ASTRONOMY - I - Inside Earth - CHAPTER 1 Section 1

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Earth, Astronomy and Space



Subject: Earth, Astronomy and Space (SCI31261)

Credit: 2.0 (4 hours/week)

Teacher: Dr.-Ing. Pongpan Kaewjinda

Topics of Lesson
Plate Tectonics
Why Study Earth?

The simple answer to this question is that Earth is our home

— our only home for the foreseeable future — and in order
to ensure that it continues to be a great place to live, we
need to understand how it works.

Another answer is that some of us can’t help but study it

because it’s fascinating. But there is more to it than that:
Why Study Earth?
We rely on Earth for valuable resources such as soil, water, metals, industrial
minerals, and energy, and we need to know how to find these resources and
exploit them sustainably.

We can study rocks and the fossils they contain to understand the
evolution of our environment and the life within it.

We can learn to minimize our risks from earthquakes, volcanoes, slope

failures, and damaging storms.
Why Study Earth?
W e c a n l e a rn h o w a n d w h y E a rth ’s c lim a t e h a s c h a n g e d in th e
p a st, a n d us e th a t kn o wl e d g e t o u n d e rst a n d b o th n a tur a l a n d
h u m a n- c a us e d c lim a t e c h a n g e

W e c a n r e c o g niz e h o w o ur a c tiviti e s h a v e a lt e r e d th e
e n viro n m e nt in m a n y w a ys a n d th e c lim a t e in in c r e a sin gly
s e rio us w a ys, a n d h o w t o a v oi d m or e s e v e r e c h a n g e s in th e
futur e .
W e c a n us e o ur kn o wl e d g e o f E a rth t o u n d e rst a n d o th e r
p l a n e ts in o ur sol a r syst e m , a s w e ll a s th os e a ro u n d d ist a nt
st a rs.
Plate tectonics
E a rth ’ int e rior
H o w d o Sc i e ntists fin d o ut, W h a t is insi d e E a rth ?

C o n v e c tio n a n d th e m a ntl e
H o w c a n H e a t C a us e m o tio n in Li q ui d ?

Driftin g c o ntin e nts

H o w a r e e a rth ’s C o ntin e nt link e d t o g e th e r?
S e a -Flo or Spr e a d in g
W h a t is th e Eff e c t o f c h a n g e in D e nsity?
Th e Th e ory o f Pl a t e T e c t o ni c s
H o w w e ll d o th e c o ntin e nt fit t o g e th e r?
What is Plate Tectonics?

Plate tectonics
Theory dealing with the dynamics of Earth’s outer shell—
the lithosphere—that revolutionized Earth sciences by providing
a uniform context for understanding mountain-building
processes, volcanoes, and earthquakes as well as the evolution
of Earth’s surface and reconstructing its past continents and
What is Plate Tectonics?
In 1977, after decades of tediously collecting and mapping ocean
sonar data, scientists began to see a fairly accurate picture of the
seafloor emerge.
The Tharp-Heezen map illustrated the geological features that
characterize the seafloor and became a crucial factor in the
acceptance of the theories of plate tectonics and continental drift.
Today, these theories serve as the foundation upon which we
understand the geologic processes that shape the Earth
What is Plate Tectonics?
What is Plate Tectonics?
plate (ในความหมายนี)้ แปลวาแผนเปลือกโลก tectonic หมายถึงธรณีแปรสัณฐาน
plate tectonic จึงหมายถึงธรณีแปรสัณฐานของ plate คือเมื่อ plate เคลื่อนที่อาจ
เคลื่อนที่ออกจากกัน เขาหากัน หรือเฉียงๆ จะทําใหเกิดการเปลี่ยนแปลงไมวาจะเปน
ขนาด ทิศทาง สัณฐาน ความสูง เปนตน เชน แผนดินไหว ภูเขาไฟระเบิด แผนดินยก
ตัวเกิดเปนแนวเทือกเขา เปนตน
ความรูเรื่อง plate tectonic มีประโยชนมาก สามารถอธิบายเหตุการณตางๆ เรื่อง
แผนดินไหว ภูเขาไฟระเบิด flood basalt การกําเนิดแรแบบตางๆ สวนประกอบของ
หินอัคนี ฯ
What is Plate Tectonics?
Exploring Inside Earth

