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#Loan Ammortization table

year Amount Annuity Interest Repayment Balance

1 1000000 298312 150000 148312 851688
2 851688 298312 127753.2 170558.8 681129.2
3 681129.2 298312 102169.4 196142.62 484986.6
4 484986.6 298312 72747.99 225564.013 259422.6
5 259422.6 298312 38913.39 259398.615 23.95205

a) return 10 Overall return Probability ER
High 100 1000 0.3 300
Low 110 1100 0.4 440
Stag 120 1200 0.2 240
Recess 140 1400 0.1 140
Total 1120

pi(Ri - ER)^2 4320

Total 13600 Variance
116.6190379 Std

b) return 10 Overall return Probability ER

High 150 1500 0.3 450
Low 130 1300 0.4 520
Stag 90 900 0.2 180
Recess 60 600 0.1 60
Total 1210

pi(Ri - ER)^2 25230

Total 84900 Variance
291.37605 Std

Return return Shares Overall return Probability ER

High 100 150 5 1250 0.3 375
Low 110 130 5 1200 0.4 480
Stag 120 90 5 1050 0.2 210
Recess 140 60 5 1000 0.1 100
ER Tot 1165

pi(Ri - ER)^2 2167.5

Total 8025 Variance
89.582364 Std
nature prob R1 R2 deviation 1 deviation 2 prod dev 1 and 2
1 0.1 5 0 -8 -13 9.75
2 0.3 10 8 -3 -5 3.75
3 0.5 15 18 3 5 6.25
4 0.1 20 26 8 13 9.75
29.5 Cov
mean 12.5 13

Coeff of cov 0.99771 STD

Deviation 1 * proDeviation 2 *prob
5.625 17
1.875 8
3.125 13
5.625 17
16.3 54

4.03112887415 7.33484832836
Q1 n (years) 8
C 12%
M 100
r or Yeild 14%

Q1 writrten differently Settlement 1/1/2022

(Solved Example page 7.5) Maturity 12/30/2029 As it is 8 years
C 12%
Redemption/par value 100
r/yeild 14%
Frequency 2 As it is semi annual
Basis 3 (Day count convention, Actual No. of days/365)

Ans (price or B0 or P) = 90.55 No need to mention basis

Q2 Settlement 1/1/2022
(Solved example 7.4) Maturity 12/30/2031
C 12%
Redemption/par value 1000
r/yeild 13%
Frequency 1
Basis 3

Ans (price of the bond) = ₹ 945.74

Solved Examples

Q) 7.1 M ₹ 100.00
C 12%
n 5
pmt 12
r 15%

Answer (Value of the bond is ) 89.94

Q) 7.2 M 1000 1/1/2022

C 14% 12/31/2026
n 5
P 1050
Pmt or annuity 140

Yield @ 13% 1035.172 Since this value is lower than 1050, we will try a new value of r (1
Yield @12% 1072.10
YTM 12.60%

YTM using Rate -12.2%

Q) 7.3 M / Par 100

C 14%
n 5
Frequency 2
r (required) 16%
pmt 14

P ( bond Value) ₹ 93.29 Remember for semi annual , Rate, pmt and C is divided by 2 where

Divident Price Interest Divident Val

7.5 D1 2 1.18 2.36
D2 1.18 2.78
D3 1.18 3.29
D4 1.18 3.88
D5 1.12 4.34
D6 1.12 4.86
D7 1.12 5.45
D8 1.12 6.10

Bond values with semi-annual interest

P= C/2 + M
(1+r/2)^t (1+r/2)^2n
C/2(PVIFAr/2,2n) + M(PVIFr/2,2n)
time t 8
coupon rate (C) 12%
par value M 100
int semi-annually r 14%
Then P= ₹ 56.68 ₹ 33.87 ₹ 90.55
ntion, Actual No. of days/365)


50, we will try a new value of r (13% is assumed) so we'll take a lower value for r for a greater value of YTM
pmt and C is divided by 2 where as n is multiplied by 2

