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Source Craft

Users: Magic use is common and a lot of people know at least a little of it.

Casting: Includes using magic rods are used to write runes on air. If the spell formula is misspelled
magic will not work or produce an undesirable effect. If the rod is lost spell casting is impossible.

Elements: Force/ Mind/Matter/Life

Source: Magic is really the ability to go to the “source” of existence and selectively rewrite reality

Magic power level: Magic can vary in power from mostly being slightly stronger than mundane
means to fulfilling highly powerful feats worthy of legend.

Formality: Magic is highly formalized and divided into spells. Discovering new spells takes
decades of hard work.

Drawbacks: Source Craft is prone to backfiring and causing undesirable effects.

For skill-based magic, add a “Channeling” skill. When you want to do some-
thing magical, you use the channeling skill to summon up the power and—
hopefully—release it. To do this, use a create an advantage action. In this case,
the advantage you’re looking to create is a Summoned Power aspect. When
it comes time to cast the spell—presumably on your next action—make a
roll with a skill of Mediocre (+0), but use whatever bonuses you accrued in
the advantage creation step—so, generally, you’ll get a +2, +4, or +6 through
stacked free invocations and potentially paying a fate point. So far, so good—
generate mana, generate an effect. Now to get a little bit more fiddly.

If you want to cast the spell in one action, then you need to use an
aspect—either for free, or by spending a fate point—without gaining the
+2 bonus. This makes fast casting pretty shaky business. There may be a
stunt that allows you to fast cast for free.

• Difficulty for channeling is Mediocre (+0), difficulty of actually casting

depends on the spell. In either case, a result less than Average means the
power has gotten out of control. The character takes mental stress equal
to the difference between the roll and 0.

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