C should be designed as for a head regulator for the carrier channel is running with full supply and drainage
condition when the drainage channel is in flood and channel is dry. The thickness of the downstream floor
the carrier channel .portion is dry. of regulator D shall be designed for the condition when
7.3.2 In cases where both regulators B and D across the carrier channel is running with full supply and
the drainage channel are necessary, a continuous drainage channel is dry.
inpervious floor shall be provided at the carrier channel 7.4 Floor Protection Works
bed level in the intervening space between the four
regulators. This floor shall be in continuation of the Suitable filter and loose apron etc, shall be provided
upstream or downstream floors of the four regulators, beyond the impervious floor in accordance with
as the case may be. IS6531.

7.3.3 The thickness of impervious floor in the 7.5 Miscellaneous Works

intervening portion between the four regulators shall
7.5.1 In accordance with the recommemdations of
be estimated depending upon the closure of~gates of
IS 7784 ( Part 1 ), the design of floor thickness and
carrier channel and drainage regulators.
cut-off depths should be tested on “three dimensional
7.3.4 The impervious floor of the incoming carrier Electrical Anology Model” for the various operating
channel portions on the carrier channel side of conditions as the subsurface flow shall have
regulator A and the cut-off shall be designed as a predominantly a three dimensional character in this
downstream floor and downstream cutoff respectively, case.

IS 7784 ( Part 2/Set 4 ) : 1999
7.5.2 The problem of sediment entry into the out- carrier channel outlet regulator or drainage inlet
going carrier channel portion shall be given careful regulator depending upon the site conditions and
consideration. Suitable silt exclusion devices may be economy.
provided, if necessary. (Reference may be madego
9.2 With a view to allowing for differential settlement,
IS6004 for details. )
if any, between the floor on the one hand and piers
8 STRUCTURAL DESIGN abutments and wings on the other, the foundations
of the latter are generally separated from the floor by
For the structural design of level crossings reference means of a joint. The joint should be in accordance
may be-made to IS 11130. with IS 3370 ( Part 1 ). The location of the water stops
should be in accordance with IS 7784 ( Part 1).
9.3 Gates
9.1 In case the drainage carries objectionable
floating debris, suitable trash racks with raking Provisions of IS 5620 and IS 6938 shall govern the
arrangements should be provided at the entry of the design of gates and hoists.

( CZause~2)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

3370 Code of practice for concrete 6531: 1992 Criteria for design of canal head
(Part 1 ) : 1965 structure for the storage of regulators (first revision )
liquids : Part 1 General requirements
6938: 1989 Code of practice for design of rope
4410 ( Part 15/ Glossary of terms relating to river drum and chain hoists for hydraulic
Sec5): 1992 valley projects : Part 15 Canal gates (first revision )
structure, Section 5 Cross drainage Guidelines for~hydraulic design of
works (first revision )
(Part 1 ) : 1989 barrages and weirs : Part 1 Alluvial
reaches (first revision )
5620 : 1985 Recommendations for structural
design criteria for low head slide 7784 Code ofpractice for design of cross
gates ( second revision ) (Part 1) : 1993 drainage works : Part 1 General
features (jbst revision )
6004 : 1980 Criteria for hydraulic design of
sediment ejector for irrigation and 11130 : 1984 Criteria for structural design of
power canfals (first revision ) barrages and weirs
इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7784-2-5 (2000): Code of Practice for Design of Cross

Drainage Works, Part 2: Specific Requirements, Section 5:
Syphon Aqueducts [WRD 13: Canals and Cross Drainage Works]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS 7784 (Part 21Sec 5) : 2000

smrftzT "lfF1C1)

~..xm: ~ f~Cf)I;g ~ t' f-$\il1~1 'Ufu ~

\111T 2 n-~Iee ~
~ 5 lIll'F' l{~)iqc:


Indian Standard
Section 5 Syphon Aqueducts

(First Revision)

