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Created by
ECE “C” Section.
Definition of STEM:

Engineering, arts, and mathematics The STEAM

Pyramid is a framework that emphasizes the
importance of science, technology, in solving
complex problems and advancing society.At its
foundation, the STEAM Pyramid rests on the
principles of science, which provides the knowledge
and understanding necessary to make informed
decisions and develop new technologies.
Technology then builds upon this foundation by
using science to create innovative solutions to
real-world problems. Engineering takes these
solutions and turns them into tangible products and
systems that can be used to improve our lives. The
arts play a crucial role in the STEAM Pyramid by
fostering creativity and innovation, which
areessential to solving complex problems and
driving progress. Finally, mathematics provides the
analytical tools needed to make sense ofdata, solve
complex problems, and create new technologies.


Science is the foundation of the STEAM Pyramid
because it provides the fundamental understanding
of how the world works. It allows us to explore and
explain natural phenomena, from the tiniest particles
to the largest structures in the universe.
Science is applied in everyday life in countless
ways, from the food we
eat to the technology we use. For example,
scientists use chemistry to develop new medicines,
physics to design more efficient cars, and biology to
understand how our bodies function.


Technology plays a
crucial role in the STEAM Pyramid, building upon
the foundation of science. It involves the application
of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such
solving problems and improving our daily lives.
From smartphones to self-driving cars, technology
has revolutionized the way we live, work, and
communicate. It has enabled us to connect with
people from all over the world, access vast amounts
of information, and accomplish tasks more efficiently
than ever before.


Engineering is a critical component of the STEAM

Pyramid, as it involves using science and technology
to design and build solutions that solve real-world
problems. Engineers apply their knowledge of
physics, mathematics, and materials science to
create everything from bridges and buildings to
medical devices and computer hardware.
One example of engineering in action is the
development of renewable energy technologies like
wind turbines and solar panels. Engineers use their
understanding of physics and materials science to
design these technologies, which are then used to
generate clean energy and reduce our reliance on
fossil fuels. Another example is the field of
biomedical engineering, where engineers work
alongside doctors and scientists to create new
medical devices and treatments that improve patient

Mathematics is often referred to as the language of

science and technology. It provides a framework for
understanding the natural world and developing
new technologies that improve our lives. At the top
of the STEAM Pyramid, mathematics plays a critical
role in making sense of data, solving complex
problems, and creating new technologies.
Data analysis is an essential part of many fields,
from finance to healthcare to engineering.
Mathematics provides the tools necessary to
analyse and interpret data, whether it's through
statistical analysis or machine learning algorithms. In
addition, mathematics is used to solve complex
problems in fields such as physics, engineering, and
computer science. Without mathematics, we would
not have been able to land a man on the moon or
develop the internet.
Finally, mathematics is also essential in the creation
of new technologies. From designing and building
robots to developing artificial intelligence systems,
mathematics provides the foundation for innovation
and progress. By understanding the principles of
mathematics, we can continue to push the
boundaries of what is possible and create a better
future for ourselves and future generations.

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