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NURS 1566 Clinical Form 3: Clinical Medications Worksheets

(You will need to make additional copies of these forms)

Generic Name Trade Name Classification Dose Route Time/frequency

Enoxaparin Lovenox Low molecular 40 mg SQ Daily
weight heparins
Peak Onset Duration Normal dosage range
Unknown Unknown 12 hrs Medical patients with acute illness--40 mg once daily

Why is your patient getting this medication For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and/or solutions
Prevention of DVT/Pulmonary Embolism N/A

Mechanism of action and indications Nursing Implications (what to focus on)

(Why med ordered) Contraindications/warnings/interactions
Potentiates the inhibitory effect of antithrombin on factor Xa . Contraindicated in: Hypersensitivity, active major bleed, Use
and thrombin. Indicated for prevention and treatment of DVT cautiously in severe kidney or liver disease, untreated hypertention,
and Pulmonary Embolism recent history of ulcer disease. In geriatric pr’s as the elimination time is

Common side effects

Bleeding, anemia
Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal Lab value alterations caused by medicine
medicines (ask patient specifically) Monitor CBC, platelet count, and stools for occult blood periodically
Increased risk for bleeding if used with asparin during therapy. If thrombocytopenia occurs, monitor closely. If
hematocrit decreases unexpectedly, assess patient for potential bleeding
Be sure to teach the patient the following about this
Advise patient to report any symptoms of unusual bleeding or bruising,
dizziness, itching, rash, fever, swelling, or difficulty breathing to health
care professional immediately
Nursing Process- Assessment Assessment Evaluation
(Pre-administration assessment) Why would you hold or not give this Check after giving
Assess for abnormal bleeding and monitor med? Signs of bleeding and
aPTT. Assess for signs of bleeding and If signs of bleeding and hemorrhage hemorrhage and aPTT levels.
hemorrhage (bleeding gums; nosebleed; unusual are present.
bruising; black, tarry stools; hematuria; fall in
hematocrit or blood pressure; guaiac-positive
stools); bleeding from surgical site. Notify
physician or other health care professional if these

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