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© Family Pann? _——- ef initer:] +o “Planalig and AcTion et elay ow ackeliae pregnrany [Che F tue of Aarge mefhodsy of festil7ly Aasis tance 4 Rep individual and Couples +? Allain Following objectines: DAvoik UnuarteD sixth. a) Bving about wanted brTh 3) Gntso] of Time at which bislh occus 4) Megubatony Intesvol bePussem Prsag nantes 1—Wasrnel farsily Flonnizg) Q- Barsies Family Planning 3- Pesmanant Family Planning Following ave The Melhod oF entoa ceptions: Paty eecessi Grtaacegtion 2) Harronsl Cptsaception 2) Bassies NeThod 4) Emergency cantoaceptions 5) Fextility quioseness 8) Fesmonent conftaception dong Acti Racer meri. a ALS, : AARC ase contsacept ues pot bAy (os beng Tir be oe me There ase two type of AARC * 1-Onttautivine denice (9vb) ain feon Ore fSmplart That t5e fos 3 0% Dy pears. (D Harmon! Gotsaception, > These ase hasmones OF Grtacpti nes Thal foement PEEGNAN EY» Harmoral @nhocepiien oz Be fill os Dip? Injections, y There ase Two Type 1- Gmbinad ~oval confrocap tes &- Progestran — only So i Tron pile are tofos each Ey, Ths pill is mose than For. efffichie at Poementing prnanes i# Fé & tober covseclly. @ bassin Methods In Bossier Methods » sgerm donot erifes vagina -Tuso Types 1- Gnclom 2-pJesnal Gndorm. Gndom packed cgainst sdenuabl, Fars mitted Infechion (STL) ap we a inin Pognency @ enty Conta eee ; There ase Huo Meiiok oF Emesgeney combtacep or f pin ECA) oS y0 - é ECP wu Oppoened Yoke fallen ug foo 3 days ,athr unprotected Carer o Pee wont ponte bebsenk hea [Th Figen Borer a Redlucinp Infor moxtolity ate R Helping fo prewent H9Y/Arda . Reducing aclofercence. pregnancies + Slowing™ popubalion Gaewfh ‘ Empoueiane peop enhan eng educalion - Fors J fanning antl action te olelay 0b actudine pignaney. Fifi v04 )'- (TES eee Presa! PI et yo help Sndivicuals 08 couples allan cosJain object'neo > Avoid unwanted BisTh —> being obout werled BrxTh <5 Control Time ot which Bisth accar 2 Regulate. Wiewel Sefuseen pregnancies. Typ} :- ‘ & Nafuaot Family Plooring ie4 Fam ty Plapnir @ Permanent /Susgi cal a accepta+ pen fel port paca Gans ast countty or His Tos Bhose Gm mittee pt Seward nee ‘capa Uon Thal comm at fosd.” | fires orgs in al InakPn, 9 Mycaeae a (Weslel Heo!Th 05997" ”) Fe oneL zs is speciahiaok agency °F Uhooping cough » zona wile! ration asoporsib halen pox Se f, z D publi J ona 7 for Inleynotiond) podlic va Wvatiale. oie hoaifh WHO shakes It ~~ Fete View) Je sine Co main olf ete, ay" Jha TMK Yes AMain mond Sy ol feope of highest possible, foul of yes heal] Giewp of people living | 0% gee eueatl seals ae 2 eage a ae TSKOS having par tiuler chasaclexistits im emmon oer Pec 1h @lonpidevie ah oie odd 5 ve gsesien tare -O | An “preach fal core ae 7 thir The whole potrent See 7 ems ee and alp his Sher isu faclos Fos need not just Tho Textne Cances medi bo ees ish UTesine Mie THs ae Wales Bone: "Palos j Oo. 7 hesmodian natad Typ hoi A > Salronole ight Cholera. vibso lew, Mclean Dysenteg Sgro. Hepot'hs Alobepatihs Avie A\moe Siasis > \ é I En tamoeb> Hispohyie SS No 5 Healf :- 6 pemeton and mainttnance jot degsee of Physical Mento ecal well-being of woskers in ip Bccupations, \ The gears occupational hea /1h "Alimama SCH HT sel Obfecties of Occupational Haalfh):- To méintain end promdle physicalMentol oud souial well being of Ml wos Hees To prevent occupational disease Prof Injuries - 07 adapt west place and wool ervisonment, by needs of wosks ef plication of kogoremic Psinuples 09 mist be pycuentive salhes fhan L. Curatine - SOP Torcl Fas} ectes To the pokenival sists of health and safely ce. These who wosk oulstoe home - [Feed some Thing thot couse horn ae not! (one Pecespeiorod Hiseaaw) dicoass dieedly cused by pesson's health eccupation, Sg 4) fOcenpationa® hury disease J « Prewmecon ‘esis o Pini his » Teach H's + IAAGonic Promchi hs o Emphysema « Bronchicd ASV hma 2 Hiitant Acsmatitir » Allesgfc Bee mat hs 0 Defigmenta Hon ° Hype s pigmentation o (Cancess- iseares eS « Pebipherol Neuse palhies 2 Sensesy loss © Posirgon ism 0 Psych josis . Hy poten on af Prevumep eniesis\ Chante Inny Sites or ued due To Snhalatven cf Joma pes \iclos of postions vw o workplaces bay > Heat And Cid : shit -Vibselion eflsise UV sadlation eSoniaing wodlitiae 1 Chemica? Hoard | ETRUGS Pome Chet) a Pactvotates «Tors ae Anime - Plan 0 Visus » Pososifer + Molde eBoclor ia =f Ho gonomical Hoaards \ 94 b The proces of designi ) CHuipmonts and devi ces That TPIT Re Kamen bedy » Theis 0 Sy chosorial cues * Oterwos Mowemert; ond cognition = Psychosoual {Psychosoutal Hora d ) s Family Busden ~ Bullying 2 Family Ps oblems Hy © Jéansposl diffiaa)ties 4 Hand And Aso Vibeotion Syne come eo Repeated and Pequent re of band had Vibsoting tools (poues ete eo Z vi cable Pisenaes s- 1, neal from ene Person fo WInaniimote A rimote 7. Te aw) L fem sescévols Jo L Dene 7 10g) cop — il fat Fornifes eee Bours : Bs tube MSM ed eo Ta hercefasis « Ta “at | ae Mechaniced Biotgihad ~rmuniceble Pesiod te a 08 peciod “equvaed foe The Posaiis wen Pore haramission of DRA (ov agent 1 i) a fem weewois Ti suseapy'bi hal yyii,, Fladiad pees Goteelled By - Improncment of: Petsenat hy gene mproncnent of social £. erno Awcteness GhoeT Ren Awaveness about disease > of Commenicable disease, tPepitotory Trion Tuberculosis A Inteatinal Trfclior Hepeditis C 2 Nithbepe A Bene Infedion Plague 4- Susfoce Tnfedion deprosy Baeee* Snfections, A rely. tpMedes of Transmission ® ~ Feansmitled by + Accosole Joopiols tod Ard faeces Grtmnaled uojox pathogens in blood semen dite A IndivecT BAA ad l 1~ Mabenedosiz 2- Malasia Bthicken Poy 4- 9n f lutn aa S- Whooping G 6 Diphinegio ~>f Taboreulesis) 2 elost imposlonl specific Cmnmuniiable, disease in cuore. = Nainly im deuskping couptses 0 Specte Ife cto: Diseang eraenly RAG lor $5( Rclmonce te pate Aeon) eMbo afftcded ie? mas ohhey GS Inclusting Tiles) ee Bore , fein lymph glares sSkin Ineubotion Periack )- Foor weeks fo rhs fo a clopend ing upon dose of ar8 Immunity of patient —> Psedisposing Facloas) — 1 Ones corked populstion a Malnutsifion 3-fouesty G HIV 9nfechions S Alea halivn b-Dauy pdeliction “fh eon4 dion Sead conloT - dsgnled TE ~» [Gusactine Osgarismns) Tabereefoses vopkl Infection 4 by form) fey Ss heat Assay °Manfose Jest « Sithing esporcialt, bis slocp 2 Gucning ise lm Tempecofuse * Ching fos a. loves tne tar ce [Diagnasis ) oSputurn e lisdneas eres of Apedife | | | odes of weight * Dnoem ia a [Pe vention Tae. fe Cntool Pog Sans “National TB entto Caogea (NTP) POULT 1B conteal Pageams (PT f) a. kaising teristonce of populof san to disease by 3- Reducing Reman palhezers Vigus 3- Lhemopae phignis b chemothe tap y [Ma oir beers tn Peopial veg for o Peti0a Asease o Teams ted by Bite of Anopheles PTospuito e Plas mocliurr ovale Plasmodium vivax oPleymnodium malariae Feleh Lavery ah mission ) rdised Confack + 4 Trffeclion from ingectes! blood ae Congeritek. fiom PMofter fo Pew been 2-Vecfos Téans miss) on By bite of Anopheles Mesyaifo (Spee rere AteT of fever with hill, o Hof JItope + Tempecaturr sises upto fob 0 Seucte Headache © SuscaH ing Stoge Temperafiare deereare wilh Susealling Chewertion Prd Conteot| 1 BON Rorroh pressice, 2A: Full Mosydo Merdinw 2- Pocwest Plocquito Bi Te Rescrvois oF Infections Ber ee ed is hobitet in Notmoiy Vass 5 gous cae rnd plies «pesewiens inde Auman , animals and Ervitonnerl Bt mely 08 may pat ‘hy Source faem Pepe’ On a es Te Pear Ty ee Ae rm “ae HEV Pd te’ blood temen acy sia ‘and CSF , beast milk p3a.s and Ups ine. jh Aide i weekend |. Only blood and Leomtn torymit ysleon » moke S virus: on ifauiable 10 medical JRsk 480 HLY Inked + nditions and infeclions. eae on 5 ; . Semrod Gnja ‘ : 1 bout 37-4 milfion kero Pep & fiers i a wilh HEV and HEV teinegh a Tien piven mose Than 25 million People - ; rer, eae) — at tee A pi dern jo logey Ht & Caused HEV. "um an ics, Visus) |. Atds epictormic offi ably syn Jwo Type of Ve on S Juno lel | Dae Vi ete st ur |» Accowding fo WHO, cure Cel i The Team’ Epidemic gibal fo dercuihe HIV- Symprems j bSheay: ts oh Nodes SovelLiny : | Aaale Stage: eS ee ae ae” | | ae a- Chronic Lalent »: Bot fom 5 =b jus without Helmer Asprtamahe stepy) 52 Aids: chine She license Cecome oul of onteo ! $ l Peeuontian prhares o Awareness obout we niceties an0 sysinges edonos's blood should b screcnod fos HEV’ Rehabilitation of HEV/Mids cose Chisk factor}. { - Toa -olling fo axea whoro males 4 Fommon elPs 2 Pregnant women une, 5 ytau of oe PIG © Chilhion 2 AZV{ALO a Werght 1S ~Dask pignen ted ure » Taurdi co - Chil «Headache Division | : Docloss m divide — malas sym ome fats fue categories A defor ww suggest fhis Lagnesir when Symptons 76e preseil bul ne ayaptns occu that seggel “seuex infeelions ox dystancHor of Vifa} osjars Symtoms of wncomplicoded malobia Fypelly wot 6 fo fo hevds and Agoccus every stagle doy Sevore Molar ~ In seue Melati Unicod of LoboraTowy evidence shouts sigra of Vital organs dy sfundier Symptons of Séuee Motosia include a Feucy ¢ Chilly : wale o Leap breathing 27d Maps ad, ws Any agert which coseies Homity on trftClious = Alecpan nea } | palhoger ide andiher Living oeprivm “igre of Ainaernta a Female Anopheles Mas paiTo CL Spo of Malari&) yoda of Maleria Frage 1 (taid Stage) juss OF Maas ie] - | VGrused clue Fo taphne Foor caused by sage celled, host. sed col acape inte ble See Ks) chile Fe 5 rin 7 Thou if rips ehcces /, Present with naueea 2 Vom tip — pana, and headackt ¢ aa f Stage & [ot Stese Feuey may. beach upto 4o°C oy last fo¥ sencral houss Javacting VeWas sed cotb, ope 3 Sascating Hage) fahert stile susegling Jemp eneces! upto fob. J O1ag nests. + Medico Aisloey = 5 fraud) hislos y vPhgsical amination = hopaye € speure, Aabowlory MW agneTF aera sn Nl Ge WAR Trap diagnostic Rat p LLTSA Brzyme Mnied Smmurosos ent PCR J I xe rortion * Sfeepinp tundex Masyulo Na 7 e Slegnent wales Shoukd 40 avoided > oer nse dD, hope pf iy Crenize eiee igen | luashras? Community Medicine & Public , Health } PaaS ce £ troduction oy je? Community Medicine:- ft vy Ef ad by bhwd— eo2_¢, parlt the branch of medicine which deals with the provision of G © pee preventive, promotive, ith eVAluation and rehabilitative services to the community at wide snd Jarge level through an organized comprehensive health care delivering system. al:- The goal is to identify the health problems and nceds of the defined population (community population) and fo provide the comprehensive health care in an organized manner followed by evaluation of the services. Health: Healt means absence of disease. It is the state of being free from illness or injury. According 1o WO a state of complete physical. mental. social and spiritual well being and not 1 abseuice of disease a Uisaith means: |. There is no obvious evidence of disease and that the person is functioning normally. 2. The various organs of the Bedy are functioning appropriately and in coordination with one another which implies a Kind of equilibrium or homeostasis. ae Disease:- vhich body health is impaired that a normal function is disturbed.It is A condition in whi nol a static entity bul a process which begins before man is actually affected by a living or non- hiving agent in the environment in which he lives, it may lead to a battle between agent and man defensive system. Ine: 1118.4 phenomenon in which one of more natural functions of the body are so distur that the affceted individual cannot meet the natural requirements of everyday life. vis the state | in which the equilibrium of the body and its functions are disturbed. b ps carnegie j Well Beige: ong y * tis abroad term defined from ‘wo perspectives. the clinical perspectives defines Well being as the absence of nepative Condition and the psychological perspective defines as the Presence of positive outcomes, There are six characters which define well being ia Zt give ss The active pursuit of Well being. 1 2. Balance of outcomes i 3. Life satisfaction, i 4. Pro-social behavior. | | 3. Multiple dimensions | 6. Personal optimization. +n iL has Wo components, | ! * Objective component, * Subjective component, Objective Component: It includes all these variables which depend “pon status-of an individual { Such as income level, standard of living, education; i housing. nutrition dress and other comforts of mod i Status, standard of Mh ler living, Subjective Component: i: ac p These components al re related to quality of life Quality of life jg smalhchidel evaluated by physical quality of life index. It ig an amalgam of three indicators which are moriality . life 3 ‘pectancy of particular age, and literacy rate. ! Human Development Index;- infant | E 4 Itis an index consisting of life €x) eCtancy at binh, educational attainment a me. These three factors are also known at ComAtry, jis SUS Sues ge Fam 01 Pee inteational compariaor (Gore Ve GDP stands for