Div, PV Rate
2.05 15% 1.15
16.84 Total
6.1 A 5000
r 9%
n 75

FV ₹ 3,205,954.5

6.3 r 16%

6.4 A 5000
r 14%
n 15

Fv ₹ 219,212.07

6.5 FV 44650
n 5
A 6000

Rate 20%

6.6 FV 1000000
n 60
r 10%

PV ₹ 3,284.3

6.7 A 10000
n 12 7
r 14%

PV ₹ 56,602.92 PV a year before first payment that is 7 years from now

PV ₹ 22,620.64

6.8 r 14%

Year 0 1 2 3
CFs 5000 6000 8000 9000

NPV` ₹ 23,886.21

6.9 PV 200000
n 15
r 10%
A ₹ 26,294.76

#6.10 FV 1000000
A 80,000
r 14%

NPER 7.72047872039122

6.11 PV 80000
r 1.25%
n 12

PMT(A) ₹ 7,221

Loan Amortization Table

Month Beginning Amount Monthly Installment Interest Principal Repayment

1 80000 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 1,000.00 ₹ 6,220.66
2 ₹ 73,779 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 922.24 ₹ 6,298.42
3 ₹ 67,481 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 843.51 ₹ 6,377.15
4 ₹ 61,104 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 763.80 ₹ 6,456.87
5 ₹ 54,647 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 683.09 ₹ 6,537.58
6 ₹ 48,109 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 601.37 ₹ 6,619.30
7 ₹ 41,490 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 518.63 ₹ 6,702.04
8 ₹ 34,788 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 434.85 ₹ 6,785.82
9 ₹ 28,002 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 350.03 ₹ 6,870.64
10 ₹ 21,132 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 264.14 ₹ 6,956.52
11 ₹ 14,175 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 177.19 ₹ 7,043.48
12 ₹ 7,132 ₹ 7,221 ₹ 89.14 ₹ 7,132


6.1 n 5 5 5
pv 1000 1000 1000
r 8% 10% 15%
FV ₹ 1,469.33 ₹ 1,610.51 ₹ 2,011.36

6.2 NPER 30.5812768709985

6.3 Rate 18.9%

6.4 A 2000
n 5
A 3000
n 10

r 10%

FV n=5 12210.20
FV n=10 ₹ 31,670.11

FV ₹ 47,812.27
TFV = 79482.39
Remaining Balance
₹ 73,779
₹ 67,481 Cost Saving Proposal (hardware unit)
₹ 61,104 Cost 46.35
₹ 54,647 Loan amou 46.35 lakhs
₹ 48,109 loan perio 8 years
₹ 41,490 loan rate 18%
₹ 34,788 Annual Inta 11.37
₹ 28,002
₹ 21,132
₹ 14,175
₹ 7,132

ms New Investment Proposal (Faridabad)

Estimated I 39.6
Est life 10
Annual after-tax cash flows
Years 1-4 7.6
Years 5-10 8.5

Machine sal 50
Depreciatio 25
Method WDV
Year Cash Flow PVF@12%
1 7.6 0.8929
2 7.6 0.7972
3 7.6 0.7118
4 7.6 0.6355
5 8.5 0.5674
6 8.5 0.5066
7 8.5 0.4523
8 8.5 0.4039
9 8.5 0.3606
10 8.5 0.3220

B/s BV of assetsDepr
Yr0 39.60 9.90
Yr1 29.70 7.43
Yr2 22.28 5.57
Yr3 16.71 4.18
Yr4 12.53 3.13
Yr5 9.40 2.35
Yr6 7.05 1.76
Yr7 5.29 1.32
Yr8 3.96 0.99
Yr9 2.97 0.74
Yr10 2.23 0.56
Loan Amortization Table
Year Ln at Begin
Installment paid
Interest paid
Principal paid
Ln End of Saving
Yr @ 35%PV Factor PV
1 ₹ 46.35 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 8.34 ₹ 3.03 ₹ 43.32 ₹ 2.92 0.8929 ₹ 2.61
2 ₹ 43.32 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 7.80 ₹ 3.57 ₹ 39.75 ₹ 2.73 0.7972 ₹ 2.18
3 ₹ 39.75 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 7.16 ₹ 4.21 ₹ 35.54 ₹ 2.50 0.7118 ₹ 1.78
4 ₹ 35.54 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 6.40 ₹ 4.97 ₹ 30.56 ₹ 2.24 0.6355 ₹ 1.42
5 ₹ 30.56 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 5.50 ₹ 5.87 ₹ 24.69 ₹ 1.93 0.5674 ₹ 1.09
6 ₹ 24.69 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 4.44 ₹ 6.93 ₹ 17.77 ₹ 1.56 0.5066 ₹ 0.79
7 ₹ 17.77 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 3.20 ₹ 8.17 ₹ 9.60 ₹ 1.12 0.4523 ₹ 0.51
8 ₹ 9.60 ₹ 11.37 ₹ 1.73 ₹ 9.64 ₹ -0.04 ₹ 0.60 0.4039 ₹ 0.24
Present value of all tax savings in Project 2 ₹ 10.62

roposal (Faridabad)

er-tax cash flows

PV of Inflows

p R pR R-Er (R-E)^2 p*(R-E)^2
b 0.3 16 4.8 4.5 20.25 6.075
n 0.5 11 5.5 -0.5 0.25 0.125 S 3.5
r 0.2 6 1.2 -5.5 30.25 6.05
Er 11.5 S^2 12.25

corr cov/s1.s2 cov= beta

2stage A(1+g)

