Woes With Flows Under Pressure

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1093/braincomms/fcab094 BRAIN COMMUNICATIONS 2021: Page 1 of 4 | 1

Woes with flows under pressure
Deidre J. Jansson1,2 and Jeffrey J. Iliff 1,2,3

1 VISN 20 Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, WA 98108, USA
2 Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA 98195, USA
3 Department of Neurology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA 98195, USA

Correspondence to: Jeffrey J. Iliff, PhD, VISN 20 Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center,
VA Puget Sound Health Care System,
1660 S. Columbian Wy, Mail Stop S116-MIRECC,
Seattle, WA 98108, USA, cE-mail: jiliff@uw.edu

This scientific commentary refers to ‘Impaired glymphatic

function in idiopathic intracranial hypertension’, by Eide
A role for glymphatic
et al. (https://doi.org/10.1093/braincomms/fcab043). dysfunction in idiopathic
Beginning in 2015, 3 years following its initial character-
ization in rodents,1–3 Eide, Ringstad and colleagues4,5 have
intracranial hypertension
published a series of seminal studies defining the function The recently defined glymphatic system is a network of
and dysfunction of the ‘glymphatic’ system in the human perivascular pathways that facilitates the exchange of
brain and in the setting of human neurological disease. CSF through the brain interstitium that is dependent on
Utilizing repeated MRI following intrathecal injection of the perivascular astroglial water channel aquaporin-4
the gadolinium-based contrast agent (GBCA) gadobutrol, (Fig. 1A).1,2 Importantly, glymphatic function is most
this group has demonstrated that the same manner of peri- rapid during sleep compared to waking, but reduced with
vascular CSF influx and interstitial solute efflux that char- age, following ischaemic or traumatic brain injury.3,7 The
acterizes the glymphatic exchange observed in rodents also current understanding of glymphatic function is that CSF
occurs in the human brain. In the present study in Brain moves along perivascular spaces surrounding leptomenin-
Communications,6 Eide and colleagues compare GBCA in- geal vessels within cisternal CSF compartments, entering
flux into and efflux from the ventricular CSF and brain the brain along perivascular spaces surrounding penetrat-
tissue of patients with idiopathic intracranial hypertension ing arteries (Virchow-Robin spaces), and exchanging
(IIH) and a matched group of reference subjects. throughout the entire brain interstitial compartment.
Observing abnormal CSF tracer reflux into the ventricular Interstitial solutes and wastes not able to directly efflux
system and slowed GBCA clearance from various brain across the blood–brain barrier or undergo local cellular
regions, the authors demonstrate for the first time that degradation are cleared along perivascular spaces and
impaired glymphatic function is present in the setting of white matter tracks to cisternal compartments associated
clinical IIH. While this finding is in itself novel, the study with dural sinuses, such as the quadrigeminal cistern,
provides a clear view into the present-day glymphatic re- which houses the origin of the straight sinus. These sol-
search field, illuminating arising obstacles and opportuni- utes are then cleared through uptake into meningeal
ties in defining the role that this biology and its lymphatic vessels, or by CSF reabsorption via arachnoid
dysfunction plays in human neurological disease. villi, cranial or spinal nerve sheaths.7

Accepted March 29, 2021

Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Guarantors of Brain 2021. This work is written by a US Government employee and is in the public domain in the

Figure 1 Proposed roles of glymphatic dysfunction in human neurological disease. (A) Cerebrospinal fluid secreted by the choroid plexus
flows through the brain cisterns and enters the subarachnoid space between the dura and pia mater. The glymphatic exchange of solutes is
organized along perivascular spaces surrounding the cerebral vasculature and is facilitated by AQP4 water channels on astrocyte endfeet. (B)
The accompanying study suggests that the increased intracranial pressure characteristic of idiopathic intracranial hypertension may be linked
to a combination of slowed perivascular glymphatic exchange and slowed CSF clearance, resulting in retrograde reflux of CSF through the
ventricular system. (C) Increasing numbers of studies in rodent models and human populations suggest that glymphatic dysfunction may
contribute to a wide range of neurological conditions, including neurodegenerative disease, neurovascular disorders, conditions associated
with altered CSF dynamics and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Glymphatic function is most directly assessed by introduc- increasingly been used to define glymphatic CSF influx and
ing a tracer into the subarachnoid CSF compartment and interstitial solute efflux throughout the entire brain volume
measuring the kinetics of its movement into and clearance in rodents,2 and more recently in human subjects.4,5
from brain tissue. Although in rodent models, this has com- The present study builds upon this work, using serial
monly involved dynamic imaging of fluorescent CSF tracer MRI following intrathecal GBCA injection to characterize
by in vivo 2-photon microscopy,1,3 dynamic contrast- glymphatic function in the setting of clinical IIH.6
enhanced MRI following intrathecal GBCA injection has This condition presents clinically as a constellation of

