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Wing FTP Server

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Wing FTP Server Release Notes:
Wing FTP Server v7.3.1Released: 27/Feb/2024
Fixed a bug - Some SFTP client can't connect to WingFTP with an error "failed to
exchange keys", caused by the host key algorithm's order.
Improvement - Improved setup script for Linux version, now WingFTP can be
compatible with RHEL 9.x/Rocky 9.x.
Fixed a bug - Cannot record the file size or filename for the SFTP download/upload
in the audit database occasionally.
Fixed a bug - The variables "%FileName", "%PathName", "%FileSize" will be empty in
the SFTP download/upload event occasionally.
Fixed a bug - When running WingFTP in some Linux system, web client may popup an
error "no permission" when moving multi-files under the root folder.

Wing FTP Server v7.3.0Released: 2/Jan/2024

Improvement - Filezilla will get stuck occasionally when uploading files via
FTPS/FTPES protocol.
Improvement - Removed SSH cipher "chacha20-poly1305" to avoid SSH Terrapin attacks
Improvement - Improved the web client interface for the file listing and search
Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when transferring files via FTP protocol.
Fixed a bug - Web client can't remember the selected language in the login page.

Wing FTP Server v7.2.8Released: 30/Nov/2023

Improvement - Added a function "Video Preview" for the weblink download page.
Fixed a bug - Client will always see the file request page, even if the option
"Enable file request link" is turned off.
Fixed a bug - The sockets will increase rapidly when an exception "transport
endpoint is not connected" occurs.
Improvement - When closing a domain under WingFTP's administration, Wing Gateway
will update the related listeners immediately.

Wing FTP Server v7.2.7Released: 18/Oct/2023

Fixed a bug - With some SFTP client, the downloaded file might be corrupted. This
bug was introduced in v7.2.6.
Improvement - Added an option "Case insensitive for the mapping string" for the
LDAP user mapping.

Wing FTP Server v7.2.6Released: 9/Oct/2023

Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible stuck issue for SFTP file transfer.
Improvement - SFTP server can't be connected by the SFTP client "WS_FTP Pro" in the
previous versions.
Improvement - When user data file is malformed, the user data now can be recovered
by "xxx.bakfile" file automatically.
Improvement - When sending emails, now will use "BCC" instead of "TO" for multiple
Improvement - Improved the multiple languages display for the web client function
"Send Files".

Wing FTP Server v7.2.5Released: 15/Sep/2023

Improvement - Increased the maximum of available open handles per SFTP session.
Improvement - Added a system option "Disallow OpenSSL session caching".
Improvement - Added a system option "Disallow OpenSSL session resumption on
Fixed a bug - When existing pictures with the same filename under different
subfolders, you will always see the first picture in web client.
Fixed a bug - When uploading a picture to overwrite the old one, you will still
download or see the old picture due to browser cache.

Wing FTP Server v7.2.4Released: 9/Aug/2023

Fixed a bug - When using FTP PORT mode in FTPS transfer, the service might crash
under some special conditions.
Fixed a bug - When adding a Wing Gateway with an existing port (but is not
Gateway's), the service might crash.
Improvement - When generating or viewing the weblink for a banned file, now it will
show the error message "banned file".
Improvement - Improved the security and process speed for the web admin's session
Improvement - Improved the process speed for the web client's session ID.

Wing FTP Server v7.2.3Released: 30/Jun/2023

Improvement - Now you can open video/audio files, PDF/text files directly under web
client's search result.
Improvement - Added a feature "Open file location" in the right-click menu under
web client's search result.
Improvement - The online text editor in web client now supports editing 1MB text
Improvement - Improved right-click menu in web client, and added an item "Add
bookmark" for the subfolder.
Fixed a bug - In the weblink interface and web client's search result, sorting by
filename is not in alphabetical order.
Fixed a security bug - DomainA's admin can fetch DomainB's user data by using some
external tool.
Fixed a security bug - Fixed a DOM XSS vulnerability related to the online text
editor in web client.
Improvement - Hide some information and error messages in web admin for
read-only/domain admin.
Improvement - Added a HTTP header "Cache-Control" to avoid storing html files in
the browser.
Improvement - Removed unnecessary UID (Session ID) strings in web client.
Improvement - Added a warning message when adding a domain admin with an empty base

Wing FTP Server v7.2.1Released: 6/May/2023

Fixed a bug - The WingFTP service will crash when testing ODBC with a wrong ODBC
Fixed a bug - When editing a user, pressing Tab to the password field will hide the
new password.
Improvement - During installation on Windows Server Core, you will be asked to
start WingFTP service instead of tray application.
Improvement - The Web Client text editor now supports syntax highlighting
for .cs, .vbs, .cxx, .resx, .pm files.
Improvement - When writing the uploaded file fails (SFTP protocol), the temp
uploaded file will be removed.
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version.

Wing FTP Server v7.2.0Released: 20/Mar/2023

Now support FastUDP mode for Wing Gateway's HTTPS listener, it is designed to
accelerate file transfers for high latency network.
Fixed a bug - The SFTP server might crash when using WinSCP with some special
Improvement - Cannot add/modify or delete the domain listeners occasionally.
Improvement - Clicking the button "Clear Log" or "Kick All" won't take effect
Improvement - Simplified the UI for the SSL certificate creation.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.9Released: 6/Mar/2023

Fixed a bug - Fixed two CSRF vulnerabilities in web administration/web client.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a DOM XSS vulnerability related to Weblink in web client.
Fixed a bug - SFTP server will return an error "File can not be locked"
Improvement - All the admin sessions will be cleaned up after restarting WingFTP

Wing FTP Server v7.1.8Released: 10/Feb/2023

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL and fixed a few OpenSSL vulnerabilities like CVE-
2023-0286, CVE-2023-0215.
Fixed a bug - Cannot specify the custom file path for server/domain/admin logs.
Improvement - Now you can search weblinks by the username under WebLink Manager.
Improvement - Increased the socket timeout when accepting the connection from Wing

Wing FTP Server v7.1.7Released: 20/Dec/2022

Added a feature - Now support two-factor authentication (TOTP) for the web
Fixed a bug - WingFTP should terminate the related admin sessions when removing an
admin account.
Fixed a bug - Now WingFTP will terminate the related online sessions when disabling
a user account.
Improvement - Updated the Help Document for the administration.
Improvement - Shows the last 5 login history under "Administrator -> Accounts".

Wing FTP Server v7.1.6Released: 1/Dec/2022

Added a feature - Added a function "View/Edit Office Files" in web client, now you
can view/edit office files locally (it requires the Google Chrome extension "Office
Editing for Docs, Sheets & Slides").
Added a feature - Added a function "Rotate" in web client's Picture Viewer, you can
use it for rotating image.
Fixed a bug - The domain log files might be stored in a wrong place occasionally.
Fixed a bug - Web client will print out error message when opening a specific URL.
Improvement - Increased the default domain log size into 512MB.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.5Released: 27/Sep/2022

Improvement - Improved the Lua script editor in Event Manager and Task Scheduler,
now supports syntax highlighting.
Improvement - The HTTP Event "OnUserDisconnect" won't be triggered when closing the
web browser directly.
Fixed a bug - Unzip operation may abort due to the internal filename's encoding.
Improvement - The filename of server logs might be wrong in some situation.
Improvement - The text editor in web client now supports syntax highlighting for
Lua script.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.4Released: 7/Sep/2022

Fixed a bug - Can't download a file which filename includes special characters,
this bug was introduced in v7.1.3.
Fixed a bug - Can't jump into a subfolder which folder name includes special
characters, this bug was introduced in v7.1.3.
Improvement - Now supported milliseconds timestamp for domain logs, you can enable
the option "Domain > Settings > General Settings > Domain Log > Display timestamp
with milliseconds".
Improvement - Now will flush SSH debug logs into the file "Log/ssh_debug_log",
previously writing debug logs might be delayed.
Improvement - The read-only admin or domain admin now can't see the detailed
weblink under "Audit & Report".

Wing FTP Server v7.1.3Released: 29/Aug/2022

Fixed a bug - When using ODBC storage with an Oracle database, you may encounter an
issue "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded".
Fixed a bug - If clients don't send "OPTS UTF8 ON" or "CLNT" request, FTP transfer
may fail with a Chinese (or non-English) filename.
Improvement - Now support opening items (like editing a user) by double clicking in
the Tray application.
Improvement - Improved the local encoding compatibility when disabling the FTP
option "OPTS UTF8 ON".
Improvement - FTP server will return an empty result even if there is no LIST
Improvement - Improved the user listing interface when using ODBC/Mysql database.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.2Released: 9/Aug/2022

Fixed a bug - Can't startup WingFTP service in Windows Server 2019 (with the latest
update installed).
Improvement - Now you can get the value for variable "%Name" in the event
Improvement - Now anti-hammering feature will be available when using SSH public
key authentication.
Improvement - Removed SITE MSG command and improved SITE HELP command.
Fixed a bug - Sometimes cannot open the page "Purchase" or "Install Update" with
the tray application.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.1Released: 4/Jul/2022

Improvement - Added a system option "SQLite DB Folder", it is used to specify a
folder for storing SQLite db file "bookmark_db".
Improvement - Added a button "Clear Log" under Server Log/Admin Log interface.
Improvement - Will update the field "Expired" in real time in the WebLink Manager
Fixed a bug - Cannot print the html tags in the Administration Console interface.