ICS 93.160

©BIS 2000


NEW DELHI 110002

October 2000 Price Group 5

IS 7784 ( PART 2/SEC 5 ) : 2000 CODE OF PRACTICE
Section 5 Syphon Aqueducts
(rnt RnI&io")
(Page 1, clause 2 ) - Substitute the following for the existingmatter:
'The following standards contain provisions which through reference in this
text, constitute provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, the
editionsindicated werevalid. All standards are subjectto revision, and parties
to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applyingthe mostrecenteditionsof the standards indicated below:
IS No. Tille
IS 269 : 1989 Specification for 33 grade ordinary Portland cement
(fourth revision)
IS 455: 1989 Specification for Portland slag cement
IS 456: 2000 Plain and reinforced concrete- Codeof practice (fourth
IS 1077: 1992 Common buml claybuildingbricks- Specification (fifth
IS 1489(Part 1 ) : Specification for Portland pozzolana cement: Part I
1991 Flyashbased

IS 1489( Part 2) : Specification for Portland pozzolana cement : Part 2

1991 Calcined clay based
IS 2116: 1980 Specification for sand for masonry mortars
IS 4410 (Part 15/ Glossary of teons relatingto river valley projects: Part 15
Sec 5): 1992 Canal structure, Section 5 Cross drainage works (first
Cross Drainage Works Sectional Comnuttee, WRD 17

FOREWORD Amend No. 1 to IS 7784 ( Part 2ISee 5 ) : 2000

ThisIndian Standard (Part2/Sec
draftfinalized by theCross Oral ISNo. Titl,
Divisron Council
IS 7779 : 1975 Schedule for properties aod availability of stones for
IS 7784 hasbeen published m tv const1Uction purposes
cross dramage works Part 2 ( IS 7784 ( Part 1): Code of practice for design of cross drainage works : Part1
sections 1993 General features (first milion)
Section I Aqueducts IS IS 7784 (Part 21 Code ofpractice fordesign of cross drainage works : Part 2
Section 2 Superpassages Sec 1)' 1995 Specific requirements, Section 1 Aqueducts (jIrst MIlston)
Section 3 Canal syphons IS 7894 : 1975 Code of practice for stability analYSIS of earth dams
Section 4 Level crossings
Section 5 Syphon aquedi
IS 8112 : 1989 Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement

Thisstandard (Part2/Sec 5) cow IS 8237 . 1985 Code of practice for protection of slope for reservoir
embankment (first revision)
Thivstandard wasfirst pubhshed
of thestandard, which lays dowi IS 8605 : 1977 Codeof practicefor construction of masonry in dams
have been effected in Part1of tI IS 12894 : 2002 Specification forflyash lime bricks
M) as to align thesame With Part
13757 . 1993 Specification for burntclayflyash building bricks
There l'i noISOstandard on the·
data/practices pravalent m the fi (Page 1,subclause S.2.1 ) - Insert thefollowing subclause after S.2.1.
Forthepurpose of deciding whe 'S.2.2 In respect of masonry, m addition to common burnt clay building bricks
observed or calculated expressi confonning to IS 1077 andstones confonning to IS 7779 or IS 860S, pulverized
IS2 1960 'Rule'i forrounding 0 fuel ash-lime bricks confonning to IS 12894 and burnt clay tlyash buildmg
bricks confonning to IS 13757 shall be used. For masonry mortar, cement
rounded off value should he the
confonning to IS 269 or IS 8112 or IS45S or IS 1489 (Part 1) or IS 1489
(part 2) shall be used. Sand formasonry mortar shall conform to IS2116.'

