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+919873158888, +91956021888,

C 401, Second Floor, Dev Plaza, Ramphal Chowk, Dwarka Sector 7, Delhi - 110075
1) CPDLC Controller pilot data link coms.

A means of comms where ATC A/C may communcate as text messages on the same VHF
This is an altemate means of comms…
* Reduces frequency congestion & workload.
* Avoids Accent related problems.
* Comms will be better /+ve & precise.

Works on the same principle as Radio waves CPDLC works in the same VHF comms band as
VHF voice comms..

Disadvantage of CPDLC :- Expensive….

* A/C & ATC Both to be equipped with CPDLC.

India: - Only 4 ATC stations (VIDP/VABB/VOMM/VECC) have CPDLC.

2) ACARS: - A/C coms. Addressing & reporting system.

Similarities b/w CPDLC & ACARS.

Both are text message coms.

Both are functions of FMS.

Difference: - CPDLC used for text messages b/w A/C & Company /Dispatch / Ops works (
Reduces dispatch workload & paperwork) on VDLR.

ACARS has following parts: -

Ground equipment – VDL Datalink 2.

Air equipemnt – Router to route messages to ground VDL2 via air ground networks.

Types of ACARS messages: -

1) Aeronautical ops control.
2) Airline administrative control

CPDLC works only on VHF but ACARS works on VHF (continental)/HF (polar) & SATCOM (oceanic).

3. Two way coms: -

Mic required.

Transducer converts one form of energy to another form of energy.

Mic uses TD to convert Audio waves to C- signals C – signals will be the frequency – Mic converts
Audio waves to Audio frequencies.

Sound is a form of energy.

Electrical signals can be amplified.

Modulation superimposing of Audio frequencies onto a carrier wave..

Sound waves are converted to EM waves using a Microphone before the signal is modulated on a carrier

* We use ECM mic in aviation Electric Condenser mic…

*) Speaker is another transducer & is exact reverse of mic converts EM waves to sound

Mic to Transmitter.


Amplitude: Max displacement of wave up/down from near person.

From the modulator, on oscillator is used which on passing on AC can produce any desired frequency.
Select the desired carrier frequency based on Distance.

VHF/HF etc..

HF 3000 – 4000 NM.

Choose Carrier.
VHF 200 - 250 NM.

Amount of AC can be altered in oscillator on basis of whether we need HF or VHF – Insert frequency in
Radio comms. Panel tuning freq.
Summary :-

1) Pilot produces sound wave.

2) Mic (ECM) converts sound wave to EM wave (Base Signal)
3) EM wave sent to Amplifier to increase amplitude/ power of base signal.
4) Radio frequency is selected & the osciallator produces the radio frequency (carrier wave).
5) Modulator boards the base EM signal on the radio frequency/carrier.
6) Now signal is Radio + Audio frequency.
7) RF+MF goes through another Amplifier.
8) This RF + AF waves is Tx through Tx antenna.


Pilot Sound Wave Mic (ECM) Amplifier Modulator Radio frequency selected
oscillator (produces Radio frequency) RF+AF Amplifier (Tx Antenna)

* Mic convert sound to EM.

Amp Increase Amplitude

Modulator Board EM on carrier wave.

Oscillator- Creates carrier waves.

- Mic & speakers are transducers.

- Transducers convert one form of energy to another.
- Type of Mic used in A/C is electric condenser Mic.

Radio Wave Propagation.

1) VHF : When VHF used as a carrier

2) HF: when HF used as a carrier.

Tx Diagram



VHF band: 30-300 MHz.
*Each wave has a freq.

# Frequency No. of cycles/second

If frequency is 121.9 Mhz, there 121900000 waves/second

1khz = 1000 Hz.

1Mhz = 1000 Khz.
1 Ghz = 1000 Mhz.


VHF band :
88MHz 108 MHz 118 MHz
30 MHz

107 MHz 117.95 MHz 137 MHz 300 MHz

88M – 107M: - Radio
108M – 117.85 M:- Nav. VHF COMM. BAND
118M – 137:- Comms band.

*) [93.4] [93.5] [93.6]

1) There will be light reception on the immediate neighbor frequency.

2) There will be overlapping of frequency if someone uses 93.4 or 93.6.
3) The two stations should be separated to prevent interference.
4) Separation to be maintained is called as [BANDWIDTH – BW]
5) BW is always X2 of Audio frequency.
6) Separation of 25 KHz for VHF band.
Q. How many VHF channels possible on spacing of 25 Khz? [Traditional]
Ans. Total channels in VHF comms band. 137-117 = 19.
MHz = 19000 KHz.
19000/25 = 760 channels
19 MHz X 40 = 760 channels.
{ICAO adopted ITO request in Annex 10 Vol 2 – RT & comms}

ICAO SARPS – std. and recommended practices.

Standard: - uniformity

Recommended: - In interest of safety.

DOCS: - Contain guidelines for implementation of annexures.


* Modern VHF radios have a spacing of 8.33Kh in lieu of 25Khz since 25K was excessive considering
increasing Air Traffic.

