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Measurement of the characteristics of a quadrant

avalanche photodiode and its application to

a laser tracking system

Masahiro Toyoda Abstract. We measured the characteristics of a quadrant-type ava-

Kenichi Araki lanche photodiode (APD). Its transition region between the adjacent cells
Yoshiaki Suzuki had a narrow width of 35 ␮m. As the multiplication factor of the quadrant
Communications Research Laboratory APD was limited by the variety of that among the quadrant cells, the
4-2-1, Nukuikitamachi, Koganei maximum multiplication factor was about 30. We investigated the perfor-
Tokyo 184-8795, Japan mance on applying the quadrant APD to a laser tracking system. A noise-
E-mail: equivalent angle of less than 1 ␮rad (rms) was achieved at a received
optical power of more than 4 pW. The quadrant APD compared favorably
with a photodiode quadrant detector when the received power was less
than 100 pW. © 2002 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.
[DOI: 10.1117/1.1418222]

Subject terms: tracking; photodiode; avalanche photodiode; signal-to-noise ratio.

Paper 200497 received Dec. 18, 2000; revised manuscript received June 5,
2001; accepted for publication June 6, 2001.

1 Introduction D. The anode of the four cells is common, and a reverse

The technique of detecting an optical spot position is used bias voltage is applied to it. The signal current is read from
in many kinds of optical systems. For example, a laser the cathode side of each cell. A simple configuration of the
tracking system for laser communication in free space in- signal readout circuit is implemented using an operational
evitably has an optical spot position detector.1 The received amplifier as shown in Fig. 2. We used an operational am-
optical spot weakens as the distance to the counterpart be- plifier that had a small input bias current in order to amplify
comes longer, and the received intensity fluctuates accord- a signal current of less than 100 pA. The insulation resis-
ing to the pointing jitter of the received laser beam. There- tance of the circuit substrate was made high by using a
fore, high sensitivity and low detection error are required Teflon terminal in conjunction with the quadrant APD. The
for optical spot position detection. ⫺3-dB frequency bandwidth of signal detection was 2.3
A quadrant-type photodiode is used to detect an optical kHz, and it was limited by the feedback resistor.
spot position because of its fast response and ease of optical The measured multiplication factor for varying the re-
alignment.1–3 In particular, to detect the position of a faint verse bias voltage is shown in Fig. 3. When the reverse bias
optical spot, a quadrant-type avalanche photodiode 共APD兲 voltage was ⫺116 V and the multiplication factor exceeded
is used because of its high sensitivity.4 The characteristic of 30, the output signal from cell A was saturated. Breakdown
a quadrant APD at the temperature of liquid nitrogen has took place in that cell. The ratio of maximum to minimum
been measured.5 multiplication factor of the four cells was 1.28 at the re-
In this study, the performance of a quadrant APD that verse bias voltage of ⫺110 V. The variation of the multi-
has a narrow transition region is described. Besides its ba- plication factor is thought to arise from the internal differ-
sic characteristics, the variation of the multiplication factor
of its four cells is detailed. We have calculated optical re-
ceiving efficiencies and sensitivities of spot position detec-
tion when using the quadrant APD. The characteristics of
the quadrant APD are compared with those of a quadrant
photodiode. Finally, an example in which the quadrant APD
is applied to a laser tracking system is described.

2 Characteristics of the Quadrant APD

We measured the characteristics of a quadrant APD manu-
factured by Hamamatsu. The optical receiving area and the
cross section of the quadrant APD are shown in Fig. 1.
Table 1 lists its specifications. The 1.5-mm-diam optical
receiving area is divided into four cells by a cross. The
transition region between the adjacent cells does not detect Fig. 1 Configuration of optical receiving area and cross section of
an incident photon. The four cells are labeled A, B, C, and the quadrant APD.

Opt. Eng. 41(1) 145–149 (January 2002) 0091-3286/2002/$15.00 © 2002 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers 145
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Table 1 Specification of the quadrant avalanche photodiode.

