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This is to bring in your notice that these questions are prepared by myself after
long study in each subject. No question has been picked from any book/paper if
any question found out resembles with any textbook or multiple choice question
book will be merely a coincidence, for which I m not be held responsible in any
way. Any posted question might have came in previous exams of any university or
any admission exam all over the world which will also regarded as a coincidence. I
have prepared these questions and answers as per my knowledge, in order to
help the students who are going to appear in various dental examinations all over
the world without any remuneration. The answers will be posted on the
subsequent day so that students might spent enough time for analyzing each and
every option.

Time: 30 minutes

Q1) Which of form dentin is continuously deposited throughout life and leads to

reduction of pulp chamber?

a. Primary dentin

b. Secondary dentin

c. Tertiary dentin

d. None of the above

Q2) Incremental deposition of dentin leads to formation of which of the following


a. Schreger line

b. lines of Owen

c. Lines of Pickerrel

d. Von Ebner line

e. None of the above

Q3) Which of the following is the correct sequence of maturation of tooth germ?

a. Bud stage - Cap stage - Bell stage

b. Bell stage - Cap stage - Bud stage

c. Cap stage - Bud stage - Bell Stage

d. Cap stage - Bell stage - Bud stage

Q4) Cementum is derived from ?

a. Dental Organ
b. Dental Papilla

c. Dental Follicle

d. Stellate reticulum

e. None of the above

Q5) Which is the smallest premolar?

a. Maxillary first premolar

b. Maxillary second premolar

c. Mandibular first premolar

d. Mandibular second premolar

Q6) Which of the following tooth is least likely to have divided pulp canal?

a. Maxillary central incisor

b. Mandibular central incisor

c. Maxillary first premolar

d. Mandibular mesial root

Q7) Mesiolingual developmental groove is seen in which of the following tooth?

a. Maxillary first premolar

b. Maxillary second premolar

c. Mandibular first premolar

d. Mandibular second premolar

Q8) Occlusal profile of mandibular second premolar is similar to?

a. Hexagonal

b. Rhomboid

c. Heart shape

d. Square

Q 9) Eruption of primary maxillary canine occurs at what age?

a. 14 months

b. 16 months

c. 18 months
d. 20 months

e. 22 months

Q10) In ideal occlusion, distolingual cusp of maxillary first molar will contact which

of the following?

a. Mesial marginal ridge of mandibular second premolar

b. Mesial marginal ridge of mandibular first molar

c. Mesial marginal ridge of mandibular second molar

d. Mesial marginal ridge of mandibular third molar

Q11) In left working movement of the mandible, Mesiobuccal cusp of the left

maxillary first molar pass through which of the following?

a. Embrasure area between second premolar and first molar

b. Embrasure area between first molar and second molar

c. Buccal groove of the mandibular first molar

d. Buccal groove of the mandibular second molar

e. None of the above

Q12) Curve of Spee is having curvature in which direction?

a. Mesio laterally

b. Antero Posteriorly

c. Spherically

d. None of the above

Q13) In Posselt's envelope of motion the maximum intercuspation is seen at what


a. Superior point

b. Anterior point

c. Posterior point

d. Inferior point

e. In center

Q14) First evidence of calcification of permanent first molar tooth is seen at what


a. At birth
b. 1-2 months

c. 2-3 months

d. 3-4 months

Q15) Hertwig epithelial root sheath is been derived from?

a. Outer enamel epithelium

b. Stellate reticulum

c. Dental follicle

d. Inner enamel epithelium

e. Outer and inner enamel epithelium

Q16) Mesial cusp ridge is longer than distal cusp ridge in which of the following?

a. Permanent canine

b. Primary mandibular canine

c. Permanent mandibular first premolar

d. Permanent maxillary first premolar

Q17) Shortest root of permanent maxillary first molar is?

a. Mesiolingual

b. Mesiobuccal

c. Distobuccal

d. Palatal

e. None of the above, all are of same dimension

Q18) Which of the following structure will directly lead bacteria to enter the


a. Enamel spindle

b. Enamel tuft

c. Enamel lamellae

d. Tomes fibres

Q19) How many pulp organs are there in primary dentition?

a. 10
b. 20

c. 30

d. 40

Q20) Mesiobuccal cusp of the mandibular first molar occludes with which of the


a. Central fossa of maxillary first molar

b. Central fossa of maxillary second molar

c. Occlusal embrasure area between maxillary first and second premolar

d. Occlusal embrasure area between maxillary second premolar and first molar

Q21) Oblique ridge is characteristic feature of which of the following teeth?

