Biology Water Potential Lab Report

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-Nysha Mordani

AIM- the objective is to find the water potential of the potato. The solution concentration in
which the mass and the volume of tissue does not change indicates neither a net loss nor a net
gain of water, indicating an equilibrium. Through the calculation of the change in mass or
volume, we can fine the water potential of the potato.

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE- the concentration of sucrose solution the potato cylinders are
being immersed in.

DEPENDENT VARIABLE- the (percentage) change in mass of the potato cylinders.

CONTROLLED VARIABLE- the temperature (room), the volume of sucrose solution, size of
potato cylinders (1 cm).

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS- cut the potatoes carefully and make sure not to cut yourself, keep
knife away from body.
Raw Data Table: -
SI 0.10 0.20 0.25 0.30
No. mole mole mole mole
s/ s/ s/ s/
dm^ dm^ dm^ dm^
3 3 3 3
Initial Final Differen Initial Final Differen Initial Final Differen Initial Final Difference
weight Weight ce (g) weight Weight ce (g) weight Weight ce (g) weight Weight (g)
(g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g) (g)
1 1.49 1.63 -0.14 1.44 1.5 -0.06 1.6 1.31 0.29 1.29 1.56 -0.27
2 1.43 1.62 -0.19 1.58 1.65 -0.07 1.51 1.58 -0.07 1.33 1.18 0.15
3 1.52 1.72 0.2 1.5 1.6 -0.1 1.47 1.47 0 1.41 1.36 0.05
4 1.5 1.7 -0.2 1.45 1.66 -0.21 1.54 1.56 -0.02 1.33 1.46 -0.13
5 1.48 1.65 -0.17 1.59 1.575 0.015 1.57 1.3 0.27 1.17 1.32 -0.15
Aver 1.484 1.664 -0.1 1.512 1.597 - 1.538 1.444 0.094 1.306 1.376 -0.07
age 0.085
Time 9:22 9:25 9:31 9:33

Table- 1.1

· Uncertainty in apparatus: 0.001 g
· Uncertainty for mass difference was calculated-
Final (mass) – Initial (mass) = Difference in mass
Therefore, total uncertainties =
0.01 + 0.001 = ± 0.002
Processed data Table: -
N/ (Mean mass) (Mean mass) MASS/% EXCEL)

0.10 1.48 1.66 12.16

0.20 1.51 1.60 5.96

0.25 1.54 1.44 -6.94

0.30 1.31 1.38 -5.34

Table- 1.2

1. Difference in mass- Final Mass – Initial Mass
2. Percentage change in mass- (Final Mass – Initial Mass)/Initial Mass X 100 (excel
Excel Formulae- =STDEV(D3:D7), =RSQ(A14:A17,B14:B17)

Graph: -

Isotonic value- 0.224 mol/dm3 (observed in graph, where the line intersects with the x-axis)
Graphical Analysis-
As clearly observed from the plotted graph, there is a downward trend in this graph, from 0.1
mol/dm^3 to 0.3 mol/dm3, hence showing there is an indirect proportionality between the two
variables. There is an anomality, however, the concentration 0.25 mol/dm3 has a lower change in
percentage of mass than 0.3 mol/dm3. This could be caused by any errors made by our group,
which I will discuss in our evaluation. The R2 was calculated in Microsoft Excel. Here is the
formula that was used.

Qualitative Data/Observations
The potato cylinders were immersed in the sucrose solutions for two hours. After two hours they
were removed and patted dry with paper towels. After being removed, the potatoes put in
concentrations 0.25 mol/dm3 and 0.30 mol/dm3 were softer and more bendable, due to being
placed in comparatively hypertonic solutions. The potato cylinders placed in 0.30 mol per dm^3
were visibly smaller and weighed lesser compared to ones being put in the other three
As for the potato cylinders that were immersed in concentrations 0.1 mol/dm3 and 0.20 mol/dm3
they were comparatively more firm and rigid, and visibly larger in size. This also correlates with
the percentage change in mass.

Equation of Water Potential

𝛹𝑆 = −𝑖𝐶𝑅𝑇
𝑖 - Ionization constant for sucrose which is (1)
𝐶 - Molar concentration/ isotonic point – (0.224 mol/dm3)
𝑅 - Pressure constant (0.0831-liter bars/mol K)
𝑇 - Temperature in Kelvin that is (298 K)

· 𝛹 w - water potential
· 𝛹s - solute concentration
· 𝛹p - pressure potential
This formula above can be used to calculate the water potential. We can find the water
potential by adding the solute concentration and pressure potential.
The pressure potential of the solution is 0.
𝛹𝑃 = 0
Hence the equation is:
Therefore, the water potential (𝛹W) is = -1 × 0.224× 0.0831 × 298

= 5.55 bar
To conclude, as the concentration of the sucrose solution increased, the percentage change in
mass decreased. This is due to the net movement of water molecules from inside the potato to the
outside, or from higher water potential to lower water potential. This caused a decrease in mass
of the potatoes (quantitative), and a visible decrease in size (qualitative). As the solution was
hypertonic (0.25,0.3) mol/dm3, there was higher solute concentration outside the potato cell
rather than inside (which was lower), which caused the movement of water molecules from the
potato to the external environment (sucrose solution). On the other hand, for hypotonic solution
(0.10, 0.20) mol/dm3, there was a lower solute concentration outside the potato cell, rather than
inside (which was higher), which caused the movement of water molecules from the external
environment (sucrose solution) to inside the potato cell. This experiment is a great way to show
the effect of solute concentration on the net movement of water molecules, inside or outside the
cell. The cylinders placed in lowly concentrated solutions, were more firm and rigid, as a result
of cell turgidity, and the ones placed in highly concentrated solutions were weaker and bendy, as
a result of cell flaccidity.

Reflections/Evaluation (strengths and weaknesses)

The potatoes for all the concentrations were The potatoes were measured and cut using a
kept in the sucrose solution for the same scale, which may be slightly inaccurate, due
amount of time, which gave fair results for to varying textures of the potato.
All the cylinders were cut from the same The potatoes weren’t always cut straight,
potato, which ensured uniformity amongst all some ends were diagonal and jagged.
the pieces.
All other factors like temperature, pressure
and volume were kept constant which helps
ensure results more accurate and closely
related to the independent variable.

Literature reference

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