Detector Si quadrant APD

(Hamamatsu S4402-SPL)
Diameter 1.5 mm
Transition-region width 35 ␮m
Quantum efficiency 0.7 (␭⫽800 nm, M ⫽1)
Resistance between cells ⬎3 G⏲

ences among cells, and it can be compensated for by using

any of several methods. One method is to adjust the ampli-
fier gain of the subsequent electrical circuits individually.
Another is to adjust the reverse bias voltage of each cell to
equalize the multiplication factors of the four cells.
The measured multiplication factors for the temperature
dependence are shown in Fig. 4. The temperature was var- Fig. 3 Measured multiplication factor of each cell of the quadrant
APD as a function of the reverse bias voltage.
ied from 2 to 17°C. Measurements were made when the
reverse bias voltage was set at ⫺95 and ⫺100 V. The first-
order temperature coefficient of the multiplication factor
was ⫺0.64 when the reverse bias voltage was ⫺95 V, and IL M R f
was ⫺0.72 when the reverse bias voltage was ⫺100 V. SNRv ⫽ , 共1兲
V n 冑⌬ f
The variation of the dark current with the reverse-bias
voltage is shown in Fig. 5. The dark current was 40 pA
where I L is the signal current for one cell, M is the multi-
when the multiplication factor was 25. The part of the dark
current that is multiplied can be estimated at about 1 pA, plication factor, R f is the feedback resistance, and ⌬ f is the
and the part that is not multiplied seemed to be about 10 frequency bandwidth for spot position detection. The rela-
pA. tionship between the optical power and SNRv for a multi-
The voltage noise spectrum density V n was measured as plication factor of 13.8 is shown in Fig. 7, where ⌬ f is set
a function of the multiplication factor for received optical at 200 Hz. When I L was more than a few picoamperes, the
powers of cell A of 0.5, 5, and 50 pW, and in the dark. As shot noise caused by I L was dominant. This condition is
the noise spectrum was almost flat up to 1 kHz, V n was depicted as the dotted line of Fig. 7, and the logarithmic
measured at 200 Hz. The results are shown in Fig. 6. From derivative of the optical power with respect to the SNRv
the result in the dark, the minimum value of V n was 3.16 was 2. In this case, a high signal-to-noise ratio can be main-
␮V/Hz1/2, which approximately matched the calculated tained while decreasing the optical power. However, when
value of the thermal noise of 2.87 ␮V/Hz1/2. The excess the SNRv derivative is 1, the thermal noise is dominant, as
multiplication noise figure was about 1.0 according to this shown by the fine line. For this quadrant APD, the shot-
measurement. The contact point of the curve of V n varia- noise-dominant condition could be achieved when the op-
tion with the tangent line of slope 1, as shown in Fig. 6, tical received power was several picowatts and the multi-
indicates the best fitted value of the multiplication factor. plication factor was 13.8. To compare the quadrant APDs
For example, a multiplication factor of 10 was suitable with a quadrant photodiode, the SNRv of a quadrant pho-
when the optical power was 0.5 pW.
The voltage signal-to-noise ratio (SNRv ) for one cell
can be expressed as

Fig. 4 Temperature dependence of the multiplication factor mea-

Fig. 2 Signal readout electrical circuit of the quadrant APD. sured by the sum of the four cell outputs.

146 Optical Engineering, Vol. 41 No. 1, January 2002

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Fig. 5 Measured dark current of the four cells as a function of the Fig. 7 Relation between the voltage signal-to-noise ratio SNRv and
reverse bias voltage. received optical power per cell for a multiplication factor of 13.8.

todiode is shown by the bold line in Fig. 7. The thermal

noise is dominant for a photodiode in this case. When the They are functions of the center position of the spot 共x,y兲
received optical power is less than 40 pW per cell, the and expressed as
SNRv of the quadrant APD exceeds that of a photodiode.
E x 共 x,y 兲
3 Detecting an Optical Spot Position
2 兰 ⫺x⫺Z
共 r 2 ⫺x 2 兲 1/2 dx⫺4xZ
An optical spot is incident on the four cells of the quadrant ⫽ ,
␲ r 2 ⫺2 兰 y⫺Z 共 r ⫺y 2 兲 1/2 dy⫺2 兰 x⫺Z
y⫹Z 2
共 r ⫺x 2 兲 1/2 dx⫹4Z 2
x⫹Z 2
APD as shown in Fig. 8. The intersection of the transition
region is set as the origin of the x-y coordinates. The re- 共3兲
spective output signals from the quadrant APD are labeled E y 共 x,y 兲
V a , V b , V c , and V d . The tracking signal that represents
the variation in the optical spot position is E x in the direc- 2 兰 ⫺y⫺Z
共 r 2 ⫺y 2 兲 1/2 dy⫺4yZ

