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27 February

Home work
Exercise 5

Schooling in Ukraine
As a rule, schooling begins at the age of 6.
The Ukrainian educational system is organised into four levels:
primary, secondary, high school, and post-secondary education.
General secondary education is compulsory. Post-secondary
education is available in different ways. Primary and secondary
schools have three stages: Munior, basic, and senior.
Primary school comprises grades 1 to 4. Grades 5-9 are
usually referred to as ‘junior school’, while according to the
education reform 10-12 are ‘senior school’. Students usually
study in the same school building throughout their primary and
secondary education. Primary schooling lasts 4 years and basic
school 5. The middle school curriculum varies slightly between
schools. There are then 3 profile years. New types of schools
appeared: gymnasia, lycees, and private schools.
Post-secondary education is provided by vocational training
schools, universities, and institutes.
Higher (university) education gives different qualifications:
Bachelor’s, Specialist, and Master’s Degree. Higher education
is either state-funded or private. Ukraine cooperates with more
than 50 international educational organisations.
Exercise 6
Secondary education is free and compulsory. General educational
schools have three stages: primary, basic and senior. Elementary
school is compulsory in Ukraine. At the age of 6 children start going
to school in our county. There are primary, basic and senior schools
and there are also new types of schools like gymnasiums, lyceums
and private schools for gifted children. An important role has the
educational training schools. Post-secondary is provided by
technical schools and colleges training young specialist and
institutions of higher learning: universities, academics and institutes.
Children stude Math, Physics, Chemistry, the Ukrainian and the
English languages, Ukrainian and World Literatures, History,

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