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(A) Imagine that Griffin has been caught by the police and is produced in court.

needs to defend himself prove that he is not guilty of the charges. and As Griffin, prepare
a statement that you would use in court to prove your innocence.
You may begin like this: I plead not guilty. I have been accused of..., however...
Ans) Griffin: I plead not guilty - I have been accused of violence and cruelty by the
people of Iping, However I deny all the charges. I didn't hurt anyone intentionally I had
no ill will against anyone. The circumstances somehow, were such that I had to be
violent or cruel in order to save myself. I have been accused of robbery at the
clergyman's house. My problem was that Mrs. Hall was nudging me all the time to pay
the rent. 1 told her so many times that I was waiting for my cheque and would pay when
the cheque arrived. But she became impatient and I had to rob the clergyman in order to
get money. Once I attacked the shopkeeper from behind and robbed him of all the
money. But it was because I wanted to escape from that place. Thus, I plead that I am
innocent and all these points must be taken into consideration before announcing any
Thank you.
(B) Based on the given context, write a diary entry, as the narrator, on what you
experienced and the possible reason for it.
I should have been able to jump into one of the carriages, but I hesitated for some
reason I can't explain-and I lost the chance to get away
Ans:12 June 20XX
I should have been able to jump into one of the carriages, but I hesitated for some
reason I can't explain and I lost the chance to get away perhaps God has some good
plans for me this time. That's why I can't feel the pleasure of stealing six hundreds
rupees. Instead, I'm feeling guilty of having violated the trust that Anil had reposted on
me. That's why I could not board the train. Anil always treated me like his friend. I too,
valued Anil's friendship feelings for me. But after discovering the theft, I'm sure, Anil
would not be sad for the loss of money, but for loss of trust. The only person I knew and
who could help me was Anil whom I had robbed a few hours ago. I robbed that person
who was so large-hearted and the one who wanted me to get educated so that I, too,
could earn respect, name and money. Alas! God, forbid me and my sins.
(A) 'His father and mother had come around calling to him shrilly, upbraiding him,
threatening him ....... What role was played by the family of the seagull to train him in
the art of flying?
Ans: To train the young seagull in the art of flying, the entire family helped out. His
sister and brothers encouraged him to muster up the courage and try to fly. The parents
called out in a shrill voice, along with cajoling and scolding him in turn. Then they
threatened to let him starve. When all this proved unsuccessful, his mother tempted him
by flying close to his ledge with a piece of fish in her mouth. Maddened by hunger, he
dived forward to get that piece and fell into the space. To save himself, he spread his
wings and found that he was able to fly. Thus, the entire family helped him to learn the
art of flying. His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on the green surface of
water ahead of him. They were calling him to do the same thing. They were flying around
him. They were roaring and diving. When he was tired and weak with hunger, he could
not rise. Then his family came around him crying and praising him. They offered him
scraps of dog-fish because he had made his first flight successfully. (6)
(B) "You seem to have done your homework before coming." Answer the given question
in light of this statement.
Rajvir seemed to have a lot of information about tea. What all did he tell? What character
trait of his is revealed? Is it essential for children?
(B) Rajvir had been invited to spend his vacations with his classmate Pranjol, whose
father was the manager of a tea estate in Assam. He was quite excited about the trip and
had gathered a considerable amount of relevant information, ie., where tea originated
and how it became such a popular beverage. He informed that about 80 crore cups of
tea are consumed daily and that the name 'tea' itself has originated from the Chinese
language. He narrated two popular legends about the origin of tea. Rajvir exhibits an
important value trait, which is the pre-requisite to gain knowledge curiosity and
eagerness to know. Moreover, he is not a passive learner but is proactive in collecting
prior information to any real experience. He likes to do his homework thoroughly before
going to a place. This is something very appreciable and children should develop this
habit of finding out about the place they are going to visit. These are extremely desirable
traits for all learners.
(A) Griffin set the house on fire when he was thrown out. Anger and revenge are in no
way a solution to any problem. You are a columnist for a class X e-zine(magazine).