S^2 Sq(w1.s1)+sq(w2.s2)+2w1.w2.cov(a,b).s1.s2
get square root of the above equation to get risk of portfolio

check C200 Formulas

two stage model

year divident g1 discount rate pv
1 4.4 1.2 4.4 1.14 3.859649
2 4.4 1.2 5.28 1.14 4.062789
3 4.4 1.2 6.336 1.14 4.27662 300.8152 (present value of divident(
4 4.4 1.2 7.6032 1.14 4.501705 $81.14 (present value of divident(
5 4.4 1.2 9.12384 1.14 4.738637
6 4.4 1.2 10.94861 1.14 4.988039
7 4.4 1.2 13.13833 1.14 5.250567
8 4.4 1.2 15.766 1.14 5.526912
9 4.4 1.2 18.91919 1.14 5.817803
10 4.4 1.2 22.70303 1.14 6.124003 $130.29 (adding both the values)
Cov (Ri-Er)(Rj-Er)/n-1

fva a[(1+r)^n-1]/r FV
Pva a[(1+r)^n-1]/r(1+r)^n Rate
EAR [1+APR/m]^m nper(period)
Irr npv=0
[1-(1+g)^n/(1+r)^n]/r-g $ (100,000.00)
-15% $ 30,000.00
15.0% $ 30,000.00
$ 40,000.00
$ 45,000.00

(present value of divident(growing at 6%) at year 10)

(present value of divident(growing at 6%) at year 0)

(adding both the values)

Yr 0 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4

Initial Investment -440

Net Initial WC -20
Sale of old machine 30

Revenue 204.50 244.80 311.40 375.60

Op Ex. 87.94 107.71 140.13 161.51

EBITDA 116.57 137.09 171.27 214.09

Old Dep&Amort 15.00 11.25 8.44 6.33

New DEP&Amort 110.00 82.50 61.88 46.41
Increase in Dep&Amort 95.00 71.25 53.44 40.08
EBIT 21.56 65.84 117.83 174.01

Tax 5.43 16.59 29.69 43.85

PAT 16.13 49.25 88.14 130.16

PAT+Dep.+Amort. 111.13 120.50 141.58 170.24

NWC 20.45 24.48 31.14 37.56

Change in NWC 0.45 4.03 6.66 6.42

Operating Cashflows 110.68 116.47 134.92 163.82

Inc in Salvage

Recovery of NWC

Net Cashflows -430 110.68 116.47 134.92 163.82

MarketReturn 13.2%
Risk Free return 7.05%
Ke(Cost of Equity Capi 16.2%
NPV 38.59
IRR 19.56%

New Machine
Book Value Beginning
yr1 440.00
yr2 330.00
yr3 247.50
320.20 yr4 185.63
yr5 139.22

172.91 Old Machine

4.75 Book Value Beginning

34.80 yr1 60.00
30.06 yr2 45.00
142.85 yr3 33.75
yr4 25.31
36.00 yr5 18.98








New Machine
Dep and Amort Book Value End
110.00 330.00
82.50 247.50
61.88 185.63
46.41 139.22
34.80 104.41

Old Machine

Dep and Amort Book Value End

15.00 45.00
11.25 33.75
8.44 25.31
6.33 18.98
4.75 14.24
year 0 year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5
initial investment -440
initial net working cap -20
sale of old machine 30

Revenue 204.50 244.80 311.40 375.60 320.20

operating expense 87.94 107.71 140.13 161.51 147.29

EBITDA 116.57 137.09 171.27 214.09 172.91

old machine dep & amort 15.00 11.25 8.44 6.33 4.75
new machine dep and amort de 110.00 82.50 61.88 46.41 34.80
Incrimental Depreciation 95.00 71.25 53.44 40.08 30.06
EBIT 21.56 65.84 117.83 174.01 142.85

