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2 Marks Questions:

1. Name two cost estimation approaches. (CO4/R)

2. Calculate estimated length and volume for the following program (CO4/A)

3. Define software quality. (CO5/R)

4. Explain any 4 project scheduling principles in brief.(CO5/U)
5. Explain in short CMMI levels. (CO5/U)
6. Draw Level 1 DFD for Hospital management system. (CO3/U)
7. Specify following cost directives of cocomo: Product attributes (any two),
Hardware attributes (any two). (CO4/R)
8. Define proactive and reactive risk strategy. (CO4/R)
9. Name four software quality assurance activities. (CO5/R)
10. Define project Scheduling and list its principles. (CO5/U)
11. Differentiate between Software Quality Management and Software Quality
Assurance (any two points). (CO5/U)
12. Draw Level 1 DFD for railway reservation system. (CO3/U)
4 Marks Questions:
1. Distiguish between black box testing and white box testing. (CO3/U)
2. Explain Decision table with example. (CO3/A)
3. Calculate using COCOMO model.
i)Effort, ii)Project duration, iii)Average staff size, iv)Productivity
If estimated size of the project is 200 KLOC using organic mode.(CO4/A)
4. State importance of “Function point “ and “lines of code” in concerned with
project Estimation. (CO4/U)
5. Prepare macro timeline chart for 15 days of Home Automation System (5 days a
week). Consider broad phases of SDLC. (CO5/A)
6. Distinguish between verification and validation. (CO3/U)
7. Write blackbox test cases for online blood management system. (CO3/A)
8. Describe COCOMO II model for evaluating size of software project with any
three parameters in detail (CO4/A)
9. Describe 4 P’s of management spectrum giving their significance.(CO4/U)
10. Describe six sigma.State operations under DMADV/IC. (CO5/U)

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