Wing FTP Server v7.1.0Released: 10/Jun/2022

Improvement - Added a Copy function under admin's Audit & Report.
Improvement - The admin password specified in installation wizard will be hashed by
salted SHA-256.
Fixed a bug - The case-insensitive username in Windows may cause weblink generating
Fixed a bug - The installation wizard will generate unwanted xml-e files in Mac OS.
Fixed a bug - The field "Expired" in WebLink Manager may show incorrect

Wing FTP Server v7.0.9Released: 24/May/2022

Added a feature - Added password salting in the domain settings, it is used to
protect the user password.
Fixed a bug - The WingFTP service may crash due to "Transport endpoint is not
connected" exception.
Fixed a bug - When overwriting a 0-byte file via FTP upload, but the file
modification date will keep the same as the first one.
Improvement - Improved the URL address generated by Weblink Copy function.
Wing FTP Server v7.0.8Released: 10/May/2022
Fixed a bug - The weblink's expiration date will change when the client is in a
different time zone than the server.
Fixed a bug - If user already logged in web client, WebLink/UploadLink can't be
opened from an external website.
Improvement - Added a Weblink Copy function under admin's WebLink Manager.
Improvement - Reverted the function "Go to directory" in web client.
Improvement - Now supported variables "%MM", "%DD" and "%HH" for server log's

Wing FTP Server v7.0.7Released: 22/Apr/2022

Fixed a bug - When enabling Windows Data Deduplication service, the file download
might be failed in web client.
Fixed a bug - When enabling Windows Data Deduplication service, the files/folders
copy might be failed.
Improvement - Now the folder size will be shown as "-" instead of "0" in web
Improvement - Improved the weblink interface for a folder.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.6Released: 13/Apr/2022

Fixed a bug - After re-installing Wing FTP Server, the customized logo will be
Improvement - SFTP download might be failed with Cyberduck, due to its segmented
downloads option.
Improvement - Failed to download big files via FTP protocol with Cyberduck, caused
by its segmented downloads.
Improvement - When using ODBC/Mysql database, the user listing will show the
expiration date even if the account doesn't expire.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.5Released: 31/Mar/2022

Improvement - Updated the OpenSSL lib for fixing CVE-2022-0778.
Improvement - Now the web client will prevent recursive copy files/folders.
Improvement - Audit report records added new actions "Change Password" and "Copy
Improvement - Now separated the admin logs for adding user/group and modifying

Wing FTP Server v7.0.4Released: 9/Mar/2022

Improvement - AD/LDAP user now can use two-factor authentication via the mapped
local user.
Improvement - Now you can download files/folders via the browser extension "Wing
Download Manager" in InPrivate mode (Incognito mode).
Fixed a bug - Cannot see the audit report records when domain name includes upper-
case letters.
Improvement - AD/LDAP user will use the domain settings "idle connection timeout"
and "transfer connection timeout".
Improvement - Disabled weak SSL/SSH ciphers (or algorithms) by the default

Wing FTP Server v7.0.3Released: 23/Feb/2022

Improvement - With many FTP concurrent sessions, the variable "%FileSize" might not
be replaced in the FTP event "OnFileUploaded".
Improvement - The default domain setting "idle connection timeout" and "transfer
connection timeout" is changed to "5min", and the same setting for a new user will
inherit the domain setting.
Fixed a bug - User can't login to the web client if user password includes "%20".
Fixed a bug - Admin can't login to the web administration if admin password
includes "%20".
Improvement - The read-only admin can't test "ODBC/Mysql/LDAP/SMTP" connection now.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.2Released: 24/Jan/2022

Improvement - Improved the FTP client compatibility, the old versions can't handle
multiple FTP commands in one packet.
Improvement - Added two Lua APIs "c_MoveFileDir" and "c_CopyFileDir", for
moving/copying a file or folder.
Improvement - Improved the web client UI for the desktop version.
Improvement - Improved the web client UI for the mobile version.
Fixed a bug - Can't show the web client menu "More Actions" correctly with some
mobile device.

Wing FTP Server v7.0.1Released: 14/Dec/2021

Improvement - Added 64-bit Windows build.
Improvement - Designed a new user interface for Web Client.
Improvement - Improved the interface of Web Administration.
Improvement - No longer support 32-bit Windows and 32-bit Linux.
Improvement - Improved the Help Manual for Web Client.
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version.
Fixed a few bugs about HTTP connection and GUI.

Wing FTP Server v6.6.5Released: 8/Nov/2021

Improvement - Added an option "Disallow access all day" when adding access schedule
for user account.
Improvement - The syntax highlighting under the web client editor will become
blurred when using Safari.
Fixed a bug - The file request page will show the receiver email instead of the
sender email.
Fixed a bug - Can't remove some user (or group) with special non-English character
Improvement - When uploading files under the web client, no error message popped up
even the session expired.
Improvement - Safari will always show the Autofill Password when editing user
account under the web admin.
Wing FTP Server v6.6.4Released: 21/Oct/2021
Improvement - Now the subfolders in the weblink download page can be accessible.
Fixed a bug - Cannot show the session list under "Domain > Logs & Status >
Activity" when file name contains special characters.
Fixed a bug - When drag any toolbar button in the web client, the file uploader
interface will be popped up.
Fixed a bug - When the event "OnFileBanned" is triggered in the file
upload/download, the server variable "%PathName" or "%FileName" might be empty.

Wing FTP Server v6.6.3Released: 11/Oct/2021

Improvement - Add a domain option "TLS session timeout" for TLS session resumption.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in the web client.
Improvement - Sort up/Sort down icon will disappear when refreshing or changing the
Improvement - Updated the Help Document for the web client.

Wing FTP Server v6.6.2Released: 14/Sep/2021

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL and fixed a few OpenSSL vulnerabilities like CVE-
2020-1971, CVE-2021-3712.
Fixed a bug - When downloading a file in the web client, it will always finish
downloading even exceeding disk quota or transfer limitation.
Fixed a bug - The console application (wftpconsole) can't work correctly, this bug
was introduced in v6.5.6.
Fixed a bug - When uploading an entire folder in the web client, it will always
show OK even have no "Create Folder" permission.
Improvement - When uploading files in the web client, now it will popup an error
message if exceeding disk quota or transfer limitation.

Wing FTP Server v6.6.1Released: 31/Aug/2021

Added a feature - Now support two-factor authentication (TOTP) for the web client.
Improvement - When login the SFTP server with the recent version of Filezilla (or
putty), can't show the file listing if the remote folder includes thousands of
Improvement - For Web Client Zip/Unzip function, now use UTF-8 encoding for the
internal filenames, to solve the garbled filenames issue for some file archiver.
Improvement - The weblink download will be considered as a web session, then total
session number can be limited under domain settings.
Fixed a bug - When upload a banned file in the web client, the progress bar will
always be displayed (won't disappear).
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.9Released: 11/Aug/2021

Fixed a bug - Can not get the server variable "%PathName" and "%FileName" in the
SSH event "BeforeFileUploaded".
Improvement - Linux/Unix sftp might return an error "Received message too long"
when the remote folder includes 900+ files and each file has a long filename.
Improvement - Added a system option "Restrict a user session to a single IP
address". When the client IP changes frequently, you may consider to disable it.
Improvement - When the server time is incorrect, the HTTP(S) login page might be
refreshed always.
Improvement - Updated Bootstrap and jQuery libraries into the latest version.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.8Released: 14/Jul/2021

Improvement - The online editor in the web client now supports syntax highlight for
C/C++, XML/HTML, Java, PHP, Javascript, Python, Perl, Ruby, Golang.
Fixed a bug - The online editor in the web client won't prompt on close when file
content is modified.
Fixed a bug - When turn on the domain option "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
automatically", the weblink of a folder can't redirect correctly.
Fixed a bug - When enable the option "Using Windows NTFS permissions for the home
directory" for Windows/AD authentication, the mapped local user's folder
permissions will be ignored.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.7Released: 18/Jun/2021

Added a Firefox extension "Wing Download Manager", for downloading multiple
files/folders in the web client.
Improvement - For the time parameter of the FTP command "MFMT/MFCT/MFF", now it
will be treated as a UTC time.
Improvement - Added a download button under the image viewer interface in the web

Wing FTP Server v6.5.6Released: 31/May/2021

Improvement - Uploading files/folder intermittently freezes in Google Chrome
version 91.0.4472.77.
Improvement - Improved the sending file interface for mobile version web client,
and now you can specify a password for the weblink.
Fixed a bug - When sending weblink of a folder under mobile version web client, the
generated weblink won't work.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.5Released: 24/May/2021

Added a feature - Now you can upload an entire folder in the web client.
Improvement - "Search" function under "Domain -> Users" will list all the matched
users now, you can use wildcard character "*" for username.
Improvement - "Search" function under "Domain -> Groups" will list all the matched
groups now, you can use "*" for the group name.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.4Released: 12/May/2021

Improvement - Added a column "File" (the last accessed file) under "Domain > Logs &
Status > Activity".
Improvement - Will ignore max session number limitation if the current session's IP
is in the whitelist.
Added a feature - Added an option "Kill the sessions from the same IP address"
under "Domain > Logs & Status > Activity > Kick a session".
Fixed a bug - When downloading folders with Chrome extension, the hidden files will
still be listed, even if the user option "Show files/dirs with hidden attribute" is
Fixed a bug - For the Linux version, when creating weblink/upload link without
expiration date, the weblink in Weblink Manager still shows "Expired".
Fixed a bug - When kicking a session with "Disable user account" option, the user
account will still be enabled actually.
Fixed a bug - Can't stop the WingFTP service by Linux command
"/etc/init.d/wftpserver stop", when service is started by the systemd startup
script "wftpserver.service".
Improvement - Removed the functions "Broadcast", "Chat" and "Send message to user"
under "Domain > Logs & Status > Activity".
Improvement - Removed the option "Domain > Settings > General Settings > Data
Transfer Limit > Weblink options -> Maximum Speed", you can use the above option
"Maximum download speed per session" instead.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.2Released: 26/Apr/2021

Added a Google Chrome extension "Wing Download Manager", for downloading multiple
files/folders in the web client.
Improvement - Added systemd startup script "wftpserver.service" for Linux system.
Improvement - Improved the web client uploader, fixed some issues.
Improvement - For the SFTP protocol, WinSCP might return an error "Received too
large SFTP packet" when the remote folder includes 10000+ files.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.1Released: 7/Apr/2021

Improvement - Now you can use server variables in the HTTP welcome message.
Improvement - Now supported full window Drag&Drop files in the web client.
Improvement - Added a few server variables: %mm, %ss, %UserName, %UserNote
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version.

Wing FTP Server v6.5.0Released: 18/Mar/2021

Added a feature - Added IP Whitelisting for allowing specific IPs to access server
without any limitation.
Added a feature - Added a FTP command "SSCN" to support secure FXP (server to
server) transfer.
Improvement - Added a "Comment" field for Domain/Server IP access rule.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for the web administrator.

Wing FTP Server v6.4.9Released: 16/Feb/2021

Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version for improving SFTP server
Improvement - When changing the user password, the new password can't be the same
as the previous one.
Improvement - Windows version may crash due to "stack overflow" exception, though
such issue is very rare.
Improvement - If upgrade from an old version with a large "audit_db" file, will
skip creating the new database indexes.

Wing FTP Server v6.4.8Released: 15/Jan/2021

Improvement - IE browser can't upload file because Windows removed Flash support
since 12/Jan/2021, now use HTML Uploader instead of Flash Uploader.
Improvement - Added weblink search function under Weblink Manager interface.

Wing FTP Server v6.4.7Released: 29/Dec/2020

Fixed a bug - Fix the Year 2038 problem, can't change the modified time of a file
to year 2038 or later.
Fixed a bug - Can't set the expiration date of an user to year 2038 or later.
Fixed a bug - Can't set the expiration date of a weblink (or upload link) to year
2038 or later.
Fixed a bug - HTTP/HTTPS session can't keep alive in some situation.
Added a domain option "HTTP/HTTPS session keep-alive". If you disable it, the HTTP
session will expire after 10 minutes of browser inactivity.

