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Money, property, prestige, high paying jobs, education, and family- these are among the things that

most people look at today as a gauge of success or as insurance for a secure future. We can see this especially where we live that many peoples interests and pursuits are focused on material gains and advancement. On the other hand though, their interest in spiritual things- if anyis on a rapid decline. The bible foretold these exact living conditions at 2 timothy 3 where he said men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, and being lovers of pleasures rather then lovers of god. As Christians living in a world like this every day, we are all under constant pressure to conform to this kind of mentality and lifestyle. It can be very easy for our minds to be distracted from what we really need to focus on, which is our spirituality. Well what can help us to resist getting sidetracked by the things this world has to offer? Well we need to first identify the problem so that we can find a solution that works for us to help us fight against it. Jesus even dealt with a situation just like what we may see today at Luke 12:13-15. Lets read those verses. After this council he proceeded to go into the illustration of the man who wanted larger storehouses so he could accumulate more earthly possessions only to end up losing them once he died. And then at verse 21 he concluded his thought sayingWell what can we learn from this? Someone once said, the character of a man is often indicated by the direction which his thoughts take when he is listening to a religious exhortation. So while Jesus was speaking about serious spiritual matters, the person here was probably thinking about what he could do to gain financially from the situation. Weather he had legitimate cause for this concern to be brought up was never mentioned, but over all his question did suggest that deep

down there was a problem in this persons heart, and a lack of appreciation for spiritual matters. Jesus on the other hand was concerned with more important things, that being to bear witness to kingdom truths and to teach people gods will. That being the case we want to follow Jesus example, rather then get sidetracked by the distractions of this world, and by doing that we can use our time and energy to preach the good news and to make disciples for Jehovah. Jesus even stated his main goal at John 18:37. Lets read that. Now covetousness is more then just the desire to have money or things, which can definitely have their proper use and purpose. Instead it is defined as the Inordinate desire for wealth of possessions or for anothers possessions. It involves the insatiable, greedy urge to have things simply for the sake of having them with out the regard for ones needs or the effect on others. Allowing this type of thinking to dominate his mind and actions can lead to treating these objects as gods. Paul once even compared a greedy person to and idolater whom would have no share in Gods Kingdom. Looking back on our scriptures in Luke again, Jesus was making a point that a mans life does not result from the things he possesses, and he also was he wasnt focusing on weather it is right or wrong to have an abundance. Instead he was pointing out that the Bible clearly shows that Jehovah alone is the source of life, and that only he can grant faithful ones everlasting life, weather that be in heaven for a select few, or here in a paradise on earth for the rest of us. So instead of building up our storehouses here on earth like the man in Jesus illustration, we all need to examine ourselves personally to see what is truly important in our life and on what we rest our hope.

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