a. Maxillary premolar

b. Maxillary molars

c. Mandibular premolar

d. Mandibular molars
Q22) Which collagen fibres are seen in pulp?

a. Type I

b. Type II

c. Type III

d. Type I and II

e. Type I and III

Q23) Epithelial cell rests of Malassez is seen in?

a. Enamel

b. Dentin

c. Pulp

d. Cementum

e. Periodontal ligament

Q24) Cellular cementum is seen in which part of the root?

a. Coronal one third

b. Coronal two third

c. In middle

d. Apical third

Q25) Gingiva is attached to enamel by

a. Hemidesmosomes

b. Desmosomes

c. Tight junction

d. Reduced enamel epithelium

Q26) Which of the following is killed vaccine?

a. BCG

b. Pertusis

c. Yellow fever

d. Toxoid
Q27) Which of the following fungi can be isolated from the oral mucosa?

a. Candida

b. Aspergillus

c. Histoplasma

d. Crytococcus

e. All of the above

Q28) HPV virus causes

a. Carcinoma of prostate

b. Carcinoma of pancreas

c. Papillary growth of thyroid

d. Warts

Q29) Carcinoma of nasopharynx is associated with

a. Rhinovirus

b. EB virus
c. Adeno virus

d. HPV

e. CMV

Q30) Staphylococcus infection spreads by

a. Leucocidin

b. Hemolysin

c. Hyaluronidase

d. Tetanospasmin

Q31) In normal heart valves commonly causing organism for endocarditis is

a. Staph. aureus

b. Staph albus

c. Str. viridans

d. Str. pneumonia
Q32) Neurotoxin is produced by which variety of Clostridium?

a. Cl. tetani

b. Cl. welchii

c. Cl. septicum

d. Cl. botulium

Q33) Oral mucosal immunity is due to

a. Ig G

b. Ig A

c. Ig M

d. Ig E

Q34) Graves disease is due to which type of hypersensitivity?

a. Type I

b. Type II

c. Type III
d. Type IV

e. Type V

Q35) Which cells do not cause phagocytosis?

a. B cells

b. Monocytes

c. Eosinophils

d. Macrophages

Q38) Factor X deficiency is seen in

a. Hemophilia A

b. Hemophilia B

c. Both

d. None of the above

Q39) Least malignant potential is seen in?

a. Juvenile polyp

b. Turcot syndrome

c. Gardner syndrome

d. Familial Polyposis

Q40) Councilman bodies are seen in

a. Alcoholic cirrhosis

b. Kwashiokor

c. Yellow fever

d. Infective hepatitis

Q41) Tuberculosis primarily involves all except

a. Lymph nodes

b. Intestines

c. Tonsils

d. Lungs
Q42) Philadelphia chromosome is commonly associated with

a. Chronic lymphatic leukemia

b. Chronic myeloid leukemia

c. Leukemoid reaction

d. Acute monocytic leukemia

Q43) Most of the testicular tumors arise from

a. Leydig cells

b. Sertoli cells

c. Germ cells

d. Primitive gonadal stroma

Q44) "Sago spleen" is seen in which of the following disease?

a. Cirrhosis

b. Amyloidosis

c. Sickle cell anemia

d. Congestive heart failure

Q45) Which of the following disease will have Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia ?

a. Gilbert's disease

b. Crigglar Najjar syndrome

c. Dubin Johnson syndrome

d. Haemopoesis

Q46) Which of the following feature is not seen in Crohn's disease?

a. Crypt abscess

b. Lymphoid hyperplasia

c. Transmural involvement

d. Skip lesion

Q47) Which is the common lung carcinoma in non smokers?

a. Squamous cell carcinoma

b. Adenocarcinoma

c. large cell carcinoma

d. Small cell carcinoma

Q48) Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency is seen in

a. Bronchogenic carcinoma

b. Bronchiectasis

c. Empyema

d. Emphysema

Q49) The most common primary tumor of heart is

a. Rhabdomyoma

b. Fibroma

c. Myxoma

d. Lipoma

e. All of the above

Q50) The predominant tissue seen in keloids is

a. Granulomatous tissue

b. Adipose tissue
c. Fat tissue

d. Loose connective tissue

e. Dense collagen fibres

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