25/3 = 8.33 KHz.

Therefore, No. of Channels in 1 MHz = 1000/8.33 = 120 channels.

Therefore, total channels in comms band: 19 X 120 = 2280 Channels.

Conventional: 25 KHz spacing – 760 channels

Modem: 8.33 KHz spacing – 2280 channels.

Range of VOR: 1.25

- 8.33 KHz spacing- Equipment “Y” in ICAO FPL.

- 25 KHz spacing- Equipment “V” in ICAO FPL.

*) V Is only for traditional comms without ILS/VOR systems.

*) S is equipment code for traditional comms with std. ILS/VOR systems.

*) HF Range: 2000 – 3000 NM (extended up to 4000 NM by increasing Tx power).

HF band : 3000 KHz- 30000 KHz.

3 MHz – 30 MHz

2850 KHz (HF comms band) – 22000 KHz.

*) The HF band of comms. begins from 2.85MH which is in upper MF band as ionospheric properties of
Radio waves to refract at lower frequencies.

*) Spacing request of HF comms. band is 9 KHz.

Therefore – available channels, 22000-2850

= 2127 HF channels.

Summary :-
1) Tx block diagram.
2) What is frequency No. of waves/sec.
3) VHF comms band & HF band.
4) Calculate No. of channels.
5) ICAO Annex 10/ Vol. 2.
6) Bandwidth – Spacing b/w two frequency to prevent interference..
7) Review Tx Diagram :-

Tx Diagram



VHF Nav band: 108-117.95 MHz

VHF Comm. Band: 118=137 MHz

HF band: 30-30000 KHz

HF Comms. : 2850 = 22000 KHz
VHF/HF used as carrier wave for voice message – Modulation.

1) Advantages of Modulation :-
1) Range increase depending on HF or VHF
2) Channels – Multiple channels possible.
3) Antenna height = lambda/4 . Lambda = wavelength .

Sinc Wave :-

Therefore 1 cycle of 360 degrees complete.

Therefore 1 wave cycle maybe defined as beginning from any angle to a point where the wave reached
same angle.

Eg. : - 0 0 / 90 90 (Distance travelled in 1 cycle is wavelength.

FREQUENCY : No. of cycles per sec.

2 Cycles/sec => 2 Hz

4 Cycles/sec => 4 Hz

Frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength (f = 1/λ)

Frequency increases λ decreases

λ increases frequency decreases

Height of Antenna =
Therefore, higher frequencies will require lower height of antenna due to lower wavelength (λ)

Modulation is done on higher frequencies (HF & VHF)

Lower height antenna fitted easily on Airplanes.

4) Clear Reception: - Electric signals can be amplified to increase power/ amplitude of fading
radio wave..

Type of Modulation:-

1) Amplitude Modulation.
2) Frequency Modulation

* In RT we use AM…

- Lower Bandwidth – less spacing.

- More channels available.

- SSB is easily available thence less power is required for AM..

(If required DSB) Lower radio spectrum occupied.

Spacing Required: - AM 5 KHz.

FM 75-150 KHz.

AM: - AMPLITUDE MODULATION. Where modulation takes place by changing Amplitude of wave.
In the process of modulation, changes are always made in carrier as the Main /base signal is the
information signal.

- In AM amplitude of carrier wave will be changed.

- Changes is carrier will be corresponding to the base signal.


Whenever Mod is done sidebands are produced. Sidebands are resultant frequencies of Modulation.

USB: - Upper Sideband (RF-AF) = 8000+5 = 8005 KHz


Therefore, in a wave of 8000 KHz carrier wave adding a Base signal, there is an USB at 8005 KHz & a
LSB at 7995 KHz.

If both sidebands are sent, that is called as DSB.

If single sideband is sent, that is called as SSB.

*) USB = RF+AF together- DSB both will carry information.

LSB = RF-AF single – SSB


Will occupy less radio spectrum Occupies greater radio spectrum.

Less power required Greater power required

Less distribution/static lower spectrum Greater distraction. High spectrum.

Range will be more Range will be less

Therefore SSB Tx was taking place – only available in AM…

Bandwidth: Diff b/w USB & LSB is bandwidth

USB: 8005 KHz LSB: 7995 KHz

Bandwidth = 10 KHz. Or Bandwidth = 2 X Audio frequency. (AF = 5, 2 X 5 = 10 kHz)

In FM side bands are NIA- thence RF + MF will require a ton of spacing & power as opposed to AM –
Thence AM is used for AT.

FM: - Frequency Modulation. Frequency is changed in carrier wave keeping Amplitude same
corresponding to base signal.

Base Signal: - 5 KHz


1) Advantages of Modulation
1) Clear reception
2) Height of antenna. λ increases frequency decreases and vice versa.
Therefore, High frequency, Decrease λ, Decrease height of antenna.
More channels. (Avoid mixing)
3) Increased Range Amplification of e- signals.

