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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Omni-Channel Last Mile Delivery - Pick Penetration for

Micro Fulfillment Centers
Kavitha Seethapathy

Abstract:- This paper discusses the concept of pick pickup. The main purpose of MFCs is to bring products closer
penetration in micro fulfillment centers, which refers to the to customers, reducing the time and cost of delivery. By having
efficiency and effectiveness of the picking process within multiple small fulfillment centers scattered throughout a city or
these facilities. The picking process involves selecting and region, retailers can ensure faster delivery times and potentially
retrieving items from inventory to fulfill customer orders. lower shipping costs. MFCs can be equipped with advanced
Achieving high pick penetration is crucial for minimizing automation technologies, such as robots and conveyor systems,
operational costs, improving order accuracy, and meeting to optimize the order fulfillment process. These technologies
customer expectations for fast delivery. This abstract enable faster picking, packing, and sorting of products, as well
highlights the importance of optimizing pick penetration in as efficient inventory management.
micro fulfillment centers and explores various strategies
and technologies that can be employed to enhance this This flexibility allows customers to choose the most
process. It discusses the role of automation, such as robotic convenient method for receiving their orders, enhancing their
picking systems and conveyor belts, in streamlining and overall shopping experience. MFCs for omnichannel also
speeding up the picking process. Additionally, it examines provide retailers with valuable data and insights. By
the use of data analytics and machine learning algorithms to centralizing order fulfillment and inventory management,
optimize inventory placement and predict order patterns, retailers can gather data on customer preferences, demand
enabling faster and more accurate picking. The research patterns, and inventory levels, which can be used to improve
will also discuss the challenges and potential solutions forecasting, inventory planning, and overall business
associated with improving pick penetration. These operations. Overall, MFCs for omnichannel are crucial in
challenges include the need for careful planning and layout enabling retailers to deliver a seamless and consistent customer
design, effective inventory management, and training of experience across various channels. They optimize inventory
personnel. management, improve order fulfillment efficiency, and provide
flexible fulfillment options, ultimately driving customer
Potential solutions include the adoption of real-time satisfaction and loyalty.
tracking systems, the use of intelligent algorithms for order
batching and routing, and the implementation of One of the key benefits of MFCs is their ability to handle
performance metrics to monitor and improve pick high volumes of online orders, especially during peak periods.
penetration. In conclusion, this abstract emphasizes the With their smaller size and proximity to customers, MFCs can
significance of pick penetration in micro fulfillment centers quickly process and ship out orders, reducing the risk of delays
and highlights the need for continuous improvement and or backlogs. Additionally, MFCs offer flexibility and scalability
innovation in this area. By optimizing the picking process for retailers. They can easily be expanded or added to existing
through automation, data analytics, and strategic planning, infrastructure, allowing retailers to adapt to changing demand
organizations can enhance their operational efficiency, patterns and customer preferences. Overall, MFCs play a
reduce costs, and deliver a superior customer experience. critical role in the Omni-channel retail industry by providing
efficient order fulfillment solutions that enhance the customer
Keywords:- Micro Fulfillment Centers, Omni-Channel, E- experience and improve operational efficiency for retailers.
Commerce, Retail, Inventory Management, Order Processing,
Order Fulfillment, Pick Penetration and Data Analytics. II. CURRENT MICRO FULFILLMENT CENTERS

I. INTRODUCTION The current micro fulfillment centers are designed to

enable seamless order fulfillment and provide a consistent
Micro fulfillment centers (MFCs) are small-scale customer experience regardless of the channel chosen by the
warehouses that are designed to fulfill online orders quickly and customer. By consolidating inventory from various channels
efficiently. They are typically located in urban areas and are into a central location, retailers can ensure that products are
often integrated with existing retail stores or distribution readily available for fulfillment, improving order accuracy and
centers. MFCs serve as central hubs for fulfilling orders across reducing out-of-stock situations. MFCs for omnichannel use
multiple channels, including online, in-store, and curbside advanced technologies, such as automation, robotics, and

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
warehouse management systems, to streamline the order proper packaging. This can lead to higher customer
fulfillment process. These technologies enable efficient picking, satisfaction, positive reviews, and repeat business.
sorting, and packing of products, as well as real-time inventory
visibility across all channels. This allows retailers to fulfill  Reduced risk of inventory management for smaller
orders quickly and accurately, regardless of whether they businesses: By outsourcing order fulfillment to an external
originate from online or in-store channels. Furthermore, MFCs micro fulfillment center, businesses can minimize the risks
for omnichannel facilitate flexible and convenient fulfillment associated with inventory management. The fulfillment
options for customers. They enable retailers to offer options center takes care of inventory storage, tracking, and
like buy online, pick up in-store (BOPIS), same-day delivery, replenishment, reducing the chances of overstocking or
and curbside pickup. Some advantages of the current MFCs are: stockouts.

