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Probably there is no single teaching method to guarantee success and, although I agree with

this, from my point of view classroom management is a fairly complete method that can
obtain very favorable results, both for the student and the teacher.
Classroom management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques teachers use to
ensure their classroom runs smoothly and without disruptive behavior on the part of
students. In other words, it is achieving a structured learning environment with clear rules
that promote learning.
Sometimes, the misbehavior of students in class occurs for different reasons; In some cases,
the cause is found in the students themselves, in the family, in the poor organization of the
center, and other aspects. However, in some situations, the teacher is the one who creates
unnecessary tensions in the classroom and this causes the good attitude and coexistence of
the students to be lost. That is why I believe it is important to have good classroom
management as it helps establish and maintain an orderly environment, and increases
meaningful academic learning while facilitating social and emotional growth. Also, it
decreases negative behaviors and increases the time indicated for academic participation.
For this reason, when trying to apply classroom management, I would take the time to get
to know my students, knowing their strengths, their challenges. Investing in them to build
trust and integrating social-emotional learning. Likewise, I would create a solid plan, and
teach the students from the first days with all the details. Consistently enforcing rules and
consequences; finally, motivating students to get excited about the school year and all the
learning they will gain and the community they will create. Also, I would create routines
with clear and reliable procedures, this will make students feel safe and secure.
According to this, this could make me face different challenges like understanding proper
techniques and strategies to maintain silence and full control of the students. Just as the
main challenge could be knowing how to implement a clear, defined, solid, and shared
learning method that guarantees the pedagogical objectives for all students.

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