2) AM & FM.
1) How AM is done – Base signal 5 KH – Carrier wave 8000 KHz – create a minor Base signal &
change Amplitude.
2) AM required less radio spectrum, less power spacing due presence of SSB or DSB.
3) Why AM is used for RT.
4) Advantage of SSB over DSB>
*) Less power
*) Less static.
*) Less radio spectrum.
*) Greater Range.

5) Spacing for AM 5 KHz.

Spacing for FM: 75-150 KHz.

6) Squelch is used to reduce the static caused due to weak signals – Inbuilt.
7) Bandwidth is Diff b/w USB & LSB. Bandwidth = USB – LSB or 2 X base signal.
8) FM is done by increasing frequency in the +ve phase of carrier wave in correspondence to
base signal +ve and vice versa.
9) We use SSB for Tx.


- Non – ionospheric : no involvement of ionosphere

- Ionospheric: Ionosphere required.

1) Surface waves: Waves received at rx along the curvature/surface of earth

2) Ground reflected waves: - Waves received at rx after reflecting from earth surface. Or from any
other object.
3) Direct/ LOS waves: - Wave received by Rx directly from Tx.
Non – Ionospheric..

Space wave: Ground reflected wave & direct wave.

Inospheric propagation:-

Ionosphere: Sphere of ions

When energy is supplied to atoms, they become unstable..

1) When that happens, there is exchange of ions.

2) Sun provides Atoms collide with each other when unstable
3) the energy to the atoms causing instability
4) One e- from atom 2’s outer octet is transferred to the 7 e- octate of atom 1 to complete octate.
5) No. of e- increase in atom 1 and no. of protons are same--- Thence 1 is now a –vely charged ion.
6) No. of e- in 2 decreases and protons is more. Thence 2 becomes positively charged ions.
7) This process occurs in the ionosphere.

Q. Where should be the formation of ionosphere?

Ans. As we ascend atmospheric density decreases.. Greater No. of atoms near surface of earth.
However, the atoms near earth don’t receive sufficient sun radiation. Thence ionosphere formation not
possible near earth surface. Ionosphere W/A close to sun due to lack of atoms despite high energy.
Therefore.. The ideal conditions for formation of ionosphere should be the level where there’s sufficient
atoms and sun radiation. Approx. at 75 Kms from Earths’ surface.

Sun radiations are not same every time. Depends on strength of sun radiation.
Q. Will ionosphere formation occurs at night?
Ans. Min. possibility of IOS is 50 Kms. When sun radiation reduces density of ions will be reduced..

Night effect..

Q. Which part of Ionosphere should be the most dense?

Ans. E layer – center – combo of atoms + radiation.

Day time.

At Night:-

Sun radiation reduces due presence of sun w.r.t. earth rotation.

D layer disappears because the sun radiation is not sufficient to break down atoms into ions.

Continuous energy required to sustain ions- thence particles in D layer get back to original atomic

E Layer: - E layer docs have ionization at night, however the E layer shifts upwards at the point till which
radiation is available.

F layer: - F layer – F1 & F2 combine to form the F layer.

1) F2 layer is there day and night.

2) During day, F1 is formed.
3) At night it becomes one whole radiation, ionization is less.
4) In F2, we have less no. of atoms but most of the atoms converted into ions because of
comparatively strong radiations of sun.
5) No. of atoms in F1 is same as F2.

Thence F1 and F2 combine.

Behavior of radio waves in ionosphere:-

1) Radio wave is EM wave.

2) Both the components travel

Perpendicular to each other in the direction of propagation.

E – Electric

H -Magnetic
When EM waves penetrate to ionosphere, there will be an effect on the EM wave dependent on the
wavelength of the radio wave.

All radio bands are studied with frequency..

VLF frequency increases.

LF wavelength decreases
MF Attenuation.

Effect of ionosphere is nullified upon reacting VHF..

* As ionosphere attenuation is increasing proportional to freq.

Attenuation – Loss in signal / energy of signal.

As frequency increases Attenuation Decreases becomes nil on reaching VHF.

* From VHF the waves will go straight through the ionosphere- no effect on VHF and higher.

Summary :-

1) What is wave propagation and types?

---) Ionosphere and Non- ios.

2) Types of non- Ionospheric propagation.

1) Ground reflected wave.
2) LOS waves
3) Surface waves
4) Space – ground reference + LOS.
3) How are ions formed?
1) 2 atoms – no. of P = no. of e- Radiation – e- shifted to atom 1. A1 is –ve ions (No. of e-
>N. of P+) – A2 is +ve ion ( e- < p+)
4) Layers of ionosphere.
1) D /E / F1 / F2
2) E is strongest in ionization.
3) D disappears at night due to lack of radiation.
4) E shifts op.
5) F1 merges into F2 as comparatively high ions at night.

5) D layer ions disappear at night due to lack of cont. energy.

6) At night ionosphere effected due lack of sun radiation.

7) 75km D

125km E Day

225 km F1 and F2

8) As frequency increases wavelength decreases attenuation decreases. Due to high frequency

starting from VHF, Radio waves shoot through ionosphere with no effect of ions. Thence, only
VLF/LF/MF/ Part of HF is effected by ionosphere..
9) AFM p is > in summer v/s winters.

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