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- ae Te #6 Most Prosanie Vatur \ when as nis yy certainty pri In general, fun Measurement ofa dynamical quantity a is made pda d for whig th We et different values of a during different trials. This is in conformity em, nnciple, wing Exploration 1 7 Wi With thes gars e Most probable value of a, = fy * Ayal where, A isthe oper a value oF 1 a’ 2.and y* isthe complex conjugate of y. The quantity © a> is called hg ay, rommecd 4 hat is, the value of a obtained in the majority of the trials) The ex * Momentum and energy may he found by using the corresponding operators, Dectation, «lt, May hey " h The most probable value ofp, < p >= fur(= Mv) wavayae , ha The most probable value of Ey < E>= fu S) ety ae 7.8 SCHRODINGER WAVE EQUATION Schrdinger wave equation describes the wave nature of a particle in m, Schrdinger wave equation is the basic equation for the wave mechanics origin: Austrian scientist Erwin Schrédinger. Schrédinger connected the expressions Of de Bry Wavelength with the eassieal wave equation fora moving particle and obtained anew gnc’ There are two forms of | Schrédinger wave equations. They are time-dependent time-independent wave equation. athemat aly a ig it Wave equation 7.8.1 Scuropincer Wave EQuaTion—TiME-INDEPENDENT According to de Broglie’s concept, the moving particles are associated The classical differential equation of the system is written as velocity. The equation can be rewritten as toy voor Vy= where, is called Laplacian operator. oz* The solution of equation (2) can be written as VRYZN=YOyzHe" with matter wag) es pg amplitude of the wave. It isa function of position and eee ‘. nd not time. is! nm sch Jeo tion (3) twice With respect to ti ane ea Peet to time F we have, ye oy Sh toy, yw —i@)(—i@yy,e-" or oy a . 4 tit the above equation in equation (2), we have o i (5) Weknow that, @ = 2nv=—2¥ @_ 2m 4, @ 4m Henee, = substituting the value of “> in equation (5), we have 2 4a Vy tse =0 (6) h 2 Bu, we know A= or a2 = my me Substituting the value of 2? in equation (6), we can write vey +S mivy =0 q) 1s zs If Eis the total energy of the particle, Vis the potential energy and = mv" is the kinetic energy, then E=PE+KE Leg =V+omv" E 2 Loa E-V => mv =2(E-V) mv? =2m(E-V) (8) 2 vy ex 2M E-Vy =0 vy Mop -Vy =0 2m op : E-V)y= From equation (9). V wea By taking /t I we can rewrite the above equation as y taking f= >>> Qn 2m vey +e Vy =0 This equation is known as the three~ dimensional Schrédinger’s time-independent i e Fora free particle, 1/= 0, the above equation is reduced to the following form Vv y+ 2 By =0 7.8.2 Scuropncer Wave EQuaTION—TIME-DEPENDENT Let us consider vay ov _ 4 Ot Pa Ne =a ere. (since'@=2nv) vg ef mY (since v= Wave Mechanics 197 : Ey = ind or (1) independent wave equation is written as, 2m anger fe v : y +A E-V Wy =0 of EY from equation (1) in the above equation we have, vey+2t(ind-v)y=0 asin ME value or (2) Eis the total energy and V’is the potential energy of isthe time-dependent wave function, ‘sional time-dependent Schrédinger wave equation. Je. The above equation is the one-dimen: erst fauation (2) may be rewritten as =h oe (ey wry nS @) o “ Hy =Ev aie 1 OY where, H =| =—V? +V | is the Hamiltonian operator and Erih 2m 183 Ercen VALUES AND EIGEN Function ys be linked with quantum operat Alinear eigen value equation can alway oy Jue equation as ne Ey, where 1's. The total energy operator y is said to be an eigen iswritten as nd. Consider the eigen Vv" ator sh-2- and £ is called the corresponding eigen value. ar finotinn af the eneray Opel

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