Wing FTP Server v6.4.6Released: 11/Dec/2020

Fixed a bug - Sending email might be failed when SMTP password (or username) is too
Improvement - Now you can define your own SSH (SFTP) banner in the domain settings.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible memory leak issue on errors during SFTP key

Wing FTP Server v6.4.5Released: 17/Nov/2020

Improvement - For the weblink of a folder, added two columns "Size" and "Modified"
for the file listing, and columns can be sorted now.
Improvement - Zip multiple files/folders in the web client may cause an error "too
many source files".
Fixed a bug - When importing weblink data from old version (before v6.2.2), the
imported data might be incomplete.
Fixed a bug - The weblink downloading replaces all the spaces with plus (+) symbols
in the filename.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in the help manual of the web
admin and web client.

Wing FTP Server v6.4.4Released: 19/Oct/2020

Fixed a bug - Invalid modified date of existed file may cause service crash.
Fixed a bug - When downloading file with Safari, non-English file name might be URL
Fixed a bug - WingFTP service will hang and won't accept any connection under some
Improvement - Added a server variable "%Protocol" - The protocol type of current
Improvement - Add persistent confirmation to "File Upload Request" feature.
Improvement - Possible to change the supported SSH host key algorithms.

Wing FTP Server v6.4.3Released: 24/Sep/2020

Fixed a bug - When port is used by other program under certain OS, many repeated
domain logs will generate or WingFTP service will freeze.
Fixed a bug - When running Wing Gateway on the same machine, the connection from
local machine might not be handled properly.
Added a domain option "Overwrite the existed file when uploading file via file
request link".

Wing FTP Server v6.4.2Released: 14/Sep/2020

Fixed a bug - When removing subfolder under web client, the disk quota won't be
Improvement - Limit simultaneous time-consuming operations (Zip/Unzip/Copy) by the
worker threads number.
Improvement - Use multi-threads to send email (includes Lua API) to avoid blocking.
Improvement - Set the default worker threads into 8, and max worker threads can be
256 now.
Improvement - With the new version of Google Chrome, the time picker and email
input box can't work correctly.

Wing FTP Server v6.4.1Released: 18/Aug/2020

Fixed a bug - The tray application will popup an error message "Access is denied".
Improvement - Improved the Korean language translation.
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version for improving SFTP server
Improvement - Allowed different client IP for the FTP PORT command, in local area

Wing FTP Server v6.4.0Released: 14/Jul/2020

Improvement - Enhanced the listing performance of Audit Report.
Improvement - Now the web client will remember the column width of List View.
Fixed a bug - When compressing a folder under web client, if the folder includes
file with Chinese (or non-English) filename, it will fail.
Improvement - Improved the search file speed under web client.
Fixed a bug - Can't add Wing Gateway with IP address "".

Wing FTP Server v6.3.9Released: 29/Jun/2020

Fixed a bug - The tray application will stop working when binding web admin's
listener on a LAN IP.
Fixed a bug - The new added listener will always be green mark even the listener
port is not available.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when removing the running Wing Gateway node.
Improvement - Now will use SHA-256 hash by default for the admin/user password.
Improvement - Now will log banned IP attempts for the HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

Wing FTP Server v6.3.8Released: 18/Jun/2020

Added PDF viewer in the web client, now you can view the PDF file online by double-
clicking it.
Fixed a bug - The upload link won't be deleted when removing a folder.
Fixed a bug - The upload link won't be deleted when renaming a folder.
Other minor improvements, like read-only admin permission changes.

Wing FTP Server v6.3.7Released: 5/Jun/2020

Improvement - When auto-forwarding active mode ports with Wing Gateway, the socket
resources won't release quickly.
Improvement - Supported for handling FTP command "QUIT" before login or during data
Improvement - When making weblink/upload link, it will popup an error message if
exceeding disk quota.
Improvement - Can't send weblink for a folder under mobile UI of the Web Client.
Improvement - Increased the max lines of the domain logs which displayed under
"Domain > Logs & Status > Domain Log".

Wing FTP Server v6.3.6Released: 28/May/2020

Fixed a bug - Copy files/folders under web client, won't increase disk quota.
Fixed a bug - Disk quota doesn't change correctly when removing some folder (or
unzip file).
Fixed a bug - The domain log includes a wrong session ID, when download/upload a
file in web client.
Fixed a bug - When download file via a weblink, the transfer quota won't increase.

Wing FTP Server v6.3.5Released: 20/May/2020

Improvement - Now you can create a weblink for a subfolder, also updated the plugin
"Send Files".
Improvement - When using Zip function for a subfolder, now will check the banned
files inside also.
Fixed a bug - Can't remove download/upload link under web admin if the weblink file
was deleted manually.
Fixed a bug - When uploaded a very small file, the thumbnail and upload-link data
won't update correctly.
Fixed a bug - Sometimes the version number will be empty in New Version Reminder.
Wing FTP Server v6.3.4Released: 12/May/2020
Improvement - Can search by the full file path in the audit report, when action is
"Create Dir", "Delete Dir", "Rename".
Improvement - Now enable FIPS 140-2 and disable TLS 1.0/1.1 by default.
Improvement - Improved the mobile UI of upload/download link page.
Fixed a bug - After logout the HTTPS version of the web client, then can't login
the HTTP version of the web client.

Wing FTP Server v6.3.3Released: 30/Apr/2020

Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when handling AES-CTR keys with SFTP client.
Fixed a bug - When enable Directory List Cache, it won't cache the directory list
when using UNC path as home folder.
Fixed a bug - When enable timeout for transfer connection, FTP passive data
connection might be closed if listing takes long time.
Fixed a bug - FTP Rush App (Android/iOS) can't connect to the server via HTTP

Wing FTP Server v6.3.2Released: 20/Apr/2020

Fixed a bug - The download/upload speed information might be incorrect under domain
Improvement - Added a list field "whether expired" under weblink/upload link
Improvement - In the AD/LDAP user mapping, the wildcard "*" is supported for the
AD/LDAP username.
Improvement - Added an option "Keep WebLink when file is deleted or renamed" under
domain settings.
Fixed a bug - If the option "Need to change the password on the first logon" is
enabled, the AD/LDAP user will be forced to change his password.

Wing FTP Server v6.3.0Released: 14/Apr/2020

Fixed a bug - Some SFTP client software (like WinSCP) has an issue "Remote side
unexpectedly closed network connection".
Improvement - Now you can change the listener address for web admin, under
"Administration > Settings > Listener > Listener Address".
Improvement - Changed the default value of the option "Server > Settings > General
Settings > Miscellaneous > User can change file's modification time".
Improvement - Changed the default value of the option "Domain > Settings > General
Settings > Miscellaneous > Enable FTP command 'OPTS UTF8 ON'".

Wing FTP Server v6.2.9Released: 3/Apr/2020

Supported HTTP welcome message, you can define the message under "Domain > Settings
> General Settings > Miscellaneous".
Fixed a bug - The server logs might be wrong for the SFTP "SSH_FXP_ATTRS" response.
Improvement - Added a variable "%WebLink" for getting the ID of Weblink or Upload
Wing FTP Server v6.2.8Released: 24/Mar/2020
Fixed a bug - SFTP debug logs won't be written correctly, this bug was introduced
in recent version.
Fixed a bug - When upload small files via a file request link, some UploadLink
sessions will always exist.
Fixed a bug - When upload multiple files via a file request link, the audit report
shows the wrong filename.
Improvement - If you use tray application, Windows IE may cache thousands of files
like "keeplive.html?r=xxx".
Fixed a bug - In the web client, when removing files by multi-files operation, it
will always show OK even have no permission.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a few issues under "Web Admin > Domain > Logs & Status >

Wing FTP Server v6.2.7Released: 10/Mar/2020

Fixed a possible CSRF vulnerability under the web administration.
Fixed a possible CSRF vulnerability under the web client.
When uploading multiple files in the web client, some variable lile "%PathName"
will be incorrect in the event OnFileUploaded.
The uploaded file information will be wrong in the audit database, if you upload
multiple files via a file request link.
Added CTRL key suppport - For the multi-file operation in the web client, now you
can hold CTRL key and click files you want to select.
Disabled the SFTP cipher "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256" by default.

Wing FTP Server v6.2.6Released: 3/Mar/2020

Changed the permissions for the folder "session" and "session_admin",
Linux/Mac/Solaris user may launch the setup script "./" again.
Added a feature - Added Automatic Crash Recovery feature for Windows version.
Added a feature - Added New Version Reminder feature in the web administration.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for the web client.

Wing FTP Server v6.2.5Released: 27/Feb/2020

Added an option "Enable Linux/Unix symbolic links" under domain settings, it is
disabled by default to prevent Linux privilege escalation.
Fixed a bug - Can't upload 0-byte file (empty file) in the web client.
Fixed a bug - The web client zip/unzip/text editing operations won't use the
default file permission defined in the server settings.
Improvement - Improved the listing speed for the audit report page when have
millions of records.
Improvement - Changed the default file permission into "0600" under Linux, you can
also change it by yourself under "Server > Settings > General Settings >
Miscellaneous > Default permissions".
Improvement - For some security reason, new installation of Linux version will
change the entire "Data" folder permissions into "0600".
Fixed a bug - Can't add home directory when using the API "c_AddGroupDirectory".
Wing FTP Server v6.2.3Released: 6/Jan/2020
Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2u.
Improvement - Updated MacOS application into 64-bit version, because MacOS Catalina
drops support for 32-bit apps.
Fixed a bug - Renaming a file will overwrite an existing file which has the same
file name (as the new file name).
Fixed a bug - The AD/LDAP user won't have weblink (or upload link) permissions,
this bug was introduced in the previous version.

Wing FTP Server v6.2.2Released: 10/Dec/2019

Added a new language - Polish.
Added a feature - Added Weblink Manager for managing the download links and upload
Improvement - Enhanced the performance of the tray application, now it takes very
low CPU usage.
Improvement - Now you can enable (or disable) file download/request link under user
Fixed a bug - Weblink is still active when the old file is overwritten by the new
uploaded file.
Improvement - Embedded Visual C++ redistributable into the installer file, because
some old Windows system lacks it.
Improvement - Added a global variable "bSelfAuthenticated" in the event
"BeforeUserLoggedIn", it allows you handle customized authentication.
Improvement - You can specify a domain URL for the weblinks now, under "Domain >
Settings > General Settings > Data Transfer Limit".