(WRD 13)

Roprosraphy Unit, BIS, NewDelhi, India

Cross Drainage Works Sectional Committee, WRD 17

Thrs Indian Standard (Part 2/Sel. 5) (Flr~t Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the
draft finalued by the Cross Drainage Works Sectional Comrmttee had been approved by the Water Resources
DIV1\IOn Council
1'\ 7784 has been published In two parts Part 1 of this standard covers general requirements of the design of
crow dramage works Part 2 covers specific requirements and has been pubhshed In the following five
Section 1 Aqueducts
Section 2 Superpassages
Section 1 Canal syphons
Section 4 Level crossings
Section 5 Syphon aqueducts
1 hl\ standard (Part 2/Se(,. 5) covers specific design requirement, tor syphon aqueducts
This standard Wei, first published In the year 1980 This revision was taken up 10 view of the rCVIMon of Part I
of thc standard, which lays down general requirements for design of cross drainage works As modificanons
have been ettectcd In Part I of the standard, this revisron I~ intended to modify the provisrons ot this standard
vo d\ to align the same With Part I

I here 1\ no I~O standard on the subject This standard has been prepared based on indigenous manufacturers'
d,lt,vprdl.tIl.C\ pravalent In the field 10 India
For the purpose of decidmg whether a particular requirement of this standard IS complied With, the hnal value,
observed or calculated expressing the result of a test or ,1O,1IyM\, shall be rounded off 10 accordance With
I~ 2 1960 Rules for rounding off nurnencal value, (revised)' The number of significant places retamed 10 the
rounded ott value should be the same a\ that of the specined value 10 this standard
IS 7784 (Part 2/Sec 5) : 1000

Indian Standard
Section 5 Syphon AqUedUcts

(First Revision)
1 SCOPE rectangular, horse shoe shape, SIngle or multi cell
barrels can be adopted
This standard (Part 2/Sec 5) lays down specific design
requirements for syphon aqueducts 5.1.2 Precast RCC pipes may be economical for
syphonmg small drainage discharges For large
drainage discharges, circular, square, rectangular or
The following standards contain provrsions which horse shoe shaped barrels are surtable Rectangular
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of section may be preferable due to ease of construction
this standard At the time of publication, the ediuons and mamtenance
Indicated were valid All standards are subject to
5 2 Materials
revrsion, and parties to agreements based on this
standard are encouraged to Investigate the possibrhty 5.2.1 For the construction of the syphon barrels,
of applying the most recent editions of the standards prestressed concrete, RCC or masonry or a
mdu.ated below combmauon of these may be used dependmg upon
the availabrhty of materials, labour and relative
IS No TItle economy
456 1978 Code of practice for plain and 6 TYPES OF SYPHON AQUEDUCTS
reinforced concrete (third
revtsiont 6.1 Syphon aqueducts may be classified Into the
following two types
4410(Part 15/Sec 5) Glossary of terms relatmg to
a) Barrel type, USIng barrel for drainage waterways,
1992 nver valley projects Part 15
Canal structure, Sec 5 Cross
drainage work (first revistoni b) Trough type, using trough section for carrier
channel waterways
7784(Part l) 1991 Code of practice for design
of cross drainage works 6.2 In barrel type of syphon aqueducts, the entire
Part I General features (first earner channel portion may be taken as It ISover the
revision) barrel or It may be flumed to a rectangular or
10751 1994 Planning and design of guide trapezoidal section to reduce the length of barrels
banks for alluvial river - (see Fig lA, IB and IC)
Guidelmes (first revtstoni 6.3 In trough type of syphon aqueducts, camer channel
3 TERMINOLOGY Water IS taken across drainage channel through a
trough supported on barrels or on piers/abutments
For the purpose of this standard, the defimtions given raised from the drainage bed (see FIg ID, IE and IF)
In IS 4410 (Part I5/Sec 5) shall apply Bottom of the trough of carrier channel I~ lower than
4 DATA FOR DESIGN HFL of drainage channel An ImperVIOUS floor, If
necessary, WIth protection against surface and sub
For the design of syphon aqueduct, data given In surface flow may be provided 10 drainage bed
I~ 7784 (Part 1) shall be made available In addition,
6.4 It IS preferable to regrade the exit of drainage
value of •n' for the design of drainage channel shall
channel or stream to allow the water to flow without
be known
restraint If It ISeconomically feasible When It ISnot
5 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION feasible, the bed may be regraded to a SUitableslope
The type of syphon aqueduct to be adopted shall be
5.1 Shape decided on the basis of relative economy and restramts
5.1.1 For desigmng syphon aqueduct, circular, square, of earner channel design
IS 7784 (Part 1/Sec 5) : 2000