tion of the x axis and E y in the direction of the y axis.6 The ␲ r 2 ⫺2 兰 y⫺Z 共 r ⫺y 2 兲 1/2 dy⫺2 兰 x⫺Z
y⫹Z 2
共 r ⫺x 2 兲 1/2 dx⫹4Z 2
x⫹Z 2

values of E x and E y are given by

under the conditions 兩 x 兩 ⭐r⫺Z, 兩 y 兩 ⭐r⫺Z, where r is the
V a ⫹V b ⫺V c ⫺V d spot radius and 2Z the width of the transition region. A
E x⫽ , circular optical spot and uniform intensity distributions are
V a ⫹V b ⫹V c ⫹V d
V a ⫹V d ⫺V c ⫺V b The spot-position-detection sensitivity in the direction of
E y⫽ . the y axis, S y (x,y), is the derivative of E y (x,y) with re-
V a ⫹V b ⫹V c ⫹V d spect to the displacement of the spot position in the direc-
tion of the y axis. It can be expressed as

Fig. 6 Measured voltage noise spectrum density V n at 200 Hz of

cell A as a function of the multiplication factor for optical received
powers of 0.5, 5, and 50 pW and in the dark. Fig. 8 Illustration of received optical spot on the quadrant APD.

Optical Engineering, Vol. 41 No. 1, January 2002 147

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Fig. 9 Calculated sensitivity of optical spot position detection in the

direction of the y axis, 关 S y (0,0) 兴 and optical receiving efficiency ␥(0,
0) as functions of optical spot diameter.

S y 共 0,0兲 ⫽
dE y 共 x,y 兲
冏 x⫽0, y⫽0

4 共 r 2 ⫺Z 2 兲 1/2⫺4Z
⫽ 共4兲 Fig. 10 A laser tracking system equipped with a quadrant APD.
␲ r 2 ⫺4r 2 sin⫺1 共 Z/r 兲 ⫺4Z 共 r 2 ⫺Z 2 兲 1/2⫹4Z 2

when the spot is received at the center of the quadrant cells. 1

NEA⫽ , 共6兲
Since part of the optical spot is not detected by the transi- f eflS y 共 0,0兲 SNRv
tion region, the optical receiving efficiency ␥ (x,y) is ex-
pressed by where f efl is the effective focal length of the focusing on the
quadrant APD.6 We calculated the NEA of a laser tracking
␲ r 2 ⫺4r 2 sin⫺1 共 Z/r 兲 ⫺4Z 共 r 2 ⫺Z 2 兲 1/2⫹4Z 2 system that was equipped with the quadrant APD. The re-
␥ 共 0,0兲 ⫽ 共5兲 lationship between the NEA and the total power of the op-
␲r2 tical spot is shown in Fig. 11 for a received spot diameter of
0.5 mm, S y (0,0) of 5.71 mm⫺1, ␥共0, 0兲 of 0.83, and f efl of
when the optical spot is received at the center. The optical 4 m. When the optical spot power is more than 4 pW, an
spot diameter dependences of S y (0,0) and ␥ 共0, 0兲 are NEA of less than 1 ␮rad 共rms兲 can be maintained. The NEA
shown in Fig. 9. Because the spot diameter is small, the for a quadrant photodiode is indicated by the dotted line.
variation rates of S y (0,0) and ␥共0, 0兲 depend greatly on it. Other position sensors, such as lateral photodiodes6 and
charge-coupled devices 共CCDs兲, are insufficient in sensitiv-

4 Application to a Laser Tracking System

A laser tracking system is usually used for compensating
the angular error of a laser beam pointing in a long-range
laser link, such as a ground-to-satellite or intersatellite laser
link. A schematic of a laser tracking system is shown in
Fig. 10. The system consists mainly of the wavefront tilt
sensor. The received laser beam is focused on the quadrant
APD, which is arranged almost on the focal plane of the
lens. The incident angle to the telescope is detected as the
optical spot position on the quadrant APD. The controller
performs the calculation of the tracking signals (E x ,E y )
and a compensation of the closed-loop system. The tip-tilt
mirror is driven by the tracking signals from the quadrant
APD to keep the optical spot at the center of the four cells.
As the laser beam is transmitted through the tip-tilt mirror,
the laser beam is pointed toward its counterpart.
The noise-equivalent angle 共NEA兲 is the angle of the
detection error caused by noise in the spot position detec- Fig. 11 Noise-equivalent angle (rms) of a laser tracking system
tor, and it is a measure of the performance of a laser track- equipped with a quadrant APD, as a function of the total power of
ing system. It is expressed in terms of the SNRv : the optical spot.