 Efficient order processing: Micro fulfillment centers are  Time savings: By delegating order fulfillment to a micro
designed to handle large volumes of orders efficiently. They fulfillment center, businesses can save valuable time that
have advanced technologies and automated systems in place can be redirected towards other core activities, such as
to ensure smooth and fast order processing thereby reducing product development, marketing, and customer service.
the time it takes for customers to receive their products.
 International reach: Micro fulfillment centers, when it is
 Cost savings: By utilizing a micro fulfillment center, external to the retailer often have global distribution
businesses can save on various costs associated with order networks, enabling businesses to reach international
fulfillment. They can avoid the need to invest in warehouse customers efficiently. This can open up new markets and
space, equipment, and staff, as the fulfillment center takes opportunities for growth.
care of these aspects. This can lead to significant cost
savings for businesses, especially small and medium-sized Every system has scope for improvement, and considering
enterprises. that for the micro fulfillment centers, the below may need to be
taken care of for performance improvement and optimization.
 Scalability: Micro fulfillment centers are equipped to handle
fluctuations in order volumes. They have the infrastructure  Space Utilization: As businesses grow, fulfillment centers
and resources to quickly scale up or down for the available may struggle with space constraints. Properly organizing
items based on demand. This flexibility allows businesses to and using the available space effectively is a common issue.
expand their operations without worrying about the logistics The space usage is directly proportional to the financial
of order fulfillment. resources.

 Access to a wider customer base: Micro fulfillment centers  Labor Management: Fulfillment centers often face problems
often have multiple distribution centers strategically located in managing labor efficiently. This includes issues like
in different regions. This enables businesses to reach worker productivity, scheduling, and maintaining a safe
customers in various locations quickly and cost-effectively. working environment.
It also helps reduce shipping costs and transit times,
improving the overall customer experience.  Order Accuracy: Mistakes in order picking and packing can
lead to incorrect orders being shipped out, resulting in
 Expertise and specialization: Micro fulfillment centers customer dissatisfaction and returns.
specialize in order fulfillment and logistics. They have
industry expertise and knowledge of best practices, ensuring  Technology Integration: Lack of proper technology can lead
that orders are handled efficiently and accurately. This to inefficiency and errors. Fulfillment centers need to have
expertise can help businesses streamline their operations up-to-date technology systems for tracking inventory,
and improve customer satisfaction. managing orders, and shipping products.

 Integration with e-commerce platforms: Many micro  Scalability: During peak seasons or periods of rapid growth,
fulfillment centers offer seamless integration with the fulfillment centers may struggle to keep up with the increase
retailers e-commerce platforms. This integration allows in order volumes, especially when the products are not
businesses to automate order processing and inventory standard across the year.
management, saving time and reducing the likelihood of
errors.  Sustainability: With growing awareness about
environmental issues, fulfillment centers are under pressure
 Enhanced customer experience: Micro fulfillment centers to adopt sustainable practices, which can be a challenging
focus on providing a positive customer experience. They task.
ensure that orders are shipped promptly, accurately, and in

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Cost Management: Maintaining profitability while , one of China's leading e-commerce companies. It is
managing the costs of labor, shipping, storage, and one of the two massive B2C online retailers which has
technology is a constant challenge for fulfillment centers. implemented an innovative pick penetration solution called
"smart sorting robots." These robots are equipped with
So, an MFC cannot be set-up without considering the advanced sensors and AI capabilities that allow them to
above aspects. The success of MFC highly depends on location, navigate the warehouse and locate the products for picking.
inventory management, order processing, technology aspects, The robots work in collaboration with human workers,
etc. reducing the need for manual labor and significantly
improving pick penetration. has reported a
III. WHY CONSIDER PICK PENETRATION FOR significant increase in efficiency and reduced costs since
MFCS? implementing this solution.

