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Project Report ON

“ Online Cake Shop ”

Project Submitted To The

Saurashtra University, Rajkot
For The Course Of
Bachelor Of Computer Application

Saurashtra University
Prepared & Submitted by:
Khokhar Idrish
BCA 5th Semester


Mahila College Campus, Jamnagar.



It has prepared us to apply ourselves to become good IT professionals.

Naturally, it requires lot pf people support to complete this project. We
take this opportunity to acknowledge their support to us.

We sincerely thank our department for the academic advancement, it

has provided to us last year and finally provides us an opportunity for
project work. We thank Shree H.J. Doshi I.T. College, Jamnagar for
support through the project.

Last but not least, we would like to thank our parents and our friends who
had helped us indirectly throughout the project duration and have been
the source of encouragement.

And finally, our sincere thanks to our batch-mats, who had provided us
with innumerable discussions on many technicalities and friendly tips.
Without their cordial and friendly support, this activity has been much

Yours faithfully,

Khokhar Idrish

Place: Jamnagar

Sr. No. Title Page no.
1. Introduction
2. Objective & Scope
3. Hardware & Software Requirement
4. Data Flow Diagram
5. Data Dictionary
6. E.R Diagram
7. Screenshots
8. Limitation & Features Enhancement
9. Bibliography


 This project is providing easy online booking to user as per their

 The project “Online Cake Shop” is developed in PHP as front end
and Mysql server as a back end.
 The solution has been developed, tested and validated thoroughly.
 While designing the system, care has been taken in efficiency,
maintenance and reusability of the software for present and future
changes in the system.


 Currently there are many places where online ordering is done

which provide facilities that helps the people in their life.

 It will save the time and energy of the people instead of going to
bakery and manually place order.

 When we need to order the cake urgently we can order it online

from anywhere instead of ordering the cake by going to bakery.

 The project is having the purpose of saving time which will provide
all type of facilities related cake ordering and it also give the result
as and when required.

 The facilities are connected for project on online cake shop such
as ordering the cake, selecting the delivery date and other


Developed by:

Khokhar Idrish J.

Project On: Online Cake Shop

Front End: PHP

Back End: MySQL

Sem –- Year: 5th Semester – 2023 — 24

Operating System: Windows 10

Web Browser: Google Chrome, Firefox

Editor: Visual Studio Code……

Submitted to: Bhavan’s Shree H. J. Doshi I.T.

College, Jamnagar


 Ordering cake online serves many purposes. But, out of all

the benefits, it caters to its convenience. By ordering cake
online from an online cake shop, you get the convenience of
shopping for your favorite cake from the comfort of your
 This project is being developed with a view to automate the
function of Online Cake Shop related to Users &
 Another objective of this project is to maintain the details of
the Online Cake Shop.
 The main objective of this project is to improve the User
efficiency facilitating it to promptly address any kind of
information sought for and to minimize the workload.


The Cake Shop is working manually. The current system is very

time consuming and costly because it involves a lot of paper work.
To manually handle such a system is a very difficult task. But now-
a-days because of computerization this job is becoming easier.
The following are the reason why the current system should be
► To increase efficiency with reduced cost.
► To reduce the burden of paper work.
To save the time of recording details of every work undertaken by
Shop. To check that the request for particular product is available
to generate reports easily.


►Time consumption: As the records are to be manually
maintained it consumes a lot of time.
►Paper Work: Lot of paper work is involved as the records are
maintained in the files and registers.
►Storage Requirements: As files and registers are used the
storage space requirement is increased.
► Less Reliable: Use of papers for storing valuable data
information is not at all reliable.
►Accuracy: As the system is in manual there are lot many
chances of human errors. These cause errors in calculating
mechanism or maintaining product and supplier data in registers.


The scope of the project for the development of this system is for
Online Cake Shop private cake sellers, customers, buyers of cakes
around. Businesses run by Online Cake Shop are accepting
bookings of cakes, for entertainment occasions such as weddings,
engagements and birthdays.


 Software Requirement & Specification (SRS):

of a software system to be developed. It is modeled after business requirements
specification (CONOPS). The software requirements specification lays out
functional and non-functional requirements, and it may include a set of use
cases that describe user interactions that the software must provide to the user
for perfect interaction.

 Software requirements specification establishes the basis for an agreement

between customers and contractors or suppliers on how the software product
should function (in a market-driven project, these roles may be played by the
marketing and development divisions). Software requirements specification is
a rigorous assessment of requirements before the more specific system design
stages, and its goal is to reduce later redesign. It should also provide a realistic
basis for estimating product costs, risks, and schedules. Used appropriately,
software requirements specifications may help prevent software project failure.

 Front End:


The Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is the

standard markup language for documents designed to be
displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by
technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets and scripting
languages such as JavaScript.


Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for

describing the presentation of a document written in a markup
language such as HTML or XML. CSS is a cornerstone
technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and


Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed

at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It
containsHTML, CSS and JavaScript-based design templates
for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface

 Back End:


JavaScript, often abbreviated to JS, is a programming

language that is one of the core technologies of the World
Wide Web, alongside HTML and CSS. As of 2022, 98% of
websites use JavaScript on the client side for web page
behavior, oftenincorporating third-party libraries.