Create a column on importance of anger management for teens and its detrimental
effects on health. You may begin like this:
ANGER DOESN'T RESOLVE, IT DESTROYS by Griffin, in Footprints Without Feet sets
the house on fire... (CONTINUE)
(Ans) Anger Doesn't Resolve, It Destroys By Aradhna X-C
Griffin in footprints without feet, sets the house on fire when he was thrown out. He was
so angry that he sets fire to this house without giving a single thought to it. His landlord
had threatened him to evacuate the house. So he wanted to take revenge on him. But
one must realise that anger and revenge are in no way a solution to any problem. It is an
old saying that kindness pays, rudeness never. Anger can never resolve any problem. It
rather aggravates it. It is always better to keep cool when someone is angry. Despite
anger being a healthy and normal emotion, it must be under one's control. It should not
be allowed to escalate, uncontrollable anger leads to high blood pressure and anxiety.
Parents are the role models of their children so they should not yell or scream at them.
First they should keep their cool so that the child follows them. (6)
( B) As the woman who dupes Danby, pen a diary entry for the night before the robbery.
Pen down your thoughts, fears, and hopes from the robbery based on the events of the
story "The Question of Trust".
Wednesday, 12 July '78
9 p.m.,
Its D-day, finally! Today, I know how it feels to be nervous and excited at the same
time....... (continue).
(Ans) Wednesday 12 July 1978
9 p.m., Dear Diary
Its D-day finally! Today I don't know whether to feel nervous or excited or both at the
same time. I am nervous as I am afraid whether my robbery plan is perfect or not. I am
well aware that Horace Danby too is a meticulous planner. He also must have planned it
so well that it comes out as a successful robbery. Duping Danby won't be an easy job.
On the other hand, I am excited too because I might be the owner of jewels worth fifteen
thousand pounds. Oh my God! This really would mean a dream come true. God knows
how fond am I of jewels and getting them all, without paying a single penny would be
something that I can never imagine. Hope that the plan turns out to successful. I am
keeping my fingers crossed till then.
The woman thief
(A) Motivation plays an important role in taking risks in life and in succeeding. You
have been chosen to address a student gathering in your school to spread light on the
topic with reference to the pilot of the old Dakota and the young seagull. Prepare the
speech draft in not more than 120 words.
(Ans) Good morning everyone
Motivation plays a very important role in taking risks in life and succeeding. Without
motivation, it is not possible to reach the aims in life and be successful. The pilot of old
Dakota is motivated to meet his family and have dinner with them. So, when he sees
dark clouds ahead, he does not stop and risks his as well as the life of passengers to
reach his destination.
The young seagull is afraid of flying. The seagull would go hungry because no one from
his family gave him food. He saw others flying and when once risked to jump to take
food from his mother, realised that he had to fly to live. Hunger is what motivated the
young seagull to fly.
These two stories effectively illustrate the role that motivation plays in taking chances
and succeeding. Motivation fuels our actions, which pushes us to leave our comfort
zones and take on problems head-on. It acts as a guiding light, showing the way forward
even when the obstacles appear insurmountable.
You are at a pivotal point in your lives as students. You are perched on the edge of an
unlimited number of opportunities. Realising the importance of motivation in
determining your destiny is crucial.
To conclude, the pilot and the young seagull are two examples of how motivation may
inspire people to take chances and succeed.

A) Parents play a crucial role in the upbringing of their children. Critically examine the
parents of Bholi and Ebright,
Ans: Parents play the most crucial role in child's life. They are the child's first teacher,
who provide comfort and security, which has a direct impact on the development of the
child's brain Ebright's mother played the role of a friend, philosopher and guide. She
fulfilled the vacuum created by the death of his father. She tirelessly assisted him in his
research on butterflies and provided everything necessary to enhance his knowledge. It
was only because of her that Ebright became a renowned scientist.
Contrary to Ebrights mother, Bholi's parents detested her from the day of her birth on
account of her gender. Their insensitive behaviour proved detrimental to Bholi's
physical, and mental development. Bholi grew up to be timid child who would stanner
much to her parents' annoyance. In a nutshell, love, care and guidance from parent
make a difference in shaping the child's future.
