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Informative Public Speaking – This type of public speaking is meant to inform the audience
regarding a certain topic.
b. Persuasive Public Speaking – This type of public speaking is intended to influence the
audience to agree with a certain point of view.
c. Ceremonial Public Speaking – speeches given at ceremonies or important occasions.
d. Demonstrative Public Speaking – use a visual aid to demonstrate or convey a message
e. Motivational Public Speaking – intended to persuade and motivate, use stories, and make a
connection to your audience.
f. Extemporaneous or Impromptu Public Speaking – these types of public speaking are
speeches that are given with little or no preparation
g. Debate – this type of public speaking is a combination of persuasive and extemporaneous
speaking. One persuades the other team and the audience to agree with their point and view,
also they are given little time to prepare their argument.
h. Broadcasting – it can be a combination of other types of public speaking, either informative,
persuasive, motivational, or demonstrative.

There are lots of advantages to public speaking, including those for your career, leadership
skills, and self-confidence. You will also know what to say, what speech you would create depending
on the situation you were given. Would you inform other people, persuade them or motivate.

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