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EE 4501 Problem Set 8 Solution November 8, 2018 Page 1 of 4.

Reading Assignment: Sec. 6.1 - 6.2, 6.5 - 6.7 and instructor notes for HW. We’ll
resume our introduction to random processes and cover material from Sec. 10.1 -
10.3 next week.

1. Basic Problem. Problem 6.1 - 2 L&D.

Solution. Part (a)  

FT 1 Y f
sinc(2Bt) ←→
2B 2B
1 Y f
sinc(2100t) ←→ =⇒ B = 1050 Hz =⇒ fs = 2100 Hz
2100 2100
Part (b)
FT 5 f
5sinc2 (200t) ←→ ∆ =⇒ B = 200 Hz =⇒ fs = 400 Hz
200 400

Part (c)
The sample rate is the same as in Part (a) since the first component defines the
overall bandwidth of the sum.
Part (d)
The sample rate is 2300 Hz since the Fourier transform of the product is the
convolution of the Fourier transform of the individual components, which extends
the bandwidth to 1050 + 100 = 1150 Hz.

2. Problem Basic Problem. 6.1 - 4 L&D.

Solution. Part (a)

Y t 
1 FT
p(t) = − ←→ P (f ) = Ts sinc(πTs f )e−jπf Ts
Ts 2

Part (b)
Y t 
1 FT Ts

πTs f

p(t) = − ←→ P (f ) = sinc e−jπf Ts /2
Ts /2 2 2 2

Part (c)
This is a half a cycle of a sin function. Its FT can be evaluated as
Ts /2
ej2πt/Ts − e−j2πt/Ts −j2πf t
1 1/Ts 
−jπTs f

P (f ) = e dt = 1 + e
0 j2 2π 1/Ts2 − f 2


EE 4501 Problem Set 8 Solution November 8, 2018 Page 2 of 4.

2 (Continued)
e−jπTs f /2 cos(πTs f /2)
P (f ) =
πTs 1/Ts2 − f 2
Part (d)
t 1 FT Ts 2 πTs f
p(t) = ∆ − ←→ P (f ) = sinc e−jπf Ts /2
Ts /2 2 4 4
Based on Sec 6.1-1, the Equalizer should be

 Ts /P (f ) |f | ≤ B

E(f ) = flexible, B < |f | < (fs − B) fs =
 Ts
0, |f | > (fs − B)

This is the solution according to the textbook’s definition of the equalizer. In your
class notes, we have used the phase factor e−j2πτ0 f , where τ0 is chosen so that the
equalizer is causal (realizable).
Part (e) Under the stated assumptions, all sampling pulses have well-behaved
FTs within the band |f | < fs − B. Specifically, the first zero occurs outside this
interval. Therefore, the equalizer filter, as defined, will recover g(t) by undoing the
distortion due to the pulse shape in every case.
In practice, the phase response of the equalizer is also important in terms of real-
izable equalizers. Sampling pulse design is performed with the equalizer filter in

3. Basic Problem. Problem 6.1 - 6 L&D.

Solution. (a), (b) When the input of the system is δ(t), the overall output is
h(t), the impulse response. Going in steps, for a δ(t) input, the integrator produces
a step function, u(t). At the output of the summer, we have
t − Ts /2
h(t) = u(t) − u(t − Ts ) = Π =⇒ H(f ) = Ts sinc(πTs f )

This is a lowpass filter (nonideal) with passband between the first zero crossings
of the sinc function (at 1/Ts Hz). The magnitude response is shown in the figure
below, which demonstrates the LP nature of H (f ) and its first zero crossing.


EE 4501 Problem Set 8 Solution November 8, 2018 Page 3 of 4.

3 (Continued)
|H (f )|

Ts = f1

−3fs −2fs −1fs 0fs 1fs 2fs 3fs f

(c) The impulse response of the circuit is a rectangular pulse. The sampled signal
has the form

ms (t) = m(nTs )δ(t − nTs )

Since the system is LTI, the output has the form

mr (t) = m(nTs )h(t − nTs )

4. Important Concept. Problem 6.1 - 7 L&D.

Solution. From Equuation 6.10, the output of the circuit is given by

X X t − kTs
g(t) = g(kTs )h(t − kTs ) = g(kTs ) ∆
k k

For any interval mTs ≤ t ≤ (m + 1)Ts , only two triangles contribute to to the
t − mTs t − (m + 1)Ts
g(t) = g(mTs ) 1 − 2 + g((m + 1)Ts ) 1 + 2
2T s 2T s
g((m + 1)Ts ) − g(mT s)
= g(mTs ) + (t − mT s).
This is an equation of a straight line with starting value at (mTs , g(mTs )) and end
value at ((m + 1)Ts , g((m + 1)Ts )). This is clearly a linear interpolation between
two samples at mTs and (m + 1)Ts .

EE 4501 Problem Set 8 Solution November 8, 2018 Page 4 of 4.

5. Basic Problem. Problem 6.2 - 1 L&D.

Solution. Part (a) 65536=216 , which means that 16 binary digits are needed to
encode the sample.
Part (b) Given mp = 1 and Pm = m2 (t) = 0.1, L = 65636. Therefore,

SQN R = 3L2 = 91.1dB

Part (c) The signal BW is 15 kHz and the Nyquist rate is 30 kHz. Therefore, we
have a data rate of 30000 × 16 = 480000 bits/sec.
Part (d) Using a sampling rate of 44.1 kSample/sec, we have a data rate of
705600 bits/sec. The minimum BW is the bit rate/2 = 352800 Hz.

6. Important Concept. Problem 6.2 - 8 L&D.

Solution. We have µ = 100 and SNR=45 dB (or 31623). Using

So 3L2
= Equation 6.36
No (ln(1 + µ))2

So 3L2 n
J J−1
p J
= = 31623 =⇒ L = 2 : 2 < 31623 ∗ ln(101)/3 < 2 = 512.
No (ln(101))2
The actual SNR will be higher

So 3 × 5122
= = 36923 = 45.67 dB,
No (ln(101))2

This is due to the fact that we needed to chose b = dlog2 (473.83)e = 9, i.e. larger
than needed to meet the specification. Note that d·e is the ceiling function (choose
the next higher integer).

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