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Assignment 3

1. Draw neat labelled diagram of translation of requirement model in to design model and
explain it with details
2. Explain structured flowchart with suitable example.
3. Explain the notations used for preparing a Data Flow diagram.
4. Draw DFD for Railway Reservation Management System for level 0 and level 1.
Or Draw and explain Level 1 DFD for railway reservation system.
5. Draw proper labeled “LEVEL 1 Data Flow Diagram” (DFD) for student attendance
6. Draw DFD for library management system for level 0 and level 1.
7. Differentiate between white box testing and black box testing.
Or Explain the concept of black box testing and white box testing.
8. Differentiate between validation and verification.
9. Define Unit Testing
10. Define data objects, attributes, relationship, and cardinality, with example of each.
11. Explain with example Decision table

Assignment 4
1. Define project Cost Estimation. List the project cost Estimation Approaches.
2. Define risk and list any 4 types of risk.
3. Describe 4 P's of management spectrum.
4. Explain line of code metrics for size estimation or With an example, explain Line of
Code (LOC) based estimation.
5. State importance of “Function point “ and “lines of code” in concerned with project
estimation or State and describe two metrics of project size estimation.
6. State and explain the component of Risk Management.
7. Describe following project cost estimation approaches i) Heuristic ii) Empirical
8. Describe the Analytical method of project cost estimation with example
9. Describe a Cocomo model
10. Describe COCOMO II model for evaluating size of software project with any three
parameters in detail
11. Calculate using COCOMO model i)Effort ii)Project duration iii)Average staff size If
estimated size of project is 200 KLOC using organic mode.
12. Use COCOMO model to calculate 1. Effort 2. Development Time 3. Average Staff Size
4. Productivity if estimated size of project is 400 KLOC using Embedded mode
13. Use COCOMO Model for organic, Semi detached, embedded mode to calculate effort
and development time for size of project 600 KLOC
14. Specify following cost directives of COCOMO: Product attributes (any two) Hardware
attributes (any two).
15. Define proactive and reactive risk strategy.
16. Describe RMMM Strategy or Explain RMMM plan with example .

Assignment 5
1. Define Software Quality Control and Quality Assurance.
2. List the phases of Software Quality Assurance.
3. Name four software quality assurance activities.
4. Explain GANTT chart and its application for project tracking with an example.
5. Prepare macro time line chart for 15 days of college management system (5 days a week)
consider phases of SDLC.
6. Prepare macro timeline chart for 15 days of Home Automation System (5 days a week).
Consider broad phases of SDLC.
7. Draw time chart for Libraray management system System (5 days a week). Consider
broad phases of SDLC
8. Describe critical path method with suitable example.
9. Explain CMMI Techniques with its level or Describe CMMI. Give significance of each
10. Explain four basic principles of software project scheduling.
11. Compare CMMI and ISO for software i)scope ii)Approach Iii) Implementation.
12. Differentiate between Software Quality Management and Software Quality Assurance
(any two points).
13. Describe six sigma. State operations under DMADV/IC..
14. Define software security
15. Define manager and project management.

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