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2020 Level 2


Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700 Proficiency In
College of Nursing and Health Sciences Quality Management

DACUMA REY JOHN F. BS Nutrition & Dietetics 3 Logic & Critical Thinking

1. To relate of all the different classical philosophies how would you relate each
of those in real life situation?

I would relate all of different classical philosophies in my real-life situation in the indefinite response
of my stimulus of being a student it is hard to wake up every morning without being navigated by
those classical philosophies but because of those branches of philosophies we are able to go through
in this life without having state of mental uncertainty.

2. On the matter of how would the different areas of philosophy just like for
example the Metaphysics, Epistemology and so on, would be applicable in
teaching learning process?

Those areas of philosophy would be applicable in teaching learning process because the teacher or
educator teaches the reality and how all the things existed with evidence based and by that as
learners we got to delve into the nature of knowledge .

3. Define the Following branches of Philosophy:

Political Philosophy Examines ideas about government, justice, and the organization of society.

Philosophy of Religion Explores questions about faith, belief, and the existence of a higher power.

Philosophy of Science Investigates the nature of scientific knowledge, methods, and the relationship
between science and reality.

Philosophy of Mathematics Studies the nature and foundations of mathematical concepts and

Philosophy of Language Analyzes the nature of language, meaning, and communication.

Philosophy of Mind Explores the nature of consciousness, thought, and mental processes.

Philosophy of Rationalism Focuses on the role of reason and logic in acquiring knowledge.

Philosophy of Law Examines the nature of law, justice, and the principles governing legal systems.

Social Philosophy Addresses questions about society, ethics, and the collective behavior of humans.

2020 Level 2
Arteche Blvd., Catbalogan City, Philippines 6700 Proficiency In
College of Nursing and Health Sciences Quality Management

Philosophy of History Reflects on the nature of historical knowledge and the interpretation of the

Philosophy of Phenology Investigates the nature of human consciousness and subjective


Philosophy of Naturalism Explores the worldview that everything can be explained through natural
phenomena and laws.

Philosophy of Existentialism Examines the individual's existence, freedom, and the meaning of life.

Philosophy of Ontology Deals with questions about the nature of being, existence, and reality.

Philosophy of Cosmology Explores theories and questions about the origin, structure, and fate of
the universe.

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