7 LAYOUT 7.2.6 The length of barrels should be fixed on the

considerauon of economics of Increasing barrel length
7.1 General
With respect to reduction In length of wmg walls of
7.1.1 The layout of syphon aqueduct shall be so fixed drainage channel and height of breast wall and
that the drainage channel crosses the earner channel practical and economical depth ofcut off under barrels
preferably at TIght angles for safe exit gradient However the length should be
sufficient to accommodate the Width of service road
7.2 Barrel
7.3 Drainage Wings
7.2.1 The floor level of barrels shall be fixed 10 relanon
7.3.1 The length of drainage wings shall be adjusted
to the drainage bed level at the syphon aqueduct site
so as to contain the slopes of carrrer channel
The future retrogression and regrading of drainage
embankments The wings shall be provided straight
channel depending on outfall conditions may also be
or 10 a smooth curve giving a minimum splay of 2 1
considered The floor level IS combination with
on upstream and 3 1 on downstream If necessary,
vent way shall be judiciously fixed below the existing
return wall may be provided thereafter The top of
dramage bed In such a manner that a water seal of 1 5
wings shall be kept at least 300 mm higher than the
times the change m velocity head, With a minimum of
HFL of the dramage channel
150 mm, should be provided over the crown of barrels
at start to prevent air entenng the barrel 7.3.2 The wing wall sections shall be checked for
carrier channel full and drainage channel dry
7.2.2 At the outlet end of the syphon, the top of the condition, consrdenng backfill as saturated No
barrel may be kept shghtly depressed below the normal passive resistance shall be considered from dramage
downstream flood level 10 the drainage channel The channel Side
amount of this depression may be equal to the
difference In the velocity head at the exrt end of the 7.3.3 If the foundation of wing wall requires to be
barrel and that In the drainage channel on the taken deeper than 1 5m from consideration of scour, a
downstream SIde concrete cut-off of required depth shall be provided
along the upstream face of the wing wall
7.2.3 In case of barrel of R C C box type or R C C
slab with masonry walls, a mimmum cushion of lOO 7.4 Trough
rnrn may be provided With the precaution that heavy 7.4.1 In the case of trough type syphon aqueduct,
vehicles do not ply over the barrels unless the cover IS both earner channel transiuons and drainage wings
vurtably Increased and the structure IS properly shall be provided
designed In case of R C C pipes and circular barrels,
a mmimum cushion of 900 mm should be provided
7.5 Carrier Channel Section and its Fluming
This Will protect the pipes and barrels against damage 7.5.1 Carner Channel Section
by the movement of construction equipment over
The earner channel embankment adjommg the syphon
them This cover also permits any future regrading of
aqueduct should have adequate provisions to aVOId
the carrier channel
possibihty of any breach and to mmimize seepage
7.2.4 At the site of syphon aqueduct the drainage bed The outer slope of bank should have a clear cover of
I~ generally depressed and provided WithPUCCA floor 600 to 900 mm over the designed phreatic hne often
(Fig I E) On the upstream Side, the dramage bed may referred to as hydraulic gradient, (see IS 7894 for
be JOined to the PUCCA floor by a vertical drop (when details) High banks (say, more than 6 m height above
drop I~ of the order of I m or less) or by a glacis of l 1 ground level) should be checked for slope stabihty
(when drop ISmore then 1 m) The downstream nsmg and normal provisions of filter and rock toe should be
slope should not be steeper than 5 I made In cases where HFL In the drainage channel IS
substantially higher than bed of the earner channel,
7.2.5 Depending upon the bed level of earner channel the bank of the earner channel should be checked for
and HFL of drainage channel, the barrels under the the condition when drainage channel IS an high floods
earner channel bed portion are generally lower than and the carrier channel ISdry
the barrels at the entry and exu This difference IS
negotiated WIth the prOVISIon of sloping length of 7.5.2 Fluming
barrels under earner channel banks The upward Flummg ratio shall be adopted as given In IS 7784
mclmation of the barrel shall start from a point at least (Part 1) keeping 10 view the permissible head loss In
10m away from the end of the earner channel bed the camer channel, and whether the earner channel IS
Width on either Side hned or unlined