Tax 5.43 16.59 29.69 43.85 36.00

PAT 16.13 49.25 88.14 130.16 106.85

PAT+Dep&Amort(incremental) 111.13 120.50 141.58 170.24 136.91

net working capital 20.45 24.48 31.14 37.56 32.02

Change in net working capital(de 0.45 4.03 6.66 6.42 -5.54

operating cashflow=PAT+DA- Ch 110.68 116.47 134.92 163.82 142.45

salvage of old 18.85

salvage of new 100.00
incremental in salvage 81.15

recovery of NWC 12.81

Net Cash Flow -430 110.68 116.47 134.92 163.82 236.41

MarketReturn 13.2%
Risk Free return 7.05%
Ke(Cost of Equity Capi 16.2%

NPV $38.57
IRR 19.55%
year 0 book valuedepretiati
initial investment -440 year1 60.00 15.00
net working capital -20 year2 45.00 11.25
sale of old machine 30 year3 33.75 8.44
-430 year4 25.31 6.33
year5 18.98 4.75

book valuedepretiati book value at end
year1 440.00 110.00 330.00
year2 330.00 82.50 247.50
year3 247.50 61.88 185.63
year4 185.63 46.41 139.22
year5 139.22 34.80 104.41
book value at end
Year CF PVF @12% PV of in flows
1 7.6 0.89 6.7857142857143
2 7.6 0.80 6.0586734693878
3 7.6 0.71 5.4095298833819
4 7.6 0.64 4.8299373958767
5 8.5 0.57 4.8231282736081
6 8.5 0.51 4.3063645300072
7 8.5 0.45 3.8449683303636
8 8.5 0.40 3.4330074378246
9 8.5 0.36 3.0651852123434
10 8.5 0.32 2.7367725110209
Total 45.29

year balance
0 39.60
1 29.70 Total profit 46.40829
2 22.28
3 16.71 net profit 6.81
4 12.53
5 9.40
6 7.05
7 5.29 As the net profit is positive, it is favourable to invest.
8 3.96
9 2.97
10 2.23
favourable to invest.
loan amount 46.35
period 8
rate 18%

₹ 11.37

Loan amortization table

Year Loan at beginning installment int paid principle paid loan end of year Tax saving @ 3
1 46.35 ₹ 11.37 8.343 ₹ 3.02 ₹ 43.33 2.92
2 ₹ 43.33 ₹ 11.37 7.799 ₹ 3.57 ₹ 39.76 2.73
3 ₹ 39.76 ₹ 11.37 7.156 ₹ 4.21 ₹ 35.55 2.50
4 ₹ 35.55 ₹ 11.37 6.398 ₹ 4.97 ₹ 30.58 2.24
5 ₹ 30.58 ₹ 11.37 5.504 ₹ 5.86 ₹ 24.72 1.93
6 ₹ 24.72 ₹ 11.37 4.449 ₹ 6.92 ₹ 17.80 1.56
7 ₹ 17.80 ₹ 11.37 3.203 ₹ 8.16 ₹ 9.63 1.12
8 ₹ 9.63 ₹ 11.37 1.734 ₹ 9.63 ₹ 0.00 0.61

P v of all tax savings in project 2 10.62

true cost 35.73
Tax saving @ 35%
pv factor pv
0.892857 2.607187
0.797194 2.175967
0.71178 1.782813
0.635518 1.42321
0.567427 1.093104
0.506631 0.788851
0.452349 0.507172
0.403883 0.245111

loan amt 14
installment 5.32
period 4
implied rate 19.14%

The investor is fooling us by saying the rate of intrest is 14 but in actuality it is 19%
Yr 0 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4

Initial Investment -440

Net Initial WC -20
Sale of old machine 30

Revenue 204.50 244.80 311.40 375.60

Op Ex. 87.94 107.71 140.13 161.51

EBITDA 116.57 137.09 171.27 214.09

Old Dep&Amort 15.00 11.25 8.44 6.33

New DEP&Amort 110.00 82.50 61.88 46.41
Increase in Dep&Amort 95.00 71.25 53.44 40.08
EBIT 21.56 65.84 117.83 174.01

Tax 5.43 16.59 29.69 43.85

PAT 16.13 49.25 88.14 130.16

PAT+Dep.+Amort. 111.13 120.50 141.58 170.24

NWC 20.45 24.48 31.14 37.56

Change in NWC 0.45 4.03 6.66 6.42

Operating Cashflows 110.68 116.47 134.92 163.82

Inc in Salvage

Recovery of NWC

Net Cashflows -430 110.68 116.47 134.92 163.82

MarketReturn 13.2%
Risk Free return 7.05%
Ke(Cost of Equity Capi 16.2%
NPV 38.59
IRR 19.56%