Wing FTP Server v6.1.9Released: 15/Nov/2019

Fixed a bug - Wing Gateway won't work when the gateway password contains special
characters like "&".
Fixed a bug - Fixed unquoted service path vulnerability for Windows system service.
Improvement - Enhanced the search file speed under web client, and improved the
display for long file name.
Improvement - Improved the thumbnail mode display in Android and iPhone.
Improvement - Added some tips for the failed weblink download.

Wing FTP Server v6.1.8Released: 18/Oct/2019

Fixed a bug - Sometimes SFTP session will be killed when other SFTP sessions come
Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when downloading files via the FTP protocol.
Fixed a bug - The timeout setting for the SFTP protocol won't take effect, when you
set the timeout value as "0".

Wing FTP Server v6.1.7Released: 3/Oct/2019

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2t.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible memory leak issue which can cause WingFTP crash.
Fixed a bug - SFTP speed information is incorrect in the server logs.

Wing FTP Server v6.1.6Released: 23/Aug/2019

Fixed a bug - The download/upload speed statistics are not correct.
Improvement - When have multiple subfolder rules defined in the group, now will use
the most matched rule, not the first matched rule.
Improvement - Increased the email/note/address string length limitation under user
Added a feature - Map the FTP active ports automatically in Wing Gateway.

Wing FTP Server v6.1.5Released: 22/Jul/2019

Improvement - Improved the user search function when using ODBC/Mysql database, now
it will list all the users whose username includes the keyword.
Fixed a bug - The closed domain will be started when restarting WingFTP service.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when handling FTP passive listener, this bug
was introduced in recent version.
Fixed a bug - If user already logged in the web client, the web page won't display
correctly when redirected from another domain.
Improvement - Improved the listing speed of the audit report when have millions of
Fixed a bug - Wing Gateway connection will be lost sometimes.

Wing FTP Server v6.1.3Released: 11/Jul/2019

Added 5 new events - "BeforeUserLoggedIn", "BeforeFileDownloaded",
"BeforeFileUploaded", "BeforeFileDeleted", "BeforeDirDeleted".
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version 0.9.0.
Improvement - Added more SFTP MAC algorithms and key exchange algorithms.
Fixed a bug - Server listener hangs and won't accept any connection under some
Fixed a bug - When generating thumbnail for special image, Wing FTP Server might
crash under Linux.
Fixed a bug - Memory might be leaked when sending email.
Fixed a bug - File transfer via Wing Gateway might be interrupted in some
Added a feature - Add an option "SET NAMES UTF8" for Mysql database, for avoiding
mojibake with non-English data.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v6.1.0Released: 11/Jun/2019

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2s.
Fixed a possible crash bug caused by the SQLite database (introduced in the version
Added a feature - Map the FTP passive ports automatically in Wing Gateway (needs
Wing Gateway v1.0.2+).
Added a feature - Use LAN IP for FTP PASV response if the client is from LAN.
Added a feature - Passive port listener timeout can be configured now.
All the above features can be configured under "Web admin -> Domain -> Settings ->
General Settings -> FTP Passive Mode".

Wing FTP Server v6.0.9Released: 28/May/2019

Added a feature - New "Bookmark" function in Web Client, you can add current path
into bookmarks via "More actions -> Add Bookmark".
Improvement - Improved the listing speed of the audit report when have thousands of
Improvement - Improved the web client interface for some iPad device.
Improvement - Using background image cache for the login page of Web Client.

Wing FTP Server v6.0.8Released: 14/May/2019

Added a feature - New "Copy" function in the web client, and it needs "Rename"
Fixed a bug - Can't connect to Wing Gateway when using single thread mode, it was
introduced in the previous version.
Fixed a bug - FTP or FTPS file transfer might be interrupted in some situation.
Improvement - If you customized the logo before v6.0.1, the login page's button
will be shifted.

Wing FTP Server v6.0.7Released: 4/Apr/2019

Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when handling SFTP file listing.
Improvement - SFTP server listener may stop working when have large traffics.
Improvement - Supported password for the SSH host key now (Windows/Linux version
Fixed a bug - FTP server will return "550 read file error" when resume download
from the end of file.
Fixed a bug - Can't get the latest version information in some situation.
Improvement - Domain/Server statistics will be updated in time.
Improvement - Removed Flash uploader under web client for IE/Edge browser.
Improvement - Improved the web administration interface for old IE browser.

Wing FTP Server v6.0.5Released: 12/Mar/2019

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2r.
Improvement - Updated libssh to the latest version 0.8.7.
Improvement - Added more SFTP key exchange algorithms.
Improvement - Added global options to specify folder for weblink/upload link.
Improvement - Added a domain option to disable FTP Passive mode or PORT mode.
Improvement - SFTP client Cyberduck can't login with the error message "Connection
Fixed a bug - When using ODBC/Mysql database, user will be forced to change
password twice if enabled first logon password change.

Wing FTP Server v6.0.3Released: 17/Jan/2019

Fixed a bug - Fixed a possible crash when handling FTP passive connection.
Fixed a bug - For the Event Manager, can't execute 3rd party program when the
parameter includes double quotes.
Improvement - Added an option "Listen on single IP" for the Wing Gateway settings.

Wing FTP Server v6.0.2Released: 30/Nov/2018

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2q.
Fixed a bug - When generating thumbnails with some special conditions, WingFTP
service could crash.
Fixed a bug - Service might crash when doing "Zip File" with some conditions
(Windows only).
Fixed a bug - Web client operation "Zip File" will fail for non-English file/folder
name (Windows only).

Wing FTP Server v6.0.1Released: 2/Nov/2018

Free Edition added - After the trial period, you can continue use WingFTP as Free
edition for non-commercial use.
Added an Android App - Help Android user manage FTP files easily.
Added an iOS App - Help iOS user manage FTP files easily.
Improvement - Updated libssh to the version 0.7.7.
Fixed a bug - When connecting database using some ODBC driver, may cause the
service crash.
Fixed a bug - The customized logo will be overwritten when installing a new version
under Linux.
Fixed a bug - Customized logo won't be shown in Google Chrome due to its caching
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v5.1.4Released: 28/Sep/2018

Added a feature - Now you can define additional HTTP headers under domain settings.
Improvement - Added a new tab "Users" for the group to show the user members.
Fixed a bug - Fixed an XSS vulnerability for the web link download.
Fixed a bug - When modify Wing Gateway by the top button, will popup an error "Wing
Gateway is not running".

Wing FTP Server v5.1.3Released: 28/Aug/2018

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2p.
Improvement - Can't send email via some SMTP server like Office365.
Fixed a bug - Under the mobile UI of the Web Client, can't select the first file
when existing 2 rows of toolbar buttons.
Fixed a bug - Can't input "My email address" when sending a web link.

Wing FTP Server v5.1.2Released: 30/Jul/2018

Released a new product "Wing Gateway" and added integration to WingFTP.
Improvement - Improved the stability of the SFTP server process.
Improvement - When sending email failed, more error information will be recorded in
the server logs.
Improvement - Improved the compatibility for some screen reading software (for
blind people).
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v5.1.0Released: 12/Jun/2018

Improvement - Improved the image viewer interface in web client, and also improved
its compatibility with old web browsers.
Fixed a bug - When using Windows authentication with the option "Using Windows NTFS
permissions for the home directory", Windows user always has READ/LIST permissions.
Fixed a bug - File uploader in web client will compress large image file into
smaller size.
Fixed a bug - When a domain admin is limited with a base folder, then modifying
home folder may cause the error "Invalid directory path".
Improvement - User can't generate or see the thumbnails when he has no READ

Wing FTP Server v5.0.9Released: 5/May/2018

Improvement - SFTP client under Solaris 11.3 can't connect to the SFTP server.
Improvement - Improved the cache strategy for the user data, better experience when
using Mysql/ODBC database.
Fixed a bug - Some read-only administrator can clear the domain logs.

Wing FTP Server v5.0.8Released: 24/Apr/2018

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2o.
Improvement - When using ODBC/Mysql, more information can be shown under the user
listing (when choosing a group).
Improvement - Added file listing column "Date modify" for the mobile UI of the Web
Fixed a bug - With some ODBC database (for user storage), non-English username
can't be displayed.
Improvement - Added a button "Clear Log" under the domain log interface.
Improvement - The option "File timestamp uses GMT time" is only for FTP now,
because SFTP/HTTP client won't convert the file timestamp.
Improvement - Let some earlier iPad models use the desktop UI of the Web Client.

Wing FTP Server v5.0.6Released: 4/Feb/2018

Improvement - When have multiple subfolder rules, now the server will use the most
matched rule, not the first matched rule.
Improvement - Now when you Drag&Drop file into the web client directly, the file
uploader will keep the same as the main uploader.
Fixed a bug - SFTP server returns the incorrect file/folder names for the virtual
folder which is placed under the subfolder.
Improvement - Modified the WingFTP startup script for Linux/MacOS/Solaris.
Wing FTP Server v5.0.5Released: 9/Jan/2018
Added a feature - Added video/audio player under web client, based on the built-in
HTML5 player.
Improvement - Improved the web admin interface, now supports adaptive UI height.
Improvement - Edge browser can access the web client correctly.
Improvement - Changed the image viewer interface in web client, more concise.
Fixed a bug - The issue "Too many open files" when Windows Server has high traffic.
Fixed a bug - The SFTP downloaded file will be corrupted with WinSCP, it was
introduced in v5.0.1, for Windows version.
Improvement - Improved the compatibility of the web client uploader, supports
almost all browsers even no HTML5/Flash support.
Improvement - Improved the web client uploader, fixed no progress bar issue under
Edge browser.
Improvement - Improved the web client interface for iPhone/Android.

Wing FTP Server v5.0.1Released: 19/Dec/2017

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version 1.0.2n.
Improvement - Windows version moved to Visual Studio 2017 and its CRT library.
Added a feature - File request link is now available in web client, you can request
files with just a link.
Added a feature - Introduced a new file uploader in web client, supports both HTML5
and Flash, supports Drag&Drop and multi-threads.
Improvement - Added sorting function for the IP/file access rules under web admin.
Improvement - Enhanced the performance of the SFTP file uploading.
Improvement - Added a HTTP header "X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff".
Improvement - Added a domain option to disable ECDSA host key.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.
Fixed a bug - When creating SSH host key under some folder, the key path will be

Wing FTP Server v4.9.3Released: 14/Sep/2017

Fixed a bug - With many SFTP concurrent sessions, the user XML file could be
corrupted when it has a very large size (>80KB).
Fixed a bug - The HTTP event "OnFileDownloaded" will be triggered twice when
downloading a weblink file.
Fixed a bug - SFTP file list doesn't return the correct date for Daylight Saving
Time with some Windows system.
Fixed a bug - When downloading/uploading with SFTP protocol, transferred bytes
won't be updated in the domain's statistics.
Improvement - The Flash uploader under Web Client won't be shown in Google Chrome,
because Chrome requires to enable Flash Player for each website.