Earth's surface is constantly changing. Throughout our planet's long

history, its surface has been lifted up, pushed down, bent, and
broken. Thus Earth looks different today from the way it did
millions of years ago.
Much as geologists would like to, they cannot dig a hole to the
center of Earth. The extreme conditions in Earth's interior prevent
exploration far below the surface.
Exploring Inside Earth
Geologists have used two main types of evidence to learn about
Earth’s interior:

direct evidence from rock samples

indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)
Exploring Inside Earth

Direct evidence from rock samples

Rocks from inside Earth give geologists dues about Earth's structure.
Geologists have drilled holes as much as 12 kilometers into Earth.
The drills bring up samples of rock. From these samples, geologists
can make inferences about conditions deep inside Earth, where
these rocks formed.
Exploring Inside Earth
Direct evidence from rock samples
In addition, forces inside Earth sometimes blast rock to the surface
from depths of more than 100 kilometers. These rocks provide more
information about the interior.
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)

Geologists cannot look inside Earth. Instead, they must rely on

indirect methods of observation.
Have you ever hung a heavy picture on a wall? If you have, you
know that you can knock on the wall to locate the wooden beam
underneath the plaster that will support the picture. When you
knock on the wall, you listen carefully for a change in the sound.
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)

To study Earth's interior, geologists also use an indirect method. But

instead of knocking on walls; they use seismic waves.
When earthquakes occur, they produce seismic waves (SYZ mik).
Geologists record the seismic waves and study how they travel
through Earth. The speed of seismic waves and the paths they take
reveal the structure of the planet.
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)

To study Earth's interior, geologists also use an indirect method. But

instead of knocking on walls; they use seismic waves.
When earthquakes occur, they produce seismic waves (SYZ mik).
Geologists record the seismic waves and study how they travel
through Earth. The speed of seismic waves and the paths they take
reveal the structure of the planet.
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)
คลื่นแผนดินไหวคืออะไร? (What are Seismic Waves?)
คลื่นแผนดินไหว (Seismic Waves) เปนพลังงานรูปแบบหนึ่งที่เกิดจาก
การแตกหรือการเคลื่อนที่อยางฉับพลันของหินบริเวณรอยเลื่อน (Faults) หรือจาก
การระเบิด (Explosions) คลื่นเหลานี้เดินทางไปยังสวนตาง ๆ ของโลกโดยเรา
สามารถบันทึกไวไดดวยเครื่องตรวจแผนดินไหว (Seismograph)
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)
คลื่นแผนดินไหวแบบตาง ๆ (Types of Seismic Waves)
คลื่นแผนดินไหวมีหลายชนิด มีรูปแบบการเคลื่อนที่แตกตางกัน คลื่น
แผนดินไหวที่สําคัญ คือ คลื่นหลัก (Body Waves) และคลื่นพื้นผิว (Surface
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)
Using data from seismic waves, geologists have learned that
Earth's interior is made up of several layers.
Each layer surrounds the layers beneath it, much like the layers of
an onion. In Figure 3, you can see how seismic waves travel through
the layers that make up Earth.
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)
In Figure, you can see how
seismic waves travel through
the layers that make up
Exploring Inside Earth
Indirect evidence from seismic wave (คลื่นแผนดินไหว)

Scientists infer Earth's inner

structure by recording and
studying how seismic waves
travel through Earth.
A journey to the Center of Earth

The three main layers of Earth are the crust, the mantle, and
the core. These layers vary greatly in size, composition,
temperature, and pressure.
A journey to the Center of Earth
A journey to the Center of Earth
A journey to the Center of Earth
A journey to the Center of Earth

As you start to tunnel beneath the surface, the surrounding rock is

cool. Then at about 20 meters down, your instruments report that
the rock is getting warmer.
For every 40 meters that you descend from that point, the
temperature rises 1 Celsius degree. This rapid rise in temperature
continues for several tens of kilometers.
A journey to the Center of Earth
After that, the temperature increases more slowly, but steadily. The
high temperatures inside Earth are the result of heat left over from
the formation of the planet.

In addition, radioactive substances inside Earth , release energy.

This further heats the interior.
A journey to the Center of Earth
During your journey to the center of Earth, your instruments record
an increase in pressure in the surrounding rock. Pressure results
from a force pressing on an area.
Because of the weight of the rock above, pressure inside Earth
increases as you go deeper. The deeper you go, the greater the
pressure. Pressure inside Earth increases much as it does in the
swimming pool
A journey to the Center of Earth

Earth's Interior
Earth's interior is divided
into layers:
the crust, mantle,
Outer core, and inner core.
A journey to the Center of Earth

Your journey to the center of Earth begins in the crust. The crust
is the layer of rock that forms Earth's outer skin.

The crust is a layer of solid rock that includes both dry land and
the ocean floor. On the crust you find rocks and mountains.

The crust also includes the soil and water that cover large parts
of Earth's surface.
This outer rind of rock is much thinner than the layer that lies
beneath it. In fact, you can think of Earth's crust as being similar
to the paper-thin skin of an onion.