international comparison of human development GDP) si ands for Gross p Domestic Product. It is the gross income Benerated within the country exuding dhe received from abroad, +a ‘et f human. development, \ or May Mortality rate There are various factors which determine the health of an (genetic/intrinsic factors) or outside the body (environmental Mote or deteriorate the health, individual cither inside the body factors). These factors may pro! These Factors inelugfe, | id nenilig, jicenou | Socio-economic circumstances [Goriip. Disa Level of education. Apha § Béla Tholasonie Type of employment 59s iS > Lidle 0. Oe Lifestyle choices. cush, Die) Health beliefs, ae « To access the quality of health services. vy Type of housing. To access leisure moments of life. _> Dieheler Exposure to adverse physical conditions. LS Cann logical factors Community coordi "V4. Genetic or _y Obesity k fike transport Atend se of control over own life. awit’ | ->P)) aherreas heat! dfccocsts Iceberg of Disease: Pe eS > Auto immune disease’ "i fs frome. > Diabetes > Cancer ._y Nene > Arthritis >Hean Disease > Obesity ZN DAL wR 4 Monitor Underlying cause: >Hormonal Imbalance >Inflammation >Inheritance > Toxic chemicals exposure |>Mitochondrial- Dysfunctions. De taibicaton T halane Ienore ¢ iP: | os — seon (tip) : unser (sube mepgedl ace in comm {The iceberg phenomenon of disease gives US a picture of spec! ase visible part of the iceberg (tip) denotes the clinically apparent cases of disea! in oa \Wirereas the part of iceberg below the water Jevel denotes the sub-clinical, un i 2 sed the community which forms a major patl\ The iceberg phenomenon is a metaphor. i m1 ‘| that for every health problem the number of known cases of disease remain vn ere a much as the unseen part of the iceberg is much larger than the part that is visible above the water. Hence any problem or disease cannot be controlled ifithe submerged portidn | " an attention ON time. The treatment of the cases (tip) will not be controlled if the huge portion (sub-merged) will,not be properly focused by physician’) oe vy 5 ‘ ye —> Medicine:- Py s not given These are the chemicals which provide health and prevent illness to keep individuals adjusted to their environment as useful members of society. It may also restore the health if patient's homeostatic system is altered. xy ~ dod dhe" 3 Weak — v ~> Preventive Medicine:- >| ae Nyt Yo jel divave 4 oe S Bice. It refers to measures taken to prevent diseases rather than cure them lt (% Cav be contrastive not cily with curative medicines but also ‘ith public thdds which i work at the level of population health rather than individual health ealth There are different types of prevention. 1 Univrsalteeventio I addresses the eitire population (national, local community. school, and district) and its aim is to prevent or delay the abuse of alcohol, tobacco WN oth individuals without screening are provided with information and problem. / Antigen foxes ip portichk Sk TUF. Selective Prevention: ee otha > Antthody _, wie {1 focuses on groups whose risk of developing problems of alcohol saie or dependence is above averaze. The subgroups may be distinguished by characteristics such age, gender, family history, and economic status. bole 3. Indicated Prevention > Seddon Chopas dw Me~> Styes Itinvolves a screening process and aim to identify individuals who exhibit early signs of substance abuse and other problem behaviors. Identifiers may include as ‘ i. Falling grades among students. ii, Kngwn problem consumption. 1/8 Snancial. iii, Diverston from parents, school, and noble groups. fe i I ranges from the ulti lior advertisement and ban ¢ ion smoking in public places to to drug testing and legislative measure. > Pobtic Petree measres Basic Terminologies:- Community Medicine:- tis a specialized field of medical practice fecsine ae a vt Ty an defined population in order to maintain health and well being and prevent disease, disability premature death. bsp Hol Svecife Gee >) Asien Ag uinad T% \L is the provision of preventive servis involving the surveillance of special groups of population such as ainfy outside the ho: spital women and the elderly patient by means of routine clinical assessment and screening test. clinical assessment L SS 4 pi isthe