New Machine
Book Value Beginning
yr1 440.00
yr2 330.00
yr3 247.50
320.20 yr4 185.63
yr5 139.22

172.91 Old Machine

4.75 Book Value Beginning

34.80 yr1 60.00
30.06 yr2 45.00
142.85 yr3 33.75
yr4 25.31
36.00 yr5 18.98








New Machine
Dep and Amort Book Value End
110.00 330.00
82.50 247.50
61.88 185.63
46.41 139.22
34.80 104.41

Old Machine

Dep and Amort Book Value End

15.00 45.00
11.25 33.75
8.44 25.31
6.33 18.98
4.75 14.24
Adjusted Closing Price Adjusted Closing Price
MRF YoY Return
(MRF India) (Marico India)

Mar-12 9936.80 87.25

Mar-13 11992.60 106.12 21%
Mar-14 21739.00 104.80 81%
Mar-15 38809.95 193.53 79%
Mar-16 38368.50 242.50 -1%
Mar-17 60723.85 294.35 58%
Mar-18 72300.70 326.10 19%
Mar-19 58056.30 345.25 -20%
Mar-20 58241.65 274.85 0%
Mar-21 82218.70 411.50 41%
Mar-22 64973.35 503.65 -21%
Mar-23 84046.95 479.70 29%


Parameters * ** MRF
Average Annual Return 26.08%
Standard Deviation 35.87%
CAGR(Geometric Mean) 19%


Portfolios Invest in MRF Invest in Marico Portfoilo Return
1 5% 95% 15.47%
2 15% 85% 15.89%
3 20% 80% 16.10%

4 35% 65% 16.74%

5 45% 55% 17.16%

6 55% 45% 17.58%
7 65% 35% 18.00%
8 75% 25% 18.42%
9 85% 15% 18.84%
10 95% 5% 19.26%






24.00% 26.00% 28.00% 30.00% 32.00% 34.00% 36

Maric YoY Return Adjusted Closing Price(NIFTY 50) NIFTY Return

22% 5682.55 7%
-1% 6704.2 18%
85% 8491 27%
25% 7738.4 -9%
21% 9173.75 19%
11% 10113.7 10%
6% 11623.9 15%
-20% 8597.75 -26%
50% 14690.7 71%
22% 17464.75 19%
-5% 17359.75 -1%

Marico *** NIFTY
19.58% 13.63%
28.43% 24.19%
15% 10.40%

Variance Standard Deviation Column1
0.07717 27.78%
0.07178 26.79%
0.07004 26.47%
0.06863 26.20%
0.07087 26.62%
0.07566 27.51%
0.08298 28.81%
0.09285 30.47%
0.10526 32.44%
0.12021 34.67%
2.00% 34.00% 36.00%
Future Buy Future Sell Call Buy

Put Buy
Call Sell

Put Sell
Cahpter Capital Structure and Decisions

NOI Net Operating Income 100,000

Ke Cost of Equity 10%
Kd Cost of Debt 5%
Ko Overall cost of capital
Int Interest 0
Value of th(NOI-Int)/Ke 1000000

Debt@5% Debt@5%
Zero Debt Rs. 300,000 Rs. 900,000
Net Operating Income NOI 100,000 100,000 100,000
Debt 0 300,000 900,000
Interest% 0 5% 5%
Interest 0 15000 45000
Net Income NI 100,000 85,000 55,000
Mkt Value of Equity 1000000 850000 550000
Value of Debt 0 300,000 900,000
Value of Firm 1,000,000 1,150,000 1,450,000
Debt / Total Value (Wd) 0.000 0.261 0.621
Equity / Total value (We) 1.000 0.739 0.379
WACC (Ko) 10.00% 8.70% 6.90%
p R pR R-Er (R-E)^2 p*(R-E)^2
boom 0.3 16 4.8 4.5 20.25 6.075
normal 0.5 11 5.5 -0.5 0.25 0.125
recession 0.2 6 1.2 -5.5 30.25 6.05
Expected return 11.5 S^2 12.25
calculation of standard daviation of a perticular stock

corr cov/s1.s2 cov= beta

S^2 Sq(w1.s1)+sq(w2.s2)+2w1.w2.cov(a,b).s1.s2
get square root of the above equation to get risk of portfolio