IS 7784 (part 2/Sec 5) : 2000
7.5.3 Transutons the Junction of RCC barrels WIth transition walls
The tlumed portion of the trough shall be joined with 7.6.2 In case of syphon barrels resung on compressible
the normal section with proper transitions to minimize SOils, collars encirchng the plain joint (see FIg 2)
head loss at entry and exit The loss of head 10 shall be provided This Will protect the water stop
transitions shall be calculated In accordance with from vertical shear due to excessive settlement The
IS 7784 (Part 1) The transitions should correspond to WIdth and thickness of collars shall not be less than
a muumum splay of 2 I on the upstream Side and 1 I 100 mm In case of syphons of multiple barrels of
on the downstream Side It should be ensured that the more than one unit, the collars shall be designed to be
flow follows the boundaries of the Wings flexible
7.6 Joints 7.7 A typical layout of barrels of syphon aqueduct IS
shown In FIg 1
7.6.1 In case of RCC barrels, JOints with water stops
shall be provided across and along the barrel length 8 LIMITING VELOCITY AND LOSS OF HEAD
The maximum spacing of these JOInts In either
8.1 Limiting Velocity
cirecuon shall be 20 m A gap of 10 to 15 mm With
water stops at all the JOints across and along the barrel The vertical slope on approaches should not be steeper
should be provided The POSitionand details of joints than 1 In 1 on the entry Side and 1 In 4 on the exit side
shall be In accordance With the provisions of The rmmmum perrmssible velocity allowed m the
IS 7784 (Part t) In case of multi-barrel syphons, umts drainage channel may be denved from Table 1
of 1 or 4 barrels can be adopted SIde by Side With However, the velocity In the barrels shall not exceed
longitudmal jomts between the units having water the maximum permissrble velocity given In IS 7784
stops all around Water stops shall also be provided at (Part 1)

Table 1 Minimum Permisible Mean Velocities for Loose Granular Bed Material

Material Diameter of Particle Mintmum Mean Velocity

Case of Depth (h 1m)
ID =
d VI m1s
(I) (2) (1)

Very coarse grave) 200 ) ~O 1911

1~0 100 1127

Coarse gravel 100 7.., 2724

7~ -;0 24 19

~O 2~ 19 J 4

2~ 1-; 14 12

1~ 10 12·10
10 ~ 1008

Cobble -; 2 0806

Coarse sand 2 0 ~ 0604

Fine sand O~OI 0402-;