science and art o(prsvenuine ss exclaims” Health inequities and the health gap reside from difference in the general social and economic conditions that people operate in. These conditions can be detined as socio-economic determinants of health. These determinants ‘affect the health of people across the whole spectrum of countrics, based on the state of country socio-economic development. It is evident that health and equity are not only important values in themselves. They also make pene economic § sense.) : Sdapcoph for re ductivity excess, “excess mortality eral health care cost and to improve the quality of lite for all members of WE ale a Name They develop a model which usually summari¢ include socio-economic determinants of health. These 7 Social and community network; it include agricultu vidual lifestyle factors likelhousing, x 4 reani Itural and environmental conditions; it includes encral socio-¢ ic. clude e® ssopitisemsthe dana to it include governance, ie licy makingcultural and SREP social values. Vignes omen ens em: : ; Were © Functions of Public Health System:- leoigs 4 jb 4 V/ go" Pollowihg are some Rineten’ onal one Rene a UW i W it includes education, occupation, income, gender, and expenses. Goa? 1 include behaviors, biological factors and psycho-social factors” volves population heaith need assessment, Population and;Health need asse’ health status repbrt, and system report card Health Surveillance: 11 includes perc health surveyors, cancer and other epidemie registries, communicable disease reporting. Disease and Injury Prevention: It includes immunization programs. investigations of health behaviors. early detection of cancer, Health Production: It involves assurance of safe food and water. the regulatory control of infectious diseases. protection from environmental threats. Health Promotion: It involves community partnership to solve health problems, advocacy for healthy public policies, and creation of physical and social environment to support health, Health Emergency Respon: accidents. criminal and terror + It includes natural disasters, infectious disease out rate, ist act. chemical and radioactive substance explosives, “bs of Public Health System:- Role — is e xentod /yitect. Iincludes five roles ane “ Specific oli sense uublic health service provision like primarily at municipal and local level. Planning and advising or prolongs like primarily at the provincial ar district level. Funding is provided at the federal, provincial or district level. Provision of technical assistance like analytical, scientific, professional and medical advice to support local organization ax needed. This is primarily provided by provincial and district level, ; Alice staxs jfon Prim Dored Fou Litres Sto” om Teabiony Doral Cobre Jycent ) fs Governaneg; it involves making decisions, adopting policies, establishing priority “allocatinwreeeareee i » fede! inci: allocating resources and being held to account. It is provided by federal. provincia Sa Pag > Agenc.(pants) Prevention & Levels of Preventio foBt fees SY Def ing psewention? Sus typy ard Lonel,” : Pnitah on: It can be defined as an action_to reduce or eliminate the onset, cau: complications or reoccurrence of d ease. It is an important component of many aspects of public policy many of which also contribute directly or indirectly to health Levels of Prevention:- 2 Following are the levels of prevention Primary level of Prevention:- The goal of primary prevention is to limit the disease _and disability in the population by measures that eliminate o: trom good kealth protective to health. — = - a Secondary level of Prevention: t : iq vais to reduce progression of disease through varly deiection usually by screening at an asymptomatic:stage and carly interventions. s ff incidence of r reduce causes of departures It may include controlling exposure to risk, aya promotin tctor that are | Tertiary level of Prevention:. Cpr pur eps The goal of tertiary prevention is to. improve | include minimization of the impact of established disease and prevention complications through effective management. i Re : Re. | Primordial} level of Prevention:- J j It refers to unctions and, | or delay of | revent the emergence pre-dispose 1 eee a environmental conditios usiny ee ————————_——_—— Benefits of Prevention:- Following are some benefits of prevention the primary benefit of prevention is to maintain ‘bealth 1 of communities that has a complete need for well function society. ‘A society that is healthy w: ill also prosper economically. The greatest long term contribution to high quality and affordable prevention measures can come from investment in th implementation of population, ypased public health i.c. prevention, A, ly ‘ Approaches to the problems of diseases:- Origin and Determinants of Disease: ae he battle against disease is mankind's battle for survival such considerations have paved the igasures of control. One such approach to the origin of disease has been formals bs osha ‘ThanasbeKcows-(1914-1988). He was nol only one of the world most original and distinguished epidemiologist but one of the most thinker in modem Thest awards due te his work on decp level of tha} ‘primary 1a nity. wn , yt heattin Tb quest vic questions in/the mid of McKeown were “What are the most important determinants of society pattern of morbidity and mortality”, “How should public health , practitioners most effectively focus their efforts to prevent cpidemic diseases”. He got scholarship There are two di erent approaches toward disease. FThe first approach, iis aim is to interrupt the disease process once it has started and is directed toward tment. +2. Sceand approach aim to control,these factors and processes in which disease originatcs and this is directed toward prevention. abit —> ne hertr$ Cacseeeeces N “pidemiology:- | ‘A \ et This is the basic Science of comin Distribution, Dynamics and Determinants of discase (Triple Dy, Recent defini 1 epidemiology by intemational Panel is as it is the study of distribution and determi, related state'and events in Specified population and the applic health problems nunity medicine that ensur hi The term epidemiology ts derived from two Gree! means “people” k words “Epi” in ing Distributivi:- Primary dete parasites. In c: scase. It may be virus, ase of huiriti n bacteria or any other 7 onal disorder, jt is the specific hulrients deficiency or exces ve intake while in case of automobile accident. itis the vehicle. \ Secondary determinants.include multiple facto | that influence the disease like factors that cause malnutrition and physical environment that influence respiratory { Uses of Epidemiology: * Identification of cause: A cxreful rect ‘ording of ubservation and analysis of dat; disease may result in identification of it ts etiology. Qchyo™ of Yatane t Determination of health status-of population: Epidemiological methous but also participate in detéfmining the health status of P lonality is high in a country it predicts low health status of t a relating 10 a wy in disease occurrence | example if the infant m enol only used opulation. or he population, Observations on cholesterol level in a population proved helpful in launching educational Programs. attitude on dictary habits thus preventing uae dbase a) coronary heart disease. a r Eyaluation of community protons: i we Verein ate Hey t It includes immunization-pro jaunched against 1 diseases that must show a significant reduction against those diseases as compared to non- Ithas following types. (IA : (OR jinical Epidemiology: It deals symptoms of patient and Eompares it according to similar patients in group so as to predict a particular, diagnosis and further proceed to work to gliminate the occurrence of change. \ Taz Oy By ONe he % ccupational Epidemiology:- ) \ It is linked with general epidemiology. It involves a study.of on workers with factors to which they are exposed. Such factors may be related to emical and biological environment. _, Cite ad Just © cL 4 re ses | eee ebideniology:- The branch of epidemiology in which a person may cither tify things as they are and thus undertake observational studies. He may divide lKiealth effe observe or q his population into subgroups: retain one of those as untreat and ein group as ical ty chek dwoty —>(upre Te test group, sk, ekantol tye —o ~ o heak Solublity > SH pepelence ° Experimental Epidemiology oa oe “a brneddso)e bad !is the branch of epidemiploey jy which we study about the lei ‘of the disease and prevalence Bi disease and “igo of cases’and