check C200

two stage model

year divident above normal growth divident of thatdiscount rate pv
1 4.4 1.2 4.4 1.14 3.859649
2 4.4 1.2 5.28 1.14 4.062789
3 4.4 1.2 6.336 1.14 4.27662
4 4.4 1.2 7.6032 1.14 4.501705
5 4.4 1.2 9.12384 1.14 4.738637
6 4.4 1.2 10.948608 1.14 4.988039
7 4.4 1.2 13.1383296 1.14 5.250567
8 4.4 1.2 15.76599552 1.14 5.526912
9 4.4 1.2 18.919194624 1.14 5.817803
10 4.4 1.2 22.703033549 1.14 6.124003

year return of a security market return

1 10 12 year
2 6 5 0
3 13 18 1
4 -4 -8 2
5 13 10 3
6 14 16 4
7 4 7 5
8 18 15
9 24 30 Cost of capital=
10 22 25 npv
calculating BETA calculating ALPHA =NPV(rate,all positive ca
0.761252446183953 2.10371819960861 =IRR(all the cashflows in
Characterstic line for security A:Return on A'= BETA+ALPHA(market return)
BCR=(present value of be

The CAPM formula is as follows:

Expected Return=Risk-Free Rate+(Beta×

Beta (β): Beta measures the systematic risk or vola

Cov (Ri-Er)(Rj-Er)/n-1

S 3.5 fva a[(1+r)^n-1]/r

k Pva a[(1+r)^n-1]/r(1+r)^n
EAR [1+APR/m]^m

2stage A(1+g) [1-(1+g)^n/(1+r)^n]/r-g

300.8152 (present value of divident(growing at 6%) at year 10)

$81.14 (present value of divident(growing at 6%) at year 0)

$130.29 (adding both the values)


cash flows

Cost of capital= 10%

-5,271.62 (accept the project if NPV is positive, reject when negative)
10% (accept if IRR is greater than cost of capital else reject)
=NPV(rate,all positive cash flows)+(initial investment)
=IRR(all the cashflows include negative as well)

BCR=(present value of benefits)/initial investments) (accept the project if BCRis positive, reject when negative)

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a financial model that establishes a linear relationship between the expected return o

Risk-Free Rate+(Beta×(Market Return−Risk-Free Rate))

the systematic risk or volatility of an investment relative to the overall market. A beta of 1 indicates that the investment's price will move in t
Irr npv=0
$ (100,000.00) npv= 769.00
-15% $ 30,000.00
15.0% $ 30,000.00
$ 40,000.00
$ 45,000.00

Year Ln at Begin
1 ₹ 46.35
Cost Saving Proposal (hardware unit) 2 ₹ 43.32
Cost 46.35 3 ₹ 39.75
Loan amount 46.35 lakhs 4 ₹ 35.54
loan period 8 years 5 ₹ 30.56
loan rate 18% 6 ₹ 24.69
Annual Intallment 11.37 7 ₹ 17.77
8 ₹ 9.60
n negative)

between the expected return on an investment and its systematic risk.

investment's price will move in tandem with the market. A beta greater than 1 suggests higher volatility, while a beta less than 1 indicates lo
Loan Amortization Table
Installment paid Interest paid Principal paid Ln End of Saving
Yr @ 35%PV Factor PV
₹ 11.37 ₹ 8.34 ₹ 3.03 ₹ 43.32 ₹ 2.92 0.8929 ₹ 2.61
₹ 11.37 ₹ 7.80 ₹ 3.57 ₹ 39.75 ₹ 2.73 0.7972 ₹ 2.18
₹ 11.37 ₹ 7.16 ₹ 4.21 ₹ 35.54 ₹ 2.50 0.7118 ₹ 1.78
₹ 11.37 ₹ 6.40 ₹ 4.97 ₹ 30.56 ₹ 2.24 0.6355 ₹ 1.42
₹ 11.37 ₹ 5.50 ₹ 5.87 ₹ 24.69 ₹ 1.93 0.5674 ₹ 1.09
₹ 11.37 ₹ 4.44 ₹ 6.93 ₹ 17.77 ₹ 1.56 0.5066 ₹ 0.79
₹ 11.37 ₹ 3.20 ₹ 8.17 ₹ 9.60 ₹ 1.12 0.4523 ₹ 0.51
₹ 11.37 ₹ 1.73 ₹ 9.64 ₹ -0.04 ₹ 0.60 0.4039 ₹ 0.24
Present value of all tax savings in Project 2 ₹ 10.62
ta less than 1 indicates lower volatility

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