The crust is thickest under high mountains and thinnest

beneath the ocean. In most places, the crust is between 5 and
40 kilometers thick. But it can be up to 70 kilometers thick
beneath mountains.
The crust beneath the ocean is called oceanic crust.
Oceanic crust consists mostly of rocks such as basalt.
Basalt (Buh SAWLT) is dark rock with a fine texture.

Continental crust, the crust that forms the continents,

consists mainly of rocks such as granite. Granite is a rock
that usually is a light color and has a coarse texture.
The Earths crust is the outermost layer of the Earth. It is covered
with continental crust and oceanic crust. Rising plumes of heat
from the Earth's core cause the plates to move.
The convection currents cause the plates to collide and move
apart. Other plates move horizontally past another plate. All
plate movement at these boundaries cause both large and small
Continental crust is much older than oceanic crust. The basement
rocks of the continents are granitic rocks. Granitic rocks are lighter
than oceanic crust rocks. The minerals that make up the crust are
primarily quartz and feldspar.
When two crustal plates meet the continental crust is never
destroyed. Instead, it overrides oceanic crust or smashes together
with another continental crust to form great mountain chains.

The Himalaya Mountains are growing as the Eurasian Plate collides

with the Indian Plate and the Earths crust is not destroyed.
Oceanic crust is formed from periodite in the upper mantle. When this
lava flows out on the ocean floors it forms pillow basalt.

Basalt is an iron rich igneous rock made of magnetite, hornblende and

other heavy minerals. The basalt flowing out of vents forms pillow basalt
that covers all the ocean floors.

Sediment from the continent flows into the oceans and covers the ocean
floor with silt and other rock debris.

As the layers of sediment deepen they cover the pillow basalt with
sedimentary rock.
The density of oceanic plates are approximately 3.3 grams
per cubic centimeter. Continental crust is only 2.7 grams
per cubic centimeter.

When these two different types of plates meet the oceanic

plate bends and begins to slip underneath the lighter
continental plate forming a trench between the plates
where they meet.

Density is why the continental crust always overrides the

heavier oceanic crust. The oceanic crust melts as it forced
downward beneath the continental crust.

The rocks are recycled and form new igneous rocks

when volcanoes erupt.
The crust is what you and I live on and is by far the thinnest
of the layers of earth. The thickness varies depending on
where you are on earth, with oceanic crust being 5-10 km
and continental mountain ranges being up to 30-45 km thick.
Thin oceanic crust is denser than the thicker continental
crust and therefore 'floats' lower in the mantle as compared
to continental crust.

The temperatures within Earth's crust will vary from air

temperatures at the surface to approximately 870 degrees
Celsius in deeper sections. At this temperature, you begin to
melt rock and form the below-lying mantle.
Oceanic crust is made up of basalt and continental crust is
made up of rocks similar to granite. Below the crust is a solid
relatively cooler portion of the upper mantle that is
combined with the crust to make the lithosphere layer.
The lithosphere is physically distinct from the below-lying
layers due to its cool temperatures and typically extends 70-
100 km in depth.
Below the lithosphere is the asthenosphere layer, a much
hotter and malleable portion of the upper mantle. The
asthenosphere begins at the bottom of the lithosphere and
extends approximately 700 km into the Earth.
The asthenosphere acts as the lubricating layer below the
lithosphere that allows the lithosphere to move over the
Earth's surface.
A journey to the Center of Earth

Earth's Interior
Earth's interior is divided
into layers:
the crust, mantle,
Outer core, and inner core.
A journey to the Center of Earth

Earth's mantle
Earth's Mantle
Your journey downward continues. About 40 kilometers
beneath the surface, you cross a boundary. Below the
boundary is the solid material of the mantle, a layer of hot
Earth's Mantle
Earth’s mantle is made up of rock that is very hot, but solid.
Scientists divide the mantle into layers based on the physical
characteristics of those layers. Overall, the mantle is nearly
3,000 kilometers thick.
Earth's Mantle: Lithosphere
The uppermost part of the mantle is very similar to the
crust. The uppermost part of the mantle and the crust
together form a rigid layer called the lithosphere
(lith UH sphere).

In Greek, lithos means "stone:' As you can see in Figure 6, the

lithosphere averages about 100 kilometers thick.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Below the lithosphere, your vehicle encounters material that
is hotter and under increasing pressure. As a result, the part
of the mantle just beneath the lithosphere is less rigid than
the rock above.

Like road tar softened by the heat of the sun, this part of
the mantle is somewhat soft-it can bend like plastic.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
This soft layer is called the asthenosphere . In Greek,
asthenes means "weak:' Although the asthenosphere is softer
than the rest of the mantle, it's still solid. If you kicked it,
you would stub your toe.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Below the lithosphere is the asthenosphere layer, a much
hotter and malleable portion of the upper mantle. The
asthenosphere begins at the bottom of the lithosphere and
extends approximately 700 km into the Earth.