Wing FTP Server v4.9.2Released: 11/Aug/2017

Fixed a bug - FTP/SFTP file listing doesn't return the correct file date for
Daylight Saving Time.
Fixed a bug - With special conditions, WingFTP will trigger a SIGFPE/Arithmetic
Improvement - Removed the event "OnIPIsBanned", because normally it won't be
triggered or executed.

Wing FTP Server v4.9.1Released: 28/Jun/2017

Improvement - CuteFTP can't connect to the SFTP server, with the error message
"Failed to create the ssh channel".
Fixed a bug - Can't jump into the virtual folder with some SFTP client software.
Fixed a bug - When ending the SFTP session, socket will be shutdown directly before
closing the SSH channel.
Improvement - Improved the compatibility for the SFTP library "phpseclib" which has
"Failed to exchange the keys" issue.

Wing FTP Server v4.9.0Released: 9/Jun/2017

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.2L.
Fixed a bug - SFTP service will crash under Linux/Unix system, this bug might be
introduced in recent version.
Fixed a bug - User data file will be empty with special conditions. When such issue
happens, admin may see the error message "User does not exist".
Improvement - Added two options for disabling TLSv1.0 and TLSv1.1.

Wing FTP Server v4.8.8Released: 23/May/2017

Improvement - Web client editor doesn't display correctly under IE10+.
Improvement - Improved the web client listing display for IE10/IE11.
Fixed a bug - WingFTP will hang when exists file "Domains/xxx/xxx.log" (log file
modified before 2 days).
Improvement - SFTP client Cyberduck can't login when enable both password and
public key authentication.
Improvement - The group drop down box under "Administration -> Domain -> Users" is
not alphabetical (only for Linux/Unix).

Wing FTP Server v4.8.7Released: 19/Apr/2017

Improvement - Updated libssh to the version 0.7.5.
Fixed a bug - SFTP service will hang or crash with some special condition.
Fixed a bug - SFTP public key authentication skips the digest verification, it was
introduced in v4.7.0.
Fixed a bug - Linux sftp client can't login when enable both password and public
key authentication, it was introduced in v4.7.0.
Fixed a bug - The SHA-256 hash for the password is wrong under 64-bit Linux system.

Wing FTP Server v4.8.5Released: 21/Feb/2017

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.2k.
Improvement - Updated OpenSSL FIPS to the version 2.0.14.
Improvement - Updated libssh to the version 0.7.4.
Improvement - Now supports ECDSA host key for the SFTP connection.
Improvement - Supports 5 log levels for the SFTP debug logs.
Added a feature - Now you can enter the customized SFTP Algorithms.
Improvement - User can change password under the mobile UI of the Web Client.
Fixed a bug - Sometimes can't get the latest version information under "Server ->

Wing FTP Server v4.8.3Released: 18/Jan/2017

Fixed a bug - Thumbnail can't be displayed correctly when switching the view mode
or sorting.
Fixed a bug - SFTP service might hang when bad request in SFTP initialization.
Fixed a bug - When clicking on the back button of the web browser, it will show the
error "You can modify the html file, but please keep the link '' at
Improvement - Added the HTTP header "Strict-Transport-Security".
Improvement - Removed the web client plugins "Jupload" and "Jdownload", because
most web browsers stopped supporting Java Applet.

Wing FTP Server v4.8.2Released: 22/Dec/2016

Fixed a bug - web client stops working for the error "cannot read
webclient/run.lua: Bad file descriptor".
Fixed a bug - web client stops working for the error "not enough memory".
Added a feature - Now you can enter the customized OpenSSL Cipher Suites under the
server settings.
Added a feature - Added sorting function for the feature "Audit & Report".
Improvement - Treated weblink session as normal session, admin can manage it and
view its statistics.
Improvement - Now can display thousands of online sessions with better performance.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v4.8.0Released: 25/Nov/2016

Added a feature - Now supports Drag and Drop File Uploading in the web client.
Improvement - Now Linux/Unix sftp tool can handle listing folders with large number
of files.
Improvement - Let Google Chrome download the PDF file instead of opening the
internal PDF viewer.
Fixed a bug - Updated the string library, because some wrong string format may
cause the service crash.
Fixed a bug - When FXP feature is disabled, PORT command can still accept non-
client IP.

Wing FTP Server v4.7.8Released: 18/Oct/2016

Improvement - Now supports Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) for TLS/SSL connection.
Fixed a bug - File transfer log information is not correct when using SFTP service.
Fixed a bug - FTP transferred file size is not correct when the uploaded file >=
Improvement - Using SHA256 algorithm for generating the self-signed SSL
Improvement - Now the default SSL certificate is with SHA256 algorithm and 2048-bit
Improvement - Added security HTTP Headers "X-XSS-Protection" and "X-Frame-Options".
Improvement - Will remove the thumbnail cache when the image file is changed.
Improvement - Added LSB tags to the WingFTP startup script under Linux.

Wing FTP Server v4.7.6Released: 23/Sep/2016

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.1u.
Fixed a bug - SFTP connection will be closed randomly, especially with Linux 'sftp'
Improvement - Provided a tool for converting the old PKCS#15 ssh key to the PEM
Improvement - Restored the SSH Key Manager, now you can use different ssh key for
different domain.
Improvement - Now you can backup the customized html file as a ".bak" file, then it
will be restored after an upgrade:
Fixed a bug - Bugfix for a possible invalid pointer usage in Libssh.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v4.7.3Released: 25/May/2016

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.1t.
Improvement - Can't upload file in the standard upload mode in Mac OSX (caused by
the recent version of Flash Player).
Improvement - Improved the compatibility for some SFTP client which has "Failed to
create the ssh channel" issue.
Improvement - Now the FXP feature will be turned off by default.
Improvement - Disabled the auto-saving setting file feature.
Fixed a bug - Can't execute the Lua script in the event manager, only happens in
Mac OSX.
Fixed a bug - Can't handle the LDAP group mapping correctly if the LDAP user
belongs to 20+ LDAP groups.

Wing FTP Server v4.7.1Released: 31/Mar/2016

Fixed a bug - Cannot download file via the linux command "sftp", it was introduced
in the previous version.
Fixed a bug - Interrupted SFTP upload won't relase the file handle, it was
introduced in the previous version.
Improvement - When using Windows data deduplication service, now WingFTP can list
file with the permissions "APL".
Improvement - WingFTP will generate a log file "/ssh_log_warning" for recording the
SFTP errors.
Fixed a bug - The time zone in the email is wrong caused by Daylight Saving Time.

Wing FTP Server v4.7.0Released: 22/Mar/2016

Improvement - Changed the SSH library into libssh.
Improvement - Now SSH cipher modes includes CTR mode.
Improvement - Substantially improved the SFTP download performance.
Improvement - Supports more ssh key exchange methods and MAC hashes.
Improvement - Removed the ssh host key manager, now WingFTP can generate the ssh
host key automatically.
Fixed a bug - Cannot download 0-size file through FTP protocol, this bug was
introduced in the previous version.

Wing FTP Server v4.6.3Released: 10/Mar/2016

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.1s.
Added a feature - Added an option for redirecting HTTP to HTTPS automatically.
Added a feature - Added an option to force user to change his password on his first
Fixed a bug - FTP download may hang or fail with some special condition.
Fixed a bug - Cannot list all the group names in the user listing, when adding more
than 100 groups.

Wing FTP Server v4.6.2Released: 13/Jan/2016

Added a feature - Now supports Raspberry Pi device.
Fixed a security bug – Fixed a CSRF vulnerability (uploading file) in the web
Fixed a security bug – Fixed a XSS vulnerability in the web admin (Linux OS only).
Fixed a bug - Some SFTP client can't upload 4GB+ file.
Fixed a bug - In the Web Client, cannot show file listing when file name contains
special characters.
Fixed a bug - In the Web Client, cannot select a file/folder when file name
contains special characters.
Improvement - Removed the UPNP feature, avoiding the crash issue caused by UPNP.
Improvement - Now WingFTP service will interact with desktop, then no need to
change the service logon account.

Wing FTP Server v4.6.0Released: 10/Dec/2015

Fixed a security bug – Fixed a filename XSS vulnerability in the web client (Linux
OS only).
Fixed a security bug – Fixed a CSRF vulnerability in the web client, it can force
users to upload files to the FTP server.
Improvement - Recent version of "sftp" client can't connect to Wing FTP Server, it
is caused by the maximum public-key component size.
Improvement - Enhanced the quality of customized logo and thumbnail images.
Improvement - Improved the image viewer in the web client.
Improvement - Added a cross-domain policy file "crossdomain.xml" for Adobe Flash
Improvement - Now added "secure" flag for the web client cookies.
Improvement - Now added "X-Frame-Options" flag for the HTTP header.

Wing FTP Server v4.5.8Released: 30/Oct/2015

Added a feature - Now you can disable TLSv1.0/TLSv1.1 protocols.
Improvement - Now added "HttpOnly" flag for the web client cookies.
Improvement - Improved the compatibility for some SFTP client software:
Improvement - Updated the web client plugin "Jupload" and "Jdownload".
Fixed a bug - Some Lua script can not be executed using "WFTPConsole.exe".

Wing FTP Server v4.5.6Released: 8/Oct/2015

Fixed a bug - Can not access all the virtual folders, this bug is introduced in the
previous version.
Fixed a security bug – Fixed an XSS vulnerability under the Online Text Editor.

Wing FTP Server v4.5.5Released: 22/Sep/2015

Added a feature - Now you can add home directory for the group.
Added a feature - Now the virtual folder can be placed under the subfolder of the
home directory.
Added a feature - In the web client's search interface, added a function "Web
Added a feature - In the web client's search interface, added a function "Text
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v4.5.3Released: 7/Aug/2015

Improvement - Added support the SFTP command "SSH_FXP_FSETSTAT".
Improvement - Now you can add message when sending web links.
Improvement - Now you can add message when using the web client plugin "Send
Fixed a bug - When downloading a web link with password, the enter key does not

Wing FTP Server v4.5.2Released: 20/Jul/2015

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.1p for fixing an OpenSSL security
Added a feature - When using Windows authentication, you can choose Windows NTFS
permissions for the home directory.
Fixed a bug - Server might crash when transferring files with FTP protocol.
Improvement - Now supports the server variable "%IP" for the event

Wing FTP Server v4.4.9Released: 16/Jun/2015

Improvement - Enhanced the performance of the LDAP Authentication (by caching the
LDAP session).
Fixed a bug – With some SFTP client, the uploaded file will be truncated.
Fixed a bug – When enabled the directory list cache, the FTP/SFTP file listing
might be incorrect.
Added a feature - Added a new web client plugin "Send Files" and included it in the
Fixed a bug - When downloading file with Google Chrome, non-English file name might
be URL encoded.
Fixed a bug - When uploading a folder with the web client plugin "JUpload", the
event "OnDirCreated" won't be triggered.
Fixed a bug - Cannot download file/folder with the web client plugin "JDownload",
when file/folder name contains special characters.

