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Ave Maria College

HEI Unique Institutional Identifier: 09077
MAJ 16- Literary Criticism
NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: _________
PROGRAM & YEAR ___________________________ SCORE: ________

Activity No. 4: Literary Critique – Entry No. 5 and 6

Literary Critique – Entry No. 5

Instruction: Choose a short story from a prominent writer then make sure to secure a copy. Using
“Structuralism” scrutinize and critique the chosen literary piece. Write your critique in a short
bond paper and make your penmanship legible. Be sure to attach a copy of the short story to Entry
No. 5.

Literary Critique – Entry No. 6

Instruction: Choose a poem from a prominent writer then make sure to secure a copy. Using
“Deconstruction” scrutinize and critique the chosen literary piece. After scrutinizing, you present
through PowerPoint Presentation. Make sure to follow the guidelines in making a PowerPoint
Presentation and attach a copy of the poem to Entry 6.
Literary Critique Rubric
2 (Needs
Criteria 5 (Excellent) 4 (Good) 3 (Satisfactory) 1 (Poor)
Clear and Clear thesis that Somewhat clear Unclear or missing Lacks a clear
compelling thesis adequately states the thesis with thesis, fails to thesis, making the
that precisely states main argument or occasional present a distinct main argument or
the main argument interpretation, ambiguity in the or meaningful interpretation
or interpretation, presenting a solid main argument or perspective. unclear or
providing a unique perspective. interpretation. nonexistent.
and insightful Perspective is
perspective. somewhat
In-depth analysis Thorough analysis of Limited analysis Superficial or no No analysis
of literary literary elements, of literary analysis of literary provided, showing
elements, themes, themes, and elements, themes, elements, themes, a complete lack of
and techniques, techniques, showing and techniques, and techniques, understanding.
demonstrating a a solid with a somewhat demonstrating a
nuanced understanding of the shallow lack of
understanding of text. understanding. understanding.
the text.
Provides ample Presents sufficient Limited use of Little to no use of No use of textual
and relevant textual evidence to textual evidence, textual evidence, evidence to
textual evidence to support the critique, or evidence may or evidence is support the
support the generally integrating be irrelevant. entirely irrelevant. critique.
critique, effectively quotations and Integration of Fails to integrate
integrating examples. quotations and quotations and
quotations and examples needs examples
examples. improvement. effectively.
Well-structured Generally well- Some issues with Chaotic No discernible
critique with a organized with a organization, with organization, organization,
logical progression clear progression of occasional making it difficult making the
of ideas, featuring ideas, and transitions disruptions in the to follow the critique confusing
smooth transitions are mostly smooth. flow of ideas. critique. Poorly and incoherent.
between Transitions may structured.
paragraphs and be abrupt or
sections. unclear.
Sophisticated and Clear and effective Language is Very unclear Extremely unclear
precise language language with a somewhat unclear language, limited language, lacking
with a varied good range of or imprecise, with vocabulary, and vocabulary, and
sentence structure vocabulary. limited poor sentence poor sentence
that enhances the Sentence structure is vocabulary. structure. structure.
overall quality of mostly varied. Sentence
writing. structure needs
Compelling and Conclusions are Conclusions are Conclusions are No conclusions
insightful clear and provide a somewhat unclear unclear, abrupt, or provided, leaving
conclusions that satisfactory wrap-up or lack depth, entirely missing. the critique
Conclusions effectively wrap up to the critique. leaving the reader Fails to provide a unfinished.
the critique, with unanswered satisfying wrap-
leaving a lasting questions. up.
Overall Highly effective Generally effective Somewhat Ineffective critique Completely
Effectiveness critique that critique with a good effective critique, that fails to ineffective
demonstrates a understanding of the but understanding demonstrate a critique, failing to
deep understanding text, engaging the of the text is meaningful engage the reader
of the text, reader. limited. understanding of and lacking any
engaging the Engagement with the text, and reader meaningful
reader throughout. the reader may be engagement is understanding of
inconsistent. lacking. the text.
PowerPoint Present Rubric
2 (Needs