The asthenosphere acts as the lubricating layer below

the lithosphere that allows the lithosphere to move
over the Earth's surface.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere

Lithosphere and Asthenosphere The rigid lithosphere, which includes

the crust, rests on the softer material of the asthenosphere.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
The lithosphere consists of the crust and
uppermost mantle (consisting largely of
peridotite), which makes up the rigid
outer layer that is divided by tectonic
plates (large slabs of rocky material). The
movement (collision and sliding past
each other) of these tectonic plates is
said to cause geologic events such as
deep-sea rifts, volcanoes, lava flows, and
mountain building.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
The lithosphere is surrounded by
the atmosphere above and the
asthenosphere below. Although
the lithosphere is considered to
be the most rigid of layers, it is
also considered elastic.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
However, its elasticity and ductility,
is much less than the asthenosphere
and is dependant on the stress,
temperature, and the earths
curvature. This layer ranges from a
depth of 80km to 250km below
surface, and is considered a cooler
environment than its neighbour
(asthenosphere), approximately 400
degrees Celsius
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
In contrast to the lithosphere,
the asthenosphere is believed to
be much hotter, i.e. between 300
to 500 degrees Celsius. This is
due to the asthenosphere being
mostly solid with some regions
containing partially molten rock.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Which contributes to asthenosphere
being regarded as viscous and
mechanically weak. Thus it is
considered more fluid in nature than
the lithosphere which is its’ upper
border, while its’ lower border is the
mesosphere. The asthenosphere
may extend to a depth of 700km
below the earths’ surface.
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Chemical composition
The lithosphere is divided into
two types, namely:
Oceanic lithosphere
– a denser oceanic crust, with an
average density of 2.9 grams per
cubic centimetre
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Chemical composition
The lithosphere is divided into
two types, namely:
Continental lithosphere
– a thicker crust that stretches
200km below the surface of the
earth, with an average density of
2.7 grams per cubic centimetre
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
The chemical composition of the lithosphere contains
approximately 80 elements and 2000 minerals and compounds,
while the slush-like rock in the asthenosphere is made of iron-
magnesium silicates.
This is almost identical to the mesosphere layer. The oceanic
crust is darker than the continental crust due to less silica, and
more iron and magnesium
Earth's Mantle: Asthenosphere
Earth's Mantle: Lower Mantle
Beneath the asthenosphere, the mantle is solid. This solid
material extends all the way to Earth's core.
Earth’s Core

The Core
Earth’s Core
After traveling through the mantle, you reach Earth’s
core. The core is made mostly of the metals iron and
nickel. It consists of two parts—a liquid outer core and a
solid inner core. Together, the inner and outer core are
3,486 kilometers thick.
Earth’s Core
Outer Core and Inner Core
The outer core is a layer of molten metal that surrounds
the inner core. Despite enormous pressure, the outer core
is liquid.
The inner core is a dense ball of solid metal. In the inner
core, extreme pressure squeezes the atoms of iron and
nickel so much that they cannot spread out and become
Earth’s Core
Most of the current evidence suggests that both parts of
the core are made of iron and nickel. But scientists have
found data suggesting that the core also contains
substances such as oxygen, sulfur, and silicon.

Scientists must seek more data before they decide which of

these other substances is most important.
Earth’s Core
The Core and Earth’s Magnetic Field
Scientists think that movements in the liquid outer core
create Earth’s magnetic field.
Because Earth has a magnetic
field, the planet acts like a giant
bar magnet. As you can see
in Figure 7, the magnetic field
affects the whole Earth.
Earth’s Core
The Core and Earth’s Magnetic Field
Scientists think that movements in the liquid outer core
create Earth’s magnetic field.
Because Earth has a magnetic
field, the planet acts like a giant
bar magnet.
Earth’s Core
As you can see in Figure, the magnetic field affects the whole
Bar Magnet's Magnetic Field
The pattern of iron filings was
made! by sprinkling them on
paper placed under a bar
Earth’s Core
Earth’s Magnetic Field Just as a bar magnet is surrounded by its own
magnetic field, Earth’s magnetic field surrounds the planet.
Relating Cause And Effect If you shifted the magnet beneath the paper,
what would happen to the iron filings?
Earth's Magnetic Field
Like a magnet, Earth's
magnetic field has
north and south
Earth’s Core
Consider an ordinary bar magnet. If you
place it on a piece of paper and sprinkle
iron filings on the paper, the iron filings
line up with the bar’s magnetic field.

If you could cover the entire planet with iron filings, they would
form a similar pattern. When you use a compass, the compass
needle aligns with the lines of force in Earth’s magnetic field.
The End

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