Wing FTP Server v4.4.7Released: 29/May/2015

Improvement - Signed the Java Applets (JUpload & Jdownload), now you can use them
without any problem.
Fixed a security vulnerability – Fixed a CSRF vulnerability under the Web Admin.
Improvement - Improved the web client plugin "Jdownload", and add multiple
languages for it.
Fixed a bug - With Linux version, the WebLink password will be 'undefined' when
specify an empty password.

Wing FTP Server v4.4.6Released: 28/Apr/2015

Improvement - Improved the stability of the FTP/HTTP/SFTP service.
Fixed a security vulnerability – Fixed an XSS/CSRF vulnerability under the Web
Admin (reported by hyp3rlinx and brinhosa).
Added a feature - Added "Weblink password protection" in the Web Client.
Improvement - Improved the email interface of the weblink.
Improvement - Removed the Web Client feature "Batch Download" by default, but you
can still use the Jdownload plugin.
Fixed a bug - When no disk space is available in uploading, the Web Client will
still show the success message.

Wing FTP Server v4.4.5Released: 24/Mar/2015

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 1.0.1m, now supports TLS 1.2 (TLS
Improvement - Substantially improved the SFTP download performance.
Improvement - Improve the interface of the mobile version of Web Client.
Improvement - Removed SSLv2 and SSLv3 by default.
Added a feature - Add a new option "Enable FTP command 'AUTH TLS/SSL'".
Added a feature - Auto-generate a Minidump file for the crash dump analysis.
Fixed a bug - Improved the SFTP handshake process to avoid the handshake error.

Wing FTP Server v4.4.3Released: 12/Jan/2015

Added Korean language.
Improvement - Improved the compatibility for some SFTP client software.
Improvement - Now support Android Tablet administration.
Fixed a bug - Can not upload 1GB+ file with some SFTP client software.
Fixed a bug - Can not execute Lua script using "WFTPConsole.exe".
Fixed a bug - Can not autostart WingFTP service when reboot in MacOS Yosemite.
Fixed a bug - Can not close the setting window under the Web Admin using Google
Wing FTP Server v4.4.1Released: 14/Oct/2014
Improvement - Improved the stability of the FTP service.
Improvement - Improved the stability of the SFTP service.
Improvement - Improve the toolbar of the mobile version of Web Client.
Added a feature "Email Weblink" in the mobile version of Web Client.
Fixed a bug - IP access ruls does not support some CIDR format.
Fixed a bug - IP access ruls can not recognize the IP range format like
Fixed a bug - Can not save the user account when existing some ".bakfile" file.

Wing FTP Server v4.3.8Released: 26/Jun/2014

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 0.9.8za.
Improvement - Improved protection for phishing attacks of the Web Admin/Web Client.
Improvement - Improved protection for XSS-based attacks of the Web Admin/Web
Fixed a bug - Weblink can be accessed using part of the WebLink string.
Fixed a bug - By requesting some reserved Windows OS filename, it is possible to
cause a denial of service against the web client.
Fixed a bug - SFTP Server might freeze or crash in the handshake process.

Wing FTP Server v4.3.6Released: 24/Feb/2014

Improvement - When using ODBC/Mysql, more information can be shown under the user
Added a feature - Added a global option "User can change file's modification time".
Fixed a bug - When downloading an empty file (with FTP protocol), the client side
will get a reply message "550 Can't access file".
Fixed a bug - When using SQL SERVER for ODBC database, the user listing's data will
be incorrect.
Fixed a bug - When the file access rule contains some special characters, then that
rule won't take effect.
Fixed a bug - When the file access rule contains non-English characters, the
warning dialog will not popup under the web client.

Wing FTP Server v4.3.5Released: 11/Jan/2014

Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the version 0.9.8y.
Improvement - Improved the speed of generating the audit report.
Improvement - Added an option "Sender's Email" in the WebLink interface.
Improvement - Disabled SSLv2 by default.

Wing FTP Server v4.3.3Released: 12/Dec/2013

Added a feature - User password complexity.
Added a feature - User passwords using SHA256 encryption.
Added a feature - Added a HTTP event "OnUserDisconnect".
Improvement - Improved the handshake process of the SFTP service.
Improvement - Supported SMTP command "HELO", because some SMTP server does not
support "EHLO".
Fixed a bug - Under Linux, if you use uppercase characters in the LDAP mapping
string, maybe the user mapping would fail.

Wing FTP Server v4.2.9Released: 15/Nov/2013

Improvement - Improved the stability of the FTP service.
Improvement - Improved the stability of the SFTP service.
Improvement - Improved the listing of the symbolic link under Linux.
Improvement - Added auto-renaming for the iPhone uploaded file "capturedvideo.MOV".
Updated Turkish language.

Wing FTP Server v4.2.8Released: 10/Sep/2013

Fixed a bug - With some Linux System, memory will be leaked when handling the
Fixed a bug - The transfer speed statistics will be incorrect.
Fixed a bug - Can't show the carriage return in the email notification.
Fixed a bug - The graphs chart data for "last five hours" or "last ten days" will
be incorrect.
Improvement - Added a FTP command "MLST".
Improvement - Now support such FTP command "list -al xxx".
Improvement - Added a default value for transfer connection timeout.

Wing FTP Server v4.2.6Released: 26/Aug/2013

Improvement - Improved the web client plugin "Jdownload".
Improvement - Now SFTP server supports multiple ssh key authentication attempts.
Improvement - Improved the web client plugin "Jupload".
Improvement - Improved the web client batch download.
Fixed a bug - The graphs chart data for the domain will be incorrect.
Updated Turkish language.

Wing FTP Server v4.2.5Released: 29/Jun/2013

Improvement - Improved the user data (or setting files) protection for power
Improvement - Now SFTP server supports strong SSH ciphers only (FIPS 140-2 approved
Fixed a bug - Domain admin can make a subfolder outside the base folder.
Fixed a bug - In Solaris 11, the initialized admin password will be incorrect.
Improvement - Now SFTP supports setting the attribute "modified time" for the
uploaded file.
Improvement - When using "Map LDAP group to local user", now it will check all the
LDAP groups until a matched LDAP group is found.
Added a feature - Added an option "Use lowercase letters for the auto-generated
folder name" for the LDAP authentication.
Wing FTP Server v4.2.0Released: 3/May/2013
Added a feature - Audit & Report, you can analyze all the transactions and generate
reports in real time.
Fixed a bug - The server will skip "ssh public key" authentication when the public
key can't be read.
Fixed a bug - Can not display the recipients after saving the recipients in the
event manager.
Improvement - In FTP active mode, the server will establish the active connection
with the centain IP (which the client connects to).
Improvement - When the option "Enable Web Link" is checked off, you can't download
any generated web link.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v4.1.5Released: 17/Mar/2013

Added a feature - Now support iPad administration.
Improvement - Improve the compatibility of the mobile version of Web Client.
Improvement - Now support multiple ssh public keys in one key file.
Improvement - SFTP can list the contents of the symbolic link path.
Improvement - Support SFTP chmod operation.
Improvement - Improve the compatibility with some SFTP client.
Improvement - Support multiple recipients when sending the WebLink in Web Client.
Improvement - Support multiple recipients when sending email in Event Manager.

Wing FTP Server v4.1.3Released: 20/Dec/2012

Added a feature - When using ODBC/Mysql, more columns can be listed under the user
listing, such as "expired", "disk quota".
Improvement - Improve the usability and compatibility of the mobile version of Web
Improvement - Automatically rename the uploaded file by iOS, because iOS will
always give the filename as "image.jpg", and you need to enable the permission
"file rename".
Fixed a bug - The subfolder rules won't take effect when folder name includes some
specific symbols.
Fixed a bug - The Lua API "c_KickSessionByName" couldn't work correctly.
Updated French language.

Wing FTP Server v4.1.1Released: 6/Sep/2012

Fixed a bug - The server's administrator could not login the management interface
when an IP rule existed.
Fixed a bug - The server might crash when using zip command.
Improvement - Improve the compatibility of SSH public key.
Added a feature - The logs will be automatically compressed and saved.
Added a feature - Add a new domain option "Enable FTP command 'OPTS UTF8 ON'" to
improve unicode compatibility when doing FTP use Windows Explorer.
Added a feature - Add user's options for SSH public key authentication.
Wing FTP Server v4.0.9Released: 20/Jul/2012
Fixed a bug - If a user has the same username in two different domains, after he
logs in Domain A with webclient, he can log in Domain B simply by modifying the URL
rather than relog.
Fixed a bug - The variable "%DD" will be invalid for log filename.
Improvement - Updated OpenSSL to the latest version.
Improvement - Now the Web Client will remember the last sorting on the specified
Improvement - Now you can send mail with HTML content.
Improvement - Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v4.0.8Released: 14/Jun/2012

Fixed a bug - Command MDTM resolving parameter error.
Fixed a bug - Could not delete directory with some FTP client.
Added a feature - Added FTP commands: MFMT, MFCT, MFF.
Added a feature - Now you can map LDAP group to local user.
Added a feature - Now you can upload files under Android.
Added a feature - When uploading a small file, it can't trigger the FTP event
Added a feature - Added three variables for the filename of the domain log: %MM,

Wing FTP Server v4.0.6Released: 17/May/2012

Added a feature - Now you can send weblink via email in the Web Client.
Added a feature - Now you can define the default file/directory permissions.
Added a feature - Added a Web Client plugin - JDownload.
Added a feature - Added an option that allow the server can use LAN IP in passive
response when the connection coming from LAN.

Wing FTP Server v4.0.5Released: 8/Mar/2012

Fixed a bug - SFTP connection timeout won't work.
Fixed a bug - Server might freeze or crash when it is connected by some special
SFTP clients.
Fixed a bug - When downloading file with Firefox 10, non-English file name can't be
Fixed a bug - Error might occur when creating new text file in a non-English
Fixed a bug - WebLink will contain a Carriage-Return.
Improvement - Now SFTP supports rekey during the transfer.
Improvement - Add a option enable/disable the PROT command.
Improvement - Add AES encryption algorithms for SFTP.