Very fine sand 01002 o 2~ 020

Silt 002 002 () 200 I iii

IS 7784 (Part 2/See 5) : 2000

Correction coefficients formula The mmimum factor of safety against uphft should be
I 2 10 all the three conditions
V-av I where V refers to the permissible mmunummean
velocity NOTE - full hydrostatiC head from camer channel full
supply level to the dralnaae barrel foundation should be
Depth, Correction Coefficient, a taken for checkang the stability
m 9.1.2 The bottom slab of barrel may be SUItably
0, 080 projected beyond Its SIde walls to take advantage of
06 090 the weight of the earth wedge over the projection In
counteractmg the uphft forces
10 100
9.1.3 If the weight IS taken to counteract uplift 10
15 110
design computation, the earth cushion over the barrels
20 1 15 should not be allowed to fall below the corresponding
25 120 design depth In such cases the earner channel bed
should be adequately protected against erosion by
10 125
providing a suitable protective cover over the earth
extending 20 m upstream and downstream of the
8.2 Loss of Head
syphon Lean concrete/random rubble masonry over
The loss of head at the entry, at the exit and 10 the the barrel as addinonal weight may be provided
barrel due to fncnon and due to elbow and joints shall
9.2 Safety against Internal and External Forces
he calculated 10 accordance With IS 7784 (Part 1) The
water way shall be so adjusted that the afflux does not 9.2.1 General
exceed the hrruts of submergence tolerances of the
The barrels should be designed strong enough for the
dead load of the structure, earth and water loads, earth
9 DFSIGN OF BARREL TYPE SYPHON and water pressures, sod reaction and uplift pressure
AQUEDUCT and live load, If any The combmanon of loads which
WIll result 10 maximum stresses shall be carefully
9.0 The main considerations for design of syphon considered
barrels are the following
Due to the diference 10 loading, the length of barrels
a) It should be safe against uphft, of major structures can be divrded mto two portions,
h) It should be strong to resist Internal and one under carrier channel bed and the other under
ex ternal forces, carrier channel banks for economical design
c) It should be safe agamst subsurface flow, and 9.2.2 Transverse AnalYSIS
d) It should be sate against surface flow The barrels for the purpose of transverse analysis shall
be treated as a box The box shall be analyzed by any
9.1 Safety Against Uplift
standard method for the following condrtions and
9.1.1 The barrels shall have enough load to resist loadings to deterrrune the worst moments, shear and
upward buoyancy force tend 109 to hft It The barrels thrust at any section
underneath earner channel bed are cnncal for checking Condinon - I Carner channel at full supply level and
agamst uphft The safety of barrels should be checked barrels dry (for loadmg see
for the tollowing three conditions
Condinon - II Carner channel dry and the drainage
a) Carner channel at full supply level and channel at designed HFL (Including
drainage barrels empty, afflux) (for 1000mg see
h) The drainage channel at designed flood level Loading and forces under condmon-I are as
and earner channel empty, and given below
c) Carner channel IS suddenly closed and
a) Barrel under earner channel bed portion
dram age barrel ISempty thereby causmg two-
th irds of the head corresponding to earner 1) The bottom slab Will be subjected to the
channel full supply level to act Lesser upward sod reaction due to entire vertical loads
percentage of head up to one-third of total head The SOil reaction can be assumed to be
may be considered 10 case the carrier channel uniformly drstnbuted Uplift pressure due to
section IS made of relatively permeable subsoil water level, If any, shall also be
rnaterial considered,