control as_a base of ludying the natural history of disease and its managemeny/ These studies are compared with reference standard given in international literature. vat cnet fe + V Empirpherapy ——__Rationas sear” Models of Epidemiology:} |. Epidemiological Triangle: “bidemiological Triangle -e Agent °° Host x Environment This model is applicable to carried through vector mosquito an can cause disease in humans disease e V4 The web of causation can diseases. It also include threeffactors t- Genetic i” The host (intrinsic factor) which are related Wtnfitors of disease like diet and exerci mote of disease like stress, smoking and 3. wi he, This is another approach to bie consists of a hub (host or human) which the Surrounding the host is the environment ili, The triangle consists of three components id physical env ies occurring in particular environment like diabetes, These Si Faleiterum. plasmodium ironment of person is not protective then it 8. malaria where the agent is the Ervirmment ) 5 ta. plaining the mechanisms of - heart diseases and lifestyle be used for ex; factos: to tena a pad es > a Wee sedentaty lifestyle. wv wi human-environment relationship, The wheel ‘Benetic makeup is responsible for cause neRtAVheel ational/HealthePlan for'TB: \ \ ( National TB control program working under the ministry of Inter-Provincial coordination, Government of Pakistan, i ion with all Provincial and Regional TB control programs. WHO recommend stop TB strategy for effective | control of this disease. The program includes free of cost diagnosis and treatment of revistered ‘TB patients throvgi uniaterupted provision of quality ds FR Currently ranks 5*among th countries with highest burden of tuberculosis and 4*highest burde -resistant TB. In ah estimated 4 i 7 ith annual inejdents\of TBrincreases 23) perlac. Pakistan produces about four Tac 20 thousand cases annuallyfAs we accelerale our pace toward developmen! goals TB control assumes a very|high pribrity within the health sector. q (ane aim of National Health Program for TBis to fr VB disease) Universal access to TB care actiieving zero TB death! |!) 9, 4 (onts'26-4 Objective: ; é ra i 1 ® To reduce T'3 by 50%, the prevalence of TB in the general population by 2025 i comparison with 2012. ! = © To increase the nurhber of notified TB cases from 298.981 i }0 at least 420.000 by 2020. “nd i © To reduce by at least 50% per year by 2020 the prevalence MDR TB amone TB patients | who have never received any TB treatment (Mult? Dz: Lesislarefe) vey © To strengthen the programmatic and operational management capacity of TB contol Program while enfiancing puolic sector support Yor TB control by 2020. aye ——_—____ > 5 7 (2 [Functi on of National Health Program: ay We fight against TB in Pakistan to reduce mortality. morbidity and spread of TB infection. Natiorfal TB conirol, FOR primary healtheare system and implemented by Disttict Health authoka 7 ties-with support of Provinelal TB Cantsol Prograny (PTP)-with-the implememtation-of stop-TB strategically we work = li bin vious (explain vations National isla & p ad “Ch asin peat mea? * Ke 4 lar Iso Ea howl t2, (2b ae ae fo minuni | Sons ie y Vpabr 5) ridliong vf Dore os haalIh cote Premerhettise wortive Mod june depends jupon specific disease problem. F I pile Mmietods (es Nod ed dow family PBAn hag? Jisease the genetic core should be importastThe state-of immunity of uld contribute mor: of environment & What Boiegly cogepibe we of Socio-¢conomic Status bn . heallh status of communities? , i o' me’ a Depcribe The objectines of Nationd? Famity fearing Progra LUsife down names of different name Mttasts) ps fhe p senention standegien | a. Define accupationa? health with tb spr oy different occupater . + Cnuncrale different ew healTh giv i ceo of f Psinos 4) Hea ITA @re? Tc waps bewre Aven Weik down nar f dibb wl? + dive AI forne diseases voiTh Har coer ‘ith case * nN ne Sat grep 1a et ee Which is not Sn clude im Primody healt coven? . oa! a) }eallh Psomotion b)9 Incas paewention Qatreccy e)Ware + Ly Mose compler health problems awe oe “eee pines health wre bperorclony he caused by » Ber Viruy p)Novovin us “Sy Fleased Yxret, Virw i ) be Db Which ore 4 vepored fo Dian eal rporce ¢ ms Pee

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