In the context of micro fulfillment centers (MFCs), pick  Kroger, a major US supermarket chain, has partnered with
penetration refers to the efficiency and accuracy of the picking British robotics company Ocado to build highly automated
process within these facilities. MFCs are small-scale, so these warehouses for pick penetration. These warehouses utilize a
can be automated warehouses that use robotics and technology combination of robotics, AI, and advanced automation
or manual that are used to quickly fulfill online orders. Pick technologies to optimize the picking process. The system
penetration in MFCs involves optimizing the picking process to includes automated storage and retrieval systems, robotic
achieve the highest possible number of successful picks within arms for picking items, and sophisticated algorithms for
a given timeframe. This includes maximizing the accuracy of efficient routing. This innovative solution has resulted in
item selection, minimizing errors, reducing the time taken to improved pick penetration, faster order fulfillment, and
locate and retrieve items, and increasing the overall speed of the reduced labor costs for Kroger.
picking process. Efficient pick penetration in MFCs is crucial
for meeting customer demands and ensuring timely order By leveraging technologies such as robotics, AI, and
fulfillment. By effectively managing and optimizing the picking advanced algorithms, companies have been able to optimize
process, MFCs can improve productivity, reduce operational their picking processes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs.
costs, and provide a seamless online shopping experience for These case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of innovative
customers. solutions in improving pick penetration. We will be exploring
on some additional factors which can further improve pick
When considering the factors for improving the Pick- penetration for the micro fulfillment centers.
penetration, some case studies that were considered are as
 Ocado is a UK-based grocery technology and online
retailer, has implemented a highly innovative system for Pick penetration, also known as pick density or pick face
pick penetration in their automated warehouses. Their utilization, is a measure of how efficiently the available storage
system utilizes a combination of robotics, artificial space in a micro fulfillment center (MFC) is being utilized for
intelligence, and advanced algorithms to optimize the picking operations. It refers to the percentage of available pick
picking process. Robots move along the shelves, picking faces or locations that are occupied by products. In an MFCs,
products and delivering them to human workers who pack pick faces are the designated locations where items are stored
them for delivery. This automated system has significantly and picked for order fulfillment. These can be shelves, bins,
improved pick penetration, reducing the time taken for each totes, or any other storage units. Pick penetration is calculated
pick and increasing overall efficiency. by dividing the number of occupied pick faces by the total
number of available pick faces and multiplying the result by
 Amazon has been at the forefront of innovation in pick 100 to get a percentage. A high pick penetration indicates that a
penetration. They have implemented various technologies, large portion of the available storage space is being effectively
including robotics and AI-driven algorithms, to optimize used for picking operations, maximizing the efficiency of the
their picking process. One notable example is their use of MFC. On the other hand, a low pick penetration suggests that
Kiva robots in their fulfillment centers. These robots there is excess unused space, which may indicate inefficient
autonomously navigate the warehouse, bringing the shelves organization or underutilization of the available storage
to the human workers for picking. This combined automated capacity. Optimizing pick penetration is important for efficient
and manual picking system has dramatically increased pick order fulfillment and maximizing the storage capacity of an
penetration, allowing for faster and more efficient order MFC. It helps ensure that products are stored in a way that
fulfillment. minimizes travel distances for pickers and reduces the time and
effort required to complete orders. By maximizing pick
penetration, MFCs can improve productivity, reduce labor
costs, and enhance overall operational efficiency.

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
V. SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING PICK bottlenecks or inefficiencies and implement process
PENETRATION improvements accordingly.

Improving pick penetration in a micro fulfillment center By implementing these strategies, the optimization of pick
(MFC) involves optimizing the utilization of available storage penetration in the MFC DCs can be done which will improve
space for picking operations. Here are some strategies to overall operational efficiency and enhance order fulfillment
consider: capabilities.