Node js:

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end

JavaScript run time environment that runs on a JavaScript
Engine and executes JavaScript code outside a web
browser, which was designed to build scalable network

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
(RDBMS) that is widely used for managing and organizing structured
data. It is a popular choice among developers and businesses for building
and maintaining databases for various applications. MySQL was
originally developed by a Swedish company called MySQL AB and later
acquired by Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle Corporation).

 Hardware requirements:
 Processor: Intel dual core or above
 Processor Speed:1.0GHZ or above
 RAM: 1 GB RAM or above
 Hard Disk: 20 GB hard disk or above

 Software requirements:

 Microsoft Visual Studio Code:

Visual Studio Code, also commonly referred to
as VS Code, is a source-code editor made by
Microsoft for Windows, Linux and mac OS. Features
include support for debugging, syntax highlighting,
intelligent code completion, snippets, code re
factoring, and embedded Git.

 Database: MySQL Server

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is

widely used for managing and organizing structured data. It is a popular choice
among developers and businesses for building and maintaining databases for
various applications.


For Front-end, HTML, CSS and JAVASCRIPT is used for this project.
This reason to use these languages are:

▪ HTML is a simple language, no way…the simplest way to express this

is that HTML has a basic <syntax= that is easy to learn.

▪ CSS is fairly simple, and I’m not implying that you won’t be
able to graspit completely.

▪ CSS has over 500 attributes, and you’ve come to the perfect
place if you’ve ever wondered when to utilize them.

▪ JavaScript, in big leagues more and more you use js the more you love

▪ Front-end frameworks aren’t required for all web

applications. With simply HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you
can easily create the front end for a basic web application.

For Back-end, My SQL and PHP is used for this project. This
reason to use these languages are:
▪ Cost effective personalized PHP is a complete open source.

▪ Frequently updated.

▪ Availability for various add on.

▪ Superior web application performance.

▪ Security

▪ Vast amount of database interfaces.

▪ Cross-platform ability.

Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is
turned into a working system. The implementation phase constructs, Installs
and operates the new system. The most crucial stage in achieving a new
successful system is that it will work efficiently and effectively.

There are several activities involved while implementing a new project they

 End user training

 End user education
 Training on the application software
 Post implementation review

End user training:

The successful implementation of the new system will purely upon the
involvement of the person working in that department.

End user education:

When the system is found to be more difficult to understand and

complex, giving them lectures about the new system and providing them
necessary documents and materials about how the system can do this.

Training of application software:

After providing basic training, the users will have to be trained upon the new
system such as type of errors while entering the data etc.

Post Implementation View:

The department is planning a method to know the states of the past

implementation process. For that a regular meeting will be arranged by the
concerned persons about the implementation problem and success.


0 level DFD

Request Request

Online Admin
Cake Shop

1st Level

Column name Column type Size Extra
category_id Int 15 Auto-increment
category Varchar 200 ------

Column name Column type Size Extra
customer_id Int 15 Auto-increment
fname varchar 30 ------
lname varchar 30 ------
email varchar 30 ------
contact varchar 11 ------
address text 500 ------

Column name Column type Size Extra
product_id int 15 Auto-increment
product_name varchar 50 ------
quantity int 15 ------
available Int 15 ------
price Int 15 ------
Profit Int 15 ------
selling_price Int 15 ------
date_in varchar 50 ------
category_id Int 15 ------
supplier_id Int 15 ------
user_id Int 15 ------
product_code Varchar 11 ------
Status Varchar 200 ------

Column name Column type Size Extra
supplier_id Int 15 Auto-increment
supplier_name Varchar 30 ------
Contact Int 15 ------
Email Varchar 20 ------
Address Text 500 ------

Column name Column type Size Extra
transact_id Int 15 Auto-increment
transact_code Int 15 -----
Date Varchar 50 -----
user_id Int 15 -----
product_code Varchar 200 -----
Qty Int 15 -----
Price Int 15 -----
Total Int 15 -----

Column name Column type Size Extra
detail_id Int 15 Auto-increment
transact_code Int 15 -----
Date Varchar 11 -----
customer_id Int 15 -----
deliveryfee Int 15 -----
totalprice Int 15 -----
Status Varchar 200 -----
Remarks Text 500 -----
delivery_date Varchar 200 -----

Column name Column type Size Extra
user_id Int 15 Auto-increment
fname Varchar 20 -----
lname Varchar 20 -----
Email Varchar 30 -----
Contact bigint ----- -----
Address Text 500 -----
Position Varchar 50 -----
Username Varchar 30 -----
Pass Longtext 50 -----


Client Side
1. Home Page

2. Add to Cart

3. List of order

4. Registration Page

5. Login Page

Admin Side

1. Admin Page

2. Customer List

3. Update Customer Page

4. Product Page

5. Add New Product Page

6. Suppliers List

7. Add New Supplier Page

8. Update Suppliers Page

9. Transaction Page

10. Admin Page

11. Database




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