Activity 1.4

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Rhea Angelica Vivit


What’s New?
Activity 1.4 Draw or Pics?


The picture of primitive civilization depicts small,

close-knit communities of humans encircled by the
natural world. They seem to be employing basic tools
and methods to carry out tasks like farming, hunting, and
harvesting. Each member is in sync with the others and
works together to meet their basic needs in order to


Children can be seen rapidly gathering seaweed along

the coast in the rural society, their laughter resonating
in the calm surroundings. They are the epitome of rural
harmony and simplicity as they gather the seaweeds
with dexterity, bare feet and sun-kissed cheeks, to sell
later. Their happy activities demonstrate the strong
bond that exists in this picturesque setting between the
society and the natural world.


A person is observing a car driving by on a calm street

corner in the metropolitan society setting, the sound of
its engine resonating against the surrounding buildings.
The person calmly waits in the solitude of the city,
representing the serene resilience in the midst of the
activity of daily life.
By contrasting the accounts of tribal, rural, and urban communities, I was able to identify unique
cultural traits and social dynamics. The depictions of individuals participating in simple subsistence
activities like hunting and gathering demonstrate the importance of simplicity, communal life, and
reliance on nature in prehistoric culture. Children harvesting seaweed along the coastline are examples
of the traditional ways of living, sense of community, and connectedness to nature that characterize
rural society. On the other hand, modernity, individualism, and busy city life are the hallmarks of
urban society, which places a strong focus on obscurity and resilience in the face of urbanization.
These findings highlight the many cultural norms and lifestyles present in various social
circumstances, demonstrating the complexity of human civilization.
Rhea Angelica Vivit

What I have Learned?

Activity 1.5 Essay Writing

Primitive societies prioritize communal life, familial relationships, and traditional

beliefs as means of survival. Hunting and gathering are basic subsistence tasks that people
engage in, and their daily routines and immediate surroundings have a significant role in
shaping their culture. Their dependence on natural resources for sustenance and tight-knit
communities are important to their culture.

Through the passing of traditions and rituals from generation to generation, rural
civilization manages to retain a tight connection to nature and community. Children
collecting seaweed along the coast might be seen as a reflection of the community's reliance
on the environment and their value of shared labor. In contrast, urban society is defined by
individualism, modernism, and diversity. The image of the lone person sitting on a calm
street corner against the backdrop of metropolitan activities highlights the resilience and
anonymity that are common in urban settings. Globalization, the fast-paced nature of city life,
and the rapid growth of technology all have an impact on urban culture.

The distinct historical development, geographic setting, and socioeconomic systems of

each society give rise to its own distinct cultures. Each society's culture is complex because
of the complex interactions between a variety of cultural components, including language,
religion, art, food, and social standards, all of which interact and change throughout time.

If given the option, I would rather live in a rural community. My own values and
interests are aligned with the community's strong sense of camaraderie, slower pace of life,
and intimate connection to nature. I also find it quite appealing to have the chance to live in
peace with nature and participate in ancient rituals.
Rhea Angelica Vivit

Assessment: Reflective essay (100 words)

I was struck by how brittle both tangible and intangible lasting impact is during
my previous trip. I became aware of the impending dangers posed by increasing
urbanization, environmental deterioration, and cultural uniformity as I visited historic
places and interacted with local customs. The urgent necessity for preservation
measures was highlighted by seeing the loss of traditional customs and the
deterioration of historical landmarks. These encounters sparked a greater admiration
for our history and a sense of obligation to preserve it for coming generations. After
giving the trip some thought, I feel obligated to support the preservation and
advancement of both tangible and intangible cultural assets.

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