 Slotting Optimization: Analyze the demand patterns and VI. AUTOMATIC AND MANUAL PICKING:
product characteristics to determine the most efficient
slotting strategy. Place frequently picked items closer to the Automatic picking and manual picking are two different
picking area and ensure that high-demand products are approaches to fulfill orders in micro fulfillment centers.
easily accessible. This reduces travel time for pickers and Depending on the type of MFC, some key aspects to consider
increases pick density. when comparing the two:
 Efficiency: Automatic picking systems, such as robotics
 ABC Analysis: Conduct an ABC analysis to classify and conveyors, are typically faster and more efficient than
products based on their demand and value. Class A items, manual picking. They can handle a larger volume of orders
which are high-demand and high-value, should be located in in a shorter time frame, reducing order processing time and
easily accessible areas to maximize pick penetration. Class increasing productivity.
B and C items can be stored in less accessible areas.  Accuracy: Automatic picking systems are known for their
high accuracy levels. They can precisely pick and pack
 Dynamic Slotting: Implement a dynamic slotting strategy items without errors, reducing the chances of incorrect
that allows for reorganizing pick faces based on changes in orders or damaged products. Manual picking, on the other
demand patterns or seasonal variations. Regularly review hand, is more prone to human error and may require
and adjust the location of products to ensure optimal pick additional quality control measures.
penetration.  Cost: Automatic picking systems often require a significant
upfront investment in equipment and technology. They also
 Efficient Storage Systems: Utilize storage systems that require ongoing maintenance and operational costs. Manual
maximize the use of available space. Consider options like picking, although less efficient, may be more cost-effective
high-density shelving, flow racks, automated storage and for smaller micro fulfillment centers with lower order
retrieval systems (AS/RS), or vertical lift modules (VLMs) volumes.
to increase pick density and reduce wasted space.  Flexibility: Manual picking offers more flexibility in
handling different types of products, especially those that
 Minimize Aisles and Walk Paths: Design the layout of the are irregularly shaped or require special handling.
MFC to minimize the number of aisles and walk paths. This Automatic picking systems may have limitations in
can be achieved by optimizing the placement of storage handling certain types of products, requiring additional
units and ensuring efficient flow of pickers. By reducing customization or adaptations.
non-productive areas, you can increase the overall pick  Scalability: Automatic picking systems are typically more
penetration. scalable than manual picking. As order volumes increase,
automatic systems can be easily expanded or modified to
 Automation and Robotics: Implement automated picking meet growing demands. Manual picking may require
systems, such as robotics or conveyors, to increase pick additional labor and resources to scale up, which may not be
density and reduce the need for manual labor. These as efficient or cost-effective.
systems can optimize space utilization and improve pick  Labor requirements: Automatic picking systems reduce
penetration by efficiently handling a larger volume of the need for manual labor in the picking process. This can
orders. result in reduced labor costs and potentially alleviate labor
shortages. Manual picking, on the other hand, requires more
 Inventory Management: Implement robust inventory manpower and may depend on the availability and
management practices, including regular cycle counts and reliability of human workers.
accurate stock replenishment. This helps avoid overstocking  Implementation time: Implementing automatic picking
or understocking of products, ensuring that pick faces are systems may take longer due to the need for equipment
appropriately utilized. installation, integration with other systems, and staff
training. Manual picking can be implemented relatively
 Continuous Improvement: Regularly monitor and analyze quickly, requiring less setup and training time.
pick penetration metrics to identify areas for improvement.
Seek feedback from pickers and warehouse staff to identify

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Volume 9, Issue 2, February – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Ultimately, the choice between automatic and manual In conclusion, the decision to invest in a micro fulfillment
picking in micro fulfillment centers depends on factors such as center (MFC) can be a strategic move for businesses looking to
order volume, product characteristics, budget constraints, and enhance their e-commerce operations and meet the growing
long-term growth plans. It may also be possible to combine demand for faster and more efficient order fulfillment. By
both approaches, using automatic picking for high-volume leveraging automation technologies and compact designs,
items and manual picking for more complex or specialized MFCs offer a cost-effective solution for picking and packing
products. orders in a smaller footprint. When choosing an MFC, it is
important to consider factors such as scalability, integration
VII. CONCLUSION with existing systems, and the ability to handle a wide variety
of products. Additionally, selecting the right software and
Optimizing pick penetration in a micro fulfillment center hardware solutions for picking processes is crucial to maximize
(MFC) is essential for maximizing efficiency, reducing costs, efficiency and accuracy. By carefully evaluating the specific
and ensuring timely order fulfillment. There are several needs and requirements of the business, and leveraging the
strategies that can be implemented to achieve this optimization. advantages offered by MFCs, companies can streamline their
fulfillment operations, improve customer satisfaction, and stay
Firstly, implementing advanced automation technologies, competitive in the rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape.
such as robotic picking systems and conveyor belts, can
significantly increase pick speed and accuracy. These REFERENCES
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metrics, such as pick rates and order cycle times, is crucial for
identifying areas of improvement and implementing continuous
optimization strategies. Overall, by leveraging automation
technologies, utilizing data analytics, implementing efficient
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businesses can optimize pick penetration in their micro
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