IS 7784 (Part 2/Sec S) : 2000
2) The top slab will be subjected to downward 10 the joint correspond 109 to HFL or no water pressure
loads due to earner channel water load, self In the joint
weight of slab and weight of earth and hnmg,
etc, over top slab, Adequate reinforcement corresponding to
worst moments and forces at different sections shall
3) The end walls Will be subjected to submerged be provided
earthpressure and water pressure corresponding
to earner channel full supply level, and 9.2.3 When RCC pipes are used In place of barrels,
4) The Intermediate or partition walls In case of they shall rest on cement concrete cradle ofM 15 grade
(see IS 456), which shall be SUitablyincreased at joints
multicell barrel Will be subjected to direct
compression due to vertical downward loads Standard JOInts shall be used and these shall be
properly grouted to make them water tight At bends,
These walls are not subject to any Significant
anchor blocks shall be provided to receive the end of
lateral pressure when all the barrel openings
are running However, these walls will also be
checked for the condmon when one barrel IS Generally RCC pipes may be provided up to 3 cumecs
dewatered for repairs and adjoinmg barrel IS discharge and rmrurnum diameter of pipe shall be
filled With water and Silted up to half the height 09m
of the barrel
9.2.4 Longuudtnal Analysts
b) Barrel under earner channel bank portion Longrtudmal analysis shall be made 10 cases
The different members Will be subjected to the where loose soil or various types of ~011s are met With
loads as enumerated above except that the carrier at the completed final level of foundation
channel water load Will be replaced by earth load In case the socket and spigot arrangement of
The saturation level for the earthhll may be
collars I~ provided, the vertical displacement ot one
properly accounted for With appropnate hydrauhc
unit Will cause extra loads and stresses on the other
gradient - lme trom F S L of the earner channel
urut due to the restrarmng effect of the collar For
WIth regard to type of SOIl compnsmg the banks
analysis of these loads the barrels In longitudinal
Addinonal live load on service road, If any, shall
direcuon shall be considered as beams resting on
also be considered
elastic foundations The analysis should be carried Loading and forces under condinon-Il are as out according to the pnnciples given by M Hetenyi
given below ('Beams on elastic toundauon', MIs Cushing Malloy,
USA) or any other standard method of analysis
a) Barrel under earner channel bed portion The restraining force of collar can be
I) The bottom slab WIll be subjected to upward determined by evaluating the detecuon of the two
load as for condition-I ['tee, (I)] umts at the joint The collar shall be designed for the
2) The top slab Will be subjected to upward cantilever moment due to this force
pressure correspondmg to HFL In the drainage The bending moment In the barrel In
channel and downward loads of earner channel
longitudmal direction due to supenmposed loads as
hrung, earth frlhng and self weight
well as collar reaction shall be calculated as per
1) The mtermediate walls Will be subjected to standard expressions for ditterent loading condiuons
direct tension due to net upward pressure on given by M Hetenyi and the required reinforcement
top slab shall be provided, subject to a rmrnmum nominal
4) The end walls WIll be subjected to water reinforcement In accordance WIth IS 456
pressure corresponding to HFL from inside
9.3 Safety Against Sub Surface Flow
and saturated earth pressure from outside
9.3.1 Cut offs
b) Barrel under earner channel bank poruon due to
the predommant effect of bank load the difterent The depths of cut-off shall be calculated from scour
members m this condition Will be subjected to loads and exu gradient considerations
srrmlar In nature but lesser In magnitude as The normal scour depth shall be computed tor
compared to condrtion-I [see] As such,
the drainage channel In accordance With IS 7784
normally, analysis for condition II In bank portions
(Part I) Depth of cut oft below the entrance and exrt
IS not required
ends of barrels may be provided along the Width ot In case of two or more monoliths each the barrels and along the fiver or the drainage channel
consisting of 1 or 4 barrels, the side wall of each wrngs up to I 25 to I ) turu,v the normal scour depth"
monolith at joints shall be subjected to water pressure helow HFL based on the vite condiuons In case ot
IS 7784 (Part l/See 5) : 1000