A) Fearlessness and determination were the character highlights of Valli. Nelson
Mandela said, "Courage is not the absence of fear, but triumph over it." Compare and
contrast the character traits of Valli and Nelson Mandela.
Ans: Valliammai was a cheerful girl of eight years. Curiosity about the things
surrounding her made way towards gaining the worldly knowledge. Though quite young,
she understood the importance of being mature. She was fascinated by the view of the
town yet she did not get down the bus in her temptation. She even refused an offer of
free cold drink from the conductor. Already a bit more mature than her age, she
understood the mystery of life and death through her first ride on the bus. She realised
that in a short span of time, people/ creatures that looked so lively a moment ago are
snatched away by death. She was a mature girl when she began her ride but she
actually returned as a mature lady. Nelson Mandela, the first Black president of South
Africa, after more than 3 centuries of white rule, celebrated very vividly the grand
ceremony of the first democratic non-racial government. Being sworn in, he said
radiantly that "Never, never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again
experience the oppression of one by another". He pays homage to the freedom fighters
and marked those as men of uncommon courage, wisdom and generosity. He regards the
death of thousands of people who sacrificed their lives for the cause of courage. It is not
the absence of fear but the victory over it. No man is born with harassment rather love
which comes naturally to the human heart. He says every man has his duties to his
family, to the community and to his country to perform honestly, Thus, both had a
carefree childhood which gradually transformed them from meek to a vibrant personality
of indomitable courage.
(A) "And in her smiling eyes was the sight of deep satisfaction that an artist feels when
he is contemplating the completion of his masterpiece." Imagine you are Bholi's
teacher. You are overwhelmed with a sense of satisfaction to see the conversion of
'Bholi' to 'Sulekha'. Express your feelings in the form of a diary entry.
Ans: Monday, 22 November 20XX
9 p.m.
Dear Diary
Today I felt much satisfied as I got success in changing Bholi to Sulekha. As her name
signifies, Bholi was really a simple girl. I can't forget her first entry in my class. A
frightened, confused and a simple girl was her first appearance. She used to stammer
while speaking. But my two words of affection filled her with confidence. But my two
words of affection filled her with confidence. She left stammering and became a
confident, determined girl. She was determined to learn everything silently. In her
family, nobody noticed the changes that tookn place in her personality, and got her
engaged to a fifty years old lame man with two children. She kept the honour of her
parents and agreed to this marriage. But she couldn't stand with the demand of dowry.
She threw away her garland in the fire and asked her father to take back the money. She
raised her voice against dowry. She asked the ladies of the village why girls should be
treated like a dumb cow.
This was the change I always wanted to see in her personality. Today I feel I have
completed my masterpiece without any error. Today she signified her real name Sulekha.
Bholi's loving teacher (6)
(B) Hari Singh, in spite of all the flaws, emerge as a lovable character. Comment
Ans: Hari Singh, the narrator of the story "The Thief's Story" is a fifteen-year-old thief.
He considers himself to be a successful thief as he is good at cheating and robbing
people. He approaches Anil in the guise of wanting to work for him. Hari is shown
kindness by Anil as he takes him in as a cook and teaches him how to cook, read and
write. In spite of Anil being kind to him, Hari continues to cheat Anil by stealing his
money while he is sent to the bazaar for daily supplies. As Anil teaches him to read and
write his name, Hari is inspired to use his education to make a limitless and honest
career out of it. One day, when Anil brings home a lot of cash, Hari decides to steal it.
But as he tries to run away with it, he hesitates at the prospect of leaving behind the
only person he truly knows well. He remembers how he will miss cooking for Anil, going
to the bazaar and miss out on the opportunity of learning how to write full sentences. He
knows how sad Anil will be knowing he broke his trust, so Hari decides to return back to
the house and put the money back under the mattress when he had stolen it from.
When he wakes up the next morning Anil gives him a 50 rupee note and tells him that
he will be paid regularly now. Hari realises the note is still wet from the rain when he
tried to run away with it and realizes Anil knows that he had tried to steal the money,
But he is moved by Anil's values of friendship, kindness, trust and forgiveness. He is
motivated to reform himself because of Anil and his own desire of having an honest
career after his education.

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