148 Optical Engineering, Vol. 41 No. 1, January 2002

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Toyoda, Araki, and Suzuki: Measurement of the characteristics . . .

ity for position sensing of a faint optical spot at present. returned to research on space laser communication. He is a mem-
Using the quadrant APD instead of a quadrant photodiode ber of the Institute of Electrical, Information, Communication and
Electronics Engineers of Japan and the Laser Society of Japan.
is advantageous from the point of view of the NEA when
the optical spot power is less than 100 pW.
Kenichi Araki joined Radio Research
Laboratory (now Communications Re-
5 Summary search Laboratory) in 1982. From 1990 to
The multiplication factor of the quadrant APD was limited 1997 he worked on the development of an
by unbalance of the multiplication factors in the four cells, onboard optical package for the ETS-VI
satellite and conducted a demonstration of
so the maximum multiplication factor was about 30. The a laser communication experiment using
quadrant APD was applied to the wavefront tilt sensor of a the ETS-VI satellite and optical ground sta-
laser tracking system, and the NEA of the system was less tions. His current interests are in the field of
than 1 ␮rad 共rms兲 for a received optical power of more than optical space communications network
technologies for future advanced systems.
4 pW. The NEA performance of the quadrant APD was He received the BS, MS, and Dr Eng degrees in electrical engineer-
better than that of a quadrant photodiode when the received ing from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan in 1973, 1975, and 1980,
power was less than 100 pW. The quadrant APD used in respectively. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical, Informa-
this study has the advantage of greater sensitivity for posi- tion, Communication and Electronics Engineers of Japan and the
tion sensing of a faint optical spot of visible and near- Optical Society of America.
infrared light in comparison with other position sensors.
Yoshiaki Suzuki received the BS and MS
References degrees in electrical engineering from To-
hoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 1974
1. E. Swanson and J. Roberge, ‘‘Design considerations and experimental and 1976, respectively. In 1976, he joined
results for direct-detection spatial tracking systems,’’ Opt. Eng. 28共6兲,
659– 666 共1989兲. Communications Research Laboratories
2. M. M. Malley, G. W. Sutton, and N. Kincheloe, ‘‘Beam-jitter mea- (CRL), Ministry of Posts and Telecommuni-
surements of turbulent aero-optical path differences,’’ Appl. Opt. cations, and has been engaged in space
31共22兲, 4440– 4443 共1992兲. communication system research work. In
3. J. Ma, H. Sun, S. Wang, and D. Yan, ‘‘Effects of atmospheric turbu- 1995, he joined National Space Develop-
lence on photodetector arrays,’’ Appl. Opt. 28共11兲, 2123–2126 共1989兲. ment Agency of Japan (NASDA) and
4. S. I. Green, ‘‘Optical dividers for quadrant avalanche photodiode de- worked on the OICETS project. He re-
tectors,’’ in Free-Space Laser Communication Technologies III, D. L. turned to CRL in 1997, and is now the executive director of the
Begley and B. D. Seery, Eds., Proc. SPIE 1417, 496 –512 共1991兲.
5. M. Toyoda, H. Takami, K. Araki, and T. Aruga, ‘‘Characteristic mea- Wireless Communications Division. He is responsible for the re-
surement of avalanche photodiode quadrant detector for dim-light po- search work on the terrestrial wireless communications system and
sition sensing,’’ 共in Japanese兲, Rev. Laser Eng. 21共3兲, 392–398 satellite communications system conducted by CRL. He is a mem-
共1993兲. ber of the Institute of Electronics, Information, and Communication
6. S. G. Lambert and W. L. Casey, in Laser Communications in Space, Engineers of Japan, the American Institute of Aeronautics and As-
pp. 179–195, Artech House 共1995兲. tronautics, and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Masahiro Toyoda received the MS degree

in electrical engineering from Chiba Univer-
sity in 1987. He started work at Communi-
cations Research Laboratory (CRL) in
1988. He was engaged in research on la-
ser beam transmission to satellites, par-
ticularly for the ETS-VI optical communica-
tion experiment. From 1996 to July 1999,
he was employed in the National Space
Development Agency of Japan on the
OICETS (Optical Inter-orbit Communica-
tions Engineering Test Satellite) project. He then rejoined CRL and

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