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SECTION A ead text A and answo allthe questions. Josif and the bears Crack! os woke surly. The snow alg on hn ft ke cold las on hs face. ‘After afew seconds he ecogrized the sound a5 a sharp snap of wood coming frm some nat tee. eae He tried to burrow further int his sleeping bag, but the end was ead thy inching his fet “Don't move. Dont make a sound,” breathed avo, caefuly and seriously. “Breathe sowly andkeep your head sti.” ‘twas Unde Abram. Jos concentrated quickly on hisunce's instruction a he stared at the black night sky farabove his head. They’ made acamp inthe forest to rest after long day of walking. Thy hadn't been asiep for long when the noise of cracking branches, somewhere inthe darkness, had penetrated the layers of ep instantly | string them awake. “The sound of dry twigs cracking was flowed by a restless serpin. os felt dey feeling inthe bac of his thoat "Boy iste to me very careful” Aram muttered graf though the darkness. "You need to be a bravelite rsa for your uncle. need o find cut what’ ‘making that nie. You wont ay or scream whilem gone, wil you? Josi slowly shook his ol, damp ea. He was no ite mouse, He was one ofthe bravest children in Novaya vilge, even though he was only twelve year ld [Abrams hard voice cu trough the dark night once mor, “You make your uncle rod, ms, "os watched Unce Abram slither slenty out his sloeping bag as ithe was 3 long bik smoke He could smell he wet, animal zant of Abrams damp woolen coat, Snow had fllen heal for thity ys and nights and Novaya vilage was now eu of from ts neighbours ‘The weather was so tere that even the bears had to wat for more food to appear before they could hitemete forthe winter. “Please take care, Uncle Abra” Jsf whispered til to isl. Abram moved swift away across the | is uncle had once been a solder Now he and Josf were traveling dangerous forest path to the town of Yarsevo to collect supplies. Joi shivered he felt alone and deeph aa over or4s ea "keep cam, Breathe stow, lke Uncle Abram sl" Jos muttered under his breath, a he dug his fngemals into the pals of his hands Faking Nisheada Intl, os could make out the sage of Uncle Abram sling ‘through the darkness and thefaling snow. His uncle was standing inthe stance next oan abandoned wooden ht. Josie mind whied with frightened thoughts, What was ins Uncle, be careful Jos gulped. He covered his eyes with trembling hand as Uncle Abram threw back the door. ‘supsm020 ora ef tore. Read text B and answer al the questions Untangle the Web The internet isa grest way to karn new things et help with homework exoress yourself creatively and connact wth Fiends ad tml. There ar ao rks By understanding and talking about the dangers, however, you can stay safe online. Cyber Safety ‘cyber safety sa about being safe whl otne. But what does his actualy mean? Unlike water safety, cyber safety ess about beng phys safe and more about protecting youre rom psychological or emationl buying, ako about knowing the steps fo take when you dont feel safle. As more socal networks aecome widely avalabe, he nes tobe ‘ber mar fs becoming Let'shavealookat the latest eer safety advice for kids aged to 12, Mobile Phones These days some mobile phones have the ome eapacky as computer tablet “This reat for playing gamesand for searching the Internet, bu italzo means that It's easler for ules to ind infomation abot you an send you messages, The fllowing advice wl help you tS staysafe. + Use yourphone just contact people you know an tus. + KeepyourSiietooth st tahidder’andaccesocked bya paseword +9 Hsarangers sen inition to connect, ignore then + Watch out or sams, Seams that cme to you on yout mobile can be dficatt recognse, ‘They might come from somebody who tals 35 they know your they might came through a‘missed {af foman unkrown number that you redial they might be honest about wha they are promoting, but have hidden charges fo Set your pehacysetings. + you ose your phone askan adult to hep you all your provide straightaway! | Dest ‘+ sendimages or personal detals suchas codes nd passwords) ta peopl yu don know + send anything you woaid’ be comfortable sowing toa parent or guaran, Online Games| Wit iterative games constaxtellecing more personal informatio, remember to: + always use aalcname otine + ook untiendl player rom yourplayersis. Dom: + ve out any personal formation such a5 your email adres, phone number or password + pay games that may Beunsuable + enter chat roms of forums unsupervised, | 300172020 O70 Eyam _yerbulving i 50 much ener to senda nasty message ditally than to say something to sarmeone's face, Cyberbullying means that bulls ar able to ide behind a secret identity when they ‘make ther unkind comments Remember, someone i dipaying bullying behaviour ontne you + __tellanaduit something you come acres onsite makes you feel anious, uncomfortable or tveatened + oek them, even if you needa parent or teacher to help + report them games and social media often have ways of doing thi + eallchidie. important if you now someone being targeted in an unsafe way = dosomethingand speak up! Don't add tothe problem by spreading ries or Images, Get help from someone you can tus. sore 9740 ef

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