Notes 2

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Ques.1- How does Mr Lamb's brief association with Derry affect the latter?


How did Mr Lamb's meeting with Derry become a turning point in his life?

Ans. Derry was a fourteen years old boy who had his one side of face burnt due to the
spilling of acid. He was dejected. People pitied him. He was pained due to the horror,
disgust and the pity show for him by the alienated people. As a result, he had become
bitter. He had withdrawn himself from people and had developed a pessimistic attitude
to life.

When he met Mr Lamb and spent some time in his company, his entire perspective
changed. Mr Lamb was a person, full of life. He told Derry to embrace life fully and not to
be bothered about what people said about him. He advised him to keep his ears shut to
what was unpleasant to hear but not to shut himself in. He inspired Derry by keeping
himself busy in spite of his tin-leg and by being open and cheerful.

Mr Lamb's advice proved to be a great motivation for Derry and he came out from his
shell of isolation. Thus it proved to be a turning point in his life.

Ques.2- Compare and contrast the characters of Mr. Lamb and Derry.

Ans. Both Mr Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical impairment. Mr Lamb has an
artificial leg made of tin and Derry has a severely burnt face both the experiences have
been terribly painful for the respective sufferers.

Apart from this Mr Lamb does not bother about his lameness or that children make fun
of him. He takes life as it comes without grumbling. He keeps the gates of his house and
windows open. Mr Lamb loves all the creatures of God and states, "There's nothing God
made that doesn't interest me". Weeds and flowers demonstrate life and growth. If one
isolates oneself; one might suffer like the man in Mr Lamb's story who died when a
picture fell off the wall and killed him.

Derry, on the other hand, is a young boy of fourteen who is conscious of his ugly face
and is full of bitterness. Derry is withdrawn and complex. He hates meeting people. He
suffers on account of the pain caused by his notions of how much people hate him and
are repulsed by him. Derry is forced by Mr. Lamb to see that actions are more important
than looks and even weeds have their value. Mr. Lamb's positive attitude changes Derry
and inspires him to rush back and face the world.
Ques.1- How does Mr Lamb's brief association with Derry affect the latter?


How did Mr Lamb's meeting with Derry become a turning point in his life?

Ans. Derry was a fourteen years old boy who had his one side of face burnt due to the
spilling of acid. He was dejected. People pitied him. He was pained due to the horror,
disgust and the pity show for him by the alienated people. As a result, he had become
bitter. He had withdrawn himself from people and had developed a pessimistic attitude
to life.

When he met Mr Lamb and spent some time in his company, his entire perspective
changed. Mr Lamb was a person, full of life. He told Derry to embrace life fully and not to
be bothered about what people said about him. He advised him to keep his ears shut to
what was unpleasant to hear but not to shut himself in. He inspired Derry by keeping
himself busy in spite of his tin-leg and by being open and cheerful.

Mr Lamb's advice proved to be a great motivation for Derry and he came out from his
shell of isolation. Thus it proved to be a turning point in his life.

Ques.2- Compare and contrast the characters of Mr. Lamb and Derry.

Ans. Both Mr Lamb and Derry suffer from a physical impairment. Mr Lamb has an
artificial leg made of tin and Derry has a severely burnt face both the experiences have
been terribly painful for the respective sufferers.

Apart from this Mr Lamb does not bother about his lameness or that children make fun
of him. He takes life as it comes without grumbling. He keeps the gates of his house and
windows open. Mr Lamb loves all the creatures of God and states, "There's nothing God
made that doesn't interest me". Weeds and flowers demonstrate life and growth. If one
isolates oneself; one might suffer like the man in Mr Lamb's story who died when a
picture fell off the wall and killed him.

Derry, on the other hand, is a young boy of fourteen who is conscious of his ugly face
and is full of bitterness. Derry is withdrawn and complex. He hates meeting people. He
suffers on account of the pain caused by his notions of how much people hate him and
are repulsed by him. Derry is forced by Mr. Lamb to see that actions are more important
than looks and even weeds have their value. Mr. Lamb's positive attitude changes Derry
and inspires him to rush back and face the world.

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