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Fundamental of thin film growth and influences on Mechanical Environmental

Durability properties. Advances in thin film coating technology during the past
decades have focused on improving the quality of deposited layers through
refinements in material and deposition processes. A thin film layer of material
ranging from fraction of a nanometer (monolayer) to several micrometer in
thickness. Thin films are generally used to improve the surface properties of solids.
Transmission, Reflection, absorption, hardness, abrasion resistance, corrosion,
permeation and electrical behaviour are only some of the properties of a bulk
material surface that can be improved by using a thin film. Thin films are extremely
thermally stable and reasonably hard, but they are fragile. On the other hard
Organic materials have reasonable thermal stability and are tough, but are soft. The
three fundamental principles of film form are: Movies depend on light, provide an
illusion of movement, and manipulate space and time in unique ways. Being a part
of nanotechnology a thin film is a layer of material ranging from fractions of a
nanometer. (monolayer) to several micrometer in thickness. Thin= less than about
1 micron (10,000A, 1000 nm). A thin film is a layer of material ranging from less
than a nanometer (one billionth of a meter) to several micrometers thick. The
thickness of thin film material may be few nanometer to about several micrometers
for a specific application. The thickness may be few atoms onto a “substrate”
surface or on some other layer already deposited. A thin film of soap solution is
illuminated by white light at an angle of incidence 𝑖 = sin−1 (4/5) . In reflected
light, two dark consecutive overlapping fringes are observed corresponding to
wavelengths 6.1x10-7 m and 6.0x10-7m. A thin film that does not have any width at
starting point but gradually getting enlarge to a specific width at the other end
such film is called a wedge. Therefore, the fringes are having straight shape in
wedge shaped films or it is shape is straight. The basic concept behind thin film
growth of metals still remains simple. Its based on thermal evaporation or
vaporization by other means of a material that will then be deposited on a solid
surface. The phenomenal rise in thin film researches is, no doubt, due to their
extensive application in the diverse fields of electronics, optics, space science,
aircrafts, defence and other industries. The present developmental trend is
towards newer types of devices, monolithic and hybrid circuits, field effect
transistors, (FET), Metal Oxide semiconductor transistors (MOST), sensor for
different applications, switching devices, Cryogenic applications, high density
memory systems for computers etc. Within the connotation of thin film, often a
further subdivision of thickness is made under the categories 1) Ultra thin 2) thin
(or very thin) and 3) Comparatively thicker ones, a last one generally being greater
than 10000Aͦ to 1000Aͦ or less are all arbitrarily fixed for convenience and the
transition regions from one category to the next one are not distinct at all. Intensive
investigations are going on not only in the field of basic thin film physics, but also
in material science, thin film circuit designs, production engineering concerning
thin films , etc. to cope of the demand of industries. The term ‘Thin Film’ has often
been loosely used in literatures to imply not only a layer of solid material but also
of a liquid or a gaseous phase. In many application, particularly so in the case of
optical devices such as interference filters, anti reflection coating, etc. the success
of the fabrication depends only on the deposition of specific thickness of the
dielectric layers. Film thickness measurement techniques are based on different
principles such as the mass difference, light absorption, interference effect,
conductivity capacitance, etc. of the films with increasing thickness. The Thin Film
is a layer of material that has a thickness in the range of a nanometer to several
micrometers. Creating thin films using different deposition methods is the basic of
many industries. As a simple example, consider a mirror that reflects the light
with a layer of metal which deposited behind the glass. Vacuum cost as a
manufacturer and designer of vacuum coating systems, use physical vapor
deposition (PVD) methods, such as sputtering, thermal evaporation, and pulsed
layer deposition (PLD), to create types of thin film. The process of creating thin films
is called Deposition. There are several deposition methods of the thin film.
Improvement a lot of industries include semiconductor electronics, magnetic
recording media, integrated circuits, LEDS, Optical coatings, such as anti – reflective
coating, hard coating in order to protect tools, pharmaceuticals, medicine and
many other industries. They have several applications in various fields;
furthermore, they play a significant role in the study and development of materials
with unique and special properties, such as the superlattices which make it possible
to study quantum phenomena. In addition, they are very important because they
differentiate the properties and reactions of the material surface from its bulk and
they have a wide range of properties that can be used in a variety of applications.

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