Criteria 5 (Excellent) 4 (Good) 3 (Satisfactory) 1 (Poor)
- Comprehensive, - Mostly - Contains some - Limited and - Inaccurate or
accurate, and comprehensive, relevant information, unclear irrelevant
relevant information. accurate, and but may lack depth or information. - Key information. - Fails
- Clearly presents relevant clarity. - Key concepts concepts or data to present key
key concepts or data. information. - or data are somewhat are poorly concepts or data. -
Content - Goes above and Presents key unclear. presented. - Lacks No additional
beyond in providing concepts or data additional insights insights or
additional insights or clearly. - Provides or examples. examples provided.
examples. some additional
insights or
- Logical and well- - Generally logical - Some issues with - Chaotic - No discernible
organized structure. - and well-organized organization. - organization, organization. -
Smooth transitions structure. - Transitions between making it difficult Chaotic and
between slides and Transitions between slides and ideas may be to follow. - confusing. - Lack
ideas. - Clear slides and ideas are abrupt or unclear. - Transitions are of transitions,
introduction, body, mostly smooth. - Introduction, body, and confusing or making the
and conclusion. Adequate conclusion need entirely missing. - presentation
introduction, body, improvement. Poor introduction, incoherent.
and conclusion. body, and
- Effective use of - Good use of - Limited use of - Ineffective use of - Little to no use of
visuals (e.g., images, visuals to support visuals, or visuals may visuals, hindering visuals. - Detracts
graphs) to enhance understanding. - not enhance understanding. - from
understanding. - Design is visually understanding. - Design lacks understanding. -
Visual Visually appealing appealing with Design is somewhat visual appeal. - Visually
Elements design with mostly consistent visually appealing. - Poor choice of unappealing
consistent formatting. formatting. - Fonts Inconsistent use of fonts and colors. design. -
- Fonts and colors are and colors are fonts and colors. Ineffective use of
chosen thoughtfully. chosen fonts and colors.
- Engaging and - Generally - Somewhat engaging - Ineffective - Completely
confident engaging and presentation, with delivery, lacking ineffective
presentation. - confident occasional lack of engagement and delivery, with no
Speaker maintains presentation. - confidence. - Speaker confidence. - Poor engagement or
good eye contact and Speaker maintains may struggle with eye eye contact, confidence. - Lack
Delivery uses clear, articulate adequate eye contact or language unclear language, of eye contact,
language. - Well- contact and uses clarity. - Pacing or tone inappropriate unclear language,
paced and clear, articulate may need pacing, or tone. inappropriate
appropriate tone. language. - Pacing improvement. pacing, or tone.
and tone are mostly
- Proficient use of - Competent use of - Limited proficiency - Ineffective use of - No proficiency in
PowerPoint features. PowerPoint in using PowerPoint PowerPoint using PowerPoint
- Integrates features. - features. - Multimedia features. - features. -
multimedia elements Multimedia elements may not be Multimedia Multimedia
Use of
effectively. - No elements are seamlessly integrated. - elements hinder elements are
technical glitches or integrated well. - Some technical glitches understanding. - entirely ineffective.
issues. Minor technical or issues. Significant - Persistent
glitches may be technical glitches technical glitches
present. or issues. or issues.
Alignment - Clearly aligns with - Mostly aligns with - Partially aligns with - Does not align - Completely
with the intended the intended the intended objectives. with the intended misaligns with the
Objectives objectives of the objectives. - - May not entirely meet objectives. - Fails intended
presentation. - Generally meets the the audience's needs to meet the objectives. - Fails
Addresses the audience's needs and expectations. audience's needs to address the
audience's needs and and expectations. and expectations. audience's needs
expectations and expectations.
- Highly effective - Generally - Somewhat effective - Ineffective - Completely
presentation that effective presentation, with some presentation, ineffective
engages the presentation that room for improvement lacking presentation,
audience, engages the in engagement and engagement and failing to engage
communicates audience and clarity. clear the audience and
information clearly, communicates communication. communicate
and achieves its information clearly. information
objectives. clearly.

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