Wing FTP Server v4.0.3Released: 15/Jan/2012

Fixed a bug - When using ODBC or Mysql, the transfer quota for the user account
won't increase.
Fixed a bug - Can't be connected with some special SFTP client.
Fixed a bug - Server might crash caused by libnat.
Improvement - Before uploading files in the Web Client, it will check whether you
have upload permission.
Improvement - Increase the username length you can input in the Administrator.

Wing FTP Server v4.0.2Released: 8/Nov/2011

Fixed a bug - Can not start wftpserver service on some Unix-like OS.
Fixed a bug - FTP EPSV command parameters error.
Fixed a bug - Files with Unicode name can be still downloaded when the credit is
Improvement - Display a warning message instead of 404 error, when no download
permission using Web Client.

Wing FTP Server v4.0.1Released: 24/Oct/2011

Added a feature - IPv6 is now supported. You can add IPv6 listeners or IPv6 access
rules like IPv4.
Added a feature - Screen reader is now supported (for the Web Client). We have
tested it successfully with JAWS and NVDA.
Fixed an information disclosure vulnerability when using HTTP protocol.
Added two session variables - "%OldFilePath" and "%NewFilePath" for the event
Improvement - Improved the web client interface for iPhone/Android.
Improvement - Improved the Spanish translation for the Web Client.
Fixed a bug - Cannot list in the Web Client when file name contains special
Fixed a bug - AD/LDAP users mapping would be wrong in some situation.
Fixed a bug - Cannot input special characters in the field "Event -> Execute
Program -> Parameters".
Fixed a bug - Incorrect display of the field "User -> Ratio/quota -> Preset/Current

Wing FTP Server v3.9.0Released: 17/Aug/2011

Fixed a bug - Server might crash when doing "Zip File" or "Unzip File" in the web
Fixed a bug - With web client, files containing special characters couldn't create
web link.
Fixed a bug - With web client, changing password will fail if user password
contains special characters.

Wing FTP Server v3.8.9Released: 26/Jul/2011

Improvement - Could not download some file with Android web browser.
Improvement - Improved the ODBC/Mysql performance when there are 10,000+ users and
each user owns a group.
Improvement - Cancel the string length limitation for "AD Users Mapping" and "LDAP
Users Mapping".
Fixed a bug - Files under the SFV directory won't be checked caused by case-
insensitive problem.
Wing FTP Server v3.8.8Released: 19/Jun/2011
Fixed a bug - When enabled "ssh public key" authentication, client can still login
with text password.
Fixed a bug - With some Operating System, file handle will be leaked.
Improvement - LDAP/AD users could inherit local user's attribute "enabled
protocols" now.
Improvement - Now FEAT response includes "CLNT".

Wing FTP Server v3.8.7Released: 26/May/2011

Fixed a bug - Fixed a LDAP security bug, LDAP authentication against Active
Directory allows blank password.
Fixed a bug - Fixed a SSL bug with SMTP configuration.
Fixed a bug - User/Group/Admin name cannot contain two (or more) sequential space
Fixed a bug - Home directory cannot contain two (or more) sequential space
Fixed a bug - Allows variables "%PathName","%FileName","%FileSize" in the HTTP
Event OnQuotaExceeded.

Wing FTP Server v3.8.6Released: 23/May/2011

Fixed a bug - With CentOS system, server might crash when uploading a huge file
Fixed a bug - The quota size won't increase when zip/unzip a file.
Fixed a bug - The quota size won't decrease when removing a folder.
Fixed a bug - With web client, Firefox cannot copy the generated Web Link.
Fixed a bug - After unzip a file with web client, renaming or other operation could
not work fine.

Wing FTP Server v3.8.5Released: 10/May/2011

Added a feature - Web Link downloading is now supported.
Added a feature - Added domain option of whether to enable the GMT file timestamp.
If not checked, it will use the local time (mainly to some UNIX like servers).
Added two system variables - %UserMaxQuota and %UserCurrentQuota.
Improvement - More SSH client tools are supported.
Improvement - Apart from the 1024 bits, now the SSH public key also supports
RSA1024bits, 2048bits and 4096bits. DSA1024bits and 2048bits.
Enhanced the quality of web client thumbs.
Fixed a bug - Connecting to certain SMTP servers failed when sending an email.
Fixed a bug - With web client, image files containing special characters couldn't
create thumbs.
Fixed a bug - When the email subject contains some Unicode languages, or when it is
unusually long, unrecognizable characters may occur.
Wing FTP Server v3.8.0Released: 6/Mar/2011
Added a feature - Now supports Web Client Plugins.
Improvement - Enhanced the compatibility for LDAP Authentication (supports more
LDAP Servers).
Fixed a bug - Server might freeze or crash when it is connected by some special
SFTP clients.
Fixed a bug - Certain non-English folders couldn't be compressed into a zip file
with Web Client (or FTP client).
Fixed a bug - When mapping LDAP User to Local User, the LDAP User can't get certain
attributes of the Local User.
Fixed a bug - The virtual folders couldn't be shown via FTP/SFTP listing if there
is no home directory.
Fixed a bug - In FTP active mode, the ftp server would always establish the active
connection with the first IP. This could cause problems under certain
Fixed a bug - When generating thumbnails for particular images, memory leak could
Fixed a bug - The virtual folder permissions might be wrong for FTP listing (only
for Linux/Unix).
Fixed a bug - Some SFTP clients would receive an error message when disconnecting.

Wing FTP Server v3.7.5Released: 23/Jan/2011

Added a feature - Now supports subfolder permission for group.
Added the following server variables: %YYYY, %MM, %DD, %HH.
Improvement - Operations Delete/Rename/Zip on the subfolders must meet the
permissions of subfolders.
Fixed a bug - Linux version cannot load external Lua library.
Fixed a bug - Some system variables cannot be called in some Event.
Fixed a bug - Can't enter the subfolder which has no list permission in the Web
Fixed a bug - When enabled directory list cache, display of disk quota in the Web
Client might be wrong.
Fixed a bug - The permission field of FTP virtual directory can't be displayed with

Wing FTP Server v3.7.2Released: 25/Nov/2010

Added LDAP Authentication feature. We have tested it successfully with OpenLDAP and
MS Active Directory.
Added Turkish language.
Fixed a bug - the variable %PathName or %FileName will be empty in the event
Fixed a bug - the variable %PathName or %FileName will be incorrect in the event
Fixed a bug - cannot upload empty file to FTP Server via SFTP .
Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v3.6.9Released: 1/Nov/2010

Substantially improved directory listing performance.
Improved Windows authentication security, now Windows authentication cannot be
enabled if Windows 'Guest' account is enabled.
Improved the content of administrator logs.
Fixed a bug - cannot specify a UNC path as base folder for domain admin.

Wing FTP Server v3.6.8Released: 20/Oct/2010

Added a feature - Now you can map the AD account to a local user of WingFTP.
Added an FTP command "SITE CHMOD" (only for Linux/Unix).
Improvement - Specific symbols like quotes or backslash can be used in user/admin's
Increased the default timeout value for Lua scripting.
Removed Wing FTP version number from FTP reply and HTTP header to address security
Fixed a bug - The upload of Web Client would fail when home directory had no "read"
Fixed a bug - A slow download speed was occasionally recored by the statistics when
there was actually no download going on.
Fixed a bug - FTP command "XCRC" couldn't work fine with the 3rd parameter.
Fixed a bug - Domain administrator sometimes couldn't create folder under base
Fixed a bug - Domain administrator couldn't select some folders whose name contains
specific symbols.

Wing FTP Server v3.6.6Released: 23/Aug/2010

Added FIPS 140-2 support for OpenSSL.
Fixed a bug - Certain HTTP requests could make the server crash (Windows only).
Added a feature - Now you can filter user list by group in the administration.
Added option for testing the SMTP connection when adding SMTP config.
Fixed a bug - Users could not select files with Safari 3.0 when using Web Client.
Fixed a bug - When many IP access rules were made, the Allow list would be
Fixed a bug - Incorrect display of email time(time zone) when Lua API c_Sendmail()
was called.
Fixed a bug - some problems with the User and Group.
Fixed a bug - Incorrect disk quota report when transferring files with FTPS.
Fixed a bug - The upload of small files could continue even when disk quota is
Fixed a bug - The download of small files could continue even when download
limitation is exceeded.
Fixed a bug - When disk quota is already exceeded, continuative uploading might
cause the creation a 0-size file on the server.
Improved the sequencing of files or directories selected by Admin.
Updated the OpenSSL library to the newest version 0.9.8o.

Wing FTP Server v3.6.1Released: 26/Jul/2010

Fixed a bug - Fixed an SSH security vulnerability.
Fixed a bug - Fixed an security vulnerability on the Web Client.
Fixed a bug – More diverse SSH error response codes for occurrence of different SSH
Fixed a bug – Files with Unicode name could not be downloaded when using Windows
command line.
Fixed a bug – For some client tools, error might occur when downloading files via
SSH protocol.

Wing FTP Server v3.6.0Released: 15/Jul/2010

Added a feature - The direct zip/unzip of files on server is possible now both for
Web Client and FTP client.
Added a feature - Individual access rules for subfolders supported.
Added a feature - Base folder for domain administrator supported.
Added a feature - Improved Web Client Interface now supports both iPhone and
Added a feature - Simultaneous operations on multi-files now supported in Web
Client, i.e. you can zip/delete/cut multiple files simultaneously.
Added a feature - Now supports SSH public key authentication for users.
Added a feature - Text file can be created now while using Web Client.
Added a feature - Added a global option "Disable SSLv2".
Improvement - Updated libpng to version 1.2.44.
Improvement - Permissions of "Rename file" and "Rename folder" now seperated.
Improvement - Modified some hotkeys for Web Client.
Fixed a bug - Server would crash when special IP rules were added, such as "10.*".
Fixed a bug - The case-insensitive character of the Windows system for usernames
could go wrong occasionally.
Fixed a bug - The upload of component could not be properly done with the new
version of Flash on Windows 7.
Fixed a bug - When downloading a ".swf" file via Web Client, the content of the
file would be displayed directly.
Fixed a bug - If an FTP message contained Carriage-Return at the end, the FTP
client would be frozen.

Wing FTP Server v3.5.2Released: 11/Jun/2010

Fixed a bug - With Disk Quota enabled,server might crash while uploading a
file(SFTP-connection only).
Fixed a bug - Change some FTP response codes according to RFC. eg.,the response
code for creating a directory has been changed from 250 to 257.

