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CMMT-AS Plug-in

Section/command Description

Additionally in context ‘Parameterization’

Load factory parameter record for the device.
– The plug-in is connected to a device.
‘Load Factory Settings’
Open initial commissioning wizard for the device.
– The plug-in is not connected to a device.
‘Start First Setup...’ – The drive configuration is not open for editing.
Open the parameter correction wizard.
– The plug-in is not connected to a device.
‘Correct Parameters’ – At least one limit value violation has occurred (error or warning).
All parameters are reset to the plug-in default values after confirming
the query, except for the drive configuration, the record table and the
trace settings.
‘Reset to Default Values’ The controller parameters and the limit value calculation are recalcu-
lated immediately after the reset. All changed values are displayed in
the parameter correction wizard.
Additionally in the ‘Diagnosis’ and ‘Control’ contexts
Start currently configured recording on the device.
– The plug-in is connected to a device.
‘Start Trace’ – Recording is not currently active.
If a recording is active or the device is waiting for a trigger, an
information symbol is displayed over the deactivated ‘Start Trace’

Tab. 5: Toolbar commands Navigator
For selection in the navigator, all content screens of the selected context are displayed in a navigation
tree. Selected content screens are displayed in the working area. è Working section with title
bar. Working section with title bar
The working section displays the current content panel of the selected context. The title bar of the
working section shows commands available for the current content panel:

18 Festo — CMMT-AS — 2023-11l

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