rocks, the cut off shall be taken mmimum 10m from shall besUitably designed for the uplift pressuresacbng
the sill of the barrel mto the fresh rock The width of on It, according to condiuons given In '.12.
concrete cut off shall not be less than 0 " m
11 ADDmONAL PROVISIONS Depth of cut off shall be checked for safe exist
gradient In accordance with Khosla's theory for two 11.1 The outer slopes of camer channel banks and
dimensional flow In syphons of carrying capacity drainage channel slope should be protected In the
over 20 cumecs the effect of" - dimensional seepage vicimty of syphon aqueduct by pitching For large
now on exu gradient shall be considered For this, Size drainage channel, properly designed guide banks
electrical analogy model testing should be carried out should be provided
and cut offs at the end of the barrels should be provided 11.2 In major syphon aqueducts stop-log grooves In
accordingly The safe value of exit gradient for different the barrels at the upstream and downstream ends may
types of soil generally adopted can be as follows be provided by extending the partition walls to
Clay 1104 facihtate isolanng one or more barrels for annual repairs
Shmgle 1 m 4 to 5 and maintenance Stabihty of barrels shall be suitably
ensured In this case
Coarse sand 1105 t06
Fme sand Im6t07 11.3 A retammg wall should be constructed over the The vertical cut off shall also be provided barrels to retam the carrier channel banks slopes over
under river or dramage channel wings However, the the barrels If constructed In reinforced cement
concrete, this walls (breast wall) should be constructed
depth of cut off may be suitably reduced under wings
monohthically With the top slab of the barrels
depending upon the length of wings, but should be
adequate from scour consideranons Adequate anchorage of reinforcement as well as
reinforcement for proper transference of loads and
9.3.2 Ribs at suitable spacmgs may be provided to moments to the top slab shall be provided The effect
mcrease the seepage path of live load, wherever applicable shall also be
9.3.3 Filter considered an the design of this wall At the Junction
of this wall With barrel, a haunch of SUitable Size shall
A suitable filter under open jointed cement concrete be provided
blocks or rubble should be provided along the cutoff
that IS ul« of upstream cut-off and dIs of downstream 11.4 The design of the wmgs, both for earner channel
cut ott The length of filter to be provided should be and the drainage channel, shall be carried out for earth
I 5 times the, scour depth (below drainage bed) and water pressures calculated according to standard
Typical arrangement shown 10Fig "may be adopted practice The effect of live load and surcharged effect,
The frlter should be designed In accordance With If any, shall be taken mto account while desigmng the
standard cntena conformmg to IS 8217 wmgs Wmg walls shall be checked for earthquake
condinons also, 10 seisnuc zones The safety of filter should also be checked
against heave In accordance With the method 11.4.1 Weep holes shall be provided an the drainage
suggested by Tcrzaghi wmgs above low water level at spacing of 25m clc
bothways In staggered fashion FIlters shall be
9.4 Scour shall be considered at entry and exit of provided at the rear end of weep holes to prevent
syphon barrels 10 accordance With IS 7784 (Part 1) movement of the backfill material
and launching appron adequate to provide a cover of
o 6 to 0 9 m over the enure slope of the scour shall be 11.5 In case of barrels, the top slab at entry of drainage
provided may be given a smooth curve shape to reduce afflux

10 DESIGN OF TROUGH TYPE SYPHON 11.6 In case of streams In bouldery region, provision
AQUEDUCT ot weanng coat 10 the floors of the barrel may be
The basic design features of this type shall be the same
a~ those ot aqueducts [see IS 7784 (Part 2/Sec 1)] 11.7 In case of multibarrels, mtermediate partition
However, the earner channel trough m this type should walls need to be provided With SUitable cut and ease
be designed so as to provide the dead load of the trough water The mimmum thickness of the R C C walls shall
at least I 2 times the upward thrust acting on It when be 200 mm Reinforcement In these walls shall be
the drainage channel IS 10 high floods and the earner anchored Withthe slabs In case of RCC walls, SUitable
channel is dry If It IS not so, the trough shall be suitably haunches In square or rectangular barrels With haunch
anchored to the piers The floor of the syphon aqueduct remforcement shall also be provided
IS 7784 (Part 2/Sec 5) : 2000









IS 7784 (Part 2/See 5) : 2000

x x









All drmensions In rrulhrnetres

" =Thickness of top slab. and
'2 = Thickness of bottom slab


IS 7784 (Part 2/Sec 5) : 2000


~ -e
w FLOW -e
o z
9 o
w w
u (J)


Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious developmentof the activities of stardardization, marking and quality certification of goods and
attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publicationsmay be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressedto the Director(Publication), BIS
Review of Indian Standards
Amendments are issuedto standardsas the needariseson the basisof comments.Standardsare also reviewed
periodically; a standardalong with amendments is reaffirmedwhen such reviewindicatesthat no changes are
needed; if the review indicatesthat changesare needed, it is taken up for revision.Users of Indian Standards
shouldascertainthat they are in possessionof the latestamendments or edition by referringto the latest issue
of'BIS Handbook'and 'Standards: MonthlyAdditions'.
This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc: No. WRD 17(230).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Dateof Issue TextAffected


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