Wing FTP Server v3.5.1Released: 9/Jun/2010

Fixed a bug - Some Lua APIs can't be implemented in Task Scheduler/Event Manager
(only happened with version 3.5.0).
Fixed a low-risk XSS vulnerability (BUGTRAQ ID: 40510).
Added a feature - Added an option for the admin to limit the minimum length of
user's password.

Wing FTP Server v3.5.0Released: 27/May/2010

Added a feature - Now support Windows Authentication (NTLM Authentication or Active
Added a feature - Now support domain administrator.
Updated Portuguese and Spanish languages.
Added some server variables, like "%LastDir","%FileName"...
Fixed a bug - Windows Handles leak issue.
Fixed a bug - Event's input box "Program Parameter" will escape quotation marks.

Wing FTP Server v3.4.5Released: 29/Apr/2010

Fixed a directory traversal vulnerability when using HTTP protocol. (SA39629)
Added Portuguese(Brazil) language.
Added Spanish language.
Updated English language.
Updated the Console application (wftpconsole), now it supports option "-f < Lua
file >".
Updated the Help Manual for webclient and webadmin.
Added a password strength bar when changing user/admin password.
Fixed a bug - Can't use filename as parameter for FTP list command.
Fixed a bug - Warning dialog will not popup sometimes when uploading via webclient
in Mac OS X.

Wing FTP Server v3.4.3Released: 14/Apr/2010

Added a feature - Support wildcards in the filename when doing FTP list, like "ls
Fixed a bug - Occasionally incorrect display of SSL certificates information
occurred when more than one SSL certificate is contained in the SSL list.
Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.
Updated English language both of Web Admin and Web Client.

Wing FTP Server v3.4.2Released: 28/Mar/2010

Updated German language.
Updated Traditional Chinese language.
Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.
Added a feature - Support SSL certificate chain, as some certificate authorities
only issue chained certificate.
Fixed a bug - Error occured when using SSH protocol with some FTP clients.

Wing FTP Server v3.4.1Released: 8/Mar/2010

Fixed an information disclosure vulnerability when using HTTP protocol.
Fixed a bug - Installation for Windows would not register service sometimes.
Changed timeout value for HTTP connections.
Updated the Help Manual for Wing FTP Server.

Wing FTP Server v3.4.0Released: 5/Mar/2010

Added Italian language.
Added Dutch language.
Updated English language.
Fixed a directory traversal vulnerability where it is possible to see or download
files outside of user's home directory. Only in the Web Client.
Added a feature - Now supporting graphs display for real-time server traffics.
Added a feature - Logo can be customized for Web Client's upper-left corner.
Added a feature - You can re-generate a random password for an existing user.
Added a feature - Disk quota capacity could be displayed in the Web Client.
Add supporting for some SSH commands like SSH_FXP_SETSTAT, SSH_FXP_READLINK, and
Fixed a bug - Cannot List in the Web Client when current directory name contains
Fixed a bug - While exiting the program, an exception would occur if there were
active ssh sessions.
Fixed a bug - List content may be incomplete for all the protocols on Linux or Mac
Fixed a bug - Full path like "C:/wftplog.txt" is invalid for log filename.
Fixed a bug - Cannot resume uploading when filename contains Unicode characters.

Wing FTP Server v3.3.5Released: 3/Feb/2010

Fixed a bug - Server might crash when removing a directory, WinSCP(SFTP-
Fixed a bug - Can not rename a file using SFTP with some client tools.
Fixed a bug - On Unix like systems, the file/directory attributes of list results
are incorrect using SFTP.
Fixed a bug - Mistake of wrong file size occasionally happens when using
WinSCP(SFTP-connection) to download a file.

Wing FTP Server v3.3.4Released: 31/Jan/2010

Added German language.
Added a right menu to the Web Client's search window, then you can delete files in
the search result.
Fixed a bug - Server would crash when client is Putty SFTP and uses command "mget".
Fixed a bug - Non-root user can not start wftpserver in Linux.
Fixed a bug - When uploading file through Web Client, the increased quota size was
not equal to the file size.
Fixed a bug - The quota size will increase when overwriting the same file.
Fixed a bug - User can not change his password when user accouts are stored by
Fixed a bug - Where getting some special file or folder's attribute would fail in
the SFTP transfer.
Fixed a bug - User can not logon to the Web Client when username or password
contains blanks.
Fixed a bug - An error would occur when removing directory in the Web Client.

Wing FTP Server v3.3.0Released: 15/Jan/2010

Added a file search feature to the Web Client that allows user to recursively
search for specified files.
Fixed a bug - batch downloader in Firefox and Safari can not show the buttons
Fixed a bug - batch downloader's progress bar will be still 100% when file is
bigger than 2GB.
Fixed a bug - can not download some file whose filename includes "&#" in the Web
Fixed a bug - when your virtual directory has no list permission, you can not
change to that directory.

Wing FTP Server v3.2.8Released: 30/Dec/2009

Added a feature that you can block some IP(or IP range) for a while.
Fixed a security bug - a cross site request forgery vulnerability in the web
Fixed a security bug - Linux server may crash when sending too long FTP command.
Fixed a bug - Windows Vista or Windows 7 can not start system service with UAC
Fixed a bug - web client for some iphone/ipod will not display correctly.
Fixed a bug - a display issue when closing multi-files downloader in Safari 4.0.

Wing FTP Server v3.2.4Released: 19/Dec/2009

Added Mac OS X Edition, both X86 and PowerPC.
Added Romanian language.
Added multi-files download function for web client.
Added a feature that you can create customizable logo for different domain.
Added a quick search function for the web client. Using the keyboard, instantly
search for files you need by typing in the first letter of the file name.
Fixed a bug - can't start Tray Application in Windows 7.
Fixed a bug - can't upload files in web client from Mac OS using Safari.
Fixed a bug - a waring box will popup when changing directory from Mac OS using
Safari with Chinese or Japanese.

Wing FTP Server v3.2.0Released: 22/Nov/2009

Added multi-files upload feature for web client.
Added French language.
Added Czech language.
Added a console admin tool - WFTPConsole.exe
Added handling Tab key in lua script editor.
Fixed a security bug - ftp server may crash when using some invalid paramter for
PORT command.(Discovered by: Sumit Kumar Soni, Information on bug can be found in
Trend Micro's security advisory.)
Fixed a security bug - when many clients transfer files using PORT mode, ftp server
may crash.
Fixed a bug - can't submit too long lua script in event editor.
Fixed a bug - can't use utf-8 characters for username in IE8 or Chrome3.
Fixed a bug - can't specify some ip address for port listener.

Wing FTP Server v3.1.2Released: 20/Oct/2009

Improved some UPnP feature.
Added support for adding network-share user directory.
Fixed a sending mail bug when connecting to some SMTP Server.
Fixed a bug about username case-sensitive.
Fixed web client's directory-view is bit small in Firefox.
Wing FTP Server v3.1.0Released: 12/Oct/2009
Added read-only administrator.
Added create custom logo function.
Added clear thumbnail image file function.
Added generate random password for user account.
Added password support for SSL private key file.
Added create certificate signing request(CSR) file.
Fixed can not operate directory in windows explorer.
Fixed can not show virtual directory in FlashFXP.
Fixed can not download files without filename extension in Web Client.
Fixed can not Copy and Paste files in Web Client.
Fixed can not use the variable %PathName in file uploaded event.
Updated tray application.
Updated language files.

Wing FTP Server v3.0.0Released: 1/Oct/2009

Changed product name from "Win FTP Server" To "Wing FTP Server".
Completely rewritten and redesigned software.
Added cross platform support(Windows,Linux,Mac,Solaris,FreeBSD)
Added web based administrator.
Added web based client.
Added SSH protocol support.
Added create SSH key support.
Added administrator console(like unix shell).
Added task scheduler.
Added programmable event manager.
Added Lua scripts support.
Added database storage(ODBC,MySQL) support.
Added multi domain support.
Added multi language support.
Added administrative accounts.
Added tray icon monitor.
Added SSL certificate manager.
Added SSH Key manager.
Added SMTP server manager.
Added UPnP support.
Added administration log support.
Added server log support.
Added server status report.
Added domain status report.
Added HTTP events manager.
Added SSH events manager.
Added user auto expire support.
Added access time support.
Added listener manager.
Added transfer quota limit.
Changed the tray icon.
Changed the program icon.
Changed the help file.
Fixed all bugs in the version 2.4.
Win FTP Server v2.4Released: 3/Jun/2008
Changed the tray icon.
Changed the program icon.
Improved the server speed.

Win FTP Server v2.3Released: 26/Nov/2007

Added create customized certificates support.
Fixed bug in connection time-out mechanism.
Fixed bug when transfer big file(over 4GB).

Win FTP Server v2.1Released: 19/Feb/2007

Added sfv check support.
Addes SSL smtp server support.
Fixed the bug in VBScripts.

Win FTP Server v2.0Released: 27/Dec/2006

Complete new user interface.
Added event manager support.
Added email notification support.
Added event tray tip support.
Added scripts (VB, JS) support.
Added graphic view for download/upload.
Added progress bar for file download.
Added IP watcher.
Added message list.
Added Hit-O-Meter.
Added server statistics.
Added Mode-Z support.
Fixed some bugs in SSL connection.

Win FTP Server v1.6Released: 8/May/2006

Added Secure FTP (SSL) support.
Added FEAT, OPTS, PROT, and AUTH commands support.
Added system service support.
Added task schedule support.

Win FTP Server v1.5Released: 18/Sep/2005

Added directory cache support.
Added free file support.
Added log file limit support.
Added SITE MSG command support.
Added SITE PASSWORD command support.
Win FTP Server v1.4Released: 5/Apr/2005
Added dynamic IP support.
Added get IP from website support.
Added the tip of day.
Added SITE CHMOD command support.
Fixed bug in LogScreen.

Win FTP Server v1.3Released: 23/Nov/2004

Added download/upload ratio support.
Added file access support.
Added connection time out support.
Added date transfer time out support.
Changed the log format.

Win FTP Server v1.2Released: 1/Jan/2004

Added disk quota support.
Added IP access support.
Changed the tray icon.
Changed the tray tip text.
Fixed PASV command error.
Fixed some bug in virtual directory.

Win FTP Server v1.1Released: 15/Dec/2003

Added group support.
Added NLST command support.
Added "Hide files/dirs with hidden attribute" for user.
Added virtual directory support.
Fixed bug in using a passive mode port range.
Fixed bug in file download speed limit.
Wing FTP Server
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Accelerate file transfer
FTP server load balancing
Two-factor authentication
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