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P University

Imelda Salinas


Organization Theory & Prac.

Spring 2023

Professor Ruben Flores

March 02, 2023


Why does C.A.M.P. University choose not to accept grants from the government? How

curriculum is constrained by being under state authority. Working has become more fulfilling an

enjoyable by implementing the path-goal theory and putting the needs of those with special

needs first.
C.A.M.P University

In recent years, a discernible trend has emerged among private educational institutions

catering to individuals with special needs: a deliberate choice to forgo state funding. This essay

delves into the multifaceted reasons behind this strategic shift, with a particular focus on

C.A.M.P. University. Through an exploration of the challenges posed by state funding, the

institution's commitment to autonomy in curriculum development, and the application of

leadership theories, we unravel the complex dynamics shaping the landscape of special


Challenges of State Funding

Private special education institutions face challenges in meeting the diverse needs of

students with disabilities, given the varying nature of disabilities and the increasing demand for

services. Some individuals may struggle with essential life skills, such as communication,

mobility, or independent living, which can manifest from early childhood or result from

accidents, injuries, or aging. Notably, according to the CDC (2023) autism spectrum disorder

affects approximately one out of every 36 children in the United States, highlighting the urgency

of providing specialized support and services.

Traditionally, state funding has been a primary source of support for special education

programs. The landscape has evolved with the introduction of Medicaid Home and Community-

Based Services (HCBS) waivers. These waivers offer states flexibility in designing community-

based services tailored to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities according

to Friedman (2016), thereby reshaping the funding landscape and influencing the decisions of

private institutions like C.A.M.P. University.

In response to the constraints imposed by state funding and the evolving landscape

shaped by HCBS waivers, C.A.M.P. University has prioritized autonomy in curriculum

development. Executive Director Pam Voss recognizes the need to navigate complex funding

mechanisms while maintaining the institution's commitment to innovative and tailored

programming for students with disabilities. By severing ties with state funding, C.A.M.P.

University gains the freedom to craft bespoke programs that cater to the unique needs and

interests of its students. This strategic decision empowers the institution to foster an inclusive

environment where students can develop essential life skills, form meaningful connections, and

feel valued within their communities long after graduation. The goal of many of the events is to

keep the students engaged socially, intellectually, and physically. Many of the activities involve

social situations, outings, fine and gross motor skills, personal hygiene, and even cooking in

addition to mathematics, writing, and other subjects. The chance to learn and develop

independence is provided by these activities for the students. A caring, committed staff that goes

beyond when working and preparing supports all of this and more.

Leadership Theories in Action

According to Aboudahr et al. (2019) the path-goal theory, leaders should modify their

approach to leadership based on their traits and the demands of the current duties. This theory

emphasizes how crucial it is to meet the requirements of followers and establish clear goals to

increase their motivation and contentment.

The path-goal theory provides a lens through which we can understand the strategic

leadership decisions driving C.A.M.P. University's trajectory. Pam Voss embodies this theory by
aligning the institution's goals with the diverse needs of its stakeholders. Through supportive

leadership, she fosters a culture of collaboration and empowerment, wherein students, staff, and

families feel valued and respected. The essay's portrayal of Pam Voss's proactive approach to

eliminating barriers imposed by state regulations underscores the transformative impact of

effective leadership.

Furthermore, C.A.M.P. University's adoption of participatory decision-making

exemplifies the principles of democratic leadership in action. By engaging with community

partners, including charitable organizations and school boards, the institution expands its reach

and enhances the quality of its programs. The original essay's depiction of C.A.M.P. University's

collaboration with Special Olympics Texas exemplifies the power of collective action in

fostering inclusive opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Achievement-oriented leadership serves as a guiding principle in C.A.M.P. University's

pursuit of excellence in special education. Setting ambitious goals for student independence and

community integration, the institution empowers individuals with disabilities to realize their full

potential. Through a diverse array of activities, including social outings, life skills training, and

vocational programs, students are equipped with the tools and confidence to thrive beyond the

confines of the classroom.


In conclusion, the decision of private special education institutions like C.A.M.P.

University to reject state funding is a strategic response to the evolving landscape of special

education. By prioritizing autonomy in curriculum development and embracing effective

leadership practices, these institutions ensure a supportive and inclusive learning environment for
individuals with disabilities. Through the application of leadership theories, such as the path-goal

theory, C.A.M.P. University exemplifies how visionary leadership can drive organizational

success and foster meaningful outcomes for students with special needs.

Aboudahr, S. M., Olowoselu, A. Mohamad, M. (2019). Path-Goal Theory and the Application in

Educational Management and Leadership. Education Quarterly Reviews, v2 n2 p448-455


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023, April 4). Data & statistics on autism

spectrum disorder. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Friedman, C. (2016). Day Habilitation Services for People With Intellectual and Developmental

Disabilities in Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services Waivers. Research &

Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 41(4), 244–255.

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