symptoms associated with increased intracranial pressure clearance of interstitial peptides and proteins including amyl-
(ICP) including headache, nausea, dizziness, papilledema oid b and tau.1,3,7 As a result, translational studies involving
and vision loss believed to result from disruption of glymphatic system dysfunction have most often centred on
physiological routes of CSF resorption. Measuring GBCA neurodegenerative conditions or neurovascular disorders
enhancement in CSF compartments and the brain paren- such as ischaemic and traumatic injury that are risk factors
chyma hours (0–7 h), days (1–2 days) and weeks (4 of these age-related diseases. In these settings, age- or injury-
weeks) following GBCA injection, Eide and colleagues re- associated slowing of glymphatic exchange is proposed to
port two key findings. First, the authors report early underlie the mis-aggregation of amyloid b, tau and a synu-
GBCA enhancement of ventricular CSF compartments, clein in proteinopathies such as Alzheimer’s disease,
suggesting the retrograde reflux of CSF from the cisternal Parkinson’s disease and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
through the ventricular CSF pathway. This retrograde It is important to note, however, that the same perivas-
movement of CSF in IIH is similar to that reported previ- cular network and processes of fluid exchange that sup-
ously by the authors in the setting of idiopathic normal- port waste clearance likely contribute to the distribution
pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH)4,5 and is consistent with a of growth factors and nutrients, the clearance of inflam-
global derangement of CSF flow. Second, the authors matory molecules such as cytokines, and the dynamics of
note higher peak levels of parenchymal GBCA enhance- neuromodulators such as norepinephrine, serotonin,
ment, with slowed clearance suggesting impaired intersti- dopamine and acetylcholine released by volume neuro-
tial solute clearance in the presence of IIH. These transmission within the CNS. Although little data yet
findings provide a clear demonstration of reduced glym- links them to glymphatic dysfunction, it is possible that a
phatic function in the setting of clinical IIH (Fig. 1B). range of neurological disorders, including neurodevelop-
In a sub-analysis, Eide and colleagues report that among mental, neuroinflammatory and neuropsychiatric condi-
the subjects that underwent overnight ICP monitoring, those tions that are connected to these processes may feature
with increased ICP mean wave amplitude (MWA, 14 IIH alterations in perivascular glymphatic exchange or menin-
patients) exhibited impaired glymphatic function compared geal lymphatic drainage. Indeed, in one such example,
to those with normal ICP MWA (8 reference patients). Yet Shen9 has reported that increased extra-axial CSF vol-
these data cannot resolve whether this impairment of glym- umes, speculated to reflect impaired perivascular CSF ex-
phatic exchange is the cause or consequence of altered ICP change, prospectively predict diagnosis with autism
dynamics in IIH. It is possible that in IIH, reduced CSF re- spectrum disorder in paediatric populations.
sorption and the resulting intracranial hypertension disrupt The studies conducted by Eide, Ringstad and col-
the physiological cranial pressure gradients that support leagues,4,5 which reflect the most extensive descriptions
perivascular CSF influx and efflux. Alternatively, impair- of glymphatic function and dysfunction in human sub-
ment of glymphatic function may itself contribute to jects to date, have demonstrated a clear role for slowed
changes in ICP dynamics. A third possibility is that changes perivascular exchange in iNPH and IIH, conditions asso-
in ICP dynamics and glymphatic exchange in IIH are not ciated with alterations in CSF flow and ICP dynamics.
causally related to one another, but rather result from a These studies will likely pave the way for the evaluation
common upstream trigger, such as obstruction of CSF re- of glymphatic function in conditions beyond neurodege-
sorption pathways. Future studies, including potentially nerative diseases (Fig. 1C).
those in experimental model systems, will be required to de-
fine the causal relationships between these features.
In rodent models, impairment of glymphatic function pro- The need for non-invasive
motes the development of Alzheimer’s disease-associated
amyloid b and tau pathology and accelerates cognitive de- measures of glymphatic
cline.7 Glymphatic dysfunction has also been suggested to
underlie the development of headache, including migraine.8
pathway function
Yet whether the clinical symptoms associated with IIH, The current gold-standard approach to measuring glym-
including cognitive impairment and headache, result from phatic function is the assessment of contrast or tracer move-
this observed slowing of glymphatic exchange remains an ment from the CSF compartment into and through brain
important question to address in future studies. tissue following intrathecal administration. While these
approaches have been widely adopted in rodent studies of
glymphatic function, the off-label use of GBCAs for intra-
Glymphatic dysfunction in thecal administration, clinical concern surrounding the po-
tential consequences of long-term CNS retention of
neurological disease: beyond gadolinium and popular anxiety surrounding intrathecal
neurodegeneration injections have restricted these types of studies of glymphatic
function to populations undergoing clinical workup for
Early studies into the biology of the glymphatic have neurosurgical intervention, including iNPH and IIH, for
focused its role in ‘waste clearance’, particularly the which these approaches may be clinically justified.4,5 While

Eide, Ringstad and colleagues have provided important data

regarding the safety of intrathecal gadobutrol injection for
the MRI-based assessment of glymphatic function in human Research in the authors’ lab is funded by the National
subjects,10 validated approaches for the non-invasive assess- Institutes of Health (NS089709, AG054456, AG066509),
ment of the glymphatic system in human populations are the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, and the
clearly needed. University of Washington School of Medicine,
Several proposed non-invasive MRI-based approaches have Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and
been developed to capture distinct elements of glymphatic Department of Neurology. Dr D.J.J. is supported by the
biology. These include, among others, an arterial spin-label- Philip Wrightson Postdoctoral Fellowship from the
ling-based approach to capture glial-vascular water exchange Neurological Foundation of New Zealand.
and the measurement of perivascular fluid movement by dif-
fusion tensor imaging.11,12 While individually promising,
none of these non-invasive techniques have yet been validated
against gold-standard contrast-based imaging either in rodent
models or in humans. Moreover, few have been tested across
Competing interests
physiological interventions or pathological states known to The authors report no competing interests.
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ing and fluid-based biomarkers that reflect glymphatic func-
tion may provide a critical view into this biology and its References
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